Stretch ceilings for children's rooms. Stretch ceilings in a children's room: the best photos and design options. What type of tension covering should be used in a nursery?

You should approach the design of a children's room carefully, thinking through every detail. Finishing materials, furniture, colors, decor, textiles - everything should be environmentally friendly, non-toxic, as natural as possible and psychologically comfortable.

You should also carefully choose the color and shape of the ceiling, its design and material. Stretch ceiling in the nursery they will become great solution– their positive qualities and varieties will be discussed in this article.

Design requirements

The ceiling occupies a significant area in the room, and therefore has a great influence on creating the overall atmosphere in the interior. It is often made white so that it does not attract attention and at the same time makes the room lighter and taller.

But in a children's room, by designing this surface, you can create an amazing and unique atmosphere of celebration and magic, making it the main accent that attracts attention.

Stretch ceilings for a children's room can help with this, but first you should familiarize yourself with the requirements that it must meet:

  1. The main requirement is environmental friendliness, safety, hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and suspended ceilings for children's rooms fully meet these requirements;

  1. It is important that the material used for the design and manufacture of the structure does not disturb, but even participates in the formation of a favorable microclimate in the room. As for fabric ones, they are vapor permeable, so air microcirculation is ensured in the room. The price for such material is slightly higher than for PVC;

  1. When choosing a color scheme, not only the area of ​​the room is taken into account, but also the influence of color on the emotional state of a person, especially a child. Choosing bright colors, preference is given to muted tones rather than pure or acidic ones, which will be irritating;

  1. Often in a children's room you can find various bright images, when choosing which you need to take into account the overall color scheme and style of the room, as well as its area. With the help of a drawing you can add volume to the space;

  1. The child's room is multifunctional. The one space should organically combine the area of ​​sleeping, playing and studying. For zoning space, various design techniques. One of them is, emphasizing the division of space into zones with its shape or color. A stretch ceiling for a child's room allows you to create unusual visual effects and multi-tiered structures;

  1. An important role is played by the organization of lighting in the children's room, and the tension structure can take a direct part in this. Using built-in lamps and LED lighting, you can visually zone the room, as well as create multi-level lighting with several intensity levels;

  1. It is important that the material used is suitable for dry or wet cleaning (read more), does not absorb dirt and has antistatic properties. Depending on the type of material, tension fabrics are subject to different cleaning methods and levels of moisture resistance.

What is a stretch ceiling

Tension fabrics appeared later and took their niche among the many finishing methods. Yes, this is the most expensive option and the difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot make the canvas yourself or install it yourself.

But variety color solutions, textures and the possibility of applying an image of any complexity through photo printing, make this design method one of the most popular today.

The design is a canvas mounted on an aluminum frame or plastic profile(baguette), which in turn is attached at any distance from the existing ceiling.

The very concept of placing a tension fabric under an existing ceiling arose a long time ago. The ceilings of the living quarters of the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were decorated with fabric. And in the 17th century, a technology arose in Armenia in which a frame was installed with fabric stretched over it, previously impregnated with a lime or chalk composition.

This finishing method faded into the background with the advent of modern technologies and materials, but it was remembered after 1967, when a new light, thin, but very durable material appeared - PVC film. By combining ancient technology, new material and improved methods of fastening the canvas, it was possible to create a unique coating.

Important! One of the advantages of tensile structures is their quick installation and the absence of the need for preparatory work.

Tension fabric can be PVC, fabric or satin. Each type has its own positive and negative sides, as well as requirements for operating conditions.

Thus, a PVC film sheet can have either a glossy, almost mirror-like surface or a matte surface, while a fabric sheet can only have a matte surface. Satin combines positive traits PVC and fabric ceilings– it does not reflect or glare like gloss and does not absorb light like a matte canvas, but softly diffuses it.

As for operating conditions, PVC film can be used in rooms for any purpose with different levels of humidity, and fabric can only be used in “dry” rooms, since it is not moisture resistant.

By design, suspended ceilings in a children's room can be single- or multi-level. The method of its fastening, which involves choosing the height of the structure, gives it all the positive qualities of suspended structures: masking communications and electrical wiring, the possibility of installing additional heat and soundproofing material, the possibility of organizing built-in lighting.

Features of the tension structure

The tension structure has some general positive properties:

  1. When using any tension fabric, a flat, smooth surface is formed;
  2. PVC fabric is moisture resistant, and therefore can be used in damp rooms, but fabric sheets are still recommended for a children's room, since they are breathable, unlike PVC film;
  3. The design is arranged in such a way that an air gap is formed between the canvas and the ceiling, providing heat and sound insulation. If necessary, appropriate material can be placed inside the structure;

  1. When installing the structure, you can choose the height at which it will be located - this allows you to implement any design idea to create a multi-level system or adjust the height of the room;
  2. The suspended structure reliably hides all communications passing under the ceiling and surface imperfections - interpanel seams, beams and other protruding structures, ventilation equipment, electrical wiring, pipes;

  1. The tension fabric has an antistatic effect;
  2. There is no need to carry out labor-intensive and financially expensive work before installing the tension fabric. preparatory work, and the installation process itself takes record time and is not associated with the formation of pollution and debris;
  3. Choosing between tension fabric and plasterboard suspended structure, you should take into account the fact that a PVC tension fabric can protect the room from flooding from above, thanks to its strength and ability to stretch, while maintaining its integrity;

  1. Any tension structure can be equipped with built-in lighting, but if holes for lamps are cut in plasterboard during the installation process, then for a tension fabric they are cut out at the manufacturing stage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a layout of lighting fixtures in advance and give this information to the surveyor.

Separately, it is worth noting the nuances of using tension fabrics:

  1. Stretch ceilings for a children's room can be manufactured and installed by specialists from the manufacturer, who will subsequently carry out its maintenance;

Important! Since the tension fabric is made in accordance with the parameters of a particular room, it is recommended to invite a measurer from the company that will install the structure.

