What is the best way to paint the iron roof of a house? Painting the roof: rules for choosing and applying paint. Requirements for the coloring composition

Most roofing coatings today are colored at the factory and do not require further painting. But what if rust appears on the roof or the once bright material has lost its color? Our answer: you need to paint it!

Many manufacturers today offer such an impressive palette of colors and shades of their material to choose from. that choosing the right one will not be difficult. Most summer residents do this, choosing roofing material of the desired color. But there are types of roofing materials that are not only possible, but in some cases simply necessary to paint on your own.

Why paint the roof at all?

Metal roofing made of galvanized steel is deservedly popular due to its durability, reliability and strength. Zinc coating reflects Sun rays, protecting the roof from overheating in hot weather.

However, after 20-30 years of service, clear signs of corrosion appear on such a roof.

What to do? On help will come paint that will significantly extend the life of the coating. However, you shouldn’t wait so many years; it’s better to paint the roof after waiting a couple of months after installation. During this time, a film of zinc salts will appear on the galvanized surface, which will improve adhesion to the paint. In addition, a painted surface will look much more aesthetically pleasing than an unpainted one.

Problem of choice

Can be used to paint metal roofing different colors, but the result will not be the same. The fact is that, under the influence of external factors, physical characteristics roofing are constantly changing.

To compensate for these changes without dire consequences for the roof, the paint film must be sufficiently elastic.

Oil and alkyd paints are not suitable for this purpose: under the influence of constant changes in temperature and air humidity, they lose their elasticity within a year or two.

Acrylic enamels For metal surfaces They are not cheap, but they last a long time, maintaining high performance throughout the entire period. decorative properties. Such coatings can be either glossy or matte. The advantage of the latter is that they do not require priming. cause corrosion of the metal coating.

Preparing roofing for painting

No matter how good the paint is, success depends on quality training grounds. Don't be lazy to clean it before painting. metal coating from dust and rust. Rust stains can be cleaned with a wire brush and coated with a metal primer.

Small rust spots are easily removed using compositions such as “Auto Rust Cleaner”. It is applied to the surface with a layer of 2-3 mm and removed after half an hour. If it was not possible to get rid of rust in one step, the procedure is repeated. Small through holes the roof is sealed with sealant or epoxy automotive putty. A large hole will have to be patched.

You can solder it with a hot soldering iron, but this procedure is labor-intensive. Therefore, if the hole is not too large, the patch can be put on glue or sealant. By the way, not only metal, but also fiberglass or plastic is suitable for the patch. After 5-7 days you can begin painting the patched areas.

Roof painting procedure

It is recommended to paint the roof in warm, calm weather. On this day, the air temperature should not fall below 5-10 °C. But heat is also contraindicated: the temperature of the surface to be painted should not exceed 40 °C. Don't start " painting work» in very wet weather.

The ideal option is partly cloudy. So that the surface has time to dry before the evening dew, it is better to finish the work before lunch. If the coating is new, freshly laid, pre-coat it with a primer to enhance adhesion. First, apply paint to the slopes under the gutters.

Then you can move on to the main part of the roof. Try not to apply the paint too thickly - it will dry slowly and may crack. It is better to apply the paint in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry for 3-7 days (the entire job can take up to two weeks).


A new roof is usually painted in 2-3 layers; an old roof may need 1-2 layers. Manufacturers usually indicate how long it will take for one coat of paint to dry completely. Finish coating you need to let it dry for the entire required period without using the roof.

How to paint slate

In addition to steel roofing, other roofs, such as slate or bitumen, also need painting. Slate was previously widely used as an inexpensive roofing material For country houses. Today they are trying to get rid of such coatings, but not everyone has the means to do so. What to do if the slate on the roof is old, with microcracks and stains, and there is no money to replace it? No problem! You can find it on sale acrylic paints and enamels for slate, which will protect the coating from further destruction and give it a completely presentable appearance. In addition, such paints form a thin film on the surface, which gives the coating water-repellent properties. At the same time, it prevents dusting, thereby reducing the harmful effects of asbestos. By the way, for the same reason it makes sense to paint a new slate roof.

