Independent floor insulation in a wooden house. Features of insulation of wooden floors. What is the best way to insulate a wooden floor?

Paul in wooden house or in the country - the coldest part of the structure. There is no secret in this, ordinary physics. Warm air lighter and goes up, while cold, on the contrary, goes down. Therefore, to create a comfortable microclimate, eliminate future drafts blowing from the cracks between the boards, and excessive energy consumption for heating, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the floor.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to insulate the floor in a private house with your own hands, without the involvement of expensive specialists. The main thing is to carefully study the types of insulation available on the market, choose the one that best suits your price and quality requirements, and install the thermal insulation correctly.

Insulation of the floor before laying the finishing coating

The best option for floor insulation in a private wooden house is considered to be the creation of a so-called double floor. When a thermal insulation cake is created between the boards of the rough and finished floor, consisting of several layers of different materials.

Such a pie can be mounted both at the construction stage and during major renovation, when the current floor is dismantled to its foundation.

The double floor design is shown in the diagram below:

  1. Joists or cross beams.
  2. Skull beam.
  3. Subfloor boards.
  4. Waterproofing layer.
  5. Insulation.
  6. Vapor barrier layer.
  7. Finished floor boards.

The following insulation materials are used: expanded clay, expanded polystyrene (also known as polystyrene foam), extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex or mineral wool.

Let's look at each of the materials in more detail.

Expanded clay

Another option for insulating the floor without disassembling it is to foam the internal cavities with polyurethane foam.

This option only suitable if you have a subfloor underneath the finished floor.

Insulation polyurethane foam is done through holes drilled in the finished floor boards. It is advisable to drill with a fixed step in inconspicuous places on the floor - at the joints of boards, along the walls.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to control the uniform distribution of foam in the cavities between the floor boards.

For wooden houses with a spacious basement or basement with good access to inner surface floor, you can use the same sheet insulating materials.

Sheets of Penoplex or expanded polystyrene are attached to the floor boards from the bottom side, using glue or plastic dowels with a mushroom cap. And then they are sewn up with a layer of vapor barrier. You will get the same thermal insulation cake, only turned outward. Of course, the above methods of insulating the floor indiscriminately or from below cannot be called 100% high quality. They will provide a certain positive effect. But in order to properly solve the problem of saving heat in a wooden house, you should still use technologies that involve dismantling the floor to the base and sequential installation of multilayer insulation.


1. If you need to quickly prepare a wooden house for cold weather, you can insulate the floor without dismantling the structural elements. Penofol or polyurethane foam are suitable for this.
2. To thoroughly insulate a wooden floor, the technology of creating a double floor is used.
3. The main options for floor insulation are expanded clay, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool.
4. Installation of any of the above insulation does not require special skills. The main thing is to follow all the stages of creating a thermal insulation cake.
5. Most in an economical way insulation is the use of expanded clay or expanded polystyrene.
6. Insulation of a wooden floor with extruded polystyrene foam, despite the highest price, is the best in terms of future results.

In any structure, the floor is, as a rule, the most problematic part, since the penetration of cold air masses through it is quite likely with well-insulated walls. They won't help solve the problem, no matter how great heating system, nor carpeting. Wooden floors are more vulnerable than others.

The most logical solution would be proper insulation floor using special materials, but first of all it is worth studying the structural features of wooden flooring.


Even correct styling The durability of floorboards without cracks and gaps disappears over time due to the nature of the wood structure. The boards can dry out and heat loss is inevitable. Up to 30% of heat escapes through a floor that has not been reconstructed, so It is necessary to insulate a wooden floor, but it is worth remembering the peculiarities of this work.

A wooden floor does not consist of boards alone; it has a more complex structure. The base of the floor is logs, which are wooden blocks. Either a subfloor, consisting of untreated boards, plywood, chipboard, and is the basis for finishing coatings (laminate, parquet), or a finished floor, the basis of which consists of milled boards, is attached to them.

To make the floor comfortable, we use different kinds insulation, but for normal operation insulation alone is not enough - it is necessary to use layers of waterproofing.

Their presence is necessary, since excessive moisture in the space promotes the formation of fungus and the development of insects that destroy the wooden structure.

Insulated rooms

Most often, wooden floors are present in private buildings, and therefore it is important to know how to insulate a wooden floor in village house. And this depends on many factors. First of all, this is the time of construction of the structure. If the house is new, then you need to wait the time necessary for the wood structure to shrink (6-7 months). If the house is old, then after dismantling the old coverings, it is necessary to pay attention to the wear of the joists, removing even partially rotten logs.

