Competitions about autumn for the autumn ball. Games for the autumn ball

In autumn there are a lot of holidays, both real and “fictional”. So, for example, the autumn ball is celebrated very actively; it also takes place in kindergarten, both at school and among students. We have prepared interesting and funny competitions for the autumn ball for elementary school students. Moving competitions, team competitions - your young students will have fun.

Now let's move on to the competitions.

First, a little warm-up in the form of a question and answer game. You ask students questions and they answer. All this can be done in the form of the game BRAY RING. Eat, divide the students into teams, and after voicing the question, the teams think, and whoever has the answer rings the bell and answers. It is desirable that the answer be more detailed, that is, with explanations.
Examples of questions:

Some birds fly south to spend the winter. Are there any animals that run away to warmer climes to spend the winter?
- name the animal that collects and dries mushrooms for the winter.
- name at least two types of trees that have yellow and red leaves in autumn.
- the name of a forest that does not shed its leaves from the trees in the fall.
- September, October and November are the autumn months. What were they called in the old days?

Now prepare cards with words that characterize autumn: rain, wind, frost, birds fly south, and so on. You put all the cards in a box, and the children take turns taking out one card at a time. And whoever pulled out something must show it with gestures. Movements, but without words. And the other children must guess what it is about.

Maybe the next competition has nothing to do with autumn, but children really like it, especially those aged 6 to 10 years. You need matches, about 20 pieces. Each participant in the game has his own matches on the table. Their task is to fold them into one long line with one little finger. Try it yourself at home, it’s not easy at all, but it’s very interesting. You can also ask them to fold a house with a roof with their little finger, or letters and even the word - AUTUMN.

Attentiveness competition.
Several objects are placed on the table, no more than ten. They are all in some order. One child looks at them, he is blindfolded and two objects are swapped. Then his eyes are untied, and he must say what has changed. There is one point here - there should be a red apple on the table, and when the child is blindfolded, instead of a red apple they put a green one, but about the same size. And the child must see and say this. This is an excellent test for memory training.

All children stand in a line. And the presenter names the parts of the body that children should cover with their palms right hand. Whoever gets confused is out. For example:

Left ear;
- right eye;
- nose;
- left eye;
- right ear;
- left palm;
And usually everyone gets caught on the left palm, since they don’t even think about it, and during the game they forget that they are closing something right palm. And then they stand in a stupor, I think - “how can I cover my palm with my palm?”

The next game involves two people. They must make as many words as possible from another word in one minute. For example, create other words from the word FRIENDLY. You can only use letters that are in this word. Examples of resulting words:
- needed;
- skis;
- puddles;
and you can play like this until two participants reach the finals and play for the main prize. Naturally, each pair is given their own word, from which they need to make other words.

Co. course called “Autumn Volleyball” you will need:

    30-40 autumn leaves (preferably large ones).

    A couple of chairs.


    Two teams.

A rope is pulled over the chairs, creating two fields. An equal number of leaves are scattered onto each one. On command, the teams begin to transfer them to the opponent’s territory. To prevent the competition from taking too long, it is best to limit it in time (2-3 minutes). The winner, of course, is the team with the fewest leaves left on its territory.

“Beauty Contest” - this event needs no introduction. The most beautiful girls compete with each other in beauty, charm and intelligence. Traditionally, three winners receive prizes and the status of “Miss Autumn”.

In order for the autumn ball to live up to its name, a music competition or simply the performance of theme songs will be very helpful. For the autumn ball, you can remake any songs to tie them to your educational institution, or simply perform popular songs on a given topic. For example, these could be:

The musical part of the autumn ball allows you to dance , and also demonstrated

Of course, not a single ball takes place without a dance part. In principle, dances at the autumn ball can be very diverse, everything is limited only by flights of fancy. The basic rule that must be followed in order for the dances to be truly autumnal is that each dance participant should have some kind of autumn accessories. It can be beautiful fallen leaves or “rain” that decorates the clothes of the dancers.

