Lucarnes in the attics of private houses. Lucarne or dormer window on the roof Why do you need a dormer window?

The dormer window is nothing more than the most regular window located on the roof of the house. Each of us can see it in the nearest private house with an attic, which is why it is popularly called a dormer window. But this modern name is not suitable for windows present on buildings and cathedrals built in past centuries. They are the ancestors of modern such windows. And they were named interesting word- lucarna.

Dormer window photo

Lucarna: what is it?

A dormer window or a lucarne are the same thing, but they are separated by a time frame. Lucarne was widely used in the architecture of the 19th-20th centuries, but it is known that it began to be used back in the 15th century in England on roofs with a pointed structure. Lucarna has its own distinctive features- this is a superstructure on the roof of the house, in the facade of which a window was installed. The façade itself was decorated with lush stucco and was the hallmark of the entire house. Later this unique architectural element began to be used on the roofs of rich houses and seemed to signal the status of its owners.

Lucarne window photo

The word lucarne is French, but has a Latin origin from the word lux - light. Practical significance of the design: at that time it was the only way to provide lighting in the attic space, if torches and candles were excluded.

Lucarna photo

Dormer window: why is it called that and what is it for?

A dormer window is already a domestic name for a window on the roof; it is designed less pompously and rather carries primarily practical significance than aesthetic. There are two versions of why this window was named that way:

First version: Previously, the word “rumor” had a slightly different meaning and meant an opening, a hole. Which explains the purpose of such a window - illumination with natural light and ventilation of the room.

Second version is directly connected with the name of the master Slukhov, who managed the roofing work at the Moscow Manege during the reign of Alexander I. According to this version, the roof of the building was initially built without a ventilation system, which led to its deformation under the influence of external natural conditions. Later, when the tsar himself found out about this, Slukhov soon corrected the situation by building windows that were named after him.

Dormer window photo

Dormer window on the roof photo

Dormer window on the roof: shape and design features

A traditional dormer window with its entire structure, when viewed from the side, resembles a house. After all, it has exactly its shape, so the lucarne not only performs the function of lighting and ventilation, but also increases the space in the attic. In addition, opening such windows is much easier, since they are used for swing frames, and not sliding, as with modern roof windows installed in the plane of the roof. That's why they are called vertical dormer windows.

Dormer window on the roof photo

Such a lucarne window can be located in any part of the roof modern house, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the main plane or the end plane. Its size and shape are also determined by the design features of the roof and the exterior style of the entire house. The height of the roof and the area of ​​the attic are also taken into account. And of course they are not built on roofs with a small angle of inclination.


Another type of hatch is a recessed window into the superstructure structure. This is usually done on large windows for the construction of a balcony. The only disadvantage of this design is that it does not increase the living space. Therefore, it is only relevant in attics large area.

Lucarna photo

A dormer window can also be made into the plane of the roof, which gives them the right to be called dormer windows. They are good because they do not form additional design on the roof, which in turn makes it easier to clear it of snow in winter period. Also, such windows increase the level of illumination in the attic by exactly half. Therefore, it is not recommended to place them on the sunny side of the roof, but they are very welcome on the shady side. But it is worth saying that such windows require good waterproofing with a precipitation drainage system and, of course, are supplied with no less high-quality thermal insulation.

Roof window photo

It is also worth saying that lucarne windows can have a wide variety of shapes, in addition to traditional squares and rectangles, in architecture you can also find them in triangular, polygonal, round and oval shapes. This diversity is explained by the peculiarities of the exterior style.

Lucarne on the roof

Dormer windows or lucarne windows have firmly entered the architecture of suburban private construction. It is worth saying that they can be built on an already erected house, you just need to change the design rafter system. Well, when constructing them, it is worth strictly focusing on the features of the roof and, in general, taking into account the entire architecture of the building.

Dormer window on the roof photo

A dormer window on a roof is nothing more than an architectural structure on a slope that performs certain functions. Another name for this element is lucarne (from the Latin lucerna - lamp, French spelling lucarne). The frame of the lucarne is usually located in the same plane as the facade wall, and can often serve as its continuation.

Initially, such windows were conceived as a way to ventilate the space under the roof. But gradually they became important element architecture, enlivening the overall perception. At a time when attics began to be rebuilt into residential attics, the skylights became a source of natural light.

