Sofas with colored upholstery. Sofa color - the best color combinations in a beautiful interior in the photo! Sofas in bright colors

When purchasing a sofa, some people choose it based on the color of the upholstery, guided by emotions; others choose the design; others want the item to be practical and durable. It is not chosen for one year; it is the main piece of furniture for a living room or bedroom; it must combine all of the listed qualities.

In a wide assortment of numerous furniture stores, everyone will certainly find the desired design, suitable for the overall stylistic solution of the home; you just need to choose the right color for the existing interior - it should not be discordant with general idea premises.

To successfully combine a sofa in the interior in color with the rest of the furniture, you need to know the principles of combining shades, and what colors are appropriate in this or that design solution space.

Color selection rules

Firstly, the upholstery material must be organic to everything else - completely fit into the design.

Secondly, the color must match the area of ​​the room: this thing is bulky, and the wrong upholstery tone can visually make the room smaller.

Thirdly, not on last place practicality is worth it - a light sofa is unlikely to be appropriate where there are small children and pets - a child can spill juice, drop an unwrapped melted chocolate candy, cats and dogs often have dirty paws, it is more difficult to clean stains from light-colored furniture than from bright or dark, any speck will be immediately noticeable.

Color also affects psychological comfort; it’s better to choose something that you won’t get tired of after a couple of months, something that won’t irritate your eyes.

So, those upholstered in white material look beautiful, but they are troublesome to take care of, and overly bright upholstery, geometric patterns or large images can simply become boring after a while. In addition, a thing you liked in a friend’s house may turn out to be completely out of place in your own.

Psychological effects of color

Since the sofa is almost the largest piece of furniture in the room, there will be a lot of colors, no matter what it is. Even in ancient times, philosophers noted that colors influence not only a person’s mood, but also his psychological condition, but also on physical well-being, so upholstery should be selected taking into account the character of the household and their preferences.

For example, black with white polka dots will not suit a restless, explosive person at all, and those prone to melancholy will not rest on gray pillows, but feel sad. Before choosing an acceptable model and finally deciding on the color of the sofa, it is better to familiarize yourself with how different colors affect psychologically.

Looking at a selection of photos of sofas different colors in interiors with various designs, you can understand which upholstery will be most suitable, pleasing to the eye, and organic in your own living room or bedroom.

Gray will evoke a feeling of calm and peace, but can lead to apathy.

White furniture will bring freshness, dynamism into the atmosphere, and create an atmosphere light rooms, but if a person is lonely, white - can increase the feeling of inner emptiness.

In green shades - it will look lively, cheerful and, at the same time, cozy, promote positive attitude, relieve excessive arousal, induce a feeling of clarity - green helps to tune in to decision making.

And in the kitchen, a green sofa can actually come in very handy - green tones reduce appetite, green - the color of nature - encourages you to eat everything natural, healthy - vegetables, herbs, fruits.

A black sofa looks respectable, but if there is a lot of black palette, the furniture can subconsciously evoke a feeling of fear and depression. In addition, if the upholstery is leather, it can make the atmosphere not at home official.

A beige sofa is a classic, often chosen for its versatility. Psychologically, it is suitable for self-sufficient people, but it may turn out to be somewhat boring, especially if the room is not designed in any way. interesting style, and looks ordinary, but the rich palette of beige color evokes a feeling of warmth and tenderness, calms and pacifies.

Furniture upholstered in brown fabric is suitable for a person of a conservative disposition who does not like to stand out, an adherent of the classic style both in behavior and clothing, and in the home environment. But brown has a rich range warm shades, therefore, even with such a seemingly ordinary color, the interior can be decorated very beautifully. It is functional - not easily soiled, its light shades create an atmosphere of comfort and balance. Overall, a living room with a brown sofa will look warm and inviting.

With red upholstery - it will look good in a living room decorated in modern style, and the red sofa in the kitchen will provide positivity at breakfast on weekdays. Red will fill everything around with energy, but is not suitable for easily excitable people prone to irritability and aggression.

