The development of physical qualities is carried out better at Fundamentals of education of physical qualities. Faculty of correspondence department


development impact

physical qualities of a person

through standardized

functional loads

Rice. 1. Physical education as a pedagogical process of purposeful formation of motor skills and development of physical qualities of a person

1 Theory - a system of principles, laws, categories, concepts, concepts that describe any relatively homogeneous, holistic phenomenon - a system

or its elements, functions.

Preparation"; 3) “physical development”; 4) “physical perfection”; 5) “sport”.

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is teaching movements, nurturing physical qualities, mastering special physical education knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical education activities (Fig. 1).

Movement training has as its content physical education - the systematic development by a person of rational ways to control his movements, thus acquiring the necessary fund of motor skills, skills and related knowledge in life.

By mastering movements that have semantic meaning, motor actions that are important for life or sports, students acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities. At the same time, they learn the patterns of their body movements.

Depending on the degree of mastery, the motor action technique can be performed in two forms - in the form of a motor skill and in the form of a skill. Therefore, instead of the phrase “learning movements” in the practice of physical education, the term “formation of motor skills” is often used.

The development of physical qualities is an equally important aspect of physical education. Purposeful management of the progressive development of strength, speed, endurance and other physical qualities affects the complex of natural properties of the body and thereby determines quantitative and qualitative changes in its functional capabilities.

All physical qualities are innate, i.e. given to a person in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed and improved. And when the process of natural development becomes specially organized, i.e. pedagogical nature, it is more correct to say not “development”, but “education of physical qualities”.

In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical education and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, medical and co-biological and methodological content is also acquired. Knowledge makes the process of physical exercise more meaningful and therefore more effective.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain nutritional and educational problems, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that... that it ensures the systematic formation of motor abilities and skills and the targeted development of a person’s physical qualities, the totality of which decisively determines his physical capacity.

Physical training. The term “physical training” emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities. Distinguish general physical fitness And special

General physical training is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor readiness as prerequisites for success in various activities.

Special physical training is a specialized process that promotes success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.) that imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, reflecting the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and abilities that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is focused).

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change throughout the life of an individual of the morphofunctional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

1. Physique indicators (body length, body weight, posture,
volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, the amount of fat deposits
nia, etc.), which characterize before Total biological
forms, or morphology, of a person.

2. Health indicators (criteria) reflecting morphology
logical and functional changes in physiological systems
human body. Crucial to human health
affects the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory
and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs
nia, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc.

3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed
abilities, endurance, etc.).

Until approximately 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. Subsequently, as we age, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and deteriorates; body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changes in these indicators throughout life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. Successfully managing physical development is only possible if these patterns are known and they are taken into account when constructing the process of physical education.

Physical development is determined to a certain extent laws of heredity, which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, must be taken into account when predicting a person's capabilities and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age gradation. It is possible to intervene in the process of a person’s physical development in order to control it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities human body in different age periods: during the period of formation and growth, during the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, during the period of aging.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of organism and environment and, therefore, depends significantly on human living conditions. Living conditions primarily include social conditions. Living conditions, work, education and material support significantly influence physical state human and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a known influence on physical development.

Of great importance for managing physical development in the process of physical education are biological law of exercise And law of unity of forms and functions organism in its activities. These laws are the starting point for choosing means and methods of physical education in each specific case.

By choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of exercise, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a single whole. Therefore, when selecting exercises and loads, mainly selective ones, it is necessary to clearly understand all aspects of their influence on the body.

Physical perfection. This is a historically determined ideal of human physical development and physical fitness, optimally meeting the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, providing a person with the opportunity
painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including
le and unfavorable conditions of life, work, life;

2) high general physical performance, I allow
to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionally developed physique, correct posture
ka, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities,
excluding one-sided human development;

5) mastery of rational techniques of basic vital
movements, as well as the ability to quickly learn new movements
negative actions;

6) physical education, i.e. possession of special
knowledge and ability to effectively use your body and
physical abilities in life, work, sports.

On modern stage development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the standards of a unified sports classification.

Sport. It represents the competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, as well as interhuman relations and norms inherent in it 1.

Characteristic feature sport is a competitive activity, the specific form of which is competitions that allow one to identify, compare and contrast human capabilities on the basis of clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements according to established rules.

Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.


2.1. Physical education system, its foundations

Under the concept system They mean something whole, which is a unity of regularly located and interconnected parts, intended to perform specific functions and solve certain problems.

The physical education system is a historically determined type of social practice of physical education, including ideological, theoretical, methodological, programmatic, normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1 Sport as a social phenomenon will be discussed in more detail in Part 2 of this textbook (Chapter 17).

1. Worldview foundations. Worldview represents
fight a set of views and ideas that determine the direction
human activity.

In the domestic system of physical education, worldviews are aimed at promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved, realizing the opportunities for everyone to achieve physical perfection, strengthening and long-term preservation of health, and preparing members of society for professional activities on this basis.

2. Theoretical and methodological foundations. Physical system
education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical
the methodological basis is the scientific principles of natural
(anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social (philo
Sofia, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy
geeks, etc.) sciences, on the basis of which the discipline “Theory and Methods”
Dick of Physical Education" develops and substantiates the most
more general patterns of physical education.

3. Software and regulatory framework. Physical education
carried out on the basis of mandatory government programs
in physical education and sports (programs for preschool
institutions, secondary schools, secondary and higher
educational institutions, army, etc.) - These programs contain scientific
but justified tasks and means of physical education, com
complexes of motor skills and abilities to be learned,
list of specific standards and requirements.

The programmatic and normative foundations of the physical education system are specified in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activities of participants in the physical education movement (study, work in production, military service) in two main areas: general training and specialized.

The general preparatory direction is represented primarily by physical education in the system of general compulsory education. It provides: a basic minimum of comprehensive physical fitness; the basic fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life; a level of diversified development of physical abilities accessible to everyone. The specialized direction (sports training, industrial-applied and military-applied physical training) provides for in-depth improvement in a chosen type of motor activity on the basis of broad general training with the highest possible (depending on individual abilities) level of achievement.

These two main directions provide the opportunity to consistently master vital movements,

education of physical, moral and volitional qualities, sports improvement of a person.

The basic principles of physical education (principles of comprehensive assistance in the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual, applied and health-improving orientation) are concretely embodied in the program-normative framework.

4. Organizational foundations. The organizational structure of the physical education system consists of state and public-amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

The state provides for systematic mandatory classesphysical exercise in preschool institutions (nurseries), secondary schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, the army, medical and preventive organizations. Classes are conducted according to state programs, at the allotted hours in accordance with the schedule and official schedule, under the guidance of full-time specialists (physical education personnel).

Control over the organization, implementation and results of physical education through the state is ensured by the Committee of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Committee State Duma for Tourism and Sports, city committees for physical culture and sports, as well as the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Along the social and amateur route, physical exercise classes are organized depending on the individual inclinations, abilities of those involved and the need for physical education. The fundamental feature of the socially amateur form of organization is complete voluntariness physical education classes. The duration of classes depends largely on the individual attitude, personal inclinations and the actual availability of free time.

Organization of physical education on social and amateur principles provides for mass involvement in physical education through a system of voluntary sports societies: “Spartak”, “Lokomotiv”, “Dynamo”, “Labor Reserves” And etc.

2.2. The purpose and objectives of physical education

The goal is understood as the final result of an activity that a person or society strives for.

The purpose of physical education is the optimization of a person’s physical development, the comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities inherent in everyone and the abilities associated with them.

abilities in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities that characterize a socially active personality; to ensure on this basis the preparedness of each member of society for fruitful work and other types of activity (L.P. Matveev, 1989).

In order to make the goal realistically achievable in physical education, a set of specific tasks (specific and general pedagogical) are solved, which reflect the versatility of the education process, the stages of age development of students, their level of preparedness, and the conditions for achieving the intended results.

The specific tasks of physical education include two groups of tasks: tasks to optimize human physical development and educational tasks.

Solution tasks to optimize physical development a person must be provided with:

Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in the person

Strengthening and maintaining health, as well as hardening the body

Improving physique and harmonious development
physiological functions;

Maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years

The comprehensive development of physical qualities is of great importance for a person. The wide possibility of their transfer to any motor activity allows them to be used in many areas of human activity - in a variety of labor processes, in various and sometimes unusual environmental conditions.

The health of the population in the country is considered as the greatest value, as a starting condition for full-fledged activities and happy life of people. On the basis of good health and good development of the physiological systems of the body, a high level of development of physical qualities can be achieved: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

Improving the physique and the harmonious development of a person’s physiological functions are solved on the basis of the comprehensive education of physical qualities and motor abilities, which ultimately leads to a naturally normal, undistorted formation of bodily forms. This task involves correcting physique deficiencies, developing correct posture, proportional development of muscle mass in all parts of the body, promoting the maintenance of optimal weight through physical exercise, and ensuring bodily beauty. The perfection of body shapes, in turn, expresses to a certain extent the perfection of the functions of the human body.

