DIY brick chimney. Do-it-yourself stove pipe Design of a stove pipe on a brick roof

At first glance, the chimney seems to be a simple design. Essentially this is brick pillar with a channel inside for removing combustion products. In practice, its dimensions and design determine whether the stove will function at all, since it is the chimney that is responsible for the draft.


The size of the chimney, without a doubt, depends on the material from which it is made, and the latter is selected in accordance with the heating device and the combustion temperature of the fuel.

A stove in a private house is classified as a solid fuel boiler - coal, wood, which means that the chimney material must be prepared for the action of flue gases at a temperature of 500–800 C and a short-term increase in heating to 1000 C. Only heat-resistant materials are suitable for this.

  • Brick – fireproof, of course. It can withstand a constant temperature of up to 900 C, heats up for quite a long time and gives off heat for a long time, which is an advantage for a chimney laid inside a building. Because of this same property, it is not suitable for low-efficiency and gas boilers.
  • Stainless heat-resistant steel - you need to use a product from this category, despite the higher cost. Firstly, this brand can really withstand heating up to 800 C, and secondly, it is resistant to acids and condensate.
  • Glass - made of fire-resistant glass, it has excellent performance characteristics, but is difficult to install and has a decent cost. This option is used for fireplaces.
  • Ceramic – designed for operation at temperatures up to 1200 C, resistant to condensate, chemically inert. Would be the most popular option chimney in a private home, if not for the higher cost.

The choice of material is also influenced by the nature of the fuel. Brown coal, stone, wood different breeds have different calorific values. In addition, it emits varying amounts of soot, soot and acid anhydrides.

Section shape

The diameter of the chimney is a somewhat arbitrary value, since during construction brick oven, the default chimney is also made of brick. However, a metal or ceramic pipe is now more often placed inside it to improve its characteristics.

However, you shouldn’t rush into such a decision and here’s why.

  • The rectangular cross-section provokes the formation of vortices. The smoke rises in a spiral, part of it, once in the corners, slows down and forms a separate vortex. This worsens draft, so for a boiler that needs good draft, this option is not rational.
  • However, for stoves and fireplaces in the house that run on wood fuel, the picture is different. You don’t need very good draft here, and even vice versa: during this extra time the smoke gives off more heat and the room warms up better and faster. In this way, you can even compensate for the insufficient amount of smoke circulation.

For stoves, a chimney with a square or rectangular cross-section. And to improve it performance characteristics, various types of lining are used.

Diameter of the chimney in the house

What diameter the chimney pipe should be depends on the cross-sectional shape and power of the stove. If ready-made industrial products are used, then, as a rule, special tables are attached to the instructions, which indicate the required cross-sectional area depending on the power of the boiler and its size. If there is none, use general recommendations. When installing a wood stove, where the strongest draft is not necessary, calculations can be approximate.

  • The internal diameter of the chimney determines the area of ​​the firebox. The length and width of the section should be proportional to the length and width of the firebox in a ratio of 1:1.5. This also applies to the shape of the section, respectively.

  • The cross-sectional area cannot be less area blower is required condition.
  • The power of the firebox, other things being equal, also affects the diameter. If the heat transfer of the device is less than 300 kcal/hour, the cross-sectional dimensions must be at least 140*140 mm.
  • What diameter of the chimney of a private house is needed also depends on the design of the heating chamber. If it is open - fireplaces and stoves with open fireplaces, then it is equipped mainly with chimneys round section– good traction is extremely important here. In this case, the diameter is determined differently: as 1: 10 in relation to the firebox area. The photo shows the installation of a chimney.

It must be taken into account that the internal and external diameters stove chimney– the quantities are different. For a metal or ceramic chimney, both parameters are constant. A brick pipe is somewhat more complicated: when passing through the ceiling, it expands, but at the same time its internal dimensions must remain unchanged.

Perhaps everyone knows what chimneys are and what they are needed for. Those who were more deeply interested in the design of stoves and fireplaces understand how important right choice smoke removal systems in a house or bathhouse. This article is devoted to a description of what types of chimneys there are, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

This is one of oldest species chimneys, which is still very popular. Laying a solid brick chimney ceramic bricks. The smoke exhaust duct is located in the brickwork.

