How to decorate a low ceiling (35 photos). Color and texture. Adding volume. Wall decoration. Selection of lighting, furniture and decorative items. Decorative finishing of ceilings - modern methods of transformation Decorative ceiling

The ceiling is one of the most noticeable and important details interior The final result of the repair will depend on its finishing, so this issue must be approached as responsibly as possible.

Ceiling finishing methods

Currently, ceiling design includes the following finishing methods:

  • Whitewash.
  • Coloring.
  • Wallpapering
  • Pasting with foam plastic ceiling tiles.
  • Hemmed structures.
  • Hanging systems.
  • Tensile structures.

Due to such a variety of choices, when renovating, many questions arise regarding its design. How to decorate the ceiling so that it is not only beautiful, but also extremely functional? In order to make this task easier, let’s take a closer look at each type of finish, its pros and cons.

Whitewashing the ceiling

Whitewashing is the most economical look ceiling repair in an apartment, which consists of applying lime or chalk mortar to a leveled, puttied surface.

You can whiten only flat ceiling surface, so first you need to wash and putty it, and also remove the previous layer of whitewash, if any.

Pros of whitewashing:

  • cheap materials;
  • the compositions used in it are natural, do not burn, lime has antifungal, antibacterial effects, and fights the appearance of mold on the walls;
  • suitable for low ceilings;
  • If you have enough skill, you can whitewash it yourself.

Disadvantages of whitewashing:

  • difficult to clean and wash the surface;
  • instability to moisture;
  • Currently not the most fashionable type of renovation.

Painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint

This method is similar to whitewashing, except that instead of natural solutions, water-based paint is used and this type of repair is more durable.

Wallpapering the ceiling

This method involves gluing the surface with both regular and liquid wallpaper.

As in the case of whitewashing, before wallpapering, you should level the surface, remove defects, plaster over uneven areas, and only after that you can start gluing.

The advantages of this finish include the following:

  • cheap materials (paper wallpaper);
  • simplicity of technology;
  • lack of toxicity of paper wallpaper.

Disadvantages of ceiling design with wallpaper:

  • unproven safety of vinyl wallpaper;
  • liquid wallpaper has high prices;
  • Quite often, wallpaper gives rooms a boring, slightly rustic look, this is especially evident in the photo of the ceilings in an apartment with such renovations.

Pasting the ceiling with foam tiles

Foam tiles come in different textures: smooth, stucco-like, laminated, and also in various shapes.

This method was especially popular in the past couple of decades, but now, although it is used quite rarely, it still occurs.

Preparing the surface for gluing is no different from preparing it for other finishing: it should be: smooth and clean. In the process itself, the most difficult thing is to calculate the number of tiles per ceiling area.

In order for the spaces between the tiles to be even, they must initially be laid at a distance of several millimeters from each other.

This finishing option has its advantages:

  • The material from which the tiles are made is moisture resistant;
  • Thermal insulation and sound insulation of the tiled surface is quite high;
  • Ceiling tiles are inexpensive;
  • Tiles can be glued without the help of an installer;
  • The tiled ceiling is easy to clean.

Disadvantages of covering streams with foam tiles:

  • Cheap tiles quickly turn yellow;
  • Foam plastic has a tendency to deform;
  • Polystyrene foam burns easily;
  • This type of flow design is not currently relevant.

False ceilings

Most often this is a draft version. The sheathed structure is immediately attached to the floor beams. This method serves to level the ceiling before the main repair method.

Among other things, it is a good means for sound insulation and thermal insulation. Foam plastic is most often used for thermal insulation.

Many people consider plastic, wooden, and suspended plasterboard structures to be false ceilings, but this is a wrong opinion.

Dropped ceilings

Suspended structures include several varieties.

Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard ceilings are a complex structure made of metal frame and plasterboard sheets. This type of finishing allows you to realize the most interesting design: multi-level structures with different system lighting, and also make the smoothest ceiling with built-in lamps.

This design option is especially good in an apartment with high ceilings.

The advantages of this design:

  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • the ability to bring any design to life;
  • creating zones in apartments, which is especially important for a studio apartment.

Disadvantages of a plasterboard structure:

  • installation duration;
  • lack of opportunity to make repairs alone, by yourself.

Tiled ceilings

Armstrong tiled ceilings, just like plasterboard ceilings, consist of a metal frame, only instead of plasterboard, pressed tiles are used, and the metal profile is not hidden under the structure, and it is a decorative element.

The advantages of the Armstrong system are as follows:

  • Low cost;
  • Quick installation;
  • Possibility to hide all cables under it.

  • Low resistance to moisture and fragility;
  • This design is more suitable in an office than an apartment.

Slat ceilings

Slatted ceilings made of lining (PVC) are very popular. Due to their resistance to frequent exposure to water, such structures are especially popular in bathrooms.

Stretch ceiling

Currently, the most popular finishing method is installing a stretch ceiling in an apartment - stretching the film over a pre- installed frame. They can be different types, but the most popular are glossy, matte and satin.

Glossy ones have an interesting effect: visual increase premises, which is especially important when the ceiling is not very high.

Matte is the most common option, allowing you to create a perfectly smooth matte surface.

Satin has a slight matte effect, but reflects glare.

The advantages of this design are as follows:

  • Durability;
  • Practicality;
  • Possibility of interesting design.

Whatever method of finishing the ceiling you choose, the most important advantage of the design will always be its relevance and practicality in your interior.

Photo of ceilings in the apartment

The design of a modern living room should be perfect, since this room is considered the “face” of the house. Therefore, when decorating it, great attention is paid not only to the finishing of the walls and floor, but also to the ceiling, which is the main detail of any decor. Its correctly selected shape and color will make the living room stylish and cozy, fill the space with homely warmth and highlight the beauty of other interior elements. Today, there are many options for finishing the ceiling using various building materials and designs, making it easy to choose the right theme and give the room a complete look.

Types and designs

Ceiling design in the living room can be done different ways. Depending on the size and height of the room, either applying a decorating layer directly to the base itself or installing hanging compositions using plasterboard and canvas. TO simple types finishing includes:

  • Whitewash. Although this method is considered “old” and is gradually losing its relevance, it remains in demand among owners of apartments and houses, because whitewashing does not require any special financial costs and is done quickly. To do this, just use a spray bottle to apply a solution of chalk or lime to the ceiling. To ensure that the surface acquires the desired shade, special dyes are added to the solution. The main disadvantage of whitewashing is the need for labor-intensive cleaning of the room after work and careful elimination of surface defects before starting the work process.

