Stretch ceiling in the kitchen: design options. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen Ceiling design of the kitchen dining room

At first glance, it may seem that the ceiling plays a secondary role in the design of the room. No furniture is installed on it, no one walks on it, and guests and household members don’t look up very often. In fact, the ceiling is a kind of “gray eminence” of the interior. He can make a small room larger, an empty and large one - voluminous and cozy, and a low one - taller.

All this can be accomplished with the help of simple design techniques. Even the problem of constantly noisy neighbors upstairs can be solved by competent finishing. Previously, no thought was given to the design of ceilings: they either painted or whitewashed them. Particularly creative craftsmen managed to cover them with wallpaper. The modern range of materials and technologies opens up new possibilities. Let's talk about kitchen ceilings and their features.

Requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is special small world housewives in the universe of the house. Unique aromas of dishes are in the air here; families gather here in the morning over a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs. a quick fix, guests love to sit here and have a cup of tea. No other room in the apartment has such a microclimate as the kitchen. Constant fluctuations in humidity and temperature, accumulation of aromas and by-products of cooking. Because of these features, the design requirements for the ceiling, walls and floor are also unique. Before starting repairs, all the nuances and details are thought through so that the result is not only practical, but also durable. You cannot change the “box” of a room - walls, floor, ceiling - every couple of years, as you can with furniture.

Materials and methods of decoration

Finishing work is carried out using the following materials:

  • Putty;
  • Primer;
  • Lime or chalk;
  • Water-based paint;
  • Wallpaper of various types;
  • Drywall;
  • Plastic;
  • Wood;
  • Vinyl stretch fabric;
  • Hanging metal constructions with attached ceiling tiles.

Ideas for decoration are drawn from fashion magazines or one’s own imagination, which, as we know, does not recognize boundaries. But there are several “vectors” along which you can realize your design ideas:

  • Color;
  • Light;
  • Texture;
  • Relief;
  • Combinations of materials;
  • Drawings, painting, ornament.

Let's talk about each of the options in more detail.


An outdated method of finishing the ceiling, a “classic of the genre”, which is generally considered in an economical way. For high-quality whitewashing, you need to thoroughly scrape the kitchen ceiling from the old layer. If there was lime or chalk underneath, it is simply washed off along with grease stains and dirt. The work area is roughly divided into squares, each of which is thoroughly moistened with water using a brush. The algorithm is simple:

  • Moisten the first square;
  • Scrape off the old layer with a spatula;
  • Moisten the second square;
  • Wipe the first with a damp sponge.

These actions must be repeated from square to square. This is the only way you can save time and get everything done quickly enough. Then the joints of the ceiling tiles are glued with sickle tape, and the unevenness and roughness of the surface are puttied. When the putty dries, rub it down if necessary. sandpaper to level the surface, and cover the top with a primer. After the primer has completely dried, you can begin whitewashing. There are only two materials to choose from:

  • Lime;

To work, you only need a container and a roller or brush. The floor is covered with newspapers.

Conditional division into squares is necessary. If you completely wet the ceiling, then by the time you reach the end, the very first centimeters will have time to dry.


The second simple, but old-fashioned method is to paint the ceiling with water-based paint. It is based on water, pigments and polymers. After application to the surface, the water evaporates within a day, and the polymers form a dense “crust” that lasts a long time and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, exposure to water and temperature changes. The paint market offers a wide range of “water-based emulsions” with additives:

  • Silicone;
  • Acrylic;
  • Latex;
  • Silicate;
  • Polyvinyl acetate.

Acrylic, silicone and latex are not afraid of water. They are washable and used in rooms with high humidity. Silicone adheres well to untreated surfaces, while polyvinyl acetate is considered cheap and is used only in dry rooms. The first three options are suitable for the kitchen. Although in extreme situations The surface does not need to be prepared, such paints will even fall on it; it is better, of course, to remove the old layer, fill in the uneven areas and prime. To work you will need:

  • Putty knife;
  • Large, small brushes;
  • Roller;
  • Bath for cleaning brushes;
  • Tray with a ribbed surface for a roller;
  • Gloves.

Paint at least once, but we’ve tried everything. The difficulty of working with the ceiling lies in the inability to “lift” your head and raise your arms for a long time. Give yourself a break every half hour.


With wallpaper everything is simple: they are glued in the same way as on walls, but with small nuances. There are no restrictions on the material. You can purchase any of the popular ones:

  • Non-woven;
  • Liquid;
  • Glass wallpaper;
  • Vinyl.

