Brainstorming method. Reverse brainstorming

The brainstorming method is one of the most effective methods in a situation where there are no fresh and unconventional solutions. He helps to find original ideas and use the team’s resources to the maximum.

The essence of brainstorming (brainstorming) is a creative debate between specialists regarding a specific problem. Personal contact and consideration of the problem from different points of view helps to find fresh ideas. To apply the method, two groups of specialists are traditionally required. The first group puts forward ideas, the second analyzes them. Also common is the use of a method in which both the generation of ideas and their analysis are carried out by the same group.

Fundamental rules of the brainstorming method

One of the main principles of using the brainstorming method is the principle of diversity of experts involved. The differences between the participants involved allows us to bring the same different points perspective on the problem, which are necessary to find a solution. Brainstorming in " pure form» involves attracting people different professions. However, in large companies, employees of one department (division/division) who are engaged in different areas of work are usually involved in an attack. Good results also shows the involvement of 1-2 group members who have absolutely no knowledge of the issue at hand (they only have a general idea).
Research has shown that the effectiveness of the method is significantly reduced if the group has one strongest member who dominates. The authority of the leader directly affects the position of other group members and reduces the number of theses received.
General rules for brainstorming:
  • supporting the expressed thoughts of other group members
  • generating as much as possible more ideas
  • writing headlines
  • illustrating
  • big-picture thinking
  • unhurried decision making
The principle of writing headlines is to express the concept in a maximum of 6 words. This makes it possible to make the thought “concentrated” and easily applied. Illustrating ideas helps express their essence (sometimes a drawing does this better than words). Please note that illustrating and writing headings is not required for all solutions.

Brainstorming stages

There are two main stages of brainstorming:

  • generation of ideas
  • practical analysis
The main task of the first stage is to collect as many possible solutions to the problem as possible. All ideas are displayed on special cards (entries are made directly by the participants or by a special member of the group). In the second stage, the cards are sorted and analyzed by the group. Also, while putting forward ideas, you can make an audio recording, which is listened to and analyzed at the second stage. The result of a brainstorming session is the transfer of ideas to responsible employees for their implementation.
Important. The result of the brainstorming session must necessarily be translated into a so-called prototype. Delaying the creation of a prototype can lead to the loss of relevance of the ideas received.

Examples of competent brainstorming

The use of brainstorming depends directly on the size of the group that needs to hold a meeting and ultimate goal. The group must include specialists who are familiar with the technicalities of holding such a meeting.
If we talk about the brainstorming method, an example of its correct application can look like this in stages:

  • formation of a problem (task/need to find a solution)
  • creating lists of group members
  • distribution of a short content of the meeting and the task assigned to all participants (distribution of the “brief”)
  • Preparation Supplies(chalk, board, sheets of paper, stickers)
  • appointment of a presenter
  • appointment of a secretary (if the method of recording ideas by a secretary is chosen)
  • determining the duration of the first stage
  • formulation of the problem
  • recording ideas
  • transfer of ideas to the second group for processing
  • allocation best ideas
  • formation of a “prototype”
This rough outline helps participants be prepared for the meeting (and therefore more effective) and make it as effective as possible. The moderator (host) of the meeting is obliged to carefully supervise the process. In practice, a situation is possible in which employees who are lower in rank or position do not express thoughts in the presence of the director. In this case, the moderator must carefully involve all participants.

How to choose questions for discussion: are templates needed?

Brainstorming questions should be formulated by its organizer before the start. The indicative list must be sent to meeting participants in advance (for preparation). It is important to remember, however, that the essence of technique is the free flow of thoughts. Therefore, the plan and questions should be approximate.

An excursion into the reverse brainstorming method

Reverse brainstorming involves the process of identifying flaws in a process or subject matter. Reverse brainstorming provides an answer not to the question “What to do?”, but an answer to the question “What should not be done?” The use of this technology is as effective as a regular brainstorm.

How to brainstorm video

Video training on how to conduct brainstorm meetings can be found on many educational resources. Of particular interest to fans of this technique are examples provided by Google employees. Some business coaches consider brainstorm ineffective for the following reason: possible departure thoughts in a different direction. However, to find a solution in difficult situation the technique can be quite effective.

