Bedrooms 12 sq m. Design of a small room (12 m2) with a sofa. Blue accents in a bright space

A unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort, all this can be created by well-chosen and arranged furniture. It is not at all necessary to hire an eminent designer for this. You can do everything with your own hands, show imagination and creativity. The main thing is to know the basics of how to arrange furniture in a 12-meter room, photo projects will help create an original concept.

Layout of the room 12 sq.m

Any arrangement begins with an answer to the question "For what?" It is necessary to decide what will be in this room, and what everyday tasks are going to be solved in it. The size of the area is, of course, the determining factor, because the living room is 12 sq. m. is difficult to do. But small rooms have their own charm, they are ideal for bedrooms and nurseries.

  • Furniture dimensions. It is worth refraining from bulky oak cabinets, huge carved armrests, and generally from the grotesque. Everything should be compact and versatile. It is better to make the choice in favor of tall and narrow objects.
  • Color. The best solution would be pastel shades of beige or gray. Dark colors are not desirable, this will visually reduce the room and give it a gloom.

Glossy and mirrored surfaces create a great sense of volume. But here you need to not overdo it.

After the furniture has been selected, purchased and delivered, it's time to start the arrangement itself. In order not to randomly move it from one corner to another, while scratching the parquet, you need to think over everything in advance, and even better draw. For this, there are many all sorts of graphic programs, as well as an ordinary pencil and a leaf in a box.

When creating a sketch, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Location of windows and entrance. It is very important to arrange the furniture, taking into account the incident lighting and where and how the door opens, this will be discussed in detail later.
  • The shape of the room. Some houses delight residents with their layout with rectangular rooms, similar to barracks. In this case, it will be a mistake to put all the furniture in a row, this will visually only lengthen the room. It is better to stick to asymmetry, so the room will not seem so elongated.
  • Pay attention to the location of the sockets, so that later you do not get confused in the wires and extension cords.

After taking into account all the ergonomics and openings, you can proceed to the arrangement of interior items.

Sleeping place in the room 12 meters

The main components of a living space are a bed, wardrobe, bedside tables, table, chairs, or armchairs. You always need to start with a sleeping place, this will be the skeleton of the room.

  • Headboard against the wall. It will give an additional sense of security and psychological comfort. If the room is square, then the rest of the furniture can be arranged symmetrically.
  • Do not put by the window. It is certainly poetic to wake up in a bed bathed in sunlight, but not at all practical. Firstly, it will be difficult to get close to the windowsill, and secondly, the danger of drafts and cold air.
  • The location of the door. If it is directly opposite the bed, it can cause discomfort, and also, there are various superstitions regarding "feet to the exit". Let it be the opposite wall, you can hang a picture or wallpaper on it, so that, waking up, every morning you can admire something beautiful.

If this is the future home of a teenager, or a child, then the double bed can be replaced with a folding sofa and put it along the wall. There is a wonderful one, it is very functional, it takes up little space.

Next should be the correct positioning of the cabinet. You need to define it along the wall and preferably opposite the window so that its contents are well illuminated. An original solution for 12 sq. meters there will be a corner cabinet, it takes up little space and looks good.

In the case of a rectangular room, it is wise to opt for a wardrobe or large wardrobe. They are very roomy, and if there is not enough space for bedside tables and dressers, then they solve all the questions about the placement of things. Moreover, you can choose a unique design and any palette of shades yourself.

Organization of the workplace

It is great to place a computer or just a table by the window at an angle of 50 degrees. Doctors recommend that the lighting be either from the front or from left to right. It should be as functional as possible, with lots of drawers. From above you can hang hanging shelves for books or disks.

The secret to a successful layout is the "three dimensions" technique. This method involves zoning the room into three main parts. Each has its own height, shade and purpose, in a small room it will look very fresh.

You can use partitions that will conditionally separate the sleeping and working space, they can be equipped as racks and give them an original shape. Perfect for children's rooms.

Additional attributes include bedside tables, armchairs, dressing table, chest of drawers, these are things you can do without. But if squaring allows, then they can give additional charm and comfort.

Better to start with a dresser for bedrooms. It is also called a dressing table, where the fair half puts their accessories. It is ideal to put it in front of the bed, but only if it does not have a mirror. It is undesirable for sleeping people to see their reflection, this causes subconscious fears and anxiety.

A dresser is a universal thing, it can be positioned at any angle anywhere in the room. It is used for its intended purpose, or as a TV stand and bedside table. However, psychologists do not recommend putting the TV in the bedroom, it excites the nervous system and affects sleep.

Seating, armchairs, chairs can be placed by the window and make a cozy place for reading with a mug of tea. If there is not enough free space, then it will be limited to one chair in the working area. And put a small ottoman for the dressing table in the bedroom. In the photo, how to arrange furniture in a room of 12 meters, all the important nuances and advice of designers are taken into account.

An important note - fewer unnecessary items and details. Unnecessary vases, pots, massive clocks with angels, bohemian floor lamps and hanging crystal chandeliers. Simplicity and convenience, only furniture that really comes in handy.

