How to properly make a hood from a country toilet. How to build ventilation in a toilet in a country house with your own hands. To do this, you need to do the following:

It would seem – why does a dacha need ventilation? There is plenty of fresh air around, just open the windows and breathe! An - no. Drafts cannot be avoided, and there is no way to control the air flow. Most country houses are preserved for the winter. "Visiting" dachas on new year holidays, many owners feel a musty atmosphere and heavy air, and the smell of mold. This is the result of a lack of air exchange, so ventilation in country house needed.

In ancient times, when houses were built entirely of logs, no one thought about how to make ventilation in the country house. Because “living” wood passed through itself Fresh air from the street. It penetrated both window cracks and caulked joints between logs. Unplastered walls maintained optimal humidity and temperature. An important element ventilation country house served as a stove. Exhaust air was drawn out through the chimney.

Thus, the design of a house built according to old models implies natural ventilation.

The toilet at the dacha also needs ventilation, especially if the dacha is in use all year round, and feces accumulate in the cesspool. How to make effective ventilation in your favorite country house, spending a minimum of money?

Modern execution of ancient construction technologies: This cottage made of timber, with a fireplace or stove and always wooden window frames. Such a country house is perfectly ventilated without special investments.

Wall material will not allow entry into rooms summer heat. In winter, the stove will serve as a hood and a heating device at the same time. But to assemble such a dacha ventilation system with your own hands, you will need the skills of a stove maker.

A fireplace can be a good option for ventilation in a country house. The air flow will flow through the cracks in the frames or open vents (if the windows are made of plastic). Blowing out through a chimney.

At the same time, the heating problem for a country house used all year round is also solved.

This system is suitable for a building made of any materials, a small area and used mainly in the warm season.

Mechanical ventilation system for the cottage

At the dacha, mechanical ventilation is justified in the following cases:

  • large house;
  • 2 or 3 storey house;
  • The house was built using frame technology, which excludes natural air exchange.

Forced ventilation in a country house can be done entirely mechanically or combined.

The combined system is easier to install and will cost less, including during operation.

Forced air outflow

You can equip the supply part of the combined ventilation of a country house with your own hands.

If the windows are plastic, supply valves are installed in them. These devices are available for sale and are inexpensive. Exist various models window supply valves. They are attached to the top crossbar of the window sash.

The supply valve can be inserted directly into the wall of the house. This is a fairly simple mechanism, consisting of a pipe for which you will have to make a hole with a diameter of 5 cm and a damper that regulates the intensity of the air supply. In winter, the damper is closed as much as possible to prevent the room from cooling down. You should not purchase complex valves with filters, because clean country air does not need purification.

Air outflow is ensured mechanically. And only skilled craftsmen can handle this work of installing ventilation in a country house with their own hands. Exhaust ducts extend from places of greatest air pollution (for example, the kitchen) into the attic. An exhaust fan is installed here, which exhausts the exhaust air outside. Negative pressure is created in the house, due to which, through supply valves fresh air is drawn in.

Disadvantages of mechanical hood:

  • during the long absence of the owners, the house remains without ventilation;
  • ventilation ducts need to be hidden under beams or boxes;
  • additional energy consumption for air exhaust;
  • it is advisable to select structural elements with the help of a professional.

It is better to entrust the calculation of the thickness of the air ducts and the fan power to a fan engineer.

Forced air flow

You can take a more expensive route by equipping with your own hands a forced air flow into the dacha ventilation system.

An air supply unit is installed at a level of 2 meters from the soil surface. Air from the street is collected in a chamber, where it is heated (if necessary) and supplied to the rooms by a fan.

There are two ways to heat the air:

  • electric heater;
  • heating pipe.

The second is much more practical, but it needs to be designed simultaneously with planning the heating system.
Outflow is provided by ventilation vents in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet (if they are located in the house).

Do-it-yourself supply ventilation of a dacha

Construction supply ventilation Do-it-yourself dachas are a complex and quite expensive process. But some craftsmen, having thought about how to ventilate a dacha, come to original solutions. The air flow is carried out using an air intake. It is mounted from the northern wall. The installation consists of a pair of duct fans and two pipes through which air flows into the body of an old but sealed refrigerator. Here are connected 2 radiators from the car, connected to the recuperator. Each room in the dacha is supplied with 2-4 pipes (depending on the power of the installation and the area of ​​the room) with ventilation grilles. Supply grilles are placed 0.2 - 0.3 m from the floor.

Air outflow is carried out in a natural way. Increased pressure inside rooms squeezes air into corridors, kitchens and bathrooms. Ventilation pipes are installed here.

Thrifty owners use waste warm air in cold weather to heat the greenhouse. Those who want to take advantage of their experience will have to run the ventilation pipe not up through the roof, but towards the greenhouse. The air will be evacuated forcibly by a “snail” pump.

