What parts are needed to assemble a dressing room. Do-it-yourself dressing room - each thing lies in its allocated place! Ventilation and light in the dressing room

What girl does not dream of more spacious storage for clothes and shoes. But far from always opportunities allow without loss in precious square meters X usable area resolve these issues. Even if there is enough space, a dressing room is a very complex project. It is possible to equip such a room with your own hands - let's see how to organize everything.

Pros of a dressing room

Most small apartments a closet is used to store clothes; many have it in private homes. But separate, even if small room allocated for such tasks is much better.

The dressing room is very convenient and economical. In a separate room in the bedroom, hallway or in another room, you can fit much more clothes than in the largest closet, and everything that is stored there will always be at hand and in plain sight. You no longer need to rush between the closet and bedside tables.

All things will fit in the dressing room: linen, outerwear, bags, shoes and various accessories.

Another plus is that the wardrobe will allow you to remove bulky wardrobes from the apartment. This will facilitate the visual perception of space - only light furniture will remain. As a result, the whole room will only benefit from this, you can install a couch or other desired furniture in the living room in the place that was previously occupied by the closet. Hanging clothes can be removed from the eyes in the hallway.

Equipping a wardrobe system with your own hands is also an opportunity to save money. It is enough to sit down and calculate what will be more profitable: to purchase several lockers, drawers for storing things, shelves to equip the space in the wardrobe, or to spend money on a massive wardrobe, two or three chests of drawers and several cabinets.

A separate roomy room for clothes is multifunctional. Pillows, unnecessary blankets, mattresses are put here. There are always several shelves for a photo album and boxes with various little things. Here you can store ironing board, and if the room is large, then you can even arrange a laundry room.

In what cases is it not advisable to make a dressing room?

Separate storage room outerwear, linen and shoes, various little things - this is a necessary thing even for a small apartment. Another thing is when a one-room apartment is an economy segment. There is nowhere to steal precious space, and there is no storage room in such apartments. In this case, it is impractical to build a wardrobe. In any other cases, such a functional room will only be a plus.

Dressing room can be equipped even in a small niche


The modern construction market offers a lot of various materials, which can be used to build a dressing room in the apartment. Drywall, wood, metal, plastic are widely used. You can work with any materials on your own, the main thing is to purchase them in the right quantity. When finishing, use glass-wallpaper, tiles, paint as desired. Choice suitable material depends on the chosen scheme and layout of the dressing room, as well as the features of the room in the apartment.

Plasterboard dressing room

It must be borne in mind that drywall is a material not intended for the manufacture of furniture. This is still a finishing building material for leveling walls, ceilings, dry screeds for lightly loaded floors. And the wardrobe is something like furniture, drywall here will be too heavy and fragile.

Drywall furniture solutions are based on a frame that has a rather complex structure.

After the system is assembled, you will need to carefully do the finishing work. For arranging a utility room, and a wardrobe is a kind of utility room, labor intensity and the total cost of the project, along with construction work too high, and the capacity is reduced, since a solid drywall shelf will be at least 5 cm thick.

However, for dressing room it is important to have a mass of blind cavities that are sheathed with vapor-permeable materials. Humidity will be regulated, gypsum craton will eliminate sudden changes in the microclimate in the apartment. But neither clothes, nor shoes, nor any other things like this.

On the video: the creation of a dressing room from drywall.

Wooden dressing room

There is no guarantee that the clothes in the dressing room can be damp. Excess moisture will lead to mustiness. A wardrobe made of wood will allow you to remove excess moisture- even painted wood has pores, it is able to take excess moisture vapor from the air.

Laminate has all the advantages of wood, but it does not have porosity. However, the laminate has such advantages as affordable price, high strength and resistance to moisture. Only there is one more nuance - unlike wood, the laminate is not able to breathe, and for a dressing room this is very, very important.

Laminate is a good substitute for wood, but you can take both chipboard and chipboard, plywood wardrobes are often found.

How to make a comfortable dressing room yourself: step by step instructions

It’s easy to start building your own wardrobe space. There are many interesting projects. It is important to choose the right scheme for the layout of the room. It is also necessary to have skills in working with wood or drywall. It is better to do the work in steps - a detailed step-by-step instruction will help any home master.

Step #1 - Planning (diagrams and dimensional drawings)

The development of the first part of the project will not be difficult and will not take much time. Now there are already ready-made drawings and diagrams that need only be adapted to suit specific situation. There is interesting ideas and for a small room, which is very important for many.

In total there are several popular schemes:

  • corner;
  • Linear;
  • G and U-shaped schemes;
  • parallel structures.

Considering the drawings, pay attention to the dimensions. The design is developed based on how large the area is. The most comfortable and standard rooms are considered to be 4 m2. It is this room that will perform its original functions of storing things.

