Interior decoration of a veranda in a private house: instructions for cladding, what is best to decorate, video and photos. Finishing the veranda with your own hands Covering the terrace with clapboard

Finishing a veranda is a creative process, because it must be covered according to the rules. Identical materials can be used to construct a veranda various types. Find out the secrets correct cladding Some tips will help.

What type of veranda do you prefer?

Most owners of private holiday homes prefer a veranda - an extension that is adjacent to one of the walls of the building. When creating both a calm atmosphere and a comfortable mood of the veranda, its decoration plays a role.

The design of the veranda can be open or closed type. Naturally, the finishing of the veranda inside is carried out depending on its type. To design an open veranda (also called a terrace), you will need building materials that are not subject to atmospheric influences in the form high humidity(we advise you to pay attention to modern plastic panels For exterior finishing, perforated sheet, which can be used not only for decoration, but also for dividing into zones; a perforated sheet can be used to decorate the ceiling of a terrace, etc.) and other interior items. For summer veranda there is no need for glazing. This type of veranda is considered a seasonal space, so cabinet furniture or solid buildings are not appropriate on the veranda.

It is enough to decorate the summer veranda with indoor plants and comfortable portable sofas and armchairs. This means that the decor of the outdoor veranda must not only be impressive, but also resistant to temperature changes or moisture.

Therefore, the interior decoration of the veranda begins with thermal and waterproofing of the lower part of the walls and ceiling. What materials can be used for this?

Options for interior and exterior decoration of an open veranda

lining, panels, plus fantasy

Traditionally as internal lining verandas use wood and stone. Before covering the veranda, all wooden structures must be treated with an antiseptic. The most common materials for covering the veranda inside and outside are:

Lining and plastic

Polystyrene tiles

PVC and MDF panels.

Of course, almost all the verandas of holiday villages and cottages in our vast Motherland are covered with these materials. Inexpensive and fast! But you always want to diversify your home, especially if a private house and its veranda is located in picturesque surroundings. You can help diversify the finishing inside and lining the veranda outside by using laminate and wood veneer.

Particularly interesting are the elements made from these materials for verandas located on upper floors Houses.

frame verandas

A simple option for creating and covering a veranda for a house is an extension made of planed pine beams. The structure will not require the construction of a complex and powerful foundation, so there will be no problems connecting with wooden structures and there is no subsequent finishing.

Light frame extension or you can build a veranda with your own hands. As roofing material It’s a good idea to use soft tiles, which, in terms of installation technology and performance characteristics, are successfully combined with existing roofing covering private house.

What materials are used for the construction and cladding of an open veranda

An approximate list of materials required for covering a frame veranda:

Veranda foundation and frame

Concrete pillars for the foundation

Beam for frame

Lathing for the lower part of the veranda

Wooden lining or OSB boards

Brackets and corners for connecting beams

Self-tapping screws for fastening lining or slabs

Connecting anchors for frame


Beams and roofing material

Laths and boards for sheathing

Self-tapping screws for wood



Floor boards or slabs

Logs and fastening elements.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the lighting option and finishing the lower part of the veranda with stone.

Useful tips

Experts believe that frame verandas are the cheapest and practical option construction of an additional building. The structure has less weight, which requires a lightweight foundation. The connecting connections of the main structure and the veranda are easily calculated and erected, always taking into account the junction of the veranda and the main structure of the house.

Open veranda connection points

When connecting an open veranda, the main attention should be paid to the connection points. It is recommended to take into account the difference in cladding and foundation materials, as well as the time of construction of structures.

Ideally, the joints should act as an expansion joint, compensating for the difference in linear and volumetric expansions. This process is inevitable over time and with temperature and humidity changes. As connecting element It is preferable to use anchors for veranda walls.

Finishing a closed veranda

For warm veranda finishing options differ from finishing open type. In addition to the basic interior and exterior decoration, the owners are thinking about glazing and installing fireplaces.

