Material for cut-off injection of concrete waterproofing. Materials for concrete waterproofing. For injection, penetration and separating methods. Injection into concrete for waterproofing. Technological operations and equipment for drilling holes

new technology, widely used to strengthen and insulate the foundations of new buildings and existing construction projects. Effective method, which allows you to create a reliable waterproof membrane between structures and aggressive environments.

In the article we will consider the waterproofing of objects by the injection method, the features of the technology, how the work is done, what is required for them, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

What is injection waterproofing?

- this is a waterproofing based on liquid polymers, pumped under pressure and works directly inside the building structure or in specially organized sections provided to minimize the consumption of the injection composition and the possibility of localizing leakage.

After entering the structure, helium polymer compositions polymerize, as a rule, within an hour, after which they acquire the ability to withstand very high pressure environment.

Application area

The method has long been used in foreign countries. In Russia this unique technology appeared recently, but has already gained popularity in the construction and repair industry.

This technique involves pumping waterproofing compounds into the foundation material and other building elements that are subject to destruction under the influence of a humid environment. For insulation work, special materials and equipment will be required.

The main goal is to strengthen and protect the foundation from destruction provoked by a humid environment. This method is relevant for increasing the bearing capacity of the foundation, for fixing the soil and sealing the formed cracks.

Modern technology is also used to eliminate the inflow of water formed in the foundation, and to equip the cut-off waterproofing between the foundation and the wall of the building.


It is carried out using a special technology. All materials used are kept liquid state for 30-40 minutes. Their hardening is regulated by the catalysts included in the composition. Experts recommend that work be carried out at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees.

Waterproofing Injection Methods

The choice of technique depends on the selected material and the surface to be insulated.

Where the technology is applied:

  1. For foundation injection. The best option is to use cement-sand composition based on silicates.
  2. For waterproofing walls during the construction phase and during overhaul. It is recommended to use acrylic or polyurethane material.
  3. For injection of basements and ground floors.
  4. In order to strengthen the foundation of concrete structures, waterproofing of joints and cracks is carried out.
  5. To improve the quality of a brick building, waterproofing is carried out by injection using hydrophobic compounds.
  6. To strengthen old foundations and restore bearing capacity.
  7. For isolating cold joints in reinforced concrete structures, etc.

Methods for applying injection waterproofing:

  1. "Gravity" - involves filling holes drilled at an angle with material, followed by its movement under the action of gravity. When performing insulation by this method, fast-hardening compounds cannot be used.
  2. "Under pressure" - filling of materials occurs under a pressure impulse. The pressure supply is provided by a pressure pump. It is possible to carry out work on this technology only in warm weather(not below 5 degrees Celsius).

Equipment for injection waterproofing

To carry out waterproofing work using the injection method, you will need a special metal packer and a high-pressure pump.


The foundation and other building surfaces are made using various materials.

What materials can be used:

  1. Polyurethane polymer is a highly plastic material that can withstand various loads. Economic consumption. Affordable cost. It is widely used to isolate foundations located on the territory of quicksand and loose soil.
  2. Acrylic gel is a strong and stable material. Easily penetrates into the smallest pores of the foundation. Hardens quickly. Soil particles are used to strengthen the material, which provides additional protection against washout.
  3. Epoxy material- used in dry construction. Hardens quickly on contact with air. After complete polymerization, the solid membrane becomes completely impermeable to water.
  4. Materials based on siloxanes or silicates. When interacting with the main building material emulsified to form a highly effective water barrier. Can be used for waterproofing surfaces with high humidity.

Stages of work

Waterproofing works by the injection method are carried out in stages, in accordance with important technological rules.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Examination of the surface with the identification of points of localization of moisture penetration.
  2. Drilling through holes in increments of up to 0.5 m. Diameter - up to 20 mm. Additional holes are made in places of localization.
  3. Drilling blind holes along fault lines or cracks.
  4. Metal packers are inserted into the created holes, ball valves are fixed to their outer part.
  5. A tank with a waterproofing compound is connected to the ends of the fixed taps.
  6. The composition is transported through the tube by gravity or under the influence of pressure (depending on the chosen method of injection).
  7. After the material has hardened, the tubes are removed.
  8. The outer surface is covered with a layer of moisture-resistant plaster or cement-sand mortar.

