New government. Main. New ministers: who will take the post

The President promised to announce his new government formula after the inauguration. Everyone knows how much Vladimir Putin prone to unexpected decisions. Despite the fact that each of his improvisations is well prepared. “You'll like it,” he says in response to attempts to predict his personnel choices. And yet, it was not for nothing that he used the expression “new government” several times in his March message. So how new can it get?

TASS/Dmitry Astakhov

Hardly anyone doubts that he will retain the post of prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. Moreover, he retains the post of leader of the party of the absolute parliamentary majority. But even if someone else sits in this chair in the White House (from those candidates who were named in vain, or someone sensational), nothing much will change. Because any prime minister under a strong Putin, and he has now become even stronger, will be a purely technical prime minister.

Talk about a speedy send-off for the Deputy Prime Minister was in vain Dvorkovich, who was recently subjected to harsh presidential criticism along with his ward minister Sokolov. There is no point in moving a politician who is now responsible for hosting the World Cup.

Global Look Press/ Frolov

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin (right)

His colleagues have no less solid functional positions - Trutneva And Kozak. There were many predictions regarding the fate of the “toxic” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Here, however, the problem is of a different kind. It is unlikely that there will be many who want to shoulder the burden of the once most prestigious space industry, which is in a permanent crisis, about which the curator can only repent and throw up his hands. If there is such a candidate, then a replacement will happen.

website/Sergey Bulkin

It is unlikely that there are bright prospects for two more “vices” - a person similar to the head of the government apparatus Sergei Prikhodko, and the main athlete Vitaly Mutko The first turned out to be involved in an unpleasant scandal and accused of open corruption and conflict of interest, the other was deprived of its main “float” - the World Cup, so as not to further irritate our Western opponents. And after reformatting the cabinet of ministers, you can part with them quietly and honorably.

AGN "Moscow"/Andrey Nikerichev

The Minister of Culture is persistently classified as “toxic” ministers, that is, causing rejection in some intellectual circles Medinsky. However, it is unlikely that there is now a figure who could satisfy the claims of all groups of rival intellectuals. Talks that this post may be promoted Vladimir Tolstoy, now an adviser to the president, and a former literary contributor to the Student Meridian magazine and director of the Yasnaya Polyana complex nominated by the family clan, may have some basis. But it is difficult to imagine that such a person is capable of reconciling everyone. Unless there will be more fanatical Spartak fans in the government. of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Oddly enough, the fate of one of the promoted ministers suddenly found itself in limbo - Sergei Lavrov. A strange “cocaine precedent” suddenly retook everything political maps. The return from Brussels is considered a symptom of the weakening of the popular minister just yesterday. Grushko. The new deputy led the open opposition to Lavrov in the early 1990s. In an open letter, a group of Foreign Ministry officials accused those close to him of corruption in the economic sphere. Then son former first KGB Deputy Chairman Grushko was urgently escorted to NATO headquarters in the suburbs of Brussels. And now he returns at such a crisis moment for the central apparatus. Everything looks intriguing. Variations are possible.

Another super minister has a much stronger position - Sergei Shoigu. However, he does not have the same PR; problems in Syria are multiplying. And the text of the message showed that in military sphere The president has the main say. It’s easier with some ordinary ministers. It is unlikely that Minister Sokolov will retain his post, who is criticized by the president, who announced to him that he is not fully qualified for his official duties, and openly blames the same Trutnev for the failure of the reconstruction of airports in the Far East. The Minister for Open Government has also proven his uselessness Mikhail Abyzov. Because no virtual Open Government has ever emerged. The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources clearly did not win laurels either Donskoy.

It's clear that fine tuning government will take place. And this is the main post-election intrigue. Moreover, preference will be given to classical technocrats. And not necessarily young. Another thing is that most of the key ministers are proteges of powerful and influential industrial and financial groups. And this input will have to be taken into account. True, compared to the history of six years ago, a successful oligarch like Mikhail Prokhorov, who then converted his relative success into the appointment of several people close to him to the government, in particular the Deputy Prime Minister Golodets.

GGlobal Look Press/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Now Prokhorov is rarely remembered, and his protégés are slightly hung up. But there are already enough influential people who want to promote their trusted people to the cabinet.

