How to choose a heating system and enjoy home warmth without harm to your health? Infrared heaters: harmful to health or not Ceiling infrared heaters: the whole truth and myths

Due to numerous advantages, the demand for infrared heaters is increasing every year. With their help you can quickly and efficiently warm any living or production room. IR heaters emit significantly large quantity heat than many other heating devices. For example, fan heaters. In addition, this type of climate control equipment does not burn the oxygen available in the room. According to manufacturers, the harm of an infrared heater to a person’s well-being is insignificant. But practice and research do not fully confirm this.

What is IR radiation?

Any heating household appliance emits a certain amount of infrared radiation. This even applies to conventional steam heating radiators. But when using IR heating devices, their frequency and wavelength are much greater.

Infrared radiation is one of the types of electromagnetic fluxes. The most powerful natural source of such radiation is the sun. But despite this, being under the rays of the sun is not dangerous for humans.

Attention: When the IR heater operates, heat rays are directed to the desired area of ​​the room and heat it evenly.

With the help of these devices, you can warm only certain areas in the room. The emitted waves come in the following varieties:

  1. Short. Their length is 0.76 - 2.5 microns, and the element temperature is at least +800 degrees.
  2. Average. 50 microns long, and the temperature is approximately +600 degrees.
  3. Long. Their diameter is 200 microns, and the temperature is +300 degrees.

If the instructions are not followed, infrared heaters are harmful to health, because their radiation can penetrate human skin. The depth of impact on the skin largely depends on their intensity. The waves generated during the operation of the IR heater are of three categories:

  1. IR-C – characterized by insignificant impact on human body. Their length is 3 microns. The effect is on the surface of the skin.
  2. IR-B – whose length is from 1.5 to 3.0 microns. These waves penetrate only the surface layer of the skin.
  3. IR-A – these waves differ the most deep penetration. Their length is from 0.76 to 1.5 microns. The penetration depth is approximately 4 centimeters.

When the IR heater operates, waves of various sizes are formed. In this case, the number of certain rays may be different. But as research shows, the higher the heating temperature, the more short waves there will be.

Much also depends on the material from which the radiating surface of this heating device is made. The biggest negative impact is the black heated surface. If the body is made of ceramic materials, then the strength and frequency of the radiation are much lower.

Harm of IR radiation

The issue concerning the negative effects of infrared radiation on humans has occupied many leading scientific and medical figures. Numerous studies have been conducted which have shown that these heaters are capable of providing Negative influence on human health.

Attention: Greatest harm from infrared heaters is associated with overdrying of the skin, which heats up very quickly, after which moisture evaporates, which the body is not able to quickly restore.

If you stay in close proximity to such a heater for a long time, you can get burns. After all, at a short distance, this heating device emits waves that are the most dangerous.

Infrared radiation is always present in any production. People who are in the workplace are regularly exposed to it. If the skin is not protected by clothing, then with daily exposure changes occur within its structure. In particular, the permeability of cell membranes decreases, protein melting occurs, which is irreversible, and the appearance of blood cells changes.

The eyes also suffer from radiation. Especially the retina and lenses. Because of this, vision may deteriorate. In addition, cataracts may develop in the future.

To heat various outdoor objects, heaters that emit short or long waves are most often used. They can be installed in gazebos, cafes, and summer areas. If such a device is installed indoors, a person regularly exposed to radiation can get quite severe burns. Often, skin redness and blisters appear.

Methods of protection against infrared radiation

In order to understand whether an infrared heater is harmful or not, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of protection against their radiation. There are several effective methods, how to reduce the negative impact of infrared heaters on the human body. Here a lot depends on the correct choice of the heater and the location of its installation:

If you follow these rules, you can not only quickly and effectively warm the room, but also protect yourself from the negative effects of infrared rays on the human body.

But when figuring out whether an infrared heater is harmful to humans, you should understand that when correct use not only will it not harm your health, but it will also become an excellent remedy heating After all, an infrared heater has numerous advantages:

  • silent operation;
  • fast heating speed;
  • long service life;
  • uniform heating of the surface;
  • the ability to heat only the necessary zones, and not the entire room.