Corner dressing room

At the first stage we make a project - planning is very important. Angle design allows you to get away from optimal size in 4 square meters and use less space. Even a size of 1.5 × 1.5 m will be sufficient for such a design.

  • it is easy to work with it even at home;
  • after installation work no debris left;
  • overlap will give a minimum load on the surface;
  • drywall partitions are easy to trim.

You can place boxes and shelves in different ways, but it is much more convenient to distribute them from both walls in the resulting room. If you use only one wall, it will be irrational. Interior arrangement better to design with open shelves- Racks will facilitate access to clothes, as well as free up space. The door is chosen, given the limited space.

Linear design

This arrangement is convenient to apply near the walls. It is easy to build such a room at home, but it is relevant in the bedroom. There are no beveled corners - this will facilitate the process of arranging furniture. Easy to distribute in such rooms internal elements. You can equip retractable hangers for clothes. One movement of the hand is enough, and the right clothes will be in sight.

In the design process, it must be taken into account that the optimal depth of the dressing room is 1.5 m. However, partitions inside will narrow the space - you should not install them. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing allows, then narrow rooms will not be comfortable, and there will be little free space.

L- and U-shaped design

The layout with the letter G is when the dressing room is part of the room. The peculiarity is that it is not necessary to make a partition here. The instruction recommends using only shelving open type, since the issue of saving precious space is very acute, as well as the issue of ergonomics. The same instruction provides for the almost complete absence of any partitions in the design.

If you look at the sketch, you can clearly see that the method is very economical - for the manufacture of a partition, you need to purchase additional materials.

They also use designs with the letter P. They are good only for large and spacious rooms, but they allow you to place a lot of clothes and rationally fill the space.

What are good U-shaped wardrobes:

  • are highly practical and very interesting in terms of design;
  • due to the unusual design, you can emphasize the interior;
  • you can get optimal storage for clothes and more;
  • such schemes involve a large number of different boxes for small items, gloves, accessories.

If you choose the right color design, then you get a very simple, functional and outwardly attractive dressing room. Due to the presence of functional elements, it will be very comfortable to use.

parallel type

Designing and arranging a dressing room according to this scheme is the simplest solution. This is a popular example, often used at home by ordinary craftsmen. More often this design can be found in the hallway and closets. To implement the design, it is necessary to organize only a few partitions. Separate furniture sets are also used.

Such a scheme is good if you arrange it in the passage room, but not in the corridor. If the room is deaf, you should choose another project.

Step #2 - Installation work

Let's see how to make a dressing room. Desired option selected, design work finished, location selected. It remains to realize the drawing in metal and drywall. Plywood is also suitable, you can make a structure from chipboard.

Step by step installation instructions:

1. First, we make the markup according to the drawings and diagram.

2. A frame is being assembled from a profile, on which the entire structure will be attached. In these works, the main thing is accuracy. Profiles should be fastened as securely as possible - they will withstand high loads.

3. When the frame is ready, you can sheathe it with sheets of drywall, plywood or chipboard on both sides. As a result, a niche is formed, in which the electrical wiring and the lighting system are then hidden.

4. In the case of drywall, all the resulting seams are carefully glued with a special tape and then puttied.

On the video: do-it-yourself installation of a pantry (dressing room) from drywall.

Step number 3 - Finishing the dressing room

When the design is ready, you can proceed to the finishing work. There are several ways: finishing with plastic panels, regular painting or wallpaper. The last option is the simplest.


Wallpaper is, of course, not the best solution, but one of the budget. The walls should first be prepared: cleaned of dust and dirt, if necessary, putty bumps and joints (in the case of drywall). Pasting technology is no different from the usual. Wallpaper can be chosen to your personal taste.


Here you can use drywall systems, pvc panels, lining - you can do whatever you want. But do not greatly complicate the design of the ceiling. It is enough that the ceiling hides the wiring and fixtures. This will be enough. The ceiling can be painted or wallpapered.


It is best to design the structure in such a way as to use sliding doors. They are not only functional, but can also add zest to the design. Even children can use such a door - it's so easy. Installing sliding systems is also very simple.

The corner dressing room requires a slightly different approach. Here, an appropriate brother-in-law is needed - a radius or accordion door.

Step #4 - Lighting and Ventilation

This point should be given Special attention. Lighting should be sufficient. If there is daylight, then this is good, but it is better to organize an additional one - it can be any lighting fixtures. The number of lamps is determined by the size of the room. So, in a small dressing room, only two light sources are enough.

The interior lighting of linen drawers with the help of LED strips will not be superfluous.

It is very important to choose the right ventilation system to the dressing room. It allows you to automatically ventilate the room and guarantees protection from unpleasant odors and dust. It is better to choose special ventilation solutions.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive option, then you can get by with installing a fan. It will also need an inlet hole. Power is calculated according to the following formula - the volume of the room is multiplied by 1.5. This will be the final performance.