Advantages and disadvantages

Has many advantages. This technique eliminates the need for land works while strengthening the foundation finished buildings. The mixtures used do not contain harmful impurities, therefore they are absolutely safe for the human body.

Due to the low density of the compositions, a high penetrating ability of the material is ensured. When carrying out work, it is not necessary to carry out pre-drying, injectable gels have good adhesion to wet surfaces. Waterproofing can be performed even in cold weather, the main thing is to choose the appropriate material adapted to low temperatures.

What other advantages does injection waterproofing have:

  • it is possible to perform work at the construction stage and after the construction of the building;
  • the technology is used during major repairs;
  • the result is guaranteed high-quality waterproofing with a reliable membrane that envelops the entire surface.

The disadvantages include the high cost of materials, the need to use special equipment and mandatory compliance technological rules. In the absence of skills, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Features of injection of various designs

It is carried out according to the standard scheme, but has some features when performing work at different construction sites.

For increase performance characteristics of the erected building, the walls are injected. Works are carried out at the construction stage or during the overhaul.

When the foundation is injected, vertical waterproofing is performed with the creation of a horizontal barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture.

External and internal waterproofing is carried out when injecting basements.

To strengthen the foundations of concrete structures, waterproofing of cold and moving joints is carried out.

To increase the strength and moisture resistance of brick buildings, insulation is made using hydrophobic compounds.

To date, quality work is carried out by specially trained craftsmen who have all the necessary equipment in their arsenal.

Injection waterproofing rightfully considered one of the most progressive methods protection of structures from the negative effects of moisture. It allows you to protect existing buildings and structures from leaks, avoiding capital repair work. You can order a full range of services related to the injection waterproofing of objects of any type at NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC.

What is injection waterproofing

Wall injection is a method that is based on penetration waterproofing compound into voids present in concrete or brick construction. In this case, such a composition can be introduced not only directly into the object, but also placed between the surface and the external decorative coating thus creating a waterproof membrane. An important feature of injection is also that with the help of a hydrophobic material it is possible to create a reinforcing frame.

It is worth saying that injection allows you to compact the soil mass, brickwork or concrete structure by feeding them special formulations for waterproofing. After injection, the injection solution acquires a number of specific properties:

  • Prevents the formation of salts;
  • Penetrates into the smallest pores;
  • In large gaps, a monolithic filling is created;

Physical parameters are similar to masonry.

Where is injection used?

Injection of brick walls or concrete structures allows you to make many surfaces waterproof. used this technology for:

  • waterproofing of cold joints in concrete;
  • waterproofing expansion joints;
  • increasing the strength of the walls;
  • cut-off waterproofing;
  • sealing of inputs.

The application of this method is possible at any objects - built and under construction, as well as for the repair of complex technical point view of structures - pools, central engineering systems, cellars.

Pros and cons

If we talk about the advantages of this technology, then this is:

  • the possibility of carrying out in any climate;
  • saving time and money;
  • the ability to create a monolith without joints;
  • elimination of emergency leaks;
  • increase in the strength indicators of the foundation.

Do not forget about the disadvantages - the need to use specialized equipment and performance of all works only by specialists.

Materials used for injection waterproofing

Injection of walls is a rather laborious process, and in it Special attention is given not only to the choice of equipment, but also to the selection of materials. The strength characteristics of the insulating membrane, the level of adhesion and the durability of the structure depend on how correctly the compositions for injection are selected. That is why you can use several types of waterproofing compositions, which differ in scope and in the presence of certain components.

Epoxy resins

Features of using epoxy polymer materials that during waterproofing work there should be no moisture in the wall and, especially, water, before the epoxy polymer completely hardens. The process of polymerization of materials based on epoxy polymers should take place only in an air environment with minimal humidity. But at the same time, after complete solidification, epoxy polymers form a high-strength hydrobarrier, and also significantly increase the strength characteristics of the structure with respect to mechanical impacts.

