Insulation of walls in an apartment from the inside. Insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside - materials and sequence of work. Insulation of a corner apartment with mineral wool

Very often it is necessary to insulate apartments in buildings with panel walls due to their insufficient thickness. At the same time, the room quickly cools down, and the heating system does not always fully cope with its tasks, which leads to a drop in temperature in the rooms. How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, what materials and how to use it, is suggested in the article.

More effective way heat preservation is external thermal insulation of walls. But this option is quite expensive due to the great complexity of its implementation, requiring the use of special equipment if the apartment is located above the first two floors.

In addition, thermal insulation of walls from the inside in an apartment is justified in the case when:

  • There is a government ban that does not allow changing the facade of the building: its cultural value, the front side, which faces the central streets.
  • Located behind the wall expansion joint between two buildings.
  • Placement behind the wall of an elevator shaft or other unheated room in which it is impossible to install insulation.

In this case best option– insulate the walls from the inside in the apartment, despite the reduction in the usable area of ​​the room: warm apartment A slightly smaller area is always better than a larger one, with cold rooms. In addition, all work inside the rooms can be done with your own hands, without involving specialists. The main thing is to prepare necessary materials and tools.

When installing autonomous heating equipment in an apartment, insulated walls help save energy resources.

The pros and cons of internal wall insulation are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • The price of the work is available.
  • Installation can be performed in any weather.
  • Possibility to level walls.
  • There is a possibility of condensation and mold colonies appearing, which requires good ventilation.
  • The wall does not retain or accumulate heat, and its losses can reach 15%, as the diagram below shows.
  • If the insulation is not properly insulated from the inside, the wall will freeze, which will cause destruction of the material over time.
  • The volume of the room is reduced.
  • Violated interior decoration rooms.
  • Inconvenience for residents during renovations in the apartment.

Proper insulation from the inside

Thermal insulation of apartment walls from the inside, which prevents the formation of condensation due to temperature changes in winter and the appearance of mold spots on the walls, must be carried out with careful adherence to all technological recommendations.

Of great importance when designing the structure of a thermal insulation “pie” is the installation of a high-quality vapor barrier that protects the insulation from moisture penetration into it.

Before you insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations for the process:

  • Buy High Quality vapor barrier film, waterproof tape for sealing butt seams between sheets.
  • Prepare a material with low vapor permeability, lower than that of the walls. This will ensure the evaporation of moisture towards the street, and not into the apartment.
  • The insulation should be glued very tightly to the plane of the wall.
  • Inside the premises, it is necessary to arrange natural or forced additional ventilation, which will avoid the appearance of excess humidity. For example, for this window frames install valves through which air will flow into the room, as in the photo.

  • Before insulating the walls of the apartment from the inside, you should accurately calculate the required thickness of the insulation. This value depends on the average daily temperature in the region in winter.

Tip: If the thickness thermal insulation material will be less than the calculated parameters, the steam-heat balance will be disrupted.

  • Installation of the wall insulation system is carried out after treatment with special primer solutions. This will prevent the appearance of mold and increase adhesion when installing thermal insulation.
  • The insulation can only be installed on a well-dried wall.
  • When installing insulation, “cold bridges” should not be allowed, especially in the areas of butt seams, which can ruin the entire process.

Insulation materials

How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside is something everyone chooses for themselves.

The table shows some types and features of materials:

Advantages Flaws

  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Small thickness compared to other materials.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • High noise insulation.
  • Easy to install.
  • Fire safety.
  • Convenient to transport.
  • Hard-to-reach material for rodents.
  • Due to the softness of the material, dents appear from the slightest pressure.
  • For fixation you need special glue.
  • For external wall insulation, foil penofol is used as an additional thermal insulation layer that reflects thermal energy and protects against moisture.

  • Does not burn.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High sound insulation.
  • Good vapor and air permeability.
  • Not afraid of rodents and insects.
  • Strongly absorbs moisture.
  • Additional vapor barrier is required.
  • Shrinkage due to prolonged use.
  • Reduced area due to the large thickness of the material.

  • Does not burn.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High sound insulation.
  • Long service life.
Great cost
  • Light weight of slabs.
  • High strength characteristics.
  • The cost is lower than mineral slabs.
  • Easy to handle.
  • Not hygroscopic.
  • Poor sound insulation.
  • Low coefficient of vapor permeability.
  • May be partially destroyed at temperatures above 80°.
  • Low resistance to many organic solvents.
  • Restricted use. Not suitable for high-rise buildings, more than 25 meters.
  • The stoves are burning. This is a self-extinguishing material and does not support combustion.

Tip: If polystyrene foam boards do not fade, this indicates that the material does not comply with the requirements of the standard. Such pitas cannot be used.

