Kitchen equipment in Khrushchev. Photos and tips for the interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev. Light walls and furniture

Apartments of the Khrushchev era are characterized by small dimensions. This is especially true of a kitchen, the area of ​​which, as a rule, is 5-6 sq. M. But, no matter how small-sized it is, the interior of such a kitchen would be functional, attractive and comfortable. You can find information in this article about how a small kitchen is designed in Khrushchev's design photo ideas.

The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev is such that it can accommodate only the essentials, since its main purpose, unlike modern kitchens, is cooking. The area of ​​the kitchen in Khrushchev rarely exceeds 6 square meters. The room is usually square in shape, which greatly facilitates the task of furnishing it with furniture and appliances. But, since there is practically no corridor, and the window is located opposite the entrance, in such kitchens only two walls remain free. In addition, the layout in houses of old buildings often includes gas water heaters, which interfere with the integration of a headset and spoil the interior.

To combine the design and functionality of the room, as well as to make the most of the usable space, it is necessary to take into account some of the design features of a small kitchen:

  • the gas water heater can be hidden in a hanging cabinet or under a decorative panel;
  • it is recommended to adhere to light colors of surface design;
  • it is better to hang a light curtain, blinds or roller blinds on the window; it should be decorated in a minimal way;
  • if a door is needed in the kitchen, it is better to install a sliding door;
  • if possible, redevelopment will be the best design option for a comfortable kitchen in Khrushchev - combining it with a living room, a loggia, or combining a bathroom with a bath, due to which another wall will be freed, a corridor will appear. The last option must be carefully thought out, coordinated with the necessary authorities, but this is not always possible.

You should abandon unnecessary accessories in the kitchen, which will load the space, clutter is the main enemy of the interior of a small kitchen in an apartment. It is better to store dishes in cupboards, cabinets, and not on open shelves and countertops.

Color solutions

In the decoration and furniture of a small kitchen, it is best to use light and pastel colors - white, beige, cream, light gray, and with design ideas you can see in the photo. A dark floor will visually reduce the room in the apartment and narrow the walls. Designed in soft colors will add light and freedom. If possible, the color of furniture and walls should match - the space visually expands, visually erasing the boundaries. Accordingly, it is not recommended to add dark and contrasting colors to the interior. It is advisable to use bright colors as an accent, decoration element. Thus, it is possible to distinguish furniture facades against the background of a light countertop, as shown in the photo. But you should not use more than two contrasting shades when finishing, creating a design.

When designing corner compositions, for example, a headset, the corner can be highlighted in a lighter color than straight areas, then it will visually expand.

The design of the kitchen located on the north side is best done in warm colors of finishes and furniture. It is better not to use complex geometric patterns and large patterns when decorating the interior. You can decorate the decor with a small pattern, but as an accent to the dining or work area.


The floor covering in the kitchen must be shock and moisture resistant. What material to use in this case is a matter of preference, the main thing is that the overall design is harmonious. It is recommended to use the floor covering of the same color and structure, if not throughout the apartment, then at least in the hallway and kitchen. Such a solution will smooth out the boundaries of space, and ideas for such a design are collected in a selection of photos.

Ceramic tiles, especially light in color or with a pattern of diagonal stripes, will visually make the space wider due to such a pattern and light reflection. You should not lay the floor with tiles with a large pattern: firstly, it will visually reduce the space, and secondly, when cutting the tiles, an unaesthetic pattern will turn out on a small floor area. But a small pattern on the floor will accentuate the interior, provided that most of the other surfaces are monochromatic.

Today there is a worthy replacement for ceramic tiles - PVC tiles. It has the same advantages as an ordinary one, but it has an absolutely non-slippery surface and a wide range of ornaments and shades.

If the layout is such that the kitchen in the Khrushchev is combined with the living room, zoning would be an ideal option - the floor in the kitchen work area and the living room should differ in type, ornament or color of the flooring. As an idea, it is recommended that the floor in the kitchen area be tiled, and in the living room with laminate or linoleum.

Wall decoration

Wall decoration in the kitchen in an apartment of Khrushchev's times should be made with reflective and glossy materials - glass wallpaper, a mirror over the dining table, decorative glass elements. In accordance with the general color recommendations, it is better to decorate the walls in the kitchen with light colors. For covering, it is worth using not ordinary paper wallpapers, but on a non-woven basis, vinyl, bamboo, that is, those that are not susceptible to moisture and with a dense base. Plastering also has high strength and durability.

Since it is not recommended to use wall covering with a large and bright pattern in a small-sized kitchen, use the ideas of creating an accent on one wall - in the dining area, where the table is located, thereby dividing the space. To balance the interior, you can make a kitchen apron in the same style as shown in the photo.