The wallpaper kit requires high-quality glue. If it is somewhat easier for the material to hold on to the walls, then on the ceiling their own weight will constantly pull down. How long they will last and how well they set in the first hours depends on the quality of the glue and the properly prepared surface.

Dissolve glue in a container. If the wallpaper is paper or vinyl, then it is applied to a dried primer; if non-woven fabric is used, then to a roll. When working with a ceiling, it is preferable to coat both surfaces to be on the safe side. You will gradually unwind the roll, which can be easily directed in the desired direction without error or curvature. If you glue an already unfolded strip, then coordinating the process will be much more difficult.

Do not forget that after work the room cannot be ventilated until the wallpaper is completely dry, otherwise it will swell or fall off completely.


Plasterboard coating is convenient to use for ceilings that have obvious defects and unevenness that cannot be smoothed out at the preparation stage. The material allows you to create a two-level coating that zones space in combined rooms. Popular studio kitchens are divided into functional areas not only with the help of furniture or lighting, but also with levels on the ceiling and floor. Drywall can withstand high humidity and temperature changes. It provides additional sound insulation and will not crack when the house shrinks, but it is difficult to install and lowers the ceiling. Drywall is not recommended for use in rooms with low ceilings, because even a play of color will not save the situation, and a “dungeon” feeling will appear.


Plastic ceilings are considered an excellent combination of price and quality. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to install and clean. This material successfully withstands all the features of the kitchen microclimate. If the neighbors flood, the ceiling will simply dry out without any visible damage. Plastic panels differ in colors, patterns and textures. Owners of economy-class kitchens especially liked materials that imitate the design of stone, wood, marble and metal.

The only significant disadvantage plastic ceilings there was a decrease in the height of the room. The material “eats” up to 5 cm, which is not much less than in the situation with drywall. However, plastic also does a good job of hiding wiring and ceiling defects.


Suspended ceilings are widely used in office premises, although you can choose one for your home original tiles, on which there will be no “official” raid. Hanging panels They look impressive and modern, so they fit into kitchen designs in modern, high-tech and industrial styles. The design is based on a fairly a complex system fasteners, which are first mounted in the “rough” ceiling, connected to each other and only then attached to decorative tiles. Naturally, such a “box” will be a gift for apartments with wiring sticking out in all directions and a ceiling surface that is more reminiscent of a tectonic fold than a perfectly smooth plain. Suspended ceilings can be:

  • Modular;
  • Hemmed (without the use of hangers).

Modular ones are also classified into:

  • Cassette;
  • Rack and pinion;
  • Lattice.

It is worth noting that an expensive suspended ceiling with complex design frame and quality material slabs does not look as cheap as some people think. Drywall is used mainly in economy class options, but finishing is not limited to this material.


Nothing can replace natural wood, which literally “breathes” through natural pores. Unfortunately, with constant heating, wood can dry out and begin to rot due to humidity. This problem is solved with the help of special solutions that are used to treat the material before use. It impregnates and forms a thin crust on the wood, which does not close the pores, but slows down the destruction processes. Wooden ceiling fits perfectly into almost any design direction. This is the advantage of the material: it is universal, thanks to the variety of textures of natural patterns and variations in color scheme.

Slatted ceilings are not as easy to install as they might seem at first glance. Their design is modular and resembles hanging ceilings. The slats are laid not only along standard version, pressing tightly to each other. If you approach the task wisely and implement original ideas, then the slatted “pattern” will become a masterpiece. It's about not only about the chess board, but also about the intricate geometric patterns.

Beams and false beams are also popular in country, Provence, rustic or ethnic styles. They decorate ceilings not only in private kitchens country houses, but also in modern apartments or small Khrushchev buildings.

False beams are a creative solution for rooms where it is necessary to hide pipes, wires or technological lines.


Stretch ceilings look elegant and luxurious. They have no seams, and their strength is surprising: with a “flood” from above, each square meter Can withstand loads of up to 100 liters of water. It will “hang” dangerously over the room, but will contain liquid and protect the rest of the environment. When the water is removed, the ceiling will return to its original position. The vinyl from which the fabric is made is a medium flammable material, therefore it is considered fireproof. A stretch ceiling can be:

  • Matt;
  • Glossy with a mirror shine;
  • With original design in the form of drawings and ornaments.

Significant disadvantage - bad smell, which will live in the kitchen for a short time after installation. Over time, the amber will fade, but at first you will have to be patient.

