A small guest house with a bathhouse and an attic. Turnkey guest houses

Projects of guest houses with a bathhouse are among the most popular in construction industry. The fact is that residents of the suburbs often have guests and there is a need to accommodate them. Moreover, such visits are usually combined with festive events or recreation. Therefore, combining such a house with a bathhouse is very appropriate.

Purpose of the guest house

When choosing a guest house project with a bathhouse, you should always remember the main purpose of this building. It consists of temporary accommodation of the owner’s guests land plot And country house during their visits to him. Of course, you can temporarily accommodate guests in the main building, but this is not always convenient, since various kinds of everyday issues arise that can greatly spoil a joint outdoor recreation.

There is another way to use a guest house - renting it out. The fact is that the same project of a guest house and a bathhouse with an attic allows a person to live in such a building around the clock, while he can wash himself and use hot water. As a result, the homeowner receives additional income at the expense of rent at a time when his friends and acquaintances are not visiting him.

A guest house is also sometimes used as a place for family members to relax, especially if it is large. For example, here you can equip a billiard room, a library, or the home owner’s office. This move allows you to use an empty room while guests are not there, and in the event that they arrive, it is possible to quickly prepare it for their reception.

The mentioned features of the guest house must be taken into account when selecting a project. For example, a bathhouse project with a guest house and a veranda will allow you to accommodate both family members and your guests in one place during a joint vacation. Other options for the construction of this building involve combining it with the same bathhouse, increasing the area of ​​rooms intended for guests, the presence of a covered corridor connecting the guest house with the main building, etc.

Features of guest house projects

Modern guest house designs are usually divided into categories depending on what material they are made of.

This is how houses built from:

  • bricks;
  • profiled timber;
  • wood;
  • foam blocks.

It is worth noting that among Russians those architectural projects buildings, which involve the construction of a building equipped with one of additional functions: bathhouse, sauna or barbecue area.

This is due to the fact that a guest house is, first of all, a place of relaxation, therefore it should be equipped accordingly.

When choosing a suitable construction option, it is always worth remembering that this building is usually built on a small plot of land, so its owner should pay attention to options that involve construction on a small piece of land. For example, in this case, a guest house with a bathhouse, 6x8 projects, would be suitable.

A house of this size will serve its purpose well, and you can save land for other needs. In addition, it makes no sense to upset your guest house too much, since having two full-fledged ones on one site residential buildings inappropriate.

Popular guest house designs

Despite the large number of developed standard projects only a few of them are very popular among homeowners. For example, projects of guest houses with a bathhouse made of foam blocks in Russia are among the most popular.

This state of affairs is due to the fact that such houses are cheap to build, have good thermal insulation performance, and can also be built independently without the involvement of professional builders. In addition, foam blocks are available in almost all regions of the country, since they can be produced directly on site, rather than imported from afar.

The design of a guest house with a bathhouse made of blocks may include different variants placement interior spaces, as well as facade finishing. This is due to the fact that the foam block is easily processed and combined with almost all types of finishing materials existing today. Due to the listed factors, guest houses made of blocks are an almost ideal option for construction.

The second most popular guest house projects are a guest house project with a wooden bathhouse. Such houses fit perfectly into the countryside atmosphere. They look great, hold heat well, and are relatively cheap to build and operate. However, a rather big disadvantage of such houses is the high degree of fire hazard, as well as their susceptibility to rot.

Separately, it is worth mentioning houses built from profiled timber, which have recently quickly become fashionable. The fact is that the project of a guest house and a log bathhouse provides enough complex technology erecting a building from such material, but buildings from timber are very easy to erect. A house made of profiled timber is already being delivered to finished form as a kit, all you have to do is assemble it on site, having previously prepared the foundation. This is very convenient when construction time is limited.

Guest house projects with a brick bathhouse are also among the three most popular. They are durable, also look great and allow you to realize almost all the wishes of the owner of the home. There are a huge number of options for such houses, ranging from Swiss to high-tech buildings. Moreover, most of them can be built independently if you have an understanding of the basic skills of carrying out construction work.

Before you are completely confident in choosing your project, you need to decide where exactly the guest house will be located on the site. The fact is that the Fire Regulations provide for the construction of both main and auxiliary buildings at a distance of 6 to 15 meters from the buildings. The immediate distance is determined depending on the fire resistance class of the material used in construction.

