Beautiful stands for indoor flowers with your own hands. DIY flower stands - the advantages of homemade products, practical tips and photo ideas. A simple rack for your flowers can be built from a regular pallet

Many of us have indoor plants at home and sometimes we have a little problem where to put them. What kind of stand can you come up with that will please the eye and be practical?

1. Flower pots will look nice on a wooden wall rack

2. You can easily make such a wooden flowerpot stand with your own hands.

3. Wooden wall rack to hang small pots on

4. A rack, a metal pipe and a regular bucket are ideal stands for pots with indoor plants and flowers

5. An old table can serve as a good flower stand.

6. Forged metal stand

7. Forged stand made of metal wire

8. Forged rack made specifically for peas with indoor plants

9. Compact MDF shelves will become bright and functional decorations in the kitchen

10. An ordinary wooden block can become an original stand

11. From an old wooden ladder you can make an original stand for potted plants

12. A flower stand made from a pair of bars and a box made of chipboard

13. Charming hanging shelves for planters and pots that can be made from ordinary wooden planks and rope

14. Plastic cups that can be used as containers for small flowers

15. Wicker baskets mounted on the wall of the balcony, in which you can place flower pots

16. Hanging wooden boxes for indoor plants

17. Stands for polka dots from height-adjustable classic chairs

18. Shelves, which can be made from small metal pipes, are perfect for placing pots of indoor plants.

19. A simple rack for your flowers can be built from a regular pallet

20. Simple golden metal designs for planters

21. An old folding ladder that can become a pot stand

22. An old stool will make a good stand, you just need to file the legs

General issues

Indoor plants are those living interior decorations, without which it is difficult to truly create cozy apartment or house. Keen flower growers, accustomed to adding new, unusual specimens to their collection, soon begin to notice that for some reason there is a catastrophic lack of space for their favorite green friends. However, these pets require a well-lit, cozy, comfortable place, and in this case the situation is saved by a practical do-it-yourself flower stand made from scrap material. Unusual item, which cannot be found in any store, can itself become a decoration of a room or garden, and will allow you to successfully “house” a large green “army”.

Types of flower stands

This design can solve several problems at the same time: provide indoor plants with sufficient lighting, but at the same time not take away a lot of “precious” space from the room, revive and transform the interior. The stands can be made floor, wall, table, or located on window sills, but only the owners can choose ideal model, based on your preferences and room features. Availability of free space is another criterion.

Floor structures

In this case, there are no restrictions for imagination. Stands can be high, low, narrow or wide. Popular places for flowers - multi-tiered shelves, original ladders, single stands designed for large plants. Multi-level structures are convenient because they allow different plants feel ideal: the most light-loving ones are placed at the very top, those that are accustomed to partial shade are placed lower.

These same floor stands include original high, but narrow, mini-racks that are attached to the floor and ceiling at the same time. This solution is now very popular, as it makes it possible to place many flowers in a space, but save space in small apartments. Each plant will not lack freedom.

Wall-mounted, table-top

This type of item allows you to “fill” an empty part of the wall with flowers. You can make a stand that is attached to another surface - to a section of the ceiling located near the wall. This type of product is optimal for hanging plants. More often such structures can be seen on terraces or balconies.

Long and narrow drawer stands will be a salvation for the same window sills. Small tabletop items placed on furniture in close proximity to the window opening are another way to successfully place a large number of plants that prefer light.

Available materials

There is quite a lot of room for activity here, since these furnishings are often compact and do not differ in large dimensions. Do-it-yourself racks are usually made from:

  • gypsum;
  • wood, chipboard, plywood;
  • metal profile;
  • plastic (and similar containers);
  • wires;
  • glass;
  • bamboo, wicker, rattan.

Often materials are combined. The most popular combination of metal with wood or glass, although the latter is much more difficult to process. Frames for large plants require the use of durable metal; even thick wire can support small, light flowers without any problems.

What can you do yourself?

A do-it-yourself flower stand made from scrap material is an operation that can be completed in a few hours. The main condition is the availability of tools and emergency supplies, where something useful for such activities can be found. There are completely simple designs, for the manufacture of which you do not have to empty your wallet or card.

Drawer construction

In this case, you won’t have to tinker with anything. Several boxes of any size (same or different) are painted in suitable color. After the composition has dried, the objects are placed on top of each other in random order (large ones on the bottom, smaller ones on top).

For greater reliability, all elements are fastened with self-tapping screws. Flower pots are placed in the resulting niches and at the very top of the structure. Such a wall- floor stand It will take a minimum of time, but it will look quite interesting.