Wallpaper with a vertical stripe will visually stretch the space upward, making the design more attractive. It is not recommended to load the walls in the Khrushchev kitchen with various decorative elements. The maximum that will emphasize such an interior is a mirror or glass shelves.


The ceiling in a small kitchen can be decorated in two ways:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • lined and painted.

All other types - suspended from plasterboard, plastic and others, will only reduce the height of the ceiling. The color of the ceiling should also be light shades, and the stretch should be matte, since the glossy surface will reflect daylight and make the room darker. It is also not recommended to make a multi-level ceiling structure, because in a Khrushchev-type kitchen, the main thing is freedom of space, and such a ceiling will conceal it.

If a decision is made to install a suspended, stretch or slatted ceiling, you must remember about safety measures, since the heat from the stove, especially gas, can be fire hazardous for a small kitchen.

The best option is a regular, leveled and painted ceiling. Without the use of extraneous artificial materials, such a ceiling covering allows the room to "breathe", and, moreover, does not deprive the height of the room of cherished centimeters. In any case, it must be borne in mind that the ceiling in the kitchen should be moisture resistant, resistant to hot air, and easy to clean.


The kitchen in Khrushchev must be well lit. It is not recommended to install a large chandelier in the center of the ceiling, as it will make the space heavier, reduce the height of the room and focus on the center of the room, whereas in a small kitchen you need diffused and soft light that illuminates all corners of the room. For this, the spotlight of halogen lamps, evenly spaced on the ceiling, is ideal, and the dining area can be highlighted with a pendant lamp located directly above the table or bar. Ideas for this design are collected in a selection of photos. In addition, a headset with illuminated cabinets will look beneficial. Light reflected on glass doors and mirrors visually expands the space.

When creating the right lighting in the kitchen, do not forget about natural lighting - you do not need to hang thick and dark curtains on the window, as well as force the windowsill with plants. It is necessary to ensure good penetration of daylight, especially if the kitchen window faces north.

The kitchen work area should also be well lit. If a corner set is built in, it needs a variety of lighting. A small kitchen should not have dark corners that visually make its space even smaller.

Work area, kitchen apron

The layout of the working area in the kitchen includes:

  • storage space for food (cabinets, refrigerator);
  • place for washing (sink);
  • food preparation area;
  • cooking area (cooking equipment).

These zones should be as close to each other as possible, both to save space and for convenience during cooking. The main working area, including the distance from the sink to the stove, should be between 400 and 900 mm. It is not recommended to install the refrigerator and the stove next to each other closer than 300 mm.

The work area should be illuminated with small spotlights. To arrange it as a whole, you need to use a solid worktop. In order to make the most of the useful space of the kitchen as a working area, you can install an additional countertop under the windowsill, thereby expanding it as shown in the photo. This will create a place for a dining or desktop, saving space against the wall.

A kitchen apron is best made of a glossy material so that it reflects light from lamps and daytime sun. This will make the kitchen appear larger. The design and color scheme of the apron must match either the main shade of the surface finish, or be combined with the color of the headset. The photo shows ideas for how a kitchen set and an apron are made in an organic style.

Selection of furniture and appliances

Before furnishing the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev, you should pay attention to some of the nuances about the correct choice of furniture and household appliances:

  • the set should have facades of light shades, and its design should be combined with the rest of the tone of the kitchen finish. It is better if they are glossy, and cabinet doors with glass;
  • the kitchen set needs to be arranged along the walls, it is better if it does not have sharp corners;
  • it is recommended to choose an oval dining table, not a rectangular one, then it will take up less space in the kitchen. The glass table will create the impression of weightlessness in space;
  • the table and chairs should not be bulky, with thick legs;
  • built-in appliances, hidden behind the same furniture facades, will create the impression of the unity of the interior, compact placement. The fragmentation of household appliances will not be visible;
  • it is also better not to put the microwave oven on the shelf, but to hide it behind the cabinet door;
  • open shelves and shelves will clutter up and load the interior with little things. A win-win situation in the kitchen will be if you place the headset in a linear or angular way;
  • in floor-standing cabinets, it is recommended to use not hinged, but sliding mechanisms. The use of transformer furniture will save space in the kitchen, which is clearly visible in the photo.

To visually stretch a small kitchen up, you can use a set with tall cabinets and pencil cases in the setting. It must be remembered that, whatever the layout, a few well-chosen large pieces of furniture in the kitchen will create a more successful interior than many small and scattered ones.

To this day, there are “happy” owners of small-sized Soviet apartments, the so-called “Khrushchevs”.

These buildings are famous for their extremely small area, inconvenient location of drainage systems, pipes and ventilation system.

Is it realistic to make the kitchen in Khrushchev comfortable, cozy and, more importantly, multifunctional? Quite certified designers have been successfully working on this solution for more than one year.


The custom-made (in size) kitchen takes into account every centimeter, allowing you to significantly increase the space.

