Finishing ceiling beams in a wooden house. Wooden ceiling in the house: choice of high-quality cladding and arrangement technology. Specificity of finishing ceiling panels: veneered elements and solid wood

The growing popularity of wooden houses, associated with their highest environmental friendliness, causes developers to increasingly frequently ask the question: “What materials to use for cladding a wooden ceiling?” It can be said with confidence that at present this question is completely justified and this is due to the great diversity finishing materials, which can be used for covering a wooden ceiling. In conditions modern diversity finishing materials, there will be no difficulties when finishing the ceiling in log houses. Despite the fact that the log houses can be left in natural form, with log or timber walls, modern homeowners prefer to resort to finishing them modern materials. And if the walls can still be preserved in their original form, the floors and ceilings, according to experts, should be finished using materials that are closest to your taste preferences. Due to the relevance of this topic, in this article we will answer the question: “How to cover a wooden ceiling?”

Wooden ceilings: advantages and current design options

The tree is recognized classic material, used in interior design, and ceiling decoration in this case is no exception. In interiors, and especially ancient ones, you can often find a desire to use natural materials, be it natural parquet, solid wood furniture, wooden Wall panels And interior doors, baseboards and much more. The final touches in the design of eco-interiors are often wooden ceilings, giving an atmosphere of warmth, nobility and stability. The widespread use of wood is due to its undeniable advantages:

  • The ability to diffuse light and create a shaded atmosphere in the room;
  • Wooden ceilings have high sound insulation properties.

The design style of a wooden ceiling depends on the functional purpose of the room being decorated. In the office, during the installation of a wooden ceiling, you can create an atmosphere of rigor and restraint, while in the bedroom, the use of natural materials will make it warm and homely. Depending on the purpose of the room, the methods of its design and finishing vary, which will be discussed further.

Choosing a design method for ceiling structures: important nuances

From point of view design features, ceilings in wooden house are lightweight structures consisting of beam floors. Due to the fact that they create minimal load on the residential structure, they ensure the durability and reliability of the structure. Ceiling structures of this type are characterized by the presence of space between external finishing and beams, which are filled with a layer of thermal insulation materials. A large number of finishing materials can be used to cover the ceiling structure, and today we will help you choose the most suitable option among a huge assortment.

Before deciding on the choice of finishing materials, you need to know the fundamental points associated with the construction of wooden residential buildings. First of all, this is the natural shrinkage of the log house, leading to subsequent deformation of the ceiling. Knowing this feature, an experienced specialist will not prefer every finishing method. Preference in in this case is given to natural materials such as wood, providing optimal humidity air and the required level of ventilation. It is impossible not to note the creation of a special atmosphere that is in perfect harmony with the general style of such buildings.

Slatted wooden ceilings: features of choice

If you plan to finish the ceiling using slatted structures, you can purchase ready-made slats for these purposes or make them to order. The choice of material for the manufacture of wooden slats is currently quite diverse and is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. The width of the slats can also be different and vary from the width of the lining (12-12.5 cm) to the dimensions of the sheathing board.

Important! When choosing wood for slats, designers advise giving preference to traditional species: poplar, elm, aspen, which will allow you to significantly save on purchasing materials. You will get an equally attractive result by betting on a combination various breeds wood

Before proceeding with the installation of slatted ceilings, it is important to make sure that the wood has been treated with stain and fire-resistant compounds, and also, if the slats are of poor quality, to sand them in advance. The slats are fastened to the sheathing using nails and screws, or by installing guide bars into the grooves. Installed slatted ceiling treated with water-soluble paint or varnish.

Alfrey finishing - transforming your ceiling

Despite the fact that painting wooden ceilings or the so-called alfrey finishing is practically not used today, designers do not advise neglecting this method of decorating the ceiling. Using this finishing method, you will minimum costs you can radically change appearance your house. And at the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to paint the entire ceiling surface - it is enough to paint even small areas to transform the room. A plywood ceiling in a wooden house can also be decorated with alfrey finishing.

Wooden ceiling photo

Modern methods of finishing wooden ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceiling: what does the developer need to know?

The last decade has been associated with the enormous popularity of suspended ceilings, and therefore it is now difficult to imagine modern renovations without such finishing. Significant benefits suspended ceiling in a wooden house fully justify all the funds spent on its installation.

Advantages of a suspended ceiling:

  • Compared to a slatted or plastered surface, a suspended ceiling is characterized by a perfectly smooth texture;
  • The use of a suspended ceiling allows you to bring to life the most daring design ideas, for example, recreating multi-level ceiling structures or zoning a room;
  • Recreating different textures is also possible using suspended ceilings. In wooden houses, the ideal option would be to recreate a hanging canvas with an imitation of a wooden texture;
  • Withstands shrinkage of the log house, and therefore is resistant to deformation;

Disadvantages of a suspended ceiling:

  • Installation of a suspended ceiling can only be carried out two years after completion construction work, which is also associated with shrinkage of the log house;
  • Not always able to fit perfectly into the overall style of the room (combines ideally with modern interiors).

