Zoning the bedroom and work area. Zoning the room into a living room and a bedroom. Cabinets and shelving

In the article I will consider whether it is possible to combine a living room and a bedroom, and what are the pros and cons of this. I’ll look at what methods of dividing space and zoning ideas exist. I’ll tell you which design options are suitable for this room, and what furniture is best to choose, how to place it and where to put it. I will explain what features this or that design style has for the living room - bedroom.

Pros and cons of combining a living room and bedroom

Not many people can boast that they have a spacious home, in which there is a separate room for each family member and also a common area in which everyone can gather together. This leads to the fact that it has become fashionable to combine different rooms.

One such technique is to combine the bedroom and living room into one room.

Often, when these two zones are connected, you get one space that is much more comfortable than two separate ones.

The advantages of this combination include:

  1. Due to the fact that the combined room is more spacious than two separate ones, it is possible to create an advanced design.
  2. If children are growing up in a family, then it is better to leave them a separate room so that the consequences of “turbulent life activity” do not penetrate into the common area.
  3. You can spend time with great comfort, since everything is always at hand.
  4. A suitable solution for someone who does not like loneliness and wants to always be surrounded by loved ones.
  5. With this combination living space fully used.

However, this combination also has disadvantages:

  1. This layout is not suitable for people with different temperature conditions, because what is good for one person is not suitable for another at all.
  2. For people who love privacy, such a combination will be uncomfortable.
  3. Such planning is not suitable for people who work from home, since it will not be possible to concentrate in such a room.
  4. It will also be difficult for people who have different daily routines or work schedules.

When combining, you need to remember that the room should be comfortable.

The recreation area should not be a walk-through area. The room should have a corner for your favorite activities (hobbies).

It is better to make the walls plain. Large patterns on curtains are also not welcome. Try to avoid placing bulky furniture on combined meters. It is better to decorate the bedroom - living room in a minimalist style.

Features of living room-bedroom zoning

To get a functional bedroom - living room, you need to separate the sleeping area from the area in which they will relax or accommodate guests. But this is not enough - it is important to ensure that all zones look like a single room.

Each space can be decorated in its own way, but the style solution is common to the entire room.

There are many ways to delimit space for different square meters, but to achieve the best effect it is better to combine them.

You can zone a room in the following ways:

  • install mobile partitions or pieces of furniture (cabinets, shelving);
  • construction of new structures ( sliding doors, plasterboard podiums, arches, partitions, niches);
  • room decoration.

You can easily zone the bedroom - living room using various lighting fixtures.

Rack - partition

Streams of light directed towards different sides, visually divide the room into different zones and give it uniqueness.

Products of different shapes unobtrusively separate the bedroom from the living room.

Interior design options

The issue of room design is very important, since it is often necessary to combine several zones in an apartment that perform different functions.

Layout for a one-room apartment

To beautifully zone the space of a room in a one-room apartment, use light curtains. You can add an arch and a niche made of plasterboard to your interior project.

In a one-room apartment, a bed located behind the backs of the sofa and armchairs looks harmonious. To visually highlight the headboard area, creative decor is applied to the wall.

For a walk-through room

When decorating a bedroom or living room in a walk-through room, it is recommended to arrange a sleeping area away from doorways and fence her off.

And in the passage area there will be a place for receiving guests and media devices.

How to choose the right furniture

To make the room cozy and comfortable, you need to choose and arrange the furniture correctly. For combined interiors, special furniture is chosen - transformers.

In combined rooms it is better to use small furniture:

  • low cabinets and racks with many shelves;
  • small coffee tables on wheels;
  • small bedside tables;
  • chairs made from lightweight materials.

Such furniture is movable, and at any time you can update the interior, or free up part of the room.

To zone a room, you need to arrange the furniture correctly. If it is possible to divide the room into zones, then install sleeping area. You can separate the zones with a closet or shelving. There is a sofa in the guest area, coffee table, armchair, TV.

Color solutions in interior design

To choose the right one color scheme For such a room, you need to clearly understand what one of the zones will be. And it’s better if it’s a living room.

To at least visually expand the space, choose neutral and light colors: sand, gray-blue, white, beige, blue, light gray.

The color of the walls in the living area should become much more moderate in the sleeping area and the transition should be natural.

For the sleeping area, desaturated tones are used that match the color in the living room (if light blue is used in the living room area, then for the sleeping area the shade is chosen half a tone darker).

If the interior is made in warm colors, then you will have a pleasant time here and you won’t want to leave. But it is important to understand that if the room is dominated by bright, rich tones of warm colors, then this can affect nervous system, so you need to dilute them with white or rich tones of a cold range.

Zoning option in the living room bedroom - screen, calm colors

Features of interior styles for the living room - bedroom

Using design techniques, you can arrange the living room and bedroom in various styles.


