The most favorable colors for the bedroom. Color in the bedroom: what psychologists recommend. Bedroom in red tones – relaxation with vivid dreams

A person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom: resting, gaining strength after a hard day. Designing this room starts with choosing color combinations. It is important to combine shades correctly to get a cozy, stylish and cohesive interior.

Best-Stroy offers you 24 perfect combinations flowers for bedroom decoration. It will be very pleasant to fall asleep and wake up in such a room.

Bedroom in white

Monochrome color symbolizing purity and spaciousness. Some consider it “sick” and boring, but in fact white has many shades: from boiling white to pearl, milky, white and blue. The bedroom is rarely done only in white; you need to place bright accents.

White color is unique. Many styles are “friends” with it:

  • Classic.
  • Scandinavian.
  • Nautical.
  • Loft.
  • High tech.
  • Provence.
  • Minimalism.

White visually enlarges the room, does not create an overwhelming impression, and goes well with most shades.

A bedroom in white will never be gloomy and dull. The highlight of the room will be textured materials: 3D panels or Venetian plaster at the headboard, deep-pile carpet on the floor, original textiles and wallpaper.

Important! In the bedroom, both wallpaper and furniture can be white. Use a contrasting color accentually so that the room does not turn into a faceless box.

White + black

A combination that is always in fashion. This bedroom is both calm and dynamic. If the background is white, the room will be more delicate, black will add drama and depth. An interesting option is a combination of two shades in textiles, decorative elements, and on accent walls. Zebra, polka dots, checkerboards or floral patterns look perfect.

White + brown

A natural combination that perfectly relaxes and gives a feeling of comfort. The third color you can choose is golden, green, turquoise, beige. Brown is good because it does not draw attention to itself. You can experiment with textures, patterns, complex structures. Warm brown should predominate in northern rooms, and white in well-lit rooms.

White + turquoise

A very cheerful combination, turquoise brings a touch of freshness. If desired, you can complement the tandem with dark brown, beige, yellow. In such a bedroom it is worth experimenting with accents - unusual chandeliers, an originally designed wall at the head, textiles with floral and geometric patterns. The ideal proportion is 30% turquoise and 70% white.

Bedroom in gray tones

Gray is the ideal background for most shades. A bedroom in gray tones promotes relaxation and seems homely. IN color palette With over 200 shades of grey, it's the perfect base for many styles:

  • Urbanism.
  • Loft.
  • Modern.
  • Pop Art.
  • Shabby chic.
  • High tech.
  • Scandinavian.

A room in gray tones should not be cluttered, so choose the most necessary furniture. Designers claim that gray interior items are preferred by self-sufficient and mature individuals. Such furniture looks expensive and original. However, you can take a simpler route and paint the walls the way you like. gray shade- against this background, any headset will play in a new way. It is recommended to combine no more than 3 shades of gray.

Gray + white

A good combination for the bedroom, relaxing and unobtrusive. If you want to maintain the charm of the interior, do not use bright accents. The highlight of the interior will be 3D visualizations, abstract and geometric patterns. The smaller and darker the room, the more white there should be. Gray should be rich. If desired, you can delimit the surfaces with contrasting inserts (baguettes, moldings).

Gray + yellow

Many people associate gray with concrete wall- solidity, reliability, protection. A piece of sun in such a room will not be superfluous. Remember that yellow is the brightest color in the palette, there should be too much of it. The best choice- place emphasis on textiles: bedspreads, curtains, paintings, pillows or rugs. Gray-yellow prints also look interesting.

Gray + pink

The severity of gray is offset by the softness of pink. You should not choose shades a la flamingos, look at complex tones. Pearl gray goes well with powdery, graphite with ash pink, and fuchsia accents will stand out perfectly against a light gray background. In order not to turn the room into a girl’s cell, pink accents should be no more than 30%.

Bedroom in beige tones

Beige is a popular neutral shade and is a great background for most colors. It is worth remembering that beige is not an independent tone; contrasts must be present in the interior.

A bedroom in beige tones is unobtrusive, relaxing and can be decorated in different styles:

  • Classic.
  • Baroque.
  • Eco style.
  • Country.
  • Minimalism.
  • Provence.
  • Loft.

Psychologists say that this shade has a beneficial effect on the psyche, promotes relaxation, and makes the atmosphere cozy. Metals (bronze, copper, brass), textiles with prints and patterns, and various textures harmonize perfectly with beige. Beige furniture is the most practical purchase; it looks great against white, bright or dark walls!

