Shipitsyna Lyudmila Mikhailovna. Review of foreign literature

Shipitsyna L. M.

; “Uneducable” child in the family And society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2005. - 477 p.

ISBN 5-9268-0386-1

The monograph presents the results of complex diagnostics and correction of children, adolescents and young people with mental retardation. Special attention is given to the socialization and integration of these individuals into society. In this regard, the issues of their socio-psychological adaptation, the formation of communication skills, family relationships, gender-role behavior, as well as the issue of psychological and pedagogical support for mentally retarded persons in different conditions training, education, rehabilitation and supported living. The book may be useful for teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists, psychoneurologists, speech therapists, graduate students, students and parents of children with intellectual disabilities.



Chapter 2



2.1. Historical excursion into the doctrine of mental retardation


2.2. Causes of mental retardation


2.3. Pathogenesis of mental retardation


2.4. Taxonomy of mental retardation


2.5. Symptoms of mental retardation


2.5.1. Mild mental retardation


2.5.2. Moderate mental retardation


2.5.3. Severe mental retardation


2.5.4. Profound mental retardation


2.6. Early diagnosis of mental retardation


2.7. Dynamics of mental retardation


2.8. Late habilitation of mental retardation


Chapter 3



3.1. Formation of ideas about “mental retardation” in psychological and pedagogical research


3.2. Diagnosis of sensory-perceptual functions in children with moderate and severe mental retardation


3.3. Diagnostics social development children and adolescents with severe

and profound mental retardation


3.3.1. Age group from 7 to 11 years


3.3.2. Age group 12 to 18 years old


3.4. Parents' assessment of the development of social and everyday skills and emotional-behavioral reactions in adult children with moderate and severe mental retardation


3.5. Diagnosis of social and everyday skills in young people with moderate and severe mental retardation


3.5.1. Development of social and everyday skills at home


3.5.2. Development of social and everyday skills outside the home


3.5.3. Development of study and work skills


3.6. Diagnosis of the emotional state in young people with moderate and severe mental retardation


3.7. Diagnostics speech development young people with moderate to severe mental retardation


Chapter 4



4.1. The importance of communication in the mental development of a child


4.2. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication


4.3. Features of the formation of communication skills in persons with mental retardation


4.3.1. Diagnosis of communication skills in young people with moderate to severe mental retardation


4.4. Development of communication skills in young people with moderate and severe mental retardation during the educational process