Provence style is simple, comfortable and cozy style. His distinctive feature is a large number of decorative elements: decorations self made, wicker capes and rugs, antique furniture.


In the living room - bedroom, decorated in Art Nouveau style, all corners are smoothed out, smooth lines are present everywhere. There is no unnecessary decor in the room, but there is a lot of color and natural motifs.

Art Nouveau style - elements of regular shape

High tech

There are a huge number of chrome and glass surfaces in the room. A lot of modern technology. Some people find this design uncomfortable and feel uncomfortable.

Loft style is free space, design without boundaries.

Metal elements and mirrors from fashionable designers, fashionable appliances and uncovered pipes can be combined here. This style is characterized by a lack of decor and simplicity in everything. Each element must be functional.

Even with a small room, it is always possible to create a functional living room - a bedroom in which it will be pleasant to be. There are options for combining a living room and a kitchen. Read my article and don’t be afraid to put everything you’ve learned into practice.

Proper zoning of space will create a functional and cozy environment. Dividing living space into zones is necessary not only for a fashionable studio apartment, but also for a small one-room or spacious apartment. The choice of zoning items directly depends on the layout of the rooms and their area. Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room should be approached as seriously as possible.

Basic principles of zoning

With the help of zoning you can combine several functional zones in one space. If you approach this issue wisely, the result can be not only a comfortable and useful, but also a very attractive interior.

When separating the bedroom and living area, you must adhere to the same style. To do this, you can turn to any direction that suits your taste - from timeless classics to French Provence.

About to begin the immediate repair work, you need to decide what exactly you want to see as a result of zoning. To do this, you should take into account all the characteristics and features of the room.

You must carefully consider and plan each individual area in the room.

Under no circumstances should the bedroom be a passageway or be located next to the front door. In such conditions, healthy sleep and proper rest are excluded. In addition, the walk-through bedroom will be very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Zone the remaining space for the hall. However, even this functional area is not recommended to be placed close to the doorway.

The separation of the bedroom and the living room implies the unification of sleep and wakefulness, so designers advise against adding such space ceiling lamps and chandeliers. The best solution There will be separate lighting for each zone.

The living room can have a large number of lighting fixtures at all levels. They should be placed in different areas so that each corner living space was well-lit and sufficiently lit. For this you can use chandeliers, beautiful sconces, as well as additional lamps and tall floor lamps.

The bedroom area should not be overloaded with lighting items. Calmer and subdued light is ideal for this space. You can complement your bedroom with matching lamps or elegant sconces with soft and warm lighting.

If the space does not allow you to place a large bedroom set in it, then it is better to abandon it.

In these conditions, only a bed with a couple will look harmonious bedside tables. Otherwise, the elements of the set will be located not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room, which will look inharmonious.

In a studio apartment

Zoning is necessary for studio apartments. These dwellings have no partitions separating the rooms. Their roles can be played by different Decoration Materials, highlighting certain zones, screens, tall cabinets and much more.

In such living spaces, living rooms are often located next to the kitchens. However, there are also layouts in which the living area is connected to the bedroom:

  • Separating small spaces, the area of ​​which is 14-16 square meters. m, you should not use large partitions. They will visually reduce the space.

  • On a small area of ​​16 sq. m near the wall you can place a light sofa, put it opposite it glass table and separate the sleeping space from the living area with the help of a low light wall-shelf. Outside such a divider, a small, light bed will find its place.

  • Handsome and harmonious interior The living room and bedroom can be combined in a space of 17 or 18 square meters. m.

  • At 18 sq. m, most of the free space can be allocated for the sleeping area. Install a bed with a headboard rectangular shape. Bedside tables should be placed on both sides of the furniture.

You can decorate an accent wall behind the bed, decorated with photo wallpaper depicting flowers. You can separate this zone using bookshelves height to the ceiling (made of light wood). A corner sofa with a ledge will find its place in a small living room area. On the opposite wall you should put a wooden wall - under the TV and kitchen cabinets.

  • On a studio apartment of 20 sq. meters, you can place a double bed near the window and separate it from the living room area using open bookshelves in contrasting colors. Opposite this divider, a fabric sofa with high legs will find its place.

  • On an area of ​​20 sq. m will fit a large comfortable bed. It is recommended to place such a piece of furniture near a window, complemented by light, light curtains. Such details will make the space more spacious. In such spaces, open shelves for books, thin plasterboard floors, or light fabric screens can be used to separate zones.

Bedroom and living room in one room

A properly zoned one-room apartment will look harmonious and fashionable. This way you can save free space and use it as productively as possible.

In a compact room, you can arrange separate zones along the walls - opposite each other. You can put a sofa on the right side of the door and hang it above it large mirror, and opposite these products (on the left side) - place a large double bed with a canopy, which will separate the sleeping area from the rest of the space. In the remaining space you can place a small work area.