Physical education ensures long-term preservation of a high level of physical abilities, thereby prolonging people's working capacity.

To special educational tasks include:

Formation of various vital motor movements
skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and skills

Acquisition of basic knowledge of scientific and practical nature

A person’s physical qualities can be most fully and rationally used if he is trained in motor actions. As a result of learning movements, motor skills are formed. Vital skills and abilities include the ability to carry out motor actions necessary in labor, defense, household or sports activities.

Thus, the skills and abilities of swimming, skiing, running, walking, jumping, etc. have direct practical significance for life. Skills and abilities of a sports nature (in gymnastics, figure skating, techniques for playing football, etc.) have an indirect application. The formation of skills and abilities develops a person’s ability to master any movements, including labor ones. The more motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is for him to master new forms of movements.

Transferring special physical education knowledge to students, their systematic replenishment and deepening are also important tasks of physical education. These include knowledge: the essence of physical culture, its significance for the individual and society; physical education and hygiene; patterns of formation of motor skills; physical exercise techniques, its meaning and basic application; strengthening and maintaining good health for many years.

Increasing the physical education literacy of people allows us to widely introduce physical education and sports into everyday life and at work. In the matter of involving broad sections of the population in the physical education movement, the promotion of physical education knowledge is of paramount importance.

To general pedagogical include tasks related to the formation of a person’s personality. These tasks are put forward by society to the entire education system as particularly significant. Physical education should promote the development of moral qualities, behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society, the development of intelligence and psychomotor function.

Highly moral behavior of an athlete, brought up by the coach and the team, as well as developed in the process of training

Through physical exercise, hard work, perseverance, courage and other volitional qualities are directly transferred to life, to industrial, military and everyday situations.

In the process of physical education, certain tasks are also solved in the formation of ethical and aesthetic qualities of the individual. The spiritual and physical principles in human development form an inseparable whole and therefore make it possible to effectively solve these problems during physical education.

General pedagogical objectives of physical education are specified in accordance with the specifics of the chosen direction of physical education, age and gender of students.

The goal of physical education can be achieved provided that all its tasks are solved. Only in unity do they become real guarantors of the comprehensive harmonious development of man.

Main aspects of task specification. The tasks solved in the process of physical education receive their specific interpretation according to the profile of sports training, general and professionally applied physical training (Fig. 2). Moreover

Purpose of physical education



General pedagogical

Specification of tasks according to core aspects

Sports aspect (sports training)

Professional-applied aspect (vocational-applied physical training)

Basic aspect

(basic physical


Rice. 2. Main aspects of specifying tasks in physical education

Two directions for specifying tasks can be noted (L. P. Matveev, 1989).

In the first case, the tasks to be solved are specified in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of the students. Individualized specification of tasks in physical education is a complex matter, since physical exercises are carried out in forms of group organization. However, despite this, it is necessary to take into account age and gender characteristics, as well as the physical development and level of preparedness of those involved.

In the second case, the specification of tasks is carried out in a temporal aspect, which means correlating them with the time necessary and favorable for their solution.

Based on the goals in physical education, general goals are set. They, in turn, are divided into a number of specific tasks, the consistent implementation of which requires a certain amount of time. General tasks are considered in a long-term aspect (for the entire period of study in a secondary school, in a secondary specialized and higher educational institution, etc.), specific tasks - for a period of time ranging from relatively short (for one lesson) to very long (a month, an academic quarter , half-year, year).

When setting tasks and determining deadlines for their solution, the patterns of age-related development of the human body are taken into account, as well as the patterns of turnover of age periods and the natural changes that occur in them. So, for example, when cultivating physical qualities, it is necessary to take into account sensitive (sensitive) zones, when the natural maturation of the forms and functions of the body creates favorable preconditions for targeted influence on these qualities. Or another example. The maturation of the motor analyzer in adolescents ends at 13-14 years of age. puberty in girls it is carried out at the same time. In complexly coordinated sports ( gymnastics, figure skating, etc.) tasks for mastering a significant number of complex technical actions are set for the period preceding this age.

The above allows us to say that the formulation of each specific task can be carried out only in each specific situation of its solution. The specification of tasks in the education and upbringing system (school, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, etc.) is carried out from the more general (for the entire period of study) to the more specific (for a year, semester, quarter, month, one lesson).

Specificity in setting tasks should be expressed not only in semantic terms, but also in quantitative indicators. For this purpose, standards are introduced as unified

Quantitative expressions of problems solved in physical education.

In the field of physical education, the quantitative and normative setting of tasks mainly reflects the standards of physical fitness. They are divided according to two aspects: standards reflecting the degree of development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility), and standards characterizing degree mastery of motor skills (standards of “training”).

Physical fitness standards should be available to every person (if he is healthy and has no flaws in the physical condition of the body). Accessibility presupposes a certain level of human training. If the standards are too low, they have no stimulating value, and students lose motivation to achieve them. Therefore, the standards must be realistic - not too high, but not too low either.

The normative basis for the general preparatory direction is government programs, and for the sports direction - sports classification.

In addition to the above methods of specifying tasks in physical education, other methods are also used. One of them is the formulation of individualized motor tasks, providing for the execution of movements within the framework of clearly defined parameters (spatial, temporal, strength). Such specification of particular tasks is more often practiced in individual lessons or a series of lessons. They mainly affected C\ They either teach motor actions or develop physical qualities.

Another way to specify tasks is long-term, stage-by-stage and operational-current planning of the necessary (from the standpoint of the planned tasks) changes in the state of the body according to individual indicators expressing the degree of capacity of its systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.).

This can be demonstrated by setting goals for training endurance. They outline specific indicators that the student must achieve. These indicators reflect pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption and other indicators of human autonomics.

Each such indicator individually, of course, is completely unequal
intended for holistic performance indicators to achieve
which physical education is aimed at. But taken in the owl
together, these “partial” indicators, if their mutual relations are known
connections and patterns of change in the process of physical
education, are very important for concretizing the issues addressed in it
specific tasks, and also for volume active control over their

2.3. General social and pedagogical principles of the physical education system

Under the term principles in pedagogy they understand the most important, most essential provisions that reflect the laws of education. They direct the activities of the teacher and student towards the intended goal with less effort and time.

The general principles for the implementation of tasks arising from the purpose of physical education are: I) the principle of promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual; 2) the principle of connection between physical education and practice (application); 3) the principle of health-improving orientation.

They are called general because their action extends to all workers in the field of physical culture and sports, to all levels of the physical education system (preschool institutions, schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, etc.), to state and public forms of organization (mass physical culture and elite sports, etc.).

The general principles contain the requirements of society and the state both for the process of physical education itself and for its result (what a person involved in physical education should become).

The principle of promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two main provisions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form
harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education
niya and related forms of use of physical culture are necessary
We take an integrated approach to solving problems of moral, aesthetic
tical, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Comprehensive use various factors physical
culture for the full overall development of human characteristics
ku vital physical qualities and based on them
motor abilities along with the formation of a wide
fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life.
In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical
It is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special education
cial physical training.

The principle of connection between physical education and life practice (the principle of application) - This principle best reflects the purpose of physical education: to prepare a person for work, and also, by necessity, for military activity. The principle of application is specified in the following provisions.

I. When solving specific problems of physical training, one should, other things being equal, give preference to those means (physical exercises) that form vital motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any form of physical activity it is necessary
strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible
fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as
diversified development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully connect cultural figures
ity with the formation of an active life position of the individual
based on the education of hard work, patriotism and moral

The principle of health-improving orientation. The meaning of the principle is to necessarily achieve the effect of strengthening and improving human health. This principle obliges:

Determining the specific content of the means and method of physics
ical education, must certainly proceed from their health
values ​​as a mandatory criterion;

Plan and regulate training loads depending on
depending on gender, age, level of preparedness of those involved;

Ensure regularity and unity of medical and teaching
technical control during classes and competitions;

Widely use the healing powers of nature and
hygiene factors.

Thus, as follows from the above, the main purpose of the general principles of the physical education system comes down to the following:

firstly, to create the most favorable conditions and opportunities for achieving the goal and solving the problems of physical education;

secondly, to designate the general orientation of the physical education process (comprehensiveness, application, health improvement);

thirdly, to determine the main ways to guarantee the achievement of positive results of physical education (ways to implement them in practice).

The principles of the physical education system represent an organic unity. Violation of one of them affects the implementation of the others.



In pedagogy, the concept of education is considered in a broad and narrow sense.