Adhering to these tips from any "daddy Carlo's room" really create a masterpiece. If you do everything yourself, every stroke and every little thing will resonate with the soul of the owner and give peace.

Is it a lot or a little - 12 square meters? Apartments with such a layout are often found. The owner will answer, for sure, that there is not enough space, but at the same time he will cheat a little. A small area is enough to relax, talk, do what you love.

Arrangement of a spacious room is sometimes more of a hassle. If you try, seriously approach the issue of choosing an interior design, the room will be not only cozy, but also comfortable. The result will exceed expectations.

If there are several rooms in the house

A small room is always needed in an apartment or house. This is a library, workshop, study, nursery. Just for organizing a home gym, perhaps modern rooms of 12 sq. m. do not fit.

It is better to choose light colors for decorating walls and ceilings, although this is not necessary. Attention should be paid to lighting, choose a chandelier with sufficient power, provide the required number of spotlights.

Convertible furniture - absolute comfort

The layout of the room is 12 sq. m. will be really successful if you choose furniture that is capable of transformation - a sofa bed, for example, a wall bed. This furniture is reliable and durable. Its mechanism is always simple, it breaks infrequently.

Manufacturers from different countries, specialists engaged in the manufacture of custom-made furniture, are trying to create an ideal design, because this is the latest technology, the future belongs to it.

Regardless of the style of the interior, the purpose of the room, the dimensions, transforming furniture is bought, placed, used. She has a special charm, she is charming. It is worth taking a closer look at this option if you want to create the perfect interior for a room with an area of ​​12 sq. M.

Transformers for the bedroom and living room

A transforming coffee table and a sofa bed are relevant in the bedroom of 12 sq.m. And sometimes you want to sit with friends and sleep after school, work. What to do in this case? A transforming table and sofa bed will solve the problem. The bedroom can easily turn into a living room.

Worthy of attention is such an option as a bed with drawers, shelves at the headboard or at the foot, if the interior is nevertheless created for a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. M.

This bed will come in handy here. It saves space. Things do not wrinkle, damage is excluded. Anything can be put in boxes.

Suspended structures are in fashion

Hanging cabinets can be rationally included in the interior. Airiness, lightness, suspended structures are in fashion. It is not necessary to purchase a chest of drawers, a chest. Hanging small cabinets from the ceiling is a great idea.

They differ from the shelves by the presence of doors. Choose wall cabinets carefully. The sashes visually make the structure heavier.

For a room of 12 sq.m. hanging cabinets with a large number of different decorative elements, mirrored doors are suitable. They will seem like something outlandish, intricate, interesting, make you forget about a small area.

Bright colors will also attract attention, intrigue. Several cabinets suspended at different heights in one of the corners are an original and practical solution. Other accommodation options are also possible.

Sliding wardrobe - a classic move

Do you need a wardrobe in a room with an area of ​​12 sq.m.? This is a standard technique, a simple, rational option.

Room design 12 sq. m. can be anything, depending on personal preference and purpose. Sometimes you want change, sometimes stability. There is a need for stylish things that exist regardless of fashion, its fickleness.

Which wardrobe to choose - corner or full wall? Any configuration is appropriate. A sliding wardrobe will allow you to get rid of the feeling that there is too much furniture. It is in it that the built-in ironing board, table or bed can be hidden.

Modern furniture is a variety of designs, shapes, flight of imagination, life without limits. Transformers are popular. They allow you to make the interior interesting, bright, while saving space, and properly dispose of it.

In the spotlight

Photo of a room 12 sq. m. with designs made in different styles, invite to escape from trends, dynamics, mobility of the XXI century, duality, expressed in transformers. Perhaps the space will be too overloaded with them, classic solutions, minimalism are relevant.

What element is central to the room? In the bedroom it is a bed, in the living room there is a table, chairs, a picture, a TV or a fireplace. In the nursery, there is a bed, a desk and a TV, a computer, a game console.

In the library, books, an armchair and a floor lamp, a desk and a table lamp are important. All other items can be excluded, to draw attention to the decor of the walls, the beauty of the window opening, screens, curtains, doors.

Furniture for a room 12 sq. m. should be elegant, with thin lines, restrained proportions, if you want to create the illusion of space and freedom. A solid wood bed will probably not work.

It is better to choose with a metal frame, an elegant forged pattern. However, if there is nothing in the room besides her and the curbstone, the solid wood will look great. Everything is relative.

The leather bed is the perfect complement to the interior of a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. M. It is comfortable and effective. Austerity, restraint, luxury, chic are harmoniously combined. Tapestry on the wall, columns, stucco - that's all you need to create an interesting decor if you bought a leather bed.

It is also important for the library to choose elegant furniture with thin lines. Racks of different heights are suitable. They will help create a relaxed atmosphere, they can defuse the situation.

Children's rooms 12 sq. m. is a space for active games, whatever one may say. Upholstered furniture is relevant: a pear chair, a pear sofa, ottomans. They have no sharp corners. They are durable and reliable.