In addition, when choosing a project, several circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. The entrance to the guest house is not opposite the doors of the main house.
  2. It will be necessary to provide parking spaces on the site where it will be built.
  3. If you are going to include the project for its construction in the project for the construction of the main building, it makes sense to design joint communications in order to save on their implementation in the future.
  4. The layout of such a building must be approached taking into account its features. So, ordinary house For guests, a one-story apartment has small rooms, and the kitchen and living room are usually combined.
  5. In the case where the use of the premises of the house is planned exclusively in the summer, its walls do not need to be insulated. If they live in it all year round, it is worth carrying out insulation in the standard way.

In addition, you can select a separate recreation area in the area of ​​this building. It can be fenced off or separated from the rest of the area using techniques landscape design.

Bathhouse location

It is also worth taking a responsible approach to selecting the location of the bathhouse if you want to build it separately from the house. The fact is that not all householders build rooms for guests combined with a bathhouse. Some prefer to build it separately.

The advantages of this approach include the ease of construction of such a bathhouse, as well as the absence in the guest house of various odors associated with stagnant water in this room. In addition, in this case you don’t have to worry about connecting it to centralized system sewerage system, but create an autonomous one.

If you decide to equip a steam room together with the main room of the house, then you can do this in several ways. Firstly, it can be a bathhouse with a swimming pool, which is very convenient, since there will be a relaxation room nearby after taking water and bath procedures.

Secondly, it is worth deciding in advance what the structure will be built from. It will be best if you do it in the same style as the guest house, in which case the whole complex will look good from the outside. In addition, a single construction project can significantly increase the energy efficiency of the building, which will save on heating costs.

Thirdly, if there is a natural body of water nearby, it makes sense to equip a descent to it. This step will several times increase the level of comfort when taking bath procedures, and will also allow you not to build an additional pool, spending money on it.

Principles for ordering a project

Having decided on the project, you can start ordering it. To do this, you will need to select a contractor who will agree to build you a guest house. The second option is to build it yourself. However, in this case you will need to master at least minimal knowledge in this area.

If you decide to hire a contractor, then the first thing to start with is finding out his reputation. This can be done via the Internet. Thus, usually serious construction companies have their own websites on which they post information and whether they have permits to conduct business in the construction industry. In addition, you can explore forums where clients leave reviews about certain construction companies.

Next, you will need to clarify the cost of the entire construction, taking into account the cost of the project you have chosen. This takes into account not only the price of the work, but also the price of the building material. Usually the price finished project is announced immediately, but if you decide to move away from it, you will have to additionally pay for your wishes, for example, the construction of a veranda.

Some construction companies offer online calculators for their clients to help them calculate the cost of building a guest house. In addition, you can clarify this point by calling the company manager, who will answer all your questions.

The next stage of ordering the project will be the acquisition of building materials. Of course, you can entrust this to builders, but in this case you will not be able to save money, and such savings can amount to 20% of the cost of the entire building. This figure is achieved by comparing the cost of building materials in different construction stores and buying the cheapest ones.

Sometimes you can get a discount directly from the construction company. The fact is that some companies, when ordering the construction of a residential building from them at a good price, offer a bonus - the construction of a guest house for free. This possibility should be discussed in advance, since after the conclusion of the contract you may not be given such a discount.

Having discussed the price, it is worth moving on to the process of concluding an agreement with construction company. It must specify all the aspects of carrying out certain works, as well as the terms of payment for them.

Experienced builders advise making payments in stages, as a particular operation progresses. This way, you can avoid a situation where they take your money and the work is not completed. In addition, stage-by-stage payment for work allows you to plan this process, which makes it possible to finance construction on credit.

It is also worth personally monitoring the stages of construction, and not arriving when the house has already been built. In this case, you will be able to make some adjustments to the execution steps of some technological operations or, for example, replace a building or finishing material another.

The completion of construction will need to be documented with an acceptance certificate for the constructed facility, which will indicate that you have no complaints about the quality of the work you performed. Only after this will it be possible to receive the first guests there and transfer the final payment amount to the contractor.

Forum member Demoncheg and his wife have long dreamed of getting out of the dusty city and settling near a river and forest so that their child, and they themselves, could breathe clean air. The family settled on the golden mean: the plot they liked was located 100 km from the city - not too far, but not so close either. They were captivated by the beauty of the spruce forest, which is located not far from their future place of residence. There they decided to purchase 10 acres of land. Initially, the family wanted to buy a ready-made 6x2.3 m change house, but they had to abandon this idea, since the desired quality did not correspond to the asking price. Therefore, it was decided to build a guest house with our own hands. Drawings of the future house 6x3 m were independently developed and an estimate was drawn up. They built the house in 15 days, the costs according to the estimate amounted to 120 thousand rubles.