  1. The height of the room will be reduced by at least the thickness of the frame profile. If the room is not high, then you can install a light, glossy single-level ceiling, which will visually “raise” the room;
  2. The stretch fabric requires careful handling. Despite the fact that PVC film is very durable and can withstand the pressure of a significant mass of water, it is vulnerable to sharp objects. It is very easy to tear and this is the main drawback, since the canvas cannot be repaired, but only replaced with a new one.

Important! When choosing a design, you should take into account that a bright and creative design may become irrelevant in a few years, and remodeling will require considerable financial costs. Maybe some will think rational decision choice of laconic traditional execution.

Instructions for choosing a design and color scheme will be given below.

Types of suspended ceilings

As previously mentioned, a suspended ceiling for a nursery can be made from several types of materials. It is customary to distinguish PVC, fabric and satin fabrics.

In turn, PVC film can be glossy or matte. To make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of these options.

PVC fabric

Glossy canvas is characterized by a mirror-like varnish surface that reflects light rays and objects located in the room.

Important! Due to its high reflectivity, a glossy ceiling can play a cruel joke and, instead of visually enlarging the room, on the contrary, it will make it smaller. What could cause this to happen? It’s simple - all the underlying objects are reflected from the glossy canvas, that is, their number “doubles”. Therefore, in order to avoid the feeling of overloading the space, you should carefully choose the amount of furniture and its shade.

Glossy PVC sheets have the following properties:

  1. PVC film creates a perfectly flat, smooth mirror surface, which remains unchanged over many years of operation - it does not sag and does not lose its reflective properties with proper care;
  2. The main advantage of PVC film is its waterproofness and durability. No finishing material can cope with flooding from above, except PVC film, which can withstand the pressure of accumulated water for a period of time sufficient to take measures to remove it. To do this, it will be enough to bend one corner of the stretched fabric and drain the water;

  1. PVC film has soundproofing properties, which is especially important for children's rooms in multi-storey buildings;
  2. The glossy surface is characterized by antistatic properties, it does not absorb odors and dirt, allows for wet processing;

Important! In order for the glossy canvas to retain its mirror surface throughout its entire service life, it must be properly cared for, namely, when cleaning wet, do not use hard sponges or cleaning agents with abrasive particles.

  1. PVC coating is safe for humans, since it does not release toxins, so it can be safely used in a children's room;
  2. Glossy canvas reflects light from pendant lighting fixtures and those located indoors, so it is important to choose the right level of their brightness, as well as their location above certain functional areas– bright lighting is not required above the sleeping area, but the play area and work area can be highlighted with light;

  1. Glossy PVC canvas can have any color– usually bright and saturated. Contrary to stereotypes, a black glossy ceiling can make a room appear larger and taller, and it looks very stylish. Generally color palette PVC films include all shades of the RAL catalog, which allows you to bring any design idea to life;
  2. PVC film does not fade Under the influence sun rays and retains the brightness of the original shade throughout its entire service life.

PVC film is produced in rolls with a width not exceeding 3 meters, and therefore in rooms with a larger width a monolithic coating will not work. The joint between the canvases will be almost invisible, so this feature should not be taken as a disadvantage. Fabric ceilings are often seamless, as they are produced in rolls up to 5 meters.

Another feature of PVC film is its instability to low temperatures, at which it simply collapses. Therefore, in unheated rooms, for example, if a children's room is equipped in a country house for seasonal residence in summer period, use PVC film it is forbidden.

Matte PVC fabric has the same performance qualities as glossy fabric, except for the ability to reflect light and objects. The matte surface is appropriate when creating traditional interiors. When a ray of light falls on it, it softly dissipates.

Important! PVC installation The canvas is produced using a special technology that requires heating the room. A heat gun is used for this.

PVC film has one significant drawback: when used in bedrooms and children's rooms, it lacks vapor permeability, so it is better to use “breathable” finishing materials on the walls. If wallpaper, then paper, which is also practical solution for a children's room.

Fabric cloth

Fabric stretch ceilings have a matte surface and are more durable than PVC film, but they will not protect against flooding by neighbors above, since the fabric is breathable. On the other hand, this quality in a positive way influences the creation of an optimal indoor microclimate.

The positive qualities of fabric stretch fabric include the following:

  1. The surface is seamless due to the width of the canvas, which can reach 5 meters;
  2. Thanks to the fabric base, the canvas is stronger than PVC film, so it is more resistant to mechanical stress;

  1. The fabric fabric is not afraid of low and negative temperatures, so it can be used in seasonal premises;
  2. Externally, the fabric looks like a traditional whitewash, so it can be used in interiors in classic styles, where a glossy film would look out of place. At the same time, despite its traditional nature, such a coating can be equipped with modern lighting and be made in several levels;

  1. If the house is built of wood, gas or foam concrete - materials that are breathable, then the fabric can ensure normal microcirculation of air in the room;
  2. On the surface, images printed using photo printing look very clear and high quality. The image can be ordered at will, so there are no limits to the implementation of conceived design ideas.

The disadvantage is that the fabric is not resistant to moisture. Therefore, it can only be cleaned using a “dry” method. If for some reason streaks or stains appear on the surface, it will be almost impossible to remove them.

Satin fabric

The basis of satin fabric is polyvinyl chloride. As noted earlier, satin canvases combine the positive qualities of PVC and fabric ceilings. Special processing of the material gives it a deep pearlescent shade and texture that imitates appearance fabric of the same name.

The shade of this seemingly expensive and respectable coating has the peculiarity of changing under different lighting conditions. If the luminous flux is uneven, the shade of the coating will change.

An illusion of flickering, play of light on its surface is created, and only in conditions natural light you can determine its true shade.

Advice. With help pendant lamp with crystal elements, you can create the optical illusion of starry twinkling.

