Buzan mental maps are an associative method of activating thinking. Mental maps: technologies of creativity

Mental maps or mind maps have long been successfully used to systematize thoughts and large amounts of information. Leaders of large companies and various training organizations especially like to use them. Let's try to figure out what are the main advantages and secrets of such cards?

Imagine that you have to prepare for some important event in your life or project. And at the same time you need to keep a lot of thoughts, details and important information in your head. At first glance, it seems that this is simply impossible and that something will definitely be forgotten. But in fact, for these purposes, people have long learned this in an interesting way, like drawing up metal maps. When all the necessary information is located not just on a piece of paper in a notepad, but on large sheet with the designation of the main groups and many subspecies, so as not to forget or lose sight of any little thing.

Can you imagine how convenient it is, for example, when preparing for a wedding to write everything down first? necessary details in the form of a graphic image or table, and then simply cross out unnecessary details, as they are completed. When we clearly see the entire volume of upcoming work, a complete picture emerges about the upcoming work that needs to be done. It is possible that after drawing everything on a piece of paper, it will turn out that not much needs to be done.

The throwing card method was invented by psychologist and writer Tony Buzan. He successfully combined psychology, mnemonics and neurolinguistics in this method. And initially they were used only by managers of large business companies, teachers and journalists. But over time, people began to use this method in everyday life, thanks to its convenience and clarity.

How to make a mind map?

Mental maps are the visualization of thoughts and ideas. Making mind maps is a bit like drawing a tree with branches. First we need to draw the base of our map in the center of the page. It is better to take a colored pencil or marker for this. Next, we make the most important “branches” or subtypes on our topic. We make an inscription above each branch. It is important that the inscriptions are large and in clear handwriting, preferably in block letters.

Basic details for creating a convenient and understandable mental map:

  • For the convenience of visualizing your thoughts and for better perception of the map, the branches should be approximately the same length
  • Labels on branches should not be too long. A few short words that convey the meaning will be enough. If you need to write down important information that takes up a lot of space, then write this subtype in a notepad or on back side mental map sheet.
  • Use several bright colors. Our perception is designed in such a way that first we see and remember the picture, and then the information contained in it.
  • Accompany your captions with illustrations and images. Thus, perception and memory are activated. Inscriptions must be in block letters. This is necessary for maximum readability
  • The main theme of the mind map is located in the center and should be larger than the rest
  • The sheet is always positioned horizontally. This makes it easier for the mind to perceive information. Remember, for example, school board or TV.

When creating a mind map, show creativity, make small pictures next to the desired keywords, use a lot of colors. Draw up a map as it suits you; for some it is more convenient to draw a table, and for others it is more convenient to draw a map in the form of a sun or a tree. If you find it difficult to create a mind map or table on your topic yourself, use an electronic compiler. They are easy to find and download from the Internet. The most popular of them:

When is it useful to use mind maps?

The convenience of using mental maps is that they are easily applicable to both workers and educational projects, and for Everyday life. So, for example, it is convenient to prepare for important events in life, be it a wedding, going to college or preparing a child for school. These cards are mainly used in the following cases:

  • For self-study. To speed up the process of memorizing new material, record your main thoughts in the form of a mental map.
  • Presentation of a product or service. With the help of mind maps, you have the opportunity to more profitably, fully and clearly present any type of object or service offered for sale.
  • To record a large amount of information. In order not to miss all the nuances, present them in a concise form on one sheet of a mind map.
  • To generate new ideas. If you lack inspiration and don’t know where to get new information for your project, a mind map can also easily help with this.

Flashcards are very useful for presenting information clearly and constructively in a more understandable way. Due to clarity and brevity, as well as associative symbols in the form of drawings, everything is perceived much easier and faster. Thus, it is possible to remember large volume information, prepare for an important project, or even make plans for a future vacation.

Examples of mental maps

This great way create a detailed list of tasks for the project. Instead of writing down a list of actions in a linear, step-by-step format, a two-dimensional (often color) diagram is used to represent thoughts, ideas, and plans in a nonlinear manner. This is called intelligence maps (mental maps, mind maps, mind map).

Here are examples of what this might look like.

Mind map examples

Both hemispheres of the brain take part in creating a mind map. The result is a powerful tool for planning, organizing and communicating during the preparation of a long-term project.