A pink sofa will create a romantic mood, especially in a girl’s bedroom; there are many shades of pink, but they should not be cloying, otherwise everything will look banal and tasteless.

Orange - suitable for homes of those who love communication and action, but orange can be a stimulus for excessive activity; it should not be chosen by those who get tired quickly.

A sofa with lemon upholstery and all shades of yellow will be good both in the living room and in the office: yellow color promotes mental activity, brings joy to the atmosphere of the room and evokes a thirst for life, but an excess of yellow may well provoke overexcitement, and dark yellow shades can cause start to oppress for a while.

Blue sofa cushions are good for stylish room, this is the color of calm, wise people, but dark blue tones can cause apathy. When choosing upholstered furniture covered with blue material, you should give preference to bright or light shades. For example, blue promotes pleasant relaxation, and azure has a calming effect.

Furniture upholstered in purple and lilac fabric is suitable creative individuals, these colors awaken inspiration, but an overly impressionable person can fall under bad influence These tones – they contribute to the aggravation of mental disorders. It is better for a person prone to depression to choose others.

Different colors in the interior

The color of the furniture plays a significant role in the design of the room. If this is an ordinary room, not maintained in a certain style, but simply furnished to your taste, then upholstered furniture can be complemented by curtain textiles, carpet, decorative ornaments the same tone. But if she has a special decoration, then a sofa that is incorrectly chosen in color, being an oversized item and putting an emphasis on itself, can ruin everything.

In a room in constructivism and techno styles, a corner model in deep blue or dark red tones will look organic. But in classical and baroque these tones are inappropriate.

Snow-white and black upholstery is appropriate in a room decorated in minimalism or gothic style: here the main background (walls, floor, blinds) is dominated by a gray palette - such pillows will complement, enliven the room, and give it a complete look.

In classical, Empire and Renaissance styles - it will be ideal upholstery fabric in a palette of warm brown, azure, milky white, snow-white, iridescent golden materials.

The tones of nature will fit into a cozy country style - a beige palette, matte yellow, pinkish, light brown, green tones, white.

Art Deco involves upholstery fabric in red tones, shades of blue, it can be black, yellow or beige.

Modern is a palette of light gray, white, beige, and a play of golden materials.

In high-tech, any “acid” colors are appropriate and necessary; Also, a corner model with strict, straight outlines - with red, white or black pillows and armrests - will be harmonious.

IN small room It’s worth looking at neutral shades – bright colors and large prints will visually clutter it up.

There are several basic successful color solutions - the design can be monochrome, contrasting and multi-color.

Monochrome involves maintaining all elements of decor and furniture with variations in shades, but in the same range: for example, beige upholstered furniture and slides, tables, chairs from natural wood- with light brown curtains, or blue seats and backs of the sofa, armchairs and chairs with a blue glass chandelier.

Contrasting - contrasting upholstery is selected to match the main background of the room: for example, if the walls, curtains and floor are bright, then black is suitable, or green is suitable for the main yellow or white background.

Multicolor is the boldest and most interesting, but the room will be joyful and not boring: incompatible, at first glance, white wallpaper, purple curtains, floor vases with yellow and light green ornaments, and a sofa with pillows covered in red fabric.

For a competent approach to choosing, you can use the color wheel (they are in every furniture store) – colors should be taken that are opposite in spectrum, and the interior will turn out successful.

The right sofa means coziness, comfort and constant pleasure from being at home.

Photos of the main colors of sofas

How to choose the color of upholstery for upholstered furniture

How to choose the color of a sofa upholstery

The correctly chosen color of upholstered furniture will make it a complement to the interior, an accent of the room. When buying a sofa, it is important to consider not only its functionality and dimensions, but also the matching of the shade to the walls and other interior items. A harmonious combination of tones will create a certain mood and relax you. Let's figure out what color the sofa upholstery is chosen to match, and what to focus on when choosing. The shade should not be dissonant with the interior design, so the walls, texture and tone of the curtains are first taken into account.