  • The insulation is made directly at the installation site, with a minimum volume of components. This reduces transportation costs.
  • Light weight.
  • In addition to insulation, it increases the strength of walls.
  • Withstands a wide temperature range from (-200°C) to (+200°C).
  • During installation, a single solid sheet is formed, without seams.
  • Rapid wear under the negative influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Required additional protection plaster, various panels or ordinary paint, which will give the surface greater attractiveness.
  • At high temperatures, the insulation begins to smolder, and from strong heat it can catch fire.

  • Light weight.
  • Great hardness and strength.
  • Does not rot, does not contribute to the formation of mold from exposure to moisture.
  • The material is a complete dielectric and does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Does not burn, does not emit harmful toxic substances when smoldering.
  • It is not destroyed by alkalis.
  • Not afraid of rodents.
  • When humidity fluctuates, it does not change its volume.
  • Easy to install.
  • Environmentally friendly.
High price.

  • Easy to apply.
  • Excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces.
  • There is no need to perform complex preparatory operations. The material has good ductility and can itself be used as a leveling compound.
  • You can apply the coating manually or using a special technique.
  • Unevenness, cracks and other defects can be easily eliminated.
  • There are no cold bridges.
  • After applying the plaster, it is necessary to apply additional primer and paint.
  • “Warm plaster” is applied only to a dry surface.
  • Due to the high thermal conductivity coefficient of the plaster for high-quality insulation it is necessary to apply a thick layer of solution.

These are the main materials used to insulate the walls in an apartment from the inside.

Advice: When insulating walls in an apartment, two basic rules must be followed: creating a strong vapor barrier that prevents condensation between the wall and the insulation; reliable ventilation device for removal from the room humid air.

Before insulating the walls from the inside in an apartment, in order to avoid unnecessary costs, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with information on this issue, or better yet, watch the video in this article. All thermal insulation materials are divided into groups that correspond to the material used to build the walls of the house.

For example:

  • For a brick wall, insulation is used, which cannot be used for a concrete wall. In this case, it is best to purchase expanded polystyrene foam.
  • It is better to insulate concrete walls with polystyrene foam (see How to insulate walls with polystyrene foam), but extruded.
  • For concrete walls, any insulation is suitable, but only if a vapor barrier material, such as foil, is placed on one of its surfaces.

Insulation with penophenol

For achievement maximum effect It is necessary to provide an air gap of up to two centimeters on both sides. In this case, rolled penofol is attached to a wooden sheathing attached to the base.

For this:

  • Wooden planks two centimeters thick are attached to the wall surface vertically or horizontally in increments according to the width of the roll.
  • The planks are attached to wooden walls with self-tapping screws; for concrete and brick walls, dowels are used.
  • Strips of the required length are cut from a roll of material and adjusted with staples using construction stapler to the planks.
  • Installation of penofol sheets is carried out end-to-end, with the foil side facing the inside of the room.
  • All joints are carefully taped with aluminum tape.
  • The strips are installed and fastened with self-tapping screws to the sheathing, providing an external air gap.
  • The outside walls are lined with plasterboard sheets, clapboard or other materials.

Use of mineral wool

It's more difficult process, requiring use additional elementswooden slats.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • Vertical slats are installed on the walls, using a building level to ensure one plane for all elements.
  • Placed between the slats waterproofing material, and is fixed directly to the slats.
  • The insulation itself is installed.

Tip: To avoid the formation of “cold bridges”, the heat-insulating material must be laid very tightly in the space between the slats, cutting it to a size slightly larger than the distance between the slats. There should be no gaps between the canvases.

  • Stacked vapor barrier material and is attached to the slats.
  • In the absence of a plaster layer, it is better to lay mineral wool in two layers.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

This is quite simple and the most cheap option insulation of the apartment. If the wall is made of brick, it must first be plastered.


  • After the coating has dried, the wall is leveled with putty.
  • A waterproofing material is laid, which provides a 100% guarantee of protecting the wall from the formation of condensation at the junction between it and the insulation.
  • The insulation sheets are placed on a special glue. In this case, the composition is applied to the surface of the wall, and not to the foam.
  • The foam panels are placed end-to-end, without gaps (see How to insulate walls with polystyrene foam yourself).
  • Vapor barrier material is laid.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Special equipment is used to spray polyurethane foam.


  • Wall mounted wooden sheathing, which will serve as guides when spraying the material and as a basis for fixing the decorative finish.
  • Polyurethane foam is being installed.
  • Finishing panels are attached.

Using plaster

Before insulating the walls of an apartment from the inside with plaster, you need to become familiar with a number of features and nuances of the work. Apply warm plaster On the walls you need three layers:

  • A spray of liquid plaster solution is made to ensure its penetration into all cracks. The composition is thrown onto the wall evenly and with force, with a layer thickness of up to 10 millimeters.
  • A layer of primer is applied. When insulating with plaster, it is the main one. The thickness of the coating is 50-60 millimeters.

Advice: The primer should be applied in two or three layers, the thickness of each should be 20-30 millimeters. This will prevent the covering from separating from the wall under its own weight. Each layer should dry well after application.

