How to find a job in Vietnam: current professions and search tips. Work and available vacancies in Nha Trang

The first association with Vietnam for a Russian person is a good place to relax in winter time. However, first of all, it is an actively developing country, which last years managed to make a significant leap in the economy. Therefore, work in Vietnam becomes hot topic for discussion.

Tourists from the CIS countries can freely stay in the state for up to 14 days. If you are going to Vietnam for the purpose of employment, it is better to worry in advance. A work visa in 2019 is issued at the Consulate or Embassy. There are no problems with receiving it.

Vietnam, like any other state, primarily cares about the employment of its own citizens. However, migrant workers are also welcome here. Therefore, there will be work for Russians even without knowledge Vietnamese language.

The main condition for employment in the country is having a permit. It is issued by the local Ministry of Labor upon submission of a package of documents. In this case, the applicant must comply following conditions:

  • be over 18 years of age;
  • do not have health problems that will interfere with activities;
  • not be convicted in the territory of the state of residence, as well as in Vietnam;
  • have a higher education and at least 5 years of experience in the desired position.

To obtain permission you must provide:

  • application form;
  • a copy of a foreign passport;
  • two color photographs taken no more than six months ago;
  • job offer;
  • documents confirming education and qualification level;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • medical certificate of health.

All documents must be translated into Vietnamese or English and certified by a notary. Employers themselves often help applicants with this.

There are a number of professions that do not require permission from the Ministry of Labor:

  • employees of large international companies in the field information technologies, business, tourism transferred to a branch in Vietnam;
  • owners and managers of local organizations;
  • lawyers with a license;
  • foreign media;
  • teachers coming on international programs;
  • volunteers of transnational organizations;
  • foreign citizens with an educational degree starting from a bachelor's degree and work experience of three years for short-term employment not exceeding 90 days a year.

If the visa is initially open for 30 days, it can be extended for up to 3 months for a fee.

Where to look for jobs


Highly paid vacancy offered by large companies. The work is complex and requires knowledge and experience.


Another in-demand technical specialty.


Work in the service sector. Quite a rare vacancy for a foreigner, since more often this position is occupied by local residents.


A common profession for every country. Official earnings are low, but you can get good tips from tourists.


A sought-after vacancy for Russians during the high season. Associated with a large flow of vacationers from the CIS countries.


It doesn’t require special skills, but it doesn’t pay much either.

Workers in the kitchen

The simplest type of employment for a foreigner, which does not require special qualifications or knowledge of the language.

Reception administrators

For Russians, this profession is most often found in tourist cities, where many of our fellow citizens traditionally vacation (Hanoi, Nha Trang Mui Ne, Ho Chi Minh City).


One of the most popular specialties. Working as a doctor is considered very prestigious, especially in the field of dentistry.


Teachers come here mainly on international trips. educational programs. Working as a teacher in Vietnam is controlled by the Embassy of the country from which the person came. The most popular specialty for a foreign teacher is English.


Compared to neighbors such as China, South Korea and Japan, Vietnam can't boast high level earnings. However, the cost of living in these countries is significantly higher. Therefore, if we consider the money received in relation to the necessary expenses for living, the amount comes out to be approximately the same.

average salary in Vietnam is 5.5 million dong per month. This is approximately 200 euros. Taking into account the fact that foreigners are hired mainly for skilled labor, the monthly payment reaches 1000 euros.

The highest salaries are in international companies that are looking for management, management, and technical specialists. The income of service sector workers is much lower. However, the skill requirements there are minimal.

Working conditions and schedule

Working conditions depend on the type of profession. The safest and most profitable way is to find a job in international companies: a contract is signed with each employee, which clearly stipulates hours of work and rest, and the number of vacation days.

Most jobs in the tourism sector are seasonal. Therefore, the work schedule is quite busy.

How to open your own business

Knowing the needs of tourists, you can start a business in Vietnam. The exotic country constantly attracts tourists from all over the world. Cafes, restaurants, and bars are popular in resort areas, so the service sector is correct course. Large cities are developing and being built up, and the construction sector is in demand. The question of what kind of business you can open is quite broad.

The service and tourism sectors can easily generate profits due to the constant flow of vacationers. To save on taxes, many work from home, do manicures, pedicures, massages, and cook meals to order.

If you have the ability, desire and finances, you can do business with Vietnam, for example, in personnel training and international exchange of experience.