  • Painting. It is most often preferred when normal repairs in the hall. Water-dispersed and water-based paints different colors. Painting can be done with both expensive and cheap dyes. To make the ceiling beautiful, it is necessary not only to carefully prepare its base, but also to apply paint in several layers.

  • Wallpapering. It is characterized by the cleanliness of the work and allows you to hide small seams and cracks on the ceiling surface. The aesthetic appearance of this finish lasts up to 5 years, then restoration must be carried out. For wallpapering, purchase canvases made of high-quality paper, consisting of several layers. Typically, vinyl-based wallpapers with a relief structure are chosen for these purposes; they are durable and resistant to wet cleaning.

  • Tiling. The products are decorative material different colors and size, made of polystyrene foam in the shape of squares or rectangles. On the surface of the slabs can be additionally applied original drawings and patterns. Today, you can find smooth, rough surfaces of the material on sale; tiles with imitation wood and stucco decorations are also very popular. Such inexpensive and easy-to-clean products can be painted with water-based paint.

Modern ceilings in the living room are also designed in the form complex structures, which are:

  • Mounted. Well suited for surfaces where you need to hide various defects and installed communications. The panels of the hanging composition can have any shape, texture and color. At the same time, they are necessarily complemented by beautiful lighting, which allows you to create an unusual design.

  • From plasterboard. Such finishing requires experience and skill in performing the work. Two-level ceilings, which are often made curved, look original in the living room. They have excellent sound and heat insulation and serve reliably for many years.

But it is worth noting that a two-level frame is suitable only for high rooms. It is better not to install it in a room with a low ceiling, because the height of the space will decrease by 15-20 cm. The elasticity of plasterboard allows it to accept different shape. Designers recommend creating from it not only simple designs, but also multi-level decorations with domes and arches. Plasterboard and suspended ceilings are combined in an original way, presenting unusual design options.

  • Cassette. They are installed on a pre-fabricated frame. The material has the form of thin plates of zinc and aluminum, on the front side of which a powder layer of multi-colored paint is applied. When decorating ceilings using this method, you can choose plates with rough or smooth surface. They are quickly installed, easy to clean, allow you to hide ventilation systems, but are characterized by low sound insulation.

  • Mirrored. They are a type of cassette ceilings, but they use decorative mirrors instead of metal plates. Such decorations help to visually increase the height of the hall and give volume to the room. In addition, they are absolutely environmentally friendly and safe to use.

  • Hemmed. They are curved surfaces of complex shapes, which are made of a metal frame, sheets of plasterboard and decorative panels. They can be mounted on a ceiling whose unevenness does not exceed 1-2 cm. If you plan to install wiring for communications and built-in lamps, this ceiling model will not be suitable.

  • Rack and pinion. They look original both in the design of wooden houses and city apartments. Due to the fact that the slats are made in various colors, they can be used to decorate any style in the living room. An unusual option is a material coated with gold or silver; chrome slats also look great. To finish the ceiling using this method, choose slatted material with a glossy or matte surface.

  • Tensioners. They have the appearance of a solid canvas, which is made from durable vinyl polymers. First, a frame of slats is installed around the perimeter of the hall, and then the material is stretched. You can apply an original pattern or design to such a floating ceiling. The composition is usually made from different colors and textures.

Finishing materials

Ceiling design in the living room is being made various materials, the choice of which depends on his design features. Important to consider correct placement light sources and hide electrical wiring. Any type of finishing must be done with environmentally friendly products that not only fit harmoniously into the general interior rooms, but also met the conditions of safe operation. So, when choosing a “flat” ceiling option for your design, you will need wood, plaster, paint or wallpaper. As for multi-level structures, they can have a mirror, glossy or matte appearance, which is usually created using plasterboard, PVC panels and plastic boards.

Recently, it has also become very popular combined option the ceiling in which they make suspended structure and decorate it with wooden beams and tension fabrics. The finishing touch to this decor is moldings and stucco.

For many, single-level ceilings may seem unpresentable and simple, but if you choose the right finish, you will get a completely original picture. For example, a ceiling covered with ordinary wallpaper will look faded, but if you use beautiful canvases based on non-woven fabrics or fabrics, its appearance will be transformed.

Regardless of what type of ceiling is chosen for the interior of the hall, it is necessary to use quality materials, it is advisable to give preference natural products. Great attention should also be paid to their texture and color.

Design styles

The living room is a continuation of the overall design of the house. Therefore, in order to highlight it in an original way from other rooms and fill it with an unusual atmosphere, it is recommended to apply a certain stylistic direction in the decoration of the ceiling. Today there are many styles for decorating ceiling coverings, but the most important of them are:

  • Rococo. It is characterized by a perfectly flat surface of beige, blue or white. At the same time, the ceiling should smoothly transition into the walls. Frescoes or sculptures are often used as decoration, and they also try in every possible way to fill the background with a bronze and gold tint. A chandelier is usually placed in the center of the ceiling and is a huge element decorated with crystal balls and pendants.

  • Egyptian notes. They are characterized by relief painting with antique themes. The ceiling is made simple; its only decoration can be a multi-figure bas-relief or cornice. Surface painting with floral patterns is allowed. The color scheme, as a rule, is dominated by blue, yellow, crimson and green shades.

  • Gothic. The ceiling is made in the form of ceilings from wooden beams or vaults. To properly decorate, it is recommended to use only natural wood. A beautiful example The white background of the walls in the hall, complemented by a black ceiling, can serve.

  • Country. It is as close to nature as possible and does not tolerate excesses. Ceilings made of wooden beams are also used for it, from which unusual shapes are laid out. The color scheme is chosen spatially, and it is dominated by yellow, beige, brown and light chocolate shades.

  • Classicism. The walls are separated from the ceiling by beautiful cornices or friezes. Often the surface is decorated with gilded ornaments and stucco. The colors are chosen light, bright colors are completely excluded.

  • Renaissance. Its distinctive feature is clarity and simplicity, so contrasting compositions are not allowed. For lighting, you can use both spotlights and modest chandeliers. The ceiling is installed at different levels, but each of them must have straight lines. The color scheme is selected depending on the general background of the living room.

  • Kitsch. It is a bright and exotic option for the ceiling. Provides for the use of different colors, which may not be compatible with each other. For example, the base is made bright blue and framed with cornices decorated with sparkles or stars. Kitsch is often chosen for living rooms decorated with bay windows.

  • Eclecticism. An interesting direction that combines both Western and Eastern motifs. Such ceilings look unusual, combining modern, baroque and high-tech at the same time. In this case, the ceiling can be either plain or include separate colored inserts. An original addition to the design in this case will become forged chandelier and embossed baguettes.