Types of dormer windows

The main types of dormer windows that may occur are presented in the following table:

Gable Single-pitch
Single-pitch Valmovoe
Flat French Arched with glazing of the entire opening
Triangular Arched
Arched Built-in
With side walls and pediment outside the façade With side walls and pediment in the plane of the facade

Based on the main types, we will highlight the most common:

  • Flat roof lucarne. A drain is provided for such a window, so it is made with a roof slope of 5 to 15°.
  • Quadrangular window with pitched roof. The main difference with the previous version is that it has an angle of inclination of 15° and higher. The roof of such hatches can be rectangular, end or trapezoid.
  • Gable hatch. In Germany, such a window was called a “gnome house.”
  • Triangular dormer.
  • Semicircular window. It has various names: “frog mouth”, “ bat", "bull's eye", "pike window", the difference between which lies mainly in the degree of smoothness of the roof wave. "Bat" - has a smooth wave, "bull's eye" - has a steeper wave and an oval window. The curved shape of the side walls allows them to fit harmoniously into the roof and give the entire building a special, unusual appearance.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Semicircular dormer window

Let's start with a more labor-intensive option, a semicircular hatch. "Bull's eye" is a stylish implementation that can significantly increase the cost of work and get the least amount of daylight in the attic or attic space. On the other side of the scale is the absence of blind corners where snow could accumulate, and good drainage of rainwater. The second main advantage is its attractive appearance. Bullish is mounted very rarely, so uniqueness is guaranteed. This roof decoration looks very beautiful, harmonious and functional.

Making a semi-circular version significantly increases the overall cost of making the roof. This is due to additional costs for design, work of roofers and the purchase of special materials. Windows used non-standard shape also more expensive than standard ones.

Lucarna bull's eye

The design of such a dormer window in the roof requires careful attention to detail. It is important to maintain proportions.

How to make a drawing? First of all, you need to establish the length and height of the hatch opening (segments ac- half the length and bc). From point a a straight line is drawn perpendicular to the base and a segment is marked on it ad = ac. Around the point d draw a circle with radius ad. On the segment ab the point of intersection with the circle is marked ( e). Next, draw a straight line from the point d through the point e to the point of intersection with the line on which the segment is located bc. Intersection point - f. Around this point the following circle with radius is drawn fe. Tracing the curve aeb you can see the outline of a bull's eye. The other part emerges similarly.

Construction of the “bull’s eye” begins only after complete assembly truss structure. Then unnecessary elements are removed from it and wooden circles are installed (structural elements used to give it an arched shape). IN in this case it is cornice board semicircular dormer window. The structure of the bull's-eye slope is formed by spacer bars, on one side attached to the horizontal bars between the rafters, and on the other side resting on the gable wall. Next, the sheathing and counter-lattice are installed - the basis for the finishing coating.

Two options for the bull's eye design:

A design made of curvilinear shapes - circled.

Curvilinear elements are made using separate templates. The upper part of the structure is covered with a rigid sheathing made of flexible plywood, roofing cardboard and fastens the curved elements of the trusses. Jumpers are installed in place of the cut rafters, transferring the load to the adjacent rafters.

Tent structure.

The front wall of the hatch is made in the same way as in the previous version from circles. Next, rafters are laid from the lintel to the beam.

For a semicircular window, you need to choose one roofing material, which will evenly cover curved surfaces. Coatings made from small elements such as slate and even straw will be optimal. You can also use ceramic groove tiles. But, it will require higher qualifications and skill during installation. The number of tiles in one row should be the same as those below it. Therefore, you need to choose the correct laying density in different areas.

Single-pitched dormer window

The simplest and most common form of lucarne is a window with pitched roof. IN classic version the window and the roof above it are rectangular. There are options when the top or end wall made in the form of a trapezoid. For these structures, it is necessary that the angle of inclination of the main roof be sufficiently large. As a rule, dormer roofs are covered with the same material as the main roof. When using tiles, it is recommended to make the upper junction of the window one or two rows of tiles from the ridge. This will give a more balanced appearance and improve protection against rainwater penetration.

Dormer window with pitched roof

One of the varieties of the type considered is a dormer window with a flat roof (with a slope of 5 - 15°). Its main task is to let the maximum amount of light and air into the room. Drainage is carried out using a gutter.