Acrylate gels

Similar mixtures are made on the basis of ether acrylic acid. Acrylate gels are considered to be one of the most popular wall injection materials today. This popularity is explained by the fact that gels have a density that is equal to the density of water, and the polymerization process can occur in a humid environment. After the introduction of acrylate gel into concrete or brick, a minimum of time is required in order to create a single whole with the wall material. The main advantage of using acrylate gels for injection can be considered the fact that it is possible to regulate the time of complete solidification, due to which it is possible to close large leaks in just a couple of seconds, the water pressure of which exceeds the standard values. Additional useful property of such compositions is the possibility of creating a protective membrane both inside the supporting structure and at the border with the soil base, thanks to which it is possible to strengthen the soil adjacent to the structure, preventing the leaching process.

Hydroactive foaming materials

Injection with hydroactive gels (two-component polyurethane resins) is the most economical option waterproofing. The peculiarity of such polymers is that they increase several times in volume upon contact with a humid environment. During the expansion of the gel, all the water present in the micropores is displaced. Due to the fact that two-component polyurethane resins have rather specific hydroactive characteristics, they can penetrate into the smallest pores of the structure, due to which the level of waterproofing will be maximum. In order to regulate the time during which hydroactive gels polymerize, it is possible to regulate the introduction of special catalysts into their composition.

Cement-sand compositions

Compositions made from cement, polymeric materials and components with high frost resistance are microelements for injection waterproofing. A feature of such compositions is the ability to penetrate into the structure of the structure, where they fill absolutely all micropores and capillaries. Quite often, such materials are compared in properties with masonry, and with their help, not only a reliable waterproof membrane is created, but also the structure of the structure is improved.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes

Compositions consisting of silicate components or siloxanes have an interesting feature - when interacting with basic building materials at the molecular level, as they go into the state of an emulsion that repels water. Such properties of these materials allow them to be used as a highly effective horizontal barrier that prevents even capillary moisture from entering concrete or brick surfaces. Materials based on silicates and siloxanes have the property of fast and unhindered penetration into wet surfaces, which makes it possible to waterproof thick surfaces that are very wet.

injection technology

Injection of brick walls or concrete walls can be done by two main methods:

  • The waterproofing composition is supplied by gravity, without the use of additional pressure created by pumping equipment. With this method, holes in a concrete or brick surface are drilled at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • The composition for waterproofing is fed into the boreholes under set pressure. A similar method is widely used in order to eliminate leaks in case of emergencies, since the process takes a minimum of time and is highly efficient. In this case, the lower holes are filled first, and then the upper ones - this approach can significantly reduce the consumption of the waterproofing composition when filling the upper part of the structure.

The actual process of injecting walls with waterproofing solutions looks simple only at first glance. But do not flatter yourself thinking that you can rent equipment and carry out waterproofing work yourself, as there are many subtleties and nuances of this process. The main stages of injection are:

  • Thorough cleaning of concrete or brick wall from dirt, dust and previously used waterproofing materials;
  • Make accurate calculations of the surface area that needs to be waterproofed, and on these data calculate the number of holes;
  • Examine the surface with a metal detector for laying a reinforcing cage, and then mark on the wall where the reinforcement passes;
  • Light up holes in pre-marked places at a given angle (depending on the method of introducing a waterproofing solution);
  • Set the packers and pump the waterproofing solution using pumping equipment or by gravity;
  • After all the holes are filled, wait until the composition is completely dry, and then make fine finish surfaces with plaster or decorative materials.

The specialists of our company, before starting work on waterproofing by injection, conduct a complete examination of the structure, on the basis of which they select best option composition and necessary equipment.

Building injection

Injection is one of the universal options with which you can eliminate problems and strengthen the most various buildings. In most cases, it is used in buildings that have already been built.

concrete structures

The use of injection for concrete structures allows you to restore its properties and make it completely waterproof. With small defects and the organization of waterproofing, injection is indispensable, but it is important to choose the right filling composition, the choice of which must be entrusted to professionals.