Step number 5 - Arrangement: filling and storage systems

It is necessary not only to assemble the structure and conduct light there, the internal content is much more important. It also needs to be designed. The ergonomics and functionality of the dressing room depends on the correct filling.


It is better to make shelves retractable and place them so that there is 35-40 cm between them. The depth is made more than 40 cm. On wide shelves it is convenient to fold clothes in piles. In cases with long shelves, one or more additional supports are needed.


When choosing the location of the shelves in the room, one should not forget that they store linen, as well as various little things. You need to immediately think about what will be stored on open racks. This is a practical solution, so they should be made in different sizes. It is important to identify needs and you can boldly act.


Filling the dressing room should be modern. Innovation comes to the rescue. There are special hangers for trousers and skirts, clothes are fixed on them very gently, and there are no crumpled marks left. The hangers themselves slide out of the niche. They have different sizes which is very convenient.

Also can be purchased convenient fixture This is an organizer hanger. The device is used to organize things.

You can install a pantograph - this is such an elevator. It will allow you to use the dressing room space up to the ceiling and there will be no damage to comfort. The elevator is attached to the crossbars on the sides and to back wall. The only drawback is that it can only be used with light clothing.

Shoe storage systems

You have to buy a special module. It is a compact retractable system. There are also hanging organizers, as well as stands. A specific solution is selected based on their needs and the size of the room.

With the help of sliding doors in the bedroom, the dressing room is separated from the rest of the area. The front of the door must be made in such a way that it fits into the design. But such ideas are relevant only for spacious rooms. Take a look at how it looks in the photo.

In one of the cottages, the attic was used as a dressing room. The walls are high enough to accommodate hangers for coats, fur coats, jackets. Shoes and accessories are stored in narrow places. But this is true for a private house.

If there is a staircase at home, there must be free space under it. Here you can equip a dressing room - it will be hidden from the eyes, it will not hide the space. It's perfect. You can assemble special retractable structures and a body made of wood and plywood, which will be hidden in the space under the stairs.

Take a look at the dressing room in the photo. Although the staircase is at an angle, this did not prevent the use of space.

The presence of a dressing room in the house helps to free the living space from bulky furniture, optimizes life and allows you to quickly find the right thing. You can equip such a room by contacting professionals by ordering ready system storage by individual sizes. Less costly and yet interesting solution- do-it-yourself dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos with useful tips for arranging will help make the process easy and fast.

DIY wardrobe: drawings, diagrams and photos of storage systems

For those who intend to assemble a wardrobe system with their own hands, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size of the room itself, but also to the possibility of compact and rational internal filling. To achieve maximum accuracy, it is recommended to pre-develop drawings and diagrams of the future storage system. Ready-made design projects of wardrobe rooms with your own hands, photos and diagrams will become good example when creating your version.

The exclusivity of the corner layout lies in the fact that under the dressing room you can use places that are usually not involved in any way and are difficult to access. For example, it can be a corner, where doors or windows are located in the walls forming it at a small distance from the center of the corner. Such a space is usually empty, so taking this area under the corner dressing room is the most successful and practical option.

Depending on the area allotted for the dressing room, the corner space can be separated from the main room in several ways. If there is enough space, they arrange a plasterboard partition, and in the case of minimal dimensions, the project will do. open system storage. Many people use a corner wardrobe in the hallway, which is a worthy alternative to a separate room. Photos of dressing rooms with your own hands will serve as a good example of creating a storage area.

If you prefer a corner dressing room in the hallway, which will be separated from the main room, then you can equip the interior in two ways: along one or two walls. The scheme of the first option is a storage system compactly assembled along one wall. It is recommended to leave racks and shelves open, which will save space. The remaining space is used for moving around the dressing room, as well as under the fitting room.

In the second option, the location of the filling is planned along two walls. The main advantage of such a filling is compactness with maximum capacity. However, it is worth considering that you can simply enter such a dressing room, but you will not be able to use it as a fitting room. This filling method is suitable for families of several people, where the main task is to fit the things of each of the household as much as possible. For filling, storage systems with a set of corner components are used, which provide good ergonomics for a small space.

Corner wardrobes in the hallway can be fenced off with swing doors, accordion doors or light sliding partitions, however, it is worth considering the features of the hallway. If the room is rather modest, swing version absolutely inappropriate. Radius sliding systems look spectacular, the content of which is selected in unison with the overall interior.

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom

Photos of do-it-yourself wardrobe systems, equipped in the bedroom, indicate that this is one of the most common and convenient options. The feasibility of creating a dressing room on the territory of the bedroom can be determined by calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sleeping area. If the size of the bedroom significantly exceeds this parameter, you can safely proceed to self-construction dressing room.

