How to make a warm floor from heating: instructions for connecting to water heating. Making a heated floor from heating with your own hands Connect the heated floor to a single-pipe heating system

There are a lot of conflicting recommendations and instructions that describe how a water heated floor system should be connected. If we accumulate the general postulates of heating engineers, then prerequisite there will be a circulation pump. At the same time, there is no particular difference in the type of heating main - circulation, gravity, single-pipe or two-pipe. The pump must be able to overcome the considerable hydraulic resistance created by the heated floor circuit.

How to properly connect a heated floor to a heating system

Connecting a heated floor to a radiator-type heating system can be organized using the so-called “local heated floor connection module”. The required module is available either to be purchased in a ready-made, assembled form by visiting a specialized store, or to be manufactured independently.

  1. Connection to a two-pipe system radiator heating. The easiest option to implement is to install floor pipes and cut them into the contour. You can cut in using either a module or simply using two ball valves. The main thing is not to get confused and follow the order of supply and return connections.

  1. An insert into a single-pipe circuit, popularly called “Leningradka”. The implementation is as simple as in a two-pipe circuit. The heated floor supply is powered after the circulation pump, and the return flow is fed into the pipe in front of the pump. Temperature flooring regulated by a valve in the heated floor supply circuit.

  1. Warm floor heating system is gravitational. Enough difficult option due to the lack of forced coolant pumping. The slope of the pipelines involves cutting into the floor at the beginning of the room, where the horizontal level is higher, and leaving the return at the end of the room - there is a lower absolute level. The labor intensity of the process is very high and it is not a fact that the effort expended will lead to the desired result. In eighty percent of cases, it becomes necessary to use an additional pump to pump liquid into the heated floor. And since you still need to buy additional equipment, it would be much more efficient to switch the entire system to forced circulation.

How does underfloor heating from a heating boiler work?

The range of work that needs to be done to power a heated floor from a heating boiler is no different from that when cutting into a centralized route. You just need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Availability of a security group. If it is not included in the boiler design, then the installation of the group will be required in accordance with the design standards for heating networks.
  • Insertion of the collector unit. This element will allow you to distribute the coolant flow between radiators and heated floors in the required proportion.
  • Installation of a circulation pump. If it is not built into the boiler, then you will have to spend a certain amount of money on purchase, which guarantees the efficiency of heat supply and its uniform distribution throughout all rooms of the building.

A nuance - any modifications carried out on central heating must be agreed upon and accompanied by a certain set of documents, one of which is the approved and agreed upon design solution. Buying a boiler will not be a cheap pleasure, but it will allow you to avoid many troubles with licensing authorities.

Design features and choice of materials

To fully experience the effect of implementation, you need to take care first of all with the choice quality materials– from heat insulation to floor covering.

A good thermal insulator will help minimize heat loss due to leakage into the structural elements of the building, and high-quality floor pipes will guarantee long-term, problem-free operation. Final floor finishing also costs big money and dismantling, due to an absurd leak due to a factory defect of cheap Chinese products, will negate most of the efforts spent.

Due to the fact that the installation technology is quite complex, it makes little sense to consider the nuances and professional subtleties. It would be much better to entrust this work to experienced installers who are experts in their field.

It is imperative to implement a heated floor bypass, which allows you to cut off the faulty part of the circuit without stopping the boiler. In this case, you can make renovation work without leaving the whole house without heat, which is especially important in winter.

Carefully study the system on which you plan to install a heated floor. The minimum required diameter of the pipes used for laying in the floor depends on this. The smaller the circulation capacity of the route, the larger the diameter should be to reduce hydraulic resistance.

Due to the high temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the hot water boiler, the use of plastic pipes for cold water supply is unacceptable. You should assume 90 degrees Celsius as the maximum value.

Heating of residential premises today represents a whole range of different options, each of which is technologically advanced, economical and efficient. In most cases, residents of city apartments are content with centralized heating services. Only in last years the process of an individual approach to heating residential premises has begun apartment buildings. The main emphasis is on installation autonomous systems heating in new buildings with subsequent connection of heating radiators. In many households today you can find combined options, heated floors with radiator heating.

As additional method For heating, it is becoming fashionable to use water floors. For a private house and city apartment with autonomous heating, such a heating scheme is quite realistic. Another thing is centralized heating in apartment buildings old building. In this case, installing a heated floor in an apartment is a problematic task. However, there are ways to connect underfloor heating as an additional source of heating in a city apartment. Let's consider what options exist in this case, how you can install a heated floor at home.

Why are heated floors becoming so popular?

Let's start with the fact that the idea of ​​heating the floor did not arise today or now. Due to the physical properties of heating air masses, a warm floor is the most effective system space heating. The heated floor surface transfers thermal energy to air masses, which, in turn, rise and fill everything internal space. Unlike heating radiators in an apartment, which play the role of a thermal curtain, a warm floor can evenly heat almost all the air inside living rooms.

On a note: The efficiency of underfloor heating is 30-40% greater than the usual, traditional option of heating residential premises using radiators. Due to the circulation of warm and cold air masses, a uniform temperature balance is achieved. The highest temperature is achieved in the lower layers of air. With radiator heating, the opposite happens. Warm air concentrates at the top, making the floor the coldest place in the room.

Despite the obvious advantages, such a heating scheme was rarely used until recently. As a rule, warm water floors were used as additional heating sources in apartments and residential buildings. It has become fashionable to install heated floors in recent years, when they appeared in sufficient quantities. technological equipment And Consumables. For private households, such heating has become commonplace, which cannot be said about residential premises in apartment buildings.

On a note: in some cases, attempts were made to independently install heated floors in the bathroom and toilets central heating. On small spaces and indoors small area such experiments usually ended successfully. The same cannot be said about attempts to heat floors in all rooms through centralized heat supply.