  • Classic characterized by a finish in which the ceilings always look individual and unique. In classic decor, as a rule, light and pastel shades predominate. Designs can be single-level or stepped. Used as lighting beautiful chandeliers and complement them with illumination from spotlights. Such ceilings look great if they are decorated with stretched fabrics, covered with wallpaper or covered with decorative plaster.

  • Modern. Suitable for home owners who love everything new and modern. Contrasting compositions, inserts from mirror surfaces and photo print. For a living room in this direction, 3D ceilings are well suited, creating an unusual feeling of lightness and weightlessness.


Traditionally, in living rooms a large chandelier is installed in the center of the ceiling, but this option is usually suitable for simple decor. As for complex and multi-level structures, to illuminate them it is necessary to use other more stylish methods of organizing lighting. For example, good choice will become spotlights, which can be complemented by a large lampshade with original design. The area of ​​the room also plays a huge role in the choice of light sources. For small rooms, ordinary chandeliers are suitable, and living rooms with low ceilings are best decorated with several built-in lamps and a floor lamp in the room.

Recently, home owners prefer to make ceilings consisting of many levels. Such an architectural composition looks presentable, but if you don’t worry about lighting it, the decor will be ruined, especially if you choose Brown color. To avoid this, it is recommended to install several types of lighting in the living room.

A good idea would be to use curtain lighting, which allows you to highlight unusual details on the ceiling. It will be originally complemented by a stylish glass lamp, while for the decoration of such a lampshade it is best to choose soffits; they will shimmer in an original way in different shades and create a romantic atmosphere in the room. Overhead type devices are also extremely popular; they are available in different saturations and colors.

Before you design the ceiling in the living room, it is recommended to first make it good repair and expand the space. If this a private house with high ceilings, its interior can be diversified with multi-level structures. In a “Khrushchev” setting, where the room is small and its area does not exceed 18 square meters. m, you will need to use various design ideas and visually lift the space.

To make the ceiling stylish and unique, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Choose natural materials for finishing. They are not only considered environmentally friendly, but also look great against the overall background of the interior. They will be suitable as wooden structures, and products imitating stone.

Ceiling decor is an important aspect of interior decoration, making the room cozy and attractive. In some cases, a person wants to have a hand in creating the original image of his home. Therefore, you can decorate the ceiling yourself. Today there are many options for decorating the ceiling.

False beams

Certain interior design styles - chalet, country, grunge, gothic, etc. - require beams on the ceiling. Modern mixed styles have absorbed decorative elements of different styles. Now beams are used every day by designers and decorators when interior decoration premises. Previously, beams were used for practical tasks - these elements supported the ceiling. Now beams are made exclusively decorative function, therefore, decorating the ceiling with massive oak or beech beams is not always advisable for economic reasons.

Now designers are actively using gypsum, polyurethane and foam beams. They are not subject to stress ceiling, that’s why they are called false beams. But with the help of paint or veneer they are given the shade and texture of any natural wood.


An interesting option for decorative ceiling decoration is. The use of fabric creates comfort and brings harmony to the interior.

This finishing method is used in interior design due to a number of advantages.

  1. The fabric installation process does not require construction skills.
  2. The material hides various imperfections on the ceiling well.
  3. For drapery, you do not need to perform basic finishing work, because the fabric is attached to the edges of the room.
  4. You can lay electrical wiring and other communications on the ceiling - the fabric will hide everything.
  5. Drapery is an easy and pleasant way to decorate.
  6. If necessary, the fabric sheet can be easily removed. Convenient for repairing communications and electrical wiring in the ceiling.
  7. The fabric ceiling is almost impossible to damage. Minor damage to it will not be visible.

The disadvantages include high level absorption of odors and low resistance to humid environments.

Fabric canvas is an ideal material for creating original design effects. But they must correspond to the interior of the room in which the drapery will be made.

Fabric ceilings have many variations. It can be done, for example, in the shape of a tent or in waves. Stretching the material from the walls to the center allows you to realize individual ideas or use generally accepted methods of installing a fabric ceiling.

Main types of fabric for drapery

To finish the ceiling covering, 6 main types of fabric are used.

Decorative plaster

The ceiling can be decorated with decorative textured plaster. It consists of special elements that create various reliefs during application to the ceiling. After it dries, it can be painted any color. It is advisable to use this type of decor when the ceiling covering is uneven, because it will not only decorate the home, but also level out the crooked ceiling.

Decorative plaster can be used in low rooms, because it does not visually reduce the height of the ceiling. Plaster is also often combined with other materials to create an imitation natural materials(granite, marble, mother of pearl).

Video - Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster

Stucco molding

A fairly common type of repair and decorative work is finishing ceilings with stucco. In the arsenal of designer services, stucco molding has always occupied and still occupies a place of honor. This is due to the many advantages that this type of decorative ceiling decoration has.

Among them are:

  • the possibility of restoration or replacement of damaged elements of a stucco composition;
  • hiding defects in the ceiling and joints of the ceiling covering using fragments of moldings;
  • the visual appeal of this type of decorative finishing (with the help of baguettes, rosettes, caissons you can create various decorative compositions on the ceiling);
  • the ability to highlight the advantages of a room and change its visual perception;
  • durability.

Stucco molding will help you quickly transform any room, making it attractive and presentable.

Artistic painting

With the help of artistic painting you can create a delightful interior in your home. Previously, to apply drawings to the ceiling, you had to call a master artist, but now there are many techniques and materials that allow you to do it yourself artistic painting on the ceiling.

Stencils are special forms that make it possible to apply almost any pattern to the ceiling. You can purchase them or make them yourself. The stencils are attached to the ceiling surface using tape and then painted with the chosen paints. The main stages of working with a stencil are given below.

Cutting out a pattern for a stencil: 1 - bridges; 2 - round element of the design (made with a punch); 3 - cutting out patterns with a knife

If you don't have time to fuss with stencils, you can purchase ready-made vinyl stickers that easily stick to intact surfaces.

But there are simple techniques that can help you recreate a full-fledged artistic painting on the ceiling.

Create an imitation of clouds on the ceiling

A very interesting way to decorate the ceiling is to imitate clouds. You can bring this decor to life using paints and an ordinary sponge. It is better to decorate the ceiling in this way in small rooms, since this process is quite labor-intensive. You need a lot of paints of different origins and colors, but the final result will delight you - the room will take on an unsurpassed appearance.

It is advisable to start work from the center of the room. If you don’t have enough strength to create a cloudy ceiling throughout the room, you can enclose the finished part in a circle in the middle of the room, which will create the effect of a round window with a view of the sky. The second option is that white clouds have gathered only in the place where you started to draw them, and the rest of the space is clear sky. In any case, it’s worth trying to bring this incredible idea to life.