There are several schemes for organizing the internal space in the dressing room. This can be a linear storage system design, the arrangement of modules in the form of the letter "U" or "L", as well as the parallel placement of racks and shelves. The most optimal version is a U-shaped dressing room. This layout contributes to the maximum filling of the room and at the same time allows you to leave room for movement around it. As a rule, for U-shaped dressing rooms you need enough footage, however, they can also be accommodated in modest areas.

For small bedrooms, where it is not possible to isolate 1.5 - 2 m from the room, they are limited to a wardrobe in the bedroom. Such furniture is compact, it does not take up much space and has a thoughtful filling. Ways to fill wardrobes can be found in the catalogs of sites that sell and manufacture furniture. Ready-made sets of storage systems with a narrow specialization for clothes, shoes and accessories are distinguished by unsurpassed ergonomics.

If the layout is such that the dressing room is a walk-through better fit scheme of parallel placement of storage systems. Do-it-yourself drawings of racks and shelves in the dressing room indicate that with this method of filling, movement around the room is not difficult, and the storage system can accommodate everything you need. The most convenient combination is the bedroom-dressing room-shower room. But there may be other options.

Related article:

Dressing room design from pantry 1.1 by 1.5 m

Many professional designers believe that it is not advisable to use a dressing room smaller than 2 sq.m. However, photos of dressing rooms from small pantries indicate that this is small space can be successfully planned for a functional storage system. It is on such works that the professionalism of designers is tested. After all, it is necessary not only to transform the pantry into a dressing room, but also to take into account the interests of everyone who will use it, given the lack of square meters.

Projects and drawings of such wardrobes require accurate calculations and optimal internal content. Shallow shelves are very relevant for filling a dressing room measuring 1.1x1.5 m. If you do not fence off the room with a door, the shelves can be moved outside the pantry and then they will become part of the room's furniture and effectively complement the interior. In this case, shelves and racks are designed in such a way that they flow smoothly from the dressing room into the room.

A photo of small dressing rooms from pantries clearly illustrates the options when the entire length of one of the walls is used for the storage system. With such a project, you can carve out extra space so that you can enter the dressing room to search for the right things. However, in order to maximize the space of the mini-dressing room, it is recommended to arrange them as a niche, which is fenced off from the main room with an accordion door or a sliding sliding door.

Dressing rooms in Khrushchev instead of a pantry

The main difference between modern dressing rooms and pantries is the presence of an ordered system of shelves, mezzanines, drawers, hangers and other components for convenient storage not only personal things, but also objects and inventory of various shapes and purposes. In addition, such systems are designed in such a way that all objects and things are visible and easily accessible. There are hundreds of options for dressing rooms, the layout and content of which depends on the area and budget of their owners.

Before you make a dressing room with your own hands, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic planning solutions for dressing rooms. The fact is that in large apartments, as a rule, wardrobes are already provided separate rooms. The owners can only equip them with suitable storage systems. But in the apartments of the old housing stock, pantries are allocated for such needs, the dimensions of which are quite small.

In order to organize the space of a small room as correctly as possible, designers offer various methods for arranging dressing rooms from closets in Khrushchev. Many different projects are offered for independent implementation. You can choose the most suitable one by reading the drawings, diagrams and photos of dressing rooms in Khrushchev instead of a pantry.

If initially there is no pantry in the layout of the apartment, the dressing room can be arranged anywhere. It can be a combination of a dressing room with a bedroom, hallway, hall, nursery and other rooms. Experts recommend allocating several zones for storage systems, for example, in the bedroom and hallway, if possible. In an ordinary Khrushchev, a place for a dressing room is determined at the stage of redevelopment, which is preliminarily agreed upon with the relevant authorities.

Depending on the location in the apartment, configuration and area, the dressing room can be arranged along one wall, formed at an angle or given an L- or U-shaped shape. The latest technology give you the opportunity to plan optimal system storage for any, even a modest, dressing room. After all, the main advantage of internal filling is a huge range of components for every taste.

Schemes of wardrobe rooms from pantries: photo examples

How to make a dressing room out of a pantry? A photo selection of various transformation techniques demonstrates many options for arranging pantries. There are two main conversion methods. The first is characterized by dismantling the partitions of the pantry and installing a cabinet of the appropriate size in this place. These cabinets are usually equipped sliding sliding doors, which have a mirror content.

Another option involves completely emptying the contents of the pantry and equipping the room with modern compact storage systems. Updating the internal content will make it possible to maximize the use of the pantry space with racks, shelves, baskets, bars and other elements of various shapes and sizes. The presence of many special hooks, holders will increase the comfort level of the former pantry and extend the life of many things.

Before you make a dressing room out of a pantry, you should carefully consider and draw up a scheme for filling it. Having made the appropriate measurements, it is necessary to calculate the number of shelves, trempels and drawers for small items, special holders for trousers, ties, hats and other accessories. The presence of a detailed project will help to avoid mistakes and unreasonable consumption of materials when converting a dressing room from a closet with your own hands.

