Who incited the civil war

In post-Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks were accused of inciting the Civil War. They say they overthrew the “legitimate” Provisional Government, dispersed constituent Assembly, with their decrees they destroyed the bourgeois-democratic republic that had begun to take shape. They destroyed democratic Russia, which was following the path of reunification with European civilization. They unleashed the “Red Terror”, destroying the best part of the Russian people: the aristocracy, nobility, clergy, Russian intelligentsia, merchants and the bourgeoisie as a whole.

At the same time, Tsar Nicholas and his family were killed. This made it possible to createthe myth that it was the Bolsheviks who destroyed the autocracy, overthrew the Tsar and destroyed the Russian Empire.And then, in order to retain power and create their own “bloody” totalitarian empire (in the West it would later be called the “evil empire”), they drowned the country in blood. The attempts of the “noble” whites to save Russia, “one and indivisible,” failed due to excessive “chivalry.” The Reds acted cruelly and bloodily, they were not afraid massacres. They drove crowds of peasants into their army, placed barrage detachments of internationalist revolutionaries (Chinese, Hungarians, Latvians, etc.) in the rear, and overwhelmed the small white troops with “cannon fodder.”

Thus, the Bolsheviks allegedly staged a bloody Troubles in Rus', which led to the death of “old Russia,” millions of victims and the creation of a “bloody” Red Empire, a “Soviet concentration camp.” This myth is very beneficial to the West, as it allows it to solve a wide range of problems. Firstly, to morally suppress the Russian people, to make them forever “guilty” of all possible and impossible sins. It turns out that the USSR was not the most advanced country on the planet, having made a leap forward for hundreds of years in creating a fair order in the interests of the people, but a “concentration camp” where the “best part” of the Russian people was exterminated and only “scoop slaves” remained.

Secondly, use this myth in information war against Russia, force them to make excuses, apologize. To create an image of the Russian “evil empire”, “Russian Mordor” in the eyes of the Western public. This makes it possible to use any methods in the fight against Russia and justify them in advance. They say that with “Russian subhumans (orcs)” it is impossible to do otherwise.

Thirdly, you can constantly pit Russians against small nations that still remain within Russia, or peoples that were separated during the collapse of the Union and the Russian Empire, and were also part of the socialist camp. Speculate on the topic of “Russian (Soviet) occupation”, unjust deportation, Russian colonialism, etc. It was already agreed that Stalin’s empire was worse than Hitler’s Reich and the Red Army did not liberate Europe, but “occupied it”. Also present all sorts of bills to Russia for “occupation” and “colonization.” All this is done easily, since in Russia itself the Soviet period of history is considered by a significant part of the “elite” to be lost and flawed.

Fourthly, you can conduct information work according to the final “recoding” (programming) of the top Russian Federation. She is gradually being declared the heir to the elite of the Russian Empire, removing the Soviet period. And for the “new nobles” in the West, partners. The USSR is a “mistake of history.” Russia is the periphery of Western (European) civilization, and not a separate, original Russian civilization. A bourgeois-democratic, capitalist, and essentially neo-slave-owning system is normal.

In reality, the Russian Troubles of 1917-1920. was caused by two determining factors. The first is the thousand-year confrontation between Rus' and the West. The masters of the West have been building a world slave order from century to century - this is their main goal. Complete, absolute submission of man to the will of the “chosen masters.”

Therefore, the masters of the West, seeing the weakness of the Russian Empire and the Romanov project (which was generally aimed at merging with the “enlightened West”), which was shown during the Crimean War, the war with Japan and the First Revolution, relied on destruction Tsarist Russia. All methods and tools were used: from dragging Russia into a suicidal world war and the destructive actions of diplomats and intelligence services until the activation of a numerous “fifth column”, which was provided with organizational and material support in organizing the revolution.

The main detonator for the destruction of the Russian Empire was the First World War, unleashed by the masters of France, England and the USA. The war was supposed to destroy the old empires - Russian, Austro-Hungarian, German and Turkish. This made it possible to build a “new world order” based on “democratic values.” In reality, all real power belonged to financial capital- “golden elite” (“financial international”, “masters of money”, “world behind the scenes”, etc.). “Democratically elected” presidents, prime ministers, governments, parliaments, governors, senators and deputies were only a screen for the real owners of the planet.