Attention: When choosing an infrared heater, you should carefully study the instructions and thoroughly find out what its benefits and harms are, what waves are produced during operation of this device.

Much depends on the material from which the heating element is made. You should not purchase devices that use a halogen lamp as a heating element. It emits short waves, which pose the greatest danger to human health. Such devices should not be used for household purposes, as this will negatively affect your well-being.

As mentioned above, a lot depends on the installation location of this climate control device. Much depends on the size of the room and the height of the walls. Especially if you intend to mount it on the ceiling. The device must be at a certain height.

Before installing an IR heater, you should remember that the waves it emits should spread evenly throughout the room, and not be directed only to one part of it. Not only the quality of heating, but also the state of your health depends on how correctly this device is installed.

Please ensure that the specified technical specifications correspond to reality. A modern IR heater is often equipped with a tip-over and overheating protection sensor, and has a built-in thermostat with which you can install and maintain desired temperature in room. There should also be a control panel. All this optional equipment allows you to make the process of its operation more comfortable.

Remember, the safest heaters are long-wave ones. They must be correctly located in the room and made of quality materials. This is what guarantees them safe use and quality of room heating. In addition, you should follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Infrared heating devices are a first-class type of climate control technology. Are infrared heaters harmful? No. After all, if you choose and install them correctly, they will be safe, convenient and versatile. With their help, you can not only effectively heat the room even in severe frosts, but also save a lot of money.

With the onset of autumn cold, citizens freezing in their apartments are thinking about buying a heater. Some prefer models proven by many years of practice, others are not afraid to take risks when choosing fashion news. An infrared heater is one of these new products. What kind of device is this, how does it work, what are its advantages and are there any disadvantages? The main question of interest to buyers: is the harm of an infrared heater - truth or myth? Rumors about this are quite common - are they true?

What is infrared radiation

To dispel myths, challenge or confirm what manufacturers say about the safety of IR devices, it is necessary to turn to the physics of the process, understand the principle of their operation and the impact of this type of radiation on humans.

Long-wave IR devices are effective and do not cause harm

Electromagnetic radiation and wavelength

IR radiation is compared with sunlight. It is known that electromagnetic rays emitted by the Sun have properties that depend on their wavelength. According to this parameter, they are divided into several groups: gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, light, infrared, microwave and radio waves. Infrared radiation is the waves that heat our planet. Thanks to the rays coming from the Sun, the Earth remains warm.

Modern IR devices operate at long waves that are safe for humans in the range from 7 to 14 micrometers

Based on the wavelength of the emitted rays, IR radiation is divided into three groups:

  • from 0.75*10 -6 to 1.5*10 -6 m – shortwave;
  • from 1.5*10 -6 to 4*10 -6 m – medium wave;
  • from 4*10 -6 to 1 mm – long-wave.

Safe radiation range for humans

Scientists have found that each of us is also a source of energy. The waves we emit represent long-wave IR radiation in a small range: from 6*10 -6 to 20*10 -6 . Studies have shown that radiation in the range emitted by humans does not cause harm. For safety reasons and to avoid harmful effects, in accordance with the requirements of the standard, modern IR heaters operate at safe waves with a length of 7 to 14 micrometers.

Advantages of IR heaters

Research on the topic: are infrared heaters harmful to humans, have shown that they not only do not cause harm, but are also useful. Long-wave infrared radiation has a detrimental effect on pathogens. This property is actively used in medicine. IR lamps are used in:

  • therapy;
  • surgery;
  • dermatology;
  • dentistry.

An IR heater in your home will strengthen your immune system and protect against colds and other diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Warm air concentrates on the floor and walls

Other advantages of infrared heating technology:

  • Do not dry out the air, as the steam remains in the air. This has a beneficial effect on mucous membranes that block the path of pathogenic microbes.
  • Oxygen molecules remain in the air, allowing you to breathe easily. They do not burn out like when using fireplaces or other devices.
  • A warm zone forms on the floor. The higher you go to the ceiling, the lower the temperature. This makes it possible to always keep your feet warm, while your head remains cold.

