Design of a room with a podium and a pull-out bed. Podium bed. Material: what to look for

Podium bed with built-in shelves for storing books and things

The podium bed is modern solution choosing a comfortable place to sleep and relax. How to choose a podium bed. Features of the interior solution when installing a bed. Model options, quality and material of manufacture - you will learn about all this from our article.

Exit bed-podium with a seating area and drawers, built into a niche

The large number of models presented on today's furniture market forces manufacturers to come up with new designs that can attract and interest the buyer. One of the options for a comfortable and convenient sleep is a podium bed. It will be relevant for apartments with a small area, as well as in interior design country house, as it allows you to significantly save space.

An excellent solution for the bedroom - a comfortable wooden podium bed by the window

Original bed-podium in the interior of the room

The unusual appearance of the model on an elevated platform is increasingly arousing interest among both young people and older people. Thanks to its unusual design, the podium bed adds zest to the interior and also allows you to significantly save space, leaving free space around it.

Classic podium bed with drawers for a small bedroom

The multifunctionality of the podium allows you not only to store various things in the niches of the bed, but also to use it as a place for games in the nursery, to store bedding and various items, thereby achieving order in the apartment.

Comfortable children's bed-podium for two children with space for games and a pull-out bed

Advantages of the model

Built-in high bed with drawer steps and mirror cabinet

Thanks to the design solution, the interior of the apartment can change beyond recognition if such a model is installed. The advantages include the following points.

  1. Separate zoning. A home divided into conventional zones will look more interesting and unusual due to the open space that is formed due to the absence of boundary contours. An installed podium bed will highlight visual restrictions in the interior in a natural way.
  2. Practical approach. The installed product will not only add newness to the interior of the apartment, but will also help to carry out several functions at the same time, such as storing objects, a retractable base, and the podium can hide various communications (pipes, electrical sockets). In addition, building a podium is not difficult, all you need is finished parts structures and connecting them together is not difficult.
  3. Square footage. Another advantage of the installation, which allows you to significantly save space for receiving guests or playing for a child. The use of the podium in the design of a children's room, as well as living and sleeping areas, will be especially relevant.
  4. Visual effect. A room in which a pull-out bed is installed takes on a sophisticated look and a certain mood.

Build a bed into a podium – great way hide it in the living room interior

What types of podium beds are there?

Wooden podium bed in a small bedroom in Scandinavian style

Podiums are distinguished not only by appearance, but also in the design of the assembly and the material of manufacture. Let's look at some of them.

With monolithic base

Unusual podium bed with a monolithic base

As a basis, they take a section of living space where, for example, a pull-out bed will be located, and install it on it. wooden structure(formwork) and add concrete. The finished base is covered with floor covering. The frame of the product is installed on top. The advantage of this design is that it will last for a long time. The downside is a lot of weight. Previously, similar podiums were installed in castles and palaces.

With frame podium

Frame base installed in a niche for a future podium bed

The manufacturing material is lightweight wood or steel structures. You can make them yourself or buy ready-made parts and assemble them. Most of those presented on modern market models made in a similar way. All that remains is to choose the model you like and install it in your home.

With retractable base

Pull-out beds for two children from the podium-play area in the children's room

Pull-out beds that can be stored under the base of the frame are also often found in apartments and private houses. The advantage of convenience is the open space of the vacated territory. On the podium you can install workplace, various equipment, arrange toys and make a children's corner, etc.

How to choose the right material

Soft bed-podium orange color for a non-standard bedroom

Depending on the purpose for which the podium will be installed, you need to choose the appropriate material. Conventionally, podiums can be divided into the following types:

  • for technical use;
  • decorative purposes;
  • combined type.

Pull-out double bed with sofa and TV located on the podium

A technical box is installed to hide communications in the room, as well as to store things. Decorative box installed to visually highlight zones. A combined podium is installed when they want to combine some functions at the same time. The retractable base and things are stored in the niche, but sometimes the space is actively used for different kinds(games, work, storage, etc.)

Bright children's bed-podium with a seating area and storage space

Depending on the purpose of the structure, choose the required material. Most often, ready-made chipboards are used to assemble the podium. wooden blocks and furniture panels. The frame of the podium is assembled based on the mass of the weight that will support the beam. The average weight of the platform should not exceed 450-700 kg per square meter area.

It is not difficult to assemble the product yourself. Enough to prepare necessary materials and tools. What is needed for production is given below in the table.