Economical option

Roofing felt roofing material cannot be called the most attractive anyway, but over time lichen or other vegetation appears on them. The coating gradually deteriorates, and it becomes necessary to apply patches. Timely staining will help protect the material from further destruction and hide unattractive stains and patches.

Roofing felt can be varnished with the addition of aluminum powder; this will give the roof a light silver color and hide the traces of patch repairs to the roof. The shed will look like new!

Three useful tips for painting your roof

1. Before you go to the store, calculate required amount paints. As a rule, 1 liter is enough for 8-12 m2 of surface. The manufacturer indicates more accurate consumption on the packaging.

2. Choose environmentally friendly products. On cans of environmentally friendly paint you can find the European T11 or international sign"Blue Angel"

3. Choose paint based on the climate of your region. For humid regions, paint containing silicone is suitable. For southern regions, and especially for buildings located on the coast, such paint, on the contrary, is contraindicated. Preference should be given to a material whose label says “Resistant to aggressive external environments.”

What is the best way to paint a roof?

Horsehair brushes don't last long, but they can be used to easily remove paint drips or paint small details.

The best brushes for painting large surfaces are made of stiff bristles. In this case, the diameter of the brush should be at least 60-65 mm.

If the roof covering is even and smooth, you can work with a paint roller. If you buy a collapsible model, the ink part can be changed periodically.

Choose a collapsible roller (then the ink part made of rubber, foam rubber or fur can be changed periodically) with an additional handle that increases its length.

A pneumatic spray gun or a household hand-held spray gun designed for painting large surfaces will greatly speed up the work.

Note: what color should the roof be painted?

Choosing the right roof color is very important because it affects the perception of the entire house as a whole. There are many possible solutions, so it will not be easy for the homeowner to make a final decision.

When choosing colors for a house, they adhere to a certain order. As a rule, the roof is laid even before finishing the facades, so the choice of its color is very important decision. Firstly, from an aesthetic point of view, and secondly, from a practical one. After all, the roofing covering is not installed for a year or two; it is not replaced for decades. Unlike the facade, which after a few years can be repainted or the wall decoration completely changed. Of course, this is troublesome and expensive, but it is still easier than dismantling and replacing the roof. So, what should you consider when choosing the color of your roofing?


Dark roofs are known to heat up slightly more than light roofs. If the attic is thermally insulated, it will be comfortable inside regardless of the color of the roof. Under a dark-colored, uninsulated roof, it will not be as comfortable in hot weather.


In some countries, the color of the roof is regulated by local laws that require maintaining the integrity of the surrounding buildings. We have the homeowner to choose from color palette home is not bound by anything other than his own taste. But if you want your home to look harmonious, try to fit it into its natural surroundings. Natural tones and materials are best suited for solving this problem. For a house located among trees, it is better to avoid harsh tones - pure red or blue. If the roof has a large slope, its color will dominate the perception of the house, so dark tones should be approached with great caution.

Harmonious duet

A competent combination of the color of the roof and facade largely determines the appearance of the house as a whole. For a green roof, the best companion is a facade in warm colors, beige or yellow.

The combination with white walls will be quite effective, especially if the shutters, trim or frames of windows and doors are also green. The duet of a brown roof and white facade. True, to soften such a sharp contrast, the facade may need additional decor. Brown: shutters, balustrades, decorative belts, etc. With roofs of red and brick color White and cream walls look good. But gray and graphite roofs go well with almost any color - from white to brown (bolder color combinations are also possible).

On many country houses and outbuildings you can find metal roofs. In order for the coating to last longer, it must be protected from harmful effects precipitation. Typically this procedure involves painting. But there are also some nuances here, because not every paint is suitable for a metal roof. How and what to paint iron roof We'll try to find out now.

