What varnish is best to coat the lining inside the house. What varnish to coat the lining inside the house. Oil paint coating

Your home is your fortress, a reliable rear, a place for mental relaxation. Therefore, the environment in it must correspond to all these parameters. What creates comfort and peace in the home? Of course, the corresponding interior. Many owners, to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and a special aura of goodness and well-being in the house, use ordinary wooden lining as interior decoration, which has again come into fashion in recent years.

But beautiful finish, as well as beautiful woman, requires a reliable defender for himself.

Lining protection

No matter what kind of wood the wooden covering is made of, its protection must be approached with all responsibility. After all, its natural beauty and durability depend on this.

There is currently no shortage of protective equipment. What types protective coatings exist and what properties do they have? Experts highlight the following:

1. Translucent and opaque antiseptics so-called glazing and covering.

These products protect the wood from fungal growths, darkening and rotting. They can serve as protection from 3 to 5 years.

Glazing coatings, protecting the surface with a translucent film, highlight the structure of the wood and emphasize its beauty.

Coating products not only protect, but also decorate the tree, hide its defects, highlighting its relief. We can recommend: Valtti Techo, Vinha. All of them are produced by the Finnish company Tekkurila.

Video - how aqualak works on wood:

2. Oil paints- a good and fairly common type of protection. Their distinctive feature is their special resistance to adverse natural influences.

They are well absorbed into wood and prevent deep penetration of water vapor into its structure.

Of course, slow drying and change color range(burnout) are among their negative qualities, but in general they are quite suitable for protective purposes. Durosil and Teho are commonly used types of oil paints for wood.

3. Acrylic paints retain their color and shine for many years. While protecting the wood, they at the same time allow it to “breathe”, and the substance included in their composition - acrylate - prevents the dye from cracking, maintaining its original appearance for a long time, and can last up to 10 years. Some of the representatives are Pinya Pro and Pica Techo.

And the most effective and popular defenders among consumers, without any doubt, are various: polyurethane, alkyd, water-based varnishes. We will look at which lining varnish perfectly protects and is best suited for the interior, as well as its distinctive features, in more detail.

Water-based varnishes - features, advantages and disadvantages

Choosing a varnish for the lining inside a house is not an easy task.

Experts who work with various types of wood know this firsthand. First of all, they advise paying close attention to the water base. and their individual characteristics:

  • High degree of protection from exposure to adverse environmental factors.
  • Durability. They note that they stay on the surface for 5 to 7 years.
  • Decorative features that positively affect the structure wooden coverings and their appearance. They do not spoil the natural color of the wood and do not give a yellow tint.
  • Environmental friendliness. They do not emit harmful fumes that have a detrimental effect on the health of household members. They do not have allergic components.
  • Quick drying (up to 24 hours) and self-leveling, which makes it possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface.
  • Fire safety. They contain components that inhibit wood fire.

The main feature of such paints is that, while forming a transparent film on the surface of the wood, they do not spoil the surface texture, leaving a natural wood pattern and color.

In addition, they do not contain solvents that cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Many water-based varnishes contain one or two components. What does it mean?

One-component ones do not contain a hardener and are easier to use. However, they have a significant drawback - they are not very durable.

Two-component varnishes contain a hardener, which better protects the surface of the wood and prevents it from crumbling or swelling for many years.

Speaking about water-based varnishes, experts, based on their features and consumer reviews, give them an excellent rating and believe that they are the best suited for interior decoration.

However, minor disadvantages should also be noted - you should not use strong chemicals when cleaning and washing. May fade. Therefore, you need to carefully choose detergents and cleaning agents, and preferably, on a natural basis.

Preparing the lining for varnishing

So that the varnish for the lining lays beautifully and the surface of the wood is smooth and pleasing to the eye, it needs to be prepared for painting.

First of all, you need to clean the wood from dirt, dust and remove all irregularities. To do this, you can walk over the surface with a steel or hair brush.

Then pumice and sandpaper clean all roughness, especially carefully at the ends and chamfers. The wood can then be washed warm water with the addition of 2% soda. And let it dry well. This is the first stage of preparation.

Second stage preparation is to treat the wood with a primer. This stage is very important. The primer fills the entire porous surface of the wood, which significantly saves paint consumption. You can apply the primer either with a brush or a roller; many people use a spray gun to speed up the process.

Now you can begin the varnishing process itself.

Video - DIY painting:

Varnishing of lining with a water-based composition

Covering is not very difficult. The main thing is to know the operating technology and follow the operating instructions.

