Design of suspended ceilings in the kitchen - types and rules of care. Is it possible to make a stretch ceiling in the kitchen - all the pros and cons? Is it possible to put a stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

Are suspended ceilings suitable for the kitchen? And if so, which is better to choose: matte or glossy, fabric or vinyl? How to choose a material manufacturer and what to look for when ordering? In this article we will answer these and other questions, and also show a selection real photos suspended ceilings in the kitchen interior.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings (general)

So, a stretch ceiling is a fabric or PVC fabric stretched over a ceiling molding made of a metal profile.

  • Vinyl stretch ceiling It is made of polyvinyl chloride and is more like a film. Installation of a PVC stretch ceiling is carried out using a heat gun.

  • Fabric stretch ceiling is a thin but tarpaulin-resistant polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. Its installation involves pulling it onto the frame without using a gun.

We have divided the characteristics of suspended ceilings into pros and cons in the following table.

pros Minuses
Affordable price(PVC films).
Retains water in case of flooding. Vinyl ceilings can hold up to 100 liters of water per 1 sq. m. Water is drained, as a rule, through the hole for the lamp. After a flood, the vinyl film is returned to its original state using a heat gun/powerful hair dryer or by naturally drying in a few days. But fabric sheets do not have such an advantage and can retain water only for up to 2 days. Loss of wall height. The minimum height loss will be 4 cm. If you need to install lamps in the suspended ceiling, then its height is reduced by 5-7 cm.
It is possible to hide communications and wiring. So, for example, when installing a stretch ceiling, you can equip the kitchen with spotlights and hang the chandelier directly above the table. The presence of seams on vinyl ceilings (if large area kitchens). Firstly, the seams, although subtle (their thickness is less than 1 mm), can be visible upon close examination. Secondly, seams are the weak point of vinyl ceilings. If welding is of poor quality or due to too much tension during installation, the fabric may tear along the seam (this does not happen often).
Installation of suspended ceilings takes 1-4 hours almost no dirt. The airtightness of PVC ceilings together with high humidity can cause mold to appear. Condensation on pipes, flooding and any leaks will make the sealed ceiling space a favorable environment for the development of fungus and mold. In addition, due to the suspended ceiling, it will not be possible to notice and eliminate the problem in time. Read what to do to protect the ceiling from mold in the second half of the article.
Durability. The service life can be more than 50 years, the warranty period is most often 10-15 years. A small edging is installed along the perimeter of PVC ceilings(most often plastic). Ideally, it should be covered with a ceiling plinth.
Always neat looking, perfectly flat surface. Unpleasant smell at first. This is often the case with both fabric and vinyl ceilings.
Variability of design. PVC stretch ceilings can be matte, glossy, satin (with a satin shine). Any photo printing is also possible, combination with plasterboard level ceilings. Fabric stretch ceilings are usually matte and are sold in 20 shades to choose from. A fabric ceiling will not save you from flooding, but it is much stronger than PVC film. Theoretically, the vinyl sheet can be damaged by a sharp object (for example, a spatula when gluing wallpaper) or a flying champagne cork. Sometimes damage to PVC film occurs due to poor quality material or incorrect installation. Local repair suspended ceilings (both fabric and vinyl) are possible only in some cases.
Easy care. Vinyl ceilings should be washed every 1-2 months using a soapy solution, a microfiber cloth and a mop. Fabric ceilings should only be cleaned using the dry method ( wet method in extreme cases), individual stains can be easily removed with a damp cloth without any streaks.
Fire safety. Stretch ceilings do not support combustion; in a fire they curl up and melt without releasing toxic fumes.
There is no need to level the ceiling. This saves a lot of time and effort.
Stretch ceilings are stable to temperature changes and high humidity.

In this photo you can see the edging around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling and how the film goes around the pipes (a plastic decorative plug is installed around the pipes).

This is what a suspended ceiling looks like when flooded.

Which stretch ceiling is better to choose for the kitchen - fabric or PVC?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question which stretch ceiling is better - fabric or PVC film. The choice depends on the buyer’s personal preferences, budget and initial premises data. We have already indicated some differences between fabric and vinyl ceilings in the table above. Now let's look at them in more detail.

  • Main advantage fabric ceilings is that they breathe, which means they do not allow dampness and mold to form in the ceiling space. The second important advantage is the seamlessness of large canvases.

Fabric ceilings have other advantages: they are 15 times stronger, easier to maintain (do not attract dust), compatible with all lamps, provide better heat and sound insulation, are faster to install and can withstand cold well (fabric ceilings can be installed in dachas and summer kitchens).

