How to create a harmonious interior design for a small apartment? Design of a small one-room apartment Studio apartment 33 square meters

Many interior decorators consider a one-room apartment of 33 square meters. m quite interesting in terms of design. Undoubtedly, such footage provides a little more options arrangement. All the details are below.

Advantages and disadvantages of an apartment of 33 sq. m

Typically, such housing is located in new buildings. It meets all standards and requirements. Apartment layout 33 sq. m most often includes a balcony or loggia. They can be used to arrange various functional areas - for relaxation, work, sports.

Other benefits small area are:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • The ability to choose an original design solution regarding interior design.
  • Ease of cleaning, since the main concept of the arrangement is minimalism.

The disadvantages include:

  • Poor sound insulation.
  • Lack of personal space.
  • Inconvenience from close proximity of rooms with different climates.


Quite often, when purchasing a home, we remain dissatisfied with its layout. Therefore, immediately after completing the purchase and sale transaction, the question of repairs arises.

Redevelopment of an apartment of 33 sq. m can take place according to one of two scenarios:

  • Conversion into a studio.
  • Allocation of a separate area for the bedroom and kitchen.

The process of making changes is quite labor-intensive and requires obtaining permission from the relevant authorities. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to seek help from a professional designer.

The easiest way to increase living space– combining a balcony or loggia with a living space. You can easily do such work yourself.

Subtleties of zoning

When renovating a small apartment, you need to think in advance about how best to divide the space into functional zones. The main reference point is its shape.

If the studio is square, then segmentation into 3-4 areas is used. Most often it is divided into two equal halves, shaped like a regular quadrangle. One of them is used as a bedroom, and the second is divided into a kitchen and living room.

In a rectangular apartment, functional areas are arranged sequentially. Transverse zoning is used for such housing, dividing the space into 2-3 squares.

As you can see in the photo of the apartment 33 sq. m. m, to highlight zones it is appropriate to use the following techniques:

  • games with color and texture;
  • use of indoor plants;
  • lighting;
  • furniture.

Which one to choose is up to you. The choice will depend on what you want to achieve as a final result, as well as on your financial capabilities.

Choosing a style direction and color design

According to experts, it is preferable to choose an apartment of 33 square meters when drawing up a design project. m modern styles.

Take a closer look at minimalism, high-tech, loft, modern. Scandinavian style is appropriate for decorating tight spaces. Provence would also be a good choice.

The style trends listed above are characterized by the use of light, natural shades in the interior of the apartment.

The most popular colors are white and gray. But depending on the chosen style, other colors are also appropriate - for example, black, blue, blue, green, lilac, brown.

Organization of lighting and choice of decor

By furnishing an apartment of 33 sq. m, it is permissible to completely abandon central lighting in favor of local light sources. Lamps must be placed above each of the functional platforms. The kitchen area should be given special attention. You can use backlighting here. It is also appropriate to use LED strips.

It's worth taking a closer look at these undeserved forgotten elements, like floor lamps. You can hang intricate sconces on the walls. The main thing is that all selected lighting fixtures are in harmony with the surrounding environment in terms of style.

The fundamental decor is textiles, or rather curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, and napkins. Here again, everything must correspond to the chosen design. In addition, vases, figurines, boxes, paintings, and panels can be used as interior decorations.

It is important not to overdo it by cluttering all vertical and horizontal surfaces with all kinds of accessories. Regardless of the chosen style, the amount of decor should be minimal.

Apartment design 33 sq. m will always be non-standard. This is his plus. Follow the recommendations of experienced specialists, and you will turn a tiny apartment into a fashionable apartment.

Photos of apartments 33 sq. m.

Residents of small apartments are accustomed to the fact that every centimeter of usable space must be used so that there is no lack of free space in the room. A one-room converted apartment with a harmonious design calculated to the smallest detail can easily compete with spacious apartments.

Well-chosen layout, zoning, unusual design solutions will transform a modest home into a comfortable and beautiful one.

Layout features

The main task of designers when arranging a small room is to visually increase the usable area. That is why First stage interior design consists of redevelopment, the purpose of which is to hide the shortcomings of the apartment. Series of houses may have significant differences in the area of ​​apartments and their layout, so an individual approach is required to each individual interior. A rational solution could be a complete redevelopment of the room: removing some parts of the walls or partitions. It's important to remember that Touching the supporting structures is strictly prohibited.