Important! IR radiation is a method of heat transfer with instant heating of objects falling within its range of action. When heated, the walls and floor give off their heat to the air, the temperature of which will decrease as it moves away from the surface of the walls and floor.

The design of modern fireplaces is carefully thought out and does not pose a danger to children and pets.

When can IR devices cause harm?

Returning to the question about infrared heaters - are they harmful or not, we note that if the range of infrared rays does not go beyond acceptable limits, they are absolutely safe. But this is only if manufacturers do not violate production standards.

The effect of infrared radiation on the skin

Harm to human health from an infrared heater is possible when the device emits medium-wave or short-wave rays. If you are exposed to the wrong IR waves, your skin will heat up. The penetration depth depends on the wavelength:

  1. Long-wave rays affect the stratum corneum of the skin without causing harm to health.
  2. Medium wave rays are able to penetrate the upper layers of the skin, causing it to dry out. The skin loses elasticity, becomes covered with fine wrinkles and begins to peel off.
  3. Short-wave rays, penetrating under the skin to a depth of 4 cm, with prolonged exposure can cause first and second degree burns - redness or blisters.

Attention! Short-wave and medium-wave devices can adversely affect your skin and cause burns.

Powerful halogen IR devices are installed in large public spaces

Effect of short and medium infrared waves on the eyes

Not only the skin, but also the eyes are exposed to rays. The retina of the eye is a photosensitive tissue consisting of protein substances that harden and coagulate when exposed to high temperature. The same thing happens with the lens of the eye.

From the above it follows that the use of IR heaters with medium and short waves is fraught with eye disease and visual impairment. With constant exposure to the “wrong” rays, cataracts can develop. Staying in a room for a long time with an IR device on can cause headaches, as being under its influence is similar to what you for a long time you are bareheaded under the scorching sun.

Attention! IR heaters manufactured in violation of standards can cause visual impairment and eye diseases. An incorrectly selected device can cause headaches.

Use of low-quality materials by the manufacturer

Can an infrared heater be harmful to humans if you have taken everything into account and chosen the model in accordance with the recommendations? Unfortunately, it can if the manufacturer turned out to be unscrupulous and used low-quality materials. When heated, they release harmful substances. They cannot be seen or felt. The negative impact is expressed in deterioration of well-being and health.

Important! Recent scientific research has confirmed positive influence on human health and immunity from long-wave rays, but only with short-term exposure!

Rational use IR technology eliminates harm to humans

How to choose the “right” heater

When choosing heating equipment, it is necessary to take into account its safety, technical features And appearance. Modern devices are issued in beautiful design, which you can choose to suit your interior. The main criterion remains safety.

Types of IR heaters

Modern heaters based on infrared radiation are divided into several types:

  • Quartz - the safest for use at home (the temperature of the heated elements is 450-500 degrees). Quartz glass is used as a radiation filter.
  • Halogen - suitable for large rooms, rarely used at home (elements temperature 2000 degrees). Instead of a vacuum, gas is pumped into the flask, which can be hazardous to health if the flask is damaged.
  • Carbon - durable and reliable devices with a temperature-resistant spiral (heating of carbon elements - up to 600 -700 degrees).
  • Micathermic - mica-coated plates that heat up to 60-80 degrees. The increasingly popular new product is characterized by the highest, up to 85%, efficiency and safety.

On a note! If for home use you choose a carbon or quartz heater, harm is completely eliminated. This is the safest, practice-tested type of heating technology for your home.

Modern IR heaters come in different types. This allows you to select best option for your conditions and room sizes

To ensure that the device is functional, and you and your loved ones are not exposed to the “wrong” radiation, when choosing an infrared heater, listen to the recommendations:

  • Do not buy heavy-duty appliances; the power of the fireplace should be selected at the rate of 100 W per 1 sq. m of premises. If the power is less, it will not be enough for heating; if it is more, then the high concentration of rays will negatively affect health.
  • Study the model you like carefully, ask a consultant about the operating features, technical specifications and others important points.
  • Check with the seller which devices emit IR waves in the safe range for humans (7-14 microns ). Choose devices that meet this criterion, this will help keep you and your loved ones healthy.
  • Find out about the reliability of the manufacturer, give preference to equipment from well-known brands . Their popularity is due, first of all, to quality. By purchasing analogs from little-known companies at an attractive price, you risk your health.
  • Don't go for cheap. Cost reduction may result from use low-quality materials, when heated, harmful substances are released.