When choosing a material for thermal insulation in a village house, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceiling, the type of surface, the placement of the floor structure, the temperature and humidity of the room, the load, and, of course, the purpose of the house. Each of these factors directly affects the choice of material.

Ceiling height in a country house for efficient and economical heating should be within 2.35-2.50 m. The height of the room after laying the insulation should not be less than 2.35 m, otherwise the space will not be very comfortable, and above 2.5 m to avoid increasing heating costs.

The thickness of the insulation also depends on the purpose of the house. For houses used in summer period, you can get by with insulation 5 cm thick, but for a house that will be used constantly, it is better to purchase material at least 20 cm thick.

The choice of material is directly dependent on the floor design, as this affects the installation method. There are several types of flooring:

  • The flooring is laid either at a short distance from the ground or on a special bedding. Both floorings were laid without ventilation.
  • The flooring is located above a basement or cellar with high humidity.
  • The flooring is located on the joists, there is a pile foundation with grate.
  • Laying the flooring along the joists; below there is a ventilated basement with good air ventilation due to the presence of vents.

When choosing a material for village house it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the insulation itself. In addition to the thickness, great importance have characteristics such as environmental Safety, fire resistance, insulation service life.

To insulate the floor in a toilet located in a private wooden building, it is worth not only taking into account the above characteristics of the insulation, but also taking care of the waterproofing of the underground space of this room, and also considering the ventilation system.

You can also insulate wooden floors in your apartment. The choice of material and installation method will depend on the floor of the apartment. For the first floor where there is soil nearby or basement, insulation will be both from the side of the apartment and from the basement, if there is one. To insulate the floor on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th floor, the material is laid only from the side of the apartment.

In a private house, insulating the floor on the 2nd floor makes sense only if one or the other floor is not heated, or more warm materials compared to the second, resulting in a temperature difference.

Floor installation

Floor insulation can be done different methods. The choice of method depends on the initial condition of the coatings, the location or absence of utility rooms.

The simplest, most reliable and most often used method is the insulation method using joists. It is suitable for insulating floors both for private wooden structures and for floors located in apartments located on the 1st floor. IN in this case the principle is that The coating is divided into fine and rough.

Insulation of a wooden floor occurs due to the sequential laying of various materials.

The rough layer consists of wooden planks, docked with logs. At the bottom of the boards there are cranial bars running along each joist. The logs themselves are bars that are laid over the entire surface of the floor at a certain distance from each other, usually from 0.6 to 1 meter. They can be attached to the foundation of a building, embedded in the base of a structure, mounted on load-bearing beams or fixed on erected posts made of durable material (brick, concrete, stone).

The vapor barrier layer is laid on the subfloor and on top of the joist. It is only needed when using a certain type of insulation, and the insulation itself is placed between the joists. The gap between the insulation and the vapor barrier layer must be at least 4-5 cm. This value ensures proper ventilation of the space. If there is not enough height, counter battens are placed on the joists.

If the building is located in an area where there are high groundwater, then instead of a vapor barrier layer you need to lay a waterproofing layer that will prevent the insulation from getting wet. In addition, some types of insulation do not require the presence of a vapor barrier layer.

Get rid of high humidity Installing special vents outside the house, installed in increments of 4-5 m, and an exhaust pipe will also help. The presence of these elements promotes good air circulation and increases the efficiency of floor insulation work.

You can insulate a wooden floor without dismantling the old covering using linoleum on jute or felt base, but it’s better not to use it as independent species insulation, but as an addition to warm floor. This durable and easy-to-install coating performs the function of waterproofing.

Another method of insulation without dismantling is liquid foam which is driven under the floor through holes special device. But when using this method, it is worth remembering that the space is filled unevenly, and therefore this option is not perfect.

How to choose the right insulation

All types of materials of natural or artificial origin used for insulating wooden floors, are divided into:

  • fibrous;
  • foamed;
  • backfill;
  • cellular stone.

Any insulation has both advantages and disadvantages.

The most common and affordable material is mineral wool. Insulating floors with mineral wool has many advantages. This material, in addition to its direct purpose, has very high noise insulation properties, has good fire resistance, and has low thermal conductivity. This eco-friendly material is easy to install and has different shapes release (rolls, mats), which is important to consider when choosing.