Wooden lining

Many developers, in order to maintain the ideal appearance of the building, prefer finishing the ceiling with wooden lining. Among its advantages the following characteristics can be noted:

  • Has high sound and heat insulation properties;
  • Ideally combined with the overall stylistic concept of the room;
  • Allows you to hide defects that arose during the construction of a building;
  • If you prefer wooden lining, ceiling structure doesn't need preliminary preparation, and there is no need for grinding and leveling the surface;
  • If you plan to increase the service life of the lining, treat it modern impregnations for wood;

Disadvantages of wooden lining:

  • Increased fire hazard, which can be reduced by treating the surface with fire retardant impregnations;
  • Needs complex treatment to prevent damage by fungi and insects;
  • Low resistance to changes in temperature and humidity, which contributes to the occurrence of deformations.

In addition, the design characteristics of the ceiling depend on the method of covering the ceiling with wooden lining. Experts in this field believe that a surface covered with clapboard in one direction will seem quite boring and monotonous, and therefore, we have to think about ceiling beams dividing the ceiling into zones. You can finish them to match the main surface or play with contrasts, which will make the ceiling no less noble.

If, due to the design features of the ceiling, beams cannot be used in the ceiling design, but you still plan to cover the ceiling with wooden paneling, rely on applying decorative hand painting to the surface of the ceiling. It will look even more aesthetically pleasing if the wood is artificially aged. At correct selection paintings, decorative ceiling lamps and additional accessories, you can create perfect interior in Gothic style.

However, if you want to decorate a room in a classic style, lining will not be entirely appropriate. In this case it is better to prefer wooden panels for the ceiling, with which you can decorate not only the ceiling, but also the walls. Solid panels can be used to decorate the ceiling in the living room, and in this case to achieve even more decorative effect To the wooden panels you can add stained glass windows with internal lighting, which can be matte or colored.

Plasterboard ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, installing plasterboard on a wooden ceiling has become very popular. By choosing this method of finishing the ceiling, you will be able to realize your most daring projects: from the simplest to complex multi-level structures. The main advantages of drywall are as follows:

  • Drywall has excellent breathability, which allows you not to worry about the formation of condensation and ensures an optimal level of humidity in the room;
  • Using drywall, you can hide all existing imperfections and deformations of the ceiling;
  • Under plasterboard sheets you can hide unsightly utility lines.

The disadvantages of plasterboard include the impossibility of installation directly on a wooden ceiling; before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to install metal carcass;

  • Needs additional finishing, for example, putty;
  • Plasterboard structures are prone to deformation.

Ceiling finishing: preparatory activities

Regardless of which method of finishing the ceiling in a wooden house is chosen, the preparatory measures are universal and, first of all, involve antiseptic surface treatment. If the basis of your future structure is made up of roof elements that have been processed during the roofing works, you can proceed to the next step preparatory work- thermal insulation works.

The method of roof insulation directly depends on its design. If the roof design does not provide for an attic, the roof must be insulated along the plane of the slopes, even though this has already been done from the outside. The sequence of installation of thermal insulation layers is as follows: waterproofing - thermal insulation - vapor barrier. The modern construction market offers materials that imitate finished “ roofing pie", and need only installation in the cells of the sheathing.

The selection of thermal insulation material must be carried out based on the conditions in which the roof will be located during operation. If you need insulation of roof slopes, characterized by a small distance between the rafters, the width of the insulation should be slightly wider than this distance, which will allow you to smoothly lay the insulation between the rafters.

If the installation of rafters was carried out with a large step, before direct insulation it is necessary to install a wooden sheathing made of beams. First of all, a rolled membrane is glued to the base surface, and after installing the sheathing, insulation is placed in the resulting cells.

Finishing a wooden ceiling with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Since often in the process of finishing the ceiling with your own hands, there is a need to reduce the time spent on installation activities and the possibility of constructing complex multi-level structures. In these cases, it is necessary to resort to installing plasterboard on a wooden ceiling.

It may often seem that installing drywall is not difficult, but this is far from the case, and installing drywall requires a serious approach to work. This is due to the fact that wooden floors are characterized by mobility associated with shrinkage of wood and changes in the configuration of the structure.

Methods for attaching drywall:

Construction practice is familiar with several methods of attaching drywall to a wooden ceiling, and each of them is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • The first method involves attaching drywall directly to a wooden wall;
  • Drywall can be attached to a pre-installed wooden frame;
  • Drywall can also be attached to a metal frame.

Method number 1: advantages and disadvantages

  • Advantages this method consists of low material costs;
  • Low time costs;
  • Maintaining the original ceiling height.


  • It's quite rare to find quality wooden base- aligned to the base and plane, which is necessary for installing drywall;
  • Not every type of wood can reliably hold hardware;
  • Due to the shrinkage of wood, deformation of drywall occurs.

Method number 2: advantages and disadvantages

  • The advantages include environmental friendliness and strength of the frame;
  • Possibility of use during installation of insulation


Method number 3: advantages and disadvantages

  • Installing drywall on a metal frame is one of the most reliable methods;
  • The advantages also include the possibility of using insulation and structural strength;
  • Possibility of creating multi-level ceiling structures.

The negative aspects of using this method are so insignificant that we do not consider it advisable to mention them.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a plasterboard ceiling

Despite the fact that there is an opinion among amateurs that the installation of the frame is carried out on a rough ceiling, this is only relevant for habitable houses. This is due to the fact that in a new house it is not rational to install a rough ceiling, since the installation of a metal frame requires only the preliminary installation of the sheathing.

