Who invented Apple. Breakthrough - Macintosh. Market position

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Apple Inc is an American corporation, a manufacturer of personal and tablet computers, audio players, phones, and software. One of the pioneers in the field of personal computers and modern multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface.

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2012/03/13 | Miscellaneous

A pple is a well-known American company for the production of personal and tablet computers, as well as phones, audio players and software. Who is the founder of Apple Corporation?

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The story begins when Jobs and Wozniak built the first PC themselves. After they sold the first few dozen computers, their project received funding. Apple Corporation was incorporated in 1976.

Let's talk more about who is the founder of Apple. Steve Jobs is an interesting person. He was born in California. His biological parents were originally from Syria, they gave Steve to the upbringing of a foster family in early childhood. Steve Wozniak's family was originally from Ukraine.

Already at school, Jobs became interested in electronics.

How to become the second Steve Jobs?

He was drawn rather not to peers, but to communication with older children. So Jobs became friends with the second founder of the future Apple Corporation, Steve Wozniak. Before they built their first personal computer, the BlueBox became a petty hooliganism among young people. This so-called blue box was a device that allowed long-distance phone calls to be made for free.

After graduating from high school, Steve Jobs went to college, but after half a year he was expelled from there. own will. Life was not easy for the young man. But after a while, Jobs was hired by a manufacturing company computer games atari.

And Stephen Wozniak, who is also the founder of Apple Corporation, was educated at the University of California. When creating their first computer, both Steves initially did not set high goals for themselves. But later, Steve Jobs had the idea to sell such a machine in the form of a fully assembled personal computer. He managed to convince his friend with such an argument as though he would have something to tell his grandchildren. The first computer at Apple Corporation is recognized as a real engineering marvel within the computing technology of the mid-70s. The ease of use was amazing!

As for the name of the company, there is no version on this score. According to one of them, due to the lack of any ideas, Jobs suggested naming the company in honor of his favorite fruit (apple). Others argue that the name of the company is due to the fact that it was important for Jobs that the current Apple corporation was ahead of Atari in the telephone directory.

History of Apple

The 20th century is commonly called the century of aviation and astronautics. But the 70s of the last century can also be called the era of the formation of the modern IT industry. And not the last role here was played by Apple.

The history of Apple began thirty years ago, when two friends Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak decided to found their own company for the production and production of computers. Apple was officially founded on April 1, 1976, and it was then that the hand-assembled Apple Computer I appeared on the market - in ten months, 175 pieces were assembled and sold at a price of $ 666.66. Essentially, the Apple I was a motherboard without a chassis, keyboard, sound, or graphics.

In February 1977, Michael Scott becomes president of Apple.

When Apple was Founded: A Brief History of Success

A significant step forward was the release in April of the same year, Apple Computer II - the first personal computer with color graphics. There was support for displaying various colors on the screen, commands were developed for working with sound and, therefore, there was a built-in speaker and keyboard, it became possible to quickly change the image on the display, there was a power supply, etc. All of this "stuffing" was packaged in a specially designed molded plastic case, which greatly distinguished the new Apple from other computers that looked like clumsy sheet metal boxes. At the same time, the now world-famous logo appeared - a bitten multi-colored apple - created by the advertising agency Regis McKenna.

In May 1979, Apple employee Jeff Raskin began work on a new all-in-one computer that was aimed at the average user. It is this period that can be called the beginning of the birth of the first Macintosh.

In 1983, Apple released the Lisa, the first personal computer with a graphical user interface, named after Jobs' daughter. But due to the rather high price and a limited set of applications, this model is not widely used. Although from a commercial point of view, Lisa was a complete failure, nevertheless, its release was not in vain - the Lisa 7/7 operating system used here had a windowed interface, a buffer that allowed data to be transferred between applications, and much more.

Apple officially unveiled its very first Macintosh on January 22, 1984 with a 1984 commercial based on the plot of D. Orwell's book. This clip was named the promotional video of the decade, won the Grand Prix at Cannes, and to this day is considered one of the most original in the history of advertising. This event was a significant milestone in the history of personal computers. With the advent of the Macintosh, people's understanding of computers radically changed, and the foundations were laid, which later began to be used by all computer firms. In September of the same year, Apple began selling the Macintosh 512K for $2,495.

Years passed and, naturally, the computer industry also did not stand still. During the entire time of improvement of Macintosh computers, their operating system Mac OS (System) also developed, that is, new features expanded, its individual elements and new technologies were introduced. When Mac OS was first introduced in 1984, it represented the pinnacle of modern programming at the time.

From the very beginning, the system was developed with the expectation that any user, not having the necessary qualifications, sitting down at a computer for the first time, could immediately start working on it in a few minutes without delving into the technical parameters. Operating systems for other platforms that came out a few years later offered things like secure memory and multitasking, which ended up being a better user experience. Apple didn't build these things into Mac OS because the microprocessors that were available during the development of Mac OS weren't powerful enough. But over time, Mac OS has grown in additional functionality, while remaining the easiest to learn and use. Convenience and simplicity of work in this system were one of the main goals of its creators, and the internal logic of the interaction of individual parts of the operating system was primarily subject to these requirements.