  • Covering is in progress. This finishing layer, the thickness of which is up to 5 millimeters. To make it, clean fine sand diluted with water is used. The composition is simply rubbed into the surface of the wall, forming a smooth surface.

The video will show you how to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside with cork. The process begins with preparing the walls to a perfectly flat surface, which is controlled by a building level.

For this:

  • Insufficiently smooth wall surfaces are plastered, any protrusions, cracks, depressions and other defects are removed.
  • The room is left to dry.

Advice: You cannot insulate walls inside a room with cork material on damp surfaces. This will cause deformation of the panels and the appearance of fungus.

  • When installing insulation, the instructions for using the adhesive must be strictly followed.

  • The durability of the coating during operation will ensure strict adherence to the work technology.
  • A cork sheet coated with glue is applied to the wall and strengthened. In this case, everything must be done carefully and accurately: many adhesive bases for cork set almost instantly, which will not allow you to change the location of the panel after placing it on the wall.
  • When installing the cork, it is necessary to ensure thorough ventilation of the room; adhesive bases have toxicity and a strong unpleasant odor.

The article briefly describes ways to insulate walls in an apartment from the inside. But it's always worth sticking to simple rules: apply in in the right places necessary insulation materials, find the real reason penetration of cold into the apartment and eliminate it.

If you have even the slightest opportunity to insulate the walls from the outside, do it. This is the most the best option, because insulating walls from the inside is a headache. There are only two correct and more or less acceptable options, and one takes up a lot of space, and the second requires significant costs during the winter. There is also a method suitable for insulating balconies and loggias. And that's all for now. All other options with polyurethane foam, liquid-ceramic thermal insulation, penofol and other materials only bring dampness and mold.

Insulating walls from the inside: what is the problem

Anyone who has insulated the outer walls of a house or apartment from the inside - from the premises - is faced with the problem of the appearance of fungi, mold and high humidity. These consequences are natural, and appear regardless of the type of insulation that was used. You can get rid of moisture and fungi only by removing internal insulation, having done major renovation walls, treating them with antifungal compounds and plastering.

Let's look at the reasons. The so-called dew point is to blame. This is the line where warm and cold air meet and where condensation results.

The figure on the left shows the situation with the dew point if the wall is not insulated. It is located somewhere in the thickness of the wall, depending on the temperature and humidity, it shifts first to one side, then to the other, but is always located quite far from the inner surface. In this case, moisture accumulates in the wall and freezes. In the spring, as it thaws, it evaporates, and evaporates into the atmosphere. If dampness is observed in the room, it is for a short time and at the level of sensations.

The photo in the center shows a situation where the wall is insulated from the inside. In this case, condensation falls in the insulation, or, if this is not possible (expanded polystyrene is used, for example), at the boundary of the insulation and the wall. Even if the wall freezes and the condensation turns into ice, in the spring it will begin to melt, the insulation, wall material and finishing will become wet. Since there is a large distance to the outer surface facing the street, moisture dries very poorly in this case, which “comes out” in the form of dampness, mold and all the accompanying delights.

And the third option is to insulate the wall from the outside. In this case, the dew point is in the insulation. How to get it out of there is another story (make a ventilated facade or choose the right vapor permeability of materials), but for our topic it is important to understand that in in this case the wall inside the room will definitely be dry and warm.

To summarize, we can say, if possible, insulate from the outside. Insulation of walls from inside premises has to be done only in a few cases:

  • if they are not allowed to be insulated from the outside (the building is a historical monument or prohibited by local authorities);
  • if the wall goes into the joint between two buildings;
  • the wall opens into the elevator shaft.

But before you take on this work, thoroughly inspect the floor, ceiling, and windows. Sometimes most of the heat escapes not through the walls, but through these surfaces, and it is easier to insulate them (in the sense of less hassle with the dew point).

Correct internal insulation of walls in a house or apartment

There are only two ways to insulate indoor walls from the inside and avoid problems with dampness:

  • recreating a multi-layer wall (place a half-brick wall with insulation at some distance);
  • Heat the wall and then insulate it.

These options work, but, as you can see, they “eat up” a significant amount of space and cost a lot of money. In each specific case, it is necessary to consider what kind of insulation and how much is needed, but the wall pie remains the same.

Second wall

At some distance from the main wall, a second wall 10-12 cm thick is installed. Between the two walls, a layer of insulation, which is required for these conditions, is attached to the inner one. At the same time, up to outer wall There should be a ventilation gap of at least 3 cm. In total, this entire structure will be 20-25 cm away from the main wall. It will “eat up” a considerable area.

As you can see, in this case the dew point can be located inside the insulation or on the inner surface of the wall facing the street. To be able to remove the formed moisture, you can do forced ventilation by installing one or two exhaust fans.

Since in this case the insulation will get wet, it is necessary to choose one that is not afraid of moisture. These are polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, foam glass. You can also use some types stone wool, but only those that are not afraid of moisture (there are some).