Variety mineral wool is a brand insulation "Isover", produced by Finnish manufacturers for more than 20 years. basis of this material is fiberglass. Izover insulation will protect a wooden structure from the development of fungi, bacteria, and invasion of rodents and insects.

But this material has its drawbacks. First of all, they include poor moisture resistance, so it is better to use mineral wool in combination with a waterproofing layer.

Unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam does not allow water to pass through easily. This lightweight, non-toxic material is not subject to deformation due to exposure to temperature changes. Having even a small thickness, it does not lose its good thermal insulation properties. But it also has some disadvantages. The fragility of the material comes first, so the fitting of the material must be done as accurately as possible.

Durable polystyrene foam has improved characteristics. In addition to high noise insulation and low thermal conductivity, the material is distinguished by increased strength. Installation with extruded polystyrene foam, in addition to insulation, will protect the house from rodent invasion and the development of mold fungi.

Vapor-tight roll materials isolon or penofol are small in thickness and therefore cannot provide the required degree of insulation. Most often these materials are used together with others. Penofol or isolon is used to lay the rough surface of the floor, using it as a waterproofing layer on which the insulation is laid.

Bulk materials materials used as insulation, such as expanded clay and sawdust, are used for structures without basements.

Insulating the floor with sawdust makes it possible to save money, since sawdust has a low cost. In addition, the shape of this insulation allows you to fill even the most hard to reach places. Very often, sawdust is combined with other substances to enhance thermal insulation, antiseptic and other properties.

The floor is insulated with expanded clay if there is close proximity to the ground. This lightweight material has a porous structure, due to which, in addition to thermal insulation, it provides good sound insulation. It is not afraid of temperature changes, and even an inexperienced person can handle the installation.

Insulation technology

After analyzing the floor structure, it is necessary to consider best solutions for a specific room. There is a certain sequence of floor insulation, suitable both for insulation with joists and without them.

First, it is necessary to dismantle the old covering, if the insulation process takes place in an old room, and lay or replace the logs. Then proceed to laying the rough covering, on which a waterproofing or vapor barrier layer is laid. Its edges should extend 15-20 cm onto the walls, and the joints should be taped.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


One of the problems of living in a private house made of wood is a cold floor. The fact is that low-temperature air currents descend downwards, and coolness also emanates from the ground. Insulating the floor covering, which is done using a variety of materials, will help make your home cozy, warm and comfortable, and protect it from freezing.

How to insulate the floor in a wooden house from below

It is known that home is the fortress of every person, so it should always feel cozy and warm. One way to transform a living space is to insulate the floor in a wooden house from below. To get a positive result, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the range of insulation products, find out the features, and choose the most best option and complete the installation.

Installation of the thermal insulation layer has several specific nuances:

  1. It is necessary to have two-layer insulation of the floor in a wooden house from below. It is necessary to reduce the loss of heat escaping through the rough bottom. As a rule, the floor is made of ordinary boards that are adjusted to each other. The surface will suffer from strong exposure to humidity and low temperature from the ground, so building materials must be treated with special means in advance.
  2. Given the fact that wood absorbs liquid well, waterproofing will be needed. Before you begin to insulate a wooden floor, it is recommended to lay one-sided fiber.
  3. Products for floor insulation in a wooden house from below should not change their characteristics when in contact with wood.

Which insulation is better for the floor in a wooden house

Very often, consumers think about what material is more profitable to use to insulate a cold floor in a wooden house from below. The choice of insulation depends on the following factors: room size, type of surface, type of wood, climate, price. It’s worth saying right away that it’s expensive. finishing material not always the best in quality and may simply not be suitable for a particular building. To make the right choice, it is recommended to find out what types of insulating materials there are flooring materials, study their characteristics and advantages.

Materials for thermal insulation

Range modern thermal insulation very wide. Products may differ in dimensions, characteristics, installation technologies, and so on. Insulation of floors in a wooden house is often carried out with the following building materials: mineral wool, expanded clay, penofol, polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene), polyurethane foam, sawdust, penoplex. The choice of thermal insulation layer depends on the individual preferences of the owner of the building and the characteristics of the floor covering. How to insulate the floor in a wooden house during construction or renovation of a residential premises?

Mineral wool

Cold flooring made of wood are often insulated with mineral wool. This type of sealant is available as elastic mats or durable panels. The material must be laid in a single layer. The main advantages of mineral wool:

  • high sound and heat insulation;
  • long term practical use;
  • resistance to fire and high humidity;
  • affordable price;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • This insulation is resistant to damage: mechanical and chemical influences.