The most common glazing option is the French veranda design, which uses metal-plastic windows large sizes.

glazing of a closed veranda

The French veranda is characterized by a design with glass walls. Installation of powerful double-glazed windows requires a solid foundation and reliable support pillars.

For this, experts recommend using metal frames or corners. When glazing, you can use one or two-layer bags. It is preferable to use tilt-and-turn structures that allow them to be opened.

French windows

“French” windows are a sliding structure with two sashes, one of which is movable. Such structures can withstand significant wind loads. Window frames are high-strength profiles with sealing and reliable fittings.

The windows can be closed from the inside and outside, providing access to the veranda. Therefore, windows can be successfully used as doors.

There is no point in installing expensive multi-layer PVC windows. It is better to consider the option of insulating the floor and walls of the veranda. To insulate the walls, floor and ceiling of a closed veranda, it is better to use such traditional insulation materials.

In the case of budget and inexpensive finishing You can install ordinary windows, which are recommended to be mounted at a height of at least 80 cm from the floor.

Drywall and plasterboard can be used to cover the walls of an enclosed veranda. Before covering the walls of a warm veranda, it is necessary to waterproof the walls from the inside and outside.

The following are suitable as insulation:

Mineral wool

Extruded polystyrene foam.

On the side of the veranda room, the insulation is “closed” vapor barrier film and covered with plywood, plasterboard, clapboard or wall panels.

How to cover a closed veranda is presented in the video.

When people talk about a veranda, they usually mean an extension that is adjacent to one side of the main structure of the house. The veranda is usually used only in summer period, that is, there are no heating devices here.

The design of such premises can be different - open (when the veranda is under the roof), closed. There are both glazed and non-glazed verandas. Finishing work completely depend on this factor.

What is also important is that this extension and its exterior decoration should fit as naturally as possible into the overall exterior of the country house.

The purpose of this room is not only decorative functions, the practical side of the matter is also present here. A well-lit room with no extra furniture, but there is plenty houseplants- all this best contributes to a pleasant summer vacation. This is why many people wonder how to decorate a veranda.

Some facts about verandas:

  • The extension can be combined with the main entrance to the house. Sometimes the exit to the veranda is done in some room - in this situation the exit to the street is not done. These features are thought out at the stage of construction of the main house;
  • If initially there was no veranda in the design of your house, you can always add one - even later. But, in order to avoid the need to make a hole in a doorway in some load-bearing wall, this is done directly on the main facade - usually right in front entrance doors. Usually not held on verandas engineering Communication, so you can complete the construction on your own;
  • The basic rule is new extension should complement the design of the house. The main task is to create a veranda good foundation; It is best to do this in the warm season, otherwise, when thawing occurs, the soil will sag - that is, the veranda will move away from the wall of the house in such a situation. Thoroughly think through all the nuances - what are you going to build the veranda from, how to decorate the veranda from the outside, so that appearance the building was not damaged;
  • As practice shows, a columnar foundation is usually installed for verandas. It is quite enough to withstand the weight of the sheathing and the frame itself. The foundation pillars are made of brick, they are installed in holes (a depth of 100 cm is sufficient for them). This applies to everyone corner post. If the length of the future veranda is more than 150 cm, posts for intermediate purposes must be installed.

Watch a video about how a columnar foundation is made, which is ideal for constructing a veranda. In fact, the work is quite simple, but many people make mistakes because they approach this issue without due attention.

Preparing holes for the foundation looks like this:

  1. When the hole is dug, a sand cushion is first made in it - up to 200 mm. Fine crushed stone is usually poured on top of this sand, and then a liquid solution is poured onto it;
  2. To prevent water from the solution from being absorbed by the sand in the future, roofing material is often laid on it before backfilling the crushed stone. A bend must be made along the walls of the pit - up to 100 mm;
  3. The concrete pad, which was obtained as a result of the work described above, will serve as a support for the brick columns. Before laying it out, it is customary to coat the concrete with bitumen (if you have it on hand). liquid glass– that’s what they use). However, others waterproofing compounds can also be used here. The height of the posts should be calculated so that the floor level is located somewhere 250 mm lower than in the main house;
  4. When the masonry is completed, the internal cavity columnar foundation should be filled with stones, gravel, here you will also find a use for broken bricks - a variety of available materials can be used. The outer surface of the posts also needs to be waterproofed with some kind of compound;
  5. Our foundation columns for the veranda in the future will support the logs (wooden beams). Before laying these beams, they must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.