Beige + chocolate

A noble combination. This bedroom looks elegant and stylish, it will always be warm and cozy. It is important that the room is well lit. As a third color, you can choose burgundy, gold, white, green, sunny yellow. If beige predominates, the space will visually expand. Mirrors are also used for this purpose. glossy surfaces, glass elements.

Beige + purple

Purple is a controversial color, but when combined with beige it has a calming effect. Soft shades would be appropriate in the bedroom - lilac, lavender, magenta. Plum, eggplant and others are best used accentually. As a third color, you should choose yellow, white, brown. Silver metal, glass, and mirror elements will fit perfectly into such an interior.

Beige + blue

Blue gives the interior a freshness and a feeling of spaciousness. If you choose sky blue, the room will turn out more delicate, this is one of the most warm shades. Cornflower blue, azure, sea wave are cool tones; they are appropriate in well-lit bedrooms. You can dilute the interior with gray, white, dark blue, light yellow. Focus on simple shapes and relief textures.

Bedroom in lilac color

Lilac is one of the shades of purple, filling the space with energy and sensuality. Unlike bright colors, it has a relaxing and calming effect.

Important! When choosing a shade, be sure to consider the lighting and size of the bedroom. The abundance of dark tones is “contraindicated” for small rooms.

Lilac will fit perfectly into the following interior styles:

  • Provence.
  • Shabby chic.
  • Minimalism.
  • Art Deco.
  • Eclecticism.
  • Oriental.

A room that combines matte, glossy and mirror surfaces. To make the room seem more delicate, choose not too colorful patterns - one accent wall or bedspread with patterns is enough. Do not try to create a monochrome design: an excess of lilac will create an oppressive impression; it needs to be diluted with additional accents.

White, beige, gray and dark brown furniture harmonize best with lilac. You should not choose red, yellowish and red tones of wood - they conflict with purple shades.

Lilac + white

A gentle and romantic combination. The third color you can choose is gray, beige, light brown, or you can do without them. White should dominate; lilac is most often used for the headboard area and textile elements (curtains, bedspread, rug, accents on furniture). You should definitely include glass or mirror products in such an interior.

Lilac + black

A play on contrasts, lilac gives the room softness, black gives drama and depth. The third color you should choose is gray or white - then the room will not be gloomy. An interesting “trick” of the room can be black glossy ceiling, but it’s worth remembering that visually it will make the room lower. For prints, we recommend zebra, damask patterns and abstraction.

Lilac + yellow

Use golden shades of yellow and rich purple colour- such a bedroom will look royally luxurious. To prevent the room from being boring, experiment with textures: masonry, moldings, stucco, three-dimensional patterns will not be superfluous in this interior. The background color should be golden, and lilac should be its complement.

Bedroom in green

Psychologists call green color“light sleeping pills”, because it has a calming and relaxing effect on the human body. Green is pleasing to the human eye because it is as close to nature as possible. Try not to use too dark tones when decorating - emerald, jade, they are difficult to perceive and create an oppressive impression.

Green is appropriate in the following styles:

  • Mediterranean.
  • Eco style.
  • Provence.
  • Country.
  • Japanese.
  • High tech.
  • Modern.

For modern styles, you can choose bright green shades, but use them wisely: for example, to decorate an accent wall or inserts on cabinet furniture. The following are considered universal and non-conflicting: light green, olive, pistachio, salad, gray-green.

It is better to choose furniture white, gray, beige or brown. Green items look strange and cheapen the interior. Maximum - colored linings for a wardrobe or bed.

Green + white

A harmonious and natural combination, it is quite possible to do without auxiliary shades. It is important to choose the right shade of green: for poorly lit bedrooms it is better to give preference to grassy, ​​yellow-green, olive. In southern rooms, cool shades will be appropriate: gray-green, pistachio, jade, spring green. Such an interior does not tolerate an abundance of patterns and clutter.

Green + peach

As a rule, peach acts as a background - it is more cozy and sunny. It is better to pair it with warm shades of green. The third color can be white, beige, orange or brown. Bet on textiles: there should be a lot of it. colorful pillows, original curtains and bedspreads, you can place a cozy blanket on the banquette. Choose matte surfaces - they look more noble.

Green + cream

Cream is one of the most delicate shades of beige. This is a neutral background that allows you to embody even the most bold ideas. Multi-level designs, floral and geometric prints, stonework, 3D panels will add expressiveness to the room. Try to adhere to symmetry; it is better to choose furniture of a simple shape, without unnecessary frills.