Today, during a meeting with the head of state, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presented Vladimir Putin with an updated list of ministers of his cabinet. It should be noted that the renewal and redistribution of powers within the government, as well as the formation of new departments, as previously predicted by experts and political scientists, affected primarily the scientific-innovative and partly economic bloc, which fits into the course outlined by the president to accelerate the technological development of the economy and increase the level of its digitalization. It is also necessary to note changes in the composition of the deputy prime ministers in charge of the areas - their composition has undergone a significant change, also with an emphasis on the concentration of resources in key areas and greater specialization.

Firstly, the division of the single Ministry of Education and Science into two more specialized departments is noteworthy. In the new government structure, the Ministry of Education is formed, headed by Olga Vasilyeva, and the new Ministry of Science and higher education, which will be led by Mikhail Kotyukov.

Leaving Vasilyeva at the head of the Ministry of Education, which will still have secondary education, as well as general issues, Related educational activities, largely symbolic. And all of Vasilyeva’s previous experience and her professional background speak in favor of the fact that she will be more effective in the post of Minister of Education. Experts have long said that within the framework of the large and clumsy Ministry of Education and Science, where school and university education and science were united, efforts seemed to be evenly “spread out” across all sectors and were not concentrated on breakthrough areas.

The formation of a new Ministry of Science and Higher Education is long overdue - one can criticize the RAS reform a lot, but it is clear that the main path to integrating science into practical life lies only through cooperation with universities and institutes. Academic institutions cannot and should not isolate themselves, besides, out of habit, engaging in some murky business affairs. The experience of FANO, with all the costs and problems associated with the process, shows that the stage of inventory and establishing basic financial order has generally been completed and we need to move forward. Mikhail Kotyukov, who became the new head of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, should, as planned by the country’s leadership, ensure continuity in this work and strengthen the integration of science and higher education.

The second interesting trend was the appointment as ministers of two people from the governor's corps. Thus, the Governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov became the Minister for Development of the Far East, the Ministry of Natural Resources will be headed by the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, and the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services will be headed by the Governor of the Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev.

The logic of these appointments is clear: Kobylkin, who has been in charge of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for more than eight years, which itself is one of the largest oil and gas producing regions in the country, knows the problems like no one else natural resources. It is interesting that Kobylkin headed the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is part of the so-called Tyumen Matryoshka doll - the only federal structure preserved in the country, in which two full-fledged subjects of the federation - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - are formally part of another region - the Tyumen region.

At the same time, the governor of the Tyumen region, Yakushev, also joined the new federal government. It should be noted that it was Yakushev who at one time replaced Sergei Sobyanin as head of the region, who left in 2005 for a promotion to Moscow to head the Presidential Administration, and is currently the mayor of Moscow. If we talk about the new head of the Ministry of Eastern Development, Alexander Kozlov, then we must understand that it is the Amur region that in recent years has become the flagship for the development of the entire Far East. It is here that the Vostochny cosmodrome is being built, and it is in this region that three priority development territories (ASED) are located, and colossal investments have been attracted to the Svobodny ASEZ - about 1.3 trillion rubles. Thus, the country’s leadership, apparently, chose Kozlov’s candidacy based on the need to put at the head of the ministry, firstly, a local leader who knows the specifics of the regions, and secondly, the most successful of the Far Eastern governors.

On the other hand, we are seeing the departure of Alexander Khloponin from the government as the relevant Deputy Prime Minister, one of whose areas of responsibility was overseeing the North Caucasus. Khloponin’s nominee Lev Kuznetsov also did not retain his post - Sergei Chebotarev becomes the new Minister for North Caucasus Affairs. Little is known about him: apparently, he is an experienced apparatus worker, his last position before his appointment was deputy head of the Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for interregional and cultural relations. It is obvious that the Kremlin has decided to take closer control of the financial and budgetary flows directed to the development of the regions of the North Caucasus, and to some extent “reset” relations with local elites.

One of the most discussed recently has been the creation of a department based on the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, focused on the implementation of a new course to increase the technological flexibility of the Russian economy and transfer it to a “digital rails”. The notorious digitalization has already outgrown purely technological aspects information technologies and became a management problem. The need to implement IT solutions that provide a new quality of data transmission, tasks for automation of production and Everyday life people will now be decided by the Ministry digital development, communications and mass communications led by Konstantin Noskov.

From now on, the Ministry of Transport will begin to be led by Evgeniy Dietrich, who was previously Deputy Minister Sokolov, who did not retain his post. Dietrich dealt with problems for many years road construction, was the head of Rosavtodor, also headed Rostransnadzor. It was Dietrich who oversaw the construction of the road segment Crimean bridge, which has become one of the key transport projects of modern Russia.

