Finishing the bath: choosing the best materials for the steam room, washing room and changing room. Russian bath. What materials should be used for interior decoration? The best way to decorate a steam room

The market for finishing materials today is truly huge, but for the interior of a bathhouse, where humidity is always high and temperatures are high, there are restrictions on the use of cladding. It is quite natural that you cannot use materials here that, when exposed to high temperatures, will release substances harmful to health: plastics, chipboards and others. That's probably why for interior decoration people's favorite wood is widely and widely used in baths different breeds– a natural, affordable and easy-to-work finishing material.

Although, if the bathhouse is built from timber or logs that look great interior spaces appropriate and natural, the bathhouse does not need to be lined with anything from the inside at all. After all, with proper adherence to all construction technologies, one can rack their brains about additional insulation the owner won't have to. Although in this case, it is quite possible to line the inside of the bathhouse with clapboard - this is the most common and beloved cladding. Lining is the name given to carefully dried and planed boards made from wood of different species.

Let's take a closer look at the features of different types of wood so that you can choose and buy the most suitable lining option for finishing your bathhouse.

In this video, a professional team is covering a sauna with clapboard:

Which tree is better to choose?

When choosing what to cover the inside of a bathhouse with, consider the conditions under which the lining will be used: for finishing a steam room, some species will be the best, for a relaxation room - others, and for a washing room - still others.

The clear leader is linden, especially when used for steam rooms. Charging human body positive energy, when heated, it releases various essential oils with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, helping to improve health and enhancing the diaphoretic effect. And it smells just wonderful. In addition, linden does not burn the skin and does not heat up much due to its low thermal conductivity.

Aspen, also, is very pleasant to the touch, and is useful for health, drawing out from the body negative emotions and various ailments. It does not rot, even in constant contact with water, and is quite soft, so it is easy to cut without breaking. The price of aspen lining is much lower than linden.

Larch is a conifer that produces many phytoncides and has a positive effect on a person’s well-being and the body’s resistance to various infectious diseases. This material would be great for decorating shower walls. And floors made of larch, a reliable and durable material, only become stronger over time. In addition, no wood beetles or rodents are afraid of this wood.

Hard, very hot wood species - oak and ash - are resistant to rotting, moisture and temperature. Due to the fact that this wood does not deform, barrels, fonts and doors are made from it. Oak wood darkens over time, which only decorates products made from it. Ash is lighter than oak, but still rots under conditions of high temperatures and humidity, so it is subjected to special treatment and used in finishing interior interiors baths, in the manufacture of doors, furniture, stairs, railings or parquet.

The most durable of the hardwoods discussed here is black locust. It surpasses even oak in strength and is resistant to rotting, so products made from it are not deformed and almost do not break. These products are distinguished by their particular durability and wear resistance, which allows the use of acacia in bathhouse areas with the highest humidity - for doors and steam room floors. Acacia boards darken under the influence of temperature and time, acquiring deep, beautiful shades.

Today, bathhouses and saunas, loggias and balconies, walls and facades of houses are sheathed with this beautiful, reliable and natural wood material. In appearance, a block house is similar to a log, surpassing it in strength many times over. After undergoing special drying, this material reaches a humidity of no more than 12%, so when installing this board, you don’t have to worry that it will dry out or become deformed.

The internal lining of the walls of the bathhouse is made with a block house of deciduous or coniferous wood. Because more dense conifers have a high heat transfer, it is not recommended to decorate the steam room with materials made of spruce or pine, because leaning against a pine wall in high temperatures can cause a burn. But lovers of a specific pine aroma in a steam room often choose a block house made of cedar for its cladding - over time, its resin ceases to stand out from this material.

Glass-magnesium sheet (VMS) MAGELAN

Market under the MAGELAN brand building materials Since 2007, innovative, highly functional and reliable glass-magnesium sheet - SML - also called “magnelite” has been rapidly gaining ground.

LSU is made on the basis of magnesium chloride and oxide, finely dispersed wood shavings and other binding components, reinforced on both sides with a fiberglass mesh with a cell diameter depending on the purpose and class of the material.