Bedroom in turquoise colors

Turquoise or sea green is a combination of green and blue. It is both cheerful and calm, helping to relieve fatigue and stress.

Important! The color turquoise can change its tone greatly if the lighting changes. It can also take on reflections of other colors - this must be taken into account when planning your bedroom design.

In what styles is turquoise used?

  • Moroccan.
  • Mediterranean.
  • Provence.
  • Nautical.
  • High tech.
  • Pop Art.

Turquoise color is very energetic. It is not used in monochrome interiors and needs a “companion”. Cool shades are combined with blue, green, white, warm shades with orange and yellow. The lighter the tone of turquoise you choose, the more spacious and bright the room will appear.

When choosing furniture, pay attention to glossy surfaces - they look more interesting. Recommended prints include stripes, abstractions, checks, and floral designs.

Turquoise + white

Such a room will seem bright and spacious. Most often, the headboard area is highlighted in turquoise, curtains and decorative elements (pillows, vases, carpets) are selected to match. All shades of turquoise harmonize with white. If you like a more contrasting interior, add black or dark brown. Try to adhere to the rules of symmetry, divide the space into zones.

Turquoise + chocolate

A very noble and stylish combination. The static nature of brown is set off by a fresh and cheerful turquoise color. To prevent the interior from seeming gloomy, dilute it with white or beige. Mirrors, glass furniture and translucent partitions will fit perfectly into such a bedroom. It is important to provide multi-level lighting, otherwise the room may seem uncomfortable and dark.

Turquoise + yellow

A very cheerful combination, but it needs to be set off with a neutral background - white, beige or light brown. Lemon yellow, light yellow, and golden harmonize perfectly with turquoise. Do not forget that yellow is the brightest color; its share in the design should account for no more than 20% of the area. No need for complex textures or ornate patterns, choose natural textures!

Bedroom in blue colors

Deep Blue colour considered calm and noble. It promotes healthy sleep and complete relaxation. In the bedroom it is not recommended to combine it with aggressive colors - bright orange, red, yellow. The ideal companion for blue is a muted natural shade.

Ideal Bedroom Styles in blue tones:

  • Mediterranean.
  • Moroccan.
  • Scandinavian.
  • Nautical.
  • Provence.
  • Loft (shades should be fuzzy and blurry).

Important! It is worth remembering that blue is the coldest in the color palette. Poorly lit and small room will appear dark and cold. For northern bedrooms it is better to choose turquoise or sky blue.

In an interior in blue tones, special attention should be paid to lighting. Soft and diffused light is preferred. It is better to frame the windows with translucent tulle or blinds. There should be no unlit corners in your room.

The blue interior can be monochrome. You can shade the blue with turquoise, cornflower blue, blue tone- they are in the same spectrum and will not be very contrasting.

Blue furniture is quite acceptable, but it is better to choose neutral shades for the floor and ceiling. The exception is the popular “starry sky”, but then other surfaces should be as light as possible.

Blue + gray

A very elegant combination. It is better to choose gray with a pearlescent sheen - it will perfectly set off matte blue surfaces. It is better to choose light furniture - it will not seem bulky and will not distract attention from blue accents. It is better to paint 1-2 walls blue, otherwise the room will seem gloomy. Try not to overdo it with prints: deep blue is beautiful in itself.

Blue + white

A tandem reminiscent of a maritime theme. This is an excellent choice for spacious and well-lit rooms. Try to avoid ornate patterns; the best “friends” of such an interior are geometry and abstraction. On the accent wall you should hang pictures with a marine theme, but photo wallpapers with a perspective also look good. If desired, you can choose turquoise or light brown as a third color.

Blue + gold

A luxurious combination. It can be supplemented neutral shades beige. Blue and gold patterns (plant, damask, floral) look beautiful. Choose furniture complex shapes. Beds with massive wrought-iron headboards and soft interior items decorated in the “carriage screed” style will fit perfectly into such a bedroom.

Bedroom in brown colors

The brown interior evokes calm and tranquility. Most shades belong to a warm range and go well with basic colors.

Advice! Brown has an interesting feature: it is very pleasant to the human eye and is practically invisible. No matter how many brown details you bring into the interior, there will be no overload.

Light shades (walnut, coffee with milk, cappuccino) visually increase the area of ​​the room and give it airiness. Chocolate or wenge allow you to play on contrasts and combine flawlessly with light furniture.