To the benefits brick chimneys relate:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high heat capacity of the structure, allowing the heated chimney to release heat for a long time;
  • absolute fire safety, subject to compliance with safety requirements.

Note: The disadvantages of brick chimneys are worthy of detailed coverage. Thanks to this, it will be possible to better appreciate the advantages that other types of chimneys have.

Disadvantages of brick chimneys

  1. The rectangular cross-section of the chimney is not very good good decision in terms of traction. In corners, the flow rate of flue gases is lower, which reduces the efficiency of removing combustion products from furnaces.
  2. Irregularities of the inner surface (protrusions and depressions) reduce the rate of passage of gases. Also, soot and condensation easily settle on such a surface. Combustion products solid fuel or natural gas contain large amounts of sulfur oxides. An odorant is specially added to the gas, providing that very recognizable Strong smell. A special feature of the odorant is its high sulfur content. Sulfur oxides deposited on the walls of the chimney react with water (condensate), forming sulfurous (weak) and sulfuric (very caustic) acid. These acids cause brick and mortar to break down, reducing the strength of the structure.
  3. The large mass of a brick chimney forces a separate foundation to be built for it. Moreover, it is advisable to do the foundation for the stove and chimney before the construction of the building begins.
  4. Complex and labor-intensive installation of brick chimneys, which is incomparable with any other type. The work requires a highly qualified mason and takes several days.

Single-circuit modular steel chimneys

Assembled from several elements. Most of the elements are a section of steel pipe. However, the design also includes more complex elements - tees equipped with glasses to collect condensate.

The material for the chimney elements is acid-resistant, heat-resistant stainless steel ( stainless steel) with a wall thickness of 0.6-1 mm. Pipes manufactured taking into account these requirements have a long service life. In practice they use different types stainless steel and even galvanized steel. Galvanizing is the worst solution. The protective layer of zinc quickly burns out under the influence of temperature and the unprotected walls of the channel begin to collapse under the influence of water and acids.

Advantages of single-circuit steel chimneys:

  • smooth inner surface that prevents the deposition of soot and condensation;
  • round cross-section, providing good traction and uniform gas flow rate;
  • light weight;
  • simplicity and low labor intensity of installation;
  • sufficiently high resistance to corrosion;
  • maintainability.

Disadvantages of single-circuit steel chimneys:

  • high thermal conductivity leads to rapid cooling of gases and the formation of large amounts of condensate. Pipes require large indentations where the chimney passes through wooden elements buildings (ceiling, walls, roof).
  • short service life of the chimney - no more than 15 years.

Steel sandwich chimneys

Double-circuit sandwich chimneys - products made from two steel pipes different diameters, inserted one into the other. The space between the pipes is filled with non-flammable insulation. Thanks to insulation, sandwich pipes have low thermal conductivity, providing additional benefits:

  • slow cooling of flue gases and high speed of their passage through the channel;
  • minimal condensation formation;
  • possibility of external installation without outlet through the roof;
  • simplified requirements for installation inside the building and outlet through the roof.

The only drawback of this type of chimney is the price. They are noticeably more expensive than other types of steel chimneys.

Steel corrugated

This type of chimney is made from flexible pipe made from steel strip. Such flexible chimneys are used for lining curved brick smoke ducts. These types of chimneys are easy to install and maintain, but their service life is very limited.


This type of chimney appeared in Russia quite recently, but quickly became popular, despite the high price. The smooth surface of the ceramic chimney does not require frequent cleaning. Each ceramic chimney element includes:

  • chimney made of special fire-resistant ceramics;
  • a thermal insulation layer made of non-combustible material, ensuring safe passage through walls and roofs;
  • protective cover made of lightweight cellular concrete.

This type of chimney has all the advantages:

  • smooth inner surface;
  • round cross-section and smooth, good traction;
  • excellent thermal insulation and sealing;
  • heat and fire resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability.

The only disadvantage of ceramic chimneys is their high cost. They can be used for smoke removal from any stoves, fireplaces, boilers and water heaters.


Asbestos-cement pipes are used in the construction of chimneys for heating devices, the flue gases of which have a temperature of no more than 300 degrees. They are not suitable for conventional ovens. These limitations are caused by the unsatisfactory heat resistance of chrysotile cement.