The dance prepared in advance by the girls, which each of them performs in a dress made of leaves, looks very beautiful.

Dances can be diversified with a variety of competitions , which are associated with them to make the event even more exciting.

Exhibition of autumn creativity

Regardless of whether the autumn ball is held at a school or university, there will always be many who want to take part in a crafts competition. The main condition for such an event is the use of only natural parts for work. These can be acorns, leaves, twigs, leaves or pieces of tree bark.

It's hard to even list possible options crafts for the autumn ball, some of which evoke sincere admiration from the audience. IN autumn evening You can also hold a competition in which participants must assemble a craft from several potatoes, carrots and something else in two to three minutes. The results usually exceed even the wildest expectations.

To make the autumn ball bright and memorable, you should think through the scenario of its holding in advance, since the decision to “decide on the spot” is usually not the most successfulnom

1. Harvesting" Required: a bucket of carrots; plastic bags. Participants are given bags. The presenter announces: “Whoever is the most dexterous today will pick up a bucket of carrots.” Then he gives a signal, and the participants collect carrots at speed.

2. “Theatrical” For this skit (at the autumn ball), 3 participants are called onto the stage. They take turns portraying: 1. A man who has just eaten a delicious meal. 2. A tourist lost in the forest at night. 3. A girl whose new shoes are too tight. 4. A grandmother who experienced an exacerbation of radiculitis. 5. A man whose shoe soles came off. 6. A security guard on duty at the food warehouse. 7. A heron standing in a swamp. 8. A monkey in the zoo. The one who was especially convincing wins. - Read more on

“The series is being filmed” For this skit for the autumn ball, the funny tasks are kept secret until the last minute, as are the roles of the participants. The players are called onto the stage and given postcards with the following roles written on them: Grandfather. Wind. Wolf. Owl. Bunny. Stump. 2 Christmas trees. Next, the presenter reads the text. For this fall ball scene, the funny participants do what the character is supposed to do. Scenario One day Grandfather was going to the forest to get a Christmas tree. I came, and it was autumn. The wolf howls, the wind rustles, the owl hoots. Bunny came running, saw Stump and let's drum on him. I saw Grandfather, got scared and ran away. Grandfather looked around, “Here are the Christmas trees.” He approached the first Christmas tree and liked it. I touched it, shook it - a good Christmas tree. Grandfather just swung his ax, and lo and behold, he was gone, forgotten at home. Then, just like that, he swung. And Elochka prayed: “Don’t ruin me, old man, I won’t be of any use to you. I’m all sick: the trunk is crooked, the needles are falling.” Grandfather looked and it’s true that the Christmas tree is not good. He walked up to the other and touched it. The legs are straight, the needles are held. He wanted to cut it down, but the Christmas tree said: “Why are you waving? Pull the roots.” Grandfather pulled and pulled, but the Christmas tree resisted. Grandfather is tired and thinks: “Why do I need a Christmas tree in the fall? I’d rather come in December.” And he went back home. It turns out very funny and fun. These are the autumn ball scenes (funny and entertaining) you can offer for your holiday. We hope you enjoy them. - Read more on

4. The fashion design competition is going off with a bang. For this, several pairs of participants are called onto the stage, preferably the pair should consist of a girl and a boy. To a young man They offer you to play the role of a famous clothing designer and create a magnificent autumn outfit for your companion. As the material is handed to him a roll toilet paper. The winner is the one who creates the most spectacular outfit in the shortest time.

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x schools will host balls dedicated to this wonderful time of year. We have prepared for you funny scenes for the autumn ball, which will amuse the audience before the start of the main event. Skits for the autumn ball are more suitable for high school students, since they closer topic boys and girls.

Two girls in the evening
They gathered in secret.
They hurried to the autumn ball,
And they complimented each other.

First girl:
Oh, how nervous I am!
After all, this ball is my hope!
I want to fool the prince alone,
Don't forget anything in a hurry!