Ventilation of the dacha floor

To ensure good ventilation of the country house, you should also take care of the air exchange in the underground. Ventilation of the floor in the country house protects it from rotting and the entire house from distortions, extending its service life.

If a basement is not planned, ventilation of the country cottage floor is provided by a system of vents (holes) in the basement. Most often, country houses are built with basements. The vents are left at different heights of the plinth, which improves the movement of air flow. The size of the vents is usually 10 x 15 cm. The number of holes is calculated depending on the terrain, architecture of the building, wind rose and climate.

Floor ventilation wooden dachas consists of wall grilles that are mounted above the vents in the floor (also called ventilation sockets).

The grate should be placed at the junction between the boards.

This makes it possible to make a smaller recess in the board, so the strength of the floor does not suffer.

Before installing sockets, you should definitely calculate the air flow pattern, which depends on the placement, type and power of heating devices.

Carpets, cabinets or sofas should not be placed on top of the grilles for ventilation of the country floor.

Ventilation baseboards will also help improve air movement in the subfloor of a country house.

Holes are drilled in the baseboards through which air circulates freely from the room to the underground. This is a simple and affordable method of constructing ventilation in a country house with your own hands. The holes in the baseboards should be up to 1.5 cm in diameter. They are installed along opposite walls. Sometimes a ventilation baseboard is only needed on one side of the room, and a ventilation pipe is used to ensure sufficient air movement. Its exit is located 1.5 meters above the roof.

Try to make such ventilation for your country house with your own hands, just ask a specialist to carry out the necessary calculations.

DIY ventilation in a country toilet

Most country toilets are built as a cesspool, which has serious drawback- These are foul-smelling gases that appear as a result of fermentation of feces. It is impossible to seal the pit hermetically, so country toilet ventilation is required.

You can do all the work on installing toilet ventilation in your dacha yourself. The ventilation of a country toilet usually consists of one pipe leading from the pit along back wall toilet. It ends 75 cm above the roof level. PVC or asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 10 cm are used. Metal brackets are convenient as fastenings.

A special hole for ventilation is provided in the cesspool, where the pipe is installed even before concreting. However, sometimes this ventilation scheme for a country toilet is not always effective and odors penetrate into the stall. You can assemble the ventilation of a country toilet cabin with your own hands. To do this you need to purchase:

  • two pieces of PVC pipe 0.5 m and 2 m with a diameter of 11 cm;
  • 90 degree corner connection;
  • umbrella or deflector;
  • decorative lattice;
  • fastener

An exhaust hole for ventilating a toilet in a country house is drilled in the wall, as close to the roof as possible. The diameter of the hole must match the diameter of the pipe. The pipes are connected with an angle, a short section is inserted into the hole. The excess section of pipe is sawed off from inside the room. A deflector or umbrella is placed on the upper cut of a long pipe; using a level, you need to check the vertical position of the pipe, after which it is attached to the wall with long screws and clamps. Installed at the pipe outlet inside the toilet ventilation grille. To prevent blowing into the cracks, they are filled with silicone or polyurethane foam.

To ensure the flow of clean air inside the booth, a small hole is made on the opposite wall (from the one where the exhaust pipe is inserted). It should be no higher than 0.2 m from the floor level and be covered with decorative ventilation grilles.

The ventilation of an outdoor toilet will work according to this principle: fresh cool air enters the stall, rises up along with unpleasant odors and goes out into the street. But before you ventilate the toilet stall at your dacha, you need to take care of removing gases from the cesspool. Otherwise, self-made ventilation of a country toilet will not effectively combat the stench.


Toilet for the dacha, summer shower, doghouses.

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Organization of a ventilation system in a country toilet.

An odorless country toilet is the dream of any self-respecting summer resident. Keeping your restroom clean is necessary, but not sufficient to eliminate unpleasant odors. Organization ventilation systems both the toilet stall itself and the cesspool are the solution to this problem.

Let's define what ventilation is.

Ventilation- this is organized air exchange in the room, as well as the means and devices that create it. There are two ways to ventilate rooms (in our case, an outdoor toilet stall) - natural and forced.

Natural ventilation is a process of air exchange in a room that occurs without the use of special mechanisms and the expenditure of energy, but is carried out on the basis of the use of wind force, air rarefaction and pressure difference.

Forced ventilation- this is the process of air exchange in a room, which occurs with the help of special mechanisms and devices, such as fans, air heaters, air coolers, etc.

Here it is necessary to immediately say that we are faced with two tasks: ventilation of the toilet cubicle itself and ventilation of the cesspool.

Window in the toilet stall - acts as lighting during the daytime and also ventilates inner space closet. The size, shape and location of the window are determined individually. Here are some tips you can give:

place the window as much as possible under the roof canopy, this will prevent precipitation in the form of rain and snow from entering the cabin;

the window can be equipped mosquito net, this will save visitors from annoying insects.