In more spacious areas you can place a large double bed, as well as leather sofa with a coffee table and a TV opposite. In such conditions, the living room and bedroom areas can be demarcated using a plasterboard structure, which consists of small square shelves.

Often a work zone finds its place in such areas. It can be placed in front of the bed. It is recommended to create such interiors in light or soft colors.

In a room of 20 sq. m you can fit a double bed and separate it from the living area with the help of beautiful curtains. The living area can be visually divided into two halves: place a corner L-shaped sofa with a coffee table near one of the walls, and a stand with a TV opposite the other.

Small square room can be divided into two zones using high glass ceilings. A bed should be placed along one wall and separated from a corner sofa with a glass coffee table using portable partitions. Such an interior can be decorated in soft green tones, diluted with bright accents of purple and caramel colors.

Bedroom and work area in one room

Many people place their work area in the bedroom. Often a table with shelves is not separated in any way, but is simply placed opposite the bed or to the left/ right side from her.

If you want to zone these spaces, then you can turn to narrow bookcases with shelves on the top, bookshelves, accent walls, as well as plasterboard and glass partitions.

Options with drawers and shelves are successful. In such partitions you can store documents, magazines, books and other things that may be useful in the work area.

Bedroom divided into two zones

The division into two zones in the bedroom can be done using curtains, plasterboard walls with shelves, glass/wooden partitions or beautiful arches.

A double bed will look harmonious on a high podium with wooden trim. Such a sleeping area can be fenced off with light ceiling curtains. The living area should be filled with a two-seater sofa; opposite it you can put a stand with a TV. This way, all functional areas can easily be placed in the bedroom.

The spacious bedroom has a bed with a high soft headboard, as well as a three- or four-seater sofa with a glossy coffee table and a wall-mounted TV opposite. Elements of the living area can be placed opposite the bed and separated by the most in a simple way: Place a large plush rug underneath.

If there is a large window behind the sofa, then it should be supplemented with contrasting curtains, which will also highlight the living room area.

In a small bedroom, it is recommended to allocate most of the space for the bed and use non-bulky items (for zonal division). In a small room, you can place the bed near the window with light cream curtains and separate the sleeping area from the living room using a textile screen that matches the color of the curtains. Outside the screen, a small double sofa with shelves for a TV on the opposite wall will look harmonious.

Teenage bedroom

A teenager's room should be decorated in positive and fashionable colors. In such conditions, you can also place two zones at once: a bedroom and a living room. You can separate them.

IN small room a single or 1.5 bed will find its place (near one of the walls). Opposite it (on the opposite wall) you should hang a TV, a shelf for a laptop, and instead of a large sofa you can put a soft banquette or a small sofa.

If the room belongs to a teenage girl, then the bed can be placed in a special bright built-in niche with cabinets and shelves, which will separate the sleeping area from the living area. Opposite the bed you should place a chest of drawers and a small sofa. If the space allows, then a small work area will fit near the window in such a room - with computer desk and a chair.

Such an interior will look very harmonious in rich pink, blue, yellow and peach tones.

Children bedroom

For a small children's bedroom you can purchase bunk bed, which will find its place near the wall. It should be separated from the living area with the help of shelves and drawers arranged like a ladder. Behind them a fabric sofa and a table for drawing will look harmonious.

A special niche with drawers and a pull-out bed is suitable for a children's room. When folded, such things do not take up much space, so they are often purchased for small spaces. Next to such a wall you can easily fit a large soft corner, as well as a wall bars, a play mat and much more.

Such rooms should be decorated with positive and rich colors. They will look attractive and can be used to connect or separate functional areas. It is not recommended to divide the space using large pieces of dark-colored furniture. It is better to avoid impressive wardrobes, chests of drawers or closed bookcases.

Ceiling zoning in the bedroom

Today, many people zone rooms using tension and suspended ceilings. We zone using different shapes, colors and textures.

It is acceptable to finish the ceiling with materials different colors– on the territory of certain zones. For example, above the bed you can install white ceiling with pendant chandeliers made of shiny metal, and the covering above the sofa and armchairs in the living area can be finished in cream plaster with small lamps.

Separating two zones from each other can be done using multi-level ceiling. However, it is worth considering that this design looks more harmonious in large rooms.