Color Plans

This is a combination, the brightness ratio of the upholstery with the rest of the interior (walls, floors, etc.) Key color plans:

  • Monochrome

The upholstery and walls are the same, the difference is in the shades. For example, if the walls are light green, then the shade of the furniture is brighter. A sofa of any shades of brown looks good on a beige background; on a purple background – lilac, blue, etc.;

  • Neutral

The color of the fabric for upholstered furniture should be calm, discreet, and combined with the shade of the walls. The color scheme is dominated by pastel colors (beige, white, champagne). So, a dark sofa is installed near a gray wall. This combination brings calm and balance to the interior;

  • Bright walls combined with neutral furniture

Upholstery material in pastel colors neutralizes color saturation and creates harmony. A similar technique can be used in any interior or room. It looks original, bold;

  • Bright furniture with neutral walls

The plan is no less impressive than the previous one, but it allows you to visually highlight the recreation area and make it the accent of the entire room. For example, if the walls are beige or white, the furniture bright color will dilute the monochrome and make the room more expressive. A similar technique is used to design modern styles. To maintain balance, the fabric is combined with individual decorative elements(lamps, picture frames). When using this plan, remember that a lot of additional color accents will reduce the impact of the key item;

  • Combined

An extraordinary and bold decision in which there are no taboos. A lilac sofa with green pillows is installed near the orange wall; the number of options is unlimited.

When answering the question of how to choose the color of the sofa upholstery, determine what problem the interior solves. It should be spectacular or calm, restrained. If you focus on brightness, feel free to use the last two plans. If you want peace of mind, choose upholstery material in accordance with the first three plans.

Upholstery fabric can be plain or patterned. The first makes the recreation area calm and discreet. You can dilute the monochrome with color sofa cushions, bright bedspreads, etc. Plain furniture is suitable for any interior. When choosing bright fabrics, consider the following rules:

  • bright sofas are not installed in small ones, dark rooms. This visually reduces and clutters the space;
  • if there are patterns or ornaments on the fabric, they must fit into the overall color scheme, correspond to a specific style (Provence, classic, etc.).

In any case, when choosing a shade, be guided by your preferences.

Room color and style

When purchasing upholstery fabric, not only color design rooms, but also style. Each direction corresponds to a specific set of shades, which are arranged and combined with each other:

  • country. The interior is warm, characterized by large space, rustic motifs, wooden furniture. The color of the upholstery of chairs and sofas can be all shades of brown, terracotta, and beige. This combination will give the interior comfort;
  • Oriental. To decorate it, products are selected in golden, purple, blue, sand shades with soft, velvety upholstery (velvet, flock, corduroy, etc.);

  • classical. A style that is characterized by expensive fabrics, voluminous curtains and noble tones. Natural leather and materials with a complex texture are used as upholstery for furniture. The predominant colors are brown, beige, gold, etc.;

  • high tech. A direction that combines any shades of white, gray, beige. The fabric selected is plain, without patterns;

  • Provence Light style, complemented by blue, purple, cream;

  • modern The interior combines light gray, beige and golden shades of walls and upholstery fabric.

In addition to styles, it is important to consider the installation location. Where the sofa will be placed depends on how often it is used and what kind of load is placed on the upholstery.

Color and type of room

The purchase of upholstered furniture and its colors directly depend on the room in which it is installed. Upholstery in pastel, subdued tones is suitable for the bedroom. Calm shades relax and set the mood for rest. If there is a print, it should not be too catchy. For small rooms It is better to choose light colors that will visually enlarge the space and fill it with light.

The living room is a place where guests are welcomed and spent time with family. It is permissible for her to use bright furniture, which will become the accent of the entire interior and add dynamism. The upholstery should be catchy; patterns and designs are acceptable. If the living room is divided into several functional areas, then the furniture in the recreation area should be light.