The war made it possible to blow up Russia, weakened by internal problems, from the inside. The second factor that destroyed the Russian Empire and autocracy was fundamental internal contradictions. If the body of the Russian Empire were healthy, no external “viruses” could destroy it.

The West has already tried more than once to crush the Russian state, but all its attacks were repulsed - the war with the Swedish Empire, the invasion of Napoleon's pan-European army, the Decembrist uprising, the Eastern (Crimean) War, the attacks of Persia and Turkey provoked by Westerners. However, by the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. it became clear that Russian empire seriously ill. The contradictions and fault lines that had accumulated over centuries had to be resolved by a “revolution from above,” otherwise unrest was inevitable. Nicholas I and Alexander III“froze” the empire, holding back destructive processes. Under Alexander II they tried to follow the path of liberalization and western path– the development of capitalist and bourgeois relations, which only “rocked the boat.”

Under Nicholas II, Russia approached the “breaking point.” It was necessary to resolve the pressing problems, or they and the beginning of the lag behind the advanced Western powers and cultural (the elite spoke Western languages, preferred to live in Western capitals, dressed in Western fashion, etc.), financial and technological dependence on them, made Russia a semi-colony. The government of Nikolai Alexandrovich pursued a contradictory policy - at the same time it tried to “freeze” the situation and reform Russia, indulging the Westernizers. This completely destabilized the situation. At the same time, St. Petersburg allowed the West to pit us against Japan, which became a rehearsal for world war and showed the Westerners the weakness of Russia. They were able to suppress the first revolution, but it was clear that a new big war could lead to a powerful social explosion and unrest. The most far-sighted people in Russia understood this very well - Stolypin, Durnovo, Rasputin, Alexei Vandam, but they were not heard. And Stolypin and Rasputin, who could influence the tsar, were physically eliminated. As a result, Russia was pitted against Germany, which allowed the masters of the West to organize February and crush the autocracy.

The masters of the West would not have been able to destroy the autocracy and empire of the Romanovs if Russia had not been ripe for this. Under the Romanovs, “mines” were laid in Russia, which led to the disaster of 1917. There were several main such “mines”. Firstly, under Nikon and later (especially under Peter I), Russian Orthodoxy underwent a split and was emasculated, losing its fiery essence. The best part of the Russian people - the Old Believers, with their ethics of conscience and spiritual purity, hard work, refusal of dope - tobacco and alcohol, were excluded from common life, subjected to severe repression and eventually created their own world. Nikonian Orthodoxy has become official, a form without content. Russia has lost its “connection with heaven,” its spiritual nourishment. By 1917, the bulk of the population was indifferent to Christianity, only outwardly being Christians (by the end of the existence of the USSR, the same thing happened with communist ideology, which led to the disaster of 1985-1993). Hence the catastrophe of 1917 and subsequent years, when churches and monasteries were destroyed, the clergy were destroyed, and the mass of people looked on with indifference. The clergy lost the “holy spirit” (except for individual righteous people and elders) and ceased to be one of the pillars of the Russian state.

Thirdly, the Romanovs split the people not only into Nikonians and Old Believers, but also into “European nobles” and the rest of the people (more than 90%). The top of society “lived in Europe” - spoke German, French and English languages, dressed in European fashion, lived for a long time in Western Europe(often and most of my life), read European literature, admired European achievements of art, science and technology, built palaces (instead of schools, factories and railways). And the means for " beautiful life"were sucked out of Russia and the people. The common people as a whole have preserved Russian culture and language.

Other mistakes arose from these fundamental mistakes. In particular, foreign policy Petersburg was often in the interests European capitals– Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London, not the Russian people. Russian soldiers were often used as “cannon fodder”. For example, a series of wars with France and Napoleon were in the interests of Austria, Prussia and England. But the Russians and French had no reason to kill each other. The First World War decided the global interests of the masters of the West, the strategic interests of the United States, Great Britain, and France. The Russians and Germans had no reason to kill each other.