Brown is appropriate in the following interior styles:

  • Scandinavian.
  • Classical.
  • Loft.
  • Country.
  • Japanese.
  • Contemporary.
  • Oriental.
  • Baroque.
  • English.

When choosing a shade of brown, you should take into account the location of the room: for dimly lit rooms, choose sandy, red-brown, walnut, amber, honey. Dark colors are also suitable for southern rooms: coffee, chocolate, wenge.

Furniture in brown color looks luxurious. If you want to emphasize the beauty of the headset, choose varnish surfaces. Matte shades look rougher.

Brown + green

The most pleasant natural combination, conducive to relaxation and tranquility. For modern styles (high-tech, minimalism, loft) it is worth choosing brighter shades of green - light green, grass green, gray-green. For classic ones - olive, khaki, yellow-green. As a rule, furniture, floors and part of the walls are decorated in brown. Green predominates in textiles and decorative elements.

Brown + pink

A soft combination that gives the atmosphere a special coziness. Designers advise playing with contrasts: choosing light, desaturated pink (powdery, ash pink) and chocolate brown - a very stylish tandem. Light furniture would be appropriate in such a bedroom. Take care of the lighting: brown easily absorbs light, so the lighting should be multi-level.

Brown + blue

The bedroom turns out to be spacious, airy, and warm brown balances the cold blue. If the room is small, you should use warm shades: turquoise, gray-blue. Do not overdo it with ornaments: if the wallpaper is plain, you can use colorful textiles, but against the background of a bright accent wall, plain fabrics look better. The third color you can choose is white, gray or beige.

The atmosphere in the bedroom should be conducive to relaxation. The proposed combinations are as natural and unobtrusive as possible; they will contribute to your complete relaxation!

The color design of a room is a very important point in arranging your home because a person’s mood largely depends on the color of the interior. This also applies to bedrooms, of course. Here it is preferable to have soft, soothing colors of both the furniture and the walls of the bedroom itself.

What colors should a bedroom be in?

Psychologists have long been studying the influence of the colors of room decoration on the condition of people living or working in them. During this time, we managed to find out a lot of interesting nuances and at the same time a lot of new questions arose. For example, psychologists began to study not only the preferences regarding the color design of rooms of large groups of people, but even entire nations. It turned out amazingly Interesting Facts. For example, in the East, red color is perceived as calming and symbolizes peace and luxury. In the West, on the contrary, this color causes irritation and even aggressiveness in people.

It is clear that in a sleeping area a person should receive complete rest, and for this, the color design of the room and the furniture in it is of great importance. Therefore, you need to choose a color scheme not so much for flashiness, but for comfort and tranquility. As for interior designers, the question what color should the bedroom be They are unanimous and advise choosing soft, pastel colors, while changing the shade in accordance with the lighting in the bedroom. This interior is called classic.

In general, it is customary to use one of two color options for bedrooms. This is a method based on nuance and a method based on contrast. The first option involves choosing colors and shades that combine with each other. It doesn’t matter whether they are saturated or pastel. The second option, on the contrary, involves combinations of contrasting colors and shades.

Of course, you should listen to the opinions of designers, but in the end, the design style should be chosen by the person who will relax in this bedroom. That is, the guide to choice should be solely everyone’s personal taste.

We offer these, in our opinion, successful combinations of colors and shades:

Red: green, gray, blue.

Raspberry: pearl gray, mauve.

Dark red (Bordeaux): black, dark blue, beige.

Orange: purple, light blue, royal blue.

Salad yellow: light pink, grayish blue.

Yellow: purple, blue.

Pale yellow: light lilac, grayish pink, light green.

Golden: light gray, green, dark red.

Gray-green: sea green, cornflower blue, orange.

Pale green: pink, dark green, lilac pink.

Blue: yellow, sand, orange.

Grey-blue: burgundy, grey.

Light blue: light lilac, light yellow.

Everyone must determine for themselves which color will prevail in the bedroom and which will become secondary. If the bedroom window faces the north side, then golden beige is best suited for the main color in this situation, but brownish tones will harmonize perfectly with it as a secondary color. Perhaps a warm chocolate color or a coffee with milk color will look best.

Of course, the largest space in the bedroom is allocated to the sleeping area. It will look very cool if you paste chocolate-colored wallpaper with a thin gold pattern around the bed. Against the background of such wallpaper, light white lamps and sconces look great. Looks very impressive in the sleeping area vertical stripes In addition, they create the illusion of a higher ceiling.