When Apple faced the question of developing a new generation operating system, then, having weighed all the pros and cons, the company decided to use the developments of NeXT, which used operating systems under the general name UNIX, as the basis for the new Mac OS. It was the OpenStep (NeXTStep) system that became the basis for building the new Mac OS. The developers of the new Mac OS needed to ensure a smooth transition from the old system to the new one so that users could continue to work with a large number of existing programs until more powerful and convenient ones were created. So there was new system MacOS X.

Material taken from www.themacspin.com.

I don't trust a computer that I can't lift.
Steve Jobs.

iPhone creator Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steve Jobs(Eng. Steven Paul Jobs, Steve Jobs) - one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a man who largely determined the course of its development.

The future billionaire was born on February 24, 1955 in the town of Mountain View, California (ironically, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley). Steve Abdulfattah's biological parents John Jandali (a Syrian immigrant) and Joan Carol Schible (an American graduate student) gave their illegitimate child up for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs (née Hakobyan). The main condition for adoption was Steve's higher education.

Even at school, Steve Jobs became interested in electronics, and when he met his namesake Steve Wozniak, he first thought about a business related to computer technology. The partners' first project was the BlueBox, a device that allows free long-distance communications and was sold for $150 apiece. Wozniak was involved in the development and assembly of the device, and thirteen-year-old Jobs was selling illegal goods. This distribution of roles will continue in the future, only their future business will now be completely legal.

In 1972, after graduating high school Steve Jobs enters Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but quickly loses interest in learning. After the first semester, he was expelled of his own free will, but remained to live in the rooms of friends for about a year and a half, sleeping on the floor, living on the money for the returned Coca-Cola bottles and once a week coming to free lunches at the local Hare Krishna Temple. Then he got into calligraphy courses, which later prompted him to think about equipping the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

Then Steve got a job at Atari. There Jobs is engaged in the development of computer games. Four years later, Wozniak creates his first computer, and Jobs, continuing to work at Atari, establishes its sales.


From a creative tandem of friends, the Apple company grows (the name "Apple" Jobs suggested due to the fact that in this case the company's telephone number went in the telephone directory right before "Atari"). Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 (April Fool's Day), and the first office-shop was the garage of Jobs' parents. Apple was officially registered in early 1977.

The author of most of the developments was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer. It is believed that it was Jobs who convinced Wozniak to refine the microcomputer circuit he had invented, and thereby gave impetus to the creation of a new market for personal computers.

The debut computer model was called the Apple I. During the year, the partners sold 200 of these machines (the price of each was $666.66). A decent amount for beginners, but it's nothing compared to the Apple II that came out in 1977.

The success of the Apple I and especially the Apple II computers, coupled with the appearance of investors, made the company the undisputed leader in the computer market until the early eighties, and the two Steves became millionaires. It is noteworthy that the software for Apple computers was developed by the then young company Microsoft, created six months later than Apple. In the future, fate will bring Jobs and Gates together more than once.


A landmark event was the signing of a contract between Apple and Xerox. Revolutionary developments that Xerox for a long time could not find a worthy application, later became part of the Macintosh project (a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Apple Inc.). In fact, the modern personal computer interface, with its windows and virtual buttons, owes much to this contract.

It's safe to say that the Macintosh is the first personal computer in the modern sense (the first Mac was released on January 24, 1984). Previously, the control of the machine was carried out with the help of intricate commands typed by "initiates" on the keyboard. Now the mouse becomes the main working tool.

The success of the Macintosh has been overwhelming. In the world at that time there was no competitor, even close comparable in terms of sales and technological potential. Shortly after the release of the Macintosh, the company ceased development and production of the Apple II family, which had previously been the company's main source of income.

Jobs leaving

Despite significant progress, in the early 80s. Steve Jobs is gradually starting to lose ground in Apple, which by that time had grown into a huge corporation. His authoritarian style of management leads first to disagreement and then to open conflict with the board of directors. At the age of 30 (1985), the founder of Apple was simply fired.

Having lost power in the company and work, Jobs did not lose heart, and immediately set to new projects. First, he founded NeXT, which specialized in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. This market was too narrow, so it was not possible to achieve any significant sales.

A much more successful undertaking was the graphic studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), bought from Lucasfilm for almost half the price ($5 million) of its estimated value (George Lucas was getting divorced and he needed money). Under Jobs' direction, several super-grossing animated films were released. The most famous: "Monsters Corporation" and the famous "Toy Story".

In 2006, Pixar was sold to Walt Disney for $7.5 billion, while Jobs received a 7% stake in Walt Disney. By comparison, Disney's heir apparent only inherited 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. First, as an interim director, and since 2000, as a full-fledged manager. Several unprofitable directions were closed and work on the new iMac computer was successfully completed, after which the company's business rapidly went uphill.

Later, a lot of developments will be presented that will become trendsetters in the technology market. This is an iPhone mobile phone, an iPod player, and an iPad tablet computer, which went on sale in 2010. All this will make Apple the third largest company in the world by capitalization (it will bypass even Microsoft).


In October 2003, an abdominal scan revealed that Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. In general, this diagnosis is fatal, but the head of Apple turned out to have a very rare form of the disease that can be cured with surgery. At first, Jobs refused it, because, according to personal convictions, he did not recognize interference in human body. For 9 months, Steve Jobs hoped to recover on his own, and all this time, no one from Apple management informed investors about his deadly disease. Then Steve nevertheless decided to trust the doctors and informed the public about his illness. On July 31, 2004, Stanford Medical Center performed a successful operation.