With a mind map you can also objectively assess your skills, abilities and available resources. Anything you can do to organize your work strategy moves you closer to completing the project on time.

Creating a mind map is not such a difficult task.

How to make a mind map

Here's a simple seven-step plan for making a mind map:

1. Time planning in mind map.

Set aside 30-45 minutes a day for each major project. It is not necessary to strictly fix the time frame, because some projects require a minimum amount of time, while others require thinking about many parameters. The general rule is to set aside at least half an hour a day for each project.

2. Ask four key questions.

Creating a mind map starts with a deep understanding of each of your projects. Start with four questions:

What actions are needed to achieve the main goal?

What are my current benefits and resources?

What are the obstacles to success?

What additional skills do I need to develop to achieve my main goal?

Think back to your past experiences with similar projects. Analyze your successes and failures. Use this information when creating a mind map.

3. Creating a mind map.

Take a sheet of Whatman paper (or use software, which will be discussed below). To get started, take whatman paper on regular paper, because there is enough space to write down everything that is necessary to work through the project.

In general, when you have prepared all the tools, start drawing up a mind map.

Here are some ways to outline your ideas:

Use keywords, lines, colors and images to express your ideas. Mind map - a visual expression of interconnected information that is easy to view and remember. Your brain works associatively, so information displayed in a non-linear manner will help you determine the specific actions you need to take.

Develop your ideas naturally. Start by simply expressing your idea in one sentence. Place it in the center of the diagram and arrange supporting blocks around it, including mini-projects/ideas needed to be completed within the project.

Use relevant keywords/images for each block.

Write key words in lowercase letters - this makes them easier to remember.

The main block is connected to additional blocks using lines. Use different colors to highlight various themes and associations.

Use the arrows to develop each idea in detail. From each additional block, draw arrows that branch.

Use the arrow to explain what needs to be done. You can add new ideas and activities as the project develops. This is a floating chart, so you can add or remove items as you work on the project.

4. Problem identification.

An important part of a mind map is identifying problems that hinder success.

There are three main types of problems:

1. An obstacle related to the true outcome of the project.

The project must be compatible with your long-term plans or work that is truly important to you. If they conflict, you are unlikely to succeed.

For example, if you are implementing a project to please someone, you will not have intrinsic motivation, sufficient for daily work on such a project. My advice is to avoid projects that are only similar to what you should do.

2. Fears.

Fear of failure, self-doubt, lack of confidence and other fears can hold you back from taking consistent action.

Allocate a specific area to your fears on the mind map. Set aside time to think about the “constraining factors.” Then come up with a few possible solutions. You'll likely find that overcoming fear isn't hard once you understand the reason for your feelings.

3. Checkpoints.

Sometimes external factors can interfere with the completion of a project. When this happens, it is important to identify the actual problem. Just consider each such factor and think about how you will react if you encounter it.

5. Avoid censorship of yourself.

Write down ideas as they come—without trying to think or analyze them. Sure, some of them may seem unimportant, but they may give you follow-up thoughts that will have a surprising effect on your project. Allow yourself to realize every idea.

Place each of them into blocks and sub-blocks, and then start working on the project from there.

6. Segment your mind map.

Our brains work most efficiently during five- to seven-minute bursts of brain activity. During these bursts, you can capture as many ideas as possible and write them down quickly using keywords, symbols, images, and colors. Then take a break for a few minutes and return to the diagram again.

Repeat this enough times to ensure that you have thoroughly developed each of the possible ideas.

7. Turn mind maps into action plans.

After brainstorming turn your ideas into lists of specific actions. You can learn more about this in the article “ How to manage everything and feel full of strength and energy" Just think about what tasks need to be completed in chronological order, then schedule them on your calendar to keep track of deadlines.

This is really all you need to create maps. This is a simple exercise that only takes 30 minutes. Do this for all five goals, generating avalanches of ideas through this multi-dimensional process.

Resources for creating maps. Mental maps of the program.

Here are a few tools you can use for this process:

1. iMindMap is an English-language software developed by Tony Buzan, who is considered by many to be the inventor of the mind map technique. This program takes a slightly different approach to creating a mind map than other programs.

iMindMap is a paid product, but you can use a seven-day demo version.

2. FreeMind is an English-language java script program with extensive Wiki support that explains how to use the application, create your own keyboard shortcuts, and maximize the mind mapping experience.