If the bedroom windows are facing south, then it is advisable to choose cooler colors and shades. Green fits very harmoniously into such a situation, but it is better to choose the color of wormwood as the main one. In combination with such wallpaper, a laminate colored like bleached oak or cocoa-colored carpet looks stunningly beautiful. Curtains and bedspreads of raspberry color will complete this successful composition. In such a bedroom, objects in colors such as bottle, green, gray-lilac and even yellow-lemon will look very beautiful.

Do not forget that the bedroom should be filled with products only from natural materials. For example, bamboo curtains, cork wallpaper, products made from natural wood always create comfort and peace in the bedroom. At the same time, metal glass objects, and facing tiles not appropriate in the bedroom. It is better to decorate it with a vase, flowers or a beautiful candlestick.

The bedroom can be decorated in any color. These can be refreshing light, neutral pastel or deep dark tones. Any color scheme can be effectively played out, creating a harmonious and complete interior.

Selecting the color scheme

The choice of colors for decorating a bedroom should first of all correspond to the taste preferences of the owners of the home. Next, you should rely on some characteristics of the room. For example, for a small room it is not recommended to choose dark colors. With such decoration, the bedroom will seem very small and gloomy, even if it is furnished with light furniture. In such conditions, more delicate and lighter shades will look harmonious. With their help, you can visually expand the space and make it more comfortable. And this applies not only to classic, but also pastel colors.

If the bedroom is spacious enough, then visual expansion space may not be addressed. So, a dark room will look fashionable and attractive. accent wall, surrounded by walls painted the same color, but a couple of shades lighter. You can make the room more original by turning to wall decoration of different shades and textures. Special wallpaper for painting or beautiful wallpaper is ideal for this. decorative plaster. With the help of such materials you can give color design the bedrooms have an attractive depth, and the overall ensemble has a unique luster.

The choice of colors also depends on the location of the bedroom. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the windows in the room and how many natural light penetrates into him. If the bedroom windows face west, then, as a rule, there is not enough light in it in the morning. To decorate such rooms, it is best to choose more light colors. The most a good option will become a classic white color.

However, we should not forget that such situations need to be diluted bright accents and accessories, otherwise the interior will turn out boring and monotonous.

If the bedroom windows face east, then it is permissible to decorate the room in dark colors. Interiors in such conditions can be decorated with thick curtains in deep shades, which will not let in bright colors in the morning. Sun rays. But here, too, you should dilute dark colors with light and colorful details so that the bedroom does not turn out to be too gloomy. It is recommended to decorate rooms with a northern orientation with gentle and warm colors, and for southern bedrooms the most good choice cool tones will appear.

Experts do not recommend choosing flashy colors for decorating your bedroom. They will interfere with falling asleep quickly and complete relaxation. It is also worth considering that over time, such palettes in the bedroom will begin to cause irritation and will interfere with healthy sleep. Not only classic and pastel colors are suitable for decorating a bedroom, but also natural tones. Especially often people choose a soothing green color, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state.

Popular colors and shades

Many colors are suitable for decorating a beautiful and harmonious bedroom. Let's take a closer look at the most popular and attractive of them:

  • Neutral has become very fashionable lately. grey colour. It fits perfectly into interiors of different styles - from timeless classics to ultra-modern high-tech or loft style. However, you should be careful with this coloring so that the atmosphere does not turn out too boring and bland. To make the bedroom interior attractive and complete, it should be complemented with contrasting and rich accessories or decorative items.

  • Another universal color is lilac. Its shades can be used in interiors different styles. Against the backdrop of beautiful lilac walls, furniture made of dark wood and decor made of light plastic look especially harmonious. Such settings are often complemented with glass elements. It could be a neat coffee table, large mirror or glass doors cabinets.

If the bedroom is decorated in deeper lilac tones, then objects decorated with gilding and artificial aging will find their place in it. Often in such interiors several shades of lilac are combined. For example, it could be a “delicious” combination of dark lilac and a more delicate pink tone.

  • If you want to create a calm and peaceful interior, then you should turn to the airy blue color. There are a large number of beautiful tones of blue. Neutral gray-blue, delicate heavenly, spectacular azure or cornflower blue shades are suitable for decorating the walls in the bedroom.

It is recommended to use such a palette if the bedroom is located on sunny side and receives sufficient natural light. It is worth noting the ability of blue color to visually expand space, especially when it comes to its lighter shades.