Thus, the forces and resources, the time of Russia and the Russian people were wasted in the name of other people's interests. Although Russia's global interests were in the South and East. Russia had to solve the thousand-year task of conquering Constantinople-Constantinople and the straits. To secure the Caucasus, including the Armenian regions remaining under the Turks, to reach the southern seas in Persia and India. In the East - preserve and develop Russian America (the sale of Russian America is one of the most serious strategic mistakes of the Romanovs), taking control of the northern part Pacific Ocean, to gain a firm foothold in Korea and China. Japan could be our partner and ally, helping to contain the Anglo-Saxons in the Pacific Ocean. That is, the Romanov empire missed the opportunity to launch the process of Russian globalization. With the simultaneous accelerated development of the Russian North, Siberia, the Far East and Turkestan.

Not to mention the need to develop Russian education and science, educate the entire people, accelerated industrialization, resolve land and labor issues, eliminate imbalances in national politics (in particular, Finnish and Polish issues). The Romanovs did not do all this, which caused the collapse of their project. The Bolsheviks resolved these problems and contradictions.

To be continued…

Another piece of news from Western business tycoons caused a response attack of nausea. On American television, Stepan (Stephen) Rockefeller said that World War III is inevitable. Someone may be indignant: “Styopa, the Holocaust is not enough for you?!” That's the point; for businessmen, death alone is not enough. Rockefeller’s orders are read clearly, although camouflaged as “expert assessments”: “The current situation reminds me of the situation that existed at the beginning of the 20th Century before the First World War. We see two alliances of powerful states (USA, EU and Russia, China, Iran) that strive for dominance and do not want to yield to each other. Never in history has anything like this ended peacefully. I am sure there will be a Third World War." Rockefeller spoke about previous methods of influencing the USSR as follows: “Current Russia is absolutely unlike the USSR. The Soviet Union consisted of republics that could be pushed to secede, explaining that it would be better to live alone. Which is exactly what happened. But let’s speak objectively, the majority of the population of these republics did not live better, so I believe that separatist sentiments in Russia are doomed to failure.” This makes me happy. But Rockefeller’s final message is still quite clear and unambiguous: “You need to negotiate with the Russians, or there will be war. I believe that it will not be possible to reach an agreement.” A world war is a huge undertaking. Careless “experts” believe that such wars are allegedly fought over resources ( Natural resources). Let’s laugh together at such “experts,” because all resources have long been conquered by one single clan on the planet - the Romanov-Windsor-Hohenzollern-Habsburg clan, etc. (See “Who is fighting the war? The alignment of world forces”). This is a single royal family that rules the entire planet Earth. From now on we will call them after the German Nicholas II we are accustomed to – “Romanovs” (see “From religion to the Federal Reserve System: who controls the world”). There is no other clan alternative to the Romanov clan on the planet. The German Romanovs took power over the Earth as a result of the world war of 1857 - 1957, before the German Alexander II opened the borders of the Russian Empire, and then migrants (mainly Jews and other people of color) cut out the color of the Russian people, establishing their power (see “ To whom did Tsar Alexander II give Russian gold? In my book “Turn of the Moon” (2016), I described in detail how and who carried out revolutionary politics in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, and showed that all these revolutionaries who threw dust of “independence” into the eyes of the people, in fact, at the very first year of their dictatorship, they sold off Russian property to Western vultures. The first dollar billionaire to rise from the mountain of the Russian people was Tsarevich Alexey - Alexey Kosygin (see “Fed gold found: face to face with Kosygin”). In the 20s of the 20th century, he led the London concession, which exported 97 percent of metals and precious stones . Later, the prince was received by the presidents of the countries, and even the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II herself. It was with Kosygin that the collapse of the USSR began. This was the planned slaughter of the country. Some comrades are accustomed to seeing Nicholas II and the Romanovs in general as the true kings of Russia. I do not try to convince such comrades: someone who is accustomed to licking the boots of a foreign army will no longer be able to tear off his tongue. But young people, not yet saturated with the fictions of various khaganates, must understand that the truth is that Russia should be a free and independent country, and the Romanovs would continue to rule the Germans and Israel - the Turkic