Ways to divide space

You can zone the space using the following interior items:

  • Partitions. They can be made from different materials, but the most popular are glass and wooden options. They can be sliding or static. Many models are equipped with wheels, which makes them mobile.
  • Partitions made of plasterboard look very attractive in a zoned interior. Such zoning items can be made with your own hands and finished with any materials you like. This can be wood panels, plaster, paint and much more.
  • Beautiful curtains are an excellent alternative. Zoning space with textiles is very popular, as these materials look airy and light. The color of the material can be different, from light, translucent to dense and dark options.
  • You can zone a room using furniture. This can be a convenient and functional shelving unit, as well as a wardrobe or bookcase.
  • Spaces divided by sliding doors look interesting. Such specimens look especially impressive in spacious homes.
  • You can use interesting forged products to divide the space. They can be exquisite patterned walls with natural or fantastic motifs.
  • It is impossible not to mention the zoning of premises using different finishing materials. To highlight the bedroom, you can finish the floor and walls with pastel plaster and light laminate, and in the living room area you can lay a neutral carpet. A good option is to cover the walls beautiful wallpaper with contrasting patterns.

Space zoning options are shown in the video below.

Interior furniture

For a small divided room, you should not choose dark and bulky pieces of furniture. They will visually reduce an already small room. It is better to give preference to a light bed and light sofa. These items can be supplemented with tables and shelves made of glass or light wood.

Spacious rooms can be furnished with furniture in a variety of shades, from delicate to dark. It all depends on the style and colors of finishing materials.

If the area allows, then such spaces can be equipped not only with a bed, a sofa, but also a computer desk with a small cabinet (or shelves) for documents, a neat coffee table in front of the sofa, a chest of drawers, a dressing table and a built-in wardrobe.

All interior items must be designed in the same key.

Interesting design ideas and layout options

Worth a closer look interesting examples design of rooms that combine a bedroom and a living room:

  • . If there is a window next to it, then it should be decorated with curtains of a soft coffee shade. The walls in such a room should be finished with snow-white plaster, and a milk laminate should be laid on the floor. The floor should be decorated with light plasterboard and black stretch film. The interior should be in beige tones. The wall opposite the TV can be made an accent wall and decorated with dark gray paints.

  • In a bright room near a window with thick white curtains, a bed with red bed linen and a caramel-colored computer desk (opposite it) will find its place. On the right side of the bed you should place a plasterboard partition with shelves for zoning. Outside this ceiling, you can place a coffee fabric sofa, a white coffee table and a stand with a TV on the opposite wall.

A living room and a bedroom located in one room will solve the problem of lack of living space in small apartments Oh. Thanks to successful zoning, a cozy seating area will appear in a single room, which can be hidden in daytime, and a comfortable area for receiving guests. This design technique is also used in the arrangement of modern studio apartments.

The living room and bedroom perform functions that contradict each other. One of them is intended for gatherings with friends, spending free time during the day and evening, watching movies, reading and relaxing. The other zone is used exclusively for sleeping, mainly at night. Therefore, it is important to zoning the bedroom and living room so that the zones look harmonious.

Choosing the most suitable method zoning largely depends on the shape and size of the room. In large rooms, space can be divided using partitions made of different materials and having different designs.

For small rooms, the construction of bulky stationary structures is completely unacceptable. You can separate the living area from the bedroom in a one-room apartment with furniture, curtains or light sliding partitions.

Where to begin

When zoning a room, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties and features of the interior design of both zones. Following the designers’ recommendations, the living room and bedroom will turn out to be truly comfortable and cozy.

The main nuances of the room layout:

  1. First, you should decide on the size and location of each zone, taking into account the shape and area of ​​the room.
  2. Zones should be decorated in the same style. The use of finishes that match in color and texture, furniture of the same design, similar textiles and decor will allow you to combine both zones.
  3. The sleeping area should not be a walk-through area; it should be located away from the entrance to the room.
  4. The living room should be well lit, so it is recommended to install several light sources in different parts of it.
  5. Don't clutter up the space big amount furniture.

Bedroom layout in a one-room apartment

To plan the living room and bedroom in a one-room apartment, you can choose one of the most popular methods.

The first option is to place the sleeping area near the window. It's great for narrow rooms, as well as for owners who prefer to fall asleep and wake up by the window.

The second way is to create a sleeping area in a remote, secluded part of the room. This will create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom, conducive to a restful and healthy sleep.

Rest zone

Successful zoning of a bedroom depends not only on its placement in the room, but also on filling it with the necessary pieces of furniture.

To arrange a recreation area you will need a minimum amount of furniture. Her main item is, of course, the bed. It is advisable to place bedside tables near the bed, which will serve for storing various small items, placing table lamps and other decorative items.

Guest area

The guest area should be comfortable, cozy and suitable for daytime relaxation for the whole family. Regardless of the chosen style and design of the room, it needs to be filled with everything necessary. Comfortable sofas, armchairs, coffee table, TV, shelves, various modular systems for storage - this is a common filling of the living area. Of course, we should not forget about beautiful decor this part of the room.

Common methods of zoning a bedroom-living room

Designers use various methods of zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room, which allow not only to divide, but also to visually expand its space.