Choosing paint for an iron roof

To figure out which better paint open the iron roof, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for it. First of all, the composition paint and varnish material must have special additives - corrosion inhibitors. The higher the paint's adhesion and weather resistance rating, the longer it will last on the roof. Elasticity is very important. Metal tends to expand due to temperature changes. When the roof begins to “play”, the inelastic layer of paint will peel off. It is important to pay attention to the decorative properties of the paint and varnish material. In addition to protecting the iron roof, the coating should give the roof an aesthetic appearance.

The optimal choice for iron roofing is alkyd and oil based. They are not very expensive, but there is one drawback. Such compositions have poor resistance to exposure external environment. The short service life requires frequent painting of the roof. Enamels are generally not suitable for such work. When the metal roof begins to “play”, the dry layer of enamel will be removed in layers. Acrylic paint has increased elasticity and a long service life. Many owners of private houses do not give preference to it because of the high cost. But a frequent purchase inexpensive materials It’s unlikely to be cheaper, and the process of painting the roof itself is not very easy to do this every year.

Important! The frequency of painting an iron roof depends on the quality of the paint and varnish material and its application to the metal sheets.

To choose what to paint the iron roofs of houses with, let's look at what the construction market offers the consumer today:

  • Roofs made of ferrous metal and galvanized steel can be painted with Tsikrol paint. Its cost is within 250 rubles/kg. According to the instructions, the consumption is 0.3 kg/m2.
  • For roofs made of sheet aluminum, galvanized and ferrous metal, Tikkurila Pansarimaali is suitable. The cost per 1 kg can reach up to 700 rubles. Approximate consumption 1 l/12 m2.
  • Euroroof paint is produced especially for galvanized roofs. Its cost varies from 350 to 400 rubles/kg. It is better to apply the composition with a roller, and the consumption is up to 100 g/m2.
  • Heavily rusted roofs, as well as if there is already an old painted layer on ordinary iron, are ideally exposed with Hammerite paint. For 1 liter you will have to pay about 650 rubles. Consumption is 1 l/5 m2.
  • Acrylic paint "Aquametallic" is water-based, but it is still intended for painting metal roofs. It contains anti-corrosion additives. The cost of paint is about 240 rubles/kg. Approximate consumption - 250 g/m2.

Aquametallic paint should be considered separately. There is a lot of controversy about water based. Typically, such compounds do not tolerate moisture, which cannot be avoided on the roof.

In fact, this statement is true, but it does not apply to Aquametallic acrylic paint. According to the manufacturer, the water-dispersion composition is specially designed for outdoor use. The paint penetrates deeply into the pores of the metal, resulting in good adhesion. Anti-corrosion additives prevent the appearance of rust on iron. The big advantage of acrylic paint is its environmental friendliness. Evaporating water does not contain harmful substances that pollute the atmosphere.

Advice! When working with a water-dispersion composition, you don’t even need to use a respirator, of course, if we're talking about not about working with a spray gun.

Maintaining safety when painting an iron roof

The main safety of painting work at height is related to weather conditions. And the point is not that the paint will peel off the iron if it is applied during fog or high humidity air. A wet metal ramp is very slippery. This makes it difficult to move on the roof, and you can simply fall off it. Weather conditions such as heat, strong gusts of wind or frost similarly complicate the painting process. It is ideal to carry out the work in dry, windless weather; it is better if it is a cloudy day.

At least two painters wearing special clothing and non-slip shoes should work on the roof. The use of a safety belt is mandatory. When cleaning the roof from rust and working with a spray gun, you must use safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves.

Preparing the iron roof for painting

So that the new coat of paint adheres well and lasts long years, the iron roof must be thoroughly cleaned. First of all, old paint, peeling cakes, and rust accumulations are removed. This can be done with a metal brush, but it is very difficult to process a large surface by hand. It’s easier to clean an iron roof with a grinder and a metal brush attachment. As an option, you can buy a special solution - a rust converter. The chemical is quite dangerous for humans, so you need to wear glasses and rubber gloves when working with it.