The design of a 1-room apartment should be planned based on the expansion of space. Here are some recommendations for increasing your living space:

  • Combining a room and a loggia. Complete dismantling of the wall is not necessary; it is enough to demolish the window block and turn the rest of the wall into a functional space divider.
  • Converting a balcony or loggia into an office, dining room or bedroom.

  • Arrangement of the second tier in an apartment with a ceiling height of 3 meters. On such a second floor you can place sleeping area, and under it there is a sitting area or a closet.
  • Usage wide window sills as bookshelves, flower bed or desktop.
  • Converting a storage room into a dressing room. This solution will significantly free up space in the apartment.

Layout options

You need to start redevelopment with transforming the living space. This will allow you to take into account every centimeter of it and use it as fruitfully as possible. Designers offer several options for arranging small apartments, depending on the type of house and area of ​​the premises.

In a panel house

In addition to longitudinal load-bearing walls, panel houses have transverse ones. The wall between the room and the kitchen is load-bearing in one-room apartments, which does not provide much opportunity for redevelopment. In such cases, you can do the following: make an opening in the load-bearing wall, increase the area of ​​the bathroom due to the corridor, and erect additional partitions. It is important to remember that all work requires individual consideration and approval. The main task of planning in such houses is separate the sleeping area, organize a mobile workplace and create a small living area.

These issues can be resolved without interfering with the structure of the building, thanks to zoning the room using furniture.


Typical Brezhnevka houses include a load-bearing wall that is adjacent to the neighboring apartment. It will not be possible to dismantle such a wall, so one of the few ways to increase the area is to replace the doors with arches. The bathrooms in such apartments are very small; it is not always possible to install a washing machine. Smart decision - dismantle the partition between the bathroom and toilet. This method will visually increase the space and free up usable area.


One-room apartments are often modest dwellings with a single, irregularly shaped room and a small kitchen. To make such an apartment comfortable, designers advise giving preference to an open plan. Removing walls and doors to allow easy access to all surfaces is the main goal of an open plan.

In such apartments, nothing interferes with the free distribution of sunlight, which visually enlarges the apartment. Furniture plays the role of zoning elements. It's important to remember that in a small room, the same finish should be used in all functional areas.

New buildings

Apartments in new buildings are distinguished by inconvenient geometry: trapezoidal rooms, options with a round wall or with a bend are absolutely impractical for living. Modern apartment layouts allow several options for combining space to solve planning problems. The most popular solution among them is connecting the kitchen to the living room. Preference is also given to a bedroom-children's room or a living room-office.


Distinctive feature architecture of new buildings is the design of studio apartments. The studio is a free space with a kitchen included in the living area and a separate bathroom. When creating the design of a small apartment (for example, with an area of ​​17 sq. m), it is better to give preference to an open plan. The transition from the kitchen area to the living room should be made smooth. When planning a studio style, designers advise giving preference to built-in appliances in order to give the home neatness and relieve space.

Apartments with an area of ​​46 to 50 square meters often have a studio design.

To make the room comfortable, in such studios zoning is necessary. To highlight a sleeping or relaxation area, you can install a bed fenced off with a screen. When creating partitions, the use of structures made of plexiglass or plasterboard sheets. In this case, preference should be given to glass surfaces that do not interfere with the spread of light.

Room size

Apartments in different parts of the country may be practically no different from each other, because standard houses, as a rule, always have a standard layout. According to building regulations, the minimum height of finished residential premises is recommended from 2.5 to 2.7 m. The vestibule is a mandatory room with minimum design dimensions of 1.4 x 1.4 m. Next is the hallway, comfortable area which ranges from 6-7 to 10 m.

The size of the living room depends on the number of residents. For example, for a family of 3-5 people, it is preferable to allocate 25 square meters. It is important to remember that living rooms smaller than 17 square meters are not designed.

The width of the kitchen should be 1.8 m, the recommended area of ​​this room is 12 square meters. m. A separate dining room can be at least 8 square meters. m., however, it can be combined with the kitchen, which will save space. A bedroom for two people should be at least 14 square meters, for one - 10 square meters. m. A toilet with a toilet and a washbasin should be located on 1.5 square meters. m., without washbasin – 1.2 sq. m. The bathroom combined with the bathroom is located on 3.8 square meters. m. apartment.