Instead of the usual parsing old masonry and the installation of a new one, injection can be used, which is applicable when the brick is delaminated and cracks appear. In most cases, microcement or polymer compounds are used.

Injection from NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC is profitable and simple

In OOO NPP StroyGeoTechnologiya, you can get a comprehensive solution to issues related to the hydroprotection of various buildings and structures by the injection method. All work is carried out only by experienced professionals using progressive technologies, modern equipment and high quality materials for affordable prices and in a short time frame.

Prices for waterproofing works

No. p / p Name of works Unit rev. Price per one. (rub.)
1. Wall waterproofing in 2 layers. m2 from 500
2. Coating waterproofing m2 from 300
3. Coating waterproofing with penetrating compounds m2 from 500
4. Membrane waterproofing m2 from 500
5. Wall waterproofing by injection m.p. from 3000
6. Injection of cracks in concrete m.p. from 3500
7. Waterproofing and sealing expansion joints m.p. from 3900
8. Injection of masonry m.p. from 4000
9. Balcony waterproofing m2 from 500
10. Roof waterproofing m2 from 250

The price includes the cost of the work performed. The cost of materials is calculated additionally depending on the project, terms of reference, work sheet.

The construction process necessarily provides for the waterproofing of the foundation and walls. Much attention has been paid to this stage in the last few decades. Protect your home from moisture different ways, and one of them - injection waterproofing - we will consider in this article.

Why do you need foundation waterproofing?

Few people know that concrete itself is not afraid of moisture, it only becomes stronger from it. But concrete is not a water repellent and perfectly passes water through itself. Therefore, waterproofing should not be neglected. You can do without it only during construction non-residential premises, and then, if the level of groundwater is low.

Indoor waterproofing methods

Usually, waterproofing of foundations and walls is carried out with outside premises. But in some cases it is impossible or impractical to do this. For example, it is not always possible to dig in the foundation of an already operated building. In this case, waterproofing work is performed in the basement.

There are several ways to waterproof internal walls premises. The most common:

  • impregnating
  • coating
  • painting
  • injection

Impregnation waterproofing of the foundation and basement walls is carried out relatively quickly. The material for its device is a mixture, which includes a special type of cement, sand and special additives that give the mixture waterproofing properties. The components of the composition applied to a wet surface react with water. As a result, crystals are formed that stop the penetration of moisture. And the wetter the surface of the walls, the stronger the effect of the mixture.

Coating and painting methods similar. For them, bitumen-polymer or bituminous mastics, polymer paints or oil paints. This type of isolation is quite effective in basements, but the compositions that are used for the device of the waterproofing coating are very toxic. The minimum thickness of the coating insulation layer is 3 mm, the paint insulation layer is 1-2 mm.

The injection method is the most expensive, but with its help the greatest efficiency is achieved. Most often, the material is acrylate mixtures and gels. The barrier obtained as a result of injections can withstand water pressure of several tens of atmospheres. This method is used not only for waterproofing foundations and walls, but also in subway tunnels.

The essence of the injection waterproofing method

This method of protecting foundations and basement walls from moisture and leaks has been used in Europe for over 30 years. In our country, it became known relatively recently and is considered promising. The cost of materials and labor is slightly higher than the cost of more traditional ways waterproofing, but the effect of the work performed is several times higher. By using injection method you can even repair cracks and chips on the surface of walls and foundations, stop active water leakage through concrete. It can be used not only for concrete surfaces, but also for porous materials, such as brickwork.

The peculiarity of this method is that the prepared polymer mixtures are pumped under pressure into the pores, seams and cracks of the walls, floor and ceiling of the structure. AT hard-to-reach places special types of injectors are used, with the help of which the mixture is pumped under high pressure.

The materials used for injection insulation are made on a mineral or polyurethane basis. Their density is approximately equal to the density of water, which allows them to penetrate almost unhindered even into subtle cracks that could form in the walls of the foundation.