The upholstery of the sofa for the bedroom can be bright and light. If the room is small, you should not buy dark furniture. It will visually take up all the useful space of the room and will look bulky. Give preference to smooth, soft, streamlined shapes that make it look smaller and weightless.

When choosing a sofa for the kitchen, give preference to bright, rich colors. Red, orange, excite nervous system, improve mood, promote appetite and good absorption of food. For fans of more discreet colors, dark upholstery is suitable, on which dirt is not visible.

Correctly chosen color of upholstered furniture for a children's room has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child and promotes mental development. For hyperactive children suitable fabric neutral shades. If the child is timid and reserved, buy bright upholstery with prints, drawings of heroes, etc.

When purchasing, it is important to consider the shape of the sofa. The combination of size, shade and volume is very important. Color should not overload the interior. For dark, small rooms it is better to choose light upholstery in pastel colors. In bright and spacious rooms, it is allowed to install island, U-shaped models in dark shades.

Color scheme

The upholstery of the sofa should match the interior and be in harmony with it. When designing and choosing a model, use basic color schemes. Most designers use the so-called color circles. Each circle is divided into several segments, colored according to certain rules. By rotating the figure in a circle, you can achieve an acceptable color match. When choosing upholstery, take into account the prevailing colors in the interior. This diagram allows you to organically combine furniture, walls, flooring, etc.

The red sofa is suitable for monochrome interior, will become a color accent against the background of neutral walls. The shade is bright, juicy, does not go well with others bright colors: This will visually overcrowd and make the room smaller. For lovers extraordinary solutions, red can be combined with yellow, green, blue, etc.

Orange upholstered furniture will easily fit into any interior. It will dilute a monochrome style or complement another color composition. Combines with blue, red, green.

Yellow upholstery material is suitable for decorating a neutral interior. It will fill the room with light and dispel the dullness. If you use combined style, yellow is combined with green, purple, etc.

The use of green fabric is allowed in any combination. A green sofa will complement the monochrome and looks good against the background of purple or orange walls.

Blue upholstery fabric can be easily combined with shades of gray and blue. The interior, decorated in a monochrome style, with a blue sofa, looks restrained and noble.

Whatever the color of the furniture, this combination should not irritate you, so when choosing a shade of fabric, be guided by your own preferences and tastes. First of all, you should feel comfortable in the room, then it will be filled with an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality. Don't be afraid to experiment; choose textured upholstery with patterns. If the area of ​​the room allows, to create a complete picture, combine the color of the sofa with armchairs, curtains, and small interior items. Do not forget about the characteristics and features of colors, use them to create a certain atmosphere.

The sofa has become an integral attribute of the interior. The soft, comfortable seat is comfortable to spend time in, and its color creates a spectacular accent in any room.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right sofa in color and shape for the living room or other room.


A sofa can be called a decoration of a furniture set intended for a living room, bedroom or dining room. Upholstered furniture creates comfortable conditions and a harmonious environment that guests in the house can appreciate. For a king sofa with multiple table seating, round and corner products a central and honorable place in the hall is intended.

The main qualities they have best samples, experts call user-friendly design, high quality all elements, pleasant to the eye tone of the upholstery.

It is also important how this large piece of furniture will fit into the interior in terms of style and color scheme.

Colored sofas are available in many shades:

  • This season, designers have pleased connoisseurs with the presentation of huge, soft, with bright lacquered yellow and blue armrests, unusual and cozy sofas. Textiles, burlap upholstery and leather are trending in home fashion this year.

  • Among the bright colors, multi-colored orange, lemon and red, fuchsia, eggplant purple and turquoise, and lime color dominate. The green line is represented by products in light green, mint and pistachio shades, olive and muted sea green. Blue sofas with a geometric pattern are classified as classic, while beige, mustard, café au lait and khaki belong to the neutral range.