Transformers are also appropriate, but it should be remembered that in most cases only a teenager can remove such furniture on his own. It may be better to prefer an ordinary bed, a table, to abandon the idea of ​​a transformer. The child should be comfortable. In this case, confidence will become a part of character.

Photo of rooms 12 sq. m.

The bedroom is practically the most important room in any apartment. Still, after all, the body of every person needs sleep and good rest. A comfortable bedroom and a well-appointed seating area can contribute to maximum relaxation.

For example, a room with an area of ​​12 sq. m, we will take a closer look at how to create a stylish design and make the most of the room without cluttering it. And also examples of the most successful design projects, options for finishing materials and the most successful shades for bedrooms.

Features of the layout

12 square meters is not such a big space, so you need to use absolutely all of its corners as functionally as possible. After all, it often happens that in the bedroom you want to fit not only a sleeping place, but also bedside tables, a dressing table, a couple of armchairs, a chest of drawers and a TV.

In the overwhelming number of houses, bedrooms have a standard layout, which is a rectangular room with a size of 3x4 meters. With this shape of the room, the delimitation of space can be quite successful.

It is worth noting that a huge number of people engaged in the construction of country houses with their own hands prefer a similar layout to bedrooms, since it is the most optimal, compact and relatively spacious.

Some houses, especially new buildings, have rather unusual room layouts. Therefore, a bedroom with a long or narrow shape is not so uncommon, but it can easily become a problem when it comes to repairing and delimiting the space of a room.

12 square meters is the most common area of ​​a small room in a panel house or Khrushchev. Most often, such a room has a slightly elongated shape, but is not a narrow rhyme and completely leaves room for a flight of creative and design imagination.

It is worth noting that with the right choice of the distribution of furniture and decor items, you can get a completely functional and uncluttered dormitory.

Design project options

In order to prevent all the problems that may arise in the future, as well as to provide for all the necessary little things and details that will ensure a more comfortable existence, it is necessary to develop a competent design project, which will become the basis for creating a bedroom interior.

Consider the main stages of drawing up a design project for a bedroom:

  1. The first step is to decide on the size of the budget. This step is necessary, since the competent distribution of finances will save money and avoid unforeseen expenses;
  2. At the next stage, you need to decide on the interior, style of the room and the necessary pieces of furniture. If the budget allows, you can turn to a competent specialist - an interior designer for help, but if the furnishings and repairs of the bedroom are made within the framework of economy, you will have to do it yourself;
  3. Then it is necessary to make a preliminary assessment of the selected finishing materials and furniture elements., after which you need to compare the amount received with the budget. If funds remain, you can send them to additional decor, and if the amount goes beyond the established framework, you must either push them apart or cut costs;
  4. After all these stages, a period of finishing the premises follows: cosmetic or major repairs, assembly and placement of furniture in accordance with the design idea, as well as minor adjustments to the location of some parts, which can be done if necessary, but is not required.

Let's take a closer look at examples of design projects of the most successful and stylish bedrooms of the corresponding footage.

For narrow

A bright bedroom with a large double bed, located in a narrow 12-meter room, looks very stylish. The bed is located in the center of the room, and a hinged TV is attached to the opposite wall.

The absence of a cabinet or stand saves space significantly.

In the corner of the room, you can place an unusual chair in the form of an opened rosebud, and the light interior is complemented by dark curtains made of dense material.

A narrow bedroom can be more functional. For example, if you choose a not very wide one and a half bed, a small narrow curbstone will fit quite well in the corner next to it. And the hinged shelves located above the sleeping area are equipped with lamps and thus the problem of additional lighting is solved.

Almost all walls and furniture should form the main color palette of the interior, for example, white. Therefore, the wall behind the bed, decorated with bright photo wallpaper, will help slightly dilute the atmosphere.

The interior can also be complemented with a fluffy carpet, a small wooden chest cabinet and decorative knick-knacks placed in the window sill area.

3x4 meters

Very stylish bedroom design with standard footage in warm brown tones. The large bed is located in the center of the room, and a small wall in white and brown colors is built into the opposite wall.

On both sides of the bed, there are small bedside tables, matching the color of the wall. And the curbstones are decorated with stylish lamps with graceful lampshades. In the area near the window there is a small cozy armchair, and on the wall above the bed, two paintings depicting landscapes of Japanese cities are adapted to complement the interior.

The prevalence of dark shades in the interior is more than compensated by the presence of a large number of light details.

The very stylish modern design of the 12-meter bedroom will appeal to even the most capricious inhabitants of the apartment. The interior is decorated as in the previous example in brown colors. Different shades are chosen very well, thanks to which the bedroom looks very harmonious.