  • The main disadvantage of fabric ceilings is water permeability. But there is also good news. Polyester fabric, thanks to its impregnation with polyurethane, remains waterproof for two days. After this time, the polyurethane dissolves and water begins to flow. It turns out that you have 2 days to save the fabric stretch ceiling from flooding. Agree, it's better than nothing. Is it true, protective impregnation after prolonged contact with water it will not be restored, and the canvas will most likely require painting.

Another unpleasant feature: Over the course of 2-3 years of operation, due to poor-quality installation, the fabric may shrink and then fall out of the baguette or bend the baguette away from the wall, forming a gap between them. The third disadvantage of fabrics– higher price per 1 sq. m (200-250 rubles more than the cost of PVC). And finally, the fourth argument against: fabric ceilings are sold in only 20 shades and only with a matte finish.

By the way, the weaving of fabrics varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

  • While PVC ceilings can be matte, glossy, satin, with the effect of mother-of-pearl, metallic or starry sky. The choice of colors is also varied and even photo printing on PVC film looks brighter.

So, the advantages of PVC ceilings are clear: waterproof, design versatility, low price. Here are a few disadvantages of PVC ceilings, which we did not mention in the table:

  • Due to its heaviness, the vinyl sheet may sag slightly after installation (about 1–2 cm).
  • PVC ceilings are not compatible with all lamps and fixtures. The power of halogen lamps should be no more than 35 W, incandescent lamps - 60 W. If the light of the chandelier is directed upward, then its lamps should be at a distance of at least 40–50 cm from the surface of the stretch ceiling. If these rules are neglected, yellow spots or folds may appear near the lamps.

Fabric is preferable if the ceiling in the kitchen has already been affected by mold in the past. We also recommend this type of ceiling for large kitchens and kitchen-living rooms when you want to avoid the presence of seams. PVC ceilings are good if you have a limited budget, if the kitchen is not too large and is often flooded by neighbors, and also if you want to implement an unusual design idea.

Which stretch ceiling is better - matte or glossy?

If you just can’t decide which stretch ceiling to choose for the kitchen - matte or glossy, then we recommend choosing the most win-win option - matte canvas. Here are some arguments “FOR” them:

  • Matte ceilings are practically no different in appearance from perfectly smooth plaster. This finish looks noble and does not draw attention to itself.

  • Matte ceilings are universal and suitable for any interior. Whereas glossy ceilings will fit only into an ultra-modern kitchen.

Matte stretch ceilings are an ideal choice for classic and “rustic” kitchens

  • If kitchen is small And low, then a glossy ceiling is contraindicated for her. The fact is that glare and reflections of objects on the canvas fragment the space, creating a feeling of excessive diversity and disorder. As a result, a small kitchen with a glossy ceiling seems even smaller and cluttered.

Contrary to all myths, matte ceilings are more suitable for small kitchens than glossy ones

  • If you really like the shiny finish of the ceiling, then we advise you to pay attention to satin fabrics. They have a slight shine, reflect light pleasantly and can bring an airy feeling to the interior of a kitchenette.

  • Matte stretch ceilings are 10-15% cheaper than glossy and satin ones.
  • On matte PVC ceilings, seams (if any) are less visible.
  • Glossy ceilings in the kitchen are somewhat more difficult to maintain than matte ones. They show more stains, greasy deposits and dust.

Of course, glossy ceilings also deserve attention, but you need to choose them carefully. Below are several photos of glossy ceilings in the interior.

  1. To prevent the formation of mold, it is better to purchase a suspended ceiling with built-in ventilation grilles with a diameter of 58 mm.

Also, before installing the canvas, it is necessary to treat the base with an antifungal primer or other antifungal agents based on chlorine or lime.