Important! To reduce the harmful effects of rays, it is necessary to take care of correct installation fireplace. It is recommended to place the device in the far corner of the room or on the ceiling, and do not keep it constantly pointed at people. Avoid using a fireplace in a child's room or bedroom.

Video: testing IR heaters for efficiency and safety

From the above it follows that infrared devices can be harmful and useful. To ensure that the equipment you purchase is safe, be careful when choosing. Correctly, with all responsibility, the selected heater and its proper operation will help keep you warm and create comfort in your home.

The famous Russian proverb “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” is not always true. In some cases, too much of something beneficial can be harmful. For example, we can easily be poisoned by harmless and even useful vitamins if we exceed the dosage indicated in the annotation. The same applies to infrared heating devices that are spreading everywhere - they are beneficial, but they can also cause harm. The harm of an infrared heater is what our review will focus on. In it we will tell you:

  • about the principle of operation of such devices;
  • about the ranges of infrared radiation;
  • on the operation of infrared heating equipment;
  • about the safety of heaters.

After reviewing the presented material, you will be able to draw conclusions regarding the real safety of infrared heaters.

The principle of operation of infrared rays

Infrared heaters have simple device– special ones are used here heating elements, generating infrared radiation. This type of radiation is thermal, it is emitted by the sun and any other heat sources. Even the most ordinary fire on which we barbecue is a powerful source of infrared radiation. It is this radiation that allows you to warm living spaces and even open and semi-enclosed areas.

IR heaters heat objects and the floor in the room, and they in turn warm the air.

When studying the dangers of infrared heaters for humans, you need to know about the operating principle of these heating devices. It is very simple - IR radiation leaving heating device, reaches surrounding objects and begins to warm them. Those, in turn, heat up, beginning to release heat into the atmosphere. This heating method is more effective compared to convection, which heats air masses.

The devices we are considering do not heat the air, since infrared radiation is weakly absorbed by it. Air masses They are heated only by surrounding objects. Humans can also feel infrared radiation – they perceive it in the form of directed heat. Remember how warm it is when we approach a fire - this is how its infrared radiation acts. And if we turn our backs to the fire, our face will feel the coolness of the surrounding air.

What are the benefits of infrared heaters? They provide:

  • rapid spread of heat throughout the heated room – infrared radiation travels at the speed of light and over a fairly large distance(hot air from convectors disperses throughout the room tens of times slower);
  • maintaining air humidity – this indicator does not change;
  • maintaining the amount of oxygen in the air - the oxygen needed for breathing is not burned, its percentage remains the same.

IR devices are characterized high efficiency and fairly good economy.

The most best characteristics Carbon infrared heaters are superior in efficiency and economy to any other heating devices.

How safe are IR heaters?

Options for the location of heating devices in rooms different types and size.

The harm of infrared heaters to humans has been exaggerated. Correct selection of IR equipment and provision correct operation will help neutralize the harm and even reduce it to zero. For example, the same uranium mines, if the strictest operating requirements are met, are practically harmless to the people working there. The same applies to IR radiation.

By the way, the word “radiation” affects people like a loaded pistol - many, having heard this word, perceive it as an element of danger. At the same time, the most ordinary light that a light bulb emits is also radiation. Another type of radiation is radio waves. electromagnetic radiation makes radios talk and televisions show us images.

This is not to say that IR radiation is absolutely harmless. If you wish, you can harm your body using the most harmless things and objects. The same oranges or chicken eggs, if absorbed in unimaginable quantities, can cause a person a lot of suffering and trouble. Therefore, when assessing the harm from infrared heaters, you need to focus on the correct selection of equipment and compliance with operating rules.