  • Marsala is a tone of Italian wine that combines burgundy, purple and brownish red. For a sofa, the fashionable shade has become one of the most popular because it is quite rich and catchy. Living room in soft and light gray and white colors fashionable sofa Marsala color adds sophistication and creates an unusual style.

  • A sofa in the Baroque style, decorated with gold, strict ornaments, and floral prints, looks elegant and festive. Warm colors of furniture upholstery - peach and cream tones, classic white with flowers - can decorate any bright interior.

How to choose the right shade?

The designers have identified five main color plans, according to which they combine the tone of upholstered furniture and other interior items. Color schemes for decorating indoor rooms are conventionally divided into the following:

  1. Plain. It is characterized by a combination of upholstered furniture with walls of similar colors. For example, in a cold or warm interior, both the sofa and armchairs are chosen as similar. Only the color is a little brighter or paler. For blue walls good option You can consider a set of furniture in all shades of blue, for beige – reddish-brown. You need to use your imagination when decorating your home so that all the shades and nuances sparkle and look advantageous.
  2. Neutral. The concept of neutral colors includes a wide range, starting with classic black and white. The line also includes all intermediate restrained tones - brownish-beige and gray. Connecting various colors from the proposed list, we get a noble contrast. For white walls, a black or brown sofa would be a statement piece. You need a white or beige sofa against a gray wall.
  3. From bright to neutral, from neutral to saturated. The proposed scheme involves combining bright panels with neutral-colored furniture. For example, orange wallpaper suitable for a brown or gray, black sofa. In the case of light and muted tones on the walls, you can choose a product of any degree of brightness and not lose in entertainment. The combination of white with yellow or red looks fresh and joyful. Elite interior It’s hard to imagine a modern style without a bright and impressive accent, which can be either a sofa or the entire set along with armchairs. The color used as an accent can be supported by a chandelier and lamps, a carpet on the floor, elegant decoration on the ceiling and frames on paintings and photos. The main thing when decorating is not to oversaturate the interior with accents, achieving the optimal number of colors and shades in it.
  4. Harmonious combination. The hardest thing to achieve harmonious combination, if the sofa and other parts of your interior are in different color groups. It is important to use contrasting pairs of shades, such as yellow-blue, orange-lilac, red-green. For each of them, deviations are possible - for example, for purple sofa A combination would be appropriate not only with yellow and gold, but also with beige, lemon and khaki, as well as light green.

Designers give useful tips on the choice of furniture, which will help significantly simplify the task of harmonious design of your interior. First of all, a large sofa is considered as an object, and they approach it certain colors other items in the room:

  • Sofas can be plain or with a pattern. It’s easier to choose the first ones for an apartment or house after thinking through color combinations. If we're talking about For furniture with an ornamental or floral print, you will need time and serious work in choosing a palette. Each drawing has its own rhythm, shape and plasticity, so they must also be taken into account.

  • If you like red, the sofa will become an exceptional dominant feature in the room. In this case, it would be best for you to choose the plan that will soften the impression and make the presence of things in the room natural. It is proposed to combine red with gold, similar in tone to orange. For those who love bold experiments, you can try using the contrast between green and all shades of red.

  • Orange color goes well with all gray and greenish shades; it is also good with yellow, light blue and dark blue. A monochrome plan will also work. You just need to choose a darker or lighter shade of orange or gold for the walls. This is an excellent option for the living room and children's room; an orange sofa is also suitable for the kitchen-dining room.

  • You can combine yellow with purple, bluish and gray-green. Against a background of gray and white, this color literally “lights up” like a flashlight. A fluorescent yellow sofa is a great option for any neutral interior with beige and black elements.

  • Green and olive are universal undertones in any interior. This means that when purchasing such a sofa, you will certainly be able to appreciate the impact of a calm and peaceful color. If the furniture is a bright green shade, the walls should be lighter - yellowish or greenish. Olive goes harmoniously with dark purple and lilac. Pink and peach will create a subtle and interesting contrast with the dark green upholstery of the sofa. Calm and soothing tones are used in the bedroom and office.