The choice of a suitable dressing room project depends on the plan of the apartment itself. In many Khrushchev buildings typical layout The apartment has a storage room in the bedroom. This room is formed by enclosing part of the bedroom with a partition for the entire width of the room. The entrance to the pantry can be from the side of the bedroom or from the side of the adjacent living room. In some apartments, the pantry is located at the end of a long corridor, part of which is fenced off with a partition. For example, on the network you can find many suitable projects and photos of dressing rooms from closets in Khrushchev.

How to make a dressing room from the pantry with your own hands

Before you make a dressing room in a room from a pantry on your own, you should choose the best project for such an area. In addition, the choice of option depends on the number of residents whose things will be stored in the future dressing room. You can find drawings and diagrams that fit the dimensions of your room by viewing a selection of photos of dressing rooms from the pantry. The drawings show all required dimensions, as well as samples of internal filling systems.

Re-equipment of the dressing room from the pantry with your own hands: photo ideas

For those who want to become the owner of a spacious and comfortable dressing room with a minimum financial investment, the option of re-arranging the pantry for these needs is suitable. To do the job, you will need a set of tools, which is probably in the arsenal of any owner:

  • construction tape measure, level, pencil;
  • screwdriver, hammer, pliers;
  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws.

The selection of material for the internal filling of the dressing room depends on the intended storage system. It is calculated according to the drawings and diagrams of your project. Usually for these purposes they acquire:

  • furniture pipes (metal and wood) for the installation of a wardrobe rod or frame;
  • durable lumber for shelves, mezzanines, pedestals (you can use, for example, laminated chipboard);
  • furniture accessories: guides, corners for connection, handles, hinges, etc.;
  • boxes, baskets, storage boxes.

At the first stage, it is proposed to dismantle the entire contents of the pantry: remove the old shelves, remove all hooks, hangers, nails and other fixtures. Clean the walls of old wallpaper or paint, and then carefully align. For a new design of the walls, you can apply coloring in light colors or wallpapering. The photo of the dressing room in the pantry, which has hinged doors, shows what can be fixed on them large mirror from the inside.

As soon as the design of the walls is completed, proceed to the manufacture and installation internal systems storage. Purchase of materials is carried out according to the developed drawings and sketches. They are counted on required amount Chipboard, furniture pipes, accessories, fasteners, self-tapping screws, as well as additional elements storage systems.

Assembling a wardrobe system with your own hands: basic principles

filling wardrobe system storage depends entirely on the specific requirements of its owners. In addition, the budget allocated for these needs also plays a role. The filling of the dressing room can have several design options. Those who have certain skills in assembling furniture can independently assemble and install cabinet modules in the dressing room. Most often, such filling models are made to order according to individual sizes.

The cabinet structures are quite roomy, fit perfectly into the space and contribute to the neat storage of things. The elements of the body modules have standard sizes. They are equipped with a choice of various accessories that are assembled according to the type of designer. But it should be borne in mind that shelves and racks in cabinet design are quite bulky and take up a lot of space, which is why they are not recommended for filling dressing rooms of modest size.

For small dressing rooms, the assembly of mesh structures is suitable. This type of filling is characterized by compactness, lightness and the possibility of transformation. Structural elements are easy to assemble with your own hands, do not visually overload the space and are inexpensive. For those who make a choice in favor of such filling, it is worth considering that cellular storage systems cannot be overloaded with items that are too heavy.

Frame storage systems are appropriate both in small wardrobes and in rooms with significant dimensions. The assembly diagram is metal racks, which are mounted between the ceiling and the floor by surprise. Further, shelves, boxes, racks and crossbars are fixed to them, which practically “float in the air”. Such filling is characterized by ease of installation, lightness and strength of the structure itself.

Get acquainted with the photo of dressing rooms with your own hands using various systems storage is possible on the Internet, where users share their work. In addition, it will be useful to ask about filling options from professionals.

Basic rules for organizing storage

Not only a quick and convenient search, but also their service life depends on how correctly things will be placed in the dressing room. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize inner space dressing room. To do this, it is necessary to plan in advance the storage areas for various things and objects. It is recommended to divide the wardrobe-dressing room into several functional sections:

  • lower compartment - shoes, small accessories (umbrellas, bags) and trousers should be stored here. The height from the floor should be no more than 70-80 cm. It is better to store shoes on special inclined sliding shelves (height is about 30 cm for summer shoes, 40-45 cm for winter shoes);

  • middle compartment - used primarily for storing frequently used items. Rods, pantographs, as well as sliding shelves for storage of small toilet items. Depending on the length of things, the height of the middle zone varies from 140 to 170 cm. Approximately 100 cm is allocated to the compartments for storing shirts and jackets. Knitwear is conveniently stored in baskets and boxes mounted on shelves;

  • the upper compartment is equipped with racks for storing overall items and seasonal items: blankets, pillows, bulky bags, suitcases, as well as sports and household equipment.