Purchasing an existing business

In the tourism industry, it is not necessary to open a company on your own. You can always find in the service market ready business. It could be a hotel, cafe, restaurant, bar.

Business for Russians in Vietnam can be found on specialized websites.

Responsibility for illegal employment

While workers in large corporations are officially registered, this is not always the case for Vietnamese firms. The owner must pay taxes for each foreigner employed. Therefore, locals often do not want to register labor immigrants legally.

The government frequently searches for and deports illegal workers. However, this type of employment continues to exist. In short-term cooperation, this is beneficial for both parties.

Pros of working in Vietnam

The country has gone through difficult years in the past. Now Vietnam is at the stage of active development. It is surrounded by such successful neighbors as China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. Trying to follow their example, Vietnam is developing its economy, opening up possible prospects for profitable employment for foreign citizens.

Labor migration is used by the Vietnamese government not only for the rapid development of local companies, but also to increase professional level local population, exchange of experience between countries. In addition, working during the holiday season not only brings income, but also allows you to have a good rest!

Best Cities for Employment

The most popular place for Russian tourists is Nha Trang. It is there that you can easily find work as a guide, receptionist and other types of employment.

Specialists in technical field It’s easier to get settled in the capital of Vietnam – Hanoi. Branches of large international holdings are located in this city.

Summing up

All types of in-demand work in Vietnam can be divided into two categories:

  • Vacancies for people with higher education and a certain level of qualifications. Such a profession will bring official employment, stable income, and prospects.
  • Employment in services and tourism. Initially, the amounts received are not so large. But this is an excellent opportunity to learn the language and the specifics of doing business, which will later help you open your own company in Vietnam.

The opportunities to work in Vietnam are quite real, and if you have a goal and knowledge, even bold plans can be realized. Or you can simply combine work with vacation in a warm country.

This time we will tell you about another Asian country - Vietnam, which can be an excellent refuge for long term for lovers of the exotic, the ocean and super tasty coffee.

Meet Anna Fomenko, she has been living in Vietnam for a year and kindly shared her experience and basic information that will be useful to anyone who is thinking about temporarily (or not so much) moving to another country.

I sometimes wonder if I can settle in one place for a long time, not travel anywhere, enjoy the same view from the window, communicate with the same circle of people. This will probably happen someday, because almost whole year I spent 4 years of traveling in Asia in Vietnam. There is sea and mountains, several climatic zones, a huge amount of fruit and a convenient visa regime.

When to go

The official tourist season in Vietnam starts from the end of September and ends in March. This is the most comfortable time to get acquainted with the country for the first time. Even if you decide to move to Vietnam forever, it is still better to live here for a while and see everything with your own eyes.

Which region to go to

I like the sea, so we chose Mui Ne.

The majority prefer Nha Trang as a more modern and comfortable city. Some guys live and work in Mui Ne during the season and move to Nha Trang when everything is empty here.

Both of these resorts are located in relative proximity to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), the second largest city after Hanoi (the capital). So if you want to work under palm trees on the coast, learn to surf or kite, these are the places for you. Unlike seaside resorts, big cities are hot and stuffy in summer, but near the sea the constant breeze and heat are not so hard to bear.

In hot weather, you can go to Dalat. This is an amazing city. Just a few hours and you will forget about the heat. Dalat has cool air and beautiful views, which is why it is also called the city of eternal spring or little Paris.

I've been to Dalat three times already. I come every time with great pleasure. We rent a hotel room for $12 a day and are thinking of moving there for a couple of months. Naturally, not to a hotel, but to a rented room. It’s rare to find so many parks, squares, and excellent coffee shops anywhere. Dalat for me is a delightful fusion of European and Asian. Something unique where you want to return again and again.

Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to Dalat. There is also the island of Phu Coc, the imperial capital of Hue, cold Hanoi, and exotic tourist Sapa. And that is not all.

I admit, I am a big fan of Vietnamese ceramics, all these cups and saucers with images from life.

About work

There is quite a lot of work for foreigners in Vietnam. In addition to instructors aquatic species sports, you can get a job: as a manager in a restaurant, as an administrator in a hotel or club, as a travel agent or as a salesperson in a store. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, your Russian will be an additional bonus - a lot of tourists come from Russia, and the owners prefer to hire those who speak the language. English won't hurt either; there are no fewer Australians here than Russians.