Education in a broad sense is the process and result of assimilation and active reproduction by social subjects of society.

natural experience, which covers their wide, multilateral interaction with each other, with social environment and the surrounding nature. Its essence is manifested as a process of purposeful, organizationally formalized interaction of all its participants in subject-subject relationships, ensuring their harmonious development and effective solution of socially significant problems.

Education in the narrow sense is a purposeful and systematic interaction of subjects of the educational process. It covers the activities of educators who carry out a system of pedagogical influences on the mind, feelings, and will of those being educated, who actively respond to these influences under the influence of their needs, motives, life experiences, beliefs and other factors.

The educational process is the purposeful activity of all subjects of education, ensuring the formation of personality qualities (needs, character, abilities and “I-concept” 1) in the interests of corresponding educational goals and objectives.

The main goal of education in modern conditions consists in creating material, spiritual, organizational conditions for the formation in each citizen of an integral complex of social and value qualities, views, and beliefs that ensure his successful development.

3.1. The connection between different types of education in the process of physical education

IN age development Physical education plays a very important role in human life. This concerns not only promoting the normal physical development of a growing organism and its improvement, strengthening health, but also the formation of the spiritual qualities of the individual. All this becomes possible and real with the correct organization of physical education, its implementation in organic connection with other types of education: mental, moral, labor, aesthetic.

The relationship between physical education and mental education. It manifests itself directly and indirectly.

Direct communication lies in the fact that in the process of physical education there is a direct impact on the development of the mental abilities of those involved. In the classroom, cognitive situations constantly arise related to the mastery of technology.

1 *I"-concept"- relatively stable, quite conscious, experienced as a unique system of a person’s ideas about himself as the subject of his life and truth, on the basis of which he builds interactions with others, attitude towards himself, carries out his activities and commands. no physical exercises, its improvement, mastery of techniques practical actions, etc. (how to perform movements more economically, more accurately, more expressively, etc., how to distribute forces over a distance, in competitions, etc.).

A physical education and sports teacher, depending on the qualifications and age of the students, intentionally creates cognitive and problematic situations of varying degrees of complexity in the classroom. Students must make their own decisions, act actively and take a creative approach to solving the tasks assigned to them.

A variety of new knowledge in the field of physical education acquired by students serves their spiritual enrichment and contributes to the development of mental abilities, allowing them to more effectively use the means of physical education in sports activities and life.

Indirect communication is that strengthening health and developing physical strength in the process of physical education constitute a necessary condition for the normal mental development of children. This was noted by the outstanding scientist P.F. Lesgaft. In his fundamental work “Guide to the physical education of children school age“He wrote: “There is a close connection between the mental and physical development of a person, which becomes clear when studying the human body and its functions. Mental growth and development require corresponding physical development.”

As a result of the implementation of health-improving tasks of physical education, the overall vital activity of the body increases, which leads to greater productivity in mental activity.

The relationship between physical education and moral education. On the one hand, properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of positive traits of a person’s moral character. In the process of complex and intense training and competitive activity, the moral qualities of young people are tested and formed, the will is strengthened and tempered, and experience of moral behavior is acquired.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of physical education classes depends on the level of education of students, their organization, discipline, perseverance, will and other character traits (for example, the effectiveness of physical education lessons in secondary schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, etc.).

On a moral basis, the education of sports diligence, the ability to overcome difficulties, strong will and other personal qualities is carried out.

The relationship between physical education and aesthetic education. Physical exercise creates favorable conditions for aesthetic education. In the process of training, a red-

good posture, harmonious development of body shapes is achieved, and an understanding of the beauty and grace of movements is cultivated. All this helps to develop aesthetic feelings, tastes and ideas, promotes the manifestation of positive emotions, cheerfulness, and optimism.

Aesthetic education develops a person spiritually, and also allows him to correctly understand and appreciate beauty and strive for it.

A person with developed aesthetic taste, as a rule, strives to create aesthetic values ​​by carrying out aesthetic activities, which are widely represented in sports in various forms.

The connection between physical and aesthetic education is based on the unity of their goal - the formation of a person, and physical perfection is part of the aesthetic ideal.

The relationship between physical education and labor education. Systematic physical exercise builds organization, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, one’s own reluctance or inability, and ultimately fosters hard work. In addition, students’ fulfillment of various instructions from the teacher regarding self-care, repairing sports equipment, equipping simple sports grounds, etc. contributes to the formation of basic labor skills.

The results of labor education in the formation of certain personality qualities directly have a positive impact on the effectiveness of the physical education process.

3.2. Technology of educational activities of teachers in physical education and sports

The technology of educational activities is a set of methodological and organizational guidelines that determine the selection, layout and procedure for using educational tools. It determines the strategy, tactics and technique of organizing the educational process in the field of physical culture and sports.

Parenting strategy sets the general concept, prospects and plan for achieving educational goals in the process of solving practical problems.

Parenting tactics in accordance with its strategy, determines the system for organizing educational activities in an educational institution, institution, enterprise and with each specific person.

Education technique characterizes a set of techniques, operations and other actions of a teacher in physical education and sports

on the use of educational tools in professional activities.

The constituent elements of educational technology are reception, link, chain. Educational reception The teacher (trainer) determines the use of forces and means to achieve a specific educational impact. Educational link- This is a separate, independent part of educational technology. The links are united by a common goal. Educational chain is a set of interconnected, consistently activated techniques and links for the formation of social and value qualities and habits.

The main element of technology is education methods, which represent certain methods of uniform pedagogical influence on those involved in physical culture and sports and groups or interaction with them in order to form and develop in them the qualities necessary for the successful fulfillment of social roles and the achievement of personally significant goals.

Each of the methods of education is aimed at solving specific educational problems determined by the purpose of education, as well as the characteristics of the participating subjects of education. Having an educational influence on a person, each method of education performs very specific functions and has the properties of preferential development of certain qualities in him. Any method of education includes a set of means and methods of pedagogical influence peculiar only to it, with the help of which educational tasks characteristic of this method are solved.

The basis of education methods is the means And techniques that are interconnected and used in unity in educational practice.

Educational means- This All something with the help of which the teacher (coach) influences the students. The means of education include: the word, visual aids, films and videos, conversations, meetings, traditions, literature, works of visual and musical art, etc.

Educational techniques - these are special cases of actions to use elements or individual means of education in accordance with a specific pedagogical situation. In relation to the method, educational techniques are subordinate in nature.

In the system of educational methods, each specific method cannot be considered as universal, separately from others. Only the use of a set of educational methods in their technological interrelation makes it possible to achieve the educational goal. Not a single method of education, taken in isolation, can ensure the formation in people of high consciousness, conviction and high moral qualities. In other words, none of

methods is not universal and does not solve all educational problems.

The most effective educational methods are:

Traditionally accepted - persuasion, exercise, encouragement
determination, coercion and example;

Innovative and activity-based (determined by the implementation
new educational technologies) - model-target approach,
design, algorithmization, creative invariance, etc.;

Informal-interpersonal (carried out through personal
tediously significant people, authoritative ones from among friends and close
to their);

Game-based training (provides mastery of individual
social and group experience, as well as correction of behavior and actions
developments in specially specified conditions) - social psychologists
technical trainings, business games, etc.;

Reflexive (based on individual experience,
self-analysis and awareness of one’s own value in real life

In domestic pedagogy, the main method of education is persuasion method since it plays a decisive role in the formation of the most important qualities of a person - a scientific worldview, consciousness and conviction.

The method of persuasion is to explain to those involved the norms of behavior, established, established traditions, and when committing any offenses, their immoral side in order for the offender to realize it and prevent the offense in the future.

In applying the method of persuasion, two main, inextricably linked means are used: persuasion by word and persuasion by deed.

The most common techniques And The means of persuasion by word are: explanation, proof, refutation, comparison, juxtaposition, analogy, reference to authority, etc. Persuasion by word must be organically combined with persuasion by deed and practice.

When persuading by action, the following techniques are most often used: showing the person involved the value and significance of his actions and deeds; assignment of practical tasks that help overcome doubts and false views; analysis of life phenomena that refutes erroneous views; personal example of a teacher (trainer), etc.

Exercise method (practical training method). Allows each teacher (trainer) and the student himself to quickly achieve the desired goal: to merge word and deed, to form stable qualities and character traits. Its essence lies in such an organization Everyday life and activities that strengthen their consciousness, strengthen their will, and promote

formation of habits of correct behavior. The basis of habituation is exercise in certain moral and volitional manifestations.

Exercise as a special activity repeated many times by a person is necessary to improve behavioral skills in various situations as a result of increased consciousness. An exercise in education is different from an exercise in teaching. In the first case, it is closely related to a simultaneous increase in consciousness, and in the second, it is aimed at developing skills and abilities to a high degree of automatism and the role of consciousness in actions is somewhat reduced.

To improve moral and other professionally important qualities, a systematic approach to exercises, which includes consistency, planning, and regularity, is of great importance. This means that a physical education and sports teacher must plan the volume and sequence of loads that influence the development of positive habits and the improvement of volitional qualities.

