Move to live in another city. Step-by-step instruction. Where to start at least? Important documents for moving to another city in Russia

The desire to discuss the topic that I want to touch on today came somehow quite unexpectedly. Although it has a very real basis: not so long ago, the "great resettlement" in the form of moving from one big city to another happened in my family. This event took place for family reasons. More precisely, first of all, it was dictated by the desire to help relatives and friends (to be closer to the daughter and grandchildren).

I will say right away - it was not easy in every sense: physical (due to age), psychological, moral and material. But the motivation and purpose (for which this move was started) in in this case helped to overcome difficulties and make a difficult decision: to leave nice apartment, a well-established life and a measured calm life, which is quite satisfactory for us.

What else helped? A certain strategy was developed: the move should not worsen the quality of our life. That was very important condition for all family members. Apparently, this in some inexplicable magical way influenced the events that were taking place, which in most cases developed for us in the best way.

In part, this is quite reasonable selfishness. And also, in order not to reproach ourselves later for altruism (a completely viable point of view) and once, somehow in our hearts, in a moment of offense, a completely banal phrase would not come off the tongue, such as: “We (parents) abandoned everything, sacrificed our peace and even health to help you (children), but you do not appreciate it. "

And it is likely that the joy of moving, which has reduced the kilometers between loved ones, could very quickly turn into mutual grievances, disappointed expectations and disappointment.

Financially, the proposed move without deteriorating living conditions was unprofitable for us, as it involved large additional expenses. I will not hide - often there was a desire to abandon our strategy and buy something worse, settle down with less comfort.

But the firm conviction that helping your loved ones morally, physically and financially can be much more effective when your life is comfortable and well-organized (or at least no worse than in the old place) did not allow you to do this.

And yet, having started with such a difficult task as moving to another city, you need to be prepared for the upcoming difficulties and understand that in a new place not only pluses, but, sometimes, very fat minuses await us.

Such psychological and moral preparation, of course, will not affect the number of problems (sometimes, until the move is started, not even obvious ones). It is unlikely that there will be fewer of them. But a realistic view of the events taking place, and not through “ pink glasses", Will help to survive them easier, to withstand and not break (based on personal experience, even in the absence of any big shocks and problems, it was sometimes difficult and it felt like you were about to break down).

Well, perhaps lyrical digressions enough, it's time to get to the heart of the matter. Tell about the difficulties and problems that arose when moving to another city, about your emotions and experiences, about mistakes that were made, about new experiences, about what was acquired and what is missing in a new place and about many other things in relation to my situations.

The experience gained during the move, and the new knowledge gained (due to the prevailing circumstances), it was decided to somehow streamline and systematize. Perhaps it will be useful to someone and will help in organizing this difficult and troublesome event, and will help avoid mistakes and unnecessary actions. Although, of course, each of us has his own move, and each experiences it in his own way.

Why do people move?

Moving can be very different: from country to abroad, from a large city to a province and vice versa, from one city to another.

The reasons are also very varied. Some of us simply cannot imagine our life without changes and new vivid impressions, which makes them literally break down from time to time from their habitable place. Probably, this desire for renewal is an integral character trait of this category of people.

For some, the former small town has become cramped and does not allow the realization of their ideas and projects. Someone got tired of constantly seeing the same views in the yard at home and at work, they wanted more sun, better ecology, fruits, to be closer to the sea. They leave without analysis and thought to a loved one. Or you just wanted to radically change the situation, start life from scratch. But you never know what ...

Often the basis of such transfers, consciously (or subconsciously), is the desire to improve your life and make it more convenient, comfortable, meaningful and richer. Although in practice this may not happen. Especially if the move occurs spontaneously, at random, without thorough preliminary preparation and if there is no understanding of what the person expects and wants to get from this move.

For some, the priority is the opportunity to earn more and make a career. For others, the climate or communication with loved ones is important, the opportunity to give a good education children, level health care etc.

As for our family, the issue of the expediency of moving was discussed for a long time. Almost two years have passed since the thought of moving to its implementation. The solution matured gradually, in stormy family disputes with arguments and arguments for and against. The difficulty was that it was necessary to take into account not only the general interests of the family, but also the needs and wishes of everyone living in the apartment.

As a result, all family members agreed to move and look for new housing. Along the way, at the same time, many sites and forums were read, studied, studied, prices in new buildings and on the secondary market in the city planned for relocation were analyzed and compared.

How to decide on an important step?