Treating wood with an antiseptic is necessary in order to provide protection in the future: not only from rotting and moisture saturation, but also from rodents and insects.

We looked at one of the most popular options for arranging a foundation for a veranda. The design may be completely different - depending on the dimensions of the future room, on its walls - if the design suggests this. It is best to have instructions for each specific case, or even better - a full-fledged project.

How to decorate the walls of the veranda

If the structure of the house to which you are going to attach a veranda is made of timber or logs, or it is a frame-panel structure, the most effective option is wooden walls for an extension. However, to make the frame, you can always use a metal profile, and then line it with clapboard.

The option with a metal profile is especially good if you plan to glaze the veranda in the future.


  • If glazing is planned, stained glass windows made of aluminum are suitable for arranging the walls - they are placed directly on the plinth. The use of such elements helps to solve two problems at once - both the construction of walls and their subsequent finishing. More precisely, finishing is not even required here - you just need to periodically wash the glass. You will only need to worry about the issue of decorating the intermediate posts and the profile itself. Stone or facing bricks are perfect for this;
  • Glass blocks are another way to finish a veranda at the stage of wall construction. This material is good because it is not only decorative, but also very constructive;
  • Modern market building materials offers its consumers an impressive assortment of a wide variety of blocks: if you want, you can get them with frosted glass; finding colored ones is also not a problem, just like with corrugated ones. There are even varieties of blocks with special decorative applications - they are made in the internal cavity. It looks really beautiful - those who have seen it know;
  • Different variations of glass blocks can be combined with each other as you wish. If you have a desire, make some kind of panel. There is an opportunity - accompany all this with spectacular lighting. Of course, the cost of such a veranda will be much higher than that of a structure with plastic or plywood walls, but beauty requires costs, and the end result is worth all these investments;
  • If the wall is made of glass blocks, you don’t have to worry about light transmission. The room will always be light, even if you install small windows.

An interesting option is to arrange window openings right on the roof of the veranda (the result will be something like skylights). In any case, during construction you can skillfully combine both options - let one wall be made of glass blocks, and the rest made of stained glass.

The fourth wall of the veranda is bearing wall your house. Its decor will be completed when finishing is done inside the veranda.

Using wood to decorate a veranda

If you have an open veranda, then the concepts of interior and exterior decoration of the room are mixed. As a rule, such structures are usually made of wood: this applies to both decorative and structural elements.

And now in more detail:

  • In comparison with other materials that can be used for the construction and finishing of a veranda, wood is ideal - it will create a very favorable atmosphere for relaxing here. The air will always be saturated with a woody aroma;
  • The elements that support the veranda roof (posts) can be made of timber with a section of 150 by 150 mm or from rounded logs. In the simplest case, the floor on the veranda can be obtained using a simple edged boards– for this, the material does not even have to be painted;
  • The ceiling can be hemmed with ordinary clapboard, the parapet can be made from bars, which are usually used to create sheathing;
  • Many homeowners do not want to save money when it comes to finishing the veranda - they prefer to decorate this place with high quality, solid, after all, there will be a place to relax here in the future. For such situations, manufacturers find different solutions;
  • For example, this is a very popular option, which is now actively used for cladding verandas. This material is also known as terrace board. This also includes deck boards and garden parquet;
  • For the manufacture of deck boards, it is not solid wood that is used, but a composite. That is, in addition to wood, the material also contains polymer additives. Due to this, the characteristics of the products are improved - they acquire impressive strength, and they are no longer afraid of moisture. All this benefits not only open, but also closed verandas. Even an unheated structure can be lined with such material;
  • Planken made of larch (or ash) is also a high-quality, quite expensive wood that can be used to finish the exterior of a veranda. Planken is a planed façade board made from solid wood. What is the difference between planken and a simple planed board? Here it’s all about the shape of the section - the planken has rounded chamfers, while being beveled. There are no connecting grooves here, like lining, - due to this, installation is not done end-to-end, but with gaps;
  • A veranda made of wood is good because it can be attached to the most different designs- stone, brick, wood. The point is that the color of the façade should fully match finishing verandas. Wood is often not just painted, but the surface is decorated with carvings.
A very worthy solution is to decorate the design of the veranda with carvings. Twisted pillars and a beautiful carved parapet will look great here. The last element, for example, can be painted in contrast to other structures. Arched ones would also look appropriate hanging elements, if you apply a lace pattern on them. There are many options - everything is limited only by your imagination.