Among the distinctive features of satin fabric, the following can be noted:

  1. The low strength of the material requires careful handling during installation and maintenance - it can be easily damaged by a sharp object;
  2. Satin fabric, unlike fabric, is moisture resistant. Special impregnation allows the coating to not allow water to pass through, so it can be washed with water;

  1. Satin fabric refers to non-flammable materials. When melting, it does not spread toxins;
  2. The coating has antistatic properties and does not absorb dirt;
  3. Installation is carried out as with a film coating - with heating of the room using a heat gun.

Positive traits Negative qualities
Aesthetic appearance thanks to imitation fabric texture; Like PVC ceilings, satin coatings cannot be used in unheated rooms - at low temperatures the material becomes brittle;
Long service life (up to 20 years); The presence of a joining seam;
Biological passivity of the material - it is not susceptible to the formation of mold and mildew; Vulnerability to sharp objects;
Having an external resemblance to fabric, such a ceiling will protect against flooding from above, like a PVC film; Unlike PVC fabric, satin fabric cannot be reused after dismantling.
Affordable price.

Ceiling design in the nursery

What should you consider when choosing a design? First of all, it is necessary to understand that the appearance of the structure should have an impact on creating a special favorable psychological atmosphere in the room and giving it an aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, the following nuances of ceiling design in a children’s room are taken into account:

  1. Dark shades and rich decor can only be used on high ceiling large room so that there is no feeling of “pressure” from above. This can make you feel depressed and depressed psychological condition. If you decide to make a dark coating, then make the walls and floor light, and the lighting more intense so that the room does not look gloomy;

  1. To choose from design solution The age of the child also influences. Preschool and junior children school age they love bright images with cartoon characters or fairy tale heroes, funny images of birds, animals, fish, plants and toys. This can be a multi-level design in the shape of a sun or a flower. Children of middle school age will appreciate multi-level complex structures, and teenagers will like the design of the structure with additional LED lighting, the effect of a starry sky and the ability to create different lighting intensities in the room;

  1. The advantage of suspended ceilings when creating complex multi-level structures is that they are not as heavy as similar structures made of plasterboard, and this in turn ensures the safety of staying in the room;
  2. With proper selection of shape, color and location of lighting fixtures, you can advantageously emphasize the interior design, highlight or veil individual functional areas.

How to choose the right color

The color scheme should be organically combined with the style and palette of the interior, the shade of furnishings and decorative elements so that the ceiling looks like a logical continuation of the existing space below it.

To create a bright and positive atmosphere in a children's room, do not be afraid to use a wide variety of colors, without limiting yourself only to pink and blue shades. Can be used in baby's room warm shades, especially when creating a multi-level structure in the form of the sun, and you can support such a solution floor covering in earthy brown tones.

One of the common design methods is to choose a canvas with a starry or blue sky with clouds.

When choosing a color scheme, the influence of color on a person’s emotional state is taken into account. For example, using orange and yellow shades you can create not only positive mood, but also to position the child to concentrate on a specific activity. For especially active kids, the calming green color of fresh grass is suitable.

Important! Using color to zone the room, bright shades are used in the play area, and calm neutral tones are chosen above the sleeping area.

There are several colors that can be used in children's interiors.

The neutral color scheme consists of white shades - milky, creamy, cream, ivory;

The green color scheme should consist of natural shades of this color, so that the child feels close to nature and learns to appreciate and protect all living things. These are all shades of grass, olive, marsh shades;

The color yellow and its shades has positive influence on thought processes, so it is advisable to use them in the workplace area. This color goes well with green shades;

The blue color scheme can be used in common room children of different sexes, as it is suitable for both boys and girls. A fresh combination is obtained when paired with a white or turquoise shade. Blue color stimulates the development of a child's creative abilities;

Pink color in the room of a young princess is appropriate if it is a delicate pastel shade - tea or dusty rose or a light peach tone.

The video in this article will tell you how to install a suspended ceiling in a children's room.

A children's room is a room in which a magical fairy-tale mood should reign.

The scope for experimentation here is unusually large. Extraordinary shades, unexpected textures and an abundance of stunning details - this is what will help transform the most ordinary and standard room.

Stretch ceilings in a nursery, as further photos will clearly show, are a platform for implementing many delightful ideas in such a familiar room.

Blue for a boy and pink for a girl? These are not all the design options that you can apply.

What type of tension covering should be used in a nursery?

TO general characteristics such paintings can be attributed:

Stretch ceilings come in three types:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin.

For children's design, the optimal choice will, of course, be glossy ceilings. And to the question “Why?” Several good reasons can be given:

However, the final choice is, of course, yours.

After all, sometimes it is a noble matte finish or a coating reminiscent of textiles that is best option, emphasizing the overall atmosphere in the room.

Ideas for decorating a boy's room

When choosing interiors for boys, you need to take into account their tastes and hobbies.

They are usually interested dinosaurs, cars, knights and various sports. That is why the ceiling can be turned into a real airfield or football field. Next we will show examples of such ceilings in specially selected photographs.

Popular colors include blue, lime, amber, purple and pearl.

For boys, they often choose a more minimalist design. But you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of creating something truly grandiose.

Thanks to modern technologies and powerful equipment, an image of any complexity can be applied to the surface of such coatings.

Therefore, you can come up with a completely unique and original project, which will become an ideal component of your baby's room.

What ceilings are suitable in a children's room for a girl?

It is traditionally believed that the room of a little princess should be gentle, romantic and mysterious. And you can achieve this result by using pink, peach and lilac shades in the decor.

They can intertwine with each other in the form of intricate patterns and transitions. They can also be represented by a unique mosaic consisting of asymmetrical or graphic elements.

The ceiling with small polka dots also looks very nice. It resembles chintz fabric and adds unprecedented comfort to the room.

Feminine and soft floral prints also look perfect.

It is worth paying attention to coatings with small elements, but large buds and leaves should be abandoned, because they will look bulky and too massive.

Universal ceiling options for a children's room

A win-win option stretch fabric is considered to be a smooth, monochromatic covering. It can be laconic white, pastel or bright and juicy.