Let's say we have consciously approached the need for upcoming changes, have decided on goals, tasks and priorities, but go to specific practical steps we do not dare in any way.

Change of residence and relocation is a responsible and difficult event in a person's life. It is difficult to leave your home, a comfortable living environment with a familiar way of life, hobbies, friends and relatives, with a favorite atmosphere and coziness that have been created over the years. Not to mention the complexes and fears that can escalate in a new place.

What if the decision is not made in any way? Psychologists advise you to do this in this case: answer questions that will help you understand whether you need a move in principle or not.

  1. How many families live in your apartment? And how comfortable is this cohabitation?

It so happened in our country that often the lack of funds for the purchase of separate housing for young couples forces them to live in the same territory with the older generation - the parents of the wife or husband. Of course, this cohabitation has its advantages. But there is also a significant disadvantage of such an extended family: in this case, the development and formation of a young family, which falls under the influence of the way of life and traditions of the older generation, is inhibited. It is difficult in such conditions to develop your own rules.

In this situation, moving, which subsequently assumes separation, is certainly beneficial for all generations. And this is a strong argument in favor of the move.

  1. What are the main reasons that motivate you to move?

They can be very different (you need an apartment bigger size in connection with the birth of a child, grown-up children who need personal space in the form of separate children's rooms, parents moving to another city closer to their children, or vice versa). It is important to find yours.

A clear understanding of the reason for the move contributes to a faster transition to active actions to achieve the set goal, helps to understand what exactly is expected from the move, what kind of new apartment you want to see. And it contributes to an easier overcoming of difficulties that certainly arise in the process of this difficult event.

  1. How profitable is the move?

Sometimes the financial gain becomes an additional motivation to move. For example, in a new city, in a new place, less expenses are expected (for transport, for gasoline and, in general, for accommodation).

Although sometimes people move in spite of all financial considerations and benefits, if this is due to some specific circumstances. In this case, intangible values ​​are also important. For example, the presence of their own space for children and parents helps to stabilize and improve family relationships. Or the desire to be close to loved ones.

By the way, statistical data (polls were carried out by the Ebert Foundation and experts from FCTAS RAS) indicate that the number of people wishing to move from one city to another has noticeably decreased over the past 10 years. The following figures are cited as proof: in 2003, 18% of the respondents did not leave their hometown, where their parents lived. To date, this figure has increased to almost 33%.

The main reason for moving from other cities of the country was 44% of respondents named the desire to find a higher-paying job. The second most popular reason for moving is personal circumstances.

Psychologists explain our indecision in achieving our goal on many life issues (including when moving) to our uncertainty and doubts, which in turn give rise to fear. The fear of leaving the comfort zone, the fear of disrupting the usual way of life, the fear of failure, the fear of being deceived. But more often than not, we are afraid of what we do not know or do not know deeply enough.

To overcome this feeling, psychologists advise:

  • Build a system of thoughtful and correct steps according to the principle: constantly, gradually, step by step.
  • Study the issue as deeply as possible, not forgetting to consult with experts in the area of ​​interest.
  • Decide if this step is really that important to you, which you cannot decide on. It is important to understand why you need it, whether you need to do it and what you are counting on.
  • Imagine in your mind what the worst thing can happen to you if you still dare to take this step. And analyze whether it really is so scary and irreparable.

For example, for me it was a decision after the sale of an apartment to invest in a house under construction and the likelihood of losing everything: both housing and money. This is actually very serious. And therefore, even at the stage of preparation, we thought out how to minimize these risks, how to insure, what to be guided by when choosing a developer company. But we'll talk about this later and separately.

  • Conversely, draw in your mind some happy post-move life pictures: new flat, frequent communication with loved ones, new job... Think about how your life will change after you move.
  • If a frightening move affects not only you personally, but also other family members, and in the future you see (due to circumstances) that sooner or later you will have to decide on this step in the future, why not do it now and stop tormenting once and for all on this occasion.
  • Remember that you should make the decision (do not rely on the opinion of others in this matter).
  • You need to believe that everything will work out for you. Positive attitude helps to overcome all obstacles and difficulties and achieve a successful completion of the project. And if you do not take this step, you will never know how your life would have turned out in a new place.

However, it is not out of place to listen to yourself, to your inner voice (or intuition). And if something prevents you from fully believing in the likelihood of a happy outcome, perhaps your intuition is trying to tell you that this step will be wrong.