There are several interesting points in this layout:

  1. The window and the door are located opposite each other in the area of ​​the walls with a smaller footage. Therefore, the bed is located in the central part of the wall perpendicular to it. This layout makes it possible to supplement the sleeping element with two tall wardrobes on the sides and a hinged shelf between them, in the lower part of which small lighting elements are built in.
  2. There is a high chest of drawers on the left near the door., which will become a functional part of the interior and is perfect for storing underwear and bed linen. There is a small lamp on the chest of drawers, which is one of the additional lighting elements.
  3. In addition, the interior is complemented by a fashionable unusual chandelier, dark brown roman shades and a stylish painting located in the area between the shelf and the headboard.

And as an additional decor, the bed is complemented by a golden brown fleece blanket.

How to decorate walls, floors and ceilings?

Not only the choice of furniture is an important part of decorating a bedroom, but also the design of the interior itself. In some cases, improperly and thoughtlessly selected finishing materials can spoil and visually reduce even the largest space.

But certain color schemes and some life hacks will help not only decorate the interior stylishly, but also visually increase the small space of a 12-meter room.


Stretch ceiling

Of course, glossy stretch ceilings can play an important role in increasing the space, but not everyone likes the way they look. It is much more pleasant to look at the matte ceiling covering, therefore, in order to avoid eating up the space by building a structure, it is better not to resort to such a ceiling design, but to focus on painting, whitewashing or gluing special panels.

Painted ceiling

For whitewashing and painting, it is worth choosing the highest quality materials in order to avoid cracking and sprinkling of materials in the near future. In addition, you can resort to decorating the ceiling with special finishing plaster, creating a textured surface.

Tiered ceiling

One of the life hacks that will help to visually increase the height of the room: along the perimeter of the room, you can create a small niche with built-in lamps, thanks to which the central part will seem a little higher.

It should be noted that the niche may differ from the main part of the ceiling. But it is better to stick to light colors and opt for white or pearl shades.


Light walls will help to visually increase the area of ​​the room, but this does not mean that the interior should be of the same type and boring. You can choose color combinations in such a way that the room will sparkle with new colors, and when supplemented with various decorative elements and prints, the bedroom will not only be spacious, but also very cozy.


For example, a light vertical strip is the best assistant in increasing the space, but you should not decorate absolutely all the walls of the room in this way, as it will look too colorful and quickly get bored.

It is enough to paste over two opposite walls with striped wallpaper or one, which will be the central part of the interior.

Floral prints

Various floral prints, oriental patterns and simple openwork ornaments are welcome, which should be arranged according to the same principle, since the abuse of decorative trim can negatively affect not only the visual perception of space, but also the stylistic picture of the bedroom as a whole.


For wall decoration, high-quality non-woven, vinyl or fabric wallpapers are perfect. It is better to choose a meter-long canvas - this way the walls will look more holistic, and pasting them will take much less time.


For floor decor, it is better to choose neutral shades., but not too dark, because of which the space will seem smaller, but also not light, because they will make the floor stand out unnecessarily against the background of the rest of the interior.

It is best to choose plain finishing materials, because prints and drawings will not only be inappropriate, but also visually “eat up” some of the space. A monochromatic color scheme makes the floor neutral and does not focus on it.

As for the flooring itself itself, its choice should be made based on personal preferences:

  • Parquet able to serve for many years. Parquet is considered to be quite durable and wear-resistant, but it requires special handling,
  • Laminate- the most economical option, although unpretentious in maintenance, nevertheless quickly loses its original appearance.

In addition, to provide greater comfort, you can equip the floor not only with a warming underlay, but also with special electric mats that provide heating of the floor covering, which will serve to maintain a more comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom and make it warmer.

How to equip?

There will be no problems with arranging a sleeping place in a 12-meter room, but this can be done if it is necessary to equip the room not only with a sleeping place, but also with a working space.

Let's take a closer look at some examples and life hacks of compact placement of furniture and the most functional use of space:

For example, to equip a bedroom-study, it is not at all necessary to have a room with a large area. You can use a folding bed option - a small sofa, as well as a smaller bed.

In this case, there will be additional space in the room, which is quite suitable for a desktop.

In addition, a window sill can also be used as a desktop, the surface of which can be slightly lengthened, if necessary. With this use of the window part of the room, most of the space remains free.

To create more space for work, you can use a furniture attribute such as a loft bed. The model is a sleeping place located almost under the ceiling and fixed on special strong columns and posts.

In the area under such a bed, you can equip a very spacious workplace by equipping it with a large corner table.

A room with a loggia and a balcony gives you much more opportunities to make the most of the space, in addition, there is the possibility of increasing the space by several square meters.

For example, the insulation of double-glazed windows and the destruction of the partition between the space of the loggia or balcony and the room will make the room longer, thereby creating additional space for the workspace.

In addition, it is not at all necessary to demolish the entire partition completely; it is enough to remove the window and the balcony door. The rest of the wall can be decorated with a wide table top, creating a quite comfortable workplace there.

And the rest of the balcony space can be used to store various personal items.

It should be noted that the atmosphere of the bedroom should be conducive to relaxation and not only physical rest, but also emotional release. For this, the room should not be cluttered with a huge amount of massive furniture - you should use compact models of everything you need.