For the first time, such lucarnes began to appear in the ancient cities of Germany for the banal reason of overpopulation. People, in order to get additional living space, began to use roof reserves. And lucarna with gable roof provided the greatest amount of space and light. In addition, they significantly transform appearance the entire building in better side. Over time, lucarnes, along with balconies, bay windows, turrets and roof decorations, acquired great architectural significance.

For the form under consideration there are about seven different names, used in different parts Germany: “saddle-shaped”, “pitched”, “roof house”, “Friesian”, “gnome house”, “lukarna”. These structures can be found on many ancient buildings and architectural monuments. In Germany, there are laws to protect the architectural appearance of the city, and when reconstructing buildings, the developer is obliged to recreate the appearance of the dormer window.

Dormer window with gable roof

Variations in performance different styles the following:

  • With or without cornice overhang.
  • With or without gable projection.
  • With or without gutters.

The roof of such a window is most often made of the same material as the main one. Side and gable walls can be finished various materials(slate, wood, plaster). Perfect option, the gable lucarne has one window opening. Horizontal design, consisting of several windows, looks too wide and bulky. It is also worth considering that the angle of inclination of the lucarne rafters should be comparable to the angle of inclination of the main roof.

Lucarna with hip roof - This is one of the types of structures with a gable roof. Its front slope is usually set at the same angle as the main roof, creating a more graceful appearance. At the same time, usable space is preserved. It is preferable to cover such lucarnes with metal, but the use of ceramics and slate is possible. This type typical of the northern regions of Germany, where hip roofs are very common in architecture.

Triangular dormer

Small triangular or, as they are also called, “acute-angled” auditory openings were originally used for ventilation or as small light sources for the attic space. pitched roofs. Triangular hatches can often be found on historical buildings. When designing them, it is important that they are not too large or too small to integrate seamlessly into the main concept. The angle of inclination should be approximately the same as the angle of inclination of the main roof. The main task of the triangular hatch is to let in as much air and light as possible into the attic, while creating extra space is not a priority. The advantage is that it can be installed at a higher level.

Triangular dormer

Having considered the main types of hatches, we highlight that there are no strict design rules. Their location and size depend on the individual preferences of the designer and current innovations in architecture. It is very important to decide what function the dormer window on the roof will perform - decorative or practical. In any case, the design should look harmonious in in general terms building, do not be located too close to the ridge or eaves of the roof, as well as to the gables (sides). It is necessary to maintain a minimum distance between two windows - 0.8 m. A smaller distance complicates installation roofing and promotes the formation of snow bags.

Often additional vertical racks are provided. If the layout of the attic does not allow the presence of such racks, then reinforced unsupported purlins are installed (for example, in the form of double rafter legs or beams made of laminated wood) and support side walls lucarny on them. Wooden frame The walls are filled with insulation - usually slabs of stone or glass fiber, which are placed spaced between the frame elements. In places where the lucar frame joins the rafters, it is necessary to use trimmed slabs, carefully compacting them during installation. According to a number of experts, this is a problematic unit in the hatch design.

The thickness of the insulation layer in the hatch structure should be the same as in the main roof structure

Even with high-quality execution installation work It is possible that there may be gaps between the slabs and the wooden frame, which can lead to freezing of the lucarne walls in these areas. Moreover, the application alternative materials, capable of creating a continuous thermal insulation layer (for example, sprayed polyurethane foam or blown ecowool), is not economically justified if the main roof is insulated with stone or glass fiber slabs.

From the inside of the room, the fiber insulation is covered vapor barrier film(fixing it with staples or nails to the rafters), on top of which the base for finishing is fixed, and then the finishing itself. The vapor barrier is laid with an overlap of at least 100 mm; the overlaps and junctions of the films are sealed with special materials (single- and double-sided tapes, adhesives, pastes). On the street side, the thermal insulation is covered with a hydro-windproof membrane (it is also fixed with staples or nails), then a counter-lattice is usually installed, and then a substructure for exterior finishing and the finishing itself. The countergrid allows you to provide ventilation gap size 30-50 mm. In terms of design, the roof of the hatch in most cases does not differ from the main roof of the building and also requires a layer of insulation between the rafters, a vapor barrier, hydro-wind protection, a ventilation gap formed by a counter-lattice, a lath (solid or stepwise), on top of which the roof is laid. Vapor barrier and ventilation gap - measures necessary to protect the insulation and wooden elements from humidification due to condensation of water vapor rushing from the attic towards the street.