  • Do not dilute with drying oil or other thinners. Water-based varnish may curl. They are diluted only with water.
  • The dye should not be stored at sub-zero temperatures, much less painted. May freeze and become unusable.
  • Stir thoroughly before use until smooth.
  • To apply varnish, it is better to use brushes made of natural bristles, small in diameter. They crumble less and do not leave unwanted fragments on the surface.
  • The use of a spray gun is encouraged. The varnish will be evenly distributed throughout the wood.
  • You can also use a paint roller, but with short pile.
  • The varnish should be applied in a continuous motion along the surface, then it will adhere even layer.
  • It is advisable to make two or three such layers. Which will give a rich, uniform color.
  • When covering the lining with each subsequent layer of varnish, you must allow the previous layer to dry. After drying, it is better to sand each layer with zero-grade sandpaper before applying the next layer of dye. Then the surface will delight the master with a deep, uniform color.

Video - final processing:


Water-based lining varnishes have different prices. It all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. Here are some of them:

  1. PANELLILAKA- a water-based mixture for varnishing walls and ceilings made of wood, produced by the Finnish company Teknos. The cost is 409 rubles for 0.9 liters.
  2. Varnish TOBAGO, the same company Teknos. Also applicable for interior work and is water based. Price for 0.9 liters is 209 rubles.
  3. PANELLI ACCA matte- also water-based from Tikkurila. Used for wooden coverings. Price for 0.9 liters is 475 rubles.
  4. PANELLI ACCA semi-matte- designed for wooden panels. Water-based. Price for 0.9 liters 637 rubles.

As you can see, prices vary greatly. You can decide for yourself which varnish to choose. We hope that our advice will help you make your home cozy and safe.

Lining is an excellent finishing material, especially for a private home or cottage. It can be used to cover walls, ceilings, slopes, doors, balconies, etc. This material has excellent thermal insulation properties, beautiful appearance, and most importantly - it is environmentally friendly. The main disadvantage is fragility due to susceptibility to rotting and fungal formation.

To extend the life of the lining, it must be protected by applying an additional protective layer to its surface. It is important to decide how to cover the lining indoors so that it becomes reliable and has a beautiful appearance.

But is it necessary to cover the lining? paint and varnish materials indoors, where it is not threatened by an aggressive environment in the form of atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes? The fact is that, albeit to a lesser extent, there is still moisture in the room, and the influence of temperature also acts. All these factors are especially pronounced in country houses that remain without heating in winter.

Materials for finishing lining

The finishing material must perform two main functions - decorative and protective. Exist following materials, which can be used to cover the lining.

Lining without coating

Any coating to one degree or another contains harmful chemical components. Because, to keep your home environmentally friendly, it is not covered with any additional means. The wood itself has a beautiful color and texture. In addition, this way you can save on the purchase of paints and varnishes.

However, in order for the lining not to darken and to serve for a long time, it still needs to be protected with additional substances. Here you need to make a choice between durability and environmental friendliness.

Oil paint coating

Most simple, easily accessible and widespread method of finishing lining. It is not difficult to buy a brush and oil paint of any color and paint the lining. What kind of paint to use depends on the wishes of the owner of the house.



Painting with water-based acrylic composition

This type of coverage considered a compromise between aesthetics and protective properties. Acrylic paint consists of a clear varnish and a tinting mixture. After double processing, the lining acquires desired color, the texture is preserved and all protective properties are fulfilled.

Positive sides:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • high protective properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • versatility.


  • high price;
  • a labor-intensive process of preparing material for painting.

Coating with acrylate paint

Acrylate paint is more of a decorative material than a protective one. It has a number of advantages over oil paint, but its cost is also higher.

  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature influences;
  • dye does not crack or swell;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • protective properties are weak;
  • high price.

Processing with decorative azure

Decorative glaze is an effective protection of wood from external influence. It gives the necessary color to the material and at the same time the wood texture stands out clearly.


  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability.

The only disadvantages include material cost. It is higher than oil paint, but the technical and physical indicators are much better.

Opaque enamel coating

Enamel components are practically do not differ from the components of oil paint, the whole difference is in proportions. Enamel has significantly more film-forming substance and less filler. To ensure an opaque layer of coating, triple application of enamel is performed.


  • coating strength is higher than paint;
  • higher hardness;
  • better elasticity;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • more pleasant appearance due to the greater shine of the material.

The cost is correspondingly higher than oil paint.

Treatment with acrylic aqualac

Aqualak is water-soluble acrylic latex with additives, performing a stabilizing function. When dry, the varnish forms a glossy, silky, very durable surface. It performs more protective functions, but emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood, giving it shine.

  • saved appearance of the lining;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good adhesion;
  • durability;
  • economical consumption;
  • simplicity applications.

Negative sides:

  • high price;
  • requirements for temperature and humidity in the room during work.