Separate bathroom – 3.3 sq.m. m. Another, but not obligatory, room is Walk-in closet. Usually 8 - 10 square meters are allocated for it. m. for the possibility of installing an ironing board. A two-row wardrobe must be at least 2 m wide. To store tools and equipment in apartments, storerooms with an area of ​​2 square meters are designed. m.

Ready-made apartments ranging from 33 and 37 square meters. m can be in a new building (studio), old typical house. Kitchens of 30 square meters or more are quite spacious and can reach 6 square meters. m. It is customary to connect a toilet and a bathroom, and replace the bathroom with a shower, so that you don’t have to increase the area.

The interior design of 38 - 45 square meters includes a large loggia. It can be renovated or converted into a dressing room, closet or any other small room. It must be remembered that First you need to carry out insulation work.

Only in this case can the loggia or balcony be used all year round.

Repair required preliminary preparation. Glazing of the balcony is carried out in parallel with the installation of windows. Old communications can only be changed taking into account the new division into zones. The floor is leveled taking into account the finishing height throughout the apartment. It is also advisable to level the ceiling or install a suspended ceiling: if possible, height differences should be avoided.


The total area of ​​the premises must be divided into functional zones (working or children's Corner, sleeping place, kitchen and dining room). Access to each zone must be free. The design, colors and textures of the coatings of each zone may vary, but the integrity of the image must be maintained in the interior. If zoning using load-bearing structures and partitions are impossible for some reason, it will help solve the problem well-chosen furniture.

Families with children often face the need to allocate play and learning space. For example, to divide a room into two parts, you can install a children's closet to store toys and clothes. This enclosing structure performs several functions simultaneously. If this option cannot be implemented, designers advise purchasing loft bed, under which you can place a student’s desk or sofa. This technique is suitable not only for a studio, but also for a small apartment.

Another important point – separation of the sleeping area in a one-room apartment. If dimensions allow, you can fence off the bed completely or partially using a plasterboard partition. There are several options for converting a 1-room apartment into a two-room apartment (for example, installing furniture, shelves or racks). Sliding doors They are also used to separate the bedroom, but this method is not always comfortable enough. Designers advise giving preference thread curtains that create the appearance separate room without cluttering up the space.

If the ceiling height reaches 3 m, division of the room can be avoided by installing a bed or desk “on the second tier”. Unusual and practical solution will be the installation of a lifting bed. There are many options for installing multi-level furniture today. Another difficulty when creating the design of a one-room apartment can be the organization of a work area. Convenient way– expansion of the window sill and installation of a tabletop.

If it is possible to make custom-made furniture, the tabletop should be placed above the lower parts, and shelving should be placed on top.

You can combine a working and sleeping place: install a podium. There is a working area on it, and under it there is a bed that moves out using wheels. This solution today is considered non-standard and quite creative. More traditional version podium – sliding and rising tabletops. In a room with a niche, there is no need to install shelving: the shelves can be fitted into the wall opening.

The podium is well suited for the need to create two cozy full bedrooms in one room. This option is suitable for families with a teenager or two friends. IN in this case one sleeping place is located on the podium, and a retractable wardrobe is installed under it. The podium visually separates the sleeping areas and improves the proportions of the room. But it can just as easily overload a room.

Current color solutions

A well-thought-out color scheme will visually expand the room. It is customary to give preference to light shades and warm colors; they are not in a hurry to use cold colors: being in such an apartment is not so comfortable and cozy. Don't go overboard with color brightness– this choice is not suitable for general use. Emphasis should be placed on highlighting a specific functional area.

Green, brown tones and different shades of blue are suitable for creating an atmosphere of relaxation in the design of a one-room apartment. These colors go well with white and pastel tones (an ideal combination for highlighting a sleeping area or relaxation space). Positive influence on psychological condition render light colors: yellow, beige or peach. These colors should be given preference when decorating living rooms.

Red has a stimulating effect and can cause rapid fatigue. The pink tint can also provoke open aggression, but only among the stronger half of humanity. For the female half of the population, staying in an apartment with a pink design is pleasant and cozy. Neutral beige and cream shades will please everyone. Light walls and ceilings can significantly enlarge a room.

You can complement this interior with hidden lamps built into the ceiling. The color of the curtains should be chosen according to the color of the walls, so that the interior looks completely harmonious.

There is an opinion that black and white interiors are only suitable for office spaces, but this is far from true.