Installation restrictions

It would be appropriate to say here that according to the law, such re-equipment of the heating system in residential apartments is prohibited. There are not only regulatory grounds and circulars of regulatory organizations for this, but also a number of technological standards and regulations.

The reasons for the ban lie in the following aspects:

First aspect. It's not hard to imagine. A classically heated floor looks like water pipe, connected to the heating system, is laid on the floor. A concrete screed is made on top of the water circuit, which immediately provides reliable protection pipeline and plays the role of an engineering and technological element of a residential facility. The heating circuit transfers heat from the coolant to the screed, which, due to the good thermal conductivity of concrete, is an active heat transfer surface.

Despite all the obvious advantages, the main disadvantage lies on the surface. Not all residential properties are designed for reconstruction associated with the installation of heated floors. Here the height of the ceilings is taken into account and, what is very important, the installation of a new screed.

Important! One meter square concrete screed weighs 200-300 kg, so imagine the additional weight that will lie on the floor panels if you decide to make a floor in a room with an area of ​​10-15 m2.

Second aspect. Let's take a break from the technical side of the matter and pay attention to regulatory standards. Connecting a heated floor in an apartment from a radiator means jeopardizing the operation of the entire central heating system. Tapping into the riser to connect the water circuit is fraught with a decrease in the quality of heating of residential premises, both from above and from below.

On a note: the only thing that is possible in this situation is to connect a water heated floor to the risers of the centralized heating system in apartments located on the ground floor.

Here it is necessary to take into account the principle of supplying hot water to the heating circuit. Obtaining permission to change the method of heating an apartment with centralized heating is almost impossible for a number of reasons.

If you have an autonomous gas boiler or you are the owner of a private house, there should not be any special problems with installing heated floors.

Fact! For apartments in old buildings, when laying a water floor, you will have to strictly adhere to design restrictions, while in new buildings, the possibility of installing underfloor heating is already provided at the design stage.

A home heating system of the warm water floor type, in which the main source of heat is boiler water, according to experts, is not characterized by high performance and is not durable. The main reason is the low quality of the coolant supplied to our homes from the heating plant. This includes the high hydraulic resistance of the water circuit laid on the floor and the weak resistance of the pipeline to possible water hammer.

If you don't mind possible difficulties, then we’ll figure out in detail how to make a heated floor from heating in an apartment. It is important to follow the instructions and calculations on which any installation work in this case.

What is required to connect a heated floor to a centralized heating system

As with laying any communication line in the house, laying heated floors requires careful preparation. Here it would be appropriate to understand several principles that are decisive for successful subsequent work. For example:

  • whether there is a constructive possibility connect not only the new water circuit to the radiators installed in the apartment, but also other important elements heating system (manifold, mixing unit, pump, three-way valve, mixing unit);
  • is there a practical possibility to lower the coolant temperature to at least 55 0 C (in the riser and in heating radiators, the water heating temperature often reaches high values, 65-75 0 C);
  • what is the working pressure of the coolant does the centralized riser in the apartment have, does the pressure exceed the standard parameters of 8-9 atm.

Heated floors from a battery are connected according to standard schemes, each of which has its own technological differences and efficiency. The optimal installation scheme will be one in which you can include a collector, a mixing unit and control devices.

The main element without which your water floor will be ineffective is the mixing unit. It will also not be superfluous to take on the task of ensuring safety and adjusting the heating temperature of the coolant. The circulation pump, temperature sensors and thermostat are included in the safety group. It doesn’t matter whether you directly connect a water heated floor to a riser or to a battery, in each individual case you will need special equipment.

We will not consider the operating principle of each element of the system now; there are other sources of information for this. Now it is important to familiarize yourself with what installation schemes for underfloor heating powered by a heating plant are used in practice.

Various connection options

Warm floors are no different from central heating as a heating option that has great technological flexibility. In practice, the four most common connection schemes are used:

  • unregulated heating system;
  • adjustable balanced heating system;
  • working diagram with installation of a three-way valve;
  • water floor with mixing unit.

Each of the proposed schemes is distinguished by its effectiveness and practicality. Let's look at each one separately.

The system is unregulated

There's nothing special here. Mounted to the water circuit that will serve the floor circulation pump. In this case there are significant limitations. The pipeline should not be longer than 70 m. Metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 16 mm, throughput up to 10 liters per minute.

On a note: a warm floor laid according to this scheme is a completely unregulated system. The effectiveness of such a system is weak due to the high probability of heat losses arising from the rapid cooling of home radiators.

In this situation, it is important to remember that the pump is placed on the return pipe. If you do the opposite, the pump will drive the main flow of hot coolant into the additional water circuit. Your radiators and your neighbors' radiators will immediately respond to this, keeping your food warm.

Adjustable balanced heating system

Here we already use a special mixing circuit equipped with a shut-off valve. Thanks to this equipment, it is possible to adjust the heating temperature of the water circuit by reducing the intensity of coolant circulation.

The balancing tap plays the role of a water floor heating temperature regulator. Moving the tap to the appropriate position increases or decreases the flow of coolant into the water circuit.

Scheme of a water floor with installation of a three-way valve

In order for your system to be adjustable, reliable and become a practical source of heating, it is enough to install a three-way valve on the system. The purpose of this device is to control the consumption of thermal energy of the coolant circulating through the circuits. The floor heating temperature in this case is adjusted automatically.

On a note: if the battery cools down quickly, install a two-way valve in the jumper, which will block the flow of hot water into the pipeline underfloor heating. Circulation will continue as before.