Alkyd varnish coating

The binder for alkyd varnish is alkyd resin, which made from wood or linseed oil . This material is able to penetrate deeply into the wood.

Positive sides:

  • good expression of the texture of the material;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • perfect adhesion.
  • complex requirements for the indoor microclimate during work;
  • long process of drying the material;
  • requirements for the thickness of the varnish layer.

Processing lining with stain

Water based stain has no protective functions, but is performed only as decoration. An alcohol or solvent based stain protects the wood. This material gives the lining any shade.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • no odor;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of work;
  • low cost.


  • water-based stain lifts fibers;
  • not alcohol based dries too quickly, and stains may form.

Bleach treatment

Wood bleaching is carried out using active chlorine. Thanks to this tool you can hide lining defects and give the material a noble white tint.

  • hides wood imperfections;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • durability.
  • low protective properties;
  • probability destruction of the top layer linings.

Bactericidal treatment

Bactericidal treatment is required to protect the lining from mold, mildew, rot and various bacteria. This antiseptic has potent chemicals. Therefore, the question arises: what is the best way to cover the lining indoors for bactericidal protection. For this purpose, there are special mixtures for interior work. An antiseptic can also perform a decorative role with the help of an antiseptic stain.


  • high degree of material protection;
  • perform an additional decorative function;


  • harmful substances are released;
  • the need for pre-treatment.

With the help of lining it is easy to arrange comfortable space: comfortable bedroom, multifunctional room, traditional kitchen. However, over time, wood begins to fade and is susceptible to various factors: humidity, temperature changes. In order to protect your interior and be able to quickly change the design of the room, you should think about how to cover the lining inside the house on own dacha before the start and upon completion of repair work.

Before starting work, you need to answer a simple question: is the lining satisfied with its appearance or does it simply need to be protected from external factors. All paint and varnish products for wood are divided into three main subtypes:

  • Protective;
  • Decorative;
  • Combined.

Usually for quality protection it is necessary to apply 2-3 layers of different chemicals. Mandatory - antiseptic, additional - protection from kinetic damage, ultraviolet radiation, ignition, etc.

Decorative coating includes a variety of varnishes and paints on various bases (water-based, oil-based). All the intricacies of working with liquid coatings for lining will be discussed in this article.

Lining protection. Features and feasibility

You should not apply a huge amount of protective agents to the finishing of the room. It is worth limiting yourself to 1-3 options that will be truly appropriate for a particular room. Coating wooden lining inside a residential building and inside a dacha, where the owners appear a couple of times a year, should be different.

For high-quality setting of protective equipment, before carrying out work, both new and used lining should be cleaned of debris, dust, and covered with a layer of primer. The liquid primer is quickly absorbed into medium-density wood, creating good foundation for applying chemicals.


Must be applied to any type of wooden lining. This is the main layer of protection for medium-density wood (linden, alder, etc.). Antiseptics prevent wood from rotting in places where moisture accumulates. A water-based liquid antiseptic is applied with a brush or roller to the lining sheets that have not yet been installed, after which they are absorbed by the wood for 1-2 days.

Particular attention should be paid to the locks on the lining and the cut points. In the first case, the antiseptic must be “poured” into the cracks so that there are no uncovered areas left. In the second, simply go through the liquid solution again 1-3 hours before installing the sheets.

Often, anti-rotting agents are applied to the lining during production. Long-term storage in poorly ventilated warehouses or transportation in unfavorable conditions affect the quality of the lining, contribute to the occurrence of rot, fungus, etc. It is worth carefully studying the data sheet of materials to determine the advisability of purchasing and applying various products.

UV protection

More expensive and specific type of protection. Suitable for rooms with windows on the sunny side of the house. It is a medium-thick liquid, applied last (after antiseptics and other products, including clear varnish).

UV protection prevents lining from “fading” - loss or change in color due to prolonged exposure to sun rays. A topical product for covering the finishing of a cottage or country house With large windows, provided that the lining is not painted with oil paint. Clear varnishes and stains can be combined with this type of coating, but if you have the funds, you should think about buying a combined product (varnish + UV protection in one mixture).

Protection from physical damage

Mixtures to increase the density of the material. The main reason to purchase them is to improve the quality of softwood lining. Small scratches, cracks, and dents darken over time and can significantly spoil the appearance of the finish. This type of protection is relevant for rooms with eurolining, which are often visited by people (hall, corridor).

Ignition protection

How to cover lining in a residential building to prevent fires? A special composition that prevents the tree from catching fire at the slightest spark. It is used everywhere, especially in rooms with a complex wiring system, an installed fireplace, or in rooms where people often smoke. Often this layer of protection is also applied at the factory. The product is not too expensive, but for a large room the price may be an issue.

