Business with China on resale from scratch. How to start trading Chinese goods without investment

Many experts say that Chinese business ideas will take root in Russia, because many of them are really relevant for our citizens. The newest and most non-standard of them can be found at the Canton Exhibition, which is regularly held in the PRC. Here you can meet businessmen from all over the world who are eager to choose something innovative, promising and original for themselves, because business ideas from China can become a source of earning a huge fortune.

In this country, there are many industries, concerns and major enterprises that are constantly developing new, alternative solutions in almost all areas of activity, and they do not hesitate to share their discoveries with the world. Besides, China- it is also the largest sales market, because the demand for foreign goods is also very high here.

The most in demand here are raw materials, for example, Chinese firms are actively buying timber from foreign companies, and henceforth, goods for sale are made from the purchased material. Entrepreneurs are faced with a question of choice: there are millions of offers on the market, but which ones will be really in demand, and for a long time? Chinese business ideas in Russia can bring good profit for a single year, but some of them lose their relevance after a few months. Here you should focus on the demand trends in last years.

As an example, consider a product such as a monopod. In the Chinese market, it was recognized as the most frequently purchased product, and all due to the popularization of social networks and communication on the Internet. After all, twenty years ago, no one would have thought that simple construction from a stick and a clip will become such a sought-after thing. But then there were no phones with such a set of functions, which now seems to be the most common. And there are a lot of such examples in various industries, even if we talk about the same products prepared with the help of special equipment, or clothing, it is necessary for specific cases. Who would have thought before in our country that it is necessary to purchase special slippers in order not to damage their feet on corals while on vacation?

Hence it follows that chinese business ideas should be chosen based on the priorities and interests of the population of our country. High-quality monitoring of markets, analysis of supply and demand functions, study of the advantages and disadvantages of each idea - all this must be done by a businessman before making his choice. Next, we will consider some ideas from China that have long been implemented in the Russian market.

  • Silent electric motor model. The popularity of segway, unicycle, electric scooters and gyro scooters touched our entire country. Now both children and adults dream of such a device, although until recently it was difficult to imagine that one could get up and ride on a scooter without any effort. Almost every month, new variations of devices appear, shops, websites and rentals open, and all of them are in demand among citizens. Moreover, this transport can be called completely environmentally friendly, and it does not emit any noise.
  • New types of materials. This is, for example, about silicone. Suffice it to recall how many different silicone products can be found in stores, these are shoes, and household items, and various molds for cooking, and much more. And popularity stretch ceiling due to the appearance on the market of polyvinyl chloride, which, by the way, can be produced in our country, having founded your own enterprise on this. For the manufacture of water sports goods, tourist equipment and quick-drying things, neoprene material is actively used, which also came to us from Chinese developers.
  • Goods for life. Here it comes about portable chargers, monopods, smart watch and other technical innovations that make our life easier, easier and more interesting. Business idea from China brought by one Russian entrepreneur, has become in great demand among women who want to lose weight. These are special berries that are served as weight loss stimulants. Another popular destination is products for tourist recreation, for example, travel bags, pillows under the head, special dishes for hiking and traveling, and so on. The choice of directions here is simply huge, the main thing is to correctly predict the reaction of consumers to the appearance of a particular product on the country's market.
  • Goods for entertainment. This group is also open to newbies, because Chinese business ideas in this area relate to a wide variety of products and services, ranging from children's toys to various cool devices that attract the attention of not only toddlers, but also adults. You can find out about the new products offered by manufacturers at exhibitions, on the network and on specialized sites.

What Chinese business ideas will be in demand in Russia

  1. Dropshopping trade. It is not difficult to organize such a business, and even for a beginner in the field of trade, dropshopping is perfect as a start to business development. With such an organization of trade, the entrepreneur himself is only responsible for the delivery of the goods that the client orders. The buyer selects the items that the dropshopper orders from a Chinese manufacturer, and then transports the goods to the customer. In other words, he acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer, but on the other hand, to open such a business, you will not have to rent a warehouse, and, in principle, invest large sums in the development of trade. By working on the basis of small lots, you can avoid paying for customs services. As for the product group, it can be almost any. Modern entrepreneurs are actively engaged in dropshipping sales of clothing, accessories and shoes on social networks and on various sites. You can develop in the direction of trade in cosmetics, dishes, bedding, technology, and even food.
  2. Using ZD printing. This, which makes it possible to carry out printing work using a large format printer. Modern Russian firms have already begun to offer services for the manufacture of souvenirs, figurines of pets or people, characters from cartoons and films. But these are not all goods that can be produced using 3D printing. It is possible to produce designer items, building design models, teaching materials, and much more. If an entrepreneur acquires high-quality equipment, he will even be able to manufacture jewelry products using the ZD method. According to experts, it is with the help of such technologies that after a couple of decades it will become possible to create organs for medical institutions of all levels. The implementation of this business idea from China requires the purchase of a high-quality printer, and you will have to pay at least thirty thousand rubles for it.
  3. Portable charger. This is a technique that allows you to extend the life of other technical devices. Almost every citizen of the country has a smartphone, which has long since replaced the usual push-button devices. The capabilities of a smartphone allow not only making calls, taking pictures and typing messages, but also much more. Most of the functions are associated with the continuous use of the Internet, geolocation and other resources that require a lot of energy. Therefore, phones quickly go down, and this is where a portable charger comes to the rescue. This new business idea in china appeared quite a long time ago, but now in our country, too, little does without portable charging. A good option is to sell batches of devices to large restaurants or cafes, because very often modern citizens are forced to leave establishments because the devices are discharged. And so, in the presence of portable chargers, citizens will be able to sit in a restaurant much longer, without worrying that they will miss an important letter or call. Consequently, visitors will order much more, because there is no point in rushing.
  4. Sale of monopods. Another product that is in demand and belongs to new service technologies. By the way, the popularity of this product literally skyrocketed after citizens began to actively buy smartphones equipped with good cameras and Internet access. With the help of monopods, you can take a clearer and higher-quality picture, so consumers immediately began to actively buy devices. The popularity of this idea for business from China is also due to the fact that many citizens are now doing business on the Internet, and in order to photograph this or that product live, for example, glasses, hats, cosmetics and much more, it is very convenient to use a monopod. Do not forget about joint photos with friends, which today's young people love to publish on social networks. Using monopods, you can shoot interior of a room, studio or cafe, take object photography, record reviews and interviews, manage a video blog, and even create your own short videos.
Some very interesting ideas from China seem completely non-standard for us, as well as a number of professions. In fact, the Chinese have organized in their country many services and types of work that have not yet been implemented in Russia, but in China are considered natural and necessary.