The use of an injection method of waterproofing is advisable in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to increase the limit of working loads of bearing structures of foundations made of bricks and rubble;
  • if necessary, eliminate active leaks in the walls of foundations;
  • when installing cut-off insulation between the foundation and the main wall of the house;
  • when sealing joints between the soil and the foundation wall.

Injection waterproofing device technology

Work on the insulation device begins with preparatory phase. In new buildings, it consists in cleaning the surface of the walls from dust and dirt, as well as eliminating irregularities. In the case of repairing already operated surfaces, the scope of work is slightly larger. It is necessary, if possible, to remove the old waterproofing, clean the walls from fungus and mold, remove salts using special tools.

The next stage is drawing up a project, which indicates the density of future holes, and the amount of waterproofing mixture that is needed to complete the entire amount of work. The number of required holes and material depends on the thickness of the foundation and the type of mixture. Consumption of a mixture based on polyurethane per square meter- not less than 1.5 liters. Required amount material on acrylic base significantly less.

A hammer drill or drill is used to drill holes. The diameter of the holes should be 25-32 mm, it depends on the diameter of the injection packers or capsules. Holes are made under a sharp cut up to 45 degrees. Depending on the tasks, the depth of the holes can vary, usually it reaches 2/3 of the wall thickness. When sealing the seams between the ground and the foundation, it is necessary to drill through the wall through. The holes are washed with a stream of water.

Packers are inserted into the resulting holes, which serve as nozzles for the pump. Through these nozzles, the finished waterproofing mass will be pumped into the wall. For this process, a small pump is sufficient, which creates a pressure of 0.5 MPa. For responsible nodes industrial facilities an electric membrane or piston pump. With the help of such equipment, the mixture is fed into the holes along with the hardener, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the waterproofing material throughout the entire thickness of the wall.

If the wall is made of "dry masonry" you can do without a pump. But in this case, the packers will need to be filled several times a day. Without a pump, the mixture diverges more slowly through the void in the concrete and the process should be repeated several times.

After completion of the injection work, all drilled holes are sealed with a conventional cement-sand mixture.

Important! Work should be carried out at an ambient temperature of +5 degrees. With more low temperatures the spread of the mixture over the concrete will be very difficult.

Waterproofing is necessary for additional protection buildings or structures from the aggressive effects of water. If mistakes were made during construction, the water-repellent layer is able to eliminate them.

The essence of the injection is injection (injection) under strong pressure of modern hydrophobic materials using special pumping equipment.

One of the main advantages of this method is that there is no need to dismantle the structure.

The main types of injection waterproofing services:

Injection of cold (working) concreting joints

RSHB (HSHB) is a seam that occurs when pouring (laying) concrete mix intermittently: in the process of laying liquid on already dried concrete.

RSHB is the most vulnerable point of a concrete structure. Over time, water begins to seep through the RCHB, which leads to the destruction of the material and corrosion of the reinforcement - this affects the integrity of the structures.

Typical locations of RSHB:

  • columns
  • Ribbed floors
  • Flat slabs and foundations
  • beams

Stages of work:

  1. Shtroblenie / Jointing RSHB;
  2. Cleaning and chasing RSHB repair tool;
  3. Drilling holes for injection;
  4. Installation of injection packers;
  5. Primary sealing of RSHB with polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of RSHB with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  8. Coating waterproofing RSHB.

Injection of expansion joints

Expansion joint (DSh) - a section in the building structure, dividing the structure into separate blocks, designed to reduce loads on objects in places of possible deformations.

LH is a hollow space (as a rule, filled with a joint filler of the Penoplex type), through which water leaks are possible.

Stages of work:

  • Partial dismantling of the existing joint filler in the LH;
  • Laying of joint filler (type "Vilaterm") in two layers;
  • Chasing LH with a repair tool;
  • Hole drilling;
  • Installation of steel packers;
  • Injection of LH with acrylate gels;
  • Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  • Installation of waterproofing tape on epoxy adhesive.

crack injection

Structural cracks are holes that affect bearing capacity object. They arise due to design errors, improper operation of the building, as well as increased loads on structures.