Thermal insulation material must be fastened simultaneously with the construction of the walls. They laid it out to a certain height and secured the thermal insulation. It’s inconvenient to work, but there is no other choice.

Electrical heating

The idea of ​​this method is to move the dew point inside the wall when insulating a concrete or brick wall internally. To do this, it must be heated. The easiest way is to attach an electric heated floor mat. At some distance from it, insulation is installed, on top of which there is a finishing layer.

In this case, there are no problems with moisture removal, and much less space is required to install the system: from 8 cm (with a ventilation gap of 3 cm and an insulation thickness of 5 cm).

With this method, the thermal insulation material can be of any kind. To install it, first a sheathing is made, then a counter-lattice, and then a suitable insulation is attached to it.

Option for insulating a balcony from the inside

In the case of a loggia and a balcony, the situation is often completely different. If the authorities do not allow the installation of a wall, they demand that the existing reinforced concrete screen be left, it is cut off from warm air thorough thermal insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS).

In this case, it is better to make the insulation excessive than at least slightly insufficient. The total thickness is divided into two layers. They are laid without a gap (preferably with locks), and so that the seams of the first layer overlap the sheet of the second. There should be no through access of warm air to the screen.

It is necessary to approach the issue of insulating the floor and ceiling of the loggia/balcony very carefully and ensure tightness at the junction of them with the walls. Also pay attention to how the glazing will be installed: there may also be problem areas: joint with the screen, walls, insulation of the part above the frames. All of them must be well finished, excluding the possibility of contact of warm/cold air. In this case there will be no problems. Even .

Is internal insulation effective - pros and cons. How not to make a mistake in choosing a material?

How to safely insulate a house from the inside

Internal insulation is considered irrational, but insulating an apartment from the inside is much easier than from the outside, especially on high floors apartment building.

This does not require additional equipment and does not require the help of high-altitude specialists.

But the choice of insulation must be approached responsibly, because inside the apartment there must be absolutely environmentally friendly material.

When wall insulation is not possible from the outside

External insulation has many advantages, but it is not always possible to take advantage of it. Cases when insulation from the street is unacceptable:

  • Facade work on buildings that represent historical value, as architectural monuments;
  • when the building design does not allow changes to the façade;
  • if the wall is located near an expansion joint;
  • if the building contains a store, bank, government agency or other services.

In such cases, the room will have to be insulated from the inside.

Is it possible to insulate indoors?

When insulating the inner surface, it occurs amazing fact– the wall not only does not become warmer, it even begins to freeze. This happens because outer side The walls are not heated by room air due to the insulation.

Condensation from warm air accumulates on the inner surface of the wall, destroying it and the finishing layer. In this case, the thermal insulation is disrupted and heat loss increases, so for internal insulation it is necessary to choose a material with minimal moisture absorption.

In addition, when carrying out work on internal thermal insulation, the following rules are observed:

  • it is necessary to design the insulation process with a minimum number of seams or their complete absence, so that condensation does not penetrate into the space between the wall and the insulation;
  • install additional ventilation to avoid high humidity.

If conditions for additional ventilation are not created, fungus and mold colonies may form on the walls.

Another important fact is that internal insulation “steals” the space from the room.

Efficient materials

At the moment there is no universal insulation; each has positive and negative qualities.

For internal insulation, choose a thermal insulator that has low vapor permeability and water absorption, and a structure with minimal fiber.


Rocks or metallurgical slags are used as raw materials for the production of mineral wool.

Cotton wool obtained from slag is no different good quality, it is short-lived, so it is suitable for thermal insulation of temporary structures. Mineral wool obtained from rocks is used for thermal insulation of permanent buildings.

Properties of mineral wool:

  • fire-heat resistance – at high temperatures does not deform and does not lose its properties;
  • chemical and biological resistance – immune to chemicals, the appearance of mold and insects;
  • durability – service life – about 80 years;
  • During installation, the insulation can be easily given the required shape.

The most popular material, common name mineral insulation: slag wool, basalt and fiberglass.

Expanded polystyrene

The manufacturing technology of this material is constantly being improved, so components harmful to humans have been removed from it, and the insulation itself has become more environmentally friendly.

Expanded polystyrene is roll insulation, a type of gas foam, for insulation they use extruded, unpressed polymer. He has the following positive qualities:

  • excellent thermal insulator;
  • not subject to deformation;
  • steam-resistant, water-resistant;
  • withstands a temperature range from +70 to – 50 degrees;
  • easy to install.

Provides good thermal protection with a layer thickness of 2 cm.


  • when heated to more than 80 degrees, it begins to release toxic substances;
  • lacks flexibility and begins to crumble under force;
  • flammable; when burned, gas is released, which poses a mortal danger to humans.

Expanded polystyrene foam cannot be used to insulate walls in baths, steam rooms and saunas.

Polyurethane foam

Refers to a type of plastic. It contains high content gaseous substance, which provides good thermal protection. Technological characteristics depend on the method of processing the initial raw materials, the best material It is considered two-component and sprayable.