This material has many advantages:

  • Magnelite – environmentally friendly pure material, which does not contain harmful substances such as resins, asbestos, adhesives and phenols. Odorless, it does not emit toxic substances even at high temperatures.
  • LSU has high fire resistance, withstanding open fire and significant temperature changes and preventing fires.
  • The high moisture-resistant characteristics of magnetite make it possible to successfully use this material in areas of high humidity - swimming pools, saunas, showers. With prolonged exposure to water, LSU does not soften or deform.
  • The antiseptic properties of LSU prevent the formation of fungi and mold, which again allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • This material is light and easy to process; it can be installed quite quickly and does not require any special devices or tools.
  • On the front side of the LSU it is possible to use any decorative and finishing materials, which gives unlimited possibilities in interior decor.
  • MAGELAN is also distinguished by its high sound-proofing properties, its surface is not electrified, excluding the formation of sparks - these qualities of the material allow it to be used in the production of structures for various special purposes.

The best way to decorate the inside of a bathhouse is for everyone to decide for themselves. But accessories, shelves and loungers in the steam room, of course, are made from traditional wood.

We told you about the most preferred materials for finishing a bath, ranging from traditional wood to modern material MAGELAN and we hope that we were able to greatly facilitate the process of choosing material for the interior decoration of the bathhouse.

How nice is the Russian cozy bathhouse. Many owners summer cottages they dream about her. It is possible to bring this idea to life. To do this you need to invest effort and money. If on suburban area There is a construction site, start building a soap house, as it is also called. But keep in mind that the main advantage of a bathhouse is in the interior decoration, and not in the appearance of the structure.

With even a little skill, you can build a room equipped for washing a person with the simultaneous action of water and hot air with your own hands. If you are not confident in your abilities, hire a team of professionals for interior cladding. But any builders need supervision, so you need to be aware of how the interior in the bath space should look.

Photo 2. Log house of a Russian bathhouse made of pine

Not recommended for use when interior lining premises metal parts even for fastening wooden beam. These tips are given to ensure safety in the bathhouse, because if you accidentally touch them, you can easily get burned. If you use fasteners, then only hidden ones, for example a clamp.

Steam room cladding

Small size the steam room does not involve decorating the room. Here nothing should interfere with the free circulation of hot air. Then mold will not grow in the bathhouse, and condensation will not collect on the walls.

For finishing a steam room, it is not recommended to use lining made from coniferous trees, since spruce, larch or pine release sticky resins when heated. The best option is cedar lining and cedar shelves. Cedar cladding for a long time retains its original beauty and does not overheat, and also smells wonderful. You can also combine wood with brick. These materials are also not afraid of high temperatures and humidity.

Photo 3. Finishing the steam room linden

Cannot be used in a steam room particle boards or linoleum. When heated, these materials become toxic and flammable. In damp room they quickly deform and lose their aesthetic appearance.

The shelves in the steam room are made stationary. Nai the best option- place it against a blank wall. The lounger can be rearranged. Their surface must be perfectly processed. There should be no unevenness that could cause a sharp piece of wood to pierce the skin.

The shelves, like the lining in the steam room, must be treated with special heat-resistant wax Hartwachs GNature. Thanks to this procedure, you will not only double the life of the finish, but you will also be able to easily wash off green splashes from the broom. The steam room will always be clean and new.

Photo 4. Steam room in a Russian bath

To make it comfortable to sit on the top shelf, the distance between it and the ceiling must be at least 1.2 m, but the width is made up to 1.5 m, then you can lie comfortably on it. The steps are made different sizes. The lower they are, the smaller the width.

Interior decoration of the dressing room

The dressing room is assigned the functions of a hallway, and accordingly, the interior decoration in this room should be comfortable and conducive to relaxation. Of course, the size of the room depends on the free space on the site, but still summer residents are trying to make it larger.

The material for interior decoration is selected taking into account the specifics of the dressing room. Here it is observed high humidity, so it must retain heat. Tile would be out of place here, as it creates a feeling of coolness. This means that it is necessary to choose cladding wood. It quickly absorbs heat and slowly releases it. In addition, wooden lining emits a pleasant smell that has a beneficial effect on the body.

The walls are being finished wood panels, and lay it at will in different directions. The ceiling covering is made from wooden board, in this case, a vapor barrier must be installed.

It is necessary to install a high-quality ventilation system in the sink for good air exchange. If the surface is finished wooden clapboard, it must be laid with the spike facing up. This will prevent water from getting under the sheathing. To make cleaning easier, the walls are tiled. This material is practical and durable.