Paints and varnishes for eurolining

After pre-protecting the paneling and installing it on the wall, many people want to change the color, add shine to the wood, or otherwise change the appearance of the room. The main choice always remains between high-quality varnish or expensive paint. How to cover wooden lining in a residential building? It all depends on the type of tree, climate and ultimate goal owner. The simplest option is to coat it with clear varnish, but any issue has its pitfalls.

Varnishes: purpose, use, feasibility

High-quality lining, as a finishing coating, is often coated with an even layer of liquid varnish. The texture of the wood becomes shiny in the light. The slightest chips and splinters are covered with smooth varnish. At the same time, the composition also performs a protective function - it repels moisture and absorbs some of the sun's rays.

Liquid varnishes are applied to already installed lining using aerosols, a compressor with a special nozzle, or a hand sprayer. When carrying out work, the room is isolated from drafts and direct sunlight, which will dry the walls unevenly. All operations are performed by one or two workers wearing protective clothing (respiratory protection is mandatory). The coating dries in 1-2 days and lasts for several years.


  1. Choosing a shade for wood (from dark to transparent);
  2. Low cost of coverage (for wholesale purchases)
  3. Easy to apply using spray or brush;
  4. Easy to care for (can be washed with water or soap solutions);
  5. Durability (3-5 years).


  • Coating cracks (low-quality varnish often bursts);
  • Instability to high temperatures;
  • Unpleasant odor in the first few weeks after application.

Liquid colorless varnishes are ideal for lining with a beautiful wood texture (pine, alder, birch). Allows you to preserve color and highlight it with shine.

Paints: varieties and features

Changing the color of your walls is easy - you just need to apply the paint to the surface in several layers. But how to choose paint is a much more difficult question. Especially if you paint capricious, heterogeneous wood.

Oil paints

An excellent choice for those who want to combine the protective properties of varnish and at the same time paint the lining in a new color. Oil paint creates a glossy finish of a specific color.

This type of coating has almost completely fallen out of favor because the oil is bad for the wood, it is difficult to remove when repainting, and the service life is only 2-3 years, after which the paint begins to peel off the wood.

Water-based “lining”

A popular type of paint for lining. Creates a matte or semi-matte finish in a natural color. The water base allows you to saturate the wood well, so the paint lasts 5-7 years. Renewing such a coating is simple: if the color remains the same, apply another layer of the same paint, and if there is a change, simply sand the lining with a sanding machine using medium-grain paper.

In response to a common question from customers about how to cover the lining inside a house, workers construction stores most often indicate this type of coating.

Pentafle enamel

Paint based on alkyd varnish. Allows you to preserve the visible texture of wood and at the same time paint the material in almost any color. This is a common product with an average price per liter of paint. For small rooms, completely covered with clapboard, 1-2 cans are enough to cover the entire area.

Pentaphyl enamel is non-toxic, holds color well and cracks after 5-6 years, provided it is applied properly to the prepared surface. It is better to apply paint with a medium bristle brush.

Alkyd-melamine enamel

It has good protection against UV radiation, shock, is resistant to water, elastic (is well applied to problem areas). This coating can be washed, its wear resistance is 7-8 years.

This is an expensive type of coating that fully justifies its price.

Natural dyes and coatings

In addition to complex and expensive chemicals, you can purchase more traditional products. Stains, natural oils, drying oils are a good budget replacement for modern compounds, but their use is limited by their specifics.

Despite the natural nature of these materials, they can be harmful to humans and pets. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the features of these products.

Drying oil - a budget option of the past

  • Gives off an unpleasant toxic odor (can cause headaches, dizziness;
  • After 1-3 years it may lose its properties, the coating will have to be renewed;
  • Always paints wood dark.

For quality repairs For a residential building or cottage, you should think about more practical and safe water-based coatings. Drying oil is suitable for finishing low-grade wood for exterior finishing at home or wooden structures (homemade benches, cabinets, tables) on the street or in the yard.

Stains - a cheap varnish substitute

A liquid composition, resembling enamel in appearance, is used to protect wood from moisture, giving the wood a new color without losing the wood pattern. Apply using a sponge evenly to the front side of the lining. After complete rash, wood covered with stain can be washed with soapy compounds and re-treated with other protective equipment. In terms of its properties, the stain is reminiscent of linseed or hemp oil, which was used for finishing wooden ships. This is a cheap and easy-to-use composition.

Example of coating selection

So how to cover the lining inside the house? Let’s answer this question by taking euro oak paneling as an example.

For a living space, it is worth starting from the characteristics of wood. Strong oak needs minimal waterproofing; it cannot be set on fire with a match or a cigarette butt; physical damage is practically resistant to it.