Color solutions

The color scheme of the bedroom is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the visual perception of the room as a whole. As already said, the design of the room should be conducive to a comfortable rest, therefore, the use of overly bright shades and vulgar color combinations is discouraged.

But the room should also not be too pale and faded., since a large number of light cold shades deprive him of coziness and a sense of comfort - the bedroom will look, though spacious, but still very cold.

Red color

Red color with excessive use, it is completely unsuitable for the sleeping area, so you should avoid using a large amount of this shade. But in small doses, it is quite appropriate. For example, as a decor for one of the walls (but no more), as well as to complement the interior with various decorative items - blankets, pillows, decorative figurines and vases.

It is worth noting that for a bedroom, the most successful color combination with a red tint can be white.

Green bedroom when choosing a classic bright shade, it can seem like real wildness, and it is not surprising - hardly bright herbal tones are able to inspire a feeling of tranquility and create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and recreation.

But the interiors in light mint colors look quite beautiful and appropriate., as well as bedrooms with a predominance of a soft olive shade. Calm delicate colors will create a feeling of coziness and will not affect the visual perception of the area of ​​space.

But as with red, you should avoid excessive use of elements of these tones and limit yourself only to the decor of individual parts of the interior.

In addition, delicate shades of yellow, pink and blue are perfect for decorating a bedroom. And the combination of beige and brown is almost a classic for the decor of this room.


It is noteworthy that the color scheme of the room can be part of one of various stylistic solutions. Let's take a closer look at which styles are the most popular for decorating bedrooms, what is characteristic of each of them and due to which some are especially popular:

  • Country. For a bedroom in this style, a predominance of light green shades is characteristic, thanks to which the room looks very fresh and spacious. This style is also characterized by all kinds of floral prints, paintings with natural landscapes and bright embroidery.

  • Provence. This style is a kind of French Country, as its origins come from distant villages located in the south of France. The style is characterized by soft lilac and lavender shades, a predominance of light tones and light floral patterns.

  • Rustic. Something in common with the above two styles has a rustic style, the main characteristic of which is the predominance of woody elements - mainly wall decor. The style is characterized by light shades, floral prints and the use of dried flowers as decor.

  • Vintage... Vintage-style bedrooms are characterized by lightness and grace. Beds with an openwork metal frame, furniture with traces of scuffs and an aged effect, as well as a large predominance of light shades: ash, pearl, ivory, pale pink and champagne.

  • Romantic. Decorating a bedroom in this style may require a wider flight of imagination, since both a light version and a dark room with gray walls can look beautiful. This style is characterized by unobtrusive floral prints, feminine elements, leather headboards.

  • Classical. This style is characterized by luxury and wealth. Mostly soft velvet fabrics, silk bedding and velor pillow upholstery are used. And the interior is dominated by golden decorative elements, complemented by crystal figurines.

  • Pop Art. This style is the most fashionable and modern of all, since its main features were inspired by various newfangled trends. Large posters with large images of women’s faces, drawings in the form of enlarged berries and fruits, neutral furniture and accessories in bright colors are the main components of this style.


Lighting in the bedroom is an important part, since it is not only a sleeping area, but also a relaxation area in a horizontal position. The classic overhead light may simply not be enough, and small lamps do not have such a power that would allow them to independently illuminate the entire room completely.

Let's take a closer look at all the existing lighting options for bedrooms, what are the most successful of them and how to carry out the lighting yourself.

Central lighting

Of course, central ceiling lighting is necessary as it cannot be replaced with other lighting fixtures. It is carried out from the center of the room and spreads over its entire area.

As a rule, when building a house, this type of lighting is carried out in each room, so you don't have to do it yourself. You just need to choose a beautiful chandelier that matches the interior and securely fix it to the ceiling.

If you want to equip the bedroom with wall sconces that are not connected to electrical outlets, but powered by a switch, you will have to draw additional lines with your own hands.

Additional lighting

It is better to do additional wiring before the start of the repair, since undecorated walls are quite suitable for hiding the wires in specially punched channels. Otherwise, you will have to buy a special box for wires or hide them in the holes in the baseboard.

Additional lighting in the form of small sconces can be placed on the sides of the bed, equipped with a chain switch for convenience. Small floor lamps and lamps standing on bedside tables are placed in a similar way. All these lighting elements will become indispensable for those who like to read before bedtime.

Decor, textiles and accessories

In addition to finishing work and the choice of furniture, the bedroom must be supplemented with all sorts of accessories and decorative elements. After all, the interior of no room is complete without stylish little things that give it more comfort.

Various figurines and vases of different sizes act as decor. It is not necessary to keep fresh flowers in a vase; you can decorate the item with a beautiful artificial bouquet.

Paintings are excellent interior decor., images on which are able to create both a more sunny and lighter atmosphere in a room, as well as a heavy and negative one, leading to a waste of their own energy.

It is worth choosing a drawing more carefully and beware of such gifts.

