Building a bathhouse with your own hands: choosing a type, features, equipment. How to build a budget sauna in the country Do-it-yourself temporary sauna

Relaxing rest, tonic massage, herbal medicine - all these procedures are good in themselves. But you can combine all this and get complete rest for body and soul by simply going to the bathhouse. Naturally, if the structure pleases the eye and functions well. In this topic of the week we are talking about baths, saunas, hammams and other facilities for bath procedures.


We offer self-builders options for installing a simple water supply system and safe ways electrical installation.

How to build a bathhouse correctly.

Sauna stoves and sauna station, project of a sauna made of laminated veneer lumber, waterproofing and thermal insulation, wood for finishing the steam room.

How to make a bathhouse: construction of a beautiful and comfortable building, made using frame technology by the FORUMHOUSE craftsman.

Recently, cast iron wood-burning sauna stoves have become increasingly popular, which is why many are puzzled by the problem of choosing a unit. What modifications exist, what characteristics does the metal have, what parameters to pay attention to when choosing a furnace - we’ll find out with a specialist.

Russian bath, sauna, black and white. We are making a real bathhouse, and for this we have collected the experience of our users and advice from experts.

Your bathhouse is almost ready, and it’s time to get started interior decoration premises. This task is not as simple as it might seem. When you can start finishing, what materials to use to decorate walls and ceilings, whether it is necessary to use impregnations or is it better to leave the wood untreated - we understand the intricacies.

Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese sento: we study the features and choose the best for soul and body.


Quick Russian bath: short-term steam room. While there is debate about which Russian bathhouse is better: white or black, our user Mikhail Yakushkin enjoying a quick sauna to the fullest. In addition to the steam bath, his bathhouse for beginners also has a lot of interesting things: stone therapy on the shelves, a heating and ventilation system, as well as cozy room recreation. Everyone likes a quick sauna.

Three stoves in one bath: different functionality and design. Troika in Rus' has always been lucky number. And in this steam room, made in the traditional Russian style, there are just three stoves: each performs its own function, but all bring great joy.

Russian steam room: what it should be like. Sergey Ermolaev will tell you what a proper Russian steam room should be like, why it is better than a sauna, and how to make good bath without spending a single ruble.

Reconstruction of an old bathhouse and creation of a multifunctional complex. The initial task for the builders was to build new construction. But later it changed: the foundation under the old one was of high quality, and the boards were preserved. We decided to keep the old shed, but remodel it and add an open veranda. All the details are in the video about how you can and should build a bathhouse.

Bathhouse in the house: do it safely. With my own hands. Traditionally, steam rooms were built separately from the house - this was considered safer. But our user Yuri will tell you how you can build a good bathhouse right in your home and not be afraid of fire.

Mobile bathhouse Maslova. With my own hands. Mobile sauna – interesting solution, which allows you to use it while traveling not only direct purpose, but also as a place for temporary housing. Viktor Valentinovich Maslov implemented this idea with the help of so-called aqua panels.

Sauna according to your own design. As often happens, the temporary shelter turned into a full-fledged home for this family. But main element This building has a sauna and shower that deserve special attention.

Forum topics:

Construction of a sauna always raises many questions. To make life easier for the readers of the portal and show the step-by-step construction of a built-in sauna (inside a living space), Step48 created this topic.

A barrel-shaped bathhouse is an interesting solution for a suburban area: it won’t take up much space, construction will be cheaper, it will decorate the area, and it will surprise guests. How long does it keep warm, what is its resource, are there any pitfalls, examples of implementation - you will find all this in the topic.

Many people dream of a hammam, but consider it too expensive a pleasure. A member of the portal Cake built it, boasted about the end result and showed how it all began.

Member FORUMHOUSE Ilyukha is a big fan of mobile saunas: he loves to go to them wherever he wants. He has two sauna tents, but the topicstarter is not satisfied with their small drawback - you need to disassemble/assemble, which you don’t really want to do after relaxing after the sauna procedures. That's why Ilyukha I decided to build a full-fledged bathhouse module on wheels: “I took a steam bath, got into the car and drove off.”

Readers of our portal love not just to steam, but to do it beautifully. One more idea unusual bathhouse they are discussing in this thread.

When you really like to steam, you can even find a place to do it in your apartment. A member of the portal kholmoff talks about the construction of a healing phytobarrel.

This topic contains brief information from site users who are building or have already built their own bathhouses. Come in, choose the one you like and go ahead for ideas and experience! What to put the bathhouse on, how to install the bathhouses correctly, etc.

In the steam room of a Russian bath, unlike a sauna, the humidity is slightly higher. The temperature regime is also a lesser shock to the body: you can stay in such a room large quantity time and thoroughly “steam the seeds”. That's why most Russians choose a Russian bathhouse.
When hiring a construction team, the cost of construction will double, so if you have at least basic skills, it is better to start building a bathhouse with your own hands. First of all, you need to decide on the building plan. You can create your own or use ready-made drawings and choose the design that best suits the size.

Bathhouse projects

Registration of a building

No permit is required for the construction of auxiliary premises on private land. However, after completion of construction, the building must be registered with the BTI.

To avoid conflict with neighbors in the area and regulatory organizations, drainage rules should be strictly observed. The bathhouse is considered a sanitary structure and must be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the edge of the neighboring site. If there is no separate drain for water, this distance increases to 3.5 m.

The distance between buildings, including neighboring ones, is also regulated. The materials from which the structure is constructed are also taken into account. So, if you can leave a distance of 6 m between brick buildings, then between wooden ones - at least 15 m. If the building is being erected in a country house, then the distance to the forest is also regulated - from 15 m.

Regulated distance between buildings

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Most often, bathhouses are built from solid or rounded coniferous logs, thick-walled timber, wood concrete or brick. Last years Foam concrete was also used for construction. However the best material for her a tree is considered. Even in the hottest bathhouse made of this environmentally friendly material you will breathe easily and freely.

You will also need crushed stone, sand, cement, and reinforcement for the construction of the foundation; lumber for flooring and ceilings, doors and windows, insulation, roofing materials, brick or metal for the stove, etc. Since most wholesale companies provide significant discounts, it is advisable to purchase all materials in one place. The cost of supplying electricity must also be included in the estimate.

Wooden profiled timber is more expensive solid log. You can save a little if you use rounded logs rather than timber. It is much easier to construct a building from such materials: you don’t have to “finish the wood” yourself. If desired, you can purchase already finished log house , disassemble, transfer to your own territory and assemble according to the numbering of the logs.