Due to the large distance between the wooden beams, it is difficult to install a metal frame on them, which necessitates the installation of lathing, for the manufacture of which a wooden beam with a section of 40x30 mm is used. The timber is fastened in a perpendicular direction relative to the beams, the step being 30-40 cm.

Before direct installation of the sheathing, the load-bearing floor beams are insulated, and the vapor and heat insulation is secured to the beams using construction stapler. If floor beams are located between floors, or separate the first floor and a heated attic, installation of a vapor barrier is not a mandatory component of the work.

To ensure reliability plasterboard ceiling, despite the deformation processes inherent in a wooden structure, it must be firmly fixed regardless of the walls. This indicates that the end profile does not need to be attached to the walls, but only attached to the main profile. The gap between the wall and the frame is at least 10 mm, which compensates for possible deformation processes of the ceiling. To get rid of the unsightliness of the resulting gaps, they are covered decorative baguettes and baseboards.

In the process of attaching drywall to ceiling beams, you must perform the following steps:

  • Stock up on hangers and the number of screws required for work;
  • Purchase a ceiling and guide profile in accordance with the estimated quantity;
  • Purchase plasterboard sheets and crab-type fasteners;
  • Install the metal frame;
  • Carry out fastening plasterboard sheets on a metal frame.

Often amateurs are faced with the question: “Is it possible to cover a wooden ceiling with plasterboard if it serves as the floor for the second floor or attic?” The emergence of this issue is associated with the fears of inexperienced craftsmen that an insufficiently secured structure may be subject to deformation under the weight of people. Experienced specialists are confident that these fears are completely unjustified, since the laying of floor beams and their cross-section eliminates excessive deflection of the structure. In turn, a slight deflection of the structure can be compensated by puttingtying the seams and joints of plasterboard sheets.

The main advantage of your own home built on suburban area– the ability to independently choose materials for walls and coverings, create a layout at your own discretion and a variable design.

And a considerable number of people, having an almost limitless choice, prefer wooden houses. Why? Firstly, recently, country housing made of timber or log house received a “second wind” and again became relevant and fashionable. Secondly, wood as a material itself has many advantages, the main ones being its attractive appearance and environmental friendliness. But, in addition to the material for the walls, the owner of the new cottage must choose what and how the ceiling will be finished.

Requirements for ceiling finishing

First of all, you need to understand what requirements apply to the ceiling in a wooden house and what you expect it (the ceiling) to look like. There are not many requirements; they cannot be called complex and difficult to fulfill. Let's get to know them.

Ceiling preparation

Before finishing the ceiling, its surface must be prepared. First, the rough surface of the ceiling is treated with an antiseptic, which is necessary to protect the structure from rotting, fungi and mold. Treated wood will last much longer.

Important! If the antiseptic was applied during the construction of the house, then this step can be skipped.

Fire retardant prices

fire retardant

Fire retardants - impregnations to impart fire-resistant properties

The final stage of preparation is the installation of the thermal insulation layer. As the name implies, the task of thermal insulation is to minimize leakage of heated to room temperature air from the house through the ceiling and roof. The effectiveness of thermal insulation largely depends on the chosen material.

Each of the heat insulators has its own advantages, disadvantages and features, but this is the topic of a separate article. The table below is an attempt to briefly consider thermal insulation materials and their properties.

Table. Comparative characteristics insulation materials for the ceiling.

NameDensity, kg/m3Thermal conductivity, W/(mK)AdvantagesFlaws
Mineral wool75-200, depends on the scope of application of the material0,03-0,12 At high temperatures it only melts, easy to installTendency to absorb moisture
Styrofoam45-150 0,041 Good thermal insulation characteristics, low costIt burns and when burned emits harmful substances, rodents may infest
Ecowool45-75 0,038 At high temperatures it only melts, environmentally friendly, good thermal insulation characteristicsInstallation requires special equipment
Expanded clay800-1200 0,18 Non-flammable, environmentally friendly, very easy installation processHeavy weight, thermal insulation characteristics worse than other materials
Sawdust200-450 0,08 Cheapest materialThey burn, may infest rodents, are not resistant to rotting and fungal formation

Prices for mineral wool

mineral wool

Important! Please note that the lower the thermal conductivity coefficient (expressed in watts divided by meter times kelvin, or W/(mK) in short), the better the thermal insulation qualities of a particular material.

For more understanding last stage In preparing the ceiling for finishing, we will consider the process of thermal insulation using mineral wool rolls step by step.

  1. First you need to level and clean the surface of the rough ceiling.

  2. A waterproofing film is laid and secured onto the cleaned surface. The joints between the individual sheets are overlapped and sealed with adhesive tape made of waterproofing material.
  3. A sheathing is nailed to the ceiling, serving as a frame for the future insulation. It is made either from wooden beam, or from a metal profile. The distance between the elements of the sheathing should be 1-2 centimeters less than the width of the mineral wool roll - this ensures reliable “adhesion” of the heat-insulating material to the frame.

  4. Between wooden beams or steel profile rolls of mineral wool are laid. The minimum layer thickness is 50 millimeters. If several layers of mineral wool are laid, the joints of the rolls of the first layer overlap the next one.

  5. The insulation layer and the sheathing on top are covered with a vapor barrier film.

Prices for vapor barrier film

vapor barrier film

Attention! If the thermal insulation sheathing is made of wooden beams, do not forget to treat it with antiseptic additives.