Of course, no bedroom is complete without textile accompaniment - these are curtains, a bedspread, and bed linen. The bedspread and curtains should match the interior, but the bedding should be chosen based on personal preference.

Particular attention should be paid to curtains: they should be dense, made of heavy fabric that does not allow light to pass through, since the body needs rest and full recovery, and the light of lanterns can negatively affect the sleep process.

As accessories for the curtains, you can pick up special ties made of materials or on a magnetic base.

  • The bedroom looks very nice in blue tones. White furniture, wallpaper with an unobtrusive print in a classic style, graceful curtains and a beautiful blue bedspread give the room a truly luxurious look.

  • A bright bedroom, the predominant shade of the interior of which is a beige-pinkish shade, will appeal to both men and women.

  • A practical bedroom in an elongated 12-meter room is distinguished by the presence of vertical hanging shelves. There is a small niche above the door, which solves the issue of additional storage space.

Having a comfortable living room, where it is pleasant to get together as a family and invite guests, is certainly important for every host. I would like to place both a huge grand piano and a table where all the relatives will be accommodated, and do not forget about the entertainment area, for example, a modern home theater.

And at the same time, let's face it, most classic apartment buildings cannot boast living rooms larger than 12 sq. m. But, this is not a reason to be upset.

12 square meters is a completely normal area for planning a cozy and compact living room, but you can't call it huge either. At the same time, for a small family, there will be enough space to relax in the family circle and arrange a great holiday with friends. A comfortable sofa, TV, coffee table can easily be accommodated here.

Also, various variations of the living room interior design are possible in different styles or combining other rooms from the living room into one. We will talk about this further.

How to create a cozy living room in a small area?

The design of the living room is 12 sq.m. it is important to take into account all the nuances of the layout, and since the presented area is small, it can be increased visually.

To achieve this with the help of such methods: light shades of finishing materials, glossy stretch ceilings, wallpaper with a pattern that visually increase the space, do not forget about the well-known method for many - the use of mirrors and of course a lot of light.

Furniture should be chosen only necessary, but not too large. A TV set on the wall frees up some of the space.

You should not choose large cabinets and walls. Small modular cabinets, shelves or racks are then the ideal solution.

Living room combined with kitchen

Typical apartments of modern high-rise buildings do not always boast a convenient layout and size, which is why combined rooms have become increasingly popular, in particular, consider the option of a kitchen-living room of 12 sq. m.

To make the combined area look harmonious, the following wishes should be taken into account:

  • the working area and the recreation area should be performed in the same style, without abrupt transitions;
  • it is not necessary to do everything in one color, however, it is better to use one color scheme. You can add bright accents in the form of pillows on the sofa, shelves, decorative elements, an apron in the kitchen, but do not forget about the proportions. The well-known expression “the more, the better” will not work here;
  • it is possible to beautifully beat the use of a partition - a bar counter, a dining table with chairs, a decorative column, sliding panels, a flower stand and much more will be an excellent unifying element.

Bedroom and living room: how to properly combine these zones

When there is no opportunity to equip a separate living room, this is not at all a reason to abandon the guest area. The bedroom and living room go well with each other. The combined sleeping area and the guest area can be divided into different zones using partitions.

Materials for manufacturing are used depending on the general style of the room, the interests of the customer and, of course, the designer's imagination.

You can highlight the guest area using various forms of plasterboard structures, textiles, folding screens, glass or translucent panels and much more. In one zone, a bed and bedside tables will take their place, in another a comfortable sofa for guests, a TV, a table.

An alternative to the partition will be a sliding wardrobe, directed by doors to the sleeping area, and the back wall will become a decorative element in the recreation area. This option is suitable for planning rectangular living rooms that can be easily divided into two equal parts. It is better not to divide small square rooms and leave them intact.

Another option for dividing the room into zones is the use of special multifunctional furniture in a modern living room. The design of such furniture will allow you to use it for sleeping at night, and during the day it easily folds up and turns into a full-fledged living room for joint meetings with friends or a good rest after work.

Multifunctional sofas do not take up much space during the day; they often have a place for storing bed linen, blankets and pillows. When guests come unexpectedly, closed cabinets, a built-in wardrobe, a chest of drawers, and other modular furniture will help you quickly hide unnecessary things and signs of a bedroom from prying eyes.

Living room color scheme 12 square meters

Of course, the color scheme does not affect the functionality of the room in any way, but no one canceled the visual perception. According to the photo of the living room 12 sq.m. it can be seen that any spectrum of colors can be used, both saturated shades and light ones.

If you decide to use dark or bright colors in a room, it is important to be able to correctly place accents so that you do not get bored with such a design soon. At the same time, for small areas, it is still recommended to use light, pastel colors to create the necessary calm effect.

The mirror will visually enlarge the area. For example, with a wardrobe with mirrored doors, the room not only seems larger, but a useful storage space appears.

It is possible to diversify a plain interior thanks to various design approaches. On one wall, you can create a bright accent by pasting colored wallpaper and place upholstered furniture or several paintings near this wall. It is important to observe the harmony of color, experts recommend no more than three primary colors in one interior at the same time.