The most popular methods are:

  • construction of permanent or plasterboard partitions of different heights, widths and shapes;
  • joining a loggia to the room, in which the sleeping area is usually arranged;
  • installation of sliding partitions;
  • zoning with furniture;
  • separation by curtains, screens and blinds;
  • visual zoning of the bedroom using finishes of different types, textures and colors;
  • installation of transformable beds, which are hidden in a closet or podium during the daytime.

We described the second method in detail in the article: ““.
The choice of one method or another depends on the shape and size of the room, the financial capabilities and taste preferences of its owners. Let's consider these options in more detail.

Using partitions

Partitions dividing a room into zones can be solid, plasterboard or glass.

The construction of a capital partition is a rather labor-intensive process that requires prior approval from the licensing authorities. Therefore, it is better to give preference to plasterboard structures. They can be high, low, of different shapes, with niches or through “windows”, in which decorative vases, figurines, photographs and flowers in beautiful pots will look great. In addition, arranging niches will improve the lighting of the room.

Translucent partitions made of impact-resistant glass or plastic will fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom-living room. You can apply to their surface stained glass painting, various images and ornaments. Such a partition will clearly demarcate the zones and will look very light and attractive.

Zoning with sliding doors

They will fit perfectly into the design of the living room and bedroom. sliding partitions and doors. These lightweight structures can consist of several panels made of different materials: wood, bamboo, plastic, glass in a metal frame. Using sliding doors, you can completely separate zones from each other. When the panels are moved apart, the room will become a single space.

Zoning with furniture

Dividing a room into zones using furniture is the simplest and most affordable way. As a partition, you can use high shelving, a wardrobe and even corner sofas with high backs.

Wide rack without back wall will not only separate the living room from the bedroom in a one-room apartment, but will also become convenient system storage You can use two narrow shelves, placing them on opposite walls. The advantage of this zoning is that the furniture does not limit the penetration of daylight into the far part of the room.

Instead of shelving, you can use cabinets with swing doors or wardrobes. In narrow and long rooms, it is better to install a couple of cabinets opposite each other to ensure good lighting. For rooms of a different shape, one wide cabinet is perfect.

You can share the room corner sofa, the side back of which will become a kind of partition. It is better to hang blinds, curtains made of fabric, threads or decorative beads above it.

Curtains and screen

Another simple way to zone a room is to use curtains and screens. Curtains should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the textiles in the interior. You can hang curtains made of various fabrics, beads, bugles or bamboo, with beautiful drapery, decorated with fringe and tassels. For maximum privacy, it is better to use dense, heavy fabrics. Lungs, air materials visually designate the bedroom area in the hall, maintaining the unity of the space.


In the bedroom combined with the living room, you can use vertical blinds to separate zones. This is a fairly simple and cheap way to zone a room.

Moved blinds provide privacy in the sleeping area. At any moment they can be moved apart and the space will become unified again. Modern technologies allow you to apply any images, ornaments and designs to the canvas, which allows you to successfully fit the blinds into the interior.

Zoning using finishing (ceiling, walls, floors)

One of the options for dividing a room is visual zoning. Its essence lies in the use of different materials, textures and shades in decoration and construction. ceiling structures and floor podiums of various shapes. Such design techniques suitable for combining a living room and a bedroom in small rooms and large studio apartments.

You can decorate the floor with different materials, for example, choose a soft carpet for the bedroom, and lay parquet, laminate or linoleum in the living room.

How to choose furniture for a bedroom combined with a living room

Stylish and exquisite design A living room combined with a bedroom implies the presence of furniture for various purposes.

The recreation area must have a sleeping place. This could be a folding sofa or bed. You can install a stationary model of the required size, or give preference to a transforming bed. Vertical structures are usually hidden in a niche or have the shape of a cabinet. Horizontal beds slide into podiums.

Of course, you can’t do without bedside tables or hanging shelves located at the head of the bed. In the presence of free space you can add a couple of armchairs or a rocking chair, a small table, a console with a mirror.

For the living area, you should choose a comfortable large sofa and armchairs. If desired, you can install a tall wardrobe for storing things. If you do not plan to install cabinets, it is worth installing various modular systems, shelving, cabinets for equipment, and wall shelves.

Lighting nuances

Light zoning of the bedroom and living room is used in combination with any other method of dividing space.

In the sleeping area it is better to use spot ceiling lighting. As an addition, you can install bedside lamps or place sconces on the wall at the head of the bed.

A beautiful ceiling chandelier, combined with spotlights or LED backlight ceiling. Can also be placed in different parts floor zones decorative lamps, floor lamp, table lamps.

As you can see, arranging a living room and bedroom in a single space is not so difficult. The main thing to remember is that the decoration, textiles and furniture of the guest and sleeping areas must be combined in style and color. In a harmonious and cozy space it will be pleasant and comfortable to relax, spend time with family and receive guests.