Water floor with mixing unit

How to connect a heated floor to a heating system if you want to get a controllable, practical and reliable heating system? Take advantage of inclusion in working diagram mixing unit. This option is most preferable for those regions where the climate is harsh. In such regions, usually in a centralized system, the coolant temperature reaches critical parameters for heated floors (75-95 0 C). The mixing unit will solve this problem by supplying the required temperature of 35-40 0 C to the floor pipeline.


To summarize, I would like to note one important detail. Only then will heating the floor covering be effective and effective means heating, if all calculations and design features living space, centralized heat source. In this video, you can explore options for connecting a water circuit to a centralized heating system without harming yourself and your neighbors.

Providing underfloor heating during the construction of a private house is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It is much more difficult to make a water heated floor from existing heating country cottage or apartments. How to correctly install and connect heating circuits in such a situation with your own hands, read in this article.

Planning and selection of materials

To successfully integrate heated floors into an existing heating system, you must first resolve several serious issues:

  1. Obtain permission to connect to the central heating network if we're talking about about the apartment multi-storey building.
  2. Find out what height can be allocated for the “pie” of underfloor heating without raising the thresholds of interior doors.
  3. Determine attachment points to existing system and rationally choose a scheme.
  4. Prepare building materials, pipes and plumbing fixtures.

Each item of the preparatory plan is proposed to be considered separately.

Is it possible to connect to the central heating system

You cannot simply embed heating circuits into common apartment risers. Underfloor heating will take away a significant portion of the heat from your neighbors, who will file a complaint with the management company, and you will receive a large fine for unauthorized interference with the network.

Advice. Do not connect to risers at your own risk. Try to complete the permit properly. If you receive a clear refusal, think about heating with electric warm floors.

When can we hope for a positive solution to the issue:

  • in a new building with individual heating inputs from a common riser passing through the technical rooms;
  • in a ground floor apartment with an upper coolant supply or a separate connection from the basement;
  • in the home last floor at bottom wiring supply line.

At vertical wiring the owner can obtain approval upper apartment when the coolant is supplied from below

The idea of ​​apartment connection is based on the fact that the batteries in your apartment are the last ones. Additional load on the riser in the form of heating circuits will not harm the neighbors. True, an organization that supplies heat energy has the right to demand the installation of an individual metering unit and the development project documentation. It is problematic for residents of other apartments to obtain permission.

Determining the thickness of the “pie”

The main problem when installing water underfloor heating in a residential building is the small distance from the base of the floor (floor slabs) to the bottom of the doorway. Usually this height is equal to the thickness of the screed and is 6-10 cm. The situation with wooden floors is similar - the width of the joists where the covering boards are laid lies in the range of 50-150 mm.

Important point. Before installing a heated floor in a habitable apartment, the existing screed will have to be broken down to the foundation, and the wooden flooring will have to be completely disassembled. Otherwise, the “pie” will not fit, and raising the door thresholds or making a step at the entrance is an unconstructive solution.

There is only 1 way to fit heating circuits into a thickness of 50 mm - use a flooring system with metal plates - heat distributors, shown in the diagram. The composition of the “pie” will look like this:

  • layer of dense polymer insulation 30 mm;
  • metal plates with grooves;
  • heating pipes Ø16 mm;
  • thin flooring - laminate or tile when it comes to the bathroom.

Reference. To lay heat distribution plates, special polystyrene foam mats with bosses or ready-made wooden modules are used.

Due to the high price of such systems, craftsmen often suggest installing plates between boards 2-2.5 cm thick, laid on a layer of 8-10 mm polyethylene foam (Penofol). We do not recommend implementing such solutions - a small thermal insulation layer will transmit the lion's share of heat to the neighbors below or into the basement of a private house.

When the threshold height is 10 cm, monolithic heated floors with screed are installed. Polystyrene slabs 30-40 mm thick are laid in the base, the remaining 6-7 cm are left for screed and finishing coating.

Scheme of the “pie” of heated floors with screed

Connection diagrams for heating circuits

One of the most important issues that must be resolved before starting work is how to connect a water-heated floor to an existing heating system. We offer the following options:

  1. In an apartment with individual heat input - according to the classical scheme with a mixing unit installed in the hallway. The cabinet with the collector is neatly sealed inside the wall.
  2. In a private house, it is advisable to connect directly from a gas or other boiler, using a distribution comb and a mixing unit.
  3. In apartments with two-pipe risers, connect the circuit of each room directly to the network near the heating radiators. Temperature regulation is carried out by thermal heads of the RTL type.
  4. In apartment buildings with single-pipe risers, it is impossible to do without installing mixing units with a circulation pump.

Connection diagram for apartment-to-apartment heat distribution

Note. Connecting heated floors to heating mains without a pump and mixing unit can be implemented in almost any two-pipe system. How to do this correctly, read below.

The coolant coming from the boiler or from the centralized heating network has a temperature of 50-90 ° C, which is unacceptable for heated floors. The temperature graph of the heating circuit lies in the range of 35-45 °C, maximum – 55 °C (if the pipes are embedded in a screed).

Scheme of connecting heated floors to the boiler through a two-way valve

To prepare water at the required temperature, mixing units with a two- or three-way valve and a circulation pump are used that pumps coolant through the circuits. IN centralized systems For heating, it is better to use a circuit with a two-way valve, in individual ones - with a three-way valve.

Reference. The quality of the coolant in central heating networks is too low - the water is saturated with rust and other impurities. The simpler and more reliable it is to select equipment, the longer it will last without problems.

Connection diagram for underfloor heating to the boiler via a three-way valve

Separate connection circuits to two-pipe mains are carried out through thermal heads of the RTL type, which limit the reverse flow of coolant when the outlet water temperature exceeds the set value. Mixing units, collectors and circulation pumps are not used.

Branch connection diagram without additional pump

To connect a heated floor, you just need to buy ready block with thermostatic tap and RTL head placed inside a neat plastic box. Offers similar products famous brand Oventrop, name – RTL Unibox.