It is necessary not only to explain, but also to constantly, persistently train those involved in disciplined, cultural behavior, in the strict implementation of sports rules and traditions, until these norms become habitual.

A good example. The essence of this method is the purposeful and systematic influence of the teacher (trainer) on students by personal example, as well as all other types of positive examples designed to serve as a role model, the basis for the formation of ideal behavior and a means of self-education.

The educational power of example is based on the natural desire of people to imitate, especially young people. An example is easier to perceive and assimilate when it is taken from familiar areas of activity. As educational examples, the teacher uses cases from the life of his team (high sports achievements of his individual students as a result of many years of hard work in training, etc.), examples of the manifestation of high moral qualities by outstanding athletes at important international competitions, etc.

In educational work, positive examples should be used more. If a teacher (trainer) uses a negative example, then one must skillfully show the immoral side of the example in order to evoke condemnation from the students.

Incentive method. Encouragement is a specific, ordered set of techniques and means of moral and material stimulation. Moral and material

encouragement actively helps a person to realize the degree of work in achieving a common goal, to comprehend his behavior, to consolidate positive character traits and useful habits.

In physical culture and sports, incentives include: approval, praise from the teacher during classes and before the formation, awarding a diploma, a medal for high sports and technical results, awarding the title of master of sports, etc.

Method of punishment (coercion). The method of punishment (coercion) is understood as a system of means and methods of influencing those involved who violate laws and moral norms, in order to correct their behavior and encourage them to conscientiously fulfill their duties.

Punishment for the committed offense is imposed so that the offender understands his mistake. It can be in the form of condemnation of an offense (a remark made by a teacher immediately or later before the formation), a reprimand, temporary exclusion from a sports team, imposition of a disciplinary sanction, etc.

The degree of punishment must correspond to the offense. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deeply understand the essence of the offense, find out its motives, the circumstances under which it was committed, the person’s previous behavior, the characteristics of his personality, as well as his experience in physical education or sports. All this allows you to correctly assess the violation and determine the penalty that will have the greatest educational impact on the student who committed the offense.

To determine the punishment, it is very important to know how the offender feels about the offense committed, how he evaluates it and how he reacts to punishment. It’s not without reason that they say that admitting a mistake is half the correction.

Punishment for an offense has a positive impact only when it is applied correctly, taking into account the nature of the offense and its impact on others.

Moral education in the process of physical education. Moral education is the purposeful formation of moral beliefs, the development of moral feelings and the development of skills and habits of human behavior in society. IN common system moral education is of leading importance.

Objectives of moral education are:

Formation of moral consciousness (i.e. moral
concepts, views, judgments, assessments), ideological conviction and
motives for activity (in particular, physical education), I agree
those with high moral standards;

Formation of moral feelings (love for the Motherland, huma
nism, feelings of collectivism, friendship, feelings of irreconcilability
ty to violations of moral standards, etc.);

Formation of moral qualities, habits of observance
knowledge of ethical standards, skills of socially justified behavior
niya (respect for the results of labor and subjects of spiritual and mathematical
rial culture, respect for parents and elders, honesty
ty, modesty, conscientiousness, etc.) 1 ;

Nurturing strong-willed traits and personality qualities (courage, re
assertiveness, courage, will to win, self-control, etc.).

TO means of moral education include: content and organization of training sessions, sports regime, competitions (strict fulfilling them rules), activities of the teacher (trainer), etc.

Methods of moral education include:

Persuasion in the form of an explanation of established norms of behavior
deniya, established traditions;

Conversations when students perform any activity

Disputes on ethical topics;

A clear example (above all, a worthy example of the
teacher, trainer);

Practical training (essence: constantly, persistently
to train students in a disciplined, cultural manner
conduct, in strict compliance with sports rules, sports
regime, traditions, until these norms become familiar; V
enduring significant and prolonged efforts that require
often training loads and competitions);

Encouragement: approval, praise, declaration of gratitude
ty, awarding a diploma, etc.;

Providing trust in the performance of assistant duties
teacher, awarding the team an incentive point for under
maintaining the results of competitions, etc.;

Punishment for the offense committed: reprimand, reprimand,
discussion ng team meeting (sports team), time
permanent exclusion from the team, etc.

Mental education in the process of physical education. Physical education provides ample opportunities for solving problems of mental education. This is due to the specifics of physical education, its content and procedural foundations.

There is a two-way connection between mental and physical education.

On the one hand, physical education creates better conditions for mental performance and promotes the development of intelligence; on the other hand, mental education increases the effectiveness of physical education, creating conditions for more

1 Moral feelings express a person’s emotional attitude to the surrounding reality, to people, to his behavior.

thoughtful attitude towards it for those involved in understanding or the essence of the problems being solved and creative searches for their solutions. In the content of mental education in the process of physical education, two sides can be distinguished: educational and educational. The educational side lies in the transfer of special physical education knowledge. At the same time, thinking develops in two directions: as reproducing (reproductive) and as productive (creative). Reproducing thinking consists of students comprehending their actions after the teacher’s instructions (for example, when teaching a complex movement). Examples creative thinking is to analyze the “reference” sports technique with the aim of rationally applying it to your individual characteristics (find your individual technique). The educational side of mental education in the process of physical education lies in the development of such intellectual qualities as intelligence, concentration, inquisitiveness, quick thinking, etc.

Based on the above, the main tasks of mental education in the process of physical education are:

Enriching those involved with special knowledge V region
the essence of physical culture and the formation on this basis of the meaning
positive attitude towards physical education and sports activities,
promoting the formation of a scientific worldview;

Development of mental abilities (ability to analyze
And generalization, quick thinking, etc.), cognitive skills
activity and creative manifestations in motor activity;

Stimulating the development of needs and abilities for
self-knowledge and self-education.

Means of mental education are primarily physical education activities. Their content and volume are determined by physical education programs for secondary schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, etc.

In addition, the means of mental education include specially organized problem situations in the process of physical exercise, the resolution of which requires mental action (reception and processing of information, analysis, decision-making, etc.).

TO methods of mental education include:

Survey on the material being taught;

Observation and comparison;

Analysis and synthesis of the material being studied;

Critical assessment and analysis of motor actions.
Aesthetic education in the process of physical education.

Aesthetic education is designed to form extremely broad aesthetic needs in people. At the same time, it is important not only to form the ability to enjoy, to understand beauty in its diverse manifestations, but also, mainly, to cultivate the ability to

the ability to translate it into real actions and deeds. Physical education and sports provide exceptionally wide opportunities for this. We are talking about the development of the aesthetic activity of the individual, primarily in practical activities and life.

The relationship between physical education and aesthetic education lies in the fact that, on the one hand, physical education expands the scope of aesthetic influence on a person, on the other hand, aesthetic education increases the effectiveness of physical education by introducing into it a positive emotional aspect and additional attractive incentives for physical exercise.

Aesthetic education in the process of physical exercise faces the following specific tasks:

Education of aesthetic feelings and tastes in the field of physical education
Khoy culture;

Cultivating an aesthetic appreciation of the human body and movements;

Developing the skills to find and appreciate beauty in
conduct of comrades and in the surrounding environment.

TO means of aesthetic education The process of motor activity includes, first of all, various types of physical education itself. In each of them, the teacher can point out to his students moments of beauty. The means of aesthetic education are also holidays and performances, natural and hygienic conditions, as well as the environment of classes, special means of artistic education during classes (the use of music and works of art), etc.

Aesthetic education in the process of physical education is characterized by the following methods:

Emotionally expressive explanation of physical exercises
neniya, figurative word;

Technically advanced and emotionally expressive
demonstration of an exercise that would evoke a feeling of admiration

An inspiring example in actions and deeds;

Practical training in creative manifestations of beauty
you are in motor activity during physical exercises

Labor education in physical education. Attitude to work is one of the most important criteria for a person’s upbringing. This attitude to work is characterized by the stability of fulfilling the requirements of discipline, fulfilling production tasks, showing initiative in work, and personal contribution to the achievement of collective work.

The relationship between physical and labor education is expressed in the fact that physical education has a direct

promoting labor, increasing people’s ability to work, and labor education, in turn, gives physical education a specific focus on preparing people for life and work.

In the process of physical exercises, the content of labor education is the educational work itself, elementary labor processes for the maintenance of physical exercise classes, socially useful work of athletes and athletes in the form of patronage over any institution, enterprise, etc.

Before labor education in the process of physical education, the following are set: tasks:

Fostering hard work;

Formation of a conscious attitude towards work;

Mastering basic labor skills and skills

TO means of labor education include: educational work (in the process of academic classes in physical education, intense sports training sessions, competitions, performing practical duties for self-service and group service (preparation and cleaning of training places, equipment, caring for sports equipment, etc.), socially useful work in connection with physical education classes (in health and sports camps, etc.).