  • Paid queue. There are citizens who are willing to queue up for a reward. That is, the work consists in the fact that a person stands in lines for a certain amount of payment, while the payer goes about his business. For an hour standing in line, such an employee will ask for three dollars.
  • Gaming business. According to statistics, more than four hundred thousand people on the planet are active players in network applications, such as various farms, for example. Such citizens are ready to spend large sums of money in order to invest them in the purchase of virtual goods for their profile, and, of course, are interested in constant support and control of the gaming process. However, you need to have time for work, sleep, and household chores. This is what caused another popular business in China began to focus on avid gamblers. For a fee, game specialists offer 24/7 profile support, and, moreover, earn pretty decent.
  • Hiring foreign workers. The main duties of such workers are to be present at transactions and signing agreements, as well as the process of cutting the red ribbon at a ceremony or conference. They explain their need for such workers by the fast pace of economic growth, expanding opportunities, and the desire for large-scale partnerships with international companies.
  • Collecting fines from spitting citizens. This type of work is chosen for themselves by those who are very fond of cleanliness and order. Employees simply walk through parks, streets and squares, and when they see a person spat, they withdraw a certain amount of a fine from him.
  • Work for retirees. The patrolling of the streets by citizens of retirement age is designed to call to order those who want to start a conflict, because it is the elderly who become a reminder of the need to behave accordingly in in public places. Distinctive feature patrol is a red armband.
  1. Cleaning gloves. Very many business ideas from China focused on doing human life easier, to facilitate this or that sphere of activity of citizens. That is why so many seemingly simple but, nevertheless, practically irreplaceable little things have come to us from the PRC. Cleaning gloves is another modern and ultra useful invention that allows a person to peel potatoes without knives and special tools. You can work with mittens not only with potatoes, but also with beets, carrots, zucchini and other products. Bradex gloves are made with waterproof materials, which form the abrasive surface of the gloves. It is with this layer that the top layer of the peel of vegetables and fruits is cleaned. Even a child can peel vegetables using cleaning gloves, and the risk of injury, as in the case of a knife, is completely excluded. In addition, the skin of the hands does not come into contact with dirt, and the cleaning process itself takes very little time. And one more plus of the idea from China - during cleaning with mittens, a minimum layer of peel is removed, that is, most of the product is eaten, and the amount of garbage is minimized.
  2. Travel bag with weight indicator. The relevance of this idea from China lies in the fact that modern people very often face the need to fly on airplanes around the world, and each airline has its own requirements and rules for calculating the price of baggage that exceeds allowable norms... Naturally, no one is interested in giving extra money for luggage, but the weight indicator, which is already built into the travel bag, will help to avoid surprises. The passenger will immediately be ready for how much money he will have to pay at the airport. The popularity of such an innovation in our country is due to the fact that more and more citizens are working with foreign partners, attending conferences and symposia abroad, and simply preferring to relax in other countries, so the suitcases with the indicator will certainly delight the Russians.
  3. Studded rubber car mats. it promising business idea from China, which will become in demand among motorists in our country, because it is with the help of such a rug that it is much easier to get out of a winter trap on the road, for example, a hole or ice. It is most relevant to sell such rugs in winter, when ice and snow become a real problem for all participants. road traffic... A car that has stood on an icy surface is still subject to pushing out, but if a problem arose on a snowy surface, then each wheel movement only deepens the hole in which the car is located. And here is the time to use an original business idea from China - a spiked rug that fights against slipping of cars. In terms of its dimensions, it is the same as a regular board, but it can be very conveniently rolled into a roll, thereby minimizing the space it occupies. There is a place for such an assistant even in the trunk of a small car. The driver simply needs to place the carpet on the wheel of the car that is skidding, or under both wheels, with the studs pointing up. This will minimize skidding and get out of the hole.
  4. Wireless sockets. The essence of such a business idea from China lies in the peculiarities of the work of the sockets themselves - after all, they are powered by solar energy. They can be compared to a small power station installed on a window. It can fully charge your smartphone, laptops or phones overnight. One side of the device is solar panel, as well as a special suction cup, necessary for the station to be attached to the glass. The other side is the socket itself, it is into it that the charger from the equipment is inserted. This is very popular business in China, since sockets are not only comfortable and convenient to use, but also save electricity consumption. Moreover, sockets can be placed anywhere, as long as it is in direct contact with sunlight... The implementation of such a business idea from China will interest travelers, citizens who have to constantly travel in a car or transport. For example, a citizen will be able to attach a charger to the train window, and calmly charge his laptop while working on it in parallel.
Not all are listed here. business ideas from China, which can become very profitable on the territory of our country, if they are successfully implemented. An entrepreneur needs to choose those areas that are interesting to him and analyze the most popular and promising groups of goods and services in relation to the mentality and preferences of our citizens. Business ideas from China that can take root in Russia are in the most different areas activities, but an entrepreneur needs to be interested in the subject himself, attend various exhibition events, presentations, keep abreast of all innovations and new appearances on the market.