Personal experience: I work remotely, but I know quite a lot of guys who earn good money during the season and live here very comfortably. It’s difficult to name the payment amounts; you can get $250, $500, or $1000. It all depends on the type of activity and your capabilities.


Here I can recommend monitoring not only the website Sometimes you can catch interesting offers there. Recently, friends bought tickets to Moscow for $350 per person.

Insurance, medical training

There is a whole street in Ho Chi Minh City where there are several good clinics with different levels service. Some doctors know Russian because they received their education from us. Although the main language of communication is English. Where to go - to a private clinic or a public one - is up to you to choose. But I would recommend going to private ones and choosing your doctor carefully.


A visa for citizens of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 15 days is not required. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam for a longer period, then you need to obtain a visa in advance, as well as a VisaApprovalLetter - visa support. Such a letter should be received in advance and presented upon arrival along with the visa.

Where can I make a VisaApprovalLetter? For example, use the help of agencies (one of them:

Personal experience: We entered Vietnam from, got a visa at the Vietnamese embassy for six months, so the VisaApprovalLetter was not useful to us. Since then we have traveled only once; the rest of the time we extend the visa on the spot every three months. We use the services of intermediaries - it’s easier for us. The cost of extending a visa starts from $30 for three months, depending on where and with whom you are extending it, of course.

Extending your visa is easy:

  • you need to receive documents to fill out;
  • usually they are filled out either by the owner of the hotel, guest house, or house (where you will live) and certified by local law enforcement agencies;
  • after that you carry the document and apply for a visa extension.

The procedure can be simplified if you pay an additional $10-15, then the agency will fill out everything themselves and the issue with papers will disappear by itself.

In addition, it is possible to get a business visa to Vietnam for six months to a year. Conditions and opportunities are carefully described on the Vinsky forum. I recommend studying the manuals from there - the entire acquisition process is described in detail, and you can familiarize yourself with it there.

Search for accommodation

Everyone has their own requirements for housing. It's quite difficult to recommend anything here. Most often, the search is carried out on site or through social media. There are quite large groups on Facebook and VKontakte dedicated to these issues. For example:

Options for those wishing to live in a metropolis can be found on the following sites:

I would like to emphasize that prices are approximate and depend on the season, requirements, income level, and can be much more or less. It's quite difficult to give a specific range here. There are guys who can easily spend $400-500 (housing + food in Mui Ne); There are those for whom this will seem insufficient.

For example, in a tourist area in Ho Chi Minh City you can rent a room in a hotel for $7 per day, but it will not be comfortable for living and working. Normal studios in Ho Chi Minh City with rent starting from six months can be found from $250 per month for a room in common house, and from $500 - in a good area.

If you want to rent a European-style villa with a pool on the coast for a long time, the price can start from $1000.

A house in the Vietnamese style will cost several times less - from $400 per month. It will have everything: hot and cold water, Internet, washing machine, furniture and its own kitchen.

If a house is too much for you, then you can find a studio. As in previous options, seasonality applies, but average price starts from $300 per month. It's pretty large rooms, bright, with division into sleeping and working areas.

For those who are aiming for a budget option, a guesthouse is suitable, from $10-12 per day per room and on average from $220 per month - with hot water, Internet and shared kitchen.

The price of apartments in Nha Trang can range from $250 for a condo to $500 and above.

Also, the price of a room, house, or villa depends on whether it is a tourist city or not. For example, in Mui Ne and Nha Trang prices are higher than in Da Nang or Vung Tau. There are many Russian speakers in Vung Tau, mostly people work at the oil production enterprise. But still, I would call Nha Trang and Mui Ne more touristy.

The estimated budget for these cities will be as follows:

Expenses/city Ho Chi Minh City
from $650 from $300 from $250
from $300 from $300 from $200

We rent a studio in Mui Ne for $250, it has everything: Internet, hot water, electricity, air conditioning, desk (most importantly, yes).

What to look for:

  • When renting a room, be careful: immediately check whether electricity is included in the price. Sometimes they “forget” to mention this right away;
  • when paying a deposit, agree that it is an automatic payment for the last month of residence;
  • if you are renting for a long period of time, be sure to ask for a discount - the more, the better. If the owners are confident that you will live a long time, then they will give quite decent discounts.

I want to emphasize that the number of options is endless. I know of rooms above restaurants for $75 a month and villas for $1000. You can find housing in this range, as well as above or below. It all depends on the needs.