To specific methods of labor education in the process of physical education include:

Practical training for work;

Assessment of labor results;

Example of exemplary work (e.g., exceptionally good
conscientious attitude of the athlete to training and completion of studies
but training tasks with full effort and high
sports and technical result).

Playing various sports provides ample opportunities for developing positive personality traits. These classes are collective in nature. They are emotional and allow the formation of mental qualities along with physical ones. However, the educational opportunities for practicing various physical exercises and sports are not the same, which should be taken into account by the teacher (coach). They are determined by the special content and conditions for performing specific exercises.

Thus, through gymnastics exercises, with appropriate organization, teaching and training methods, it is possible to cultivate such qualities as endurance, courage, perseverance, and discipline. Outdoor and sports games are characterized by high emotionality and co-

create special conditions for the effective formation of positive personality qualities (honesty, responsibility to the team, perseverance, willingness to help a friend) and the elimination of negative qualities (selfishness, dishonesty, rudeness, arrogance, cowardice, etc.).

In pedagogical work, the following educational tasks are planned and implemented: long-term and immediate, collective and individual, related to separate, specific students.

The teacher must find the right approach to each athlete, be able to support and develop good qualities and inclinations in him, take care not only of his student’s sports results, but also about his attitude to school, his behavior, and cultural growth.

Efficiency in

One of the main tasks solved in the process of physical education is to ensure optimal development of physical qualities. Physical qualities are usually called innate morphofunctional qualities, thanks to which physical activity and expedient motor activity of a person are possible. The main physical qualities include strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and agility.

Force- the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension. The development of strength is accompanied by thickening and growth of muscle fibers.

The means of developing strength are physical exercises with increased weight (resistance): exercises with the weight of external objects (weights, collapsible dumbbells, a barbell with a set of discs of different weights, the weight of a partner, etc.); exercises with overcoming your own body weight (hanging pull-ups, push-ups, maintaining balance while standing, hanging, etc.); exercises using sports equipment; exercises using the external environment (running and jumping on loose sand, running and jumping uphill, running against the wind, etc.); exercises using the resistance of elastic objects (expanders, rubber bands, exercise balls, etc.).

Strength exercises in a separate lesson can occupy the entire main part if the development of strength is the main goal of the training session. In other cases, strength exercises are performed at the end of the main part of the session, but not after the endurance exercises. Strength exercises go well with stretching and relaxation exercises. The amount of resistance is usually measured by the weight of the weight, the number of repetitions in one approach, and the number of approaches (series).

Various methods are used to develop strength.

The maximum effort method is performing exercises with maximum and near-limit weights. With one approach, 1-3 repetitions are performed, 5-6 approaches with a rest of 4-8 minutes. This method is associated with the development of “explosive strength”, improving intermuscular and intramuscular coordination. Not used in beginner training.

The dynamic force method helps create maximum power tension by working with unlimited weights at maximum speed. This is ensured by the use of small and medium weights. Perform 3-6 series of 15-20 repetitions, rest 2-4 minutes. This method promotes the development of speed and strength qualities.

The method of repeated (unlimited) efforts involves the use of unlimited weights with a maximum number of repetitions (“to failure”). The weight of the unlimited weight is selected taking into account the preparedness of the student. Usually this is performing exercises with weights of 30-70% of the maximum, 3-6 series of 4-12 repetitions, rest 2-4 minutes. Serial repetitions of such work with unlimited weights contribute to the strong activation of metabolic-trophic (nutrient) processes in the muscular and other systems of the body, contribute to an increase in the overall level of functional capabilities of systems and organs, and effective growth muscle mass.

The circuit training method provides a comprehensive effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are carried out at “stations” and are selected in such a way that each subsequent series would include new group muscles.

Rapidity- a complex of functional properties of the body that determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as motor reactions. The means of developing speed are competitive special exercises performed at maximum speed, speed-strength exercises, outdoor and sports games.

Exercises are performed repeatedly at the fastest possible pace in easier or more difficult conditions. The duration of the exercise is short.

Endurance- this is the ability to withstand physical fatigue during muscle activity. There are two types of endurance: general and special.

General endurance is the ability to perform work at low intensity for a long time using aerobic energy sources. The means of developing general (aerobic) endurance are exercises that cause maximum performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In the practice of physical education, a wide variety of physical exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature are used: long running, cross-country running, skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, games and play exercises, etc. The main methods of developing general endurance are: 1) uniform method with moderate and variable intensity of loads; 2) repeated method; 3) circuit training method; 4) gaming and competitive methods.

Special endurance is the ability to effectively perform work in a specific work or sports activity. The means of developing special endurance (speed, strength, coordination, speed-strength, etc.) are special preparatory exercises that are as close as possible to competitive exercises in form, structure and features of the impact on the functional systems of the body, the competitive exercises themselves and general preparatory means.

The level of endurance development has the greatest impact on a person’s physical condition. Therefore, the endurance test is included in the list of tests in schools, colleges, technical schools, universities and the army.

Flexibility- ability to perform exercises with large amplitude. Flexibility depends on the elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joint capsules; it is associated with a hereditary factor, it is influenced by age and regular exercise.

To develop flexibility, exercises are used to stretch muscles, muscle tendons and joint ligaments with gradually increasing amplitude. Stretching exercises include active, passive and static.

Active movements with full amplitude (swings of arms and legs, jerks, bends and rotational movements of the body) can be performed without objects and with objects (gymnastic sticks, hoops, balls, etc.).

Passive flexibility exercises include: movements performed with the help of a partner; movements performed with weights; movements performed using a rubber expander or shock absorber; passive movements using one’s own strength (pulling the body towards the legs, bending the hand of one arm with the other hand, etc.).

Static exercises, performed with the help of a partner, your own body weight or force, require maintaining a stationary position with maximum amplitude for a certain time (6-9 s). This is followed by relaxation and then repetition of the exercise.

Basic rules for using stretching exercises: pain is not allowed, movements are performed at a slow pace, their amplitude and the degree of use of the partner’s force gradually increase.

Dexterity- the ability to quickly, accurately, economically solve motor problems. The main means of developing dexterity are physical exercises of increased coordination complexity and containing elements of novelty. The complexity of physical exercises can be increased by changing spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters, as well as by external conditions, changing the order of arrangement of projectiles, their weight, height; changing the area of ​​support or increasing its mobility in balance exercises, etc.; combining motor skills; combining walking with jumping, running and catching objects; performing exercises on cue or within a limited time.

Dexterity exercises are effective as long as they are not performed automatically. Then they lose their value, since any mastered to the skill and performed in the same constant conditions motor actions do not stimulate further development of dexterity.

Thus, the development of dexterity is facilitated by the systematic learning of new complicated movements, the use of exercises that require an immediate restructuring of motor activity: sports, outdoor games, martial arts.

Education of physical qualities

The educational side of physical education is of paramount importance for the rational use by a person of his motor abilities in life practice. Another, no less significant aspect of physical education is the targeted impact on the complex of natural properties of the body related to the physical qualities of a person. This aspect of physical education is callededucation of physical qualities,which include endurance, strength, speed, agility and flexibility.

Endurance - the ability to perform activities despite the onset of fatigue. Endurance is manifested during muscular and mental work, when working in conditions with low atmospheric pressure, in cold and heat, with painful stimuli, various poisons, etc., a distinction is made between general and special endurance.General Stamina- a person’s ability to perform dynamic work for a long time (running, walking, swimming). Exercises aimed at improving general endurance have a training effect on the circulatory, respiratory, thermoregulation, and metabolic systems. Special called endurance in relation to a specific activity chosen as a subject of specialization.Speed ​​endurance- the ability to maintain a high tempo of movement while moving very quickly over short distances.Static Stamina- the ability to continuously maintain muscle effort for a long time.Strength endurance- ability to maintain performance during dynamic work with significant loads.

If 2/3 or more muscles are involved in the work, endurance is called total (skiing), from 1/3 to 2/3 muscles - regional (squats) and if less than 1/3 of the muscles - local (work while sitting with your hands). Endurance is the most trainable quality. The endurance of individual muscle groups can be increased by 9-20 times. There are people who can run 270 km or swim 88 km in 24 hours.

General endurance is determined by the aerobic capabilities of the body. The ability to consume oxygen is characterized by the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). Since people have different weights, VO2 max is measured in ml/min/kg. In untrained people this figure is 40-45 ml/min/kg, in trained people - up to 80 ml/min/kg.

To develop general endurance, long-term physical exercise of moderate and variable intensity (running, swimming, skiing, sports games), and special breathing exercises (holding your breath at rest and while performing exercises) are used. Environmental factors (mountains, pressure chamber, elevated temperature).