After priming the sheet, the lock and the cut area must be treated with a liquid antiseptic composition. After this, the oak sheets are covered with an even layer of colorless varnish, and problem areas(if this is a lining of the 2nd and worse variety) must be sealed with epoxy resin or analogues. This coating is sufficient for active use of the coating for 7-9 years.

For soft species, for example, pine or alder, the algorithm for applying protective agents will be as follows:

  1. Primer;
  2. Antiseptic (1-2 layers);
  3. Shockproof + fireproof mixtures;
  4. Enamel with the required shade or colorless varnish.

This coating is enough for 6-7 years of operation.

Common questions and answers

  • Q: Is there a way to remove dents on used paneling?
    • A: Woodworkers use a tricky method (only for low-density wood). Near the site of damage, several gentle blows are made with the edge of the hammer. You need to spray them with water from a spray bottle and wait a few hours. The moisture will nourish the wood and smooth out the fibers. After sanding, the irregularities will not be visible. If physical damage is a major concern for the finishes in your home, then you may want to consider coating the wood with an anti-impact protectant.
  • How to cover the lining inside a country house?
    • Everything depends on the climate. If the house is not heated in winter, then Special attention It is worth paying attention to protection from moisture. Lining made from soft wood is generally not suitable for such purposes, therefore 3-5 layers of protection are needed, including good protection from moisture and fungus.
  • Why not a word about plastic and MDF lining?
    • These are quite vulnerable materials, but at the same time they are very cheap. Plastic lining is available in any colors, with any pattern, it can be washed with household chemicals or just water. MDF panels cannot be washed or processed, otherwise there is a risk of compromising the integrity of the board. The only layer of protection is an antiseptic, which is applied to the slabs at the factory.
  • What is the best way to cover wooden lining inside a private house without changing its shade?
    • A high-quality clear varnish will be quite sufficient.
  • Is it possible not to process the lining at all?
    • Yes, but this way it will last several years less.

Which covers the surfaces of the walls or ceilings in the house - it seems to be quite simple. The main thing is to decide on the choice of paint or other means that can transform the wood. However, the range of paint and varnish compositions in specialized stores is very diverse, and this is probably why painting the lining inside the house raises some questions.

Wood is traditionally characterized as durable and durable material, but subject to proper drying and treatment with various compounds, including paint. These products can protect the lining from damage by insects or fungi, dirt, excessive moisture and, conversely, drying out. In addition, treating this natural facing material with fire retardants will significantly reduce its flammability.

Therefore, it is worth considering not only the coloring itself, but also the preparatory measures for this process, as well as the materials used for these procedures.

The most popular types of lining for finishing walls and ceilings indoors are those made from coniferous species, and among them, pine is considered the most affordable. This wood has some peculiarities and therefore requires an individual approach when painting it. These nuances will also be discussed in a detailed description of the process technology.

Solutions for preparing and painting wood

Almost all paints available in hardware stores are suitable for painting natural lining. However, for interior decoration it is worth choosing those that are as safe as possible for the residents of the house, both during painting and during the operation of the finish. In addition, it is important to select protective equipment that does not harm the ecological atmosphere in residential premises.

Since on initial stage the lining is treated with protective agents, then it is worth considering them first.

Protective means

Solutions for preparing lining for painting are designed to protect it from mold, harmful insects, the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as from excessive moisture absorption. In addition, some of them reduce the fire hazard properties of wood.

These substances, as a rule, do not change color and do not cover the textured pattern of the wood, since they are translucent. However, in this series there are also compositions that, to a certain extent, also perform an additional decorative function.

Preparation for painting natural lining is divided into several stages - cleaning and sanding the wood, priming and impregnation. For these operations, special compounds for different purposes can be used:

  • are used to prevent fungal damage to wood, to “treat” and stop the growth of already existing mold stains, to protect against insects that destroy the structure of the wood. These funds are divided into two groups:

Prices for wood preservatives

wood antiseptics

Coatings that form a protective film on the surface of the lining are used in cases where the wood will come into contact with water, for example, when lining bathhouses.

Impregnations that penetrate into the wood structure require further additional coating in order to avoid leaching of the product, as well as due to the toxicity of some of the components of the solutions.

In addition, antiseptics are divided into four types based on the basis on which they are made:

— Products based on organic solvents have high protective properties and are suitable for wood fixed both outside and inside the structure. But they are used extremely rarely, as they are quite toxic and flammable.

— Solutions for oil based suitable for wood subjected to static loads, as well as in difficult climatic conditions, therefore they are most often used for external cladding or for lining used to line balconies or loggias.

— Water-soluble protection products are used to cover the internal wood cladding for further application of water-based paints and varnishes. They are non-toxic and dry quickly, but over time their antiseptic properties decrease significantly;

— Combined antiseptics contain high-carbon and oil components. Solutions can be used for exterior or interior decoration, and are also used in rooms with high humidity, creating high level wood protection. The cost of combined solutions is significantly higher than the price of other types of antiseptics.