Most often, you have to break or move partitions between rooms, the so-called "cardboard walls".

Important! Bearing walls must never be broken! And for the redevelopment itself, you need to get permission from the appropriate authorities.

To make the space really increase, it is enough to remove the wall (not load-bearing) between the kitchen and the living room, while getting one large room, divided into:

  • working area (direct cooking).
  • dining area (table and chairs).

A bar counter is used to delimit these zones.

The option of combining a balcony (loggia) is relevant, which, of course, is pre-insulated and finished, with a kitchen room.

So a small kitchen in Khrushchev will look quite cozy and comfortable (photo examples).

Design ideas

Competently planning the design, you can save the squaring of the kitchen and arrange everything you need.

In the event that you undertake the repair and furnishings of the Khrushchev premises, you must take into account a few simple tips:

  • Use materials that are highly resistant to moisture (modern man-made materials are more practical and are a great alternative to natural ones).
  • A sufficiently durable floor that can withstand a heavy load (it is more appropriate to give preference not to beauty, but to practicality).

When drawing up a design, arrange furniture in the Khrushchev's kitchen so that it does not interfere with movement, and is capable of transforming.

For this, built-in appliances are appropriate, only the most necessary and functional. The window sill (with a small extension) can serve as a small kitchen table.

Designers also came up with many ideas for renovating a room with a bulky gas water heater, which significantly compress the usable space of the already cramped kitchens in Khrushchev.

This necessary device, which supplies the home with the necessary hot water supply, also significantly degrades the interior. It needs to be beaten so that it grows from a disadvantage into a dignity of a small-sized Khrushchev kitchen:

  • The gas water heater will not attract attention if it is hidden behind furniture facades.
  • Build a built-in hanging element (the column is located in the cabinet).

When placing any of the options, make sure that the access to the gas column must be open!

Another problem: where to place the refrigerator in the Khrushchev kitchen to take up a minimum of space?

The rear radiator grill needs constant cooling, so it is strongly not recommended to place the refrigerator next to the hob, away from heating appliances.

Several installation options:

  • We put the refrigerator by the window.
  • Take the refrigerator out into the niche after dismantling the wall into the bathroom. The only BUT is that you have to sacrifice the bathroom and replace it with a shower cabin and repairs will become more financially expensive.

Choice of color and lighting

Walls painted or pasted over in light pastel colors will visually increase the size of the room. Glass or mirror surfaces, chrome and shiny accessories will visually make the area larger.

In small-sized kitchens, it is better to individually illuminate each zone with built-in lamps, which will advantageously "raise" the ceilings of the Khrushchev visually, multi-level lighting looks organically.

But it is fundamentally important to find a middle ground, you should not make the light too bright. It is uneconomical to use and too tiring for the eyes.

These are the simple measures you can take to maximize the area and make it as comfortable and cozy as possible.

How profitable and beautiful a kitchen in Khrushchev can look, is confirmed by the photos provided for example!

Photo of kitchen design in Khrushchev

The kitchen in any apartment is one of the key, perhaps the most important room, where cooking and eating takes place. If you live in Khrushchev, then when renovating a kitchen, you need to decide how you can transform such a small space.

After all, kitchens in Khrushchev often range from 5 to 7 square meters. m. Therefore, it is required to use the space as efficiently as possible, so that every centimeter of the area is occupied really productively, making the room more comfortable and functional. Let's now figure out what is worth paying attention to.

How to properly equip kitchen spaces

The refrigerator is usually placed at the side of the room or at the intersection of walls. So you can make the most efficient use of space and, at the same time, open the refrigerator doors without any problems. It is advisable to select narrow and tall models that will not take up a large area.

The washing machine, if you decide to install it in the kitchen, must be mounted inside the fittings, that is, be an organic part of it. The color must be selected according to the shade of the furniture in the room in order to maintain harmony in the interior. Take care of safety precautions so that using the washing machine does not lead to a flood, short circuits and other troubles.

It is also advisable to mount a gas burner or the surface of the stove in the fittings. This should only be done by professionals who can carry out this procedure as safely as possible. After all, jokes are bad with this technique! Electric burners are usually used, which are safer than gas burners, but you always need to be careful with fire.

The window sill in the kitchen can also become a useful functional part of the interior., because with such a limited space, it is required to correctly use all the possibilities. So, under the windowsill, you can install a compact cabinet or lengthen it, making it look like a compact corner bar counter. Windowsill fittings have recently become especially popular.

The bar counter can be a great alternative to the table, especially if not many people live in the apartment. So, this version of furniture is compact and very stylish, it will become not only functional, but also a stylish part for.

Which layout to choose?

U-shaped layout in the kitchens of Khrushchev apartments, it is rare, because it requires oversized furniture, as well as a wider space. Therefore, this option is suitable only for those who are used to eating or cooking alone, because several people will find it inconvenient to move around the room due to the narrow space. But, with the right selection of furniture, such a layout can be a very good solution.