If you remember a few rules, any black and white room will emphasize the individuality of the owners and will look expensive and elegant. Equal balance should be avoided - one color should prevail over the other. The ornament can only be combined with monochrome surfaces. A combination of several different patterns is allowed if one of them dominates.

When choosing color scheme small room preference is given to white. Beautiful visual effect creates a combination dark furniture And light walls and vice versa. Massive furniture looks appropriate in an interior with ornaments. If there is a bay window in the room, but there is no easy access to it, you should use it as a place to store books. The main disadvantage of designing a room in a monochrome style is the need to constantly maintain cleanliness and sufficient lighting.

Lighting and furnishings

A well-thought-out lighting system plays an important role in creating comfort. Light can significantly expand a space, which is a definite plus for small spaces. It is allowed to use different types of lighting fixtures if they fit harmoniously into the interior interior. The functionality of individual zones will be emphasized by local lighting. Each zone may use a different type of lighting.

IN traditional method The lighting settings highlight the following areas of the room:

  • lower zone – dark side;
  • average – in terms of illumination and functionality;
  • the main or upper part is the most illuminated part of the room.

The above scheme is close to natural lighting and is the most physiological. There are several new products for visual increase space with the help of light. The room can be lengthened by highlighting the cold part of the spectrum of one of the walls. Its tint will help raise the ceiling, and the light built into them will help move the walls apart.

Besides general lighting It is a good idea to install lamps on the ceiling above the bed or in the work area. Local lighting is necessary to create comfort; it is used more often than overhead light. Glossy panels on the walls and ceiling will help expand the space of the room, but you should not overdo it with such coatings. Installation of large chandeliers in rooms with low ceilings is considered a gross violation, so you should not overload the ceiling with parts.

A competent choice of furniture will be a logical addition to the interior design.

Wide beds and massive walls are not suitable for arranging small rooms, as they will only create discomfort. An alternative would be transformable or built-in furniture. This will not clutter up the space and can be folded after use.

Slide walls are an ergonomic and inexpensive option. Folding furniture provides storage space, which is why people prefer it. Bedding can be stored in a tray box. It is customary to get rid of excess cabinets and chests of drawers by installing a pantry or a wardrobe built into the wall.

When choosing kitchen furniture one should remember her role in the family. If the room is not particularly popular, there is no need to purchase a large dining table. It will be more rational to buy a small folding structure.

It must be remembered that furniture plays an important role in zoning space. Therefore, installing a bar counter-partition will help separate the kitchen area from the living room or bedroom. Wardrobes with mirrored fronts will visually make the room wider. Free surfaces should be used to the maximum, but clutter should not be allowed.

How to visually expand space

Many people are faced with the problem of increasing the space of a room by dismantling walls or partitions. In such cases, it is better to use optical illusions to visually expand a small room. One of the most available options is to achieve such a visual effect using wallpaper. They should be selected with small patterns or vertical stripes.

A good solution would be combining walls with wallpaper of two tones: It is preferable to make the upper part of the walls light and the lower part dark. The effect of wallpaper in a small room can be enhanced by choosing appropriate curtains. On a dimly lit wall, you should stick wallpaper a tone lighter than on a more illuminated surface.

In rooms with large windows, you can use curtains of a light palette made of airy fabrics. Designers advise choosing curtains that lie slightly on the floor. Bulky, heavy curtains, as well as multi-layer structures, look out of place in cramped spaces. Vertical striped fabric will add height to the space. Using cool shades will visually lengthen the room.

Shelves should be matched to the walls: this will add airiness to the space.

Decorating the walls of the hall with a fresco or photo wallpaper is a good option not only for increasing the volume of the room, but also for adding uniqueness and individuality to the style. It is better to opt for a perspective image (a bridge, a road stretching into the distance, or a seascape). In the nursery, above the crib you can place an image of fairy tale characters. But we must not forget that should be avoided too bright colors . Frescoes depicting heaven, suspended ceiling in a similar range will add height to the room.


The comfort and coziness of the future apartment largely depends on the competent choice of style. There are many types of apartment design; some of them will be discussed below.


Minimalism is one of the most strict and discreet styles in interior design. This direction is characterized by the following principles:

  • The basis is a spacious room, open plan. Premises with partitions and an abundance of rooms are transformed: the space is made free. Walls that cannot be demolished are partially dismantled, replacing narrow doorways with wide arches.
  • The main feature of the style is the absence of small decor. The interior should not contain objects that do not play a useful role.