  • Bio-moisture-proof antiseptics have, in principle, the same purpose, however, they also create a protective moisture-repellent barrier on the lining, and are also able to give it additional decorativeness, emphasizing the texture of the wood. Therefore, by using such an antiseptic, you can solve several problems at once, since you won’t have to apply products for different purposes - this will save time, since you won’t have to wait for the layers to dry. It is these qualities that make biomoisture-proof impregnations one of the most popular.
  • Fire retardants - These are solutions that make wood more fire resistant. They can also be divided into two groups:

— Compositions of the first group work to block the flame, since when heated they foam and form a protective layer on the lining.

— The second group of compounds contains salts, which, upon contact with fire, release gases that prevent combustion and the spread of flame.

The most effective fire retardants are those that contain tripolyphosphoric, orthophosphoric and pyrophosphoric acid and sodium salts.

  • Biopyrenes - these are impregnating compositions with an antiseptic and fire-retardant effect, which are suitable for internal and external wood treatments. Such compositions will help reduce the period of preliminary preparation of wooden finishing, and often also save money, since you will need to purchase not two separate solutions, but one that will perform both main functions.

  • Whitening products are used for wooden lining if there are unwanted dark or bluish stripes or spots on it. In addition to the whitening effect, such compositions also create a protective antiseptic layer that will resist the formation of mold.

Bleach products typically consist of two components that are mixed before being applied to the wood. Such solutions may consist of different chemical compounds, and some of the bleaches must be washed off from the surface of the lining after a certain time, while others do not require such rinsing. Therefore, before purchasing such funds, you need to pay special attention to this factor.

Prices for biopyrenes


  • Primers - these are solutions that can also be called protective. But in addition to these qualities, the primer gives the wood surface smoothness and good adhesion, which simplifies further coating of the lining with paints or varnish.

Primers are usually water-based and can be clear or opaque. If you plan to preserve the textured pattern of the wood, then choose a transparent primer solution. In the case where there is an intention to apply a dense decorative layer of paint, any of the primers can be used, but an opaque one will create a more even and smooth base

Transparent primers do not create a protective film on the surface of the wood - they penetrate into the structure of the material. Treatment of the surface of the lining, carried out with primers, significantly reduces paint consumption and increases the durability of the applied finish.

Varnishes – protective and decorative compositions

Some varnish compositions are also used not only as a decorative coating, but also to protect wood. They are produced at different bases:

  • Oil varnishes contain natural or artificial resins, natural modified oils, as well as solvents and driers. This type of varnish, after drying, forms a fairly strong film on the surface, which gives the wood a natural ocher tint. Oil solutions used to cover lining, floor boards and other wooden surfaces inside the house.

  • Alkyd varnishes are made from pentaphthalic and glyphthalic synthetic resins with the addition of driers. These compositions are quite often also called oil-based, since oils are used in them as a solvent. However, in terms of their performance characteristics, alkyd varnishes are superior to oil varnishes, and therefore can be used for external work.
  • Alkyd-urea varnish solutions consist of amyl-formaldehyde and alkyd resins. They are capable of drying out normal temperatures only if they contain acidic hardeners, which are added to the mixture immediately before starting work, since after mixing their lifespan is limited. Such varnishes form a hard, durable film on the surface of the wood that is highly wear-resistant. Thanks to these qualities, alkyd-urea varnishes are well suited for interior work and not only for processing lining, but also for varnishing parquet.
  • Polishes and alcohol varnishes give the surface special strength and shine, but their biggest disadvantage is that they do not protect wood well enough from moisture, so they are not recommended for use on lining installed on an unheated balcony or loggia.

The solutions are made using natural resins, so they have a high price and are not popular.

  • Nitrocellulose varnish is made from cellulose nitrate and a mixture of organic solvents. In addition to them, to achieve the necessary protective qualities of the compositions, synthetic resins are added to them. This type of varnish creates a durable hard coating on the surface of the wood, which is transparent and practically does not change the color of the wood. The varnish is intended for indoor use.

  • Acrylic varnishes are a water-dispersed solution of polyacrylates. The product is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and almost complete absence of odor. It is also used to coat wooden coverings and products used in residential premises. However, the film formed on the surface is still not highly resistant to abrasion.
  • Polyurethane varnishes are water-based, but are characterized by high strength and abrasion resistance. These varnishes are an environmentally friendly material, and if they are chosen to cover the lining, this will significantly increase the durability of the protective layer.

Polyurethane solutions are used to cover floors and other wood finishing elements indoors. These varnishes have a fairly high price, which is fully justified by their high performance characteristics.