In the off-season (summer) prices drop, you can find an acceptable option for yourself much cheaper. Again, your ability to negotiate will have an impact, as well as how long you intend to rent the house for.


The price for renting motorbikes is from $6 per day and more, depending on its condition. An automatic bike is traditionally more expensive, although for long trips I recommend going with a manual gear shift. If you plan to stay in Vietnam for a long time, then it is preferable to buy your own, tourist places Lots of offers for used bikes. Their prices also fluctuate depending on the season. You can find it for $100 or $150 - usually such offers appear at the end of the season, when most people leave. Naturally, you won’t buy a new one for that price, but you don’t need one to begin with.

Officially, to drive a bike or car you need a Vietnamese license, international standard does not work. A Vietnamese license can be obtained on the spot; to do this, you need to contact the police and check the information locally. But often foreigners drive in tourist places without a license, as they come for the season.

Gasoline cost: about $1.15-1.20.

Personal experience: driving a car or, of course, you can. But Vietnam is known for its crazy traffic. Here the usual rules may not apply: stop in front of you and think, turn on the turn signal in one direction and then turn in the other, overtake on a narrow highway - all this is possible in Vietnam. Therefore, there is only one piece of advice here: accuracy and attentiveness. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use a taxi, public transport or bike taxi, there are plenty of them here.

After several years of traveling you begin to really appreciate home cooking. Therefore, we mainly buy food at the market and prepare it at home. Although I am a big fan of interesting and unusual coffee shops, so this is a special item for my expenses.

For example:

Coffee in a regular Vietnamese-style coffee shop on the road can cost from 7,000 dong (less than a dollar);

Coffee in a European-style coffee shop in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) - from a dollar, two, sometimes three.

Examples of product prices (per kilogram/liter):

  1. Rice – from $0.7.
  2. Potatoes – $1.2.
  3. Sugar – $1.
  4. Flour – from $1.
  5. All local vegetables on the market (cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, greens) - $0.4-1.2.
  6. The price of fruits, with the exception of some exotic ones, ranges from $0.4-2 per kilogram. For example, bananas - about $0.5, pineapple - about $0.7 per piece, papaya - from $0.5. Imported fruits, such as apples, cost from $4.
  7. Milk - $1.4-2.
  8. Fish - $1-7, normal - about $3.
  9. Meat - from $3.
  10. Eggs - from $0.9 (per dozen).

What do they eat and where do they eat it?

Vietnamese cuisine is quite diverse. They eat a lot of seafood, all types of meat (even exotics like crocodile or snakes), and a large amount of tropical fruits. It's worth trying as much as you can find. Moreover, the cuisines of the north and south of Vietnam have many differences. Sometimes you can find unfamiliar dishes even in a neighboring city or province.

A special feature of the local cuisine is coffee. It seems that all of Vietnam is saturated with its smell. They drink it everywhere. In any cafe, wherever you go, you can always try this delicious drink. Traditional Vietnamese coffee is drunk very strong, diluted only with condensed milk and nothing else. Depending on the region or temperature, it may be hot or iced.

In addition, it is always served in manual press“Fine”, from which the aromatic drink slowly, drop by drop, flows onto the white condensed milk, allowing you to take a break from worries while contemplating this process. Living in Vietnam and never trying local coffee is tantamount to a crime. Fragrant, with a strong taste, filtered through a Finn - this is a whole philosophy.

What to do besides work

Firstly, you can learn yoga, kiting - there are many schools on the coast offering their services.

Secondly, this is traveling around Vietnam. The country is quite large and diverse. The north is different from the south. This is the imperial city of Hue, French Dalat, high-speed Saigon, cold Hanoi. You can choose and stop where you are interested.

Contact people in Vietnam. For some reason, there is a stereotype that Vietnamese people rarely smile. To be honest, I don't know where he's from. People smile and laugh very often. Young people learn English and it’s easy to get along with them.

Vietnamese everyday life

Important details:

  • Internet and hot water are everywhere in Vietnam in tourist and big cities. There are no difficulties with this.
  • Mui Ne Nha Trang - many speak simple English or Russian. There are no problems with mutual understanding here.
  • Ho Chi Minh City - mostly in English.

Personally, I can write endlessly about Vietnam. About unusual traditions, beautiful ceremonies, traditional clothes. I am interested in many things: culture, books, coffee. It seems to me that it is impossible not to love this country for what it is.