How to decorate the inside of a glazed veranda

Decorating the interior of a glassed-in veranda is about the same task as decorating a loggia. But the veranda is usually a more spacious room, therefore, there are more design opportunities here.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The veranda is a structure that is considered a summer one. But nothing will stop you from making heaters here and using the space throughout the year, not only in the summer. In this case, you can safely use a variety of finishing materials;
  • A great example of how to organize interior design verandas. Stained glass windows are installed, the roof of the structure is made of glass - due to this, the room will always be flooded with sun.

Many people refuse glass roofs only because they are afraid of direct sun rays, their negative influence. In fact, it is very easy to protect yourself from this - just use acrylic frosted glass.
  1. A worthy addition for interior decoration verandas - curtains of some original color or unusual blinds. Of course, the design of the ceiling on the veranda depends entirely on how exactly the roof is made;
  2. In addition to wood, in finishing the veranda ceiling, you can safely use MDF, plastic, make plasterboard linings, and paint. Many people decide to cover their veranda with polystyrene tiles. They'll look decent here dropped ceilings and much more.

Watch the video for more details on how to decorate a veranda. This material will be useful for both experienced decorators and novice builders, who just want to improve their veranda.

Wall decor on the veranda can be done different ways, but most often they opt for light colors. The floor in such a room can be made in any way - even using parquet or laying tiles. If you want, for example, you can cover the floor under the baseboard with carpet - right along the entire perimeter of the room.

Upholstered furniture on the veranda, if its finishing is done correctly, will also never be superfluous. After all, a comfortable rest is hardly possible if there is no comfortable chair or comfortable sofa at hand.

It’s great when it’s possible to add a porch or veranda to your house. This allows you to increase it usable area and organize cozy place for relaxation closer to nature. However, during the preparation process a number of questions arise. How to decorate a veranda or porch so that it harmonizes with the facade of the house? How to choose architectural solutions, materials and colors? Let's try to figure it out.

How to decorate the veranda outside?

The veranda can be open (summer) or closed (glazed), as well as combined - partially closed. The finish depends on the type chosen.

So, for an open veranda, finishing is not at all necessary - you can limit yourself to just the roof. If you plan to use the extension all year round, it must be closed. This means you can’t do without finishing.

The most common materials for cladding a veranda: wood, brick, stone, glass, plastic double glazed windows, siding and façade panels. The choice depends primarily on the decoration of the facade of the house.

The optimal solution for wooden facade- veranda trimmed with wood.

Such a house will look harmonious. Sometimes wooden porch or a veranda is also added to houses finished with other materials.

However, this cladding is not for lazy homeowners. It needs to be treated regularly to protect it from moisture, mold and pests.

A veranda finished with brick or stone looks solid and fundamental. It fits perfectly with a façade lined with the same material.

Advantages of stone and brick:

  • durability,
  • strength,
  • frost resistance,
  • moisture resistance.

However, do not forget that this is quite heavy material. It needs an appropriate foundation. Before deciding to finish with brick or stone, consult with experts about the possibility of laying a suitable foundation.

Glazed verandas are a common and interesting option.