4.5. Recommendations for developing verbal communication in mentally retarded children


4.5.1. Developing the ability to know yourself


4.5.2. Developing self-care skills


4.5.3. Development of the ability to navigate the world around us and perceive it adequately


4.5.4. Development of the ability to navigate social relationships and the ability to engage in them


4.5.5. Developing the ability to concentrate attention and respond to requests from others


4.5.6. Development of the ability to perceive speech


4.5.7. Developing the ability to imitate


4.5.8. Developing the ability to take turns in conversation


4.5.9. Developing the ability to use communication skills in everyday life


1.6. Recommendations for formation nonverbal communication in mentally retarded children


4.6.1. Gesture system as a means of nonverbal communication


4.6.2. System of symbols (pictograms) as a means of non-verbal communication


Chapter 5



5.1. Development of gender identity and sex-role behavior in a child’s ontogenesis


5.2. Features of psychosexual development of children and adolescents with mental retardation


5.3. Concepts of sex role identity and sex roles


5.4. Study of gender role identification of adolescents with mental retardation


5.4.1. Drawing test results


5.4.2. Results of the test “Age. Floor. Role" (VPR)


5.5. Study of gender role behavior of adolescents with mental retardation


5.6. A study of the sexual behavior of girls with moderate mental retardation


5.7. Recommendations for sex education for children and adolescents with mental retardation


Chapter 6



6.1. Styles and types of parenting


6.2. The birth of a child with a disorder mental development as a factor influencing family functioning


6.3. The uniqueness of the relationship between parents and children with developmental disorders


6.4. Socio-psychological characteristics of families raising children with mental retardation


6.5. Study interpersonal relationships in families with children with mental retardation


6.6. The influence of intrafamily relationships on the personality development of a child with mental retardation


6.7. Features of relationships in families with adult children with mental retardation


Chapter 7



7.1. The role of the mother in the family of a mentally retarded child


7.2. Social adaptation of a mother raising a child with mental retardation


7.3. Study personal qualities mothers by observation method


7.4. Study of the personal qualities of mothers using the conversation method


7.5. Study of the personal qualities of mothers using the biographical method


7.6. Study of the level of anxiety and its causes in mothers raising children with mental retardation


7.7. Study of the level of emotional tension of mothers raising children with mental retardation


7.8. Study of the inner world of mothers raising children with mental retardation


Chapter 8



8.1. Integration, its relationship with socialization and self-realization of the individual


8.2. The history of the formation of social integration of mentally retarded people in Russia


8.3. Changing the legal framework regarding people with mental retardation


8.4. Society's attitude towards persons with intellectual disabilities


8.4.1. Public awareness of people with mental disabilities


8.4.2. Attitudes of different categories of the population towards people with mental disabilities


Chapter 9



9.1. Rehabilitation services for mentally retarded people


9.2. Day care centers


9.2.1. Day care center at a special (correctional) school


9.2.2. Study of the rehabilitation of mentally retarded persons in a day care center


9.2.3. Day care center in the system social protection


9.3. Social hotels


9.3.1. Social hotel as a model of preparation for independent living


9.3.2. Welfare complex as a model of supported living on the basis of a special (correctional) school


9.4. Social rehabilitation center as a model of supported residential accommodation


9.4.1. Contents of educational work in the center


9.4.2. Center structure


9.4.3. Organization of educational and vocational training


9.5. Recommendations for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with mental retardation and their parents in the supported living system


9.5.1. Rehabilitation work with parents


9.5.2. Organization of communication and joint activities parents with children


9.5.3. Rehabilitation work with disabled children


Chapter 10



10.1. Principles and forms of rehabilitation in Kemphil communities


10.2. Historical aspect of the ideas of communal living in Russia


10.3. Structure of the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation “Village Svetlana”


10.4. The rhythm of life in the Svetlana Village Center


10.5. Individual characteristics of socio-psychological rehabilitation of young people with intellectual disabilities living in the Svetlana Village Center




Annex 1



1.1. Methodology “Map of Observations”


Rating levels on scales


Evaluation criteria for scales


1.2. Methodology "Sociogram". Pedagogical analysis of social development of people with multiple disabilities (PAC-S/P form). Based on the third edition by H. S. Günzburg


1.3. Questionnaire for parents: Scale of skills necessary for social adaptation (according to D. Norris and P. Williams, 1975)


1.4. Questionnaire to determine social and everyday skills


1.5. Questionnaire to determine emotional and behavioral characteristics


1.6. Scheme for studying the speech of young people with intellectual disabilities


1.7. Test questionnaire of parental attitude towards children (A. L. Varga, V. V. Stolin)


1.8. Psychological autobiography


1.9. Methodology “Self-Esteem Scale” (according to Ch. D. Spielberger, Yu. L. Khanin)


1.10. Methodology “Semantic differential”


1.11. “Unfinished sentences” technique


1.12. Methodology for studying self-attitude (according to S. R. Panteleev)


1.13. Methodology “Self-actualization” (according to A. Maslow)


1.14. Questionnaire 1. “Awareness about people with mental disabilities”


1.15. Questionnaire 2. “Attitude towards people with mental disabilities”


Application 2



1. Regulations on the social and labor rehabilitation department for people with mental disabilities


2. Regulations on a social hotel for young people with mental disabilities


3. Regulations on the rehabilitation center of the state inpatient social service institution “Boarding Home for Children with Mental Disabilities”
files -> Options for test No. 2 In the discipline “Foreign (English) language in professional activities” for 1st year students of correspondence courses studying in specialty 030900. 68 Master’s degree
files -> Test No. 2 Option No. 1 Text No. 1 Use of Non-Police Negotiators in a Hostage Incident
files -> Classification of basic human needs according to A. Maslow Pyramid of needs
files -> Work program for students of direction 42. 03. 02 “Journalism” profiles “Print”, “Television Journalism”
File -> E. A. Games with an autistic child. Establishing contact, methods of interaction, speech development, psychotherapy. M.: Terevinf, 2004. 136 p. Book

Shipitsyna Lyudmila Mikhailovna - rector of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist Russian Federation.

Born in 1947. In 1970 she graduated from Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soils, majoring in physiology (now St. Petersburg State University). In 1974 she defended her PhD thesis on the study of neurophysiological mechanisms of speech in children early age. Since 1987 - Doctor of Biological Sciences (Dissertation Council of the Medical Faculty of Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow), since 1989 - Professor.

In 1993 L.M. Shipitsyna created the first non-state university in Russia, specializing in training personnel for the system of special (correctional) educational institutions, social rehabilitation services and centers, orphanages, shelters and boarding schools. Currently, the Institute has high authority both in Russia and abroad.

