How to meet a beautiful girl. How to meet beautiful girls How to meet very beautiful girls

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How to find girls using dating, where to start, how to behave, what to write?

To get to know exactly the one who will communicate with you, you should pay attention to her profile. Pay attention to the quality of the photo, if it is good and beautiful, then she loves herself, takes care of herself. But it does mean that you need to meet these requirements. It may not be necessary in the photo, but when communicating, the girl will definitely pay attention to this. But this does not mean that you have to choose the most ugly! No. Just pick something in between. Your photo is what girls look at first. It is better to use a real one, photos of famous people and pictures from the Internet can be repulsive if she does not use a similar picture.

There are many subtleties to which you should pay attention. If you do not take them into account, then you will not be able to reach the goal.

  • Be sure to make some kind of compliment, appreciate the beauty of her eyes, waist, legs, etc., but just don't exaggerate, girls don't like being flattered or turning to vulgarities.
  • Be careful with questions, try not to strain with questions about your personal life until you reach a certain level of familiarity.
  • Before asking questions, look at her profile, there you can see the features that you can pay attention to. Thus, you will be able start your conversation Or find something to joke about.
  • It should be understood that in communication it is necessary to be original with a beautiful girl, try to feel the rhythm of communication and apply your originality at the right time.
  • Indicate in your profile that in the search for meetings, so that your seriousness can be seen, try to fill out the questionnaire as much as possible. After all, this is where your communication begins.
  • If you want to find her using similar acquaintances in the Internet, perhaps she will also be insecure, so you should ask your chosen one a few questions if you need the quality of self-confidence. In your profile, in the field about yourself, indicate that I want to find a confident woman, and she will definitely be interested in you.

A sense of humor is a big plus if you use it skillfully. Try to look at your acquaintance and communication with humor, because most of the guys who say they are in search on a dating site are insecure and maybe even inadequate people. Apply your delicacy and good manners and your messages will not just be in the attention and they will want to get to know you.

If a beautiful girl wants to find a relationship on the site, then most likely she works a lot and she has little time to spend time with friends or colleagues, then it is not difficult for her to share with you about her work and profession. If she is closed about her work, then most likely she is not her favorite and the girl is just bored, try to cheer up or offer to take a walk.

Do not bother the girl with your messages and do not wait for her while she is offline, try to show that you are busy and that you rarely manage to be on the site. Do not write to the girl a lot, pause so that she can think.

You don’t need to tell that you are waiting for the one and not repeatable, say that you want to find it everywhere and that’s why you are here and use even such an acquaintance. Girls will perceive you as purposeful, and for them this is very important.

If a guy wants to find his companion for a long time, then you should think about yourself and start listening to advice, most likely there will be some truth in them.

If you use a simple resource, be prepared for the fact that it is only possible to meet a simple girl there. Using a paid one, then users on this one are eliminated and there you will probably feel differently in communication.

Pay attention to their status, some do not write that I want to find a guy for meetings, but that I just want to find a guy for friendship. Perhaps the girls changed their status because they were disappointed, but you have a chance to stir her up and start dating with friendship.

Do not rush to ask for her phone number or make an appointment, only in exceptional cases. You need to ensure that the beautiful woman herself gives it to you. She may hint about it, but when she gets tired she will give it herself.

Try to call her by her first name, it basically always works in a good way when a person hears her name.

Pay attention to those that are not constantly online. Perhaps now is such a period, but still it’s worth considering what she does in her free time and if she constantly sits in the Internet, then most likely "Princess and the Pea" it will be difficult to take out for a walk or it will take a long time to hook up with her.

Nobody canceled the first impression. How you show yourself from the very beginning, such will be the result of your seduction. If you make mistakes at the very beginning, it will be difficult to catch up and the best option for further development is to switch to communication with another girl.

The task of your profile is to make a positive impression on her, she should want to write first, so you can help in this by writing in the status that I am looking for, that I will meet and I am ready to communicate. Do not miss it, describe who you are ready to meet and you will see that they will not write to you with girls with whom you would not want to get in touch.

Be a romantic - indicate that I will meet, that you want to find your soul mate, and you will see how messages start coming to you from the site and you will succeed.

The first step to the goal is to overcome your indecision and approach the desired girl. For starters, you can practice starting conversations with other women. Set a goal for the day - meet 10 girls. Go to a crowded place: cafe, library, supermarket. Start a conversation with the first lady you meet. Be at ease.

How to overcome yourself

It's good to arrange a kind of competition with a friend: who for a certain time with a large number of girls. The loser treats you with beer. What to do if you get rejected? Know that failures are no cause for disappointment. This is a step towards self-improvement. Analyze the reason and behave differently next time. It is noticed that refusals are most often received by frank boors. The rest of the girls are more supportive, unless, of course, the guy is sober and tidy.