Brain attack- a method that is incredibly popular today. With its help you can find alternative solutions complex tasks. In addition, it allows the individual to reveal his inner potential. This method is used most often in large teams at meetings when it is necessary to come to a specific decision.

Brainstorming is a method that implies that all participants in the process will show significant activity. The situation when employees of one enterprise take turns expressing their individual opinions allows everyone not to remain on the sidelines and be heard. In modern reality, when the boss often does not have the opportunity to devote time to each employee, this method is simply a godsend.

History and description

The brainstorming method first appeared in 1930, and it was described much later - in 1953. The author of this concept is American researcher Alex Osborne. At one time, this scientist defended free speech and recommended his method primarily for the correct planning of any entrepreneurial activity. Brainstorming is still used by leading businessmen to organize and conduct business. Its usefulness is noted: labor productivity increases, profits increase, new ideas appear as if by themselves.

The essence of the brainstorming method is as follows: managers and employees gather in a meeting room. Voiced general tasks, which must be decided during the meeting. Each participant has the opportunity to openly express their point of view, challenge their partner’s concept, discuss the results obtained, and make additional assumptions. From the outside, it seems that colleagues deliberately contrast different concepts with each other in order to reach a new understanding of the essence of things.

Direct brainstorming

This is the most common option, allowing you to quickly solve a pressing problem. Direct brainstorming implies that during the process the most significant and pressing issues will be discussed regarding the implementation of certain projects, development of activities, etc. Not many modern managers realize that it is possible to hold regular meetings, planning sessions and various gatherings, using creativity. One has only to add a little variety to the boring course of professional everyday life, and employees themselves begin to generate stunning ideas. The manager can only wonder where all this potential has been hidden until now. The use of this method allows you to improve relationships in an established team and overcome various psychological obstacles and barriers.

Reverse brainstorming

It is used when a certain concept has turned out to be unprofitable for some reason, has reached a dead end, and there is an urgent need to develop a new one. This implies that the participants in the process will actively challenge each other’s thoughts. Disputes and entering into polemics are permissible here. The reverse brainstorming method is useful when the enterprise has insoluble contradictions that require radical intervention.

Employees can express whatever they really think, their freedom is not limited in any way. It is unlikely that you will find anything as effective and efficient as the reverse brainstorming method. Description of the problem, concentrated attention to detail by several people at once will allow you to best side approach the issue.

Individual brainstorming

It can be used in cases where a person urgently needs to achieve a specific result, but for some reason he has suffered a professional crisis. Brainstorming is a method that can be used creative person at moments of temporary loss of productivity. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it effectively affects even one person who is alone with his own thoughts. You can arrange internal dialogues with yourself and come to bold, unexpected decisions. The result of such actions will soon pleasantly surprise you. All that is required is to allow yourself to think in a limited time period (say, a few minutes), with a specific, clearly formulated task in front of you. Unfortunately, many people from childhood become accustomed to thinking in common stereotypes. Brainstorming methods allow you to overcome the stereotyped perception of the world and reach a more high level worldview.


This concept includes three main periods. They must be carried out consistently and with great care.

1.Formulation of ideas. At this stage, the goal is formulated and the necessary information is collected. Participants in the process must be aware of the type of information they are offered for consideration. All voiced ideas are usually recorded on paper so as not to miss anything important.

2. Formation of a working group. Participants are divided into idea generators and experts. The first are people who have a developed creative orientation and imagination. They offer non-standard methods as a solution to the problem. Experts discover the value of each idea put forward, whether they agree with it or not, motivating their choice.

3. Analysis and selection of proposals. Criticism and active discussion of proposals are appropriate here. First, idea generators speak, after which the floor is given to experts. Proposals are selected based on logical inference and creativity. Any non-standard approach is welcomed and therefore considered with special interest.

The manager must control the process and monitor the progress of the discussion of the problem. In the event of controversial issues, he always brings clarity, clarifies details, and guides the further development of thought.