The floors in the washing bath room are decorated with tiles, but wooden slatted ladders are required, which can be knocked together with my own hands, or rubber roll covers for safety. If you are using wavy tiles, it is not necessary to use bridges.

Interior decoration of the rest room

For basic bath rooms The main thing is practicality, and for the rest room - aesthetics. As the name implies, it serves for relaxation, that is, for relaxation. The rest room is decorated with wooden paneling, but coniferous wood can be used here, for example, spruce or pine, as well as larch and cedar.

Good material for the internal lining of the bath - cedar, characterized by a very pleasant aroma and the ability to withstand, without changing its geometry, the most high loads. This type of wood contains tannins that protect the lining from rotting.

Photo 6. Barbecue area

When decorating the interior of bath rooms, you don’t need to skimp on the little things, then you will have the perfect original house for taking water treatments and recuperating.

When decorating a bathhouse, it is unacceptable to use chipboard and fiberboard boards, linoleum, plastic panels. It is unacceptable to have surfaces coated with paint, and even in the dressing room, use natural oils or waxes.

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Construction of a bathhouse is a rather complex undertaking, since the owner has to solve many issues. Among them - how to line a bathhouse from the inside. Its solution must be approached with all seriousness, since there are many various materials for plating. Moreover, attention should be paid not only to the appearance of the material, but also to its quality characteristics.

Don’t forget about cost - the material you choose must have the optimal price-quality ratio. Most owners believe that it is almost impossible to find such material, however, this is not so. There are certain nuances, knowing which you can easily solve this problem.

It should be said that for finishing the steam room Almost any material is suitable. However, it must meet certain requirements - be moisture resistant, have a low level of thermal conductivity, be resistant to rotting and be easy to restore. Today, wood products have all the necessary characteristics. Among them, the most famous are lining, panels, boards, planks and slats. And the buyer only needs to select the type of material. To make the right decision, you need to take into account, in addition to cost, the water-repellent characteristics and service life of the material.

Which tree to choose for a bathhouse?


The best option finishing material The steam room is made of oak wood. It has all the characteristics that allow you to create optimal conditions for long-term and high-quality operation of the bath. Oak panels not only look attractive, but also have many other useful qualities:

The last point takes on particular importance in light of the fact that this helps maintain fresh air in the steam room.

To a person who is used to take bath procedures at high temperatures, it is worth choosing oak, because under such operating conditions this tree releases useful phytoncides that have antiseptic properties. This will save the owner from the need to buy special fragrances for the room. But we should not forget about the naturalness of the wood, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the national style without additional processing. Although this finishing option is not available to all owners due to its high cost.


You can also choose linden to decorate the steam room. According to experts, this is an excellent option. This is due to the ability of wood to emit a wonderful aroma that no person can remain indifferent to. It is impossible not to mention the appearance of linden boards, the use of which to decorate a steam room will make the room more elegant.

Among other advantages that this type of wood has, the low level of thermal conductivity should be highlighted. This means that in a steam room trimmed with linden wood, the surface heats up very little, so even if you have been heating the bathhouse for several hours, you can touch the walls without fear and will not get burned. Linden also attracts attention with its natural texture, and it does not lose its original color even in extreme conditions operation.


Our ancestors also used aspen to decorate the bathhouse. There was a belief that this tree has magical properties , giving a person protection from the negative effects of otherworldly forces. At the same time, it has many positive quality characteristics, which makes it an excellent option for a steam room. If you initially decided to build a bathhouse on your own, then you should not give up aspen. After all, this is one of the few materials that does not create processing problems.

If you wish, you can make wide boards from it rough work or wooden slats, from which you can create a pattern of any complexity. Aspen wood has a low level of thermal conductivity. This is also an additional reason to use it to decorate the bath. One cannot help but mention the soft, pleasant aroma emitted by this tree, which allows you to maintain a fragrant atmosphere in the room.

Experienced builders value aspen for its ability to resist drying out and cracking. But the material does not have a long service life, and quite soon it loses its original color and begins to turn black. However, according to experts, this problem can be easily solved if you treat the inside of the walls with a special compound.


For finishing the steam room inside you can use alder boards. It can be recommended due to the presence of tannins in the composition. The steam room can be sheathed wide boards, having removed them first upper layer. This will help them look more aesthetically pleasing. This material is worth paying attention to if your financial capabilities are limited and you cannot purchase oak wood.