What qualities to look for when choosing

Comfortable bed-podium for a bedroom in a country house

Your interior and the further use of the product depend on how correctly you choose a bed. Please note the following points:

  1. Material of manufacture. It must be durable and environmentally friendly;
  2. Structure weight. The finished model should be able to support two adults;
  3. Product height. Give importance to where the podium is when you stand next to it. A common person must stand up easily and not rest his head on the base of the second tier or on the ceiling;
  4. If niches are provided, the height of the podium should not exceed 40 cm;
  5. When the bed is located at a height of more than 40 cm, it is recommended to make steps to make it easy to climb.

Choosing a podium bed for a small bedroom

Full double bed-podium with organized places for storage

Depending on how you use the sleeping space, installation can be of two types: permanent place and as a temporary option with a retractable base.

Standing bed on the podium in the interior

Permanent sleeping area equipped with a podium with a mattress and all bedding. This option ensures comfortable sleep and correct anatomical position of the body. The bedside frame can be used as a stand for coffee or tea, as well as books and magazines. The comfortable location allows two adults to sit comfortably without embarrassing each other.

Podium with space for studying and working at the top and a pull-out bed for sleeping at the bottom

A temporary option, when after sleep, the base of the frame and all the bedding are pushed into the podium. He comes up when near the apartment small area and the bedroom also serves as an office or a place for games ( similar option especially relevant in children's bedrooms and rooms).

High podium with space for studying and playing and with pull-out children's beds

What style is suitable for the interior

DIY podium bed for a children's room

Depending on what style predominates in your apartment, be guided by a suitable podium based on the color scheme and form of manufacture. It is important to consider how the bed will visually look in relation to the style of the room. It should be noted that select the color of the box based on the floor covering. Together they are perceived as a single whole. There is a smooth visual transition from floor surface on the podium bed.

Large luxurious bed located on a podium with storage space

What is special about podium beds and how to apply them in the interior

Bed on a high podium for something unusual stylish design interior

The main advantage is its special structure, which allows it to be used multifunctionally. Modern developers offer wide choose with various mechanisms and functions, including pull-out beds. The main feature is the ability to save space and store items.

White furniture for a teenage girl's bedroom with a podium bed

The freed up space can be used at your discretion, this is especially appreciated in small apartments and small rooms. The selected podium bed for your apartment will become not only a place for comfortable rest and sleep, but also an original accent and highlight in the interior.

Built-in guest bed for small living room

Video: Podium bed. Idea for a small room

The placement and design of a sleeping place in a house or apartment, regardless of the type and size of the room, is always an interesting process and requires a certain ingenuity, especially when the interior space has certain limitations. Podium bed - a universal invention modern designers. The variety of various models allows you to organize a place to relax with taste, benefit and maximum convenience.

Types of models

A bed that can be pulled out from a podium is one of the most compact and economical options. IN in this case on the podium itself you can place a work corner, shelves with books or a small closet, and the bed itself will be a roll-out bed built into the side. The best bed is considered to be one that rolls out gently on silent rubber wheels that do not scratch the floor.

It is not recommended to use cheaper plastic wheels, since when the bed is moved repeatedly, marks will appear on the floor very soon, which will be virtually impossible to remove. In addition, plastic wheels often break, so for softer contact with the floor and silent movement of the bed, wheels made of high quality rubber are best suited.

Bed located on the podium itself, may look different depending on the owner’s preferences and available interior solutions. Exist different types designs. The monolithic podium is made of wood, poured with concrete, and the surface of the elevation is pre-leveled with a screed. The covering is either the same as in the room as a whole, or it may look different: differ in color, quality of material, in order to somehow highlight the sleeping area in the surrounding space. Such a podium will serve for a very long time, despite its solidity and heavy weight, which, in fact, is not such a big drawback.

Frame podiums are lightweight and simple technology assemblies, they are much easier to make and install yourself. The frame base is made of wood or metal, or two materials are combined with each other. Inside it you can place pull-out or folding drawers for linen and other things. This is the main advantage of this technique, because this is the way to significantly save space in any room, especially if the room or apartment is small.

Also, any frame base filled with drawers will be a salvation for a person who has a lot of things, but does not want to acquire a large amount of furniture in the form of large chests of drawers or wardrobes: everything can be conveniently and compactly placed in the built-in drawers.