Only after completing these works can you begin finishing the ceiling in a wooden house.

An alternative option is external ceiling insulation

Most often, for a wooden private house, lining is used as a finishing material for the ceiling. It consists of planed boards, on one side of which there is a tongue (also called a tongue or tongue) and a groove. During installation, the board is inserted with a tongue into the groove of the previous one - this is how the elements are attached to each other.

Types of lining differ in the length and width of the boards, the material from which they are made, color and texture. There is even a lining stylized as a log house. This is the main advantage - a rich assortment from which you can always choose something suitable for the interior.

But the advantages of the lining do not end there.

  1. High levels of sound insulation - in a room where the ceiling is lined with clapboard, walking and talking on the floor above will not be heard, especially if there is a thermal insulation layer.
  2. Durability – lining treated with antiseptics, varnish or other coatings can last for many years without the need for replacement.
  3. The lining matches perfectly with wooden walls.
  4. Vapor permeability - due to the fact that the lining “breathes”, there will be no accumulation between it and the sub-ceiling excess moisture and condensation, which can reduce the life of the ceiling and reduce the effectiveness of the insulating layer.

It should be understood that such finishing is not suitable for all rooms - very large rooms the lining seems very monotonous and boring. But there is an elegant way to solve this problem - using a multi-color finish. Thus, you can divide the space of the room into several zones, which is especially important for the living room or common room. You can also diversify the ceiling using carvings, paintings or patterns made on the lining before installation. Often the material is artificially aged with outside, thereby creating in the room the atmosphere of an old and venerable mansion.

Important! There is a subtype of lining called eurolining. This finishing boards, manufactured in accordance with DIN 68-126 standard. In most cases, it is distinguished by a higher quality of surface, grooves and tongues.

Let's look at how the lining is installed on the ceiling.

Step 1. The height from the floor to the rough ceiling in all corners of the room is measured. The corner with the smallest height is selected, and 50 mm is measured down from it.

Step 2. By using laser level or a marking thread, a line for the location of the frame is drawn from the point selected at the previous stage. This ensures that the ceiling is as level as possible relative to the floor.

Step 3. The frame is created using a wooden beam of small cross-section. The sheathing lines are laid perpendicular to the location of the future finishing. The interval between them is from 40 cm to half a meter; a distance of 10-15 cm should be maintained between the wall and the timber. Before installation, the frame elements are treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

Step 4. If the lining boards are not painted or varnished, then appropriate coatings are applied to them.

Step 5. The lining is cut to the width of the room, but there should be a gap of 10-20 mm wide on each side between it and the walls, so that when the material expands under the influence of moisture, swelling and deformation do not occur.

When cutting boards, we use a guide - a metal square

Step 6. The first board is attached to the frame using clamps, nails or screws. Methods for fastening the lining are shown in one of the figures below.

Step 7 The next board is installed, the tongue is inserted into the groove of the previous one. The linings should be carefully adjusted to each other; it is permissible to use a rubber mallet.

Step 8 The previous stage is repeated sequentially for all planks.

Prices for lining

Step 9 The last strip must be trimmed if necessary. In most cases, it is attached to the frame with nails driven in “obliquely.”

Step 10 Compensation gaps between the lining and the walls are closed using ceiling plinths.

Wood veneer

An alternative to lining can be veneer panels - strips with locks for installation and fastening, covered on the outside with veneer (a thin wooden sheet several millimeters thick). Typically, valuable types of wood are used for this material. The insignificant thickness of the veneer allows you to create an attractive and rich-looking finish for the ceiling, while being quite cheap.

The technology for installing veneer panels does not differ much from the methods of installing lining: the ceiling is marked, a sheathing is created, the first panel is attached to it using nails or self-tapping screws, the following finishing elements are connected to the previous ones using “locks” of the tongue-and-groove type.


In everyday life, plywood is perceived as a cheap and not the most attractive material for finishing the ceiling. But there are types of plywood that are not inferior in aesthetics to lining or veneer panels, so it is still worth considering how to install this material.

The main advantages of plywood are: low price and resistance to moisture (if the sheets have undergone appropriate processing and are covered on the outside with a laminate). The laying technology is as follows.

Step 1. The ceiling is marked and a frame made of wooden beams is created. This stage has already been described in more detail in. It is only worth mentioning that the distance between the sheathing elements should be several centimeters less than the width of the sheet so that the plywood can be nailed directly to the frame.

Step 2. A solid sheet of plywood is applied to the sheathing so that the edges are in the middle of the beam, which acts as a frame. Using screws or nails, the plywood is first fixed in the corners, then along the entire perimeter in increments of 20-25 cm.

Prices for plywood sheets

Step 3. The remaining sheets are laid sequentially in the same way.

Step 4. The process is completed by laying plywood scraps along the edges near the walls.

Step 5. The joints between the sheets are sealed decorative overlays- or .

Important! Remember that the area of ​​an individual sheet of plywood is large, so installation must be done with the assistance of assistants.

Natural wood

The flooring of planed boards made from valuable types of wood goes well with most interiors. To create the atmosphere of a country house and add “naturalness,” the finishing is complemented by surface flooring made of slab or obapola - boards that are only partially planed.