khaganates. Rice. Rothschild coat of arms. In my book "The Metaphysics of Power" I showed that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are the main servants of the Romanov sea otter, and together these three forces make up the RRR triumvirate: the Rothschilds - lit. “Red Power” – controls armies and gold. Rockefellers - lit. “Fields of the Dead” – control religions and oil. Romanovs - lit. “Masters of the border (Romans)” - control the wars between armies and religions, as well as the money raised in these wars. The picture shows the coat of arms of the Rothschild group. On this coat of arms, what I said above is written in the official hieroglyphic letter. At the top left is depicted Koschey in the form of a dragon - the owner of the Killing Fields (Champs Elysees). At the top right and diagonally, Perun’s hand with a beam of lightning is depicted - this is the symbolism of the Army. Below on the right is a red (killing) dragon of the Romanov coat of arms. The red (military) shield of the Rothschilds is placed in the center. Officially, the Rockefellers do not have their own coat of arms. But with their power they cover the entire NIZ, all the Lower Lands. The Rockefellers control blacks, Novgorodians, Neapolitans, Norwegians, etc. All these designations have the same meaning - “bottom”. Otherwise, the Lower Lands are called the patrimony of Koshchei - this is Kazan, Cossacks, Kazakhstan, Khazaria, the Caucasus, etc. And here the root is common. It means the name – “Kosh (Koshchey)”. The Rothschilds are an army, the Red Army. These are the warriors of Hell (Hebrew hell - “red”). These are the destroyers of Rus'. Their coat of arms depicts a red shield, or shield, which means army "power". The World War is a mythological action between the Black House of Rockefeller and the Red House of Rothschild. This war is always controlled only by the kings-kings-emperors - from the house of the Romanovs. Their goal in the war is money, the rise of new fabulous wealth. Both the conquerors and the vanquished always end up in debt to the Romanovs. The first - for the supplied weapons, the second - also for the supplied weapons. World wars - the First, the Second, and the escalating Third - are commercial events on a planetary scale, through which maximum returns are achieved from peoples Money in favor of the Romanov clan. In peacetime, people work at a slow pace, and it is impossible to collect excess profits from them. But in war time, under pain of death, people work hard not for wages, but for life, and the organizers of the World War - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Romanovs - receive from the warring people everything that can be squeezed out of them. That is why Stepan (Stephen) Rockefeller does not want to negotiate with the Russians - he needs war, battle, massacre. And the spirit of this massacre is a biblical entity called GOD (lit. “fighter; one who hits; killer), and therefore the Abrahamic religions teach to FEAR God (see “The Real God Found. This is the Book”). These days the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Romanov clans are not national entities, although initially they were such. The Rothschilds are the name of the Russian people, the red, fair-haired people and rulers - the Rurikovichs, rearranged in the Jewish manner. The Rockefellers were various khans, hagans and other rulers of the colored peoples located around Rus' - Germans, Turks, Semites, French, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugrians, southern Italians, Spaniards, etc. That is why throughout the history of planet Earth there has been and continues to be a war between the only white the people – the Russians – and the rest of the colored peoples of the planet (see “The Bilderbergers will set fire to the Reichstags until the whole world burns”). The Romanovs are a new formation. They arose from the 16th century as a caste of Jewish moneylenders and rose through monetary transactions associated with wars (see “There Was No Sun Before the 16th Century?”). In every war, especially in World War II, moneylenders raise huge financial resources, which they immediately invest in war-ravaged nations - buying up corrupt post-war elites, dilapidated economies, and starving people. This achieves total control over the next conquered country. And it doesn’t matter to the Romanov clan who won and who lost in this war: both sides take loans from the same bankers to conduct hostilities, mortgaging their own countries as collateral. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, financed by the Romanovs, are leading a global world game. First, they sell fabulous loans to one country or another to achieve some kind of economic “breakthrough.” Then, through international fraud, they make it impossible to fulfill obligations on issued loans. These violations lead to increased international tension. After this, the RRR clans heat up the international situation to such an intensity that a World War breaks out. This is what gives the RRR clans the greatest benefits. It is historically attested that the personal arsonist, or the trigger of the World War, is necessarily a person from the Jewish community (Kagala). This is not happening at all because there is a negative trend on a national basis, but because this is the job of this “national” characteristic: to set fire to the war and warm its hands on it. You don’t have to look far for examples. In Russia in 1991, during the “putsch”, a team of Israeli snipers “accidentally” ended up in Moscow and worked on the civilian population from the roofs of buildings located on Novy Arbat (nos. 21, 19, etc.). Not a single “b****” from the Russian special services stood up to defend the Motherland. And all because by that time these “b****s” were already working for independent Israel and were also interested in the destruction of the USSR. It was the employees of the USSR special services who received the largest pieces from the carcass of the USSR they killed, and the enterprises of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Romanovs received complete freedom of action in territory that was previously not particularly friendly to them. I don’t say “hostile”, because the Soviet regime was also installed artificially - by the same Rothschilds under the control of the same Romanovs. Another example is Ukraine. And there, during the attack of Maidanism, Israeli snipers worked against the civilian population. And again, not a single “b****” spoke out against them. As a result, Israel gained complete control over Ukraine and is pursuing a policy of genocide of the Russian population. At the heart of the confrontation between the Red Russian people and the Black Turkic-European cluster of peoples is a fundamental difference in mentality. White and colored people only look a little alike in appearance, but the structure of their thinking and psyche is fundamentally different. There should be no comparison based on the principle of “better” or “worse”. Here you just need to state that these differences are cardinal. They are the same in structure as the differences between negative and positive electric charges. Which annihilate upon contact. Today it is already becoming clear that the official history, propagated to the masses by official authorities, is as far from the truth as darkness is from light. We will not go deeper than the 19th century, but will pay attention to its middle and end. It was then, in 1857, that the colored peoples went to war with the First World War. Russian state– which in those years was the only one on Earth. Actually, that’s why this war is called the First World War. She was the FIRST. My colleagues and I spent a long time discussing the question: why was the First World War the first war? And we came to the only conclusion that can be deduced from the entire complex of data at our disposal. Our conclusion is that only in the First World War did the colored peoples acquire a large number of warriors sufficient to attack Rus'. In former years the colored states were few in number. If you follow official statistics, the Chinese, Japanese and other South Asian peoples did not exist until the mid-19th century (see “93 percent of the world's population are clones?”; “Clones go on the offensive: China doubles its population”). There were no blacks, and there were also a small variety of Cossacks, Tatars, French, Spaniards, English, Germans, Americans, etc. Only by the middle of the 19th century were all these peoples able to reach enormous numbers and, using them, attack Russia. The problem of the sudden appearance of the British, French and other European peoples is explained by their resettlement in the 19th century from the territories of Mongoloid settlement Turkic peoples– Eastern Volga region, Siberia. That is why the British intelligence Mi-6 is pushing forward the “Tartaria” project that arose in the 19th century (the former homeland of the British, Germans and other Turks of modern Europe). But the situation with China and Southeast Asia in general is completely different. Completely inexplicable demographic processes took place here in the 19th century. The population of the region increased by leaps and bounds several dozen times. Naturally, it was impossible to achieve such a leap by any efforts of Asian women, but the phenomenon took place. And its mechanism is completely different. In Southeast Asia in the 19th century, a factory for the production of biorobots (clones) began operating. These are modern Chinese, Japanese, etc. If you look at them through the eyes of a person of that time, it was impossible to call them people. The difference was too obvious for a person of the 19th century. That is why representatives of the south were often hunted and consumed as food. The Europeans had no idea that they were hunting people. This state of affairs lasted until the 50s of the 20th century, when throughout Europe there were human zoos that housed entire families of exhibits of the Mongoloid, Negroid and Semitic-Arab types. This was a common reality in Europe at that time. It is confirmed by numerous photographs available on the Internet. Today it looks wild. We will not discuss this point; we will return to the production of clones. It is not difficult to produce huge quantities of Asian biological machines. Genetic technologies were developed and were already well