Polyurethane's performance is far superior to that of similar heat insulators; moreover, new technologies are being invented that make it possible to achieve even better results.


This is a type of polystyrene foam, which is made using special technology extrusion. Penoplex is a finely porous material, consisting of tiny air grains isolated from each other.

Properties of penoplex:

  • low level of vapor absorption;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • resistant to alkalis and saline solutions.

Solvents, acetone, gasoline, and formaldehyde have a negative effect on penoplex.

Liquid ceramics and foil insulation

Liquid insulation is just beginning to conquer the market. This is the thinnest insulation, but it provides the same thermal protection as mineral wool, with a layer of 50 mm.

By appearance reminds regular paint, but its structure, consisting of tiny vacuum particles, turns the material into thermal paint.

Warm plaster is an energy-saving insulator that has noise, thermal and waterproofing properties.

Foil insulation prevents heat from escaping from the room due to its reflective surface. They serve not as the main heat insulator, but as an addition to the main type of insulation.

Electric heated floor

An electric mat is attached to the wall, which serves as insulation. Then it is covered with a layer of another insulator - mineral wool, foam plastic or other material. Due to heating, moisture will not accumulate inside the wall.

How to properly insulate a corner apartment of an apartment panel building

A corner apartment has a big disadvantage - its walls freeze more strongly and the room is always damp and cold. Condensation collects in the corners, which contributes to the appearance of fungus, so the corner room requires more insulation than other rooms.

It is, of course, better to insulate it from the outside, but this is not always possible.

In such an apartment, 2 walls at once are exposed to atmospheric influences, and especially carefully it is necessary to insulate their junction points.

Before laying the insulator, the walls are treated with antifungal drugs, allowed to soak well, after which the main work begins. The material is chosen with a vapor barrier film so that condensation does not accumulate in the corner.

Covering walls with the heat insulators discussed above or taking additional measures to conserve heat will help reduce heat loss:

  • flush the radiators and thereby increase the degree of heating;
  • add heating sections to the batteries;
  • reinstall the batteries closer to the cold corner.

In the corner room, it is necessary to install heat-retaining windows or stick energy-saving film on them.

Is it possible to insulate with outdoor materials?

Materials that are intended for external works cannot be used for internal thermal insulation; they may pose a health hazard to people and animals.

Under the influence of temperature, they release toxic substances that accumulate in the human body and cause chronic diseases. For example, while in a room insulated with foam plastic, people began to experience headaches and cramps.

In addition, some materials for outdoor work are flammable.

Thermal insulation methods

Depending on the selected materials, the following thermal insulation methods are used:

  • insulation of walls with sheet or roll insulators;
  • liquid insulation – thin layer the solution provides reliable energy protection;
  • ecowool is a loose thermal insulator that is soaked before use;
  • liquid ceramic - applied by spray or manually with a roller.

Mask an energy-saving wall with wallpaper, decorative finishing or tiles.

How to insulate the walls of a house from the inside so that they are not cold: progress of work

To avoid mistakes when performing internal thermal insulation, work is performed in the following sequence:

  • wall preparation - clean the walls before plastering;
  • waterproofing - polymers or polyethylene film are applied to the walls, the edges are secured with construction tape;
  • a metal or wooden sheathing is installed, the wood is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant agent;
  • insulation is applied to the space between the sheathing;
  • mounted vapor barrier film, the place of its joints is treated with sealant.

The final point is to install the casing: plasterboard sheets, wooden lining, plasterboard or other finishing materials.

In order for the house to always be warm, comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to reduce heat loss as much as possible through additional wall decoration. Insulation will be of high quality if you choose the right material and follow the instructions for installing the thermal insulator.

Useful video

Most of the built panel and brick houses did not provide for insulation of facades. Concrete and brick have high density and low thermal insulation properties. The consequence is cold walls and uncomfortable temperatures. There are several ways to insulate from the inside, the main thing is to avoid the appearance of dampness.

Dew point - physics of the phenomenon

A cold wall is not the only drawback panel or brick houses. Often dampness and accompanying fungus and mold appear on it. The best way struggle - insulating the wall from the outside (this is also a requirement of SNiP), but this is not always possible. Therefore we have to fight cold wall, insulating it from the inside. But there are pitfalls here.

Even if the cold wall was previously dry, when insulating it from the inside, dampness may appear. And the so-called dew point will be to blame.

The dew point is a conditional boundary at which the temperature of water vapor becomes equal to the temperature of condensation formation. It naturally appears during the cold season. With proper design of the house (taking into account the characteristics of the region), it is located approximately in the middle of the thickness of the facade made of a material of uniform density.

If insulation is carried out from the outside, the dew point shifts towards decreasing density (that is, towards the outer surface of the wall). When insulating from the inside, it moves inward, and condensation may appear on the surface of the main wall or inside the insulation.