Advice: Before you start building a foundation, you need to choose quality concrete blocks, since the strength of the future building will depend on them. When choosing blocks, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: boundary load, frost resistance of the blocks, presence crushed granite and block sizes.

First, we marked the soil using metal pegs, rope and a construction meter, that is, we outlined the boundaries of the future building and foundation.

Note: During marking, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the foundation should a priori be greater than the width of the wall.

After completing the work on marking the territory, we began preparing the soil for the construction of the foundation. For columnar foundation It is necessary to make holes in the ground for supports. Their depth should be approximately 1.5-3 cm, this depends on the unevenness of the area. That is, the recesses must be made so that after installing the blocks, their level matches.

You should definitely make cushions in the holes: pour sand and gravel at a level of 10-15 cm, fill with water and compact thoroughly. Next, the support platforms were installed and the blocks were placed.

Note: Support platforms allow you to increase bearing capacity soil, accordingly, a large weight of the structure is possible. Not recommended for use as a support paving slabs because of its fragility. Most reliable option– fill the support platform with reinforcement in one row with road mesh or reinforcement.

Bottom frame frame

We made the bottom trim from 150x100 mm timber. The bottom trim is the first layer of timber; it is necessary to fix the future structure on the foundation. Also, the strapping acts as a reference point for the walls and floor.

Advice: Traditionally, the bottom trim is made of wood coniferous species. The builder can choose from a timber, a board or a bunch of boards and a log. If a bunch of boards is used, then it should be secured with screws or nails of different lengths and in a checkerboard pattern.

The size of the bottom trim should be 5-7 cm smaller than the foundation in order to install the ebb and make external cladding Houses. We laid out the prepared timber with the quarters cut out on the foundation, checked the dimensions, compared the diagonals and the horizontal level. You can assemble the harness using self-tapping screws or wood glue-sealant.

Advice: In order for the connection of the lower trim to be sufficiently strong and rigid, it is recommended to make it in a “quarter”

The gaps between the lower beams and the foundation were sealed using a gasket made from foamed polystyrene. As expected, the entire timber was treated with Senezh antiseptic.

At first it was planned to build the building according to the “platform” principle, but during the construction process they decided to build it according to a different principle.

We attached the logs made of antiseptic timber “in a quarter” to the bottom trim with self-tapping screws and glue-sealant. We also made the basis for the future floor: along the lower edge of the floor joists, bars were attached, on which a subfloor made of edged boards. The entire structure must be antecepted.

Wall installation

After the logs were laid, we began installing the walls. The distance was made a multiple of the insulation; the material chosen was 100x50 mm timber. The assembly of the house frame proceeded as follows. At the corners of the frame building and between them, load-bearing frame posts were installed, which were aligned and secured with temporary jibs from the outside.

Installed top harness on frame racks. Here you need to once again carefully check the horizontal and vertical positions of the supporting structure of the frame mini-house. Now you can install the remaining wall posts, focusing on the distance of the floor joists. Secure the entire structure with corners and screws.

Advice: Fastening with nails is cheaper, but it is unreliable because the wood often cracks. It is recommended to choose metal corners and fasten them using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

We started installing the upper floor joists. They were laid in grooves in the same way as the floor joists, the only difference being that the floor joists were longer. This is provided in order to later attach the roof rafters. We strengthened the frame posts with jibs.

At this stage, construction was suspended for 10 days due to the drilling of a well. Upon completion of the work, construction continued.

Roof installation

After a short break we moved on to installing the roof. First they made the overlap. It is important to lay the timber strictly on the wall posts frame house to ensure structural strength. The ceiling is laid with an extension from outer wall more than 40 cm - this will protect the walls of the mini-house from rain.

Six farms were assembled right on the ground. The trusses were built from the same timber from which they were made, and were guided by standard size metal tiles. The trusses were fastened with metal plates.

Advice: To add rigidity to the structure, it is recommended to additionally secure the rafters with metal plates. You can purchase them or make them yourself from a sheet of galvanized iron using a jigsaw.