enough in the 19th century to produce individuals with given parameters. But the problem was how to resettle these individuals among ordinary people? The World War was and is the best mechanism such resettlement. When trouble befalls people, they no longer distinguish between friends and strangers. For people, any creature in trouble requires help and care. Therefore, if suddenly, at a time when EVERYONE KNOWS that there is a war going on, some strange people turn up in villages and cities who do not look like the indigenous inhabitants, then EVERYONE becomes CLEAR that these are refugees. The indigenous population accepts the introduced clones in this way and, out of considerations of human compassion, receives a mortal enemy deep in their rear. During the First World War, the first batch of Asian clones was introduced, and during the Second World War, the second batch. The number of introduced clones reaches 6.5 billion (they did not exist 150 years ago). Today millions of refugees are coming to Europe - this is the Third World War and the third batch of clones. To an ordinary person it is clear that these are not refugees at all, because not a single normal person would leave his home and go with or without his children to God knows where. Moreover, there is no war in Asia. Everything “military” is a hoax played out by the RRR clan according to its anti-human notes. A little earlier, more than 20 million Asian clones were introduced into Russia under the guise of labor migrants. Today they have taken away the remaining jobs from the local population and represent an extremely dangerous army stationed in our country and ready to rise at the first order from the cloning center. For those who doubt that in the 19th and 20th centuries, human cloning technologies were possible on such a scale, let me explain. Cloning, or the release of specific biorobots, is not a magical process at all. Today, ALL the food in our stores is made from genetic robots. We just call them by a different word – “genetically modified”. And in previous centuries mutants were bred by conventional means - mating with the necessary objects in the right proportions. All pets are obtained this way. We are simply accustomed to this and do not notice that we are surrounded by biorobots that Nature did not give birth to, but we ourselves gave birth to. If in ancient times they could produce a mule, what could prevent the breeders of that time from obtaining a certain mixture of a person with various other materials in the same way? Nowadays, both Europe and Russia are flooded with “refugees” and “migrant workers”, who are controlled from one center and specially prepared for massacre. This is evidenced by the totality of crimes that they carry out in Europe and Russia. And the victim peoples forcibly continue to consider them, “refugees,” as “victims.” Obviously, the operation to accumulate clones is coming to an end, which is why Stepan (Stephen) Rockefeller began talking about it on air. that it was time to start the Third World War. Everything is ready, they say. The great slaughter of the RRR clan awaits the destined cattle and promises them a kosher death. Even twenty years ago we would have had to put an end to this place, because there was no salvation from the indicated fate. But today everything has changed, a new time has come. MONEY ceased to be the main operator, and with it the power of the Romanovs and their servants - the Rothschilds and Rockefellers - turned into decay. Even the Federal Reserve System (FRS), the only global money issuing facility, has ceased to exist since 2014 (see “The Fed is a Dead Man with Tenacious Hands”). The RRR clan does not know its enemy. And he is stronger. It is enough to recall only how in June 2015, that is, already at next year after the cessation of the legal activities of the Federal Reserve System, a certain THIRD FORCE literally killed the three heads of these three clans - David Rothschild, David Rockefeller and Yevgeny Primakov (see “Death mowed down Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov”). Until now, the executed clique has not been able to recover from the blow. Primakov was buried, but for more than a year there has been no word about Rothschild and Rockefeller, either as living or as dead. Representatives of the RPP clan - the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II - began publicly calling for the end of the world at the end of 2015 (see “The Pope on Humanity’s Last Christmas”; “Queen Elizabeth II: “Enjoy Your Last Christmas””). But, in my opinion, they are in a hurry. The victory of the Romanovs will not take place. The only way out of this situation for humanity is visible only in the fact that the existence of clones is officially declared, and also that the differences between people and clones are enshrined in law. Otherwise, humanity will become extinct as a species. By escalating the Third World War, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are achieving exactly this. But for some reason there is CONFIDENCE that the representatives of these three clans will end up faster than they can carry out their evil plans. Andrey Tyunyaev, Chief Editor newspaper "President".