Additional terms

Despite the emerging desire of young and promising managers to immediately start using this psychological tool, a competent approach is required. You can’t use it too often, otherwise it will lose the element of novelty and will be perceived by employees as something ordinary and everyday. One of the main conditions for carrying out is the suddenness of use. Participants should not specifically prepare for the meeting or think through the moves to be used.

The manager needs to know the general direction of the conversation, but in any case he will not be able to determine in which direction the discussion will go. The great thing about brainstorming methods is that they allow you to openly express your point of view. People may not be tied to the consequences of what is said.

Brainstorming method: reviews

Participants in this concept note that its use makes any meetings more interesting and productive. The method resembles the simultaneous inclusion of several “light bulbs” that light up in the heads different people. Brainstorming allows you to take into account not only the judgments of specialized experts, but also related industries. In other words, it covers many spectrums, helps to consider the same situation with different sides. In addition, relationships in the team after the implementation of the method become more open and trusting.

Involvement in the process

Usually at meetings and planning sessions there is a “one-man show”. One boss speaks, and his subordinates are forced to listen to long monotonous lectures and agree with him. This is incredibly tiring and unnerving for the latter. The personality of employees is suppressed and finds itself squeezed into the narrow framework of official duties. Sometimes employees, for one reason or another, prefer not to voice the ideas that arise in their heads and do not strive for self-expression.

As a result, the motivation to work “with a spark” is lost, putting your soul into the process. The brainstorming method allows you to remove psychological pressures and barriers, allowing employees to express their individuality. Being psychologically involved in the process, a person increases his productivity.


Agree, this concept cannot be called everyday and often used. Most of all they resort to it when the issue requires some kind of ambiguous solution. The method has become widespread in creative teams, where there is a need to move away from everyday life and immerse oneself in a solution. As a rule, a positive result does not take long to arrive.

There are a large number of such concepts that imply different meaning. This is where the brainstorming method comes in handy.

Grade 11

The technology for introducing Alex Osborne's concept can be used to organize graduate classes. At the senior level, students are often given tasks that promote awakening non-standard ideas. This is a very useful acquisition, since individual personality characteristics are taken into account, existing abilities are developed, and necessary skills are strengthened. The more freedom is given to realize the thoughts that arise in the head, the more daring the endeavors of young researchers will be able to become. The method provides that students themselves will strive to achieve their goals. Feedback from participants is entirely positive, as teenagers appreciate the attentive attitude towards them.

Instead of a conclusion

Brainstorming is a method that has gained popularity relatively recently. More and more managers are choosing to use a non-standard approach to solving everyday problems.

Theoretical background. The basis of the reverse brain attack is the law of progressive constructive evolution of TO (see paragraph 3 of Chapter 5). According to this law, the transition to new types of equipment occurs through the identification and elimination of defects (shortcomings) in the existing generation of equipment, provided that the necessary scientific and technical potential is available.

Therefore, when creating any new significantly improved product, two tasks are solved:

identifying the maximum number of deficiencies in existing products;

maximum elimination of these shortcomings in the newly developed product.

The first task relates to the formulation of inventive and design problems, the second - to the synthesis of a new technical solution. The first task turns out to be no less simple, since it is necessary to identify a complete list of shortcomings, which consists of two parts:

deficiencies discovered during the manufacture, operation, repair and disposal of manufactured products;

shortcomings that will arise in the foreseeable future for the product being developed.

Thus, methods for solving the first problem must ensure not only the identification of all known deficiencies, but also the prediction of all future deficiencies.

Hypothetically, there is some ideal complete list of shortcomings, each of which can be eliminated or taken into account in a new product, as a result of which the new product will realize the maximum possible leap for the existing scientific and technical level. That's why best solution The first creative task corresponds to the closest approximation to such an ideal list of shortcomings.

In other words, a complete list of deficiencies (regardless of the reason for their occurrence) should reflect all possible deviations the actual existing situation from the desired one.

Scope of application of the method. The inverse MA method is focused on solving the first creative problem, i.e. the goal of inverse MA is to compile the most complete list of shortcomings of the object under consideration, which is subject to unrestricted criticism. The object of reverse MA can be a specific product or its component, a technological process or its operation, a service area, etc.