Pallet flower stand

This version of the stand is more suitable for a summer house, but after careful processing of the pallets it can be “fit” for an apartment. Even one pallet is suitable here, which is placed vertically, with the help of self-tapping screws, crossbars and shelves for flowers are screwed to it.

Wood is processed antiseptic impregnation, polish sandpaper, cover with stain or paint, apply several layers of varnish. Such structures can not only be placed on the floor, but also hung on the wall.

Elementary wooden stand

This is the easiest way to get a single stand for indoor flowers. To make it you will need a drill, a screwdriver, and a chisel. And materials:

  • wood (timber, boards, chipboard);
  • PVA glue;
  • edge.

First, three parts are cut out - the base of the structure, the leg and the shelf for the flower pot. To ensure that the stand rests securely on the floor, minimum diameter The base of the stand must be at least 30 cm.

A groove is made in it and the shelf for vertical element. The leg and hole are coated with glue, connected, and the bottom of the product is fixed with self-tapping screws. The shelf is attached in the same way. The final steps are sanding, gluing the edge and applying several layers of varnish, each of them must be completely dry.

Stand-well or woodpile

The simplest option, for its manufacture you need the following materials:

  • tubes left over from paper towels (12-16 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • paint: acrylic or oil.

A “woodpile” is made from the bushings: the rows of elements are alternated, each of them is attached to each other using glue. After the composition has dried, the resulting well is coated with paint.

Tree trunk for the benefit of flowers

Those who have become adherents of eco-style will love this natural stand made from a tree trunk. Its length is 100-150 cm, but the final decision is up to the owners of the future model.

  1. All branches are cut from the trunk with a grinder, obtaining a cylinder.
  2. 15-20 cm are retreated from its ends, then cuts are made to half the diameter of the tree.
  3. A hole is hollowed out between them. After processing the wood, pots with indoor flowers are placed in the resulting stand.

Such " Blooming tree"will look impressive in any room - both in the country and in a city apartment.

Large wooden candlestick

In this case, you will have to look for two blanks - one wide for the cuts, the other for the candlestick itself. For a stand, the ideal section (or several) of the tree where the branching begins.

  1. The bottom of the second workpiece is cut down so that a smooth and stable surface is obtained.
  2. Several cuts are made from a wide log - according to the number of branches, the width of these disks is 2, 3 or 4 cm.
  3. The top of the branches is cut down parallel to the base of the candlestick, then discs are attached to it with self-tapping screws.

For a longer service life, the wood is pre-treated with an antiseptic. The finished product can be painted, varnished, or left without any protective or decorative coating.

Suspended plywood structure

Instead of plywood, you can take regular boards or chipboard sheets. You will also need a strong rope - two identical pieces.

  1. Several shelves are cut from a sheet of plywood. Several holes are cut out in each workpiece - wide for fixing flower pots, and small ones (in the corners) for threading the rope, so their diameters must match. There should be four of the latter - one for each corner.
  2. Ropes are threaded through the corner holes, and knots are tied at the bottom of the shelves for secure fixation.
  3. A hole is drilled in the wall for the fastening hook. The stand is fixed on it using a reliable knot assembled from 4 rope ends, and its horizontalness is checked.

A large number of "floors" will make the structure very heavy, so an overly complex stand may not be very reliable.

Rack of plastic bottles

For this masterpiece you will need a large set consisting of:

  • 14 dairy plastic bottles;
  • golden aerosol paint;
  • decor - jewelry, beads, beads;
  • PVA glue;
  • tape;
  • construction cord;
  • roll of toilet paper;
  • packaging of napkins.

The process itself looks like this:

  1. First, washed and dried bottles (directly with labels) are glued together in pairs with tape at the necks.
  2. Place one double element in the center. Others fasten around it.
  3. The entire figure is wrapped with tape until all visible defects - unevenness, folds - disappear.
  4. After applying glue, wrap the future stand with napkins, then with several layers (2-3 - minimum) of toilet paper. Each of them is given time to dry.
  5. Cord is used for decoration. Beads and any other decorations are glued to the resulting pattern. A cheap alternative is cereals (millet, buckwheat, rice) or peas.
  6. Paint is applied to the resulting pattern from a spray can.

A do-it-yourself flower stand from scrap material can be made from familiar things. Bicycles, chairs and stools often act as such pieces of furniture.

The following video will tell you how to make a ladder stand:

Yours indoor flowers can be as expressive in your interior as works of art, and we'll show you how a flower stand can help you create an interesting modern home.