Asbestos-cement chimney pipes

Advantages of asbestos cement chimneys:

  • light weight (if we compare brick chimneys);
  • round section;
  • simple quick installation;
  • very low price.

Price is the deciding factor here. This is the material that can be taken, as they say, “by the bottle.”

Disadvantages of asbestos cement chimneys:

  • low strength;
  • poor heat resistance;
  • lack of thermal insulation;
  • complexity of bending;
  • unreliable connection with rubber couplings;
  • porous wall structure;
  • Frequent cleaning of chimneys.

The last point deserves special attention - the ignition of soot in asbestos-cement chimneys is a serious problem. For safety reasons, regular cleaning of such chimneys is necessary. Therefore, the use of this type of chimney has significant limitations.


Flexible chimneys made of polymer materials used for lining brick or concrete smoke channels. The polymer is not highly heat resistant, so this solution is used only for the removal of not very hot flue gases. These requirements are satisfied geysers and boilers with high efficiency. They cannot be used as a chimney for a stove.

Advantages of polymer chimneys:

  • ease of installation;
  • light weight and flexibility;
  • low price;
  • long service life.

Disadvantages of polymer chimneys:

  • poor resistance to high temperatures;
  • lack of thermal insulation;
  • low strength.

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A chimney for a stove can be built with your own hands if a diagram of its laying is at hand, and the House master has at least minimal skills in working as a mason. The construction of this department requires an approach no less serious than that of a building, since the efficiency of heating, the safety of those living in the house, and the overall service life of the entire heating structure will depend on the quality of its masonry.

When working on a chimney, you must remember that its internal surfaces must be as neat and smooth as the external ones, since this factor directly affects the creation of good draft.

Types of brick chimney pipes

Chimney pipes are divided into types depending on their installation location relative to the stove itself. So, they are root, mounted and wall.

  • The most common design of a brick chimney is the captive one. It is installed directly on top heating device and is its continuation. Such chimneys are often installed during the construction of a heating or sauna stove.
  • The second most popular is the root chimney. This type of pipe is distinguished by the fact that it is installed next to the furnace or is included in its structure and is placed on one of its sides.

Root pipes can be installed for both brick and cast iron stoves. In addition, one main structure is often used for several heating devices. For example, in a two or three-story house, one chimney is passed through all floors and stoves are connected to it. If you plan to use a pipe in this way, then in this case, an accurate calculation of its parameters must be made, otherwise there will be no normal draft, which means that the efficiency of the stoves will decrease and the risk of combustion products entering the premises will increase.

  • The wall pipe is built into capital internal or external walls. But, in the latter case, the walls of the chimney will have to be very well insulated, since due to the large difference in external and internal temperatures, condensation will actively collect inside the channel, which will significantly worsen the operation of the stove, reducing draft and contributing to the rapid overgrowing of the chimney with soot.

It should be noted that although this structure is identified as a separate type, it can be either root or mounted.

Brick chimney design

The chimney has several sections. To understand its fundamental design, we can take as an example the structure of the mounted pipe, since most often this is what design engineers choose when drawing up furnace layout diagrams.

So, the design of the mounted pipe with its passage through attic floor And rafter system, includes the following departments and elements:

1 – Metal cap or umbrella. It may take many forms, but its function is always to protect internal space chimney from penetration atmospheric precipitation various types, as well as dust and dirt.

2 – The head of the pipe consists of bricks protruding outward, which will protect the neck of the structure from raindrops that will flow down the protective cap. The metal umbrella is also attached to the protruding parts of the head.

3 – Pipe neck.

4 – A cemented or otherwise waterproofed inclined surface of the otter, designed to drain water that gets onto the neck of the pipe.

5 – Otter. This part of the structure has thicker walls than the pipe neck. The otter should be located where the chimney passes through the rafter system and roof. The thick walls of the otter will protect the flammable materials of the sheathing under the roof from overheating.

6 – Roofing material.

7 – Lathing of the rafter system.

8 – Rafters.

9 – Pipe riser. This department is located in attic Houses.

10 – Fluff. This part of the chimney begins under the ceiling inside the house, passes through the attic floor and ends in the attic, slightly above or flush with the floor beams. The fluff, like the otter, has thicker walls than the neck and riser of the pipe. Increased thickness also protects against overheating wooden beams and other flammable materials of the attic or interfloor.

