Loft furniture with a low ceiling. Modern harmonious do-it-yourself attic finishing options: photos, basic materials, original ideas. Determining the ceiling

Who in childhood has not dreamed of a beautiful tree house where you could take a break from everyone, go about your business and arrange it for yourself, without the intervention of parents? It was the dream of many guys. But today such a dream can come true. No, you don't need to look for a tree and build a house on it.

If you are building your own house, then you can make an attic room on the roof. And if you already have one, then it remains to remove all unnecessary things from there, put things in order and transform the attic beyond recognition. The design of the attic can be very different, from the arrangement of the bedroom to the children's room.

We will help you design an attic room with a gable roof, making it presentable, comfortable and convenient. And additional photos will help you realize all the beauty of the room, which may have been covered with dust. It is not at all difficult to design an attic with a gable roof.

What can be done from a gable roof attic

The design of such a room is more than varied. Instead of sitting idle by square meters, the attic can be turned into usable space. What could it be?

  1. A good bedroom can be made in the attic.
  2. It is suitable for a children's playroom.
  3. The attic can be used as a gym.
  4. It will be a great study or office.
  5. Do you have a large collection of books? Why not make a library out of the attic?
  6. And if you work hard at work, then the attic space can be a good place to relax.
  7. You can make a billiard room out of it.
  8. It is also permissible to use the premises as a dressing room or for receiving guests.

But in order to bring all these ideas to life, a mansard roof with a gable canopy must meet certain requirements. What are they?

Attic room requirements

Since it is located in the attic, which is not completely heated, it is important to ensure the insulation of the room. It should be cool in summer and warm in winter. There are more than enough materials for thermal insulation. And it is not difficult to insulate a gable roof.

In addition, good sound insulation must be provided. Strong gusts of wind, falling drops of rain or hail, the noise of cars - all this will cause discomfort to the tenant. Therefore, the attic must be well insulated.

Note! Good roof insulation has excellent sound absorption properties. Therefore, one shot can kill two birds with one stone.

Natural light source. In the attic it can be either little or a lot. It all comes down to where the windows of the room face. If there is a lot of light, you can buy blinds or curtains, but if there is not enough light, you will need lamps, chandeliers or floor lamps.

As for the structure of the attic itself, it is impossible to make a good design with open beams and ramps. Therefore, they need to be covered with a drywall structure. The room will take on a familiar look and be ready for the implementation of your ideas. The photo shows how the finished room looks like

As for the style of decoration, it can be very different. You are armed with classics, provence, country, oriental style, hi-tech, electrics, art deco and much more.

Note! The advantage of an attic with a gable roof is that the room visually appears larger and more spacious. And with the design, you can roam.

Attic with gable roof bedroom interior

A person spends most of his life in a dream. He plays an important role in our life. That is why the room in which we rest must comply with certain rules and not distract us from this useful activity. Since you need to sleep in a horizontal position, even the smallest attic room will not interfere with you.

What about the design of the rooftop bedroom? The main thing is the bed. The double bed can be installed with the headboard to the window. The photo shows how it looks.

It is also important to consider how the roof is placed. It can be installed either to a vertical wall or to a roof slope.

If you do not want the sun to shine in your eyes in the morning, then Roman or roller blinds will come to your aid. There is a little trick - if you put the bed on a small elevation, then a place is formed under it where you can put books, things or bedding. It will be convenient if you place bedside tables on the sides of the bed. This design is quite common.

As for the free opposite side of the attic, it can be designed as a beauty zone. Place a dressing table there, a screen for changing clothes, a hanger for outerwear. It's a good idea to install a chest of drawers and bring a TV. Then your pastime will be more fun.

Note! In the case when the roof rests on the wall, then a linear type wardrobe can be made.

Such a bedroom from the attic will be a great place where you can take a break from other worries (or wait out a quarrel with your wife). The design of the attic room also includes colors. It greatly affects mood and perception. Colors should be pastel, not too bright or annoying. The priority is white, beige, cream and other delicate tones. They will promote good sleep. And you can put a small lamp near the bed.

We suggest you see a photo of the bedroom from the attic.

Making a children's room from the attic

If you have children, then they will be delighted with such a room equipped for them. Kids love attics to have a great time in. But, some may think that the playroom for children in the attic is a rash, irresponsible and careless decision. Nevertheless, when the children are of a conscious age, and you have done everything in order to protect them, then you should not worry. It is enough to reinforce the floor and install a solid staircase with railings. Then the kids won't be lost.

Note! If you have children of different sexes, then the interior design of the attic can be done in a special way. Divide the room visually into two zones, and decorate it in different shades. Then every kid will have their place.

The good news is that children do not need the same room height as adults. They will be happy to have their own room, especially when looking at the starry sky at night.

The interior design for the attic as a nursery is simple:

  1. The part of the attic where the height is greatest will be the place for the play area.
  2. Make the place where the gable roof drops into the floor as a storage area for toys.
  3. There is an opportunity to hang a shelf for toys on the wall near the window.
  4. Place a table and chairs near the window so that the children can study or create something.
  5. As for the bed, it can be installed near the roof slope, the other - against the end wall.

To add more light to the playroom, it is best to replace regular roof windows with large ones. In the interior, you can use different colors, in particular, light ones. And thanks to the bright details (shelves, chairs, lamps), you can make the attic not so boring. The photo shows what the nursery looks like from the attic.