4. Mindjet MindManager- This program allows you to transform your ideas, strategic plans and business information into purpose-built maps that enable disparate teams and organizations to work more quickly, efficiently and cohesively. MindManager integrates with popular Microsoft Office applications (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project and Microsoft Outlook).

It doesn't matter what device you use to create a mind map. There are many tools to help you develop your ideas and outline the steps to implement them.

You have two options to choose from for working on your project task list:

1. Make a linear, step-by-step list of tasks or

2. Use a non-linear, creative mind map format to work out ways to implement the project.

No matter which one you choose, you will eventually have to take action.

In conclusion of the topic “Intelligence maps (mental maps, mind maps, mind map)” I suggest watching an educational video dedicated to the successful solution of problems and non-standard tasks using a mind map.

Implement mind maps into your activities and you will see how your efficiency and productivity will increase!

Greetings to all readers of the site. Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you as always. And I immediately have a question for you: do you systematize your thoughts and, if so, how? Do you have any way to bring order to your head? I have - I use mind maps. And in this article I will share with you my experience in compiling them and show my examples of mind maps.

Mind map concept

The example I drew is quite simple and clear. Usually the diagram looks much more branched, since it can record a huge number of connections between objects.

Thanks to the use of such cards, a person perceives a large amount of information better and easier, because it is difficult for our brain to perceive information in the form of a sheet of text or a bunch of tables. It is much easier if the same information is presented in a visual form, which is diluted with color, complemented by drawings and based on associations.

Benefits of Using Mind Maps

1. Excellent helpers in mastering new material. The process is much faster, more fun and efficient.

2. Super planners. They make it very easy to make a plan for the day, write a list of tasks, highlight the most important items, etc.

3. Storage of thoughts. Write down everything that comes to your mind when working with the map. Typically, your brain sends you interesting and useful information regarding the task or idea you are visualizing.

4. A wonderful reminder. Here one cannot help but recall the Russian proverb “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.” What is included on the map will be difficult to ignore. This means that the probability of completing the task is much higher.

5. Mind maps are suitable for big projects, which are initially scary to take on. But as soon as you start visualizing, everything falls into place. The entire mega project, like a ball, gradually unwinds, and an ordered map of sequential actions appears in front of you.

How to Create Mind Maps

I would highlight two ways to create mind maps: manual and software.

For manual method All you need to do is take a sheet of paper, preferably a landscape one, pens, pencils, markers.

Software method is the use computer programs. Considering both methods, you can see that they have both their pros and cons. Using a certain program, you can easily correct your mind map, change something in it and you don’t have to redraw it completely.

It is also much more convenient to carry a mental map on an electronic medium rather than a landscape sheet. The disadvantage of working in the program is its stereotyped nature, limitations in drawing and visual expression of your thoughts.

Programs for creating mental maps

The programs listed below can easily be found on the Internet, but please note that they are both paid and free. Therefore, choose an assistant to your liking.

I will highlight the following:

— Mindmeister. You can see how to work in this program and examples of maps.

- FreeMind. I use this program quite often. It allows you to create a memory card quickly and easily. Read more about working in the program in the article.

Rules for creating mental maps

When creating mental maps, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Use one mind map to express thoughts or ideas on one topic.
  2. It is best to place the sheet horizontally (whether it is a paper sheet or a sheet on a computer monitor), since this is how the human eye perceives information best. Remember how information is arranged on TV, on a chalkboard at school or on a monitor.
  3. As a rule, the main subject (task, idea) is placed in the center, which gradually acquires logical connections and interconnected branches. These can be goals, subgoals, points, sub-points, etc.
  4. It is advisable to highlight all connections in different colors, use icons, symbols, pictures. This way you arrange everything visually using your associations. All graphic elements help to depict a clear mental map. It's important not to overdo it here. The map should simplify the perception of the information presented, and not vice versa. The mental map should be bright and expressive, but at the same time simple.

Where can you use the mind map?

In my opinion, mind maps can be used in different areas of activity. Mind mapping is useful for many categories: managers, employees of any company, teachers, journalists, etc. In addition, it can be used in our daily life to solve everyday problems.