Infrared heaters - the harm and benefits of them can be very different. Let's look at how benefits are achieved and under what conditions they become harmful:

Calculation correct location ceiling IR device depending on its power.

  • The correct selection of heaters for the volume of the room will provide benefits and prevent headaches. If there is “overkill” in power, it will not be possible to avoid harmful effects;
  • correct choice of heaters by wavelength - short-wave models are aimed at outdoor use. Indoors, their exposure leads to a kind of burns, headaches and other troubles. Long-wave heaters should be used to heat rooms(the best option for humans);
  • correct operation in time - long work such devices can cause harm, so you need to know when to stop;
  • location of heaters - in order to neutralize the harm of infrared heaters, it is advisable to position them so that they warm up surrounding objects. You also need to maintain a distance from heaters to people.

One should take into account the fact that IR devices provide protection against many pathogenic bacteria - this is a benefit, not a harm. They also warm the skin well and are used to treat certain diseases.

Nevertheless, prolonged exposure to infrared heaters is harmful - the skin dries out, the head begins to hurt, and discomfort appears.

Possible painful symptoms from IR heaters

What symptoms can people experience when exposed to infrared heaters?

Standing in front of infrared heaters for a long time can cause headaches.

  • A headache is a clear sign that it’s time to temporarily turn off the heater or sit away from it.
  • A numb or cottony feeling in the head is another sign of adverse effects. Perhaps you incorrectly calculated the power of the equipment you are using or did not ensure that recommendations for its placement in the rooms are followed.
  • A feeling of dry skin – a similar sensation occurs after sitting near a fire for a long time. The skin seems to dry out, tighten, and feels overheated. If you feel this effect, sit away from heaters.

Thus, all harm is associated only with improper operation - this is the close proximity of people wrong selection power, staying in front of the heater for too long, incorrect selection of wavelength. If you follow the rules of operation of such devices, then you will receive only benefit from them, but not harm.

Nowadays, home heaters based on the emission of infrared rays are becoming increasingly popular. According to the manufacturers, using such devices is convenient, comfortable and completely safe for health. IR heaters are good because they emit much more heat than, for example, fan heaters and do not burn oxygen. But many are interested in the question: are these devices as harmless as they say? Let's try to figure it out.

Are infrared heaters harmful to humans: operating principle and types of devices

Infrared heaters work on the principle of interaction of the sun with surrounding objects, which absorb its rays and begin to warm the air. Everything in these heating devices is built the same way. The main elements of an IR heater are a reflector and an emitter. The latter “releases” infrared rays, and the reflector directs them in the desired direction. Next, objects or walls fed with heat begin to give off the accumulated heat, warming the air.

There are three main types of IR heaters:

  • Wall-mounted;
  • Floor-standing;
  • Ceiling.

Which one should you prefer? It all depends on the room where the device will be located and its intended purpose.

In the room with low ceilings Ceiling units cannot be installed as there is a high risk of overheating household appliances or furniture. It is also undesirable to use devices of this type in children's rooms, bedrooms and other long-term premises. This is due to the fact that constant thermal effect on the head can lead to various human diseases.

If there are children in the house, wall heaters should be hung at a height out of reach of the child.

The most mobile and convenient are floor products that can be easily moved and installed in the place where it is needed at the moment.

Home infrared heater: harmful or not

When making their choice in favor of an infrared heater, many people think about what benefits or harm such a device brings to humans. You can start by considering useful properties unit.

Advantages of infrared heaters:

  • Very quiet, almost silent operation;
  • Very fast heating of the room;
  • Almost complete absence of movement of dust particles in the air, which usually occurs when air currents move when heated;
  • When using the device, the air is not dried and oxygen is not burned;
  • The width and direction of the radiation can be easily controlled.

The human body itself is a source of heat radiation, but from time to time we lack it and therefore need replenishment. Without it, general health may deteriorate, as well as a decrease in the body's immunity. The body needs warmth, and that’s why we so like to sunbathe or warm a barrel while sitting by a crackling fire at night.