Scientific projects carried out under the leadership of L.M. Shipitsyna are constantly supported by Russian and international grants, which ensures a high methodological level and relevance of research results. Developed under the guidance of Professor L.M. Shipitsyna program for training and education of persons with disabilities health are successfully used in the practice of special (correctional) institutions. Such scientific works as “Psychology of Orphans”, “Uneducable” Child in the Family and Society”, “Communication Lessons for Children with Intellectual Disabilities” are “handbooks” for practicing psychologists.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna is the author of 420 publications, including 30 monographs, 80 educational and scientific methodological manuals, published not only in Russia, but also abroad. Under her leadership, 25 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were prepared; Scientific schools in special (correctional) pedagogy and psychology have been created.

Books (6)

The monograph presents a historical insight into the study of one of the complex movement pathologies - cerebral palsy (CP), its clinical symptoms in different forms diseases.

Particular emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the mental state, including higher mental functions, depending on the form and severity of cerebral palsy. Literature data and our own data on the study of cognitive, emotional, motivational, and intellectual activity of children with cerebral palsy are presented.

Much attention is paid to the problems of psychodiagnostics, correction, training, education and support of students with cerebral palsy, as well as their social and pedagogical integration.

Conduct violations among students at the support school

Behavioral disorders in children and adolescents are actual problem and this relevance has a clear upward trend. Deviations from generally accepted social and moral forms of behavior of children and adolescents pose serious challenges for the family, school and society as a whole.

Radical changes in the life of society, social and economic difficulties, a radical revision of seemingly established life values, the overthrow of many authorities, changes in the system of relations in all spheres of society, the rapid pace of these changes put this age group of society in a position of weak psychological security, reducing its adaptive capabilities and increase psychological vulnerability.

Uneducable child in family and society

“Uneducable” child in the family and society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities.

The monograph presents the results of complex diagnostics and correction of children, adolescents and young people with mental retardation. Particular attention is paid to the socialization and integration of these individuals into society.

In this regard, the issues of their socio-psychological adaptation, the formation of communication skills, family relationships, as well as the issue of psychological and pedagogical support for mentally retarded persons in various conditions of training, education, rehabilitation and supported living are considered in detail. The book may be useful for teachers, psychologists, defectologists, psychoneurologists, speech therapists, graduate students, students and parents of children with intellectual disabilities.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling of a child

Psychological and pedagogical consultation and support for child development.

The manual presents theoretical and practical basics psychological, pedagogical, medical and social counseling and support, as well as a regional model of such a service in St. Petersburg.

Are given guidelines on the organization and content of work with children with various developmental and health problems, sample survey reports. International and Russian regulatory documents regulating the activities of services and centers to support the development of children with disabilities are presented.

Social rehabilitation of children with autism

Review of foreign literature.

In the last decade, the problem of autism has become increasingly relevant in countries Western Europe and in the USA.

More than 50 years have passed since Leo Kanner drew attention to the symptoms characteristic of “children with early autism” (1943). Since then, views on the occurrence of autism have undergone significant changes.

Among the problems associated with autism, the following can be identified: the concept of autism, prevalence, etiology, symptoms, correction, training, integration into society.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Shipitsyna– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Rector of the Institute of Psychology and Special Training, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Born in 1947. Graduated from Leningrad State University. Zhdanova A.A., Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, majoring in physiology (St. Petersburg State University).

In 1974 she defended her PhD thesis on the study of the neurophysiological mechanisms of speech in young children.

Since 1987 - Doctor of Biological Sciences (Dissertation Council of the Faculty of Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow. Since 1989 - Professor.

Shipitsyna L.M. in 1993, she created the first non-state university in the Russian Federation, which specialized in training personnel for the system of correctional educational institutions, social rehabilitation centers and services, shelters, orphanages and boarding schools. The Institute currently has high authority, not only in the Russian Federation, but also beyond its borders.

Scientific projects that were carried out under the leadership of Shipitsyna L.M. are constantly supported by international and Russian grants, which ensures the highest methodological level and relevance of research results.

The education and training programs for people with disabilities developed under her leadership are successfully used in the practice of correctional institutions.

Such scientific works as “The Uneducable Child in the Family and Society”, “Psychology of Orphans”, “Communication Lessons for Children with Intellectual Disabilities” are “reference” books for practicing psychologists.

Shipitsyna L.M. – author of 30 monographs, 420 publications, 80 scientific, methodological and scientific manuals, published both in Russia and abroad. Under her leadership, 25 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were prepared; Scientific schools on special psychology and pedagogy were created.

Psychological and pedagogical counseling of a child

Psychological and pedagogical consultation and support for child development.

This book presents practical and theoretical basis psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support and counseling, as well as a regional model of such a service in St. Petersburg.