Attention! Painting the roof after treating it with a rust converter can begin after five days.

After stripping the metal from the street, you need to go down to the attic and inspect inner side. Condensation may cause rust stains in some areas. They definitely need to be cleaned. If holes appear in these places, the metal will have to be replaced.

The last stage of preparatory work consists of calculating the required volume of paint. Here you need to calculate the roof area taking into account all additional elements to be painted. On any can of paint, the manufacturer indicates its approximate consumption. Knowing the roof area and consumption, it is easy to calculate how much paint you need to buy.

Painting tool

Painting a metal roof can be done with one of three tools:

  • It is optimal to choose paint brushes 6 cm wide with stiff bristles. They are suitable for painting the surface of the slope. Small parts, for example, it is better to paint skates or drains with a brush made of natural horsehair. They result in fewer divorces.
  • Paint rollers speed up the painting process large area. It is more convenient to work with a tool with an extended handle. The pile of the roller should not be too soft. Large amounts of absorbed paint will leave thick layers on the roof. Over time, cracks will appear in these places, and consumption will increase significantly.
  • The ideal tool for such work is a spray gun. Under pressure, the paint particles firmly adhere to the metal surface, and the process itself proceeds quite quickly. If you don’t have a spray gun at home, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a spray attachment.

When using rollers or a spray gun, you still need to have brushes on hand. There will definitely be some on the roof hard to reach places.

Iron roof painting process

Before painting an iron roof, the surface should be primed. As a primer, you can use paint diluted with drying oil to liquid state. The composition is applied with a brush over the entire surface of the roof in a thin layer.

After the primer has dried, begin painting the gutters and roof slopes. When the painted areas are dry, proceed to the roof slopes. The paint is applied along the slope, starting at the top and gradually moving down. It is important not to forget about painting the skates. The paint in the jar must be stirred more often, bringing it to a homogeneous composition. Applied to iron is considered ideal. thin layer no divorces.

Old roofs are painted in one or two layers, depending on the degree of wear old paint. A new iron roof will have to be painted at least twice. Sometimes for best results Painting is done in three layers.

Attention! Each applied coat of paint must dry for at least 8 days.


The video shows painting metal roof:

A properly painted iron roof with high-quality paint will last for many years, even in regions with poor weather conditions.

But it has been said more than once that we must respect those who “take chestnuts out of the fire” for us, those workers who perform unnoticed, but very important work. Take, for example, the roofs of our houses, which we almost never think about - painting the roof with your own hands over time becomes not even relevant, but an extremely important task; without completing it, everything that is in the house simply does not matter.

Utmost respect for the place “under which we walk”

Yes, the roof protects the house and is constantly exposed to negative external influences:

  • from the ultraviolet rays of the sun;
  • from precipitation, sometimes very aggressive, and moisture is not the only factor here,
  • Let’s also add here the purely mechanical, shock, impact from precipitation;
  • This does not apply to snow, but it exerts such downward pressure on the entire structure that sometimes causes much more serious consequences than the same rain, “like a bucket.”

As a result, the roof:

  • rusts;
  • loses its color;
  • overgrown with moss.

Paint requirements

Therefore, over time, it cannot be avoided, unless, of course, the situation has gotten so bad that the entire roof has to be replaced. But painting is not carried out with ordinary oil paint and water-based paint is not suitable here.

The paint must meet very high requirements, taking into account the operating conditions:

  • it must be as resistant as possible to constant, long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • it must be resistant to moisture and even have water-repellent properties;
  • it should not be a breeding ground for microorganisms;
  • it should not become unusable under the mechanical influence of precipitation, even taking into account the strong impact “head-on” of large hail.

Some of the suggestions

And there is such paint. One of its representatives is fire-retardant metal paints Polistil.