To create a “cloud” ceiling you will need:

  • brush;
  • several containers for diluting paints;
  • wide roller;
  • matte acrylic glaze;
  • aquamarine and gray acrylic paints;
  • emulsion white matte paint;
  • matte light blue emulsion paint (you need to buy it to cover the entire ceiling).

The ceiling must be of high quality and cleaned.

Apply light blue paint to a clean ceiling surface with a roller.

Mix in equal proportions white paint With warm water. Apply the mixture to a sponge. Use a sponge (although you can also use a brush) to outline the clouds using gentle, loose movements. At the edges of the clouds, add a little white paint to make them (the clouds) visually appear denser.

Applying white paint to a light blue surface

Add aquamarine paint in different places using gentle, light movements of the sponge. This is necessary for the whiteness to show through in different places.

Apply a little more white paint to the clouds with a sponge to create thickness and richness of the clouds. Apply different colors in several layers. This way you can achieve depth in the image.

With light movements, use a sponge with white paint to work on the side where the sun should shine on the clouds. Gray - where there is no sun.

Processing the “sunny” side of clouds

Add a few more layers of paint, but make sure they are thin and do not paint over the previous images.

Highlight the edges of the clouds again with white tones and carefully cover everything with acrylic glaze.

Another option is to paint the ceiling with luminous colors.

Using this method, you can create a nice ceiling decor using paints. This is an ideal way to create an exclusive interior in your home.

Ceiling decoupage with paper

Decoupage is a specific technique for decorating various surfaces. This method is often used to decorate ceilings and involves applying various patterns made from newspapers, magazines, calendars, and photographs to the surface. When choosing this finishing option, the owner of the room has a wide field for experimentation.

The main advantage of this technique is exclusivity. In most cases, decoupage can be completely re-done, especially if it was done independently, because all finishing elements are chosen by the person taking into account personal preferences. The disadvantage is the painstaking finishing process.

Ceiling decoration can be complete or partial. For long-term use, the finished decor is coated with several layers of acrylic varnish.

Do-it-yourself ceiling decoupage with paper

How to decorate with applications from individual pictures or their composition? First you need to prepare everything necessary tools and materials.

These include:

  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • nail scissors;
  • Printer;
  • books;
  • clean cloth;
  • synthetic brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • newspapers;
  • putty knife;
  • brush for removing old paint;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • pencil.

Table. Stages of self-decoupage of the ceiling.

Steps, illustrationsActions

Online or printed edition Find a clearly defined image. It is necessary that the drawing matches the style of the interior. Designers recommend using images of natural motifs or abstractions for decoupage.

If necessary, change the image size and contrast. Create the overall composition of the decorative appliqué in advance. Print out all the selected pictures that will make up the composition.

Using nail scissors, cut out all the necessary pictures.

If the composition includes finishing the ceiling with printed drawings, then you will glue them to the ceiling. You can use other material - colored paper or fabric. If you chose colored paper or newspaper pages, then place the image cut out from the printout onto the selected material and cut out the elements of the ceiling applique along the contour.

Prepare the ceiling for application. To do this, remove the old finish using a spatula and brush. The surface must be completely free of old coating.

Level the surface of the ceiling using putty, if necessary.

Prime the ceiling and then paint it in the chosen color and wait for the paint to dry completely.

Now you have a smooth painted ceiling and prepared materials for applying the application. Before you start decorating, mark the pattern so that finished composition It was smooth and there was no need to re-glue the crookedly attached elements.

Apply PVA glue to the prepared drawings with a brush. Press the design against the ceiling and wipe the image with a clean cloth to remove all the air from the space between the design and the ceiling.

Apply acrylic varnish in 2 layers over the image.

In this same way, you can completely cover the ceiling with black and white pages from newspapers, magazines, and calendars.


Molding is decorative element ceiling finishing, which enriches the interior design. Moldings appeared in Ancient Rome, but are still actively used by designers. Baguettes are easy to install and remove.

Materials for the production of skirting boards.

  1. Aluminum. Lightweight and durable material. Attaches only to smooth walls using liquid nails or screws.
  2. Tree. Expensive and heavy, but presentable material. Suitable for decorating rooms that include wooden furniture.
  3. Polyurethane. The most common material for the production of ceiling cornices. Among the advantages are the abundance color solutions, variety of shapes and affordable price.
  4. Styrofoam. The advantage is low weight. Foam baguettes are easily attached to all types of surfaces using liquid nails. Foam skirting boards are ideal for interior finishing works in the apartment. The main disadvantage is the insufficient strength of the material.

You need to choose a baguette taking into account individual preferences and the height of the room. If the room is high, then it is advisable to use wide baseboards, if it is low, narrow baguettes. If the main selection criterion is cost savings, then it is better to choose polyurethane or polystyrene foam. If you want to create an environmentally friendly interior, you need to choose a wooden or aluminum baseboard.

Self-installation of foam baguette

Let's try to figure out how to glue foam molding ourselves. A plinth made from this material will cost 3-4 times less than a polyurethane baguette. In addition, installing foam molding is much easier than other types of baseboards.

To perform this procedure you need to stock up on:

  • liquid nails;
  • liquid nail gun;
  • spatula;
  • finishing putty;
  • miter saw;
  • miter box;
  • painting knife;

Use a miter saw to straighten the ends of the baguette, because in most cases they are uneven. This may result in their incomplete contact during installation.

Trim the corner joints at 45 degrees using the same miter saw.

Another option is cutting corners using a miter box.

Make markings to avoid the plinth falling below or above the required level if the ceiling is suspended. Cut a small piece of baguette and attach it to the wall so that it does not reach the ceiling by a couple of millimeters.

Make a beating with a cord, and if this is not possible, make marks with a pencil along the entire perimeter of the room. You will look up to them.

Take a painting knife and sandpaper to adjust later uneven corner, cut with a miter saw. The latter does not always cut materials exactly at 45 degrees.

Spread the baguette with liquid nails.

Glue the baseboard to the wall. After pressing down from the bottom of the cornice, glue will flow out. Remove it with a spatula.

The baseboard will adhere well to liquid nails, but a gap will form underneath. Treat it with the same liquid nails or sealant.

Before painting, go over the joints of the baguettes with finishing putty.

Paint the baseboard in your chosen color and let dry.

Bamboo wallpaper

Wallpaper made from natural bamboo is an original design solution that has gained popularity thanks to the fashion for oriental motifs in interior design. This material has a unique color scheme and a variety of textures, which will allow you to show your imagination when decorating the ceiling.