  • Using this palette you can visually make the ceiling higher. Furniture from blue walls will look harmonious against the background of blue walls. different materials. Beds, bedside tables and cabinets made of wood in light and dark tones look especially impressive in such settings. It is recommended to decorate the ceiling in a blue bedroom with lighter materials so that the result is a truly airy and light interior.

  • The blue color is deeper and denser. A bedroom in these colors is suitable for both young people and older people. Blue color is rich in shades. A variety of tones are suitable for decorating the walls in the room - from mysterious indigo to sea blue-green.

Despite its bright personality, blue color is ideal for lovers classic style. In a bedroom whose walls are decorated in this manner, accessories made of velor and velvet will look impressive. Against the background of blue wall decoration, interior items made in contrasting and dark colors will look attractive. It is recommended to choose models made from valuable species tree. Such things are expensive, but they appearance and performance characteristics more than justify the high price.

As for textiles, both dark and light fabrics will look good in a blue room. For curtains you can choose luxurious velvet, for bedspreads, and for a canopy - airy transparent organza.

  • Turquoise bedrooms look very attractive and bright. This color is ideal for interior style French Provence or elegant classics. Often, similar wall designs are used to create a beautiful setting in a rustic or Scandinavian style.

With the help of turquoise it is possible to create a cheerful atmosphere in the room

Turquoise color is ideal for decorating a cozy nest for newlyweds or a children's bedroom. It is recommended to use such finishing if the bedroom is located on the south side. Turquoise combines effectively with classic white. These bedrooms will look harmonious white furniture and contrasting decorative elements.

  • Natural green color has a calming effect. It can be played with refreshing and warm tones. For example, it could be sunny yellow, fresh white, beige or cream shades. Experts say that the color green has an extremely positive effect on the psyche and emotional state of a person. In such conditions you can have a great rest and relaxation.

  • A room made in purple tones will look bright and attractive. In such conditions, you can place furniture in both snow-white and dark tones. Against the background of purple walls, various contrasts look especially attractive. For example, it could be a dark brown or black double bed with white linens.

For a bedroom of such a “sweet” color, you need to purchase a sufficient number of lamps. These can be built-in light bulbs, ceiling chandeliers and fashionable spot lighting in dressing table, mirrors and niches. Purple looks impressive in tandem with white and pink. If you mix these colors correctly in one room, the interior will turn out very delicate and attractive.

  • An interesting and calm interior can be created in an olive or pistachio bedroom. Such colors are revealed in conditions of sufficient natural light. A bedroom in a similar design can be decorated with denser tones of green, brown, beige or cream. Such a bedroom may contain furniture in both neutral and contrasting colors.

  • A bedroom with white and beige walls will look beautiful and fresh. This type of finishing is especially relevant for small spaces. With the help of snow-white palettes you can visually make the room more spacious and bright. White color must be diluted with bright accents and contrasting interior items. Luckily, this classic color goes well with many colors, so putting together a beautiful and organic ensemble won't be too difficult.

  • If you like bright and rich colors, then you should turn to the design of the bedroom in orange, red and yellow colors. These colors are especially relevant for rooms that do not have sufficient natural light. With the help of these rich colors you can create a positive and attractive interior. In a room with this wall decoration It is not recommended to place too bright furniture, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too flashy and annoying.

  • Many people are afraid of decorating their living spaces in black.. But in fact, if you use this color wisely, the interior will turn out to be very fashionable and attractive. The main thing is to stick to a few simple rules. For example, for such premises it is not recommended to buy dark furniture, as it will simply dissolve against the general background. In a black room, interior items with glossy surfaces will look impressive.

  • Handsome and stylish interior You can create a brown and chocolate shade in the bedroom. It is worth noting that these colors are classics and go well with many palettes. It is not recommended to place dark pieces of furniture in dark brown rooms, because such an environment will look too gloomy. On the background brown walls Things in cream, soft peach, beige and creme brulee shades will look especially harmonious.

The color of the walls in the bedroom is a background for the interior, and not the main design accent. There are a lot of textiles in the bedroom, which have their own color and texture, so competition should not be allowed.

Color theory: tone, shades and light

Non-professional designers think that the main thing is colors. In fact shades and tones are more important, especially color temperature and interaction with light in the bedroom.

Colorful temperature

There are warm and cold colors, many people know this. When choosing the color of the walls in the bedroom, it is much more important to know that there are warm and cold shades of colors. This is especially true for the most common background colors: white and gray. Despite the fact that these colors can be of different saturations, they are ideally combined with each other in any variation, except for one - color temperature.