Methodological recommendations on the content and organization of work with children with disabilities are given. different problems in health and development, sample survey reports. Russian and international regulatory documents that regulate the activities of centers and services to support the development of children with disabilities are presented.

Rector of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the International University of Family and Child named after Raoul Wallenberg, academician Russian Academy Management in Education, UNESCO International Personnel Academy, New York Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
Born March 1, 1947
After graduating from Leningrad State University in 1970. A.A. Zhdanov at the Department of Higher Physiology nervous activity worked at the Research Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the USSR Academy of Sciences. where in 1974 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Since 1979, she worked at the Research Institute of Children's Infections of the USSR Ministry of Health as the head of the laboratory of functional diagnostic methods and at the same time on an hourly basis at the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Herzen, where she gave a course of lectures on the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing and speech. In 1986, she was elected to the position of head of the department of anatomical and physiological foundations of defectology at Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Herzen, and in 1989 - dean of the faculty of defectology. In 1987 she defended her doctoral dissertation, in 1989 she was awarded the academic title of professor.
Scientific and pedagogical activities of L.M. Shipitsyna is very multifaceted. She is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including 30 monographs, educational and methodological manuals. Prepared 15 candidates and 2 doctors of science.
L.M. Shipitsyna experimentally developed the principles of development functional asymmetry brain in children, studied the neurophysiological mechanisms of the formation of speech and non-speech processes, teaching children to read, structural and functional features of memory and emotional states in healthy children, as well as in children with severe hearing impairment, mental retardation, mental retardation and deviant behavior.
In the last 10 years, the main directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of L.M. Shipitsyna are related to the development of conceptual and methodological approaches in the special education system. This is largely due to the creation of L.M. Shipitsyna non-state educational center - International University of Family and Child named after. Raoul Wallenberg, which includes a school for children in need of special conditions training and development, expert advisory, research center, pedagogical workshops, an open university for parents, a publishing complex, a psychological and pedagogical center for the prevention of drug addiction in children and adolescents, as well as the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology.
The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology is the main structural unit of the University, which has a state license to conduct educational activities in the field higher education and a certificate of state accreditation by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology is the first non-state university in Russia specializing in training personnel for the system of special institutions and social services in education: special (correctional) educational institutions, social rehabilitation centers, orphanages, shelters, etc. Demand for highly qualified personnel and scientific research in this area has especially increased due to fundamental changes in public policy to support children and adults with disabilities.
Currently, more than 2,000 students from St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Vyborg, Zelenograd, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk, Severodvinsk, Tyumen, Togliatti, Novy Urengoy, and Chelyabinsk are studying at the institute.
The breadth of contacts and openness are an important feature in the appearance of the new university. Under the guidance of Professor L.M. Shipitsyna Institute participates in federal and international scientific programs.
Many scientific studies conducted at the institute are carried out on orders from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, regional educational authorities, etc. The institute successfully carries out scientific research within the framework of the Presidential program "Children of Russia", federal target programs "Disabled Children", " Orphans", "Children of Chernobyl", etc.
The Institute carries out international cooperation with various educational institutions in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, USA, Sweden, Finland and other countries.
Thanks to these connections, university students have the opportunity to listen to lectures and get acquainted with textbooks from leading Western experts.
The Institute develops and publishes scientific and methodological literature and teaching aids. The quality of the university’s scientific products is confirmed by the constant demand for it in various regions of Russia. The works of the institute's staff have been translated into English, Dutch, German languages and published abroad.
Credo of the rector L.M. Shipitsyna is that from the first days of study, the student - future teacher and psychologist - works with a specific child.
Defending in science the principles of a humane, caring attitude towards a child with developmental problems, Shipitsyna L.M. consistently puts them into practice. The institute decided on a unique experiment: it opened a group for deaf students who are pursuing a specialty " Special psychology"They are taught for free, despite the fact that this group is taught by the best professors and associate professors. Students with visual impairments and other disabled people also study at the institute.
The Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology does not aim to replace public education, but specifically helps the country in training specialists. In addition, the rector is proud that thanks to new form education can support the invaluable teaching staff of St. Petersburg - professors and associate professors - in this difficult time. And the institute has already proven its need for society over the years: more than 3,000 graduates successfully work in different parts of our country.
Professors and teachers, united in a creative, efficient team of like-minded people, consider the Institute their home.
A special atmosphere of benevolence, intelligence, and competition of scientific ideas reigns within its walls. Both students and teachers consider this to be the merit of their rector - a big-thinking scientist, an excellent organizer of science, a friendly and caring person.
In 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation L.M. Shipitsyna awarded the Order of Friendship, and also received a personalized medal and a diploma from Cambridge University for inclusion in the number of 2000 outstanding people XX century.