And if you initially thoroughly prepare, plan, calculate, do not dive into the pool with your head, but do everything according to your mind, then any, even the most difficult thing, may seem like the most common event. In addition, a new place means new opportunities, new acquaintances and new life.

» Moving to another city. Is it so scary? What do you need to know?

Moving to another city. Is it so scary? What do you need to know?


Is the expression of our ancestors justified? Is moving to another city like ardor? Burn all the bridges from past life? Documents and everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor irrevocably disappear? Is an apartment or house turning into coals with no chance of recovery? Perhaps people are dying ...

Stop. Moving with a fire has absolutely nothing to do. Changing your place of residence implies worries and hassles, but this fuss is rather pleasant. Ultimately, it leads to the desired result. One has only to be patient.

What difficulties and advantages await the changing place of residence? Let's figure it out.

Reason for moving

Are you sick of your city, you want a new life, you want to change your native village to a distant, but so desired metropolis? Or hide from Italian mafia- no matter. The main thing is that you have made up your mind.

Whatever they say about the newcomers, they say, they come in large numbers here, Moscow is not rubber, Krasnodar is not happy for you, Saratov - why the hell are you here, there is Moscow and Krasnodar ... - constitutional law a citizen of the Russian Federation guarantees freedom of movement and choice of place of residence in his country at our discretion.
So, whatever the reason, moving to another city in Russia is your right.

What should you know when planning your move?

  • Extract and registration. When moving to another city for permanent place residence, you must check out with an indication of the direction of departure of all family members.
    Be sure to check the allowed periods of free stay in the region where you are going. The fact is that everywhere there are rules: in one region you can stay for a month without a registration, in another - you will be fined if you do not register within a week!
  • Employment Opportunity. Unless, of course, you have inherited a bag of pirate gold from a second cousin in Zimbabwe, or at least a three ruble note in the center of Gold-domed, you should take care of looking for work wherever you go. It is desirable in the specialty. It does not matter how large the amount of "nest egg" you have with you, and how pleasant the prices of the host region are. Money tends to run out, and you will be surprised to eat, you always want.

If the region as a whole is not generous with wages and is flooded with unemployment, it is worth thinking a hundred times whether to choose this direction at all?

  • Which areas are considered disadvantaged. What for? And then, in order to choose housing, not to buy in a similar area, for example, a three-ruble note with an amazing renovation for the price of a change house, to the delight former owners... Alternatively, you will not only get rid of it for a very long time, but you will also learn all the delights of this area on yourself and your family.

It is not advisable to immediately choose and buy housing. Even based on what seems at first glance tempting offers. Live a couple of months in rented apartment... Take a closer look at the city and the people. The availability of institutions by district and the quality of service - medicine, education, housing and communal services, law enforcement... There is a chance that you will not be satisfied with the place where you arrived. And in the case of rental housing, you can leave it at a convenient time. But if you find yourself in the same situation with your own real estate "on hand", it will be much more difficult to do it.

  • Schools and kindergartens. When moving to another city, the presence and reputation of schools and childcare facilities is no less important if you already have or are expected to have children. Their availability is also important. It's no secret that recently it has been very problematic to knock out a place in kindergarten or a prestigious school with no financial backing.
  • Medical service. In general in the region and directly at the destination.

And remember - no official statistics! Only real data! It would be nice to sit on the forums of the selected city, or even better, to find familiar people who live where you plan to move and can tell you about the current state of affairs.

Have you decided? Perfectly! Now for a bit of bureaucracy. Without her, nowhere.

Documents to be collected when moving to another city:

  1. Identity documents of moving people - passports, birth certificates, marriage / divorce / adoption certificates, maternity capital, bank accounts and other personal information.
  2. Income certificates for the last three years (2NDFL for new form) and accrual of sick leave (about average earnings). Order at work.
  3. Help for the employment center (since 2015 new sample!) is issued at work. Don't avoid this point. This is just one piece of paper that may help you find a job or get through free education in the central zone of the receiving area.
  4. Certificates that you and all members of your family are not / or are registered in the narcological, tuberculosis and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. These certificates will be needed when applying for a job or for calculating benefits. They can be ordered. But it takes a long time to wait until they are made and send, and having it on hand is an advantage.
  5. Pay all taxes on property, transport, close IP, ID - on the spot. If the notification time has not come, go to the inspection in person and take the extracts on purpose.
  6. Moving involves changing the phone number, equal to the SIM card. Be sure to turn off your mobile bank and all personal notifications from your number. After a while, the unused number is given to the next user. Yes, just imagine, along with bonuses: sending out passwords and the ability to use funds on a connected bank card!
  7. Persons liable for military service must be removed from the register and take an extract from the local military registration and enlistment office.
  8. Be sure to pick up your medical records from all clinics and medical institutions. And from schools / kindergartens, if you are planning to move to another city with your child.
  9. Characteristics from the school, interim / final grades of academic performance, letters of recommendation- should also be on hand.
  10. If you are moving with animals:
  • Cats and dogs must be vaccinated against rabies no later than one month in advance. At the local veterinary clinic, a general certificate for the animal is issued before departure. It is valid for three days!
  • You also need to have a passport for your pet. Even if your Tuzik or Fluff is a nobleman in the fifth generation, he needs a document for access control on an airplane / train. There will be indicated the necessary vaccinations, health status, weight, nickname and photo.
  • When buying plane / train tickets, you will need to declare that you will have an animal with you. And be sure to confirm the location for it later.
  • To travel on public transport, a tailed friend needs to purchase a carrier. Dimensions and permissible weight of the structure - check with the helpdesk of the carrier company - requirements and rules are different for everyone. Some companies allow certain dimensions of carriers to be carried in the cabin. This needs to be clarified. Animals are paid as excess baggage.
  • If you are moving from the far north, you are entitled to reimbursement of all costs associated with moving to your destination. Specify the procedure and rules for payment at the workplace (if you work), in the department of social protection (if you are a pensioner or unemployed).
  • End or Beginning?

    Perhaps the main nuances associated with moving to another city are listed. It remains to pack your bags, call the taxi back and cry a nostalgic tear, driving through familiar places small homeland on the way to the station.

    No matter how you strive to leave, no matter how much you dream about this day - get ready for the fact that it will be difficult to say goodbye. A part of you will remain here forever - in memories, in a special atmosphere, in people.

    There is nothing scary or difficult in moving and changing your place of residence... The main thing is that the decision to leave was not connected with an attempt to run away from oneself. After all, as we know, alas, it is impossible.

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    Brodude drops some of his infinite wisdom in front of you again, man. When we graduate from college, or when we get tired of living in one city, or we run from problems, we are going to move to another city to find our destiny there, Better conditions for life and just see the world. And it is right. We are young, our biological clock does not bother us, acclimatization will be much easier, so why not try to move to another city? At the same time, you will become ABSOLUTELY independent. Today we will tell you about how to choose the right city for moving to a permanent (or semi-permanent) place of residence.

    1. Weather

    Many of my acquaintances passionately dream of living in St. Petersburg. But many return from there, because the main complaint of all people is the weather. The state of "the mud is frozen and the mud is dry" is not a very pleasant thing. An attempt to dump to the south can also turn out to be a failure due to the unpredictable climate, a VERY hot summer, in which no air conditioner helps, and a rather unpleasant wet winter with constant ice. Choosing a city with unpredictable weather is fun and is the same as buying a pig in a poke: you don't like the weather - wait fifteen minutes, as people from these cities say.

    If you have problems with the weather or you cannot stand extreme cold or heat, you should carefully think about choosing a place to stay. If you like snow, eh New Year It's not a New Year for you without snow, think carefully about the central part of Russia. Well, or about Canada.

    2. Cultural life

    If you deeply do not care what cultural centers there are in the city of your future residence, it will be much easier for you. Lovers of theaters, beautiful historical sites and centers contemporary art I advise the central European part of Russia: at least eat culture there. First, decide what you like (theater, opera, ballet, rock festivals), and then choose a suitable city that is famous for this good. If you choose a city only on the basis of great cultural value, it is worth noting that after a couple of years of living in it, you will deeply don’t care about the presence or absence of museums and places where Pushkin was clamped down with Goncharova. You will probably visit them in the first year, and then you will occasionally go out to walk in the park.

    3. Time zone

    In order not to instantly go crazy with the fact that your body tells you to sleep, and you still have to work, you need to choose a more or less suitable time zone for the usual. It will be much more pleasant to receive Skype calls from your relatives: they have finished their work and you, why not talk?

    4. Location

    If the city is one day away by train from your previous place of residence, everything is fine. But if you need to fly to your mother for nine hours in a row with transfers on our planes, this is not the most the best option... Of course, if you want your parents to come to you for the weekend as little as possible, this is ideal.