To retain heat in the building, it is advisable to use thick-walled timber with a thickness of 150 mm or more. Working with untreated logs is much more difficult and requires certain skills. In addition, the timber gives less shrinkage.

Rounded logs, regular and profiled timber

Construction of a bathhouse from chopped, rounded logs and timber

To find out the required quantity cubic meters, you need to multiply the length of each wall by the height and thickness of the building, and then calculate the sum of the volume of all walls; The thickness of the material can be obtained from the supplier;

When purchasing beams or logs pieces the calculation will be different: the length of all the walls around the perimeter will need to be divided by the length of the material (for example, 6 m); then divide the height of the bathhouse (optimal 2.1 m) by the thickness of the walls (from 0.2 m), multiply the resulting number by the number of walls (4) and the number of beams that will be needed to erect one crown (i.e. one row, frame log house).

Building shrinkage

Assemble the building from timber preferably in winter period. The fact is that in winter the moisture freezes out more slowly, and the deformation of the material occurs more evenly. By the end of summer, the main subsidence is almost over, and it will be possible to begin finishing.

During the construction of a bathhouse made from solid logs shrinkage (and therefore the finishing of the building) will have to wait much longer - up to 2 years. By the way, this is why you should not agree to build a turnkey bathhouse within a couple of months, which some companies offer. The fact is that if the building shrinks insufficiently, cracks may appear in the cladding. Therefore, before finishing begins, the building must stand for the required time.

Construction of the foundation

If the groundwater in the selected area is deep enough, it makes sense to use a regular one. Pile or screw foundation They are erected only when water is close to each other.

Tape and pile foundations for a bath

Laying the first crown

1. The casing (first) crown, which is closest to the ground, needs reliable waterproofing. To do this, 2-3 layers of roofing material or other bitumen-based material are laid between it and the base. Short 15 mm slats, treated with an antiseptic, are placed on top of it in the transverse direction, and only then the logs are laid out.

Direction of laying slats

2. It is advisable to assemble the log house on the ground, since adjusting the crown on the foundation is not very convenient. The first crown should be made from the thickest log without knots or blue stains and preferably from wood that is most resistant to rotting: larch or oak.

3. All beams of this crown are thoroughly coated with bitumen. To ensure that the impregnation is absorbed into the wood as deeply as possible, it can be mixed with waste. The ends of the logs are not treated so that moisture can evaporate.

4. The laying of the embedded crown is verified by level with particular accuracy. When installing the lower links that are closest to the ground, the possibility of replacing them is immediately provided. To do this, the logs are simply joined at the corners with their ends, without a lock.

Corner connections of log houses

The corners between adjacent walls can be connected in log houses in different ways:

"into the bowl"(sometimes this method is called “in the oblo”): a bowl is cut out on the surface of a log with an ax so that neighboring logs fit halfway into it; the ends of the logs extend beyond the boundaries of the log house;

"in the paw": such cutting is more labor-intensive and does not tolerate mistakes; at the corners, a lock is selected from the logs (a tenon is prepared on one side of the log, a groove is prepared on the other); the main difficulty lies in maintaining the exact dimensions of the joint.

When cutting “into a bowl”, the parts protruding at the corners of the building can reliably cover the joint from rain and snow. Plus this cutting is much easier. At the same time, the building looks “antique”, but its external cladding will be impossible.

Corner connections log cabins

Assembling a log house

1. The logs should fit together as tightly as possible. The seams between them are sealed with a sealant: tow or jute. The gap between the casing and the foundation is additionally sealed with brick, polyurethane foam, halves of logs or bars. It is also possible to provide filling multi-level foundation, which will protect against the appearance of cracks.

Foundation with different levels

2. When assembling a building from non-profiled timber, to prevent the logs from torsion, they are mounted on dowels– durable rods made of metal or wood.


3. During the shrinkage of the structure, doors and windows may jam. To avoid their deformation, they use window frames - boxes that are installed in door and window openings with special grooves. When the structure shrinks and moves, windows or doors will move along such grooves along with it. It can be of two types: U-shaped and T-shaped

4. Be sure to leave a 3-4 cm seam above each opening to compensate for movement. After the structure shrinks, it is closed with cashing.

Important! A sealant (linen fabric or jute) must be placed under the window frame. Polyurethane foam will prevent the logs from shrinking, so its use is undesirable. The grooves and ridges must be caulked after installation.

Window frame and grooves in window openings for it

5. Upper crown (mauerlat) will serve as a support for the roof. Just as in the case of the frame crown, the strongest logs without defects are selected for it.

Video: Building a bathhouse with your own hands step by step
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

For a Russian person, a bathhouse is not just a place where you can wash yourself. Her visit has become a tradition a long time ago. Here the Russian people relaxed, recovered their health and simply had a good time. Until now, the functions of the bathhouse have not changed. This place remains one of the favorites of our people. Dacha owners are trying to build this building on their site. Some people do it themselves, others hire a team of specialists.

Features of the bath

Since ancient times, so-called “purgatories” were built for noble people, in which they renewed their spirit. The design of the Russian bathhouse is the same as that of other similar buildings. Visually, it is no different, for example, from a Finnish sauna. But there are some nuances that distinguish the Russian bathhouse from all others.

The main feature of this structure is the presence of light steam in it during use, while the humidity is at the level of 60%, and the temperature reaches 50–70 degrees.

For Russians, visiting a bathhouse is a whole ritual with its own customs and traditions.

To create a temperature regime in the bathhouse, a special stove-heater is used, which maintains the heat of the stones. They are located in a small compartment behind a metal door. Wet steam enters the steam room from the oven. The door is opened only to pour water onto the stones, causing it to turn into steam. Thus, the humidity in the bathhouse is maintained at the required level.

And, of course, what Russian bathhouse is complete without a broom? It is usually made from birch or fir. Due to the fact that indoors is achieved required humidity, you can take a good steam bath with a broom. There will be no similar effect from the procedure if the air in the room is dry.

One of the most important conditions creating a real Russian bath - a good stove that must have certain qualities

It is believed that the main building material for the construction of a Russian bathhouse can only be wood. It is loved for its naturalness and environmental friendliness. True, the cost of a bathhouse will be noticeably higher than when using foam blocks or bricks for construction.

Choosing a site for construction

Choosing a place to build is a very important point. There are different types of baths based on the method of lighting: “white” and “black”. The latter are currently erected very rarely. The first ones are built near the house. Sometimes a white bathhouse is made as an extension to a home, and it is necessary to obtain special permission from the fire service.

Previously, the bathhouse was built on the banks of rivers and lakes, so that after all the procedures one could plunge into cool water. But today it is difficult to do this. A way out of this situation can be the construction of a small personal pond near a bathhouse or swimming pool.