Surely many have heard about the large company Xiomi, which currently occupies a fairly significant market share. Many have noticed that Xiomi products are several times cheaper than Apple or Samsung devices, but in terms of their characteristics they are practically not inferior to them. The management of this company always keeps its finger on the pulse, tries to be among the first to introduce this or that development, attract customers and interest citizens with a comfortable price for the goods. Here are some original business ideas from China from Xiomi:

  1. Smart scale production. This is a technical innovation that implies the ability to control its own mass. The owner of the scales will not only receive accurate weight indicators, but will also be able to synchronize the scales themselves with a smartphone or other mobile device by installing an application or connecting via USB. This will allow you to make all changes in weight, diet program, fitness program, and track many other important parameters that have great importance for people watching their figure. For each user, the program has its own memory cell, so even sixteen people can use the same scales at the same time. These scales are in great demand among the citizens of our country. The popularity of this idea from China is also due to the fact that modern people are increasingly trying to monitor their health and keep fit.
  2. Xiomi set-top boxes. This prefix works on the basis of the Android system, and the representatives of the Google company themselves were engaged in the promotion of this development. This is explained by the fact that the implementation of this business ideas from China was planned for the American market, because the development was recognized as functional, reliable, and the interface is convenient and easy for users. On the territory of our country, the products of the manufacturer Xiomi are in great demand. After all, the price-quality ratio is really optimal.

Theme "Business with China" on the Internet is gaining momentum! Every day there are many sites, blogs and just information products devoted to this topic. Our eastern neighbor has always attracted with its mystery and centuries-old history. Now Chinese business has been added to this list. The same mysterious. But, like China itself, business from the Middle Kingdom is promising, shows constant growth and, which is typical, itself strives for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Why not take advantage of this?

Your favorite website project constantly delights you with popular business ideas. From various areas of human life and entrepreneurship. Also, we did not ignore this topic -. From the point of view of information, it has a scale and breadth, which we share with you when we describe another Chinese business idea.

Therefore, traditionally, in May-June, we review the most popular business ideas from China. Sit back and, in express mode, in a short 40 minutes, read the most wonderful articles on the topic of Chinese business. By the way, if you read all business ideas carefully, then you will become a real expert in this field. And you can sell your knowledge!

In the first place, as our regular readers already know, is perhaps the most popular cycle on the Internet about business with China - Ideas for doing business with China.


A review of Chinese online stores, recommendations on where it is safe and fair to buy goods from China for subsequent resale. Valuable Tips- what to buy, and how, and to whom to serve it later. The statistics figures speak for themselves. More than 100 thousand people got acquainted with this cycle, literally in a short time. And, surprisingly, the material does not lose its relevance. Don't wait, hurry up, as you know - there is nothing more valuable than new knowledge. Especially free ones.


Dropshipping from China is one of the popular start-up forms of business with China. Almost all cases and examples of successful "Chinese" business are built on its basis. The bottom line is simple - we buy goods in China, sell to those who wish - at retail or wholesale.

The scheme can be structured so that the intermediary does not have physical contact with the consignment at all. After all, the Internet works wonders. Through it, you can search for both suppliers and buyers. Linking them together. Not forgetting to embed yourself in this chain, as an intermediary. And make money on the simple movement of goods! This business idea goes well with.


Everything is very simple. List of the most popular product niches, products from which are profitable to sell in Russia and other countries. The list turned out to be very large and voluminous and has not lost its relevance. All that remains is to choose a niche in which you are most fully versed and start making money in it. The list is structured so that information in it can be found by anyone, even without expert knowledge.


A small and easy instruction to start your business with China. We reveal the features of this business, the form and principle of the organization.

Without this knowledge, your business with China will not be as complete as you would like it to be. By the way, this article tells the whole truth about webinars that promise you Chinese earnings with a margin of up to 500%. We strongly recommend that you study it.


A separate review of some Chinese goods and a number of profitable niches for small and operational trade. Suitable for beginners who want to study business with China.

After all, any successful path is built on mistakes and the study of past achievements. Without understanding this, it is impossible to build success in the future. This article, like no other, shows this path and ways to achieve results in the future.


By the way, any Chinese business is built on this principle. What you undoubtedly already learned from the first articles of this TOP.

Fermentation bedding reduces costs and improves the quality of livestock management in closed spaces... Its advantages sell themselves, you just need to have it in a timely manner in full demand. And make money on it!


