Increased social stipend per year. Types and amounts of scholarships for students in Russia

Social scholarship provided the following categories of students studying at any Russian educational institution:

The state determines the minimum amount of any type of scholarship paid in an educational institution.

For example, social scholarship equals:

  • 730 rub. monthly, if we are talking about a college, technical school, school or other secondary vocational educational institution;
  • 2010 rub. – for a university student, regardless of whether he is studying for a specialist, bachelor’s or master’s degree.

The above amounts are minimum threshold allowable payment for a financially disadvantaged student. Each educational institution must decide on its optimal size.

General scholarship fund is in the department of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In accordance with individual financing, the final answer must be given by the administration of the university or college (often the decision is made by the educational department under the control of the rector's office).

For the provision of a social scholarship in a vocational educational institution has the right to apply:

  • , regardless of the group;
  • a citizen affected by the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • a child living in a low-income family, but provided that he is already receiving government assistance;
  • an orphan and a child left without parental care, as well as a student who lost his parents during his studies (age from 18 to 23 years);
  • a child whose specialty is related to the mining industry and whose parents were disabled or died due to the onset of;
  • a student who received 7 points (12-point scale) or 4 points (5-point scale) as a result of semester control;
  • a child whose parent’s death was caused by an anti-terrorist operation, combat action or armed conflict, as well as a displaced child.

Latest innovations

Previously, a social scholarship was awarded to all students who theoretically have the right to receive assistance from the state. The presence of this uncertainty in the law allowed many students, due to low level income while studying, enroll yourself among the ranks of low-income citizens and apply for social benefits.

But, in 2018, it was decided to make some clarifications, namely, the registration of scholarship benefits is now available only to those students who can confirm the fact of receiving state social assistance. The scholarship is awarded from the date of presentation to educational institution documents and lasts 1 year from the start of payments.

Full list of events and papers required to calculate additional social benefits includes:

The period during which application is being considered, usually does not exceed 2 weeks.

Previously, the amount of the scholarship fund was a source of funding for state academic and social scholarships only for students. Now the right to apply for financial support applies to graduate students, assistant trainees, residents and trainees, although the training of these citizens already has a higher education level, but not a student level.

Applicants for social scholarships need to know about next innovations:

  1. Starting from 09/01/2018, it is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation new order scholarship assignments.
  2. The A Just Russia faction prepared and submitted a bill, according to which the size of the social scholarship should have been raised to the subsistence level.
  3. Scholarships paid by the State should be considered by students as assistance provided to low-income individuals. That is why its appointment is not influenced by factors such as academic performance.
  4. A social scholarship, if there are appropriate grounds, may be paid to students on academic leave. In this case, the student does not lose the right to receive an academic scholarship (standard).
  5. Each educational institution independently determines the amount of social benefits for its students. Moreover, these amounts must be agreed upon with both the student council and the trade union. The calculated amount of social assistance cannot be lower than the minimum scholarship approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for a specific type of institution.
  6. Each university has the right, at its own discretion, to increase the amount of social assistance for students. But, at the same time, such costs will not be covered by budget funds.
  7. When calculating social grants for residents of the Far North or other regions with difficult climatic conditions, an increasing coefficient should be applied.
  8. Currently, students receiving higher education can count on a “minimum wage” of 2,010 rubles, and for students receiving secondary vocational education, this value is fixed at 730 rubles.
  9. 1st-2nd year students who receive high grades during the sessions can count on increased social benefits. assistance, the amount of which will vary from 6,000 rubles. up to 13,000 rub.

The rules for receiving this type of government assistance are described in the following video.

The information that the size is significantly inferior to the standards adopted in Europe cannot be considered a secret, and during the crisis this “discrepancy” has become even more noticeable. It is not surprising that the question ofin 2016-2017, today is considered especially relevant among Russians.

The issue of scholarships should be given special attention, because modern times it is incredibly important, not only for students, but for the country as a whole. The lack of financial support from the state forces university students to look for part-time work, which usually takes up everything free time a person, as a result of which academic performance is rapidly falling, and instead of “excellent” marks, “satisfactory” marks appear in educational reports (and this is in the best case). Such a development of events does not benefit either the student, who spends a lot of effort on studying and working, but also the state, which is interested in obtaining qualified personnel aimed at the further development of the state. Consequently, financial benefits play a particularly important role in the lives of students, therefore their amount should be increased, and the authorities have recently set themselves a similar task.