Experts advise building a bathhouse at the highest point of the site. So precipitation will not be a problem for you.


The bathhouse design is one of the most important elements of the preparatory work.

It must indicate the number of rooms in the building where communications and other similar information will be located. Most often, a steam room, a room for washing, relaxation and a corridor are built in a bathhouse. If the budget is limited, then sometimes the owners combine a steam room with a washing room, and a dressing room with a corridor. But this is not very convenient, because not everyone wants to wash in a heated room.

Designing a bathhouse is an important stage of preparatory work

The size of the bathhouse is planned depending on how many people will visit it at the same time. If it is for one person, then you can make it small. But if you host a lot of people and love bath treatments, then you shouldn’t skimp on space. But remember that heating a large steam room to the required temperature is not easy. Usually it is made for 2 people. For this, 4 m2 is enough.

At the design stage, think about the furniture that you will place in the rest room. Make this room as comfortable as possible so that you can fully relax in it.

A well-thought-out and drawn up project will become an indispensable assistant during construction work.

The corridor is necessary so that cold air from the street in winter does not immediately enter the premises where you will be half-naked.

Stages of bathhouse construction

Conventionally, they can be divided into several:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls and floors.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Ceiling arrangement.
  5. Laying thermal insulation.
  6. Clean finish.

Construction of the foundation

Most often, a columnar or strip foundation. The latter option is more reliable, but its construction requires much more materials, and therefore the financial costs of its construction will increase.

Perform construction in the following sequence:

  1. Clear the area where the bathhouse will be built. Remove debris and vegetation. You can remove the top layer of soil (200–300 mm) completely.
  2. Make markings using pegs and rope.

    The evenness of the foundation depends on correctly executed markings

  3. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future bathhouse. The depth of the foundation is selected based on the quality of the soil and the mass of the structure.

    Most often, a strip foundation is erected for the construction of a bathhouse.

  4. Place a sand and crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the trench. Its ideal thickness is 250–300 mm.
  5. Now build the formwork. It can be made from moisture-resistant plywood or long boards 5 cm thick.
    The foundation should be 200–300 mm larger than the thickness of the walls of the future building. It should be made 400–500 mm above the ground level.

    Edged boards can be used for formwork

  6. Construct a reinforcement frame from rods with a diameter of 1.2–1.5 cm. Fasten them to each other with metal rods with a cross-section of 6 mm. First, the construction of a vertical frame is carried out. Place it in corners and in places where the walls of the bathhouse intersect. Also, vertical rods must be placed under door and window openings. They should rise 300–350 mm above the base. After installing the vertical frame, proceed to the horizontal one using reinforcement of the same diameter.
  7. When the metal skeleton is ready, fill it in several stages cement mortar. The first layer is 300–500 mm. It should be the most liquid in consistency. Using a special vibrator or metal pin, compact the concrete layer by piercing it in several places so that the air remaining inside comes out. Thus, the quality and strength of the foundation is improved. Then pour the next layer of concrete. Repeat the procedure until the base is completely filled.

    The foundation must be poured along the entire length of the formwork at the same time

  8. Cover freshly poured concrete with polyethylene to prevent precipitation from getting there. The base will completely harden in about a month. After this period, the formwork can be removed. Experts recommend giving the foundation another 2 weeks to settle so that it becomes stronger.
  9. The last stage is waterproofing the foundation.

    Insulation and waterproofing of the base will make your bathhouse even better quality

Now you need to give the structure time to shrink.

Thermal insulation should not be neglected either. This process is optional, but recommended. In this way, you can increase the thermophysical qualities of the bath. Foam glass or polystyrene foam is suitable for this.

Walls and floor

It is best to use wood to build a bath structure. Its obvious advantages are good preservation warmth and creating a cozy atmosphere. You can also use timber to build a bathhouse.

Timber is one of the most common materials in construction

A building made from it shrinks less, and the material is easy to work with.

Incredible beautiful baths made from logs

You can use logs. To build walls from them:

  1. Select material with the same diameter.
  2. Then trim the logs.
  3. Lay the larger diameter elements first. Connect them together using spikes, which must be deepened inward by 270–300 mm. No matter what is used for construction, it is recommended to treat the crowns of the structure with an antiseptic.

To ensure that the walls of the bathhouse are as airtight as possible, the gaps between wooden elements it is necessary to caulk with felt, hemp or moss.

This must be done at least twice. The first time is immediately after the walls are built. The second - after complete shrinkage of the structure. Punch all seams with wooden slats.

Use clay, concrete or wood to construct the floor.

Clay does not allow water to pass through. Liquid can stagnate in its cracks, resulting in an unpleasant aroma. Wooden floors absorb moisture, causing them to rot and collapse. Concrete covered with tiles is the most reliable option. For comfort, cork mats or a wooden frame are laid on it.

The best floor for a bath is concrete

To build the floor:

  1. First, arrange a sand cushion, the layer of which should be 100 mm. It must be thoroughly compacted.

    The sand cushion must be compacted well

  2. Then lay the crushed stone. Level it out.

    Layers of sand and gravel should be the same

  3. After this, lay down waterproofing material (roofing felt). It should overlap the walls of the bathhouse. AND final stage- cement strainer.

    You can use roofing felt to waterproof the floor.

There is no need to create a ventilation system in the steam room, since there must be wet steam in a Russian bath.

Roof arrangement

Even at the design stage, consider whether you will have an attic.

The roof of the bathhouse can be constructed in several ways

This roof is more attractive. Usually they are equipped with bathhouses, which are used year-round. If it is visited only in the summer, then there is no need to arrange the attic.

The roof consists of rafters, purlins, frame and waterproofing material. For construction you need:


The ceiling in a Russian bath can be panel, floor or hemmed. In the latter option, for arrangement you need:

For small baths that do not have an attic, they usually build floor option ceilings For its construction:

  1. The boards are laid in increments of 2.5 m. Steam and heat insulating materials are laid on them.
  2. Then they are covered with boards.

This ceiling option is not very durable. If you build it for large sauna with an attic, it can easily fall through.

Panel ceilings are difficult to construct independently. The advantage of this option is that you can use leftover building materials to make it. That is why this ceiling is the cheapest. It is usually made from shields. To make them, load-bearing bars are made, to which they are attached interior lining, vapor barrier, thermal insulation, waterproofing and external drain. To prevent heat loss, a sealant is placed between the panels when laying the panels. This can be felt or plastic film.