Shipitsyna Lyudmila Mikhailovna Rector of the Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education"Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology" (St. Petersburg), Head of the Department of Special Psychology, Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

A graduate of the Faculty of Biology of Leningrad University, Lyudmila Mikhailovna has been actively immersed in scientific creativity since her student years, especially interested in the problems of neurophysiology and physiology of VND. Passion for the ideas of Anokhin P.K. and Bernstein N.A. naturally led to the heuristic theory of dynamic and systemic localization of higher mental functions by L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria. Neuropsychological schemes of analysis and diagnosis higher levels organizations of mental activity, developed on the basis of local brain lesions in adults, turned out to be very effective in the study of children. Long-term research conducted by Lyudmila Mikhailovna at the Institute of Childhood Infections in the field of clinical neurophysiology and neuropsychology of children with neuroinfections and their consequences (sensorineural hearing loss, mental retardation, etc.) was summarized in her doctoral dissertation, defended in 1986, in the Russian state university Friendship of Peoples with a conclusion on a new direction in the pathophysiology of children's VND.

In 1986, Shipitsyna L.M. headed the newly created department of anatomical and physiological foundations of defectology at the defectology faculty of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Herzen. And from 1989 to 1993. headed the defectology faculty as its dean. In 1994 Lyudmila Mikhailovna organized and still heads the department of special psychology at St. Petersburg State University, at the Faculty of Psychology. This department remains the only one in our country within the framework academic universities. Over the past years, the department has formed as an original and unique scientific team. It is no coincidence that the next annual All-Russian conference “Ananyev Readings - 2005” was specially dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the department.

In 1993 Lyudmila Mikhailovna organizes the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named after. R. Wallenberg, who trains specialists in various fields for the special education system.

During its existence, the Institute has turned into a large educational and scientific-methodological center. In the ranking of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation among non-state universities in Russia, the institute invariably ranks first.

The list looks impressive scientific works Shipitsyna L.M., consisting of more than 370 publications, including 25 monographs and 76 educational and methodological manuals. But the point is not even the quantity itself, but the thematic diversity, reflecting the breadth of the author’s scientific interests. Among them is an original series of studies devoted to the unique genesis of the communicative activity of children with developmental disorders. Clinical-psychological and psychological-pedagogical study of children with musculoskeletal disorders. Phenomenology of behavioral disorders in persons with mental retardation. One of the first in our country, Lyudmila Mikhailovna, organized a mass clinical and psychological examination of children living in contaminated areas after the accident. Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Unique in their essence are the works devoted to the study of the phenomenon of mental development of children under conditions of maternal deprivation, as well as the psychology and sociology of orphanhood in modern Russia. A special area of ​​Lyudmila Mikhailovna’s research interests is the problem of social integration of people with disabilities, society’s attitude towards people with disabilities, psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support for children in integrated education. The research itself is distinguished not only by its academic rigor, based on rich factual material, but also by its practical focus on the problems of the real process of teaching and raising children with developmental disabilities. Lyudmila Mikhailovna generously shares her experience as a researcher with her students. More than 22 Ph.D. theses were defended under her leadership.

In October 2004, a month after the tragedy in Beslan, on the initiative and with the direct participation of Lyudmila Mikhailovna, the “Children of Beslan” project was developed and implemented, which involved providing assistance and studying children with post-traumatic stress disorders. This project was recognized as the best scientific and practical project of the year in Russia for 2005. Scientific interests Shipitsyna L.M. always in one way or another connected with the practical needs of society. So, in last years under the leadership of Lyudmila Mikhailovna, issues related to the prevention of drug addiction and HIV/AIDS in children and adolescents in an educational environment are being actively developed. She is a member of the Federal Council on Drug Addiction of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Interdepartmental Commission on Drug Addiction and Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking under the Administration of St. Petersburg, and has also been Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council on Special Education of the Education Committee of St. Petersburg for more than 15 years -Petersburg.

For her fruitful scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities, Shipitsyna L.M. awarded the Order of “Friendship of Peoples”, “For Honor and Nobility”, a diploma from the University of Cambridge for inclusion among 2000 outstanding people of the twentieth century, the badge “Rector of the Year - 2004”, “Rector of the Year - 2005”, numerous medals and diplomas of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg, and she was also awarded the title Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Time changes people to the same extent that people change time itself, filling it with new content and meaning. This is as banal as it is indisputably true. Over the past 15 years, we have witnessed major changes in the special education system and public attitudes towards persons with disabilities. L. M. Shipitsyna also made a significant contribution to these positive changes.