Corner layout perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev, because in the corners, as a rule, the maximum overall objects are located, and the rest of the space remains for moving and placing additional elements of the interiors. This layout option requires a competent selection of the dimensions of the refrigerator and kitchen furniture. Then it will be really optimal.

Parallel layout can also be considered as an option, but in a limited space it is quite difficult to arrange furniture and household appliances in this way. This is usually done under the wall, resembling a U-shaped layout, but the parallel way of arranging interior items leaves more space for people to move.

One row layout used in Khrushchev very rarely, only in cases where the rooms are narrow, but long enough. This method of planning space is quite convenient for residents. But the complexity of its implementation in conditions when every centimeter counts, does not allow its widespread use.

Color spectrum

The choice of color for the kitchen depends, rather, on your preferences, but usually no one decorates a small kitchen in colors such as black and white, because they are very easily soiled.

Often, light colors are chosen for the design of kitchens., since it is they who visually expand the space, and also look very pleasing to the eye. And it is quite easy to pick up interior items for a similar color scheme; you do not need to order furniture of a specific color.

A dark color scheme for kitchens of small squares is practically not used, because as a result of such an interior solution, the space is further reduced, which is very inappropriate.

Much more often you can see a kitchen made in warm colors. Peach, olive and other shades give the eye a pleasant sensation, improve mood, and give positive. Especially often, kitchens in a similar design are made if the room is located on the north side.

You can also combine colors, do not be afraid to experiment even with bright colors.

The main thing is that you adhere to some rules.

  • Finishing elements should be in light or neutral colors.
  • Create a single composition using all the interior elements present in the room: furniture, household appliances, curtains, cornice.
  • Furniture must be in harmony with the walls so that there is no dissonance.
  • When using bright colors, it is important to place accents correctly, which will attract the attention of the owners and guests of the Khrushchev.

Interior stylistics

If we consider the style, then it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • The classic style with its rather bulky interior elements is not suitable for Khrushchev. It is advisable to use it in kitchens where there is more space for interior items.
  • High-tech kitchens are very popular for kitchens in Khrushchev, because here all the functional elements are located as compactly as possible, built-in household appliances, appliances and even furniture are widely used. Therefore, it can be recommended for use in a confined Khrushchev space.
  • Modern is also suitable for this kitchen option due to its compactness and comfort. This style is characterized by smooth lines that look very impressive even in a confined space. And modern technology fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.
  • Provence style can be used in terms of color solutions., but its pomp is not suitable for the kitchen in Khrushchev. As a rule, Provence is used in larger rooms in order to reveal all its beauty.
  • Minimalism is ideal for Khrushchev's kitchen, because there are built-in elements, interesting solutions and special elegance here. It is he who can be called really optimal for such a room.

Choose the style of the room correctly so that it is aesthetic and functional, comfortable for the residents of the apartment.


It is extremely important in a small kitchen to correctly arrange its components:

  • Walls. They should be in light colors. A very common and convenient option for decorating and decorating walls will be the creation of a kitchen apron that will help divide the space into functional zones.
  • It is desirable to make the ceiling stretch, because this material visually increases the area, it is easy to take care of it. The finish must be light.
  • The floor can be installed from a variety of materials, but recently, wood-like colors have become very popular, which are laid out with tiles or laminate. This lower part of the room looks very impressive and interesting.
  • The doors to the kitchen may even be completely absent., often use an arched entrance. If you decide to use the door, then it is advisable to choose the option with an abundance of glass elements, which makes the area of ​​the room much brighter and more interesting in terms of design.
  • It is advisable to choose curtains a tone darker than the general space in the room.... But in no case should you hang very dark ones. Interesting options are turquoise, purple, pink. These tones look interesting, perfectly complement the space, and protect from the sun.

Furniture selection rules

The headset should be compact and, at the same time, as functional as possible, contain built-in elements.

It is also important to choose the right table. It should have rounded corners. Using a bar counter is also a great idea.

The sink must be integrated into the headset so that it does not take up unnecessary space. There is usually a bin cabinet underneath.

All cabinets in the kitchen should contain a large number of elements, be roomy in order to stack dishes and other utensils as compactly as possible.

The pencil case will fit perfectly into the interior.

The stove should also be integrated into the headset so as not to be conspicuous in the space of the room.

Lighting and ventilation

In the kitchen, the Khrushchev must definitely install the most powerful hood, which will not allow odors to spread throughout the home.

As for the lighting, it should be bright. But in view of the small area, you will not need too powerful chandeliers.

When placed correctly, your kitchen will always be light and bright.