Wood varnish prices

wood varnish

Paints for coating wooden lining

For decorative coating of lining, compositions made on different bases are used. Some of them are universal and are used for both interior and exterior decoration, but there are also those that are intended exclusively for internal use. Therefore, when buying this decorative material, you must definitely study its main characteristics, which are usually indicated on the packaging, and also consult with the seller.

So, the following colorful compositions can be found on sale:

Oil paints are suitable for indoor lining, but they have many disadvantages
  • Oil paints can be called universal, since they penetrate quite deeply into the structure of the tree, increasing its resistance to various influences external environment, making it moisture resistant. The disadvantages of oil paints include their long drying time, rapid fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays and a decrease in the breathability of wood. Therefore, it is still better to use it for interior decoration, and even then - not always.
  • Acrylate paint compositions - these are aqueous solutions that, in most performance characteristics, are superior to oil-based paints that can create wood reliable protection, preserving its color. This type of solution is quite elastic, therefore it has good adhesion to the surface and does not crack or deform when temperatures change. Due to its qualities, the paint can be used for external and internal work.
  • Alkyd based enamel paints used for painting lining both outside and inside the building, forming a protective glossy layer for the wood. Therefore, a freshly painted surface looks very aesthetically pleasing. However, over time colored paint tends to fade and white to turn yellow. In addition, drying alkyd paints- a rather lengthy process, which is always accompanied by a not very pleasant odor due to the organic solvents included in the composition.

  • are able to preserve the textured pattern without painting it with a thick layer - to do this, they must be diluted with water to the desired consistency. If necessary, apply a thick layer of paint to the lining; the paint should not be diluted.

These are environmentally friendly solutions that do not have an unpleasant odor and do not emit harmful fumes. The paint dries quickly and adheres well to the primed surface, but is still inferior in its characteristics to varnishes. Not resistant to abrasive influence.

  • Silicate paints They are made on the basis of liquid glass, so they have many positive characteristics. Such compositions are not exposed to ultraviolet rays, high humidity and temperature changes can increase the fire resistance of wood. This is an environmentally friendly material, it does not emit harmful substances and is odorless.

Due to their characteristics, silicate paints can be used for painting different surfaces, as they have high adhesion, and lining is no exception. These paints are especially suitable for wooden cladding of a loggia or balcony. The disadvantage is that in the future, if repainting is necessary, you will need to use silicate paint again - no other paint will work. Another “minus” is the rather narrow range of possible colors.

  • Silicone paints are made on the basis of silicone resins, and are one of the most durable types of paint compositions, but also the most expensive. This type of paint has high performance characteristics: the created coating can withstand mechanical stress, including abrasive loads, has good vapor permeability, color stability and fading, moisture resistance and a long service life, which is about 25-30 years. In addition, silicone paints are not only able to protect wood, but also hide small defects on its surface.

  • Wax paints, made on the basis of linseed oil, are a traditional material for the internal processing of wooden lining. These compounds give the lining a matte shine, preserving the color and pattern of the wood. This paint is especially suitable when the wood initially has a beautiful texture, which is simply a pity to hide with another opaque or translucent composition. Wax paints began to be used instead furniture wax, since they are easier to apply to the surface and have a number of other advantages:

penetrate deeply into the wood structure, which makes the surface water-repellent;

do not change the natural color of the wood;

the characteristic color of wax appears after drying and rubbing the lining with a brush;

the paint does not contain any “chemical” solvents and is environmentally friendly pure material;

if desired, the wax composition can be tinted to the desired shade;

is different economical consumption composition.

Now, after considering the basic compositions used for preparing and painting natural lining, you can move on to instructions for performing the work.

Calculator for calculating the amount of paint for lining

When calculating the amount of paint to carry out finishing works Many inexperienced consumers get confused when they take volume units as the unit of measurement. However, the density of paint differs significantly from the density of water, and a kilogram of composition does not at all mean the usual liter. As a rule, packaging is carried out, and the average consumption of paints and varnishes is measured in weight equivalent - in kilograms. The calculator will give exactly this value, taking into account a 10% margin.

Coating the lining inside the house with protective compounds is a mandatory stage of work. Without treatment, the material quickly loses its attractive appearance, cracks and becomes dirty. To prevent this from happening, follow the recommendations in this review and reliably protect your finish.

Review of formulations

  • Impregnations;
  • Lucky;
  • Paints.

By using special compounds you can change the color without hiding the structure of the material


These compositions are distinguished by the fact that they penetrate deep into the structure of the material and do not create a film on the surface. Some of the solutions discussed below can be used as a full-fledged protective layer, others can only be used as preparation for finishing.