Modern storage systems are hard to imagine without innovative components. These include various holders for trousers and skirts, belts, ties, scarves, boxes for various small things, textile holders for bags and much more. The press hanger for trousers is very convenient in use: it is supplied with coat hangers for a jacket, a hanger for a belt and a tie. All holders are equipped with special soft clips that do not leave marks on clothes.

Independent conversion of the pantry allows you to minimum investment to acquire a practical and functional dressing room for storing things and items necessary in everyday life. In addition, the hand-crafted transformation process will enable personal interpretation to meet individual needs.

If a lot of things have accumulated in the apartment, and attempts to systematize them do not lead to anything, then you just need a dressing room. The advantages of the dressing room are that it is hidden from the eye and invisible, which means that an atmosphere of neatness is created in the apartment. The storage room will make it possible to remove even bulky closet and put in its place, for example, a large aquarium or build a pleasant corner for relaxation.

Designing a dressing room is not difficult. And the market building materials and other accessories are simply replete with offers for every taste and imagination.

Do not think that the dressing room should be a large room, it is not. The advantage of a large room is that you can put it there dressing table, hang mirrors and even install an ironing board with a clothes dryer.

Corner dressing room: drawings, diagrams and photos

The first step in creating a dressing room is planning. The corner format of the dressing room allows you to get away from the ideal of 4 m 2 and use less space. Even the size of one and a half by one and a half will look perfect in this arrangement. The peculiarity of such a dressing room is that the partition is installed in such a way that the corner of the room is cut off. The result is compactness. With a minimum space, a full-fledged corner dressing room with the most useful functionality is organized.

Use drywall as a partition material:

  1. It is easy to use at home, even for a non-professional.
  2. After installation, there will be no debris left, and the ease of contraction allows you to dismantle it at any time if necessary.
  3. Such an overlap minimally loads all surfaces.
  4. Drywall is easy to decorate.

You can arrange drawers and shelves in different ways, but it would be preferable to distribute them on both walls of the dressing room. Using only one wall does not give the most rational room. Use special corner design elements during repairs.

Unusual appearance will make it possible to use small space most useful.

The connecting element between the shelves in the form of a spiral will smooth out the corners, and therefore visually expand the space. And it will not be a bad highlight of the design. It is better to give preference to open shelves, rather than closed cabinets. This design will not only make it easier to access things, but also free up some space. front door Choose according to limited space. It is worth giving preference to an accordion door. Since it saves space for opening. You can open such a door with one movement. door leaf will not bother you to pick up things and try them on.

Schemes of wardrobe rooms: linear design

This arrangement of the dressing room is convenient to use near the wall. It is very easy to equip such a dressing room, and there will be no beveled corners, which will facilitate the arrangement of furniture in the room. It is easy to distribute drawers and shelves in this type of room. For example, install retractable clothes hangers. With a single movement of the hand, all your clothes will appear in front of you.

In the dressing room linear type it is easy to distribute all the clothes, but such an arrangement is unlikely to allow you to comfortably install an ironing board or clothes dryer in a small area.

Design nuances:

  1. One and a half meters is considered the optimal depth, but it is not worth narrowing the space with partitions.
  2. If the footage of the apartment allows, then the narrow room will not be comfortable to use, and there will not be much free space in such a room.

If the size of the room allows, install ordinary cabinets with doors in the dressing room, but open shelving and shelves will save space.

L- and U-shaped design: drawings of dressing rooms with dimensions

According to the L-shaped layout, it can be seen that the dressing room is obtained as part of the room. The specificity lies in the fact that there is no need for partitions. As a rule, it is recommended to install only open shelving, as the issue of space ergonomics is acute. The scheme provides for the complete absence of partitions. And it turns out that such a layout is the most economical, because in order to build a partition, material costs for materials are necessary. Another convenient option is the U-shaped layout. The opinion that a dressing room of this form is relevant only for a large room. Wrong.

You can make the hallway beautiful and modern on your own if you choose the right design. Look at the design options for hallways on our website:

This is easy to see from the drawings and diagrams:

  1. This layout is highly practical, and is very interesting.
  2. The unusualness of such a layout can be emphasized by interesting interior details.
  3. Equip your dressing room with a furniture complex. You will receive the most necessary set of furniture for various forms of storage.
  4. Here there are drawers closing, for example for small change, gloves and other accessories.
  5. Unscrew the shelves to store shoe boxes and of course hangers for convenient placement of daily essentials.