  • Blue and light blue can be called universal for large living rooms and offices, a sofa in these colors is used in cold interiors. White walls and gray patterned wallpaper will complement a beautiful dark blue and cornflower blue sofa. Orange, green and white details and yellow objects will help to dilute the tone and make it joyful.

If you like rooms in the style of the Snow Queen, add white and silver, as well as blue and lilac to the design of the room.

The sofa is the heart of any interior. It is here that we take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, immersing ourselves in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth after a fruitful day. It’s hard to imagine the average house or apartment without it. It is the first thing people usually buy when assembling furnishings from scratch.

Of course, initially when choosing, we focus on convenience. However, what color the sofa is turns out to even affect your mood. Yes, yes, there is color solutions, enhancing emotions. And this is not good for, for example, energetic people with responsible jobs who are already “on edge” all day. That is why it is important to know how to choose the right furniture color. And in this article we will talk about this.

Basic color plans

What is the best way to choose the color of a sofa to match the interior? Standard color plans that are used by designers to create layouts will help us understand this issue. There are four of them:

  • neutral,
  • monochrome,
  • combined,
  • contrasting.

Monochrome is suitable for lovers of a certain range. In this case, match the sofas to the wallpaper in the same color, but with a difference in shades. For example, sky blue wallpaper in a room combined with deep blue in furniture will give a beautiful monochrome and at the same time not boring picture.

Contrast is achieved when the color combination of a room includes opposing shades. Same blue sofa will sparkle with completely different colors against the background of lemon walls. If you are against such experiments, then opt for a neutral range, when the colors in the interior of the rooms are in a calm tonality. These are not necessarily monochrome options. For example, there may be brown furniture and beige wallpaper.

What remains is the combined color plan. There are two options here: rich shades of furniture in a neutral interior and, conversely, bright walls with discreet details.

Choosing a color type

In this part we will try to figure out how best to select upholstery. Based on the material, we can distinguish: genuine leather, eco-leather and textiles. They differ in color types: plain versions and with a pattern.

To decide which upholstery is best suited, you need to decide on the overall interior composition. Thus, the interior of a small room with plain walls will perfectly complement furniture with a pattern. However, excess ornamentation is contraindicated small apartments where furniture takes up a lot of space. They literally “steal” space. But on large areas Several geometric compositions may well be located.

For single-color models, it is also important to choose the right wallpaper for the living room. If you like little things in the interior (vases, figurines, etc.), then walls with drawings will lead to oversaturation. In other cases plain upholstery It is better to combine with large patterns on wallpaper.

Choose the color of the sofa depending on the type of room

Living room, bedroom, kitchen - all these rooms in the house create their own atmosphere. Accordingly, it is better to use different combinations in design. With the bedroom, everything is quite simple - you need calm or soft shades to relax before bed and get ready for rest. It could even be dark colors, but the main thing is that they do not “harm” the eyes.

What color to choose for the living room? There are no such strict psychological orientations here anymore, so choose according to your mood. Do you celebrate holidays at home and generally like to receive guests? Stop your choice on bright combinations. The main thing in in this case choose the right interior items so as not to overdo it.

Size also plays an important role. A small room requires light colors for visual increase space. In this case, the patterns should be large. Pay special attention to the design of the nursery. It can help in the development of the child. If the baby is calm and shy, it is better to choose bright sofa upholstery. Drawings, cars, flowers - everything so that the child does not feel squeezed. For hyperactive children, on the contrary, psychologists recommend preferring restrained and light colors in the interior.

How to use a color scheme

So how to choose a sofa for the living room according to the color of the room? It's simple - use the color schemes discussed above. Let’s simplify the problem further and formulate a number of rules based on them:

  • monochrome: light walls plus dark furniture or vice versa. The main thing is one tone. Sea wave and soft blue shades will not give a monochrome interior. It is especially important to pay attention to gray interiors, since cold shades with warm ones will give tasteless combinations;
  • neutral: we follow the rule of cold and warm tones described above using light shades. It's simple;
  • contrast is perhaps the most difficult option. For the most beautiful options Only opposite colors are needed. Blue and yellow, black and white, red and green. Take risks, but avoid patterns. And yes, limit the number of shades;
  • combination - a game of neutral and plain options with patterns. The main rule: drawings are either on furniture or on walls.