Methods of training endurance: continuous (long running); repeated-interval, in which the intensity of the exercise, the duration of the working phases, the number of repetitions, the duration and form of rest are regulated (for example, running 20 times 400 m in 70 s after 200 m of slow running); circuit training; sport games.

Force - the ability to overcome mechanical and biomechanical forces that impede action by muscle tension. Strength abilities are characterized by the following factors:

– personal and mental (including emotions);

– central nervous;

– actual muscle (physiological diameter of muscles).

There are several types (types) of strength abilities. Actually power(in static modes and slow movements) are determined by muscle volume.Speed-power("dynamic" strength in fast movements, "explosive" strength - long and high jumps, throwing).Strength endurance(discussed above).

The highest strength indicators appear at 25-30 years old, the highest growth rates - at 13-14 and 16-18 years old.

Exercises aimed at developing strength abilities are divided into two groups.

1. Exercises with external weights. This group includes exercises with strictly dosed weights (with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells) and non-strictly dosed ones (partner’s opposition, environmental conditions - water, snow, sand, mountain, improvised objects - logs, rubber, stones).

2. Exercises with self-weights- own body weight (squats, pull-ups, jumping).

According to the mode of muscle functioning, strength exercises are divided into dynamic (overcoming, yielding) and static.

The most common methods for developing strength abilities:

1. Maximum Effort Method. Aimed at developing maximum dynamic strength. The weight of the projectiles is at least 90% of the maximum training weight (MT). In each exercise it is performed
5-6 series of 1-3 repetitions. Rest between series 4-8 minutes.

2. Repeated effort method ("to failure"). Effective in building muscle mass. Shell weight - 30-70% MT. In each exercise, 3-6 series of 4-12 repetitions are performed with 2-4 minutes of rest between series of exercises (incomplete recovery).

3. Dynamic force method. It is used for the development of speed and strength qualities. Projectile weight - up to 30% MT. Performed
3-6 series of 15-25 repetitions at the fastest pace after 2-4 minutes of rest.

4. Isometric (static) method. Develops static strength and helps build muscle mass. 3-5 maximum tensions are performed for 4-6 s after 30-60 minutes of rest. The entire set of isometric exercises, including 5-6 exercises, can be completed in 5-10 minutes.

When selecting strength exercises, it is advisable to pay more attention to exercises that develop the abdominal and back muscles. Strength exercises lead to muscle hypertrophy, strengthen the bone and joint-ligamentous apparatus, increase the chemical potential in the muscles, and increase the concentration of the contractile protein - myosin. The ability to simultaneously reduce a large number of motor functional units appears.

After 10-20 training sessions, the strength of individual muscle groups can increase by 35-80%. Static exercises contribute to this to a greater extent.

Rapidity - a complex of functional properties of a person that determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as the time of motor reaction.

When assessing the manifestations of speed, the following are distinguished:

1) speed of reaction;

2) single movement speed;

3) frequency of movements.

The greatest importance is the speed of integral motor acts (running, swimming), and not elementary manifestations of speed. To develop speed, exercises with maximum speed (jumping, throwing, running), outdoor and sports games are used. Special exercises aimed at developing speed can be divided into two groups:

1) repeated exercises at the fastest possible pace in light conditions (short distance running, downhill running, throwing lightweight projectiles);

2) repeated exercises at the fastest possible pace in difficult conditions (increasing distance segments, running uphill, throwing weighted projectiles).

Speed ​​exercises allow you to increase the mobility of nervous processes and provide the ability to quickly alternate processes of excitation and inhibition.

Repeated repetition of exercises can lead to stabilization of movement parameters and the formation of a so-called “speed barrier”, which prevents the increase in speed capabilities. One of the conditions in the fight against movement stabilization is comprehensive physical training over several years.

Dexterity - the ability to control one’s movements in time and space, quickly master new movements, and rearrange motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a changing environment.

Physical exercises and the conditions for their implementation that help improve coordination abilities include: exercises with complex coordination; novelty in the exercise, at least partial; reducing the support area; unstable support; decreased visual control; introduction of knocking counteraction from a partner; mirror exercises.

The development of agility should be spent up to 15 minutes in the first third of the training session.

Exercises aimed at developing dexterity help to increase the plasticity of nervous processes and improve the ability to carry out new motor actions based on previously performed motor acts.

Flexibility - ability to perform movements with large amplitude. There are active flexibility (manifested as a result of one’s own muscular efforts) and passive (revealed by applying external forces to a moving part of the body - gravity, efforts of a partner, etc.).

Flexibility depends on the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments. The degree of flexibility depends on the ambient temperature: at elevated temperatures, flexibility increases. Flexibility is more affected by daily cycles than other physical qualities. So, in the morning, flexibility is significantly reduced. There is an opinion that children have more flexibility than adults. It is not always so. However, it is undoubtedly easier to develop flexibility in children than in adults.

To develop flexibility, exercises with an increased amplitude of movement are used - swing spring movements, exercises with a partner, with weights, with a large amplitude, with additional support. Perform the exercises after warming up until you feel slight pain. It is effective to train flexibility twice a day for several series. Usually 4-10 weeks are enough to achieve an increase in the range of motion to a size close to the maximum.

The specificity of the sport in the process of physical education leaves an imprint on the mental requirements of those involved in this sport.

People involved in boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, throwing, and sprinting develop independence, a high level of motivation, a tendency to take risks, and the ability to concentrate strength at the right time. But they are characterized by distrust, stubbornness, and a tendency to conflict.

Sports that place increased demands on the quality of endurance (middle and long-distance running, skiing, cycling, long-distance swimming) develop the ability to withstand heavy loads, lack of suspiciousness, the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones, but at the same time specialize In these sports, people are often not confident enough in their abilities and need a leader.

Sports games, martial arts, complex coordination sports improve the speed of thinking, attention, perseverance, determination, courage, emotional stability, speed and accuracy of motor reactions.

Sports that primarily develop endurance

Cultivating endurance is one of the effective means of achieving high general and professional performance. Exercises aimed at developing endurance improve the activity of the central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue. The physiological mechanisms of endurance are complex and specific to various types of muscle activity. General endurance develops by performing cyclic exercises of high and moderate power, performed for up to 30 minutes or more. Under the influence of training, positive changes are noted in the heart (left ventricular hypertrophy), lungs (increased tidal volumes and strength of the respiratory muscles), the blood system (increased number of red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, immune properties of the blood), and blood supply to the muscles improves. General endurance has the greatest positive transfer effect to other activities. It is the basis, the basis for other types of endurance.

Sports that improve the quality of endurance are all cyclic sports in which exercise stress It is performed for a relatively long time against the background of predominantly aerobic metabolism in the body. These sports include race walking, middle and long distance running,ski race , biathlon, swimming, cycling, mountaineering, orienteering, tourism, triathlon, etc. Large, hard training work develops the ability to self-regulate the emotional state under stress.

The assessment and dynamics of the quality of endurance can be carried out using a large number of tests, but one of the most common is the 12-minute test by K. Cooper. The assessment is carried out based on the length of the distance that the subject is able to cover by walking or running in 12 minutes. Ratings range from "very poor" to "excellent". Thus, for men under 30 years of age, the degree of preparedness is assessed as very poor if the distance covered was less than 1.6 km, and excellent if more than 2.8 km. For women, this distance will be 1.5 km and 2.65 km, respectively.

Race walkingis a motor act involving about 56% of the muscles. The attractiveness of this type of exercise is that walking is easily dosed, you can walk almost anywhere, this exercise has a great healing effect, helps reduce excess weight, and has a positive effect on health. cardiovascular system, joint mobility, posture, gait.

Middle and long distance runningmore intense than race walking. It helps improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and economize functions. Medium distances include distances of 800 m and 1500 m, long distances range from 3 to 10 km, and ultra-long distances include marathon running (42 km 195 m). Athletes train mainly outdoors, which helps to harden the body. The ability to bear heavy loads is developed not only in competitions, but also in the process of training. During a long run at optimal speed, a feeling of emotional comfort and psychological relief appears, which brings inner satisfaction. The results of specially conducted studies have established that when running for 20 minutes or more at an intensity of 60-80% of the maximum heart rate (130-160 beats/min), the concentration of beta-endrophins and metencephalamines, pleasure mediators, increases in the blood plasma. Obviously, this can explain the fact that millions of people on the planet have chosen running as the most effective remedy for physical inactivity. It is assumed that a similar reaction of the body is present when performing all cyclic exercises. High results are achieved in the process of systematic training and are shown by people both young and late in the sport.

Ski race promote aeration of the whole body, healing from nervous overload, diversified development of the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increased efficiency, and strengthened the musculoskeletal system. Skiing gives a great practical effect, improves coordination, and promotes proportional muscle development.

Swimming has health and practical significance. The respiratory system is improved to a large extent, which is determined by the characteristics of breathing during swimming. During the period of being in water and swimming, significant energy consumption occurs. A large volume of strength exercises contributes to good proportional muscle development.