After installing the farm, we moved on to roofing work: waterproofing and lathing. Waterproofing material was placed over the entire roof area and secured with bars. These bars are assigned several tasks: to maintain waterproofing, to create a ventilation gap and serve as a basis for the counter-lattice.

The sheathing must be done staggered to avoid tears roofing material in case of shrinkage and warping of lumber. To create a cornice, the lathing should be laid with an extension of 30-40 cm. Next, a counter-lattice was installed for laying the metal tiles.

It was time to lay the metal tiles, and here we encountered some difficulties. The installation of metal tiles should begin by placing the first sheet in the lower corner of the rectangular slope directly onto the sheathing and fastening it with a self-tapping screw.

Note: It is important to remember that metal tiles should be laid parallel to the eaves.

When installing the next sheet, you need to pay attention to the line that the edges form. It must be perfectly level, otherwise there is a possibility that the structure will collapse. All other sheets are attached in the same way. And finally, we sewed up the gables with sheet moisture-resistant material.

Do-it-yourself cladding of frame walls and exterior finishing of a frame house

First, the walls were covered with windproofing film from IZOVEK, after which we moved on to covering the back wall.
It was decided to cover the facade of the frame house with imitation timber measuring 185x21x6 mm. We made this choice because the material imitating timber has a number of advantages:

  • Does not deform;
  • Does not change its appearance over time;
  • Does not rot or wood fungus;
  • Easy to install.

To minimize the ingress of moisture, the lining panels were fastened in a horizontal plane.

Installed pre-purchased chinese doors and plastic windows.

Painted the walls of the house with Dufatexaqua antiseptic white. The impregnation was applied in two layers, trying to ensure that the wood texture remained visible.

We made trims for the windows, painted the corners and trims in dark color PinatexUltra paint in rosewood color.

Finally installed drainage system and screwed on the flashlights.

Interior decoration of the house

First of all, we insulated the walls with Rockwool 100 mm thick, made a vapor barrier on top, lathed and sheathed the walls PVC panels. The panels were fastened with a stapler, we also built a sheathing on the ceiling and installed corners. To begin with, we covered only one wall to connect electricity, and then all the others.

The next stage of finishing is laying the floor. They did it on the same principle as the walls. From the very beginning it was planned to insulate the floor with 50mm thick material, but during the process it was decided that this would not be enough. Since the floor joists were already lying down, we decided to get out of the situation in the following way. We wove a web from synthetic twine, laid windproofing, laid 100 ml of insulation on top, and at the end - vapor barrier and plywood.

The doors were installed and linoleum was laid. The kitchen was also covered with panels, shelves were assembled and coffee table. We can assume that we have successfully completed the task of how to build a guest house with our own hands.


It was also planned to install 90 meters of a two-meter fence made of corrugated board. Ordered next material: for the pillars a six-meter profile 60x60, it was cut into 2 parts, for the veins we used a 40x20 profile, for gates and wickets 3.5 m in size 80x80. We sanded the iron and painted it with Hammerite metal paint. They decided to drive in the pillars because the soil was clay. They were hammered with a sledgehammer from a stepladder to a depth of approximately 1-1.2 m, the tops were cut off. Before driving in, they dug holes the depth of a spade bayonet, then filled them with crushed stone. The posts were completely driven in on both sides of the site.

A separate house for guests is a sign of good manners and a caring owner. This solution will be much more convenient than a guest room in the main house. It is quite possible to spend one night or a weekend outside the city under one roof, but when guests come for the whole summer or another long period, separate holiday houses will be the best solution.

Guest house project with layout

Various projects and layouts offer home improvement different types. Finding a suitable project will not be difficult. It may be without heating, or small cozy home for all-season living.

It is worth thinking about such a building first of all for those whose plots are located surrounded by picturesque nature, in places of geographical and historical attractions, or simply in a favorable climatic region, for example, in the south or near the sea.

Those with a huge number of relatives and friends who often come to stay for more than one week may also need a holiday home.

This is a separate, completely autonomous building, which is located at some distance from the owner's house. Depending on the purpose, the guest house can be various sizes and with different numbers of interior spaces. Its task is to provide fairly comfortable temporary housing for visitors.

Layout of an all-season holiday home

An all-season holiday home is a more permanent structure. Here classic building materials are required for load-bearing structures, insulation and heating system. Due to the small size of such houses, the projects propose abandoning the centralized heating system, as well as installing expensive equipment - a stove or boiler. As an alternative, developers advise using radiators and heat guns.