It all depends on the preferred interior style. Classic style, with its grandiose furnishings and lots of decor for a small living room, would not be a good idea. Modern living room renovation strives for practicality and minimalism, without unnecessary details, only basic furniture and the most functional.

In addition to the choice of color, the arrangement of furniture is of great importance. Think in advance what is important for you to highlight in the living room, taking into account the interests of the family. If you like to spend time watching your favorite TV shows with your family over a cup of tea, you should provide a cozy relaxation area. Separated place for TV and upholstered furniture.

Photo of the living room 12 sq. m.

12 square meters - a lot or a little? As it turned out, it all depends on the ability to properly decorate the room, decorate and make competent accents. What is he - ideal modern room design 12 sq.m.?

OM DESIGN, Anton Likhtarovich - photo

We increase the space of the room with an area of ​​12 meters

If it is impossible to move the walls apart, then you can "cheat" and make the room visually spacious. And there are a lot of design tricks for this:

  1. For wall and ceiling decoration, it is better to use materials of light shades. Gray and beige palettes, as well as their combination, are considered classics.
  2. Fashionable room design means providing good lighting:
  • It is better to decorate the window with light tulle and plain curtains made of smooth fabric, without any decorations.
  • Instead of a chandelier in the room, it is advisable to install built-in lamps around the perimeter of the room.
  • A sconce or floor lamp next to the sofa will provide additional lighting.
  1. The modern design of a twelve-meter room suggests abandoning bulky, uncomfortable furniture. Products made of mirrors and glass increase the space, for example, a transparent, square-shaped coffee table.

Choosing a suitable style for arranging the interior of the living room, it is recommended to give preference to directions that do without pomp, an abundance of furniture and decor items. Styles meet these requirements loft, modern, minimalism, eco, scandi.

Loft-style living room 12 meters Design Alena Gorskaya Loft-style living room 12 meters Design Alena Gorskaya Loft-style living room 12 meters Design Alena Gorskaya

A famous German writer of the last century once said: "Only the simplest things never disappoint." And this fits perfectly with the description of the modern design of a small room.

It is better to take plain wallpaper as a basis, for example, soft beige... They blend beautifully with a deep olive shade.

The floor can be covered with laminate or parquet, the color of which should be 2-3 shades darker than the main finish.

All items in a small room are recommended line up the walls... The basis of the living room interior is a sofa - comfortable, with comfortable armrests and light upholstery. In the bedroom, this task is performed by a bed with a voluminous leather headrest.

It is advisable to choose a chandelier and other lighting devices with laconic shades, for example, in the form of white cylinders.

The modern design of the room is a must to give the room individuality. A stylish but discreet poster, painting, small photo collection or a mirror in an elegant frame will cope with this task.

Children's bedroom design: decoration, lighting and decor

Children's room is a separate world of a little person, in which he should feel comfortable. How to arrange the design of a 12-meter children's room that meets such requests?

The ideal color is considered to be blue - pleasing to the eye and life-affirming. Shades closer to blue increase concentration and promote the development of creative thinking.

A safe option for a small nursery is white furniture. The bed can be made of wood. But it is better to choose a chair from modern materials - weaving and metal, always with a function of changing the height. The best place for a table is a window niche.

In addition to the window and the main chandelier, the child will need a table lamp - in a light case, on an adjustable tripod. The berth can be equipped with a bedside wall lamp-plane.

To give the interior a childish individuality, it is enough to dress a couple of pillows in pillowcases with an original print, and decorate the wall with a card installation. Another useful item is the trendy toy bucket basket.

OM DESIGN, Anton Likhtarovich - Children's photo

Interior of a room for a girl: photo design project

The interior of a room for a girl of 12 meters should be practical and, at the same time, fashionable and girlishly soft.

Floral wallpaper can be replaced with a geometric pattern that combines several shades. The white floor and ceiling will visually increase the space of the room and add light. Another fashionable trend is the installation of ceiling beams.

The star of fashionable interiors is white furniture. You can also place a pink bed and 1-2 chairs or ottoman in a contrasting color in a girl's room.

There should be a lot of light in the nursery, therefore, it is better not to close the window with heavy curtains. Light roller blinds or blinds are more suitable for this.

It is better to choose luminaires of simple shapes. In the little princess's room there is a place for beautiful, roomy suitcase boxes, textile toys and pillows.


Bright modern room for a teenager

Non-binding simplicity, lightness and convenience are the main criteria that must be met by the design of a 12 sq.m room for a teenager.

An excellent option for wall decoration is a combination of plain materials with wallpaper with a Scandinavian print - gray and white zigzag. It is better to make the ceiling white, and cover the floor with laminate or parquet in a natural wood shade.

For a small room, light-colored items are suitable, for example, small armchairs with gray velor upholstery and metal legs. In addition to a comfortable sleeping place - a bed or a sofa, the room can accommodate a writing desk, shelving unit and a curbstone, made in white.