Stretch ceilings are difficult to maintain. It is easy to wash, but mechanical damage can be fatal to this material, so it should be handled with care and precision. On large areas (more than 50-60 sq.m.) it is possible visual detection seams between the canvases.

Agree that the design of the ceiling plays an important role in giving the interior a special chic and sophistication. Usually, original design there is no doubt about ceilings in offices, halls, and bedrooms, but when it comes to the kitchen, many give preference to practicality. Meanwhile, the ceiling in the kitchen can be both practical and aesthetic at the same time.

A kitchen is a room that combines a whole range of functions: This is where they prepare food, relax, and get together with the whole family after a hard day. All the most exciting days and evenings of preparation for celebrations, parties and celebrations take place in the kitchen. That is why it is so important that it is decorated with taste, combining comfort and functionality, convenience and sophistication. But it should be remembered that the kitchen is intended for cooking and that is why it all year round increased humidity and temperature. It is this environment that is aggressive towards many building materials. Therefore, decorating ceilings in the kitchen requires a special approach. You should choose materials that can withstand aggressive environments.

Materials suitable for decorating kitchen ceilings

The traditional material for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen is whitewashing and painting. This is the most economical option available today. A bucket is enough small quantity paint, lime or chalk, water, brushes and stepladders, and you may not even need an assistant here. Painting the ceiling can also serve convenient option ceiling decoration. In addition, water-based or oil paint can be washed. Many fans of quick ceiling finishing use wallpaper, just remember that the materials must be dense and moisture-resistant. Wallpaper can be used to hide minor defects on the ceiling. Recently, kitchen ceilings have begun to be decorated with plastic, glass or polymer, stretchable material.

Options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

Particular attention in the kitchen should be paid to the fight against moisture, soot, grease and steam. Therefore, we would like to offer you win-win options for decorating ceilings with modern, inexpensive and easy-to-maintain materials.

1. Kitchen ceiling made of polystyrene foam boards . But behind this incomprehensible name lies the well-known polystyrene foam. This is a very inexpensive, lightweight and easy to process material. It can be cut even with simple kitchen knife. The advantages of the material are that it does not rot and does not react to high humidity, but over time it loses its properties at elevated temperatures. Today there are special ceiling tiles made of polystyrene foam with a three-dimensional graphic or floral pattern. This ceiling looks very elegant, moreover, it can be painted in different colors. For this, water-based paint is used. You should know that the installation of this type of ceiling requires a perfectly flat surface, otherwise flaws in the sticker will be very noticeable.

2. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen . The most modern type of ceiling decoration. Here a special polymer fabric is used, which is heated and then stretched onto the sheathing. After the canvas has cooled, you will have a perfectly smooth and shiny ceiling. Such a canvas can be plain or a pattern can be applied to it. The main advantage of a stretch ceiling is that it can be installed in a few hours, it is not afraid of dampness and elevated temperature. Stretch ceilings are durable and can be washed with a solution detergents soft cloth or a sponge.

3. Suspended ceiling in the kitchen. As popular as tension or plasterboard. In this case, ceiling plastic slats are made. This option is convenient because it does not require rough preparation of the ceiling surface. It is enough to lower it a few centimeters metal sheathing and attach plastic slats to it. The plastic does not bend, looks elegant, and is easy to care for. Ceiling plastic is available in a variety of color shades, so decorating the ceiling in an original way will not be difficult, especially if you purchase contrasting or similar colors.

Creativity to the design of the ceiling in the kitchen can bring comfort, beauty and sophistication to this room. Go ahead, the choice is yours!

Ceiling in the kitchen - photo

The kitchen requires a special approach to design. And this specificity lies in the ideal balance between beauty, style, convenience, safety, functionality and cost. Since renovations most often start from the ceiling, today we will look at design options for this “fifth wall” and help you find the best balance.

The modern design of the ceiling in the kitchen will be demonstrated by 50 real photos, and the characteristics of popular finishing materials we have collected will highlight the practical side of the issue and help you make the final choice.

Extravagant glossy surfaces look great in modern interiors, complementing the facades of furniture and increasing the volume of the kitchen.

Matte ceilings are no different in appearance from traditional whitewash. Both of them get along well with photo printing.

The main trump card of film suspended ceilings– the ability to save your interior from flooding by neighbors above. Compared to film, fabric sheets are more durable, but they allow water to pass through and will not save you from a flood.

Disadvantages of PVC ceilings:

  • require careful and careful care;
  • vinyl contained in the film raises concerns among supporters of eco-materials;
  • power restrictions lighting fixtures related to the characteristics of the material;
  • When installed, the room heats up to 60 degrees.