The minister was also unable to retain his post. Agriculture Alexander Tkachev - he will now become the Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, who, during his work as head of the Russian Agricultural Bank, was able to bring the bank to the number of leaders in attracted client funds (thus, the total portfolio of client funds reached 2.3 trillion rubles). It should be noted that agriculture has shown explosive growth in recent years, especially due to the introduction of anti-sanction restrictions. Obviously, the country's leadership decided to expand and support the agricultural sector, and Patrushev's candidacy was selected based on this logic.

The heads of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Justice remained in their posts, which generally indicates satisfaction with their work on the part of the country's leadership. But the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has changed: instead of Vladimir Puchkov, the department will be headed by Evgeny Zinichev, who previously served as deputy director of the FSB. It should be noted that in recent years, many questions have accumulated for the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - numerous problems with the financing of departments in the regions, problems in fire supervision, financial abuses have led to the fact that the need for changes in the Ministry of Emergency Situations has become obvious even to people far from departmental realities. The appointment of a professional security officer to the post of minister, apparently, is intended to kickstart the purges of the ministry and put its administrative and economic apparatus in order. Taking into account the fact that the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a number of control functions and numerous media reports about their abuse, it is quite reasonable to expect future investigations with criminal cases against officials of the department.

The configuration of the bloc of deputy prime ministers is also changing. The most significant in this regard seems to be the appointment of Anton Siluanov as First Deputy Prime Minister while retaining his post as Minister of Finance. Traditionally, a person in the position of first deputy chairman of the government is considered responsible for the entire financial and economic bloc. The appointment of Siluanov to it seems to indicate the fact that the emphasis in macroeconomic policy will be on issues of general budget stabilization and strengthening control over expenses. At the same time, Igor Shuvalov, who had his own political and administrative weight, was replaced by the typical technocrat Siluanov. If we talk about the economic bloc, the resignation of the minister’s post is noteworthy economic development for Maxim Oreshkin. At the same time, many structural changes in the government, the strengthening of the financial block, coupled with the formation of a renewed Ministry of Communications, as well as the transfer of foreign trade missions to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade allow us to say that the Ministry of Economic Development itself does not have many levers left to influence the real economy - the focus is obvious is shifting towards industrial and IT ministries.

Also noteworthy is the second coming to the government of Alexei Gordeev, who, with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, will oversee agriculture. Gordeev is generally unique example a person who, relatively speaking, was “exiled” to a region that is not the most promising for raising the village and the economy. For many federal ministers, this would have meant the end of their careers, but Gordeev achieved obvious success in his new position, turning the Voronezh region into one of the leaders in the agricultural sector in the Central federal district, as a result of which he was promoted, first as a plenipotentiary representative, and now as a specialized agricultural deputy prime minister.

The creation of two deputy prime minister positions to oversee the social block and the appointment of a curator of healthcare, education and social policy Tatyana Golikova is explained by the start of the implementation of the large-scale program announced by President Putin to improve the standard of living of the country's population and the new May decrees. About eight trillion rubles will be spent for these purposes, and Golikova, with her enormous experience at the head of the Accounts Chamber, will be called upon to monitor the expenditure of these colossal funds.

Olga Golodets will remain in the sphere of culture and sports. By the way, the current ministers of sports and culture, Pavel Kolobkov and Vladimir Medinsky, remain in their posts, which can be assessed as satisfaction with the results of the work of these ministries. The transfer of Golodets to sports (instead of Vitaly Mutko, who became the specialized “vice” for construction) is also intended to turn the page on scandals around domestic sports. Regardless of how involved Mutko was in doping problems, his name is closely associated with this topic in international sports structures. Moreover, it must be admitted that both in his style and in the nature of his work, he is much closer to economic and construction topics. Say what you will, but a whole list of world sporting events, from the Universiades and Olympics to the 2018 FIFA World Cup starting in Russia in less than a month, is, first of all, a big construction work, which was supervised by Mutko.

On Monday, May 7, the official inauguration ceremony of Vladimir Putin, who has been elected for a fourth term, will take place. After the inauguration the government will leave resign, and, in accordance with the law, a new Cabinet must be formed within two weeks.

On Friday, May 4, the presidential press secretary said that the exact date for submitting the candidacy for a new prime minister “is the exclusive prerogative of the President of Russia.” There is no reliable information about what the composition and structure of the new government will be.