Scholarship payments - types and features

Before we talk aboutwhat will be the scholarship for students in 2017, it is worth paying attention to the fact that financial assistance for students is divided into several types, respectively, they are distinguished:

  • state (social) payments;
  • academic scholarships;
  • nominal;
  • presidential and

The social scholarship is considered one of the most popular in modern times, and this despite the fact that the student’s academic performance does not affect its receipt in any way. It was designed specifically for people in need (orphans, members large families or disabled people), and its amount today does not exceed 2,000 rubles per month (students of colleges and lyceums can only count on about 750 rubles). This fact once again suggests that it should be increased scholarship for students since 2017, living wage,after all, today it has a higher size.

Academic benefits are paid to students who receive education on a budgetary basis, but they are influenced by the student's level of performance. The university management reviews them once a semester, and if a student received bad grades, then material aid from the state is temporarily suspended (during the next semester the student can correct the situation). The payout amount is approximately 1500 rubles at the university, and about 500 rubles in colleges or lyceums. And it must be said separately that graduate students and doctors, who, in fact, are also students (they just also have the opportunity to teach) and make progress in their studies, can receive financial assistance in the amount of 6-10 thousand rubles (but they must write scientific works, which can be selected from a list developed by specialists of the Ministry of Education).

It is impossible not to mention the personal scholarship payments that people who have made significant progress in their studies and have received documents that damage this fact (diplomas, certificates) can count on. Presidential scholarships are also distinctive signs for students, only, as can be seen from the name, their appointment is carried out by the president, and, by analogy with them, they are appointed, the size of which varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Will there be a promotion?

The good news is thatscholarship amount for students 2016-2017 in the Russian Federation will definitely increase, but not 20% (as previously planned), but only on the amount of inflation, because, although, members of the government have thought about this issue. They could not find money in the budget for such an event. It is worth saying that local authorities have the opportunity to increase scholarship payments to students at their discretion (they will be able to allocate funds for this from the local budget). However, if this happens, it will most likely only increase social scholarship for students 2017, because it is intended for the most needy segments of the population (although there is no talk yet of equalizing its size with the subsistence level).

The maximum amount of scholarship payments will be no more than 10,000 rubles, but not all students will be able to receive this money, and the authorities are not yet able to increase its amount, because the country is going through difficult times and we just need to come to terms with it.

The scholarship is the main source of income for the student ,who went to study in order to master a profession, and not just get a diploma while working at the same time. Polish students receive about $600, and American students - about $2,000 a month, and these figures should give the authorities a reason to think about how students receiving 2,000-3,000 rubles can live and study normally without wasting energy on additional searches alternative source income.

Every student at a higher educational institution in Russia will be extremely interested to know how things will go with the increase in scholarships in 2017. Let's figure out what scholarships students receive this year and how much these amounts will change in the future, including in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

How much will scholarships for Russian students increase in 2017?

And straight to the good news: scholarships for students in Russia in 2017 will increase. So according to the last one official information, in 2017, student scholarships will increase by 5.9%, in 2018 - by 4.8%, and in 2019 - 4.5%, thus, in the next three years, scholarships will be indexed annually, which is not bad. Based on the figures presented above, the minimum scholarship at universities in the Russian Federation will be as follows: in 2017 - 1419 rubles, in 2018 - 1487 rubles, and in 2019, respectively - 1554 rubles.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will feel rich when receiving that kind of money. But if a successful and intelligent young man or girl studies well, participates in public life, and also have a certain talent, encouraged in the form of additional payments, then you can receive quite decent money per month (see the most in Russia in 2017).

Let us note that quite recently, a bill was introduced into the State Duma, with the help of which deputies plan to equalize minimum size scholarships at the minimum wage level By the way, the size will be increased to 7800 rubles. If this bill is adopted, Russian students will be able to count on a significant increase in their income.