In December 2008, doctors discovered a hormonal imbalance in Jobs.

Who is the founder of Apple?

In the summer of 2009, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University (Scientific Medical Center) of Tennessee, it became known that Steve had undergone a liver transplant. March 2, 2011 Steve spoke at the presentation of a new tablet - iPad 2.

Promotion Methods

(Taken from Wikipedia http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobs,_Steve).

To define the charisma of Steve Jobs and its impact on the developers of the original Macintosh project, his colleague at Apple Computer Bud Tribble coined the phrase "Reality Distortion Field" (PIR) in 1981. Later, the term was used to define the perception of his key performances by reviewers and fans of the company.

According to colleagues, Steve Jobs is able to convince others of anything, using a mixture of charisma, charm, arrogance, perseverance, pathos, self-confidence. Basically, PIR distorts the audience's sense of proportion and proportion. Small progress is presented as a breakthrough. Any errors are hushed up or presented as insignificant. The difficulties overcome are greatly exaggerated. Certain opinions, ideas and definitions can change dramatically in the future without any regard to the very fact of such changes. In principle, PIR is nothing more than a mixture of political propaganda and advertising technologies.

For example, one of the most typical examples of PIR is the claim that consumers are "suffering" from competitors' inferior products, or that a company's products "change people's lives." Also, often unsuccessful technical solutions are explained by the fact that the consumer does not need it. The term is often used in a pejorative context to criticize Apple, or its supporters. However, many companies today are moving to a similar technique themselves, seeing how far it has been able to move Apple economically.

History of Apple

Founder's childhood

The future computer genius was born in 1955. His childhood can hardly be called the childhood of a prosperous child. The birth mother of little Steve left the child as soon as he was born, and he was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. Interesting fact: decades later, a wealthy Jobs specifically hired a private detective to find his real mother. But not only the mother was found. Unexpectedly, Jobs found out that he also has a sister, Mona Simpson. Moreover, she turned out to be not just anyone, but a well-known American writer. Subsequently, Mona wrote, among other things, the short story "Ordinary Guy" - a story about Steve Jobs, who had become widely known by that time. But the very fact that the matured Jobs found his mother and sister and got along with them family relationships says a lot about him as a person.

But then, as a child, Jobs was a big bully who had every chance of becoming a juvenile delinquent. However, the school and the wonderful teachers in it changed everything. They showed the kid that mastering knowledge and creating something new is much more interesting than just breaking the law. And soon there was a story that was repeatedly described in special literature and has already become a classic.

When Steven Jobs was twelve years old, he wanted to build a frequency indicator for his school physics classroom. electric current. But the necessary details, as it turned out, were not available. Then young Jobs took and called directly William Hewlett himself - a legendary personality in the United States, the leader of American business, one of the founders and president famous corporation Hewlett Packard. The conversation began (according to Steve's memoirs) something like this: "Hello, you know, uh, I'm twelve years old and I'm trying to solder a frequency sensor here ...". The unusual conversation lasted about twenty minutes, and as a result, Jobs received not only all the details he needed, but also a summer job at Hewlett-Packard. Jobs now receives occasional phone calls from teenagers who share their ideas about computers and mobile devices with him. Steve Jobs comments on this: “Of course I talk to them. This is the only way I can repay my debt to Bill Hewlett."

Well, a few years later, a truly historic event happened: Jobs met his now no less famous namesake. The namesake's last name was Wozniak, and he attended the same Homestead High School in Cupertino. Despite the difference in characters, the boys quickly became friends, as they had common interests - science fiction, radio electronics and video games. But first of all - computers. As it turned out, at the age of 13, Stephen Wozniak independently assembled not the easiest calculator. And at the time of meeting Jobs, Wozniak was already thinking about the concept of a personal computer, which did not yet exist in principle. Not surprisingly, both Steves soon began attending lectures held by Hewlett-Packard employees in Palo Alto and working for the same corporation over the summer to gain experience.

The youth of the cyber-prophet.

The youth of Steve Jobs fell just at the heyday of the hippie movement - with all the ensuing consequences. In 1972, Steve Jobs graduated from high school and entered Reed College, and Steve Wozniak went to work as an engineer at Hewlett-Packard. But just a semester later, Jobs dropped out of college and in 1974 joined Atari as a video game designer. However, a few months later he quit his job, and with his hippie friends left to "expand consciousness" in India - then it was a very fashionable occupation.

What Jobs saw and learned in India still remains unknown, but the fact that he returned from there a completely different person is a fact. Returning from India, Jobs became a regular visitor to the Homebrew Computer Club, a well-known community of enthusiasts at that time. electronic engineering. Even then, the idea of ​​making a personal computer completely captured him. Moreover, one of the founders of the mentioned club was Steve Wozniak, who also thought about the concept of the future PC, which did not yet exist in nature. Together, friends and embodied their idea "in iron". But commercial success proved more difficult to achieve.

First, in 1975, Wozniak demonstrated the finished personal computer model to Hewlett-Packard management. However, the authorities did not show the slightest interest in the initiative of one of their engineers - everyone then imagined computers exclusively as iron cabinets stuffed with electronic components and used in big business or the military. No one thought about home PCs. In Atari, Wozniak was also given a turn from the gate - they did not see commercial prospects for the novelty.

