How to paint chipboard with paint. Paint for chipboard. Features of choice and application. The choice of brushes and roller

Sometimes you don't even have to throw it away old wardrobe. If the owner has a taste, then the item can be presented new life. And what satisfaction with itself gives the furniture, restored with my own hands! In order for it to really become a source of pride, you should carefully study how to paint chipboard furniture at home. This knowledge will help inexpensively refresh the appearance of a table, bedside table, living room wall, bed, chest of drawers or stool. The tips in this article are universal for any chipboard items.

Chipboard is a material that perfectly replaces wood. Knowing its properties will help clarify how to paint chipboard furniture. So here they are:

  1. Strength - on impact external forces a stress arises on the chipboard inside it, which counteracts the destruction process. The limit of this property in tension is up to 0.5 MPa, in bending - up to 25 MPa. The strength of the material is due to the uniformity of its structure;
  2. Ease of processing - despite the significant density, chipboard lends itself perfectly to cutting, milling, grinding, gluing and painting;
  3. Moisture content – ​​even after drying, chipboard retains an average of 8% moisture. So the right color is able to isolate moisture and extend the life of the plates;
  4. Moisture resistance - it is slightly lower for wood boards, but high-quality boards can easily tolerate the humid air of bathrooms. This quality also depends on what material they are lined with. The best indicators of moisture resistance for chipboard coated with plastic;
  5. Fire resistance - particle boards are able to contain the spread of fire and maintain their basic qualities in a fire. To increase fire resistance, this material is impregnated with compounds containing fire retardants. Good non-combustible paint is also able to enhance this property of the material.

How to choose the right paintwork materials

Chipboard is excellent "friends" with acrylic and latex paints, as well as with alkyd enamels.

Acrylic paints have significant advantages:

  • Non-toxic, they can be applied directly in the apartment;
  • The basis of the acrylic composition is water, so it can be diluted to the desired consistency;
  • Convenience: sloppy strokes of such paint can be removed with a wet rag;
  • Fast drying. Thin layers dry after a few minutes, and thick ones after two hours;
  • A rich palette of rich, bright colors;
  • The coating is water-permeable and vapor-tight. Its color does not fade and does not fade under the rays of the sun.

Acrylic paints that have proven themselves are called Olimp, Helle, Triora, Parade and Ceresit. Latex paints are water-dispersion enamels. They are good because they do not contain harmful substances and create a durable, wear-resistant layer on furniture. The disadvantage of latex formulations is the inability to resist microorganisms. In wet rooms mold on the painted surface. The most popular latex paints are KABE, DALI, Sniezka.

Alkyd enamels are resistant to moisture, and therefore they can be used for kitchen and bathroom. Their disadvantage is the content of a toxic organic solvent in their composition. This paint should be applied with care. Alkyd materials lie flat, do not create gaps and dry quickly. Paint the furniture chipboard is better just paint Tikkurila Miranol.

As for the choice of paint color, here you need to be guided by the requirements of the style of the interior. To give effect to furniture natural wood you can use varnish with a warm shade.

For the restoration of the chipboard surface, any of the above means is suitable, but for the sake of your own safety, compounds with lead should be avoided.



Required hand tools

For the process of furniture restoration, except paintwork materials, will need:

  • Rubber gloves;
  • Grinding skin (sandpaper);
  • Solvent to remove the old coating;
  • Degreaser- detergent;
  • Flannel rags;
  • Scotch construction;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic putty;
  • Acrylic primer.

The last 2 materials are necessary to prepare surfaces for painting. The adhesive-based primer creates a reliable basis for the subsequent process. Construction adhesive tape helps when several colors are used in staining. It prevents accidental mixing. With this "assistant" you can even draw ornaments or geometric shapes.

Main tools:

  • Brushes and rollers;
  • Putty knife;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Knives;
  • Dryer construction.

Easy to paint furniture aerosol cans. In this case, you do not need to use a pallet, rollers and brushes. In this case, it is better to enclose the object to be painted with a film like an awning.

It is important to purchase high-quality brushes, otherwise the fallen hairs will spoil the work, remaining on the painted surface. For the primer you will need a thin roller. It also needs to be checked carefully. A quality tool has a firmly fixed foam rubber and a stable handle. In addition, you will need newspapers, plastic bags and cardboard - bedding to keep the work area clean.