For the classic style, milky, pale green, apricot, violet and cornflower blue shades are suitable. They harmoniously combine with simple light furniture.

The little ones will definitely love it pictures with the sun or funny cartoon characters.

Among the most common types of decoration of ceiling coverings you can find images of the day or night sky.

It fills the space with air and visually stretches the room vertically.

You can design the ceiling in the form of a chessboard. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to observe a black and white combination.

Just choose two harmoniously combined shades: berry and ivory, pale yellow and blue, violet and light green.

To decorate a school-age child’s room, you can choose an image geographical map. Especially if he loves traveling, hiking and is interested in the culture of different countries.

In addition, you can choose a neutral image in the form of a scattering of stars, a flock of butterflies, or another composition of several components and place it in one of the corners of the room.

Thus, you can play around with the entire space differently, shift the accents without overloading it with unnecessary details.

After all, suspended ceilings in a nursery are an opportunity to create a real miracle for a child, giving rise to new fantasies and dreams.

Is it worth making ceilings with photo printing in a nursery?

It is in the nursery that you can safely use 3-D images. They will not harm even the most complex and multi-colored room, but will only add zest and shine to it.

Pictures with animals that seem to be peeking out from behind a tree or fence look very cool. It seems that another second and they will be right in front of us.

In addition, you can choose a three-dimensional pattern with roofs of houses, bridges or arches. Such pictures look extremely authentic and alive. For example, like in these photos.

They will always look relevant, because they allow you to turn an ordinary room into a corner for relaxation and creativity.

Young researchers should choose a ceiling with pictures depicting planets, stars and comets.

The wide rings of Saturn and the glow of distant galaxies will erase the boundaries of the room and allow you to go on the most fantastic journey of your children's lives.

Choosing optimal lighting

The lighting in such a room should not be too bright, but carefully thought out. After all, tension coverings do not like severe overheating. However, your child’s vision should not suffer from the lack of a high-quality and correctly located lighting device.

For a nursery, it is better to choose not one large lamp, but several spotlights and sconces.

Thanks to this, some zones in the room can be highlighted and drawn attention to them, and some can be hidden from prying eyes and with their help, possible defects in the interior can be masked.

In addition, if there is a three-dimensional image on the canvas, it is a well-chosen and installed lighting system that will preserve this unusual effect.

The same is the case with multi-level structures. To make them look as stylish and intriguing as possible, they often use LED backlights or spots with magnetic holders.

Pros and cons of using tension coverings

Choosing such a canvas has its advantages and disadvantages.

Undoubtedly pleasant bonuses include:

Difficulties that you may encounter after installing suspended ceilings:

Recommendations from designers on decorating ceiling coverings in children's rooms

Real masters of decorating children's rooms believe that not only fairy-tale or abstract compositions are suitable for such a room.

But also quite “adult” options in the “loft” or pop art style. Especially if we're talking about about the interior for a teenager.

Well, to completely change the idea of ​​a children's room, you can place a realistic image of a window on the ceiling, from which you can see the sky or part of the street. This will make it possible to turn the room into a real attic.

In addition, in a rigid plasterboard ceiling structure, you can make several slots of the same shape, for example, rectangular, and distribute them in a chaotic manner over the entire surface.

After this, they need to be filled with canvases of various shades. This solution looks very unconventional and attractive.

And the ceiling can be turned into a huge poster. Well, if your child has a favorite quote or poem, you can put it on the ceiling right above the bed. So that every morning begins with a charge of vigor and positivity.

Also, experts do not advise using an abundance of too bright colors, because they can make the child tired and very distracted.

It is better to choose one catchy shade and include it in the design in the form of small accents.

Looking through photos of suspended ceilings for a nursery, you will certainly see how many amazing design options are presented on the pages of online catalogues.

Colorful and calm, multi-colored and plain, dark and light - all of them are designed to fill your baby’s life. great mood and sincere emotions.

In a children's room it is not only practical interior solution, but also the opportunity to make children’s fantasies come true. When the child is very small, the design of the surface, correctly selected by the parents, towards which the gaze of the little man lying in the crib is directed, contributes to the formation of his aesthetic preferences.

Stretch ceilings: design features, installation photos and care

So, before considering the existing options for suspended ceilings and the rules for their selection, you need to clarify what they are.

Installation of suspended ceilings in a nursery

A tensile structure is a fabric made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or special textiles, which is attached in a certain way along the entire perimeter of the ceiling and is stretched under high temperature.

Installation is carried out by specialists, so it is usually not cheap. However, quality work is worth it. After all good master can stretch the ceiling at any stage of repair without damaging the decoration of the room.

However, it is extremely difficult to install the tension structure yourself. In any case, it is better not to get down to business without certain skills.

Ceiling Matte Satin Glossy
External perception No shine, non-reflective, absorbs light Without gloss, diffuses light. Gives small volume and dimension to the room High reflectivity. Visually increases space
Texture Clear Present, but less clear than matte ceiling Smooth, shine
Photo printing, art printing Perfect for photo printing and drawing Difficult to print and design
Color spectrum A large assortment A large assortment A large assortment
For which rooms is it most suitable? For spacious rooms, or for small rooms with high light walls For spacious rooms with high walls, or in bright rooms For any room, looks more advantageous in a room with a low ceiling or poor lighting
Impact and combination with the interior Combines with any style and trend Creates the effect of severity, classic style, minimalism. Suitable for both quiet interiors and for emphasizing design ideas Attracts attention. Allows you to fantasize and create interesting design solutions.
Water resistance High water resistance, does not allow water to pass through in case of flooding High water resistance, does not allow water to pass through in case of flooding
Partial dismantling/dismantling Available Available Available
Preparing the main ceiling before installing a tension ceiling Not required Not required Not required
Wet cleaning Possible Possible Possible

Advice! Since the microclimate of the room depends on the quality of the material, do not skimp. Remember that PVC practically does not allow air to pass through, so when using it, you should avoid other synthetic coatings in the children's room. A fabric covering does a better job of ventilation, but may suffer from excessive moisture. Good decision are combined options (PVC + drywall, For example).