Dmitry Peskov answered questions from Gazeta.Ru about candidates for the post of prime minister, about possible “losses” in the government and appointments to key posts: “it’s still okay to ask such questions.”

There is no answer even to the question of what will be published first: the presidential decree on national development goals until 2024 (it is being prepared by the head of the State Duma) or the name of the new prime minister.

Against the background of complete absence official information“Kremlin experts”, as well as numerous sources, are giving out more and more new versions of resignations and appointments. Political scientists have reached a consensus on some positions.

Fourth term prime minister

All Last year Belousov was busy preparing a six-year plan for Putin’s socio-economic development of the country, and in the spring, together with Anton Vaino, he worked on a decree defining “national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.”

Shuvalov himself, in response to a direct question about his future, said that “I want to work where the president says,” adding that “I am happy with any job that the president gives.”

The plan provides for an increase in spending on healthcare, education and infrastructure by 10 trillion rubles, reported. Dmitry Peskov said that this figure does not correspond to reality. Head Tatyana Golikova estimated the cost of the plan at 8 trillion rubles. Belousov admitted that the “budget maneuver” was being worked out.

It is possible to increase spending on “human capital” and infrastructure by reducing spending on defense and national security, experts say. This process has already begun in Russia. The latest report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded a 20% decline in defense spending in 2017.

"IN Russian army Large-scale work on technical and technological renewal has been carried out. This process is basically complete. And therefore, the peak of expenses for technological re-equipment has passed,” Peskov explained the decrease in expenses.

In addition, Belousov aimed to reduce poverty and create sustainable growth in real incomes of the population, which were declining in 2014-2017.

“This is an increase in real pensions, an increase in pensions above inflation, as the president said, and this is a halving of the poverty level by 2024. These are also very challenging goals, and they have to be achieved,” said the assistant to the head of state.

Contenders for management of the military-industrial complex

IN May holidays Information appeared in the media that Igor Sechin, head of Russia, could become deputy prime minister. The company quickly denied this rumor, saying that under the terms of the contract he was required to work for the company for another two years.

The Ministry of Armor, if Shoigu leaves it, could be headed by the governor of the Tula region or the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

Experts and the media paint good prospects - he can retain the post of head and at the same time become deputy prime minister.

The ex-minister is tipped to return

Alexei Kudrin, who previously served as head and deputy prime minister, could also become deputy chairman of the government. Kudrin, who headed the Center for Strategic Research, was tasked with preparing a strategy for the country's development until 2024. The document was previously presented to the president, and in April of this year it was posted on the CSR website.

It is also likely that Kudrin may be tasked with creating and leading the Efficiency Center government controlled, who may report personally to the president. The ex-minister recently spoke with Dmitry Medvedev about how to modernize the state apparatus.

On Friday, May 4, the Center for Social Development presented the report “The State as a Platform,” which contains proposals for the government’s transition to digital. This will be dealt with by the same Center, which will be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister.

There is a significant obstacle to Kudrin's return to the government. He has a difficult relationship with Dmitry Medvedev. In 2011, Medvedev, as president of the Russian Federation, fired Kudrin from the government after a series of careless statements by the latter.

An alternative to a position in the Cabinet is a position in the presidential administration. The British, citing its sources, reported that “under Kudrin” a position would be created as a representative of the head of state on international economic cooperation to restore relations with the West.

Kudrin himself has not decided whether he is ready to return to the government or not. “I’m not going back anywhere and I haven’t commented on this topic for a long time. In my opinion, all these newspaper canards are ahead of the possible events that could happen,” he said. Representatives of Kudrin do not comment on rumors about his “comeback”.

Tolstoy as a mirror of Russian culture

The hottest debate in the media space arises around the figure of Vladimir Medinsky: will he be reappointed as Minister of Culture or not? There are many claims: from an allegedly compiled doctoral dissertation to corruption scandals and the creation of non-competitive conditions for film distributors.

And if he leaves, who will replace him? It is possible that this is the Presidential Advisor on Cultural Affairs. Or the film director’s creature - a deputy. They are also wooing a candidate from the opposite ideological camp for the position of head - the prime minister's press secretary.

Rumormakers are “dismissing” the Minister of Education and Science. She may return to the presidential administration, becoming an adviser on interfaith relations. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is “

The portal site briefly spoke about each minister who joined the new government. So, what do you need to know about the heads of Russian departments?