Sports that primarily develop strength and speed-strength qualities

Classes are aimed at developing actual strength abilitiesweightlifting, kettlebell lifting, athletic gymnastics.These sports can significantly increase the strength of the muscles of the limbs and torso and cause muscle hypertrophy. However, deviations in the activity of the circulatory system are possible. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems lag significantly behind muscle mass. To save optimal level for the functioning of vital body systems, it is necessary to include swimming, long running, and sports games in training. Aerobic exercise should last at least 25-30 minutes with a heart rate of 140-160 beats/min.

Speed-strength qualities help developathletics throwing and jumping.The fundamental basis of these sports is the natural types of human movements and the moment of overcoming obstacles or throwing an object over a distance. Energy costs and functional changes in the body during competitions are not great, but there is a lot of neuro-emotional stress.

Javelin and discus throwing promote the development of flexibility and mobility in the joints. The hammer throw and shot put develop muscle strength to the greatest extent.

High jumps, pole jumps, long jumps, triple jumps allow you to develop high speed, improve the vestibulatory apparatus. These sports are almost never used for outdoor activities.

Sports that promote speed development

These sports include sprinting (100 and 200 m running, hurdles), speed skating (500 m running), cycling (track racing). These sports require well-developed reactions and speed of cyclic movements.

Fencing, boxing, sports games, baseball, American football can increase the mobility of nervous processes and neuromuscular coordination. However, performance in these sports is largely determined by heredity, since during training the reaction time cannot be reduced by more than 0.1 s.

Despite all the entertainment and sportiness of sprint, training in these sports can hardly be used for health purposes. Rapidity has specificity of manifestation and weak transfer. Transfer of speed is possible only in similar movements.

Sports that promote agility and flexibility

Dexterity and flexibility largely determine the success of mastering new sports and work movements.

Acrobatics, gymnastics, diving, slalom, freestyle, figure skating, basketball, handball, martial artsThey allow you to develop good mobility in the joints, increase strength capabilities, and muscle elasticity, but they have a limited effect on the cardiovascular respiratory system. The best times to practice these sports are in childhood and adolescence. At student age, they are indicated for the purpose of correcting the physique, developing dexterity, and active recreation.

Sports with complex effects on humans

Practicing any sports exercises has a positive effect on the body, but there are sports that have a multifaceted effect, developing a variety of applied motor skills. These sports can be divided into three groups.

1. Sports related to contact wrestling (martial arts - boxing, wrestling, fencing). These sports improve general and special endurance, speed strength abilities, vestibular apparatus, cardiovascular system, activity of mental processes (courage, determination, attention, self-control, perception, speed of thinking). Boxing and various types of wrestling are of great practical importance. Negative side boxing, martial arts - knockdowns and knockouts are not uncommon.

2. Sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, handball, tennis, gorodki, etc.)place increased demands on functional readiness, coordination abilities, and neuropsychic qualities. Sports games help develop strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination, improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, and accuracy of movements. They are one of the universal means of general physical, sports and vocational training, a means of active recreation.

3. All-around events (modern pentathlon, biathlon, triathlon, track and field all-around, etc.)cover a wide range of cultivated mental and physical qualities, motor skills, and versatile motor abilities. All-around events place great emotional and sensory stress on the body, combined with significant energy expenditure. The diverse impact on the functional systems of the body during competitive activity leads to great general fatigue, recovery from which can last several days.


Timushkin, A. V.

T41 Physical culture and health: Textbook / A. V. Timushkin. - Balashov: Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004. - 120 p.

Education of physical qualities

Physical qualities are usually called individual qualitative aspects of a person’s motor capabilities.

The following basic physical qualities are usually distinguished: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

Nurturing strength

Human strength can be defined as his ability to overcome external resistance through muscular effort.

Three forms of strength can be distinguished: absolute, relative (per kg of weight), explosive.

In every sport, it is extremely important to find a reasonable combination of these three forms. For example, in a high jump, a beginner “sticks” in the take-off, while a master of sports “gets burned” on the place of take-off.

There are three groups of exercises that help develop strength:

Exercises with external weights (weights, running on water, sand, exercise machine);

Bodyweight exercises (squats, push-ups, etc.);

Isometric exercises (tension without movement);

Resistance exercises.

The physical basis of the indicator of strength development is the synchronous inclusion in the work of a large number of motor units, ᴛ.ᴇ. work at maximum loads.

There are three methods of cultivating the quality of strength.

Repeated effort method. Work with an unlimited weight, but until “failure”.

Maximum effort method. Lifting maximum or near-limit weights 1-2 times (highly qualified athletes).

A method of applying extreme weight exercises at the fastest possible pace.

With age, strength abilities fade, but the quality of strength remains for a long time. Each sport has its own topography of strength development.

Cultivating speed

Speed ​​– the ability to perform a movement quickly (in the minimum amount of time).

This quality is difficult to develop and quickly fades away.

Speed ​​has an integral meaning, ᴛ.ᴇ. its development improves other qualities. Speed ​​can be general or special.

The manifestation of speed depends on the development of muscle strength and mastery of the correct technique. Wherein the most important factor is to improve the mobility and strength of the corresponding nervous processes.

The main means of developing speed are high-speed physical exercises, which have the following requirements:

A). physical exercises must be memorized so that attention is paid only to speed;

b). work should be carried out at near-maximum speeds that will not cause changes in correct sports technique;

V). It is extremely important to find a reasonable state of load and rest dosage.

Speed ​​manifests itself in women in the same way as in men, but they have less weight and muscle strength, and therefore the level of speed development is lower. At the age of 14-25 years, the maximum development of the quality of speed is observed, and then it fades away.


Endurance is the ability to perform long-term activities without reducing its effectiveness and the ability to withstand fatigue. Fatigue is a temporary decrease in performance.

There are three types of fatigue: mental, emotional, physical.

A person’s functional capabilities in exercises requiring endurance are determined by the presence of appropriate motor skills, possession of the correct technique, as well as aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the body, ᴛ.ᴇ. the ability to maximize oxygen consumption and accumulate a large oxygen debt. There is a difference between special and general endurance.

General endurance is endurance in relation to prolonged work of moderate power, including the functioning of a large part of the muscular system.

The best means of developing endurance are long-term, relatively low-intensity cyclic exercises, especially running (preferably cross-country) and skiing. It is also recommended to engage in rowing, cycling, skating, swimming, and walking uphill.

The development of endurance is carried out in several stages.

The first stage is to develop general endurance. And on the basis of the general one there are stages of developing special endurance.

Methods for developing general endurance: mixed (only for beginners), uniform, variable.

Methods for developing special endurance:

at stage 1 – uniform, gradual retraction, variable;

at stage 2 – variable, speed-strength, repeated-strength, repeated-speed.

When training endurance, the morphofunctional capabilities of the body are improved. The indicator of aerobic productivity of MIC increases to 80 ml/min/kᴦ. The process of saving metabolism is improved. Increases anaerobic performance. Endurance develops slowly by age 20-25 and lasts until age 30-35. For this reason, the strongest long- and ultra-long-distance athletes are 25-35 years old.

Cultivating flexibility

The ability to perform movements with a large amplitude is called flexibility in sports practice. Exercises that develop flexibility simultaneously strengthen joints, ligaments and muscle fibers, increase muscle elasticity and their ability to stretch, which actually increases muscle contraction and prevents muscle injuries.

Flexibility develops very early and reaches its greatest value by the age of 15, then it is maintained for some time and gradually decreases.

Flexibility is general and special. It is developed by physical exercises performed with large amplitude and repeated repetition of movements. Exercises are carried out daily. They should not be performed to the point of pain. It is very important, especially in the morning before flexibility exercises, to do a good warm-up in order to warm up the muscles that will be stretched in special exercises. In trained athletes, flexibility develops by the end of 3 months, and then it needs to be maintained.

During the competitive period, it is not advisable to perform stretching exercises with a large load. The older the athlete, the more he must maintain the achieved level of mobility in the joints.

Training dexterity

Dexterity is the ability to quickly and most perfectly solve motor problems, especially if they arise unexpectedly. This is an important step in an athlete's ability to coordinate his actions.

Dexterity in movement is organically linked to strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. Developing these qualities helps improve dexterity.

The basis of agility is the mobility of a motor skill. The quality of agility is manifested in movements that are unknown, complex, requiring quick orientation and immediate execution. To develop agility, it is best to use new, complex tasks when the athlete must quickly and resourcefully find an effective solution. The most effective means of developing dexterity are sports games, especially basketball and hockey. Alpine skiing is an excellent way to develop dexterity. Sports such as artistic gymnastics and martial arts develop more special dexterity.