High-margin products- the most delicious and demanded goods for those who do business with China. Everyone who is in the slightest degree engaged in such business is engaged in the search for these products. High-margin goods promise big profits even with a minimal first wholesale batch, and if you import and sell 3-5 batches, there will be enough money for many years in advance. This article discusses circuit diagram to the approach of such a product. Necessarily to study.


Seven business ideas with the Chinese platform This site is an intermediary between Chinese businessmen and other entrepreneurs from around the world. On Alibaba you can find everything in bulk. And what is not there yet, it will certainly appear in the coming days. Seriously! Almost all experienced entrepreneurs who make money on a product have an account on this site.

Therefore, those who dream of starting a business with China on wholesale lots, those who want to find Chinese manufacturers, those who need a production line from Chinese equipment - they will definitely find what they are looking for on Alibaba. An indicator of the popularity of the site is the fact that they have opened their representative offices and Russian companies who manufacture goods in China. Therefore, if you still doubted about Chinese entrepreneurs, try starting a business with compatriots. And Alibaba, in in this case, will act as an independent guarantor of the transaction.


Complementing the previous business idea. A little practice on how to buy on Alibaba: searching for a product, choosing a supplier, specifics of buying and delivering goods to you.

We analyze examples of how to choose the right sellers, what you should pay attention to, how to distinguish scammers (unfortunately, they are there too) from bona fide partners. The instruction is suitable for both small and medium-sized businesses.


"Small" Chinese goods have always enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It is very cheap, even a huge batch will cost a modest budget. At the same time, it weighs very little and takes up little space.

For example, inflatable products from China, which beat all the popularity indicators on our Internet. Practice shows that even a batch of 10 thousand items can easily fit on an average balcony in 5 boxes. How does it feel, huh?

Therefore, the site could not get around this niche and presents you with a list of 30-cent products, that is, a product that costs within $ 0.3, with sales figures. He will help you form your own opinion about what to buy in China, followed by a profitable resale at home.


Nothing extra. Just a list of 10 popular Chinese products. Which sells extremely well in China. And bought all over the rest of the world.

That is, we have done a great job for you. We studied and selected from a variety of Chinese goods exactly what people need. Trust us, the range of goods in China is 10 times more than the number of inhabitants. And this and that amount increases every day. So here's a saucer with a blue border. Of course, if you understand what we are talking about.


Infobusiness is a new word about the long-forgotten old. This word - education... If you know or have become an expert on Chinese business (that is, as we said above, studied our material), you can easily teach everyone to do business with China. You have everything for this, and what you don't - you will find a description of this in this business idea.

Bonus idea: making money on cashback from China

This is not even a business idea, but a life hack - how you can make money in China without doing business. It would seem that difficult condition, and the solution is quite compact and interesting.

Each of us, we are sure, have come across purchases on Aliexpress. Now you can make money on purchases in this online hypermarket. It is enough to open a Tinkoff + Aliexpress credit card. Oh, credit! - tell you, and you will be right in part. The interest-free term of the card loan is 55 days, that is, during this period, you need to replenish the card for the amount that you spent. And you were going to buy on Ali anyway, right? And the most important thing is that 5% of the purchase price is returned in points and can be spent again on a purchase on Ali.

For example, if you buy something for $ 100, you get $ 5 back. Few? Additionally, we register on the cashback service and get up to 15% of the purchase from above, that is, the same notorious cashback. The total return on a $ 100 purchase is $ 15 + 5. It is very profitable.

How to make money on it? Invite all your friends and acquaintances to buy through you, submit an ad, offer a 5-10% discount from the standard price, and then your earnings will be 10% of the turnover, which can amount to several thousand rubles per month. Quite a good increase in salary for just having a card and registering on the service. Right?


We remind you that if you want to keep abreast of all new events, to know everything about business and even more - sent different ways... And be the first to receive the latest information, no ads or spam - just business!

Business ideas from China- one of the most popular areas, since today it is this country that comes to the fore in many respects, Chinese-made goods are in great demand, and original production options make it possible to achieve stunning results.

China offers a lot of relevant options for making money: you can resell Chinese-made goods, help other people place orders, share important information, implement different ideas in their native land and learn from the successful experience of the most hardworking nation in the world.

To start making money and create a successful one, growing business, first you need to find a suitable idea, get a lot of knowledge and skills, carefully analyze and calculate everything, and only then put it into practice.

Trade as the most relevant direction

Considering current business ideas from China in 2017, first of all, you should pay attention to the sale of goods. This is the simplest and affordable option that will suit anyone. Initial investments are relatively low (you can do without them altogether in some cases), trading usually goes briskly, subject to attention to certain features.

To establish a successful sale from China, it is necessary to study well the market in the region, city, find unoccupied niches or something that is very popular and will buy well. TO promising directions include gadgets: mobile phones and tablets, fitness bracelets and watches, various small appliances, etc.

Sells well Appliances- TVs, vacuum cleaners, kitchen utensils. Due to the good quality level and significantly lower cost compared to other manufacturers, such a business is very relevant. They also buy well clothes, little things for the house, toys, jewelry, bags, and other accessories.

Before you start selling goods and doing business with China, you need to find good suppliers... Quite often, Chinese goods come defective, so you need to find a reliable and honest supplier, with whom it will be possible to cooperate on acceptable terms and which will guarantee a minimum percentage of defects.