Core Processes

No matter how “hands itch” to start the miraculous process of transformation as soon as possible, you can’t immediately grab the brush. Otherwise, the new paint will peel off quickly. The painting of chipboard furniture must be approached thoroughly and, like all significant projects, it must be divided into stages. The more carefully they are selected, the better the final result will be.

Before repainting furniture, you need to carry out preparatory work. It is more comfortable to carry out any processing of furniture if you first disassemble the item into parts. Therefore, you must first dismantle all the fittings (handles, rollers, corners), then remove the doors (near the cabinet), remove the drawers (near the chest of drawers), remove the legs (near the table). The object to be painted should be disassembled as much as possible. Metal parts can also be upgraded. To do this, they need to be kept for 24 hours in white vinegar. The substance dissolves rust. After that, the fittings can be repainted with Zinga anti-corrosion paint.

A. Removal of obsolete coating

Removing the old coating is painstaking, slow work and the most difficult stage of furniture restoration. There are two ways to carry out this venture:

  • Thermal - it uses building hair dryer, heating the old coating until melted. Softened paint and varnish are easily removed with a spatula. Instead of a hair dryer, you can use a burner or an iron through the foil. This method is especially good for old paint. When heated, it forms bubbles and is easier to remove. It is also ideal for the floor, since after removing the old layer it can be painted immediately, without waiting for drying, which reduces the repair time;
  • Chemical (the most effective) - special reagents are used here. They dissolve the resins contained in the paint, and it is removed with a scraper. Means are divided into volatile organic solvents and washes. The latter are pasty or liquid substances based on acids, alkalis or organic solvents.



The algorithm of actions for chemical paint removal is as follows:

  1. The agent is applied to the long-painted surface with a roller or nylon brush in one direction;
  2. It is aged on the coating for a certain time, indicated in the annotation for the wash;
  3. The softened coating is removed with a stainless steel brush;
  4. The procedure is repeated if the coating consists of several layers.

After removing the paint, surface treatment with sandpaper is required. It gives smoothness, which will facilitate subsequent painting. Getting rid of old layers should be completed by degreasing the surface with a detergent.

We apply a wash

We clean with a spatula

Rub down with sandpaper

B. Priming and sanding

After the furniture dries, you need to check it for traces of accidental mechanical damage. If there are any, it is advisable to seal them with a special mixture. It is easy to prepare: you need to mix PVA glue with small wood shavings. Putty for chipboard is also suitable for smoothing out irregularities. Next, you need to wait until the putty hardens, and again sand the surface, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sanding paper. In this case, the movements should be sweeping, and it is necessary to move along the fibers of the chipboard. The resulting dust should be brushed off with a flat brush.

Next comes the primer. This process provides excellent adhesion (adhesion) of dissimilar layers, guarantees uniform distribution of paint over the entire surface and reduces its consumption by three times. To prevent rotting of the material, a hydrophobic additive can be added to the primer. It will prevent the appearance of fungus, mold and retain the appearance of the restored product for a long time.

The primer should be applied with a roller or brush, trying to completely saturate the surface to be treated. One layer is enough. In this case, the air temperature in the room should be more than 5°C. The primer layer on the surface of the product will dry completely in a day. Then you can start painting.

We apply putty

We process with sandpaper

We apply a primer

B. Painting technology

It is advisable to lay the workpiece horizontally. This will eliminate the possibility of leaks. Vertically located objects are recommended to be painted from top to bottom. Only unidirectional brush or roller strokes will result in an even finish. If the paint is aerosol, then before starting it is necessary to shake the can for half a minute. It is better to apply paint from a distance of 23 centimeters.

The background layer is applied first. After it dries, after 30 minutes, the next one lies on it. There should be three layers in total. Hard to reach places (internal corners, joints, bulges, concavities) is best handled by a radiator brush with a curved handle. Paints (especially acrylics) inevitably wear off over time. Three coats of top coat varnish will be an excellent protection against this. The varnish should be applied with a sponge, according to the “stamp” principle, but not by “smearing”.