The hatch is an obstacle to the movement of air in the structure of the main roof, therefore ventilation elements must be provided before and after the hatch

An important question when constructing lucarne walls: how to organize the flow and exhaust of air from the ventilation gap?

One of the options is to connect the ventilation ducts in the walls of the hatch with the ventilation ducts of the slope located under it, as well as with the ventilation ducts available in the roof of the hatch. Then the air will enter under the roof at the overhang of its eaves, move through the ventilation gaps and be removed either through a ventilated ridge on the skylight roof, or - if it is unventilated - through the ridge of the main roof, to which air from the skylight roof should flow freely. (For this purpose, the roof hatches provide, in particular, breaks in the line of counter-lattice bars so that air can freely penetrate from one rafter span to another.)

Hatch design:
1. Wooden frame. 2. Thermal insulation layer. 3. Vapor barrier. 4. Internal lining. 5. Water and wind protection. 6. Counter grille. 7. Lathing. 8. External cladding

Let us recall that the flow of air under the roof of the lucarne is carried out through the gaps on the overhang of its eaves or holes in its pediment. If lucarna small size, and in the attic there is no room with high humidity, then, according to some experts, it is possible to do without ventilation of its structure at all, provided high-quality insulation and creating a reliable vapor barrier.

Let us also note this point: the hatch itself is an obstacle to the movement of air in the ventilation gap of the main roof, and therefore, to enhance its inflow and exhaust, additional ventilation elements are installed on the roof slope (aerators, ventilation tiles, etc.). They are placed before and after the hatchway. The more lucars there are on the roof, the more difficult it is to achieve complete ventilation of its structure.

“The walls and roof of the skylight are adjacent to the roof slope of the building, and the places of these junctions are quite complex from the point of view of design and installation. To avoid problems during operation of the house, we can recommend that the customer require design organization detailed drawing of the lucar structure, and also involve only professional roofing companies for its construction. Thus, it is very important to correctly complete the area where the valley formed by the lucarne slope and the eaves overhang of this slope converge. Often, unscrupulous contractors do not glue the overlaps of the waterproof and windproof film here, construct the valley itself in violation of technology, do poor-quality lining of the eaves overhang, etc. Meanwhile, snow “bags” form in this area in winter, and during a thaw there is a danger of capillary penetration of moisture under the roof. Only correct and careful execution roofing works will help avoid leaks in this area.”

Lucaren roofs come in a variety of shapes.

They can be single-, gable-, gable-hip (with triangular slopes), semi-circular, with a curved surface (they are called “bat”, “bull’s eye”), etc. Depending on the architect’s plan, the roof of the hatch can be covered with the same roofing material, the same as the main roof, and others. At the same time, difficulties may arise when arranging the roof of the lucaren.

Thus, it is often problematic to use large-format or high-profile materials - ceramic and metal tiles (regular or composite), corrugated bitumen or asbestos cement sheets etc. It is more convenient to use coatings laid in a seam manner (copper, zinc-titanium), as well as materials in the form of low-profile or flat tiles - ceramic or cement-sand tiles (in particular, “beaver tail”), slate, flexible tiles, piece elements made of copper or zinc-titanium (diamonds, rectangles, plates in the shape of a “beaver tail”), etc. When installing the roof, you should be especially careful when connecting the lucarne covering to the covering of the main roof.

So, if the roof of the lucarne is gable, then at the point where its slopes meet the roof of the building two valleys appear. It is important to ensure the tightness of the roof both in the valley itself and at the junction of the lower edge of the valley with the slope of the main roof, as well as in the area where the roof adjoins the walls of the skylight (using different solutions for this depending on the type of roofing material: for example, in the case of ceramic or cement-sand tiles– grooves made of painted aluminum or galvanized steel, corrugated tapes made of aluminum, lead, copper, special profile metal clamping strips, etc.).

When there are several lucarnets located close to each other on the roof, large snow “pockets” form between them and the risk of leaks under the roof increases due to the capillary rise of melt water in the places where the lucarne adjoins the roof of the building.

An alternative to skylights are those installed on roofs with a slope of 15 to 90 degrees. Their frame and sash are most often made of laminated wood. Double-glazed windows are usually single-chamber, energy-saving. To ensure a tight connection between the window and the roof, as well as to drain rainwater from the window, the window is equipped with a flashing (in standard version– aluminum with polymer coating), suitable for a specific roofing material. A combination of windows can be installed on the roof.