It should be noted that in some cases, instead of fluff, a metal box is mounted in its place around the pipe, filled non-flammable materials, such as sand, vermiculite or expanded clay. The function of this layer, which has a thickness of 100÷150 mm, is also to protect combustible floor materials from overheating.

11 – Floor beams.

12 - Insulation, which is most often made from asbestos, is in any case necessary to create against fire safety, since the walls of the chimney will come into contact with the wood of the floor beams and other materials that make up the floor and ceiling.

13 – Smoke damper, located indoors, in the upper part of the pipe, which allows you to regulate the intensity of the exhaust flows of heated air and combustion products.

14 – Pipe neck, which starts at the top of the furnace - the roof.

Calculations of chimney pipe parameters

The principle of operation of the chimney system is movement air masses from the combustion chamber to the exit to the street, that is, from the lower point to the upper. This process occurs through the creation of draft, which occurs due to changes in temperature and pressure. It is thanks to all these factors that normal functioning chimney system.

To create optimal aerodynamic processes, the size of the pipe channel must correspond to the power of the furnace, which, in turn, largely depends on the size of the firebox. The surfaces of the internal chimney space must have smooth walls along which air flows will slide freely without turbulence, and thus will not create reverse thrust. That is why quite often an insert made of a round ceramic pipe is built into a square brick chimney, which has absolutely smooth surface and having no internal corners.

Sectional size

In connection with the mentioned factors, it is necessary to very carefully calculate the internal size of the chimney, taking into account its length, since the larger this parameter, the higher the draft in the pipe.

Of great importance for creating normal draft and high-quality functioning of the heating device is the correspondence of the parameters of the chimney passage and power, as well as the size and number of channels provided for by the design and passing inside the stove.

If the parameters internal dimensions chimney cross-section will exceed the calculated value, this will lead to rapid cooling of the heated air in it and the formation of condensation, and hence a decrease in draft. In this case, the necessary balance will be disrupted, and the flows cooling in the upper part of the pipe may return down, creating smoke in the room.

The size of the chimney opening is calculated as follows:

  • The size of the chimney of a fireplace with an open firebox approximately corresponds to the proportions of 1:10 (chimney cross-section (f) / firebox window area (F)). This formula generally applies to both square or rectangular and cylindrical pipe types, but not directly, but taking into account the cross-sectional shape of the channel and the overall height of the chimney.
  • The size of the chimney of a stove with a closed combustion chamber has a proportion of 1:1.5. In the case when the heat transfer of a heating structure is less than 300 kcal/hour, the cross-section usually has a size of 130×130 mm or half a brick (not less). When making calculations, it must be taken into account that the cross-sectional size of the chimney should not be smaller than the inlet opening of the ash-blower.

When calculating a fireplace chimney, you can use the following table.

Pipe height N, m5 6 7 8 9 10 11
f/f ratio in %
Pipe section Round11.2 10.5 10 9.5 9.1 8.7 8.9
Square12.4 11.6 11 10.5 10.1 9.7 9.4
Rectangular13.2 12.3 11.7 11.2 10.6 10.2 9.8

Pay attention to the direct dependence of the chimney cross-section not only on the parameters of the firebox, but also on the height of the pipe. Probably, sometimes when making calculations it will be more expedient to start from this parameter. For example, a pipe 11 meters high on a one-story country house would look completely ridiculous.

The same dependence, but more accurately presented in graph form.

Let's say you need to calculate the cross-section of a chimney pipe for a fireplace with a firebox, the window dimensions of which are 500×700 mm, that is, the total area – 0.35 m². It is assumed that a pipe is acceptable on the building total height 7 meters.

  • Let's look at the graphical diagram:

- for a round chimney cross-section, the optimal ratio is f/f = 9.9%;

- for square - 11,1% ;

- for rectangular - 11,7% .

  • It's easy to calculate optimal area chimney channel sections:

- circle: 0.35×0.099 = 0.0346 m²;

- square: 0.35 × 0.11 = 0.0385 m²;

- rectangle: 0.35 × 0.117 = 0.041 m².

  • Now, using the simplest geometric formulas, it is easy to reduce the areas to linear dimensions:

- diameter round pipe: d = 2×√S/π = 2×√0.0346/3.14 ≈ 0.209 m = 210 mm.