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin candidates for members of the Russian government. We discussed an important issue in the resort Sochi, at the Bocharov Ruchei residence. We quickly agreed: the new government will include 22 ministries and... The President agreed on all the proposals.


Minister of Economic Development

Saved this post Maxim Oreshkin.The former deputy head of the Ministry of Finance replaced Alexey Ulyukaev, dismissed after allegations of bribery. After this, the long-standing confrontation between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development magically ceased.

The 35-year-old official is married, has a daughter and has a declared annual income of 20.9 million rubles.

Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Minister of Energy

It was also decided not to change the leadership of this department. Post saved for Alexander Novak The 37-year-old minister has established himself as an active person who welcomes everything new. For example, speaking at the economic forum in Sochi, the minister suggested that it was familiar to everyone and even explained why this would happen.

The high-ranking official is married and has two daughters. And his income last year amounted to 16.3 million rubles.

The heads of Gazprom and the Ministry of Energy, Alexey Miller and Alexander Novak, understand each other perfectly. Photo:

Minister of Transport

There are changes in the transport department. The manager's chair was occupied by Evgeny Dietrich. Previously, he served as First Deputy Minister of Transport.

Dietrich's track record great experience work in the transport sector. Before the Ministry of Transport, the official was the head Federal service for supervision in the field of transport, and before that he worked at Rosavtodor.

It is known that new minister married and has three children.

Dietrich will replace Maxim Sokolov at the post. The government did not explain why it was decided to castling. But Vladimir Putin had complaints against the previous minister. At the beginning of September 2017, the president, by decree, announced a disciplinary sanction in the form of incomplete official compliance with Sokolov. And at the end of September, at a meeting with members of the work of the head of the Ministry of Transport. Then it fell to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who also did not retain his portfolio.

PHOTO: © Nikolay Galkin/TASS
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Evgeny Dietrich

Minister of Industry and Trade

This department will again be headed Denis Manturov. This is his second term in government. Recently, Manturov’s name has been mentioned in connection with new American sanctions. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov entered into the position of the Russian oligarchs and.

In general, there were no complaints about the official’s work; he worked conscientiously and, at the end of 2016, became the richest minister in the economic bloc of the government. His officially declared income amounted to 129 million rubles. Only the first deputy prime minister turned out to be richer.

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. Photo:

Minister of Agriculture

There will be a new Minister of Agriculture. The department will be headed Dmitry Patrushev. Previously, he served as Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank and is familiar with this area.

The official's surname is known to many, which is not surprising. The minister's father, Nikolai Patrushev, is secretary of the Security Council and former director of the Russian FSB. It was Nikolai Platonovich who took up the post of head of the service in 1998, replacing Vladimir Putin in this post.

Dmitry Patrushev will head the Ministry of Agriculture after Alexander Tkachev, who served as minister since 2015. It is noteworthy that at the time of his appointment, Tkachev was the poorest minister with an income of 5.6 million rubles, and became the owner of a capital of 548.25 million rubles.

Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment

He became Dmitry Kobylkin. Previously, he served as governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 16 years in a row.

Based on the results of 2014, Kobylkin took first place in the ranking of the effectiveness of Russian governors. The official declared income of the ex-governor is almost 24 million rubles.

PHOTO: ru.wikipedia
Head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Dmitry Kobylkin.

Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media

At the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications new manager- became one Konstantin Noskov. Previously, the official headed Analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The new head is not the only change in the department. At the suggestion of Dmitry Medvedev, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will be renamed the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications.

Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Konstantin Noskov.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

A new face in the government. Vladimir Yakushev left the governor's corps, since 2005 he has led the Tyumen region. He enjoys playing hockey.

Vladimir Yakushev, head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

Minister of Labor and Social Protection
This post was saved as Maxim Topilin. Saved my post. Notes that .

By the way, at the end of 2016, Topilin was one of the “poor officials”; his income amounted to 5.84 million rubles. The main breadwinner in the family is the wife. She declared income of 22.9 million rubles.

Maxim Topilin. Photo:

Minister of Health
The department will continue to be headed Veronica Skvortsova. She retained her post. During her work, Skvortsova has established herself as a competent specialist. The minister is confident that in 60% of cases.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova and head physician of the Morozov Children's Hospital Igor Koltunov. Photo: Russian Government.

Minister of Education
The department was separated from the disbanded Ministry of Education, and the head became Olga Vasilyeva. Under the previous government, she led the disbanded department. The new ministry will oversee issues of preschool and school education.