  • Preference is given to correct geometry. The furniture design is strict and laconic with a clearly defined form. Furniture should be chosen in a single color and without unnecessary details.
  • This direction uses three basic colors in the interior: two colors are the basis of the interior, and the third creates accents. The most popular basic colors are grey, black and white; accents are usually made with bright colors (red, yellow or blue).
  • Materials should be chosen natural (polished stone or marble, wood or glass).

Scandinavian style

This style is based on creating coziness and harmony using natural light and pastel colors. Often chosen White color to visually increase space and add sophistication to the room. Wooden surfaces complement bright interior, giving Scandinavian style natural balance. The tones and textures of finishing materials should have a delicate texture.

One of the most important moments The design features environmentally friendly materials. Furniture and textiles should be chosen of natural origin. Thanks to its structure, aluminum perfectly complements the interior. Kitchen and shower accessories are commonly made from this material. door handles and floor lamps.

The walls are tiled natural stone or wood panels, and also cover decorative plaster.


The loft is instantly recognizable in the interior. To design a city apartment in this style, you need to rely on the following principles:

  • Only shower rooms and toilets can be closed. The rest of the layout should be open.
  • Preference is given to panoramic skylights no curtains or curtains.

  • It is not customary to cover walls with wallpaper or cover them with plastic. Naked brickwork or a whitewashed concrete surface are the hallmark of the loft style. Less commonly, surfaces are sheathed with sheets of plywood or metal.
  • The floors are lined with wood or artificial marble slabs.

  • The ceilings in the rooms should be high. Wires for lighting can run down them, and communication pipes can pass through them. Sometimes special wooden load-bearing or false beams are installed.
  • The large height of the room allows you to install a second residential tier, which can be accessed using a stationary or extension ladder.
  • When choosing furniture, preference should be given to modern multifunctional or antique-style furniture.

High tech

Modern and minimal hi-tech style requires strict geometry and open space. A strict rule characterizing this style is the obligatory presence in the interior of a significant amount of metal, chrome and exclusively innovative equipment. High-tech takes its inspiration from industrial structures, therefore, decorative items resemble geometric figures, and the ideal attributes are modified furniture and decorative metal tubes.

When decorating premises in this style, you must choose new technologies and modern materials . The color scheme is “cold” with a predominance of light gray shades, blue, and less often black or white. It is important to remember that bright prints with floral images and patterns are prohibited. There can only be one bright accent in the interior.

Classic style

Classic interior design is characterized by harmony and royal scope. In this style, adherence to the rules of classicism is accepted. Particular attention should be paid finishing materials: ceiling painting, stucco molding and friezes are welcome. The columns in the main rooms are reminiscent of Renaissance art.

Chic and color balance are important for style, so preference should be given to beige, olive and milky shades.

The walls can be upholstered with fabric or covered with decorative plaster. Furniture items should be massive, but elegant. Antique furniture will add chic to the interior. Classic flowing shapes are the face of style. Sofas are upholstered in velvet, cotton in noble colors or natural silk. Massive wrought iron or crystal chandeliers are important detail, lighting accents should be placed correctly. Thanks to the lower light, you can create additional comfort.

Men's style

Style young man– a simple, practical and rational direction in design, the key characteristic of which is quick access to all necessary things. There are no cluttering parts in the furniture composition, which helps ensure freedom of movement. The decor is often presented in the form of paintings or models of weapons. The predominant colors are white, black or gray tones, emphasizing severity.

There are practically no graceful folds or smoothed corners in this business interior. Combined with household appliances, square and rectangular objects add aggression to the interior. It is not customary to install decorated chandeliers on ceilings, preference is given to floor lamps or sconces. Such devices must provide sufficient illumination without standing out from the general background.

An important requirement for the hallway in a one-room apartment is the location of the closet with clothes. If the doors of the dressing room are lined with glass, the room will look more spacious. Mirror Entrance door will not only create an illusion long corridor, but will also complete the image. If the bathroom does not allow installing a washing machine, It makes sense to take it out and put it in the closet.

False walls with a reflective panel or window can be placed opposite the entrance to the room (if there is a need to fence off any room). Such a visual barrier does not burden the interior.

A good option for those who do not spend a lot of time cooking is American style layouts. Open kitchen at the entrance will help to enlarge the bedroom. We should not forget: like any redevelopment, such a decision requires agreement and compliance with the following technical specifications. We will not allow the demolition of the main wall and the dismantling of the stiffening frame.