Examples of using suspended ceilings in the kitchen are waiting for you in the photo below.

Plasterboard ceilings

As you might have guessed, we saved the most interesting for later. Moisture-resistant drywall is a universal companion to all previously listed materials. He participates in the creation of one- and two-level structures, helps to adjust the ceiling relief, hide pipes, divide the kitchen into zones and provide them with the necessary lighting.

Designers claim: to bring it to life unusual ideas design of suspended ceilings in the kitchen (and in any other room) - combine!

Plasterboard ceilings are often combined with stretch fabrics, which are somewhat capricious in terms of lighting. In this case, the drywall takes over the perimeter of the kitchen and lighting working area. The combination looks no less organic plasterboard sheets with wood and tiles.

The high plasticity of the material allows you to create structures with smooth, curved shapes that repeat similar shapes kitchen set. It looks, you see, very harmonious.

Two-level ceilings are an excellent opportunity to apply LED backlight, without which it is difficult to imagine modern interior, or fill the kitchen with a play of light and shadow. Spirals, flowers, stars, geometric figures Regular and irregular shapes - the design options are endless. All that remains is to choose the one that best suits the layout and requirements of your kitchen.

This concludes our review. We wish you a quick and durable repair!

Thinking through Special attention attention should be paid to details, because only a holistic image can be harmonious. So, along with the walls, it is necessary to think about the design of the ceiling.

The choice of color and finishing materials will determine whether it will expand or narrow the space, add light or make the room even darker.


Carrying out, to finishing materials increased demands are placed on strength, wear resistance, moisture resistance and ease of cleaning. All this also applies to ceilings, because no one is safe from steam and drops of grease, and the main task is to please the owner’s eye.

Therefore, ceilings in the kitchen should, first of all, be:

  • moisture resistant
  • hygienic

The development of ceiling design begins with the creation of a general design project, where the height and dimensions, its level of illumination and the general design concept are assessed. For example, a multi-level ceiling design in a living room kitchen can both zone, divide the space, and unite it.

Depending on the shape, the ceiling can be:

  • smooth
  • curly
  • multi-level
  • vaulted

Types of ceilings

The design of the ceiling is mainly determined by the materials from which it is made. We will now consider the most popular of them.

Dropped ceilings

Represent frame structure, which is attached to the concrete base. It has a number of advantages: resistance to moisture and steam, ease of cleaning and ease of installation. It is easy to hide all communications under the suspended structure, install modular lamps, and in case of breakdown, replace the damaged element.

The most popular types:

  • From plasterboard

Perhaps the most common type of suspended ceilings. When skillfully executed, it is capable of realizing any designer’s idea.

It is very easy to install a single-level plasterboard ceiling: it is fixed around the perimeter metal carcass at a height of 7-10 cm from the surface concrete base, onto which sheets of plasterboard are subsequently installed and secured with screws. All joints should be taped reinforced mesh and prime, after which you can begin to carry out finishing works. The surface can be painted, covered with wallpaper or tiles, or applied with decorative plaster. It is easy to hide all communications under it, install modular and Spotlights, the surface is perfectly flat. To install a ceiling in the kitchen, it is advisable to use moisture resistant drywall, because this is a room with high humidity.

To zone the kitchen or give it a unique style, install multi-level ceilings. At the same time, installation of even the most complex option specialists complete it within a week. Plasterboard ceilings are environmentally friendly, breathable, durable and inexpensive.

It should be remembered that rectangular shapes visually adjust the shape of the room, square ones are suitable for highlighting a recreation area, round and oval ones highlight the center.

For a small room, it is better to choose a single-level option or a two-level one with simple forms. When installing two-level ceiling Great importance is attached to lighting in the kitchen: it is advisable to install a chandelier in the center of the upper part - the main source of light, and on the lower parts - modular lamps (neon or LED).

  • Stretch ceiling


  1. allows you to achieve a completely flat surface without preliminary leveling,
  2. resistant to steam, moisture and dust,
  3. durable and visually attractive.

It is not afraid of flooding, so it is ideal for apartments in high-rise buildings.

Stretch ceilings are suture and seamless, matte and glossy, various colors and shades.

A metal frame is mounted around the perimeter, 10-15 cm below the concrete base, the canvas is heated, stretched and secured in special grooves. They allow you to hide engineering Communication and ventilation, install spotlights. Despite its apparent simplicity, installation is best left to professionals.