While serving in the Ministry of Education, Vasilyeva earned a little more than 6 million rubles in a year.

Olga Vasilyeva (right) with the winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition. Photo:

Minister of Higher Education and Science
This is the second ministry separated from the Ministry of Education. It will deal with issues of science and higher education. It will be headed by Mikhail Kotyukov. Previously, he served as head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. The 41-year-old minister has a rich track record; he has worked in the economic field and in teaching.

The government notes that the new department was given the broadest powers, and Kotyukov was given a dizzying carte blanche.

Minister of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov

Minister of Culture
The cultural department will still be headed by Vladimir Medinsky. Although his candidacy raised a number of questions, especially after the scandal with the minister’s dissertation. Scientific work Medinsky was accused of plagiarism; in response, the minister stated that all critics are .

Photo: Global Look Press
Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

Minister of Sports
They stayed Pavel Kolobkov. This is quite understandable, Russia is facing a grandiose event - the 2018 World Cup, so it is inappropriate to change the head of the department.

Photo: Global Look Press

Minister of Internal Affairs
The Minister of Law Enforcement will Vladimir Kolokoltsev. He has led the country's police force since 2012. Kolokoltsev is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. The United States saw a threat in his face and...

Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev

Foreign Secretary
One of the most popular ministers in the country. Sergey Lavrov has been heading the foreign policy department for many years. The minister has said more than once that he wants to leave his post and remains in office only because he promised Vladimir Putin. , but there were no changes in the Foreign Ministry.

Sergey Lavrov. Photo:

Minister of Defense
Sergei Shoigu also a long-time player in the government arena. He managed to serve as Minister of Emergency Situations, head the military department, and as part of the new government he will also be head of the Ministry of Defense.

During his presentation to the president, an incident occurred. Sergei Kuzhugetovich and named him Konstantinovich. Such a clause made Vladimir Putin laugh.

After a successful fishing trip, Vladimir PUTIN and Sergei SHOIGU went on a quiet hunt in the forests of Tuva. Photo: © Reuters

Minister of Emergency Situations
There are changes at the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The rescuers will be led by a former FSB officer. Previously, Zinichev held the position of deputy director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and even earlier he headed the Kaliningrad region for a couple of months.

Evgeny Zinichev. Photo:

In this post, Zinichev replaced Vladimir Puchkov. Claims against the latter arose after a fire in the Kemerovo shopping center " Winter cherry" The investigation concluded that firefighters did not put out the fire very quickly, which is what led to numerous victims, most of whom were children.

Minister of Justice
. He retained his post. In this position. In general, analyzing his work, the minister noted that.

Alexander Konovalov. Photo:

Minister for Development of the Far East
The department was headed by another representative of the governor’s corps Alexander Kozlov. Previously, he served as governor of the Amur region.

Alexander Kozlov. Photo:

Minister for North Caucasus Affairs
Sergey Chebotarev. This is a person close to the Kremlin. Previously, he held the position of Deputy Head of the Presidential Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with foreign countries, overseeing relations with Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Minister Sergei Chebotarev. Photo:

There will not be many new faces in the new government. Most likely, the Cabinet of Ministers will again be headed by Dmitry Medvedev.

The government may include heads of state corporations, and presidential assistant Andrei Belousov may become the first deputy prime minister.

It is possible that Alexei Kudrin will return to power.

It is likely that Igor Shuvalov, Arkady Dvorkovich, Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Medinsky and some other officials will leave the government.

On Monday, May 7, the official inauguration ceremony of President Vladimir Putin, who has been elected for a fourth term, will take place. After the inauguration, the government will resign, and, in accordance with the law, a new cabinet must be formed within two weeks.

On Friday, May 4, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the exact date for nominating a new prime minister “is the exclusive prerogative of the Russian president.” There is no reliable information about what the composition and structure of the new government will be.

Dmitry Peskov answered questions from Gazeta.Ru about candidates for the post of prime minister, about possible “losses” in the government and appointments to key posts: “it’s still okay to ask such questions.”

There is no answer even to the question of what will be published first: the presidential decree on national development goals until 2024 (it is being prepared by the head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino) or the name of the new prime minister.

Against the backdrop of a complete lack of official information, “Kremlin experts”, as well as numerous sources, are giving out more and more new versions of resignations and appointments. Political scientists have reached a consensus on some positions.