To save bearing capacity building, it is necessary to first strengthen the partition with the future opening.

Massive tables in a small living room look bulky. It is better to give preference to the option without corners, which allows you to accommodate a larger number of people. And the one who rarely arranges gala dinners, dinner table can be replaced with a magazine or work one. Multifunctional furniture– the key to success in saving space in small spaces.

When rational planning area 33 sq.m. may be quite enough to accommodate 1-2 people. This space will fit small kitchen, bathroom, guest and sleeping area, desk. The stylish and thoughtful design of a one-room apartment of 33 sq.m., examples of which you will find on this page, will help ensure maximum comfort in every corner.

Space Saving Ideas

Distributing free space is a very important stage in creating a comfortable interior in a small apartment. It is necessary to carefully plan where certain things will be stored, which way the doors will open, and how easy access to shelves and drawers will be.

The ergonomics of furniture arrangement has a great influence on the comfort of life processes, so care should be taken that large objects do not interfere with movement around the room and are located in a logical sequence: living room next to the kitchen, bedroom away from the hallway, etc. Special attention It is recommended to give vertical and corner space - this way the center will remain free and the design will look neater.

Built-in wardrobes

Wardrobes that occupy the wall around the door, TV or head of the bed are one of the most successful solutions for an apartment of 33 sq.m. They can also be used instead of a partition, for example, separating a hallway and a bedroom.

Another find for compact rooms is the smooth snow-white facades of the sets. Light gloss can highlight “dark corners,” that is, areas furthest from the windows. This is an excellent option for the kitchen, wall in the living room, as well as wardrobes.

Corner furniture

If there is not enough space in terms of volume (for example, for wide shelves or hangers), the optimal way out of the situation may be triangular-shaped cabinets that fill the joint between two walls. Nothing will prevent them from being continued further with narrower structures. This format of furniture will fit especially well into the hallway and will be very useful in the kitchen.

Transformable furniture

Folding sofas and soft chairs They have not surprised anyone for a long time and quite cope with the function of a spare bed. But modern designers offer many other creative ways to get rid of bulky items, at least in daytime: mobile tables, cabinets in which the workplace is hidden, folding beds, which are attached vertically to the wall, all kinds collapsible structures, inflatable seats and the like. But such things are more suitable for young and dynamic people, while representatives of the older generation will prefer sustainable classics.

Bed with a box instead of legs

This is the most practical and economical choice for a small apartment where there are unlikely to be extra meters for storage. bedding. In addition, the drawer will almost completely cover the floor, so when cleaning from under the bed you won’t have to take out small items that have rolled in and wipe off accumulated dust.

Loft bed

Suitable only for apartments with high ceilings. As a rule, the sleeping place is placed above the hallway or on top of the sofa in the living room, partially covering it with a fence. Additionally, you will need to install a ladder, or even better, step-boxes in which you can store the necessary things.

Window sill instead of a table

will become convenient option in the kitchen, where it can be easily adapted for both a dining and work area. In the room, an expanded surface near the window makes it possible to equip a place for cosmetic procedures and applying flawless makeup in bright daylight. Covering the glass light curtain, at such a mini-table you can read books, do handicrafts or just relax.

Hallway decoration

Arrange a full-fledged corridor in an apartment of 33 sq.m. - an unaffordable luxury, so the hallway in this case takes up a minimum of space and is often combined with the living area. From the point of view of saving space, it is better if the function of the partition is not performed by brick or plasterboard wall, but just a closet. By the way, you can place a standard hanger with a mirror and several closed modules on one side, and a spacious wardrobe on the other.

Kitchen design in an apartment

A separate kitchen area is rarely found in small-sized options housing. As a rule, this is a single-row or L-shaped set installed between the hallway and the living room. It can be separated from the space of the room by a bar counter or simply a high tabletop-chest of drawers - this interior detail simultaneously plays the role of a dining table and cutting surface, and also serves as a place for temporary storage of drinks and dishes before serving.

Decoration of the bathroom

For a small apartment of 33 sq.m. there is no point in making a separate bathroom - anyway, for one person or a couple it is not critical. The combined bathroom and toilet are decorated in a minimalist style - compact plumbing fixtures with a predominance of rectangular shapes and a narrow mirror are used.

If there is space left under the sink for a washing machine, then it should be of very modest dimensions, with side loading and a vibration suppression function. Many people place the boiler in a niche above the toilet.