Inverse MA can be used to solve, for example, the following questions and tasks:

clarification of the formulation of inventive and rationalization problems;

development of technical specifications or technical proposals;

examination of design documentation at any stage of development (technical specifications, technical proposal, preliminary, technical or detailed design, experimental or prototype);

assessment of the effectiveness of purchased products.

Problem formulation. The formulation of the problem for inverse MA should contain brief and fairly comprehensive answers to the following questions:

a) What is the object that is required?

b) What are the known shortcomings of the object associated with its
manufacturing, operation, repair, etc.?

c) What is required to be obtained as a result of MA?

d) What to look for Special attention?

It is advisable to accompany the presentation under item a) with a visual sketch, slides, a film, a display of a model and a full-scale sample (“it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times”). The most complete and objective information on item b) can be collected from manufacturers, users, adjusters and repairmen.

According to point c) MA must give the most complete list of shortcomings and defects of the object in question. During the MA session, we must shrewdly guess all future shortcomings 10-20 years in advance, so that the resulting complete list of shortcomings ensures the longest competitiveness of the created object.

According to paragraph d), it is necessary to indicate in which direction the shortcomings and defects are especially tolerant (for example, the strength of certain parts, the reliability of the system, savings liquid fuel, protection of the surrounding aquatic environment, etc.).

When formulating the problem statement, you should also take into account the recommendations of paragraph 2 of Chapter. 8.

Formation creative group. Here the recommendations of paragraph 2 of Chapter remain in force. 8, except for one wish. The creative group must include technologists, adjusters, repairmen, operators, sales and marketing workers.

Rules for MA session participants. These rules coincide with the rules for conducting direct MA (see paragraph 2 of Chapter 8).

Responsibilities of the presenter (manager) in the MA session. Coincide with the responsibilities set forth in paragraph 2 of Chapter. 8. To ensure continuity of expression of ideas and completeness of the generated list of shortcomings, it is recommended that the presenter use the following list of questions:

What parameters of an object or its element are expected to deviate from the norm?

What difficulties are expected in the manufacture, assembly, and control of the product or its individual components?

What difficulties may arise with materials and components and assemblies now and in 10-20 years?

What energy supply challenges are expected now and in 10-20 years?

What inconveniences in service or what operator errors may occur?

Are there any dangers for users and operating personnel?

What are the possible difficulties of delivery and transportation now and in 10-20 years?

Organization of MA. It coincides with that described in paragraph 2 of Chapter. 8. To stimulate thinking, individual sentences from cross-industry, problem- and object-oriented lists of product shortcomings and lists of their parameters are shown on the screen.

Recording and processing of MA results. Carried out in accordance with the recommendations of paragraph 2 of Chapter. 8. In addition, a classification of deficiencies into related groups is carried out. For example, the following groups can be distinguished: basic functional requirements, production, sales, operation, environmental protection. The deficiencies are ranked from the largest (major) to the smallest (minor). Ranking can also be done by classifying each deficiency as a major, average, or minor deficiency.

If a list of shortcomings is compiled for the purpose of its subsequent use in formulating and solving inventive or rationalization problems, then it is advisable to also draw up a table for analyzing the shortcomings (Table 30), which provides examples of filling.

When compiling the table. 30 the time allotted for compiling an edited list of ideas (see paragraph 2 of Chapter 8) can be increased to 1-1.5 hours, and filling out the columns according to the consequences of manifestations and causes of shortcomings can be done with the help of additional brainstorming.

Selection of educational and training tasks. When choosing, you should take into account the recommendations of paragraph 2 of Chapter. 8, which also provides topics for formulating and solving educational problems.

As is known, the development of systems occurs as a result of the elimination of contradictions that arise within them. Various kinds of contradictions may not appear explicitly and, because of this, may fall out of sight of designers of new systems at the stage of their creation. In addition, a number of contradictions may emerge only some time after the start of operation of the system. Therefore, when creating new system or a separate product, two creative problems are solved.