In this situation, alder will help you out, because this the material is impervious to mold and other unpleasant formations. Therefore, even many years after finishing the bath, you can be sure that no foreign stains will appear on the walls of the bath. Increased the temperature is rising alder benefits - it begins to secrete special substances that help improve hemostatic processes and fight inflammation.

Important advantage of alder wood is its ease of processing. Therefore, it should be chosen primarily by those owners who plan to build a bathhouse on their own.


As a finishing material for cladding interior walls You can use cedar for steam rooms. From time immemorial it has been used for these purposes, and this choice is determined not only by its quality characteristics, but also attractive appearance. Although it should not be used specifically for a steam room.

Experts recommend use cedar wood for finishing a washing room or rest room. For this you will need smooth boards standard sizes. Then the room will look strict, but at the same time will delight you with its elegance. With the help of cedar you can get walls with a smooth and beautiful surface, which, among other things, will emit a pleasant aroma. In such conditions, you can quickly achieve the effect of relaxation and have a wonderful rest. But, like oak, cedar wood is quite expensive. And most often it is chosen for covering premium steam rooms.


In the case when finishing the steam room and other premises requirements for increased strength are required, most often choose larch. This type of wood is in demand not only because of its optimal thermal conductivity, but also because of its beautiful and noble appearance. It successfully withstands any humidity, and at low temperatures it begins to emit a pleasant smell.

Among the shortcomings It is worth noting the difficulty in processing, therefore, it is not recommended to use it for finishing without the skills. But if you want to see larch in the design of your bathhouse, then panels made from this species are perfect for you. After all, you can make them even without special skills.


Pine also is a popular material, which is used for lining the steam room. Considering her natural look, she can easily decorate the walls of the steam room. In addition to this, with her presence she will create a pleasant atmosphere, releasing an amazing aroma. Although it is not recommended to use it for a steam room, since over time it releases resins that have a high degree of viscosity. This can create a hazardous situation as the surfaces heat up quickly.

Therefore, if you accidentally touch the walls of the steam room, trimmed with pine, you will most likely get burned. This also explains the recommendation of experts to refrain from using spruce wood for cladding the steam room. It is best used for washing area cladding. Considering the ease of processing, you can make a wide variety of products from it.

Other materials for bath lining

Most often, owners use clapboard to cover the walls of a bathhouse, although there are other options besides it. It can be:

Sometimes, when for some reason the owner is unwilling or unwilling use the most popular materials, he can line the interior walls of the bathhouse with foil. But if it is important for you that such an important stage as covering the internal walls is carried out according to all the rules, then you should follow the recommendations of professionals.

Actually foil used for bath lining for more than a decade now. Owners who are supporters of this material say that they chose foil for a reason, because with its help you can reduce heat loss, and this is a serious cost savings. If you decide to simply cover the room with foil before installing the lining or other material, you will not achieve the desired effect. Therefore, even if there is a layer of foil on the walls, you will not achieve a heat-saving effect.

Other owners who choosing foil for lining the bath, explain their choice by the material’s ability to perfectly isolate steam. It is impossible to argue with this, but here a serious drawback of foil appears - it blocks access to air molecules. This situation becomes dangerous for people in the steam room, who may suffocate. As a result, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to fully enjoy bath procedures.

As additional reason, which explains why you should not use foil to decorate the interior walls of a bathhouse, it is worth mentioning the presence of harmful substances in the composition:

If you wish, you can skip the foil and use synthetic substitutes, having such a perfect execution that in terms of their properties they can compete on equal terms with wood.

But you should take into account that their cost may be higher than foil, and you cannot be 100% sure of their safety.


Covering the interior walls of a bathhouse is no less important a process than construction. Correct choice of material for wall decoration- a guarantee that most of the heat will remain indoors and not escape outside. Although there are plenty of options for lining the inside of a bathhouse, most often owners choose wood, and, above all, lining. However, many owners are trying in every possible way to save money and find more affordable and no less efficient materials for plating, so foil is often used. However, here you need to remember that price should not come at the expense of quality. You can even use synthetic materials, as long as they are not harmful to health.

To complete the interior decoration of a bathhouse, you need knowledge of the properties of wood and stone, safety requirements and minimal skills in working with wood. We will talk about the materials and types of finishes recommended for use in the bathhouse, and you will have to acquire the skills of a joiner and carpenter along the way.