Cleaning and maintaining two-level and suspended ceilings in the nursery

Maintenance of a suspended ceiling depends on the number of levels. A flat ceiling does not require intervention at all, except that the dust can be shaken off with a dry cloth or wiped with a special polish for greater shine. Multi-level designs are a bit more of a hassle, as the numerous ledges are not always easy to clean.

Even if stains appear on the ceiling in the nursery, you can deal with them without problems. The main thing is that the product you use for cleaning does not contain abrasive particles that can scratch the surface.

The nuances of choosing a ceiling for a nursery

Tension lighting plays an important role ceiling in the nursery. It's no secret that vision needs to be protected from early age, so there should be bright light in the working area of ​​the room. Tensile structures provide a wide range of tools for room zoning. Lighting installed in different ceiling levels can be different: intense above the desk and moderate above the children's bed.

Advantages Flaws
Easy to install Vulnerability. The PVC surface is very easy to pierce with a thrown sharp object
Ease of use Moisture permeability. This, on the contrary, is a negative property of textile ceilings
Variety of species. Any image can be placed on the tension surface. The abundance of flowers is absolutely amazing Insufficient ventilation. Although stretch ceilings do not emit any harmful fumes, they do not allow air to pass through well
Safety. Despite the fact that synthetic substances are used to create such ceilings, they are completely safe for children, do not cause allergies and, moreover, are fireproof High price

Advice! If the child is small and does not fully understand his actions, it is better to choose a fabric stretch ceiling, since it can withstand shock.

So, based on the characteristics of the material, you can adjust the design of the stretch ceiling in the children's room so as to achieve the most positive result.

Types of suspended ceilings for children: photos of options

Today there are a variety of types of suspended ceilings. Let's start with the fact that you can even choose any color for them. In addition, each level can be designed differently. Another great solution is to apply digital images to the tension surface.

This could be a photo of a baby and his parents, a landscape, or an image of a favorite cartoon character. In general, there are many options. At the moment, several solutions are most popular.


The “starry sky” stretch ceiling is good because children like it, regardless of their age. This is not a cartoon character that a child can simply outgrow. It is a blue cloth on which the stars, moon or planets appear brightly at night.

According to psychologists, this design has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. In addition, the luminous stars will dispel the pitch darkness, which many kids are afraid of.


Often stretch ceilings recreate the daytime sky with sun and clouds. Such a surface is usually lighter, more joyful and airy.

Advice! If the children's room has low ceilings, designing it in the form of a daytime sky will visually expand the space and also create room for the imagination to fly.

Mirror surface

Reflection can be created on both light and dark surfaces. The choice of color depends on the effect you want to achieve. If you need to visually enlarge a room, give preference to cool, light colors. Warm, thick shades will create a mysterious atmosphere.

The choice of ceiling design in a children's room depends on many factors: gender, age, preferences of the child, as well as his character.


Of course, the children's room should be bright and colorful, but there is no need to exaggerate. Too many saturated and flashy colors ( red, orange) have a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

Earthy ones are not particularly suitable either, brown tones, because they are associated with old age, which, you see, is completely inappropriate in the interior of a nursery.

It’s not bad when it is possible to divide a room into zones using suspended ceiling levels. In this case, it is better to make the ceiling above the work area yellow, since it stimulates brain activity. Blue, pink and purple shades are suitable for the bedside area, and the play area can be more colorful. Neutral colors are green, beige and white.

Stretch ceilings are one of the most popular interior solutions now, which are used in rooms for any purpose, including children's rooms. However, some people still wonder whether it is even possible to install them in a child’s room, because rumors say that they are harmful to health. Is this really true or is such a statement just another unfounded myth?

Stretch ceilings in the nursery: harm

Of course, stretch fabrics can be dangerous for everyone in the household if the product was purchased from an unknown company that has only been around for a few weeks. Such suspended ceilings prices which delight in their democracy, can have an unpleasant odor and even emit toxic substances into the air.

To reduce the cost of their products, such “craftsmen” use dyes, stabilizers and other raw materials of very low quality, resulting in a product that only vaguely resembles a real stretch fabric for covering ceilings. That is why you should not chase low prices; it is better to give preference to high-quality products from trusted manufacturers.

Stretch ceilings in the nursery: advantages

Truly high-quality stretch ceilings are a real boon for a child’s room. They do not attract dust and do not cause allergic reactions, which is very important for the baby. Such ceiling structures They are distinguished by strength, durability and the ability to retain their original appearance for a long time. There is no need to be afraid that over time they will lose the saturation of their colors or become deformed from being hit, for example, by a ball.

High-quality stretch ceilings are absolutely safe, hygienic and environmentally friendly. In addition, if parents are afraid to use PVC film in the child’s room, then they can give preference fabric materials, which are distinguished by the absence of seams and the presence of micro-perforations. In any case, the range of stretch fabrics is so large that everyone can choose an option that meets their aesthetic, quality and financial needs.

Matte or glossy ceiling?

We hope there is no doubt that you need to purchase only high-quality suspended ceilings for a child’s room, or any other room. When the final decision on the use of tension fabrics has been made, the question arises as to which ceilings are better to purchase: with a matte or glossy surface.

Of course, a lot here depends on the wishes of the parents, but you shouldn’t forget about the child’s needs. Still, if the child is still too small, then glossy ceilings, or rather, the reflection in them, can frighten him. Agree that no loving parents want this. As soon as the baby grows a little, this restriction disappears.

In general, glossy canvas - perfect option for small rooms, because due to the play of light they can make the room visually more spacious. Mirror surface will make the ceilings visually higher, and the interior itself will acquire originality. Ceilings covered with matte canvases cannot boast such a spectacular appearance; they look quite traditional. They are recommended for use when the children's room has sufficient dimensions and high ceilings.