Some sources claim that the podium design as such is categorically not suitable for small rooms. This is far from true. If we are talking about very high monolithic podiums, the purpose of which is to raise the bed above the surrounding space, thereby creating a certain aesthetic effect, this opinion may be correct. This kind of bed is suitable only for large rooms.

But when it comes to frame podiums, in this case it is difficult to come up with a better way to save space in a small room.

Also, among the varieties of podium structures, traditional ones are sometimes distinguished(most often this is simple wooden frame, lined with carpet, linoleum or chipboard) and improved (just all types of more complex frame structures with fillings in the form of compartments refer specifically to it). A simple traditional podium can be easily made with your own hands, even by a person who does not have great experience in the manufacture of furniture. Manufacturing will cost a minimal amount, sometimes much cheaper than buying a regular double bed.

On top of a frame covered with chipboard or other suitable material Simply put the mattress on, and an excellent sleeping place is ready. An improved design is more difficult to produce: it will require much large quantity measurements and calculations, especially when planning compartments, the dimensions of which must be thought out with maximum accuracy.

Benefits for the interior

For little and narrow bedroom the best option would be a podium with wide drawers and a couple of steps up. Everything is placed by the window. You can also install drawers into the steps: this will become the best way using a small footage and will look like an original built-in chest of drawers. The bed is installed on top of the podium (classic version), which provides it with cozy natural light in daytime, and at the top you can leave space for a bedside lamp, a floor lamp and several shelves for books.

IN one-room apartment the type of podium structure will directly depend on the size of the room. At large area You can set aside a part of the room for a sleeping place, which is usually fenced off with a tall cabinet or rack with built-in drawers and shelves. The sleeping place is arranged using a regular wide mattress in the upper part, and below you can arrange a compact workplace in the form of a table with drawers. Thus, the podium becomes multifunctional, and a person can do different things while in the same place. If the one-room apartment is small, optimal sizes the podium for her will be approximately the following: length – 310 cm, width – 170 cm, and height – 50 cm.

In this case, in contrast to the “odnushka” with a large footage, we will talk about one of the “minimalist” varieties of frame structures with built-in elements.

A bed with a mattress in a small one-room apartment can be designed as a horizontal roll-out. It will be about two meters long. The advantage of such a bed is that it can not be completely pulled out from the podium, using it as a small sofa or a place to relax during the day. The compartment for linen and pillows is best located at the top of the podium: it will be a built-in drawer (or a couple of drawers) with hinged lids. At the top, as in the case of a children's room with a pull-out bed, you can place a workplace: a computer desk and several hanging shelves for books.

In a “Khrushchev” apartment it is also quite possible to build a simple podium structure, taking into account the peculiarities of the layout of such an apartment. Small area And low ceilings are not an obstacle for those who want to arrange a compact and comfortable sleeping place, but all this must be taken into account when planning the size. The main condition for placing the podium in “Khrushchev” buildings and other small spaces is that its height should not exceed 20 cm, so that later the “pressure” of the ceiling is not psychologically felt.

One of the best options is a classic podium on a solid frame base with a bed or mattress on top. You can build drawers for things below, which will eliminate the need to buy an extra piece of furniture to accommodate them.

Decorating ideas: how to use space

If the bed is designed near a window, the best option- This is a podium with drawers at the bottom. This placement saves space and adds natural light, since the berth rises higher. It is better to remove the radiator from the window, and instead build a special convector into the floor. Thus, the bedroom is divided into two parts, which look great when kept in single color and style. Can be used as finishing environmentally friendly materials from natural wood or laminate.

To visually increase the space, you can decorate the walls with mirror panels or stick photo wallpaper with a beautiful landscape on them.

If the room has a niche or alcove, this is perfect place for installing a classic podium, because in this case there is no need to construct a pull-out bed. It can simply be installed in a niche, additionally equipped with modest necessary items interior, depending on the wishes of the owner. Standard sizes alcove – 2.40x2.50 m, which allows you to place a double bed with drawers below. To add beauty and originality to your sleeping area, you can hang a curtain to separate the bed from the main space of the room, and also equip the alcove with several sources of calm light.

There are many ways to place a podium on a balcony or loggia, despite their limited space. If the width of the balcony allows, you can put a place to relax on a classic podium. The disadvantage of a cold floor can be compensated for by integrating a “warm floor” heating system into the podium. An excellent “two in one” way is to place structures along the entire length of the loggia in the form of several wide and durable wooden boxes, in which homemade products will be stored. IN warm weather, or if the balcony is properly insulated, put a mattress on top of the drawers - and the sleeping place is ready.