Add-ons various shapes above the roof or built into it flat windows are called auditory. In ancient times, this type of roof window became known as a lucarne, and even today many people call it that way.

Nowadays, a lucarne or dormer window is mainly considered as a stylish and unusual decorative detail on the roof of a house. However, many people forget that, in addition to its beauty, this roofing element performs many practical tasks. In this article, “Dream House” will tell you about the history of lucarne, its varieties and characteristics.

What is lucarne and when did it appear?

A lucarney is usually called a superstructure over a slope attic roof with a window on the facade. This design is also called a “dormer” or roof window. Lucarnies have become a calling card architectural style, dominant at the turn of the late Gothic and early Renaissance. In this era, the attic window was only beautiful decorative element and the only way to ventilate the attic of the building.

It was not uncommon for the façade of the hatch to be decorated with rich gilding and mosaic masonry. In many European countries, distinctive house signs were installed on it. In England it is closer to XVI century The dormer window has become a mandatory component of the home of rich people. And in France this roofing element It was customary to equip castles and palaces.

Perhaps the skylight window would have remained only a decorative element, giving the building pretentiousness and pretentiousness, but gradually the population of Europe began to increase, which created a need for additional living space. Based on the need that arose, the authorities decided to make attic spaces residential, and the window opening in the roof became the only opportunity to illuminate and ventilate the rooms under the roof. And even in our time, attic floors are often used as living spaces, so lucarna is not only an opportunity to bring a touch of flair to your home classic styles, but also an important functional element.

The types and characteristics of lucarenes vary depending on design features, as well as window shapes. The most common classification is the following: skylights:

  • Flat roof. The slope of the roof in this case ranges from 5 to 15 degrees. The design features of the hatch with a flat roof allow maximum illumination and ventilation of the room. However, for comfortable operation such a dormer window must be equipped.
  • With a pitched roof. In this case, the roof slope is at least 15 degrees. Depending on decorative purposes, the shape of the roof can be either rectangular or trapezoidal.
  • With a gable roof. Dormer window with gable roof maximizes space attic floor, in connection with which, this type of hatch is most often installed in residential premises.
  • With hip roof. This type of dormer windows is equipped with a gable roof, which allows you to maximize the size of the usable space.
  • Triangular, round and semicircular windows. As a rule, windows of unusual geometric shapes are used to give the building a certain style. They fit perfectly into the overall roof, interestingly changing its shape.

Characteristics of lucaren

Nowadays, a roof window is most often installed either during the reconstruction of ancient buildings, or for the purpose of maximum use usable area attic floor. In the second case, when designing a hatchway, it is very important to take into account the main functional tasks - the possibility, additional lighting and comfortable ventilation.

The size and shape of the dormer window is determined depending on the design features of the roof. In addition, even at the design stage, it is important to decide on the place where the hatch will be located, because its functionality largely depends on this.

For example, hatches located in the end attic walls differ high convenience operation, however, it makes no sense to consider them as a source of additional lighting.

Windows located vertically are recommended to be installed on very low roofs, when, due to the small angle of inclination, they literally hang over the house. A vertical dormer window allows you to increase the area and degree of illumination. However, design features This hatchway changes the geometry of the roof, which complicates the process of clearing snow and disrupts the air exchange in the room. To reduce these problems, it is imperative to install a drainage system along with the window. The vertical lucarne window gives the building a certain bulkiness and pomp, which is why they are most often erected on large country houses. But dormers of this type fit quite harmoniously into literally any architectural style.

Another type of vertical skylight are the so-called “recessed” skylights. Their difference from the previous type of dormer window is manifested only in the fact that the window leaf itself is mounted deep into the structure. “Recessed” hatches are most convenient to use in cases where it is necessary to provide access to a terrace or balcony. However, they provide virtually no additional lighting.

The most popular roof window is the inclined type. The peculiarity of this design is that the angle of inclination of the window follows the angle of inclination of the roof, due to which the illumination attic premises increases by an average of 50%. Since in this case lucarne acts as component, it does not destroy the geometry of the roof and does not introduce disharmony into its shape. However, it must be taken into account that it is almost impossible to install a skylight yourself, because its installation must include waterproofing, protective procedures, and insulation. In addition, you should not place the dormer window on sunny side at home, because in this case the lighting will be too bright.