Polyurethane foam

Perfect fit wooden floor a seal whose pores are closed with air and gas for insulation is polyurethane foam. This cellular material has a small mass, but retains heat well. This insulation is most resistant to the formation of fungus and mold, is not afraid of rotting, and is not susceptible to acids. Polyurethane foam is applied using a special technique and has good adhesion (adhesion to the surface). Thanks to the use of this type of thermal insulation, it is possible to insulate a floor of any shape without creating joints.


Thermal insulation of floors using polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) is different big amount pros. The structure of the material ensures a low level of vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, fire resistance, reliability, and resistance to chemical and biological factors. Expanded polystyrene has a long service life and retains its characteristics for a long time. The main disadvantage is that the seal absorbs a certain amount of liquid, which may affect some properties.


Insulation of a wooden floor is also done with penoplex - a very light polymer homogeneous material that does not put any load on the base of the building. It is produced by extrusion - forcing molten raw materials through the molding cavity of an extruder (special equipment). Penoplex is very durable, resistant to low temperatures, durable, characterized by minimal moisture absorption and combustion.

Expanded clay

Thermal insulation of a wooden floor can be done using expanded clay - a loose, porous product that consists of small round balls. Insulation is produced by burning slate or clay in a special oven. Expanded clay for preserving the heat of wood floors is durable and environmentally friendly materials. It has high levels of sound insulation, fire resistance, and frost resistance. There is one significant drawback: after a certain period of time, expanded clay becomes compacted under the weight of its own weight and loses its thermal insulation qualities.


Insulation roll type for a wooden floor, which is made of polyethylene foam, which is covered with aluminum foil on top - this is penofol. This seal is not very thick (3-10 mm), but it conducts heat well and does not require additional vapor barrier. Due to its composition, penofol has several disadvantages: foil can be “eaten” by rust, and polyethylene loses strength over time.

Installation technology

Reliable and effective option laying insulation for wooden covering from below is installation along logs - transverse boards (beams) on which the floor covering is located. ­

  1. First, logs are attached to the brick foundation, the distance between which should be 1-1.2 meters (as in the photo).
  2. Chipboard or thick plywood is mounted on the beams below using self-tapping screws. This is necessary for laying thermal insulation.
  3. The insulating material is laid on the surface between the joists. The thickness of this layer of thermal insulation can be varied, so you need to be guided by the dimensions of the transverse boards (joists).
  4. Waterproofing (for example, polyethylene film) is laid on top of the seal. This type of material is not always used, because some types of insulation are themselves resistant to moisture.
  5. The final stage of installation is the installation of elements of old or new wooden flooring on the ground floor.

Needless to say, how important it is to insulate a wooden floor in a private house to achieve proper comfort for the people living in it. When heat is lost through the floor covering, residents constantly feel cold feet, which affects their overall well-being. It is equally important to save energy resources, up to 20% of which can be spent on heating the ground under the building. Therefore, this article is devoted to the questions correct production works on insulation of wooden floors and selection suitable materials for this purpose.

Wood floor insulation technology

We decided to start with this question because this technology is performed the same way, regardless of what type of insulation you decide to choose. The simplicity is explained by the presence of logs, thanks to which an empty space is formed between the base and the floor covering. It remains to figure out how to properly fill it with thermal insulation material and thereby insulate the floors in a village or country house.

First, a little about the design wooden floor on the ground floor in order to better understand the physics of the insulation process. Logs are load-bearing wooden beams big cross section, resting on various types of foundations:

  • strip foundation;
  • frame of a pile-screw foundation;
  • brick pillars;
  • solid concrete slab.

In the first three cases, the beams are above the ground, so to create a rough filing, cranial bars are nailed to their sides on the sides. Boards impregnated with an antiseptic are placed and fastened on them, and they serve as the basis for laying the insulation. The floor insulation scheme on the first floor of a private house is shown in the figure:

  1. In order for do-it-yourself floor insulation in a wooden house to comply with generally accepted technology, it is correct to proceed in the following sequence:
  2. The bottom lining of the joists (subfloor) is covered with thick polyethylene film for waterproofing. The canvases are laid with an overlap of at least 10 cm.
  3. Insulation is placed tightly and without gaps between the joists.
  4. A vapor barrier film is again laid on top.
  5. A clean floor covering is installed with ventilation gap. When the thickness of the insulation is equal to the height of the beam, it will not be possible to create a gap and you will need to additionally install special strips - counter-battens.