The following areas of application can be distinguished:

1. Diverse tasks at work. Projects whose goal is to develop or implement something. Various organizational events.

2. Projects in your personal life. Using mind maps you can plan a banquet, plan a vacation or go to the country))

3. To-do lists.

4. Organizational structures companies and organizations.

5. Design of website structure and program interfaces.

6. Structuring texts. Create content, a plan for the speech, and an agenda for the report.

7. Presentations in the form of a mind map.

8. Taking notes from the lecture

Mistakes when using mind maps

When you create a mind map for the first time, pay attention to the most common mistakes that arise when working:

  1. The mental map is too complex and highly branched. Such a map will only confuse rather than clarify everything.
  2. Same designs and colors for different branches.
  3. Lack of pictures and icons
  4. Ambiguity and chaos. All elements must be interconnected

In fact, I have been familiar with mental maps for a long time. I just didn’t know about the existence of certain programs and scientific concept. Always at the institute during lectures, in order to have time to write down and remember everything, I only drew circles, arrows, and figures that were understandable to me. These were my mind maps that helped me graduate from college with honors. Now, being no longer a student, I actively use mental maps in my daily work. I often use a mind map before writing a blog article.

Surely you use something similar?

I hope after reading the article you will be able to make mind mapping easier for yourself: choose the program that is most convenient for you and go ahead!

And I also want to introduce you to the cool book by H. Muller “Drawing up mental maps. Method of generating and structuring ideas." A very interesting and useful book. Download, study and put into practice! Download HERE!

Don’t forget: the best thank you to me is a repost of the article :)

Sincerely, Ekaterina Kalmykova

Here is a sample of the simplest mental map created using the free program FreeMind. It presents the initial structure of the first few trainings prepared by the project. It can be used, for example, during a presentation, since such a card is great solution for visual presentation of information, an alternative recording method (as opposed to linear). But we are much more interested in them as a method of organizing systems thinking, searching for ideas based on associations. We have already briefly mentioned such connection diagrams in the lesson on. Today we present to your attention more detailed material describing the benefits of mindmaps for everyone, indicating their differences from other visualization methods and concrete examples consumption.

The essence and history of the appearance of mental maps

Let’s immediately clarify the meaning of the term. The concept of “mental map” in scientific literature is more often found in psychology and is associated with human behavior. Regarding the subject of our article, this term is not entirely successful, since it does not reflect the essence of the English “mindmap”, from which it comes. Nevertheless, the name “mental maps” is widely used, along with the more correct from a philological point of view categories “connection diagrams”, “mind maps”, “thought maps”. Therefore, we agree that for greater convenience we will use them as synonyms.

Mind maps or mind diagrams – efficient technique alternative recording and visualization. The modern idea of ​​them was laid down in the 70s. last century by British psychologist and TV presenter Tony Buzan. He was interested in development problems intellectual abilities, . Achieved extraordinary results - in 1997 live set a record in memorizing multi-digit numbers.

In the course of his research, T. Buzan came to the conclusion that the generally accepted way of perceiving text information is not optimal. According to him, reading a page from left to right and from top to bottom seems artificial to the human brain, because it is designed in such a way that it perceives data non-linearly and in its entirety at once. From criticism of the “inconveniences” of linear perception, mental maps later appeared as a method of organizing information and alternative way records. What is much more important, work towards improving the concept of smart maps has shown the possibility of their use as a tool in technology " brainstorming"(although this was not a discovery - the prototype had been used before), for searching and generating new ideas, memorizing, .

The Buzan method began to be widely used almost immediately after it was introduced to a wide audience through the television program “Think with Your Head” on the BBC channel, which the author himself hosted. Later he wrote several more books about his technique, which became bestsellers. But he can only be called the inventor of the theory with a stretch. Similar methods have already been used by sages Ancient Greece and Rome (Porphyry, Aristotle, etc.), engineers of the New Age. Of course, Buzan outlined the boundaries of the modern approach, without hiding the fact that he relied on the works of his predecessors.

To complete the idea of ​​the essence of mental maps, let us note how they differ from other methods of visualization. What distinguishes a mind diagram from standard charts and graphs is its lack of rigor. You create your own tree diagram as required by the task, or as you prefer. No need to worry about iconography, raw numbers or percentages. A graph is most often constructed to show some measurable relationship, but the principle of constructing a mental map is completely different - to show the connection (often not obvious) as the author sees it.