Connection diagram to a single-pipe vertical system

Available about various options An expert will tell you how to connect underfloor heating to an existing system in his video:

We select building materials and components

When you have chosen the right connection diagram, calculating the required amount of materials is quite simple. You need to find out the area of ​​the kitchen, bedroom and other rooms where you plan to install heated floors. Plus choose the laying scheme and distance between the pipes.

Also, when installing heated floors, consumables are used - damper tape (adhesive around the perimeter of the room), clips for attaching pipes and a waterproofing film placed under the insulation. The screed is used with a ready-made construction mixture, the consumption of which is indicated on the packaging.

For “dry” type heating circuits, you will have to buy polystyrene plates with bosses and heat distribution plates (preferably made of aluminum). Modular sets made of wood will cost more. A budget option– lay pipes between ordinary boards 20 mm thick, laid on top of the insulation with your own hands.

Advice. If the height difference between the base and doorways is 10-20 cm (for example, on a balcony, loggia), increase the thickness of the “pie” using insulation. That is, take thermal insulation boards not 30, but 50 or 100 mm. The result is increased energy efficiency of premises and heat savings.

Monolithic heated floor installation technology

After dismantling the floor structures - screeds or wooden logs– the base should be cleaned and leveled for laying thermal insulation boards. and fill the corners with mortar, knock down the bumps and sagging. Take out the trash and remove as much dust as possible (ideally with a special construction vacuum cleaner).

The step-by-step technology for installing heated floors in a residential apartment looks like this:

Note. Instead of waterproofing film, it is allowed to use Penofol 4-5 mm thick, laying it with the foil up. The canvases are placed without overlap and taped with aluminum tape.

When using regulation using RTL thermal heads, the length of the pipeline in the circuit should not exceed 60 m, otherwise the room will heat up unevenly. Carry out a leak test with a working pressure of 3 bar country house and 6-7 Bar in an apartment with centralized heating. Maintain the specified pressure for 24 hours.

After making sure that the connections are tight, proceed to pouring the screed without emptying the contours. The minimum thickness of the cement-sand monolith is 5 cm, the maximum is 10 cm. In order not to make mistakes in the proportions during the preparation of the solution, it is recommended to work with a ready-made dry mixture for pouring floors containing a plasticizer.

Further work on connecting heated floors to the existing heating network is carried out after 20-28 days (the exact curing period is indicated on the bags construction mixture). The contours are attached according to the chosen scheme, after which the finishing coating is laid. The technology for installing underfloor heating is clearly shown in the video.

Underfloor heating device without screed

Using wooden modular system or mats equipped with bosses, it is not difficult to make warm floors. The difference from the previous technology is the absence of cement screed and installation finishing coating directly onto the insulation or boards.

There is a simpler and cheaper way to accommodate water contours at a height difference of 5 cm:

  1. Lay 50 mm thick extruded polystyrene foam boards with side connection locks over the waterproofing.
  2. Mark the pipe laying routes on the insulation and cut grooves for them using a thermal knife or a sharp tool.
  3. Install metal plates in the grooves and lay the pipelines.
  4. Lay laminate or other thin covering.

The remaining work on testing and connecting the heated floor to the existing heating mains is carried out using the technology described in the previous section.


Before installing floor heating inside a habitable apartment with a working heating system, make sure that it is technically possible to connect and lay pipes into the thickness of the floors. If the height difference between the base and the door opening does not reach 5 cm, there are 2 options left: raise the thresholds and door frames or abandon the idea. The decision depends on the desire to install a warm floor and the budget that you are willing to allocate for construction.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from Eastern Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

Related posts:

Providing underfloor heating during the construction of a private house is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It is much more difficult to make a water heated floor from the existing heating of a country cottage or apartment. How to correctly install and connect heating circuits in such a situation with your own hands, read in this article.

Planning and selection of materials

To successfully integrate heated floors into an existing heating system, you must first resolve several serious issues:

  1. Obtain permission to connect to the central heating network if we are talking about an apartment in a multi-storey building.
  2. Find out what height can be allocated for the “pie” of underfloor heating without raising the thresholds of interior doors.
  3. Determine connection points to the existing system and rationally select a diagram.
  4. Prepare building materials, pipes and plumbing fixtures.

Each item of the preparatory plan is proposed to be considered separately.

Is it possible to connect to the central heating system

You cannot simply embed heating circuits into common apartment risers. Underfloor heating will take away a significant portion of the heat from your neighbors, who will file a complaint with the management company, and you will receive a large fine for unauthorized interference with the network.

Advice. Do not connect to risers at your own risk. Try to complete the permit properly. If you receive a clear refusal, think about heating with electric heated floors.

When can we hope for a positive solution to the issue:

  • in a new building with individual heating inputs from a common riser passing through the technical rooms;
  • in a ground floor apartment with an upper coolant supply or a separate connection from the basement;
  • in a dwelling on the top floor with a lower distribution of the supply line.

With vertical wiring, approval can be obtained by the owner of the upper apartment when the coolant is supplied from below

The idea of ​​apartment connection is based on the fact that the batteries in your apartment are the last ones. Additional load on the riser in the form of heating circuits will not harm the neighbors. True, the organization that supplies heat energy has the right to demand the installation of an individual metering unit and the development of design documentation. It is problematic for residents of other apartments to obtain permission.

Determining the thickness of the “pie”

The main problem when installing water underfloor heating in a residential building is the small distance from the base of the floor (floor slabs) to the bottom of the doorway. Usually this height is equal to the thickness of the screed and is 6-10 cm. The situation with wooden floors is similar - the width of the joists where the covering boards are laid lies in the range of 50-150 mm.