Non-constructive cracks - holes that were formed during plastic shrinkage, shrinkage of the building, temperature changes, as a result of damage to the reinforcement. They do not pose a risk to the strength of the object.

The presence of active leaks through cracks leads to the destruction of structures.

Stages of work:

  1. Chasing/grooving cracks;
  2. Cleaning and chasing cracks with a special solution;
  3. Hole drilling;
  4. Installation of steel packers;
  5. Primary sealing of the crack with polyurethane foam composition;
  6. Secondary sealing of the crack with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with repair mortar;
  8. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  9. Coating waterproofing cracks.

Injection of communication inputs (interface node)

Communications inputs - sleeves / steel pipes passing through the foundation of the building.

With a leaky junction of the input of communications with the foundation, it leads to the penetration of ground / sewage water. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to structural failure and cracking.

Stages of work:

  1. Jointing of the junction steel pipe with reinforced concrete wall structure;
  2. Sealing the interface with polyurethane sealant;
  3. Coupling of the junction with a repair compound;
  4. Hole drilling;
  5. Installation of steel packers
  6. Injection of the interface node with acrylate gels;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with a repair compound;
  8. Coating waterproofing of the junction with a polymer-cement composition.

Adjacency injection

The junction node is the junction of building structural elements:

  • Wall - floor / floor slab.
  • Column - floor / floor slab.
  • Window / door openings - floor / floor slab.

With a leaky junction of the input of communications with the foundation or walls, it leads to the penetration of ground / sewage water. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to structural failure and cracking.

Stages of work:

  1. Shtroblenie / Jointing of the junction;
  2. Caulking of abutment defect with a repair compound;
  3. The device of the fillet with a repair composition;
  4. Hole drilling;
  5. Installation of packers;
  6. Primary sealing of junction points with hydroactive polyurethane foam composition;
  7. Secondary sealing of junction points with polyurethane resin composition;
  8. Dismantling of packers;
  9. Caulking holes with a repair compound;
  10. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  11. Coating waterproofing of the defect propagation zone.

Cut-off waterproofing

Upon contact of the foundation with groundwater there is an accumulation of moisture in the structure (capillary effect in concrete). The presence of water leads to rapid degradation of structures, a decrease in thermal properties, the formation and development of mold, fungi and microorganisms.

Stages of work:

  1. Drill holes at intervals of 10-12 cm, forming a horizontal line. Depending on the type of wall structure, the drilling angle is selected;
  2. Holes are cleaned of dust and foreign objects;
  3. Installation of injection packers;
  4. The injectable formulation is fed through the packer into the pressurized/unpressurized structure;
  5. Dismantling of packers;
  6. Caulking holes with a repair compound.

The purpose of waterproofing a building and structure is to maintain the strength of the foundation, and, consequently, of the entire structure as a whole, extending its service life and minimizing possible repair costs.

Usually a protective waterproofing layer is created during the construction process. But, it often happens when the owner of the premises acquires it in the state when you have to think about updating the waterproofing. What to do in this case?

The most promising option is to expose the foundation and re-engage in the creation of a protective layer.

The method of such work is always chosen individually, based on the characteristics of the building and the causes of insulation failure. Applying a new waterproofing material to the foundation is not so difficult and costly as it seems. But, here the manipulations with the soil require large time and financial investments. And the subsequent need to improve the territory makes the project even more expensive.

The way out of this situation is the method of injection waterproofing. It has gained great popularity in the countries Western Europe, where they learned to protect buildings from water and moisture at any time of the year. Especially since this method allows you to work indoors.

Work technology

Before the start of waterproofing work, the injection method is used to inspect the object and draw up detailed plan necessary operations. This work should be entrusted to experienced professionals who will correctly identify the problem by determining which substance needs to be treated. underground part structures, and calculate the volume of polymers.