Choosing the color of a stretch ceiling in a nursery

The fact that colors have a certain effect on the child’s psyche has long been proven. For example, experts do not recommend installing red stretch fabrics in a child’s room, since this color will cause irritation and fatigue in the baby. When choosing a color scheme for the ceiling in a nursery, it is better to choose calm shades of beige, pink, blue and green.

Remember that too saturated and bright colors should be present in limited quantities in the child’s room. And there is certainly no place for gloomy and dark tones, remember that the design of the room should evoke pleasant emotions in the child, otherwise he simply will not be able to be there and will feel uncomfortable.

Drawing on a suspended ceiling in a children's room

Many psychologists say that the best option for decorating a child’s room will be stretched fabrics with various patterns. Fortunately, modern photo printing technology allows you to apply almost any image to ceilings. At the same time, the drawings do not blur and do not lose their clarity over time.

It is up to the parents to decide which topic to choose, but only together with the child. Keep in mind that the service life of stretch fabrics reaches 15 years, and children’s preferences change very quickly. It is possible that putting an image of your currently favorite cartoon character on the canvas is not the best option, because in a few years, or even months, preferences may change.

The optimal solution is to opt for a neutral image; for example, in a girl’s room, ceilings with patterns of flowers or butterflies will always look trendy. Boys, as a rule, are always partial to airplanes and cars. A unisex option is an abstract image or the now popular starry sky.

Many designers agree that a suspended ceiling for a children's room is the best option.

Probably the fact is that suspended ceilings in a children's room can be made colorful, cheerful and cheerful, which will be difficult to achieve by wallpapering the ceiling or painting it. There is a huge variety of suspended ceilings for children's rooms, and questions may arise, the answers to which are discussed in the article.

Stretch ceiling in a children's room 20 m2 - Photo 1

A classic of the genre - the starry sky in a children's bedroom. This decision will please more than one generation of young dreamers. Clouds in the sky can compete with the stars; they are chosen by parents for both boys and girls’ rooms.

But progress does not stand still. Modern technologies allow you to create any picture on a suspended ceiling in a nursery. In addition to the exclusive artistic painting, there is a photo printing method.

With its help it is transferred to ceiling covering desired image. This could be a favorite episode of a cartoon or a photo of a happy moment in the child’s life.

Design of a children's room 15, 16, 17 sq. m with suspended cloud ceiling - Photo 2

Cloud ceiling design in a child's room - Photo 5 Stretch cloud ceiling floating in a child's bedroom - Photo 3 Children's design with a suspended cloud ceiling - Photo 4

Shade affects the human psyche - this is an axiom. The younger the person, the stronger the impact, so the color of the ceiling in a children's room is not as simple a choice as it seems at first glance. What shade is suitable for a boy's or girl's room?

Color spectrum

According to psychologists' research, children at a certain age prefer completely certain colors, and these preferences are general and do not depend on gender, race, country of residence, and so on. Only the emotional state of the child matters.

The secret of such unambiguity is suggested especially human vision. The eye perceives shades on a peculiar energy scale that does not coincide with reality. Therefore, for example, red is perceived as a more energetically saturated shade compared to purple, although in fact everything is exactly the opposite.

Both boys and girls perceive bright “warm” colors precisely in this capacity – as a guarantor of warmth and light. Accordingly, up to 5–6 years of age inclusive, the typical color scheme of a child is red, orange and yellow. At 3–4 years, the palette includes blue and green – the colors of nature.

On the 6th, an attachment to purple, pink or cool blue appears, which is associated with gender identification. And the color of the stretch ceiling in the nursery should be selected taking into account these changes. The photo shows the design in golden-green tones.

The schoolchild's color scheme includes much more green and yellow shades. And the older he gets, the more preferences shift from warm red to cold green and blue - a sign of the development of intelligence. And only in adolescence own attachments appear, or rather, preferences of that social group, with whom the teenager is involved.

The question of what color to paint the ceiling in the nursery depends on the age of the child, but is adjusted by the style of the entire apartment, the rules of Feng Shui, the peculiarities of the national way of life, and so on. This can be done in different ways.

Ceiling materials

There is only one limitation - the finishing material must be safe and hypoallergenic. What color is suitable for the ceiling in the nursery practically does not depend on the material.

The simplest design method is to paint the surface. For this purpose, only water-based paints are chosen, since all other types can cause allergies. This option is not very durable, but in a nursery this even plays into the hands: the ability to quickly paint surfaces without multi-step removal of the previous finish is a plus.

Wallpapering is less popular because wallpaper rarely includes large thematic images. A fine pattern not suitable for the concept of the room.

Tension fabric is an excellent choice for any room.

You can do it very quickly. The color of the stretch ceiling in a nursery can be any, but the main thing is that any image, collage, photo, or even three-dimensional image can be applied to the ceiling. In addition, the film is completely hypoallergenic and is not afraid of water.

Plasterboard construction is also suitable for any room. It is somewhat more difficult to make, but it is possible to form three-dimensional shapes and paint them in different bright colors.

Drywall is also completely harmless. You can combine tension fabric and plasterboard structures. The photo shows a sample ceiling design.

Let's look at how to decide on renovating a children's room in our article.

An important detail of the interior is the ceiling in the children's room. The child spends a lot of time here, sleeps, plays, and does homework. The interior of his living space determines whether the child will be comfortable in his world.

Child psychologists advise updating the interior of a nursery every 5-7 years. This has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. To achieve a beautiful interior design, it is recommended to start with the ceilings.

The decoration of the ceiling in the children's room will depend on the gender of the child.

For a girl it is better to make ceilings in pink color, for the boy will prevail blue shades. Light colors - white, yellow - are suitable for a common nursery. Various color combinations of flowers are also popular.

Ceilings can be classified according to materials of manufacture:

  • plasterboard;
  • tension;
  • hanging;
  • multi-level ceilings.

Take a closer look at the installation and selection features of these types of ceilings.