We hope that this article will help you arrange your living room and bedroom in one space. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

Exists great way, which allows you to create full-fledged areas for daytime rest and sleep in small apartment- this is the zoning of a room into a living room and a bedroom. If you don't know how to do this, then the useful tips you will find in this article will help you develop own project and feel like a real designer.

Zoning options

IN last years The most popular type of housing is a studio apartment or one-room apartment. For single people who want to live separately, and for small families This option is very attractive due to its affordable price.

But even in one room, everyone wants to create a comfortable environment that will give them the opportunity to hold family events, meet with friends, just have a good rest from everyday work and sleep peacefully at night. This can be done by zoning the room into a living room and a bedroom.

Despite the fact that during zoning the space will be clearly divided, it is very desirable to do everything in such a way that a certain commonality of the chosen stylistic solutions is preserved.

When developing a zoning design, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the room, as well as the presence and number of doorways and windows. For example, it is easier to divide a rectangular room into zones than a square one.

Zoning using stationary partitions

Such partitions include sliding doors, structures made of glass blocks and plasterboard, podiums and arches.

Solid partitions made of plasterboard should be made only when there are several windows in the room, since otherwise it will be difficult for light to enter any of the zones.

Combining materials will help solve this problem, for example, installing mirror or glass inserts, which will help eliminate the feeling of bulkiness and visually enlarge the room.

Among the disadvantages of zoning is that it will be very difficult to change the layout if necessary.

Zoning using mobile partitions

Mobile partitions are more convenient for zoning, since with their help you can easily change the location of zones in the room, as well as its design.

If the need for separation disappears, then by rearranging the furniture and first removing the shelving or screens, you can return the original appearance to your room.

Options for dividing a room into a living room and bedroom

There are several options for dividing a room into several zones, let's look at the most popular ones.

Sliding doors

This option is very good for zoning a room. Doors can easily replace partitions and reliably hide the bedroom from prying eyes. It is not necessary to make the doors solid; on the contrary, if they are decorated with fusing or stained glass, it will look very stylish and beautiful.

For those who love Japanese-style interiors, we can recommend doors that imitate traditional partitions installed in Japanese houses.

In the case where the result is very small rooms, you can use mirror inserts. A large number of reflections will help create the illusion of space.


Drywall is the most the best material for the construction of arches and stationary partitions. IN small spaces It is not advisable to make the partitions solid; it is better to combine them with inserts made of glass blocks or colored glass.

One option for zoning a room could be a decorative plasterboard structure, which can be decorated with lighting, shelves and niches. Also, such a partition can be combined with an arch.

A small room can be zoned with some kind of plasterboard cabinet, which should be placed near one of the walls, but the cabinet should not reach the ceiling.


This is a very beautiful and economical option for dividing a room into zones. Such curtains can be made from expensive thick fabric; they will visually separate zones in the room from each other. And you can, if desired, combine several types of materials, for example, weightless organza and heavy satin.

Designers advise choosing the colors of curtain partitions so that they are in harmony with color scheme curtains hanging on the windows.

In addition to traditional fabric curtains, curtains made of beads, decorative threads or bamboo can be used as partitions. But you need to remember that these types of curtains will look good in the appropriate interior. Curtains will look more interesting if you place them at different levels.


If you use such a wardrobe as a partition, it will help zone the room and save you from the need to purchase additional furniture. A large number of drawers and shelves will help you hide everything you need from prying eyes. The wardrobe can be installed as you wish, turning it either towards the living room or towards the bedroom.


This option of dividing a room into zones has been known for many years, and recently its popularity has only been growing. Using a screen, you can easily divide a room into a living room and a bedroom, and such a mobile partition allows you to rearrange the room at any time.

In the evening, the screen can be folded, thereby turning the entire room into a bedroom, and in the morning it can be reinstalled to separate the living room. In addition, the screen will help give your room a special flavor.

The screen can be traditional Chinese or Japanese, and for those who love the modern direction of design, screens made in the corresponding styles are now offered.

False partitions

These types of partitions, which are made from lightweight materials such as plastic and glass, can give your room a feeling of airiness and lightness. Among such partitions there may be frame or lattice structures, which should visually zone the room, but not separate the zones from each other.

Design in the loft style, which involves the use of false partitions, implies the absence of bulky objects and freedom of space.


To divide a room into a living room and a bedroom using a podium, you will need additional measures in order to separate the area for receiving guests from the area with the bed. According to the designers' recommendations, the podium should be combined with the installation of a small false partition or with a canopy bed.

If you decide to opt for the podium, it inner space can be used to store various things, which is a good option for a small apartment.

Decorative elements and furniture

Modern sofas, double-sided shelving and cabinets can act as partitions without losing their practical functions.

You can just install in in the right place There is a tall rack across the room and your room will already be visually divided into two zones. They will look very nice in such a rack various elements decor and lighting that can create a special style in both zones.