And to assess the scale of possible damage, it is enough to say that as a result of the life activity of one person, about 4 liters of water evaporate per day (cooking, wet cleaning, personal hygiene, washing, etc.).

Features of insulating a cold wall from the inside

There are several ways to prevent condensation from appearing on an internally insulated wall:

  1. Creation of a layer of heat-insulating material with vapor permeability lower than that of the facade material.
  2. Insulation using materials with minimal water absorption.
  3. Application of ventilated facade technology (taking into account internal placement).

Liquid thermal insulation

Polyurethane foam

PPU insulation meets all requirements for vapor barrier, water absorption and absence of seams. Therefore, even if there is a dew point inside the layer, it will remain “conditional”, since there is no condensation in vapor-tight materials. This results in a completely sealed thermal insulation layer from the room side.

The environmental friendliness of polyurethane foam after hardening meets the requirements for residential premises. Harmful fumes are present only when the components are mixed during the spraying process - after polymerization, the structure of the material remains stable.

Apply thermal insulation between the sheathing and sew up with moisture-resistant sheet materials(gypsum board, OSB or plywood). Essentially, it's like a large prefabricated sandwich panel.

The disadvantage of this method is the use of special equipment.

Liquid ceramics

This is a relatively young thermal insulation material, the action of which is based on the use of two principles - the creation of a thin layer with high resistance to heat transfer and the reflection of heat towards the radiation source.

Of course, a thin thermal insulation layer cannot provide good thermal insulation- This is an auxiliary, but mandatory factor. Although it gives a fairly high effect - the wall becomes much “warmer” to the touch.

The main task of reducing heat loss is performed by microscopic ceramic spheres that reflect infrared radiation.

According to the manufacturers, the effect of a 1.5 mm layer can be compared with thermal insulation with 5 cm thick foam plastic or 6.5 cm mineral wool.

The application method is the same as for acrylic paint(the basis is the same). After polymerization, a dense and durable film is formed on the surface, and latex additives improve waterproofing properties.

Rolled thermal insulation


Penofol is a combination of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. This is a whole series of materials (including single-sided, double-sided, laminated, with an adhesive layer). Moreover, it can be used in combination with other thermal insulation materials, and independently. By the way, penofol is popular for insulating a bathhouse from the inside, and there is much more steam there than in an ordinary living room.

To insulate a cold wall, use penofol with one layer of foil (one-sided) and up to 5 mm thick.

In the case, as with liquid ceramics, the effect is achieved due to the low thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene, as well as its low vapor permeability and high reflective properties of foil (up to 97%).

But unlike seamless coatings, complete sealing and prevention of cold bridges cannot be achieved. Consequently, condensation may form on the surface of the foil. Even the obligatory sealing of the joints with adhesive aluminum foil will still leave gaps inside between adjacent sheets.

The traditional method of combating the formation of condensation on foil is lathing with a ventilated gap between the penofol and the outer cladding.


Another version of foamed polyethylene, but already made in the form of a kind of wallpaper - there is a layer of paper on both sides. Polyfoam and is intended for gluing wallpaper onto it.

Of course, its thermal insulation properties are not as high as those of penofol, but they are quite sufficient to make a cold wall feel warmer to the touch.

In most cases, the insignificant thickness of the insulation does not lead to a movement of the dew point by inner surface.

The disadvantage of this method is that only a dry wall is insulated.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene (or extruded polystyrene foam) is glued to the prepared and leveled wall. Both materials have very low water absorption (especially extruded polystyrene foam), so the formation of condensation in the insulation layer is excluded. The main danger is its appearance on the surface of the insulated wall.

Therefore, it is best to glue the sheets to special hydrophobic adhesive mixtures applied over the entire surface of the sheets. And to prevent the penetration of water vapor from the side of the room, treat the seams with sealant (you can also use polystyrene foam with a step or a tongue-and-groove connection).

Finishing can be done in two ways:

  • mesh reinforcement and plaster application;
  • paneling by supporting frame, fixed to the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls (false wall made of plasterboard).

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool does not meet the requirements for vapor permeability and water absorption for insulation from the inside. But it can be used.

The main thing is to provide maximum protection from moist air from the room and ventilate water vapor from the insulation layer. That is, create a ventilated facade, but in the reverse order: wall, gap, vapor-permeable membrane, mineral wool, vapor barrier film, decorative cladding indoors.

It is necessary to create a false wall at a distance of 2-3 cm from the main wall. And to ventilate water vapor, make ventilation holes at the bottom and top.

If your house or apartment is cold and uncomfortable in the cold, and you continue to pay huge sums for heating, then it’s worth considering whether there is a reason why the heat is not retained indoors. The simplest assumption is that heat escapes through the walls.

But internal insulation is usually carried out only in extreme cases, for example, when authorities impose a ban on changing the facade. If there is a seam between buildings behind the wall, then external thermal insulation will also be impossible. Sometimes this approach cannot be implemented when there is an elevator shaft behind the wall or an unheated room to which there is no access.