Stretch ceilings - features, types, care

Stretch ceilings in a children's room are an opportunity to make any children's fantasies come true, and at the same time a successful practical solution.

A stretch ceiling is a structure consisting of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet, which is attached under the influence of high temperatures on the ceiling. To install such ceilings, you should contact special companies; this work cannot be done independently. A professional can easily install a stretch ceiling without damaging the decoration of the room.

With a stretch ceiling you can create an absolutely unique interior in any style. They can be made matte or glossy.

For younger children, you can choose an image from cartoons or characters from your favorite fairy tales. Photo ceilings with bright pictures are very popular.

For older children, you can install ceilings of various themes, for example:

  • ceilings in the form of a starry sky;
  • images of geographical maps;
  • natural attractions;
  • pirate routes and labyrinths.

Important! A stretch ceiling allows you to install absolutely any type of lighting in the room. You can safely plan spotlights throughout the entire area of ​​the room, LED bulbs, and chandeliers.

It is worth noting the advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings. The advantages include:

  1. Simplicity and speed of installation.
  2. Hypoallergenic, suitable for children with allergies.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Freedom to choose any type of lighting.
  5. Extensive design possibilities.

But there are also disadvantages to this interior option. For example:

  1. Low environmental friendliness. Since the material is made of synthetics (PVC), they have pronounced vapor permeability. Such canvases do not allow air to pass through and disturb the microclimate of the room.
  2. Weak strength. Children's games with shooting games, throwing balls, and other toys will lead to a new renovation. Tension systems with PVC film, in general, they do not tolerate mechanical stress well.
  3. Price. This type of ceiling repair is the most expensive of all options.

But, if you still prefer stretch ceilings in the nursery, you should choose materials from textile fabric. Such a ceiling will be more expensive, but more environmentally friendly than PVC film. And you need to ventilate the room more often!

Plasterboard ceilings in the interior of a nursery

If you are thinking about which ceiling is best to make, pay attention to ceilings made of plasterboard slabs.

A plasterboard ceiling is considered the best option for a children's room. From plasterboard sheets you can do anything, a composition with one level or a simple smooth surface.

This is the most practical and by no means inexpensive way for repairing the ceiling in the nursery. The advantages of plasterboard ceilings are:

  • environmental friendliness of materials, since the composition is of natural origin - paper and gypsum;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing from neighbors above;
  • good strength;
  • low price;
  • ease of processing and ease of installation.

There are also disadvantages of such ceilings:

  • Drywall reduces the ceiling height by 5-10 cm;
  • Installation takes a long time;
  • Need for final finishing.

After installing the plasterboard slabs, they need to be puttied, then the joints must be sealed and painted. Moreover, you should pay attention to the quality of finishing materials, since it is putty and glue that nullify the entire environmental friendliness of a plasterboard ceiling.

Painted ceilings are a current classic

If you decide to make renovations in the nursery yourself, we remind you that the ceilings can simply be painted! This is the easiest and cheapest way to design a ceiling! Paint the ceiling water-based paint and putting wallpaper on the walls is the easiest option.

The advantage of this approach is that you do not lose the height of the room. If your child’s tastes have changed, or you decide to renovate your apartment again, it’s very easy to repaint the ceiling a different color and put up new wallpaper.

Other types of ceiling finishes

To decorate a children's room, it is permissible to use suspended multi-level ceilings. A suspended ceiling leads to a loss of space in the room, but with the help of this type of design you can diversify the interior.

The basis of such ceilings is a metal frame suspended from the main ceiling. Separate modules are already attached to it, which can be made of wood, plastic, or metal. Natural materials are, of course, preferable for children's rooms.

Such ceilings can insulate an apartment if it is on the top floor. Designers still advise installing suspended structures if the apartment has fairly high ceilings.

The process of such installation will take several days, after which there will be a lot of garbage. There is an option to create a multi-level ceiling with built-in light sources and shaped molding.

This type of ceiling is suitable for not very smooth surfaces and will allow you to hide all the wires. After all, between the ceiling and the ceiling itself there will be space where you can hide additional sound insulation, and, if necessary, utility lines.

Correct assembly and selection quality materials will guarantee that the suspended ceiling system will last a long time. Suspended ceilings are:

You can integrate “night” lighting into such a ceiling, which is especially useful for a child’s room.

I would like to note that suspended ceiling is gradually going out of fashion. Not every apartment can boast of a ceiling height, except old pre-revolutionary houses and modern luxury new buildings.

This ceiling can be used to create a separate area in the room. Preference is given to tensile structures.

There are also these types of ceilings:

  • cassette;
  • hemmed;
  • cellular;
  • rack and pinion

Wooden slatted ceiling in the nursery

There are also such ways of finishing the ceiling:

  • pasting with liquid wallpaper;
  • finishing with adhesive tiles;
  • pasting with paper wallpaper.

As you can see, when renovating, there is plenty to choose from, to suit every taste and budget.

Color design and lighting of the ceiling in the nursery

When finishing the ceiling, you should plan the lighting of the children's room in advance.

The simplest and good option– this is the installation large chandeliers in the center and several spotlights around the entire perimeter of the room. You can illuminate the ceiling in a circle, or highlight one zone. For starry sky lovers there are several options:

  1. Paint the moon and stars with luminescent glowing paint.
  2. Use suspended structures with built-in lamps that will act as “stars.”

This ceiling delights both boys and girls and has a calming effect on children.

Bright colors have an exciting effect on children and negatively affect the child’s psyche.

If there is red or green ceiling, then it will be uncomfortable not only for the child, but also for the adult. Preference should be given to light, pastel colors, combinations of blue, pink, yellow, etc.

When choosing artificial lighting in a nursery, preference should be given to uniformly diffused soft light throughout the entire space of the room. Avoid dark corners and too bright lighting. You need to strive for smooth light transitions.

The child’s room should be visually divided into three zones – play, work and sleeping. Work area it is necessary to have the best lighting, that is, it should be located above the desktop desk lamp, there may be a lamp nearby.