Making a room for receiving guests

If there is a window in the attic, then the design and arrangement of the room is greatly simplified. Sunlight fills the room, and you get one free wall at the front of the room. It can be used as a plane for creating a video zone or installing an artificial fireplace.

And if the space has the smallest height, then you can put a sofa or armchair there. All that is required is to make the finish in light colors and add a few highlights. This will help make the small space of the gable roof attic look beautiful, cozy and modern.

If you make an attic in light colors, and it will be filled with sunlight, then none of the guests will say that it used to be a non-residential premises where all unnecessary rubbish was kept. For a more elegant interior, use light colored furniture, glass or mirror surfaces, shiny fittings and lighting fixtures. This will create a feeling of lightness.

In the event that you do not prefer light colors, but love bright colors, contrast and original design that cheers you up, then no one forbids you to make the attic the way you want. Try your hand, maybe a born designer lives in you who slept before that time.

Important nuances to consider when designing an attic

The attic is an unusual room. It is important to pay attention to all the details and rules here. Let's take a look at 7 of these nuances.

Let's summarize

That's all, as you can see, interior design for a mansard gable roof is a simple matter. Thanks to simple tips, you can arrange the attic in such a way that if you compare the photo of a regular room and a room made in the attic, then no one will see the difference. Since square meters may not be enough for a large family, the design of the attic roof is an ideal option to rationally use the whole house.

Mansarda is a loft-type living space, formed on the top floor of a house with a sloped ceiling.

Many of those who have a private house do not know what to do with the attic. Someone leaves the renovation of the attic at last, using it as a large storage room, and someone cannot think of anything better how to sew up the "inconvenient" roof slopes with drywall, turning the attic into an ordinary small room.

We offer several ideas on how to do attic design in a private house, which will make the room comfortable and cozy, highlighting all the advantages and charms of attic spaces of just such a configuration.

DIY attic design

Attic floor window decoration

In order for the attic to turn into a fully livable room, it must be filled with as much air and light as possible. The easiest way to do this is with windows. Windows can be either ordinary (for flat walls) or special designs that are created specifically for sloped walls in attics. The shape, style and design of windows depends only on your imagination. The main thing here is the size, because the larger the window in the attic, the more spacious the room will seem, the less the sloping walls will "press" on you.

Photo of attic window decoration


Remember how fashionable the style of the alpine chalet is now. So it will be simply sacrilege to sew up wooden beams supporting the roof under the lining or drywall. On the contrary, when designing the design of the attic, emphasize them, because wooden beams are perhaps the most interesting decoration of any interior. In the attic, aged dark wood beams look especially impressive against the background of light walls. By the way, do not forget about the lighting of the room, because the original and correct lighting of the room works real wonders.

Photo of attic bevel decoration

Attic wall decoration

Most often, the attic is used as a bedroom, study, or a place for recreation and entertainment. Therefore, here it is simply necessary to move away from stereotypes, to develop your imagination to the fullest. Approach the decor of the walls of the attic room creatively: paint them in interesting colors, use unusual combinations of materials, play with textures, apply original decor - in general, do everything so that such an interesting room as an attic does not become boring and dull.

Photo of attic wall decoration

The choice of furniture for the attic floor

Often many people complain that because of the sloped ceiling in the attic it is impossible to put ordinary furniture. But you can approach this issue creatively. As an alternative to standard furniture in the interior of the attic, niches or built-in wardrobes, modular furniture disassembled into parts or open shelves adjusted to the height of the walls can act here. And in areas with very low ceilings, a desk, bed or reading couch will fit perfectly. In such a room, you can design an attic room for a teenager, where children's furniture for a boy or girl will fit well. The attic for a child can be decorated in cheerful and light colors.

Photo of the design of low walls

Attic space

Since the attic often occupies the entire floor under the roof and is perhaps the largest room in a country house, the option of zoning space in this case is very relevant. At the same time, in order to keep the attic as spacious, not to turn it into several small closets under the roof, it is better to zone it not with the help of drywall partitions, but by adopting numerous design ideas.

Photo of arrangement of the attic floor

Attic interior - arrangement options

Below, using the example of real apartments, we propose to consider in more detail how you can interestingly and functionally arrange an attic room with your own hands.

Attic bedroom ideas

In this case, the design of the attic bedroom for a married couple is made. In addition to the bed, the owners placed low wardrobes and shelves for books here. In addition, there is an opportunity to work in the room: two armchairs, which are in different corners, allow both spouses to retire while reading or working at the same time, if necessary.

Photo of the attic bedroom

Living room in the attic

And here the attic serves as a living room where you can work, sit with friends and at the same time captivate small children with something. Due to the combination of white and blue colors in the interior, the room appears larger, and the vertical stripes give it height.

Photo of the attic living room

Small living room in the attic

The owners also turned this small attic with a rather low roof into a living room, where it is good to get together with family or friends in front of the fireplace. A small glass table in the corner does not clutter up the space at all and allows you to fully work at the computer. Pay attention to how well the furnishings are for such a low space. And the ceiling, despite the dense wood paneling, does not "press" with its plane, thanks to the huge windows.

Photo of a small living room

Living area in the attic

And finally, a great example of how an entire apartment can be located in an attic room, in which, despite the sloping roof, everyone feels quite comfortable. The designed attic design specifically for this apartment, built-in shelves and wardrobes are not much inferior in convenience to the usual ones, but how beautiful and cozy the beveled vault with wooden beams of a warm honey color looks in the living room.