You cannot use white and gray of different color temperatures in the same room.

Those. You can use as many shades of gray as you like in your bedroom, but they should all be either warm or cool. This is difficult to maintain because until you put two objects next to each other, you can’t always understand in which direction the color is shifted. And this is the reason why photos on the Internet differ from real designs in life. Even in a real photograph of a bedroom, the camera will not convey the difference in shades; as a result, everything looks great in the photo, but not so much in real life. To avoid this difference, it is important to follow the above rule.

Interaction with light

In addition to taste preferences in color, it is worth considering the direction of the windows. If the windows face north, it is better to choose warm colors, and for the south side cold and bright shades are suitable. It is also worth taking into account the size of the room and using light colors to expand the small space.

Bright colors look better in daylight, calm colors look better in artificial light.. Think about what time you are most often in the bedroom and what kind of lighting is used. Because Most will answer that they are in the evening and the lighting is artificial; the standard choice for the bedroom is calm pastel colors.

To create a calm, relaxing environment, too bright colors are unlikely to be suitable - they encourage and deprive you of sleep, while calm ones, on the contrary, have a calming effect. Therefore, you need to immediately decide what task the bedroom interior will perform: to help you get up early or to help you fall asleep quickly.

When choosing the color of the walls for the bedroom, it is important to consider the combination with other surfaces in the room. It is worth thinking through the entire interior in advance, choosing colors and materials for the floor and ceiling, furniture and textiles, of which there is a lot in the bedroom. It is better to paint the walls after you know what kind of furniture there will be, since changing their color is easier than replacing a furniture set.

Wallpaper can interact very interestingly with color, as we have already written about.

Selection and combination of colors in the bedroom

Current combinations:

  • White is combined with yellow, blue and lush green shades.
  • Brown, cream and yellow shades go well with lilac. This coloring of the walls gives the room consistency and comfort.
  • The combination of warm yellow and orange shades with olive and shades of brown looks stylish and bright.
  • Fashionable colors with coffee and caramel shades.
  • Cream with gray or rich chocolate color. A bedroom with walls in this color looks warm and cozy.
  • Beige with bright turquoise is a bright and original color combination.
  • A combination of different shades of green and blue-green.
  • Yellow, red and orange on the walls create a cheerful, lively environment, but in the bedroom it is better to use muted shades.
  • Purple color is allowed in the bedroom in combination with beige shades, since alone it has a depressing effect on the psyche.

Choosing a color for the walls

More often, soft, light shades are used for bedroom walls. Sometimes there are interiors with dark or too bright walls, but when alone, such colors can have a negative effect on the mood and even the health of the inhabitants. Therefore, such paints are used to decorate one wall or highlight accents. By the way, when choosing a wall for this type of decor, it is better to choose the one near the headboard. In this case, the saturated color will not flash before your eyes while resting.

Tips for creating harmonious design bedrooms:

  1. If in a small room you have to decorate the walls only in pastel colors, then you can paint and add originality by using different textures of the walls. For example: wallpaper with a relief surface, or plaster with decorative application. Thanks to this technique, the color seems deeper and the interior more interesting.
  2. To create a harmonious design, it is worth maintaining a balance between the color of the walls and accessories. For example: if the walls are painted in soothing pastel colors, you should choose bright and original accessories, and if bright walls, then everything else is kept in neutral colors.
  3. When choosing materials for walls with shiny inclusions, you should not repeat shiny particles in other interior elements.
  4. It is better to choose the main shade at home, rather than in the store, using special samples or palettes, since different lighting colors may vary greatly.

When choosing a bedroom interior, you should not be guided only by fashion and current innovations, since such solutions do not always fit into standard apartments and do not look cozy. It is important to create a calm, relaxing environment for yourself, taking into account the size of the room and the intensity of natural light.

Fashionable combinations

There are no restrictions in choosing the color of the bedroom - it all depends on the purpose of the room and the taste preferences of the owner. Any color can be played to advantage with the help of details and accents and end up with a stylish look. modern design. First of all, it is important to decide on the base color, on the basis of which the rest of the interior will be built. The most popular shades are yellow, sand, orange, pink, blue, light green and gray. Blue and light blue are more conducive to healthy sleep than other shades.

White in 2019 it became the base color of most modern bedrooms. The ideal background against which furniture and any accessories look advantageous. Thanks to the ability to reflect light, it visually expands the boundaries of the room. By choosing white as the basis of the interior, you can easily combine it with any shades.