Considering that the house will be used in the cold season,... It is possible to arrange a symbolic kitchen area consisting of a tile, kettle and microwave.

In the case of building such a guest house, it is necessary to follow all the tricks of constructing buildings. That is, do not forget about the vestibule during construction, arranging a small canopy over the entrance. A hallway, even a very small one, will also be necessary. Outerwear V winter time It takes up a lot of space so you can take it into your room with you.

A capital heated guest house will cost more than a summer one, however, the possibilities of its operation are qualitatively expanded.

It will be open to guests 4 seasons a year, and not three months out of 12. The only nuance that needs to be taken into account: for construction and decoration it is worth choosing materials that can survive multiple cycles of freezing and thawing. At the same time, a minimum of time should be spent warming up the house. The most advantageous material in this case will be wood: logs, beams, you can also consider frame-panel technology.

The implementation of a guest house project with a bathhouse can be carried out on almost any personal plot. Two types of buildings are combined in one building. This is profitable solution, especially with enough limited space. Having decided to build such a structure, there is no doubt that it will be a profitable investment.

Having gone to the dacha with family or friends, you can take a steam bath in the bathhouse, and then relax with your family and friends. Similar projects are now very popular. If the owners personal plot have minimal construction skills, they can create such a structure on their own.

Project Features

Projects of a guest house with a bathhouse (photo presented below) differ in some features. The building is an ordinary dacha, in which, in addition to living quarters, there is a steam room with a dressing room. The building will not take up much space on the site.

If desired, you can create two-story houses. Buildings with an attic are also very popular. There will be a bathhouse on the ground floor. Rest rooms should be arranged on the second floor. There are many one-story guest houses with a bathhouse. The choice depends on the construction budget, as well as the preferences of the home owners.

During the construction of the presented object, it is necessary to maintain a single style decision for all premises. The materials from which the house will be built must be environmentally friendly. This is the main requirement when organizing such construction. The bathhouse will take up most of the space in the house.

Popular projects

Considering best projects guest houses with a bathhouse, the most popular options should be noted. Most owners of their personal plots choose two-story types of buildings. Buildings with an attic are also popular.

In first place in popularity in our country are the projects of the presented buildings made of foam blocks. It's affordable, relatively inexpensive material. It is easy to work with even a non-professional. Foam blocks have good thermal insulation properties. That is why the presented material is in widespread demand today. The layout in such a building can be very diverse.

In second place in popularity are guest house projects made of wood. In this case, logs or laminated veneer lumber are used. It's beautiful, environmentally friendly pure material. It is able to emphasize the atmosphere of a country house, setting guests up for relaxation and tranquility. By using such material, Special attention protection from fire and wood rot must be given.

Accommodation on site

When considering projects for a guest house with a bathhouse, you must first plan the location of the building on the site. The comfort of its operation will largely depend on this. If there is already a house or other buildings on the site, the new building should be located at a distance of 6-15 m from them. This takes into account the flammability class of the material from which all objects are made.

There are also a few other issues that need to be addressed. The door of the guest house should not be located opposite the entrance to the main building of the site. There should also be a parking area available.

If the guest house will be built simultaneously with the main building, it is necessary to create common system their communications. This will save money family budget under construction. It is advisable to allocate a separate recreation area near the guest house.


The owners of the plot can choose a guest house project with a bathhouse and a swimming pool, an attic, a terrace and others additional elements. However, in most cases it is necessary to think through the layout first.

  • I - steam room.
  • II - dressing room.
  • III - rest room.

In one half of the house there should be a steam room, a washing room, a swimming pool, a shower room and a dressing room (locker room). The second half is reserved for bedrooms, guest rooms, hallway, and kitchen. At the same time, the interior decoration of these two parts should be combined and harmonize with each other.

Whatever project the site owners choose, they must provide for the presence of certain systems and premises in guest house. There must be a kitchen, a bathroom, and a separate bedroom. It is necessary to provide for heating, sewer, and water supply systems. Also required high-quality ventilation in all rooms. Even if the building will not be used in winter period, it is necessary to consider a system for protecting communications from freezing.


Having reviewed the projects of a guest house-bath made of timber, foam blocks, bricks, it is necessary to draw up a cost estimate. Its main articles will include the foundation, materials for external and interior walls, roof. It also takes into account the costs of insulating and waterproofing materials, fastening materials (nails, staples, screws, etc.), windows, doors.