Photo of the living area of ​​the attic

Until the middle of the 17th century, the space under the roof of the house was used only as a warehouse for old things or housing for servants. The idea to change this came to the mind of the French architect François Mansard - he was the first to suggest making full-fledged living rooms there. I liked the idea so much that these premises were named in his honor - the attic. After all, it is enough just to competently arrange a place under the roof slopes and choose the original design of the attic. The photo gallery of the interior in a private house of any thematic publication will offer many options. The future inhabitant can only perform a few mandatory preliminary general construction works and decide on the purpose and style of the attic premises.

The attic layout is of 2 types: studio (the space is free from partitions and represents one spacious room) and cellular (clearly expressed zoning). The highlight of the attic is the beveled walls, they are the main accent in any style.

And you can decorate this room in a variety of styles. When choosing an attic design in a private house, look through the photo gallery of the interior, evaluate the geometry of the room and its illumination.

If we look at the examples, it will be the following:

  • a bedroom or kitchen looks better in country style;
  • the bathroom and bedroom can be decorated in a vintage style;
  • a bedroom plus a nursery or a billiard room plus an office are decorated in a minimalist style;
  • the rest room and the hookah bar look perfect in an oriental style;
  • ethnic style is optimal for the bedroom.

The main problem that designers successfully solve is sloping walls and ceilings. The light from the windows falls at an angle and it can be difficult to choose a color scheme. Most often, light paints, a light transparent varnish for lining are chosen.

Dark tones of furniture are suitable if there are windows only at the ends of the roof. Then the contrast with the snow-white ceiling will make the interior more graphic. If the attic windows face south and west, calm pastel colors are better suited for the interior. Long plain curtains help to enlarge small windows.

Beams and rafters are very often used in the interior of the attic, painting them exactly in the color of the furniture. If wallpaper is chosen for decoration, their pattern should not be large, if possible, repeated in textiles or design elements.

Visually expanding the space will help the use of transparent pieces of furniture, this technique is called "invisible interior".

If you study the photo gallery of the interiors and design of the attic in a private house, it is immediately noticeable that most of the options are associated with the device.

Designers believe that a few steps are enough for this:

  • the right palette: muted tones help soften the angle of the wall bevel, and if you want bright accents, focus all the saturated colors on the central wall;
  • the right furniture: there should not be a lot of it in the attic living room, a cozy soft corner, a table, a pair of poufs are enough. We distribute everything else on the corner shelves and shelves - they add volume to the room;

  • the right accessories: it is better to choose elongated shapes, hang pictures or photos in vertical rows;
  • windows: they choose curtains made of light fabrics or roller blinds.

Sleep under the stars

The attic is the perfect secluded retreat. The bed is placed near the windows, which allows you to admire the view from the window. Cabinets and shelves fit perfectly under sloping walls and in corners. Even modular furniture exactly in the color of the wall panels will not seem superfluous in such a bedroom.

The design of the attic in a private house in interior photo galleries very often involves placing a large floor mirror in the bedroom and using vertically elongated lamps in the lighting. And according to the pattern, bedspreads and curtains should repeat each other.

Wood will help to create coziness in the bedroom - clapboard paneling in combination with beams is often used in Provence style. Deliberately rough unpainted wooden furniture, blankets and tablecloths create a country-style interior. And the classics can be emphasized by the wrought-iron frame of the mirror, light walls and slightly darker furniture of strict forms.

The loft that is fashionable today is not very appropriate for the bedroom, since it does not provide for wall decoration or masking communications. This style is perfect for a kitchen or an ultra-modern living room.

Children's fairy tale

Probably every child's dream is his own magic corner.

The attic is the perfect place for this. Follow only a few rules:

  • use the loft bed by placing a play area under it;
  • place the wardrobe opposite the bed;
  • a desk - a place by the window;
  • the ladder should be far from the play area.

Remember safety. No sharp corners or wobbly structures.

This color determines the character and gender of the child - very active ones do not need saturated bright colors, but they will cheer up phlegmatic people, girls like cream, pink, white tones, and boys prefer blue-gray or khaki.

Other options

A kitchen or dining room in the attic is rarely equipped, because you will need to organize several zones, put an oven, refrigerator, oven, and a large table. A glass table and transparent plastic chairs can make the interior a little lighter.

The most unexpected solutions offered by the photo gallery of the interiors and design of the attic in a private house, perhaps, is a bathroom or. But if family members appreciate the convenience of getting rid of the closets downstairs, then the bath in the attic is more often equipped in addition to the bedroom. You will have to take into account the overhanging sloped wall, so it is better to get by with a shower cabin.

But the place to stay can be anything. Those who like rolling balls cannot do without a billiard room. Or you can equip a gym in the attic, a luxurious winter garden, a home theater or an excellent library with an office for work.

There are many options, and the main plus is that the attic space can radically differ in style from the design of the entire house as a whole. After all, this is a special room that will become what only you want.

I like

To begin with, a garret space cannot always be turned into a full-fledged housing. If the height from the floor to the top of the roof is less than 2.5 m, and the room itself is very inconvenient and cramped, then it is more expedient to design and complete the attic floor, or to redraw the roof into a broken structure. Of course, these are financial costs, but they are incommensurably lower than ordering a new project of a house with an attic and building it from scratch to increase residential meters.

If the shape and dimensions of the room correspond to your ideas about residential meters, as well as meet the fire safety requirements and consumer supervision standards for attic floors, then a bedroom on the attic floor is an ideal solution in the layout of the house.