Important point. Before installing a heated floor in a habitable apartment, the existing screed will have to be broken down to the foundation, and the wooden flooring will have to be completely disassembled. Otherwise, the “pie” will not fit, and raising the door thresholds or making a step at the entrance is an unconstructive solution.

There is only 1 way to fit heating circuits into a thickness of 50 mm - use a flooring system with metal plates - heat distributors, shown in the diagram. The composition of the “pie” will look like this:

  • layer of dense polymer insulation 30 mm;
  • metal plates with grooves;
  • heating pipes Ø16 mm;
  • thin flooring - laminate or tiles, if we are talking about the bathroom.

Reference. To lay heat distribution plates, special polystyrene foam mats with bosses or ready-made wooden modules are used.

Due to the high price of such systems, craftsmen often suggest installing plates between boards 2-2.5 cm thick, laid on a layer of 8-10 mm polyethylene foam (Penofol). We do not recommend implementing such solutions - a small thermal insulation layer will transmit the lion's share of heat to the neighbors below or into the basement of a private house.

When the threshold height is 10 cm, monolithic heated floors with screed are installed. Polystyrene slabs 30-40 mm thick are laid in the base, the remaining 6-7 cm are left for screed and finishing coating.

Scheme of the “pie” of heated floors with screed

Connection diagrams for heating circuits

One of the most important issues that must be resolved before starting work is how to connect a water-heated floor to an existing heating system. We offer the following options:

  1. In an apartment with individual heat input - according to the classical scheme with a mixing unit installed in the hallway. The cabinet with the collector is neatly sealed inside the wall.
  2. In a private house, it is advisable to connect directly from a gas or other boiler, using a distribution comb and a mixing unit.
  3. In apartments with two-pipe risers, connect the circuit of each room directly to the network near the heating radiators. Temperature regulation is carried out by thermal heads of the RTL type.
  4. In apartment buildings with single-pipe risers, it is impossible to do without installing mixing units with a circulation pump.

Connection diagram for apartment-to-apartment heat distribution

Note. Connecting heated floors to heating mains without a pump and mixing unit can be implemented in almost any two-pipe system. How to do this correctly, read below.

The coolant coming from the boiler or from the centralized heating network has a temperature of 50-90 ° C, which is unacceptable for heated floors. The temperature graph of the heating circuit lies in the range of 35-45 °C, maximum – 55 °C (if the pipes are embedded in a screed).

Scheme of connecting heated floors to the boiler through a two-way valve

To prepare water at the required temperature, mixing units with a two- or three-way valve and a circulation pump are used that pumps coolant through the circuits. In centralized heating systems, it is better to use a circuit with a two-way valve, in individual ones - with a three-way valve.

Reference. The quality of the coolant in central heating networks is too low - the water is saturated with rust and other impurities. The simpler and more reliable it is to select equipment, the longer it will last without problems.

Connection diagram for underfloor heating to the boiler via a three-way valve

Separate connection of the circuits to two-pipe mains is made through thermal heads of the RTL type, which limit the reverse flow of coolant when the outlet water temperature exceeds the set value. Mixing units, manifolds and circulation pumps are not used.

Branch connection diagram without additional pump

To connect a heated floor, it is enough to buy a ready-made block with a thermostatic tap and an RTL head placed inside a neat plastic box. Similar products are offered by the well-known Oventrop brand, the name is RTL Unibox.

Connection diagram to a single-pipe vertical system

An expert will tell you about the various options for connecting underfloor heating to an existing system in his video:

We select building materials and components

When you have chosen the right connection diagram, calculating the required amount of materials is quite simple. You need to find out the area of ​​the kitchen, bedroom and other rooms where you plan to install heated floors. Plus choose the laying scheme and distance between the pipes.

Also, when installing heated floors, consumables are used - damper tape (adhesive around the perimeter of the room), clips for attaching pipes and a waterproofing film placed under the insulation. The screed is used with a ready-made construction mixture, the consumption of which is indicated on the packaging.

For “dry” type heating circuits, you will have to buy polystyrene plates with bosses and heat distribution plates (preferably made of aluminum). Modular sets made of wood will cost more. A budget option is to run pipes between ordinary boards 20 mm thick, laid on top of the insulation with your own hands.

Advice. If the height difference between the base and the doorways is 10-20 cm (for example, on a balcony, loggia), increase the thickness of the “pie” using insulation. That is, take thermal insulation boards not 30, but 50 or 100 mm. The result is increased energy efficiency of premises and heat savings.

Monolithic heated floor installation technology

After dismantling the floor structures - screeds or wooden joists - the base should be cleaned and leveled for laying thermal insulation boards. Fill the cracks in the ceiling and in the corners with mortar, knock down the bumps and sagging. Take out the trash and remove as much dust as possible (ideally with a special construction vacuum cleaner).

The step-by-step technology for installing heated floors in a residential apartment looks like this:

Note. Instead of waterproofing film, it is allowed to use Penofol 4-5 mm thick, laying it with the foil up. The canvases are placed without overlap and taped with aluminum tape.

When using regulation using RTL thermal heads, the length of the pipeline in the circuit should not exceed 60 m, otherwise the room will heat up unevenly. Conduct a leak test with a working pressure of 3 Bar in a country house and 6-7 Bar in an apartment with centralized heating. Maintain the specified pressure for 24 hours.

After making sure that the connections are tight, proceed to pouring the screed without emptying the contours. The minimum thickness of the cement-sand monolith is 5 cm, the maximum is 10 cm. In order not to make mistakes in the proportions during the preparation of the solution, it is recommended to work with a ready-made dry mixture for pouring floors containing a plasticizer.

How to properly concrete floors in a garage, read detailed instructions.

Further work on connecting the heated floors to the existing heating network is carried out after 20-28 days (the exact hardening period is indicated on the bags of the building mixture). The contours are attached according to the chosen scheme, after which the finishing coating is laid. The technology for installing underfloor heating is clearly shown in the video.