Infrared radiation has nothing in common with the radiation of the sun and does not contain ultraviolet radiation.

A study of these devices has shown that with proper selection and proper installation of these units, they are not capable of causing harm to the human body.

IR heaters are great for warming up certain parts of the body, and special infrared saunas sometimes they help patients cope with their illnesses.

Shortwave infrared heater: harmful to health

Despite all the advantages that an infrared heater has, its safety during operation remains questionable.

The fact is that the “harmfulness” of infrared radiation depends on the wavelength it produces, which varies depending on the temperature of the heating element. Long rays are not harmful to humans, and even, on the contrary, can strengthen their immunity. Therefore, heaters operating in the range from 300 to 400 degrees are considered harmless.

As the temperature of the heater increases, the waves shift and begin to change color, becoming visible. Those units whose maximum radiation occurs at short waves are considered dangerous, since they are capable of penetrating under the skin to a depth of 4 cm, causing very significant harm to the body.

So, how can an IR device with short waves be harmful:

  • It dries out the skin to such an extent that a burn may occur;
  • Short wave heat can have a photochemical effect on cells, thereby causing destructive processes in them;
  • Overheating of the retina and lens can lead to decreased vision and then cataracts.

Infrared heating installed in a house or apartment can cause the same harm. Emission of infrared rays in large quantities is harmful to health.

Heaters operating with short and medium waves are best used for heating outdoors: in gazebos, summer areas, and cafes.

UFO heaters: harm to health and benefits

Infrared devices for heating UFO are devices that can heat an open or semi-closed room. The principle of their operation is no different from the operation of other IR heaters: first, objects are heated by the rays, and then they release heat into the room.

Advantages of UFO devices:

  • Very fast, almost instant heating of the room;
  • Mobility and a light weight, which is very convenient when moving the unit;
  • Ability to work even in strong drafts or wind;
  • The unit can be mounted on walls, ceilings or a special rack.

The product has international quality certificates and complies with Russian standards.

But there are some risks of harm from this device in the following cases:

  • Installing a high-power device in a small room;
  • Placing a ceiling-type heater in a room with low ceilings;
  • Incorrect installation or using the device for too long, which leads to skin dehydration and burns.

Proper use and installation of UFO heaters does not cause harm to humans.

Buying an IR heater from one of frequently asked questions questions asked by people are: “how dangerous are the rays of the device” and “is it possible to sleep with the heater on.”

Analyzing everything written above, we conclude: sleeping with the IR heater on is not recommended, but if there is no other way out and you want to warm up, you need to place the device so that it is not directed at the sleeping person.

What else should you know to minimize harmful effects unit:

  • The device should be positioned so that it is not directed at people - the room will warm up, and the impact of the waves will not be felt;
  • Ceiling devices can only be installed at high altitudes, taking care that they do not emit waves directly to people - the distance from the device to the head should be from 0.7 to 1 m;
  • There is no need to buy super powerful devices - a regular heater is enough to warm up the walls or nearby objects;
  • It is not advisable to install IR heaters in the bedroom or children's room;
  • It is ideal that the heat flow goes to the walls, floors and furniture, and not to the inhabitants of the house;
  • When buying a device, you should not chase the cheapness of the product - it is better to buy more expensive, but get a high-quality and safe unit.

When purchasing an IR heating device, you should carefully study the instructions and understand what wavelength it emits. This will help you choose the safest heater.

Modern infrared heaters (video)

Infrared heaters are an excellent alternative to other types of heating devices. If the device is used correctly and installed correctly, it will not cause any harm. Therefore, when buying units, it is better to give preference to long-wave devices made of high-quality materials. And you need to place the product away from people, trying to ensure that the radiation rays go to the walls, ceiling and surrounding objects.

Infrared heaters are harmful to health due to the presence in their radiation spectrum of a large proportion of waves that penetrate deeply into the human body. The harm of an infrared heater is determined by the distribution of radiation power over the entire spectral range. Although all artificial heat sources, such as oil or water radiators, emit infrared rays, they do so at different infrared wavelengths and have different effects on human health.