This finishing material is used to decorate not only rooms in the home, but also administrative premises. Used to decorate the ceilings of hotels, offices and cottages. This kind of ceiling decoration fits organically into modern styles interior design of premises.

Bamboo wallpaper is a solid canvas. They are created from thin bamboo slats. Fixed on a fabric base. For the production of wallpaper, the upper cut of the plant trunk is used, which has a pronounced bamboo structure. The canvases are produced in widths from 1 to 2.5 m.

Rules for using bamboo wallpaper

  1. Unfold the wallpaper in the room whose ceiling will be decorated. Allow the material to dry or gain some moisture for several days.
  2. The ceiling should not be covered with peeling finishing materials, which could prevent the wallpaper from attaching.
  3. Do not use water-based or water-soluble glue to prevent the wallpaper from coming off the ceiling. Polychloropene-based adhesives are best suited.
  4. When installing bamboo wallpaper, use a respirator.

Instructions for finishing the ceiling with bamboo wallpaper

Treat the ceiling thoroughly with primer. Wait a little until the surface is completely dry.

This type of wallpaper can only be glued end-to-end. Measure and then cut a piece of wallpaper to the required size. If you need to cut the wallpaper lengthwise, use a breadboard knife. Insert it from above between the bamboo slices and carefully guide it to the edge.

When cutting material across the web, you can resort to using metal scissors. For large amounts of work, use a jigsaw.

Apply an even layer of glue to the prepared ceiling with a spatula, and then apply it to the wallpaper with a brush. Glue consumption is approximately 350 g/sq. m. Let the glue dry for 15 minutes.

Place the wallpaper and press it against one side of the ceiling, then use a clean cloth to rub it away from the side that touches it (or you can use a rubber roller). This is necessary to ensure that there are no spaces containing air between the wallpaper and the ceiling. Then tap the wallpaper with your palm to ensure better contact with the ceiling. Repeat these steps with the next pieces of bamboo wallpaper.

Video - Instructions for gluing bamboo wallpaper

So we looked at the most popular ceiling decorating techniques. If you find the above information useful, be sure to share it with your friends and acquaintances who are doing or are going to do renovations in their home.

Video - DIY ceiling decor: original design options

Ceiling decor is originality in interior design, in many cases it is support for the chosen design style of a room, or even an entire house or apartment, it is sophistication and elegance demonstrated to the whole world. Some ceiling decor options are designed to add coziness to the room, soothe and relax the nerves, and promote relaxation - these are great for the bedroom. Other options, on the contrary, add energy, call for action, promote creativity - living room, children's room, office. In addition, ceiling decor is always unique in the design of the room, which is especially important for standard apartments. This trait is most needed by active people, for whom monotony is unacceptable.

But there is one nuance that can turn many people away from ceiling decor: this decoration is quite expensive. And you inevitably start to think: is it worth it? Maybe it's better to go somewhere on vacation with the whole family? However, if you decorate the ceiling with your own hands, you can get the desired elegant uniqueness and save a lot of money, because you only have to pay for the materials.

When it comes to decorating the ceiling with your own hands, ideas pour in like from a cornucopia.

Another thing is whether these options are right for you, whether you can implement them. But in order to answer these questions, you must first familiarize yourself with the various ideas offered by professionals and folk craftsmen, with different ceiling decor options, and ways to transform a place for hanging a lamp into something original that meets your own spiritual impulses.

There are several ways to decorate the ceiling with your own hands cheaply, which can be done independently:

  • ceiling painting different ways, including textured
  • wallpapering the ceiling;
  • treating the ceiling with decorative plaster in whole or in part;
  • decorating the ceiling with vinyl stickers;
  • decoupage of the ceiling in whole or in part;
  • stencil painting of the ceiling in whole or in part;
  • draping the ceiling with fabric;
  • stucco on the ceiling;
  • bamboo decorations on the ceiling.

Any of these options can be implemented independently. However, each of them has its own nuances and difficulties, so not everyone can complete all the options.

You may have to stick to the simplest ones. But even the simplest ceiling decor options can add uniqueness and sophistication to an ordinary standard space.

Painting the ceiling

Painting the ceiling is considered the most in a simple way decor, accessible even to those who have never done any repair work. Painting has an additional bonus: the painted ceiling can later be decorated further, for example, by making stucco molding, decorating it with vinyl stickers or stencil painting. In addition, rollers with various patterns are available for sale, which can be applied to the surface to be painted.

In order to paint the ceiling, you will need the following supplies:

  • sandpaper with a handle for leveling the surface “an ordinary sheet will not work - it will be extremely difficult for them to rub over small irregularities on the ceiling”;
  • primer roller;
  • paint roller;
  • brush;
  • ditches for primer and paint;
  • paint “it is recommended to use water-based paint”;
  • priming.

Before you start painting directly, you should perform a number of operations. The first of these is leveling the ceiling surface - the presence minor defects, various irregularities will negatively affect the quality of painting and, as a result, the appearance of the ceiling.

For leveling, sandpaper with a handle is used and the ceiling is rubbed with it.

The next step is to apply the primer. After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to painting.

Coloring can be done in various ways. A good effect is obtained by painting the ceiling in a color that matches the color of the walls - if pastel shades are used. High ceilings tend to bright colors contrasting with the walls. In this case, the best option is light walls with dark ceiling– this combination of colors looks original and elegant. For children's room interesting option May be plasterboard ceiling with figured details, while the details are painted in a different color than the general background. For the bedroom, soft, calm tones are recommended, soothing and relaxing, preferably without patterns.

Wallpapering the ceiling

You should start wallpapering the ceiling if you want to get a bright pattern on the ceiling, or any patterns, ornaments, and so on over the entire area of ​​the ceiling. If we are talking about a plain ceiling, then it is better to use paint. Also, you should not use textured wallpaper - this design option is much easier to implement using decorative plaster. But painting the ceiling is not as simple as we would like, and wallpaper can very well help create the desired decor of the room.

In order to wallpaper the ceiling, you will need the following accessories:

  • sandpaper with a handle for leveling the surface “the same as for painting the ceiling”;
  • primer roller;
  • glue roller;
  • ditches for primer and glue;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller;
  • glue;
  • wallpaper.

The first step is to prepare the glue: this is carried out in accordance with the instructions on the package. Then, using sandpaper, the surface is leveled, minor irregularities and defects are destroyed. After the surface is ready, the wallpaper is prepared - the necessary pieces are measured and cut, then coated with glue and “infused” for several minutes. After this, the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, and a rubber roller is used to remove air bubbles trapped under the sheets.