Second girl:
Yes, yes, as I understand you,
And I’m going there for the sake of the prince.
And I’m worried too, I’m shaking all over,
But I won’t miss my luck!

Suddenly the girls became slightly silent,
We realized that they were talking about one guy.
Immediately their mood changed
And something seemed to happen in the voice.

First girl:
Oh, sorry, I forgot,
You're in love with that boy too.
But you and I are friends,
Let's leave the dirty laundry for later.

Second girl:
Of course, of course, I'm all for it
Are we going to quarrel over one boy?
Let him make his own choice,
And we are friends forever!

Then the girlfriends gather,
They don't try to look at each other.
They harbor anger against each other,
They love each other very much.

First girl:
You know, our chances are not quite equal,
You have more of them, you are ahead.
My breasts are too full,
And yours are small, like our Anna’s.

Second girl:
So Anna is size zero,
Well, you have an eye.
Yes. You have breasts, yes
But because of this, your sides hang.

First girl:
Sides are pure nonsense!
But I have trouble with my legs!
Look at my long, skinny legs,
The only thing that saves you is skirts and shorts.
But your legs are like legs, yes!
Large, voluminous, like an elephant!

Second girl:
You know what, my dear!
It's not for you to discuss the elephant's legs!
Ugh, not the elephant's legs, but my little legs,
And by the way, they are very loud on the tracks!
You better watch yourself
The jaw is just like a horse's!

First girl:
Well, that's it, I've had enough, this was the last straw!
You won't see my boy!
I'll take it for myself
Go and look for an elephant for your mate!

Second girl:
It’s better to go for a walk with an elephant.
Why stand and chop grass with a horse?
At least the elephant has something to grab
And the horse has nothing to hold!

Here the girls begin to throw things at each other, powder, and grab each other by the hair.

The girls were getting ready.
And at the same time they scolded me.
There is only one moral here,
Two girlfriends can't have the same guy!

The autumn ball at school is a riot of colors, vivid memories, positive emotions and best opportunities to realize the creative potential of schoolchildren of all ages. Some people love the Autumn Ball for its funny scenes, others for the opportunity to show off in an original costume, and others adore this holiday for interesting competitions. Moreover, competitions for the Autumn Ball are equally successful among both elementary school and high school students. As a rule, the holiday scenario involves funny competitions, sometimes active or intellectual. And not only children, but also young people and older people love to have fun from the heart and win even a symbolic prize. Next they are waiting for you original ideas and videos of funny and funny competitions for the Autumn Ball, which are perfect for elementary schools, students in grades 5-7 and high school students.

Fun competitions for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

Since competitions are a great addition to the main concert program of the Autumn Ball, they are certainly included in the script. In particular, fun competitions are simply indispensable for the Autumn Ball in primary school: they add ease to the holiday, allow children to relax and get a lot of positive emotions. Speaking about individual ideas for competitions for the Autumn Ball in elementary school, ideally they should combine both humor and activity. It is preferable to choose an autumn or school theme so that the competitions resonate with the main idea of ​​the Autumn Ball in elementary school. Below you will find examples of just such fun competitions.

Connoisseurs - competition for the Autumn Ball for elementary schools

Competition for knowledge of fruits and vegetables harvested in the fall. Participants are shown posters or photos depicting different fruits and vegetables, and if they ripen in the fall, then they need to shout out their names. To make the competition fun, add photos of animals, funny pictures, fairy tale characters. Slides change quickly. If one of the participants names any non-thematic picture, then he is eliminated from the game.

Autumn wind - competition for the Autumn Ball for primary school

From 2 to 6 people can participate in this competition at the same time. Each participant is given a small crumpled piece of paper or a cotton ball. The finish line is determined, to which you need to move the lump, blowing with all your might. The one who completes the task first will win.

Thrifty animals - competition for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

At the end of the hall there are two large baskets with fruits and vegetables. Participants are divided into teams and are blindfolded. Each participant takes turns trying to get to the basket to bring as much supplies as possible to their team. The trick is that it is quite difficult to do this by touch, especially considering that there may be inappropriate items in the basket, for example, toys that ultimately will not count.