But before thinking over the interior of the attic bedroom, it is required to carry out high-quality hydro and vapor barrier of the room, it is imperative to insulate the roof and the fronts of the building. For the convenience of using the floor, it is important to think over what kind of stairs to make to the attic, how to place it correctly so that it is compact and easy to climb.

Do not forget that this room is under the roof itself, so it is recommended to pay special attention to soundproofing, of course, rain on the roof is romantic, but when it rattles for a long time, it causes some discomfort.

Skylights play a huge role in organizing the bedroom space. If this is just an alteration of the attic floor for a bedroom, and the windows are very small, there is not enough light to lighten the interior at least visually, it is recommended to use light, pastel colors and a lot of artificial light.

You can go the other way, on the contrary, use dark deep shades, thereby emphasizing the backstage of the attic bedroom. If the extension is made on purpose, remember that the windows should occupy at least 10% of the attic floor area.

Also, if the bedroom is located in the attic, pay attention to utilities. It's okay if the size and characteristics of the room do not allow you to provide additional comfortable conditions, and you have to go down to the bathroom. But it is much more pleasant if the shower, toilet and small kitchenette, even a simple bar counter, are located right in the bedroom in the attic.

Design features

The first task that should be solved when decorating the interior is how to equip and correctly "fit" into the design the attic rafter system and the slopes of the roof. If the room is already low, and the organization of the heat-insulating layer in any case will take another 150-200 mm from the volume on each side, it is inappropriate to hem the horizontal ceiling in the attic.

It is better to trim the slopes with clapboard or drywall along the crate, but remember that GVL sheets can only be used in heated rooms, and natural wood must be treated with antiseptics and a fire-resistant compound.

In addition, lining the attic with clapboard, block house or timber is an ideal option for decorating bedrooms in country houses, as well as in wooden country-style cottages. Natural materials will only emphasize all the charm and color of suburban housing. The tree breathes, creating natural ventilation of the room and its own microclimate.

The rafters and vertical beams, painted in the same tone with the planes of the fronts and roofs, guarantee the integrity of the space, they are almost invisible against the general background, this technique is relevant for small bedrooms. The contrasting selection of rafters serves for a clear zoning of space, the bedrooms in this design solution are conditionally divided into a sleeping place, a dressing room, a recreation and work area.

Another relevant solution to equip the interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof is a combination of wood and drywall in decoration, which is pasted over with wallpaper, rattan, cork or finished with textured plaster. There is no limit to imagination here, but the most popular style for a bedroom in the attic is Provence. Light, airy, cozy and very comfortable.

For example, a lining, painted in white or cream colors in combination with wallpaper in a small flower, immediately disposes to a romantic mood. And photographs on the walls with the brightest moments in life only enhance the sensations, as if emphasizing the intimacy of the room, because the bedroom is a personal space where you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Related videos: Attic floor - beautiful attic room design ideas
For the young, creative and dynamic, the design of a bedroom with a loft-style attic ceiling is the best fit. It is also very relevant if the attic is built of blocks, brick or concrete. This is a house inside out, where the interior can constantly change. The accent wall characteristic of the loft design, changing the geometry of the room, can at the same time serve as an addition to the headboard, perhaps the bed will be decorated in the form of a podium, to which several steps lead.

Here the question is natural: how to combine the industrial notes of the interior with the comfort of the bedroom? The task is solved with the help of textiles and large posters with sketches dear to the heart, since photo printing today is capable of working almost miracles.

Furniture and textiles

In general, if we talk about style, the design of the attic bedroom is limited only by your own preferences, the main thing here is to create coziness and comfort. This task is solved only by a combination of well-chosen materials, original details in the decoration of the bedroom interior, as well as in the careful selection of furniture, textiles and accessories.

Features of the room, and mainly the roof of the attic, creates some difficulties in the selection and arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. First of all, for low rooms, compact, low furniture, for example, a podium bed, is relevant, it is best if it is made to order, especially for the size of your bedroom. If the bedroom is in the attic with high ceilings, then here the choice is objectively unlimited.

As for the location of the bed, it is better to put it against the front wall, in the middle, where the ceilings have the maximum height. But often, you have to arrange a sleeping place under the roof slopes, between the rafters.

Tip: Try to arrange the sleeping place so that there is at least 900 mm from the mattress to the ceiling. At least when getting out of bed, this way, you will protect your head from "collision" with hard surfaces.

Wardrobes, so necessary in the bedroom, are optimally made built-in under the slopes, so you get a lot of storage space, and visually correct the shape of the attic. For the insides, prefabricated metal modules are quite suitable, as well as independently from chipboard, plywood or boards, you can make shelves that are closed with beautiful compartment facades.

It is better to define the working area in the bedroom under the window, preferably away from the bed. Try to select a place for rest with a table and armchairs, as well as for a dressing table near the wall opposite to the bed. Remember to provide spotlights for these areas, and for bedroom lighting, it is better to use soft, diffuse light here.

The attic bedroom looks very impressive with diode illumination. In general, a well-thought-out lighting scenario is able to turn a bedroom with an ordinary interior into a very original space, if you like, a separate secluded and mysterious world in the skies.

Curtains in the bedroom are a guarantee of healthy sleep and comfortable rest at any time of the day. The size, type and design of curtains directly depends on the area of ​​the room, the style and height of the ceilings, as well as on the shape of the skylights. But they must definitely protect from sunlight. It is best to use the "day-night" model (it is found in almost all types of curtains), it has a special dark layer that does not allow light to pass through.