And then Steve Jobs accepted the most important decision in his life - he persuaded Steve Wozniak and his colleague from Atari Ron Wayne to create their own company and engage in the development and production of personal computers.

Apple: early years and early successes.

A company with a frivolous name Apple Computer was established on April 1, 1976. The first logo designed by Ron Wayne himself was the image of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. Like Hewlett-Packard once upon a time, Apple started in a garage that Paul Jobs gave to his adopted son and his associates; he even brought along a huge wooden workbench, which became the first "assembly line" in corporate history. To work on Apple I young people had at night. “There were only two of us - Wozniak and me. We were both a production department and a delivery service, literally all at once,” Jobs now recalls. After some time, Jobs managed to attach a batch of Apple I computers to the owner of the first ever computer store called Byte Shop - Paul Terrell. Then these computers were simply boards to which the user / buyer had to independently connect the power, keyboard and monitor.

The first brainchild of the company - Apple I

But Paul Terrell was extremely interested in the concept of a personal computer. He stated that he was ready to purchase 50 Apple I computers from the new company at once for $500 each, and then sell them for $666.66 - such an unusual price was approved by Steve Jobs himself. In order to buy the radio components needed for assembly, the founding friends sold all the most valuable things and borrowed money. I had to work at night, but in a month all fifty sets were assembled. True, on the twelfth day of existence Apple, Ron Wayne left the Steves, selling them his ten percent stake in the seed for $800.

Who is the founder of Apple. History of success

Here is how Wayne himself later commented on his act: “Jobs is a hurricane of energy and determination. I was already too disappointed in life to ride through it in this hurricane.

Despite all the difficulties, because then no one produced computer components, and night work, Jobs and Wozniak saw the prospect of the PC as a marketable product. Especially since Apple I was a huge success with buyers. In total, friends released about six hundred computers of this brand, which allowed not only to distribute debts, but also to raise a new company to its feet. However, first things first…


One way or another, the company had to develop. Both Steves decided what to do next. As a result, the personal computer appeared in the form in which we know it - with a color graphic monitor, a mouse and a plastic keyboard. But then no one released anything like this, although the need was clearly ripe. The very idea of ​​such a computer was perceived by large businessmen with open skepticism. As a result, it turned out to be very difficult to find funding for a release created by friends. Apple II. Both Hewlett-Packard and Atari again refused to finance unusual project, although they considered it "fun". Apparently, they are still biting their elbows ...

Indeed, the young Steves did not then have the slightest experience in doing business, and often acted at random. But always good. As Jobs himself said, "Apple's roots were in making computers for people, not for corporations." But there were also those who picked up the idea of ​​a computer that would be accessible to the general population. So, the famous financier Don Valentine brought Steve Jobs to the equally famous venture capitalist Armas Cliff "Mike" Markkula. The latter helped young computer entrepreneurs write a business plan, invested $92,000 of his personal savings in the company, and secured a $250,000 line of credit with Bank of America. All this allowed the two Steves to “get out of the garage”, significantly increase production volumes and expand the staff, as well as launch the fundamentally new Apple II into mass production.

Built by Friends of the Apple II

Then, in the late 70s, few people even imagined what a personal computer should be like. All this is reflected in Apple's advertising campaign - on twenty-year-old yellowed posters with the image of the Apple II, you can read the question: "What is a Personal Computer?". At the same time, the Apple logo, now known to the whole world, appeared - a bitten apple, painted in all the colors of the rainbow. This logo was created by Regis McKenna's advertising agency and personally edited by Steven Jobs. The new logo was supposed to indicate that the Apple II worked with color graphics. Subsequently, Jean-Louis Gasset, ex-president of several structural divisions of Apple and founder of Be Inc., said: "A more suitable logo could not have been dreamed of: it embodied desire, hope, knowledge and anarchy ...".

The success of the Apple II was truly grandiose - the novelty was sold out in hundreds and thousands of copies. Recall that this happened at a time when the entire world market for personal computers did not exceed ten thousand units. Over the course of 18 years from the start of their production, several million of these models were sold, and the share of Apple II in American schools in 1997 was about 20% of the entire computer fleet.

By 1980, Apple Computer was already an established and established computer manufacturer. Its staff consisted of several hundred people, its products were exported outside the United States, and its shares were highly quoted by stockbrokers, having received the AAPL index. However, financiers could not understand then the reasons for Apple's success. Too unusual was the company created by the two Steves. Unusual but successful. Personal computers quickly broke into the daily life of people in developed countries. For two decades, they have firmly taken their place among people, becoming indispensable assistants in production, organizational, educational, communication and other technological and social affairs. The words spoken by Steve Jobs in the early 80s became prophetic: “In this decade, the first meeting of the Society and the Computer took place. And for some crazy reason, we ended up in the right place and in right time to do everything for the flourishing of this novel."

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Apple information sheet

If there is a company in the world that everyone knows about, as they say, "from small to large", then this is Apple.

Apple is proof that a good idea in the right hands guarantees an unsurpassed result, because it was from the seemingly unrealistic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a "smart" machine that originated in the minds of two friends that one of the most famous and successful corporations in the world originated.

The founders of the company - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak - met in 1971. Apple was officially registered in 1976, although the first computers were assembled and sold by its founders a couple of years earlier. The Apple II, released in 1977, was the first personal PC to be produced in the millions. In 1984, Apple released the first 32-bit Macintosh.