Next, you can create a page on social networks or a separate site and sell products. Trading offline in your own store or point of sale... You can try to conclude contracts with local sellers and supply goods in bulk, acting as an intermediary.

In addition to directly reselling, you can try to do dropshipping - the scheme is the same, but here the seller acts more as an ordinary intermediary, often having no contact with the product at all. That is, you can create a website where everyone will order positions from Chinese sites, and an intermediary will buy out in large quantities and place orders, making it easier for the customer and getting his own percentage for this.

Another good option is to create an Internet resource (website, blog, news portal) dedicated to buying goods in China, different ideas production from the Middle Kingdom. Today this topic is very relevant and it will be possible to promote the site quickly enough, and the amount of information on the network and the number of topics make ideas for content practically inexhaustible.

Most popular products:

  • Disposable change- dishes, hygiene products, kitchen and household appliances, stationery, etc. All this costs a penny and often China "takes" cheapness and originality.
  • Food in a small container - all sorts of snacks such as dried fruits, snacks, teas are very popular. You can buy very cheaply, pack up and sell on your own.
  • Electronics and gadgets- headphones, phones, watches, video and photographic equipment, components for computers, covers and other little things.
  • Car accessories- for tuning, various lights and parking sensors, recorders and navigators.
  • Fur coats - surprisingly, but this product here is on average four times cheaper than in Italy or Greece, Turkey, with a similar quality. But you need to carefully approach the selection and quality control of the goods.
  • Children's products - toys, clothes, cute and funny little things.
  • Furniture and everything for the home - whatever, the main thing is to study demand and find current trends.
  • Spare parts, equipment, tools are very different, of high quality and not very good, original and unusual, at a good cost and in a large assortment.

Actual ideas of production from the Middle Kingdom

China has demonstrated the present economic miracle, rapidly conquering the market in various segments and significantly squeezing out manufacturers from other countries. The business of supplying goods from China to Russia is not the only way to make money, there are many other ideas. So, you can pick up relevant and interesting production options, which can be adjusted even in the garage.

Original production options:

  • Toothpicks - such a small business requires a minimum of space and investment, spending on expendable materials and equipment of the order of 500,000 rubles. The net profit is up to 50,000 rubles per month, it is easy to find buyers, the product is always needed and in large quantities.
  • Working with wood - creating blanks, making souvenirs with carvings, various elements, household trifles, kitchen utensils, toys, etc. A set of tools in China can be bought for 10,000, raw materials are purchased from woodworking factories.
  • Creation of furniture - inexpensive and simple elements, machines can be bought inexpensively, at the exit to give unique and beautiful products.
  • Making and renovating blinds is also a small business idea from China that has become widespread in recent years. The equipment is relatively inexpensive, the investment pays off quickly.
  • Chinese lanterns - for decoration, decoration of holidays and events. This idea is good for beginners, as it requires minimal investment, the products are in demand, it is very easy to create a product yourself, you can find many instructions on the Internet.
  • Manufacturing building materials - good Chinese machine tools are cheap, they allow implementing new technologies and approaches by organizing a mini-workshop and supplying good goods to nearby enterprises and private clients.
  • Manufacturing plastic products- also a profitable direction, Chinese-made calenders and extruders are presented in a mini-format, you can create any PVC products (from dowels to toys).
  • Packaging and containers - until recently the niche was empty, but now the direction is gaining momentum and you can still get involved in the process of creating blisters, bags, bags, etc. made of polyethylene.
  • Printing - on clothes, cups, paper, manufacturing different kind printing and advertising products. The equipment is also presented in a large selection, the idea is relevant.

Any of these business ideas can be successfully implemented, in rural conditions, in small room, which reduces rental costs, utility bills. You can work independently or involve one or two employees.

What you need to remember

New business ideas from China appear constantly - the market is developing very quickly, offering more and more interesting and fresh options. Therefore, you need to act quickly - having chosen a direction, immediately take up the calculations, order equipment or goods and start working.

Among the pitfalls, low quality is distinguished - you must always remember that even the best supplier cannot influence the percentage of defects in various products, so you need to order a little more. It is better to check the suppliers first: order a small batch, analyze the delivery and conditions, choose the best of several.

A good option might be search for production and factories in China itself - working without intermediaries is always more profitable. When it comes to ordering equipment and tools for production, you need to carefully check the description, compliance, terms / conditions of delivery.

A business like this requires flexibility and the need for ongoing market research. So, today headphones and cases for phones are popular, tomorrow it may be something else, and in a year a different type of product will achieve mass popularity. Therefore, trade is suitable for those who know how to feel new trends, be "in the stream", anticipate the preferences of customers in advance, offer them something relevant and original, stirring up interest and increasing sales.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Business with China means high profits and profitable cooperation. We have collected tips on how to start a home business, start a business without investment, and what guidelines should be followed.

Literally ten years ago, goods from China did not differ high quality... They were made from second-rate raw materials and outdated technologies, so such products were not in great demand. Much has changed today, so in Chinese trading platforms you can easily purchase quality products at affordable prices. In this article, we will tell you how to start a business in China and how to make good money from it.

Until a few years ago, goods from China were associated with cheap, low-quality products. Today, more and more entrepreneurs are thinking about cooperation with China, and the Internet is replete with questions like “how to start a business with China” and “what is needed for cooperation with China”. Business with China is promising, shows constant growth and strives for Russia itself. Why not take advantage of this?