The thought of how to place indoor plants in the house is often the last thing that comes to our minds. And the more negative experiences we have with growing flowers (in other words, how many of them have dried out), the more likely we are to push this task into the background or refuse to use it altogether. indoor plants. However, flowers in the home have been proven to make us happier, energized, and even more productive.

Using plants in modern design is not an easy task because modern design, on the one hand, requires clean lines and simplicity, and Nature, on the other hand, tends to be wild and chaotic.

However, this does not mean that modern interiors should abandon greenery. There are ways to add indoor plants to your interior design so that your flower stand becomes a lively, interesting accent in your home.

What types of flower stands are there?

Beautiful plants need beautiful pots, and beautiful pots need beautiful coasters. We have collected best options flower stand designs to make inner space your home alive and green.

Floor stands.

These openwork metal flower stands will allow you to create a home garden of different heights. Use several modules of different heights for the most advantageous result.

High floor stands.

A tripod isn't just for your camera—thin tripods can make great stands for your indoor plants.

Wall flower supplies.

Looking for an easy way to display flowers on your wall? This IKEA wall stand with mesh baskets allows you to fill them to the brim with your favorite houseplants.

Flower stands on wheels.

This IKEA multi-tier cart stand allows you to display a variety of plants in your kitchen. Such an impromptu kitchen garden will provide easy and convenient access to greens and herbs.

Hanging flower stands.

A set of openwork metal modules can be fixed at the top of the cornice, and having assembled the desired length according to the height of the window, you can admire your beautiful flowers.

Window sill stands.

Elegant flower stands for the windowsill will allow you to effectively and beautifully organize both the smallest collection of your indoor plants and the largest one.

Corner stands.

if you have empty corner, then with the help of a simple corner stand you can make a wonderful home garden out of it.

Outdoor flower stands.

Modern flower stands will help you make an interesting accent in landscape design your garden plot.

Flower beds for the balcony.

Inexpensive plastic flower stands can be securely placed on balcony railings.

Flower stands for the window.

Even if you don’t have a balcony, using a classic wrought-iron window stand, you can beautifully and conveniently place your flowers outside the window.

Materials for flower stands.

It is better to choose a flower girl depending on the style of your home; for minimalist modern interiors, openwork metal stands are better suited for luxury houses Elegant forged coasters would be appropriate, and cozy wooden coasters would suit almost any interior style.

Wooden stands.

The stand for 3 pots imitates a natural forest, and the natural texture of the wood will fit perfectly into the most stylish living room.

This mini plant ladder contains five of your favorite herbs and spices.

Small and cozy, the three-tier desk is ideal for a home office.

Metal flower stands.

Metal flower stands delight with their exquisite shape. This pineapple-shaped floor stand can greet guests right in the hallway.

A large stand from IKEA can become a beautiful interior partition, the basis for a kitchen garden or decorate your balcony. What's important is that this inexpensive stand holds everything you like.

Forged stands.

For a more luxurious look of flowers in the interior, it is convenient to use classic forged flower bowls.

Glass stands.

Glass stands are ideal if you want to focus on the flowers rather than the original shape of the flower girl.

Original flower stands photo.

Unusual flower girls can decorate your workplace

Or become fashionable ideas for a kitchen garden or a collection of succulents.

Illuminated flower stands.

The combination of a lamp with a flower girl looks amazing.

Either it’s a green lamp, or backlit flowers.

And that's quite practical option flower stands with lighting. Two in one - a beautiful design element and a garden lamp.

Self-watering flower stands.

Fun self-watering stands will keep you from forgetting to water your flowers.

How to place flower stands in the interior photo.

No space on the windowsill? Simple coasters from scrap materials will help you combine the view outside the window with your magnificent flowers.

Cacti with their clear geometric shape fit perfectly into a modern interior. Using a flower stand, you can create a mini-landscape that will tell the whole story of the plants. This original composition of indoor plants is unique and useful for living in an apartment.

Tall wooden flower stands with clean lines and a neutral palette highlight the greenery of the flowers as a focal point that enlivens this corner of the room.

Fern adds to modern interior A gorgeous modern texture like a piece of art gracefully explodes onto the top of the room.

Some indoor plants require simplicity, and in order not to overwhelm them, we use a simple and elegant solution as a flower stand. From standard modules for hanging shelves. This makes the flowers look juicier and more spectacular.