Until January 2007, the company's official name was "Apple Computer Inc." Now we know it simply as "Apple", which was an indicator of a change in the focus of the corporation: having mastered the market for computers and everything connected with them, Apple gradually opened up markets that were not directly related to the PC. In 2001, the company released the iPod audio player, in 2007, the iPhone smartphone, and in 2010, the iPad tablet.

Who is the founder of Apple Corporation

In the meantime, the company opened the most popular online store for digital video, audio and gaming content.

In the history of Apple, there was everything: both grandiose success and the risk of failure. But she survived, gaining only invaluable experience. It is safe to say that Apple is a company that has been, is and will be for at least another 100 years.

Apple: quality and prestige for all time

Apple defined its mission as follows: the company offers computers of the highest quality for all people around the world.

Apple's marketing philosophy stands on three "pillars":

  1. Understanding the feelings and needs of product buyers;
  2. Maximum focus on the affairs of the company;
  3. Suggestion, that is, the primary role of the first impression in the presentation of a new product.

Now we know why all Apple's presentation events are so carefully prepared, why even when we open the package with its new product, we feel a touch of something great and really worthwhile.

Apple operates both through wholesalers and through a network of retail stores and online services selling Apple technology. In 2007, the Russian representative office of Apple was established, and in 2012, Apple Rus was registered, through which all retail and wholesale of Apple equipment in Russia is now carried out.

Apple's competitive advantages include:

  • great financial opportunities, which allows the company to be one step ahead of competitors;
  • careful monitoring of demand in the digital technology market and the ability to quickly present the consumer with what he needs;
  • a serious approach to business, which guarantees high level company reputation;
  • the ability to select only highly qualified employees in your staff;
  • presenting any new product as relatively easy to use for the consumer, as well as as an element of the image of a person or company.

Apple now owns more than 5,000 patents for inventions and designs, and Apple's iPhone 5 sold 9,000,000 units in just three days after the first presentation. This can be called the most important indicator of the company's success.

It remains only to wish Apple prosperity and stable sales. Let the company's management take care of the first point, but you don't have to worry about the second - the stability of sales of Apple devices is in the hands of fans of modern and high-quality products, and they will not let you down!

We add that you can get the most competent help in learning to use any of the Apple devices in our computer courses!

Today Apple is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones, software, players, and tablets. The history of Apple is invariably linked to Steve Jobs. Today, the equipment produced in the corporation is highly valued for its impeccable quality. Currently, the total value of the corporation is estimated at over 500 billion US dollars. The company carefully monitors trends in IT technologies and implements them in manufacturing process. Surely readers of the site will be interested in the history of the creation and development of the company.

Name history

The official date of birth of the organization is April 1, 1976. It was on this day that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their first computer by hand. It was called Apple Computer. It is necessary to understand how the company got the name Apple.

First Apple Computer

There are several versions. One of them is Jobs' desire to have the name more conveniently located in the telephone directory. So the "name" of the company occupied the line immediately below the name of the Atari organization, which was engaged in the development of computer games. In addition, the apple symbolizes the struggle for the preservation of nature and the environment, and for the first time in the world, the corporation began to use old consumables for the production of new equipment.

History of the logo

The history of the creation of the Apple logo is quite interesting. Its original symbol was a man sitting under a tree with a falling apple drawn over his head. It becomes immediately clear that this picture depicted the great scientist Isaac Newton. Most likely, there were some references in the Bible, because a bitten apple symbolizes temptation. It is worth noting that the Macintosh computer models were named after the variety of apples that the developer of this product line was very fond of.

Apple's first logo

However, the initial logo was not memorable and was not suitable for mass sales. Then the history of the creation of the Apple logo goes in a different direction. The designer of the company (Rob Yanovu) was walking down the street and stopped by the local supermarket and bought some apples. Arriving home, he began to cut them and examine them from various angles, after which he depicted one monochrome fruit. True, for some reason he drew an apple slightly bitten.

Jobs liked Rob's sketch, but decided it would be better to paint the apple. The head of the advertising agency was against such a decision, because at that time printing using color ink was many times more expensive than now. However, Steve insisted on his own, and soon the well-known apple appeared on computers.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The colors for this were chosen randomly. The only thing Jobs insisted on was green tint should decorate the drawing above. The type of fruit did not change until 1998. However, then logos painted in black, white and silver were placed on the devices. Such is the history of the Apple logo.

The first computers

In the spring of 1976 in American stores household appliances The Apple Computer I appears, costing $666.66. Within a few months, its creators collect and sell 175 pieces of goods. Outwardly, it looked like a motherboard with no sound, no case, no keyboard. The next year, Michael Scott takes over as director of the firm.

A new model appears, which was called the Apple II. It was the first PC to feature color graphics. At this stage, the history of the development of Apple takes a new turn. The technique included special commands for working with sound, as well as a small built-in speaker. In addition, there was a power supply and a keyboard. At that time, the computer was a real breakthrough, and for the first time in the history of the PC, its sales exceeded one million units. It is worth mentioning that until 1993 more than 5 million models were assembled and sold. Initially, variants with an 8-bit operating system were developed, and a little later, 16-bit computers appeared on sale.