Does the bathhouse need finishing?

Regardless of what kind of bathhouse you have - Russian, Finnish sauna or Turkish hamam, bathhouse is heat and high humidity. Without completing the finishing, without insulating the walls, floor and roof, you will be forced to heat the steam room for hours, and with it the surrounding air, literally throwing money away.

Due to the difference in external and internal temperatures, moisture will settle on the walls as condensation, which over time will lead to the formation of fungus, mold and rot. wooden structures. If the building is made of masonry material (brick or blocks), a steam room without finishing can cause burns if it comes into contact with a hot wall. Only in the case when the bathhouse is cut down from logs or built from timber, can it be left without additional finishing if the thickness of the walls provides the required resistance to heat transfer. If this is not the case, go back to reading the first sentence of the paragraph.

If the bathhouse is made of logs, complete interior finishing may not be carried out

There are many safety requirements for finishing a bath:

The walls and floor of the bathhouse are most often insulated with stone or basalt wool, but this is not the best option: mats and slabs mineral insulation contain a small amount of bitumen binder, which evaporates under high temperature, as well as tiny particles of fibers that cause irritation when deposited on the skin.

More secure and economical option- foam glass insulation - allows you to avoid these disadvantages. Vapor barrier is performed with aluminum foil or foil-coated polyurethane foam, which belongs to the group of non-combustible materials and will serve as an additional heat insulator.

Finishing materials for a bath - how not to make a mistake

Interior decoration different rooms performs different tasks in the bathhouse, and in accordance with them the type of finishing is chosen.

Table: requirements for finishing a bath

RoomPeculiaritiesType of finish
Steam roomHigh temperature - fire protection of wood is required. Humidity - impregnation with antiseptic and fungicide is requiredCeramic tiles or porcelain tiles with waterproofing, hardwood flooring, drainageHardwood cladding, stone or brick cladding at the heaterFalse ceiling made of hardwood
WashingHumidity - materials are needed that allow surfaces to be washed periodicallyCeramic tiles or porcelain tiles with non-slip surface, drainageTiling or finishing with materials that allow wet cleaningmoisture-resistant painting or suspended ceiling
RestroomNo requirementsWood or heated floors with tilesNo requirementsNo requirements

Steam room finishing

To cover the steam room, it is better to use hardwood, which does not release resin when heated. When choosing a material for wall cladding, you must remember that a bathhouse is not only pleasant, but also useful. By inhaling the phytoncides released by heated wood in the steam room, we increase the body’s resistance to colds and heal the respiratory tract.

Type of woodAdvantagesFlaws
OakStrong wood, durable, great appearanceIN wet slips, high price
AshDurable wood with beautiful design, rot-resistantHigh price
BirchLight pleasant aromaProne to rotting, does not hold its shape well at high temperatures
LindenIt has a pleasant color, when heated, it emits a delicate aroma, is resistant to rot and high temperatures, and is affordableNo
AspenLow price, light pleasant aromaSubject to rotting, over time changes color to dirty gray
AlderBeautiful appearance, affordable price, odorless, does not absorb odors, durableNo

If you are interested a budget option finishing - choose alder, if there are no cost restrictions, then the best option is ash.

A bathhouse trimmed with ash clapboard will look prestigious and expensive

For lovers of coniferous scents, a combined finishing option may be offered: where contact with the skin is possible, we make the finishing from deciduous wood, and, for example, we line the space under the shelves with cedar, larch or pine.

To cover a section of the wall near the heater, you must choose a material with high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, ensuring maximum accumulation and uniform heat transfer. The structure of the stone must be uniform so that it does not explode when water gets in. Stones are selected round or oval in shape with smooth surface for free air circulation, optimal size- from 5 to 21 cm. Another requirement is environmental safety: when heated, they should not emit harmful substances.