Features of this offer include:

  • the need to apply paint to a previously applied protective dry layer;
  • ensuring the 4th group of fire protection of the working surface;
  • ability to work at temperatures environment+5 degrees (not lower) and humidity 80% (not higher);
  • The warranty period for the coating is at least 10 years;
  • fire protection of the surface with a protective layer thickness of more than 3.5 mm - from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • paint consumption depending on the thickness of the roof metal in mm (kg):
  • thickness 3.4 – consumption 0.95;
  • 4.0 – 1.84 (with a dry layer thickness of 1.42 mm);
  • more than 5.1 – 0.80.

Another, no less well-known proposal, Zinga electrically conductive paint, has no less outstanding characteristics:

  • Firstly, this material cannot be fully called paint, it is rather a means for cold galvanizing the surface to ensure its maximum protection against corrosion;
  • Secondly, it can be used as an independent coating and as a protective bottom layer under any other decorative paint coating;
  • Third, thanks to the internal microstructure of laying on work surface, the consumption of this protective material is very small - no more than 300 grams per square with a layer thickness of 60 microns;
  • Fourth, provides excellent protection in the external temperature range from -35 to +50 degrees.

Helpful advice! All work on the roof is considered high-risk work, so we advise you to contact Special attention on safety precautions.

Firstly, if the roof is sloping, it is necessary to use safety ropes. Secondly, the path to get on and off the roof should be convenient.

Thirdly, working with paint itself requires the use of personal protective equipment - respiratory tract, eyes, skin. Fourth, be sure to wait until the previous layer has completely dried before continuing to apply the next one; walking on any surface is unacceptable.

Work progress

First, cleaning, then selecting a special paint according to the coating and, as a final touch, painting itself in several layers. If you do everything wisely, then the chestnuts of prosperity under such a roof will fall right into your hands.

You just need to thank the roof for this first. Be sure to watch the video in this article, it contains several useful tips, which will definitely help you in your future work.

In order for a metal roof to last a long time and have an attractive appearance, the roof of the house must be painted regularly. If you want to save money, you can do the work yourself, but in order not to make mistakes, you need to use the instructions, which will consistently describe the entire painting process, starting with preparing the roof covering and ending with applying the correctly selected paint composition.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to check the condition of the inside of the roof. To do this, you will have to go up to the attic and examine its condition in detail with a flashlight. It is most convenient to carry out the check in sunny weather, since light will shine through even a small gap.

If there is a roof leak somewhere, then this phenomenon will not go unnoticed - the rafters or sheathing will be black in that place. Having discovered problem area, measure the distance with a tape measure to the ridge and the nearest corner - then, when performing external work on a metal roof, this will help you find and repair it later. You should also check whether the roof needs paint on the inside as well.

Now let's carry out an external inspection, during which we evaluate not only the general condition of the material, but also how the roof is connected to the pipes, and in other places where you might not immediately notice something unless you look closely.

If the need arises, the roof is repaired, and only after that it is cleaned of rust and debris using a metal brush (manually or mechanically).

Choosing paint for a metal roof

What material is used for the roof? You might think that this question is rhetorical, since it is already clear that we are talking about a metal roof. There are some nuances here that need to be paid attention to, because a roof that needs painting can be covered with black or galvanized metal.

Regular construction paints are not suitable for painting a galvanized roof. It is necessary to select a painting composition that will not destroy this layer, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it. In this case, it is better to use vinyl, acrylic or acrylic-vinyl paints. In addition to excellent adhesion properties, these dyes remain flexible after drying, so they will not crack on a metal roof even with sudden temperature changes. You also need to take into account that paint adheres worse to zinc than to a metal roof that has been stripped of it.

Ferrous metal can be painted with cheaper oil paint, but it is not the best option, since repairs will have to be performed much more often due to the fact that such a coating is short-lived.

Recently, water-soluble paints have gained popularity. More detailed information You can learn how to work with such dyes by watching the video:

Let's get to work

Our roof has already been cleaned, now let’s take a closer look at how to paint the metal roof of a house with your own hands.