For reference. Sometimes in old houses you can see how the floors are insulated from below. This method can be used when there is sufficient clearance between the first floor and the ground. Then in an old house you can not remove the floor covering, but insulate it from below and immediately attach boards directly to the beams, which is very inconvenient.

The bottom layer of waterproofing is needed to prevent water from getting inside and wind from blowing in. The upper vapor barrier will not allow moisture released inside the premises to penetrate into the thickness of the insulation, and ventilation will allow the surface of the film to be ventilated and dried. In principle, the same technology is used to insulate floors on joists lying on concrete base. Only the waterproofing film is laid directly on top of the concrete surface, overlapping the joists.

Which insulation is better to choose for a wooden floor?

It must be said that the choice of thermal insulation materials is modern market so wide that it is sometimes very difficult for a simple homeowner to understand which insulation for a wooden floor is better. Let's give a general list of the most popular insulation materials and analyze the properties of each of them separately:

  • sawdust;
  • expanded clay;
  • basalt wool;
  • polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • foamed polyethylene (isolon, penofol);

Before we begin to consider all the insulation materials used for floors on joists, it is worth touching on the topic of the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In order not to go into complex calculations, the following way to determine it is proposed: for middle zone with a temperate climate, the thickness of the foam layer (density 25 kg/m3) should be at least 100 mm. Accordingly, in the north this figure increases to 150-200 mm, and in the south it decreases to 80 mm.

Note. Polystyrene foam is one of the most common materials, so the calculations were made based on it. Other insulation materials will differ in thickness, but it still cannot be greater than the height of the beam and this must be taken into account.

Insulation with sawdust and expanded clay

These materials are still used to this day for insulating wooden floors on joists because they are the cheapest. Another thing is that their thermal insulation properties leave much to be desired and are very low compared to modern insulation materials. Therefore, they should be used when the requirements for insulation are low at home or at a dacha, where people visit periodically.

For reference. For example, the thermal conductivity of penoplex with a density of 33 kg/m3 is 0.031 W/m °C, while the best indicator of expanded clay with a density of 200 kg/m3 is 0.1 W/m °C. That is, 3 times worse.

Given the high thermal conductivity, when insulating with expanded clay or sawdust, there is no point in determining the thickness of the layer; each opening between the joists is filled to the top. In this case, the sawdust should be dry and, if possible, compacted. To prevent mice from eating them, an old one is offered folk way– Sprinkle milk of lime on top.

Although sawdust decays over time, they can easily be replaced with new ones, and this is a plus. It will take more time to dismantle and reassemble the floor covering. At the same time, expanded clay is a very durable insulation material and will happily serve for as many years as the house itself lasts. By the way, expanded clay insulation is used as a combination with other materials. In this case, it is poured into the cavity between the subfloor and the ground, as shown in the diagram:

Use of mineral wool

The main advantage of mineral wool in slabs or rolls over other insulation materials is resistance to high temperatures and non-flammability, which is very important for wooden structures. In addition, rodents do not like it very much. On the other hand, the material is able to absorb moisture and at the same time sharply increase thermal conductivity. Therefore, when insulating basalt wool it must be carefully protected from water vapor using different membranes (films).

Important. You cannot use different types of glass wool inside the house. This applies to ISOVER products intended for roof insulation.

Now let’s talk about how to correctly determine the thickness of the insulation layer for the floor. Since the thermal conductivity of mineral wool is only slightly higher than that of polystyrene foam, it can be taken with a thickness of 100-120 mm for the middle zone. If you take roll material less dense, then it should be laid in 2 layers.

Polymer insulation

With polystyrene foam the situation is completely opposite: it is flammable, does not absorb moisture and is loved by rodents. The last drawback can create a lot of problems in the southern regions, since mice love to make nests out of foam plastic. Therefore, it would be better to insulate the floors wooden house expanded polystyrene or penoplex high density. Rodents avoid these polymers, and their thermal conductivity is even better.

In addition, foam insulation will last longer, since foam plastic simply crumbles after 15-20 years. Another thing is that these materials will cost significantly more. There is one point regarding the process of laying polymer sheets itself. They must be clearly cut to size between the beams so that the insulation is inserted there tightly, no gaps are allowed. This can result in a lot of useless waste material.