Work on thermal insulation and waterproofing of walls

Thermal insulation is necessary to maintain high levels of temperature and humidity.

In order to retain heat for as long as possible, thermal and waterproofing must be done at a high level

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foam glass.

The most important quality for thermal insulation material, which will be installed indoors, is that it must withstand high temperatures and be fireproof. Basalt-based mineral wool is ideal for this. It can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees.

Mineral wool is ideal for saunas

Polyethylene film or roofing felt is usually used as a waterproofing material for a bathhouse. It is attached to the walls under thermal insulation. A vapor barrier, such as glassine, is placed on it. Materials must be laid with an overlap of at least 100 mm.

After this, you need to build a wooden frame from bars, which are pre-treated with an antiseptic agent against rot. They are fastened in increments of 10–20 mm smaller than the width of the thermal insulation material.

After the insulation is laid, you need to make another layer of vapor barrier. Use aluminum foil for this, which reflects heat and protects all roofing materials from moisture. The foil is spread in a continuous layer and fixed with construction tape.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling is very important, because heat, according to the laws of physics, rises upward. And in order not to lose it, you don’t need to neglect this process.

Finishing work and room decoration

The last stage can be considered the finishing of the walls and ceiling. It is recommended to begin all work related to cladding only after the structure has completed its final shrinkage. There are many options finishing materials. Different decorative elements will perfectly complement the interior of the bathhouse. Personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owner play a key role in this matter. The most common finishing option is lining.

The interior arrangement of the bathhouse is left to the taste of the owner

Decorative tiles that line the stove, carved elements, unusual wooden shelves, interesting buckets, etc. All this will help you create an original and unique interior.

To finish the bath, you can use wooden lining

Video: construction of a Russian bathhouse

Building a sauna on your own is difficult, but possible. If you approach the theoretical part of design responsibly and correctly use the acquired knowledge in practice, construction will seem like an exciting process. In addition, you can always tell your friends that this bathhouse was built with your own hands.

When designing baths, you should take into account many factors - from location to area. Financial opportunities also play a significant role; if the bathhouse is planned primarily as a place for family recreation, then it is not necessary to build a palace.

For full functioning, 2-3 rooms are enough - a dressing room, a steam room and a washing room. The last two rooms are sometimes combined into one to save space.

Layout of a small bathhouse

In an effort to reduce the space occupied by a bathhouse, you should not be too zealous - there are certain standards. So, two people should fit freely in the steam room, taking into account the fact that they use brooms. If it is very crowded, then you will hardly be able to enjoy going to the bathhouse.

Features of the layout of a bathhouse with a small area

Small log sauna

Layout small bathhouse begins with the choice of material for its construction - it can be a log, timber, brick or foam blocks. Wooden structure the most preferable, since it allows you to breathe easily and freely, and naturally maintains a balance between humidity and high air temperature.

What you should especially pay attention to:

  • Foundation - the weight of the structure does not require the construction of a powerful foundation; the best option is a strip or support-pile foundation. There will be no need to carry out significant excavation work for them;
  • The convenient arrangement of the rooms inside will facilitate both the process of visiting the bathhouse and the preparation for it;
  • It is advisable to install the stove in the dressing room so that it can be lit without interfering with others going into the steam room or washing room. The firebox must be protected from the possibility of accidental fire;
  • An important point is ventilation. It is carried out through windows and doors. It is better to give preference to wooden ones window structures- it's environmentally friendly pure material emitting a pleasant aroma. In addition, it is a source of natural air exchange;
  • Small baths are built according to the same rules as their large-scale counterparts - the shelves are located along a blank wall, door threshold high and the box is low. This is important so that less steam comes out when opening;
  • There should be no locks, and all doors in the bathhouse open outward.

The useful area of ​​the bathhouse cannot be less than 10 square meters. meters, otherwise it will be impossible to steam in it and wash comfortably.

Convenient bath layout for two people

Bathhouse project of 3 rooms

It is not always possible to build a spacious bathhouse and you have to be content with modest dimensions. But even if it is not possible for two people to be in the steam room at the same time, then the presence of a separate washing room will allow the structure to be used for its intended purpose.

Competent design internal space makes it functional:

  • Dressing room - area will be 2.7 square meters. meters. It can be used both as a locker room and as a rest room. But its main purpose is to prevent the penetration of cold air;
  • The plan of a small bathhouse necessarily includes a washing area - an area of ​​1.7 square meters. meters. There are two options - install a shower stall or equip a simple shower. The second is to place stools and basins, and pour water into them from a tank located behind the stove. With such a volume, you can fit everything you need in it. It will be heated by a stove chimney;
  • And the most important room is the steam room. Its area is 1.14 square meters. meters. The heater is placed in the corner, so it will give off some of the heat to the washing area. It will not be possible to place a lounger, so you will have to steam on a stool or bench.

Note! If a residential building does not have a bath or shower, then a small bathhouse is an excellent solution. She will combine business with pleasure.

Project of a small bathhouse of two rooms

Small frame bathhouse made of timber

If you don’t want to huddle in tiny rooms, then combining a steam room and a washing room can get a good result. The external size of the bathhouse can be 3.6 * 2 meters - this is quite enough.

How to build a small sauna with your own hands plot of land, this is only possible with a carefully thought-out design:

  • Dressing room with a total area of ​​2.4 sq. meters - here you can already turn around. The dimensions allow you to place a tiny table where you can enjoy drinking tea. The role of the locker room remains;
  • The steam room and washing room are combined to create a room of 3 square meters. meters. The shower will have to be sacrificed, but now there will be a full-fledged sun lounger and a bench for washing. Basins with water are placed on it. Excess moisture There is no need for a shower, it will make the air heavier and make breathing difficult.

To ensure that the benefits of bathing procedures in this project are not reduced, the following instructions must be followed:

  • Install a more powerful stove that can heat two rooms at once;
  • Do not spray water around the steam room - this will increase the humidity;
  • Bathing procedures begin in the steam room, and only then begin washing.

Photo of a small bathhouse on the lake shore

In both layout options, the door should open outward, and the building itself should be installed no less than 5-10 meters from capital house. These are mandatory fire safety requirements. Ceilings in the bathhouse should not be made more than 2.2 meters, and door frame more than 1.5 meters. Otherwise, it will not retain heat.

The stove can be any - electric, wood or gas. But the latter is not very desirable. Electric is easy to install and makes it easier to control the temperature level.

But the best one is wood-burning. It creates a unique spirit and aroma of the bathhouse.

Price wood stove not that high

A bathhouse is the dream of almost every owner of a suburban area. But the size of the plot does not always allow for the construction of a large and spacious structure, and then you have to be content with the small. But this does not make the bathhouse any less functional.