Let's start our answer with the main question about how much money is needed to start. You can start a business with Chinese partners with ... zero balance. Seriously! You can start a Chinese goods business with no investment. The main thing is to have a step-by-step launch instruction with you. own business for the sale of physical goods. It is she who is the key to success.

Anyone who has a computer, Internet access, and a desire to learn all the nuances can be engaged in the business of selling Chinese goods. this business and start earning. Newcomers, small entrepreneurs, and successful businessmen seeking to expand their business will find interesting ideas for cooperation with China.

Dropshipping. How to start a dropshipping business with China

It is quite possible to open a business with China without investments. The name of such a business is "dropshipping". From English this word is translated as "direct delivery". The idea of ​​a business is that the entrepreneur acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. The scheme is simple: the entrepreneur orders the necessary goods on his own behalf, and sends the goods to the buyer's address. Thus, an entrepreneur can work without leaving home and without spending their money, working on a prepaid basis. All that an entrepreneur undertakes is organizational issues. He will need to register on the site, if necessary, communicate with the seller, track the delivery of goods, etc.

The advantages of dropshipping are many: the entrepreneur does not risk his own funds, does not need to hire employees, and can handle the volume of work alone. Moreover, for effective work he only needs a computer and internet.

The main disadvantage of this business model lies in external factors: first, parcels from China are delivered for a long time; secondly, there is a risk of loss or delay at customs. Not every customer agrees to wait that long. It should also be borne in mind that the scheme is old and proven, that is, there is a high risk of facing competition. Regardless, dropshipping remains sufficient profitable business, and the mark-up on the product ranges from 10% to 100%.

What do you need to start a dropshipping business?

    Find suppliers. There are thousands of them on the Internet, but choosing suppliers is not so easy. Among all the variety, you still need to find the most reliable and suitable goods in terms of quality and price, delivery conditions, assortment, etc. Most often, large online stores are chosen as suppliers, which have a huge assortment and sell it at wholesale prices. Now you can find online stores that are created specifically for dropshipping (,,,,, and others). Making money with such sites is even easier, because they often provide partners with various bonuses. The choice of a supplier should be approached responsibly, because you are responsible for the quality of the goods and their delivery to the customers.

    Contact suppliers. To do this, you need to send a letter to the support service indicating that you want to work with them through the dropshipping system. There is a 95% chance of getting a positive answer. The main thing to pay attention to at this stage is a clear idea of ​​what products you will offer to customers, and how you will advertise the product. It is necessary to contact suppliers so that they do not use the logos of their companies when packing an order. After all, it is advisable for the buyer not to know from whom the goods are actually purchased.

    Select a product. To determine the direction, go to the usual popular online stores and see what products are in demand. It is advisable not to work with electronics - with it there are much more problems with marriage and return. Therefore, an important criterion for choosing a product is the minimum probability of a return. You can take a chance and offer customers something interesting and unusual. You can also earn money on exclusives.

    Choosing an advertising method. You can create a group for your online store on social networks. After spending several thousand on active promotion of goods through your accounts, you will quickly find buyers. Don't forget for free ad options - list items on message boards and auctions. Today there are many online trading platforms:,, and others.

    We count income and expenses. The main amount of expenses falls on the promotion of your online store. It takes into account the costs of promoting a group on social networks, paying for advertisements for placement in the top and other things. As mentioned earlier, you can do without material costs at all. However, you must understand that the more you invest in the business, the faster buyers will appear and the more you can earn.

How much can you earn with dropshipping?

This is a difficult question. But not because an unpromising truth awaits you, but because it is impossible to name specific amounts. The size of your income depends entirely on the quality of your work and the product chosen for sale. On the Internet, you can read many stories about how entrepreneurs earn 1 million in net profit from dropshipping in a year, and they provide compelling evidence of this. Of course, these stories are not a guarantee that you will have the same. But this is a good guideline that will motivate you to start your own business.

It is possible to increase your income from dropshipping thanks to one life hack - cashbacks. Everyone has heard at least once about the opportunity to get back some percentage of their purchases using special cashback services. Users are actively using them, seeking to get their 50 rubles back from a personal purchase. Just imagine how much money you can get back with a turnover of many thousands.

Landing page. How to open a business with China through a landing page

You can continue the idea of ​​dropshipping, but refine it. And to create not a simple online store on a social network, but an attractive, selling landing page. This is the name of one-page sites created to sell one product. The task of the landing page is to transfer the site visitor to the status of a buyer, to induce the target action (purchase of goods). The main advantage of a landing page is its high efficiency. Whereas regular sites bring in 15% of sales from total visits, then one-page sites can bring 50%. Therefore, today this method of sales is very popular.

To open a business on a landing page, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

    Select a product or service to sell through a landing page. How to choose what to sell? Look at what others are selling: it may give you an idea or convince you to abandon a niche that is already highly competitive. You can sell anything through landing pages. It is important that this is a unique offer. It is recommended to study the trends of foreign markets - often fashion for goods comes to us from abroad. If you guess with the trend and have time to occupy a niche, you can make good money.

    Select a supplier. Everything is simple here: when you have decided on a product, study the suppliers' offers. Choose profitable terms without forgetting about the reliability of the supplier.