  1. It is advisable that the terms of the warranty agreement include free maintenance of the suspended ceiling in case of flooding. Otherwise, this service will cost from 4,000 rubles.
  2. When choosing a suspended ceiling for the kitchen, check its class fire safety. You should not buy material with a class higher than KM-4 and without fire-resistant impregnation. The lower the class, the more difficult it is for the PVC ceiling to ignite, support combustion worse, produce less smoke and do not emit toxic substances in the event of fire.
  3. Before installing suspended ceilings, think carefully about the arrangement of lamps, especially if you want to save money. After all, the more lighting fixtures, the more expensive the installation service will cost and the longer it will take (1 lamp = about 20 minutes of additional work).
  4. Main advice: you should order suspended ceilings only from companies with an excellent reputation. And, of course, it is important to choose a canvas famous brand. Here is a list of the most popular manufacturers:
  • Pongs (Germany). The brand produces fabric ceilings under the Descor brand, as well as vinyl ceilings.
  • Clipso (France). The manufacturer produces fabric ceilings with the highest fire safety class (KM-1).
  • Cerutti ST. The peculiarity of fabric ceilings of this brand is that they are completely waterproof due to a double layer of varnish and protective impregnation.
  • Renolit (Germany). Produces high-strength vinyl sheets with a thickness of 0.2–0.3 mm. Such a film can withstand up to 150 liters of water per 1 square meter. meter instead of the standard 100 l.
  • Polyplast Trading & Manufacturing Company, PTMC (Belgium). The company offers the most big choice shades and textures of suspended ceilings, as well as canvases with 3D photo printing.
  • MSD (China). Inexpensive vinyl ceilings of good quality.

The kitchen in any apartment is a specific room, having high humidity and the same increased air pollution, so not just any finish is suitable for cladding walls and ceilings. Is it possible to make suspended ceilings in the kitchen without creating problems for yourself during their further use?

The answer is clear - yes, it is possible and we will look at which ceilings are suitable for this, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of suspended ceilings that are installed in the kitchen

We will look at ceilings made of vinyl film (PVC), since they are the ones that are installed in the kitchen and they are the most practical for moisture and grease deposits, which abound in the kitchen. Such ceilings are produced by welding PVC strips with a width of one to five meters on HDTV machines (High Frequency Current).

A distinctive feature of polyvinyl chloride ceilings is their water resistance, which is especially important for the kitchen.

Glossy stretch ceilings

  • Basic distinctive feature glossy ceilings are their mirror surface, which reflects the interior of the room.
    The mirror effect visually increases the space of the room, which is very important for small kitchens, especially in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings.
  • Glossy vinyl ceilings have quite a wide choice in terms of color, and the mirror reflection effect is inherent in each color and shade.
  • To the disadvantages mirrored ceilings can be attributed to the visibility of the seam with the naked eye. The seam remains when gluing the canvases and is only possible in large rooms.
    During installation multi-level ceilings even in a large room, there are practically no seams, since the installation of vinyl sheets is usually done in small pieces.

Matte stretch ceilings

  • Matte stretch ceilings can be classified as a classic finish, since when visual inspection in structure they resemble a putty ceiling.
  • There is no reflection on the matte ceiling room interior and light reflections, so such a ceiling always emits a color that matches the color of the vinyl panel.
  • The seams on such a ceiling are not visible, so matte vinyl is often used for installing single-level stretch ceilings.

Satin stretch ceilings

Satin stretch ceiling

  • Upon visual inspection, satin vinyl ceilings are very similar to matte, but there are no roughnesses in the texture of satin ceilings, due to which the canvas reflects the color spectrum very well and therefore appears dazzlingly white.
  • As is known, White color is achromatic and suitable for any color scheme and to any interior of the room.
    Also, white color distances objects, making the room seem larger.
  • Seams when welding satin sheets are not visible and they are used for installation of both single-level and multi-level ceilings.

Artistic stretch ceilings

  • Artistic stretches depicting the upper sphere, that is, clouds, birds, starry sky and the like.
  • The image is applied by a printer using solvent printing using eco-solvent ink.
  • If necessary, the image is printed in fragments on different panels, and then these panels are welded on high-frequency machines.

Advice. Glossy stretch ceilings are more suitable for kitchen spaces, as they visually increase the space and are easy to care for.

Advantages and disadvantages of stretch vinyl ceilings


  • Vinyl ceilings are quickly and easily installed; they do not require special installations. preparatory work associated with leveling the main surface.
  • If your upstairs neighbors are potentially inattentive and can leave taps open, then you will not face a second major repair if flooded, since vinyl suspended ceilings hold water well. After pumping out the water, the canvas will take its previous shape.
  • Since vinyl is a medium-flammable material, suspended ceilings are fireproof.
    They are not at risk of fire if there is a short circuit in electrical wires or even if they are briefly exposed to an open flame.
  • For design solutions Such ceilings represent an endless source of solutions and possibilities.
  • When installing suspended ceilings, almost no debris remains. Compared to others facing works installation of vinyl ceilings can be called waste-free.


  • Stretch vinyl ceilings are vulnerable to mechanical damage. This is especially true for piercing and cutting instruments. For example, the canvas can be damaged during installation with a spatula.
  • , unlike plasterboard or ceilings made of PVC-MDF panels, it is impossible to install it yourself, since this requires special equipment, in particular, a heat gas gun.
    The price of a heat gun is several orders of magnitude higher than the cost of installing suspended ceilings.