The technology for laying boards repeats the method of creating a false ceiling in a bathhouse or barn - first, at the construction stage, beams from large-section timber are installed. Then the boards are hemmed from below, secured with self-tapping screws and carefully adjusted to each other with minimal gaps. Both the boards and the ceiling frame are processed before installation. protective compounds, and after installation the ceiling is covered with various types of varnish.

Another addition to natural wood ceiling decoration is ceiling beams. But you should think about this in advance, since cutouts in the wall for their installation are made during the construction stage. The beams are treated with compounds that protect the wood from rotting, varnished and sometimes artificially aged.

Advice! If you don’t want to make cuts in the wall and install heavy beams, but want to see them under the ceiling, then you can use false beams, which are made of wood or plastic and are hollow inside. They are significantly lighter and easier to work with than solid timber.

Video - Ceiling with wood


Drywall is a “layer cake”, where the outside is sheets of thick cardboard, and the inside is a solid composition based on gypsum with the addition of various fillers and additives. This is very comfortable material for finishing, you can do this with its help multi-level ceilings, suitable for spacious rooms. In addition, it is most convenient to install spotlights in drywall that can highlight the features of your interior and highlight important areas in the room.

Drywall prices


Installation of a plasterboard ceiling in a wooden house is as follows:

  1. A frame made of metal profiles such as UD- and CD is laid on the lathing of the heat-insulating layer. The frame elements should be placed perpendicular to the wooden sheathing. It is advisable to leave a compensation gap of 10-15 millimeters between the wall and the metal profile so that during shrinkage and other movements of the ceiling the plasterboard does not sag.

  2. Using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, the plasterboard sheets are fixed to the steel profile.

    We are tiling the ceiling. We fasten the sheet as in the figure, retreating 2 mm from the walls

    Same between the sheets technological gap 2 mm

    Following this principle, we install the remaining sheets

  3. The joints between the sheets should be puttied. How this is done is written in detail in.

  4. Drywall finishing is in progress. It could be relief plaster, dye, ceiling tiles or wallpaper.

Advice! If you plan to install spotlights, then first mark the locations of their future location, mount the wiring there and, before laying drywall, make cutouts in the sheets for lighting fixtures.

Video - DIY plasterboard ceiling

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling - a canvas made of polymer fabric or polyvinyl chloride, secured using a frame made of plastic or aluminum profile. This type of finishing is especially suitable for newly built log houses, where over the next couple of years the floors will shrink, making painting or plastering impossible.

Besides, suspended ceiling can be made multi-level by combining it with sheets of drywall. But such a ceiling has a drawback - the height of the room is significantly reduced.

Remember that the ceiling decoration will be beautiful and durable only if the technology for its installation is carefully followed. We hope this article will help you choose the most suitable method.

Video - Installation of a single-level stretch ceiling

In a private house, especially a wooden one, there are much more possibilities for ceiling design than in an apartment. Firstly, because the height of the ceilings allows you to create any design, and secondly, there are very interesting roof configurations.
And if there is no attic or attic, the interior space of the rooms is directly conducive to rampant imagination. We will look at what can be used to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house, and how to prepare it for this process.
We will provide short instructions on how to finish a wooden ceiling, and, if possible, with your own hands.

Whatever options for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house are chosen, the process of their production begins with antiseptic treatment of the structures. The decorative paint will also need to be primed. wooden surface, if you choose one to create the interior.

If the base surface of your ceiling is the roof elements that have already been processed during the roofing work, you can immediately proceed to the next stage - installing thermal insulation.

Ceiling insulation

So: finishing ceilings in a wooden house is inextricably linked with the need to insulate them. The implementation of the insulating layer depends on the roof structure.
In the case where an attic is not provided, the planes of the roof slopes will need to be insulated:

  • This must be done, despite the fact that these actions have already been performed outside, during the roofing process. Thus, double insulation will be obtained, which will create good protection at home from both cold and heat.

  • A couple of decades ago there was no special choice of insulating materials: mineral wool, glass wool, and polystyrene foam. Today there is such a choice that the quality of the chosen material can determine the technology of work.
  • The sequence of each stage of insulation in the classic version looks like this: hydro-heat-vapor insulation. Now there are options for thermal insulation materials that are a ready-made “pie” that is simply mounted into the cells of a wooden sheathing.

  • The insulation can be either in roll form or in the form of slabs. Naturally, the price of foil options is higher than regular ones. But if you consider the cost of film or foil; glue for fixing them; time spent on their installation - it will become clear why.
  • There is another modern type of insulation - penoizol. It can be: sheet, granular and foam.
    Foam is very convenient to use where there are complex roof configurations and difficult access to certain areas. If you are interested in how to work with it, it is better to watch the video.
  • In general, choose thermal insulation material necessary, based on the specific operating conditions of the building and its design features. Let's say you need to insulate roof slopes, where the pitch between the rafters is small.
    The width of the insulation, in this case, should be a couple of centimeters wider than this distance.
  • Then it will be easy to lay it in the space between the rafters. Due to the difference in width, the insulation will not fall out during installation.
    Well, further actions will depend on the chosen finishing method.
  • If the roof rafters are installed at a large pitch, it will be necessary to install wooden sheathing from beams. Before this, a rolled membrane is glued to the base surface, and after the sheathing is ready, insulation is placed in its cells.
  • If the foil option is chosen, then it is laid with the foil facing up. In the case when, for example, mineral wool was used, it will be necessary to glue vapor barrier film, and then nail the slats across the sheathing beams, as in the photo below.