Features of insulation from the inside

If you are faced with the question of how to insulate walls brick house from the inside, then you must remember that the main problem when carrying out such work is the fact that the wall may begin to freeze even more. This causes the dew point to shift as moisture begins to condense, moving onto the wall surface. Condensation causes dampness, which destroys materials and the finishing layer. All this contributes to the deterioration of the thermal insulation properties of the insulation, and heat loss is even higher, and high humidity is added to this problem.

Brick walls are subject to greater destruction. In order to avoid this, you should choose insulation materials that have minimal vapor permeability and no moisture absorption. During installation, there should be no joints or seams between the panels through which condensed moisture could penetrate into the premises. These criteria are not suitable:

  • liquid ceramics;
  • mineral wool;
  • drywall;
  • cork covering;
  • warm plaster.

The last option can only be used on final stage. Moisture-absorbing fibrous and vapor-permeable materials are not suitable for thermal insulation of walls from the inside. It is better to avoid expanded polystyrene, because with it it is quite difficult to achieve proper joining of the material to the walls without using a solution. The joints between the canvases will play an important role in reducing the tightness.

What to consider before starting insulation

Before you insulate a wall from the inside with your own hands, you must make sure that it is as dry as possible. The insulation must have minimal vapor permeability and high moisture resistance. The wall must be protected with hydro- and vapor barrier. The insulation layer should not have cracks, joints or gaps.

If you want to insulate the walls of your apartment from the inside in panel house, then as one of good decisions the construction of another wall indoors is in progress. It should fit tightly with the outer one or be separated from it by an air gap. Sometimes a layer of thermal insulation is placed between these surfaces, which acts as a buffer. But such events reduce usable area rooms up to 7 m3.

Material selection

Before starting work, you should ask yourself the question of how to insulate the walls of the house from the inside. For example, polyurethane foam allows you to create a moisture-resistant barrier with high thermal insulation properties. The problem can only be expressed in the method of application. Initially, the material is a foamed liquid that quickly hardens. To form level base and of sufficient thickness, formwork should be installed, filling inner space in parts. Using wireframes will not produce results. Elements of such a system made of metal or wood can also become sources of dampness.

After forming the surface of the insulating layer, it is necessary to install hydro and vapor protection. For this purpose it is used polyethylene film, which is fixed to adjacent walls, floor and ceiling using slats. Gluing is carried out with mastic or sealant.

Polyurethane foam has low strength and density. This indicates that subsequent finishing and plastering will not be possible. To do this, it is necessary to erect plasterboard walls, which are erected on a frame and fixed to next wall, floor and ceiling. in this case it will be located at the junction of polyurethane foam and the wall or in the thickness of the thermal insulation.

Insulation using a double wall

If you want to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, then you can use the “Double Wall” technology. The warm floor will act as a thermal barrier. Installed on the wall surface heating elements. Heating can be turned on only in severe frosts to warm the inner surface of the wall and shift the dew point.

For normal finishing of the room, a second wall made of plasterboard or brick is installed. The insulation is mounted on the false wall from the side of the opening. This option will save you in severe frosts and prevent destruction, as well as the formation of dampness. But you will spend a lot of money on electricity. This is due to the fact that you will heat not only the volume of air in the room, but also the street.

Using penoplex

If you still haven’t decided how to insulate the walls of your house from the inside, you can use expanded polystyrene or penoplex. Due to the fact that it does not meet the specifications for such work, it is necessary to pay special attention to installation work. The material is smooth sheets of dense material. Joints will certainly form between them during the installation process. It will not be possible to get rid of them completely, so you will have to apply a layer of sealant to the ends.

The technology of applying the solution in separate cakes should be abandoned. This is due to the fact that as a result, air chambers are formed where condensation accumulates. In this case, water finds cracks to escape into the room. The only option would be to apply glue to the entire sheet and tightly adhere the material to the wall over the entire area. Before applying the solution, it is necessary to use a needle roller to treat the surface of the material. This will ensure best penetration solution. This is especially true for the option with penoplex.

This method of fastening will require leveling the wall. Use regular cement-sand mortar it is forbidden. It is better to use a mixture that forms a moisture-proof layer. You should also avoid using anchors. This is explained by the fact that leaky transitions will form in the places where they are installed.

If you plan to use the mesh reinforcement method and will apply plaster over foam plastic, then the structure should be reinforced with profiles that are located between the insulation sheets and fixed at the top and bottom to the floor and ceiling.

Work order

If you decide to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, then after choosing a specific method of carrying out the work, you must bring the surface to ideal condition. To do this, the old coating in the form of cladding, decorative elements, paint and wallpaper is removed from the base. The plaster is also removed. You should see a concrete slab or brickwork.

The surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt using a broom and vacuum cleaner. Special attention should be given to places where the walls were especially damp. Before insulating the wall from the inside, it should be treated with an antiseptic and coated with a primer. After each operation, the base is left until it dries.