Caring for vinyl stretch ceilings

Stretch polyvinyl chloride ceilings, unlike, for example, plasterboard ceilings, can be washed. Moreover, you can use almost all the detergents that you use in your apartment.

The only exceptions are powder detergents that have abrasive particles, since such contact can damage the vinyl sheet.

When caring for ceilings, you should completely avoid the use of cutting or piercing objects. If glue gets on the vinyl sheet when gluing wallpaper, it can be removed using a weak vinegar solution or Fairy. In general, for suspended ceilings, wiping with a damp cloth is sufficient.

Advice. On kitchen ceiling grease contamination is possible, since no hood will ensure complete purification of the air from carcinogens and steam from pots.

To prevent such deposits, wipe the ceiling once a month with a sponge soaked in a solution of dishwashing detergent, and then remove the stains with a dry cloth.


Having read the above material, you have probably already decided for yourself whether it is possible to install suspended ceilings in the kitchen. Such ceilings have long gained popularity due not only to their beauty, but also due to the convenience and speed of installation, as well as practicality during operation.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to install a suspended ceiling in the kitchen. This room is quite specific due to high humidity and air pollution. Therefore, not all materials are suitable for cladding.

You can do it, but you need to take into account the features of this material, and also carefully select the appropriate options. It is recommended to remember the advantages and disadvantages of such finishing and installation features.

Choosing which stretch ceiling to use suitable for kitchens more, consider only vinyl film (PVC). This option is suitable for a room where there will be a lot of fat and moisture. Polyvinyl chloride ceilings are practical, as they have such useful property like waterproof.


Many people do not know what kind of suspended ceilings are made in the kitchen. The glossy option is optimal. Its distinctive feature is that the surface is mirror-like. It will reflect the entire interior of the room. By the way, due to this the space visually increases, which is especially suitable for small kitchen.

The range of vinyl types is wide. You can choose in any color, and each shade has a mirror effect. Another plus is that the canvas is easy to care for.

But it must be taken into account that the seams on the ceiling are visible even to the naked eye. The joints remain in the places where the canvases are glued together. But this only applies to large rooms. If the ceiling has several levels, then there will be no seams in such a room. This is due to the fact that the installation of vinyl sheets is carried out in small sections.


Some people are wondering whether it is possible to make a matte type stretch ceiling in the kitchen. It fits this room too.

Matte ceilings are classic version finishing. Visually, they look more like a surface treated with putty.

They do not reflect the interior of the room, and glare of light does not appear either. Such a ceiling will always emit a color that matches the shade of the selected canvas.

The seams on it are invisible. Due to this property, matte ceilings are often made single-level.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make a satin-type stretch ceiling in the kitchen.

If you compare visually, it looks like matte. But at the same time, satin vinyl ceilings have a different texture - there is no roughness at all, due to which the canvas reflects a spectrum of colors and appears white.

This shade has been established to be considered achromatic. It is suitable for a room made in any shade. White color visually increases the distance between objects, making the room seem larger than it actually is.

As for the seams, they are invisible on the satin fabric. This material is used for both single-level and multi-level design options.


Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make an artistic stretch ceiling in the kitchen. They are usually designed in the form of the sky with clouds, birds, stars and other things. Such designs are applied using a special printer using solvent printing and eco-solvent paint.

If there is such a need, then the pictures are printed in fragments on different canvases, after which the products are connected to each other on a special machine.

Installation of a stretch ceiling in the kitchen

As for the question of how to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, such a process usually takes only a few hours. It should be installed after the finishing of the room is completed. The walls must be smooth.

Usually there are 2 or 3 people in a team. The apartment or house must have electricity connected. The furniture will have to be removed and film placed along the walls. This is dust protection.

Installation of suspended ceilings in the kitchen is carried out as follows:

  1. Set the level of the stretch ceiling around the entire perimeter of the room. To measure everything, you can use a water or laser tool. Make marks each time, and then beat off the lines with a special cord.
  2. Secure the baguette along the drawn line. This element is a stretch ceiling holder. The baguette can be fixed with dowels driven into the walls, as well as with screws inserted into them. It is best not to use the dowel-nail fastening method, as this will weaken the system.
  3. Install embedded elements on the ceiling. This applies to parts for lamps and other structures that will be under the ceiling. They should be agreed upon at the stage when everything is measured.
  4. Unpack the canvas for the ceiling and hang it by the corners along the edges of the room.
  5. Heat the canvas with special equipment. Thanks to this, it will increase in size, or rather, begin to expand. Now you can stretch it so as to fix the edges on the baguette. When the canvas cools, it will shrink again and stretch on the ceiling.