By design, these are single-level - suitable for small rooms, and multi-level - ideal for zoning a kitchen-living room.

Maintenance is very simple: grease and dust can be easily removed with a cloth and soap solution.

White glossy canvases visually expand the room and fill it with light.

  • Slat ceilings

One of optimal options for kitchen. Perpendicularly located slats serve as a frame onto which aluminum, steel or plastic panels are subsequently attached. In small areas, mirrored glass looks very impressive. slatted ceiling, which is also very practical. Very easy to maintain, durable and resistant to moisture and steam.

  • Ceiling panels

Can be plastic or wooden. The installation of plastic ceiling panels does not require preliminary leveling of the surface; it is enough to just determine the height of the new one by level and assemble a frame from metal profiles. Installation of panels resembles the assembly of a construction set: they are fixed around the perimeter plastic corners, into which panels are installed, connected to each other using side grooves.

Advantages: variety of textures and color solutions, ease of installation and dismantling, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, durability and ease of operation, affordable prices. The disadvantage is that they easily lose shape. They deform even with slight pressure.

As for wooden panels, the variety of colors here is much less, but the naturalness and durability are much higher. Installed wooden panels on the same principle as plastic ones, only the locking system differs. Such panels are somewhat more expensive than plastic ones, however, for design or country style better option can not found.

Simple whitewash and paint

Traditional finishing method. Currently, they are not as popular as they were 10-15 years ago, since the process is very long, dirty and complicated. Involves perfect leveling of the surface, its putty and primer. Painting should begin with the cornices and corners; the general surface is painted last.


Usage decorative plaster And modern technologies Its application allows you to turn the ceiling design in a small kitchen into a real masterpiece, giving the room volume and depth. The main thing here is to get the drawing right.

Applying bulk decorative plaster easily hides minor defects, so perfect leveling is not required. Depending on the overall design concept, you can use both white and colored plaster.

After completing the pattern, the surface is usually primed and painted, while color palette can be very diverse. Glossy paints give depth, and structural ones add roughness to it and hide imperfections in the chalk.

Ceiling tiles

Can be made of foam, wood, glass or plastic. The front side often has a pattern (embossed or smooth), metal coating, or wood texture.

Anyone can install such tiles: the leveled surface should be drawn into squares, and then the tiles should be fixed to these squares using glue.

When thinking about ceiling design, pay attention to glossy or mirror tiles, which will visually increase the volume of the room and even absorb excess moisture.

Combined ceilings

They are a combination of suspended ceilings and plasterboard, most often multi-level. They allow you to diversify your interior design and give it a unique style.

There is also a combination of drywall with tiles or plaster. Installation combined options requires special skill. First, a sketch of the figured ceiling is drawn, according to which the frame is mounted and the frame is assembled. Usually the plasterboard sheets are installed first, the tension fabric is installed last. In this case, you can use materials of different colors and textures, but the color should be in harmony with the furniture and emphasized by the lighting.

The ceiling in the kitchen is subject to the heaviest loads: sudden temperature changes, high humidity, more frequent cleaning due to the inevitable appearance of greasy deposits and soot. At the same time, it should look good, because its area is quite large and plays a significant role in the perception of the interior.

  • Proper finishing of the ceiling helps to visually increase the height and area of ​​the kitchen, zone the space, create good lighting and the desired interior style.

What kind of ceiling should you make in the kitchen so that it is both practical and beautiful? In this material we will talk about the pros and cons of 7 popular types of finishes (click on any of them if you are interested in a specific one, or just continue reading in order):

We also supplemented the article with a large selection of photos of ceilings in the kitchen interior and a selection of original design ideas.

What kind of ceiling should I make in the kitchen? 7 main types of finishes

Option 1. PVC stretch ceilings

If your task is to make a ceiling in the kitchen quickly, accurately and inexpensively, our recommendation is a stretch ceiling made of PVC film.

In this photo you can see a small edging around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling and see how the canvas goes around the pipes

  • A kitchen stretch PVC ceiling can survive a real flood - it will collect all the water (up to 100 liters per 1 square meter), and after draining it will return to its original state. To drain the water, you only need to pierce the canvas with a needle in several places.