    Develop a unique selling proposition. Here you need to form a clear understanding: what you are selling, to whom you are selling, why this product should be bought from you. Perfect option for a landing page - your offer must be unique. This does not mean that you need to sell the latest developments or the rarest goods. The unique selling proposition includes not only the product itself, but also the price, additional services, cooperation format, etc. For example, you can offer record delivery times, original packaging, the lowest price, or a product that has no analogues on the market. The answer to the question "to whom is the product sold?" required to set the price. You need to understand which target audience your item is calculated. Oftentimes, the answer lies in the product you intend to sell.

    Develop a landing page. Building a one page website is a process that will determine 80% of your success. The right landing page is a sales tool in itself. There are two options for creating a landing page: contacting professionals and ordering a one-page website from them, or using a website builder to create a one-page yourself. A professional landing page will be efficient and optimized. Every detail is important in the landing page, right down to the color scheme of the site and the location of the buttons on the page. Therefore, we recommend spending money on professional development. The cost of a landing page ranges from 10,000 rubles and more. There are studios that ask for 50,000 rubles for their work, but this package usually includes not only the creation of a one-page page, but also assistance in its promotion. If you want to save money and feel the strength to create a landing page, you can use website builders. You can easily find such a toolkit and, after spending 2-3 hours, make yourself a one-page website.

    Test the site. The product has been selected, the one-page has been created - now is the time to test various promotion methods in order to choose the best option... The main sources of traffic are: social networks, contextual advertising, search engine promotion, thematic and industry resources. We will not dwell on each of them. Let's just say that each of the tools needs to be tested to find the perfect formula for reaching your target audience.

    Purchase a product. No wonder this item is almost at the end of the algorithm. Why is it recommended to purchase a product only after a test launch of the site? In order to avoid mistakes with the choice of goods and the formation of a unique trade offer... You will spend less money and effort on a test launch of the site than on the purchase of a batch of goods. In the first batch, it is better to buy not very many goods - unnecessary cash it is better to invest in promotion, rather than spend them on goods that will be in stock.

    Arrange delivery. You can use the services of "Russian Post", or private courier services. Delivery by "Russian Post" is cheaper, but the delivery time can slow down your business. Delivery by transport companies is more expensive. But you can include shipping costs in the price of the goods or specify it as an add-on. payment for their customers.

    Expand your business. When the landing page is set up and makes a profit, you can think about expanding your business. Today, there are many business projects on the franchise market that have emerged from the idea of ​​a landing page.

A business on landing pages can pay off in the first month of operation. The average monthly profit is 65,000 rubles. For a home business, this is not a bad indicator.

Chinese equipment. How to make money on the purchase of Chinese equipment

For small businesses, the idea of ​​buying Chinese equipment is perfect. Taking the first steps in business, an entrepreneur seeks to save on initial costs. In most cases, it is possible to find special equipment and components at a favorable price only among Chinese suppliers. Today, no other country in the world can boast of such reasonable prices for business equipment.

The Asian market is able to satisfy the needs in any area. Many people point out that Chinese equipment is not inferior in quality to European counterparts, but at the same time it costs several times cheaper.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It is also important that manufacturers provide comprehensive support. They offer supplies of materials for production, adjust and adapt equipment, train personnel, provide guarantees, service, and, if necessary, even repair the supplied equipment. Such a service will be appreciated in any case, and even more so in a small business. But when choosing this direction, one should prepare for certain difficulties of cooperation. This is both a language barrier and difficulties in the delivery and customs clearance of bulky equipment. Also, when ordering equipment, you always need to clarify about the possibility of its adjustment by factory specialists. Some companies do not provide such a service, which can lead to difficulties for an entrepreneur.

What equipment is most often purchased in China? Machine tools for the manufacture of building materials, plastic products or packaging and containers. Analysts also have high hopes for 3D printers, which can be used to make components, souvenirs, toys, jewelry and even clothing. Among the Chinese products, you can find a wide range of 3D printing equipment.

How to buy equipment in China?

The business algorithm for purchasing with China includes several steps:

    Find a site to find suppliers (Made-in-China, Alibaba, etc.). Check the reliability of the supplier by examining his offer, reviews, website. All the data should be examined in detail: the year the company was founded, the availability of the necessary certificates, annual turnover, assortment, etc.

    Select the most attractive companies and send a request with a request to provide a commercial offer for the equipment you are interested in for business. Find out if they cooperate with partners from Russia. After that, you can contact the specified Russian partners and ask for confirmation of the reliability of the partners. Of course, it is not a fact that you will be given a complete resume of the supplier and provided with all the information, but nevertheless, this point should be borne in mind.

    Before purchasing equipment, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of commercial offers and choose the most profitable one.

    Negotiate with a supplier, agree on a price and a complete set of equipment.

    Agree on a contract, conditions of carriage. The contract is usually concluded in two languages ​​- English and Chinese. After signing the contract, you must make a passport of the transaction, after which you can make an advance payment.

    Pay for the order. All manufacturers require an advance payment of 30-50% of the order amount. Equipment manufacturing time is on average 30-40 days. The balance is paid upon presentation of documents that confirm the fact of shipment of the goods.

    Most reliable way payment - revocable letter of credit. Thanks to him, the buyer can save money in the event of an unscrupulous supplier.

    Before sending the documents, you should ask the Chinese side to send copies of the documents to make sure they are correct.

Before deciding to buy equipment in China, you need to carefully think over and calculate everything. You should only start this business if the savings cover all shipping costs.

Export to China. How to make money exporting to China?