The kitchen is considered an important room, which requires special attention to renovation. Khrushchevs are distinguished by the small area of ​​this room. Therefore, it is important to use square meters as useful as possible. Think carefullyyou can radically transform it.

The kitchen in Khrushchev is only 5-6 square meters of area with low ceilings.

When designing this room, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Choose in advance finishing materials and color palette.
  2. Develop a project for the location of furniture and household appliances. It should be convenient to use them, but they should not create obstacles for moving around the territory.
  3. Decide on the type and placement of lighting, choose a decor.

Good light, bright enough for easy cooking is one of the basic requirements.

When the territory is small, it is important to rely not only on beauty, but also on practicality. kitchen design in Khrushchev.

Redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev

Redevelopment helps to increase the area, change the purpose or configuration of the room. Most often, the kitchen is connected to the living room. This can be done in different ways.

  1. If the dividing wall is not load-bearing, it is simply demolished.
  2. Make an arch to create a passage between the rooms.

The lighter the kitchen in Khrushchev, the more spacious it seems.

If the rooms were connected, then it is necessary to form several zones, including a work and a dining area. For zoning, it is worth using a screen, installing a bar counter or separating all finishing materials.

The kitchen can be connected to the balcony. It is preliminarily recommended to think about the withdrawal of the heating system and insulate the windows. Be sure to carefully consider all the details before implementation.

All surfaces must be workable. The more efficiently they are used, the more space in the kitchen.

Interior style for "Khrushchev" kitchen

There are several design options for this room. They are marked in the table.

Multifunctional furniture that changes its purpose at your request is the right choice for small kitchens in Khrushchev.

Style Description
Modern Differs in brevity. Maximum practicality of elements, all lines are clear. Kitchen appliances must be built in. Discard the standard stove by replacing it with a hob. A window sill can continue the worktop. Make the lighting point. The interior is full of metal, glass and light colors.
Classic Reflects luxury, good taste of the owner of the house. The main details are the use of a headset made of natural wood with milky enamel. The use of plaster moldings, upholstered chairs with a high back.
Provence A distinctive feature is the use of pastel colors, textiles from natural fabrics, lace inserts, prints in the form of flowers and patterns. The small kitchen will be filled with a light and fresh atmosphere.
Scandinavian Differs in an abundance of light shades. You can add other tones, but a little and not too bright. Like kitchen interior in Khrushchev helps to make it visually more spacious.

Color solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev

An important stage in the renovation is the choice of the palette. It depends on how the kitchen will look in the final version. It is necessary that it does not look dark and cramped. The following shades are suitable.

  • White. He is great at reflecting light. Suitable for combination with almost any scale, creating contrast. Should not be used for floors, areas close to sinks or countertops.

Better to stay on the walls, ceiling, headset.

  • Natural wood shade. Even if the furniture is not made of natural wood, imitation of color will create comfort in the work area.

Helps to add coziness to the atmosphere.

  • Yellow. Relevant for rooms where there is very little natural light. It will help fill the kitchen with warmth and add a good mood, get rid of dullness.

Used as a luscious accent or general background.

  • Green. Perfect for a small space. You can use it as a base color or choose details from a similar palette.

It goes well with gray, pink and orange.

  • Red. Differs in saturation, thanks to which it is able to attract everyone's attention. It is believed to help increase appetite. May take up a lot of space due to its brightness. Therefore, in a small kitchen, it is important to use it in dosage.

It is better not to make the background color red.

  • Pastel colors. When combined with white, you can achieve tenderness and lightness. Suitable for a small area, allowing it to look airy. As a complement, it is recommended to choose rich tones, but not flashy, bright ones.

The pastel palette gives peace and harmony.

Finishing and materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

The final design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev depends on the selected finishing materials. Each site in the room has its own recommendations to achieve beauty and practicality.

Furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Among the main pieces of furniture required for the kitchen, it is worth noting the following.

  • Headset. Can be made of natural wood or imitate it. The product must be covered with a varnish that protects it from moisture. May have elements of metal, glass or plastic. Choose a dark matte shade if the kitchen is spacious. Glossy light tones are ideal when space is limited. To optimize the space, you should purchase built-in appliances, then order a headset.

This will help to accurately manufacture it, in accordance with the dimensions of each device.

  • Lunch segment. If the kitchen is small, then placing a full table in it will become a real problem. For a studio apartment, a bar counter is usually installed that performs several functions at once. If space is limited, it is recommended to use folding products. A folding table allows you to have a dining area and not take up much space.

If the sill is wide, it can become a tabletop for eating.

  • Storage system. Before buying a headset, it is important to think carefully about where all the necessary things will be located, such as dishes, kitchen utensils. You can save space and correctly place everything by increasing the height of the cabinets. Be sure to use the corners in the room.