Thus, choosing furniture is not difficult if you immediately decide on the overall composition. Which shade is right for your room can be determined using color sets that can easily be found on the Internet.

The second important component is your psychological state and character. If you want to correct your impulsive mood, avoid using bright colors, particularly red, orange and yellow. A fresh marine palette helps cool down the “ardor”. If you are prone to melancholy, blue monochrome can put you in a depressive mood. More contrasts and bright elements that lift your spirits. Don't like patterns? Add a bouquet of fresh flowers and the room will sparkle with different colors.

And most importantly, focus only on yourself. If someone does not like black in the interior of their apartment, this does not mean that it does not suit you.

One of the most important questions when choosing the interior of a room is: which sofa will fit best into the decor. Modern manufacturers present a huge variety of upholstered furniture. So what should you pay attention to when buying? How to make the right choice?

A green sofa in the interior will look good against a white wall

A soft corner sofa with shelves for books will become your favorite place in the house.

Small pillows will complement the sofa and the design of the room as a whole.

The first step is to answer a few questions. This will help you accurately determine the model, color, and quality of fabric.

  1. Using a sofa in the interior. If the furniture will be used day after day, then you should pay attention to models with dense covering (jacquard) in a non-staining shade. A sofa that will be used for sleeping must have a strong frame and an elastic surface. But for the living room you can take it the other way around soft sofa chick.
  2. Room size. Upholstered furniture should not seem bulky or interfere with the passage in the room. For small rooms, it is not recommended to choose non-standard models with wide backs.
  3. Unfolding frequency. If you plan to disassemble the sofa every day for sleeping, then the mechanism must be durable and reliable.
  4. General style of the living room. Upholstered furniture should correspond to the main concept of the style of the room.
  5. Price criterion.

White soft sofa in the living room, a great place for gatherings and drinking tea

The color combination of the sofa and curtains looks beautiful

Color solution

Some people want to add a sofa as an accent to the interior, while others want it to simply blend into the overall decor. With this choice, the most main role plays with the color of the upholstery. Experts identify several ways to achieve your goal.

Game of shades

The sofa will fit perfectly with the overall decor if its color is several shades different from the wallpaper in the room. The difference can be both on the dark side and on the light side.


The approach is quite bold. The upholstery is selected in bright colors: blue, green, yellow, red. But the wallpaper should be light: beige, gray. The brightness of the sofa can be dimmed with curtains or decor.


The sofa and living room walls are selected in calm but different colors. For example: white and black.

Maintaining balance

A combination of bright contrasting walls and neutral upholstered furniture.


A harmonious combination in the interior of two bright contrasting colors.

Any color goes with neutral shade. Therefore, beige, brown, gray sofas in the interior are universal.

Sofa yellow color will complement the design of the room well

The chocolate color of the sofa in combination with the white interior looks amazing

The bright red upholstery of the sofa looks very expensive

When choosing bright contrasting colors, you should be careful. Here are a few options for successful combinations:

  • Red: pistachio, lemon.
  • Yellow: grey, blue, green, violet.
  • Orange: blue, gray.
  • Green: purple, light pink, yellow.
  • Blue: light blue, yellow.

So, the color of the upholstery plays one of the most important roles in the design of the style of the room. It influences a person’s condition, his mood. Light colors can evoke joy, while dark, muted tones can calm. You can first study photos with different combinations.