1. Existing or expected in in the near future contradictions in existing system or technical object.

2. Ways are being found to eliminate these shortcomings again systems being created and objects.

The first task turns out to be no less simple than the second, since the methods for solving it must ensure not only the identification of all known deficiencies, but also the prediction of all future deficiencies. In other words, a complete list of shortcomings (regardless of the reason for their occurrence) should reflect all possible deviations of the actual situation from the desired one. To solve this problem, domestic researcher E. A. Aleksandrov proposed the reverse brain attack (RBA) method, which was later modified by G.Ya. Bush. This method is sometimes called dialogue with destructive referred assessment.

The reverse brainstorming method (RBA) can be used to solve, for example, the following questions and tasks:

Clarification of the formulation of inventive and rationalization problems;

Development of technical specifications or technical proposals;

Project examination at any stage of development;

Evaluating the effectiveness of purchased products;

Assessing the effectiveness of administrative decision making.

The effectiveness of conducting OMA largely depends on the clarity of the problem formulation. The formulation of the problem for OMA should contain brief and fairly comprehensive answers to the following questions:

· What is the system that needs to be improved?

· What are the known shortcomings of the system related to its production, operation, operation, maintenance and disposal?

· What do you want to get out of a brainstorming session?

· What do you need to pay special attention to?

If the problem statement contains very special terms that are not clear to the participants in the discussion, then it is necessary to make a second publicly available version of the preliminary statement without special terms.

In some cases, the most effective is a combination of forward and reverse brainstorming methods. This combination can be used, for example, to predict the development of processes. To do this, with the help of reverse brainstorming, all the shortcomings of an existing product or system are identified and the main ones are identified among them. Then a direct brainstorming is carried out in order to eliminate the identified main shortcomings and outline ways to improve objects of this class. To predict the shortcomings of a technical object, first direct MA is carried out and drafts of the most promising solutions are prepared, and then OMA is carried out to identify possible disadvantages these decisions.

Provides phased implementation following procedures:

Formation of small groups, optimal in size and psychological compatibility;

Create an analysis group problematic situation, formation

original inventive task in general view, communication of the task along with a description of the destructive referred assessment to all participants in the dialogue;

Generating ideas according to the rules of direct collective brainstorming (particular attention is paid to creating a creative, relaxed atmosphere);

Systematization and classification of ideas. The characteristics by which complex ideas can be combined are studied, and, according to these characteristics, the ideas are classified into groups. A list of groups of ideas expressing general principles, approaches to solving a creative problem;

Destructuring of ideas, i.e. assessing ideas for feasibility during the brainstorming process. “Brainstorming” at this stage is aimed only at a comprehensive consideration of possible obstacles to the implementation of the proposed ideas;

Evaluating the criticisms raised during the previous phase and compiling a final list of practical ideas. Only those ideas that were not rejected due to criticism and counter-ideas are included in the list.

The most effective results are achieved when all brainstorming participants are rationally divided into the following three groups: the idea generation group, the problem situation analysis and idea evaluation group, and the counteridea generation group.

The brainstorming method is one of the most common methods of psychological activation creative activity, generating new ideas through the creative collaboration of a group of interested participants. Typically, experienced specialists generate and express no more than 10-20 ideas in 15-30 minutes when working individually (isolated from others), and when working collectively (subject to certain rules), the group generates 50-150 ideas in the same time different ideas. Psychologists believe that during a brainstorming session, a chain reaction of ideas occurs, leading to an intellectual explosion.

Founder modern methods The brainstorm is considered to be the American naval officer Alex Osborne, who during the Second World War was the captain of a small transport ship. One day, his ship was heading to Europe with valuable cargo, but found itself without reliable security and combat cover. At this time, the ship received a radiogram about an impending attack by German submarines. Then the captain, in alarm, gathered everyone on deck, reported a possible attack and asked everyone to think and express their thoughts on how to prevent the death of a defenseless ship. Among the many ideas expressed was the idea of ​​one sailor, which at first seemed absurd and funny: in the event of a torpedo attack, the whole crew needs to stand along the side and, as the torpedo approaches, blow together on it and “blow it to the side” away from the side. At that time, the meeting with submarines did not become fatal, and the “crazy” idea expressed by the sailor turned out to be very fruitful. When the ship returned to its base, the talented inventor Alex Osborne, using sketches developed along the way, made a special fan that created a powerful directed flow of water, and with this “water cannon” on one of the voyages he actually “blowed away” an enemy torpedo from the side of the ship.