Underfloor heating device without screed

Using a wooden modular system or mats equipped with bosses, it is not difficult to create warm floors. The difference from the previous technology is the absence of a cement screed and the laying of the finishing coating directly on the insulation or boards.

There is a simpler and cheaper way to accommodate water contours at a height difference of 5 cm:

  1. Lay 50 mm thick extruded polystyrene foam boards with side connection locks over the waterproofing.
  2. Mark the pipe laying routes on the insulation and cut grooves for them using a thermal knife or a sharp tool.
  3. Install metal plates in the grooves and lay the pipelines.
  4. Lay laminate or other thin covering.

The remaining work on testing and connecting the heated floor to the existing heating mains is carried out using the technology described in the previous section.


Before installing floor heating inside a habitable apartment with a working heating system, make sure that it is technically possible to connect and lay pipes into the thickness of the floors. If the height difference between the base and the door opening does not reach 5 cm, there are 2 options left: raise the thresholds and door frames or abandon the idea. The decision depends on the desire to install a warm floor and the budget that you are willing to allocate for construction.

We connect the heated floor to the heating system through a special module:: Floors. Laminate.Linoleum:

Question: If in a private house a water heated floor is used for comfortable heating (i.e. together with radiators), then how to connect it to the heating system? So that the coolant temperature is no higher than 55 degrees? In radiators in cold weather it is 70-90 degrees. Heating system closed type, With forced circulation. Ordinary gas boiler for 150 m2 (house 100 m2)

Answer: The underfloor heating circuit is connected to the existing heating system through a local module for connecting hydronic floors. One of these modules is shown in the photo. The temperature limiter (mixing block) Oventrop Unibox is designed to connect one water floor heating loop to a radiator heating circuit. It is possible to produce such a module and with my own hands from available components.

Let's consider the operation of the module in current system underfloor heating. The most important element in it is the thermal head. when temperature changes environment it turns off or supplies coolant to the circuit of your heated floor. The module must be installed on the return line; for these purposes, an automatic air vent is installed in the module to remove air from the heated floor circuit.

The module is assembled in a box, so installation is carried out in a certain recess in the wall; only the thermostat head should protrude outward to regulate the temperature.

A module for connecting a heated floor costs a decent amount (from 3,800 rubles) and it is not always possible to find it, but you can assemble it yourself - there is nothing complicated about it, a minimum of metalworking skills and that’s it. We select a suitable junction box measuring 200 x 300 mm (height should be 300 mm). Look at the photo:

We install a straight radiator valve under the thermal head with the direction up. We screw in a fitting from the bottom to connect pipes from the underfloor heating system, at the top we put a half-inch bend with external and internal threads and screw a half-inch tee onto it. We screw an automatic air vent into the upper branch of the tee, and screw a fitting for the heated floor pipes into the lower branch. Now our module is ready. Using pins and clamps, we attach it to a pre-installed shield.

We connect the heated floor pipes parallel to the heating radiators. We install additional tees and shut-off valves on the supply and return lines to prevent emergency situations.

Connection diagram: Good luck.

We make a heated floor from a heating system in a private house and apartment - Repair and construction

Anyone who believes that heated floors are a modern invention is very mistaken. For the first time, such heating systems began to be used in very ancient times, several centuries BC. Of course, during operation this system became more advanced and, most importantly, easier to implement. Therefore, today every homeowner, if desired, can even make heated floors in the premises on their own, especially if a private house is already equipped with a heating system.

Connecting a heated floor to a heating system

Depending on what heating system is used in the house, in each specific case, connecting a heated floor will have its own characteristics.

Let's look at the most common options:

  • Double circuit system. This is the most ideal system in terms of connecting underfloor heating. In order to make the connection, it is enough to connect the heated floor circuit to the supply and return lines of the heating system. This can be done either using a module or through two ball valves.
  • Single circuit system. In this case, a circulation pump is used, which is installed on the supply line, and after it - the heated floor circuit. At the same time, on the return line the circuit warm field must be connected before the pump. As in the first case, the operation of the system is controlled using a module or ball valves.
  • Gravity system. It is the most difficult in terms of connecting a heated floor, since it uses the natural slope of the pipes in its action. In order not to spend a lot of effort and time on such installation, it will be more practical to embed a circulation pump into the system and connect the system, as in the second option.

How to make a warm floor in the bathroom from heating

Before you begin work on insulating the floor in the bathroom, you need to consider several points.

Important details:

  • To ensure high-quality installation, it is better to give preference metal-plastic pipes, since ordinary plastic ones may not withstand the load. The pipes are laid according to the chosen scheme and covered with a cement screed; only the outlets for connection to the general system remain open.
  • Due to the temperature difference between the general heating system (75-90 degrees Celsius) and the heated floor (up to 40 degrees Celsius), it is necessary to additionally install a heat pump, which will actively circulate water with a rapid decrease in its temperature.
  • It is important to decide where exactly the technical cabinet with all the components will be installed, and what dimensions it should have.

According to the operating instructions for heated floors, pipes can be laid in several ways, including in a spiral, snake or double zigzag.

Each of these options has both pros and cons, but the most universal way for rooms with small area, including for bathrooms, the snake option is considered.