Types of student scholarships in the Russian Federation

It should be noted that in Russia there are several types of scholarships that are awarded to students of higher education. educational institutions:

State academic scholarship;
Increased academic scholarship.
State social scholarship;
Additional views scholarships.

The current amount of scholarships available to Russian students

Of course, the amount of scholarships in different regions of the Russian Federation and in different universities may vary slightly. But at the same time, you need to understand that the state transfers a certain amount to the university for cash payments students, and each university already has the right to independently distribute funds among students, determining the amount of payments, however, focusing on the national level.

State academic scholarship

To obtain this type payments, you should study without Cs (the fewer Bs, the higher the scholarship) and actively participate in the public life of your educational institution. At the moment, the minimum amount of this payment in Russia in 2016 is 1340 rubles for students senior management and 487 rubles for students receiving secondary vocational education. education. The maximum payment in this area is 6 thousand rubles. In turn, graduate students receive a stipend of 2,600 rubles, doctoral students - up to 10 thousand rubles.

Increased state academic scholarship

Increased scholarships are awarded to excellent students who participate in public student organizations. Universities determine its value independently. In 2016, it ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles for students, for graduate students - from 11 to 14 thousand.

State social scholarship

First of all, social scholarship received by children from low-income families, disabled people, orphans, victims of nuclear power plant accidents, disabled people and combat veterans. The amount of this payment in 2016 is 2010 rubles. for students of higher educational institutions and 730 for mid-level professionals.

Also see: detailed schedule, compulsory subjects.

Every student has heard about special scholarship payments. Russian Federation. All middle and high school students educational centers, at least once received payments from this plan, at least in the first semester of their successful studies, if they were on a budgetary form of study. But, in addition to the well-known academic scholarship, which is paid only if the student receives grades “4” and “5,” a certain social scholarship is also possible; it is received only by students in dire need of financial support. Starting from 01.01. Since 2017, the procedure for obtaining such cash security has changed significantly. Let's figure out how the social scholarship for low-income students in 2017 is paid and awarded.

Social scholarship for students in 2018, what is it?

Who is eligible to receive a social scholarship? It is intended for students studying at a university under a budget program, necessarily full-time. The budget form of education is financed from the state treasury. These facts allow any student to count on the possible accrual of this type of scholarship. This scholarship is designed to alleviate the hardships of living while studying for low-income students. This applies to all students studying both at a technical school, college and other higher educational institutions.

This stipend is paid strictly every month. The student receives a fixed amount established by law. The duration of payments is one year, and does not prevent the student from receiving, in addition to this assistance, presidential, gubernatorial and academic scholarships.

Social scholarship for students 2018: who is eligible?

We will figure out how to make a social scholarship for a student in 2017 a little later, now let’s find out if you are suitable for the list of candidates. The university commission is responsible for compiling a list of applicants – who is eligible for this type of scholarship. The process of accepting or refusing social scholarship payments will be based on the type of social vulnerability of the candidate.

How to receive a social scholarship, basic conditions:

  • To receive a social scholarship, a student must complete an educational program and study only full-time;
  • Another mandatory item is training in a free department, financed from the budget of the Russian Federation;
  • Receiving other social benefits to help low-income students.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship:

  • Persons from the category – orphan;
  • Students not under parental care;
  • People who lost their parents during their education (both one or both);
  • Students who have been disabled since birth;
  • Disabled people of groups I and II;
  • Disabled groups who received injuries leading to disability as a result of military operations or participants in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant;
  • Students from low-income families.

What is needed for a social scholarship, first-line candidates:

  • Persons not under parental care, orphans;
  • Disabled people of groups I and II who are incapacitated;
  • Candidates from the list of victims of the Chernobyl accident or military operations.

Who is paid? Second stage candidates:

  • For disability categories I and II and in case of loss of a breadwinner;
  • Students whose parents are elderly, unable to work, and have already retired;
  • Persons from large families;
  • Students raising their own children.

State social scholarship in 2018

Financial accruals for low-income students are officially established and closed, but there are some features in which the amount of funding can be increased beyond the existing norm.