In order to properly prepare the surface to be painted for painting, it is necessary to remove all rust, and if this could not be done with a metal brush, then you can use chemicals. It is important to note that many rust removers need to be washed off with water. Check the instructions for the product you purchased to see if this is necessary and after how many days you can start painting.

Before starting work, the coating must be degreased. Solvents cope with this task very effectively, but given the large area to be treated, this method will be very expensive. The roof can be washed using special detergents.

Many modern paints do not need to be applied to a primed surface, but if oil paint is preferred, the roof must be primed. If several layers of primer are applied to a metal roof, each layer must be allowed to dry. If there are rust stains on the inside of the metal roof, the attic side of the material will need to be painted. This place must be cleaned with a metal brush, primed, and painted several times. If it needs painting metal system gutters, then it must be dismantled and painted in a disassembled state.

It is better to paint the metal roof of a house yourself using a spray gun. The applied layer will be thinner and more flexible, and paint consumption will be minimal. You can also use a wide brush, which will allow the paint to be rubbed into the metal, especially into the cracks. When working with a roller, the result is somewhat worse, since the dye is not rubbed in, but is applied to the roofing material in a thick layer.

It is best to carry out the work in autumn or spring, when the sun does not heat the roof and the air temperature is between +5 – 18˚C. This is due to the fact that when the paint dries quickly on a metal roof, it loses its quality. The best option- dry and windless weather. You should not wait until the evening, otherwise the fallen dew will do a disservice, ruining the freshly painted surface.

When painting the roof of a house, a separate item should highlight the issue of safety during the work. Properly selected shoes play a big role in a person’s stability. In some cases, when the roof surface is rough, felt soles attached to boots or other non-slip shoes will help. Insurance is a must, but it is important to know how to use it. Only after such extensive preparation can the metal roof of the house be painted. The following video explains more about insurance:

The paint application process begins at the ridge. Then you need to paint the roof, moving down. Finishing touch applied already from the stairs. The other side of the roof is painted in the same way. All that remains is to assemble and install the gutters of the drainage system with your own hands.

Although the painting process is simple, you don’t have to worry about the result for a long period of time only if everything preparatory work done correctly.

Do I need to paint metal tiles?

Metal roofing can be found even in remote villages, which indicates the popularity of this fairly durable and beautiful roofing material. Another undoubted advantage is the ability to choose metal tiles suitable color. Still, despite such a large number of advantages, sometimes there is a need to paint a metal roof made of this material because:

  • During transportation, the factory-applied coating was severely scratched;
  • something fell on the roof or it was scratched by the branches of a tree growing nearby;
  • one of the roofing sheets was replaced, and it was not possible to match it to the color of the roof;
  • I wanted to change the color;
  • The paint has faded or rust has appeared.

Since situations are different, each case will require an individual approach, so we will consider each of them separately.

If you just wanted (or needed) to repaint your new roof to a different color, then its preparation will be limited to removing the gloss from the applied layer of paint. After degreasing and removing dust using a spray gun, acrylic paint is applied to the roof. The conditions are the same as when working with other types of metal roofing. In any case, you need to look at the manufacturer's recommendations.

Much more a difficult situation occurs when repairing an old coating on which rust has appeared, since it takes a lot of effort and time to prepare for painting.

Firstly, everything must be replaced rubber seals under the screws.

Secondly, after unscrewing the screw, you need to make sure that there is no rust underneath. If one is found, it must be removed and the metal primed.

Thirdly, if necessary, depending on the chosen paint, all places where rust has appeared are thoroughly cleaned and primed. Only after completing the above steps can you start painting.

In the case where the coating was scratched during transportation, you need to contact the selling company, and they will give you a repair kit for free (in most cases) or offer to purchase it for a fee.

As you can see, painting the roof with your own hands is quite possible, regardless of what metal was used when installing the roof.