You can also paint laminate flooring. To paint such material, the following sequence of steps is used:

  • Washing out dirt and degreasing - fat-breaking agents will help with this. After the main wash, it is necessary to wipe the laminate clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • The transformation of a smooth coating into a rough one - for this you need to process the surface with the finest sandpaper. This is important for creating adhesion;
  • Primer - a primer based on polyurethane is suitable. 12 hours should be allocated for the drying of its layer;
  • Alignment of cracks - latex putty will cope with this;
  • Re-priming and drying;
  • Coloring - flooring made of laminated chipboard perfectly takes alkyd enamel. It is also suitable for laminate;
  • Varnishing - varnish (anti-slip) is applied with a wide brush in three layers.

How to paint chipboard furniture at home is a topical issue for creative people. This is a more interesting and profitable process than the purchase of new furniture. In order for the result to be excellent, you need to clearly know how to paint chipboard. choose suitable option and keep it up!

To renew old cabinet furniture, you can paint chipboard at home with your own hands. Most often, interior items are made from this material, it is also widely used in construction and repair work gender. Chipboard has been used in Russia for several decades.

Painting chipboard will ennoble the appearance of the most worn item

Chipboard is compressed and glued wood chips with formaldehyde. But chips are subject to various negative influences, therefore they are easily pasted. To avoid this, they are covered various materials: polypropylene film, paints, varnishes and others. In addition to the protective function, painting chipboard improves the appearance, since this method allows you to create the necessary texture of any color on the surface.

In order to improve the aesthetic properties of furniture or chipboard flooring and to give an individual and original design, it is necessary to cover the plate with a new layer of paint. It should be noted that in addition to improving aesthetic data, painting improves moisture-proof properties and protects the material from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. With proper do-it-yourself restoration work, the life of the furniture increases. Formaldehyde evaporates over time, which negatively affects human health, so the coating of the plate prevents this process.

Chipboard can be coated with varnish, film, paint, veneer. The hardest thing. It is necessary to use several layers of primer, however, even in this case there is no guarantee that the coating will be of high quality.

Preparatory work

Before processing a floor finished with chipboard with colorful products, you need to prepare the tiled surface. The quality of staining will depend on this stage of restoring furniture. Over time, paint or varnish loses its appearance and begins to crack. Therefore, the old polished surface must be removed, but this is not so easy to do. Despite the fact that this difficult process need to do quality work.

For a chipboard floor to last a long time, it needs to be painted.

To do this, you can use one of the existing methods:

  1. Thermal method. The surface of the chipboard is exposed to steam or hot air. To perform such work, you need to prepare a spatula and a special hair dryer. Hot air is directed onto the coating, as a result of which the paint becomes softer. After that, it must be removed with a spatula. If the air is too hot, the stove can be damaged, so you need to monitor the temperature.
  2. Chemical method. In this case, the surface of the floor or furniture is treated with special chemicals. The choice of chemistry depends on the composition of the coating. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to strictly follow the attached instructions on the packaging of the product.

After that, the surface must be puttied and treated with sandpaper. This allows you to get rid of small scratches and defects that are not visible under the coating layer.

Before using putty, it is necessary to prime the floor surface with a quality compound. For processing chipboard, it is recommended to use elastic putty. This is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks on the chipboard.

The putty is applied with a conventional spatula. The layer must be applied evenly over the entire surface. When the putty is completely dry, the slab must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper to get rid of small irregularities. The surface is cleaned of dust, after which you can start applying the coating.

Surface paints

The main point in painting chipboard is the choice of the paint itself.

It is recommended to paint the surface of the plate using a special spray can or spray gun. This will allow you to evenly distribute the paint without the slightest smudges. But before that, you should practice a little if such work has never been done before. You also need to choose which paint is best to refresh the surface of the stove.

You can use various types paints: acrylic, oil, alkyd and others. It should be noted that the final result will depend on the choice of paint. Painting is done with a roller or brush. After painting, a layer of varnish is applied to the surface to increase the resistance of the product to mechanical damage, since the varnished surface is more difficult to damage.

Painting process

  1. First of all, the polished surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, then degreased.
  2. Clean the product with coarse sandpaper so that small scratches appear. As a result, the primer can achieve better adhesion to the chipboard surface.
  3. Then you need to apply an alkyd primer.
  4. The next layer is an acrylic primer.
  5. With the purchased paint, the surface is painted in several layers. To do this, you can use a roller or a small brush. It should be noted that the final result depends on the number of applied layers. Some want to achieve a rich color, while others want a translucent finish.
  6. If irregularities appear after the first layer, then the product must be processed with fine-grained sandpaper, and then painted again.