  • Stretch ceilings are durable and, if handled with care, can last 20 years or more.
  • Stretch ceilings in the kitchen are fireproof. In the event of a fire, they will begin to curl up and melt without releasing toxic substances, creating smoke, or supporting the spread of fire.
  • In case of minor damage, such as cuts or holes, the tension fabric can be restored.
  • When installing a stretch ceiling, you can rethink the kitchen lighting, for example, install spotlights and hang a chandelier over the dining table.
  • Vinyl ceilings are resistant to high humidity and temperature changes typical of the kitchen climate.
  • The suspended ceiling in the kitchen is easy to care for. It is washed every 2-3 months with soapy water and a mop.
  • The stretch ceiling is perfectly flat and always looks very neat.
  • The variability of suspended ceiling designs is great. In addition, they can be combined with other types of coverings, for example, with plasterboard level construction.
  • There is no need to level the base before installing suspended ceilings.
  • Installation occurs quickly (in 1-3 hours depending on the area) and with minimal contamination of the room.

  • Stretch vinyl can be damaged by mechanical impact - so sharp and cutting objects should be kept away from the coating, and champagne should be opened with caution.
  • Due to the tension fabric, there is a risk of not noticing the appearance of mold on the ceiling. Moreover, if suddenly the level of humidity in the ceiling space increases (for example, due to flooding or condensation on pipes), then the airtight PVC film can create favorable conditions for fungal development. For this reason vinyl ceilings in the kitchen it is advisable to install only together with built-in ventilation grilles, especially if the mold problem has occurred in the past.
  • At first, the PVC film smells.
  • Like any suspended structure stretch fabric takes away precious centimeters of wall height (4-7 cm), so it is not very suitable for kitchens with low ceilings .
  • Stretch ceilings cannot be installed independently.
  • If the kitchen is too large (more than 5 meters in width), then the canvas may have an inconspicuous seam.
  • A small edging appears along the perimeter of the stretch ceiling. If desired, it can be covered with baseboards, but that's another story.
  • Installation of suspended ceilings is carried out once and for all, so in the future it will not be possible to move/repair communications and lamps without completely dismantling the canvas.
  • Vinyl ceilings are not compatible with all fixtures and lamps. The area around the bulb may become yellowed and distorted.

Tips for choosing a stretch ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Stretch ceilings come in matte, satin and glossy finishes. The first option is the most versatile, suitable for both classic and modern kitchens.

If you don’t know which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, then we recommend choosing a white matte stretch ceiling. Such a finish will appear to be a high-quality plastered surface, which looks much more noble than a glossy film.

  • Be careful with glossy ceilings if your kitchen is small or low. There is a common myth that glossy ceilings visually increase the space and height of the walls, but in reality everything happens quite the opposite.

Glare and reflections of objects on a glossy canvas add extra diversity and a feeling of disorder to the interior; as a result, the ceiling seems even lower than it is. In addition, glossy film often looks like uncomfortable plastic, which is only appropriate in ultra-modern interiors, and even then not always.

  • 2 more reasons against glossy ceiling: it is more difficult to care for, and it costs a little more than matte canvases.
  • Satin stretch ceilings are good for use in kitchens with a lack of light and a discreet interior.

  • Stretch fabric with photo printing, imitation metallic, wood, mother-of-pearl, suede, leather, marble or stone should be chosen as carefully as possible. It should be consistent with the color scheme and style of the interior, create the illusion of a high ceiling (if it is low) and not overload the space.

Option 2. Fabric stretch ceiling

Fabric stretch ceilings are made of polyester impregnated with polyurethane. This material is quite thin, but durable and wear-resistant, so it is perfect for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Fabric sheets have almost the same advantages and disadvantages as PVC film, but there are several significant differences.

  • Due to their breathability, fabric ceilings significantly reduce the risk of mold.
  • The loss of wall height is less than when installing PVC ceilings.
  • Fabric ceilings are 15 times stronger than vinyl ceilings. In terms of strength, they can be compared to tarpaulin. It is almost impossible to accidentally cut, pierce or tear them.
  • Fabric sheets have no seams.
  • A fabric ceiling is easier to clean - there are no streaks left on it, stains can be easily removed locally with a damp cloth. In addition, due to its antistatic properties, dust does not collect on the ceiling.
  • The fabric ceiling is a textured matte white canvas, which in appearance is practically no different from a perfectly plastered surface. It is for this reason that they are often used for finishing premium houses.
  • Dense polyester does not sag, does not gather into folds and waves over time.
  • Fabric ceilings better heat and sound insulate the kitchen.
  • Fabric ceilings can be not only white, but also colored, as in the photo below. There are about 20 shades in total. Photo printing with a fresco effect is also possible.