Metal roofs have become quite widespread due to a number of advantages: reliability, simplicity of construction, affordable cost and attractive appearance. But often the surface needs additional protection from corrosion, and then the question of how to paint an iron roof becomes very, very relevant. We will look at how to choose the optimal paint and ensure the most high quality works

Features of paint selection

Consideration of the question of how to paint an iron roof should begin with determining the type of base that needs to be treated. This is what influences the choice of a particular option, so we will pay special attention to this factor.

Black metal

This group includes all metal roofing sheets, on which no protective covering. That is, the surface is pure metal, but it is not protected by anything and very quickly becomes covered with rust. Such a roof must be painted without fail, because it is better to process clean metal than to paint a rusty roof after a year, spending much more effort and money.

The main compositions used in this case:

  • Oil paint- Very old version, which previously had no alternatives, and to which many have become accustomed. But such a coating does not provide adequate durability: the roof looks great, but after a year cracks appear on the surface, and the color begins to fade. All this is due to the low elasticity of the material, and if you choose it, be prepared to repeat the coloring at least once every two years.
  • Alkyd compositions- Another one traditional version, its price is slightly higher than that of oil paints, but the quality of the cover is much better. This group of compositions is distinguished by its rich color scheme, but due to poor resistance to ultraviolet radiation, staining will also have to be repeated every 2-3 years. The coating is also not elastic enough, which reduces its reliability during sudden changes in temperature.
  • Acrylic compositions appeared relatively recently, but have gained wide popularity among developers due to a number of advantages: it contains anti-corrosion additives, which significantly improves the protective properties of the coating, the surface is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which ensures high durability. once every 10 years, which is why it is chosen by those who work with their own hands and do not want to repeat painting too often.

  • Zinga electrically conductive paint is very interesting solution, because this composition is an analogue of cold galvanizing and consists of 96% zinc. The instructions for its use are simple, but the result is a coating that is practically not inferior to factory galvanized coating, which is resistant to almost any adverse weather influences: from the scorching sun to sudden temperature changes.

Galvanized sheet

This is one of the most popular and sought after options when it comes to metal roofing. And this is not without reason - galvanizing makes steel resistant to moisture, but the layer is very thin, and it is not surprising that over time it no longer protects the metal, and corrosion processes begin. This is why painting is necessary; it will not only protect the roof, but also make it much more attractive.

Advice! Experts came to the conclusion that the best way preparation is natural aging: after installation, the roof is left for a year, moisture removes chemical reagents remaining after treatment, and rain cleans the surface. It is enough to wash the roof with an alkaline solution, and you can start painting.

For paints, you can use oil compositions, acrylic paints and compositions, in addition, there are special paints that are worth considering separately:

  • Fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil are perfect for protecting the surface from the adverse effects of the atmosphere and will serve as a barrier against the effects of fire. This is especially important if there are many chimneys and ventilation shafts on the roof. But the cost this option is quite large, and using it on the roof is most often unjustified.
  • If you are faced with the question of how to paint an old iron roof, when the zinc layer has practically disappeared and the surface is covered with so-called white rust - a powdery coating, then it is best to choose alkyd-urethane paint. It will not only reliably protect the surface, but also prevent further spread of corrosion.

Note! This paint has the highest performance properties, but its cost is quite high.

Important! Never use alkyd compounds on galvanized surfaces. Alkaline reaction the composition will oxidize, it will peel off from the surface, and you will have to do all the work again.

Important Notes

Choosing a quality composition does not guarantee an excellent result.

It is important to remember the following nuances:

  • The surface must be cleaned of oxides and contaminants. If you are preparing galvanization, you should not be too zealous; along with the dirt, you can also remove the zinc layer.
  • Before painting, the surface should be washed with an alkaline solution.
  • The treatment should be carried out from top to bottom, optimally applying 2-3 layers.
  • Remember that acrylic compounds gain strength over several weeks, so it is not recommended to move on the surface during this period.


Actually choose the right option quite simple, it is important to take into account all the features of the roof and not skimp on quality, otherwise the work will have to be done again ().

The video in this article will help you better understand some of the issues discussed in this topic.