What can thermal radiation do?

Infrared rays are divided into 3 main subranges:

  1. 0.75-1.48 microns - ensure the penetration of infrared radiation 4 cm under the human skin.
  2. 1.49-2.9 microns - such waves penetrate the middle layers of the skin.
  3. More than 3 microns are completely absorbed by the upper skin layers of the human body.

Human thermal radiation is 9.5 microns. Infrared heating using a ceramic heater has a wavelength of 3.5 microns. The sun also has a thermal component in its spectrum, but it emits infrared radiation at a wavelength of 0.48 microns. The benefits and harms of any source of such radiation are assessed by the radiation power at a certain temperature and wavelength. For example, if the heat source is heated to 256°C, then the emitted wavelength will be about 6.7 microns, and the radiation power will reach 148 W/m². If the object is heated to 606°C, then the wave will be 3.5 microns, and the power flow will increase to 748 W/m².

IR heaters have great advantages over traditional heat sources in the short-wave and mid-infrared range. In this case, their efficiency increases significantly due to the low scattering of emitted waves in the air and the direct transfer of energy to the irradiated object. But you can also get severe overheating, which will negatively affect people’s health.

What damage can an infrared heater cause?

The damage from infrared heaters can be quite significant. For example, a quartz heater, often used by people in various devices, can act in this way:

  1. Its effect causes the skin to dry out due to the intense release of moisture from the side where the infrared rays come from.
  2. A quartz heater can cause burns. This often happens in infrared saunas.
  3. Heat flow has a biochemical effect on people due to its effect on protein skin. It changes the permeability of the blood cell membrane.
  4. With prolonged exposure, the heater can cause damage to the eyes: the retina and lens suffer. This often causes the occurrence and development of cataracts.

It can have exactly the same effect on human skin. infrared heating installed in the apartment. Large doses of infrared radiation are harmful to health. Workers in workshops where glass or metal processing is carried out by an infrared apparatus were examined. It was recognized that the skin of workers in such industries loses its protective qualities due to the high intensity of heat.

Many people ask whether a quartz heater, which is used in physiotherapeutic procedures, is harmful or not. There is no great danger from such a device, since in medical institutions all radiation parameters are strictly regulated, and such an infrared heater affects patients for a very short time, so it cannot cause any damage to the patients’ skin.

There are established sanitary standards for a long stay of a person in a room where an infrared heater is located. In infrared saunas, the effect of heat on people is short-term, so it is possible to use intense irradiation with a power of up to 450-490 W/m², but the technology must be strictly adhered to, otherwise a burn is possible. Scientists consider such saunas useless, since they have no advantages over traditional stoves.

How to avoid dangers from using IR heaters?

The harm from heating houses with a ceiling-type IR emitter will be maximum if it is installed so low that it constantly warms the owner’s head. Therefore, it is recommended to install ceiling heaters at a relatively high height so that the radiation is not directed directly at people if possible.

Infrared heaters are harmful to children. Therefore, they cannot be installed in a children's room. They can cause harm in the bedroom, so if you want to install them, you must use this equipment very carefully. In any case, the heat should not be directed towards sleeping people.

The ideal option is to install heaters in such a way that the heat flow goes to the floor, walls and furniture. Such devices should not have very high power.

IR heating devices can be effectively used when it is necessary to heat sheds, gazebos, balconies, and hallways.

In this case, their energy potential will be used most fully, since by heating nearby surfaces (walls, etc.), they help keep the room warm for a long time even when jets of cold air enter it, for example, during ventilation.

Do not put too much faith in the beliefs of manufacturers and sellers about the complete safety of such equipment. It only works well if all safety precautions are followed by the consumer. It is recommended to install heaters as far as possible from where people gather (for example, they should not be installed next to the sofa where the family watches TV). It is not recommended to send heat flows on living beings. It is best to install heaters near walls, for example, in the corners of a room or under a windowsill. As already mentioned, ceiling IR heaters should be installed on maximum altitudes, so that their heat flow dissipates and cannot heat people’s skin.