Apple II model

Lisa and Macintosh

Beginning in 1979, Apple brand employee Jeff Raskin began work on a new PC, which was called the Macintosh. In fact, it was the first technique, in a monoblock of which there was everything that an average user needs to work. At the same time, in 1983, another model appeared on the home appliance market. She was named Lisa - this was the name of the daughter of Steve Jobs. However, unfortunately, it did not become popular and in demand.

Lisa Model

The beginning of the 1980s turned out to be quite a difficult time for the company. Due to regular absenteeism, Steve Jobs was forced to lay off forty employees of the company. At the same time, Apple Computer is being brought to the initial IPO and the owners begin to sell shares on one of the largest financial exchanges in the world - NASDAQ. However, this step did not give the desired effect, and articles began to appear in newspapers announcing the imminent decline of the corporation.

The situation began to change in 1983, when a talented top manager named Scully John became the president of the organization. Before joining Apple, he was quite successful in managing PepsiCo. True, friction immediately began between him and Steve Jobs.

On January 22, 1984, the first Macintosh is presented to the public, which radically changed the idea ordinary people to personal computers. This event became a new milestone in the history of Apple Corporation. By the way, the advertising clip, filmed specifically for the release of the Macintosh based on the plot of D. Orwell's work, was awarded the Grand Prix at Cannes. Even today, it is considered one of the most original commercials in history.

First Macintosh

The model received the prefix 512K and began to be sold at a price of 2495 US dollars. Its creators will try to make a technique that any user who does not have the proper qualifications can master in a matter of minutes. True, the first Mac OS microprocessors were not distinguished by great power and performance. They lacked such things as, for example, the ability to simultaneously perform multiple tasks and protected memory. However, over time, the developers eliminated these shortcomings, and the Macintosh was able to compete with other similar equipment.

Time passed, and there was a need to create a new operating system. Having carefully considered all the nuances, the owners of the company decided to use the modern developments of the company called NeXT in new computers. It used operating systems under the general name UNIX. The next system was called Mac OS X and was designed to allow users to seamlessly transition from older models to new ones.

The departure and return of Steve Jobs

In 1985, Apple's story is going through crucial moment. It was at this time that the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, presents Steve Wozniacki and Steve Jobs with a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technologies. At the same time, Jobs, who is the ideological inspirer of the corporation, leaves it, having quarreled with members of the board of directors. Along with this, sales of personal computers and the value of the company's shares are falling sharply. Experts attribute this precisely to the departure of Jobs, because he was able to advertise the created equipment in a very original way. Many believe that this is where the story of Apple's development will end.

Ronald Reagan presents Steve Jobs with a medal for a major breakthrough in IT technologies. 1985

In the period from 1995 to 1997, the development, assembly and sale of equipment began to bring serious losses. At the end of the 90s, their amount tends to 2 billion US dollars. The board of directors decides to ask Steve Jobs to return to the corporation back.

Revolution in the 2000s

In 2001, the iPod audio player appeared on the computer technology market. Thanks to its capabilities, this compact media player instantly gained well-deserved popularity. In 2003, an online store was opened in the network, which sold music and listened to it in the players of this manufacturer. The supermarket that opened was called the iTunes Store. In 2007, the corporation demonstrates a new development - the first mobile phone of the company, called the iPhone. Since then, the popularity of the device has been growing every year, and its sales have broken all records. Since 2008, another online store has appeared on the network. It's called the App Store. The principle of operation and the payment system of the resource is not much different from iTunes.

First iPod audio player

Appearance of the first iPhone

At the time of the beginning of 2010, the company has unquestioned authority among manufacturers of computer equipment. It was at this time that the first tablet computer, called the iPad, went on sale. In the first month of its implementation, over 1 million copies were sold. From that moment on, the success story of the corporation does not raise any doubts about the genius of the creators of the brand.

This is what the first iPad looks like

Since 2011, Apple has become the most valuable commercial organization in the world. True, its owners failed to establish themselves on this peak for a long time. In 2013, its factories begin to produce 64-bit chips designed to work with the ARM architecture. The company releases a 2-core microprocessor, which was named A7. In 2014, compact portable Apple Watch devices appear on the electronics market.

Apple Watch

Acquisition of companies and appearance in Russia

Naturally, such a large giant as Apple acquired shares in smaller organizations. So from 1996 to 2012, the corporation absorbed such companies as NeXT, P. A. Semi, Quattro Wireless, Siri, Anobit Technologies.

The success story of the concern in Russia begins in 2005, when the first Russian Apple Center store was opened. Just two years later, in 2007, the official representative office of the company in the country opens. In 2012, the owners of the corporation registered the Apple Rus company, which to this day is engaged in the retail and wholesale of electronic equipment.

The first Apple store in Moscow

How is the company doing today?

During the development of the company, she experienced both successes and severe failures. Today, its own corporate culture has been specially developed to lead such a giant. Before proceeding with the creation of new models of devices, the management clearly prescribes the responsibilities and roles of each employee. Any product of the company is developed in an atmosphere of strict secrecy.

The company also has its own concept of sales. It clearly outlines how stores should be designed. For managers and sellers, the principles of trade in equipment and psychological techniques used on buyers are drawn up.

Vendors are dressed in blue uniforms. Before taking up their duties, they must complete a 14-day training course. In the process of work, managers additionally undergo training. In addition, they are trained to use services for device diagnostics.