If the loggia is connected to the room by eliminating the window sill block, there is nothing more optimal than building a podium in this place, because there is now plenty of space.

There is a great opportunity not only to build a large podium, but also to install an additional heating system in the room, installing it inside the structure.

Design in a children's room

When arranging a children's room, you should, first of all, zoning the room: the child should always have a place to sleep, play and do school homework. For equipping a children's room, both retractable and classic options. The good thing about a retractable bed is that there is more space in the room; moreover, when using this option, it is very easy to place the necessary zones in the children’s room: the sleeping place itself is retractable, and at the top of the podium there is a study area in the form of a table, a chair and several bookshelves. During the daytime, the bed can be easily removed inside the podium and the child will have an ideal space for playing.

The option with built-in beds is very convenient if there are two children in the family. Sleeping places in the form of vertical roll-out beds are symmetrically located to the left and right of the podium, the steps are in the middle, and at the top there is a kind of room with a work area. During the day, the beds are removed inside, and thus there is enough space for two in the room. In this case, the podium itself looks quite high and will have at least two or three steps, which can also be put to good use by building into them convenient drawers for storing children's things.

Also good way arrange a children's room - put a bed there on a high podium with many drawers, where the child can put anything he wants: from toys to school supplies. The room will be provided with both order and sufficient space for games. If the choice is to create a high podium, you can also install a small built-in table with a retractable mechanism, which will be both practical and very convenient.

How to do it yourself?

Not only professionals in the field of furniture assembly can build a podium bed with their own hands. For example, a simple traditional podium on a frame made of wooden beams is easy to make even for a person who is not a professional in this matter. Frame podium of an improved design with filling in the form of boxes or roll-out bed it is much more difficult to do: first of all, you will need to draw a drawing in which the dimensions of the future product and its elements will be thought out in detail and with maximum clarity. You should immediately think about the strength and reliability of the frame so that it can withstand the weight of a person’s body and pieces of furniture if they are planned to be placed at the top of the podium. The frame timber must be dry, not wet, to avoid its “shrinkage” and squeaking. When drawing up a drawing, you should take into account the thickness of the sheathing (for example, plywood) and the finishing (most often laminate is used as it). It is also necessary to take into account the gap between the mattress of the future bed and the podium in case the bed is rolled out.

Here's how to build the simplest, but durable and reliable frame podium with drawers in ordinary apartment. Necessary materials for work and accessories:

  • plywood sheet 20 mm thick,
  • plywood sheet 10 mm thick,
  • bars 50x5 mm,
  • beams 30x40 mm,
  • fasteners - dowels (nails), anchors, self-tapping screws, angles for fastening 50 and 40 mm. Count the number of corners based on the size of the podium.

Manufacturing technology:

  • First, make an outline of the future design– take a pencil and draw an outline with it. Use a tape measure to measure the diagonals to take into account possible errors in the corners. If the error exceeds 5 mm, adjust the length of the podium on the fly before aligning the diagonals.
  • For moisture insulation, lay plastic film on the floor. Cover the place of the future podium with a cork backing and 10 mm plywood. Use dowels to nail the plywood to the floor. Leave a technical gap at the joints of approximately 3 mm.
  • Measure and cut frame beam 50x50 mm according to the dimensions indicated in the drawings. In order to get a preliminary general picture of the podium, the logs can be placed on supports. If the timber is not completely dry, all supports must be laid with a cork backing so that the wood does not subsequently creak after drying.
  • After this, you can begin assembling and fastening the frame of the future podium. The joists are attached to the side walls using anchors, and only then the main part of the frame is assembled. 20 mm plywood is laid and fastened onto the frame, leaving a small technological gap between its sheets.
  • Boxes should be made according to the dimensions specified in the drawings - it all depends on technology and capabilities. If the height of the boxes is small, you can simply connect two bars using corners and attach them to a piece of plywood 10 mm thick.
  • Plywood close up finishing in the form of a laminate. Now, finally, you can put a large orthopedic mattress on top, and the podium bed with drawers below is completely ready for use.