Thinking over the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev can be complicated by the characteristic small size of the premises. The room set aside for cooking and eating is often so small that it can be difficult to fit even the necessary attributes into it. You can solve such problems if you organize everything correctly. It is important to set up the light correctly. He can hide the imperfections of space and show only advantages.

Add mirrored surfaces, light colors to make the kitchen visually larger and fresher.

What are the Khrushchevs?

Khrushchevs differ in the year when the building was carried out, in the number of floors. May vary in size and other parameters.

Often there are several main types of Khrushchev.

  1. Buildings with 5 or 6 floors, erected in the late 50s. The ceiling in such a dwelling has a height of 2.5 m. The dimensions of the kitchen are reduced to 7.6 sq.m.
  2. Houses built between 1960 and 1965. The buildings are made of bricks. The ceiling height is identical with the first view. The dimensions of the kitchen are somewhat smaller and are reduced to 6.2 - 6.5 sq.m.
  3. Buildings erected between 1965 and 1968. These are panel dwellings. The dimensions of the kitchen area remained unchanged. Additionally, there were problems related to thermal insulation. Presumably, the kitchen in such houses was supposed to become a place only for cooking. Other rooms were allocated for eating.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a gas water heater

If a small kitchen is equipped with a gas water heater, the best solution would be to build it into a hanging cabinet. It should match the overall design style. The locker helps to remove the unit from common eyes, which can only spoil the overall view.

This will allow you to find the correct cabinet size. It should be not only beautiful, but also safe. A certain width and many openings are required for good ventilation.

What can you do with your own hands?

In addition to custom-made furniture, you can have your hand in creating design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev ... We recommend using the following tips.

The key task will be to visually increase the area of ​​the room.

  • Choose furniture in light colors. It will be successfully combined with wall covering in the same range.
  • Installing the rack up to the ceiling helps to visually increase the height.
  • Discard small pieces of furniture. This will only litter the overall environment. It is recommended to give preference to a few large items rather than many small ones.
  • For the dining segment, choose a round or oval table. Avoid sharp corners.
  • For the window, choose blinds or roman shades.
  • Hang the cornice almost to the ceiling. Textiles should be pastel colors, which will add comfort and softness.
  • Remove large, bulky parts.

It is better to add a few small elements, placed randomly.

What kind of built-in technology is needed?

Built-in technology is essential for the correct and practical use of all available space. This allows you to connect multiple tasks, including not wasting extra meters, but maintaining functionality. Among the necessary equipment are an oven, a hob, a dishwasher, and an extractor hood.

You shouldn't choose bulky items.

The hob can only have 2 burners, this will be enough. Even if the kitchen is tiny, you cannot refuse the hood. There are compact models. When installing, it is worth considering that it will subsequently be pulled out.

An area close to the sink is ideal for a dishwasher.

Functionality in design

A small room should be as functional as possible. To do this, use the following guidelines.

In some cases, you can do without major repairs, it is enough to reconsider the approach to organizing the workspace and optimize it.

  • Remove the dining area from the kitchen. If there are no problems, you can simply move the eating place to another room. Then the kitchen will only need to prepare food. This will greatly facilitate the process of selecting and placing the required attributes. Be sure to install a refrigerator, sink and stove. The rest of the items are worth buying if you have enough space and need.
  • You can purchase a horizontal model of the refrigerator. Then its surface can be additionally used as a working one. Which increases functionality.
  • Remove unnecessary pieces of furniture from the room. Modular models can be installed. Choose cabinets with the ability to transform.
  • If the window sill is large, make it an additional work surface.

The listed tips will help you to rationally and usefully use the available square meters.

VIDEO: Kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. m.

50 design options for the kitchen in Khrushchev:

The main feature of various standard apartments is their compactness. The dimensions of the kitchen in Khrushchev are usually only 5 to 7 m². In the process of renovating this room, the main task is to wisely use every centimeter of the area. It is important to make the interior comfortable and beautiful. To do this, you need to choose the right furniture and appliances, choose a color scheme. You can find out how to make a kitchen renovation in Khrushchev and visually increase the space from this article.

Before starting repairs in the kitchen, you should get rid of the old equipment, old pipes, electrical wiring, and remove the finishing coatings. If you need to replace the window, you will need the help of a specialist to install it. You can make the slopes yourself. In order to avoid any flaking on the surfaces, the ceiling and walls must be cleaned to the very base. The remaining construction waste is removed from the kitchen area.