The most popular options are:

  • Stains give the surface a certain shade, but do not protect it from water and other influences. The compositions can be water-based, alcohol-based or oil-based. They differ in properties, but perform the same function. The choice depends on the specific conditions, but the most popular are water-based solutions; they are distinguished by their low price and safety;

  • Impregnations on acrylic base often called azures. They differ from stains in that they tightly close the pores of wood, so they can also be used as finishing. If you are thinking about how to cover the lining to prevent it from darkening, then this option will come in handy. Acrylic emulsion reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation, and the surface retains its original color for a long time;

  • How to cover the lining outside the house or inside the premises to protect them from mold? Antiseptic compounds provide excellent protection against fungus and extend the life of wood significantly. Such solutions are used exclusively as a preparatory layer; the surface is always covered with something again;

  • If you are thinking about the best way to cover eurolining in order to increase its resistance to fire, then the best option would be special fire retardant compounds. They also serve as a preparatory layer before the main coat. Great solution can become a universal fire-bioprotective solution; it makes the material resistant to both fire and mold.

Choose products famous manufacturers. You won’t be able to check its quality by eye, so it’s better to consult to find out which formulations have proven themselves best.


This group of products allows you to create a durable layer on wood that protects the material from moisture. In addition, using varnish you can give the surface the desired shade, or you can use colorless options.

Let's figure out what types of compositions there are:

  • Oil-based solutions create a durable protective layer that has good abrasion resistance. They can be used to treat any indoor surface. This option is characterized by low cost and a fairly large assortment of colors;

  • If you are thinking about how to cover the lining on the loggia, then pay attention to alkyd varnishes. They adhere very well to the material, give it shine and an even structure and protect it well from moisture;
  • The most environmentally friendly coating for lining inside the house is acrylic-based varnish. They are absolutely safe, odorless and adhere well to wood. An additional advantage can be considered low cost, and the main disadvantage is low abrasion resistance. For this reason, you should not use this composition on surfaces that are frequently touched;

  • For those who are deciding how to cover the outside of the lining, it is best to pay attention to polyurethane-based compounds. They have exceptional strength and wear resistance and create a reliable protective layer on the surface. They can also be used inside where you need to give the surface strength and protect it from wear.


This type of product differs from the ones described above in that an opaque film is created on the surface. So if you need to get specific color, That this option fits perfectly.

There are also many composition options; before covering the lining in the house, you need to choose a specific solution:

  • Oil paints - traditional version, which is used less and less these days. The composition has good protective properties, but it is short-lived; after a year or two the coating needs to be renewed. Another disadvantage is the small selection of colors;

  • Alkyd paints are very popular because they adhere very well to the surface and do not lift the fibers of the material. The composition is distributed thin layer and forms a durable film that protects well from moisture and has good wear resistance;

  • Acrylic compositions make it possible to create an attractive and durable coating for eurolining. They are absolutely harmless, which allows them to be used in premises for any purpose. The paints are water-based and come in a huge variety of shades. You can simply buy white composition and pigments and create your own unique color.

How to carry out the work correctly

Once you have chosen a specific option, you can get to work. Instructions for applying the composition yourself are as follows:

  • Before covering the lining inside the house, you need to stock up on the required tools. You can apply paint or impregnation with a brush, with a roller, or with a spray gun. You will also need a brush to clean the surface, a ladder to reach the top; if you are painting the ceiling, it is better to take a table;

  • Next you need to prepare the surface. To do this, you need to clean it from dust and debris. If there are stains on the wood, they should be removed. It is unacceptable to work on wet substrates; if the material has not dried completely, then painting cannot be started;
  • Covering the lining with the composition is done in different ways. If you do the bulk of the work with a roller, then the seams are painted over with a brush afterwards. If you work with a brush from start to finish, then you can go in order. The composition must be distributed in an even layer, the formation of smudges is not allowed, for this reason it is better to paint from top to bottom, then all the flaws will be removed;

A flat surface is painted with a roller, the seams are finished with a brush. You need to work with a sprayer only with protective equipment
  • In order for the coloring quality to be as good as possible, you need to apply at least 2, or even 3 layers. Some, before covering the lining with paint or varnish, impregnate it with an antiseptic. But even in this case, the decorative coating is applied twice, this allows you to achieve a rich color and durability of the coating.

The question is often asked, how to renew varnished lining? There are two options: if the surface condition is good, then you can go over the layer with fine sandpaper and apply a fresh coat of varnish. If the lining is darkened or damaged, then it is better to repaint it; to do this, use a composition on the same base, then it will fit perfectly.


From this review, you learned how to choose the optimal composition for wood and apply it correctly. To understand the topic even better, watch the video, it clearly shows important points. If you have any questions, write them in the comments below.