A glass terrarium is one of the most fashionable interior elements. It can be raised higher using a simple stand. This arrangement of flowers provides incredible attractiveness and intrigue.

We use flowers as original interior partition, which does not interfere with natural light, does not darken the room and provides the perfect scale for your apartment.

Small details add a lot to the coziness of a home - flowers placed on the living room wall add plant life to an urban lifestyle.

You don't always need to use large, luxurious flower specimens. By using stands of different heights, you can achieve luxurious results with little effort.

How to make a flower stand.

You can inexpensively make homemade tall flower stands from metal racks for gartering tomatoes.

Simply cut the narrowest part of the stand to fit the pot.

Stylish flower stand made of wooden cut You can make it inexpensively by adding tall metal legs to it. These legs can be bought ready-made or bent yourself from a durable metal rod.

How to make it fashionable wooden stand for flowers.

We glue and fasten the wooden planks into squares that fit together wooden planks collect into a cube.

Flower stand “Bicycle” made of wire.

We have collected for you best ideas flower stands that will help you make your home lively and green.
Add little details to your flowers, show them off to their best advantage, and they will thank you with royal generosity! “Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm fires.”

As many people know, any flowers bring not only a feeling of comfort, but also beauty to the atmosphere in the house. They serve as a delight for human eyes, fill the apartment with a wonderful aroma, and help fill the room with pure oxygen.

Psychologists, in turn, never tire of reminding us that they are very beneficial for a person’s physical and mental health.

They can fill a person positive energy, charge you with vigor, and also drive away bad thoughts. That is why people suffering from various sleep disorders are highly recommended to use flowers not only for decorative purposes.

Supporters traditional medicine in turn, they remind us that plants can serve as medicine for various ailments. For example, primrose is commonly used for skin diseases, and aloe is an indispensable assistant when fighting a cold.

And if one of the household members suffers from nervous disorders, then there is no way to do without the help of geranium. She's for short term will get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder, will calm and have a beneficial effect on the body.

However, in order for flowers to become a full-fledged decoration in the house and look quite harmonious, one cannot do without their correct arrangement. Often plants are placed on window sills, but such a decision is not always correct.

After all, in the hot summer there are too many flowers sunlight, and in winter, excess cold causes them irreparable harm.

This is why professional florists strongly recommend using floor flower stands. They will help you position the plants correctly and become worthy decoration interior

All about the types of stands for indoor flowers

Today there are many models on the market that have different price ranges and are different. The material used as a basis can be not only wood or metal, but also plastic.

Note! How to update a table with your own hands - instructions and master class for beginners (80 photos)

And if you make your choice correctly, you will undoubtedly become the owner of not only a beautiful, elegant, but also a practical, multifunctional product.

They will be a wonderful addition to your interior, elevating it and giving it more charm and elegance. Let's take a closer look at what types of stands can currently be found on the market:

Stationary floor stands. They are the most popular and have a fairly reasonable price. Their design is quite simple and is based on a solid vertical base.

The base may or may not be movable. This is entirely up to your preference and does not affect the functionality of the product in any way.

Shelf stands. Most often used in rooms with limited free space, in which it is necessary to accommodate a large number of plants.

Their design is quite interesting and unusual, so they can be seen not only in classically decorated rooms, but also in rooms with a more modern design.

Mobile. Can have different shape, are equipped with moving parts and consist of two or more tiers. The main difference between this model and others is the presence of wheels.

Thanks to this, the home owner gets a unique opportunity to move the product around the house without any problems.

Non-standard stands. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already become quite popular. This is due to the fact that nowadays everything large quantity people prefer modern styles.

Most of these styles are demanding when it comes to decorative items. That is why there is a need to purchase catchy and memorable interior items.

Which coasters to choose?

When choosing coasters, you need to be guided not only by personal preferences and style requirements. Always remember to consider which plants will be placed on the stands.

Do not forget that standard products are designed for only 1 flowerpot, and their height does not exceed 70 centimeters. There are also models that are only 10 centimeters high. Therefore, before purchasing one of these models, think about which one will suit you best.

For example, if you plan to purchase plants with fairly long, thin or thick stems that hang down to the floor, it is completely unacceptable to order a product with small height. And, conversely, you should not purchase structures that are too tall for flowers with short stems.

If there is not much free space in the room, you should think about purchasing corner tower structures. They can accommodate several flowerpots at once, but do not take up as much space as conventional floor products.

However, choosing this design, it is important to think in advance about how the flowers will be arranged. They should not interfere with each other, and also create additional shadow.

To prevent this from happening, do not place plants with wide and large leaves on this stand.