On the balcony

A small loggia allows you to place a sleeping place on it. The balcony, of course, should be insulated, with warm glazing. The podium is made from furniture board and plywood:

  • A frame (frame) is assembled from a furniture panel for the podium itself, and the flooring (manhole covers) is made from plywood.
  • The first step is to assemble a frame from furniture board. He is going with the help wide corners No. 140. A large lid with a lifting mechanism is made from plywood.
  • The structure is pre-assembled without fastenings to see if there are any errors in the walls of the loggia. Usually at this stage they become especially visible. If the error is, for example, 21 mm, the shield is shortened in accordance with it.
  • A small semicircular hole is cut into the shield so that you can open it with your fingers and put things inside the podium. The lid is attached to the base using three furniture hinges with “cup” No. 35. If, in addition to a large compartment, it is planned to place a small one on the podium, the lid for it is also made taking into account the curvature of the walls.

The facade can either be painted or sheathed with linoleum.


First you need to decide on the size of the future bed. If a trundle sleeper is designed for a child, it should not be designed according to the child's height because the child is growing. It is better to immediately think about a bed “for growth”, focusing on the length of the mattress at 2 m. To make a pull-out bed, materials such as plywood, chipboard or OSB are most often used. They are thin, but quite durable, and a podium built from them does not look bulky or too large, even if it is installed in a nursery. Wood materials are much more expensive, so it would be quite a good idea to limit yourself to ordinary boards. The first level at the top will be assembled from four elements - two sheets large sizes as the head of the bed and two for the “sides” in length. It is important to design the bottom four elements so that the bottom shelf rolls freely out of the niche.

For mattresses from boards, grates are constructed and attached to longitudinal elements two levels. The lathing usually consists of five to seven strips, each of which should be 10-15 cm thick. Assembly is carried out by drilling mounting holes with a diameter similar to the diameter of the ties. Attach wheels to the lower level and place mattresses on the grates.

The architectural element called the podium appeared relatively recently in residential interiors. It migrated to apartments from public buildings and in a short time gained incredible popularity. And why all? Yes, because the podium is modern and very practical!

Functional purpose

Main practical functions there are several near the podium.

Technical podiums.

In bathrooms and kitchens, these structures are often erected to unclog the interior by hiding many unsightly communication elements - pipes, electrical wiring, etc. In this case, the podiums have technical purpose and are most often installed immediately during housing construction. Their height depends on the specifics of the installation of engineering systems.

Podiums are places for storage.

Also, podiums are being built in order to create additional closed places storage and thereby compensate for the lack of living space.

The installation of such a podium begins with the construction of a durable niche frame and flooring, because in the future they will have to withstand considerable constant load. And under them are placed drawers, which are an excellent alternative to hard-to-reach mezzanines. The height of the podiums can be any, but most often it is 35 cm - 1 m.

Often a bed is rolled into a niche under the podium at night, while at the very top there can be, for example, a work area with computer desk or a place for children to play.

And even a small wardrobe can be placed well under the high podium, so such design solutions often found in small apartments. In this case, directly on the podium there is most often a relaxation area with a bed or mattress for sleeping. Small steps will help you get to the elevated podium.

Room zoning

Often a podium is arranged for the purpose of visual zoning of the room. There are many examples of such layouts. On the elevated surface there can be a sleeping and resting area, or a home office, or a dining room, kitchen island etc. In most cases, these same podiums simultaneously serve as additional places storage (for example, a bed is placed on the podium, and there are drawers in it).

A decorative podium can also divide the space into work, play, kitchen and guest areas in an apartment. Its height usually does not exceed 15 cm.

Types of podiums

By engineering solution podiums are divided into two types - frame and monolithic.

Monolithic podiums are nothing more than a layer of concrete of a considerable area and an average height of 15 cm, therefore, due to their large weight, they are not used in multi-story buildings. Sometimes lightweight construction is used in their construction. constructive solution— the elevation above the floor is constructed from gypsum blocks or foam concrete. However, his self-installation is possible only after the housing redevelopment project has been approved by construction and architectural organizations.

Most often, to raise the floor to the required level, a frame podium is installed, consisting of wooden beam or metal profiles, joists and plywood flooring. Finishing coating Any material can be used for it: linoleum, tiles, laminate, parquet, carpet, engineered board, etc.

If the project provides for a soft podium, then first it is lined with foam rubber, and then with any soft but durable material suitable for furniture upholstery.

IN multi-storey building, in order to avoid the resonance effect and not cause inconvenience to neighbors, inner space The decorative podium must be filled with sound-absorbing material (for example, polyurethane foam).