Above play area Ideally, there should be a bright overhead light, since this area is located away from the window.

The sleeping area in the room does not require such bright lighting fixtures. There should be an individual night light above the crib with the ability to adjust the light. This will create an intimate environment for the child.

For long rooms A suitable option is to place several lamps along the entire room.

If several children live in a room, the lighting should be thought out so that no one disturbs each other. After all, one child can do his homework, and the second is already asleep. This requires several spotlights of different lighting intensities.

It is worth listening to the following advice from designers:

  1. Ceilings should not be dark or too bright.
  2. Avoid making the ceiling brittle.
  3. Use only high quality materials.
  4. Take safety seriously.
  5. Do not install volumetric chandeliers in the nursery. A child may get hit with a toy or ball, which will lead to disastrous results.
  6. The lamp on the ceiling or on the table must be a closed type.

It's not the material that's important, it's creative idea registration Do not use cheap toxic paints for repairs! Talk to to a good designer, which will help you choose the style of ceilings and choose suitable materials.

Video about decorating the ceiling in a children's room

Psychologists have long noticed that the color of the ceiling in a child’s room has a strong impact on the child’s psyche and well-being. In this case, not only the coloring itself affects, but also its saturation, contrasting combination of colors, and the shape of the pattern.

In addition, research has shown that each gender has its own specific spectral preferences.

Ceiling color in a boy's nursery

A blue ceiling in a children's room is considered traditional for boys, and to tell the truth, this is not just a cliche. The boy really perceives this color as the most natural. AND best option It’s hard to think of anything better for your baby than a blue ceiling fabric.

But this rule should not be taken too stereotyped. Every person, every child has their own unique character, their own fears and dreams. Perhaps, for some reason, it is the blue color that will irritate your little son.


Don’t be cliché when choosing ceiling colors. Consider not only the advice of psychologists, but also the wishes of your own child.

If such an unpleasant situation arises, then a green ceiling in the children's room would be a good alternative to blue. Adopted in all casinos (green gaming tables, green curtains), green color soothes like no other nervous system, helps improve vision. Good choice there will be a green ceiling pattern depicting individual leaves or crowns of evergreen trees.

Ceiling color in a children's room for a girl

Then, when at least some cliches are applicable to a boy, then when choosing the color of the ceiling for a little girl’s room, parents may encounter serious difficulties.

Every young woman is at least a princess, which means she has the right to her whims. At the same time, due to these same whims and beliefs, she may dislike the most positive color recommended for her by psychologists.

Therefore, do not rush to paint the ceilings with pink paint. Perhaps it is this color that irritates your baby like no other.

On the other hand, no matter how much a child likes a bright red or burgundy ceiling, such colors obviously won’t lead to anything good. “Screaming” red provokes unreasonable aggression, headaches, increased blood pressure and poor sleep.

A yellow ceiling would look good in a little lady’s children’s room.

In addition to its positive effect on the nervous system, this color increases perception and activates brain activity. It is the natural color of the sun, and does not fall under any generally accepted cliches. This means that it will not cause unpleasant associations in your child.


“Screaming”, bright colors, which are pleasing to the eye right now, with a long-term influence on the child can lead to serious mental disorders.

Do you need a ceiling drawing?

Yes, definitely, a drawing on the ceiling canvas in your child’s room will be useful.

It doesn't have to be meaningful, quite the contrary. Abstractions are especially good at developing imaginative thinking and imagination.

On the other hand, the choice of ceiling design must be approached with caution. So you should avoid sharp corners and too contrasting color selections. And vice versa, smooth forms, fairy-tale, unrealistic figures have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

When choosing a ceiling pattern, avoid sharp corners and too noticeable contrasts.

Matte or glossy?

Due to the widespread use of suspended ceiling systems in children's rooms, parents often face a rather specific question: whether to choose a matte or glossy film for the ceiling. The answer here depends entirely on the characteristics of the baby’s room and the choice of design.

So gloss is especially good for visually expanding the room. Whereas the mat, on the contrary, fixes the forms. On the other hand, if the ceiling height is already 3 meters, and the room area is not large, a glossy ceiling can create an unpleasant “well” effect.

If the room has low ceilings (and this has a very bad effect on the child’s health), use a glossy stretch fabric, which will visually significantly increase the space.

Trends and fashion

As with any other issue related to appearance and design, the world of children's ceilings also has its own trends and fashion. It just so happens that not only children, but also the very appearance of the children's room is a source of pride for good parents.

That’s why ceiling canvases are often designed according to the principle “I saw it at the Petrovs’, it’s so BEAUTIFUL!!!” This approach to the matter can be considered fundamentally wrong. You need to be extremely picky about any fashion and beauty.

The child's psyche is a very complex and vulnerable instrument. And what is suitable for a given child in one room may be absolutely inapplicable for another room and for another child living in it.


If you need to choose the color of the ceiling in a children's room, fashion is a bad adviser. You need to base your decision only on the advice of the designer and the wishes of the child himself.


And the last, important question that should be taken into account when choosing finishing ceiling canvas in your child's room, this is a matter of practicality. So, we should not forget that the tastes and preferences of children may change with age. And this, in turn, will require other color solutions.

It is clear that breaking down the entire ceiling and rebuilding it is, at a minimum, expensive and impractical. It is much faster and cheaper to re-roll the ceiling of the room in a different color or apply a completely different design.

This is where you will understand how difficult it is to repaint bright ceiling paintings.

Due to their contrast, they will appear through almost any layer of paint. In this regard, it is easier to cover the drawing with a neutral, monochromatic canvas (for example, non-woven fabric will work well) than to unsuccessfully apply layers of new paint.

By the way, no matter how expensive it is to tape a picture, making a new ceiling system will still be much more expensive.

Keep in mind that children grow up, their tastes change, and getting rid of a ceiling pattern is many times more difficult than simply repainting the ceiling in a nursery a different color.