  • The same will need to be done if the house has attic room. As a rule, it is used as residential.
    And only if the roof structure provides for only a non-residential attic, double insulation no need for stingrays.
  • Then it will be enough to make insulation attic floor. This can be done both from the attic and inside the living space.
    Which side is better for insulation also depends on how the ceiling will be finished in the house.
  • If the insulation is carried out from inside the room, its process will be the same as described above. But when this work is done in the attic, you can use bulk insulation materials: expanded clay, polystyrene chips or the same penoizol.
  • In this case, the base floor is covered with overlapping roofing felt, wooden logs are installed, and insulation is poured between them and the board flooring is filled. This is what they do if it’s just an attic.

When it comes to finishing the attic, the insulation is poured on top with liquid cement mortar, drowning in it metal mesh. When the solution hardens, a self-leveling floor is made, on top of which any decorative coating can be laid.

Let's start finishing the ceiling

And now, the insulation is finished - it’s time to start decorating the ceilings. In this part of the article we will look at what types of ceiling finishing in a wooden house will look most harmonious, and what materials may be needed to complete them.

Wood paneling

If a person wants to build a wooden house, it is quite possible that he will want wood in the interior decoration. In any case, this is the most natural.
Moreover, the decoration of the ceiling in a private house can be more varied than in ordinary apartment. This is because ceiling design may involve bearing structures: rafters and beams.

  • Most often, the ceiling is hemmed using clapboard boards. This is exactly the case when ceiling insulation can be done from inside the room.
    After all, to install the board it is necessary to make lathing. So it's up to you.
  • There are several types of boards, varying in size and cross-section. We will not dwell on the nuances of installing the lining; you can read the articles on this topic.
    And we'll talk about the design of the ceiling surface.

  • The ceiling surface, covered with clapboard in one direction, will be quite monotonous, especially if the room is large. And this is where load-bearing ceiling beams come to the rescue.
    They divide the ceiling into zones, they can be finished in the same way as the lining, or you can create a contrast. In any case, such a ceiling will look decent.

  • How to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house if the room has a regular ceiling and beams cannot participate in the design? Yes, with the same clapboard board!
    Just to give it a noble appearance, wooden ceilings are finished not just by painting, but by applying hand-painting to their surface.

  • It looks incredibly beautiful, especially if the wood is artificially aged. A drawing on wood, properly selected lamps and accessories will help you decorate the interior of a room in a Gothic style.
  • When choosing classic style When decorating a room, lining would be inappropriate. In this case, wooden panels are used for decoration, which are excellent for both ceilings and walls.
    The panels can be made from solid wood.

  • When it comes to the design of the ceiling in the living room, you can add colored or matte stained glass with internal lighting to the ceiling panels. And there is no difference: it contains natural glass or acrylic; with hand painting or film glued to the back of the glass - the ceiling will look expensive and rich.

  • Cheaper panels are made from MDF, which is covered with bamboo or valuable wood veneer. If such design also involves wooden beams, they can be unevenly hewn and covered with carvings.
    This design will give the interior a touch of antiquity and will look very original.

  • IN budget option In the production of ceiling panels, plywood is used as a basis, which is covered with a film that imitates the texture of wood. Here's how to decorate the ceiling village house?
    Yes, still the same plywood, but with additional decoration.

  • Finishing the ceiling with plywood in a wooden house can be accompanied by such decor as in our example above. This ceiling has two levels.
    The first level is made up of sheets of plywood stuffed over a wooden sheathing. The second level is a lattice made of well-planed and contrastingly colored bars, fixed to plywood.

  • You can also decorate a wooden beam ceiling using inserts. It doesn't have to be stained glass.
    The insert can be a type-setting slatted panel decorated with fabric, colored film or wallpaper. Look at the picture above - it looks very interesting, this technique can be adopted.

  • Where it is not possible to use structural beams in the design of a room, suspended beams are used. wooden structures. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to do it on their own, but if you turn to specialists, they will develop a design, carry out the structure itself and install it correctly.

  • Design options for finishing ceilings in mansions are developed individually and can be quite complex. suspended structure. Our next example shows a ceiling in a house without an attic, which has six levels, with lighting for each of them.
    Here and frosted glass, And plastic panels, and wooden elements. Only an attic-free space can provide the opportunity to create such a luxurious design.

Other types of ceiling finishes

In this part of the article we will answer the question: “How to decorate the ceiling in a private house without using wood?” Let's say the house is large, there are many rooms, and it is not at all necessary that all the ceilings be the same.
It is quite natural that the inhabitants of the house want variety:

  • In this case, instead of lining, we take sheets of plasterboard for lining the ceiling. Conveniently, in a wooden house it is easier to install gypsum boards not on a metal profile, but on the same wooden sheathing.
    An article on installation technology and sealing joints between sheets of drywall is available on our website.

  • The final finishing of such a surface can be done in any way: paint, glue wallpaper, ceiling tiles, install false beams, spot lighting. A great option will be the use of gypsum or polyurethane stucco molding in decoration.