Having gained enough experience in dating methods, move on to the object of desire. The expected meeting can take place anywhere. Regardless, you need to feel relaxed and at ease. Girls in this case rarely leave the conversation. Breathe slowly and deeply, throw "bad" thoughts out of your head. No need to dwell on the expectation of the bad. But if you are nervous and twitchy, few people will want to stay even just around.

Acquaintance with the beauty

Before approaching a girl, watch her first from the side. It is very important to understand her mood. Grief or anger is not the best companion for dating. It is also not advisable to approach if she is surrounded by friends. With a convenient set of circumstances, try to draw attention to yourself, catch the eye of a beauty.

Already by one of her reactions, you can judge her interest in you. If she averted her eyes, and then tried to take another look secretly, you can proceed to the next steps. If she grimaced and, it is better to leave her alone. Maybe lucky next time or with another beauty.

Girls love to talk, especially when they are being listened to carefully. Show that you are different from the rest. Try to get her opinion on some issue. It can be gossip about a famous person, a blockbuster that hit the screens, or the opening of a new institution. Show interest. And then act according to the circumstances.

Understand that some guys, without overpowering themselves, do not approach beauties. Because of this, the girls think that something is wrong with them, and complex. Therefore, they get more courageous and persistent guys. Think about who you want to be: a miserable loser or a winner?

Before every man at least once in his life the question arose: "How to meet a girl?". But, even despite the fact that in the modern world there are 100 and 1 ways of dating, some guys with great difficulty manage to find an approach to the girl they like.

Today, acquaintances in libraries and the hackneyed phrase “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” have been replaced by new, more modern and effective techniques. In this article, you will finally learn how to get to know a girl beautifully in various situations and not scare her away with your ridiculous behavior. Read and absorb!

How to meet a girl on the street

Or a cafe, a restaurant, a cinema… In a word, in real life. How many times did you hide your head in the sand at the sight of a beautiful girl and pass by without trying to start a conversation? But a live acquaintance is much more pleasant and romantic than a virtual one, only it allows you to recognize a person as he really is. No photoshop or extra embellishments. At the same time, there is a chance to strike her with your charm, which, alas, is not transmitted through the monitor. We have prepared some tips that will help to reduce rejection from the weaker sex to zero!

Make a good impression

The phrase "meet by clothes" worked, works and will work. This does not mean that you have to be dressed in an expensive suit and look like Brad Pitt. It is enough to have a neat appearance, a neat haircut, well-groomed hands and clean shoes. The first 3-5 seconds are the most important. And after that, the girl already knows for sure whether she wants to continue the dialogue with you or not. Everything is simple.

Come up with a phrase to start with

And, please, without pretense: “Girl, your eyes have melted the ice in my heart”, “What kind of angel descended from heaven” and other “romantic” nonsense. Take it easy: ask for help to reach a building or offer to carry a large bag. Speak clearly and distinctly. And don't impose. No means no. Perhaps you had dirt under your nails.

More confidence

Confidence is an absolute attribute of any man. Ladies love decisive! Be open, don't invade her privacy, keep eye contact (not too close), and smile sweetly. Be yourself, look as natural as possible and at the same time feel like a winner already.

Call her by name more often

Psychologists say that his name caresses the ear. And, if you address the girl by name, it will certainly encourage further conversation.

Use humor

One of the main male traits of a girl is called a sense of humor! Dilute the dialogue with a witty joke, make her laugh. So you relieve tension and can move on to more informal communication.

Assess the situation

If the meeting with the object of your desire took place in a cafe, ask about her gastronomic preferences, at an art exhibition - talk about art, in the gym - discuss sports. Your interests coincide, and this is already a huge plus!

Don't skimp on compliments

And it is better if they are imbued with sincerity! Women feel false and easily recognize the untruth. Give up platitudes like "your smile drove me crazy" or "what bottomless eyes you have." Come up with something original and not beaten. Fantasy doesn't work, is there a stupor? Then just tell from the bottom of your heart how much you like her.

No sudden movements

A girl should feel safe, and not everyone agrees to meet on the street. After all, everything unknown, in her opinion, is fraught with danger. You have to show that she has nothing to be afraid of and she can trust you, at least at this stage of dating. Be tactful, delicate and extremely polite.

How to meet a girl on social networks

Perhaps the easiest and most popular way of dating. After all, you can communicate with her being in any convenient place where there is Internet. You do not need to be stylishly dressed or seduce with your timbre for this. And here there is one “but”: the image that she will add about you may not correspond to reality at all. And to prevent this from happening, follow simple rules.

