We choose building materials. We choose safe building materials. Difficulties of business selling building materials

When it comes to renovation, every person starts buying building materials. And it is from the choice building materials further comfort and coziness in the house will depend. And if these materials are needed for construction, then you should be even more careful about your choice. After all, as you know, the durability of a building, its reliability, and safety can depend on the quality of the material.

How to choose good building materials?

The modern construction market offers a wide range of materials designed to suit different budgets. However, even if you have a small budget, you should not buy the lowest quality material. You can choose from all the options the most optimal one that meets both the quality requirements and the acceptable pricing policy.

So, how to choose building materials and what should you pay attention to? The main tips in this area can be considered:

  • Price quality. Do not forget that the cheapest materials cannot create reliability. Conversely, the material with the highest price may not always be of high, decent quality.
  • Check the storage conditions of building materials. That is, if you see that the packaging has not retained its originality, then you need to be careful about the material inside.
  • The presence of guarantees from the seller allows us to talk about the material as reliable and safe.
  • Consider all the requirements for the material before you buy it (frost resistance, safety, moisture resistance, etc.).

Taking into account all your preferences and wishes, you can choose for yourself best option building materials that will not only last you as long as possible, but will also save you some money.

Where can you quickly find the best building materials?

If you don’t have time to search for building materials on the market or in stores, the services of GlavОrgStroy will help you make this difficult choice. Here are the best and most popular offers in the field of building materials that can meet absolutely all search criteria and customer requirements.

On the GlavОrgStroy portal you can:

  • Place your ad with the requirements of what you are looking for, receive offers from sellers, make your choice.
  • Negotiate with potential sellers and clients.
  • Offer your products or services completely free of charge.
  • Receive the latest and most relevant news in the construction industry.

In order to take full advantage of the services of GlavОrgStroy, you need:

1.? Register on the website.

2.? Fill out a profile application, indicating the points of what you are looking for or offering.

3.? Place an ad requesting the ability to complete assigned tasks.

4.? Make your choice from all the proposed options, concluding a deal with a reliable and responsible partner.

As you can see, in a fairly short period of time you will be able to make a selection of high-quality building materials, working with reliable and trusted partners.

A lot depends on the quality of the finishing material, for example, how long the coating will last and how hygienic it will be. Wherein performance characteristics materials must fully comply functional purpose the room in which it will be used. For example, in living rooms It is advisable to apply to the surface of the ceiling and walls only paper wallpaper . Film or film are not suitable for this purpose. rolled materials, because they do not absorb moisture and do not allow air to pass through. In turn, this can cause a violation of the humidity regime in the room. Also, similar ones should not be used when arranging kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

To decorate the walls in the hallway, it is best to use moisture-resistant film. Baseless can be an excellent option self-adhesive films, fabric films, linkrust or vinyl. To decorate the walls of the bathroom, as well as other rooms with high humidity conditions, you should use only appropriate moisture-resistant materials, for example, oilcloth, baseless film or fabric-based film. Films consisting of paper based. As for the toilet and kitchen areas, it is recommended to cover them with film or roll materials, with the exception of linkrust.

In the selection process, patterns, texture and color of products play an important role. They can influence the perception of the room, as well as create the necessary comfort in the home.

Based on the purpose of the room, it is necessary to select the color of the materials. Brown wallpaper is more suitable for work rooms. For bedrooms it is best to use blue tones.

The design of film materials and wallpaper also plays an important role. For visual expansion The room should be used when decorating the room with wallpaper that has a small pattern. The height of the room can be increased by using vertically arranged patterns.

When decorating large rooms, you can sometimes use an arrangement of wallpaper that differs in texture and color. This approach will require preliminary marking of all surfaces in the room, as well as cutting out shaped pieces from the wallpaper according to templates.
Wallpaper for residential premises should be selected based on the type of furniture available. If the room is located light furniture, then you should choose lighter or, conversely, darker wallpaper so that it forms the background.

It is worth noting that rolled materials having a textured or film surface, visually reduce inner space. In addition, the color of different wallpapers may look different in a room that has both artificial and daylight. It is worth taking this into account when arranging your interior design.

1. Find out what materials you need

In order to buy exactly what you need and not overpay, you need to decide what kind of work you will carry out. For this purpose it is compiled.

A design project also saves you from the agony of choice. The architect or designer explains in detail what materials, colors and textures are needed - all that remains is to buy them.

When choosing finishing materials You need to pay attention to the renovation of which specific room they will be used. For example: for the kitchen it is better to take moisture-resistant ones, and for the bedroom - environmentally friendly paper or non-woven ones.

2. Decide where and from whom you will buy materials

If you want to save money, it is best to go to construction hypermarkets: they sell most of the goods at the best prices. But various little things, like brushes or fasteners, can be bought on the market - large chains sometimes inflate prices for such products.