An application for a social scholarship can be submitted by first- and second-year full-time students who are already receiving a state scholarship and plan to defend their specialist or bachelor’s category. These students can be included in the list of candidates only if they study at grades “4-5”. IN in this case they will receive an additional social benefits scholarship in the amount of 6,307 rubles. For some regions this amount may be higher. The accrual of such a scholarship is possible only based on the results of certification, as well as documents confirming a difficult financial situation.

The place of registration does not in any way affect the receipt of permission for a social scholarship. All students can qualify for this additional payment, being a resident of the city or a non-resident representative. Everyone is assessed on absolutely equal positions.

In addition to the main advantages of such payments, it is worth noting the simple process of calculating them. They are credited to the student’s account, not only during the learning process, like an academic scholarship, but also in the event academic leave, for any reason.

How much is the social scholarship for 2017?

The process of establishing a fixed amount is primarily the responsibility of the university management; it agrees on the amount of payments with the student council. This amount cannot be less than that established by the law of the Russian Federation on the date of accrual. When approving the amount, the inflation rate on the day of registration is taken into account, as well as the quality of education and the category of the student. An educational institution can independently increase the amount of accruals, but these additional accruals will not come from the country’s budget.

How much does a university student earn?

The minimum accrual for social scholarships for 2017 is 2010 rubles (Bachelor, Specialist, Master).

How much does a college or technical school student earn?

The minimum amount of social scholarship for 2017 for this category is 730 rubles (mid-level specialist).

For students living in Altai and the Far North, the amount of accrual increases by a factor of 1.4%.

How to apply for a social scholarship in 2018?

Let's figure out how to apply for a social scholarship for a student in 2017. To obtain the right to receive a social scholarship, you should submit an application to the authorities social protection. In your application, you must provide everything Required documents, specified in State list. When the package of documents you have collected is approved, you go to the dean’s office, where all the university management is located, along with your student ID and the same set of documents. At the dean's office, you write a statement stating the reasons why you should be awarded a social scholarship and confirm that you really need financial assistance.

What documents are needed to apply for a social scholarship?

Documents for social scholarships in 2018 include the following papers:

  1. You need to fill out an application to request a social scholarship. It will be given to you on the spot.
  2. Photocopy and original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is issued by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. A certificate confirming that you are a student at this university and are studying full-time, on a budget-funded form of education. The certificate specifies the course, department of study, etc. Issued by your educational institution.
  4. Documents for a social scholarship 2017 also require you to provide a certificate of the amount of all types of scholarships you have received over the last 3 months. A certificate is issued by the accounting department of the university.
  5. Certificate of receipt by the student of any categories of social benefits accrued by the state. It's about about pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner, for disability, payments to the poor, etc. You should receive a certificate from the USZN.

What documents are needed for a social scholarship for nonresident residents:

  1. For non-residents, it is important to have a certificate No. 9 of temporary registration in the city in which the university is located. Another option is a certificate of registration in a student dormitory. The certificate is issued by the hostel management.
  2. Nonresident students must attach general documents a receipt for payment for accommodation in the hostel or outside its territory. It is issued at the passport office.

How to apply for a social scholarship for students from low-income families:

  1. Certificate of family composition. Where to apply? In the housing department, as well as the passport office at the place of residence is suitable for this.
  2. Certificate of financial support for the family for the last 3 months. The certificate should be issued in form 2-NDFL at the place of work of the parents or at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. It is also important to attach a document on unemployment and receipt of other benefits, which can be obtained from the USZN authorities.
How to calculate accruals and payments for the category of social scholarships?

When all the certificates and documents are collected, and the application for accrual of payments to the student is completed and certified by the SZN authorities, it is checked for authenticity and registered in the system. Next, the rector draws up a special local act, according to which the student officially has the right to receive the necessary payments. After which, the act is sent to the accounting department of the university. Social scholarship funds are accrued for 1 year. Can it be reissued? The law does not contradict the re-issue of permission to receive this type of scholarship. Repeated accrual is possible only if the student meets the legal grounds for receiving payments. If, in the process of receiving a social scholarship, a student leaves the university, accruals will immediately stop.

For several years in a row, Russian officials have been “feeding” students with promises to increase scholarship payments for public sector employees studying in bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate programs. That is why university students do not lose hope of getting several hundred, or even thousands, more in 2018, because this increase, today, is incredibly important for them.