Delicate small patterns, both geometric and floral, look great in spacious living rooms when combined with light walls without picture. But in kitchens and dining rooms with light walls, a bright floral print is more suitable, optimally “flower meadow”, without pronounced repeating ornamental elements. Contrasting stripes can be used for “broken” ceilings - this coloring smoothes out unevenness; it is very good to use wallpaper of a similar pattern in attic rooms. By covering the ceiling with wallpaper, you can visually expand the room - if you use wallpaper with a small ornament on the ceiling and one of the walls of the room. If the room has a non-standard geometry “for example, in the attic, where the ceilings are of different heights, and in the middle of the room there can be a maximum height, and near the walls it can be much lower,” then it is recommended to use the same wallpaper for covering both the walls and the ceiling - this will smooth out changes in height.

Using vinyl decals on the ceiling

Vinyl stickers allow you to achieve originality and elegance with minimal time and effort. In addition, the designs of stickers available for sale are very diverse and can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste.

A bright kitchen will acquire a unique sophistication if bright colored stickers are used on the ceiling. The ceiling in the bathroom can be decorated with marbled stickers or various marine motifs. In rooms with a lack of natural light, you can use acrylic 3D stickers with a mirror effect. And so on - you can fantasize endlessly. The only limitation is your own imagination and taste preferences.

In order to decorate the ceiling with vinyl stickers, you will need a minimum of accessories:

  • rubber spatula;
  • vinyl sticker.

It should be noted that the ceiling must be level. So, if there are any unevenness or defects on it, you will have to use sandpaper with a handle - as in previous cases to eliminate unevenness in the ceiling. Also, all places where stickers will be located must be cleaned of possible contamination. Ideally, if the stickers are used after the ceiling has been painted and has not yet become dirty.

After making sure that the surface for the sticker is ready, the mounting film is removed and the sticker is placed on the selected location.

Using decorative plaster to decorate the ceiling

If you want to get a plain ceiling with a textured pattern, then the best way to achieve this is with decorative plaster. It includes various components that allow you to achieve the desired effect, obtain a textured, relief surface.

In addition, you can use structural plaster, but in this case the relief itself will not work; it will need to be created using special tools with curly edges. However, despite the fact that labor costs in this case are higher than when using decorative plaster, the “palette” is larger - you can create a greater variety of relief options.

To create a textured pattern on the ceiling using plaster, you will need the following:

  • spatula with a smooth edge for applying plaster;
  • a figured spatula or a figured roller - if you are using a structural mixture rather than a textured one;
  • skinner with fine skin;
  • paint – for painting the plastered surface “if necessary”;
  • plaster.

In this case, the ceiling surface does not necessarily need to be freed from any unevenness, as, for example, when painting or wallpapering. The only thing that is required is to clean the surface of any contaminants. Then apply primer. After this, the plaster is applied - for this, a regular even spatula is used. If the plaster is textured, then all you have to do is wait for it to dry and then lightly “stroke” it with a sandpaper. If the plaster is structural, then you will have to use curly spatula or roller to achieve the desired textured effect.

When the plaster has dried, the surface can be painted. You can paint the plaster in a single color, or you can use contrasting tones that differ from the main background.

Different tones and their intensities can create interesting effects. Thus, golden paint applied with a foam sponge to the textured surface of the plaster will give the room the luxury of real baroque. The combination of decorative plaster with a contrasting color with smooth wooden “frames” will create the effect of a painting - similar to palace painted lampshades. In this case, it is good to use spotlights - they emphasize the elegance of the composition. In the bathroom, “marine” tones create a unique effect.

Also, various designs and ornaments can be created from decorative plaster, but this, of course, is very difficult to do.

Decoupage on the ceiling

Most often, decoupage is used to make various souvenirs: boxes, key holders, original wooden planks for the kitchen and so on. Large surfaces such as the ceiling are rarely decorated with decoupage. But that doesn't mean that this method cannot be applied at all in this case. Using decoupage turns the ceiling into a work of art.

If we are talking about decoupage with artificial aging “this option is ideal for rooms in a country style, as well as those decorated in an antique style and the like,” then the ceiling surface does not even need to be leveled, just cleaning it from dust and dirt will be enough. If a clear, clear pattern is required, without abrasion or artificial aging, then the ceiling will first have to be leveled using sandpaper with a handle, then rubbed, primed and finally sanded - that is, it is desirable that the ceiling be perfectly smooth and even. This kind of work is quite labor-intensive, so decoupage with artificial aging and abrasion is most often used.

To obtain images, you can use special napkins - there are a variety of designs and compositions available for sale, for every taste and color. You can also use any drawing printed on a printer or photo paper.

In order to decorate the ceiling using decoupage, you will need the following:

  • picture “napkin, photo paper, printer printout”;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • varnish brush;
  • rubber roller;
  • water and a sponge to apply it “you can also use a spray bottle.”

To obtain a pattern with an aging effect, varnish is applied to a selected area of ​​the ceiling, the pattern is glued to it, and then ironed with a rubber roller. After the workpiece has dried, upper layer paper is soaked in water and removed. After the drawing dries, a finishing layer of varnish is applied to it.

Stencil painting on the ceiling

The best thing about a stencil is that to make a great drawing you don’t need to understand painting, or even have minimal drawing skills. So you can forget about school failures in art lessons with a clear conscience. Using a stencil, you can create both single-color and multi-color compositions, it all depends solely on your desire. Using a thick stencil you can even create three-dimensional drawings. In this case, the design is created not with paint, but with plaster or putty, which is applied to the ceiling through a stencil with a spatula. Subsequently, such a three-dimensional pattern can be painted.

In order to decorate the ceiling with stencil painting, you will need the following supplies:

  • stencil;
  • masking tape - used to secure the stencil in in the right place;
  • items for applying paint “(brushes, sponges, roller”);
  • paint cuvette.

The description of the work on applying stencil painting is simple, the execution is also not difficult, it only requires attention and accuracy. First, the paint is diluted in a ditch, then a stencil is fixed to the selected part of the ceiling surface, and then the paint is applied to the ceiling through the stencil. It’s better not to swing your brush across the entire ceiling at once, but a small amount Paint over small areas of paint - this way you can avoid drips and unevenness of tone.

Ceiling decoration with fabric drapery

Draping with fabric creates a truly luxurious effect in a room. However, such ceiling decoration is not suitable for all rooms. So, it is better not to drape rooms with high humidity and/or temperature with fabric. That is, you should not use draperies in bathrooms, washrooms and kitchens. Also, fabric drapery does not look very good in a children's room - it is too luxurious. But living rooms and bedrooms only benefit from this design.

Most often, decoration with fabric is carried out using strips stretched either along or across the entire area of ​​the ceiling. A radial version of drapery is also often used, with the center being a lamp or “button”, which is covered with fabric to enhance the effect. Recently, fabric-covered frames have begun to come into fashion, which are complemented with lighting for greater sophistication. spotlights. Sometimes the frames are covered with silk fabric and painted using the batik technique - but such decoration requires additional knowledge and skills.

In order to secure the fabric to the ceiling with stripes, several methods are used:

  • the fabric is attached directly to the surface of the ceiling or to an installed frame or slats using Velcro;
  • the fabric is attached to the slats using a pneumatic stapler;
  • the fabric is attached with special clips “similar to how suspended ceilings are attached.”

By draping the entire ceiling area with fabric, time is saved on preparatory work– the ceiling does not require any preparation, removal of irregularities, and so on. It is only recommended to remove dust and dirt from the ceiling surface. If only a part is draped or hanging frames with fabric are used that cover only part of the ceiling surface, then the remaining surface should be processed so as to be combined with the fabric drapery. Paint, wallpaper, decoupage, and so on can be used - any method of decorating the ceiling, up to the usual plain whitewash.

Decorating ceilings with stucco

Stucco has long been a traditional way of decorating ceilings. Stucco has been used since Ancient Greece and ending with our time - this option is always popular. The simplest way to decorate a ceiling with stucco is to create a rosette above a pendant lamp in combination with baguettes or moldings around the perimeter of the ceiling. Interesting solution is the use of contrasting colors in conjunction with a stucco ceiling rose.

If desired, you can decorate the entire surface of the ceiling with stucco, but in this case it is not recommended to use stucco decorations on the walls, otherwise the room will be overloaded with stucco, which has the opposite effect - instead of refined and luxurious elegance, you get the usual banal bad taste. Therefore, you need to be very, very careful with the abundance of stucco.

The stores offer a wide range of different parts for creating ceiling moldings, and some are quite lightweight and can be attached to the ceiling using PVA glue. Heavier elements, such as sockets, are attached to the ceiling using special mixtures. For very heavy elements, dowel nails are used, which are then masked with plaster.

If you are not satisfied with the store’s assortment list, you can make molded parts yourself from plaster, but this will require molds.

Decorating the ceiling with bamboo decorations

Asian and fashionable Egyptian style Interior decor tends to decorate not only the walls, but also the ceiling space with bamboo stems. Stores offer ready-made bamboo wicker modules that can be installed either over the entire ceiling area or partially, in combination, for example, with plasterboard or other ceiling finishing options. It is strictly not recommended to mix bamboo decorations with options such as stucco or decoupage.

You can also use bamboo stems rather than ready-made modules. It is recommended to split the stems in half and glue them with PVA glue. Whole bamboo stalks are assembled into a lattice using twine, then the lattice is fixed to the ceiling.

When decorating a ceiling with bamboo, you should take into account the overall design of the room, the design of the walls, floor, and even the furniture that is in the room.

In addition to the main options for decorating the ceiling space described above, you can use others. For example, lay out a mosaic on the ceiling - craftsmen lay out real multi-figure paintings using both wine and plastic colored corks.

Here you can see the variety of ceiling designs. View photo ceiling designs, as well as 2016 ceiling designs.

Modern ceiling design

Whatever type of repair you start, you need to start it from the ceiling area. After all, in general, the interior of the room will depend to a greater extent on it! Today there is a very wide variety of ceilings available. The main thing you need to rely on when choosing them is your own preferences and wishes, the type of room itself and the cost of materials. Naturally, if there is a limitation in financially, then you should choose more budget-friendly types of designs. This could be: ordinary whitewashing, painting the ceiling, pasting with wallpaper or polystyrene foam boards. Also, they will not be very expensive, but at the same time, stretch ceilings will look very aesthetically pleasing and modern. Look at our photos for the design of suspended ceilings!

And for the right choice You should learn more about each type of ceiling finish.

Whitewashing or dyeing

This method is inexpensive, but it is very labor-intensive and dirty. The slabs on the ceiling must have perfect joints, and the surface itself must be perfectly leveled beforehand. If you whitewash the ceiling, you will have to wash out a lot of whitewash from everywhere. And if you take chalk mortar or ceiling paint to open the ceiling surface, you will hardly be able to get a smooth surface with it, because there will be unevenly painted areas of the ceiling or, at a minimum, stains.

But given the budgetary cost of finishing, in any case, if the work is done efficiently, then such a ceiling will look much better than “cracked” walls.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

If we compare the prices for the design of tension or suspended ceilings– with wallpapering, then the latter option is much more budget-friendly. Moreover, compared to whitewashing, it is still not so labor-intensive and dirty. There are many ideas for ceiling design using wallpaper. After all, wallpapers come in a wide variety of types, color schemes, textures, density, etc. In addition, they can also be painted in different colors!

For example, if you choose a special type of wallpaper, such as liquid, then in its original form it will serve you for a very long time. But such wallpaper should not be used in a kitchen or bathroom.

But wallpaper is unlikely to be able to even out unevenness, which is why the surface must first be perfectly leveled.

The method is similar to wallpapering. An important difference is that the tiles behave resistant to moisture and are also able to hide small irregularities on the ceiling surface.

Plastic panels

When designing ceilings, you can also choose PVC panels for finishing. They will serve you long enough for a long time, they have a high degree of strength, excellent sound insulation, and excellent resistance to high levels of humidity, as well as elevated temperatures, which is why they are used together with LED or halogen spotlights. PVC panels perfectly hide unevenness in the ceiling, as well as wiring and pipes, so that they are not visible to the eye. PVC panels can be called a cheaper analogue of suspended and false ceilings. See photo ceiling design.

From plasterboard

False ceilings are made using plasterboard. They are inexpensive, but at the same time, many design ideas can be brought into reality with them. They also help to hide nervousness on the surface of the ceiling, electrical wires, and in addition, with their help you can create original lighting.

See the design of plasterboard ceilings photo.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • They can even cover the untreated surface of the ceiling.
  • It perfectly hides any imperfections or anything that is undesirable to be seen. For example, wires, seams, pipes, etc.
  • Allows you to achieve a perfectly flat and smooth surface
  • You can create multiple levels
  • The lighting system can be built-in
  • Allows you to equip a thermal insulation layer to maintain the necessary microclimate in the room
  • The material is safe
  • Heat resistant and non-flammable
  • It is relatively inexpensive if you compare the price of suspended ceilings

Rather, the only drawback of drywall is the fear of high humidity, which is why it should not be used in the bathroom.