Kitchen interior in Khrushchev: what materials are better to use

Renovation of a kitchen of 10 square meters or less should not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also be practical and convenient in terms of cleaning up dirt. Advantages for finishing the kitchen have materials that are resistant to aggressive detergents and high temperatures. Given the ratio of quality and price, it is advisable to repair a kitchen using the following materials:

  • wall tiles are an excellent option for finishing the work area, easy to clean. It looks interesting in the form of a mosaic, which is not easy to lay out, but the result is worth it;
  • washable wallpaper is the best solution for the kitchen. They are inexpensive, look good and can be cleaned without problems;

  • plastic panels - easy to install, cheap, practical, but not environmentally friendly;
  • water-based paint - has the same advantages as wallpaper, it is often combined with other materials, for example, the ceiling is painted, and wallpaper is glued to the walls;
  • laminate is a good replacement for linoleum, which wears out quickly. It is moisture resistant, durable and has a modern look.

Considering that the ceilings in Khrushchev are quite low, the best solution would be a glossy stretch ceiling in white. Do not make it bright or colorful, the room will seem smaller. Furniture should be chosen that does not weigh down the interior, which has glass and metal surfaces.

Helpful advice! Kitchen cabinets are better suited long and tall to fit everything you need in them and visually increase the height of the ceiling. You should not clutter up a small area with bulky furniture; it is better to choose the simplest and most concise forms.

Lighting is another thing that needs to be considered, because if there is a lot of light in the kitchen, then it visually seems larger. In addition to the plafond located in the center of the ceiling, you can mount the lamps on the bottom of the wall cabinets above the work surface, which will provide additional illumination and comfort. Hanging lamps can be placed above the dining area.

Related article:

Good and bad decisions. How to properly lay out and place everything you need. Features of kitchen design in various styles.

Khrushchev kitchen furniture: photos of successful projects

Folding or folding furniture will be a good solution for inexpensive renovation of small kitchens. You can use it if necessary, and the rest of the time it does not take up space.

It is better to choose furniture of light colors, then it will seem more miniature. An interesting option is to use two shades: darker on the lower cabinets, and light on the upper ones. Glass elements will look advantageous on the upper cabinets, they will reflect and scatter the sun's rays and create a pleasant atmosphere. On the bottom of the corner kitchen headset in the Khrushchev, it will not be practical to use such a decor.

In modern kitchen renovation, there are various options to increase the area of ​​work surfaces. When there is not enough space for cutting and processing food, countertops located at different levels, or pull-out ones, come to the rescue. They can be pulled out when needed, and when assembled they do not interfere and it is very convenient and compact.

Kitchen Renovation Ideas: Simple Tricks That Save Space

A significant problem in the kitchen in Brezhnevka or Khrushchev is that it is difficult to find a place for it. If it is small, then you can put it on top of the headset's bedside table, then the space close to the ceiling will be used. Special devices - storage systems will help to fill the space in the cabinets, with their help it will easily turn out to put everything in order and put things in order.

Helpful advice! To prevent the microwave oven from occupying the work surface, you can provide space for it on a shelf without a door. A window sill is a good fit to place equipment on it.

Layout in one row when renovating a kitchen 5 sq. m is done in the rarest cases when the room is long, but not wide. This option is comfortable for residents, but is impossible, since it is very difficult to place everything you need in a small room.

The optimal arrangement of furniture is a corner kitchen in a Khrushchev building, the photos pay attention to the fact that this choice looks the best. It is important to choose the correct size equipment, the largest objects should be in the corner of the room, the rest of the furniture is located along the walls.

When completing the renovation of a kitchen of 8 square meters or another area, you need to take care of where the kitchen utensils will be located, because it is very convenient when everything is in front of your eyes and you do not have to look for the right thing in the drawers for a long time. For these purposes, there is a special device - roof rails, which can be installed in any desired place on the wall. Likewise, you can attach the knives by magnetically attaching them to the holder so that they are always within easy reach and do not rust.

Pay attention to the cabinet doors - it is better if they open horizontally without taking up space when open. Often in the photo of the repair in Khrushchev, you can see a small gas stove with two burners, which is quite enough for cooking, but there will be more free surface.

The choice of colors for repairs in the kitchen in Khrushchev

The choice of colors can be based on personal preferences, but some of them are too easily soiled and the choice of, for example, a white shade may become impractical.

For projects of small kitchens, a light interior is best suited; such a solution will visually increase the space and look pretty nice. In addition, furniture of unusual colors does not have to be made to order, because it is much easier to find headsets in soft and warm colors on sale.

Important! Dark colors in the interior visually reduce the room, so it is better not to use them in a small kitchen. Such repairs will not please, but will look depressing.

Popular shades suitable for renovating the kitchen of Khrushchev apartments

For finishing small kitchens, it is preferable to use the following colors:

  • beige - creates a warm pleasant atmosphere of comfort. This color can be combined with different tones, allowing you to create many different compositions. You can dilute the shade with bright colored details and inserts in the headset;

  • blue - makes the room spacious and fresh. It harmonizes well with white, green and gray. Large decorative elements and massive decorations should be abandoned;
  • light green - looks bright and interesting, and has a calming effect on a person. It is best combined with yellow, and is successfully complemented by images on the surfaces of fruits and flowers.