Thus, Alex Osborne came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a method for collectively searching for ideas to get out of extreme situations and search for new technical solutions. After the war, he created a school for training inventors and developed a method of brainstorming -- effective method solving creative problems. This method turned out to be universal and applicable not only in technology, but in all other areas human activity- in economics, business, sociology, military affairs, criminal investigation, service sector, etc.

It is advisable to use brainstorming when solving any creative problems in many fields of technology, with a wide variety of problem formulations and at any stages of their solution, at different stages of the development and design of technical objects. It is important that this method can be used in combination with other heuristic methods of creative activity. brainstorming psychological

Alex Osborne believed that all people have creative abilities, but they are dormant under the yoke of the “impossibility of creating” attitude, the inability to correctly formulate and formalize the idea of ​​a solution. He proposed dividing each of these problems so that one part experienced experts focused on finding facts and analyzing them, while the other part of the creative team - consultants and "generators" - focused on putting forward one idea after another. Criticism and even the fear of criticism have been found to be significant barriers to the creative thinking process. If the author of an idea is afraid of criticism, he will not express an untested idea. In the process, many potential good ideas are lost. To eliminate the obstacle caused by the fear of criticism, Alex Osborne proposed separating the processes of generating ideas from their critical evaluation and analysis in time. Moreover, he considered it more desirable for these processes to be carried out by different people.

Brainstorming methods can be classified according to the presence or absence of feedback between the leader and the brainstorming participants in the process of solving a problem situation.

Sequence of actions when solving problems.

  • 1. Think through all aspects of the problem. The most important ones are often so complex that identifying them requires the imagination.
  • 2. Select sub-problems to "attack". Refer to the list of various aspects of the problem, carefully analyze them, highlight several goals.
  • 3. Consider what data might be useful.
  • 4. Select your preferred sources of information. Having answered the question about the types of information needed, we move on to deciding which sources should be studied first.
  • 5. Come up with all sorts of ideas - “keys” to the problem. This part of the thinking process certainly requires freedom of imagination, unaccompanied or interrupted by critical thinking.
  • 6. Select ideas that are most likely to lead to a solution. This process is mainly related to logical thinking. The emphasis here is on comparative analysis.
  • 7. Come up with all sorts of ways to check. Here again we need creative thinking. It is often possible to discover completely new verification methods.
  • 8. Select the most thorough verification methods. When deciding how best to check, we will be strict and consistent. We will select those methods that seem most convincing.
  • 9. Imagine all possible applications. Even if our final solution is confirmed experimentally, we must have an idea of ​​what might happen as a result of its use in various fields. For example, each military strategy is finally formed on the basis of ideas about what the enemy can do.
  • 10. Give a final answer.

Here you can clearly see the alternation of creative, synthesizing stages and analytical, rational ones. This alternation of expansion and contraction of the search field is inherent in all developed search methods. A shorter sequence of actions, also described in the book Practical Imagination, which is the essence of the brainstorming method, has become widely known. The method includes two main stages:

  • - Stage of putting forward (generating) ideas.
  • - Stage of analysis of the proposed ideas.

Work within these stages must be carried out "subject to a number of basic rules. At the generation stage there are three of them:

  • 1. Prohibition of criticism.
  • 2. Prohibition of substantiation of proposed ideas.
  • 3. Encouragement of all ideas put forward, including unrealistic and fantastic ones.

At the analysis stage, the main rule is to identify the rational basis in each analyzed idea.