There should be a stove in the steam room. There are many models heating device for the steam room. For a dry sauna, you can purchase an electric open stove. If the owners plan to create a Russian bathhouse, it is necessary to make a closed heater. It will be heated with wood or another type of fuel.

Next, the costs of purchasing communication materials (pipes, fittings, ventilation ducts, electric wires and all related materials). A separate cost item in the estimate is decorative finishing indoors and outdoors. Accurate calculation of the need for materials will allow significant savings during the construction process.

Wooden house

The project of a guest house with a bathhouse may involve the construction of a building made of wood. One of the most popular solutions is the construction of such an object from logs. It's eco-friendly beautiful material. It has a relatively low cost.

Glued laminated timber can also be used for similar purposes. A building made from such material can fully correspond in its functions to a conventional one. country house. If you place the sleeping quarters on the second floor, and the steam room below them, the air in the upper rooms will be warm. It will be comfortable to be in such rooms.

Wood helps retain heat. With proper processing and preparation of the material, the structure will not require restoration for many more decades. This is a reliable, durable and strong material. Design inner space a steam room can also be built using wood. It is best to use clapboard. The type of wood should not release resins when heated.

House with an attic

Projects of guest house-baths with an attic are also popular today. This option allows you to fit into a limited construction budget. The attic space is reserved for living rooms. There is a bedroom and a living room here. Therefore, the available space will need to be divided into two parts.

To delimit a small internal space without erecting walls, an elevation is made in one half of the room. It will be sleeping area. It is necessary to organize the internal space as correctly as possible. There shouldn't be anything superfluous here. In the niche under the berth you can make drawers. Clothes, bedding, etc. will be stored here.

Put in attic room Chests of drawers, cabinets are strictly not recommended. They will take up too much space. An elevated sleeping area can be further limited with the help of night lights. You can put small low sofas in the room. The best option will become Japanese style.

Finishing facilities

When choosing guest house projects with a bathhouse made of foam blocks, wood or brick, an important issue is the layout finishing works. The style of the attic or rooms on the second floor can be classical, Japanese, medieval, ancient Russian, etc. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

Having considered the features of guest house projects with a bathhouse, each owner of a personal plot will be able to choose the most suitable option for myself.

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photographs of amazing country houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not just compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of the houses at these dachas are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, excluding the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite small sizes, he has two bedrooms - one downstairs, the other in the attic.

From the side of the main entrance along the entire wall there is a covered terrace, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the house's windows face the terrace.

The house combines a relaxation area, a dining room and a compact kitchen built along back wall. At the entrance to the house from the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

In the other half of the house there is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is a bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

There is a second bedroom in the attic above the bedroom and bath.

Because The upper bedroom is quite spacious, then if the family is small but likes to receive guests, you can increase the living room area on the lower floor by eliminating the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more space to accommodate guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 square meters, the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at the photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that all this fit into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, the house does not seem small from the inside. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The space under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

Small bedroom downstairs due to large windows It seems bright and cozy.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, surrounded by greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro features and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This cute country house captivates with its atmosphere: wood is everywhere in it, and this creates a unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who looks at such houses and sighs: “Yes, it’s original, but in such a house it’s difficult to properly place everything...”

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, a living room and a surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of privacy and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m.

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or on a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan holiday home.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for comfortable life right down to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it amazes not only with its design, but also with its picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, modern kitchen, fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house made from old windows.

We replace everything with new ones, while throwing away many old windows of varying degrees of wear. The owner of this house is in the process of installing windows, and she has always been tormented by the desire to find a use for the still quite good old windows. This is how this one was built country house.

Various cozy little things give this house a special charm: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to sleep until twelve in such a bedroom!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m. is made from used materials: wood and roofing iron, while at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs, the open-plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room It is quite comfortable for relaxation and accommodates a sofa and an armchair. In addition, on kitchen island There is a folding dining table on the back wall.

It is also possible to place dining area on the covered veranda at the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see from the plan, there is a storage room next to the bathroom, and the cottage has sleeping lofts at both ends of the house.

On one side, the sleeping area is located above the bathtub. The upward staircase is successfully combined with the kitchen shelving.

At night the house is lit with candles, oil lamps and electricity accumulated from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But first place in terms of originality must be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the story of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is carved by hand from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done alone by the artist Noel Wotten. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small cozy country house, then know: your dream can come true!