Glass combines with almost all materials. Glass has, perhaps, only two disadvantages:

1. This brittle material. If boys like to play football in the yard, it is better to avoid such decoration.

2. A glazed veranda cannot be additionally insulated with thermal insulation materials.

The veranda can be lined with polycarbonate. It looks good as a roof for an open veranda. But it can also be used as the main material for construction.

This veranda can be combined with different facade finishes, but is not suitable for everyone architectural style. For modern houses it is quite acceptable, but it is not suitable for classical, Russian, Scandinavian and some other styles.

The disadvantage of a polycarbonate veranda is that in appearance it resembles a greenhouse.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing the veranda with siding

Siding has many advantages as a material for finishing verandas and porches:

  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance and resistance to temperature changes;
  • possibility of additional insulation of the veranda;
  • ease of care;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • affordable price.

In addition, it fits almost any facade, because in addition to traditional siding, you can use the following to decorate the veranda:

  • facade panels imitating natural brick and stone;
  • foam siding that follows the shape and texture wood finishing Houses;
  • block house, externally almost indistinguishable from the facade made of logs.

There is, perhaps, only one drawback. Vinyl siding fades in the sun over the years. Depending on the additives that make up the panels, color changes may be more or less noticeable, but they exist. Therefore, the veranda, if it is added after a few years, may stand out a little against the background of the facade. What to do?

Ideally, of course, it is better to immediately build a house with a veranda - then the color of the finish will be uniform. Also, problems do not arise if the facade was lined with white (or very light, pastel) panels. The color of this siding will remain unchanged. The difference will be practically unnoticeable if the house is lined with acrylic panels: even dark ones, they do not change their color over the years.

Although the finishing area is small, be sure to use sheathing. This will extend the life of the panels and the walls underneath them. Thanks to the air gap under the finish, moisture will not accumulate and mold will form.

Not just exterior decoration

There are practically no restrictions in choosing the interior decoration of the veranda and porch. It could be wood, plastic panels, brick walls or any other option you like.

Which flooring choose for the veranda and porch?

Wood looks beautiful, but its service life is limited, and the coating itself requires regular maintenance. A good alternative is . It is made of wood-polymer composite, thanks to which it combines everything best properties wood and polymer. On the one hand, it is warm, cozy and beautiful, on the other hand, it is frost-resistant, not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and does not require special treatment or care.


Before you start building a veranda or porch, consider whether it will be open or closed, what materials you will use, what colors to choose. Calculate how many panels you will need. After this you can start working. And let your veranda and porch be cozy, beautiful and make you happy long years.

Terrace in the country or in country house allows its owners at any time, regardless of the weather, to enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe in fresh air, and admire the surroundings. And how nice it is to gather the whole family on the veranda for lunch or dinner in the warm season, enjoying the surrounding beauty!

Veranda made of PVC panels

But in addition to local landscapes, the aesthetic perception is also influenced by the appearance of the terrace itself, so its decoration plays an important role. The choice of material often depends on the type of veranda (open or closed), the desired design and the financial capabilities of the owners. If you want, you can look at the article on the construction and decoration of outdoor terraces. Maybe you will find many ideas for your summer cottage there.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

The veranda is a non-residential and unheated part of the house, so its finishing should be done with materials that are resistant to temperature changes, humidity, and cold. And for an open terrace you need to select the upholstery even more meticulously, because it will be negatively affected by water and sunlight.

  • Lining is the most popular material for upholstery of such premises. Most of the current country verandas in the vastness of our Motherland. And this is not surprising, because high-quality wood looks luxurious, and is also capable of maintaining its original appearance for several decades. It's environmentally friendly pure material with a unique pleasant aroma, and it’s not that difficult to attach. The walls and ceiling are finished with lining, as you can see in the photo.