Installing a plasterboard ceiling is not the easiest thing. After all, to equip them you will need to install a frame, mount slabs, and carry out decorative finishing. In addition, for some reason the ceiling height may become smaller, up to ten centimeters!

See the design of plasterboard ceilings photos!

In addition to the fact that such ceilings can be made of plasterboard, they are also made of MDF and fiberboard. They are distinguished by durability, safety, moisture resistance, as well as a variety of textures and colors.

Such materials can be used as imitation brick, wood, tile, stone. The surface of this material can be very easily painted with enamel or oil-based paint, or covered with film, decorated with slats or other elements. With the help of this file, you can implement any modern ceiling design on the ceiling of your home, which, in addition, will look expensive.

Suspended ceiling design

If we consider the price, then this option is the most popular. It is a structure when other finishing materials are attached to a frame made of metal or wood. By decorating this type of ceiling, you can easily hide any unevenness and defects on the ceiling surface, electrical wiring, or install built-in lighting or a ventilation system.

These types of ceilings are:

  • Cassette. They are very durable, strong, moisture resistant, and fireproof. Plates (cassettes) are made of steel or aluminum. Most often, such options are used for arranging offices and other institutions, hotels, restaurants, etc.
  • Armstrong - budget ceilings, a very common finishing option for any room. They are easy to install, look aesthetically pleasing, are inexpensive, have heat-insulating properties, fire resistance, and light reflectivity.
  • Rack ceiling options. They will serve you for a very long time. They are made of metal and have impact resistance, moisture resistance, and fire safety. It does not require scrupulous care; it will not rot or accumulate dust or dirt.
  • Mirror types of ceilings create spaciousness in the room, as well as style and richness. appearance. The design of suspended ceilings can be very diverse.

Stretch ceiling

Fashionable, elite and original. To verify this, see the photo of the suspended ceiling design. In addition, it is very practical for decorating any interior.

They have their advantages:

  • Any irregularities and objects unnecessary for the eye to see are hidden just fine.
  • In the event that the neighbors above begin to flood, stretch ceilings will save you, since they can withstand heavy loads.
  • In addition, the material used for suspended ceilings is not capable of allowing moisture to pass through, which means that this type of ceiling can be installed in absolutely any room.

Stretch ceiling design ideas can be the most unusual. After all, you can choose the texture and colors - whatever you want. See modern ceiling design photos.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • In terms of price, this ceiling option will be the most expensive.
  • They can only be installed by professional craftsmen using special professional equipment.
  • The stretch ceiling fabric is not resistant to mechanical damage, sharp objects, or punctures.

But when the room temperature is five degrees Celsius and below, such ceilings lose their properties!

Ceiling design in an apartment

It is very important to consider the type of room in which you plan to install the ceiling. After all, for example, you cannot glue the wrong material to the ceiling in the bathroom and hope that it will behave perfectly for a long time. It is likely that it will last less than a year... See our modern ceiling design photos.

Ceiling decoration in the hall

Here the ceiling must be perfectly flat, have an aesthetic appearance and correspond to the basic style in which the interior is decorated. You can choose any material from the options discussed above.

To decorate a stylish and expensive ceiling, choose a stretch ceiling. If the room is small, then a suspended ceiling with a mirroring effect will fit perfectly. If you have financial limitations, then you can choose the option of a false ceiling made of gypsum. And if you need to update the interior and, at the same time, pay little money for it, then you can simply wallpaper the ceiling or whitewash it.

It would not be very appropriate to design a cassette type ceiling or plastic panels, which would be more appropriate for administrative premises, etc.


For this room, the choice of ceiling is identical to the choice for the living room. The main thing to consider here is his ability to let you relax and unwind, that is, he should not focus your attention on himself. Even if you small room, mirror ceiling would not be very appropriate here. For this purpose, it is better to choose a glossy surface.

It is appropriate to apply here MDF panel, textured ceiling tiles, plasterboard or suspended ceilings.

If you decorate the ceiling in a children's bedroom, then you can turn even the most extraordinary design into reality, giving free rein to your emotions and fantasies!

Look at the ceiling design 2016, and you will see how varied and chic, and at the same time inexpensive, you can decorate the ceiling in any room!

Kitchen ceiling design

I would like to immediately note that in the kitchen the ceilings can be even more varied than in the guest or bedroom rooms, so immediately look at the design of the ceiling in the kitchen photo.

In a kitchen where something is constantly being prepared, some kind of evaporation occurs, temperature changes, increased requirements for hygiene standards, the ceiling must have properties such as moisture resistance, fire safety, environmental friendliness, and ease of maintenance. And since the most fragile ceilings in these matters are wallpapered or painted, it is definitely not recommended to use them. After looking at the kitchen ceiling design photo, you will understand what different types of designs can be turned into reality in your own room.

If updating the interior is important to you, but at the same time, it should be done at extremely minimal cost, then choose laminated polystyrene tiles or PVC panels.

If you have significant cracks or unevenness on the ceiling, then you need to choose plaster, suspended or tension option for the design of the ceiling in the kitchen.


Here the requirements are identical to those put forward for kitchens. Since evaporation occurs here, there is always a risk of the appearance and proliferation of fungi and bacteria, the surfaces can be cleaned regularly, then plasterboard ceilings covered with wallpaper or panels made of chipboard, fiberboard, and even more so, not impregnated with special products are completely unsuitable here!

Since baths are usually small sizes, most perfect option the arrangement of ceilings in them is a mirror and slatted type, which allows you to visually expand the space, adding light and shine.

In addition, these types of ceilings are very easy and simple to care for; they are easy to clean if there are stains or plaque.

Also a great option - suspended ceiling, but it will be a more expensive option.

Ceiling design in an apartment


The ceilings here are usually very low. Depending on whether the floor was screeded, the height of the ceilings can be greater - this is 2.40 m. Naturally, it can be problematic to design a suspended or suspended design for low ceilings, given that they steal up to 10 cm in height. However, this can be done, especially if there are no serious defects on the actual surface of the ceiling.

To design low ceilings in a Khrushchev-type apartment, it is best to choose a mirror or glossy surface.

Modern new houses

Everything here is much easier compared to the previous option. The main thing that needs to be taken into account here is that after a couple of years the building will sag a little, and this may to some extent affect its geometry. But for this purpose, arrange the ceilings with a small “margin”. Any hanging or tensioning systems would be appropriate here.

A private house

In such housing, the issue of heat insulation very often comes to the fore. Therefore, the material chosen for the design of the ceiling must have thermal insulation properties. In private houses there are very high ceilings, the design of which can be decorated with very original stretch or suspended ceiling structures.

In general, choose, decide, act. We hope that our advice will help in resolving your home improvement issues.