While still alive, Steve Jobs independently developed the company's advertising strategy. Today, tablet computers, mobile phones, audio players, and watches leave the Apple conveyors. In addition, specialists are constantly working on improving the software.

In 2016, the company's management made one interesting statement that soon the concern's equipment will operate on the principle of end-to-end encryption. Its essence is in the signal transmission algorithm: the data will be encoded on users' gadgets, after which it will be transmitted to the receiving equipment and decoded. This innovation is connected with the fact that more and more people began to talk about the surveillance of citizens by the US government.

American company Apple In c.today one of the most famous corporations. Its products are known all over the world, and these are not only computers. Today the company produces mobile phones, tablet computers, audio players, and software. High popularity of branded productsApple explained primarily by their own innovative technologies companies

Consumer electronics produced under the logo of this company has a very attractive design, the most modern possibilities and produced according to the latest technologies. Therefore, products Apple was and remains very popular and appreciated in many countries. In fact, the corporation Apple in the consumer electronics market has managed to create a reputation so high that it can be considered a cult. The company itself is now valued at over $500 billion. This is one of the most valuable companies in the world. Apple's competitor in the IT field at that time was the company Microsoft .

Start " Apple Computer Inc..» 1976. Creation of the first Apple computers

Company Apple was born April 1, 1976. Its original name was Apple Computer Inc. .". The company's logo was an apple, this symbol also corresponded to its name: "apple" is translated from English as "apple".

The company's area of ​​interest for 30 years or more remained computer technology, in the future this focus became more blurred, covering the expanded field of consumer electronics, and on January 9, 2007, the word "Computer" from the name reasonably disappeared.

(Fun fact: the name " Apple» was selected Steve Jobs , because in the telephone directory it was higher than the name " Atari ».)

Organizing a company Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs began to collect computers and sell them. Less than 200 computers were originally sold apple 1 . Actually, apple 1 was a board with microcircuits. And the personal computer, in the full sense of the word, was the following development - apple 2 .

1977 Sale of Apple computers 2

The young company was not the only one producing personal computers (and selling them by the tens of hundreds) by Tandy Radio Shack and Commodore. However, it is sales apple 2 amounted to several million copies, making it very popular in different countries. At first, Apple 2 computers had 8 bits, later production began and 16-bit models. It is believed that the production of personal computers, as a market segment, appeared precisely with apple 2 .

These computers had a power supply, keyboard, color display. They were in one-piece plastic cases - this was an innovation. apple 2 could work with both graphics and sound.

From 1977 to 1993, more than five million computers of various models were produced and sold. apple 2 .

1980 The failure of the Apple 3 project and the LISA computer.

There were two major events this year. The first is the initial public offering made by the company. In terms of volume, this placement was the largest at that time. This turned the company into a public company, its shares can be bought both on the London Stock Exchange and on stock market NASDAQ.

Second significant event years - project failure Apple 3(not successful and Lisa computer ). Serious sales failure Apple 3 provoked journalists to make statements about the imminent ruin of the company. Despite this, Apple retained a number of strong positions in the market.

1983 John Scully is the new president of Apple.

At the beginning of the year there was new president companies AppleJohn Scully. Before that, he worked in PepsiCo holding the same position. This personnel reshuffle happened due to problems in the company that he could not cope with. Steve Jobs.

1984 Apple Macintosh computer

A new computer has arrived Macintosh which has been in development since the late 1970s. This series of 32-bit computers was produced subsequently for almost twenty years. It was these computers that formed the basis of the company's business. Apple . Macintosh had an original operating system, and processors were used for their production Motorola .

(Interesting fact: " Macintosh' is an American apple cultivar. It was him preferred by Jeff Raskin, former leader project Macintosh. After him, the leadership position passed to Jobs.)

Computers Macintosh differed from computers of other firms in a well-developed graphical interface and the active use of a computer mouse. It was Apple that first introduced graphics into the daily work of users.

Due to the different vision of the company's prospects, a conflict situation between Steve Jobs and John Scully .

1985 Steve Jobs left Apple

For development technical progress Jobs and Wozniak were awarded medals by US President Ronald Reagan.

In the same year, Steve Jobs left the company and began work in a new company - NeXT, specializing in the development of software products. He was involved in the development of animation projects. Over time, NeXT was acquired by Apple .

1997 Steve Jobs is back at Apple.

By this time the position Apple changed a lot - and for the worse. The company suffered heavy losses. From 1995 to 1997, their amount was about 1.86 billion dollars. Then he returned to the company Steve Jobs, and affairs Apple gradually began to improve.

year 2001. Presentation of the iPod music player

Company Apple surprised the audience with her new device - an audio player iPod. He actively recruited fans, and as a result took a leading position in the market.

2003 Opening the iTunes Store.

An online store was specially created to support the audio player iTunes Store, which sold at a reasonable price digital music content for listening in iPod. The average price was one dollar per audio track. It was also possible to purchase ready-made collections and albums. In addition, it was possible to buy game and video media content in this supermarket.

2007 - Release of the iPhone.

This year was marked by the launch of a fundamentally new product on the market - a mobile phone. iPhone which had a touch screen. It made a revolution. It was assumed that users would want to buy and install useful applications on their smartphone. With this calculation, the operating system was made iPhone .