No cats or other animals in the avatar. You want to meet? Please show your true face! Let the photo be related to your hobby, work or leisure. It does not hurt her to know that you are quite successful and versatile. No rude and negative comments under the photos, infantile posts and childish quotes. Just do not confuse adequate seriousness with tediousness!

Look for the second half in thematic groups

So you narrow down the search and you can find a passion to match your hobbies. And there is always something to talk about.

Make a first step

Don't overwhelm a girl with likes. To show your interest, just write about it directly in private messages!

Don't make mistakes

Neither grammatical nor stylistic. This is sometimes not just annoying, but infuriating! Seem to be a competent, educated person, and if you don’t know the spelling of a particular word, don’t be lazy and look at Wikipedia.

Without extremes

Not everyone will understand if you instantly switch to “you”, in the same way, not everyone will like the persistent “vykavanie”. Yes, and with a capital letter (this is generally mauvais ton). Be courteous and modern, sticking to the golden mean. It is not appropriate to confess your love and compose poems in her honor. Hold your horses, you haven't even seen each other yet!

How to meet a girl on a dating site

It would seem that there is nothing easier! Indeed, on such sites and applications, potential brides themselves are looking for grooms. It is true that the competition here is strong. Many respectable men and businessmen, due to their employment, do not disdain this way of dating, and therefore the likelihood that the dream lady will give preference to you is reduced. How to make a girl pay attention to your person?

Competently fill out the profile

The photo on the main page is your pass key. It should not be too frank, so that you can modestly close your pile of muscles under your clothes. Unless, of course, you are looking for a girl for one night. It is much more correct to focus on your appearance! And be sure to fill in the "About yourself" section in detail. Describe your interests, occupation, any films, books, etc. This will increase the chance of finding a soul mate.

Don't be familiar

No matter how the girl reminds you of a cat, the sun or a flower, keep affectionate phrases and tenderness to yourself. This is completely inappropriate even for specialized services.

Be original

According to statistics, girls receive much more messages than guys. And this is not surprising. The hackneyed “hello, how are you” is unlikely to work. Therefore, in order not to get lost among the virtual applicants, you will have to stand out with something. Use information about the girl from her profile, ask an unusual question, and do not arrange an interrogation with an addiction.

Find an individual approach

Some men, in order to make their lives easier, come up with one big universal greeting in which they tell everything and even more about themselves. Any intelligent young lady will quickly realize that this soulless letter has already been sent to dozens of other candidates. And, therefore, the chance to meet a decent girl will fail! Still, for a quality search, you will have to spend time, as you already understood.

For example: you choose wine in a supermarket… you met the girl of your dreams. You are simply blinded by her beauty, you are already ready to write poetry and dedicate serenades to her. You now understand because of what women wars on earth could start ..

But she didn't see you. She just walked by, took the wine she liked and goes on to make her purchases. And you remained standing at the counter, blinded by her beauty and thinking about how to find the words to speak to her. And you don't understand what phrases you have to say so as not to look like an idiot in her eyes. You should find the perfect pretext, the perfect phrase for dating. BUT you do not understand why you are afraid to even think that you will approach her.
Then she left. Only the scent of her perfume remained...

Does this sound familiar to you? I think everyone has been in this situation. Basically, it shouldn't bother you. But if this happens from day to day, then it is necessary to change the situation. Take care of yourself, this problem will not solve itself. Perhaps your friend met such a beautiful girl. It remains only to be happy for him. But perhaps his sister or mutual friends introduced him to the girl. It is foolish to expect such a stunning girl to fall at your feet on her own. Therefore, if you yourself do not start to be active, then you have no chance. meet such a beautiful girl.
Now I will tell you a secret how to meet a beautiful girl. Young people often try to meet girls, but they ignore them. In fact, young people begin to compare themselves and before doing something they come to the conclusion that they simply do not deserve such a beautiful girl. "She's too beautiful for me", "she won't like me", "I don't deserve her" and so on. But beautiful girls are the loneliest in the world, so most young people are afraid to approach and speak.

So, stop being afraid and prove to everyone, and above all to yourself, that you deserve to be happy. Don't be afraid to get a negative result. This is also the result and in the end you will get what you deserve.
In truth, a girl will never think that you are an idiot if you try to meet her. Even if she turned you down, there could be a million reasons for it. Don't despair. Perhaps she has a husband or boyfriend and is happy, or she is simply in a hurry. In any case, the girl will not insult you and laugh.