The painted chipboard surface should look perfect
  1. Before proceeding with the painting of the plate, it must be treated to avoid the release of formaldehyde. This is done using NC varnish, but experts recommend using impregnations, as they are harmless.
  2. If it is necessary to highlight the texture of the product, then the surface is treated with special alkyd pigments or other patination agents.
  3. To achieve an absolutely smooth and even surface, it is recommended to use a roller that has small villi. Otherwise, unwanted patterns may appear on the stove. But if you need to achieve the manifestation of texture, then it is a roller with a long pile that will help to realize this idea.
  4. If the chipboard is painted in dark color, then to resume old surface several layers of primer must be applied to it, otherwise, a dark shade will appear through the paint.

If necessary, wood particle board can be painted different colors to achieve a general style in the interior. To separate areas of different shades, you should use masking tape. After painting work, it is easily removed, while the surface is not damaged.

It should be noted that the combination various colors allows you to change the visual perception of the room. Light shades visually enlarge the room, so this technique is often used to decorate a room with a small area.

If you doubt that you can do the work yourself, then repaint the surface of the chipboard furniture or floor should be entrusted to qualified specialists. Today, you can easily find workshops that provide such services. In addition to painting the surface, experts use various techniques that can improve the appearance of products from chipboard.

Interior items often lose their appearance over time. What if they are still strong and you don’t want to throw them in the trash? There is a good way out - to paint an outdated model with your own hands. Work on updating the facade can be carried out at home. You can choose to cover with paint or varnish, as well as decorate the sample using improvised materials.

Do-it-yourself furniture decor will significantly reduce the cost of restoring a piece of furniture.

Changing the facade yourself not only saves money, but also allows you to make it the way it was intended.

An old wardrobe, chest of drawers or a table in an updated form will last for more than a dozen years.

Before choosing means for working with objects made of chipboard, evaluate the type of restoration object, its original color. Decide whether you will simply freshen it up or give it new look. When choosing the second option, carefully consider how the other color scheme fits the environment in the house.

Use a professional palette of tones and shades if you have difficulty choosing.

To decide how to paint chipboard furniture, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of hardware stores. Do not be lazy and go around a few - perhaps your choice will be both cheaper and better. Be sure to look at the time of release of the coloring agent and its composition. It is necessary to calculate its consumption, given that the coating involves the application of more than one layer.

To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade and multiply the amount of paint by 2, as you will need to do 2 coats for even coverage.

Do not buy compounds containing lead - inhalation of their vapors is dangerous to health. Alkyd - more environmentally friendly and dry faster.

Alkyd paints are easier to dilute to a uniform color.

Varnish must be bought either transparent or with a touch.

Give preference warm tones if you plan to give the surface a natural wood color.

Selected chemical compositions check on the neutral section of the plate. Allow to dry after each application. Evaluate the result and decide if it is suitable for restoration.

Painting chipboard furniture a different color can visually make it expensive and stylish.

Purpose of the object and its color

Required hand tools

From paints and varnishes, choose alkyd - they are the most suitable for chipboard models. They lay down evenly, do not leave obvious gaps on the surface, smell less and dry quickly.

You can choose an aerosol type container so you don't have to use a pan, spray bottle, rollers, or brushes.

You will need an acrylic filler and an adhesion-based primer, which must be used to prepare the surfaces.

Putty and primer must be special for wood.

List of additional materials:

  • Solvent to remove the remnants of old paint and varnish;
  • Detergent for degreasing chipboard;
  • Rags or flannel napkins;
  • Gloves;
  • Construction tape;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue.

Required tools.

It is better to choose rubber gloves, otherwise the paint will soak the fabric and remain on the hands.

If you use rags, then you can remove the prints with a solvent.

When buying brushes, be guided not only by price, but also by quality. Restoration will become useless if hairs constantly remain on the surface. The roller must also be of high quality, with well-fixed foam rubber and a non-wobbly handle.

AT hardware store in the assortment there are any rollers and brushes for working with acrylic paints.

For accurate preparation of chipboard and its coloring, equip in advance workplace. Use old newspapers, plastic wrap, or cardboard from a large box as bedding.