  • Fabric ceilings can be painted or painted (unlike PVC ceilings).
  • They are compatible with almost any lamps and lamps, even those that get very hot. The area around the bulb will not turn yellow or become deformed.
  • The fabric sheet is installed faster and without the use of a heat gun.
  • The fabric fabric does not retain water in case of flooding.
  • Fabric ceilings are slightly more expensive than vinyl ones (+200 rubles to the price per 1 sq. m);
  • Fabric ceilings can only be matte.

Tips for choosing a fabric ceiling for the kitchen:

  • Although fabric ceiling“breathes”, it’s still worth building in additional ventilation holes. After all, the kitchen is a room with high humidity and the risk of flooding from neighbors above.
  • The most popular manufacturers of fabric stretch ceilings are the Clipso and D-Premium (Descor) brands.
  • Interested in purchasing waterproof fabric ceilings? These are produced only by Cerutti.

Option 3. Plasterboard ceilings

A suspended plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen opens up a million decorative possibilities. For example, you can create a multi-level or figured ceiling, a ceiling with zoning or a ceiling with a rounded transition into the walls. Also, a plasterboard ceiling allows you to play with finishing - it can be painted, whitewashed, or covered with wallpaper.

Pros of plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen:

  • They allow you to completely hide the imperfections of the ceiling and leave it without finishing at all.
  • Allows you to hide utility lines (for example, air duct, wires and cables) and create new script lighting (for example, create uniform spot lighting and move the central chandelier to the table).

  • Impact resistance and other mechanical impact.
  • Long service life.
  • Improved heat and sound insulation.
  • Design variability, as we have already mentioned above.
  • The ability to zone space with level structures.
  • Drywall and related materials for ceiling installation are inexpensive.
  • Several centimeters of wall height are lost. The minimum loss will be 7 cm.
  • A plasterboard ceiling inevitably becomes deformed when flooded.
  • Requires additional finishing efforts.
  • With constant temperature changes characteristic of the kitchen, cracks may appear between the sheets of drywall, which means cracking and decorative finishing. To avoid this, you need to use movable two-level CD connectors, but they significantly increase the cost of the design.
  • You cannot cover the ceiling with plasterboard yourself. All work, including calculations, must be carried out by professionals.

Tips for finishing kitchen ceilings with plasterboard:

  • To finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to use only high-quality moisture-resistant plasterboard. It costs 100 rubles more than regular plasterboard, has the same standard sizes, but has 2 times greater moisture resistance and antifungal properties.
  • All seams and places where HA sheets are attached to profiles must be treated with water-repellent plaster. This point should be checked at the stage of finishing the structure.

Here are a few more photos of plasterboard ceilings in the kitchen interior.

Option 4. Whitewashing the old fashioned way

The whitewashed kitchen ceiling is no longer as relevant today as it once was in Soviet times. It was replaced by more modern views finishing, but still good old chalk and lime cannot be discounted.

  • This is the most environmentally friendly, cheapest and most common material for many.
  • Due to its porosity, a bleached ceiling provides better air exchange, which means it is less susceptible to mold. And if it does appear, it is easier to notice and eliminate it in time (unlike suspended ceilings).
  • The whitewashed ceiling looks good and fits perfectly into classic, “rustic”, Scandinavian and eco-friendly interiors. For example, even a cracked whitewashed ceiling on kitchen in Provence style will look more than organic.
  • The whitewashed ceiling is compatible with stucco and wooden beams.
  • Whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands is very simple and inexpensive.
  • Whitewash does not tolerate high humidity and temperature changes in the kitchen very well, so it quickly begins to crack and crumble. Also, a whitewashed ceiling will definitely crack if the house is new and shrinks (the process lasts 2-3 years).
  • It is advisable to renew the whitewash 1-2 times a year, because you cannot wash the whitewashed ceiling in the kitchen (along with greasy spots and the coating itself is washed off with soot).
  • Before whitewashing, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly level state. Sami renovation work Although not complicated, they are troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with film, drying the layers takes time.
  • Unlike level structures, whitewashing the ceiling does not allow you to hide communications and rearrange lamps without gating the base.

Option 5. Painting

Another traditional version- this is painting. A painted ceiling looks similar to a bleached one, but is more practical and wear-resistant.

Kitchen ceiling painted with deep matte white paint

  • A painted ceiling can be not only white, but also colored or multi-colored. For example, the ceiling can be painted to match the walls, thereby visually increasing their height.

  • The painted ceiling can be washed. In addition, it tolerates high humidity better than whitewashed.
  • Painting the ceiling with your own hands is not too expensive and is affordable for beginners.
  • A painted ceiling is updated less often than a whitewashed one.