If you still understand the main idea of ​​the article, and are ready to change your life for the better, stop worrying about what might happen to you during an acquaintance. It won't happen. The worst thing that can happen is that she will talk coldly to you and refuse a phone number. But the chance of this is ten times less than a positive result.

If you say something interesting, you are charming and funny, then you have a huge chance to spend today with her.

Try to start a conversation in a fun way:
You: hello
She: hello
You: I'm practicing with a beautiful girl. My name is... What are you doing here?

Usually such a beginning of a conversation intrigues a girl. It's incredible, right? In fact, you can look for the perfect prepositions and phrases for dating, but the truth is that you can say whatever you want6 to start dating. More important is how you speak and how you behave.

Acquaintance with very beautiful girls. How to meet and behave with beautiful girls?

Everyone chooses for himself
Woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
Everyone chooses for himself.
Yuri Levitansky.

It was only in Europe in the Middle Ages that they burned all the beauties, spoiling the gene pool. On our streets, good-looking girls are not uncommon, but there are not so many truly beautiful ladies.

A beautiful girl is very wonderful and pleasant, it will keep you in good shape, raise your self-esteem and the level of “attractiveness” for a female, men will respect and sometimes envy you, you will have beautiful kids and much more. Someone will say that this is all wrong, yes, maybe. But tell me then, why are you chasing only beauties, and do not pay attention to ugly girlfriends?

Beauty - she is always in the spotlight and men run after her. It may be easy to approach it, but you can believe that there are thousands like you. They drove up to her in long limousines and presented luxurious gifts, treated them to expensive cocktails and took her to the most fashionable places, they strewed her way with roses and were ready to carry them in their arms, but few were successful.

As a rule, well-to-do men achieve success, and it's not even that women are mercantile. Life is given once. In our practical age, the possession of money, an expensive car, a prestigious job, power is a kind of test of a man's suitability. If a man is wealthy, then he is a worthy and true representative of the strong half of humanity. He can take care of a woman and look after her beautifully, leaving competitors behind. Success with beauties is achieved not only by those who are rich like Croesus, but also by those who are attractive. A handsome man can easily conquer a beauty as a worthy couple, although this option happens less often.

How to meet and behave with beautiful girls if you look like Adriano Celentano, and your Land Rover is called UAZ-469?

Acquaintance with very beautiful girls:

Treat her not as if she just stepped off the cover of a magazine, but as an ordinary woman. You should not be in awe of her, crumble in compliments, look with lust, focus on appearance. Be indifferent to her beauty, acquaintance with the beauty of this requires.

Do not storm it like a fortress, but ignore it. Pay attention to other girls, but not to her. You will probably be the only guy in a hundred meters who does not want to talk to her closer and does not drool when she appears. Avoid her and with any luck she will be intrigued.

Let her know that you have different requirements for girls and that she is not exactly an option for you. This should be done carefully, a small hint of that character trait that she cannot boast of or that she is not entirely sure of. Say that you like very smart girls, witty or funny. You can surprise her and offer to be friends, but this trick is like walking on a razor's edge and can lead to unexpected consequences, both positive and negative.

The taken phone should not be used immediately, wait a couple of days, this is a common practice with any girl.

Use tactics: hot, cold. Keep her at a distance or close the distance and go into close combat. Don't be predictable, don't let her be confident in your attitude towards her. A beauty should be constantly on edge, if a man is worth something, then he will not rush even at a very beautiful girl. Do not relax, if she thinks that she controls you, then everything is lost for you and the relationship will most likely lead to her leaving.

Give her a reason to be jealous, show up somewhere with a beautiful girl, treat or flirt a little. Finding a familiar model that will help you in this matter is not so difficult. Ask around friends or girlfriends if you don't have a pretty girl friend. As a last resort, contact an escort agency where, for a fee, a model-looking girl will keep you company at any event. In normal escort agencies, sex is taboo, so don't think about it. Your appearance with a beauty no less beautiful than your potential girlfriend will let her bite her lips from the likely competition. But she shouldn't think you're dating another one, just a little tension and jealousy.

These rules will help you when dealing with very beautiful girls, but they are not universal. Beautiful girls, although they look stunning, but sometimes this is their only positive feature. Selfishness, self-centeredness, pettiness, hysteria or stupidity - can be inside a beautiful wrapper. Some believe that they are only born to be carried on hands just because they are a little more beautiful than the rest. Unfortunately, among the beauties, the percentage of girls with negative character traits is much higher.

There are also many beautiful girls with an excellent character, but they are like bright stars in the night sky, which are valued more than gold and even life.

Everyone chooses for himself.
We also choose - as we can.
We have no complaints against anyone.

Everyone chooses for himself!

Photo: Shandi-lee Cox