Photos of flower stand options

Fresh flowers decorate homes and yards and bring joy to housewives. Flower stands will help you place pots in in the right place. Do useful thing do it yourself and surprise your guests with originality. This stand is more budget-friendly than a store-bought one, and appearance could be anything.

Types of stands

You can make a stand for any flowers yourself. The products differ in functionality and method of application. Before starting work, you should decide on the type of stand.


Designed for large flowerpots and pots. Typically made from durable materials. Such structures can be used as an original screen for zoning a room.

The design can be multi-tiered or intended for one flower.

Wall mounted

The optimal solution to free up space. Small or medium-sized flower pots are usually placed on such a stand. The designs allow you to hide wall defects. For manufacturing, metal or wire is most often used. Can be placed in a corner to utilize extra space.


They are a variation of the previous option. The flowerpot looks impressive and stylish. The main drawback is that it is difficult to move the stand from place to place; holes are made in the wall for mounting.

Most often the design is used on a balcony or terrace.

The structures are presented in the form of slides, shelves and racks; they are stationary. Used for hanging flowers with large, hanging leaves. They can be used in an apartment, but more often they serve as a garden decoration. With this stand you can create additional shadow or compensate small area flower beds.

Non-standard designs

Such coasters are made only by hand. Outwardly they may resemble some interior items, vehicles, benches and much more. Decorated with shiny paints of gold, copper, silver. Forged Products or stands made of welding wire look very impressive and expensive.

Can be installed both indoors and in the garden. Typically, stands are used for small pots.

Outdoor stands must meet specific requirements. The material must be strong, durable and wear-resistant. Commonly used original forms or multi-tiered structures made of metal, wire, forging. Home coasters can be of any type. Typically used in growing light-loving plants. Such designs are designed for small and medium pots. Install home stands on a windowsill, balcony or hang on the wall. If the size of the room allows, then you can use floor types.

Tools and materials

The stand can be made from absolutely different materials. They use metal and wire, wood, glass, plaster, plastic bottles and much more. Metal structures are durable and can withstand heavy loads. The stand requires special care, otherwise it may start to rust.

Wooden products are very popular. It is better to varnish the stand. Frequent exposure to water when watering plants can lead to swelling and rotting. Working with glass at home is quite difficult, so it is often used as an additional material.

Glass shelves on a metal or wooden frame look great.

A combination of materials is used to combine practicality and beauty. The frame and shelves for large flowers are made from the most durable materials. Shelves for large pots can be made from the same material. Places for small, lightweight pots can be made from finer glass or wire.

The required set of tools directly depends on the selected material. For metal or wire products you will need cold welding. When working with plywood, take a screwdriver, drill and saw. If you use available materials (plastic bottles), then construction tools will not be needed at all.

Manufacturing methods

You can make a functional and attractive stand for your favorite flowers with your own hands. Using the design you can decorate a window or wall. If homemade stand will stand on the windowsill, then be sure to preliminary measurements. Manufacturing options depend on the selected material. Some stands will require scrap materials and small quantity time. For the manufacture of complex structures You will need special skills in working with tools.

Made of metal

Simple and convenient option looks like several parallelepipeds with 2 common faces. The work is labor-intensive and requires special skills. It is better if a man does the manufacturing. Pre-draw a drawing and mark all dimensions. For vertical supports you need to make 4 equal segments, and for horizontal edges - 8. From short parts you need to make squares or rhombuses using welding. It is important that they are the same, otherwise the stand will warp. Long posts must be connected geometric figures. Then proceed like this.

  1. Weld a metal crossbar between the vertical posts. It should be at the same height as the next shelf.
  2. Make a rectangle out of metal. Dimensions are easy to calculate. The width should correspond to the distance between the vertical parts of the high stand, and the length is calculated according to the previous measurement.
  3. Cut 8 more small ones and 4 large parts. Repeat the procedure. Connect the 2 tiers together by welding.
  4. Depending on your needs, you can make as many blanks as you want.

From plastic pipes

The flower stand is quite attractive and easy to make. You can craft with your children. The product is suitable not only in the apartment, but also in the garden. Need to take plastic pipes, cuttings of lining, 2 pieces of ordinary hose, self-tapping screws (6 pcs.) and a screwdriver. Act like this.