Bedroom-living room interior

In the design of a small studio, the parameters of which are approximately 5x6 m, it is important to observe the principles of artistic balance and harmony. The background should be neutral light surfaces, which in small proportions can be framed with darker lines, and for accents, matching colors are suitable bright colors furniture, textiles and decor.

As for dividing the room into a guest and sleeping area, there are several options: place the bed in a niche between the walls and the closet; arrange a kind of elevation for her - a podium; just separate it with some kind of partition, curtain or piece of furniture.

If the place of night rest is located next to the window, you cannot make blank partitions, otherwise the living room will be left without sunlight. In this case, it is more convenient to use a glass partition, shelving, or simply sliding curtains. A good alternative to draping fabric is textile sliding panels, which are also called Japanese curtains.

Design of a one-room apartment 33 m2 - photo

Do you want to make sure that the design of a one-room apartment with an area of ​​33 sq.m. can it be truly comfortable and beautiful? Then look at the selection of photos in the gallery on this page. Among the presented design options for compact housing, anyone who is interested will be able to find, if not a ready-made solution, then at least a few ideas for inspiration and creating their own creative project!

The apartment originally had a small partition separating the entrance part from the living room. To begin with, it was removed, and then a new one was built in this place, slightly increasing the area of ​​the hallway. The partition in the apartment was placed in such a way that it forms two niches - one directed towards the sleeping area, and the other towards the hallway. These niches house storage systems for clothes, shoes and other household items.

Since the apartment's area is small, the designer tried to use every available centimeter when planning the studio. It was also necessary to maintain a feeling of spaciousness, so in the kitchen they decided to abandon wall cabinets, strongly “clamping” the space, and reduce the number household appliances to a minimum.

Style and color scheme

As the main style for a studio of 33 sq. m. we chose Scandinavian - it allows you to create a laconic and expressive interior without overloading it with details, which is especially valuable in a small area. Elements of the loft style look very organic and add originality to the design of the apartment.

White was chosen as the main color, with black as an additional color - a fairly typical combination for the chosen style. White helps to visually expand the room, while black sets accents and adds rhythm. The resulting studio interior is very easy to transform, adding mood with the help of color accents - this will be done by the owner of the apartment herself.

Living room design

A large sofa can be folded out at night and used as a place for guests to sleep. Opposite the sofa there is a TV on a small stand. In addition, a shelving unit was placed in the living room - books and decorative items will be stored here, as well as various small items in beautiful boxes. Sofa area in studio design 33 sq. m. accentuated original chandelier in the loft style - electric lamps without lampshades hang from the ceiling on cords.

Kitchen Design

The kitchen in the studio interior is small: refrigerator, domino stove, working surface and a sink. This is quite enough, since the owner of the house does not really like to cook, and more often dines outside the apartment. But you can sit at the table big company– it unfolds if necessary. Both walls of the kitchen are lined with white hog tiles, which creates an original decorative effect.

Bedroom design

Sleeping place in the studio 33 sq. m. is allocated using a partition. The wall at the head was lined with clapboard: it’s beautiful and practical. Stripes of lining visually raise the ceiling, and dense wood protects against the penetration of sounds from the common corridor located behind the wall.

A niche in the partition that opens towards the bedroom is occupied by a modular storage system purchased from IKEA. It's called ALGOT. LED lighting makes the system easier to use and creates additional lighting. In addition, on bedside table We installed a table lamp for evening reading. It creates a cozy, warm atmosphere in the bedroom.

Hallway design

The design of the studio apartment is 33 sq. m. niche, open to the hallway, turned into a convenient furniture system. A shelf that spans the entire width and length of the niche serves as a bench for sitting, a shelf for bags, gloves and other small items, as well as a shoe rack.

Above the bench there are hangers for clothes, and even higher there is a shelf on which you can store boxes of shoes. Large mirror on the opposite wall solves two problems in the studio interior at once: it allows you to examine yourself in full height before going outside, and visually expands the small narrow hallway.

Many people dream of having a double bed for years, but sleep on a pull-out sofa. And the reason lies not at all in limited area, but in the wrong design. Of course, place everything you need on 33 square meters x is a very difficult task. But if you approach the issue of planning and arranging furniture with imagination and an original look, you can achieve amazing results. Designers are constantly faced with small-sized apartments, so the number of interesting and stylish solutions increases every day. You can transform a familiar, uncomfortable interior in several ways: from the very radical (demolition of walls) to the simplest (changing the color scheme). How can you arrange a one-room apartment?