As for products made of foamed polyethylene such as isolon or penofol, they are too thin and will not provide the necessary degree of insulation for wooden floors. The same penofol can be used to lay the subfloor before laying mineral wool, that is, to use the materials together. Both isolon and penofol are vapor-tight products, which means they can be used as an additional barrier against moisture penetration.

Polyurethane foam has virtually no disadvantages. It is durable, does not absorb moisture, is not damaged by rodents, and can withstand fire for some time. The thermal conductivity of insulation is almost the lowest among polymers. One problem - to apply it you need compressor equipment, which will cost you a pretty penny, you won’t be able to insulate the floor with your own hands.


As you can see, mastering the technology of insulating a wooden floor on joists is much easier than choosing insulation for this purpose. Which of the following is better - you need to be guided by local conditions and the size of your budget. In practice, most often homeowners implement inexpensive options– cotton wool and polystyrene foam. If you have financial capabilities, then The best way- application of polyurethane foam.

Many people prefer to live in a wooden house. But here a completely justified question arises: how can you reliably insulate floors? In this article we will try to get a detailed answer about what materials and technologies are used for these purposes.

Nowadays, quite a large number of effective modern thermal insulation materials are presented on the shelves of construction markets. There are both natural and synthetically produced insulation materials. However, not all of them are suitable for insulating floors in a wooden house.

Types of heat insulators used

To insulate wooden floors, experts recommend choosing one of the following thermal insulation materials.

Mineral wool

This insulation is available in several types:

  • Soft rolls.
  • Rigid pressed slabs.

Both types are easy to install and easy to cut, which is important when installing it yourself. It is better to use slabs for single-layer insulation, but fluffy rolls can be laid in several layers; they are compacted quite well. Mineral heat insulator has the following performance properties:

These properties make mineral wool one of the leaders for use in a wooden house.

Expanded polystyrene

This man-made insulator is great for insulating foundations or wood floors that have a basement underneath. Expanded polystyrene can also be used in underfloor heating systems. This insulation has the following properties:

  • Excellent thermal and sound insulation performance.
  • Durability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Chemical resistance, not susceptible to the formation of fungi and mold.
  • Mechanical strength, including compression.
  • Easy processing and installation.

Advice! Despite its high cost, extruded polystyrene foam is very popular for thermal insulation in a wooden house. With its help you can insulate not only the floor, but also other surfaces.

Alternative insulation materials

In some cases, the use of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is not justified. In such cases, it is better to replace them with the following heat insulators:

These materials are not basic, but they can easily replace more expensive insulation materials if necessary.

Used insulation technologies

To insulate floors in a private wooden house, you can use several methods. Let's consider available options more details.

Double floor system

This method of insulation is the most common. It is quite easy to implement, effective and reliable. This technology is as follows:

Advice! Instead of boards, you can use cheaper plywood flooring. But you will have to lay a finishing floor covering on it: linoleum, laminate or carpet, which allows you to additionally insulate the wooden floor.

Floating floor technology

The previous method has one significant drawback: it is best used at the construction stage. If the moment is missed and the house is used without insulation of the floors, then the cold will be noticeably drawn from below. Of course, you can carefully remove the boards and insulate between the joists, but this method requires a significant amount of time.

It is for insulation in a residential wooden house that floating floor technology is used, which consists of the following:

Advice! This method, due to its multi-layer nature, allows you to achieve tangible results in saving heat in the house.

Underfloor heating system

To insulate a wooden house, a heated floor system is often used. This type of heating is quite economical and has high efficiency heating This method requires a special approach to the use of thermal insulation so that heat does not escape into the basement.

The technology for installing heated floors in a wooden house is as follows:

  • Due to the fact that such a system is mounted from below, it is necessary to dismantle the flooring boards.
  • After the floors are dismantled, a layer of waterproofing is laid between the joists. The joists can also be covered with plastic film.
  • Insulation is laid over the waterproofing. Experts recommend using special products - perforated penoplex, which has special grooves for laying electrical cables or water circuit pipes.
  • Having finished installation heating elements and after making a test run (to make sure the system is working), you can install the floor covering. These could be previously removed boards, new laminate or parquet.

Advice! If desired, you can make a concrete heated floor in a wooden house. To do this, it is necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh on the heating elements and pour cement screed. This method is most often used for styling ceramic tiles, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen.

The considered methods of insulation in a wooden house will help you decide not only thermal insulation materials and the technologies used, but also with the upcoming volumes of work. It is worth noting that almost all the work can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.