Also, a long shelf or an aquarium installed on a narrow cabinet can act as a partition. And if you want something original, then you can zone the room using the backs of sofas or other pieces of upholstered furniture.

Zoning by height

In an apartment with high ceilings A good option would be vertical zoning, that is, placing the sleeping area under the ceiling. This division of space is quite rare, but it has a number of advantages:

  • the sleeping area does not need to be separated by any partitions, screens or curtains;
  • resting on top, you will not be disturbed by other family members who are awake at the moment;
  • You can also relax during the day by climbing up to read a book or listen to music;
  • increases effective area rooms.

But for apartments with low ceilings, designers and constructors came up with a special bed that rises to the ceiling during the day and falls to the bottom automatically in the evening. In this case, under the bed during the daytime there can be a relaxation area or workplace. A very practical design for small apartments. The only drawback is the price.

Loggia as a bedroom

A good solution would be to move the bedroom to the loggia. Thanks to this, we will have almost two different rooms, which are separated from each other by a full wall. True, the loggia must first be insulated and heated, and this entails approval for the redevelopment of the apartment in the relevant authorities.

Visual zoning of the room

Another option to divide a room into two zones is to use color and texture. This option can be used either independently or in combination with the methods listed above. Its essence lies in the fact that the bedroom and living room are decorated in different color tones and textures or materials.

At first sight this method seems pretty simple but correct selection colors and textures are quite a complex matter, and in order for the interior of the room to be harmonious, you may need to turn to a designer for help.

Correct location of zones

When dividing a room into a living room and a bedroom, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • the bedroom area should not be a walk-through area, it should always be located in the far part of the room;
  • If possible, you should try to ensure that there is natural light in the bedroom;
  • It is better to place the living room closer to the door.

Room lighting

Since zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room assumes that different family members can be awake and resting at the same time, it is better not to use general ceiling lighting. Each zone should have its own lighting. For the living area it is necessary to provide more bright lighting, therefore, several light sources can be installed in it at once, among which there may be LED chandeliers and sconces.

Currently, lighting the floor, wall and ceiling joints is very popular. Floor lamps look very nice in the recreation area. If the room is divided by a shelving unit, then lighting can be installed in it too, using it in both zones for illumination.

In the bedroom it is necessary to use more subdued light; LED chandeliers and wall sconces with diffused and soft lighting are well suited for this purpose. You can also use colored lighting in this area, which can be an aquarium.

Division into living room and bedroom of a room of 18 sq.m.

Room zoning 18 sq. m should be done so that the room visually appears larger. Therefore, you should not use massive plasterboard partitions, which eat up significant space, as well as install cabinets and shelving across the room.

When choosing a style for a living room-bedroom, it is better to opt for one that requires as few items as possible.

To divide the room into zones, you should use curtains, screens (Japanese style) or false partitions (minimalism or hi-tech). With the help of such zoning it will be possible to save a significant part of the space, dividing it into two halves.

In order to visually enlarge the space, you can make mirror or glass inserts in the false partitions, as well as beautiful lighting.

Space saving

When zoning into a living room and a bedroom, it is assumed that there will be more furniture installed in the room than usual, so to avoid clutter, you can use some tricks to maintain the functionality of the room.

Wall shelves

They are a great place to store various small items. Currently, many options are offered - from shelves, closed glass doors, to open shelves. For easy storage of things on open shelves You can use convenient drawers and boxes.

Wall TV

For modern TVs no need to purchase a special cabinet that will take up space in the room. The best option would be to place the TV on the wall, and in such a way that its screen is visible from both areas.

Furniture transformer

Such furniture is ideal option for the living room-bedroom. This could be a bed-wardrobe, which becomes vertical during the day and serves to store things, a bed-mattress, which can be removed under the podium during the day, or an ordinary chair-bed.

Currently, manufacturers can offer a huge number of options for transformable furniture, right down to an ottoman that can turn into a coffee table.

Thanks to transformable furniture, the living room easily turns into a bedroom at night, and the bedroom into a living room during the day, and most importantly, this requires a minimum of effort. There is no need to constantly clean your bed linen, which saves a lot of time.

It must be remembered that no sofa can replace a full-fledged bed with orthopedic mattress, and good sleep is the key to health, longevity and beauty.

Dividing the bedroom design into two zones may require various reasons. For example, if you need to fence off a place for relaxation, as well as for receiving guests. Zoning cannot be carried out without preliminary preparation of the project, because each element must be in its place. The main purpose of dividing a room into two parts is that it should not only be equipped with a wall or screen, but also remain cozy and comfortable for both household members and their visitors.

To create a project, you will need to carry out technical measurements of the bedroom or hall, as well as set the exact functional task of each part of it. In a large space it is much easier to implement your ideas and arrange furniture, which cannot be said about rooms with small dimensions. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment, as sometimes this can become the right decision, capable of changing a room beyond recognition.