Fourth term prime minister

Dmitry Medvedev, it seems, will retain the post of prime minister. In an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel on April 28, he made it clear that the government had generally fulfilled the tasks set by the head of state. That is, it worked well, and why leave then?

Secondly, Medvedev clearly stated: “Of course, I am not going to go on vacation yet. I am ready to work and will work where I can bring the maximum benefit to my country.”

The maximum benefit is precisely the post of prime minister, not counting the post of president. And now it’s really too early for him to rest. For example, it’s time to implement pension reform. Medvedev said that the authorities are on the verge of legislative discussions on raising the retirement age.

Finally, Medvedev invited former US President Barack Obama to look at the Russian economy “torn to shreds” as a result of the imposition of sanctions. The invitation to come to Russia suggests that Medvedev is inviting not as a private person, but as a prime minister.

Factions in the State Duma are already preparing for a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Russia, RIA Novosti reported on May 4, citing a source in parliament.

Gazeta.Ru previously reported that, according to most sources in the government and the Kremlin, the current prime minister will retain his post.

One of the informed sources close to the Kremlin noted that Medvedev successfully structured work with the government for Putin. In addition, the emergence of a new prime minister would draw attention to him as a likely successor to the president in the 2024 elections, says another source familiar with the situation.

According to him, it is more logical to expect a repetition of the scheme tested at the end of Vladimir Putin’s second presidential term. Then, de facto, two deputy prime ministers competed for the right to become a successor: Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Medvedev.

If such a scenario is used this time, the deputy prime ministers will come under more scrutiny than the prime minister himself.

Where will the president send

If everything is more or less clear with the prime minister (although in reality the president can easily propose another candidate), then with the deputy prime ministers it is much more interesting. According to sources, several deputies will leave the government at once.

In particular, we're talking about about Igor Shuvalov, who has been in the civil service since 1998, and has been working as first deputy for almost 10 years. Sources and experts are confident that Shuvalov will not be in the new government.

The media named Moscow State University as one of Shuvalov’s possible places of work. However, two facts speak against this version. The term of office of the current rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, expires only at the end of 2019. In addition, Igor Shuvalov may not have sufficient qualifications to manage the scientific community - the Deputy Prime Minister did not defend his doctoral dissertation and has scientific title candidate of legal sciences.

The most “popular” replacement for Shuvalov is considered to be Presidential Assistant for Economic Affairs Andrei Belousov, who formerly headed the Ministry of Economic Development.

Over the past year, Belousov has been busy preparing a six-year plan for the socio-economic development of the country for Putin, and in the spring, together with Anton Vaino, he worked on a decree defining “national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.”

Shuvalov himself, in response to a direct question about his future, said that “I want to work where the president says,” adding that “I am happy with any job that the president gives.”

The plan provides for an increase in spending on healthcare, education and infrastructure by 10 trillion rubles, Bloomberg reported. Dmitry Peskov said that this figure does not correspond to reality. The head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, estimated the cost of the plan at 8 trillion rubles. Belousov admitted that the “budget maneuver” was being worked out.

It is possible to increase spending on “human capital” and infrastructure by reducing spending on defense and national security, experts say. This process has already begun in Russia. The latest report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded a 20% decline in defense spending in 2017.

“The Russian army has carried out large-scale work on technical and technological renewal. This process is basically complete. And therefore, the peak of expenses for technological re-equipment has passed,” Peskov explained the decrease in expenses.

In addition, Belousov aimed to reduce poverty and create sustainable growth in real incomes of the population, which were declining in 2014-2017.

“This is an increase in real pensions, an increase in pensions above inflation, as the president said, and this is a halving of the poverty level by 2024. These are also very challenging goals, and they have to be achieved,” said the assistant to the head of state.

Contenders for management of the military-industrial complex

During the May holidays, information appeared in the media that Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, could become deputy prime minister. The company quickly denied this rumor, saying that under the terms of the contract he was required to work for the company for another two years.

Sechin's return to office is also doubtful because "" - for the first time in its history - announced plans to carry out a buy-back of its shares for $2 billion. The program will begin in the second quarter and will last until the end of 2020.

Another “vice” is the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov. He will oversee industry and the military-industrial complex instead of Dmitry Rogozin. He, as well as Arkady Dvorkovich, who is responsible for the agricultural industry, will probably have to leave the cabinet.

A clear hint of Dvorkovich’s departure is contained in the arrest of co-owner of the Summa group Ziyavudin Magomedov, a classmate of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Magomedov brothers (Ziyavudin and Magomed) are suspected of theft, embezzlement and organizing a criminal community.