The color scheme of the room in light colors and its shape together create a very simple, comfortable and attractive dressing room. Use this layout in long and narrow spaces. Such a room turns out to be independent and separated from the rest of the space. Increasing the size of the upper shelves will increase the size of the usable area. Expanding the upper shelves will allow you to place more things.

Dressing room drawing with dimensions: parallel type

It is not difficult to create a dressing room with a parallel layout with your own hands. A project of this form is very popular, because for its implementation only partitions and a divided furniture set are needed.


  1. Apply this layout in the passage room.
  2. When you equip a dressing room in a deaf room, it is better to plan it in a different form.
  3. In order not to experience problems with moving from one wall to another, make the width at least one and a half meters. Thus, it turns out that the distance between the racks should be at least 80 cm. Such a distance will allow you not to experience discomfort when using the dressing room.

The most ergonomic option would be end hangers. This option will be the most practical and compact. Also, a set with drawers will successfully fit into such a dressing room.

We make a dressing room with our own hands: drawings and diagrams (video)

A wardrobe will save you time in the morning. You will no longer have to experience discomfort during the collection, because you and your family members will know exactly where everything is and is stored. Also, a dressing room is preferable for storage, since things are not exposed to external environmental factors, which means they will serve you for a long time.

In detail: do-it-yourself dressing room (photo examples)

The operation of dressing rooms allows you to rationally use the available space. It is easier to find the right shirt or coat in them than in a crowded closet. If necessary, the functional value of dressing rooms can be changed. In addition to clothes, many other things can be stored here that never have a place in the apartment.

The dressing room can be equipped according to individual preferences. In this case, in most cases, you have to build on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Wardrobe placement options

There are a large number of options for placing a dressing room. For these purposes, you can use a closet or pantry, just fence off part of the wall with a sheet of drywall, or even place a dressing room under the bed. The last option is relevant only in the case of using a loft bed.

Dressing room in the attic

In a country house, a dressing room can be placed on attic floor. There are several options for location - near a low or high wall.

In the first case, the height of the dressing room should not be less than one meter. In a different scenario, such a solution will not be entirely practical. In such a dressing room you can place cabinets with drawers, shelves, a bar for storing outerwear.

If placed near a high wall, the issue of arrangement is resolved much easier.

Dressing room under the bed

This option is ideal for a child's room. The lower part of the loft bed will act as a dressing room here. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the entire structure should be as stable as possible. In this context, it is best to install the bed near the wall and use special fasteners.

When arranging such a dressing room, you should also take care of high-quality lighting.

Dressing room in the pantry

This is one of the most popular ways to place a dressing room. It should be noted that if it is in the bedroom, you will have to take care of installing the door. This element necessary in order to hide clothes from prying eyes.

For these purposes, you can also resort to the use of a simple partition or screen.

Important! Not every niche in the house can be used as the basis for a dressing room. With a minimum depth of 1 m, the required width of such a pantry should be at least 1.5 m.

Combined with wardrobe

Dressing room layout

The layout of the dressing room depends on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. You can arrange it in different ways. Below are the most popular variations of layouts;

  • angular;
  • rectangular;
  • linear;
  • parallel.

Corner wardrobe. Suitable for placement in any room where there is a free corner.

In such dressing rooms, you can, without any special difficulties, shelves and all kinds of partitions that will allow you to manage the available space as rationally as possible.

The entrance can be left free or covered with a screen. The corner dressing room has a large capacity.

Rectangular wardrobe. This option is only suitable for elongated and spacious rooms. Such a dressing room is considered the most convenient. The capacity indicators in this case will also be quite high.

In this case, you can resort to the implementation of various storage systems - shelves, rods, boxes. You can separate a rectangular dressing room by using sliding partition or doors.

Linear wardrobe. This variation of the dressing room has a certain similarity with the wide one. Most often it is placed along one here. The space is divided in this case with the help of various racks, shelves, rods, which make the linear dressing room as functional as possible. Here they also resort to the use of honeycomb baskets. They are very handy for storage.

Parallel wardrobe. This option will only be relevant for walk-through rooms. As an internal filling of parallel wardrobes, you can use classic wardrobe for things.

Hangers and shelves are located opposite each other. If the area allows, then you can take care of the implementation of an open hanger for daily clothes.

Finishing the dressing room

During the finishing work, it is necessary to ensure that the style design of the dressing room organically fits into the overall design pattern of the entire room. To a greater extent, this applies to the outer part of the dressing room. When arranging the inside, the installed frames will be somewhat wider.

You can isolate the dressing room from the rest of the area by using drywall partition or with a screen. When arranging the interior of the room, it is strongly recommended to refrain from using fabric upholstery variations.

It is best to use the following materials when carrying out finishing work:

  • plastic;
  • cullet;
  • ceramic tile;
  • MDF boards.

You can also resort to using paint. This material it is easy to apply and resistant to various negative influences. If wallpaper is used, the material must be washable.