At the right approach to planning, it turns out to be useful and convenient. The video in this article will tell you in more detail about small bathhouses and their advantages.

Small bathhouse: how to build it yourself, layout, video instructions, plan, photo and price

How to build a 3x3 sauna with your own hands

The primary task facing every owner of a country plot is the construction of a small bathhouse located not far from country house. Our article will talk about how to build a 3x3 sauna with your own hands, which would fit perfectly into the space of a small household plot.

The starting material used for the construction of such a structure is most often traditional wood beams. For those wishing to deviate from established traditions, such common building materials as brick, silicate and foam blocks or natural (artificial) stone can be offered.

Structural features

The bathhouse, measuring 3x3 m, is a small one-story building that can accommodate 2-3 people at a time. His effective area usually does not exceed 8‒8.5 m² and is distributed as follows:

Note that the dressing room in such a bathhouse is also used as a relaxation room. Despite the limited size of the room, it is usually possible to fit a small table and 2-3 benches. The table can be made folding, which allows you to free up as much space in the dressing room as possible while lighting the stove and cleaning the room.

When choosing the design of a bathhouse building, one should not exclude from consideration the option of a small-sized structure that is simply attached to the main residential building.

What to build a bathhouse from?

The simplest and cheapest way to make a wooden bathhouse from timber is to use a standard frame structure installed on a lightweight strip foundation.

A bathhouse made from traditional “round timber” also looks good, which is well-sanded logs selected according to the appropriate diameter. Forest moss is usually used as insulation in these structures, laid between the individual crowns.

In addition to timber and round timber, profiled or laminated timber can be used to construct a bathhouse. In any case, the material you choose must be well dried (that is, subjected to a shrinkage procedure in advance). Thanks to this, you will be able to start using the sauna building immediately after finishing it.

Note! When erecting a structure made of brick or stone, the strip foundation for a bathhouse must be designed for a heavy load.

Work order

The construction of a bathhouse from the material you have chosen is usually carried out in the following order:

Foundation preparation

Basically, the type of foundation is not a whim of the customer, but is selected based on many factors. Often, for the construction of a bathhouse, a pile or columnar foundation. In some cases it may be necessary to manufacture slab foundation. We will consider only one type of foundation, which is more universal and applicable in most cases.

The strip foundation for a log house made of three-meter timber is made shallow, which is also acceptable when using rounded logs. The procedure for its preparation is as follows:

  1. First, a square of appropriate dimensions is marked, after which trenches 10–15 cm wide are dug to a depth exceeding the soil freezing mark.
  2. The bottom of the dug trench is covered with a layer of sand about 15 cm thick, which is then spilled with water and thoroughly compacted. After compaction is completed, the bottom of the trench is filled with crushed stone, after which it will be possible to proceed to the preparation of formwork, assembled from ordinary unedged boards.
  3. Imported or self-made formwork is poured into the finished formwork concrete mixture, which should include moisture-resistant cement.
  4. The foundation is waterproofed using suitable rolled material (roofing felt, for example).


When assembling a box from 100×100 beams for lower crowns It is advisable to use larch or aspen blanks that have a larger cross-section (150×150 cm, for example). The base frame is attached to the foundation using special plates, the counterpart of which is fixed to the lower beam of the frame.

The construction of the foundation is carried out by one of known methods, which involves the use of the method of joining beams (logs). Given the relative lightness of three-meter beams, the assembly of the frame is most often done manually and without assistants.

For reliable connection between the crowns (without gaps), pre-prepared wooden dowels and a special jute seal are used.

Manufacturing of roof, ceiling and floor

When arranging a roof for a 3x3 meter bathhouse, preference is usually given to one of the simplest structures: single-pitch or gable. The optimal angle of inclination of the roof is selected taking into account the brand of material used as a roofing covering (inexpensive roofing felt or slate are most often used for these purposes). You can see a sample of roofing arrangement in the photo located at the end of the article.

At the next stage of work, the ceiling is installed, made in the form of flooring, laid directly on the walls of the building. Flooring is fixed on special logs placed directly on the foundation.

Interior decoration of the building

Before finishing the bathhouse, the walls and ceiling of the building are reliably insulated; wherein Special attention is given steam room. To finish it, it is advisable to use natural views insulation material(mineral wool, for example) followed by applying a layer of foil on it. Note that the foil in in this case used as a reflector capable of retaining heat inside the steam room.

After installation of the insulation and foil is completed, the walls and ceiling of the room are sheathed with clapboard made from special types of wood (linden or aspen).

As for the dressing room, it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials to decorate it; the walls of this room can simply be impregnated with special waterproof varnishes that perfectly highlight the texture of the wood.

How to build a 3x3 sauna with your own hands - building a small sauna

Learn how to build a 3x3 sauna with your own hands. The article describes how and from what materials to build such a small bathhouse.

Do-it-yourself small sauna

A small do-it-yourself sauna is a great option when the area near the house or in the yard of the dacha is limited. In addition, with this solution you can significantly save your budget, but as a result you will get a full-fledged vacation spot, which will not only relieve stress after a hard day, but improve your health and have a pleasant time with family and friends.

Examples of projects

IN ideal The bathhouse includes 4 rooms in its design:

You can expand the functionality of some rooms by combining them with each other. At the same time, the comfort of your stay is not lost. The overall size of the building will largely depend on how many people will be inside at the same time.

  • 1.20 mx2.50 m. Very compact solution. In this case, the bathhouse consists of only two rooms: a steam room and a dressing room. The dimensions of the first are 1.20 m×1.50 m, the second - 1 m×1.20 m. There is no rest room, but in the dressing room you can easily change clothes. The washing room can be combined with a steam room. This size will be enough for one person.
  • 2.50 m×2.50 m. In terms of the number of rooms - the same as the first option. The size of the steam room is 2.50 m×1.50 m, the dressing room is 1 m×2.50 m. At the same time, it will be possible to organize additional space for storing firewood. In such conditions, two people can comfortably fit.
  • 3 m×3 m. This option can be planned in different ways. If you want the steam room to accommodate three people, then it can be made 3 m x 1.50 m in size; the washing room can be made separate by placing a shower stall there. The size of this room will be 1 m × 1.50 m. There is also a dressing room of 2 m × 1.5 m. You can combine a washing room and a steam room, then there will be space that can be used as a relaxation room, which will also serve as a dressing room.
  • 4 m×3 m. In this case, you can separate 4 m2 for the steam room (for example, 2 m × 2 m). The washing room will occupy 1 m × 1.50 m, leaving 2 m × 3 m for the rest room. In such conditions, four people can comfortably fit. They will be able to be in the steam room at the same time, and also enjoy communication in the waiting room.
  • 4 m×4 m. In such an area you can already turn around well. The steam room can be left measuring 2 m × 2 m. A separate dressing room can be made measuring 2 m × 1.50 m. The rest room in this case is 4 m × 2 m (one side will be 2.50 m). The washing room can be combined with a rest room; for this, an electric boiler and a shower stall are installed. They can be placed in one of the corners of the room, which does not take up much space.

These are indicative examples. You can easily vary the size of the premises within accessible limits. You may want to reduce the steam room because... there is no need for 4 people to be there at the same time. At the same time, it will be possible to expand the space of the rest room.

Choosing material

Various materials can be used to build walls. Much will depend on the project you choose, as well as the amount of money planned. For example, you can use ordinary brick. You can read how to build a brick sauna here. The following points will be positive:

  • availability;
  • ease of delivery;
  • relative ease of construction;
  • long service life (with proper care– up to 150 years);
  • ease of maintenance;
  • possibility of combination with the main structure;
  • when using new brick there is no need for cladding;
  • freedom to choose the form of construction.

TO negative aspects can be attributed:

  • high cost of material;
  • the need for good ventilation, because brick has poor vapor conductivity;
  • lighting such a bathhouse takes more time than building made of wood;
  • high costs for interior decoration.

Along with brick, foam block is often used. This is a more progressive material; it has properties characteristic only of it:

  • light weight with large size;
  • high laying speed;
  • ease of adjustment of block shapes;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • If you follow the recommendations, there will be little glue consumption.

There is also a fly in the ointment:

  • uneven pores can be a problem when hanging furniture;
  • Shrinkage may occur over several months;
  • poor bending resistance.

The most favorite manufacturing method is a rounded log. A lot can be said about its advantages, here are just a few:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • low heat capacity;
  • no need for interior and exterior finishing;
  • pleasant internal atmosphere.

The negative side is:

  • unprofitable to use in small buildings;
  • some complexity of construction;
  • high cost of material;
  • long shrinkage time.

One of the cheapest and fastest options is the construction of a frame structure. Minimal construction skills will be required for this method. The advantages are:

  • no need for a massive foundation;
  • availability of materials;
  • relatively low cost compared to other options;
  • ease of care;
  • very fast heating of the steam room with good insulation;
  • ease of laying communications;
  • seismic resistance;
  • no shrinkage.

One of the disadvantages is the need to organize good sound insulation. High level boominess – transmission of various vibrations, which can cause inconvenience. It is also important to ensure good ventilation so that moisture does not accumulate inside, which will lead to the development of fungus and mold.

Strip foundation

In the case where a really small bathhouse is planned, there is no point in sinking the foundation to the level of soil freezing. This will only increase the overall cost of the project. With proper manufacturing and waterproofing, you won’t have to worry about the walls being cold. This type of foundation will be relevant for any of the listed building options.

  • The first thing that needs to be done is to clearly define the territory that will be allocated for construction.
  • Next, debris is removed. In addition, you will need to remove the top layer of soil with grass to make it easier for you to carry out further tasks.
  • Using pegs, the boundaries of the future building are marked.
  • Special holders are made to make it easier to navigate with excavation. To do this, two pieces of board 50x50 cm (or whatever is at hand) are sharpened on one side and connected using a transverse crossbar from a board 10 cm wide, its length should be about 70 cm. You will need 8 such structures. They are installed two at each corner of the house. Between them two fishing lines are stretched to the width of the future foundation. Be sure to check that all angles correspond to 90°. This way you get clearly defined lines that will be difficult to move even if you hit them.

At the stage of laying the foundation, provision is made for the supply of necessary communications. This could be a water supply and sewer drain for washing water.

Pile foundation

There are several ways to build a foundation. Piles can be bored or driven. In the first case, a well is drilled, formwork is made, reinforcement rods are lowered and the entire space is filled with concrete. In the second option, ready-made concrete, wooden or metal posts with a pointed end are driven in immediately. Most suitable options for a small bath there will be screw ones. They consist of a metal base in the form of a pipe and blades that help immerse the supports into the ground. You can purchase them or make them yourself. If you chose the second option, then you need to act like this:

  • The first step is to find out to what depth the soil freezes. To do this, you can contact the appropriate service.
  • Pipe blanks with a diameter of 110 mm are purchased. The thickness of its wall should be more than 3 mm. The total length should be such that it can be sunk below the freezing level by 50 cm and at the same time so that it is 30-40 cm above the ground surface. Additionally, you can buy blanks for screws. It is also necessary to make a square cap on the pile. It should be 25x25 cm in size and 5-6 mm thick.

In each of the described options, separate supporting elements for the stove should also be provided, especially if you plan to use a heater. This is very important, because its weight can be large, which can lead to damage to the floor and joists.

Construction of brick walls

For a bathhouse, it is better to use red brick, which has undergone heat treatment and has a lower thermal capacity. To calculate the amount of material needed, you need to calculate the area of ​​each wall. To do this, the width is multiplied by the length. Then you need to divide this number by the area of ​​one brick. The area of ​​the masonry joints can be neglected, because you will still need to make a reserve in case of battle or marriage.

The wall can be erected using several methods:

  • in two bricks with external insulation.
  • with air gaps, they are about 6 cm;
  • with a layer of insulation between two rows of bricks.

Work begins with the construction of corners. This is an important process because... It is they who will subsequently ensure the correctness of the entire structure. To maintain the vertical level of future walls, two are dug into the corners. metal profiles 5x5 cm and a length equal to the height of the future walls. They are leveled and secured with jibs. A fishing line is stretched between them to the height of one row. After it is laid, the line is rearranged to the height of the next one. The thickness of the seam should be about 20-25 mm. It should be applied at a distance of no more than a meter so that it does not have time to dry. Additionally, the plane is checked using a bubble level. If the second and third types of masonry are chosen, then it is necessary to ensure a bandage between the two walls. This is achieved by laying two bricks transversely opposite each other at certain intervals. Also, each row should be offset by half a brick to ensure the overall interweaving of the entire plane.

Above the windows or doorways a jumper must be installed. Usually it is reinforced concrete. You can purchase it ready-made or pour it directly on site. It should extend beyond the openings by at least 25 cm. Supports are installed and a wooden board is mounted on them. Two rows of bricks are laid out on edge. Between them there are reinforcement rods, which should also extend 25 cm beyond the opening, and it is better to bend them to intertwine them with the existing masonry. Concrete is poured inside. After complete hardening (usually 10-12 days), the lower supports can be dismantled and the logs removed.

Walls made of foam blocks

The general installation principle will be the same as in the previous case. You should also start with the corners, which must be accurately and clearly set.

In the same way, guides are made from profiled pipes. But there are some nuances:

  • In order to achieve the best adhesion, the base row is laid on cement mortar. It is better to make the ratio with sand 1:3. It is very important to maintain a horizontal plane so that all other rows also lie correctly.
  • All other rows are fixed with special glue.
  • The thickness of the adhesive layer should not exceed 5 mm. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve ideal thermal insulation.
  • Every 3 rows, a metal mesh is placed in the seam, which serves to provide additional rigidity.
  • Foam blocks are placed on the edge.
  • Lintels over doors and windows are made in the same way as in the case of brickwork.

Log walls

This is exactly the option that comes to mind when it comes to a bathhouse. To make it, you will need to stock up on rounded or profiled logs. It is better to make from this material external wall. Because The structure is small, it is good if the partitions are framed.

After the construction of the walls is completed, primary caulking is performed. During which the hanging insulation is simply driven into the joints. Complete shrinkage of the building can last more than 1.5 years.

Frame walls

After the foundation is erected, an additional foundation is made for such a structure. It is carried out according to the example of the grillage discussed above. For the corner posts we will need exactly the same timber as for the base. In addition, you will need to stock up edged board a length equal to the height of the future walls, a width equal to the width of the grillage and a thickness of 5–10 cm.

  • At the base, it is imperative to check the diagonals so that they are the same. It is attached to the concrete foundation using anchor bolts. It is advisable to recess the head. For this purpose, a countersunk groove is made in advance. Waterproofing made of bicrost or roofing felt is laid under the grillage on a concrete foundation.

Erection of the roof

For small buildings the ideal solution would be pitched roof. It is necessary to plan its production at the design stage. It is very important to be able to raise one wall higher than the other. When this is done, in the case of a wall made of brick and foam block, waterproofing made of bicrost or roofing material is laid on the upper end. Additional beams are mounted on it, which will serve as a Mauerlat. They are attached to the base using anchor bolts or walled-in studs. Beams are laid on top onto which the sheathing will be placed. They can be secured to the Mauerlat using metal corners.

In another option, the walls are made the same. They are placed on the Mauerlat ceiling beams. On one side, vertical boards are installed that will form a pediment, from which the rafters are lowered onto the other wall. At the point where they adjoin the Mauerlat, they are cut to the required angle. They are secured with metal corners. To make it easier to maintain the roof in one plane, the two outermost elements are installed first. A string is stretched between them, which will serve as a level.

The ceiling must be insulated. A vapor barrier is attached to the top of the ceiling crossbars. Thick foil can play this role. Insulation in the form of mineral wool is placed in the space between the beams. Additionally, it is covered with plastic film. On the inside, hemming is done using wooden lining or sanded edged board.

Finish line

An integral part of every sauna is the stove. You can make it yourself from sheet material or metal pipe large diameter. In another version, it is laid out of brick, but in this case it can take up a large space. For small spaces, it is better to use electric options that are purchased ready-made.

A shelf is installed inside the steam room. It is better not to use coniferous wood for it, because... When heated, it may release resin, causing burns. Good material for it would be aspen, larch, linden or oak. If the space is small, a width of 40 cm will be sufficient; it is more convenient when there is a footrest. The fastening material must be flush so as not to burn the skin (it must also be made of stainless material). It is better if the entire structure is assembled on dowels.

For wiring, you must use a double braided cable. It is better if it is non-flammable (usually the marking has the prefix “ng”). Be sure to lay the conductor in the corrugation. There are no switches installed in the steam room itself. The lamps used are waterproof with an index of IP68.

Make sure there is good ventilation. To do this, you can install an adjustable supply valve, as well as anemostats with output to the gable through the roof. This will be enough to ensure that all moisture is removed after taking a steam bath.

As you can see, there are no restrictions on what you can build a small bathhouse from. Choose the option that suits you best.

Small sauna with your own hands - how to build

This article tells you how to build a small sauna. Find out more about preferred materials, sizes and other options.

What and how to build a simple bathhouse in the country?

Washing in a country bathhouse is a pleasure available to everyone. Its construction does not require large financial investments. In a minimal plan, such a structure is erected in a few days.

In this article we will look at the topic of how to build the simplest bathhouse in your country house quickly and inexpensively.

Let's start by studying ready-made options, we will discuss the designs of walls, floors, stoves and sewers that are popular among craftsmen.

Design Features

The main conditions for the comfort of any bath are:

  • Walls, floor and ceiling well protected from heat loss.
  • Reliable insulation of structures from water and steam.
  • Compact, quick heating oven.
  • Effective sewerage and ventilation.

Examples of country baths

In photo No. 1 we see a simple bathhouse, reminiscent of Diogenes’ barrel. You can only take a steam bath in it. You won't be able to wash yourself here because there is no sewage system in the building. However, if desired, it is not difficult to do. To do this, you need to install a standard shower tray in the corner of the bath and remove drain pipe to the septic tank.

An important advantage of this design is its low weight, allowing it to be placed on a plank terrace.

The device itself the simplest bath from the container category is shown in photo No. 2.

It consists of one steam room. For washing, the owner needs to attach a canopy with summer shower or supplement the room with sewerage, and the stove with a tank for heating water.

Improvising on the theme of a barrel-shaped bath, let's turn our attention to cellular polycarbonate. It can be quickly and easily assembled original design. In order for it to retain heat well, you will need two large sheets of this material and a frame made of metal or wooden blocks. A mineral wool insulation 10 cm thick is laid between them.

The ends of the building can be made from boards, stuffed onto an insulated wooden frame. Place such a bathhouse anywhere: at your dacha, on a polar ice floe or on the top of Everest and you will always be comfortable in its steam room (photo No. 5).

A small Russian bathhouse, made from scraps of timber, can be installed on oak posts. We see an example of such a structure in photograph No. 6.

Larger structures require own foundation. There are three possible options here:

  1. Rubble concrete tape.
  2. Brick columns.
  3. Piles made of asbestos cement pipes.

Do not forget that the type of foundation affects the choice of material and wall design. Pile and columnar foundations are used for installation wooden frame, as well as for baths made of timber or logs (photos No. 7 and No. 8).

The “tape” of rubble concrete is suitable for any walls (made of gas silicate blocks, logs and frames).

A cheap, reliable and simple version of a bathhouse is obtained using a technology called “clay mortar”. For such a structure you will need little: a truck of firewood, a cart of straw and a dump truck of clay (photo No. 10).

The best shape for a wood burning structure is round. It eliminates the need to reinforce masonry corners and looks aesthetically pleasing and original.

By borrowing from birds the technology of building nests from branches and clay, you can build such a simple and warm bathhouse (photo No. 11).

Recommendations for choosing finishing, insulation, sewerage installation, flooring, roofing and stove

For exterior finishing For a frame bath, we can recommend the following materials:

  • Wooden blockhouse.
  • Metal tiles or corrugated sheets.
  • Plastic siding.
  • Cement particle board (CSB).
  • OSB board.
  • Flat slate.

It is best to use ecowool as insulation. It does not accumulate moisture, does not rot and does not burn. If ecowool is not available in your region, then you can buy ordinary mineral insulation in the form of a semi-rigid slab. It is easily and simply placed in the spaces between the frame posts.

To protect mineral wool from water vapor and reduce heat loss, the walls are lined with sheets of foil polyethylene. After this, a frame of slats is attached to them and trimmed with wood: alder, linden or pine clapboard (photo No. 13).

We do not recommend installing OSB board indoors. This material releases toxic gases when exposed to high temperatures.

Options for steam and thermal insulation of walls of a frame structure, as well as a bathhouse built from blocks or logs, are presented in Figure No. 1.

Building a simple bathhouse with your own hands includes sewerage. It can be made from standard plastic pipes laid out in cesspool or drainage well.

The water intake funnel is placed in the center or in the corner of the room, and the floor is made in the form of expanded clay concrete screed with a slope towards the drain. Before concreting, you need to compact the soil and cover it with several layers of waterproofing. Wooden flooring is an excellent option, but in a bathhouse it quickly rots and requires replacement. Instead, we recommend making gratings from wooden slats and lay them on a concrete screed. After washing, they can be removed, taken outside and dried.

The design of the bath ceiling is standard. First they “shoot” at the rafters vapor barrier film and fill the counter-battens (3x4 cm). A clapboard cladding is attached to them. The gaps between the rafters are filled with insulation and covered with under-roofing film. It protects it from weathering and atmospheric moisture (Fig. No. 2).

A counter-lattice is placed on the film, creating a ventilated gap between the roof and the insulation. The work on installing the ceiling and roof is completed by installing the main sheathing and laying the roofing material (slate or metal tiles).

The main “detail” is any country bathhouse- bake. It should provide rapid heating of the air and maintain a high temperature. A metal stove heats up the fastest.

To accumulate heat and create steam, it must be equipped with a compartment for stones. Options for stoves for simple baths A lot has been created, so we will not dwell on them in detail. Let's just say that the easiest way to make a heat generator is from a large-diameter steel pipe, an old gas cylinder or barrel (photo No. 15). Another easy-to-use material is steel sheet 3-5 mm thick (photo No. 16).

Mastering the simplest techniques welding work, you can assemble such a structure without outside help.

A simple do-it-yourself bathhouse - options and construction features

Options for simple baths from various materials, photos of examples and their descriptions. Recommendations for building a simple bathhouse at the dacha with your own hands.

Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been a place where you can relax and unwind. These ancient buildings surpass even outdoor recreation in popularity.

How to build a bathhouse yourself?

Building a bathhouse with your own hands is a difficult task and its implementation will require a certain amount of knowledge, which you will soon learn about.

To build a bathhouse with your own hands, you will need to familiarize yourself with the action plan:

  • Design a bathhouse;
  • Understand the stages of construction;
  • Get building materials;
  • Connect communications;
  • Arrange the bathhouse from the inside.

After familiarizing yourself with the stages of construction, you need to decide on the place where the bathhouse will be located, since a lot also depends on the location.

The best option would be if:

  • the bathhouse will be located on a hill, this will significantly simplify the installation of a water drain;
  • there will be a river or pond next to the bathhouse;
  • The window in the bathhouse will be located opposite the house, which will allow you to observe its firebox.

For garden house the distance will be no more than 3 meters, and for buildings such as a bathhouse this distance should not exceed 1 meter.

It is best to order the design and drawings of the bathhouse from local designers; this will cost about 5,000 rubles. You can also search for ready-made sketches and photos of bathhouses on the Internet that best suit your preferences.

Bathhouse made of brick, stone or blocks

As materials for a brick bath, you can use brick, stone or blocks directly.

To build a bathhouse, you need to dig a pit and fill it with 20 cm of sand, then fill it with water to compact it.

The second step is to lay crushed stone on top of 10 cm thick sand, which then needs to be covered with sand again.

The last step will be to install a system for drainage and drainage of the building.

Bathhouse made of timber

The first layer for the base of the bathhouse will be a 20 cm layer of sand, crushed stone is applied as the second layer, and concrete pouring laid in a third layer. The key stage will be the reinforcement of the building.

Metal rods need to be inserted into the layers for more robust construction and for additional stability in the middle you need to lay metal plates which are tied with wire.


The next stage of work is the blind area, which is needed to ensure that the foundation of the bathhouse is not washed out with water.

It is best to make a blind area from clay, it is much stronger than concrete, and also does not form cold seams in the process. A layer of crushed stone must be poured on top of the blind area.

Next, you need to install a drain in the bath. First you need to dig a hole and bring its trench to the edge of the foundation of the building, cover the walls of the hole wooden planks with reinforced wire, and then fill everything with concrete.

Frame bath

The foundation for such a bath structure is made using simplified technology, which is the advantage of a frame bath. It is necessary to make a foundation of asbestos-cement pillars, which, after installation, are filled with concrete mixture.

The next step will be marking the walls. Then you need to start connecting the boards using nails. The upper and lower trim is assembled from the boards. The walls for such a bath are made in a lattice structure.


The materials that are needed for the walls are bars, insulation, and materials for outside, for example OSB boards or block house, and inside you can use lining.

Materials for insulation and vapor barrier

It is worth insulating a bathhouse from the outside only if there is heating in the building.

For a wooden bath it is necessary to make a grate that will be inserted into the insulation. The work will require mineral wool with a layer width of 50 mm.

Bath floor

In the case of a frame bath, when all that remains is to insulate the floors, as well as install the floor boards, in addition to this, it is necessary to install logs, a subfloor, and secure the structure for steam removal, then lay the insulation and check the waterproofing.

It is best to make the floor from concrete, as this will allow the bath to dry faster and it will last much longer. Wooden panels are laid on the concrete floor; they can then be taken out to dry and you can easily go about your business.


DIY bath photo