The rules for brainstorming participants are as follows:

we must strive to express the maximum number of ideas, giving preference to their quantity rather than quality. At the same time, you can put forward any ideas, including fantastic and unrealistic, comic ones. The more fantastic the ideas, the stronger their effect on the process of generating subsequent ideas. “Crazy” ideas are catalysts, without which “chain” reactions of creativity will not arise, without which the path to “good” ideas will be difficult;

During the session, criticism of the ideas expressed is absolutely prohibited. Disapproving remarks, ironic remarks, poisonous jokes (such as: “This is nonsense,” “This is no good!”, etc.) are unacceptable;

contribute productive thinking jokes, puns, humor and laughter;

we must strive to develop, combine and improve previously expressed ideas, to obtain new associative ideas from them;

There should be free, democratic, friendly and trusting relationships between the participants in the session.

Conditions for using the method

The decision to use the method is made taking into account two components: the class of the problem and the availability of specialists trained in search methods.

The versatility of the method is inversely proportional to its effectiveness. Therefore, use brainstorming to solve problems of finding the optimal configuration of an object or eliminating specific development contradictions technical systems, as a rule, is impractical. This, however, has to be done if you are not in the group. solving the problem specialists familiar with any search methods.

The main area of ​​application of the brainstorming method is searching for solutions in an insufficiently researched area, identifying new directions for solving a problem. The method is also recommended to be used to search for new areas of application of an existing product or materials, as well as to identify shortcomings of an existing product. In general, brainstorming can be used to solve a wide range of problems.

For example, when solving the problem of improving the method for identifying evoked brain potentials, a situation arose that was characterized by experts as a dead end. The methods used to analyze electroencephalograms did not make it possible to detect a burst in a single recording of noise - the brain's response to a stimulus. To solve the problem, repeated stimulation was used, followed by summation of the brain reaction. This method did not make it possible to determine reactions to unique, single stimuli. In addition, it turned out that repeated exposure leads to a habituation effect, and each subsequent stimulus is perceived by the body as subjectively weaker. Attempts to solve this problem using methods using a logical approach did not give the required result due to the multifactorial nature of the situation and difficulties in choosing a specific contradiction from a wide range of colliding requirements and parameters.

Solving this problem using the brainstorming method led to the formation of a number of new approaches. An unbiased analysis showed the presence of opportunities in relation to which specialists had strong psychological barriers that were not supported by objective information. One of these directions was implemented. It is interesting to note that the implementation did not require changes technical means, i.e., objectively, the technology was already ready for the emergence of this solution. Here the thesis about “self-implementation” was practically confirmed good decisions. Additional products obtained as a result of the work of the creative group were the expansion of knowledge about the brain and the features of its work.

Selection of participants

Forming a group of brainstorming participants is the most important component of the facilitator’s work. Successful selection, as a rule, ensures the success of the entire work. An unsuccessful selection leads to sluggish work, possible conflicts at the personal level, and great efforts by the leader to ensure the constant involvement of each participant in the work.

The standard way to organize an optimal group is to select people based on psychological testing. There are many tests aimed at these purposes (unfortunately, none of them can "claim to be complete and comprehensive). To make an informed choice of testing tools, let's consider the characteristics being assessed. Based on the requirements for participants described above, we can identify the most important factors, influencing the implementation of the creative process. We highlight four main factors:

  • 1. Originality - the ability to produce individual associations, unusual answers.
  • 2. Semantic flexibility - the ability to highlight the function of an object and propose its new use.
  • 3. Imaginative adaptive flexibility - the ability to change the form of a stimulus so as to see new possibilities in it.
  • 4. Semantic spontaneous flexibility - the ability to produce various ideas in a relatively unrestricted situation.

To select analysts, it is advisable to use a different approach, which consists of assessing the ability for a heightened perception of shortcomings, gaps, missing elements, and disharmony. Within this approach, it is believed that the creative act includes the feeling of difficulty, the search for solutions, the emergence and formulation of hypotheses regarding missing elements, the testing and re-testing of these hypotheses, the possibility of modifying them, and, finally, the generalization of the results. Here, creative abilities are assessed based on indicators such as fluency, flexibility of thinking, and striving for excellence.

A brainstorming session is a special psychological condition people, when each member of the group thinks easily, freely, without any effort of will and expresses everything that comes to his mind. This state of people allows the greatest use of the subconscious of each person - the most powerful apparatus of creative thinking.