Drawers and shelves installed in the dressing room must be varnished. This will help to preserve the structure of the tree well and give these elements an attractive appearance.

It's always nice to know that in the house perfect order and every thing is in its place. This is especially true of the dressing area, room or closet, where it is often quite difficult to place clothes, shoes and accessories for each family member.

Today we will talk not so much about specific cases of improper organization of the dressing room, but we will talk about general rules placing everything you need within a closet or a separate area for storing clothes.

The main mistakes in arranging wardrobes

You probably know the feeling of frustration when a lot of time is spent looking for the right thing, or there is no place in the main wardrobe for the necessary everyday little things. Such situations happen when the space of a closet or dressing room is arranged with errors, without taking into account the installation of mandatory and secondary compartments, or simply due to ignorance of elementary rules.

Error - not enough light

The installation of lighting fixtures should take place even before the installation of the wardrobe structure (shelves, rods, drawers), because without them it will not be easy for you to find things in the twilight of the morning or evening.

Light should be used around the perimeter of the dressing room so that the appliances (if there are several) illuminate each main compartment.

For example:

  1. A lamp over a shoe rack.
  2. Lamp above the compartment with hangers.
  3. Lamp over cabinet with drawers.


Error - illiterate use of space

When the owners have a separate wardrobe area at their disposal, you can’t use it on a whim, that is, thoughtlessly and intuitively, because you can miss the opportunity to place things so that there is enough space for an off-season wardrobe, winter shoes or bed linen.

The dressing room must be well thought out, and the design of the cabinets should provide for the presence of sections of different sizes and purposes: for outerwear, for festive things, for shoes, for accessories, for trousers, for linen and other things.

Below is a diagram of an approximate organization of the dressing room, with which you can agree or at least compare the existing arrangement of things in your room.


When ordering a dressing room design, you should clarify the presence of upper compartments for storing winter clothes, hats, bedspreads and other things that you do not use often. Remember, the dressing room will become more functional and spacious if it is installed along the wall from the floor to the ceiling.


Mistake - lack of order

Most often, the inability to find a specific item and place a new purchase is to blame for simple confusion and a wardrobe oversaturation with stale sweaters, dresses and trousers that "we will wear when ..."

Do not deceive yourself that the thing will serve in the future, because if we do not wear something for more than two years, we most likely will never wear it. Is it necessary to occupy space with something that went out of fashion (worn out, faded, does not fit) a few seasons ago, when there is a need to place new relevant and good things.

Take the time and carefully go through your wardrobe, weeding out the excess, then the closet will be transformed, and there will be a place to distribute things, for example, according to purpose, colors, style or belonging to the season.


There should be a lot of compartments with hangers

Very often you can see that even in a spacious closet or dressing room there are not enough sections for things that need to be stored in a straightened form, that is, on trempels. As a result, it takes a long time to re-ironing shirts, blouses and dresses made of fine fabrics.


Remember: there should be three times fewer shelves and drawers in the dressing room than sections with rods and hangers - this will help extend the life of things and maintain their presentable appearance.



Organize a shoe department

Any footwear, be it men's shoes, women's pumps, or summer flip flops, should not be accidentally squeezed between things, or criminally folded into a container in a shapeless pile. Shoes and boots from this are easily and irrevocably deformed, losing their original appearance.

Therefore, in order for the shoes to please their appearance, in the dressing room you should equip special shelves, or put a cabinet-slim. To store children's shoes, you can hang a holder with pockets on a wall, door or cabinet door - unusual and compact.




Use containers and additional rods

The niches formed between the wardrobe sections should not remain empty - you can put neat containers in them, closed or transparent, in which it is convenient to store bedspreads, rubber boots or high winter shoes.

Outside the dressing room or outside the closet, for example, in a niche or wall, install a bar - hang your evening clothes, evening dresses and jackets on it.




Free access to things

When equipping a dressing room, it is important to know that its shelves should not be too deep, ideally, 30-35 cm deep will be enough. So, all things, on trempels or stacked in piles, will remain in sight, and it will be easy for you to find the right one.

It is also recommended to use transparent mesh containers and semi-matte plastic boxes, through the walls of which the colors of sweaters and T-shirts will be visible. In addition, we advise you not to clutter up the lower space of the dressing room or closet, but move things to the upper shelves so that you can come close to the shelves.



Don't forget underwear and accessories

I'm sure most of you keep all sorts of small wardrobe items in your closet, such as belts, scarves, gloves, jewelry, socks, and underwear. But is it convenient to place all these things we need in the dressing room? Often, they are randomly placed between the main wardrobe items, which is quite puzzling when you need to quickly create an image for a day or evening.

Organize accessories storage drawers with compartments for linen, ties or belts; also, we recommend attaching several hooks or a special scarf holder to the wall or closet door, but for large and small bags it is better to take a separate stationary shelf.