2008 Opening of the App Store

The company opened an online store App Store, through which she began selling additional programs for her smartphone. The turnover of this store by 2011 was 250 million dollars. Its payment system was no different from a store iTunes.

year 2009. Patent war between Apple and Nokia

Apple lost to the company Nokia patent litigation. She was found to have infringed 10 patents by using some inventions in iPhone.

2010 iPad tablet output

Another novelty was introduced to the market. The advent of the iPad tablet computer marked the beginning of a new segment of the computer equipment market, which iPad and led.

2011. Apple is the most valuable brand in the world.

High sales volumes of three new products - iPhone, iPod and iPad- brought the company a very high profit, and its financial condition improved markedly.

MAY . Millward Brown, a well-known international research agency, has made an assessment of the value of the Apple brand. In the May rating, it was estimated at 153.3 billion dollars and recognized this brand as the most expensive in the world.

AUGUST. The market value (capitalization) of Apple on August 10 was $338.8 billion. She managed to outrun the oil company ExxonMobil and became known as the most valuable company in the world.

This year Apple lost to the company Motorola Mobility patent litigation. It was recognized that she violated the patent of this company by using his technology in her devices.

year 2012. Sales and patent disputes.

FEBRUARY. The total value of the company's shares at the beginning of the month was $456 billion. In fact, it was more than the combined capitalization of Microsoft and Google (which are considered the closest competitors Apple). And at the end of the month, Apple's capitalization was more than $500 billion.

In Q2, the company sold 4 million Macs and 7.7 million iPods. Quarterly sales of iPads were 11.8 million and quarterly sales of iPhones reached 35.1 million. According to the results of the financial statements for the 2nd quarter, Apple's revenues reached 39.2 billion dollars, and the amount of net income - 11.6 billion dollars (in terms of a share, it was 12.3 dollars).

AUGUST . Apple defeated Samsung in a patent dispute. After this event, the value of Apple increased and amounted to more than 600 billion dollars. The price of the company's shares became 1.9% higher.

OCTOBER . The number of the corporation's own patents for design projects and inventions has reached 5440.

year 2013. Release of 64-bit chips.

Company Apple first launched 64-bit chips ARM architectures .

Today the corporation has a network own stores in a number of countries - the USA, England, Japan and others.

Company takeovers

IT- the market is very volatile. Many companies appear and work successfully, and then they are taken over by more powerful companies. Apple Corporation for many years of its existence has carried out many successful acquisitions of IT companies. It should be noted the acquisition of the largest of them.

1996 - NeXT($430 million)

April 2008 - P.A. Semi($280 million)

2010, January - Quattro Wireless($274 million)

April 2010 - Siri($200 million)

2012, January - Anobit Technologies(400-500 million dollars)

Apple in Russia

The first store opened Apple Center in Russia

At the end of the fiscal year, sales of audio players iPod amounted to 240 thousand copies.

Representation opened Apple in Russia

The corporation registered the company " Apple Rus”, which is engaged in trade in equipment - both retail and wholesale.

Apple products today

Corporation Apple known not only as a manufacturer of high-quality consumer electronics. It owns popular web services and sells software tools.

The range of products produced by the company technical devices quite wide: multimedia players and players, mobile phones and tablet computers, servers and monitors, desktop computers and laptops. Acquiring them for many is a matter of prestige. A company Apple continues to develop, remaining a company with a high reputation and high profitability.

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The revolutionary company Apple began its history in the 70s in California. Young Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created their first personal computer based on the MOS Technology 6502 processor. They managed to sell several dozen samples of their device, thanks to which they were soon provided with funding. Young developers - businessmen registered Apple Computer, Inc. on April 1, 1976. Translated into Russian, the word "apple" means "apple". Interestingly, the macintosh is an apple variety common in the United States of America, favored by Jeff Raskin, who led the Macintosh project before Steve Jobs.

Throughout its history, the largest company and the undisputed innovative leader in the market has endured hard times. In the early 80s, the press began to talk about the impending funeral of Apple. However, John Scully, who came to the place of the president of the company, was able to resolve the problems of the company. In 1984, the company released the 32-bit Macintosh computer, which later became Apple's main income. However, the following year, Steve Jobs left his company.

iPod line, current since 2012. From left to right: iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, and iPod Touch

The end of the 90s also shook the company - Apple suffered losses. The company was saved from imminent collapse by its founder father Steve Jobs, who decided to return to his brainchild. He considered that it was necessary to develop non-computer related markets. The result of the work was the iPod released in 2001, iTunes - in 2003, and finally, the revolutionary iPhone, which changed the whole idea of ​​​​smartphones - in 2007. Also in 2007, the company dropped the word Computer from its name, leaving Apple inc, thus clearly delineating its new policy.

iPad 4

2010 was marked by another innovative device, not previously presented on the market - Apple released the tablet computer iPad. Thanks to gadgets with exceptional design and functionality, the company soared to the top, becoming the most valuable company in the world.

In 2006, sales of Apple products in Russia amounted to $69 million. The following year, the first representative office of the giant corporation opened. A little later, in 2012, Apple registered Apple Rus.

We at the portal http://bezlimit-mts.ru (http://bezlimit-mts.ru) believe that the Apple slogan “Think Different” (Russian “Think different”) reflects the entire policy of the global corporation in the best possible way. And by the way, this is one of the few companies that does not turn to focus groups for help.