Tips for decorating an attic bedroom interior

The main difficulty in arranging a room such as a bedroom in the attic may be the need to insulate the roof. Even if you plan to live in a country house only in the summer, it will still need to be done. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to be in the attic, since the roof becomes very hot on hot summer days.

The second difficulty is the need to conduct communications to the attic floor - electricity and heating. In fact, a cozy and beautiful bedroom on the attic floor can only be obtained after completing all these activities. What can be its interior in this case, see our photo gallery:

The attic is usually insulated using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Clapboard, drywall or plywood are best suited as cladding for such a room. The choice of a specific material in this case largely depends on the characteristics of the building itself.

Wood is usually used to create a very cozy attic bedroom. Design (photo above) of this type is most often used for wooden buildings. The attics of stone houses are usually sheathed with plasterboard. Plywood works well in either case.

Attic floor lighting. The attic bedroom, like any other room, should be well lit. When installing electrical wiring in the attic, a number of certain rules should be followed. After all, the roof is erected using fire-hazardous wooden elements. It is best to entrust the wiring in the attic to specialists.

Important: It is best to run copper wires instead of aluminum wires into the attic. Also, experts advise avoiding the use of junction boxes and installing a separate circuit breaker in such a room.

Heating. Heating the bedroom in this case can be arranged in several ways:

  1. Mount additional pipes from the main system,
  2. Use electric heaters,
  3. Build a fireplace in the room.

The third option in our case is likely to be the most successful. In this case, the interior of the attic bedroom will turn out to be very cozy.

Tip: In addition to heating appliances, you should definitely install an air conditioner or at least a fan. In our climate, even the roof cladding with mineral wool cannot save you from the heat in the summer.

Attic bedroom design

So, the attic is prepared for the arrangement of the bedroom. Now you can start decorating it and arranging furniture. There are a huge number of designs for this room:

Choosing a style. For a bedroom in the attic, some folk or romantic design trend is best suited. Very cozy rooms are decorated in chalet, Provence or country style.

Of course, if you wish, you can arrange the bedroom in a classic style, or using the loft direction. Such an interior design for a bedroom in a large attic will look especially good. This will create a stylish modern sleeping room.

Color spectrum. Since the attic is most often the room is not too large, it is best to choose a bedroom design in light colors. The main task in this case is to avoid the fading of the interior. Therefore, it is better to paint inclined walls in a light color, and for vertical walls, use sufficiently saturated colors.

Note: The interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof will look very interesting if you combine the colors of the walls with the colors of the bedspread or curtains.

The attic can not only be painted, but also used in design, for example, wallpaper. The rafters on the walls and under the ceiling of sloping gable roofs are often left open. Inclined walls in the attic are usually painted in a light color.

The choice of furniture and its arrangement. A successful design of a bedroom with an attic ceiling will only work if you choose and arrange the furniture correctly. For a small attic, it is better not to use too massive interior items. Of course, a tree for placement in a country house is best suited. However, the bed, chest of drawers, wardrobes and bedside tables should still be compact enough.

Note: It is a very good idea to furnish your attic bedroom with wooden furniture that matches the shade of the exposed rafters and beams.

An attic bed is usually set against one of the sloping walls. At the same time, it will be very nice to separate it from the main room with a light curtain. A chest of drawers with a mirror and a wardrobe can be installed against the gable walls.

Bedroom decor. How successful the attic bedroom design will be depends on the correct choice of various kinds of decor. For example, for windows. it is best to use textiles rather than blinds. They should be hung with ordinary light curtains. In order for them not to dangle, along the line between the lower vertical part of the wall and the upper inclined part, they can be pressed with a decorative strip. You should definitely decorate the bedroom with indoor plants in beautiful pots or flower pots.

Tip: When decorating attic bedrooms, all kinds of shade-resistant plants are most often used. These can be ficuses, cyclomenes, philodendrons, calatheas, etc.

The interior of the attic bedroom should also be supplemented with beautiful decorative trinkets. Usually porcelain and wicker items are used to decorate attics. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with their number.


Features of the attic design for a cozy bedroom: the uniqueness of the room

A typical attic is a small room with low contoured ceilings and small windows, which is often insufficiently illuminated by natural light. It is such a kind of transformation of a modern, cozy and quiet nest, so necessary in the current bustle, that is perfect for setting up a bedroom.

The main disadvantage of the attic space is obvious: it is a lack of space. More detailed reasons why certain restrictions are imposed on the design of the attic bedroom are as follows:

  • sloping walls,
  • ceiling with variable height,
  • sloped windows, if such are provided for by the building concept.

If there are usually no difficulties with stylistic design, then various difficulties are often associated with its ergonomic addition with household items. So even at the construction design stage, one should reckon with the recommendations of specialists trained to correctly use every square centimeter of the area:

  • the space under the roof slope is appropriate to use for installing a bed, and the headboard is directed to a low wall (along the bed is installed only in a narrow attic),
  • standard tall cabinets give way to shaped ones that fit perfectly into various niches, creating a creative atmosphere,
  • in some photos of a comfortable bedroom in the attic, you can often see minimalist solutions: compact dressers and small bedside tables,
  • a fabulous window seat is often reserved for the installation of a table or bed.

Original ideas, stylistic inventions and photos of a bedroom in the attic.

Rustic orientation. The interior concept of an attic space often looks towards rustic styles. The spirit of comfort and simplicity, exuded by the French provincial style "Provence"... perfect for a peaceful environment. An abundance of pure white flowers that are used to paint rough wooden surfaces, landscapes with lavender fields and other floral motifs - a flavor that undoubtedly reminds of the place of residence of the style.

