How to build a veranda with your own hands - an open and closed extension to the house. Building a veranda with your own hands: how to attach a veranda to your house correctly? Construction instructions and overview of basic ideas for a veranda (105 photos) Attached open verandas

Veranda - an extension option, a logical continuation country house. Built by frame technology the veranda can become a comfortable resting place, be used as a vestibule or extra space for storing things. A decorated or glazed veranda is a decoration for a low-rise building, giving it a unique style.

Advantages of a frame veranda

The frame veranda is erected in the most short time and has the following advantages:

  • creation of additional multifunctional space;
  • strengthening walls;
  • improving sound insulation of main rooms;
  • maintaining heat in the house;
  • ergonomic appearance.

The veranda can be used as an entrance hall, living room, summer cuisine, greenhouse. It can be divided into several zones, for example for rest and storage. gardening tools etc.

What types of frame verandas are there?

The appearance and purpose of the frame veranda make it possible to implement the most innovative design solutions. In shape they can be either classic rectangular, square, or radial, L- and U-shaped, polygonal, etc. Like verandas made of other materials, frame structures can be:

  1. open, in which the roof is supported by support beams, and one or more walls are missing;
  2. closed, representing completely closed by walls or glazed space.

Verandas are also distinguished by the material from which they are built. The best option is a frame veranda made of timber. This structure is perfect not only for timber house, but also a cottage made of brick, foam blocks, silicate. In terms of environmental friendliness and ease of construction, a wooden frame veranda has no equal. The only condition is that the wood used for construction must be treated with effective fire and bioprotection.

Designing a frame veranda

Ideally, a frame veranda should be included in the project at the development stage. This will allow you to immediately make the foundation of the required area, preserve the landscaping of the territory and reduce the cost of the extension. But it’s okay if you decide to build a veranda a few years after using the house.

When developing a project for a future frame veranda, you first need to decide on its location. In most cases, the structure is located on the front side of the house, replacing the porch. You can also make a veranda at the end or build an L-shaped extension along two walls of the house.

When designing, the following are determined:

  • Dimensions of the veranda. Standard width 2.5-3 m, but you can make a mini-veranda or vice versa - a large room that can accommodate a summer kitchen and a relaxation area.
  • Foundation type. For the construction of an extension, non-buried or shallow-buried strip bases, as well as columnar foundations. The choice of foundation type depends on the hydrogeological characteristics of the site and the type of existing foundation under the cottage.
  • Filling the walls. If we're talking about not about an open veranda, then to fill the walls it is selected lightweight eco-friendly material, such as lining or OSB boards. Glass or mirror walls, which can be combined with other materials, look impressive.
  • Roofing covering. The best option is to make the roof from the same material as the roof of the house. In this case, the veranda will fit ergonomically into the architecture of the building. However, any other material can be used to cover the extension: inexpensive slate or ondulin, soft tiles etc.

The veranda must withstand all the loads planned on it. When developing the project it is envisaged:

  • collaboration frame racks and floors;
  • arrangement of stiffening walls;
  • installation of special spacers;
  • reliable fastening of all components.

Particular attention is paid to creating a reliable connection between the veranda and the house.

Foundation for a frame veranda

Frame structures are installed vertically on the lower frame and are united by the top frame. Additionally, at a height of 1-1.5 m from the bottom point, a number of horizontal beams are installed that connect the frame, giving it strength and stability. The height of the veranda depends on the height of the ceilings in the house. When installing the frame, it is important to position it so that the roof is sloped. The correct installation of frame supports should be checked at the building level.

The cutting of supports is usually carried out using the “direct lock in 1/2 wood” method. Make high-quality connections between horizontal and vertical elements to create a durable and safe structure is a responsible task that only a qualified specialist can do. The joints are reinforced with bolts, angles, screws and other fasteners provided for by the project. To prevent deformation and shifting of the frame, it is attached to the foundation elements using anchors or clamps.

To connect the frame veranda to the house, exhaust floor beams or parts are used rafter system. After assembling the frame, the walls are filled, hydro- and thermal insulation is carried out, and the finishing is applied.