It is not advisable to glass the toilet window, and if you really want to, then it is better to do it on winter time, you can also put a plug made of cardboard or plywood.

In addition to the window in the walls of the toilet cubicle, you can make ventilation holes covering them with decorative grilles (the holes are best placed at the bottom of the wall).

Supply and exhaust ventilation. IN in this case ventilation of the cesspool will occur.

Supply and exhaust ventilation for garden and country toilets can be done either using electric fan(forced supply and exhaust ventilation), or without it (natural supply and exhaust ventilation).

Example of pipe installation from plastic barrel. From the back of the toilet, in the wall of the barrel, we cut a hole for ventilation pipe, a rubber cuff is inserted and a pipe is assembled, which is attached to the back wall of the toilet with clamps.

There are several ways to increase draft in a chimney:

  • Installation of the deflector. It is located at the top of the exhaust pipe. When there is a crosswind, a vacuum of air is created in the area between the deflector and the pipe, which helps to increase traction.

  • Using solar energy. We install an exhaust pipe, preferably black, as it heats up better from the sun. The edge of the air duct is raised above the roof of the country toilet so that the wind blows over it. The sun will heat the pipe, and from physics we know that warm air is lighter than cold air, which will provide upward thrust in the channel, which will contribute to the elimination unpleasant odor.
  1. Calculations are made to determine the required pipe length.
  2. Use a shovel to dig a passage to the cesspool.
  3. Fix the pipe inserted into the dug hole to the wall of the building.
  4. The entry point is covered and compacted with sand.

Installation of a forced ventilation system

A fan extracts air from the toilet area here. If the booth area is about 2 square meters, a power plant with a power of 30 W is quite suitable. The fan attached at the top must be provided with power. To do this, you need to carry out work on connecting the electrical cable in advance.

Due to the fact that the cesspool does not have sufficient air volume, it is not recommended to use artificial ventilation. During operation of the power plant, a rarefied atmosphere will be formed. And it can only be restored using air from the cabin.

Having decided to do the ventilation of a country toilet with your own hands, it is very important to carry out everything construction works in strict accordance with technologies and standards. In case of the slightest uncertainty in your abilities, it is strongly recommended to seek help from specialists.

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Installation of a ventilation system for a country toilet

Is a hood really necessary in the toilet?

Many people associate an outdoor toilet in a country house with an unpleasant odor, dirt and danger. But modern summer residents strive to make such a toilet the most comfortable and safe place possible.

The design is a small cubicle, wooden or brick, with a toilet or seat located inside. There is a cesspool under the cabin, and it is this, or rather the accumulation of waste in it, that causes the unpleasant odor. During the process of decomposition, human waste releases a foul-smelling gas - methane, which, moreover, is also dangerous to health - a person can lose consciousness when visiting the toilet.

How does an outdoor toilet work?

The easiest way is to install a ventilation system at the stage of building a toilet. In an existing booth, it will be a little more difficult to equip ventilation.

How does a country toilet work? cesspool, drawing

The arrangement of a toilet in a country house is simple:

  • a cabin is built above the ground;
  • a cesspool is dug underground.

The simplest option is when the cesspool is located directly under the cabin. This is a common option and easy to build yourself. But toilets whose cabin is remote from the pit are becoming increasingly popular; a toilet can be installed in them, and waste disposal can be organized through pipes. It's much more complex design, which involves the provision of water supply and sewerage.

Description of the ventilation system in the toilet

For best results, it is necessary to provide ventilation in both the cabin and the cesspool.

There are two types of hood:

Diagram of a ventilation system for a toilet in a country house

  • natural;
  • forced or mechanical.

The natural one works thanks to the draft generated by the air flow. Warm air rises, and cold air accumulates below. If you make two holes: one at the top, the second at the bottom, then the flow of cold air coming from the street will displace warm air with methane vapor through the upper passage.

To ensure the best traction, it is necessary to use a pipe, and its diameter must be at least 15 cm and its height 2–2.5 meters. In general, it is considered optimal when the pipe protrudes beyond the roof level by at least 1.5 meters.

Ventilation in the country toilet

What can you make your own ventilation system from?

In order to equip ventilation in the cesspool you will need following materials:

Pipes and fittings for ventilation in the toilet in the country

  • pipe, diameter 110 mm and length 2.5 m;
  • fasteners – 2–3 pieces;
  • deflector – 1 pc.

For ventilation system in the toilet you will need:

  • pipe, diameter 110–115 mm, length 2.5 m;
  • connecting angle;
  • decorative grille for the ventilation hole;
  • clamps – 3–4 pcs;
  • umbrella or deflector.

If a forced system is used, a fan is also required.

As a rule, toilets in the country have small area, so the most primitive fan, whose power does not exceed 30 W, will be sufficient. The shape should be chosen depending on the place where it will be installed. It is most convenient to install in a window. In this case, it is better to purchase a square model.