A set of smooth light curtains and a white curtain will allow light to enter the room. In addition, you can install a chandelier, consisting of many shades-balls and a trendy table lamp that is attached to the wall.

The carpet will look organic on the floor, the print of which echoes the patterns on the wallpaper. Squeak of fashion - black and white paintings and posters, as well as ceramic vases and bowls.

Modern children's room for a boy

By creating interior design of a nursery 12 meters for a boy it is worth remembering that the interests of the child can change quickly and we should not get hung up on a certain topic.

A basic set for a nursery should include a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and a bookcase for books and textbooks.

Furniture made of white material is considered relevant. To diversify the interior will help a chair with soft leather upholstery in a gray shade and a bedspread of the same color.

Lighting in the boy's room should be complete. And in addition to natural light, its sources can be a chandelier with a metal frame and a white shade, built-in lamps and a table lamp.

The room requires a minimum of decorations. Enough 2-3 photos or posters in original frames, interesting figures and stylish clocks.

Children's room for a boy in a loft style Design by Anastasia Morkovkina

Cozy room for welcome guests in a modern style

A modern guest room - a room not overloaded with furniture and other items, designed for short-term guests.

The combination of companion wallpapers - light shades and with a discreet print - looks interesting. One wall, pasted over with rectangles of colored wallpaper, can become a bright accent.

A minimum of items is required - a sleeping place, for example, a folding sofa, a sideboard, a coffee table and a TV. It is better to choose a sofa that is comfortable, with wide armrests and a convenient folding mechanism.

In addition to the main chandelier, which consists of several original shades, it is recommended to equip the sofa with a bedside lamp. The lamp looks stylish with a small, metal shade.

You can "revive" the interior of the guest room with the help of a small floor carpet with a bright pattern, an original vase and cozy pillows.

Interior of a room for a teenage girl in a modern style

Modern girls are so fickle and changeable that the room should match them.

Stylists advise to visually increase the space by decorating the walls and ceiling in light colors. In this case, a darker floor covered with a board or laminate will serve as a contrast.

The main item of the interior of the room for the girl is a sofa, which, when unfolded, will serve as a bed, and when folded, it will serve as a place to rest. The fabric upholstery can be neutral - beige or gray. A low coffee table, shelves and a built-in wardrobe will adequately complement the design.

The squeak of modern interior fashion is white light shades made in the form of a cylinder.

It is enough to decorate the wall with a large painting with a pacifying sky or seascape. A flower in a white outdoor flowerpot will become a bright accent.

Bedroom design 12 meters. A masterpiece of three colors and a headrest

A bedroom is a person's personal space where he sleeps and rests. Its interior should be comfortable, cozy and pleasing to the eye.

In the 12-meter bedroom, the walls and ceiling can be decorated with white, and the floor with dark laminate. A dark accent can also be made on the ceiling.

The main star of the bedroom is the bed, with a massive gray leather headrest. All other pieces of furniture should not be as spectacular. A long sideboard and a pair of white bedside tables are just what you need for this room.

Dense curtains save the daylight. They can be deep, wine or burgundy. An elegant white chandelier and a pair of bedside lamps with an original ceramic base look elegant.

A light-framed mirror, cushions and bedspreads with a homely, cozy print and a flower in a pot will add coziness and charm to the interior.

An interior of 12 square meters is not an easy task. But, knowing some of the basics and features of interior design, you can turn a room into a stylish and comfortable room.

Awakening style and taste in the children's room

What is beautiful, stylish and elegant can be seen in the photographs of the nursery, where the stunning design of a twelve-meter room is used.

A very interesting solution for a teenager's room is gender-neutral in different shades. Green is considered the only neutral color that is easily perceived by a person on a subconscious level. And in combination with natural shades of brown (wood, coffee), it gives the nursery a moderate severity, which encourages the growing baby.

Tall plants create in the room the illusion that time has no power in this area - even in winter it is fresh and warm here. The hanging chair is a very clever design move. It attracts attention as a stand-alone piece of furniture that nevertheless fits into the overall ensemble of color and style.

The nursery is not the governor's office; it should not be oversaturated with black and white or glossy gilded surfaces. Materials that are often found in nature come in very handy here - wood, wicker, natural green textiles and white furniture on the beta accent. This combination can well be characterized as a room design in a modern style.

Interior of a room with photo wallpaper on one wall

To prevent a small bedroom from becoming an outdated "sleeping bag", you should use a modern style room design.

A small room should not become a concrete dungeon, for this it is necessary to use wood and textiles in decoration, they will add softness and comfort.

There is never a lot of light. But if its quantity can be regulated, this is especially good. The main stream of rays comes from spotlights, which allows the light to be scattered throughout the room evenly, the floor lamp near the sofa gives additional light.

A module for storing clothes, stationery and books, a desk, a sofa is the most necessary set of furniture for a small stylish room. The yellow chair, echoing the bright color of the car in the picture, is a good highlight that dispels boredom.

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