After the suspended ceiling is installed and has completely cooled down, you can begin installing lighting fixtures and other planned equipment that falls directly on the ceiling canvas. In addition, you will need to decorate the seams where the ceiling meets.

In places where lighting fixtures will be installed, holes are made in the canvas in advance. They are supposed to be sealed with plastic rings so that the material does not tear.

Chandeliers and other devices will not put stress on the canvas. They are fixed precisely on base ceiling.

Features of a stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen are ideal for this room. But there are some features that must be taken into account.

Firstly, it is prohibited to use textile fabric for the kitchen ceiling. Only PVC film is suitable for this room. Food is being prepared in the kitchen and different aromas are wafting in the air. This fabric will not absorb odors. In addition, it is easy to wash and does not fade.

Secondly, you need to take into account that due to the installation of a stretch ceiling, the height of the room will decrease by approximately 40-50 mm. This must be calculated when installing sockets, as well as when planning the arrangement of furniture in the room.

Thirdly, if the ceiling was damaged during operation, the canvas can be removed and replaced with a new one. In this case, there is no need to dismantle the baguette.


Stretch ceilings made from polyvinyl chloride film can be washed. This is one of the differences from plasterboard version arrangement. At the same time, almost any detergents that are usually used for cleaning an apartment are suitable for washing. The only exceptions are powders that have abrasive particles. This is due to the fact that they can damage the canvas.

It is prohibited to use all piercing and cutting tools. They will also damage the ceiling. If an adhesive substance gets onto the canvas while attaching the wallpaper, it can be removed using regular detergent(eg Fairy). You can also use a vinegar solution (1 tbsp per 500 ml clean water). It will even be enough to wipe stretch ceilings with a regular damp cloth.

Grease stains may appear on the canvas in the kitchen, since even the most powerful hood will not completely clear the air of vapors from frying pans and pots. To prevent such deposits from appearing on the product, you need to wipe it once a month with a damp soft cloth soaked in a soapy solution of dishwashing detergent. Then you need to remove all stains with a dry cloth.

Many people are interested in what to do if the stretch ceiling in the kitchen has turned yellow. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the same actions.


The owners ask whether it is worth installing a suspended ceiling in the kitchen. The vinyl option works well. It has the following advantages:

  1. Vinyl sheeting is easy to install. This does not require special preparatory measures related to leveling the ceiling surface.
  2. If there is a risk that the neighbors above may flood the apartment due to inattention, and repairs are threatened after this, then it is best to use vinyl ceilings. They are able to hold water. After the liquid is completely pumped out, the product will return to its original shape.
  3. Vinyl sheets have an average level of flammability. Due to this, the suspended ceiling in the kitchen will be fireproof. Flame will not spread in case of short circuit electrical cables. Even if the product catches fire, it will not cause a big fire either.
  4. Thanks to stretch vinyl ceilings, you can decorate the interior of the room in an interesting way - there are many design options.
  5. During the installation of a stretch ceiling, practically no litter or dirt remains. Compared to other cladding options, it has almost no waste.

Due to these advantages, many people prefer stretch vinyl ceilings in the kitchen.


But vinyl stretch ceilings also have disadvantages. These include the following:

  1. The canvas may be damaged due to mechanical stress. Especially if you use cutting or piercing objects.
  2. Stretch ceiling You won’t be able to install it yourself, as you will need special equipment.

Such features should definitely be taken into account when choosing a canvas. Everyone already knows whether suspended ceilings are used in the kitchen.

Kitchen in Russian houses and apartments - favorite place gatherings with friends. It is all the more important under what kind of ceiling the meeting will take place - under moldy black spots and multi-colored smudges or under a beautiful and neat tension one. You may ask: is it possible to make a tensioner in the kitchen? Certainly! Moreover, given the specific features of the kitchen, it is necessary!

Specific kitchen microclimate

The kitchen is the heart of every home. Something is constantly boiling, frying, steaming here. The temperature rises, condensation forms, and grease and soot from the electric stove settles during cooking. Naturally, apartment owners are wondering: are suspended ceilings installed in the kitchen?

Some are sure that difficulties will concern maintaining the durability of the appearance, resistance to the absorption of odors and resistance to damage. But there is no need to worry. Experts give a clear positive answer.