    When you are looking for an apartment, make sure that it is in a more or less decent area, from which it is quite easy and quick to leave by metro or public transport. Make sure that the prices for public transport are not colossal. It is demoralizing, especially when you don’t know on the first day how to quickly get to your destination with one transfer.

    5. Cleanliness

    Some cities in Russia have amazing exceptional dirt on the street. If this is not an absolute province, on the streets of which you will find broken asphalt, mud and mountains of rubbish, you can be said to be in luck. The problem is the efficiency of snow removal and clogging of storm water on the main streets. In the cities of the Southern Federal District, for example, with the next sudden snowfall, it is sometimes very difficult to get home. And when it rains, by the way, everything turns into a natural hell and you need to equip a small boat to swim to a stop or a car.

    Although cleanliness seems to be an insignificant factor, walking in a clean city is many times more pleasant than walking in a dirty one. Somehow it comes out more welcoming.

    6. Public transport

    The most important public transport is the metro. Trams, trolleybuses and minibuses can get stuck in a traffic jam, but the metro cannot get into a traffic jam. The presence of the metro in the city automatically adds a couple of advantages to it. Besides, personally, I just love the metro: you can read in it and take a nap. The only thing that is very tiring is the long way to the surface on the escalator, especially when the running staircase stretches down a couple of kilometers. This is torture.

    7. Pleasure

    I don't know how else to describe this property. Simply put, this is an opportunity to walk around the city with interest for a long time and fruitfully. This is facilitated by the presence beautiful places, parks, historical monuments and many beautiful squares with free access. Just imagine how you will stroll through the streets of your new city with ice cream, for example. Walkingness - important factor to consolidate a long-term "relationship" with a new place of residence. If the city is fun and cool to walk, inhaling Fresh air, all year round, this city is livable. Perhaps even bad, unpredictable weather won't spoil it. If you don't like walking, skip this paragraph without reading.

    8. Nightlife

    Don't you like walking? Do you like the city's nightlife? Illumination, festivities, parades, cafes, restaurants, clubs, pubs - all this is a nightlife that should be eventful. The busy nightlife adds good city a couple more plus signs. You have to go somewhere to make new acquaintances. Oh yes, subscribe to the VKontakte informant groups.

    9. Nutrition

    Make sure that in the new city there are places where you are accustomed to receive yummy. For example, well-known fast food chains. Of course, in large cities this will not be a problem, but in small cities - yes. Some people, after moving to another city, were terribly worried that they could not find a normal cake or beer.

    Also check food prices. Sometimes they can surprise you in a pleasant way, and sometimes the other way around. This is an important argument in choosing a suitable city for permanent residence.

    10. Sports

    If you play sports or just love it, it will be important aspect the choice of the city. First, find out if there are large stadiums in the city. Check the ticket prices there. Most likely, they will disappoint you. Well, okay, but the stadium is big. If the city is large enough, there will be enough sports bars and pubs with showing matches.

    If you like to play sports yourself, browse the Internet for sports clubs and gyms. Usually this information is easy enough to find on the net. Find out the price of the subscription per month and per year.

    Moving is always stressful. And it is connected with a difficult choice. But since such an idea comes to mind, then it is vitally necessary to decide on it. Therefore, I will talk in detail about how to move to another city.

    Key points when moving

    First of all, you need to decide on the key points that affect the living conditions in another city. I will consider them using the example of a metropolis, so that there is a universal reminder for moving to another place of residence. I will highlight the following aspects:

    • Housing. I suppose to acquire own apartment in a metropolis it will not work outright.
    • Money. You need a good supply for 2-3 months of the most modest life in another city.
    • Job. I advise you to carry out the search at home, before you move.

    Do not rent an apartment that has more than one owner. Plan ahead, before you leave, for money-saving options.

    For me, these are the three pillars on which the minimum tolerable living in a foreign city is supported. In any case, at first. Then you will look at the situation.


    In such a big business there is no way without them. In theory, it's all pretty. In practice, tyagomotina pursues at every step. So I want to make some notes in advance.

    • Get ready for the fact that you will be bred from the station itself.
    • V big city nobody needs you. Throw away naive thoughts, they will press with pleasure. Rely only on yourself.
    • Get used to the crowd. She is everywhere and in a hurry, in a hurry all the time. Slow and yawning ready to trample.
    • Move. We'll have to act quickly. Click with your beak, miss the opportunity.