It is being discussed that Rogozin’s place could also be taken by the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, retaining the post of head of the defense department.

The Ministry of Armor, if Shoigu leaves it, could be headed by the governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin, or the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, Sergei Surovikin.

Experts and the media paint good prospects for Denis Manturov - he can retain the post of head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and at the same time become Deputy Prime Minister.
The ex-minister is tipped to return

Alexey Kudrin, who previously served as head of the Ministry of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, could also become deputy chairman of the government. Kudrin, who headed the Center for Strategic Research, was tasked with preparing a strategy for the country's development until 2024. The document was previously presented to the president, and in April of this year it was posted on the CSR website.

It is also likely that Kudrin may be tasked with creating and heading the Center for Public Administration Efficiency, which may report personally to the president. The ex-minister recently spoke with Dmitry Medvedev about how to modernize the state apparatus.

On Friday, May 4, the Center for Social Development presented the report “The State as a Platform,” which contains proposals for the government’s transition to digital. This will be dealt with by the same Center, which will be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister.

There is a significant obstacle to Kudrin's return to the government. He has a difficult relationship with Dmitry Medvedev. In 2011, Medvedev, as president of the Russian Federation, fired Kudrin from the government after a series of careless statements by the latter.

An alternative to a position in the Cabinet is a position in the presidential administration. British Financial Times with reference to her sources, she reported that “under Kudrin” they would create the position of representative of the head of state on international economic cooperation - to restore relations with the West.

Kudrin himself has not decided whether he is ready to return to the government or not. “I’m not going back anywhere and I haven’t commented on this topic for a long time. In my opinion, all these newspaper canards are ahead of the possible events that could happen,” he said. Representatives of Kudrin do not comment on rumors about his “comeback”.

Tolstoy as a mirror of Russian culture

The hottest debate in the media space arises around the figure of Vladimir Medinsky: will he be reappointed as Minister of Culture or not? There are many claims: from a doctoral dissertation allegedly compiled by Medinsky to corruption scandals and the creation of non-competitive conditions for film distributors.

And if he leaves, who will replace him? It is possible that this is Presidential Advisor on Cultural Affairs Vladimir Tolstoy. Or the creature of film director Nikita Mikhalkov - State Duma deputy Elena Yampolskaya. For the post of head of the Ministry of Culture, they are also wooing a candidate from the opposite ideological camp - the prime minister's press secretary, Natalya Timakova.

Rumor makers are “dismissing” the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. She may return to the presidential administration, becoming an adviser on interfaith relations. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is “The Russian Orthodox Church in the politics of the Soviet state in 1943–1948.”

Some experts “propose” dividing the ministry into two – education, as well as the ministry of science and new technologies. Science will receive a new lobbyist, although it is not a fact that more money will be allocated from the budget for innovation. There is a “ready” candidate for the position of Minister of Science.

The list of possible contenders for the post of head of the Ministry of Education includes State Duma deputies Lyubov Dukhanina and Alena Arshinova and others. Among the “others,” the strong position is of Elena Shmeleva, director of the Sochi center “Sirius”, co-chair of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Putin.

The professional community is considering ex-Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, as well as General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva, for the position of chief science officer.

After the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping center “Winter Cherry,” the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, has the least chance of maintaining himself in the government. Doping scandals make the prospects of remaining in the government of Vitaly Mutko miserable. The crisis in the air transportation market caused by the bankruptcy of VIM-Avia will cost Maxim Sokolov the position of Minister of Transport. His place could be taken by the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, or the head of Aeroflot, Vitaly Savelyev.

The social bloc will most likely get a new leader. Olga Golodets’ “Vice Prime Minister’s” chair will be given to one of the “strong female leaders.” Sources talk about the head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Among the candidates there are also non-obvious people. For example, State Duma deputy Olga Batalina.

Only three positions remain relatively strong in the new Cabinet: Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who is gaining weight, the smiling Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, and the aksakal of the foreign policy department, 68-year-old Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The last of them will leave if only he asks for rest. Instead, sources predict Dmitry Peskov.

However, everyone knows that Putin rarely makes personnel appointments under the pressure of public opinion and likes to present surprises. Old and new ministers will have to take on “unpopular” decisions - from raising the retirement age to introducing new taxes. This makes the prospects of the new cabinet to last the entire six years illusory.