The kitchen should be very well lit, so the window opening should be maximized as much as possible. When choosing curtains, it is better to give preference to light colors. The right solution would be blinds or curtains in the Roman style, but lush tulles and curtains should definitely be abandoned.

Modern kitchen renovation: decoration and design

A kitchen is necessary in an apartment not only for cooking food in it, but also for having a pleasant time with the family. To be in such a room to be a joy, you need to choose an interior that will create a cozy atmosphere.

The most popular style in which the Khrushchev is settled is minimalism. In this design, all unnecessary details and objects are removed. The furniture has no handles, and there are practically no decorative elements. Stretch ceiling is applied, the room is decorated in pastel colors. You can decorate the room with a couple of flowerpots with indoor plants or by placing a photo collage on the wall.

Often used in a small kitchen, the Scandinavian style. It is embodied using discreet tones, slightly diluted with various patterns, modest wooden furniture, steel equipment and rustic textiles for decoration. If you want to make the interior even more stylish, add color with bright kitchen utensils. Use fancy plates with cute designs, an interesting shaped pepper shaker and salt shaker, or funny face potholders.

Kitchen renovation in Khrushchev: style decoration

The choice, for example, of the Art Nouveau style will be appropriate if you choose the right direction. Art Deco is not suitable for Khrushchev, the kitchen is very small for him, and the contemporary option would be an excellent solution. To implement it, use:

  • simple and comfortable furniture made of artificial materials (glass, plastic, etc.);
  • smooth glossy surfaces;
  • built-in, modular and folding furniture;
  • minimum of accessories.

For this contemporary style, functionality is the top priority.

If the previously described options seem not original, then you can try the direction of restrained eclecticism. To add creativity to a boring environment, you can use retro gizmos as decor. It could be a poster or kitchen utensils in the 70s verse. Lace curtains and floral chair trims look pretty romantic. An African animal figurine and a leopard-print rug create an ethnic atmosphere.

It is not too difficult to decorate the interior according to your taste, while not cluttering a small area with unnecessary things. You need to decide what you like best, but do not forget that in a compact kitchen, the design should be laconic and no frills. Extraordinary and creative ideas can be drawn from numerous photos of kitchen renovation in Khrushchev.

Experts advise to pay attention to the entrance to the kitchen. If the door does not open outward, but inward, then it is better to change its opening in the opposite direction. And in order to repair the kitchen cheaply, you can completely abandon the doors and arrange a beautiful arch.

When working on the layout, it should be remembered that the refrigerator should not be located next to the stove, because it may become unusable afterwards with constant exposure to high temperatures.

When choosing an apron over the working area, it must be borne in mind that any contamination is more noticeable on a plain surface, and on a multi-colored surface it will be less conspicuous.

It is better to purchase wallpaper on the walls without any large patterns or prints that stand out brightly against the background of the entire interior. Very small designs are also not an option for a small room, so opt for vertical designs or medium-sized images.

Helpful advice! A headset and a dining table made of special durable glass or translucent plastic are perfect for a compact kitchen. Such furniture is practically invisible in space and visually relieves it.

In order for the interior not to be too monotonous, you can make accents with the help of bright colored decor items. For example: juicy yellow potholders and napkins, clocks on the wall and kitchen utensils to match, or flower pots, framed photographs and dishes of the same shade.

Khrushchev's layout: kitchen design combined with living room

To implement a project to combine the living room and kitchen, you need to get rid of the wall. Dismantling is not difficult, since the partition does not contain concrete in its composition. When everything is prepared, it remains only to decide - how to finish the walls and floor.

Designers often decide to make floors using different materials and colors, thus delimiting areas. This is justified when repairing a kitchen of 10 square meters or more, but in a smaller room it will be more correct to lay the same material on the floor.

It's the same with the ceiling. It is better to refuse any arches, boxes and multi-tiered structures. You need to try to make the kitchen look identical with the rest room. This also applies to window curtains. Only with this option for repairing the Khrushchev (the photo clearly confirms this) the interior will look beautiful and really harmonious.

Projects of small kitchens for Khrushchev: increasing the area due to the bathroom

Such a decision will greatly surprise many, since in the Khrushchevs the bathrooms are already critically small in size, it is difficult to even imagine where the quadrature can be cut there. A pretty good solution was found: instead of a bath, install a shower cabin, and place a refrigerator in the freed space. It is clear that for this it is necessary to remove a section of the wall from the side of the kitchen.

This option is suitable if taking a bath in the family is not relevant and the reservoir is rarely used for its intended purpose. Many people claim that shower cabins are many times more comfortable for them.

As you can see from all of the above, renovating a small kitchen in a typical apartment isn't all that difficult. If you arm yourself with some knowledge and inspiring photos, you can create a truly beautiful, functional and harmonious interior.

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