  • Very convenient for false beam ceiling design. They can have a small cross-section or be massive.
    Their surface is covered with a laminating film with a wooden texture. And it gives the complete impression that there are wooden beams on the ceiling.
    Of course, you can’t cover them with carvings, but in inner space you can lay electrical wires, internet cable, and even hide a gas pipe.
  • Well, what if you want to decorate the ceiling with decorative plaster? Then the thermal insulation of the ceiling must be done indoors.
    The thermal insulation material serves as the basis for gluing a fiberglass reinforcing mesh, on which the plastering process will be carried out.
  • You can also use regular gypsum plaster, the surface of which can be finished in any way that is used in apartments. You can even make a suspended ceiling in a wooden house.

It is worth noting that the ceiling decoration in log house It is not carried out immediately after construction, but after a couple of years - when the house shrinks. Otherwise, the ceiling structure may be damaged.
And this is a shame, especially if expensive materials were used for its finishing. At first, you can simply enjoy the unique woody aroma, and only after the necessary time has passed, give free rein to your imagination and start decorating the interior.

Fashionable and environmentally friendly wooden houses are especially in demand today: with a great variety of design proposals and finishing materials, log houses are sheathed in any desired style. But finishing the ceiling of a wooden house with plasterboard significantly expands the possibilities and guarantees its beauty and durability.

The walls of wooden houses are often left in their original form - logs and timber. Moreover, the obligatory finishing of the ceiling in a wooden house must certainly be in harmony with these wooden walls and the overall architectural concept of the house.

Finishing materials


Make it light, classic, smooth and white ceiling Can different ways, and there are now plenty of materials for such an effect. Previously, plastering was done: on beams wooden floor stuffed a special mesh of shingles (these are thin wooden slats 3 mm thick).

Then plaster was applied to the resulting relief mesh, which firmly adhered to the shingles and did not come off, and did not even crack.

This method is often used now, and in modern houses. But much more efficient and faster technologies have appeared, giving much best result than simple and labor-intensive plastering.


The highest quality and most advanced method is covering ceilings with plasterboard


  • This material is almost irreplaceable when it is necessary to make a ceiling on two or several levels, as well as to implement a beautiful but complex design project with intricate designs.
  • The unique property of drywall wet to be pliable, like clay, and, when dry, to become absolutely durable - this is a real godsend for designers.
  • The sheathing is screwed onto the metal one, which does not depend on the deformations of the wooden base.
  • If the technology is followed correctly, our ceiling will last for many years and will only require periodic touch-ups at our request.


It would be a mistake to screw sheets of drywall directly to rough ceiling or to beams: plasterboard sheathing requires a special hanging metal structure, as for a suspended ceiling.


It is logical to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house with wood - the most suitable material

Wood paneling on the ceilings blends very naturally with the interior of the house: it gives the room completeness and unites all its details.

Choice specific materials when finishing is quite large and depends on the desired result. These include wooden “lining”, panels made of solid wood or veneer. By the way, the latter are absolutely no different in appearance from valuable wood species.


Lining is a traditional decoration of ceilings in log houses, time-tested

This is a treated board with a groove and tongue. Eurolining and its varieties are also produced different sizes, but with a different lock design - there are deeper grooves for connection than with a simple lining.


  • The most suitable option: load-bearing wooden structures and a sheathed ceiling are ideally combined.
  • According to professionals, only it fully meets the requirements of strength, durability, sound insulation, heat transfer and aesthetics.
  • The wooden house, trimmed with clapboard, has valuable property: the sheathed surface “breathes”, and the eurolining has special ventilation grooves on the back side that easily remove condensation.

Veneered panels

Experts advise how to decorate the ceiling in a wooden house: with unique veneer panels.

  • They cost a little more than lining, but are easy to install and cause well-deserved admiration.
  • Panels covered with veneer imitate any valuable wood species.
  • Their selection is rich in color and size.
  • A house made of logs or timber with such a ceiling will always look significant and rich.
  • A locking connection, like a lining, will allow us to quickly and independently sheathe the ceiling, even without having special skills.

Solid ceiling


  • These expensive, prestigious panels are distinguished by their beauty, high quality material, excellent characteristics (strength, durability).
  • They are made from the best breeds deciduous trees, ideally meeting the construction requirements.
  • Their installation is easy and quite quick - it’s a simple matter of hemming the rough ceiling.

Relief ceiling


  • Raised false ceiling We attach directly to the bases, and not to special structures.
    This greatly simplifies the installation process: we install split beams, which have a unique wood structure and are processed by hand, directly onto the old ceiling.
  • The overall impression of such a ceiling is admiration, especially if we use wooden blocks different breeds and different tones. This way we will create a unique ornament on the ceiling.

The beams, sanded on a machine and varnished, look beautiful.

Finish options

The ceiling finishing options are countless:

  • A modern, comfortable and easy-to-clean plastic ceiling with an abundance of colors and textures will harmoniously fit into any style.
  • You can simply varnish or paint the existing wooden ceiling. First you need to thoroughly sand it.
  • If it is very difficult to sand the installed ones for finishing, we will simply sew them up, but we will attach an amazing imitation to the surface - light false beams made of polyurethane foam. They are indistinguishable from the real ones.

The contrast of colors is extremely effective: expressive dark beams against a bright light background

  • An original and compromise solution: leave exposed wooden beams along the perimeter of the plasterboard ceiling.
    Suspended plasterboard ceilings can be decorated with decorative beams not only made of wood, but also of plastic - high-quality imitation of logs.