Organization of work on installing heated floors in the bathroom consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation. Work begins by cleaning the base where the heating circuit will be installed. The selected area is also insulated, which will significantly reduce heat costs.
  • Installation of a reinforced base. This simple design will significantly increase the rigidity of the circuit and help achieve a perfectly even level, which in turn will ensure efficient circulation of the coolant.
  • Installation of the circuit. Pipes with a diameter of 20 millimeters are laid according to the project. A floor temperature controller is also installed. Pipe laying is carried out with a certain step, which for bathrooms should be 10 centimeters. To reduce heat loss, compensation elements are laid out along the room breakdown line, and the heating system must be checked for leaks.
  • Installation of a temperature regulator, shut-off valves at the entrances to the main line and a manifold cabinet.
  • Pressure testing of the system. First, the underfloor heating circuit is connected to the heating system, and only then is it done concrete screed. Thus, the likelihood of pipe damage due to significant mortar loading is reduced.
  • Concrete screed. To fill the screed, the most common solution of cement and sand is used. The only thing that is important to monitor during the process of forming the floor is that all the terminals are on the surface and are not filled with concrete.
  • A couple of days after pouring, you can begin laying the flooring.
  • Launch and debugging of a new element of the heating system.

Installing a heated floor in a bathroom is not particularly difficult, and does not incur large financial or time costs. While this type of heating has plenty of advantages, ranging from saving money on utility bills to a more comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house.

How to connect a heated floor to heating

Installation and connection of water floor heating to the water heating system in the house is possible both at the construction and planning stage, and to an already existing and functioning heating circuit. Before making a heated floor from heating, it is necessary to correctly calculate its expected performance, take into account the features of combining the radiator circuit and the additional structure pipeline, as well as other parameters. Installation on wooden base must be carried out taking into account the operating conditions of the finishing coating.

Fact! To implement such a system, both a single-pipe and a two-pipe main are suitable, and it can be used both in an apartment and in a private house, including a wooden one. A special pump will provide constant circulation of hot water, which will significantly increase the efficiency of heating and return of coolant through the return pipes. You can design the circuit of an underfloor heating system yourself, taking into account the basic principles of pipe arrangement. With proper and high-quality installation, proper operation of the boiler and general thermal insulation, this heating method will be an effective replacement for batteries.

Connection and installation of a water floor in an apartment

In accordance with regulated standards, unauthorized unauthorized connection of water floor heating in an apartment to central heating is prohibited. Unauthorized connection with your own hands is fraught with irreversible consequences in terms of high-quality heating of neighboring apartments below or above, depending on the principle of hot water supply in the water central heating system. Connecting an additional structure to central heating can damage the overall hydraulics of the entire multi-story building. If there is autonomous water heating in the apartment, which is connected to the boiler, permission from utility services is not required. This applies to houses of old construction; in new buildings it is possible to connect water floor heating.

Connecting a heated floor to individual heating

Connection types for water floor heating depend on general scheme heating systems, there are the following systems:

  • Single-pipe;
  • Two-pipe;
  • Gravitational.

To connect the structure to an individual heating system in a private house or apartment, it is necessary to correctly design the outline of the structure, take into account the distance between the turns and the distance from the boiler, as well as the expected location of furniture or other decorative and interior elements. It is recommended to locate the circuit under an open, unoccupied floor surface.

In a private house, installation of this type of heating usually occurs during overhaul when strengthening and filling is carried out cement mortar floors On wooden floor laying a water heating structure is also possible if there is a frame made of additional logs and a new coating. Please note that installation on a wooden base requires the presence of effective thermal insulation from the bottom side of the structure. Also, laying on a wooden frame should ensure uniform distribution of the generated heat, for which purpose recesses can be equipped in the logs for the location of the pipeline.

The single-pipe water heating circuit, the so-called “Leningradka”, is considered one of the simplest and least expensive designs. This scheme and its installation provide for the presence of one main line for hot water; the circuit in this case only increases its total length. The operation of the installation is ensured by a circulation pump, without which the heating efficiency is insufficient. The presence in a private house of a boiler in which such a pump is installed also does not guarantee that the circuit will be as efficient as possible. For high-quality circulation of hot water through the pipes, the pump should be installed approximately in the middle of the line. In this case, the heated floor circuit must have a connection after the pump, and the return line must be connected after it. Control is carried out using special regulators that are installed on the open part of the pipeline. Circuit connected to single pipe system heating, should not exceed 20 - 30 m. Otherwise, the efficiency of its operation is noticeably reduced. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the mixer for heated floors, which is also installed on the open part of the structure.

A two-pipe heating circuit is considered the most optimal for connecting and operating underfloor heating. A two-pipe radiator heating system provides for separate pipelines for return and hot water supply connected to the main boiler. In this case, you can connect the heated floor system in one place on the open part using a mixer module or conventional ball valves, which will ensure the necessary flow of water through them.

Important! The two-pipe type of connection can ensure normal functioning of a heated floor circuit, the length of which does not exceed 50 m.

The gravity scheme provides for the natural circulation of water through the pipeline. The water heated floor circuit must be connected to such a circuit, taking into account the slope of the line. You need to connect the system at one end of the room, and output the return line at the other. Installing and connecting to such a system with your own hands is a very labor-intensive process that requires special knowledge.

You should also choose the correct pipe diameter for both the battery connection and the heated floor. The size of the main pipes connected to the boiler must be at least 32 mm.

The pipeline layout can be made according to the principle:

  • "Snakes";
  • Spirals.

The diameter of the pipe for laying heated floors when a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme heating, should not exceed 18 mm.

You can connect a water heated floor with your own hands, while observing the basic requirements for installing such structures. Using this heating method will allow you to abandon the open radiator heating circuit, which is also acceptable in a private wooden house. If the external insulation of the building is insufficient or the wooden base is not insulated, it is recommended to use two heating principles together, depending on the efficiency of the boiler. The installation algorithm that determines how to make a warm floor from heating must include testing of operation at open system, not flooded cement screed. The final formation of the floor covering in the house is possible after a certain period of time, making sure that the structure is intact and there are no leaks.