Stretch ceilings have a number of advantages in this regard:

  1. Easy to care for. Just wipe the cloth soft cloth with a special detergent, which is chosen depending on the type and texture of the fabric.
  2. Resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. The PVC film (the material from which the fabrics are made) does not deform when in contact with water, and if your neighbors accidentally flood you, it will prevent leakage.
  3. Safety, after all, they do not emit toxic substances at all, fungus and mold do not live on them. This ceiling does not burn, unlike decorative polystyrene slabs.
  4. Durability: at proper care service life is 20 years.

Types of suspended ceilings and their features

The choice of finishes is huge. Vinyl film sheets are considered the most practical, and they are usually installed in the kitchen. These fabrics are produced by welding PVC strips on high-frequency machines. The width of such strips is from one to five meters. The material is waterproof - an important property in the kitchen.


The gloss reflects the interior, and this effect visually increases the space of the room. This is a definite advantage for.

Glossy stretch ceiling during manufacturing has a large color palette- you can get mirror surface your favorite color.

However, keep in mind: if you have a large room, the seam between the glued sheets will be visible to the naked eye. Perhaps this the only drawback glossy ceiling. As an option: make it multi-level, in which case the seams can be hidden.


This is a classic interior decoration. Visually, the structure of matte canvases resembles a putty ceiling.

It does not reflect the interior of the room and has no light reflections, but it always emits the color in which the canvas is painted.

The seam on such canvases is invisible, so they are safely used for installing large-area stretch ceilings.


Satin fabric is similar to matte, but there is no roughness in its texture, due to which it reflects the color spectrum well and is perceived as dazzling white.

White color suits any color scheme and any. It moves objects away, which visually enlarges the room.

It is used for installation of both single-level and multi-level ceilings, because the production seam is invisible to the eye.


If you are wondering whether it is possible to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, consider the option of an artistic canvas. There is room for imagination to run wild! You can apply any design to such a canvas, choose clouds, starry sky or birds. The image is applied by a printer using solvent printing using eco-solvent ink.

Pros and cons of stretch vinyl ceilings

The main advantage is fast and easy installation. Many organizations offer reasonable prices, no special preparatory work is required, and there is no need to level the main surface.

Such finishing is not in danger of major in case absent-minded neighbors leave the tap open. The water will collect in one place, from where it is pumped out, and the panel will take on its previous shape.

Stretch ceilings are not afraid of fire. Vinyl is fireproof, neither short circuit, nor a faulty stove, kitchen hood or geyser do not pose a danger to such a ceiling.

This is an endless source of solutions and opportunities for designers.

Usually, after renovation, construction waste remains, which scatters throughout the apartment. Installation of vinyl sheets is a waste-free job.

However, vinyl ceilings are vulnerable to cutting and piercing objects and can be damaged when installed with a spatula. Another difficulty is that it is impossible to install a suspended ceiling yourself without experience and special equipment. Heat gun, used during work, costs several times more than the finishing itself.

Tensile structures subtract an average of 5 cm from the height of the kitchen. For low ceilings is not the best option, so you will have to look for an alternative. Polyvinyl chloride fabrics sometimes smell unpleasant, but usually the smell disappears in 3-4 days.

It is necessary to remember about the joints of the canvases if tension structure installed in a spacious room. In this case, you will have to think about selecting decorative elements to hide the seams. For fabric sheets this is not a problem, since their width reaches 5 m.


Unlike, polyvinyl chloride ceilings can be washed. Almost all household detergents are suitable for this, except those that contain abrasive particles. For daily care Simply wiping with a damp cloth is sufficient.

Important! When washing off dirt, move along the seam. Remove any remaining cleaning solution with a dry cloth and wipe the surface dry.

For glossy canvases, it is prohibited to use acetone, kerosene and other aggressive substances.

Before installation, you need to make sure that the color of the canvas matches the interior color kitchen set or walls. In small rooms it is not recommended to use dark-colored panels - this will make the kitchen seem even smaller.

Decide on the design of the ceiling (will it be single-level or multi-level) so that the seams on the canvases are hidden when installed in a large space. If you decide to install a multi-level structure, use no more than two colors.

A suspended ceiling in the kitchen will look chic only if proper lighting is organized and all possible ways backlight. This is especially true for canvases of dark and cool shades.

Reference. When installing a suspended ceiling, choose energy-saving lamps that do not heat up.

Bright colors or rich combinations can decorate the kitchen, but they can also ruin the overall impression. Designers recommend using discreet shades and experimenting with shape.