As for manufacturers, it is always better to give preference to well-known and trusted brands. So the risk of running into low-quality products is lower.

3. Study the packaging carefully

Often it’s already clear from the packaging. The packaging of a quality product must contain information about the manufacturer and numbers of quality certificates of conformity. If something is suspicious, for example, a blurry picture, mistakes or typos in words, it is better not to buy such a product.

The packaging will also help determine the condition of the material. Look at the expiration date, pay attention to what the packaging itself looks like, whether it is worn out: some materials may deteriorate due to improper storage.

4. Save wisely

4. Order materials in advance

Materials from abroad or items that are carried out by individual order, it is better to buy in advance - their delivery may take a month or more.

In addition to beautiful images, sketches and planning solutions, there is another important stage in creating an interior - the selection of materials and furniture. Let's figure out how this happens at different stages of work on a design project.

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On the picture:

Different studios and different designers have different approaches in this regard. Some first make visualizations, then select materials based on the image. Others pawn existing materials and furniture to visualizations. Some even show samples to the client at the technical specification stage. Some people go shopping with a client, others send the client alone. Selection options in different studios may be different and often this is a symbiosis of those listed above. There is no one the right way, any options have a place to be.

Work on the selection of materials and furniture occurs at all stages of the project. It begins during the technical task. In this article I will tell you how this happens in our studio and explain why we do it this way. Let's look at each stage.

Technical task

During the survey, the designer and kitter (the person who selects goods and communicates with suppliers) show the client various options live from a pre-assembled suitcase with materials or on the manufacturers’ website. We tell the client information about specific materials and in what cases they are best used, and about the price segment. If the material that the client wants to see live is not in the studio samples, we send him to the store where this material can be viewed.

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On the picture:

Example: On initial stage we often decide on the floor material - what it will be: parquet, engineered board, solid board and so on. We show the material on the manufacturer’s website, how it looks in photographs in our already completed interiors, or live, if we have a sample in our studio. We can send the client to the supplier floor coverings, fortunately, it doesn’t take long to go, it’s in ARTPLAY, where our studio is located.

Due to the fact that we begin to work on selection at an early stage, we save time for the client and ourselves. Of course, here we are not stating anything in an ironclad manner, we are simply making notes in which direction to work.

Planning solution

The designer, knowing the dimensions of existing objects, places them on the plan. This determines where and at what distance the walls will stand.

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Example: We need to make a separate dressing room. To choose at what distance the walls should be located, we need to know the size of the cabinet module of the system used. So in many other cases we need real dimensions.

If we do not take this into account when designing the layout, then after selecting items or materials, the layout may change significantly.


At this stage we understand the geometry of the premises. To set the geometry, we need real objects, materials and their sizes. Therefore, the designer has them in his head. He collects all this information from various exhibitions, presentations, independent shopping trips and the Internet.

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3D visualization

Next comes the most interesting part - 3D visualization. These are the beautiful images that clients call interior design. We show visualizations together with a table for selecting materials and furniture so that the customer understands how objects and materials look in the context of our interior.

The table is assembled jointly by the designer and the assembler and is a list with a link to the manufacturer’s website or product article.

It includes:

  • materials finishing(tile, parquet board, decorative plaster, baseboards, paint color, etc.);
  • doors and windows;
  • furniture and custom-made furniture;
  • lamps;
  • plumbing and heating engineering;
  • sockets and switches;
  • technique;
  • curtains, specific decor.

At this stage, the table does not include quantities, because Not yet working documentation and the required volumes have not been calculated. It also does not contain prices for goods, because... Before purchasing specific materials and furniture, prices may change, but you can always follow the link provided in the selection and see the real price.

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On the picture:

The question may arise when a client has a limited budget. Yes, we take it into account. What budget exactly? we're talking about, we talk at the stage of technical specifications, and we make a project based on it, based on the experience of previous implementations.

At this stage, we do not go shopping with clients, because... this leads to a significant extension of deadlines. Think about how much time it takes to go through the 150 positions specified in the selection. If a client needs to see something, he can find a conveniently located store in the selection and go to it himself.

In the table we always indicate the supplier who can sell this or that product. The client does not have to then buy from this particular supplier; using the article number or name of the product, he can conduct his own research (or instruct us to conduct such research at the implementation stage) and buy where he wants.

At the selection stage, we begin to approve materials and furniture. The approved table will then be needed for working documentation.

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How does approval happen? We send an Excel file to the client and call each other, present the stage, the client gives his comments immediately or a little later, delving into each position in detail. Then we replace the positions we don’t like and agree.

Working documentation

Having moved to the stage of working documentation, the draftsman, focusing on this table, makes the documentation.