When dividing bedrooms, you need to be guided special requirements– this is the creation of comfort for rest and sleep:

  1. It is undesirable to divide the room into two zones if the area is less than 14 m2.
  2. Designers believe that you can divide a bedroom or room in a one-room apartment in a 1:1 ratio, which will allow you to fully use both parts without discomfort.
  3. If you want to divide the bedroom into an area for sleeping and working, then the bed should be as far as possible from lighting devices, a table and a computer.

How to separate the sleeping area in a one-room apartment

If you plan to divide the bedroom and living room in the house, then you should initially pay attention to the wallpaper, which is quite simple. Beautiful finishing materials will serve you for many years and will delight you with their proper appearance.

As for the choice of wallpaper, it’s worth choosing:

  • Beautiful;
  • High quality;
  • Not cheap.

Such products can really live up to expectations, but the main thing is that they fit the style of the room. At the moment, it is very popular to combine different types of wallpaper, both in color and texture. It is quite acceptable to use three different shades, but provided that they do not contradict each other. Often on sale you can find assembled sets of wallpaper from several types that can form a single composition and harmony in the room.

It is very profitable to purchase them, since all that remains is to carry out the finishing process itself.

Zoning Features

You can create the functional purpose of a room from two zones yourself, you just need to study the features of zoning:

  1. It is not recommended to use two bright colors.
  2. It is not advisable to use contrasting tones.
  3. You should not use large photo wallpaper for one area.

An organic division of space would be to use wallpaper in beige and light brown, or yellow and orange, green and light green, and the like. Putting together a composition is not difficult; you just need to feel the atmosphere of the room and understand what you want to get from the interior being created. By adding up design recommendations, as well as your own preferences, a room even in two parts will become truly attractive.

Living room and children's room, two in one. Is it possible? Yes! All information is in the following material:

Functional zoning of the bedroom

Due to the fact that in most apartments there is sometimes not enough space to have a personal wardrobe, bedroom, living room and office - this becomes far from a simple problem. You can avoid too much discomfort and clutter in the room by arranging the right functional areas in the bedroom. Even if you need to combine an office and a place to sleep, it is quite possible to do this, and in such a way that when resting on the bed there will be no irritation from the lighting from the work area.

To properly distribute space, designers advise:

  • Make a list that describes all the activities that will require the room;
  • Highlight the most important ones;
  • Give one of them your preference, and a bias will be made when composing the interior.

In other words, if it is extremely important to work and relax in the room, then both zones should have equal rights, and if a person devotes more time to work, research and self-improvement, and the recreation area does not play a big role, then the room may have a sofa instead of a bed, foldable if necessary.

The presence of a mini-office combined with a sofa or even a bed has become suitable for many people of the new generation, because such a cozy and familiar atmosphere helps them concentrate on work much better.

Separation of living room and bedroom

A room divided into two parts can sometimes look much more attractive than one small room. Why? Because an individual approach was taken to the repairs. Now you can find a lot of methods, decorations and products through which space is divided.

For example:

  • Plasterboard;
  • Green hedge;
  • Fireplace.

A green hedge will naturally be appreciated by lovers of nature and vegetation. It consists of a narrow flowerpot in which the same green screen is planted, separating one part of the room from the other. It is worth noting that the installation of the flowerpot should not just be across the room, but only small space transverse line.

In this case, the room will remain airy, light and its area will not be concealed, which is important.

Some designers prefer to zone rooms using a fireplace. This type of fireplace should not be confused with a conventional one installed in a private home and with a large chimney. In fact we're talking about about an electric fireplace, which is considered completely safe, original and, most importantly, affordable. By placing a fireplace in the middle of the room, you can visually divide it into two parts. And due to the fact that some structures can emit heat, there will be additional heating in the room.

Chic design options for the kitchen and living room. All recommendations in our article:

Unusual ways to divide a room

Some people think that a room with two zones is inconvenient and far from attractive, but these are the finishes that are considered the most popular. Now it is fashionable to build semi-partitions and podiums.

Such products in the interior have several meanings:

  1. They decorate the room and make it more stylish and modern.
  2. They zone the space.
  3. They can be used as compartments for things and small accessories.

It is unlikely that anyone can refuse to purchase a multifunctional and universal screen, which will make the room attractive and allow you to get rid of annoying bedside tables and shelves. Semi-partitions do an excellent job of dividing a room into an area for sleeping and receiving guests, as well as for arranging flower pots, figurines, cups and photographs.

How to divide a bedroom into two zones (video)

How to decorate them depends only on the owner of the house and his imagination, which means there are hundreds of thousands of options for creating coziness and comfort. It is worth remembering that a semi-partition consists of a partial division of space, and not a full one.

Bedroom zoning (photo)