- side square pipe: a = √S = √0.0385 ≈ 0.196 m = 196 mm.

- a rectangle can have various options- For example 0.130 × 0.315 m or 130 × 315 mm.

The calculation will be much simpler if you use the calculator below, which already contains all the mentioned dependencies.

Having decided to install (or fold) a stove in your home, you must immediately carefully consider several main points, because the pipe for the stove must be safe and fully cope with the tasks assigned to it: remove combustion products of the fuel used from the stove and generate draft.

Type of pipes

It would be advisable to take care of this problem at the stage of creating a house project. But if the idea of ​​installing a stove in any building came to your mind later, you will have to make changes to the already erected structures. In this case, the chimney must:

  • be direct;
  • do not pass too close to flammable structures;
  • be made of non-flammable material.

All chimneys are usually divided into several types:

  • mounted - they rest on the stove itself,
  • wall - they are built into the walls of the house,
  • indigenous - have their own separate foundation.

Pipe material

There are four non-combustible options to choose from what the pipe for the furnace will be made of - brick, metal (steel), concrete or modules with ceramic cores.

Most often, stove owners still prefer to install brick pipes, which in turn consist of the following elements:

  • neck is the part of the pipe between the furnace body and the groove in the thickness of the ceiling;
  • cutting - thickening the pipe in the body of the ceiling;
  • a riser is a pipe located in the attic space;
  • cutting near the roof (also called “otter”);
  • pipe head.

For the pipe you will only have to use a special quality brick, intended for laying heated structures. The solution on which it will be laid must also be heat-resistant and plastic.

Note! If the stove pipe is made only of brick, then you will soon be faced with the problem of having to clean it frequently. The fact is that inside a brick pipe there will be many irregularities on which soot will stick. This can be avoided by making a double pipe for the stove - inserting it inside brick pipe a pipe made of a different material (“sleeve”).


The cross-sectional size of the chimney flue depends on two factors:

  • depending on the type of oven,
  • from the heat transfer of the furnace.

For example, for a pipe with heat transfer up to 3000 kcal/hour, it is necessary to make a pipe with a cross section of ½ by ½ brick; and for a pipe with heat transfer from 3000 to 4500 kcal/hour - ½ by ¾ brick.


If you are laying a brick oven yourself, then you will definitely have diagrams (orders) on hand. These diagrams usually also contain information about the chimney. You will only have to in the right place make cuts that prevent heating of combustible elements located in close proximity to the pipe, thereby eliminating the occurrence of a fire for this reason.

Modular chimney option

Note! The convenience of ready-made modules is that you do not have to spend too much time building such a pipe. In addition, the finished modules already have a safe wall thickness, so all you have to do is make (or provide in advance) holes in the ceiling and roof for the pipe.

The modules are installed as follows:

  1. Purchase a special dry mixture for fastening modules, which is recommended by module manufacturers.
  2. Dilute 1 bucket of solution from the mixture and water, strictly following the proportions that you find on the package (stir the solution until smooth using the “mixer” attachment on a drill).
  3. Cut the asbestos cement pad to the size of the module.
  4. Place it on your existing stove in the place where the chimney will be located.
  5. Apply the first layer of solution on top of it.
  6. Install the first module. Check its verticality with a building level.
  7. Lay the layer of mortar again and install the next module.
  8. Repeat all operations until the pipe extends beyond the roof to the height you require.
  9. Insulate the junction of the pipe to roofing material and install a structure on top of the pipe to protect it from rainwater.

Note! You can use ready-made modules if you purchased a factory-made stove or fireplace, since you cannot lay a brick pipe and rest it on the stove (fireplace), because its weight is not provided for by the design and can lead to destruction of the stove.

Metal pipe

Another pipe option is metal structure made of heat-resistant steel, which extends from the stove, passes through the wall and rises above the roof level outside the house. In this case, the place requiring special attention, is the passage of the pipe through the wall and its good insulation.

You should not make such a pipe yourself - it is better to buy it ready-made along with fasteners (clamps), thanks to which you will achieve its complete tightness.


We invite you to watch video instructions for building a multi-channel chimney for a gas boiler:

This article will help you decide on the choice of a metal chimney for your stove. Pick up best option, for specific conditions and budget.