For installation stretch fabrics it is better to invite specialists who will ensure maximum reliability of the structure. Installation of lighting fixtures should also be entrusted to experienced craftsmen so as not to have problems with the functioning of all systems.

Before starting installation, it is necessary to clearly determine the placement of the lamps and make all the necessary wiring. To mount the chandelier under the ceiling surface, a special support is installed, so you need to decide on the location of the lamp in advance. After installation, moving it even a short distance will be problematic.


Stretch vinyl ceilings have long gained popularity due to their beauty, convenience and speed of installation, as well as practicality in operation.

You can install such ceilings in the kitchen; they are not afraid of high temperatures or moisture, and do not absorb odors. They will hide everything behind them network engineering and electrical wiring. The result will be a harmonious and attractive interior design, which is individually selected for a specific kitchen.

Increased air humidity, sudden temperature changes - such conditions are observed in almost all small kitchens. The desire of apartment residents to make their cooking area beautiful and stylish prompts them to install a stretch ceiling. But fears regarding the safety and reliability of such a design leave remodeling as a dream.

Types of suspended ceilings installed in the kitchen

Tensioners made from vinyl film are best suited for installation. Vinyl has good moisture-repellent properties, which means it can withstand high humidity. Affordable price and high thermal insulation performance make it the best material For . But PVC film can react to temperature changes by vibration.

In the video - suspended ceilings in the kitchen:

Fabric ceilings will also look appropriate on modern kitchen V classic style. They are mounted without heating and are resistant to mechanical damage. High price, lack of possibility of giving complex shape are the disadvantages of this material.


Stretch ceilings are divided into four main groups:


Ceilings with this coating are high performance characteristics, attractive appearance. In addition to specularity and shine, such a surface visually expands the space if you add it, which is especially important in small kitchens.

The wide range of colors also makes this type the most preferred by consumers, since it is possible to choose a color to match the kitchen.

This is what glossy stretch ceilings look like in the kitchen

The selected one does not affect the specularity of the ceiling. In any color scheme, its reflective properties are equally good.

A glossy ceiling is easy to care for, virtually no grease accumulates on it, and with regular cleaning it will decorate the room for a long time.


A rough ceiling will be an excellent addition to a classic kitchen. The ceiling gives a uniform, gentle glow and does not reflect objects. Such a surface looks solid and restrained, but appearance you have to pay with practicality. Dirt on this coating is more noticeable, grease literally “sticks”, so cleaning will take a little more time and effort than in the previous version.

Matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen

Such surfaces do not have seams, but the choice of colors is small. Matte ceiling It is better to use for other rooms: hall, bedroom, corridor. But if you really want to decorate the kitchen, it is important to clean it in a timely manner and then it will be the pride of the housewife, and not a burden.


Such ceilings are characterized by increased strength (up to 100 liters per sq. m.), durability, and resistance to high temperatures and safety. The surface has a perfectly smooth, white color. This ceiling will suit a kitchen of any color and style.

Beautiful satin ceilings

It is easy to care for such a surface; it is not afraid of water. Over time, the canvas does not deform or sag. Great for creating multi-level structures.


Ceilings of this type can be made of either vinyl or natural fibers with special impregnation. The material doesn't matter main role The method of applying the image plays a role.

This is what artistic suspended ceilings look like in the kitchen

  • Hand painted, . The artist creates a masterpiece and covers it with a special protective solution that prevents damage to the applied design.
  • Printing on a wide format printer. It is better to use vinyl, when heated, the paint will penetrate deeper into the thickness of the material and be securely fixed.
  • Using a projector with a set of cards. This way you can create fluffy tree crowns, starry skies, and clouds.

For greater effect, such ceilings are decorated decorative elements, sconces, curly baguettes that match their style. You can also install audio equipment, hide the speakers behind the surface and enjoy the sound of rain and birdsong.

For those who don’t like boring, monotonous solutions, this one is suitable original look ceiling. You can choose which image will show off in your kitchen. Nature, flowers, animals, forests, fields, cars, cities, portraits, even initials or phrases - any desire can be made come true.

Stretch ceilings with photo printing

It is possible to choose a design from those available from the company or bring your own photograph or picture. How better resolution image, the better the quality of the image on the canvas. Therefore, you need to choose a clear, bright photo.

You can choose any material for the canvas, since the pattern does not affect its quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceiling - good decision for kitchen. What advantages do they have over other options? And in what way are they inferior?