Civil conflict in a country is always the responsibility of its government. Therefore, when the Ukrainian authorities blame Russia for the crisis in Donbass, it looks as if someone is trying to abdicate responsibility and shift it onto their neighbor. If you refresh your memory, it turns out that only thanks to Russia this conflict did not move into its most fatal phase.

Let us remember - in 2014, at the height of the war in south-eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented his peace plan to resolve the conflict - specific and step-by-step, requiring the participation of both sides. The formulations from this plan are still quite relevant today.

First, Putin proposed stopping active offensive operations in the Donetsk and Lugansk directions. The second is to “remove the armed units of the security forces of Ukraine to a distance that excludes the possibility of shelling settlements artillery and all types of multiple launch rocket systems." The third is “the implementation of full and objective international control over compliance with the terms of the ceasefire and monitoring the situation in the security zone thus created.”

The Russian President called on the conflicting parties to immediately coordinate these actions. Moreover, Putin and Poroshenko even had a phone conversation on this score, following which Poroshenko announced a permanent ceasefire - it was announced that the points of view of the two presidents “substantially coincide.” And within a few days, the notorious “Minsk agreements” appeared, developed by Vladimir Putin with French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko during their meeting in the Belarusian capital.

But what do we have at the moment? Just a week ago, the ATO press service reported on the capture of two villages in south-eastern Ukraine as a result of an offensive operation - this practice has become systematic. Artillery continually hits the southeast indiscriminately - militias, or as they are called in Ukraine, “separatists” or civilians - everyone comes under attack. Well, how can one not note the recent performance of not just anyone, but the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, who, against this background, called the Minsk agreements “dead,” although even their American curators formally adhere to the points of this document.

The above-mentioned Putin’s initiatives are perhaps the only reason why Kyiv has not yet reached the apogee of its bellicose attitude; this is the factor that turned out to be the connecting link in the work of the presidents of the four countries within the Normandy format. And most importantly, these initiatives work, provided that they are implemented by the parties to the conflict. Kyiv claims that Russia is fomenting war in Ukraine, but is it so? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

A big war is being fueled by the same forces as 100 years ago.

On August 1, 1914, the German Ambassador in St. Petersburg, Count F. Pourtales, handed over to the Minister of Foreign Affairs S.D. Sazonov's note on the declaration of war by the German Empire. Russia entered the First World War. The worst enemies of the Russian people, clans, ruling and, managed to pit two great Aryan(Indo-European) people. The Russian and German empires, to whom cooperation and alliance relations brought peace and prosperity, came together in bloody war. You could say it was fratricidal war, since it was created on the lands of Slavic Europe, and a significant part of the Germans are genetically and anthropologically the same descendants of the Rus as the Russians.

We have observed a similar process in recent decades (especially active in the last two decades) in Little Rus', where, through information aggression, total zombification and distortion of historical truth, a "Ukrainian chimera"– pseudo-people “Ukrainians”. In terms of genetics, anthropology, language and culture, they are still Russian (), but their consciousness is already affected by the “Ukrainian” virus. And the “Ukrainian Reich” should play the same role as Germany in 1914 and 1941. – untie big war V. The “Ukrainian Front” should become one of the main ones in the world. Second front(this is the already created Middle Eastern Front) - flaming, and aggressive Islamic, who announced that in a few years he plans to subjugate the lands of the Middle East, restoring the core of the historical caliphate. Third Front plan to open in the Asia-Pacific region, pitting each other against each other, inciting war on the Korean Peninsula and trying to put together an anti-Chinese coalition.

During the First World War, the Russian Empire and Germany were crushed. Their gold and other resources flowed into their pockets owners England and USA. Along the way, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empire, which, in the opinion owners, are outdated and have been condemned. Their place was to be taken by “independent” republics with elected presidents and parliaments, although heads of state, deputies, governors and mayors were “elected” in lodges and clubs, and the people still had no power. People were only given illusion of freedom, the power of the people. USA became a leading financial and economic power; instead of the previous gold parity, a regime of floating managed exchange rates was established. The US dollar and pound sterling became the universal reserve currencies. The actual financial hegemony Anglo-Saxon world.

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who is interested. All Conferences are broadcast on Internet Radio “Vozrozhdenie”...