Example: If you start making drawings without having a chosen sofa, then it may cover the sockets on the sides of it and the sockets will be inconvenient to use. And this is far from the only thing for which all approved positions are needed.

In the design project format, the work on materials and furniture ends. Next, we offer separate services for the client to save his time.

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Estimate calculation

We can calculate the full estimate for the project, if necessary. This estimate will include the estimated cost repair work, rough finishing materials, finishing materials and furniture (what is indicated in the selection).

Why are prices indicative? Prices are valid only for the immediate moment after the estimate has been calculated. At the time of purchasing goods or starting repairs, prices may change, for which we cannot be held responsible. But still, having laid down 10-20% of the reserve (for example, for more soft sofa), you can stay within your budget.


The second service is for those who do not have the time and desire to purchase finishing materials and furniture themselves (the rough parts are usually handled by builders). Think about how much time it takes for the same 150 positions.

Here we continue work on the project special person- completer. He communicates with suppliers, knows the market very well and what and where to order.

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On the picture:

At this stage we:

  • We conduct marketing research (where is the best place to buy, the criteria may be different: quality, delivery time or price);
  • We bring the selected product options to the client (or show them in the supplier’s store) and advise on what is best to choose;
  • preparing Commercial offer;
  • we check the invoice (that we are buying exactly what we need);
  • we agree on delivery to the site (so that it is not delivered later or earlier);
  • we check the goods upon delivery to the site;
  • If it's defective, we agree on a replacement.

This service will not save the client money; it will cost about the same or slightly higher. Although we can negotiate a price more profitable than the client himself (due to designer discounts), we take a percentage of the cost of each item we work with. But this service will save the client a lot of free time.

When the renovation is completed, satisfied clients move into their new home and live happy life, inviting us over for tea.

Apartment interior from a project by Design by Tolsh studio Apartment interior from the project of the LVA-INTERIER studio Apartment interior from the project of the Artscor design studio Artscor

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- This difficult process, consisting of several stages. It is necessary to draw up a plan, estimate, and purchase construction and finishing materials. Moreover, the last component has a direct impact on the timing of repair work. In today's review by the editors of the online magazine site, we will look at how to organize the purchase of construction materials and so that workers do not stand idle.

Read in the article

Where to start first

Any renovation begins with clear planning: development, selection and calculation of the necessary building and finishing materials, drawing up estimates and hiring specialists. Today we will take a closer look at the second point of this list.

In this matter, you cannot do without the help of professionals, since you need to choose not only the necessary, aesthetic, but also truly high-quality construction and finishing materials. These should be taken into account quality characteristics, physical properties and cost. You also need to decide: what materials you need, their quantity and safety, manufacturer and place of purchase.

When repairing, you can’t do without an estimate.

What materials are needed for repairs

It can be cosmetic or major and consists of several stages: roughing and finishing. For each of them, as well as for different types surfaces, using our own materials. Let's consider these nuances.

Materials for rough finishing

Rough finishing is used mainly during primary finishing works And major renovation. Quality and durability largely depend on it finishing coating. For rough finishing the following are used:

  • dry building mixtures for leveling both ceilings and walls;
  • for alignment and creation smooth surfaces for finishing;
  • reinforcing mesh to eliminate cracks;
  • (of necessity);
  • special metal or wood for creating a frame for plasterboard covering or lining;
  • for sanitary facilities;
  • - And ;
  • finish ;
  • for painting;
  • solvent for varnishes and paints;
  • paint brushes and rollers, spatulas of different sizes.

For your information! Break the entire repair into several stages and describe each of them in detail. This will ensure you don't miss anything.


The final finishing can be made of natural (marble, granite, limestone, wood) and artificial materials. The latter are not inferior in some characteristics, and sometimes even superior to their natural counterparts. TO artificial materials include: facing brick, mineral wool, etc.

For finishing finishing work you need:

  • decorative (natural and artificial) stone;
  • linoleum, and;
  • finishing putty;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • adhesives;
  • lining;
  • friezes, and .

Where to buy construction and finishing materials

So, we have decided what construction and finishing materials we need, now we need to decide where to purchase them. Manufacturers are constantly expanding and offering new ranges of their products, and sometimes it can be difficult to right choice. When purchasing building materials in specialized markets and supermarkets, you need to focus on quality, price, manufacturer and supplier.

The high cost of the material is not always justified, but it is difficult to expect quality from a product sold at a low price. When choosing building materials, give preference to products famous brands or companies that have already established themselves in the market. You can find information about the products of little-known companies real reviews on the Internet, and now let’s look at places to buy finishing materials.

Construction markets

When deciding to purchase building materials on the market, you need to be careful. Construction market- this is not the place where you should purchase expensive finishing materials in large quantities. It is great for buying small items, and in this case you can even save money if you need a large number of them.