  1. You need to make rings. Twist the pipe in a spiral so that 2 hoops are formed. To make the task easier, you can use an empty barrel.
  2. Remove the spiral from the mold and cut. You should get 2 rings.
  3. Connect the edges using a hose.
  4. On one ring, make 3 marks at an angle of 120°. Insert self-tapping screws into the holes.
  5. Make similar marks on the other ring.
  6. The legs are made of pipes. Cut it into 3 pieces of 40 cm in length.
  7. Make 3 plugs from the scraps and insert them into the legs.
  8. At the final stage you need to collect all the parts. Fold the first ring under the legs and screw it to each of them with a screwdriver. Place a second ring on the back of the pipes and screw it to the legs with self-tapping screws.

From plywood

The classic stand is well suited for apartments and houses. You need to take a shelf made of chipboard or PVC, plywood, thick rope, screws, plugs, paints and varnish for decoration, a screwdriver, drill, saw, hammer and screwdriver. For comfortable work you will need a level, tape measure, ruler and pencil. Make the product like this.

  1. Prepare the material. Calculate the size based on the free space. The width should match the size of the pot. Additional bars in the middle will help make the distance between the shelves the same.
  2. Drill 2 holes in each shelf with a drill. They need to be placed in parallel. The size of the hole should be such that a thick rope can pass freely.
  3. Pass the rope through all the holes. Form a loop at the top for hanging, and make a secure knot at the bottom.
  4. Install the stand. Drill a hole in the wall in the desired location and install the mount. Fix the stand firmly. Wall design Ideal for indoor flowers.

From wire

Even a woman can make the design, the main thing is to have experience in handling cold welding. Used for work welding wire 1 cm in diameter. Stock up on tools for cold forging and a hammer (800 g).

  1. Draw a sketch, divide it into simple details. Calculate all sizes. Be sure to consider the diameter of the round blanks for the pots.
  2. First of all, make a stand and stands. Duplicate the drawn parts with wire and secure with cold welding.
  3. Make decorative elements. These can be various curls, spirals, leaves and flowers. If desired, you can use ready-made metal molds to create these parts. Simply drive the wire into the template with a hammer and remove the desired element.
  4. Attach to main homemade design All decorative parts are cold welded.

From driftwood

Lovers natural materials can make a stand out of wood. You can use a cut trunk or branch, depending on the desired size. Act like this.

  1. Cut off any excess knots from the driftwood to create a cylinder. It is convenient to perform the procedure with a grinder.
  2. Set aside about ¼ of the total diameter of the deck from the ends. Make deep cuts to the depth of the flower pot.
  3. Cut or hollow out part of the wood between the cuts. Place the pot. This floor stand looks great in the interior.

From plaster

It’s easy to make a product from such material and it won’t take much time. Gypsum is durable and versatile. The main thing is to purchase or make a mold for the stand. It is better to place the product indoors and handle it with care. As a form, you can use a suitable flower pot. You need to pour the gypsum mixture into the container and place another pot on top. There will be a hole inside into which you can insert a flower. Work with the solution like this.

  1. Pour water into the container and add gypsum in a ratio of 10: 6, respectively.
  2. Add 1 part slaked lime to all ingredients. The mixture will be more elastic liquid state and more durable after drying. The component can be found at any hardware store.
  3. Pour the solution into the mold and wait until it dries. Exact time indicated in the instructions, on average this will take 24-48 hours.
  4. Decorate the stand. If desired, you can make the plaster already colored. To do this, add gouache to the water while mixing.

From bottles

This stand can even be placed in the garden; it is not afraid of bad weather. A product from scrap materials can be made together with children. Take tape, PVA glue, a roll of toilet paper and a pack of paper napkins, 14 plastic milk bottles, and a roll of medium-thick twisted lace. You will also need some thick cardboard, gold-plated spray paint, and beads or seed beads. Make a stand like this.

  1. Use tape to wrap 12 bottles into 6 pairs.
  2. Use 3 pairs to make the bottom. Fold the bottles into a flower shape and secure with tape. Place 1 bottle in the middle so that the neck is 5 cm higher than all the bottles.
  3. Make another flower from 3 pairs of bottles, but without filling the middle.
  4. Place the second flower on the bottom of the neck of the bottle so that the middle wide part acts as a rod.
  5. Wrap the structure toilet paper, pre-coating it with PVA.
  6. Lay several layers of napkins in the same way. After each layer you need to wait for the glue to dry.
  7. Leave the structure for 24 hours.
  8. Make a pattern on the surface in the form of flowers or something similar.
  9. Make leaves from a sheet of cardboard and glue them to the product.
  10. Decorate the flower stand to suit your taste. Finally, coat everything with a coat of gold paint.