  • Easy to clean - wiping with a damp cloth will be enough.
  • Communications can be hidden behind the ceiling.
  • Possibility to install around the entire perimeter of the room.
  • Wide variety of patterns and colors.
  • A perfectly flat surface that allows you to hide.
  • A light weight designs and speed of installation.
  • Before installing a stretch ceiling, the surface does not need to be treated: leveled, puttied.
  • After the work there is practically no waste.
  • It is possible to replace the canvas with another one over time.
  • If your upstairs neighbors flood you, the ceiling will retain the liquid. After pumping out the water, it will return to its previous shape.

The video shows possible disadvantages:

Vinyl - weak flammable material. It can withstand short-term exposure to fire and even a short circuit in the wiring.


  • Can be easily damaged by a piercing or cutting object. But if you are not going to throw knives in the kitchen, there is no problem.
  • Installing such a ceiling is expensive. Because the equipment used for installation is very expensive.
  • “Eats” the height.

How to properly care

In order for your new stretch ceiling to serve you for a long time and without problems, it is important to properly and regularly care for it. Such ceilings are resistant to chemical exposure, which means they can be washed with almost any detergent. The exception is powdered products containing solid particles. Such products can damage the surface, and it will no longer look perfectly even and smooth.

The surface can be cleaned with a cloth, sponge or mop. It is better to do this at least once a month to prevent the accumulation of fat on the coating. Wet cleaning at the beginning and dry at the end is the most effective option.

Simply wipe the ceiling with a sponge dipped in water. For removing heavy pollution You can use detergent or soap solution.

The video shows how to wash this type of ceiling:

The use of cutting objects to clean contaminants is prohibited. Even a little effort sharp blade may damage the suspended ceiling. No scraping or stripping, just gentle scrubbing.

Fabric coverings require more careful maintenance. The movements should be forward and backward; you cannot rub in one place for a long time. To clean such surfaces you must use specialized means, for example, for washing satin. In the best possible way steam will clean such a surface.

How to choose

You need to choose a ceiling of a color that will most successfully fit into your kitchen and will be combined with the furniture, walls and floor.

It's worth remembering that bright colors promote tension, red and green ceilings visually reduce space. For the ceiling, it is better to choose soft, pastel colors or relaxing landscapes.

One more important aspect When choosing a ceiling, the place of production is considered.


Russia, France, Germany, China - you can find ceilings from any manufacturer on the market. But how to choose among this variety?

In the video - how to choose suspended ceilings in the kitchen:


Ceilings are characterized by low cost and widespread availability. But since Russia has recently started producing such products, the quality may not always be satisfactory: foreign smell, uneven color.

You need to choose from those manufacturers who have been involved in this business for a long time (Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod).


Ceilings from France are rightfully considered the best. It was there that they first began to produce such surfaces.

Stretch ceilings from Alkor


High quality, variety of colors, compliance with environmental standards - all this at an adequate price, designed for Russian consumers with average incomes.

German ceilings are inferior in price to French ones, but there is no fundamental difference. Official representatives of "Pongs" and "Renolit"


Of Chinese origin, you need it in large stores and it is advisable that you be provided with a guarantee. Products from China have a lower price, although the texture and designs can compete with European manufacturers.

Beautiful fakes are not always different good quality, which means there is a risk of purchasing goods made from unsafe materials that have not passed certification.


Even if you purchased the item famous brand, it is important to check its quality so as not to run into a fake. It is recommended to purchase canvas in specialized stores. There you will be provided with accompanying documents confirming that the products comply with the declared characteristics. ISO certificate is mandatory.

High-quality canvas is delivered packed in a box. Its dimensions correspond to the area of ​​the room. The craftsmen should not perform any unnecessary manipulations to adjust the size. Nice ceiling evenly colored, has no foreign odors.


  • First, profiles for the ceiling are attached; they come in aluminum and plastic; the former, of course, are more reliable. Profiles can be ceiling, universal and wall.
  • Fastening methods include harpoon, wedge for film ceilings, and clip for fabric ceilings. The harpoon fastening method allows you to change the canvas.
  • After installing the profiles, the room is heated to forty degrees. Then the film is attached in parallel, heating it to 60 degrees.
  • When made from fabric, a gun is not needed. The canvas is attached from the center, and along the edges it is fixed at the very end.

The video shows how to properly install suspended ceilings:

It is better for specialists to install the suspended ceiling, but if you have necessary tools you can do the work yourself.

Installation of a stretch ceiling is not only allowed in the kitchen, but also recommended. The main thing is to choose a suitable canvas and keep it clean. will create comfort when cooking and will bring pleasure during lunch. A beautiful, reliable and safe ceiling will be installed in a few hours, and you will enjoy it for many years until you decide to change the painting.