IN historical science In Kazakhstan, discussions about old grievances and wounds flare up from time to time. The guilty party in them almost always turns out to be either the Russian Empire or Soviet Union. Who “remembers” acute facts, how does this threaten society, and how to distinguish a historian from a propagandist? Political scientist Sergei Masaulov argues.

Remember all

This cannot be said to be a mass phenomenon, especially compared to the 90s of the last century. And it seems that this is not such an influential direction in the public consciousness of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. But still

are reborn with enviable vitality different ideas historical responsibility for genocide

in the territories of present-day Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, various kinds of national enemies who supposedly consciously sought to destroy the peoples themselves should bear responsibility.

Sometimes they point to enemies dimly visible from the depths of time. But they often directly point to events that are not so distant. For example, Soviet authorities The 30s are accused of deliberately causing a famine, and therefore of genocide of the Kazakh people.

This, by the way, begs the question: many Kazakh families fled from hunger on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

It turns out that in Kyrgyzstan the authorities “consciously” did not cause famine

What then are the conclusions? Either Kazakhstan, unlike its southern neighbors, was unexpectedly infected with the spirit of extermination of the Kazakhs, or not all the power of the Soviets was “exterminating” in relation to the peoples of a large country, and these were management errors.

First of all, in economic matters, in solving the problem of mobilizing the population for big projects, such as the rapid achievement of settlement by nomadic families, which destroyed the traditional economy.

A big project also has significant consequences. How, for example, can we assess the famine in the Volga region in the 1920s? From the point of view of the ideologists of the war of memory - of course, as the genocide of the Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, etc. population. If you follow their logic...

Will of the Elite

In the 90s, similar views were professed by the “reforged” workers of the ideological front, entirely former leaders party and Komsomol organizations at the regional level, or teachers of departments of some compulsory social disciplines at that time.

Just look at the biography of current national political leaders and even some presidents and prime ministers of post-Soviet states. Consequently, they solved and are now solving the problem of building sovereign states that arose on the territories of the Soviet Union.

But by what means?

It is clear that the basis of any state is a myth

After all, public consciousness is multi-layered and there is a place for mythology in it. It is clear that the future of the new independent states that emerged in 1991 is an act of consciousness of the elite, which has taken responsibility for the project of building a national sovereign statehood. But unlike a number of states that, as it seems to them, are rushing to Europe,

in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan they treated various types of wars of historical memory more carefully

Even if some myths were allowed that identified ancient ethnic formations with modern national substrates, this did not become the main trend of politics in the field of studying history.

Historians by profession can and should create different interpretations historical facts. But there is no doubt that every professional will fight for the accuracy and critical verification of the facts established in the community of historians.

Only on this basis can one evaluate different approaches and different interpretations of these facts. But there is even more high level professional work– philosophical and methodological rules and principles for interpreting facts.

The unity of all three levels is what professional activity historians

Historians and propagandists

Another thing -

an ideologist and propagandist divorced from science and systemic historical knowledge, whose craft is working with mass consciousness

and producing mindsets for a specific external project. Let us immediately emphasize: a historian by profession can act as a propagandist, but he must be responsible for the consequences of his statements, when value is understood as the integrity and safety of society.

The pseudohistorian is greedy for sensations, without which he will not be able to make a name for himself

This is how statements about the death of half of the population of northern Kyrgyzstan during the uprising in 1916 are born without support from established facts. Moreover, genocide on the part of the tsarist authorities is being conjectured.

But if some project from outside is also connected to this and

where the money came from, the pseudo-historian is ready to utter any sensational ideas

and say with a breath: “It turns out that’s how it was!” This is how historical memory wars unfold. All that remains is to appeal to the mass of people who are not experienced in historical knowledge, and the construct hostile to social integrity is ready.

Society is split along ethnicity, it reproduces the ideas of hatred towards another part of it and its alleged historical responsibility for the past.

This can lead to bloody events

There is no doubt that history must be studied, and professional historians perform the most important function of ensuring the spiritual health of society. But pseudo-historians, who are attracted to sensationalism and fiction,

And if they are not fought with the means of “medicine” of historical knowledge, the social organism may wither away.

And it’s good that in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, at the level of responsible management structures, there is an understanding of the importance of countering attempts to start memory wars.