Lining for finishing veranda walls

  • MDF is a fairly new finishing material that has already earned popularity. Its outer surface imitates wood, which is why such wall decoration is practically in no way inferior to lining, as the photo will help you to see. But from high humidity the top film warps and swells, which is why MDF is not recommended for use on open areas, but in closed terraces it is widely used for cladding walls and ceilings.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride panels are inexpensive, accessible finishing material, manufacturers offer a wide range of textures, which allows you to create almost any terrace design. Its installation is also quite simple and quick, the only drawback– the panels are quite fragile and can break from a slight blow. Used for upholstery of walls and ceilings, as shown in the photo.
  • Siding is an inexpensive, durable option for finishing walls of closed and open verandas. This material can be easily used in open areas and is resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, humidity, rot and insects. We are also pleased with the wide range of colors, which is why decorating a room with such panels can replicate almost any design.

Which wood to choose? Since the most popular material for covering terraces has been and remains natural wood, let us consider in more detail its types and selection principle. To decorate walls and ceilings, lining is often used - boards treated with antiseptics and antipyretics with special grooves for fastening.

We start with finishing the flooring

The lining can be divided into solid and glued. The first is made from a solid piece of wood, often with chips, knots and nicks. The second one looks perfect, but the layers of wood glued together will gradually begin to delaminate as humidity increases, and the finish will lose its original decorative effect. Many builders use timber in their work; you can see how to build a terrace from timber with your own hands - this is an original and economical solution.

To decorate the walls of open terraces, it is better to use grades of panels A, B and C; they are made of solid wood, therefore they are resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, for closed terrace Cheaper options are also suitable. When purchasing material, you need to open the packs and check the quality of the individual boards inside, since sometimes manufacturers hide defective parts in the middle or package panels of different lengths.

Let's look at the main types of wood that are useful for work:

  • Soft varieties are cheaper, easier to work with, and are not inferior in beauty to harder varieties. These include birch, spruce, linden, aspen, pine, and larch.
  • Hardwoods are used to cover the walls and floors of closed and open terraces. The most popular species are: oak, ash, fir and bamboo.

Flooring materials

Let's consider what material can be used to decorate the flooring:

  • Terrace board – made from natural wood, can be solid or spliced, that is, glued together from separate layers of wood, the first is more durable and of higher quality. This floor covering is perfect for wooden wall paneling or other materials that imitate wood, an example is shown in the photo.
  • Covering with ceramic tiles is an old, time-tested method of finishing a veranda floor; an example is shown in the photo. High-quality tiles retain their beauty for many years, and require minimal maintenance. But the finishing of open verandas should be done with special floor tiles that can withstand temperature changes and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Veranda floor made of ceramic tiles

  • PVC tiles are made from quartz sand, polyurethane and vinyl, they are shown in the photo. A floor covered with such tiles is not afraid of frost, moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Concrete screed - with the help of self-leveling mixtures you can get a perfectly flat floor surface that is resistant to wear, moisture, and acids. If desired, this coating can be decorated with tiles.
  • Linoleum is a simple, affordable, proven floor finishing option, but when heated it is prone to delamination, so it is not recommended to use it on an open veranda.

Wall finishing technology

The cladding of the walls of the terrace is carried out using a frame made of wooden blocks with a cross-section of 20-30 mm (metal ones can also be used, but then you need to purchase special linings for them, otherwise the fastenings will turn into cold bridges). To do this, fasteners are created at a level perpendicular to the future direction of the boards, panels or slabs (for example, if the lining is located vertically, then the frame bars are installed horizontally in increments of about 50 cm), the finished frame is shown in the photo. After completing this work, everything wooden parts treated with antiseptics and antipyretics to prevent rotting and combustion of elements.

Veranda arrangement diagram

If the veranda is internal, then it can be additionally insulated, and then the room can be used even in the cold season. For open terraces, only the walls adjacent to the main building are insulated. Used as insulation mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or any other heat insulating material, it is laid between the beams.

For high-quality heat and moisture insulation, a waterproof film must be laid under the insulating layer, all joints of which are glued with special foil tape, cotton wool, foam plastic or other material is placed on it, and a heat reflector on top with the shiny side facing the room, the joints are also secured with tape. The veranda ceilings are also insulated in the same way. If you are a fan of a particular design style, then in the article on which veranda design to choose, you can see the option that is suitable for you.