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball are also relevant for grades 5-7. Competitions with a sports component are especially good. Competitions for guessing riddles, in particular about autumn phenomena, changes in weather and animal behavior, are also great. Pupils of grades 5-7 are already quite well versed in history, so similar competitions can be held with interesting questions about the history of the region or famous events that took place in the fall in different years world history. But the most relevant will be funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 with elements of competition. Below you will find examples of interesting competitions for children of this age category that can be used for the Autumn Ball.

Harvesting - a funny competition for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

Potatoes should be hidden in advance around the hall where the Autumn Ball will be held. Participants in the competition are given buckets or baskets. They must collect as many tubers as possible within a certain time. The competition is held to very cheerful music.

Under the umbrella - a funny competition for the Autumn Ball for high school

Participants in the competition should be divided into two teams with an equal number of people; they can participate in classes. Each team is given a regular umbrella. The team with the most participants under its umbrella will win. In this case, you can increase the area of ​​the umbrella using available materials, for example, outerwear.

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11)

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball are also popular among high school students, who enjoy performing funny tasks for speed or dexterity. Also, team competitions, for example, for ingenuity and creativity, will be relevant for students in grades 9-11. Can also be used for funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11), the format of popular competitions from KVN. The presenter asks small questions about autumn, to which teams of participants must give funny answers in 30 seconds, as in the KVN “Warm-up” competition. Other interesting options You will find funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11).

Gifts of Autumn - funny competitions for high school students at the Autumn Ball

Several participants are called, wanting to taste the gifts of autumn. Each of them draws a piece of paper from a hat with a certain number, which corresponds to a fruit or vegetable. The contestant is then led to his product, which is weighed on a rope. Task: eat a vegetable/fruit at speed without using your hands. To make the competition even funnier, in addition to apples and pears, you can hang beets, cabbage or walnuts.

Autumn wreath - funny competitions for grades 9-11 for the Autumn Ball

Only guys are called up for the competition. Each of them is given a bouquet of maple leaves, which they must transform into a wreath. They can use a stapler or tape. The competition is also timed and accompanied by cheerful music.

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth, video

Quite often, the Autumn Ball, and with it funny competitions, is held not only in schools, but also for young people and students. In this case, the topics and format of such competitions in the script may coincide with those for high school students (grades 9-11). At the same time, funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7, and even for elementary school, can be remade for an older audience. For example, the “Under the Umbrella” competition will be funnier and more relevant for young people if you replace the large umbrella with a child’s one. For other examples of funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for young people, see the video below.

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Autumn ball is one of the most favorite events for schoolchildren of all ages. The atmosphere of the seasonal celebration is strikingly different from modern discos and parties in its childlike ease and creative appeal. The tradition of seeing off Lady Autumn with the splendor of outfits, an abundance of colors and a host of competitions is very deeply rooted and, it would seem, will never leave the school walls. Every year, a couple of charismatic high school students open the lavish autumn celebration, the rest of the school enjoys showing off their talents and participating in competitions, and teachers and parents enjoy the spectacle on a beautifully decorated stage. What amuses the public the most are the unusual competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11), grades 5-7 and elementary schools. In an improvised gaming environment, the most best qualities schoolchildren, their creative talents, spontaneity, ability to laugh at themselves. Select the best scenarios with competitions for young people at our autumn ball!

Scenario with competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth

The scenario with competitions for the Autumn Ball for youth is a blank slate for the organizer. It can be filled with any games you like, themed entertainment, improvised or pre-prepared autumn competitions. Most often, participants are asked to dance in an unusual way, play a funny role, stage an excerpt from a popular work, sing a famous song in one sound, guess humorous autumn riddles, compose a lyrical or comedic verse, etc. Often young people participate in outdoor games with prepared autumn props. And such a picture looks very funny: both for spectators and for players.