A business with China can be built not only on the resale of Chinese goods. Because the Chinese market is not only huge volumes of cheap products, but also a promising sales market with a potential coverage of more than 1 billion people. Therefore, both novice entrepreneurs and already successful businessmen are interested in business with China. What can be supplied to the Chinese market? The most demanded in China are agricultural products, semi-finished products, raw materials for woodworking, chemical, food and light industries, chocolate and sweets, pine nuts. Moreover, the business of the Celestial Empire may even be interested in such products that are considered unclaimed in Russia. For example, if domestic poultry farms are used to throwing away chicken and duck legs, then in China they are in great demand.

To establish export deliveries to China, you must have a declaration, and in some cases, a shipping document will be sufficient. The declaration is drawn up independently or with the help of a broker at customs. Some goods are allowed to be exported only with the existence of a specially confirmed permit and certificate.

Before going out for export, you must go through the following steps:

    Study the Chinese market and the pricing procedure.

    Find future buyers.

    Prepare a contract for the export and insurance of the goods.

    Overcome the customs registration procedure in Russia and customs clearance in China.

For effective cooperation with China, foreign economic activity participants are advised to conduct a large preparatory work which includes:

    visiting China to study the market;

    delivery of goods to China, selection of a warehouse and the best way sending goods;

    preparation of demonstration material for Chinese for negotiations with potential clients;

    providing a small batch of products for sale.

All this requires a lot of financial and time costs. But it should be borne in mind that the export of Russian goods to China is growing every year. The prospects for the direction are very high, and therefore, to expand your business, you should consider this option.

Checklist for starting a business in China

Business with China is a topical area for any entrepreneur. In almost every area, you can optimize costs if you make purchases in China. In addition, the resale of Chinese goods - great idea for a home business, which, if properly organized and promoted, will make it possible to receive earnings several times higher than the average salary level. Small businesses will benefit from purchasing Chinese equipment, while larger companies can consider a promising option for supplying their products to China.

No matter how business with China may seem like a cozy golden coast, to which it is only worth to dock, this is not entirely true.
In order for a business from the Middle Kingdom to be profitable, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    constantly research the market in search of new business ideas with China;

    adhere to the choice of a specific product group, without trying to cover the entire market;

    check suppliers carefully;

    conclude written contracts for the supply of products;

    negotiate in advance the conditions for the return of goods in the event that a defective batch is received.

The most important thing is that the business you are doing has a demand from consumers and is interesting to you as an entrepreneur. Then you are guaranteed success.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The secrets of creating profitable online stores are shared by entrepreneur Dmitry Soloviev, who began his path to success with 500 rubles in his pocket, and is now launching his third business project.

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Maintaining your channel on Youtube can hardly be called a full-fledged business, but to some extent this refers to entrepreneurial activity... Moreover, today there are real examples of t ...

Probably, each of us through social networks has ever received a tempting offer to buy goods from China at a low price, which is an order of magnitude lower than in the city's stores. And, probably, each of us wondered at what price the seller bought the product, if its price is so attractive? In fact, most of the goods produced in China are so cheap that the manufacturer, the reseller in China, and the end seller benefit from the sale. In addition, everyone knows that business ideas that are related to China are very profitable, because here they produce fakes of almost any world brands and this applies primarily to clothing.

  • How to start a business selling goods from China?
  • Where can I find a supplier?
  • How much money does it take to open a Chinese goods store?
  • How to implement the sale of goods?
  • A step-by-step plan for starting a business selling goods from China
  • How much money is needed to start a business selling goods from China

How to arrange supplies?

Increasingly, we find popular Chinese goods on the shelves of the store. This is due to the fact that the products of this country are confidently replacing goods from other countries. Just go to the famous Taobao online store to see low prices on popular goods which can be ordered from China. Well, if you buy in bulk, the price will be even more tempting. This difference in price will allow for the implementation of business ideas focused on the resale of Chinese clothing. Every year there is a downward trend in the popularity of clothing markets, boutiques and stores thanks to online stores.

How to start a business selling goods from China?

Where can I find a supplier?

To begin with, let's look at the question - how to find a supplier in China and how to conclude a profitable cooperation. Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way is to use the Taobao website. This is a very popular site where you can find yourself a supplier. You can use the Google Chrome browser, where the function of translating the entire page at once is conveniently implemented - this will definitely be required.

There are many intermediaries who arrange delivery to the country. There will be no problems with finding an intermediary - the site has various banners where intermediaries offer their services, which, as a rule, cost 10% - 20% of the cost of the goods. The cargo, the value of which is less than 1000 euros, does not need to pay customs duty.

Business organization.

As a rule, parcels reach the addressee in 1-2 months. However, during the period of high volumes of orders, the terms may be shifted, since it will take longer to bring the goods from China during the holidays. Also, the delivery time is influenced by such factors as weather, transport situation, customs clearance, etc.

To begin with, using the Taobao website, you need to find an intermediary. After accepting his terms and concluding a contract with him, you need to create your own website or a group on a social network. It is not necessary to make a preliminary purchase of clothes, since the client will be able to place an order right on your website.

Clothes from China.

The buyer places an order on your website, where you have set a favorable price for you. The site or group created by you must have a certain popularity, because in a short period of time you will need to collect several orders from customers and send them to an intermediary. The intermediary must receive an advance payment from you, then you give him links to the goods that your customers have chosen and pay for the delivery in China itself.

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