Cons of painting the ceiling:

  • Paint begins to crack and peel over time and after leaks.
  • With time white ceiling may turn yellow or grey.
  • No possibility local repairs- if the paint cracks in one place, you will have to completely remove it old finishing, re-level the ceiling and only then paint again.
  • Before painting, the ceiling must be plastered and leveled to a perfectly level state. The repair work itself, although not complicated, is troublesome - everything in the room needs to be covered with film, and drying the layers will take time.
  • Unlike level structures, a painted ceiling does not allow you to hide communications and rearrange lamps without chiseling the base.

Tips for choosing ceiling paint:

  • Wall paint must be moisture resistant and have antifungal properties. It is best to choose paints that are specifically designed for kitchen and bathroom ceilings.
  • If you want to decorate the ceiling traditionally, then choose matte and deep-matte paints.
  • Using stencils, you can decorate the ceiling with your own hands with cute patterns. This is a more practical alternative to wallpaper.

Option 6. Wallpapering

Ceiling wallpaper can be painted or printed.

  • Decorating the ceiling with wallpaper can satisfy any budget - it can be very economical or, conversely, expensive and exclusive.
  • Design ceiling wallpaper limitless.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be beautifully combined with wallpaper on the walls.
  • It is easier to prepare the base for wallpaper than for whitewashing or painting. Thick and corrugated coatings can hide small irregularities and cracks in the base.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be washed.
  • Local repairs are possible.
  • Ceiling wallpaper can be repainted several times before painting.

  • Cutting and gluing thick canvases, additionally weighted with glue, to the ceiling is quite tedious. By the way, wallpapering requires the work of at least 2 people.
  • Wallpaper always has seams, which, firstly, can be noticeable, and secondly, can become deformed and come apart due to constant exposure to heat and fumes from the stove, as well as due to leaks.

Tips for choosing ceiling wallpaper for the kitchen:

  • Wallpaper for kitchen ceilings should be washable and moisture resistant.
  • If the ceilings in the kitchen were once affected by mold, then only glass wallpaper, non-woven fabric for painting, wallpaper made of hard or foam vinyl are suitable for finishing them. It is better to refuse paper and compact vinyl wallpaper.

Option 7. Plastic ceiling

A plastic ceiling is covered with plastic lining or PVC ceiling panels.

This type ceiling decoration– one of the cheapest, but at the same time one of the most practical and durable.

  • The kitchen ceiling made of plastic will survive even flooding.
  • If any lamellas are damaged, they can always be replaced.
  • The plastic ceiling can be washed.
  • Plastic lining is available.
  • Plastic ceiling panels allow you to hide utility lines and electrical wires.
  • Before installation suspended ceiling from plastic panels no need to level the base.
  • There are almost no gaps between the slats of the plastic ceiling.
  • The minimum loss of wall height when installing plastic ceilings is 6-7 cm.
  • Cheap PVC panels can emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes.
  • Plastic lining is cheap, but it also looks very simple. There are few design options. Most often you can see panels on sale in white, beige, cream, chrome, or bleached oak or pine, with silver or gold “stitches”.
  • Plastic ceilings turn yellow over time when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Original ways to decorate the ceiling

Wooden ceiling in a natural shade (in an apartment)

Sheathing from wooden lining, boards or ceiling panels (or imitation MDF) can fit into any interior and give it a feeling of comfort and style. However, if the kitchen is small and with low ceiling, then it is better to use this material in doses. For example, make a transition from the ceiling to the wall to highlight a dining or, conversely, work area, as shown in the photo below.

Ceiling beams

In classic, rustic or industrial interiors ceiling beams will help create the right atmosphere in a house with history. The only advice is that it is better to use beams made of natural wood with a rough texture.

Coffered ceilings are finishing, worthy of ceilings kitchens in good Stalinist buildings, country houses and premium class apartments. Required condition for using caissons: high ceilings(from 2.7 m), big square and discreet interior design. The photo below shows an example of finishing a kitchen with coffered chipboard ceilings in the “Housing Question” program.

Ceiling moldings and moldings

If the kitchen is decorated traditionally and the ceiling is simply whitewashed/painted, then it can be decorated with stucco and/or moldings. They will help focus attention on beautiful chandelier, highlight the dining area and give the interior solemnity.

Painting on concrete

If you do not plaster the floor slabs, but simply prime them and paint them, you will get the perfect loft or industrial ceiling as in this photo.

And here is a photo of the kitchen from concrete ceiling without any finishing.