    Have life hacks for any occasion. Strive to be in the subject. Those who are not in the subject are not liked in the metropolis. Even if it's some kind of trifle.

    Think about what you are going to do in the metropolis, what vacancies you can handle and what are the chances of getting a job. These are not questions of a moment's thought. Do not rush to the first option that comes across. As a rule, the quickest response is either scammers or companies that provide bad terms.

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    After graduating from university, I lived with my parents for some time. I didn’t want to live until thirty with my mother in the basement, as they tell about it in the films. Therefore, I took decisive action to move to another city.

    How I tried to move to another city

    When I moved, I made a lot of mistakes. My decision was very ill-considered. I just took it and left for the nearest town. I stayed there only a few days and came back. Well, at least I left home without a scandal, and I could return.

    After I returned home, I got a job as a courier. I believe that building up a safety cushion is very important for moving to another city. After all, who knows when the first money will appear.

    At home, I decided to try to live separately. Of course, I didn't have enough money for an apartment, so I rented a room. Parents also helped financially. I tried to take money from them to a minimum. When I managed to get on my feet a little, I again decided to move to another city.

    What tasks need to be solved as a matter of priority

    I started by planning. On a piece of paper, I wrote a list of tasks to complete for the move. It included:

    • choose a city;
    • save enough money to cover three months of living;
    • try to find a job remotely;
    • look for friends in the city who would help with the move;
    • find accommodation in advance.

    I chose Moscow because there are the most high salaries... From my list, I only managed to collect money. I didn’t find a job, but I made an appointment. I also agreed to look at the apartment. Upon arrival in the city, I immediately resolved my housing problems. I didn't spend money on entertainment until I got a job.

    As a result, I can say that it is morally very difficult to move to another city. I did it with preliminary preparation, which I advise you too. Many more think that moving abroad will be the solution to all problems. I believe that this is not at all the case. This is even more difficult than moving to another city. A language barrier arises in a foreign country. It is quite difficult to master a foreign culture.

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    I'm a fidget in life, that's why I've changed it five times City of residence and three times the country. The first time was hard, but now I can call myself a real ace in matters of starting a new life. Willingly I will share my life hacks.

    How to move to a city where there are no acquaintances

    If you, like me in my time, are going to go to a city where you know absolutely no one, to start there new life, I advise you to do it in advance information preparation for the move... You need to understand the following questions:

    • employment opportunity;
    • pricing policy for rent and purchase of housing;
    • functioning transport system;
    • availability and location schools, kindergartens, hospitals, theaters, cinemas, shopping centers;
    • crime level;
    • features of cultural life.

    Prepare yourself financial security

    In order to feel comfortable in any city, you need have a guarantee of solvency... After all, money is needed for absolutely everything: to pay for housing, for clothes, for food, for travel, for solving minor everyday issues. Moreover, in the new unfamiliar city always there is a lot more spending than in the old familiar place. This is due to the initial ignorance of places where you can shop for cheaper, as well as the huge amount of additional costs that always accompany settling in a new place. Financial security in a new city can be guaranteed by three main methods.

    1. Find a job before moving... Nowadays, this can be easily done using the Internet. You can search for employment on various job search sites... You can also find companies of interest and directly send them your resume by email. Many companies even give the opportunity to pass an interview on Skype, if you do not have the opportunity to come to new town for a personal interview.
    2. Start saving money early and prepare yourself an emergency financial reserve, which will be enough for both for at least three months of residence in a new place. This should be enough time to find a job when you arrive and get your first paycheck before your savings run out.
    3. Take up freelancing. Many people around the world earn this way, without being tied to a particular job. For example, one can start receive money on the internet while working as a graphic artist, copywriter or blogger on the web. This way of making money will always make it easier for you to move to a new place wherever you go.

    Find accommodation

    Can find accommodation in advance, looking through advertisements on the Internet, or first come to the city and stay for a couple of days in a hotel and look for an apartment on the spot... Whichever method you choose is worth in advance find out pricing policy for housing in a particular city, read about different areas, their advantages and disadvantages. It is better to look for housing after you find a job, this will allow you to rent an apartment close to your workplace and, as a result, save on transport.

    Build your social life

    One of the most important problems that all people face in a new place is lack of acquaintances and friends. To change this, it is worth it if possible make friends with work colleagues, at least for the first time. You can also s sign up for some courses and circles or attend meetings of people who are looking for communication in a new place. This behavior will help you easily build up contacts and improve your social life.

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