Often, heated floors are installed in addition to existing ones. In a house with a radiator heating system, it is very convenient to install heated floors. Although in this case there is no need to install a hot water boiler, nevertheless, in this case, careful preparation is necessary, which is carried out in accordance with certain rules and requirements.

Nuances of connection technology

During these types of activities, the parameters of existing heating circuits are usually changed. And in this case we cannot simply talk about replenishing the amount of coolant - a heating scheme with a heated floor involves improving the system as a whole. However, it is important to determine how:

The preparatory operations also include calculating the parameters of the future design and the power of the heating elements, which will allow you to select the most suitable diameter of the main pipes. This is an approximate list of questions needed to draw up a connection diagram.

As you know, one- and two-pipe. A two-pipe system, which includes a pipeline with hot liquid and a return line that carries the cooled coolant to the boiler, does not create any difficulties when connecting. The main thing is to correctly determine the location of the collector and the order of connection to the pipeline.


If the house has two-pipe system heating, then there will be no connection problems. It contains lines with hot coolant and a return pipe for transporting cooled water to the boiler. It is enough to determine the order of its connection to the main line.

For a single-pipe "Leningrad" the task becomes much more complicated.

The main problem is the lack of a separate return pipe. In this case, connecting the heated floor to the heating occurs in the same way as connecting another radiator. It is advisable to select the installation location after the coolant has passed through the heating devices. In this area, its temperature will be lower, but still sufficient to heat the floor surface. The return flow of cooled water is carried out in the same line.

It is important to avoid a simple connection mistake - the supply must be connected before the return pipe.

A warm floor from a heating system, connected according to the gravitational principle of fluid movement, will not work correctly, since when the pressure is generated, it will overcome the hydraulic resistance at the junction of the pipes different diameters, from large to small, will be very difficult, and perhaps impossible.

It is important that when connecting, the supply must be connected to the return pipe.


Initially, a calculation scheme is prepared. Warm floors and radiators are the main heating components in the design of a heating system. Therefore, the main calculations are related precisely to their parameters, in particular, to the total filling volume of the heating liquid. Let's give an example of calculating the energy of a heated floor. The average comfortable temperature is 24°C. When calculating, its calculated value is adjusted by the amount of heat loss. For example, take a concrete screed covering system. Obviously, when passing through this layer, a certain amount of heat is lost, which must be taken into account.

On a note

In any case, if the total heat loss is greater than the heat gain, then we can only talk about additional source nutrition.

Important components

The standard connection diagram for a water-heated floor includes:

  • – preferably from polymers.
  • A heated floor mixing unit that works to normalize the liquid temperature to optimal values ​​of the order of 50°C.
  • Manifolds designed to distribute liquid along circuits.
  • Control devices.

The main thing, of course, remains the mixing unit. The efficiency of the system is ensured by one of its most important components - a three-way valve for heated floors, a circulation pump and a temperature sensor, which is connected to the thermostat.

The supply of hot and cooled liquid to the inlet comb is controlled by means of a damper. When the sensor readings are lower optimal temperature The volume of hot coolant is greater than the cooled coolant. In the opposite situation, cold liquid will predominate.

Installation diagrams

There are various schemes according to which heated floors are laid, but in all of them the balance of coolant flow should not be disturbed and the heat consumption should be measured. Otherwise, a heated water floor, which is connected to a riser and actually takes away the temperature, can significantly reduce the level of heat passing through this riser to neighboring apartments.

Unregulated system

In such a scheme, a fairly weak pump is used. The length of the line should not exceed 70 m, the pipeline is laid from ø16 mm elements and passes about 5–10 liters of liquid per minute. Such floors, one might say, cannot be adjusted; moreover, even small heat losses quite often result in radiators that have had time to cool down.

Balancing adjustment

The installation diagram includes a balancing valve. It makes it possible to reduce the fluid flow rate, that is, thanks to it, the floor temperature is reduced, for which it is enough to turn the balancing tap to the required pass.

Three-way valve circuit

The main advantage of this scheme is the ability, due to the temperature-sensitive design of the three-way valve (K 2), to reduce the energy consumption of the circuits, since the set temperature is maintained automatically. The tap must be adjusted in such a way that at this point there is sufficient heat. However, if underfloor heating from central heating does not provide sufficient heat, it is recommended to reduce the valve temperature.

It is quite possible that the radiator will cool down significantly, then the two-way valve (K 1) mounted in the jumper will close the path of the liquid, and it will flow as usual.

Scheme with mixing unit

At the inlet, either a balancing valve or a flow meter is installed, which regulates the consumption of the required thermal energy, and, therefore, the room temperature. The second approach is undoubtedly considered more optimal. There is also the option of installing an autovalve, with which you can stabilize the operating pressure difference, that is, accordingly, the flow rate. A similar wiring diagram for correct execution can heat the entire apartment.

Warm floors from heating: advantages and disadvantages

Such heating systems have many advantages, in particular, increased comfort should be noted, since the floor evenly releases heat over its entire surface, ensuring equal comfort both in the center of the room and near the windows. Moreover, its distribution over height occurs in the best way - the height rises, the air cools, and practically a minimum amount of heat escapes through the ceiling. Heated water floors are an excellent solution for buildings with high ceilings.

Since air does not circulate in the room, this means that the same applies to dust, drafts are reduced, that is, these designs are hygienic and suitable for people with allergies and problems with the respiratory tract.

Such floors are economically beneficial because they allow you to regulate consumption and use secondary energy resources as a source of thermal energy.

At the same time, it is necessary to note some disadvantages of heated floors.

  • Such a heating system cannot be installed in high-rise buildings with single-pipe central heating systems.
  • A layer of cement fill and additional insulation raises the floor level by 10–15 cm, depending on the floor.
  • The cost of installing such heating is higher compared to traditional heating.

In conclusion, you can watch how to connect a heated floor - video tutorial.