It is better to do work on a closed loggia - there will be no drafts and bad smell will not seep into the apartment.

Required Tools

Preparation for the process must be thorough. To work, you need the following tools:

  • Putty knife;
  • Knives - carpentry and stationery;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Building hair dryer;
  • Brushes, foam rubber rollers for canned packing paints;
  • Scissors.

A hacksaw may come in handy to trim the cracked ribs of the plate. They also need to be sanded with sandpaper.

Furniture painting and varnishing technology

Before processing the parts, you need to disassemble the structure and unscrew all the fittings. After that, remove the remnants of the original coating with a solvent and a spatula. The old layer may not come off easily. In this case, soak the board with solvent and let it swell a little. Then remove loose debris with a spatula.

You can remove the old paint with a spatula, pre-treating the surface with a wash.

Remove grease and dirt with detergent. Dry the stove. Then clean it with sandpaper, create a rough surface. Repair cracks and cavities with putty. Let dry. See if there are any other irregularities. Prepare the primer and apply it to the stove. She plays a big role in painting.

When buying a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color in which you want to see your furniture.

Primer - main character in the renovation of the furniture facade. It needs a little to work, but it brings great benefits, leveling the plane and saving the consumption of coloring agent and varnish. Makes the finish much stronger. It is better to use it in two layers so that the foundation is more reliable.

After priming work, leave the workpiece to dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer.

Check the condition of paintwork materials: redundant thick formulations dilute with solvent. Apply the paint evenly to the surface and level with a roller. Touch up the relief joints with a brush. Using an aerosol or spray gun makes the job easier, but it leaves a lot of spatter on other surfaces. In this case, it is necessary to protect the place of work with impenetrable barriers. To do this, you can use a large cardboard or stretch plastic wrap.

To dry the first layer, leave the plate for a day, sometimes it takes more time.

Then apply a second coat and let dry as well. Repeat the same with varnish. If it is supposed to apply a pattern or ornament, then it must be done before varnishing. Prepare a stencil for printing. Carefully fix it during work with construction tape.

You can cut the stencil from the old file folder.

After complete drying of the chipboard, proceed with the assembly of the structure. Don't forget the accessories. After completing the work, choose a place where you put your updated object so that it looks the most advantageous.

The restoration will be successful if you do not rush, trying to catch everything by a certain date.

Do you want to update the interior, change the situation, but the purchase of new furniture is not included in your plans yet? And why not try to give a second life to your old, albeit a little fed up, but such comfortable and high-quality things? Most effective method updates appearance furniture - its painting.

Painting furniture made of wood and chipboard with your own hands is not a very difficult process, and even a person who does not have much experience can handle it. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules, show a little imagination, accuracy and patience, and the result will certainly please you.

Stage 1. Choosing paint for wooden furniture and furniture made of chipboard

Before you start painting, you need to choose the type of paint. Often owners wooden products they want not to hide, but to emphasize the structure of the material. In this case, it is appropriate to choose a transparent or translucent coating, for example, varnish, drying oil or a special glaze for wood.

For a denser coloring, acrylic, polyurethane, latex paints, enamel paints, oil paints or paints are suitable. water based. It is preferable to paint chipboard products with oil, alkyd or acrylic paints.

To date, the most popular paint for woodworking has become water-dispersion acrylic paint, which has a number of advantages. It is easy to apply, non-toxic, safe and dries quickly. Acrylic paint can be safely used even for painting children's furniture.

Stage 2. We prepare materials and tools

For starters, you need to choose necessary materials and tools. For work you may need:

  • screwdrivers;
  • masking tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • primer for paint;
  • dye;
  • varnish;
  • spatula for applying putty;
  • tray;
  • brushes or rollers for soil;
  • brushes, spray gun or paint rollers;
  • gloves;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses.

Stage 3. Preparing the surface for painting

For high-quality painting of furniture, it must first be prepared. First of all, you should disassemble the furniture into separate parts - doors, shelves, drawers. This will require a variety of screwdrivers. Be sure to remove all fittings or, in extreme cases, paste over it with masking tape. The same should be done with glass elements.

The surface of wooden products must be cleaned before painting. Polishing or paint should be removed using special formulations and sandpaper. Sanding will also help the new paint last longer. Chipboard products can also have different coatings, for example, paint, varnish, veneer, film or laminate. When sanding chipboard, you need to be careful not to damage the surface.