Formation of mental qualities, traits and personality traits in the process of physical education

Those involved in physical education are required perseverance And determination. These two manifestations of will are closely related to each other, since without purposefulness there is no particular extreme importance to show persistence in overcoming difficulties.

Courage- ϶ᴛᴏ a person’s ability to act in situations perceived as dangerous to life, health and prestige, without reducing the quality of activity.

Determination is understood as a person’s ability to quickly make a decision and begin to implement it in a situation that is significant to him, especially in the presence of uncertainty and fear.

The main way to develop determination is to train through repeated repetition of problem situations. Increased determination is facilitated by the self-confidence that arises in athletes as they master the exercises.

Nurturing strength. It is known that strength qualities develop under the condition of performing exercises with maximum or close to maximum muscle tension. Only beginner athletes can experience an increase in strength even when exercising with little muscle tension.

Taking into account this pattern, the methodology for developing strength should be built. In kettlebell lifting, the use of maximum muscle tension with a minimum number of repetitions is not always justified.

Force- one of the main physical qualities of a weightlifter. But the increase in strength qualities must go to a certain level and during certain periods of training. In the future, you need to learn how to rationally use this force, make it directed (according to the principle of a directed explosion), taking into account the specifics of performing exercises in kettlebell lifting. In practice, athletes with enormous absolute strength do not always achieve high athletic results in kettlebell lifting. Thus, in the snatch of a 32-kg kettlebell, the results (highest achievements) of lightweights are almost as good as the achievements of athletes in heavy weight categories, and sometimes even exceed them. Even in the kettlebell clean and jerk, where strength seems to decide everything, very often young athletes who have significantly less absolute strength show high results.

For example, at the 3rd USSR Championship in 1987, A. Moshennikov, at the age of 18, being one of the youngest and “weakest” athletes in terms of strength, managed to show 2 weights of 32 kg in the clean and jerk without a time limit of 260 lifts and become the champion of the USSR.

The author of these conclusions in 1975-1977, without increasing strength, managed to increase the result in the bench press of a 32-kg kettlebell with only one left hand from 103 lifts to 250. A.Yu. Romashin from Serpukhov, also without increasing strength, improved the result in the clean and jerk of two-pound weights from 45 to 220 lifts. Consequently, it is more expedient to select such strength exercises that would develop “one’s own” special strength, contributing to the achievement of high results in kettlebell lifting.

Those involved in kettlebell lifting, depending on the goals and objectives of the training session, as well as to the extent of their inclinations (preferences) for certain strength exercises, use various methods of developing strength. According to the definition of the theory of physical education, the main methods of developing strength are:

  • 1. Maximum effort method.
  • 2. Repeated effort method.
  • 3. Isometric stress method.

Maximum Effort Method involves performing exercises with weights (barbell, weighted kettlebells) of near-maximum and maximum weight with a small number of repetitions in one approach. The limit is considered to be a weight of 80-90% of the athlete’s best result in a particular exercise, which can be lifted 1-3 times in one approach without unnecessary muscle strain. Muscle tension when working with extreme weights leads to compression of blood vessels and obstruction of blood circulation. Due to this and the short duration of work, metabolic processes in the body do not reach the desired level. Such stress can only have a negative effect on general and special endurance. In kettlebell lifting, this method is used in separate training periods and cycles, when a specific task is being solved - increasing strength. It is impractical to apply such loads constantly and in large quantities.

Repeated effort method. When developing strength using this method, non-limiting weights are used (50-70%) with a sufficiently large number of repetitions in each approach (from 10 to 20 repetitions or more). Such work not only leads to an increase in strength, but also has a positive effect on increasing the level of strength endurance. The last lifts have the greatest training effect. It is believed that this method contributes to a sharp increase in metabolic processes in the body and leads to an increase in muscle mass. However, in practice, performing classical and other exercises with kettlebells with a large number of repetitions has little effect on increasing muscle mass, since the exercises are performed mainly with minimal muscle tension - due to technique. Adequate rest between sets is very important when building strength using the repeated method. The rest time depends on the athlete’s fitness, the body’s recovery abilities, as well as the degree of general fatigue against which the next approach is performed. Rest should be optimal and sufficient so that the next approach is performed while the body is fully restored after the previous load.

If the next approach is performed while the body is under-recovered, then the training effect of this approach in developing strength is significantly reduced. This will have a more positive effect on the development of strength endurance.

The method of repeated efforts is most effective in developing strength in relation to kettlebell lifting.

Building endurance. The main principle of developing general endurance is to gradually increase the duration of moderate endurance exercise. The best means of developing this physical quality are cyclic sports: long running, skiing. Some types of sports games, such as football and hockey, are also quite effective. Alternating cyclic sports with sports games adds variety to the training process and increases emotional background conducting classes and, in addition to solving the main task - developing general endurance, is an effective means of active recreation from heavy loads.

At the initial stage of training, the load increases due to a gradual increase in the duration of continuous work (up to 1 hour or more), while maintaining a low intensity of movements. This type of work accustoms the body to perform long work, improves the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, expands the functionality of the whole organism. Further development of general endurance is achieved by increasing the intensity of training work. As the intensity increases, the duration of work stabilizes or decreases slightly. After the body adapts to this load, it is increased again.

Cultivating special endurance. Unlike the method of training general endurance, where various exercises are used, when training special endurance, only those exercises in which the athlete specializes, or movements close to them in structure. If when cultivating general endurance, the duration and volume of work are of decisive importance, then when cultivating special endurance it is very important to establish an optimal ratio between the volume and intensity of work.

This ratio changes depending on the stage of preparation, as well as the level of preparedness of the athlete. For example, at the first stage of developing special endurance, a light weight kettlebell snatch can be performed alternately with one hand, then with the other, at a low pace for 5-10 minutes or more.

At the next stage, after about two weeks, you can reduce the time and increase the intensity by increasing the tempo of the exercises or increasing the weight of the kettlebell. As the training of those involved increases, the tendency to increase the volume and intensity of work continues. Only after the volume of work reaches the planned level does it begin to decrease, and the intensity, on the contrary, continues to increase.

Changing the ratio of volume and intensity reduces the body’s adaptation (adjustment, habituation) to stress and helps to increase the level of special endurance.

When developing special endurance, well-known methods of developing physical qualities are used.

When using uniform method one or another classical exercise or a special auxiliary exercise is performed for a long time (from 5 to 20 minutes) at a low pace with light weights.

When using variable method This or that exercise is performed for a long time with variable intensity, i.e. after a certain number of lifts or a period of time, the pace (speed) of execution either increases or decreases.

At repeated method Several approaches are performed with a sufficiently large number of repetitions with a certain rest interval between approaches. The pace of the exercises in each approach may be different. The intensity is increased by increasing the tempo of the exercises, decreasing the rest time between sets and increasing the weight of the weights.

Competitive method training special endurance is used mainly in final stage development of this quality, i.e. at the end of the preparatory and competitive periods. During this period (about a month before the competition), the volume of training work is significantly reduced, and the intensity of the load reaches its maximum or close to maximum level. In insufficiently prepared athletes, frequent use of this method can negatively affect the technique of performing classical exercises and lead to fatigue of the nervous system. For well-prepared people, this method helps to consolidate and improve technique in difficult conditions and increase the level of special endurance, as well as the development of volitional qualities.

Round-robin and game methods more suitable for developing general endurance or as an active recreation. These methods are not used to develop special endurance in kettlebell lifting.

Application various methods cultivating special endurance, depending on the stage of the athlete’s training, also introduces variety into the training process and contributes to a more rapid increase in this quality.

Cultivating flexibility. The most effective methods for cultivating this quality are the repeated and circular methods. Exercises are mainly used to stretch muscles and move joints.

When using the repeated method, the same exercise is performed repeatedly at intervals. For example, an athlete bends forward several times until his palms touch the floor, then after a short rest he repeats the exercise, etc.

When applying the circular method, at one “station” the athlete performs an exercise to stretch some muscles, at another - an exercise to develop mobility in the joints or stretch other muscles, etc. After passing through all the “stations” the circle can be repeated several times.

Showing flexibility in kettlebell lifting is not the most important thing. Therefore, if an athlete possesses this quality to a sufficient extent, there is no point in devoting a lot of training time to further developing this quality. To maintain flexibility at the proper level, it is enough to regularly include muscle stretching and joint mobility exercises in the morning exercises, warm-up before training, during rest between hikes and in the final part of the lesson.

Cultivating dexterity. The development of dexterity is positively affected by the versatile education of motor qualities, i.e. The more exercises an athlete can perform, the easier and faster he can master a new movement. Therefore, in practice it is necessary to constantly change the exercises or the conditions for their implementation.

In childhood, dexterity develops much faster.

Most effective method nurturing dexterity - play. Like flexibility, agility for those specializing in kettlebell lifting is not one of the leading qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this quality, as well as flexibility, to a certain level that meets the requirements of kettlebell lifting or power juggling.