However, you can stop at the English "country" focusing on warmth and comfort. Abundance of browns. yellow and red shades, a combination of colors and textures bring color, fullness and logical completeness to the design of a rustic attic bedroom.

The floors in these rustic styles are made entirely of wood. The ceiling is usually hemmed with environmentally friendly clapboard. However, the beams, "country-style" not painted or wrapped in white in French, look even more spectacular. Casually plastered walls are an equally common solution in rustic concepts.

Classic ideas. Gracefulness, solemnity, and, undoubtedly, wealth - the classics still serve as a role model and are a monolithic standard among modern stylistic concepts. Key elements of the classic flawlessness, harmony, elegance and palatial luxury that took shape in the 16th and 18th centuries:

  • floor made of natural quality materials (wood, marble),
  • light walls (shades are closer to the range of white colors), it is allowed to use noble paints - burgundy, blue, green, olive,
  • furniture made of precious woods, decorated with carvings and gilded fittings.

Fresh ideas for interior decoration of a residential attic for a bedroom: the direction of modernity. The space under the mansard roof is a great opportunity to experience the American style: the loft. The credo of the concept is minimum costs and simplicity in everything. Creative and dodgy personalities appreciate the industrial accent of the style:

  • all kinds of brick ledges and open walls,
  • pipes,
  • rough plaster,
  • wooden floor,
  • open ventilation system,
  • modern multifunctional furniture and an abundance of metal surfaces,
  • original accessories (graffiti, road signs, posters).

Such an ultramodern attic interior and bedroom can only be combined together in a spacious attic room with high ceilings and large windows.

Less brutal, more concise and undoubtedly cutting edge style minimalism great for bedroom decoration, especially under a small attic. In short, this is:

  • flexible forms, easily created using modern means (for example, drywall),
  • maximum functionality, expressed in the use of a minimum amount of furniture with the possibility of transformation,
  • more often two colors, one of which is white,
  • plastered and painted walls.

For decorating a compact bedroom under the attic is well suited design with Scandinavian accents... Main Attributes:

  • milky white, light blue, pale green, beige and other pastel shades,
  • painted plain walls,
  • wooden floor covered with a layer of varnish,
  • simple and lightweight furniture,
  • an abundance of fabrics with various patterns.

Other accents

In the design of the attic interior, not the last place is given to the choice of colors and lighting concepts. Non-standard window shapes and their arrangement often do not provide adequate lighting for the room. Therefore, the play of shadows takes place here:

  • light pastel shades help to visually enlarge the space, in which not only the structural elements of the room itself are sustained, but also textile details and furniture itself,
  • dark tones visually reduce the volume of the room - competent installation of lamps will help to compensate for the phenomenon,
  • the picturesque attic bedroom in the photo is given by natural light transmitted through transparent curtains.

Briefly about the main thing

The non-standard shape of the attic room forces us to reckon with some compromise decisions regarding the choice of furniture and its further arrangement: the bed is more often located under the roof slope with the headboard to a low wall, shaped wardrobes fill various technological niches, and sometimes are completely replaced by compact dressers and bedside tables.

Related videos: Attic bedrooms photo design

The most popular stylistic concepts for an attic bedroom are:

  • rustic provence and country (not demanding on the volume of the room),
  • impeccable luxury classics (preferable for vacant attics),
  • American industrial loft concept (the main condition is high ceilings and large windows),
  • technological minimalism (great for compact attic spaces),
  • practical Scandinavian concept (suitable for small attics).

To visually compensate for the lack of space, first of all, light colors, lamps and a properly selected set of curtains help. The bright colors add freshness and modernity to the bedroom.


Attic bedroom: classic style interior

It is quite possible to create an island of peace under the roof of your home and ensure a restful sleep. Under the word "attic" everyone imagines a small room, which is located directly under the roof.
The shape and area of ​​such a room depends directly on the type of roof. For example, a full-fledged living bedroom will allow you to create a sloping gable roof with windows and a semblance of a ceiling.
The instruction indicates the features of such premises:

  • A highlight, but at the same time a problem, of the attic floor is the sloping walls. With the right decoration, such unusual walls will take on an exclusive look.
    It is the sloping walls that can create an unusual, romantic view, from where a magnificent view of the rooftops and the sky opens up. Smooth walls will make an attic bedroom a regular bedroom.
  • An important condition for the arrangement of the premises is the competent use of the free space between the walls. Taking a certain style decision, you can place shelves, hidden cabinets and unusual decorative elements here.
  • Especially a bedroom under the roof is appreciated because a person, being in a bed (see Round beds for a bedroom: from the realm of fantasy), admires the starry sky or the first morning rays of the sun. With the right approach to the design of dormer windows, this will be another advantage of the attic bedroom.
  • The bedroom in the attic can be done in plain colors or in contrasting colors. When pasting walls with wallpaper or painting with water-based paint, the room takes on a calmer appearance. Wooden walls and ceiling look very impressive.

How to equip an attic bedroom

When arranging an attic bedroom with your own hands, large constructive changes to the roof are most often required. It is not always possible to completely redo the roof. This is due to the fact that a structural change changes the distribution of loads on the load-bearing walls and can lead to the destruction of the roof, or even the entire house.

Tip: Before deciding to create a bedroom interior with an attic roof, you need to contact a professional architect to carry out calculations and draw up a project. Otherwise, it is dangerous to undertake such a restructuring.