Every Russian knows that the country has led to a sharp increase in prices for food, clothing, shoes and other goods. Unfortunately, student scholarships cannot cover even a small part of all the costs that young people need.

It’s good if the student can afford to get a job or if compassionate relatives help him. But what about those who are unable to find a suitable position that would not distract from their studies, or who do not have wealthy parents? That's right, such students stretch from payment to payment and dream of at least a small increase.

Question regarding indexation of scholarships for students 2018 school year still remains open, but some officials have tackled it thoroughly and perhaps next year this problem will be resolved for the better.

Government proposals

Officials in the State Duma have repeatedly stated that scholarship incentives should undoubtedly increase, thereby motivating young people to enter universities and get excellent grades in their transcripts. At the same time, in view crisis situation Across the country, the budget cannot include an increase in scholarships, but parliamentarians do not intend to cut them either.

Bachelors, masters and graduate students were assured that the size of the scholarship fund was not cut, but the reduction in funding that was being talked about behind the scenes State Duma, concerns only the reduction of construction investments and costs for repairs of buildings and dormitories.

Let's say more, the government intends to index the scholarship fund annually. In turn, due to such events, material assistance to students and graduate students who study on a budgetary basis will increase. But to receive a scholarship in the proper amount, the student must show his diligence in his studies, supported by high grades.

Those students who do not pass the exam well enough will be able to count on only small financial assistance; those who try hard will receive the maximum scholarship on their cards. However, we should not forget about the number of “tails”, which can affect not only the size of the scholarship payment, but also its temporary cancellation. It is in the interests of every student to close all debts before the session and pass the exams with excellent marks.

The situation with scholarships today

In 2017, the amount of the scholarship that Russian students and graduate students are required to receive consists of various payments.

The largest amount of a simple payment is 10,000 rubles. However, not every full-time student can count on even this benefit.

It is known that in different regions of our state there are slight differences in scholarship payments, which, as a rule, are tied by the administration to the cost of living established in this region. That is why only a few students studying at certain universities in Moscow will be able to receive 10,000 rubles.

As for other students, they are awarded much less amounts: from 1,340 rubles to 6,000 rubles per month.

Financial assistance in the amount of 1,340 rubles is paid to students enrolled in the first year of a bachelor's or master's degree. These payments are due to all full-time students until they pass the first session and earn a higher scholarship.

Guys whose record books always show only “4” and “5” can compete for an increase in scholarship. Thus, “good students” on average receive from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles, while “excellent” students can count on 5,000 to 7,000 rubles monthly.

As for graduate students, they are awarded a scholarship in the amount of 2,640 rubles. Such a scholarship is available to students of most specialties, with the exception of “technicians” - their scholarship payments can reach as much as 6,350 rubles per month.

The situation is much worse in colleges, where the minimum scholarship for full-time students is only 487 rubles per month.

I would like to make a separate point about those scholarship holders who were able to achieve the Presidential Scholarship. Students of higher educational institutions from this category who have confirmed their participation in research on an all-Russian scale can count on financial assistance in the amount of 7,000 rubles to 14,000 rubles.

If a bachelor's, master's or graduate student was able to prove the significance of his developments for the Russian economy, then the president assigns him an incentive payment in the amount of 28,000 rubles monthly.

There are separate categories of full-time students who are among the disabled, orphans or children from low-income families. Such students are entitled to social financial assistance from 730 to 2010 rubles.

Will indexation happen in 2018?

It is worth recalling that several years ago Dmitry Livanov, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, announced the speedy indexation of scholarships, because the level of inflation processes had risen to incredible heights. This issue caused heated debate among officials, because the Ministry of Education demanded an increase in scholarships by as much as 20%.

The Ministry of Finance opposed raising payments, citing the fact that the country’s budget would not withstand such a load. But still, in 2016 there was a slight increase - scholarships increased by 3%.

As for 2017, this payment was also indexed in the amount of 5.9%, and another increase is planned for another 4.8%.

However, this increase will affect the country’s scholarship fund as a whole, and the final payment for students is directly determined by the management of universities. So it turns out that in some institutions all students receive the same “minimum salary,” while in others the size of the scholarship directly depends on the student’s level of academic performance.