Depending on the density of concrete and the goal, the type of composition of the injection solution is determined. In this case, the introduction of injection polymers can be carried out directly into the body of the building structure, as well as into seams, cracks in the foundation. If necessary, the solution is also supplied behind the structure of the structure, thereby creating a protective screen. If you do a complete waterproofing of the object, you will need a large amount of solution. It will be more economical to fill them with only cracks and seams. However, the possibility of this should be determined by experts.

The waterproofing plan must have a diagram indicating the number and location of holes, each of which has its own number. Holes, or small holes, are drilled in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 25-30 cm. Their depth should be approximately 70% of the wall thickness. through holes are drilled only to create a waterproofing filter surfaces.

To restore the waterproofing of the horizontal layer, the holes are made in two rows at the level of the beginning of the wall. In the holes obtained, parquets are attached, through which an injection solution is injected using special equipment capable of creating a pressure of 250 atmospheres. Then all accessories are removed, and the surface of the wall and foundation is cleaned of excess mortar. Next stage finishing works it is recommended to start by covering the restored area with a special sealant. This will make it possible to level the traces of repair and improve the hydroprotection of the surface of the material.

Types of injectables

Today, a variety of innovative compounds are used to create injection waterproofing, and their list is constantly updated. But, the most popular are polymer solutions.

Depending on your chemical composition they can have different elasticity, porosity, ability to increase in volume and polymerize. The ability of polymer solutions to fill microcracks and other voids is based on the property of polyurethane to expand several tens of times under the influence of moisture. In addition, such compositions are well retained on the surface of almost all types of materials.

Polyurethane injection solutions are used for:

  • elimination of stubborn leaks;
  • isolation of working seams and damaged butt joints of the structure;
  • horizontal waterproofing;
  • filling voids in the foundation;
  • strengthening the foundation;
  • strengthening the bearing capacity of the structure.

To repair materials with a finely porous structure, as well as to eliminate cracks and protect the separating layers of the foundation from water, epoxy and polyurethane resins are used. They are very strong, have good adhesion to concrete, steel and other materials that may be included in the foundation structure. This resin is not used in working with PVC, polyester and polyethylene. The main purpose of epoxy resins is to strengthen small damaged areas of the waterproofing of an object.

In some cases, instead of polymers, acrylate gels can be used, which can include up to five different components. Acrylates do not have a high degree of viscosity. However, they perfectly penetrate the structure of the material, filling the smallest pores and voids. At the same time, such gels are elastic and ideally fit on building construction. The injected acrylate is in a gel state. It expands and solidifies only upon contact with water. Such injection composition suitable for repairing active leaks, as well as for restoring waterproofing and creating new barriers.

Silicone compounds are used to create waterproofing and strengthen old foundations. They are made of silicone and silicon. Such compounds have high adhesion and well fill micropores, cracks and other voids. It is possible to strengthen the foundation and soil with the help of microcements.

Difficulty of choice

Before starting waterproofing work, the question always arises of which composition and solution is best suited for injection. Only a specialist can answer it correctly. But, general principles choices are:

  1. To create a waterproofing masonry on large areas solutions with low viscosity and a long curing period are suitable. At the same time, the composition penetrates better into the brickwork and fills the pores of the building material.
  2. Cold working seams of the foundation and walls are recommended to be treated with acrylic gels.
  3. Communications inputs are protected with polymer resins.

In addition to creating an insulating film, cracks can be repaired using injection waterproofing. This increases the strength of the object and the bearing capacity of building structures.

Depending on the task at hand, the injection technology may vary. If a vertical seam or crack is being processed, then the solution is applied from the bottom up. Large horizontal slots are filled from the center to the edges. If work is done epoxy resin, then before starting work, the defective area is treated with polyurethane.

To seal cold joints, non-shrinking compounds are used. They allow more purposeful use of the pressure of injection solutions inside the structure, displacing moisture from it and filling the cracks in the edge zones.

And although the cost of injection waterproofing is quite high, the effectiveness of such work is high. But, in order to accurately indicate the consumption of materials and the financial costs of protecting the object from water and moisture, this work should be produced by experienced specialists who will identify the problem and find ways to solve it.