  • A suspended ceiling for a new log house, which inevitably shrinks over the course of a year, preventing any finishing during this time, is certainly the best universal option.
    Only a suspended ceiling will allow you to move into the house immediately after construction.

Numerous examples of installing original and comfortable ceilings in a wooden house, where everything is subordinated to a unique style and comfort, are widely presented in the video. The choice is up to the owners of wonderful wooden mansions!

The popularity of low-rise construction is growing every year. Most of the houses built are wooden buildings. When in a wooden house virtually all the walls are immediately ready for final finishing, the ceilings in such cases require additional work so that the ceiling finish turns out to be of high quality and beautiful.

It is possible to sheathe the ceiling both in multi-storey buildings and in wooden houses in different ways. You can choose which options are better only by comparing all the factors that directly affect the finishing of the ceiling.

These factors include:

  • Level ratio natural light with planned artificial;
  • Future layout and design of the room;
  • Estimated degree of room humidity;
  • Functional purpose of the room;
  • Ceiling height in the room;
  • Availability of a second floor;
  • Availability of stairs.

With all the variety of interior proposals, log ceilings can be designed in any direction. At the same time, environmental friendliness and naturalness can be emphasized not only in rustic style using wood trim.

Interesting ideas for decorating a living room in a private home can be found in the article:

4 ways to make a ceiling in a wooden house

Arrangement ceiling covering requires detailed study. Do high-quality repairs It is always more profitable and economical in the long term, especially in a new home. You can properly hem the ceiling; for this you should know the basic classification of ceiling structures.

Ceilings can be:

  1. Hanging;
  2. Hemmed;
  3. Tension;
  4. Combined.

It is worth taking into account the height of the rooms. To prevent the cladding from hiding centimeters at low ceilings, you should avoid suspended ceiling systems that are attached to an additional frame.

Ceiling installation in a wooden country house

To properly design the ceiling in a log house, you need to study the structure and coating in detail. ceiling system. To do this, it is important to have an idea of ​​the design of the draft ceiling.

Ceiling system in wooden buildings consists of (in order from bottom to top):

  • Interior decoration;
  • Boards;
  • Beams;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Thermal insulation material;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Wooden logs;
  • Flooring or flooring of the next floor.

The arrangement of ceilings in a log house is influenced by several factors: waterproofing, thermal insulation, as well as the functionality of the room above the ceiling. The last point is conditional; if the room above the ceiling is not used, then the flooring is not laid. If the ceiling from the outside is a roof, then instead of flooring last layer the structure will be roofing material.

The most suitable material for the ceiling in a wooden house

For inside ceiling will do a large number of materials. But there are also limitations. For example, it is not recommended to cover the inside of the ceiling with plastic material. Firstly, the natural atmosphere of the log house is lost, and secondly, the plastic can burn.

You can cover the ceiling:

  1. Natural wooden material;
  2. Tensile structure with non-flammable PVC film;
  3. Drywall;
  4. Veneered panels;

The design of the ceiling should be consistent with common interior Houses. Therefore, materials are selected taking into account the wall decoration and floor design. If the task is to make the cladding yourself, then the designs are selected based on the complexity of installation.

White color can increase space and raise the height of a room. Before painting, the entire plasterboard must be treated with putty, so that in the future it will be possible to change the color of the coating.

Wooden materials for the ceiling in the house

The most harmonious finish for the ceiling in a log house is cladding with natural wood. Wood unites the main structures of the house and makes the interior complete and natural.

TO wood paneling include:

  • Wooden lining (board lining);
  • Wooden panels;
  • Veneer panels and MDF boards.

A private house provides more opportunities for interior decoration ceiling. And the natural desire to make this finishing from natural material is always welcome. And to save wood material from the possibility of fire, a protective solution is applied to it.

Plywood ceiling in a wooden modern house

Beautiful photos of ceiling decor with beams only confirm its popularity wooden buildings. It’s not in vain modern tendencies aimed at eco-friendly homes.

Proper ceiling insulation

Both in an old house and in a new one, the issue of additional insulation of the ceiling may be acute, even if the house was built with stove heating. The issue of thermal insulation of the ceiling in a log house is very extensive, so it must be considered in detail and in detail.

There are the following methods for insulating the ceiling surface:

  1. Outer;
  2. From the inside.

Each method will be most effective in certain conditions and with certain insulation materials. For example, laying vapor-proof materials is used for the external method, and vapor-permeable materials are used for the internal method.

Thermal insulation design also depends on the method of insulating the ceiling.

Conventional thermal insulation diagram:

  • Floor beams;
  • Suitable insulation;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Lathing.

Insulation is selected taking into account many factors. To fill the insulation tightly and without voids, you can use ecowool. Filing such material will be quick.

I advise you to fill the ceiling with polyurethane foam if there are no rodents that eat this insulation. Each thermal insulation material is special. And the time spent studying these features is worth it, because... warm house– a guarantee of comfort.

Wooden ceilings in interior design (video)

Building eco-friendly wooden houses is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an awareness of the benefits and value of natural materials. And if such houses are built with careful attention to all details, taking into account the rules of eco-friendly houses, then maximum efficiency is expressed by both financial savings and a favorable internal microclimate in the house.

Examples of how to sheathe the ceiling in a wooden house inside (photo)