Frame veranda roof

The role of the Mauerlat in a frame veranda is performed by the top trim, on which layered or hanging rafters. The roof of the veranda can be single- or double-sloped. When installing pitched roof it is necessary to make such a slope that will allow precipitation not to accumulate on the roof surface.

The same material is used as roofing as for the roof of the house. Also, the roof of the veranda can be covered with lightweight and durable polycarbonate. The roof is attached to a pre-installed sheathing. Elements should be installed on the roof of the veranda drainage system. They must be connected to the house's drain for effective water drainage.

Decorative finishing of the veranda

The optimal option for making the walls of a frame veranda: the bottom is covered with OSB boards or other wood materials, and the top is glazed.

When setting high panoramic windows the veranda will get a lot of sunlight. This option will allow you to equip a greenhouse or winter garden.

The frame veranda should be in harmony with the appearance of the house. Decorating the veranda depends only on the owner’s imagination! Wooden carved posts and railings coated with varnish or paint will be an excellent exclusive decoration. You can order carved balusters or make them yourself. There are a lot of options for decorating a veranda, so it is recommended to consider different styles and directions and choose what you like best.

To finish the floor of a frame veranda, you can also use different materials. The most ergonomic solution is a terrace board. From inexpensive materials You can use high-class laminate.

Heated frame veranda

Turn the veranda into a full-fledged room that can be used all year round possible with proper organization heating. As a rule, the heating system of the house does not allow placing additional radiators on the veranda. In this case, you can install a small wood or solid fuel stove, if the space allows.

Also for a heated veranda it is necessary high-quality insulation walls, roof and floor. Mineral wool is used as insulation, meeting all requirements for environmental friendliness and fire safety. It is better to use triple-glazed windows for such a veranda to prevent heat loss.

The cost of arranging a heated veranda is much higher than a regular one, but you will get a full-fledged room that can be used as a hall, dining room or recreation room.

Often in rural house the veranda is the entrance to it. It turns into an extension for some things and very rarely into another room, even if summer type. But for relaxation: something like a garden gazebo.

A real veranda in country house- This is a multifunctional extension on one side of the building that expands the total area of ​​the building with a separate entrance from the garden. It will be warm in winter or a meeting room open to the sun in spring and summer with friends and relatives. And children will also like it for games if they don’t have such a personal room in their cottage.

We will explain what and how to do to quickly build a veranda that is in harmony with the overall architecture of the house or its elegant design. Maybe you will like verandas made of polycarbonate or another material.

Most likely, it will not be a permanent extension, but made of wood. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase beams, beams, and boards that have been treated with antiseptics and are resistant to external humidity. Below is our step-by-step instruction on creating a veranda.

Veranda designs

They are distinguished by their arrangement on the ground:

  • foundation - common or separate, on pillars, piles or strip;
  • extension or part of a house;
  • extended roof or separate;
  • open or behind glass;
  • winter or summer, without insulation, but glazed;
  • wood, chipboard or fibreboard, plastic or metal;
  • rough and façade cladding.

Wooden verandas – a budget option extensions with a separate top, on a columnar base. Finishing - lining, herringbone or tongue and groove board with varnish or painting.

Time of construction with my own hands

If you have been approved for a veranda project the length of the wall, where there is a door, with a low porch, then the two of you will spend up to a week on construction with a four to six hour working day.

A partner is only needed to build the rafters and roof. Frame verandas are quickly installed, but will require specialists, and then they also need to be sheathed.

Materials for the veranda

It is more difficult to select timber for vertical fastening, as well as for the bottom and mauerlat and for floor joists. The sales standard is six meters. To save money, adjust the length of the veranda and its width, let's say: 6x3 or 9x3 meters. Take a section of 100-150 mm.

M400 cement, sand, gravel, brick, reinforced concrete blocks or columns for the foundation part. At least 8 of them are needed for the above perimeter. Material for protecting the base, roof, and outer cladding from moisture.

It is important to consider: joining two buildings - a house and a veranda on different foundations- it is forbidden. Freezing of the soil will begin to move them. Therefore, leave a space of up to ten centimeters between them. You will close it at the end of construction with a plank.

Veranda base

To install the posts, holes are dug to a depth of 50-70 cm. The sand cushion will take 20 cm. It is well compacted with moisture. When the sand dries, add 10 cm of crushed stone and fill it with bitumen resin. Columns are immediately placed in it and reinforced with concrete mixture.

Instead, you can pour a cement-sand-gravel mixture into the formwork. Then you need to give it a week to harden. Columns or filling are done strictly according to the level.

What is the protrusion of blocks or pouring concrete? So that after their lower strapping there remains 25 - 30 cm. The strapping is the thickest timber purchased. You place them on posts with a piece of roofing felt. Join the long ones with the short ones different ways- for example, in a “half-tree” with fastening with large screws.

In the corners we install vertically smaller beams in the lower grooves, using glue, as well as in those places where they are indicated in the project. Control – vertical level. From above they enter into the mauerlat (like the lower trim).

But the Mauerlat also serves as a roof fastening. Therefore, along the perimeter there, connect two thick beams together, and in the upper one, first make a cut for the rafters. This is how the frame of the veranda came out.

Make the bases for windows and doors. Under each window, two beams should stand equal to its width; the window sill board crashes into them.

Insert logs into the slots in the lower trim. Lay a tongue-and-groove wooden floor or chipboard floor on them with further covering as you wish. To waterproof and reduce the entry of cold into the veranda, lay any insulation between the floor joists, as well as in the walls, between window openings. Window glass, at least double or even triple, will also retain heat.

How to make a roof on the veranda?

You can leave the ceiling of the veranda pitched or lay it flat. In the first case, you need to carefully sheathe the jamb with grooved boards, in the second - horizontally, laying insulation here and there.

Since the result is an even rectangle, strengthen the timber posts at the junction with the roof of the house, and strengthen the strong timber on them. Lay the bars from it to the lower Mauerlat. At 6 m you need at least five or six.

These will be the rafters. You cover them with boards on top, coat them with bitumen or lay waterproofing, and install a pitched roof on top.

The rafters should hang over the facade of the veranda with a “visor” of at least 15 cm - to drain rain and snow water to the side and not onto the wall. They are joined by a horizontal drainage basin and vertical drains.

Installation of doors and windows

Prepare for them either boxes you made yourself, or purchased along with the windows. Fasten with large self-tapping screws to the vertical bars.


Both façade and interior – to suit your taste and budget. And also with an eye on the decoration of the house. If the house is made of wood, then continue this style on the veranda. The sale includes boards with imitation logs. Cover both the facade and the inside with them.

It is possible to cover the interior with boards with their natural pattern. Just don’t use wallpaper; it will get damp in winter and fall off or become moldy. Finally, take a photo of the veranda with your own hands as a souvenir.

DIY veranda photo

A timber veranda will be a successful addition to a private home. In most cases, an additional building is built on the same foundation as the main building. So you get cozy place for a good rest. In order not to spend a lot of money on the services of builders, you can attach the structure yourself.


Usually there is no heating in the veranda. Entrance doors located inside. The timber structure looks great, is durable and does not require complex maintenance.

A timber veranda will be a successful addition to a private home.

Terraces are classified according to different criteria. Depending on the type of extension, they can be corner, end and façade. It is important to choose the right place for the extension so that wind and precipitation do not spoil your vacation.

Also, the veranda can be:

  • open - mainly used in summer, with the arrival of spring;
  • closed with glazing - polycarbonate or special curtains are best for finishing;
  • combined – the presence of sliding partitions is noted.

Sometimes the room is insulated. Due to this, you will be able to use the veranda even in the cold season. When filled, the structure can turn into a full-fledged part of the house. In most cases, verandas are made with a minimum number of interior components.

Timber is an excellent material for constructing a building. Its advantages:

  • good appearance;
  • low cost;
  • ease of work;
  • strength.

Having chosen what type of room you like, you can begin drawing up drawings.

Video “Do-it-yourself wooden veranda”

From this video you will learn how to build a wooden veranda with your own hands.


You can schematically designate the veranda at the design stage of the entire building. But the thought of adding to the main room usually comes later.

Creating a veranda project is necessary for accurate calculation of materials

Remember that any large-scale construction must be carried out according to a design that takes into account:

  • functionality;
  • design;
  • architecture;
  • organic combination of the structure and the house.

In addition, a building permit cannot be obtained without a project. The practical benefit of drawings is the ability to roughly calculate how much material will be needed. By doing the work step by step, the likelihood of errors is reduced.

To make a project, you need to know certain nuances. You can take up the drawing yourself, using the Internet as an assistant and special programs. Or turn to professionals, but it's not free.

The project indicates:

  • location of the structure relative to the house;
  • entry point;
  • dimensions;
  • other nuances.

Thanks to the drawings, you can schematically imagine what the building will look like.

Construction activities

The construction of a veranda made of laminated veneer lumber is carried out in several stages. It all starts with finding a location for the structure. Future construction site carefully prepared. The veranda is placed in front of the facade. Its length is approximately equal to the front of the house.

The veranda is planned vertically. It is determined what type of foundation is suitable. Simple and effective option– pile foundation.

We will need the following materials:

  • standard bars;
  • bricks for the foundation;
  • components for the solution;
  • metal fasteners;
  • slats, edged boards for roofing;
  • For window system– single frames.

Working with timber will not cause any difficulties, this material looks great, environmentally friendly and reliable.

The exact list of materials is determined depending on specific conditions. If the veranda is closed, then windows and doors will be required. This is why it is so important to create a thoughtful project so as not to miss anything.

Tools you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • roulette, etc.

The set may vary depending on the construction features.


Once the site has been prepared, you can begin the foundation of the room. Most often you have to build a separate foundation for the veranda. At the same time, it is connected to the base brick house using fasteners.

The type of foundation depends on the size and weight of the structure, the type of soil

The type of foundation depends on the size and weight of the structure and the type of soil. Optimal options: columnar, strip or pile foundation. It is best to focus on the house. Whatever foundation it has, so will the extension.

We will analyze the features of constructing a pile foundation:

  1. The points where the piles will be are marked. Optimal distance between them – 55–60 cm.
  2. Holes are made for the piles. Their depth will be equal to the depth of the foundation of the main building.
  3. We fill the holes with crushed stone mixed with sand. A layer of 15 cm is enough.
  4. We fill them with concrete.
  5. We install support posts made of timber or brick.
  6. We fasten the piles to the ground with sand.
  7. A rigid connection of foundations is appropriate after the house has completely settled.

The durability of the veranda and its resistance to the vagaries of the weather depend on the base.


First of all, we arrange the bottom trim - we install timber along the perimeter of the foundation using special connections. This will serve as the basis for installing structural beams and further flooring. The coating will be supported on timber logs laid in meter increments. We attach them to the harness using fastening components or metal corners.

Atmospheric drying boards are suitable for rough or finished floors. We install them after construction end walls, installation of railings. Choose wood that is resistant to moisture, such as larch.

The final touch: installation decking boards or other finishing coating on top of the subfloor.

Walls and railings

When building walls, it is important to assemble the frame correctly. It consists of support pillars from timber with a section of 120x80, 100x100. They are mounted in the corners of the structure. The supports that are in between are installed at a distance of 50 to 60 cm. They are secured to the lower frame by cutting out using metal corners.

The supports near the wall of the house should be higher than the rest, this will provide a slope for the roof. To give rigidity to the veranda, the pillars are connected horizontally wooden beams.

When building a veranda, it is important to install the frame correctly

The connection to the walls of the main building must be as strong as possible. We recommend using anchors with spacers. Additional fixation can be achieved using staples.

For cladding we will take plywood. Its sheets are cut to size and attached to vertical posts. We sew one side. Place in the space between the posts mineral wool, vapor barrier film. Now you can sew up the other side.

You can make the railings yourself or buy ready-made ones. Products made of wood, metal, plastic and even glass are on sale. Wooden railings fit best into the design of a timber room.

The design of the railing is simple and understandable. Prepare or buy balusters the desired shape and size. The supports are mounted on the floor joists and will require anchors and fasteners. We install balusters at a certain interval. We install the railings and fix the end components.


If you decide to combine a veranda and a cottage, it is cheaper and easier to build a roof. By design, it can be single- or gable, more advanced options are hip and multi-slope. This depends on your skill level and available budget.

The roof in the veranda is formed from rafters and roofing. Moreover, it is advisable to make the second one the same as at home. Ondulin, metal tiles, modern version– polycarbonate. If the roof is permanent, it is desirable that it be of the pitched type. It is made at an angle so that the melting or rainwater did not accumulate on the coating. The roof and wall of the house are connected with metal strips.

A Mauerlat is installed on the top trim. The rafters are attached at an angle. We install the sheathing perpendicular to them. This is followed by laying the waterproofing and thermal insulation layer. After we finish with the main details, you just need to finish the walls with the selected material.

In general, the technology is traditional and proven over the years. If you do everything in order, you are unlikely to go wrong. To ensure that water leaves the roof quickly, we recommend installing a drain.

Windows and doors

Window openings for timber verandas come in different designs:

  1. Swing. Budget and universal option. They may consist of several segments, depending on the length of the window. Product demonstrates good preservation heat.
  2. Sliding. Suitable for compact narrow verandas. Their cost varies depending on the material used. The most popular are aluminum frames, a little more expensive than PVC windows.

Sometimes homeowners do not risk touching the windows and turn to the experts. You can order PVC products and adjust window openings to fit them during the construction process. This will cost more, but will increase the functionality of the room.

Window installation is best left to professionals.

Doors for the veranda are selected taking into account general design designs. If the glazing area is significant, it is better to install glass portal doors. For the veranda open type Wooden canvases are great. If the railing is made of metal, a good option– doors with forged elements.


The final decoration is intended to emphasize the main construction. For finishing, you can use materials to suit every taste. For walls, imitation timber, narrow lining, siding, and profiled components are suitable. Sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective. Therefore, it is enough to apply varnish or wood paint to the walls. By successfully combining shades, you can create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

When finishing the veranda, consider:

  1. Combination of color and texture. It should fit organically into the design of the house.
  2. Quality of material. Resources must be environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
  3. Pay attention to such decorative components as pergola, barbecue, flower beds, etc.

These nuances will become the best guide when finishing the veranda.

We can safely say that it is possible to build an extension from timber yourself. You just need to prepare a tool, material, project. We recommend doing everything according to the instructions, observing safety conditions.

Veranda – perfect solution to increase space, additional protection from weather events. How to correctly build a veranda, what points need to be emphasized Special attention in this process.

The veranda is an unheated room, but at the same time it brings coziness and comfort, harmoniously complementing the appearance of the main buildings. The decision to build it may arise after the construction of the house as additional source inexpensive living space. It will also additionally provide the main structure with noise and heat insulation.

Unauthorized addition of a veranda to the house makes it much more difficult to sell the house in the future. Some buildings without permission are considered a violation of the law.

To ensure that the construction does not contradict legal requirements, it is necessary to obtain a construction permit by presenting Required documents and the approved project to the relevant authorities. The construction of the veranda must be carried out strictly according to the approved plan. After completion of construction, the house with changes must undergo mandatory registration.

Construction stages

It is recommended to build a brick veranda for a brick house, for wooden house- made of wood. The most popular inexpensive extensions to houses are made from beams, as well as logs using frame technology.

An important point during construction is the time factor, that is, it is important to know: if the house was built recently, then it is better to postpone the addition of the veranda for a couple of years so that the construction of the house settles down. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting problems in the form of unreliability and instability of the veranda.

What will be required during construction?

For the foundation you will need simple and broken bricks, concrete, and hot bitumen. Don't forget to stock up on gravel and sand.

To complete the roof, you will need boards to form the sheathing, as well as special slats for correct placement roofs on a slope. There are many modern roofing coverings. Choice roofing material should be based on the solution of the façade and the characteristics of the material.

You will also need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • sledgehammer.

The basis of the veranda is the foundation

To build a reliable veranda, it is important to lay the foundation correctly. The depth of the veranda foundation should match the depth of the house foundation.

Holes for foundation pillars should be made at least 1 m deep. Fill them with sand to a depth of 20 cm. The concrete base should be level (about 15 cm wide).

After the concrete has cooled, it is necessary to lay the foundation pillars, which are then important to cover with hot bitumen. After this, the middle space near the pillar must be filled with broken bricks, large stones or similar building material.

Veranda frame

It is required to place the bottom trim on the foundation pillars. The corners are connected with a straight lock. The top trim is installed on the racks using nails and spikes. Next is to position the rafters. The horizontal beam should be attached to the upper ends of the rafters. When fastening posts and purlins, it is better to use anchor bolts.

Recently, builders prefer popular sliding walls. They are easy to use. In bad weather, you can simply close them, which will protect the coziness and comfort of your household from rain and wind.

Roof of the building

It is advisable that the roof material of the veranda be the same as that of the main house. The roof is laid on a sheathing, which is made of boards laid out horizontally.

The boards can be laid out side by side or at intervals. This will depend on the choice of roofing material.

Window designs

Initially, you need to secure the window sill board. There is no need to sheathe the inside of the veranda. Next you need to fix the window frame. Which will rest against the trim on top, and on the window sill board below.

It is important not to forget to use windows with vents to ventilate the veranda. Window blocks It is recommended to secure with nails. You can caulk the gaps with special materials, and wooden frames will hide these places.

Floor installation

The entrance door and stairs should be under the roof of the veranda, or a small canopy can be built for them. The extension of the floor will serve as the top step of the porch.

Equipment of the room inside the veranda

The entrance door can be installed on any side, the main thing is that the installation of the door coincides with the data in the drawing of the approved plan. If the veranda is made of wood, then do not forget to treat it with antiseptics. If warm, comfortable conditions in the winter periods or the construction of a veranda is carried out with the aim of increasing the living space, thermal insulation is required.

After building the veranda, it remains to solve the interesting problem of placing furniture. The veranda usually has small area, so it is best to use dismountable furniture. You can use folding tables and chairs. To save space, place cabinets, cabinets, sofas against a blank wall.

Curtains and curtains will serve as a beautiful addition to the interior. Which will also serve as protection from light on bright sunny days.

Many owners of their own houses who have built verandas note the benefits summer holiday on the veranda. In hot weather, it is comfortable to relax on the veranda; it is not stuffy, unlike at home, but cool. By paying attention to the listed nuances when building a veranda, you can get beautiful extension to a home where it is pleasant to relax in the summer.

Complete the veranda yourself to already ready home not too difficult. Read this article, in it you will learn about what the sequence of work on the construction of a veranda should be, the nuances of its construction, as well as its legalization and design.

There can be many reasons why you need to add a veranda to your home: you want to create a cozy and secluded place to relax in the warm season, maybe you don’t have enough space in the house, so some of the things need to be put somewhere or need to be enlarged thermal insulation characteristics the buildings.

Important! Make the veranda from the same material from which the house is made. If you are going to make an extension from timber, then the dwelling should preferably be made from it. True, this is only a recommendation, not a strict rule.

Based on the reasons for constructing the veranda, it can be made open or closed. If it will serve as a buffer zone in winter for better heat conservation, then make it closed. If necessary, it can even be heated.

Before you start any preparatory work, decide on the location of the veranda. It can be attached either to the entrance to the house or to the side, the main thing is that it is convenient for you.

Design and calculations

In fact, building a veranda is quite simple and you can easily handle the project yourself.

Things to consider when designing:

  • location of the future terrace;
  • its purpose - the type of veranda will depend on this, and, consequently: the set of materials, the thickness of the walls (if any), the number of windows, etc.;
  • the presence of any communications on the terrace, for example, electricity, plumbing, heating;
  • the material from which the veranda will be made (we have already decided on the main material - it will be timber, but something else may be needed, for example, the same double-glazed windows, metal pillars for the pile

foundation or something else);

  • it is also necessary to come up with a design for a future structure that would make the house more stylish and beautiful.

If desired and financially possible, you can even arrange a winter garden on the veranda.

Subtleties of calculations

1. Usually the length of the veranda is taken to be the size of the wall of the house, and the width is taken to be about 2.5 meters. But, you can always choose your sizes depending on your needs.

2. After calculating the length and width, you need to determine the area of ​​the terrace.

3. If the veranda is closed, then the height of its walls is also calculated, which should be slightly less than the height of the first floor of the home. If a house of standard size is 3 meters, then the walls of the extension should be 2.5 meters.

4. It is better to make the roof for the veranda flat; this also needs to be taken into account when making calculations.

5. After all the above calculations, you need to determine required amount material (timber) for building a terrace. Do not forget that windows and doors must be subtracted from the total area.

Required materials and tools

Once the project is ready and all the necessary calculations have been made, you can safely proceed to the purchase. required material.

What do you need:

  • timber - the required quantity is calculated in advance (for the construction of a veranda, material measuring 120x80 millimeters is sufficient);
  • cement, crushed stone, reinforcement, sand - necessary for pouring the foundation;
  • OSB for creating roof sheathing;
  • screws, nails and other consumables;
  • insulation, for example, stone wool;
  • vapor barrier;
  • roofing material;
  • glass or double glazed windows and doors.

The list of required materials may vary depending on your project.

To build the base, frame, walls and roof you will need:

  • sledgehammer;
  • axe;
  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • level, tape measure, rope and corner for marking and checking;
  • nail puller

Don’t forget to buy an antiseptic or varnish for the timber, as well as material for cladding the veranda.


Yes, the veranda is subject to legislation, therefore, if it is not noted in your documents, then you are unlikely to sell the house.

To avoid any difficulties with registering an extension, make your project in accordance with the requirements of standards and GOSTs. Without documentation, you don’t even have to start building an extension.

Considering that in our state the system is completely bureaucratic, we can assume that it will take at least one or even two months to approve your project, taking into account the fact that you have perfect documentation.

After approval, build the veranda strictly according to the project, and when you complete the work, do not forget to re-register the house.

To speed up the process, you can always pay where necessary, then even an imperfect project will be signed for you without any problems. It's sad, but these are the realities of our lives.

Preparation before construction

Before starting work, be sure to prepare the site. Remove excess: debris, vegetation, remove layer fertile soil(this is approximately 15 centimeters), level the surface.

Then you need to mark the future extension. To do this, drive pegs into the corners of the planned veranda and stretch a rope between them. This will be the outer edge of the deck base.

Selection and construction of the foundation

The veranda is a fairly easy building, so there is no need to build an expensive monolithic foundation. A strip or pile foundation is quite sufficient.

To do right choice you need to take into account the weight of the extension and the type of soil. If the soil is prone to heaving, then it is impossible to build columnar foundation, only tape, otherwise the veranda may move away from the wall of the house.

When constructing the base, take into account the shrinkage of the terrace. In general, it is better not to connect it to the dwelling with a common foundation, since the weight of the veranda is much less and when the house shrinks, it can pull the extension with it.

It is the ideal choice for wooden veranda. To protect the foundation from soil heaving, you need to dig holes below the soil freezing level.

How to build a columnar base:

  • Markings are made for the pits (if the veranda is small, then pillars around the perimeter are enough, if this is not enough, then add pillars inside in increments of about half a meter).
  • Holes are dug according to the markings.
  • A pillow is made in each hole from a 20-centimeter layer of sand.
  • The pit is filled with concrete to zero level.
  • After hardening, the pillars are coated with bitumen, and then the gaps between them need to be filled with sand.
  • The part located above the ground is made of brick. The height of the pillar should correspond to the height of the foundation of the house or be slightly lower.

You can also use metal poles with a grillage. This will significantly save time on building the foundation.

Tape base

If you are planning to build a veranda of considerable size, then it is better to choose strip foundation. The latter is also best used if the extension will be built from brick or has a heavy roof, for example, made of slate or metal tiles.

This basis is made as follows:

  • first the inner side of the foundation is marked;
  • then you need to dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the future veranda;
  • wooden formwork is installed in the pit;
  • before pouring concrete, it is advisable to make a cushion for the future foundation from crushed stone and sand;
  • then the first layer of concrete is poured to a height of about 10 centimeters;
  • after the first has hardened, the second layer of concrete is poured to the desired height.

It is advisable to reinforce such a base. Then it will last much longer and become stronger, the concrete will not crack.


After completing the foundation pouring work, the subfloor is installed.

How to do it:

  • First, fill the entire space under the floor with expanded clay to insulate the extension (necessary if the veranda will be closed type).
  • The foundation is waterproofed (for example, with two layers of roofing felt).
  • Then you need to install and secure the logs to the base (the wood must first be lubricated with an antiseptic).
  • Next you need to lay edged boards about 5 centimeters thick.

If the veranda is not planned to be made of wood, then the floor can be made of concrete.

Construction of the skeleton of the future extension

The frame is erected in the following stages:

1. First, attach the lower harness. It can be installed according to the Mauerlat principle, when the timber is laid on concrete and connected to it with an anchor. In this case, the step must be kept at 60-80 centimeters.

2. The corners are connected with a straight lock. This type of fastening is very simple and will not be difficult to complete. Additionally, you can fasten the beams with screws or nails.

3. Then you can proceed to securing the vertical posts. You need to start doing this from an angle in increments of 1-1.5 meters. The number of vertical posts depends on the number of windows on the veranda.

4. The final stage for the construction of the frame is the creation top harness. It must be done using nails or screws.

Do not forget that all wooden parts must be pre-treated with antiseptics.

After you have made the frame, you need to arrange the roof. It is done by analogy with erecting the roof of a house.

Roof construction process:

  • rafters are installed every 50-70 centimeters;
  • With inside needs to be secured OSB sheets, in this case it is better to call someone for help;
  • insulation is placed in the resulting sheathing (if the veranda is closed);
  • On top, all this must be covered with moisture-resistant plywood, it must be secured with screws to the rafters;
  • the roof is made, for example, covered with roofing felt or tiles.

Don't forget about ventilation. As you build the roof, leave small openings to allow air to escape freely.

Walls are needed when you decide to build a closed veranda. For their construction, plywood or boards are usually used.

In the first case, you need to measure the dimensions, then cut the plywood sheets according to them. After, attach ready-made elements screws to the frame. Plywood is attached on both sides vertical beam, and insulation and vapor barrier are laid in the empty space. It turns out something like a SIP panel.

With boards, things are a little more complicated, although everything is done according to a similar principle. They are also laid in two layers, between which there should be thermal insulation.

They are usually located lower than in the house. Therefore, the window sill board is attached at a height of 50 centimeters from the floor. Everything below is considered a wall and is covered with wood or plywood. Further, need to install window frames between the window sill board and the top trim:

  • the window block is inserted into the opening;
  • then it is secured in the corners with wooden wedges;
  • attached window box(nailed);
  • all gaps are filled with tow;
  • then you need to close the already processed gaps with wooden platbands.

After this, it is necessary to finish the walls and arrange the veranda.

Video: Adding a veranda to small house


Construction of the veranda, despite its pretty simple design, labor-intensive and requires certain skills. If finances allow you, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

You can build an open veranda to spend time there on warm evenings, but such an extension is completely useless in winter. For all-season use, it is better to use a closed terrace with big amount windows It can even be used as winter garden. You can also store things in such a room without any problems.

Which is better: profiled timber or rounded log?