Layout and expansion of space

The issue of planning comes up first. After all, this is the most difficult task you will have to face. It can be solved different ways: combining two functions in one room or completely abandoning the bedroom or (which also happens) the living room. It would be possible divide two zones with a wall, but further crush the already small space- Not The best decision. Two solutions are popular: installation in a room (living room with bedroom functions) and installation of a bed in a distant area/alcove, and a sofa in a visible place (living room and bedroom in equal parts).

You can visually and physically expand the space only by starting the real thing. More often a one-room apartment is converted into a studio, removing all walls except those that isolate the bathroom. In some cases, the walls are not removed, but “moved” a little. Designers also resort to an interesting technique - they move doorways so that doors do not interfere with the correct arrangement of furniture. Of course, such a decision should be made only if absolutely necessary. In addition, for redevelopment. Load-bearing walls however, it cannot be moved or demolished.

You can expand the usable area by combining the room with a loggia or storage room. Very often, “insignificant” two square meters can completely change the perception of the entire house.


Refusal of unnecessary walls and doors cluttering up space leads to another problem - necessity. How to separate the kitchen from the living room? How to isolate a bed as much as possible? There is no universal answer to these questions, because each specific project involves the use of certain zoning methods. And yet it is possible to highlight several win-win options:

  • zoning using furniture. The easiest zoning method to install. for books, cabinets can replace walls, but for a small room this solution can hardly be called ideal. We recommend using medium-height shelves (about 130-150 cm) as dividers; they allow light to spread freely and do not visually reduce the size of the room. It is also good to differentiate between the living room and bedroom areas by connecting the head of the bed to the back of the sofa;
  • zoning using color. It would seem that you can make a living room in, dining area in yellow, and the bedroom in blue. All of them will be clearly visible, but the entire interior as a whole will not be harmonious. That's why using different colors in one room requires knowledge and experience. Usually choose one or two primary colors and complement the interior with accent tones. The right combination shades will help highlight each zone, but maintain the unity of the composition;

  • zoning by level. Ideal for small apartments- usage . You can hide a bed in it, or you can place a bedroom on it. In any case, this technique will allow you to immediately highlight the area that is located on a hill;
  • texture highlighting. In fact, it is not only color that can attract attention. White tiles and white laminate look different. And designers actively use this technique when designing different zones;
  • highlighting. A small room must be well lit. The common area under the ceiling is necessary element design of such an interior. However, each individual zone must have its own light source. Place a lamp on your desk, a floor lamp near the sofa in the living room, and a sconce above the bed.

The correct combination of several methods of zoning space guarantees a successful result. Remember that zone boundaries should not be “conspicuous”. The right design unites different zones, creates a common space.

Color and style of a one-room apartment of 33 sq. m

It is worth understanding that not every style can be implemented on limited space. Pretentious, for example, will not find a place for itself. Yes, and they will hardly fit into 33 square meters. meters. So which style should you prefer?

It is better to give preference to light and dim colors: white, silver, sky blue, pearl, etc. All of them, erasing boundaries and distancing walls. But you shouldn’t build the entire interior exclusively in this palette - it may seem too cold and “empty”. Add a few bright accents, which need to be selected for a specific style.

Furniture for small apartments

Limited space forces people to come up with the most incredible ways to increase it. Habitual transformable sofas- this is far from the limit of human imagination. The bed can, for example, be hidden in a closet or made liftable by attaching it to the ceiling.

Popular transformable tables, allowing you to turn a small coffee table into a large dining table in a few seconds. But it is worth considering the fact that such a table will require chairs. However, they can be foldable. You can store such chairs both on the balcony and in the closet.

When purchasing cabinets for a small apartment, give preference to deep and large ones. One large wardrobe will hold more things than two small ones. If there is a niche in the apartment, we recommend turning it into a wardrobe or even a dressing room.

To pay attention poufs. These inconspicuous, but very useful interior elements perform two functions at once: they provide you with additional seating and allow you to put away small things. The pouf can store control panels for all appliances, charging device for phones and laptops, blankets and other things that should be regularly at hand.

Modern solution - installation hanging shelves , which will help increase the usable area. They can be used to store not only all sorts of small items, but even seasonal clothes and shoes. To do this, you just need to pick up a few stylish colored boxes.