Table: properties of bath stones

Gabbro - diabaseGabbro - diabase is the most affordable and popular option. The stone is dark gray, almost black in color, with low water absorption, excellent heat capacity and very durable. Unfortunately, when heated strongly, it emits an unpleasant odor, and upon contact essential oil forms carbon deposits on the surface.
Soapstone chloriteSoapstone is durable, strong, has excellent heat capacity, and comes in colors from light gray to cherry. In order to prevent dusting, the stones are washed and calcined before the first use. Features a pleasant, light steam with therapeutic effect: reduces blood pressure, heals the respiratory system and skin. Negative characteristic - high price.
BasaltBasalt is the strongest stone of all volcanic rocks. It has only positive characteristics - it is strong, durable, has a high heat capacity, tolerates temperature changes well, and does not emit harmful substances. Even the price is pleasing with its availability.
JadeJadeite is a semi-precious stone, so you should not be surprised at the high price of this mineral. The color ranges from white through emerald green to black making it attractive in appearance and its medicinal properties rated at ancient China. Great choice for people who care about their health.
Raspberry quartziteCrimson quartzite, like jadeite, is attractive in appearance with its bright color and has excellent performance qualities - hardness, durability, heat resistance, low water absorption and environmental safety. It tolerates high temperatures well, you can pour water on it without fear of “explosion”. When purchasing, you should avoid split stones, as they will continue to crumble in the future.
White quartzWhite quartz is not very durable and does not tolerate high temperatures well, but due to its spectacular appearance it is one of the most expensive stones: this translucent mineral consists of silicon and oxygen molecules, and when heated, it releases ozone, which makes a steam room with it especially useful.

The ceiling in the steam room above the heater, just like the wall behind it and the floor around it, requires protection with fireproof material. You can make a section above the heater suspended ceiling from soapstone slab. Soapstone - universal material for heater stones, floor and ceiling wall cladding. More budget option - a metal sheet above the stove, the foundation and wall cladding are made of solid, well-fired brick.

Soapstone can be used not only as a material for stones, but also as a decoration for walls and ceilings behind the heater

The floor in the steam room is made of concrete or ceramic tiles, with waterproofing and a drain for draining water. Walking flooring made of hardwood is laid on top.

Finishing materials for washing

A sink with open shower screens requires the installation of channels, drains and moisture-resistant finishing: facing with ceramic tiles or other durable and moisture-resistant material that can withstand elevated temperatures.

If you plan to install individual shower cabins, such finishing is not required; you can line the walls with clapboard, paint them or plaster them with moisture-resistant decorative plaster.

To prevent water from affecting the sink frame, it is finished with tiles.

It is advisable to have heated floors. The tile must have a rough surface that prevents slipping. It is undesirable to make oak flooring in wet rooms, as it is very slippery when wet. A coating made of coniferous wood, especially larch, is welcome, as it is the most resistant to rotting.

The area of ​​the floor near the font, where significant spills of water are possible, is best made of ceramic tiles with a drain.

The ceiling of the washing room will have to be washed periodically; accordingly, the material must withstand processing detergents: larch lining, metal slatted or cassette suspended ceilings.


The rest room has no restrictions on decoration, with the exception of heated floors - it’s always pleasant to walk on bare feet warm wood. The rest of the interior design depends on the taste and requirements of the bathhouse owner.

Photo gallery: options for finishing bathhouse premises

In this steam room, the firewood rack serves as an interesting element of the interior. Soft diffused light and heat from a brick Russian stove will create an unforgettable experience of visiting the bathhouse Protective lampshades made of slats protect lamps from mechanical influences and create directed streams of light Taking bath procedures in a small steam room is very comfortable The interior of the steam room is very decorated with the combined layout of lining made of different types of wood Steam room for big company must be heated by a high-power stove

Do-it-yourself bathhouse finishing

In order for the bathhouse to be beautiful, you need to choose reliable and high-quality Decoration Materials and install them in accordance with the specifics of the premises described in the previous sections.

Selection of finishing materials

The optimal choice for each bathhouse owner will be one that takes into account the size of the building, personal taste and financial component. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing material, you must first:

Calculation of premises area

To determine the need for materials, it is necessary to know the area of ​​the surface to be finished. All calculations are done in meters.

For the floor and ceiling, multiply the length of the room by its width. To get the area of ​​the walls, calculate the perimeter of the room: add the length and width and multiply by two. We multiply the product by the height of the ceilings. From the result obtained, subtract the area of ​​doors and windows, if any.

In rooms with complex combined decoration, the area of ​​each section is calculated separately.

How to buy quality materials and prepare them for installation

When choosing a material, you need to pay attention first of all to the quality of the product.