After the end of the session and a short break, a quick collective edit of the resulting list of ideas (recorded in the form of a transcript; using a tape recorder; in the form of notes made by each of the participants) is carried out. Experts very carefully analyze and evaluate the ideas presented, dividing them into subgroups: the most acceptable and easily implemented, the most effective and promising, and the least significant. Finally, they provide guidance on how to use the best ideas in design and development projects and how to pursue patents for priority and intellectual property protection.

The method of randomly searching for new technical solutions discussed above is called the direct brainstorming method.

The reverse brainstorming method is also widely used in creative activities. It is based on the pattern of progressive constructive evolution of technical objects, according to which the transition to new models and generations of technology occurs by identifying and eliminating shortcomings (defects) in existing ones. Unlike the direct brainstorming method, the goal of this method is to compile the most full list shortcomings of the object under consideration through comprehensive, unrestricted criticism. During a reverse brainstorming session, an analysis of the weak points and defects of the object is carried out ( technological process, machine or its component, etc.) that need to be improved or replaced completely. Following the recommendations of experts, a direct brainstorming session is carried out to eliminate and eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Double direct brain attack, its meaning is that after conducting a direct brain attack, a break is taken from two hours to two or three days, and the direct brain attack is repeated. At the same time, for the same task, the most valuable, practical, useful ideas, and also receive further development of the ideas of the first meeting.

Brainstorming, like many other collective decision-making methods, has certain advantages and disadvantages.

One of the most important advantages brainstorming is that during brainstorming it is encouraged creative thinking, and the generation of ideas occurs in a comfortable creative atmosphere.

All participants in the process are being activated. They are deeply involved in the process of generating ideas and their discussion, master new ideas more flexibly, and feel equal.

Laziness, routine thinking, rationalism, and lack of emotional “fire” are eliminated almost automatically when using this technology. Looseness activates intuition and imagination.

There is a move beyond standard thinking. Interactive interaction generates a synergistic effect. Other people's ideas are refined, developed and supplemented, and the chance of missing a constructive idea is reduced.

A large number of ideas and proposals are attracted, which allows you to avoid stereotypes of thinking and select a productive idea.

Brainstorming is a simple technique that is easy to understand and easy to implement in a business meeting. It does not require complex equipment, technology, a lot of time or a specially organized spatial environment.

It is also necessary to highlight the disadvantages of brainstorming, which will help to avoid problems when solving problems using the brainstorming method.

Due to the fact that during a brainstorming session the generation of any ideas, even fantastic ones, is encouraged, its participants often avoid the real problem. In the flow of various proposals, it can sometimes be quite difficult to find rational and productive ideas. In addition, the method does not guarantee thorough development of the proposed idea.

Due to the high degree of involvement of meeting participants, everyone is responsible for the final result, and if everyone has ideas, the time spent discussing them increases.

If staff are poorly trained in cooperation and teamwork, meeting participants may not be satisfied with the effectiveness of their activities. In addition, many participants may insist on their authorship of the ideas being discussed and prefer to be leaders in the creative process at the expense of those who are less developed and prepared.

Scope of application of brainstorming, storming.

The main area of ​​application of brainstorming is the search for solutions in an insufficiently researched area, identifying new directions for solving a problem. The method is also recommended to be used to search for new areas of application of an existing product, as well as to identify its shortcomings. In general, brainstorming can be used to solve a wide range of problems.

Brainstorming is of great importance and necessity in use, because useful not only for collective problem solving at a business meeting, developing the creative potential of its participants, increasing the value of company resources, but also for developing the semantic, communicative and emotional competence of managers and specialists, forming their effective speaking and listening skills.

The importance of brainstorming in the study of control systems.

In conclusion of my report I would like to say:

The discipline "Research of Control Systems" is one of the main disciplines that shapes students' research qualities, and contains such a new concept as "brainstorming", which is a creative method of solving problems, stimulates the activity and intuitive thinking of people in the process of searching for ideas, proposals, which is especially important in conditions of fierce competition, when innovative strategies are needed, extraordinary ideas and actions. Brainstorming occupies a high position in the study of management systems, although it is rarely used, but time dictates new business rules and in the near future brainstorming will be widely used in all areas of activity.

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