After such processing, the dust from the product must be removed. And so that its particles do not clog back, the surface must be swept over not with a rag, but with a wide brush. For the same purpose, you can use a vacuum cleaner or adhesive tape. Also, the treated parts can be wiped first with a slightly damp, thoroughly wrung out, and then with a dry cloth. smooth surface from chipboard before painting, it is enough just to wash it, and after drying, treat it with a degreasing agent.

As soon as the putty dries well, it is necessary to thin layer apply primer in one or more layers. Acrylic primer is suitable for acrylic paint.

Usually the primer dries quickly, but it is still advisable not to rush to paint and wait at least a day. In this case, the products will be more resistant to mechanical damage.

Thanks to this procedure, the paint is not exposed to the wood, besides, it is not absorbed into the processed material, so its consumption will be less.

Stage 4. Painting wooden and chipboard furniture

After the primer is completely dry, you can proceed directly to painting. Used for wooden furniture different instruments, including brushes, but for chipboard products, spray guns are preferable, allowing you to do without smudges.

For small parts, paint sprays can also be successfully used. If the surfaces are even and long, it is convenient to paint them with a roller, it is better to paint over small details, edges and corners with a small brush.

It must be borne in mind that the paint must be applied in one direction. In this case, the tree should be painted along the fibers. The surface can be covered with the next layer of paint only after the previous one has completely dried.

Wood furniture is enough to cover with one layer of paint. But for furniture made of chipboard, several repetitions of this procedure are often required.

Sometimes air bubbles form during painting. They need to be carefully sanded and re-painted.

If desired, the painted and completely dried product can be coated with a sealant or varnish, this will help protect the surface from scratches. After all the parts are dry, you can start assembling the furniture.

Sometimes when decorating premises, both internal and external, it is used OSB material, chipboard and more. First of all, the application sheet material aimed at leveling the surface, secondly, to provide an original coating that can be painted in accordance with design solution premises. Let's try to figure out how to paint chipboard at home.

Laminated chipboard is widely used for the manufacture of furniture. But most often, ordinary sheets are used in construction, which subsequently need to be protected by staining.

Any job requires pre-training. You need to carefully consider what is needed to achieve the desired result. To do this, we determine which surface we need in its finished form:

  • gloss;
  • matte finish;
  • tinted surface;
  • decoupage.

We also decide on the replacement of fittings or individual parts, if furniture repair is planned. Based on the tasks set, we select the tools and materials that will be needed to achieve the goal of how to change the color of the furniture.

Of the tools you may need:

  • rollers with foam rubber and velor nozzles;

  • adhesive tape to protect surfaces during painting work;

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasiveness;

  • a container for paint or varnish, a roller tray is better;

  • spatula.

Of the materials, depending on the planned work, it may be useful:

  • putty mixes;

  • solvents or washes of the old coating;

  • primers to improve the adhesive properties of the surface;

  • color paste;

  • impregnation for tinting;

  • varnish or paint.

Additionally, you will definitely need: gloves to protect the skin of the hands, soft rags, new hardware parts, if it is planned to be replaced.

Advice! Be sure to use a primer. This will not only increase the adhesion of the coating material to the chipboard surface, but also reduce its consumption.

Chipboard painting begins with correct definition material with which it is planned to carry out this process. Compositions for coloring are selected very carefully in accordance with their scope and characteristics:

  • It is not recommended to use PF-115 brand paints. Especially the cheap ones. They contain a fairly large amount of lead. Furniture painted with such a composition can lead to poisoning.
  • Is it possible to paint furniture with paint on oil based? Experts do not recommend. It is better to repaint the wood surface with furniture varnishes or enamels.
  • As for painting chipboard boards with acrylic or alkyd materials, it is quite big choice. It is carried out due to aerosol species. They are very comfortable to use and provide perfect coverage.

Acrylic paints are also valued for the ability to dilute them with ordinary water, and also because of the tinting process in any shade.

After you have decided on the type of paint for chipboard, you need to calculate the required amount. Correct calculation It starts by measuring the size of the area to be painted. After the area is determined, it must be divided by the number indicated on the packaging of the material. In this way, the quantity is determined. Do not forget to multiply the consumable material by the number of layers. The standard consumption is considered to be 1 m 3 per 5–6 m 2.