Calculation of material requirements

  1. Find the area of ​​one board. So, with a standard length of 6 m and a thickness of 90 mm, the area of ​​the board will be equal to 6∙0.09=0.54 m2.
  2. Calculate the surface area to be finished. Let's assume that it is necessary to upholster the walls of a room measuring 3 x 6 m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The surface area is equal to: (3+6)∙2∙2.5=45 m2.
  3. Calculate the number of boards. To do this, divide the surface area by the area of ​​one board: 45/0.54 = 83.3 boards.

As an example, here is a specification of material for finishing a steam room:

In the same way, the wood requirements for the remaining rooms are calculated.

For calculation paint and varnish materials the surface area should be multiplied by the paint consumption, which is usually given on the packaging in liters per square meter. The product will show how many liters of paint you need to buy.

All goods must be purchased with a margin of 10%, taking into account the allowance for waste and defects in work.

Required Tools

To finish a bathhouse with your own hands you will need:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Building level.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Furniture stapler.
  6. Plane.
  7. Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  8. Self-tapping screws, nails or clamps.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing a bath

The work is carried out after laying the electrical wiring and ventilation ducts, starting from the floor. The floor of the steam room is raised 10–15 cm above the level of adjacent rooms. After the clean floor has been laid, they begin finishing the walls. The last thing to do is the ceiling.

  1. Making a frame for insulation. The frame is assembled from 100x40 mm timber, impregnated with fire retardant and fungicide. The timber is attached with self-tapping screws or dowels to the wall at intervals equal to the width of the insulation board minus 5 mm.

    A frame made of wooden beams is mounted on the walls and ceiling

  2. Installation of insulation. Between the frame beams, insulation slabs or mats are placed on heat-resistant glue with additional fastening with 5-6 dowels. per 1 m 2.
  3. Installation of heat-reflecting material. Aluminum foil or foil fire-resistant film, for example, foil penofol, is secured with staples using construction stapler to the thermal insulation layer.

    A counter-lattice is installed over the heat-reflecting layer under the finishing coating.

  4. Wall cladding. The lining is attached to the frame in accordance with the selected layout. The nails are driven into the grooves so that they are not visible on the finish. They nail the baseboard.

    To decorate the premises in the bathhouse, you can choose different types of wood with different shades of color.

    Frame installation false ceiling. The frame of the false ceiling is attached to the floor joists or to the walls made of 100x50 timber with a vertical orientation. The distance between the beams should correspond to the width of the insulation slab minus 5 mm for the expansion.

    Construction of the ceiling begins after covering the walls.

    Installation of heat-reflecting material. Foil or foil material is attached in the same way as on the walls.

    Ceiling lining with clapboard. It is carried out similarly to wall upholstery. The section of the ceiling above the stove-heater is protected non-flammable material: leaf of stainless steel or slab material. The ceiling plinth is attached.

    A foil vapor barrier is attached to the insulation, and then the clapboard is nailed onto the finished sheathing

Video: interior decoration of the steam room

Having become acquainted with the requirements for bathhouse premises and having studied information about correct execution finishing, you have received the necessary theoretical knowledge. The work does not require any special professional skills and can be done by any homeowner.

The construction of the bathhouse itself is, of course, more difficult process, but this does not mean that the interior decoration of the bath plays a lesser role. It is this that creates the atmosphere and environment in which you will carry out steaming procedures and relax, and also directly affects the durability of the building itself.

In the bath difficult conditions: a lot of steam, high temperature, constant temperature changes, high humidity. In such an environment, not every material will be able to maintain its appearance and not deteriorate, so you need to approach its choice with all responsibility.

All materials used in the interior decoration of bath rooms must meet the following conditions:

  • hygiene, the development of fungus and mold can have an impact Negative influence not only on its appearance, but also on our health;
  • resistance to hot air, since steam is an integral component of bath procedures;
  • environmental friendliness, it is unacceptable for the material to emit harmful chemicals in the heat;
  • strength and durability, frequent repairs significantly impact the budget;
  • resistance to moisture, there is always high humidity in the steam room;
  • decorative, after all, decoration is also needed to decorate the room, it is important that it is aesthetically attractive.

The most popular material for finishing a bathhouse inside is wood. It is natural, has high performance qualities and gives a special atmosphere. But you need to take into account that not all types of wood are suitable.

Pine should not be used for finishing. It contains resins, they are released when heated, in large quantities they can be dangerous for people who take steam in a bathhouse. In addition, it gets hot, and because of this it will be quite unpleasant to touch.