  1. For MDV and PVC panels, it is attached to the corner of the room mounting bracket, the first panel is inserted into it, the free edge is screwed to wooden frame self-tapping screws, the technology is shown in the photo. The remaining boards are fixed in the same way.
  2. The lining is fixed:

Veranda wall decoration

  • galvanized nails; to do this, they simply drive it into the center of the board and then press it in with a hammer;
  • stapler - mounting brackets are driven into the edge of the panel using a construction stapler;
  • clamps - they are attached to the grooves of the previous board, after which the panel is fixed with screws and a clamp, this is how the verandas inside the house are finished.

Video on wall finishing

Technology for finishing terrace floors using tiles

The adhesive is chosen depending on the type of tile; each manufacturer recommends certain adhesive compositions. To apply the substance, use a notched trowel.

Laying tiles is done as follows:

  • the floor surface is prepared, a concrete screed is made;
  • the glue is applied to the tile or surface, achieving ideal distribution;
  • the width of the joints depends on the size of the tiles and is approximately 3-7 mm;
  • first install the tiles along the center line, moving towards the edges, as in the photo;

The result of the work in the picture

  • install all intact slabs, and then proceed to finishing the sides of the room;
  • the tiles are cut with a special tile cutter or machine, cutting the material into a quarter of the thickness and then breaking it off by hand, the edges are sanded before laying;
  • the seams are rubbed with special compounds.

The most favorite and most visited place in a private country house is often the terrace, and it is correct design will give the room coziness, warmth and beauty. And in the end you can choose any

Reading time ≈ 14 minutes

Owners of suburban areas often have a question about decorating the inside of a veranda in a private house; you can find a lot of examples of photos, but choosing something specific is quite difficult. The design of this extension must be approached thoughtfully, because this is where home comfort and harmony of the surrounding nature. Let's consider the most best ideas arrangement of a modern veranda, interior furnishings and decor.

Open veranda made of timber as a continuation of the entrance area

Terrace, veranda, porch - what are the differences?

A veranda is a place conducive to relaxation and rest, especially if it is beautifully decorated. Here you can enjoy the silence, fresh air and sounds of nature. Today, many people confuse the concepts of veranda, terrace and porch - let's look at each of these additional buildings separately.

Dining room on the veranda decorated with flying curtains

Selection of finishing materials

The interior decoration of the veranda is not only beautiful furniture and decor, but also cladding of all surfaces. The choice of materials will depend on the size of the entire structure, ceiling heights and layout features.

Before building your own veranda, if it was not previously provided for in the house plan, you must take into account the following nuances:

  1. It is better to complete repair work before the onset of frost to avoid squatting of the soil or the structure moving away from the walls of the house;
  2. The main thing is to maintain harmony in facing materials the main building and the extension itself. Harmony of execution style and color scheme is also important;
  3. For exterior decoration, experts advise using siding, plastic panels, decorative stone, lining, brick, etc. Sheathing the veranda the better the same material as the private house itself. For interior design premises you can use the same materials;
  4. To build a site, you will need to purchase special tools: a plumb line or a building level, electric drill, hammer drill or jigsaw, as well as fasteners for fixation - nails, screws, sockets for slats, etc.

Harmonious combination of finishing materials and shades

Most often, for the interior wall cladding of modern verandas they use:

Suitable for floor coverings ceramic tile, laminate, parquet or linoleum. Open areas can be covered with decking (garden parquet) - this is a deck board that is most often found on the floor of terraces. If you plan to arrange a separate living room, you can lay carpet or just soft rugs.

Laminate flooring on the veranda with panoramic semicircular windows

In addition to the listed materials, rubble stone, basalt, marble or sandstone are sometimes used for the internal arrangement of the veranda space. This way you can lay out the floor, giving the interior a special luxury.