Recently, the use, primarily by designers and engineers, of concept maps, a graphical tool designed to show the relationship between concepts, has become popular. But their main difference from mind maps is that they are created to simultaneously work with several ideas at once, rather than just one, and describe the relationships between them.

Applying Mind Diagrams

How effective is the use of mental maps? A series of studies were conducted with American university students. The result revealed the following:

  • 80% of students believe that mind maps help them better understand scientific concepts and ideas;
  • Mental maps contribute to better memorization of material;
  • Low-ability students learn better from mind maps.

So, here are some areas where you can use mind maps to your advantage:


80% of people on the planet are visual people. This means they are better able to perceive what can be seen. With this in mind, you should prepare your own. Use illustrations, diagrams, graphs, including mental maps. Combined use in various ways presenting information will help maintain attention and better assimilate the material.

Activation of creative thinking. Brainstorm

The creative process is often closely related to. T. Buzan suggested using mental maps to activate it: to do this, write down the key concept or idea in the center of the sheet, and mark or draw all associations on the branches coming from the main concept. In the future, they acquire new associations. This allows not only to expand the set of connections already ready-made idea, but also to generate a new one, to find the non-obvious.

Connection diagrams are also useful for solving creative problems and creating an algorithm for finding an answer. Write down the question you are interested in on the sheet in the upper left corner, and perfect solution- bottom right. Build a chain with intermediate actions that will allow you to go from the problem to the ideal result. Study and analyze this path, find optional links, or those that can be combined. All this seems quite simple, but sometimes a clear visualization is not enough to find the necessary conclusion.


As mentioned above, a schematic representation of the material contributes to its better assimilation. When learning something, try using not only textbooks, but also tables, mind maps, and diagrams. You can even create them yourself - this is convenient way, and memorization techniques (see below).

Memory development

Mind maps can be used as... Information recorded in this way is better remembered, structures knowledge, allows you to highlight the main thing and conveniently work with large volumes of data.

Management (management)

Connection diagrams are also used in planning and developing projects and constructing organograms. They are an excellent solution for areas where there is a need to separate areas of responsibility.

In addition, mental maps are useful in conducting trainings, in compiling, and developing intellectual abilities.

The main principles of communication diagramming techniques

1. Start in the center of the paper by writing or drawing, in at least three different colors, your keyword.

2. Feel free to use images, symbols, codes different sizes for your card.

3. Write keywords using both uppercase and lowercase letters.

4. Each word or image must correspond to one branch (line).

5. The lines of one branch should be connected and become thinner as they move away from the center.

6. The length of the line should correspond to the length of the words written on it or the objects drawn.

7. Use different colors for different branches and groups of keywords.

8. Develop your own style creating mental maps.

9. Use associations.

10. Clearly build your map based on radical hierarchy or contours.

Nowadays, almost everyone knows the expression “business training”. They are used everywhere in large companies and small firms. As a rule, with their help they try to organize the work of all personnel as efficiently as possible. They were invented not so long ago, but it was with the help of the visualization method that trainings became much more effective. A mental map is best way define the goal and means. It makes it much easier to detail and organize all the elements.

History of creation

The system of mental maps that is popular today was invented by the famous psychologist and writer Tony Buzan. He has already published several hundred articles and books about intellectual development, psychology and problems of human thinking. Of course, he did not become a pioneer in visualizing his goals and methods for achieving them. With the help of special diagrams and graphic drawings, Japan was able to practically revolutionize the economy in the 70s. But it was Buzan who presented his own improved theory of radiant thinking to the entire scientific world in 1974. The mind map became a hit at the turn of the millennium.

Tony was able to effectively integrate psychology, neurolinguistics, mnemonics and speed reading, as well as many scientific theories and methods for development and improvement creative thinking. For example, when taking notes, he introduced only two colors into the graphics, and remembering them became much easier and also more interesting. Together with his brother, Buzan was able to piece together all the scientific findings and build them into a coherent theory. This is how modern mind maps appeared.

Areas of use of the developed program

The method of mental maps has found its way practical use in a wide variety of areas human activity. Mind mapping will be useful for managers, employees of any company, teachers, journalists, etc. In addition, it can be used in everyday life to solve various everyday and organizational problems.

This technique will be most suitable for developing your own creative abilities and self-analysis. This will allow you to detect and overcome all shortcomings, as well as highlight areas for further development and improvement.