Why is it not recommended to make a purchase on the market? Firstly, sellers work on a percentage basis and therefore they will try to sell you illiquid assets, for the sale of which they will receive a bonus. We're not saying that all implementers are like this, but most of them are. Secondly, there are no markets normal conditions storage of construction and finishing materials and high humidity, temperature differences significantly deteriorate their quality.

Another disadvantage of buying building materials on the market is the abundance of counterfeits of products from well-known brands. This applies to both expensive materials and the most popular products in the mid-price segment. There are several ways to identify a fake, for example, dry plaster mixture. At the factory, when packing, bags are marked with a temporary mark. If the bags have different times stamped on them, then it is an original, but if the same marks are stamped on the container, then this is a fake.

It’s good to shop for little things at the construction market

Construction markets

This option is considered optimal and profitable in many respects. Firstly, the cost of materials is not very different from market price, and sometimes it is even lower. Secondly, in the construction market you can not only buy everything you need, but also order free shipping goods, and even with the rise to the apartment. In addition, in construction supermarkets the range of materials is much larger than in the markets, and they often hold various promotions and discount days, which will allow you to save significantly. In addition, construction markets provide discounts to wholesalers and regular customers and often have sales.

What to look for when purchasing building and finishing materials

We already know what materials we need and where we will purchase them, but this is not enough. Let's consider what else needs to be taken into account when purchasing general construction and finishing materials. Under no circumstances should these points be ignored.


Packaging, in fact, is the face of the product, and from it you can tell a lot about the contents and sometimes even determine whether it is a fake or an original. The container of high-quality material must indicate information about the manufacturer, production date, expiration date, instructions for use, composition and quality certificate numbers. If you see typos, spelling errors or a blurry image, then it is better to refuse the purchase, since this is most likely a fake.

The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised. Because if the container is damaged, exposure to humidity, light, air or temperature changes can affect the quality characteristics. In addition, this may indicate that the seller stored construction and finishing materials with violations. Why would you pay for a low-quality product?

You can judge the quality of the material and its originality by the packaging

Savings must be reasonable

One of the main tasks. So, for example, you can replace a wooden floor board with a high-quality one, which, however, is not recommended for use in rooms with high temperatures. It’s better to lay it on the floor - it will cost more, but will last much longer. And you shouldn’t chase materials with too much low prices, since most likely they will turn out to be either fake or of poor quality, and you will soon have to make repairs again. There is also no need to make a cult out of expensive construction and finishing materials, since their high cost comes from brand awareness and advertising costs. In addition, popular brands are most often counterfeited. If you can’t afford expensive materials, then give preference to products in the mid-price segment.


No one will deliberately harm their health, much less save on it. Therefore, try to choose and buy only ecologically clean materials, especially if they will be used for decoration, and. When planning to purchase this or that finishing material, be sure to study its characteristics, safety certificates and integrity protective coating(laminate, drywall, etc.). In addition, it is recommended to study the list in advance and try to choose products with a high safety class.

When purchasing construction and finishing materials, ask the seller for a safety certificate

Purchase of construction and finishing materials

Having decided what materials we need, where to buy them and what to pay attention to, we need to familiarize ourselves with a few more recommendations. This will help to avoid unnecessary expenses, save nerves and time, and not slow down repair work.

Calculation of the required amount of materials

Before you go shopping, you need to carefully calculate required amount construction and finishing materials. This way you will avoid unnecessary financial costs. You can consult with a specialist who will carry out your repairs, or use a special one, although the calculations will be approximate. In any case, as practice shows and experts recommend, it is best to purchase materials with a small reserve (about 10% of the total volume).

Who will purchase building materials?

Before finalizing a contract with builders, it is necessary to decide who will buy materials for rough and finishing. Usually the contractor deals with the first, and the customer deals with the second. You can completely entrust the purchase of materials to builders, but there are several nuances here. Firstly, due to the specifics of the work construction companies and the teams know the suppliers with the best prices, know the range and can ensure the delivery of materials to the site. Secondly, some contractors receive a certain percentage from suppliers, and therefore you can purchase even quality materials, but at an inflated price.

You can take on the purchase of materials yourself, but you will lose a lot of time visiting various stores and construction markets, as well as studying all kinds of offers, looking for sales and discounts.

Create a delivery schedule so as not to disrupt the repair schedule

It would be irrational to immediately bring all the materials for roughing and finishing to the apartment being renovated, since they will interfere with the workers. It is best to give them rides as needed. In order to properly organize the supply of materials to the site, find out from the senior builder the sequence of work and the approximate time for their completion. If everything is done correctly, the repair deadlines will not be missed due to your fault.