It is also prohibited to use the following materials: fiberboard, chipboard, linoleum. When heated, they release harmful substances and also cannot withstand exposure to moisture - they begin to swell and collapse.

But these materials are quite suitable for decorating a dressing room or recreation area. For example, the same pine tree exudes a pleasant pine aroma. And if you look at the photo of the bathhouse inside, you can see that it also has a pleasant appearance.

But what materials are suitable for finishing a steam room in a bathhouse? Photos, recommendations

The most popular finishing material, which can be seen in almost all photos of finishing a bathhouse inside, is. She represents comfortable material, which is great for finishing the bathhouse yourself. The material is made of wood and is made in the form of panels that visually level the surface and look neat. The lining provides ventilation to the walls, protects them from condensation, the formation of mold and mildew, and helps regulate humidity.

The best options are lining made from linden, larch, birch, aspen and poplar. Deciduous trees When heated, they do not release resins, they dry quickly, so the likelihood of fungus appearing is minimized.

Larch is the most durable material, it easily tolerates temperature changes and feels great in high humidity conditions.

Linden has an attractive White color, which looks beautiful and impressive. It is moisture resistant and does not deform; it heats up the least of all wood species, which is why linden is often used to decorate the ceiling. This material exudes a pleasant and light aroma.

Aspen is also a popular material for finishing a steam room. It is highly durable, resistant to moisture and has no cracks. By the way, this is why it is often used as a floor covering.

Alder is a durable and even-structured material. It has a beautiful light brown color with a pink tint, and also, importantly, does not absorb foreign odors.

It doesn’t matter which type you choose, if you look at the photo of the clapboard finishing of the bathhouse, you can be sure that any option looks neat and beautiful.

The interior decoration of the steam room does not allow the use of wood coated with varnish or paint, since when heated, they will begin to evaporate, enter the air and can worsen your well-being.

Decorating a bathhouse with your own hands begins with the floor. It is recommended to raise it relative to other rooms by 15-20 cm. This will help retain heat better and protect the floor from drafts.

Clay, concrete and wood are commonly used as floor coverings. As finishing coating It is recommended to choose sanded boards or tiles.

If we talk about how to make a floor for a bathhouse, then everything is quite simple: the boards are laid on the logs as close to each other as possible, secured with self-tapping screws. If you choose tiles, you first need to make a screed to level the floor. Afterwards, the tiles are laid using an adhesive mixture. The floor in the bathhouse should be made with a slight slope, and a drain should be installed so that the floors dry faster.

But keep in mind that tile is a slippery material, so it’s better to put it on top wooden pallets, they will ensure the safety of bathhouse visitors.

Decorating the walls and ceiling in the steam room: photos of interiors inside the bathhouse, tips

It is important that the steam room retains heat for as long as possible, so you need to make a reliable vapor barrier. When you decorate a bathhouse with your own hands, you can choose different variants: glassine, foil, jute or stone wool. There is also combined option- foamed polypropylene with foil. The edges of the foil need to be connected with special tape.

The lining should not be close to the foil and insulation. It is necessary to leave a gap.

The same material is usually used for the ceiling as for the walls. It is important to take into account that you should not save on ceiling coverings, since the maximum temperature will be under it.

Photo of the interior decoration of the bathhouse:

For more information on how to make a clapboard finish in a bathhouse with your own hands, watch this video:

Decorating the inside of a bathhouse with your own hands also means decorating shelves and benches; it’s hard to imagine a bathhouse without them; you can sit or even lie down on them to thoroughly relax. They are usually made in a round shape because it is the most convenient and safe.

It is important that shelves, beds and benches are strong; they should not wobble or creak. Soft wood is suitable for their manufacture, always without resin.

First, you need to nail down special posts made of timber, and then boards or clapboards are attached to them using nails or wooden pegs; there should be a distance between them so that water does not stagnate on the benches and the wood dries faster.

Washing department is a shower cabin, complemented by special shelves for shower accessories. It can be combined with a steam room, in which case its decoration is the same as in that room.

In this room the temperature is not as high as in the steam room, so coniferous trees can be used here. No resins will be released, and a pleasant pine aroma will appear in the room. Pine, spruce, cedar and larch are suitable for washing.

Another variant - tile, but in this case you need to remember about wooden coasters or special rubber mats.