Podium in a small room

The choice of the optimal type of podium and its size depends on the immediate needs of the home owners. It is clear that in a small apartment or studio apartment a decorative podium would be inappropriate. The most justified here would be a functional podium, which will successfully replace wardrobe, saving space, and will divide one large room for a few functional zones, which is quite justified from a visual point of view.

Raising the floor in work area a kitchen, a sleeping area or a work area by the window - these are the most common options for podiums in studio apartments. They also build podiums in children's rooms: as a rule, during the day a bed is hidden under them, and on top, by the window, there is a work or play area.

Sometimes owners of small apartments are afraid of the podium, believing that it hides what they already have small space. However, it is not. Yes, the height of one of the areas of the apartment with the installation of a podium, of course, decreases, but, as we see, such “two-level” housing also has many advantages.

Podiums for spacious rooms

If in small apartments podiums have a mainly utilitarian purpose, then in big houses can perform strictly decorative function, serving, for example, as a display area for a beautiful furniture group.

When the area of ​​the house and the height of the ceilings allow for any design experiments, the podiums can be very different. In a large bedroom, a bed erected on a medium-height podium equipped with steps looks very impressive. In a spacious living room, you can build a fairly wide podium, located along two or three walls. And below, in the recess, place comfortable sofa, located opposite the wall with a TV and fireplace. In the middle of a large kitchen on a podium, a kitchen island surrounded by a bar counter will look very impressive.

If you have a desire to get a podium, seek the help of professionals: experienced designer will help you choose and arrange this fashionable and comfortable architectural element so as to emphasize all the advantages of your home, hide its shortcomings and use usable area with maximum efficiency.

Podium in the room photo

IN modern apartments or at home you can often meet a new design idea– podiums. This is a great solution if your apartment is small in size.

The main advantage of a podium in an apartment is its functionality. The customer can select certain functions individually to suit his taste and financial capabilities.

Thanks to the latest materials, making podiums in an apartment takes minimal time. You can make this design yourself, even if you are an inexperienced carpenter. A DIY podium in apartments is cheap, functional and fashionable.

Advantages of a podium in an apartment

The average height of the podium is 25 centimeters. The design, at the request of the customer, can be divided into levels. In this case, its functionality will only increase.

Modern designers present numerous photos of podiums in apartments, after viewing which you can choose suitable design. Everyone can choose according to their taste and design.

Thanks to the podium, the space in the apartment can be divided into zones. The design, due to its elevation, will attract maximum attention.

Therefore, try to think through the design in your apartment in advance and place on the podium the most important things that you would like to focus the attention of guests on.

Podium beds in apartments are now very popular among designers. It is very comfortable. First of all, you don't have to think about buying a new bed. Secondly, the bed can be built-in and then during the day you will simply hide it in the podium.

In the bathroom it also plays a big role if you need to hide pipes.

If you have a one-room apartment, then the podium will be great solution. You will save a lot of space.

But you should immediately think about where to place the structure so that it does not cause you trouble in the future. Due to the lack of space, it is necessary to immediately think about the drawers inside the podium. It is very comfortable.

A podium in a one-room apartment is functional and fresh.

Advice. It is better to avoid large objects on the surface of the podium. They will look even larger and this can create chaos and disorder in the interior.

Designers advise not to place large items on the catwalk, as this will draw attention to them even more. It is better to arrange small items. We suggest exploring another option on how to still make a handmade podium in an apartment.

How to make a podium yourself?

There are many options for constructing a podium. One of the popular ones is frame. It is easy to assemble, so anyone who owns a screwdriver or screwdriver can assemble it. Nowadays there are many designs of apartments with a podium.

First, choose the location where you want to place the structure. Afterwards, it is advisable to make a drawing. Thanks to him, you can buy required quantity material.

Before you begin, you must purchase all construction material from your calculations and drawing. The amount of material may vary depending on the size of your podium and its functionality.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to lay polyethylene film on the floor. It will create waterproofing. Then you need to lay down the backing. After this, lay thin plywood on the floor.

In order to insulate wooden beams, you need to re-lay the supports cork backing. This will get rid of squeaking.

To fasten the product, you can use bolts and angles. Afterwards, 20 mm plywood is laid and secured with self-tapping screws.

The created podium in the apartment with your own hands must be covered with a finishing coating after completion of the work. You can use any decorative coating: parquet board, tiles, linoleum, carpet. carpet

Photo of the podium in the apartment