Preparation and staining of chipboard

Any work on painting chipboard at home consists of several stages. Do not neglect them if you ultimately want to get a quality result. Furniture, for the manufacture of which a chipboard was used, must first be prepared for painting.

Before you paint furniture from chipboard, you need to decide on a few questions:

  • planned full repainting and partial;
  • staining design, that is, completely in one color or combined.

We will consider all the steps using a specific example of how to repaint a chest of drawers. In principle, it doesn’t matter what is being repainted, the main thing is to understand the process, and you can apply it to any furniture.

On the video: painting products from chipboard.

Surface treatment

Before painting chipboard furniture, it is important to properly treat its surface and prepare it for painting. Initially, the chest of drawers should be disassembled into individual elements. Remove all drawers, if possible, disassemble them and remove the fittings. It will be easier to process them and qualitatively paint furniture made of chipboard with your own hands.

Important! Processing starts with sandpaper with coarse grain.

It is necessary to skin until it completely disappears. old paint. We also make sure that the surface does not remain greasy spots and other contaminants. Otherwise, quality painting cannot be guaranteed. When sanding, movements are performed on a grand scale and along the fibers.

After completing the rough processing, we clean the details of the dresser from chips and dust. You can use flat paint brush. With the help of this rag, it is impossible to work qualitatively. On the contrary, rags will clog shavings into the smallest dents of chipboard, which will negatively affect the quality of painting.

The main thing in this process is to process hard-to-reach places. Finishing the process, we again completely clear the chips. At the final stage, we wipe the details of the chest of drawers with a damp cloth, then wipe with a dry cloth and let dry well.


Painting work should not be started without first priming furniture parts. Treating them with a primer will significantly improve the quality of staining. The primer composition is best used on an acrylic basis.

Painting furniture from chipboard is carried out both with a brush and a roller. The key is to keep the layer as thin as possible. After applying the composition to the surface, leave the parts for some time to dry completely.

Choosing a shade of paint

While the primer dries, we select the tone of the paint. If monochromatic coloring is planned, for example, in White color, then there will be no special nuances. If you decide to be creative and paint old chipboard furniture in combined colors, then you should choose tones that are comparable with respect to each other. We choose the main color, and already we select related tones to it, as if shading the main palette.

By the way, lighter shades can be achieved by adding a certain amount of white dye.

Before you paint the chipboard with dyes, you need to apply paint to the unnecessary wooden surface to determine the natural shade. This is justified by the fact that acrylic paints when dry, they change tone.

Applying paint and varnish

Next, we will consider in detail how to paint chipboard with your own hands. At the first stage, we determine the coloring solution, or rather, its quality. It should be of optimal consistency, not liquid or thick. Also should not contain dry grains.

Next, we determine the number of applied layers. Here the consumer himself must decide, taking into account the state old furniture chipboard, personal preference and other factors. But, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to apply at least two coats. Be sure to apply each subsequent layer after the previous one has completely dried. For a uniform application of the layer, paint should be done with a roller or brush, which are carried out in the same direction.

The next step is fixing the paint with varnish.

To do this, after waiting for the paint to dry completely, we apply varnish to the surface using foam rubber. To do this, dip the foam rubber into a container with varnish and apply it evenly with gentle movements on a layer of paint. For the best effect, repeat the procedure several times, naturally after the previous layer has dried. After waiting for the complete drying of the last layer, you can assemble the chest of drawers.

To give originality or achievement vintage design, you can perform additional touches. Draw golden lines or artificially age. The main thing is not to leave smudges and other blots during the execution of additional strokes. You can ruin all the work done. For insurance, it is better to use masking tape.

Features of laminated chipboard

Often the question arises, how to repaint furniture with a laminated surface. The painting process laminated chipboard almost no different from those that are carried out when working with colored material. It consists of three stages:

  • treatment;
  • primer;
  • painting.

The only difference is the process of initial sanding of chipboard. Lamination is not completely removed. The main thing is to bring it to a state of roughness. The primer should be used as a surface primer, a composition with penetrating properties for laminated chipboard is not suitable.

So, having chosen the right tone of paint and having studied the technology of repainting, you can restore the color of the furniture, update the table or paint the floor from chipboard. A thing repainted in this way can last for a long time.

Chipboard restoration (1 video)