The reasons that push the owner to such a reconstruction are usually:

  • Creation of a new family.
  • The birth of a baby.
  • Creation of their own corner for grown-up children.


Attic room interior: photo

The proposed photos of the interior of the attic room make it possible to determine how diverse its design can be. When building a house, you should plan the purpose of the attic in order to properly finish the decoration in accordance with the characteristics of the operation.

Related videos: Do-it-yourself attic made of wood

The walls and ceiling of the attic are formed by sloping roof sections. Therefore, decor planning should take into account this difference from an ordinary room, which has proportional dimensions:

  • Due to the variety of building structures, the geometric shape of the attic is very diverse. It can be located in the entire area of ​​the building or occupy part of it.

  • When considering the silhouette, the attic space can have the shape of a triangle, a trapezoid, be symmetrical or with a one-sided inclined part.
  • Walls can be located within the boundaries of the building or go beyond it, located in the protruding part of the house.

  • Depending on the construction features of the structure, the structure of the top is made of different materials - wood, metal frame, concrete.
  • The degree of insulation of this part of the house is different, as well as the possibility and methods of carrying out engineering communications: water supply, sewerage, heating.

Benefits of using attic space

The popularity of using the attic is due to a number of positive consequences:

  • the living area is significantly increased, which can be arranged, for example, in the form of a sleeping area or an office,
  • the indicators of heat and sound protection of the house increase, which reduces the amount of heat loss through the roof and reduces heating costs,

  • the aesthetics of the outer part of the building improves, it becomes possible to give it the desired features of the architectural direction, to use decorative features in the form of windows, columns, arches, conical, sloping roofs of any shape.


Modern materials and their ease of use make it possible to transform the technical part of the building, located under the roof, into a practical, stylish room. It is noticed that it has a romantic atmosphere, relaxing energy, conducive to the restoration of strength.

Because of this, it is often placed in a bedroom or a relaxation room. In the place with the smallest ceiling height, a bed is usually installed with the headboard against the wall. It is advisable, if the layout of the room allows, to put it near the window in order to be able to admire the starry sky or picturesque landscapes that change depending on the season.

The design of the bedroom is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room. For example, existing ceiling beams are often used in design to add character to the room.

A cozy little room is perfect for a child. With the help of colorful decoration methods, compact furniture, toys, the attic will turn into a wonderful nursery, where he can play with friends, read, watch TV or do what he likes.

In the attic, you can arrange a room for a teenager so as to satisfy his matured needs for technology, musical instruments, sports hobbies, place photos of your favorite heroes, musicians, and actors on the walls. There he will be able to conduct rehearsals, trainings with friends, or just take a break from classes.

A practical bathroom in the attic is another way to use this area and an opportunity to improve the functional properties of the home. If the dimensions allow, and especially the height of the walls, you can install a compact shower or a small bathroom and toilet in it.

With the help of interesting ideas, modern building and finishing materials, you can get a comfortable workshop, a romantic bedroom, a cozy nursery or a comfortable place for solitude from a cluttered attic space entwined with cobwebs.


Decorating an attic bedroom: five consecutive steps

Usually young couples like to settle there, as well as small or already matured children. But older people do not like running up and down several times a day. Before making living rooms in the attic, you need to make sure that it will be warm, light and comfortable for a person.

1. Preparatory work

Be sure to insulate the walls and roof, put sealed double-glazed windows on the side windows. If there is not enough lighting, it makes sense to think about installing skylights, which will be located directly on the roof of the house. If you are just planning to build a house, then it is better to provide French side windows or a small balcony.

In addition, it is necessary to remove all ventilation shafts, cables and pipes that previously went through an unexploited attic. If heating was not supplied there, then there are several options: to make a "warm floor" (electric, water), to install an electric heating radiator or a free-standing (island) fireplace).

2. Basic finishing works

The walls of the bedroom in the attic can be pasted over with wallpaper, painted, plastered, sheathed with clapboard. The choice depends on the preferences of the owner and the chosen interior style. For country, we can recommend wood panels, opened with varnish to emphasize the wood pattern. For a Provence style bedroom - bleached walls or with decorative plaster.

For classic styles, fabric wallpaper, paint or Venetian plaster on parts of the walls will be appropriate. For all modern styles - wallpaper and paint. It is better to use hypoallergenic and washable finishing materials in the children's room. If you decide to stay on wallpaper, then do not choose a dark color and large patterns for a small and poorly lit attic.

It is better to choose the floor covering for the bedroom in the attic from natural and "warm" materials: parquet, solid wood, cork, natural linoleum. An ordinary low and small attic will not tolerate podium structures.

The slope of the ceiling is a special detail of the bedroom interior in the attic, so it is advisable not to level the upper level with plasterboard floors. Moreover, this will "eat up" a significant part of the free space, which is usually not enough in the attic. The ceiling can also be whitewashed, sheathed with clapboard, painted or pasted over with wallpaper.

If ceiling or wall beams are visible, then they can be beaten in the interior, having previously added brightness to them with the help of special varnishes or impregnations. In the future, their color will need to be supported by another element of the interior: flooring, furniture or large accessories of the same shade. In addition, lamps can be attached to them.

3. The color scheme of the bedroom interior in the attic

There are various solutions for the design of attics, depending on the type of cross-section of the attic (one, two or more sloped walls) and on the level at which the roof slope begins from the floor. But there are also a few ideas that are suitable for everyone.