It should be primed with a deep-penetrating compound. If you plan to use foam plastic or heating elements, then the wall is plastered and leveled. In this process, you can use water repellents, ready-made mixtures for finishing swimming pools and bathrooms. In this case, the plastering method using beacons is suitable. The technology is relevant if the magnitude of the differences is more than 10 mm.

The layer of plaster should dry within several days. This is the only way the material will gain normal strength. This process should not be accelerated by heaters. The surface of the plaster is primed again. This step should be omitted if we're talking about O concrete walls, which are smooth. In the case of them, you can seal the joints with a moisture-resistant solution, mastic or sealant.

Insulation process

Quite often, home craftsmen are faced with the question of how to insulate a wall from the inside. In each case the technology will be different. Some nuances have been described above. After installing the thermal insulation layer, a drying period follows. Only then can you begin installing the second wall, where a finishing layer such as tiles, wallpaper, paint or cork will be applied.

To install plasterboard boards, you must form a frame. The slabs will be attached to the ceiling, floor and walls. A gap of 5 cm should be left between the thermal insulation and the wall. If you want to use high-density polystyrene foam, you can limit yourself to applying reinforcing mesh and plastering. But durability and results will depend on the quality of foam installation. The joints between the sheets must be coated with sealant, and the sheets are fixed to an evenly thin layer of mortar.

Insulation of a corner apartment with mineral wool

If you were among those who wondered how to insulate a corner wall from the inside, then you can use mineral wool as the material for the work. It consists of natural fibers, is environmentally friendly and is made from rocks by melting them. The fabrics of this thermal insulation have low weight, excellent sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is ready to last for quite a long time, and is installed on the wall between guides made of a metal profile or wood blocks.

How to insulate a wall from the inside? This question is quite relevant for residents of corner apartments. When installing mineral wool on walls, you must take care of waterproofing. This is important, because a moistened heat insulator loses its properties. Before installation, the walls are covered with a moisture-proof film. You can make the frame from wooden slats, the distance between which will be equal to the width of the insulation board. You need to subtract about 2 cm from this value.

After laying the mineral wool, it is followed by a layer of vapor barrier or superdiffusion membrane. Slats are packed onto the guides, which will create an air gap, which is necessary for moisture to evaporate from the superdiffusion membrane. Drywall or plywood is placed on the slats. It is better to work with mineral wool wearing glasses and gloves, as well as a respirator.

Insulation of a corner apartment using polystyrene foam

If you are concerned about the question of how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside, then for this you can also use polystyrene foam. It is more common because it is easy to install and its cost is affordable. For your apartment, you can purchase expanded polystyrene, which contains substances that prevent ignition. Before laying the slabs on the leveled wall, apply liquid waterproofing. Tile adhesive should be applied to the insulation sheets. The tool used for this is a comb spatula.

After filling the entire area of ​​the wall, a mounting mesh is glued on top, which is covered with putty. Once it has dried, the surface can be wallpapered or painted. Before you insulate a wall from the inside, you should think about what material to use. If you use foam plastic or penoplex, then fungus and mold can form between the moisture-proof layer and the wall. This also applies to foil penofol. This is due to the fact that the wall is panel or brick house stops breathing, and in conditions of a cold circuit and access to moisture, it begins to become covered with condensation.

Insulation using drywall

If you want to solve the problem of how to insulate brick wall from the inside, you can use technology that involves the use of drywall. This method is fast and simple. A distance of 3 cm should be maintained from the rough surface to the front base. As this space increases, more insulation will fit into the voids of the structure. This method is great for large rooms, because the wall thickens during the installation of thermal insulation.

The process begins with the installation of a frame made of metal profiles. They are removed 2 cm from the wall. The frame must be made of galvanized profile. A tape is glued to the base of the elements to isolate the surface from the plaster. This will protect the drywall from the cold that is transmitted through metallic profile. Mineral wool is placed into the cavity of the frame, and the layer between the wall and the drywall will also become insulation.

The next step is to install the drywall. When insulating rooms with high humidity You should not save money - it is better to purchase moisture-resistant material. At the final stage, the slabs are finished with wallpaper.

Thermal insulation in a panel house

How to insulate panel wall from the inside - this is a pressing question that interests many apartment owners. To carry out the work, you can use plaster. If we are talking about brickwork, then you will be able to complete the work in a short time. The material is laid in three layers, each of which is well dried.

At the first stage, the composition is applied by spraying. This will fill in all the bumps and crevices. The thickness does not exceed 10 mm. The main stage is the application of a 5 cm thick primer layer. The effectiveness of thermal insulation will depend on the quality of this stage.

If you want to know how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the inside, you can use polystyrene foam. Even a beginner can handle its installation. But mineral wool, although it is an excellent option, takes up more space. She has one important advantage, which is expressed in the fact that during the fixation process the material does not need a prepared layer of plaster.