Theater competition for the Autumn Ball for youth

The presenter recruits a team of 10 volunteers. Each participant is given a card with a task that must be completed without preparation. All players must walk from one end of the stage to the opposite in such a way that the audience guesses the gait:

  • the person who won the competition;
  • women with heavy bags;
  • a teenager who found himself in the forest at night;
  • stork in the swamp;
  • a person with the soles of his shoes peeling off;
  • gorillas in a zoo cage;
  • grandmothers with an attack of radiculitis;
  • security guard at a weapons warehouse;
  • a frog sneaking in the reeds from a stork in a swamp;
  • usherettes on the trolleybus

Competition for the Autumn Ball for youth "You are my maple... fallen"

In the competition for youth “You are my maple...” participants compete in twos. Near each player, the leader scatters several dozen fallen or artificial leaves and places a basket with clothespins. .after the start is announced, background music is turned on and participants quickly attach leaves to their clothes using clothespins. The winner will be the one who becomes the most “lush” maple tree in a short period of time.

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (scenario for grades 9-11)

Funny competitions for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11) are most often held in the form of an impromptu acting sketch. Participants are asked to perform actions read out by the presenter. In most cases, the picture itself is quite funny, or its ending is unexpectedly fun and humorous. For example, the presenter asks to portray tired wanderers wandering through the desert. Then the exhausted travelers find an oasis with water and greedily fall to the stream. At this moment, the presenter joyfully announces to the audience that the platoon of search and service dogs has been built.

Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school students "Living Picture"

The host of the ball assembles several teams of 5-7 participants. Each team draws a card with the name of a painting by a famous artist and tries to depict it, having previously prepared for 5-7 minutes (one musical pause). Spectators try to guess the picture being depicted. All teams whose composition is guessed the fastest win.

  • "Hunters at Rest"
  • "Three heroes"
  • "Barge Haulers on the Volga"
  • "A deuce again"
  • "Girl with Peaches"
  • "Morning in pine forest"
  • "The Ninth Wave"

"Obstacle Course" - Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school students

  • walk along the tape lying on the floor of the stage;
  • walk around a large globe;
  • step over a basket of vegetables;
  • crawl under a tightrope;

The player is then blindfolded and asked to repeat the same thing. But first, all obstacles are secretly removed. The audience encourages the participant by telling him an imaginary direction, height, etc.

Fun competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

One of the most popular competitions for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 is a competition in crafts and wall newspapers. Children are not yet capable of such tasks, and high school students are no longer interested. But all of these fun activities are appropriate before and after the fall concert. What to do with middle school students during the event?

Competition for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 "Autumn Colors"

The presenter distributes 3 cards to the players with certain colors. Each participant looks and hides the card. Then the players, in turn, describe their colors to the audience (without naming them) and tell what they look like. Pictorial comparisons are allowed, but precise indications are prohibited.


My first color is like a ripe citrus New Year's fruit.

That is, orange.

The second color is like a small squeaky animal living in a hole.

That is, gray

Competition for the Autumn Ball for high school "Rainy Day"

The presenter selects three captains and gives each a large umbrella. Captains need to gather the maximum number of people under their umbrella so that the heads of the participants are within the perimeter of the umbrella. Any poses, combinations and intertwining are allowed to ensure that the participants are positioned as closely as possible under the umbrella.

Interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball for elementary schools

For elementary school students, interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball without difficult creative assignments and complex logical problems are more suitable. The best option- active outdoor games with bright and fabulous autumn attributes - mushrooms, leaves, vegetables, umbrellas, etc. It is important that interesting competitions for the Autumn Ball for primary schools are provided with prizes for the winners. If for high school students participation is more important than victory, then for kids, at least small consolation prizes are essential!