Fan connection diagram and installation in a toilet window

If you plan to install it in a wooden wall, then the easiest way would be to cut it out round hole. The fan will work for a long time, so it is better to choose a high-quality model that will last for more than one year.

The fan will need electricity to operate. As a rule, its cut is brought to the toilet to provide lighting. The socket must be placed in such a place that moisture does not get on it; it can be mounted into the wall and covered with a box.

The fan has a protective grille, which tends to get clogged. Therefore, you must remember to clean it regularly, not only to ensure uninterrupted operation device, but also to ensure that fresh air enters inside, and not contaminated with dust.

How to make ventilation

Before starting work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • drill - if the walls of the booth are wooden;
  • hammer drill - if the walls are brick;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws

DIY cesspool ventilation system

Using a bayonet shovel, dig a hole above the hole, the diameter of which should be slightly larger size pipes. Such a hole should be made near the rear wall of the cabin so that the pipe can be conveniently secured with clamps. Lower the pipe into the hole to a depth that is less than the maximum fill mark. That is, so that no waste gets into the ventilation shaft.

Cesspool exhaust

Using fasteners and clamps, the pipe is fixed to the wall of the booth. It is buried underneath with earth. A deflector or umbrella is placed on top.

Such simple design Do-it-yourself cesspool ventilation will prevent an unpleasant odor in the toilet. If the cabin is not made airtight, there are cracks, openings, windows that open, and the toilet bowl or seat has a tight lid, then only a hood from the pit will be enough. But, in this case, a slight unpleasant odor will still be present. If there is a need to get rid of it, then you should start installing a ventilation system inside the cabin.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the toilet stall

Exhaust and ventilation system in the country toilet cabin

  • on top, along the back wall of the toilet, a round hole is made according to the diameter of the prepared plastic pipe. It should be as high as possible, but at a distance of at least 15 cm from the roof level. The hole is made using a drill or hammer drill;
  • a corner pipe is installed in the resulting opening;
  • the cracks are filled with polyurethane foam;
  • the main part of the pipe is attached to the corner element;
  • Using clamps and fasteners, the pipe is fixed to external wall toilet;
  • put an umbrella or deflector on top;
  • inside, the excess part of the pipe is cut off and covered with a decorative ventilation grille.

The next step is to make a hole at the bottom to ensure the flow of cold air:

Forced exhaust from a septic tank in a country toilet

  • using a drill or hammer drill, drill a hole in the bottom of the wall, at a distance of 20–30 cm from the floor. It is better to choose the opposite wall, the one in which the pipe is installed;
  • two decorative grilles are installed using self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

This is the final stage - the ventilation in the country toilet is ready.

If during the cold season it blows strongly from the lower hole, you can close it with a barrier.

Video: How to care for an outdoor toilet in the country?

How to build ventilation in a toilet in a country house with your own hands

Fetid odors from dacha “birdhouses”-closets annoy not only the owners of the buildings, but also bother the neighbors. This explains the desire of summer residents to build a latrine so that it would always be clean, dry and comfortable, and would not be bothered by unpleasant odors.

Ventilation for the toilet: possible solutions

Since it is impossible to tightly close the pit with the fermentation processes of fecal waste, the optimal solution to the problem is to organize productive air exchange for the “birdhouse” itself, usually made of brick or wood, and the pit under it. It is there that sewage decomposes under the influence of anaerobic bacteria, and methane is released. Air exchange is achieved through proper arrangement of the toilet, as well as competent selection and installation of devices for organizing air circulation.

Attention! For correct installation ventilation, even at the stage of drawing up the toilet drawing, its type and placement of functional units are indicated. The air exchange rate should prevent dangerous concentrations of methane and poisoning by its vapors.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in a toilet in a country house can be done in two ways:

  1. Naturally. Air flows move by gravity, stimulated by the wind, arising due to air volumes of different pressures. Pressure units are not used and no energy is wasted.
  2. Mechanically. Fans, air heaters, etc. are used to move air.

Closet ventilation without the use of mechanical devices

In a compact toilet stall, the window acts as a source of light during the day and serves as an opening for air to move through it. Despite the fact that the geometry of the window and the shape are selected according to the individual preferences of the owner, there are several points that need to be paid attention to:

  • The window must be “in operation” at all times. You don't need to glass it for this. If the closet is used in cold weather, air flow can be minimized by covering the opening with a sheet of plywood.
  • The open hole will be protected from snow and rain if it is placed as close to the roof as possible, under the very canopy.
  • When arranging an additional hole for ventilation, it is best to cut it in the toilet door (lower part) or in one of the walls.
  • Protection in the form of mesh, gauze, or curtains will prevent insects from entering the toilet.
  • Installing a toilet involves supplying an exhaust hood to it through the floor or connecting a pipe to the toilet.
  • For better circulation, slot holes are installed in the lower part of the walls of the building, disguised under gratings.

Natural type hood for pit

By ensuring the exhaust of the cesspool, you can remove the gas accumulating in it outside the toilet (into the atmosphere), and not into the cubicle. This withdrawal must be done in the following order:

  • A hole of the required cross-section is formed into the pit.
  • Dowels and clamps or brackets are fixed along the height of the rear wall of the toilet, where the hood will be located.
  • A pipe is installed (asbestos-cement or PVC diameter 100 mm). Its length is taken taking into account the height of the toilet and the maximum possible filling level of the pit.
  • A deflector is attached to the top. Its diameter must be identical to the cross-section of the pipe.

Economical septic tanks for a summer residence with a cesspool made from a barrel

The decision to use storage tanks as a cesspool can be considered effective only when the ventilation in the toilet in the country from a barrel in the form of a ventilation pipe has a cross-section of at least 100 mm. It is discharged 0.5 m above the ground and removes accumulating methane. In the absence of ventilation, processes occurring inside the barrel can rupture it. Despite their relatively low efficiency and dependence on climate and weather, such toilets in dachas are popular due to their simple installation and cost-free operation.

Natural supply and exhaust method

A greater effect in removing stench from a cesspool is achieved with natural supply and exhaust ventilation. In addition to the installed toilet, some summer residents make another hole in the floor. Through these two entrances, air enters the pit and leaves through the installed pipe. This results in two outlets: from the closet and from the pit. They are made from gray PVC pipes with a cross-section of 100 mm. The length of the pipe must be calculated so that one end falls into the pit, and the other (upper) rises 0.3 above the roof. It is this height that should provide sufficient air removal power. If there is a lack of it, you can use methods to increase traction in the pipe:

  • Paint the exhaust pipe a dark (preferably black) color. Here the air duct rises slightly above the roof of the closet. The attracted rays of the sun heat the pipe and cause unpleasant odors to rise upward.
  • The pipe is heated using a light bulb placed in it.
  • Mount exhaust device at the end of the outer part of the pipe (cap) to suck air out of the cabin. A blow from a side wind creates air pressure between the pipe and the deflector, increasing thrust.

For information! One way to reduce or even eliminate the penetration of stench into a toilet stall is to place the pit and the stall at some distance. A sewer pipe laid between them will connect the toilet in the “birdhouse” and the cesspool. The use of a tee makes it possible to install a ventilation pipe. To dispose of sewage with such an air exchange arrangement, a water supply is required.

Forced ventilation

A do-it-yourself mechanical exhaust hood installed in a toilet in a country house will be more effective if:

  • forced exchange occurs in the booth, but not in the pit;
  • unpleasant odors and fumes are removed continuously;
  • circulation ensures the required air exchange rate;
  • the power plant operates regardless of the weather and seasons.

Significant “cons” are dependence on electricity and significant capital investments.

Organizing the ventilation of a latrine with a ventilation device installed in the same window and connected by a cable to the electrical network is one of the types of forced air exchange. To regulate the air supply, it is necessary to install another switch. The wiring is insulated from moisture penetration. Placed on the outside of the structure along the roof from the attic near standing house. Fan power 30 W window opening sufficient for small cabin dimensions (about 2 sq. m.). Depending on the shape and size of the window opening, the installation model is selected. You must remember to close the channels (exhaust, supply) with a protective mesh or grille. The fan connected to the network is checked in operation.

As for the septic pit, in its closed volume not enough fresh air. Therefore, a forced ventilation system is not installed directly into the pit. A fan is installed in the lowered pipe. It creates a vacuum. Air leaks through the cabin.

It can be made simpler. Requires installation in a hood duct fan low power: only 3 - 5 watts. The sensor regulates the speed of rotation of the blades. It is mounted directly inside the toilet. Manually adjusted required speed exhaust air (draft).

What type of ventilation to choose for a country toilet - everyone decides based on financial capabilities and feasibility of use.

Making a simple antenna for digital TV with your own hands

In a private area with an equipped drain tank, such an unpleasant phenomenon as stench is often observed. Properly equipped cesspool ventilation will completely solve the problem of bad odor from the drain and the accumulation of gases in the container.

Any ventilation comes in two types:

Natural ventilation is the most simple option arrangement of gas removal from the pit. But at the same time, she is no different high efficiency. The unpleasant odor will be released directly to the surface and spread throughout the area, which may cause some discomfort to residents.

To organize forced ventilation, engineering calculations are carried out. .they take into account the required length and diameter of the air passage, as well as its distance to fan pipe(if there is one). It is much more expensive than natural (pipes, fans, engineer services), but has greater efficiency.

Ventilation passage design

Let's consider the features of forced ventilation. When installing it, the usual cover is replaced with an inspection hatch. In such a hatch it is possible to arrange an air window. This hole not only acts as an outlet for exhaust gas, but also ensures constant circulation of fresh air. This is extremely important for the normal course of fermentation processes.

An additional hole for the ventilation pipe is installed at the top of the cesspool. Experts recommend choosing communications made of plastic - they are more resistant to constant exposure to aggressive environments and have a long service life.

A fan is connected to the base of the pipe in the pit. You can use a regular deflector with protective caps or buy special device for a cesspool. To connect to the network, an additional electrical wire, which is directly connected to the fan contacts.

Natural ventilation uses pipes that are installed directly on the cesspool cover. The length of such a pipe can be different - it depends on the desired efficiency of the system. But the depth is strictly standardized - the pipe is installed in the drain 20 cm higher maximum level tank fullness.

Choosing a pipe for ventilation

Ventilating a cesspool is easy to do with your own hands. The first thing you need to do is calculate required diameter air window or ventilation pipe. According to sanitary standards, the air exchange rate in the cesspool must be at least 80 m 3 / hour. To ensure the required level of exchange, it is recommended to use pipes with a diameter of at least 110 mm. To check the correctness of the selected diameter, you can use the formula:

Formula for calculating the required air exchange

Please note that all obtained figures must be rounded up. The required length is selected according to the table and individual needs.

When choosing the height of the ventilation pipe, consider the following:

How to ventilate a cesspool

Natural ventilation does not require a special approach. To arrange it, an additional hole is made in the inspection hatch for the fan pipe. A pipe of the required diameter is inserted into it. Its upper and lower parts are protected by lathing and special cone-lids. The higher the pipe, the more intense the air exchange will occur.

To install a cesspool ventilation system with your own hands, you will need special tools and materials to construct the system. These are fasteners (steel screws the right size), a knife for cutting a pipe or a grinder with a special disk, a hammer drill for making a hole in a cesspool, a level, a construction tape measure.

Step-by-step instructions on how to ventilate a cesspool yourself:

Twice a year, the ventilation system is cleaned of debris and inspected for breakdowns. The fan needs to be checked especially carefully. Small particles of solid waste may collect on its blades, which will reduce the efficiency of the entire air exhaust system.

Video: example of ventilation in a country toilet

Many people associate an outdoor toilet in a country house with an unpleasant odor, dirt and danger. But modern summer residents strive to make such a toilet the most comfortable and safe place possible.

The design is a small cubicle, wooden or brick, with a toilet or seat located inside. There is a cesspool under the cabin, and it is this, or rather the accumulation of waste in it, that causes the unpleasant odor. During the process of decomposition, human waste releases a foul-smelling gas - methane, which, moreover, is also dangerous to health - a person can lose consciousness when visiting the toilet.

Methane vapor penetrates the wood and destroys it, as a result the wooden floors deteriorate and there is a risk of the structure collapsing. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases and ensure their free release. This is why ventilation is needed in an outdoor toilet.

How does an outdoor toilet work?

The easiest way is to install a ventilation system at the stage of building a toilet. In an existing booth, it will be a little more difficult to equip ventilation.

The arrangement of a toilet in a country house is simple:

  • a cabin is built above the ground;
  • a cesspool is dug underground.

The simplest option is when the cesspool is located directly under the cabin. This is a common option and easy to build yourself. But toilets whose cabin is remote from the pit are becoming increasingly popular; a toilet can be installed in them, and waste disposal can be organized through pipes. This is a much more complex design, involving the supply of water supply and sewerage.

Description of the ventilation system in the toilet

For best results, it is necessary to provide ventilation in both the cabin and the cesspool.

There are two types of hood:

Diagram of a ventilation system for a toilet in a country house
  • natural;
  • forced or mechanical.

The natural one works thanks to the draft generated by the air flow. Warm air rises, and cold air accumulates below. If you make two holes: one at the top, the second at the bottom, then the flow of cold air coming from the street will displace warm air with methane vapor through the upper passage.

To ensure the best traction, it is necessary to use a pipe, and its diameter must be at least 15 cm and its height 2–2.5 meters. In general, it is considered optimal when the pipe protrudes beyond the roof level by at least 1.5 meters.

Ventilation in the country toilet

Forced ventilation involves connecting a fan that will promote air circulation inside the cabin. In order for there to be fresh air in the toilet, it is necessary to have a window for ventilation. You can combine both types of hood in the cabin to achieve the best results, but installing a fan in the cesspool is strictly prohibited - only an exhaust pipe.

What can you make your own ventilation system from?

In order to equip ventilation in a cesspool, you will need the following materials:

  • pipe, diameter 110 mm and length 2.5 m;
  • fasteners – 2–3 pieces;
  • deflector – 1 pc.

For the ventilation system in the toilet you will need:

  • pipe, diameter 110–115 mm, length 2.5 m;
  • connecting angle;
  • decorative grille for the ventilation hole;
  • clamps – 3–4 pcs;
  • umbrella or deflector.

If a forced system is used, a fan is also required.

As a rule, toilets in the country have a small area, so the most primitive fan, whose power does not exceed 30 W, will be sufficient. The shape should be chosen depending on the place where it will be installed. It is most convenient to install in a window. In this case, it is better to purchase a square model.

If you plan to install it in a wooden wall, then the easiest way would be to cut a round hole. The fan will work for a long time, so it is better to choose a high-quality model that will last for more than one year.

The fan will need electricity to operate. As a rule, its cut is brought to the toilet to provide lighting. The socket must be placed in such a place that moisture does not get on it; it can be mounted into the wall and covered with a box.

The fan has a protective grille, which tends to get clogged. Therefore, you must remember to clean it regularly, not only to ensure the smooth operation of the device, but also to ensure that fresh air enters inside, and not contaminated with dust.

How to make ventilation

Before starting work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • drill - if the walls of the booth are wooden;
  • hammer drill - if the walls are brick;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws

DIY cesspool ventilation system

Using a bayonet shovel, a hole is dug above the hole, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the size of the pipe. Such a hole should be made near the rear wall of the cabin so that the pipe can be conveniently secured with clamps. Lower the pipe into the hole to a depth that is less than the maximum fill mark. That is, so that no waste gets into the ventilation shaft.

Using fasteners and clamps, the pipe is fixed to the wall of the booth. It is buried underneath with earth. A deflector or umbrella is placed on top.

The advantage of the deflector is that this device can increase thrust by up to 30% due to wind power. Therefore, if possible, you should give preference to a deflector rather than a regular umbrella, which only protects from precipitation.

This simple DIY cesspool ventilation design will help prevent unpleasant odors in the toilet. If the cabin is not made airtight, there are cracks, openings, windows that open, and the toilet bowl or seat has a tight lid, then only a hood from the pit will be enough. But, in this case, a slight unpleasant odor will still be present. If there is a need to get rid of it, then you should start installing a ventilation system inside the cabin.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the toilet stall


  • On top, along the back wall of the toilet, a round hole is made to match the diameter of the prepared plastic pipe. It should be as high as possible, but at a distance of at least 15 cm from the roof level. The hole is made using a drill or hammer drill;
  • a corner pipe is installed in the resulting opening;
  • the cracks are filled with polyurethane foam;
  • the main part of the pipe is attached to the corner element;
  • using clamps and fasteners, the pipe is fixed to the external wall of the toilet;
  • put an umbrella or deflector on top;
  • inside, the excess part of the pipe is cut off and covered with a decorative ventilation grille.

The next step is to make a hole at the bottom to ensure the flow of cold air:

  • using a drill or hammer drill, drill a hole in the bottom of the wall, at a distance of 20–30 cm from the floor. It is better to choose the opposite wall, the one in which the pipe is installed;
  • two decorative grilles are installed using self-tapping screws or other fasteners.

This is the final stage - the ventilation in the country toilet is ready.

If during the cold season it blows strongly from the lower hole, you can close it with a barrier.

Video: How to care for an outdoor toilet in the country?

In a restroom it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the ventilation system; the specific purpose of the room puts forward particularly stringent requirements for ventilation. In addition to aesthetic considerations, a well-thought-out ventilation system will make it impossible for mold to grow in the restroom. That is why ventilation in the toilet of a private house, as well as in the bathroom of a city apartment, requires a serious approach.

Regulatory Requirements

The main indicator of the operation of any ventilation system can be considered the volume of air passing through the cross-section of the pipe per unit of time. It is this indicator that you will need to focus on when designing air ducts in the bathroom.

In one way or another, ventilation systems are mentioned in many regulations.

Regarding restrooms, you should pay attention to the following standards:

  • SNiP 2.09.04-87 - it clearly states that a separate exhaust hood must be provided for restrooms;
  • SNiP 41-01-2003 - this document can be used when designing an air duct with your own hands. In particular, this standard prohibits laying air ducts from restrooms through other residential premises;
  • SNiP 2.08.02-89 - useful when designing air ducts in public buildings and buildings.

As for the ventilation power, it all depends on the number and type of plumbing fixtures. You need to focus on the following values: for the 1st urinal the norm is 25 m 3 /hour, for the toilet - 50 m 3 /hour. When ventilation is installed in a private house for a bathroom, you can take a minimum value of 50 m 3 / hour.

Selecting the type of ventilation

The bathroom can use either natural or forced ventilation. In the first case, the air moves due to the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the air duct, and in the second, a fan installed directly in the air duct ensures the movement of air masses.

It is most often found in bathrooms. In some apartments, the layout is designed so that the ventilation duct is located directly in the restroom or bathroom; in such cases, you don’t even have to bother with laying horizontal air ducts.

Note! In the toilet there may be difficulties with the supply of fresh air, so that you do not have to lay a supply air duct, you can cheat a little and leave a gap between the door and the floor. A width of 2-3 cm will be enough, in this case fresh air will flow into the restroom from the apartment.

In private homes in the summer, due to the fact that the temperature outside is almost equal to the temperature inside the house, draft problems may occur. In this case, installing a fan in the air duct is a necessary measure. In this case, the price of ventilation will increase slightly.

The simplest ventilation option

Avid summer residents often have to deal with the fact that ventilation in the country toilet is either completely absent or does not work satisfactorily. Of course, you can get used to the smell, but it is much easier to restore the system.

Classic country restroom - a single brick or wooden house, located in a secluded place on garden plot. In this case, the entire ventilation system comes down to installing several pipes.

The installation instructions for air ducts include the following points:

  • It is imperative to ensure the flow of fresh air into the cesspool under the toilet. For this, a regular 110 mm is used, one end of it is located directly in the cesspool, and the other rises above the roof of the toilet;

Note! If this is not done, then, firstly, the waste processing process will go slower (after all, bacteria also need air), and secondly, an unpleasant odor will seep into the booth.

  • sometimes ventilating the cesspool is not enough, in which case you will have to install a simple supply and exhaust ventilation system from a pair of pipes;
  • There will be a supply pipe at the bottom of the toilet. In order not to spoil the appearance of the building, you can install a supply valve in the wall instead of a pipe;
  • an exhaust pipe will be placed in the upper part; it will need to be taken outside and raised above the roof.

Note! During the warm season, natural draft can be quite weak. Installing a deflector on the air duct can help in such a situation; the efficiency of the system will increase by about 20%.

For convenience, the pipes can be laid along the back wall of the toilet and secured with ordinary clamps. Anyone can cope with such ventilation of a toilet in a country house with their own hands.

Ventilation of the toilet in the house

We have already decided on the source of fresh air - it will be a small gap left between the door and the floor. All that remains to be done is to organize normal air exhaust.

When it comes to how to make ventilation in the toilet at home, we can distinguish 2 cases:

  • the ventilation duct is located directly in the bathroom;
  • he is in another room.

If the box is in the toilet, this can be considered good luck (although some of the free space is lost). The section shows that any box has 3 channels - 1 large section (common) and 2 smaller ones (separately for the toilet, kitchen). Thanks to this, the air from the toilet enters its channel, rises about 3 meters up and only then enters the shaft, where it mixes with air from other apartments.

Thanks to this, with normally functioning ventilation, air from the toilet or kitchen will never enter another room. Ventilation box in the toilet allows you to do without horizontal air ducts.

In private houses with toilet ventilation, things are much simpler. If you want, no one bothers you to organize a separate hood specifically for the bathroom and bathroom and bring it to the roof. With this approach, even if the system malfunctions, polluted air will not enter the apartment.

Concerning general recommendations, then we can only advise not to use small-diameter pipes. For air ducts, profile pipes are often used; in this case, a cross-section of 14x14 cm can be considered the minimum recommended.

Functional testing and troubleshooting

The performance of the ventilation system is checked using ordinary available means. It is enough to hold a burning match to the exhaust pipe and observe how the flame behaves. It should deviate towards the grille by about 45ᵒ; if it only oscillates slightly, then the ventilation is not working at full capacity.

To check, you can apply a regular paper napkin to the grate; it should be held on it by traction. If you have the appropriate equipment at hand, you can measure the traction force.

The most common problem with the operation of air ducts occurs when air begins not to be drawn into the pipe, but vice versa. That is, the exhaust air duct begins to work as a supply air duct, which, to put it mildly, creates discomfort.

How to resolve this problem depends on the cause:

  1. The hood is too powerful - in a short time it is capable of passing the bulk of the air in the apartment through the ventilation. Because of this, a slight vacuum is created in the rooms and the air duct in the toilet begins to work as a supply air supply. To eliminate this problem, simply open the windows in the apartment for the duration of the hood.

In this example, the unlucky builders had to rebuild the ventilation duct

  1. In cold weather, icy air often blows from the ventilation in the toilet. The reason for this is the lack of air flow in the apartment; this problem is often encountered after installing new double-glazed windows. The only solution to the problem is to install supply valves.

Note! Since in this case cold air will flow through the valves, you need to think about heating it. If there are no problems with heating, then you can place the valve behind the radiator, the air will rise along the radiator and heat up from it.

In conclusion

Importance in the toilet proper ventilation no doubt. It is unlikely that anyone will like it if very specific odors penetrate into all rooms of the house. In order to avoid the most common mistakes when installing a ventilation system, simply follow the tips offered in this article.

The video in this article focuses on the theoretical part of restroom ventilation.