Material selection

The material plays a huge role; the service life of the chimney, its ability to withstand various aggressive chemical compounds, reliability and strength depend on it. A steel chimney for a stove is made from three main materials: stainless steel, galvanized and ferrous metal. Now let's look at each material in detail.

Pipes can be made of either stainless steel or galvanized.

  • The first outer layer is represented by a pipe that can withstand prolonged exposure to adverse weather conditions, and other destructive environmental factors.
  • The second layer consists of non-flammable thermal insulation, which ensures fire safety and the absence of condensation. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of thermal insulation.
  • The inner layer is made of steel grades that are resistant to destructive smoke substances.

The choice must be made based on specific tasks, conditions and budget. To protect yourself and your property from possible fires, you should opt for a double-walled pipe; moreover, its service life is much longer than that of a regular one.

Methods for installing a metal chimney for a stove

A metal pipe for a stove can be installed in two ways: inside the smoke duct, and also along external wall Houses. Let's look at both options in more detail.

Inside the smoke channel

If a duct is built at home or it already exists from old heating equipment, then a single-walled steel pipe, which serves as a kind of sleeve. Having a perfectly even cross-section and smooth inner surface, it does not create resistance to exhaust flue gases.

The channel itself prevents the chimney from cooling sharply, and this helps reduce the formation of condensation and increase its service life. This installation is simpler, and the absence of long horizontal sections contributes to better traction.

Installation diagram metal pipe in the smoke channel

Outside of a house or building

Installation from the outside is more complex and costly, unlike the first option. For this method, a double-walled sandwich pipe is used, since the use of a single-walled one will still require mandatory insulation.

The assembly of such a chimney must be very reliable. Despite the light weight of such pipes, negligence in installing the chimney is unacceptable.

Installation diagrams

Installation requirements according to SNiP

  1. Installation, design and assembly metal chimneys made in accordance with SNiP number 2.04.50-91, as well as in accordance with fire safety rules. Such responsible work should be carried out only by those individuals and organizations that have the appropriate permits. Work experience and knowledge of such organizations and individuals is of great importance.
  2. The diameter must be selected and match the power of the furnace.
  3. The height of the chimney must be at least 5 meters, regardless of the structure.
  4. It must be mounted strictly vertically, and permissible deviations from the vertical axis should be no more than 30 degrees over a 2-meter area.
  5. Horizontal sections longer than 1 meter should not be allowed, as this will lead to poor traction. The rise of the pipe in such areas should be at least 5 degrees.
  6. To avoid possible leakage of condensate, pipe locks should be installed in the direction of condensate movement. The bottom of the top tube should fit inside the top of the bottom tube.
  7. When assembling individual parts and elements, a special heat-resistant sealant rated for 1000 degrees must be used.
  8. The joints are fastened with special ties or clamps; if such fastening is not provided, the joints should be fastened with self-tapping screws.
  9. In order for it to be reliable, you need to carefully consider the issue of its fastening. It must be fastened in increments of at least 1.5 meters using reliable elements.
  10. Special penetration elements should be used interfloor ceilings and roofs to ensure fire safety of buildings. Their interior must be filled with non-flammable, heat-insulating material.
  11. When venting a metal chimney through the roof, a universal cut-out must be used.
  12. For further inspection and cleaning, special inspection hatches and cleaning.
  13. To prevent moisture from entering from the outside, fungi are installed. To avoid fire from sparks flying out of the pipe, spark arresters are installed.


All of them have a very good reputation in the metal chimney market. Today they are the best and most trusted manufacturers of steel chimneys for stoves:

  • Volcano,
  • Vesuvius,
  • Termofor,
  • Kraft,
  • Baltvent,
  • Rosinox,
  • Ferrum,
  • Elites,
  • Teplodar,
  • Sphere,
  • Phoenix,
  • Reference.


The use of steel chimneys for a stove, with proper calculation and installation, will ensure efficient operation for the entire period of operation of any heating device. Good specifications and the high safety of this type of chimney will allow you to feel comfortable and secure in your home.

They have a fairly affordable price, which is very pleasing. Today, they occupy one of the first places in application in construction. The main thing when purchasing is to make sure of the quality and reliability of the purchased chimney elements. Savings must be balanced and justified, because safety and health depend on it.