A sofa with a sleeper in the living room will become your favorite place to relax

The sofa can be complemented with pillows of different sizes


When buying upholstered furniture for the living room, you must take into account what internal mechanism by the sofa. There are several types of structures, on which it depends how the acquisition will be laid out:

  1. The book is one of the first mechanisms and the most common. The seat rises, and after a slight click, it lowers along with the backrest. This is certainly fast and convenient, but such furniture in the room cannot be placed close to the wall.
  2. Eurobook. To unfold such a structure, you need to pull out the seat and pull the backrest into its place. This type of furniture is suitable for everyday use.
  3. Dolphin. The additional half of the sleeping part is pulled out from under the first. The lack of a drawer for storing linen is usually considered a design flaw.
  4. Accordion. This sofa has a spacious place to rest, but it is very difficult to unfold: the seat is raised until it clicks and pulled forward.
  5. American and French folding beds. These sofas store most of the sleeping space under the seat. This furniture often has original design and very easy to use.
  6. Roll-out mechanism. Robust design with retractable lower part. But the wheels can be left on the carpet.

It is better to look at the mechanism not at the photo, but to try how it functions in reality.

The right decision would be to choose a sofa to match the color of the interior

A soft turquoise sofa will give the room a special atmosphere

A gray sofa in the living room will look harmonious in the interior

How to place a sofa

Several sofas

The overall appearance of the living room largely depends on the arrangement of the furniture. The most difficult thing is to place several models in a room so as not to clutter the space. Experienced designers They offer several options for placing sofas in the interior:

  1. Items can be placed opposite each other. The option is very convenient, allowing the company to sit face to face.
  2. Placing it at an angle is no less convenient; it allows everyone sitting on the sofas to watch, for example, TV.
  3. You can install furniture along the wall in the living room if space allows.

A soft sofa in the living room will be a great place to watch a movie or read a book.

You can absolutely combine different colors, give freedom to your imagination

A big sofa

If you have enough space in the room, you can place a large sofa in the living room interior, including a corner sofa. When choosing a model, be sure to pay attention to several points:

  1. The upholstery should be moisture resistant and easy to clean. It is advisable that the covers on the pillows be removed. This will make it easier to care for.
  2. The armrests, back, and seat should be soft and comfortable.
  3. It is recommended to select functional furniture with drawers inside and shelves (if there is a corner sofa). There are models in which a bar opens from the armrests.

The sofa can be matched to the design of the room

It will be a pleasure to relax in such a place

Cream color goes well with dark wood

Volumetric sofas in the interior visually in any case always reduce the space of the room. It is worth considering that in large trading floor or in the photo they always seem more compact. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the sizes in advance. You may need to pay attention to compact corner sofas. They are no less functional.

Manufacturers offer large oval or U-shaped sofas. They look very interesting and unusual in rooms. Placing such models often does not require additional furniture in the room.

A sofa with a coffee table is a classic

The black sofa in the living room interior looks rich

Modular sofas

Modular sofas are very comfortable to use. The design allows you to frequently change the environment in the room. They come in two types:

  1. Selective ones, in which the blocks are connected relatively firmly, are not often disassembled.
  2. Transformable models include many elements that can be detached from each other easily and quickly.

The design of the room is kept in one color

You can always combine colors

A sofa with poufs will perfectly complement the living room design

Sofa parts can be of several types:

  • poufs;
  • armchairs;
  • couches;
  • sun loungers.

In this case, the heights or inclination of the backs and armrests may change. That is, the decor and style of the room can change at any time without material investment. The number of blocks in a sofa can reach up to 50 pieces.

Using modular sofas in the living room interior, you can divide the area into zones. For example, to separate the living room from the bedroom or play area, as shown in the photo.

A dark blue sofa stands out in the interior of a white room

Great place to relax and have a good time

Small sofas

For small rooms, miniature sofas are often purchased. You can match them with armchairs and poufs. Corner sofas can also be compact. It is better to install this model with the back facing the window. This will visually enlarge the room and add light. During installation, be sure to leave space between the sofa and the radiator.

Video: Corner sofa in the interior

50 photos of examples of a sofa in interior design:
