Apartment heating system - characteristics. Apartment heating: advantages, disadvantages and implementation options Heating using an electric boiler

Having central heating in an apartment is, of course, convenient, since the owners “don’t have a headache” in this regard. But, unfortunately, this is not always practical, since the temperature in the rooms begins to directly depend on the thermal regime established in the common boiler room. In addition, such a system is not insured against emergency situations that may occur at any site her length, as a result of which the entire house is often turned off from heating. Many difficulties also arise during the “off-season” periods, when cold snaps that arrive early are ahead of the planned Start heating season, or, conversely, the batteries are heated when the weather outside is too warm.

Despite violations of temperature conditions and temporary shutdowns of the house from heating, payment for it remains unchanged, which absolutely not profitable ordinary users. Therefore in last years A trend is gaining momentum when more and more owners of apartments in high-rise buildings are resorting to installing autonomous heating systems.

Those who decide to “separate” usually have numerous questions related to various nuances this procedure. Therefore, we will consider further individual heating in an apartment building - necessary documents and installation rules for him.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous heating in an apartment

Before deciding on such a radical replacement, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of an individual heating system.

So, advantages availability of an autonomous heating system are as follows:

  • The possibility of heating the apartment in the off-season, when the central system is not yet turned on or is already turned off, in accordance with established regional standards, which are based on the ambient temperature, is very unstable and with large daily fluctuations at these times of the year.
  • The ability to maintain the required temperature in the rooms, which is much more difficult to organize with central heating, since it does not take into account the location of the apartment and the degree of its insulation. There is probably no need to explain that apartments located inside the house, and corner ones, and even exposed to the prevailing winter winds, still require a differentiated approach to heating. However, to balance consumption costs, payment for warmth is calculated equally, usually based on the area of ​​the apartment.

Therefore, having installed autonomous heating in apartments, you can and should immediately take into account the specifics of the location of the rooms, obtaining both a comfortable microclimate in any of them and considerable savings in money.

  • Autonomous heating can be easily adjusted to individual operating modes. For example, there is no point in heating “to the fullest” if all the residents are absent at the moment. It would be more logical to only maintain the required level of heating. But by the time the owners arrive, the automation will “catch up” the heat so that the rooms have the optimal temperature.

Many modern control systems are also capable of independently responding to changing weather conditions. They can also be controlled remotely using GSM or IP communication channels.

  • A reduction in operating costs will also occur due to significantly lower energy consumption, since modern gas or electric equipment is designed for optimal energy consumption - they have high efficiency rates approaching 100 percent.
  • When installing, it is quite possible to abandon the central hot water supply system, providing for your family hot water offline. This means that an apartment equipped with such a unit will not depend on summer hot water maintenance work, and there will always be hot water.

  • Another advantage can be attributed to the fact that you have to pay for central heating in summer period, since it requires constant maintenance. Having installed an autonomous heating option, payments will be made only according to the gas (or electric) meter, that is, it will be possible to directly control energy consumption and costs for heating and hot water supply, conduct analysis and find ways to further save.

However, there are also considerable difficulties when transferring an apartment to individual heating, and they can be attributed to shortcomings its arrangement:

  • All work must be carried out legally and in compliance with all requirements necessary for this process. Unauthorized reconstruction, firstly, will not eliminate utility bills for heating and hot water supply. And secondly, it also threatens with serious administrative punishment in the form of a rather large fine.
  • There will be difficulties associated with preparing documentation for disconnecting from central communications, developing a project, and obtaining permission to install equipment.
  • It will be necessary to allocate or equip a room with a proper ventilation system for installing the heating unit.
  • Installation of the system is a task of a fairly high complexity category.
  • Considerable expenses will be required, both in paperwork and in purchasing everything necessary for the installation of autonomous heating and hot water supply. And this does not even take into account installation work.
  • All responsibility for carrying out operational and preventive measures, as well as for the safety of the system, falls entirely on the owner of the apartment. It should be taken into account that all of the above-mentioned processes associated with autonomous heating will be controlled by the relevant specialized organizations, whose representatives the owner of the apartment will have to provide access to the installed equipment.

However, even taking into account all the upcoming difficulties and significant initial costs, an autonomous heating system is in all respects much more profitable than central heating and hot water supply. In practice, it will pay for itself quickly enough and will serve reliably for many years.

A package of necessary documents for “autonomization”

In order to organize autonomous heating in an apartment, you will have to do some redevelopment, and this, as you know, is quite a process labour intensive. It should be taken into account that the preparation of permitting documents can take from three to five months, and installation work can take about a week. In this regard, the preparation process must begin in advance.

Preliminary approvals and obtaining permits

So, the first step is to decide on the documents that will be required in order to begin developing the project, purchasing equipment, and then installing an autonomous system. The list of documents is approved by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Grounds for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises.”

Any reconstruction of residential premises is carried out taking into account the established requirements and in agreement with local authorities. For approval, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, which includes standard legal documents for ownership of this housing, which include the following:

  • Application-petition for housing reconstruction. The application form is standard and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of State registration of ownership of an apartment - this may be the right of inheritance or an agreement on the transfer of ownership of housing. A copy of the document certified by a notary will be required.
  • Technical passport for the apartment - a photocopy certified by a notary.
  • An apartment redevelopment project, completed in accordance with the established form.
  • A certified copy of the document indicating all the persons registered in the apartment.
  • Consent to the reconstruction of the heating system from all residents of the apartment. This document is drawn up on one sheet of paper, where all persons living in the apartment are listed, and then they put their signatures, confirming their consent.
  • Document from the security organization architectural monuments, if the house where reconstruction is planned belongs to the category of architectural monuments.

The applicant should remember that self-government bodies do not have the right to demand other documents not provided for in this article. After accepting the package of documentation for consideration, the applicant must be issued a receipt with a list of accepted documents.

Review and decision on consent or refusal must be carried out no later than in 45 days from the date of submission of documentation. The document developed by the commission must be issued to the applicant no later than 3 working days after the decision is made.

According to the norms and rules for the technical operation of housing, which are approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 170 dated 27. 09.03. , a refusal to redevelop or reconstruct a residential premises may follow if these actions worsen the living conditions of all or individual residents of the building where the applicant’s apartment is located.

However, that's not all. The list of documents indicates a redevelopment project, which must be approved by the gas and heat supply regulatory organizations, since permission must be obtained to disconnect from the central heating system and install gas equipment. And after receiving such permits, a project for redevelopment and installation of an autonomous system is drawn up, which must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare all the above documents, since they will have to be presented to all organizations that directly influence the preparation of the project. Documentation is completed in the following order:

  • The first organization you need to contact is the city or district heating networks. It is there that permission is given to disconnect the apartment’s heating circuit from the central heating system. Consent may be granted if disconnection does not cause disruption engineering equipment nearby apartments or the entire house as a whole. In principle, there cannot be any other reasons for refusal.

If an unfounded refusal is received from this organization, then this is a reason to go to the courts. It should be noted that sometimes an application for disconnection is submitted through the organization of self-government of the housing stock.

  • Then, with the received letter of agreement, you must contact the gas service of the district or city to obtain technical conditions for the installation of autonomous heating. This document must be issued within 10 days from the date of the applicant’s application.
  • After receiving the specifications, taking all the documentation for the apartment, you can go to the design or energy organization that is involved in drawing up similar projects. If the boiler was purchased before drawing up the project, and it meets all the requirements for installation in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then design organization Documentation for this should also be provided. The project will be prepared taking into account the provided technical conditions.

Most of the requirements imposed by regulatory organizations, including the gas service, are specified in the document “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, paragraph 6.2 “Apartment heat supply systems” SNiP41 - 01-2003.

To free yourself from going through all the authorities, you can entrust the preparation and approval of all necessary documents to the design organization. In some regions of Russia, this function is taken over by the gas service. Naturally, all this additional work comes at an additional cost.

Autonomous heating project

Separately, it is necessary to say about the heating reconstruction project. First of all, before contacting specialists who will carry out design work, you need to carefully study technical specifications, used in drawing up the project, and it is advisable to draw up a preliminary sketch of the approximate location of the heating elements.

Its exact location can be determined after specialists study the apartment plan, which is in the technical passport.

So, the project is a necessary document when carrying out any reconstruction of a residential premises. Based on it, a new heating circuit and heating boiler will be installed. How correctly and accurately this document is drawn up, and then the equipment is installed according to it, the more efficiently it will work.

The project includes data on external and internal factors that determine the type of heating:

  • Climatic conditions of the region in which the house is located.
  • Engineering and technical characteristics of the structure.
  • Available energy sources on which the heating system can operate.
  • Technical characteristics of heated housing - the number of rooms, the presence of loggias, as well as the area and volume of the premises.
  • The financial side of the issue.

Based on these data, not only the installation location of the heating unit is selected, but also its type, as well as power.

To make heating efficient and economical, it is recommended to entrust the development of its design to specialists. This stage is best handled by energy companies that themselves control or interact with organizations that approve the heating sector, with whom the project will subsequently be coordinated, which will definitely ensure the correctness of its preparation, and therefore approval.

To obtain a positive result and an optimal technical solution, the customer must work closely with the organization developing the project. During the process of creating a project, several options are usually considered. The customer selects the one that suits him most, after which the technical parameters of the unit and all the necessary equipment are determined. The project is being developed in several stages:

  • If the customer has not provided his own version of the sketch, then work begins with it.
  • A heating circuit diagram is being developed, on the basis of which the system will be installed.
  • Documentation for the designed heating system is being prepared.
  • An estimate is drawn up.

If this work is entrusted to professionals, then at each specific stage of project development, specialists in the field of heat supply, ventilation, architecture, and energy supply will participate in it.

The project consists of several parts in which certain data is presented different sides project:

  • Descriptive part provides information about the content and significance of the project. This section of the document, in turn, is divided into several paragraphs, which contain the following technical data:

— location of the apartment or house, if it is planned to be installed in the private sector;

— location of residential premises and layout features.

The descriptive section of the document clarifies the technical characteristics of the premises, taking into account their location and climatic characteristics of the region where the building is located. This description is necessary in order to determine the types and types of heating equipment. This information will subsequently be used to carry out calculations and determine the power that the heating system should have, as well as the temperature parameters in the apartment.

  • Technological calculations - this is the main part of the project, which summarizes the parameters of the volume of the required energy carrier when the unit operates in different modes, as well as the optimal temperature of the coolant, ensuring the necessary heating of the apartment’s rooms. It is especially important to determine the power of the heating and hot water supply boiler, since on the basis of these calculations the selection of equipment and components for it is made.

In the same part, heat losses when heating rooms are calculated, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the system.

The calculated parameters will also show how appropriate this or that wiring is and the type of connection of radiators to the system circuit. The calculations also include the use of automatic control devices in the heating system.

Further, all the data obtained is necessarily reflected on the diagram of the heating system, which will become a guide for installers during the work. Deviations from the scheme developed by specialists and approved may lead to refusal to put the system into operation, which is permitted by the selection committee.

  • Specification . This section contains data on the main materials and elements of the heating system, and their main technical characteristics. This part of the project also includes a diagram of the heating system with marked components and devices listed in the list.

This information is key to calculating the hydrostatics of the system, as well as the required heating temperature. If these calculations are carried out incorrectly, the system will be ineffective and gas consumption will be exceeded.

  • Graphic image - this is an important section of the project, which visually represents what the overall design of the heating system will look like. This part of the project is carried out using special computer programs, most often in three-dimensional projection.

When submitting an application for project development, it is necessary to clarify for specialists the reasons for the transition to an autonomous type of heating. The more justifications there are, the more accurate the calculations will be, since specialists will know what to pay special attention to when carrying them out.

A copy of the design documents must be submitted to the gas company, which will subsequently maintain the installed equipment.

Gas boiler for autonomous heating of an apartment

When drawing up a project, specialists will offer boiler options that can be used for installation in an individual apartment heating system. However, you need to independently study some information related to the choice of unit.

First of all, you should refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307, paragraph 44 of 16. 04.12. , which discusses the connection of heat supply systems. This resolution provides a list of heat and power devices that do not meet the established requirements and are therefore prohibited for installation in apartments of multi-storey buildings. After studying this document, you will be able to immediately decide which devices cannot be installed in the apartment’s autonomous heating system.

So, the list of boilers that can be used in apartments of multi-storey buildings includes units that operate on natural gas and meet the following requirements:

  • Having a closed (sealed) combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory automatic shutdown of the fuel supply in the event of a power outage, burner flame extinguishment, if there is a malfunction in the protection circuit, in case of insufficient pressure inside the system, which may fall below the limit value, when the coolant is heated above the limit temperature, as well as in case of problems in the smoke exhaust system .
  • With the permissible coolant temperature in the system not exceeding 95˚.
  • The coolant pressure is not more than 1 MPa.

In addition, boilers are single-circuit, used only for heating the apartment, and double-circuit, designed for both heating and water heating. When submitting an application and collecting documents, this factor must also be indicated. This is due to the fact that heating networks must give consent to disconnect the apartment not only from heating, but also from the hot water system.

Next, you need to decide on the design of the heating unit, since it can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. For installation in a modern apartment, it is most often chosen wall option gas equipment, since such boilers are compact in size and quite aesthetic design, resembling in appearance. Since the chimney pipe from the heating boiler must go outside, it will be convenient to place it on an external wall; with this installation there will be no problems with the location of the pipe in the room. As a rule, there is a window on the external wall that will solve problems with ventilation of the room. Typically, the power of a wall-mounted boiler is sufficient to heat a standard apartment with proper insulation of the walls and the presence of Euro-windows with double-glazed windows.

Premises in the apartment where a gas boiler can be installed

Separately, a few words need to be said about the installation room gas boiler, since it will not be possible to place it in any room, according to the owners’ preference.

The room for placing gas heating equipment must meet certain safety requirements, which include the following:

  • Gas equipment must not be installed in a residential area.
  • The area of ​​the room must be no less than 4 square meters.
  • The entrance door to the room with the installed boiler must have a width of at least 800 mm.
  • The room must be equipped with a window facing the street.
  • The boiler is wall mounted or installed on the floor, at a distance, which must be at least 300 mm from other gas equipment, for example, a gas stove.
  • Indoors, it is necessary to find the possibility of outputting it to the street, that is, through the wall. Exiting the pipe into a common house ventilation duct is not allowed.
  • Some heating units require indoor forced ventilation, that is, you will have to install an exhaust fan on the window. This will be indicated in the technical specifications.
  • A wall-mounted boiler must be mounted on a wall built of non-combustible material, and for a floor-standing boiler it is necessary to make a fire-resistant flooring, for example, lay ceramic floor tiles.

Without meeting these requirements, the commission signing the acceptance certificate will not give its consent to the commissioning of an autonomous heating system.

Based on the characteristics of the room, we can conclude that the unit can be installed in the kitchen or in a pre-insulated loggia combined with it. Since the gas boiler is connected to the main energy supply pipeline, which is connected to kitchen area apartment, it is this that is optimal for the location of the heating unit.

In addition, the kitchen must be equipped with a window facing the street and a door of the required width. And, in addition, a general house ventilation channel is connected to it, which is also necessary for placing an apartment “boiler room”.

How to choose a gas heating boiler?

In order for the purchased boiler to fully meet the to your parameters the system being created heating system, was reliable and easy to use, when purchasing, it is necessary to be guided by a number of criteria for evaluating such equipment. – read in a separate publication on our portal.

Autonomous electric heating

Installing electric heating is much simpler than gas heating. At least because there are more wide choose place for installing a boiler or other equipment, since the power supply is distributed throughout the entire apartment, and ventilation and a combustion product removal system are not required.

When planning the installation of electric heating, first of all, you need to consult the Energonadzor institution (or a similar organization). It is necessary to check the availability of resources in the house for the release of additional energy. If written consent has been received from this organization, then you must contact the heating network service with it and with a request to disconnect the apartment from the centralized heating supply.

The list of remaining documentation should be clarified with the energy company and local government authorities. The fact is that when installing electric heating in different regions of the country, the requirements for its installation may vary significantly. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the number of documents and approvals will be much less compared to the gas option for heating the apartment.

Thanks to modern technologies, today you can choose one of two options for electric heating. One involves the use of a heating unit with conventional piping for coolant circulation. The second involves direct heating by separately installed devices or systems - electric convectors, infrared heaters, "" systems.

Heating using an electric boiler

The system uses coolant, that is, the pipework and radiators remain in place. But they are connected to an electric heating boiler, and the coolant will be heated from it, and not from the central heating line.

Most modern models of electric heating units are equipped with automatic control. Therefore, the system can be programmed so that the heating of the premises to the required temperature does not occur constantly, but only at the time set by the owners. You can save a lot on this function, for example, by using a reduced night tariff for “charging” heat accumulator.

On sale are wall mounted electric boilers, which can have a power of 5÷60 kW, as well as floor-standing options, their power exceeds 60 kW.

Experts will tell you which one to choose when submitting documents for drawing up a project for an electric heating system, which will contain a diagram of its arrangement. The choice of boiler will depend on the area and location of the apartment in the house, the degree of its insulation, the number of windows and balconies, as well as the material used to make the frames. Usually, when choosing a boiler power, they rely on established technological standards, that is, 1 kW of electricity per 10 “squares” of area.

We must not lose sight of the fact that if a unit with a power exceeding 9 kW is purchased, then there will be a need to re-equip the apartment electrical network and install a three-phase meter. If you plan to install a heating boiler with a larger capacity, then before purchasing it, you must consult and obtain written permission from the local energy company.

It should be taken into account that household electric boilers are not designed for a large number of radiators; accordingly, their installation is optimal for heating small areas, up to 80 - 90 m². In addition to the boiler, “warm floor” systems can be used, which consume electricity quite economically.

Electric units operate according to a standard automatic heating system. The coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated as it passes through the boiler and then enters the heating circuit with radiators installed in it. Along this path, the coolant cools down and returns to the boiler for heating, etc. To make the circulation more intense and the radiators to warm up faster, a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit.

An electric boiler, unlike gas equipment, can be installed in any utility room where it is convenient to install the power line, and from where it will be easier to carry out the general wiring of the heating circuit pipes. Most often, a kitchen or bathroom is also chosen for this. But sometimes it is also installed in the corridor, recessing the circuit pipe distribution into the wall surfaces.

What is an electric heating boiler?

The variety of such devices is quite large, and, not only in size, power and other operational parameters, but even in terms of heating principle. Read more about this in the special article on our portal dedicated to.

Direct space heating with electrical appliances

Heating using separate electrical appliances or a “warm floor” system, which can be combined or work separately, is called a direct heating system.

This option is preferable to choose if there is a desire to get rid of numerous pipes and volumetric radiators, since, for example, electric convectors have a more aesthetic appearance and compact size. The “warm floor” system can be cable rod or film - but in any case, it is completely invisible to the eye.

When combining individual devices into a single system, it is possible to connect it to general block control, with the help of which temperature conditions are set by time of day and day of the week, taking into account the family’s daily routine.

When choosing any type of electric heating, for safety reasons it is necessary to provide grounding, without which permission to put the system into operation will not be issued.

The advantage of electric heating is that, unlike gas heating, it is safer. And compared to the central system, it can be easily and very accurately adjusted, setting the required temperature.

The main disadvantage of the electrical system is that if there is a power outage, the apartment will be left not only without lighting, but also without heating. Therefore, if in a particular locality this phenomenon repeats itself with frightening consistency, then it is better to opt for an autonomous gas heating apartments. In addition, the obvious “disadvantages” include very high electricity tariffs.

Features of the arrangement of electric heating lie in the observance of certain conditions that are not provided for the gas heating option. So, experts recommend:

  • Carry out for the electric heating system from the distribution shield separate power cable, which stabilizes the load on the general house electrical network.
  • RCD systems are installed today in all apartments of new buildings equipped with autonomous electric heating. If it is not there, then you will have to worry about purchasing such a block. This - reliable protection against electric shock when it leaks onto the device body.
  • It is highly desirable to install a two-tariff meter, which will help save money if the heat supply to the premises occurs during preferential hours.

Devices and systems for direct space heating – what to choose?

The variety of such devices is extremely wide. You can get to know each other better in a special article on the portal. Another publication will tell you in detail about the varieties and specific features various systems.

Installation of an autonomous heating system

Disconnecting an apartment from the central heating and hot water supply lines, as well as installing a gas and electric boiler, is carried out only by specialists from energy companies who have a special documented permit to carry out such work.

Such rules have been introduced to comply with all safety conditions both during installation and during operation of the equipment. We must not forget that in an apartment building there are many neighboring apartments with people in them. And you shouldn’t put your life and theirs in danger.

You can take on the laying of pipes and the placement of heating radiators, as well as the installation of other necessary elements of the system. But even then only if you have good skills in carrying out such operations.

In this publication, there is little point in dwelling on the installation order. The fact is that all the details are set out in a special article on the portal.

Nuances of installing a water heating system

Whether a gas boiler is installed or an electric one, otherwise the wiring of the pipe circuit, installation of radiators, additional devices and parts are almost the same. How it is carried out in a house or apartment - to the appropriate detailed instructions the recommended link will take you.

Before you decide to abandon central heating and hot water supply, you need to weigh all the positive and negative points autonomous heating of the apartment. And only after carrying out such a comparison and carrying out a thoughtful analysis - start collecting documents.

One more small clarification. It may also happen that, having disconnected the apartment from the heat supply and hot water supply, you will still have to pay for general heating. But these amounts will be quite miniscule compared to those that were previously indicated in the monthly payment order.

And finally, a short video that will also help you weigh all the “pros” and “contras” of an autonomous heating system in an apartment

Video: Advantages and disadvantages of an autonomous apartment heating system

1. What is apartment heating?

Apartment heat supply - providing heat to heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems of apartments.

Apartment heat supply can be autonomous and centralized.

2. What is an autonomous apartment heating system?

The system consists of a heat supply source - a heat generator, hot water supply pipelines with water fittings, heating pipelines with heating devices and heat exchangers for ventilation systems.

3. What is a centralized apartment system?

This system is used in multi-storey buildings and consists of vertical risers with horizontal (apartment, floor) wiring (for more details, see question 7).

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of apartment heating?


The ability to maintain comfortable conditions in the apartment based solely on the owner’s own needs and wishes;

The ability to change the system at the discretion of the owner, i.e. change heating devices, pipes and fittings, perform hydraulic tests and adjustments, without affecting the operating mode of other apartment systems;

Such heating allows you to solve the problems of summer hot water shutdown;

- R maintainability of the system, because hidden laying of polymer pipes in corrugation will allow, if necessary, to replace the damaged section of the pipe without opening the wall or floor structure.

The service life of the apartment-by-apartment system is approximately 2 times higher due to the materials (the estimated service life of the system is about 50 years).

¾ the real costs of apartment heating are several times less than those that residents of ordinary houses have to bear: the operation of individual boilers allows you to reduce the cost of utilities by 5-8 times.

¾ real financial incentives for saving heat.


The need to service a gas boiler (concluding a maintenance contract);

Costs for installing a boiler, gas meter, gas analyzer;

Fire hazard;

If there is a circulation pump in the circuit, heating and hot water supply stops in the event of a power outage.

5. What are the requirements for autonomous apartment heating systems?

The basic requirements are:

It is allowed to use such systems in buildings with a height of no more than 28 m. For buildings of greater height, it is allowed according to the design specifications, taking into account the requirements federal law ;

Heat generators must be equipped with automatic safety;

In the heat generator rooms where the gas boiler is located, it is necessary to install a gas alarm.

The installation of air ducts, chimneys and other requirements are detailed in.

6. What boilers (heat generators) are used for apartment heating?

heat generator (boiler)- a heat source with a thermal power of up to 100 kW, in which the energy released during the combustion of gas fuel is used to heat the coolant sent to heat supply systems;

heat generator type“B”* - heat generator with open camera combustion, connected to an individual chimney, with air intake for fuel combustion directly from the room in which the heat generator is installed;

heat generator type“C”* is a heat generator with a closed combustion chamber, in which smoke removal and combustion air supply are carried out by a built-in fan. The gas fuel combustion system (combustion air supply, combustion chamber, smoke removal) in these heat generators is gas-tight in relation to the rooms in which they are installed;

For apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems of residential buildings, automated gas-fueled heat generators with sealed (closed) combustion chambers (type “C”), fully factory-ready, should be used, using gaseous fuel, if they meet the following requirements:

a) coolant temperature not more than 95 °C, pressure not more than 0.3 MPa;

b) heat generators with a total heating capacity of no more than 50 kW in an apartment can be installed in the kitchen, corridor or non-residential premises (except for the bathroom);

c) heat generators with a total heating capacity of more than 50 kW (maximum value up to 100 kW) are located in a special room - a heat generator room.

Type “B” boilers can be used if the building is no higher than 15 m.

Boilers come in single and double circuit types. A single-circuit boiler is used only for heating needs. Double-circuit - for both heating and hot water supply. Accordingly, it provides two power levels, for example 5-15 kW. The maximum is consumed only when using hot water.

Figure 1 - Vaillant wall-mounted heating boiler

7. How are apartment systems with centralized coolant supply arranged?

Such systems consist of local apartment systems, which are connected vertically by risers. The risers are connected to the distribution lines (Figure 2). The risers of the staircases are connected to the highways. If the building has extensions or built-in public premises, then separate systems are provided for their heating

a – local apartment systems; b – apartment input nodes; c – riser;

d – main pipeline

Figure 2 – Schematic diagram apartment system of a residential building

The building is connected to the heating networks through a common heating point, which should preferably be connected according to an independent circuit.

8. How should main pipelines be laid?

Trunk pipelines organize systems with lower wiring (Figure 3a) and with upper wiring (Figure 3b).

The most profitable option is bottom wiring. It is more convenient to use and the most hydraulically stable.

Figure 3 – Laying main pipelines

Upper wiring convenient if you have a roof boiler room.

It is not advisable to lay both lines from above, as shown in Figure 3c, because in this case, natural pressure will prevent the movement of water. This reduces the hydraulic stability of the system and makes it difficult to start up at the beginning of the heating season. With such a scheme, it is impossible to ensure centralized water drainage.

The system can be designed as a dead-end or a passing one (Figure 4).

a – dead-end; b - incidental

9. How many risers should there be in a building for apartment heating?

The minimum number of risers can be equal to the number of sections in the building. But depending on the design features, one section may contain several risers. The maximum number of risers for each entrance can correspond to the number of apartments on the floor.

One riser cannot serve apartments in different sections.

10. What are the features of the risers?


Each riser must have drainage to drain water. The drainage can be stationary, with water draining into the sewer (Figure 5a). Drainage pipelines should be designed with a flow break to control possible water leakage. If there are drains or drainage pits, temporary hoses can be used for drainage (Figure 5b).

a – with a stationary drainage pipeline; b – with a removable hose

Figure 5 - Riser drainage device

2. Riser pipes are mounted on movable and fixed supports. Thermal elongation of pipes and compensation for this elongation should be provided. For compensation, pipe bends are used to form L-shaped compensators, and U-shaped or bellows compensators are also installed. The distance between them should be such that the thermal elongation in this segment is no more than 50 mm. Bellows expansion joints (Figure 6) on vertical pipelines are installed near fixed supports (on risers - below the support).

1 – bellows compensator; 2 – fixed support; 3 – guide support

Figure 6 – Installation of bellows compensator

If the diameter of the riser is no more than 25 mm, then in buildings up to 8 floors, expansion joints can be omitted, and compensation for extensions can be made by indentations from the riser at the points where it connects to the distribution main (Figure 7)

Figure 6 - Indents to compensate for thermal expansion of the riser

11. How are individual apartment input nodes arranged?

Each apartment system is connected to the riser either through an individual input node or through a group node, which is intended for several apartments on the same floor.

It is preferable to install an individual apartment heating unit (ATU) (Figure 7) on the staircase to provide access to it for maintenance personnel.

1 – ball valve; 2 – mesh filter; 3 – complete heat meter; 4 – complete ball valve for installing a thermal converter; 5 - automatic balancing valve; 6 – manual balancing valve; 7 – distribution manifold; 8 - Drain valve; 9 – air outlet device.

Figure 7 – Schematic diagram of an individual apartment input unit

The KTU is located in a special cabinet near the placement of heating riser pipes, hot and cold water. Distribution manifolds, as a rule, are located inside the apartment. Individual KTU performs a full range of functions, namely:





12. How does the group input node work?

This unit is designed to serve several apartments on the same floor (Figure 8). The group unit contains a common part of the equipment - a filter, an automatic balancing valve, etc.

The group unit includes several individual (according to the number of apartments) heat meters located in a cabinet on the landing, and distribution manifolds located in the apartments.

The benefit of such a CTU is the saving of equipment.

1 – ball valve; 2 – mesh filter; 3 – complete heat meter; 4 – complete ball valve for installing a thermal converter; 5 - automatic balancing valve; 6 – manual balancing valve; 7 – distribution manifold; 8 - Drain valve; 9 – air outlet device. 10 – manual shut-off valve; 11-manual balancing valve

Figure 8 – Group apartment input node

13. How to install pipelines in an apartment?

The system is always two-pipe. There are two wiring schemes: radial (Figure 9) and perimeter (Figure 10).

a – arbitrary; b – with wall routing

Figure 9 – Two-pipe beam distribution

a – dead-end; b – passing

Figure 10 – Two-pipe perimeter wiring

The best option is a radial wiring in which each device is connected to the distribution manifold individually. There are no intermediate connections on the path from the collector to the device, which ensures high reliability. In addition, changing the flow rate through one of the devices has virtually no effect on the operation of the others.

The only disadvantage of arbitrary ray tracing is the possibility of damage to pipes when repairing floors. Wall routing eliminates this risk. Pipes can be laid along the walls in special baseboard boxes.

Perimeter wiring involves tees on branches to each device. This reduces the reliability of the system. To increase reliability, only soldered, welded or press connections can be embedded into the floor, but threaded connections are not allowed. All fittings must be accessible for inspection.

In addition, perimeter wiring is more expensive and more labor-intensive than radial wiring due to the large number of fittings and the need to punch holes in partitions and walls.

14. What pipes are used in apartment systems?

Apartment system pipelines can be made of a wide variety of materials. Both steel and copper, metal-polymer, cross-linked polyethylene, fiberglass, etc. are used. All of them must meet the following requirements:

Coolant parameters (temperature and pressure) for pipes made of

polymer materials should not exceed the maximum permissible limits specified in the product passport, but not more than 90 o C and 1.0 MPa;

Polymer pipes used in combination with metal pipes, devices or equipment must have an anti-diffusion layer. This is necessary to prevent oxygen diffusion through the polymer layer and corrosion of metal elements;

Connecting parts and products may only be used that correspond to the selected type of pipe.

When installing apartments, pipes are usually laid on the floor in a screed. Plywood is laid on a layer of screed 50-80 mm thick, and parquet, linoleum or other covering is placed on top.

Regulatory documents do not stipulate the widespread use of corrugated pipes. However, when the pipe passes through concrete screed through the expansion joint, a protective shell of at least 1 m in length is required.

It is advisable to lay pipes made of polymer materials in a corrugated pipe. This allows (with beam system) replace pipes up to 20 m long without opening the floor. Corrugated pipes can be metal or polymer (Figure 11).

If parquet floors are designed in the apartment, then thermal insulation for the pipes should be provided. At elevated temperatures wood covering is drying out. Therefore, the average floor temperature should not exceed

a b

a – metal; b - polymer

Figure 11 – Corrugated pipes

27 o C. Figure 12 shows a section of radial pipe laying in thermal insulation.

Figure 12 – Laying pipes in thermal insulation

15. What are they? apartment heat meters?

The heat meter complex includes:

Heat calculator;

Primary flow transducer (flow meter);

Two temperature sensors.

The heat meter is electronic device, which calculates the amount of heat consumed. To do this, it requires temperature readings in the supply and return pipelines, as well as coolant flow. The calculation results are accumulated in memory at a specified frequency. The heat meter is powered by a built-in battery.

Figure 13 shows the types of heat meters.

Figure 13 – Danfoss heat meters (a) and Karat-compact (b)

The storage period for monthly heat consumption values ​​in modern heat meters can range from 12 to 36 months.

Flow meters are used in most cases either ultrasonic or tachometer (vane or turbine).

Ultrasonic ones are highly accurate and do not affect the hydraulic characteristics of the system. However, their installation requires a relatively long, straight section of piping.

Tachyometric sensors are cheaper and quite accurate, but require the installation of a mechanical cleaning filter.

Immersion resistance thermometers are used as temperature sensors (Figure 14).

Figure 14 – Immersion resistance thermometer and sleeve for it

Figure 15 shows the installation of a heat meter with built-in temperature sensors, one of which is located next to the meter, and the second is built into the tap installed on the return line.

Figure 15 – Installation of a heat meter with a special tap

Today, for consumers of utility services, due to the increase in their costs, apartment heating in an apartment building is becoming more and more relevant. This type of heat supply differs from centralized heating and allows you to save money. In the field of providing heat to residents of multi-storey buildings, certain standards and regulations apply. At the same time, experts note that centralized and apartment-by-apartment methods of heat supply have their own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. The centralized system for supplying coolant and hot water supply is considered predominant, but it has serious disadvantages:

  • a specific consumer of a thermal resource (apartment owner) is not interested in using it economically and does not have the technical capabilities for this;
  • Transportation of the coolant from the heat source to the final consumer is carried out over long distances and at this stage large heat losses occur.

At the same time, the apartment heating system has the following advantages:
  • there is no need to build expensive heating mains;
  • the coolant is delivered from the point of generation to the consumer without loss of energy;
  • Each apartment owner has the opportunity to use the amount of heat he needs.

Arrangement of apartment heating system

The apartment heating system consists of:
  • heat generator, which is also a source of heat supply;
  • hot water supply pipelines with water fittings;
  • heating pipelines together with heating devices.

A heat generator room is a room for public use or separately allocated in an apartment for placing a heat generator and other equipment.

The apartment heating system allows saving money at the national level, which must be found for the construction and repair of heating mains. At the same time, each owner of a heating boiler has the opportunity to personally regulate the heat in his apartment without paying fixed prices charged monthly with a centralized system. It is clear that the owner of the living space in warm weather will not turn on the heating.

In addition, central heating, which is becoming more expensive from year to year, does not always provide comfortable temperature in an apartment in cold weather. There may be several reasons for this: an accident on an old, worn-out heating main, or the regional administration decided to start the heating season later.

When there is an apartment heating system, in order to set the required temperature at different times of the day, a programmer is used that is connected to modern heating boilers. For example, if the owner
from morning to evening he is at work, and there will be no other family members at home, then there is no need to maintain a high temperature in the apartment. The boiler will automatically provide the temperature set at, for example, 18 degrees.

Combined heating system, detailed video:

If we consider existing species heating in the apartment, it should be noted that individual apartment heating is a material incentive aimed at saving heat. For many years, consumers have been explained that they should insulate apartments and windows, and not heat the street. But the exhortations of public utilities remain to no avail. Now, if available, the amount of gas payments depends on the degree of insulation of the apartment. Thus, for the owner of the living space, a reduction in utility bills becomes a material incentive.

If you have your own double-circuit boiler, usually used when creating apartment-by-apartment horizontal heating in an apartment, residents are provided with both heating and hot water (read also: ""). As a result, when switching to an individual heat supply system, consumers do not face the risk of turning off hot water in the summer, which is so familiar to many residents of large cities.

Today, for consumers of utility services, due to the increase in their costs, apartment heating in an apartment building is becoming more and more relevant. This type of heat supply differs from centralized heating and allows you to save money. In the field of providing heat to residents of multi-storey buildings, certain standards and regulations apply. At the same time, experts note that centralized and apartment-by-apartment methods of heat supply have their own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. The centralized system for supplying coolant and hot water supply is considered predominant, but it has serious disadvantages:

  • a specific consumer of a thermal resource (apartment owner) is not interested in using it economically and does not have the technical capabilities for this;
  • Transportation of the coolant from the heat source to the final consumer is carried out over long distances and at this stage large heat losses occur.
At the same time, the apartment heating system has the following advantages:
  • there is no need to build expensive heating mains;
  • the coolant is delivered from the point of generation to the consumer without loss of energy;
  • Each apartment owner has the opportunity to use the amount of heat he needs.

Arrangement of apartment heating system

The apartment heating system consists of:
  • heat generator, which is also a source of heat supply;
  • hot water supply pipelines with water fittings;
  • heating pipelines together with heating devices.

A heat generator room is a room for public use or separately allocated in an apartment for placing a heat generator and other equipment.

The apartment heating system allows saving money at the national level, which must be found for the construction and repair of heating mains. At the same time, each owner of a heating boiler has the opportunity to personally regulate the heat in his apartment without paying fixed prices charged monthly with a centralized system. It is clear that the owner of the living space will not turn on the heating in warm weather.

In addition, central heating, which is becoming more expensive from year to year, does not always provide a comfortable temperature in the apartment in cold weather. There may be several reasons for this: an accident on an old, worn-out heating main, or the regional administration decided to start the heating season later.

When there is an apartment heating system, in order to set the required temperature at different times of the day, a programmer is used that is connected to modern heating boilers. For example, if the owner
from morning to evening he is at work, and there will be no other family members at home, then there is no need to maintain a high temperature in the apartment. The boiler will automatically provide the temperature set at, for example, 18 degrees.

Combined heating system, detailed video:

If we consider existing types of heating in an apartment, it should be noted that individual apartment heating is a material incentive aimed at saving heat. For many years, consumers have been explained that they should insulate apartments and windows, and not heat the street. But the exhortations of public utilities remain to no avail. Now, if available, the amount of gas payments depends on the degree of insulation of the apartment. Thus, for the owner of the living space, a reduction in utility bills becomes a material incentive.

If you have your own double-circuit boiler, usually used when creating apartment-by-apartment horizontal heating in an apartment, residents are provided with both heating and hot water (read also: ""). As a result, when switching to an individual heat supply system, consumers do not face the risk of turning off hot water in the summer, which is so familiar to many residents of large cities.

The presence of central heating in the apartment is, of course, convenient, since the owners “don’t have a headache” in this regard. But, unfortunately, this is not always practical, since the temperature in the rooms begins to directly depend on the thermal regime established in the common boiler room. In addition, such a system is not insured against emergency situations that can occur along any part of its length, as a result of which the entire house is often turned off from heating. Many difficulties also arise during the “off-season” periods, when cold snaps that arrive early are ahead of the planned the beginning of the heating season, or, conversely, the batteries are heated when the weather outside is too warm.

Despite violations of temperature conditions and temporary shutdowns of the house from heating, payment for it remains unchanged, which absolutely not profitable ordinary users. Therefore, in recent years, a trend has been gaining momentum when more and more owners of apartments in high-rise buildings are resorting to installing autonomous heating systems.

Those who decide to “separate”, as a rule, have numerous questions related to various nuances of this procedure. Therefore, we will consider further individual heating in an apartment building - necessary documents and installation rules for him.

Before deciding on such a radical replacement, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of an individual heating system.

So, advantages availability of an autonomous heating system are as follows:

  • The possibility of heating the apartment in the off-season, when the central system is not yet turned on or is already turned off, in accordance with established regional standards, which are based on the ambient temperature, is very unstable and with large daily fluctuations at these times of the year.
  • The ability to maintain the required temperature in the rooms, which is much more difficult to organize with central heating, since it does not take into account the location of the apartment and the degree of its insulation. There is probably no need to explain that apartments located inside the house, and corner ones, and even exposed to the prevailing winter winds, still require a differentiated approach to heating. However, in order to balance consumption costs, payments for heat are charged equally, usually based on the area of ​​the apartment.

Therefore, having installed autonomous heating in apartments, you can and should immediately take into account the specifics of the location of the rooms, obtaining both a comfortable microclimate in any of them and considerable savings in money.

  • Autonomous heating can be easily adjusted to individual operating modes. For example, there is no point in heating “to the fullest” if all the residents are absent at the moment. It would be more logical to only maintain the required level of heating. But by the time the owners arrive, the automation will “catch up” the heat so that the rooms have the optimal temperature.

Many modern control systems are also capable of independently responding to changing weather conditions. They can also be controlled remotely using GSM or IP communication channels.

  • A reduction in operating costs will also occur due to significantly lower energy consumption, since modern gas or electric equipment is designed for optimal energy consumption - they have high efficiency rates approaching 100 percent.
  • When installing a double-circuit boiler, it is quite possible to abandon the central hot water supply system, providing your family with hot water autonomously. This means that an apartment equipped with such a unit will not depend on summer hot water maintenance work, and there will always be hot water.

  • Another advantage can be attributed to the fact that you have to pay for central heating even in the summer, since it requires constant maintenance. Having installed an autonomous heating option, payments will be made only according to the gas (or electric) meter, that is, it will be possible to directly control energy consumption and costs for heating and hot water supply, carry out analysis and find ways to further save.

However, there are also considerable difficulties when transferring an apartment to individual heating, and they can be attributed to shortcomings its arrangement:

  • All work must be carried out legally and in compliance with all requirements necessary for this process. Unauthorized reconstruction, firstly, will not eliminate utility bills for heating and hot water supply. And secondly, it also threatens with serious administrative punishment in the form of a rather large fine.
  • There will be difficulties associated with preparing documentation for disconnecting from central communications, developing a project, and obtaining permission to install equipment.
  • It will be necessary to allocate or equip a room with a proper ventilation system for installing the heating unit.
  • Installation of the system is a task of a fairly high complexity category.
  • Considerable expenses will be required, both in paperwork and in purchasing everything necessary for the installation of autonomous heating and hot water supply. And this does not even take into account installation work.
  • All responsibility for carrying out operational and preventive measures, as well as for the safety of the system, falls entirely on the owner of the apartment. It should be taken into account that all of the above-mentioned processes associated with autonomous heating will be controlled by the relevant specialized organizations, whose representatives the owner of the apartment will have to provide access to the installed equipment.

However, even taking into account all the upcoming difficulties and significant initial costs, an autonomous heating system is in all respects much more profitable than central heating and hot water supply. In practice, it will pay for itself quickly enough and will serve reliably for many years.

A package of necessary documents for “autonomization”

In order to organize autonomous heating in an apartment, you will have to do some redevelopment, and this, as you know, is a rather labor-intensive process. It should be taken into account that the preparation of permitting documents can take from three to five months, and installation work can take about a week. In this regard, the preparation process must begin in advance.

Preliminary approvals and obtaining permits

So, the first step is to decide on the documents that will be required in order to begin developing the project, purchasing equipment, and then installing an autonomous system. The list of documents is approved by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Grounds for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises.”

Any reconstruction of residential premises is carried out taking into account the established requirements and in agreement with local authorities. For approval, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, which includes standard legal documents for ownership of this housing, which include the following:

  • Application-petition for housing reconstruction. The application form is standard and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of State registration of ownership of an apartment - this may be the right of inheritance or an agreement on the transfer of ownership of housing. A copy of the document certified by a notary will be required.
  • Technical passport for the apartment - a photocopy certified by a notary.
  • An apartment redevelopment project, completed in accordance with the established form.
  • A certified copy of the document indicating all the persons registered in the apartment.
  • Consent to the reconstruction of the heating system from all residents of the apartment. This document is drawn up on one sheet of paper, where all persons living in the apartment are listed, and then they put their signatures, confirming their consent.
  • A document from the organization for the protection of architectural monuments, if the house where reconstruction is planned belongs to the category of architectural monuments.

The applicant should remember that self-government bodies do not have the right to demand other documents not provided for in this article. After accepting the package of documentation for consideration, the applicant must be given a receipt of receipt with a list of accepted documents.

Review and decision on consent or refusal must be carried out no later than in 45 days from the date of submission of documentation. The document developed by the commission must be issued to the applicant no later than 3 working days after the decision is made.

According to the norms and rules of technical operation of housing, which are approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 170 dated 09.27.03. , a refusal to redevelop or reconstruct a residential premises may follow if these actions worsen the living conditions of all or individual residents of the building where the applicant’s apartment is located.

However, that's not all. The list of documents indicates a redevelopment project, which must be approved by the gas and heat supply regulatory organizations, since permission must be obtained to disconnect from the central heating system and install gas equipment. And after receiving such permits, a project for redevelopment and installation of an autonomous system is drawn up, which must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare all the above documents, since they will have to be presented to all organizations that directly influence the preparation of the project. Documentation is completed in the following order:

  • The first organization you need to contact is the city or district heating networks. It is there that permission is given to disconnect the apartment’s heating circuit from the central heating system. Consent can be issued if the shutdown does not lead to disruption of the engineering equipment of nearby apartments or the entire building. In principle, there cannot be any other reasons for refusal.

If an unfounded refusal is received from this organization, then this is a reason to go to the courts. It should be noted that sometimes an application for disconnection is submitted through the organization of self-government of the housing stock.

  • Then, with the received letter of agreement, you must contact the gas service of the district or city to obtain technical conditions for the installation of autonomous heating. This document must be issued within 10 days from the date of the applicant’s application.
  • After receiving the specifications, taking all the documentation for the apartment, you can go to a design or energy organization that is engaged in drawing up such projects. If the boiler was purchased before the project was drawn up, and it meets all the requirements for installation in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then documentation for it should also be provided to the design organization. The project will be prepared taking into account the provided technical conditions.

Most of the requirements imposed by regulatory organizations, including the gas service, are specified in the document “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, paragraph 6.2 “Apartment heat supply systems” SNiP41 - 01-2003.

To free yourself from going through all the authorities, you can entrust the preparation and approval of all necessary documents to the design organization. In some regions of Russia, this function is taken over by the gas service. Naturally, all this additional work comes at an additional cost.

Autonomous heating project

Separately, it is necessary to say about the heating reconstruction project. First of all, before contacting specialists who will carry out the design work, you need to carefully study the technical conditions used in drawing up the project, and it is advisable to draw up a preliminary sketch of the approximate location of the heating elements.

Its exact location can be determined after specialists study the apartment plan, which is in the technical passport.

So, the project is a necessary document when carrying out any reconstruction of a residential premises. Based on it, a new heating circuit and heating boiler will be installed. How correctly and accurately this document is drawn up, and then the equipment is installed according to it, the more efficiently it will work.

The project includes data on external and internal factors that determine the type of heating:

  • Climatic conditions of the region in which the house is located.
  • Engineering and technical characteristics of the structure.
  • Available energy sources on which the heating system can operate.
  • Technical characteristics of heated housing - the number of rooms, the presence of loggias, as well as the area and volume of the premises.
  • The financial side of the issue.

Based on these data, not only the installation location of the heating unit is selected, but also its type, as well as power.

To make heating efficient and economical, it is recommended to entrust the development of its design to specialists. This stage is best handled by energy companies that themselves control or interact with organizations that approve the heating sector, with whom the project will subsequently be coordinated, which will definitely ensure its correctness and, therefore, approval.

To obtain a positive result and an optimal technical solution, the customer must work closely with the organization developing the project. During the process of creating a project, several options are usually considered. The customer selects the one that suits him most, after which the technical parameters of the unit and all the necessary equipment are determined. The project is being developed in several stages:

  • If the customer has not provided his own version of the sketch, then work begins with it.
  • A heating circuit diagram is being developed, on the basis of which the system will be installed.
  • Documentation for the designed heating system is being prepared.
  • An estimate is drawn up.

If this work is entrusted to professionals, then at each specific stage of project development, specialists in the field of heat supply, ventilation, architecture, and energy supply will participate in it.

The project consists of several parts, which present certain data from different aspects of the project:

  • Descriptive part provides information about the content and significance of the project. This section of the document, in turn, is divided into several paragraphs, which contain the following technical data:

Location of the apartment or house, if autonomous heating is planned to be installed in the private sector;

Location of residential premises and layout features.

The descriptive section of the document clarifies the technical characteristics of the premises, taking into account their location and climatic characteristics of the region where the building is located. This description is necessary in order to determine the types and types of heating equipment. This information will subsequently be used to carry out calculations and determine the power that the heating system should have, as well as the temperature parameters in the apartment.

  • Technological calculations - this is the main part of the project, which summarizes the parameters of the volume of the required energy carrier when the unit operates in different modes, as well as the optimal temperature of the coolant, ensuring the necessary heating of the apartment’s rooms. It is especially important to determine the power of the heating and hot water supply boiler, since on the basis of these calculations the selection of equipment and components for it is made.

In the same part, heat losses when heating rooms are calculated, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the system.

The calculated parameters will also show how appropriate this or that wiring is and the type of connection of radiators to the system circuit. The calculations also include the use of automatic control devices in the heating system.

Further, all the data obtained is necessarily reflected on the diagram of the heating system, which will become a guide for installers during the work. Deviations from the scheme developed by specialists and approved may lead to refusal to put the system into operation, which is permitted by the selection committee.

  • Specification . This section contains data on the main materials and elements of the heating system, and their main technical characteristics. This part of the project also includes a diagram of the heating system with marked components and devices listed in the list.

This information is key to calculating the hydrostatics of the system, as well as the required heating temperature. If these calculations are carried out incorrectly, the system will be ineffective and gas consumption will be exceeded.

  • Graphic image - this is an important section of the project, which visually represents what the overall design of the heating system will look like. This part of the project is carried out using special computer programs, most often in three-dimensional projection.

When submitting an application for project development, it is necessary to clarify for specialists the reasons for the transition to an autonomous type of heating. The more justification there is, the more accurate the calculations will be, since specialists will know what to pay special attention to when carrying out them.

A copy of the design documents must be submitted to the gas company, which will subsequently maintain the installed equipment.

Gas boiler for autonomous heating of an apartment

When drawing up a project, specialists will offer boiler options that can be used for installation in an individual apartment heating system. However, you need to independently study some information related to the choice of unit.

First of all, you should refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307, paragraph 44 of April 16, 2012. , which discusses the connection of heat supply systems. This resolution provides a list of heat and power devices that do not meet the established requirements and are therefore prohibited for installation in apartments of multi-storey buildings. After studying this document, you will be able to immediately decide which devices cannot be installed in the apartment’s autonomous heating system.

So, the list of boilers that can be used in apartments of multi-storey buildings includes units that operate on natural gas and meet the following requirements:

  • Having a closed (sealed) combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory automatic shutdown of the fuel supply in the event of a power outage, burner flame extinguishment, if there is a malfunction in the protection circuit, in case of insufficient pressure inside the system, which may fall below the limit value, when the coolant is heated above the limit temperature, as well as in case of problems in the smoke exhaust system .
  • With the permissible coolant temperature in the system not exceeding 95˚.
  • The coolant pressure is not more than 1 MPa.

In addition, boilers are single-circuit, used only for heating the apartment, and double-circuit, designed for both heating and water heating. When submitting an application and collecting documents, this factor must also be indicated. This is due to the fact that heating networks must give consent to disconnect the apartment not only from heating, but also from the hot water system.

Next, you need to decide on the design of the heating unit, since it can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. For installation in a modern apartment, the wall-mounted version of gas equipment is most often chosen, since such boilers are compact in size and quite aesthetic design, resembling a geyser in appearance. Since the chimney pipe from the heating boiler must go outside, it will be convenient to place it on an external wall; with this installation there will be no problems with the location of the pipe in the room. As a rule, there is a window on the external wall that will solve problems with ventilation of the room. Typically, the power of a wall-mounted boiler is sufficient to heat a standard apartment with proper insulation of the walls and the presence of Euro-windows with double-glazed windows.

Premises in the apartment where a gas boiler can be installed

Separately, a few words need to be said about the room for installing a gas boiler, since it will not be possible to place it in any room, according to the owners’ preference.

The room for placing gas heating equipment must meet certain safety requirements, which include the following:

  • Gas equipment must not be installed in a residential area.
  • The area of ​​the room must be no less than 4 square meters
  • The entrance door to the room with the installed boiler must have a width of at least 800 mm.
  • The room must be equipped with a window facing the street.
  • The boiler is wall mounted or installed on the floor, at a distance, which must be at least 300 mm from other gas equipment, for example, a gas stove.
  • Indoors, it is necessary to find the possibility of venting the chimney to the street, that is, through the wall. Exiting the pipe into a common house ventilation duct is not allowed.
  • Some heating units require forced ventilation in the room, that is, you will have to install an exhaust fan on the window. This will be indicated in the technical specifications.
  • A wall-mounted boiler must be mounted on a wall built of non-combustible material, and for a floor-standing boiler it is necessary to make a fire-resistant flooring, for example, lay ceramic floor tiles.

Without meeting these requirements, the commission signing the acceptance certificate will not give its consent to the commissioning of an autonomous heating system.

Based on the characteristics of the room, we can conclude that the unit can be installed in the kitchen or in a pre-insulated loggia combined with it. Since the gas boiler is connected to the main energy supply pipeline, which is connected to the kitchen area of ​​the apartment, it is this that is optimal for the location of the heating unit.

In addition, the kitchen must be equipped with a window facing the street and a door of the required width. And in addition, a general house ventilation channel is connected to it, which is also necessary for placing an apartment “boiler room”.

How to choose a gas heating boiler?

In order for the purchased boiler to fully meet the to its parameters of the created system heating system, was reliable and easy to use, when purchasing, it is necessary to be guided by a number of criteria for evaluating such equipment. – read in a separate publication on our portal.

Autonomous electric heating

Installing electric heating is much simpler than gas heating. If only because there is a wider choice of where to install the boiler or other equipment, since the power supply is distributed throughout the apartment, and ventilation and a combustion product removal system are not required.

When planning the installation of electric heating, first of all, you need to consult the Energonadzor institution (or a similar organization). It is necessary to check the availability of resources in the house for the release of additional energy. If written consent has been received from this organization, then you must contact the heating network service with it and with a request to disconnect the apartment from the centralized heating supply.

The list of remaining documentation should be clarified with the energy company and local government authorities. The fact is that when installing electric heating in different regions of the country, the requirements for its installation may vary significantly. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the number of documents and approvals will be much less compared to the gas option for heating the apartment.

Thanks to modern technologies, today you can choose one of two options for electric heating. One involves the use of a heating unit with conventional piping for coolant circulation. The second involves direct heating by separately installed devices or systems - electric convectors, infrared heaters, underfloor heating systems.

Heating using an electric boiler

The system uses coolant, that is, the pipework and radiators remain in place. But they are connected to an electric heating boiler, and the coolant will be heated from it, and not from the central heating line.

Most modern models of electric heating units are equipped with automatic control. Therefore, the system can be programmed so that the heating of the premises to the required temperature does not occur constantly, but only at the time set by the owners. You can save a lot on this function, for example, by using the nightly discounted tariff for “charging” heat accumulator.

On sale are wall-mounted electric boilers, which can have a power of 5–60 kW, as well as floor-standing options, their power exceeds 60 kW.

Experts will tell you which one to choose when submitting documents for drawing up a project for an electric heating system, which will contain a diagram of its arrangement. The choice of boiler will depend on the area and location of the apartment in the house, the degree of its insulation, the number of windows and balconies, as well as the material used to make the frames. Usually, when choosing a boiler power, they rely on established technological standards, that is, 1 kW of electricity per 10 “squares” of area.

We must not lose sight of the fact that if a unit with a power exceeding 9 kW is purchased, then there will be a need to re-equip the apartment electrical network and install a three-phase meter. If you plan to install a heating boiler with a larger capacity, then before purchasing it, you must consult and obtain written permission from the local energy company.

It should be taken into account that household electric boilers are not designed for a large number of radiators; therefore, their installation is optimal for heating small areas, up to 80 - 90 m². In addition to the boiler, “warm floor” systems can be used, which consume electricity quite economically.

Electric units operate according to a standard automatic heating system. The coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated as it passes through the boiler and then enters the heating circuit with radiators installed in it. Along this path, the coolant cools down and returns to the boiler for heating, etc. To make the circulation more intense and the radiators to warm up faster, a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit.

An electric boiler, unlike gas equipment, can be installed in any utility room where it is convenient to install the power line, and from where it will be easier to carry out the general wiring of the heating circuit pipes. Most often, a kitchen or bathroom is also chosen for this. But sometimes it is also installed in the corridor, recessing the circuit pipe distribution into the wall surfaces.

What is an electric heating boiler?

The variety of such devices is quite large, not only in size, power and other operational parameters, but even in terms of heating principle. Read more about this in the special article on our portal dedicated to.

Direct space heating with electrical appliances

Heating using separate electrical appliances or a “warm floor” system, which can be combined or work separately, is called a direct heating system.

This option is preferable to choose if there is a desire to get rid of numerous pipes and volumetric radiators, since, for example, electric convectors have a more aesthetic appearance and compact size. The “warm floor” system can be cable rod or film - but in any case, it is completely invisible to the eye.

When combining individual devices into a single system, it is possible to connect it to a common control unit, with the help of which temperature conditions are set by time of day and day of the week, taking into account the family’s daily routine.

When choosing any type of electric heating, for safety reasons it is necessary to provide grounding, without which permission to put the system into operation will not be issued.

The advantage of electric heating is that, unlike gas heating, it is safer. And compared to the central system, it can be easily and very accurately adjusted, setting the required temperature.

The main disadvantage of the electrical system is that if there is a power outage, the apartment will be left not only without lighting, but also without heating. Therefore, if in a particular locality this phenomenon repeats itself with frightening consistency, then it is better to opt for autonomous gas heating of the apartment. In addition, the obvious “disadvantages” include very high electricity tariffs.

Features of the arrangement of electric heating lie in the observance of certain conditions that are not provided for the gas heating option. So, experts recommend:

  • Carry out for the electric heating system from the distribution shield separate power cable, which stabilizes the load on the general house electrical network.
  • RCD systems are installed today in all apartments of new buildings equipped with autonomous electric heating. If it is not there, then you will have to worry about purchasing such a block. This is reliable protection against electric shock when it leaks onto the device body.
  • It is highly desirable to install a two-tariff meter, which will help save money if the heat supply to the premises occurs during preferential hours.

Devices and systems for direct space heating – what to choose?

The variety of such devices is extremely wide. You can get to know each other better in a special article on the portal. Another publication will tell you in detail about the varieties and specific features various systems.

Installation of an autonomous heating system

Disconnecting an apartment from the central heating and hot water supply lines, as well as installing a gas and electric boiler, is carried out only by specialists from energy companies who have a special documented permit to carry out such work.

Such rules have been introduced to comply with all safety conditions both during installation and during operation of the equipment. We must not forget that in an apartment building there are many neighboring apartments with people in them. And you shouldn’t put your life and theirs in danger.

You can take on the laying of pipes and the placement of heating radiators, as well as the installation of other necessary elements of the system. But even then only if you have good skills in carrying out such operations.

In this publication, there is little point in dwelling on the installation order. The fact is that all the details are set out in a special article on the portal.

Nuances of installing a water heating system

Whether a gas boiler is installed or an electric one, otherwise the wiring of the pipe circuit, installation of radiators, additional devices and parts are almost the same. How to do it in a house or apartment - the recommended link will lead you to the corresponding detailed instructions.

Before deciding to abandon centralized heating and hot water supply, you need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of autonomous heating of the apartment. And only after carrying out such a comparison and carrying out a thoughtful analysis - start collecting documents.

One more small clarification. It may also happen that, having disconnected the apartment from the heat supply and hot water supply, you will still have to pay for general heating. But these amounts will be quite miniscule compared to those that were previously indicated in the monthly payment order.

And finally, a short video that will also help you weigh all the “pros” and “contras” of an autonomous heating system in an apartment

Video: Advantages and disadvantages of an autonomous apartment heating system

Apartment heating (apartment heating) reduces costs many times over: based on operating experience from 1997 to 1999. in Smolensk there are over 800 apartments with apartment heating in buildings of various heights; the cost of utilities for heat supply and hot water supply for a family of 4 people has decreased by almost 6 times compared to the centralized system, and taking into account subsidies - by 15 times. The consumer gets the opportunity to achieve maximum thermal comfort, and determines the level of his own provision of heat and hot water; the problem of interruptions in heat and hot water for technical, organizational and seasonal reasons is eliminated.
A sociological study conducted by our company in Smolensk among residents of houses with apartment heating showed that the factor of having apartment heating in the purchased housing (apartment) is in second place after the location of the housing, ahead of even such important criteria, such as price, layout and construction material.

For builders

Apartment heating significantly reduces the cost of housing construction: there is no need for expensive heating networks, heating points, and heat metering devices; it becomes possible to carry out housing construction in urban areas that are not provided with a developed infrastructure of heating networks, provided, of course, that there is a reliable gas supply; the problem of heating system payback is eliminated, because repayment of the cost occurs at the time of purchase of housing; the consumer attractiveness of such apartments increases.

For gas supply organizations

Apartment heating (apartment heating) allows you to save gas by 30-40%, and acquire the most efficient payer for gas and services in the person of end consumers.

For executive authorities

With apartment heating, heat losses in heating power networks are eliminated; save money monetary resources due to the absence of heating plants and heating points, the problem of accounting and payment for thermal energy is eliminated; the provision of heat and hot water is transferred from the state to the end consumer - the home owner; As a result, these factors lead to savings in energy consumption and reduce budget costs different levels for fuel and energy supply.
The experiment of the Russian State Construction Committee on the construction of multi-storey buildings with apartment-by-apartment heating (apartment-by-apartment) showed the real possibility of this type of heat supply for various constructions: both for elite (brick, monolithic) and for mass (block-panel).

Modern assessment of various heating systems

Comparative cost of capital costs for heat supply of a 36-apartment building (Tula) when installed on a steel pipe (unit cost per square meter of area in rubles; data for 2000):

Gas consumption for heat supply of the same type apartment buildings in Milan, Italy (for 1 apartment in cubic meters):

Examples of design solutions for air supply and smoke removal systems

Beretta boilers can be supplied with air supply and smoke exhaust kits (so-called manifolds), as well as accessories for hydraulic connections and automatic control. In multi-storey construction, it is advisable to solve issues of air supply and smoke removal using attached or built-in collective air ducts and chimneys, calculations of the cross-section and insulation of which were carried out by both foreign and domestic design organizations.

Ecology of apartment heating

Using boilers with closed camera combustion eliminates the problem of room ventilation, ensuring the correct amount of air for combustion. In such boilers, combustion air is forcedly sucked in by a built-in fan from external environment and combustion products are also released there. The intermittent nature of the boiler operation facilitates the dispersion of combustion products in the air. In normal mode, boilers with a closed combustion chamber and forced draft emit combustion products with a CO (carbon monoxide) content level in the range of 80-110 p.p.m. (which meets European standards).

Italian concern Riello S.p.A. offers Beretta brand wall-mounted gas boilers for apartment heating. The Beretta boiler is a “mini-boiler room” the size of a gas water heater. The Beretta boiler follows modern traditions in the field of domestic design and technical design. All Beretta boilers are equipped with modern safety systems, adapted to operating conditions in Russia, and have the appropriate certificates and permits from the State Technical Supervision Authority and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

The transition to apartment heating systems is increasingly common in new buildings. However, enough new houses are also being built with centralized heating. This article is addressed to those who are now looking at new housing and wondering which option is best to choose.

What is it about

The main idea is clear: new house does not connect to central heating. What is the result?

  1. The developer thus saves on the wiring of communications and installation of heating devices; in addition, not required complex calculations and countless coordination with heat suppliers.
  2. For a potential buyer of an apartment, the fact that they are not selling housing with an already concluded contract for the supply of thermal energy should also be beneficial. At a minimum, he can choose the heat source and heating temperature.

However: in practice, most new buildings are delivered with pre-installed double-circuit gas boilers. It is clear that their price is included in the cost of housing.

Apartments with connected communications, but without a pre-installed heating system of any type, however, can also be seen for sale. Let's look at both cases.

A gas boiler

It’s worth saying right away: gas REALLY is the cheapest source of heat for heating. At least for now. Let's weigh the pros and cons of this scenario.


Practice shows that the difference in payment between centralized heating and autonomous heating using gas ranges from 2 to 3 times at the same temperature conditions.

Why is central heating so expensive?

It is clear that the first, almost unconditional reflex is to blame greedy officials for everything. However, tariffs for heat in housing and communal services have, in addition to someone’s ill will, quite sound justifications.

  • They pay for gas, which is used to produce heat by boiler houses and thermal power plants, at a higher rate than private individuals.
  • No one has canceled the depreciation of equipment. Boilers require periodic repair and maintenance; In addition, the tariffs are forced to include planned replacement of equipment.
  • Annual repairs and planned replacement of heating mains also put a burden on your pocket.
  • Your home heating system needs to be serviced. This expense item includes the planned replacement and repair of risers, elimination of radiator leaks, inspection and replacement of valves in the elevator assembly, checking and boring of nozzles, monitoring the temperature conditions of the elevator and a hundred other different works that we often do not notice.
  • Finally, all heat losses: on a heating main with stripped thermal insulation, in an open entrance, even in the thermal power plant itself are paid for... that’s right, you too.

Another important advantage that an apartment heating system has is independence. I think everyone has had to freeze at home while waiting for the heating to start and suffer from stuffiness on a hot April day. implies that you provide the temperature you need at any time, in accordance with ONLY at your own comfort.


Of course, it could not have happened without them.

  • The use of exhaust combustion products through a coaxial air duct to the facade of the house means that it is better not to open the windows again. The soot that is inevitable during gas combustion will fall inside the premises.

However: in houses whose design was initially optimized for individual heating, more complex circuit boiler operation: air is taken from the facade, and combustion products are discharged into a ventilation duct, the throughput of which allows all boilers along the riser to operate at full power simultaneously.

The photo shows just such a new building. Channels for air intake are installed on the façade.

  • Gas consumption in the corner and middle apartments of the house will vary. In the case of central heating, this, albeit somewhat comical, problem of social inequality is solved same size payment for heat.
  • The greater the total amount of gas equipment in the building, the greater the likelihood of a gas leak with the corresponding consequences. Yes, modern boilers are much safer than Soviet-style gas stoves; however, in general the gas is still explosive.

Apartment without heating equipment: solution to the heating problem

Well, what options are possible when buying an apartment without a pre-installed boiler? Are there heating schemes that are at least close to gas in terms of convenience and efficiency?

Actually, the choice is small. Most heat sources are not applicable in a city apartment.

  • Solid fuel boilers are becoming obsolete not even because of the need for frequent maintenance, but because there is no place to store firewood and coal in the apartment.
  • Solara is VERY loud burner noise and a container with a volume of at least a couple of cubes. And then, imagine the process of filling it in an apartment building...
  • Heating with electricity (more precisely, direct heating with its help) is very expensive. All energy-saving technologies (warm floors, infrared emitters, and even more so a variety of electric radiators and others like them) can, at best, reduce costs by a couple of tens of percent. Costs will still be 6-8 times higher than gas heating costs.

What remains? Actually, only heat pumps. Moreover, there are only two types - air-to-air and air-to-water.

Expenses in budget option it’s easy to figure out: for example, for two-room apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters, two household heat pumps C Nordic CH-S09FTXN costing 22,000 rubles each are sufficient. This particular model was chosen not only for its low price, but also for its excellent energy efficiency combined with a wide range of operating temperatures for heating (up to -25C).

Let's try to estimate the costs in this case. It’s more than easy to do the calculation yourself:

  • According to SNiP, heating 10 m2 requires one kilowatt of thermal power.

Please note: new houses are being built with the active use of energy-saving technologies, so in practice this value can be safely divided by two. However, we will proceed from the worst-case scenario.

  • For an apartment of 60 m2, 6 kilowatts will therefore be required. The rated power of one CH-S09FTXN is 3600 watts; however, inverter control technology allows flexible power adjustment without stopping and then starting the compressor.
  • The C.O.P. parameter, meaning the ratio of effective thermal power to electrical power, for our air conditioners is 4.2. In order to provide a rated power of 6 kW, they will have to continuously spend 6/4.2 = 1.43 kilowatts.

Let's dwell on this value: on the one hand, as practice shows, with correctly calculated thermal power, the AVERAGE power consumption during the heating season does not exceed half the nominal value, on the other hand, the efficiency of heat pumps depends on the street temperature.

It is clear that at +15 and at -25 per kilowatt-hour taken from atmospheric air heat and electricity consumption will be different.

  • At the current cost of a kilowatt-hour, a day of heating will cost 1.43 kW * 4 r / kW / h * 24 hours = 137 rubles. The month is at 4110.

Is it a lot or a little?

On the one hand, the costs seem to be comparable to the costs of central heating. On the other hand:

  • In reality, in a house with an insulated facade, the costs will be MUCH lower.
  • The heating season begins when it is convenient for you.
  • It is worth considering the immediate prospects. It is not difficult to predict an exponential rise in fossil fuel prices in the coming years. But electricity prices will grow much slower: the energy industry of all countries is switching to renewable sources.

Which heating scheme is best to choose is, of course, up to you to decide.

How to switch to autonomous heating

Are there instructions for documenting the transition to autonomous heating for houses with central heating?

Here is an approximate procedure.

  1. The owner of the apartment clarifies the technical possibility of disconnecting the apartment from the central heating system. You will have to communicate either with the housing organization, or, which is more reasonable, directly with the heat supplier. The current municipal legislation provides for the theoretical possibility of switching to individual heating.
  2. Technical specifications for the installation of gas equipment are being prepared - consumption calculations, gas supply drawings, etc. Of course, if you switch to gas. When using any type of electric heating, your path lies to Energosbyt.
  3. A fire inspection report is being prepared. In city apartments, the walls are usually made of non-combustible material, so there should be no obstacles.
  4. If you plan to use a coaxial air duct with an outlet to the facade of the building, you will need permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.
  5. Next you need to contact a licensed installation company and prepare a package of documents: certificates for the installed equipment, installation instructions, a copy of the installers’ license, a service agreement.
  6. After complete installation of the gas heating system, you will have to invite a gas service specialist to connect and start the boiler for the first time. In the case of heat pumps, this is, of course, not necessary.
  7. All that remains is to put the boiler on service maintenance and inform the gas service about the transition to autonomous heat supply.

However: under certain circumstances, the costs and timing of preparing documentation may turn out to be such that a reasonable question arises: isn’t it easier to exchange an apartment for a cottage?


You can learn a little more about how to implement individual heating in an apartment building from the video attached to the article.

A large number of companies today offer their services in the supply of equipment for individual heating. In Russia, the market for apartment heating in apartment buildings is mainly expanding. Including, there are companies that work fruitfully with the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation and other large construction organizations. The time has come when individual heating should become on a par with central heating or even higher in importance. The challenge is to draw the attention of construction investors and consumers to this area. Construction segment residential buildings with apartment heating, although new, is quite promising.

In Russia, they started talking about individual heating for residential buildings relatively recently, in the late 90s of the last century. And already in the early 2000s, the first facilities with software appeared in our country, including in Smolensk. It is necessary to pay attention to the number of floors of houses with apartment heating. The fact is that for this technology it does not matter how many floors there are in the house, be it two or ten. Available technical solutions for buildings of any number of storeys. The problem exists, perhaps, for fire services, but not for construction companies and not for equipment suppliers. In northern Italy, for example, there is a complex of three seventeen-story buildings, which has been successfully operated for more than two decades.

In this article we will conduct a comparative analysis of various heating systems and prove why houses with apartment heating are more promising for consumers than all others.

Apartment heating in apartment buildings and central heating: comparison

We will make a comparison based on the main criteria for assessing the feasibility different types heating. Namely, these are investments, efficiency, ownership, availability of maintenance and comfort for the consumer. We will not consider cases of central heating, which use free heat sources, such as, for example, in Denmark, where garbage is used in central heating.

Central heating

There are practically no investments in this area; as is known, the authorities never have money for central heating. Therefore, new equipment is almost never used, and what is available is worn out. The efficiency factor for central heating in Russia is 45-50 percent. The owner of the central heating system is clear, this is the state, that’s why it has central heating, that is, general heating. Maintenance is carried out, but irregularly and not always efficiently; management companies are responsible for it. But let’s look at comfort in more detail. What kind of comfort can we talk about if people have to either open the windows or, on the contrary, use additional sources heat in the form heating devices? It is clear that central heating cannot be called comfortable for the consumer.

Block boiler room in a residential building

The situation for this type of heating system looks much better. The funds are invested because construction companies must deliver the house, and without a heating system this will not be possible. Because heating network put forward high demands on heating systems, and we have to meet them. The efficiency is quite high, since there is no need to transport heat. But as far as property is concerned, a question arises. On the one hand, the owners are all the owners of apartments in a residential building. But in fact, when equipment breaks down, people do not want to invest in it, since, after all, it is common and not their personal. Maintenance of block boiler houses is carried out; private companies are responsible for it and are ready to take on such work. Usually these are the same companies that were involved in the installation and commissioning of the system. Another question: who will pay for it? Let's leave the question unanswered, since this type of activity is not very profitable and requires significant costs. The level of comfort, however, heating systems with block boiler houses they give high, but not on an individual basis, although it is higher than in the case of central heating. In order to create ideal conditions for yourself, you will have to buy quite expensive equipment, such as thermostatic heads.

Apartment heating in an apartment building

The investments required are the same as in the case of a block boiler house described above. Calculations have shown that software and BC for a standard ten-story building are almost equal and vary by 10-15 percent in one direction or the other. It all depends on what equipment is used and what the cost of installation work is. The efficiency of the system is very high, in fact, it is equal to the efficiency of the boiler. There are no problems with the property, since the entire heating system is the property of the apartment owner. The issue of service has also been practically resolved: young firms act as service companies. True, owners of individual heating systems do not yet think too much about the need for maintenance. Comfort for the consumer in in this case very tall. Each person can configure the parameters they need. For example, one will require a temperature of 19 degrees, while another feels good at 25 degrees. You just need to set the required temperature on the boiler or on the room thermostat; you don’t need to do anything else.

Investment attractiveness of apartments with apartment heating

The question often arises about the investment attractiveness of houses with apartment heating. We have already mentioned above that software and bookmaker are almost equal in terms of investment, and central heating center is much more expensive. Software and BC differ exclusively in comfort and solution to problems with the ownership of heating equipment. Real research was carried out and the costs of individual heating were calculated in order to compare them with calculations for BC and CH. It turned out that in investment terms, that is, at the construction stage, apartment heating is slightly cheaper than BC, and much cheaper than central heating.

Saving gas and money

Turning to foreign experience, we note that in Italy tax benefits are provided to citizens switching to apartment heating. In this case, they disconnect from the boiler room and install a wall-mounted boiler in their home. However, even before this mechanism of “sponsoring” the population was launched, the country’s authorities conducted a rather interesting study.

In two almost identical residential complexes in Milan (in one of them a block boiler room was installed, and in the other they used wall-mounted boilers) over the course of four years, measurements were taken on a variety of data related to the costs of operating the system. In particular, the absolute volume of gas used in one apartment was taken into account. During the research process, the equipment became more and more advanced; thermostatic heads and wall thermostats were installed in apartments. As for the results, it turned out that the software allows you to save up to a third of gas. Quite an impressive result of the experiment, you will agree.

Currently, there is similar data, but from Russian sources (for example, an article by V.A. Eltsov, first deputy. General Director OJSC "Smolenskoblgaz", "Plamya", number 4 from 2000, considers an example in the city of Smolensk). It is important to note that the consumer also pays significantly less for utility bills with software, since he consumes less gas.

Let's return to the Western experience

The installation of wall-mounted boilers is popular in Italy, as this equipment is distinguished by its perfect design and has many useful functions. Approximately a million wall-mounted boilers are sold annually in Italy, and about four million throughout Europe. And the entire fleet of existing equipment is approximately 15 million boilers. And there is nothing strange in this, because apartments with apartment heating are really beneficial for the consumer, and most importantly, comfortable.

Of the million boilers that are installed in Italy every year, about 800 thousand are replacing old systems. Statistics show that on average every family in Italy replaces their boiler once every 8 years. The service life of the boiler is much longer (15-20 years), but the equipment becomes obsolete over time. That's why it requires replacement. It can be assumed that in a certain number of years our country will also need a massive replacement of wall-mounted boilers.

What do consumers think about houses with apartment heating?

Let's return to Russian realities and turn to a survey that was conducted in Smolensk, where there are a lot of houses with apartment heating. Its results turned out to be very encouraging. 250 people answered the questions; their housing had an area of ​​up to 70 square meters (25 percent) and from 70 to 150 square meters (71 percent). A question was asked about how they assessed their financial situation; 93 percent rated it as favorable. The family of 62 percent of respondents consists of three or more members. At the same time, apartment heating systems are used by citizens for up to one year (a quarter of respondents), up to three years (67 percent) and more than three years (all other respondents).

Based on the above, the average respondent is a person of mature age (41-55 years old), who has a permanent job and an income of more than average level, lives in an apartment of approximately 100 square meters and has a family of three people, and has been using apartment heating for about 2 years .

Then the most important question was asked, which, in fact, is what our entire article concerns. The respondents were asked what influenced the choice of this particular apartment. It was necessary to build several factors based on their significance. There were eight factors in total, ranging from the layout to the location of the house. These included the presence of apartment heating in the apartment. The results were as follows: software came in second place in importance! Let us remember that the questions were answered by citizens with incomes above average. As is known, they determine the state of the investment climate in construction as a whole. And a study conducted in Smolensk suggests that apartment heating has ceased to be experimental and has become a factor in the growth and success of construction companies. Representatives of companies need to realize that the cost of houses with apartment heating is not higher, and often lower, while apartments in them can be sold at a higher price, since they are more attractive to the consumer. As a result, the construction company will be able to earn significantly more.

In general, even before the survey described above, there was scattered data on the assessment consumer properties BY. This includes numerous conversations with residents, installers of wall-mounted boilers, builders, and representatives of service companies. Here is one illustrative example. In one of the cities of the Moscow region, apartments in houses with individual heating cost 500-550 dollars per square, and in houses with central heating - 350-400 dollars per square. It would seem that the latter should be more attractive because of the price, but in reality apartments with apartment heating are much more popular and sell out faster. One more example. When the construction company completed occupancy of the first ten-story building with software, people plagued it with questions about when there would be new facilities with wall-mounted boilers.

Here is a rather interesting and revealing moment. In Smolensk, for example, almost 90% of apartment owners know what brand of boiler installed in their home. Whereas in Italy this figure does not even reach 30 percent. We can draw a conclusion from this: since people are interested in the brand, it means they also look at this factor when choosing an apartment to purchase. Accordingly, some brands are more prestigious.

Finally, all the same survey participants from Smolensk had to talk in their own words about the advantages of the software for them personally. The respondents were divided into three large groups. The first mentioned savings, the second talked about comfort, and the third talked about a variety of reasons. Note that the second group also noted independence from central heating as one of the components of comfort.

Features of apartment heating in Russia

Everything is clear with the results of the sociological survey, but what kind of boilers are installed by construction companies in our country? Statistics show that approximately half of the boilers purchased are equipment with an open combustion chamber. And this is not good, since many have heard about the poor quality of construction of supply ventilation and smoke removal systems. In addition, today they are popular plastic windows, and the boiler requires a large amount of air for combustion. It is known that boilers with an open combustion chamber take air from the apartment where they are located, and devices with a closed combustion chamber take air from the external environment. Of course, the second type of boiler is more expensive. However, it guarantees complete safety and comfort.

Let's move on. The bulk of installed boilers have a capacity of 24 kilowatts. Don’t forget that Russians use a lot of hot water, as well as the fact that wealthy people live in apartments with apartment heating (this was shown by the previously mentioned survey). Let us remember that, according to statistics, their families consist of three people or more. It is clear that at the same time in the apartment they can take a shower, wash dishes and do other household chores. Equipment with a power of 24 kilowatts gives about 12-13 liters per minute at Dt=25. And this, you see, is not enough for Russian winters and the habits of our compatriots. Therefore, it would not be amiss to switch to boilers with a capacity of 28 or 32 kilowatts. In the heating circuit, equipment for 24 and 28 kilowatts is interchangeable, and the latter provides higher comfort. Moreover, the price in terms of square footage changes very little.

In conclusion, we add that 90% of boilers have practically no additional options, even though they are installed in apartments with increased comfort.

Let's summarize. Undoubtedly, consumers put the comfort and efficiency that apartment heating systems provide in the first place. When purchasing apartments with software, they are willing to pay more. Currently, individual heating has ceased to be just a forced measure to abandon central heating. Now apartment heating in an apartment building is necessary to meet the high demand of wealthy consumers. This means that all construction companies need to pay close attention to it.

Today, the only worthy alternative to centralized heating is an apartment heating system. At the same time, its arrangement requires a significant investment of time, effort and money, but as a result, the investment pays off in a very reasonable time.

In our article we will analyze the pros and cons of such systems, and also provide recommendations for their installation.

Feasibility analysis

Why is central heating ineffective?

Today, most apartment buildings have central heating systems installed. At the same time, only radiators and supply pipes are placed in the apartments, and the coolant is heated at special enterprises (boiler houses and thermal power plants). These enterprises can be located at a considerable distance (up to several kilometers) from the point of heat consumption, which determines the key disadvantages of the system.

The low efficiency of central heating is explained by the following factors:

  • Firstly, quite a lot of boiler houses use outdated water heating and steam generating equipment with low efficiency. At the same time, burning large amounts of fuel leads to increased financial costs, and huge volumes of carbon monoxide and other combustion products are released into the air.

  • Secondly, transportation of coolant over long distances leads to its temperature being significantly reduced. Heat loss is especially high in winter, during the most active heating period. They are trying to partially compensate for them by increasing the temperature of the water supplied to the pipes, but this again leads to a reduction in costs.

Note! According to SNiP, all external pipelines must be equipped with heat-insulating casings. In practice, from a third to a half of heating mains do not have a high-quality heat-saving circuit, so that CHP plants often heat not so much apartments as the environment.

From the point of view of the recipient of heating as a service, the centralized scheme is also very inconvenient:

  • On the one hand, the temperature inside the room is almost impossible to regulate either up or down. So the situation is quite real when you will be forced to wrap yourself in woolen sweaters, waiting for the thermal power plant to raise the temperature of the water in the pipes.
  • On the other hand, the stumbling block is the beginning and end of the heating season. Yes, there are certain standards that stipulate the inclusion of heating equipment, but they are not flexible, and therefore in late autumn we are freezing for at least a week, waiting for the heat to be given. Well, in the spring you have to open the windows, since the batteries don’t turn off right away either.

However, most often the transition to apartment heating is still determined by financial considerations. Agree, it is much more logical to independently control the microclimate in the room, and pay only for fuel used for its intended purpose, and not finance the transportation of hot water through uninsulated pipes.

Advantages and disadvantages of apartment heating

Before deciding to install autonomous heating, it is necessary to analyze its pros and cons.

The strengths of this technology include:

  • Quite fast payback. By saving on energy costs, you can completely “break even” within five to seven years of operating the system.

Note! These terms are only valid if rational use heat. If the boiler constantly operates at maximum power, and you open the windows to reduce the temperature (and even more so, turn on the air conditioner), then the savings will be close to zero.

  • Comfortable microclimate adjustment. You set the appropriate temperature in the room yourself, and the boiler will automatically maintain it. The highest quality models can be connected to room thermostats, so that the degree of air heating will not depend on the outside temperature.

  • Environmental friendliness. Modern models heating boilers are characterized by the most complete combustion of fuel, which allows minimizing the volume of emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Reduced construction costs. Data Plus is relevant primarily for construction companies: when incorporating apartment heating into a project, there is no need to allocate funds for the installation of heating mains and connection to the main line.

Of course, the system also has disadvantages:

  • Firstly, the price of the equipment itself is quite significant. For many, such a one-time investment will be “unaffordable”, so they will either have to take out a loan with all the attendant risks, or save money for several months.
  • Secondly, the installation of heating equipment in buildings where centralized heating was previously installed is associated with very labor-intensive bureaucratic procedures.

  • Third Both during installation and operation of the system, close attention must be paid to safety issues. This requirement is especially relevant for gas boilers: you should not install them yourself, since gas equipment Only employees of certified services have the right to work.

Installation of individual heating

Legal aspects

The process of switching to autonomous heating itself must begin with obtaining permits.

An approximate operating algorithm would be like this:

  • To begin with, the technical feasibility is clarified. This point is the most difficult, since operating organizations are extremely reluctant to agree to such a step.

Note! The likelihood of a judgment in your favor will be greater if you contact a lawyer who specializes in such issues. Also good results give collective applications from the entire house or entrance.

  • Next, we contact the design organization, which must develop technical conditions for connection, including drawings of the connections, placement heating circuits etc.
  • The next stage is fire supervision. If the building is made of non-combustible materials(brick, concrete), then obtaining a certificate usually does not cause problems.

  • Then we purchase equipment (we will talk about the choice in the next section) and contact the installation organization. Its representatives are obliged to request from you certificates of compliance of the boiler with accepted standards, therefore, when purchasing a unit, you need to pay special attention to this.
  • Next, the installation itself is carried out, the boiler is connected by gas industry specialists, as well as the equipment is registered and serviced. After this, the operating organization should receive a notification from you about the transition to autonomous heat supply to the apartment.

Note! Document forms must be agreed upon with the organization to which you will provide them. Of course, the instructions presuppose the existence of a unified state standard for the preparation of such papers, but very often organizations establish their own internal rules.

Selecting a heating device

For the apartment heating system, you need to choose a hot water boiler. And here we need to decide both the power of the device and the type of fuel used - gas or electricity.

As for productivity, everything is quite simple: to heat each square meter of area you need at least 100 kW of boiler power. Therefore, an apartment with an area of ​​50 m2 requires a device of at least 5 kW.

As for gas and electricity, the choice here is more difficult to make. To analyze the strengths and weaknesses, we structured the information in the form of a table:

However, gas devices are still more popular, so they will most likely be recommended to you. On the other hand, electric boilers can also be installed in non-gasified buildings.

Peripheral installation

Finally, for heating it is necessary to install piping and radiators.

And although there are very few differences from centralized heating, they are worth paying attention to:

  • A feature of individual heating is low pressure in the system and the absence of temperature changes. This leaves its mark on the process of selecting components.
  • So, instead of steel pipes, you can use polymer or metal-plastic products. They are practically not subject to corrosion, but at the same time have sufficient temperature and deformation resistance.

Note! Some of the pipes can be laid in the floor screed, ensuring heating of the lower layer of air. This will be more rational than installing heated floors connected to central heating radiators.

  • Radiators can be less durable, but more efficient in terms of heat transfer. Thus, it is the installation of apartment heating that allows the use of aluminum batteries: since water hammer during pressure testing does not threaten the circuits, a stability of 25 atmospheres should be enough.

  • Also, when installing individual heating, the use of bimetallic radiators. Due to great heat dissipation Such products can maintain a lower temperature in the pipes, which allows you to avoid overpaying for gas even in the cold season.

As for assembling the contours, no difficulties should arise here: metal parts We connect using either welded or threaded fittings, and to fasten polyethylene pipes we use high-temperature soldering technology.

Advice! Before starting the system, it must be checked for leaks.


Despite the complexity of implementation, apartment heating systems have a number of tangible advantages. So, to reduce the cost of heating an apartment, it is quite possible to arrange an autonomous heating circuit, following the recommendations given in the article and shown in the video. Of course, the payback period will be considerable, but as a long-term investment this technology is fully justified.