Grey The color in the bedroom is suitable for rooms where there is little natural light. Its shades look very cool under rim light, so when choosing gray it is important to make many light sources, including hidden ones.

Yellow. Relieves tension, relieves fatigue and puts you in an optimistic mood. A bedroom with yellow walls looks fresh and spacious, which is especially important in small areas. Sunny shades fill the room with light and good mood even in cloudy rainy weather.

What color should you choose for your bedroom to help you fall asleep quickly, wake up easily and feel energetic all day? Our tips and a selection of photos will help you find the right answers to these questions.

The bedroom is the personal territory of the owners, where strangers are rarely allowed and guests are not invited. However, I really want to make this room the most comfortable and beautiful. Usually, in this intimate room, not only fashion trends, but also fulfill their secret desires and dreams. When designing a recreation area, it is important to remember that everything here should contribute to relaxation. The choice of color scheme should come first, so finding out which color is best for the bedroom and deciding on it is no less important than deciding on the design style.

A white bedroom is a useful tradition

A white bedroom in no way has a negative impact on health, but some people consider this color too cold and associate it with a hospital. We have already written about the features, so we will not remind you of its advantages again. It might be worth looking at shades of white, such as ivory or soft beige. Even tastier - the color of marshmallows or cream! Another option is to dilute the white with one of suitable colors described below.

A bedroom in blue tones is the territory of long-livers

Psychologists say that people who wake up every day in an environment of blue and blue shades, sleep soundly and wake up in good mood and feeling cheerful. And all for the reason that the blue gamma slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure, which in turn leads to an increase in life expectancy and an improvement in its quality. It turns out that blue is the best color for the bedroom!

Spring colors – green and yellow for a restful sleep

Experiments have confirmed that in an environment with a predominance of warm shades of yellow and green, the duration healthy sleep increases. The color of green creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, and sunny yellow dissolves all problems and anxieties. These colors can be used to decorate a room in style.

Bedroom in red tones – relaxation with vivid dreams

Many women are wary of red, considering it the least suitable color for the bedroom. For lovers of brightness, there is good news - a bedroom design in red promotes positive thoughts and interesting dreams. Of course, you shouldn’t turn the room into a scarlet kingdom; it’s better to use a combination of red with light shades, for example, white or gray. As an option, decorate the walls with burgundy and choose white or beige furniture.

Pink – making a childhood dream come true

Growing up, girls whose favorite toy was a Barbie doll often choose soft pink shades for their bedroom design. To the room adult woman did not look like a doll house or, pink should be dosed skillfully. Also, don’t get carried away with the abundance of textile decor and accessories. Although... if you really want to sleep in dollhouse, then why not!

Purple is a disruptor of restful sleep

Special studies have confirmed that sleeping surrounded by purple decor is extremely undesirable. This color stimulates activity and vigor, which becomes a hindrance for those who want to fall asleep and have restful dreams. Abundance purple shades increases brain activity, which interferes with falling asleep and leads to nightmares and overly vivid dreams.

Fashionable gray reduces sleep time

Nowadays it is very fashionable to decorate the interior in gray, but there is no need to rush to choose this, innocent at first glance, shade for bedroom design. It turns out that sleep in a gray bedroom is reduced by about an hour, which leads to lack of sleep and fatigue. Psychologists generally claim that gray interior people who are on the verge of psychological exhaustion strive. If you really like the color gray, then it is better to use it in combination with other shades, taking minimalism as a basis.

A bedroom in black is the kingdom of extraordinary people

A black bedroom interior is chosen by brave and independent girls with a masculine outlook on life and the ability to solve problems. There is no need to be afraid of this controversial color scheme. Black is the color of the night; it promotes the production of melatonin and induces sleep. Those who are afraid that black can lead to depression are recommended to dilute it with other shades, for example, white. The black and white interior, which is very fashionable now, will appeal to many ladies. If you still don’t have the courage to decorate your bedroom in black, take a look, maybe you’ll find something interesting for yourself there.

Size determines color

There is no need to rush to choose a color only on the advice of psychologists. Before you decide what color is best to make your bedroom, you will have to measure its area. In a large room it is possible to use dark shades for walls, and in a miniature room the choice is limited only to light color scheme, as we have already discussed in the article, .

If the builders did not take care of the height of the ceilings, then it is also recommended to use light colors to increase this parameter. An effective solution - glossy suspended ceiling, its reflective properties will only benefit!

To feel comfortable not only in the bedroom, but also near the stove, choose the right one, following our advice in another article.