For a small room, it is better to choose a single color for the ceiling and walls. Painted in white, they smoothly flow into each other, visually increasing the height of the walls and the size of the room. The low ceiling will not "press" so much. A bedroom in the attic, decorated in white, is one of the most sensible solutions.

You can revive such an interior either with the help of bright accessories (decorative pillows, curtains, bedspreads, rugs), or with the help of delicate pastel shades of companion colors - light blue, pale green, pale yellow, ash pink (transverse walls, wardrobes ). You can combine white ceilings and light (beige, sandy, creamy) wallpaper with a small floral pattern.

If you do not like the light color in the bedroom, then you can paste over or paint one or two transverse walls in a dark calm saturated color (burgundy, blue, green, gray, brown, purple, black). Just remember that natural lighting in the attic is always very uneven, this leads to increased contrast in different parts of the room.

If the room faces the north side, then it is necessary to decorate the bedroom in "warm" colors, and vice versa.

4. Furniture and textiles

The attic floor of a private house is an excellent architectural solution. The idea itself arose back in the 17th century, when the architect François Mansart decided to make a cozy living space out of an abandoned attic. Today, this design is considered very popular in construction.

The countless photos of the attic floor, presented on the network, will tell you what kind of architectural and design decision to make when building your own home. However, it is still worth having a general idea of ​​the design and construction features, as well as the finishing of such a structure.

Arrangement of the attic and its nuances

The mansards under construction today are located over the entire structure, or over part of it. Features of modern design allow you to create houses with an attic floor in almost any architectural direction.

The desire for rational use of living space, coupled with cost savings and usable area of ​​the site, make the attic an extremely attractive object.

Its arrangement has its own characteristics: the additional floor is influenced both from the outside, where natural forces act, and from the inside - warm air from human activity tends upward.

Therefore, all structures are carefully checked in terms of hydro, steam and thermal insulation. The roof must be correctly selected taking into account many nuances.

Attic design

Before you start building, you need to analyze the plan of the house you have built. If the construction of a building is only planned, it is worth thinking about its design features in advance, since the attic device has certain requirements.

Construction necessarily involves taking into account the following parameters:

  • foundation analysis;
  • clear interconnection of the attic floor and communications;
  • communication of all premises of the house with each other;
  • the shape and size of the facility being built.

The main requirement for the attic being erected is the lightness of the materials used in the structural elements, the optimal load on the foundation.

Erection of an attic over the finished building

The attic floor should be erected only after a technical examination has been carried out. Thanks to the examination, the forces acting on the walls and foundation of the building are determined.

Before you start designing, you should decide whether the future premises will be residential. If so, the floor being built may well become a quality recreation area. If not, then using it as a storage facility will require a different approach to construction.

You also need to consider the height of the roof; as a rule, the parameter ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Experts recommend not deviating from this parameter.

The windows used on the attic floor can be large, occupying up to 20% of the entire wall and roof area, or small. Experts do not recommend violating these parameters.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a project of the attic floor, to approve it with the customer. It is also necessary to obtain the appropriate permits.

Variety of sizes and shapes

The construction of the attic opens up great opportunities to implement all sorts of architectural solutions. An additional floor, which is not considered a full-fledged second floor according to the norms, can be executed in various geometric shapes.

The simplest solution in terms of design, calculations and execution is provided by a gable roof, the system of which consists of rafter legs resting on the walls and located parallel and in the same plane of the purlins.

In the case of choosing a sloping roof of the attic floor, parts (at least two) are added from the rafter legs, forming a broken line. Thanks to this solution, the space of the attic increases, the house takes on an original appearance.

Another interesting roof design option is outboard consoles that increase the space from the inside.

Design features

An attic space is a wall-to-ceiling connection. If the slopes of the roof are steep, then a high ceiling and spaciousness can be achieved. However, its construction must be guided by building codes, according to which the height of the ceilings must be at least 2.3 m.

Premises where the ceiling height is less than 1.5 m are considered unsuitable for living. Particular attention should be paid to such a constructive moment as tightening the rafters, if it is performed poorly, the reinforcement of the entire roof will be minimized, and this entails high risks of collapse of the rafter system.

Construction stages

During construction, even a slight discrepancy with the initially set parameters often leads to the fact that the design of the attic floor will receive serious violations, the safety of using the building will be at risk.

The materials used for the construction of walls must have special properties: they must be non-flammable and non-toxic.

Roofing is one of the most critical stages, since the roof is exposed to aggressive natural factors, transferring the load to the foundation. Insulation is of great importance, while it is necessary to use high-quality materials and technologies.

All rooms are insulated from the inside using drywall or OSB boards, steam, heat and waterproofing materials.

The main requirement for windows is their tightness. In any case, the construction of an attic is a responsible business, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Attic interior decoration

The interior design depends on the purpose of the use of the room. When building from wood, it will be logical to use the same material in the design. As a plus - additional thermal insulation, which will give wood, and a good microclimate inside the rooms.

Sometimes the finishing material is clapboard, which can give an equipped bedroom on the attic floor an original look. If the room becomes an office, it makes sense to use MDF.

Interior brightness can be achieved with drywall sheets. For example, arrange all kinds of partitions and arches, or make suspended multi-level ceilings.

Undoubtedly, the attic is an excellent addition to a private house, it is functional and can decoratively complement the exterior of the building. For the safe and most comfortable use of the attic floor, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of all building and finishing materials.

Preliminary and correct calculations are important, taking into account both the total area of ​​the structure and its geometric features.

Photo of the attic floor

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