What can be equipped in a glazed closed structure:

  • living room;
  • dining room;
  • kitchen;
  • bedroom;
  • nursery;
  • gaming;
  • library;
  • cabinet;
  • workshop;
  • dance or fitness room;
  • bathroom.

You can insulate the room by installing heaters inside - then you can use the veranda all year round without fear of freezing. In this case, both suspended and stretch ceiling. You can install lighting, install chandeliers and Spotlights. Lighting can also be built into walls and floors to create a special atmosphere.

Stretch ceiling with spot lighting in the interior of the veranda

Interior decoration ideas

A carefully thought-out interior of the veranda will give the building special kind, because out of an unsightly room you can make a real corner for creativity, and even a platform with. Let's consider the best ideas for interior decoration and design:

The interior arrangement of the veranda must be well planned depending on the functions it will perform in the future. After all, certain furniture is suitable for each room, decorative elements and technology.

Furniture and decor

Of course, to furnish an extension that is not a living room, it is better to use garden furniture (designer or homemade, for example, from or). A wide range of modern models will allow you to create unique design verandas.

These would look great here:

  • rocking chairs;
  • plastic and rattan chairs;
  • hammocks;
  • wicker furniture;
  • products from pallets;
  • poufs;
  • coffee tables made of glass, PVC or wood;
  • forged structures;
  • homemade furniture from scrap materials.

A photo selection of stylish furniture is shown on the slide below: products of various configurations, styles and designs are presented here.

The furnishings of the veranda depend both on the quality of the wall decoration and on the arranged furniture. What materials are most preferable:

  1. Plastic is an inexpensive and practical option; you don’t mind replacing such furniture with new ones every season;
  2. Palm vine (or rattan) - requires special care, can be brittle and fragile, but does not deteriorate under the influence of an aggressive environment;
  3. Metal - forged structures look graceful and elegant, and are also durable. A minor disadvantage is the need to periodically process individual elements anti-corrosion composition;
  4. Wood – the most popular are oak, larch, pine, ash and maple. The most environmentally friendly and good option in terms of quality and appearance. Wood will suit any style, fit into any interior, and it is also easy to process and can be painted in any shade.

By configuration type garden furniture can be folding, stationary and modular. Often they use lockers and tables on rollers, soft swings and hammocks for relaxation, as well as chairs and dining tables from logs or pallets.

Furniture set made of rattan in a pleasant sand shade with soft white seats

Let's consider interesting design solutions internal space verandas – both open and closed (separate):

It is important to understand that pieces of furniture for open verandas and terraces must withstand not always ideal weather, which means you need to choose a material that is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. If desired, the surface of chairs or tables can be treated with a special protective impregnation. The view below shows a master class with step by step instructions how to make one for your dacha with your own hands.

What kind of drapery is suitable for decoration? window openings:

  1. – universal window design, a huge range of configurations and sizes will allow everyone to choose something for their interior;
  2. Roller blinds - suitable for both the glazed version and the gazebo format;;
  3. Light curtains - flowing translucent fabric will be more appropriate in closed-type extensions, since they will not be able to protect from wind or rain:
  4. A set of various fabrics and tulle - can be used in a classic interior;
  5. Kissei - you can purchase ready-made products or make them yourself from bright ropes, threads, fishing line, fringe and beautiful beads;
  6. Acrylic outdoor curtains - capable of repelling from their surface various pollution and dust;
  7. Bamboo panels are excellent protection from sunlight in the veranda-living room or kitchen;

To give the room an unusual look and add original notes, you can place exotic plants, hang trophies or paintings on the walls. For open structures, hedges, decorative figurines and lanterns for illumination at night will come in handy.

It’s nice to receive guests on the veranda, especially in such a cozy atmosphere among unusual figurines and decor

An extension to a house is made so that it becomes extra space for the rest and relaxation that is so necessary to modern man. That’s why it’s so important to think about not only external cladding external walls, but also the arrangement of the internal space. The video below shows a photo selection of options for finishing the ceiling of a veranda in a private house indoors.