Mind maps will be especially useful in the following areas:

  • memorization (preparing for all kinds of exams, memorizing lists, tables, etc.);
  • training (optimizing notes, writing creative assignments and better understanding of textbooks);
  • brainstorming (teamwork, new ideas);
  • presentation (highlighting the main thing and effectively conveying the overall goal and thought);
  • planning (development own projects and behavioral strategies, as well as the ability to efficiently plan one’s own time);
  • decision making (in-depth analysis, balanced and substantiated conclusions).

The effectiveness of mind maps

Using this technique allows you to see many previously hidden things and nuances. At the same time, new ones open creative possibilities, is involved All this helps to solve insoluble problems and find an elegant way out of the most confusing situations.

Ready-made mental maps allow you to store and constantly return to important information and goals, structure and improve your own “I”. At the same time, information presented in a radiant way is easily perceived and quickly remembered. The main work happens in the process of creating mind maps. Subsequently, one glance is enough to remember all the necessary details. This can be useful both in performing global tasks and in everyday worries when it is difficult to concentrate on the goal.

Of particular interest is the fact that every person has a completely special mental map. It is like a reflection of individual thinking, an imprint of the work of a particular brain.

Basic rules for creating mental maps

Each method has its own principles of operation and order of operation. So drawing up mental maps has own rules, which Tony Buzan himself defined:

  1. You should start with a colorful color picture in the center.
  2. All words must be written in capital letters.
  3. Structurally, all proposals must be visually related to each other.
  4. Don't use keywords too often. It is optimal to use one key per line.
  5. Pictures and familiar symbols will only add clarity to the map.
  6. It is better to use several bright colors in the project.
  7. There is no need to try to limit your own thinking. You need to record absolutely everything that comes to mind on a given topic.

Some features of constructing effective mental maps

Also, in the process of creating and using a smart map, there are several more features that require voicing and highlighting:

  • To visualize goals and objectives, you will need a sheet of standard A4 format. Then the mental map will be well perceived and will contain all the information of interest.
  • The keys should be located directly above the lines. This improves visibility.
  • Block letters must be used.
  • The length of the drawn branch must correspond to the key.

Mental map: how to make it

Creating a mind card is quite simple. After all, this is a kind of tree diagram, where the central branch represents the main idea.

First, the main idea must be determined. Then you will need a blank sheet of A4 paper. The entire mental map can easily fit on it. The subconscious will tell you how to make a tree. There should be a main idea in the middle, and from it there should be logically interconnected branches. To draw a map correctly, just follow simple rules, outlined by Tony Buzan himself. In addition, the mind map can be supplemented with numerous notes so that nothing important is missed.

As you know, we spend most of our lives learning something: at school, at a specialized institute, at work and even at home. But not everyone can remember and, most importantly, practically apply the acquired knowledge. Too large amounts of information and limited time do not allow learning and remembering information fully. One solution to such problems can be called mental maps in education. This method was used at the dawn of the development of Tony Buzan's theory and showed stunning results.

First of all, the method is useful in creating simple and memorable notes, visualizing lectures, writing coursework and essays, etc. One of the brightest examples The use of mind maps in international education is recognized by Cisco CCNA Exploration. The essence of this program is that the academy divided the entire work into several parts, chapters and subchapters. In this case, each element of learning is presented in the form of a mental map, highlighted a certain color. This greatly simplified the presentation and memorization of information, and also halved the time for teaching theory. Easy and understandable courses are especially popular among students and teachers.

Programs for creating various mental maps

We still live in an age of high and advanced technology. Now you can use not only your own creativity and creativity, but also special templates and computer utilities. There are also special programs for creating mental maps. They can be easily found on the Internet, and programs can be paid or free, complex or simple. This gives you the right to choose your own assistant. The most popular of them:

Mistakes when constructing a mind card

When you do something on your own for the first time, small blots and miscalculations are possible. The same statement applies to construction. To avoid them, you need to study the most common errors that arise during work:

  • The mental map is too complex and multi-level (it is best to use unique notes, and leave the maps as simplified and understandable as possible).
  • Same designs, colors and fonts for different levels and branches (each level and key should be appropriately highlighted to be visually distinct).
  • Lack of pictures and icons (it is these elements that ensure the functionality of the map. But you need to select them in advance).
  • Ambiguity and confusion (all elements must be logically connected. Otherwise it's just a list).