Competition for the Autumn Ball for junior grades "Mighty Wind"

The presenter selects several schoolchildren who want to take part in the competition. In front of each of them he places a crumpled sheet of newspaper, depicting a dry fallen leaf of a tree. On command, players begin to blow on their little ball, driving it towards the finish line. The participant whose piece of paper covers the distance first will win. The reward is the title and medal "Mighty Wind"!

Competition for the Autumn Ball for primary school "On an autumn walk"

The presenter selects two players from junior school students. Each of them will have to prepare for an autumn walk. Students need to collect from their classmates and put on the maximum number of items of clothing: pants, sweaters, belts, socks, scarves, hats, etc. The participant who dresses “warmer” than the other will win.

Having developed imagination and creative thinking, any organizer will create competitions for the Autumn Ball on their own. But if your imagination fails or you are short on time, you can use our preparations funny scenarios competitions for young people - high school students, 5-7 grades, elementary schools.

The entertaining part of the dance evening will make it even more interesting. Team and pair competitions will diversify the program of the autumn ball. Thematic vocal quizzes will lift the spirits of event participants. General dance games will not allow anyone to stand on the sidelines, and each guest will feel at ease. Active competitions will help guys and girls get closer and determine the king and queen of the ball.

    Game "Ladies Invite Gentlemen"

    Girls and boys play. The more participants, the more interesting it is. There should be one less boys than girls. The players take to the dance floor.

    Rhythmic music is turned on. Everyone dances separately, maintaining a small distance. When the fast music gives way to slow music, the girls should invite the boys to dance. The participant who does not get a pair leaves the game and takes with her one gentleman of her choice. The game continues until there is only one pair left. The host announces them as the king and queen of the autumn ball.

    3 boys are participating in the competition. The presenter blindfolds them and places glasses with different drinks on the table (you can use juices, sweet water, compotes).

    In the first stage of the competition, the guys must identify drinks by smell. The participant who recognizes the fewest drinks leaves the competition. In the second stage, boys must identify them by tasting them. To complicate the task, you can mix two drinks in one glass (for example, add a little coffee to Pepsi - this will give strong foam and change the taste, or add cocoa).

    The participant who manages to guess the most drinks wins.

    Game "Leaf Fall"

    The game is played at the end of the autumn ball. All schoolchildren participate in it.

    To carry it out, it is necessary to hang it in advance in the hall on the ceiling on threads of different lengths. autumn leaves, attach them to the curtains and place them in different places.

    After the leader’s command “the game has begun,” the children begin to actively collect leaves. To obtain leaves that are located high, participants can plant each other. After 1 minute, the leader stops the game and counts the number of leaves that each class has collected.

    The fastest and most resourceful class receives balloons as a gift.

    The competition involves 3 people with good vocal abilities. All spectators receive a ticket (an ordinary small leaf can serve as a ticket).

    The contestants' task is to sing any song with an autumn theme. After all participants complete the task, the audience votes for the best performer by collecting tickets.

    The participant with big amount votes.

    5 guys are participating in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. In the first, participants must quickly turn into hussars, that is, draw a mustache, put on a shako and a belt with a saber. All paraphernalia must be prepared in advance. The guy who hesitates is eliminated.

    The hussars then test their luck using cards. A deck is placed on the table, and each participant draws 3 cards from it. The two competitors whose cards turn out to be the lowest leave the game.

    The last stage is a verbal duel. The reason for the discord is announced to the hussars (for example, a dispute about ladies, horses, an insult). The guys should discuss and argue, communicating only in phrases and words inherent in former speech.

    A competitor who manages to out-argue or drive an opponent into a dead end is declared a true hussar.

    5 boy-girl pairs are participating in the competition. If the guys do not know how to waltz, the leader should show them a couple of steps and give them a few minutes to master the movements.

    The music turns on. Pairs line up in the starting position. The presenter gives a foam saber to the gentleman's outstretched hand. The couples begin to waltz. At the moment when the music stops, the gentlemen should quickly get down on one knee, and the ladies should sit down on it and tuck their legs. The saber must be held high above your head. The slowest pair is eliminated from the game.