Regardless of the types and shapes, lucarne is always original decoration Houses. However, it is extremely important that this design harmoniously fits into the style and color of the roof, creating a coherent ensemble with it.

A vertically oriented window in a dome or roof slope, closed on three sides: top and sides, is called a lucar window (facade window). The opening, as a rule, is located in the same (or parallel) plane with façade wall. Often lucarnes visually continue the facade walls.

The facade window performs some purely utilitarian functions, but besides this, it is an important element of the building’s exterior. It is often decorated with various decorative elements such as stucco, carved frames etc. Giving additional expressiveness to the appearance of the entire building, the lucarne allows you to enter the attic or attic space sun rays, and provides access to the roof surface for repair or maintenance work.

Lucarne classification

Let's look at several main varieties of lucarnes:

Lucarne with a flat roof. A roof with a slope of up to 15 degrees is considered flat. A hatch integrated into such a roof allows daytime illuminate the attic (attic) with natural light and ventilate the room. If necessary, through such a hatch you can get out to the roof (or back). But at the same time, it is necessary to provide protection for the opening from rainwater entering it, for which the roof of the hatch itself is usually equipped with its own drainage system. Window openings lucarne on flat roofs usually have the shape of a rectangle or square.

Lucarne with a pitched roof. Here the roof slope angle exceeds 15 degrees.

Lucarne with a gable roof. This type of roof allows you to turn the attic into a full-fledged and comfortable room, including living space. The width of the window opening here is usually 1 - 1.5 m, which ensures sufficient natural light during the daytime. IN big houses sometimes they make lucarnes with a window width of up to 3 m. This is not very rational, because with such large sizes Lucarne's own roof extends beyond internal space attic, as a result of which the illumination of the room is slightly reduced.

Lucarne with three roof slopes. Lucarnes of this type are distinguished by the complex contours of the ceiling.

Types of window openings

The shape of the window opening of a façade window is determined by the wishes of the customer (or designer), with mandatory consideration of the roof design capabilities. The most common are the following geometric shapes windows in skylights:

  • rectangle, square;
  • triangle;
  • circle;
  • oval (the so-called “bull’s eye”);
  • semicircle.

The elliptical or oval shape of the windows is lucarne and is sometimes also called “frog mouth” and “bull’s eye”. Typically, such hatches are mounted on roofs coated with ceramics, tiles and other similar materials. This form is good because it prevents the accumulation of snow during the winter, and at other times of the year it ensures unhindered water flow. Oval (ellipse) is easily integrated into basic design roofs. An additional advantage is the uniqueness appearance such windows and giving the building an individual style.

Oval hatches also have disadvantages. The total window area is too small for lighting interior space. And the installation of such windows is quite complicated, so its cost is relatively high.

Triangle. Windows of this shape are usually installed in small auxiliary rooms, such as storage rooms, wardrobes, corridors and bathrooms. The triangular shape for a window is not very convenient, as it creates some problems: it is inconvenient to open the shutters, it is difficult to select curtains or blinds for such a window. Large triangular windows are used in lucarnes to form original style the interior of the attic and the exterior of the building.

Sometimes there are lucarnes with pentagon-shaped openings. This is only possible on flat roofs with a slight slope. Such hatches have enough complex design own roof. It must have at least two slopes.

Functional Features

  • very advantageous from an aesthetic point of view;
  • the size of the area of ​​the sloping wall of the attic is reduced;
  • the implementation of the hatch roof structure entails increased labor intensity in creating such a project;
  • the amount of light entering through such a window is 30-40 percent less than with a dormer window of the same dimensions. The lighting of the interior is quite specific. The niche created by the hatch in the immediate vicinity of the window will be illuminated very well, but as you move away from the window, the illumination will drop sharply, down to the level of twilight in the places furthest from the window opening. The uniformity of lighting in a room depends on a whole range of factors, such as the steepness of the roof slope, the design and finishing of the side walls, etc.

Design specifics

  • With a slight roof slope (up to 1 to 5), the ratio of the window and floor areas in the room should be 1 to 6 – 1 to 8.
  • The preferred window sill height is 0.85-0.9 m.
  • It is best to keep the height of the opening for windows within 1.2 - 1.5 m.
  • The window must be wide enough to ensure a normal level and uniformity of lighting in the room, as well as to create the effect visual expansion space. The recommended window width (if there are 2 or more windows with partitions, then their total width is assumed) is half the total width of the room and above.