Anna Fomenko, organizer of the project It’s good everywhere! , traveler, on my list: Georgia, Azerbaijan, India, Nepal, Thailand and Cambodia. I've been living in Vietnam for a year now and I love it here. I am engaged in the development of projects on the Internet.

My work place:-)

Those who love the exotic can consider working in Vietnam in 2016. The country's economy is developing, there is a shortage of specialists in the market (engineers, management personnel, in the tourism sector). Job openings in Vietnam vary from hotel managers to diving instructors. And there is also an industry where there are many Russians - oil production in the city of Vung Tau.

Finding a job in Vietnam is easy

To attract foreign specialists, the government has simplified the entry procedure. Nevertheless, a visa is needed, and to obtain it, the employer sends a contract, which spells out the main points (who and where the person will work, information about the company, what the position is, where he will live). A work permit valid for 36 months is issued.

In 2016, obtaining a visa to Vietnam for Russians and Ukrainians is free. Maybe you need to pay duties.

Russia and Vietnam signed a document regarding temporary work activity(for citizens of 2 countries, 2008)

Find a job in Vietnam - sites and agencies

  1. Through recruitment agencies(available in Vietnam)
  2. Online services (Vietnam Works), (Work for expats in Vietnam.)

What vacancies are suitable for Russians and Ukrainians

  1. If you have knowledge of the language, you can find a job as a top manager or other specialist in an international company (financial, logistics). Foreigners receive higher salaries than locals.
  2. Due to the industrialization of the country, there is a shortage of engineers, chemists for factories, workers in the tourism industry (season: late September to March), diving instructors, and mechanics.
  3. There is a definite demand for work in Vietnam as a cook, photographer, guide, or doctor.

Most likely they find a job in Ho Chi Minh City, and the highest paid one is in Nha Trang due to the fact that the auto industry is developed here. Industry.

Low salary - $100-150, average - $600-800

Living conditions in Vietnam

In summer it is very hot and the climate is humid. Renting an apartment - $500. The standard of living is lower and prices are lower than in Russia. Eating in cafes and restaurants is cheaper. There are many cafes with European food on the streets.

capital of Vietnam Hanoi

Vietnam visa application form

Working in Vietnam is one of the most important issues facing immigrants who wish to live in this country. If earlier, by renting an apartment in Russia, you could easily live in Asia and not work, but now, after the dollar exchange rate has risen significantly, you have to look for opportunities to earn money. So, how easy is it for Russians and Ukrainians to find work and, in principle, get a job in Vietnam? Let's figure it out.

In recent years, Vietnam's economy has grown significantly, and not only due to tourism. The growth of industry is increased and the former dependence on agriculture is reduced - the country becomes industrialized.

The country is inhabited by about 95.3 million people, and this number continues to increase. At the same time, the level of poverty and unemployment is gradually decreasing - maximum level unemployment in the country is 2%. In the wake of a favorable economic climate, investments are attracted to the country and foreign specialists are invited. In short, a foreigner can always find a place in the Vietnamese labor market.

Visitors should not count on large salaries (compared to Thailand, for example). But looking at the simple conditions of labor immigration, many vacancies of different profiles and the overall attractiveness of Vietnam as a place to live, the influx of immigrants continues unabated. The climate here differs in the north and south. The south of the country has a tropical climate, with hot and humid weather. In the north the climate is more temperate and cooler winter period. This is worth keeping in mind when moving.

Who is needed?

What professions are in demand in Vietnam? By far the most common topic is tourism. The following vacancies are popular:

  • hotel manager;
  • scuba diving instructor;
  • guide;
  • seller in a store (jewelry, travel goods, etc.).

In the restaurant business:

  • administrators;
  • cooks;
  • couriers.

Clubs require:

  • bartenders;
  • DJs;
  • dancers.

To spas and beauty salons:

  • hairdressers;
  • massage therapists;
  • administrators;
  • and etc.

The range of vacancies is quite wide, but to a greater extent, one way or another related to servicing visiting tourists. There is always work in Vietnam for Russians, especially if you have a good tongue and know how to sell. You can realistically earn between 300-500 dollars a month. The range of earnings is very wide, and in a successful season earnings can reach several thousand dollars. Considering that rental housing in Nha Trang costs about $300, then the income is quite enough.

The highest paid positions are offered in international organizations located in the country.

The monthly salary there can be from 1000 euros and above. Mostly, highly qualified managerial and leadership positions are vacant, but sometimes ordinary workers are also required. Teacher services foreign languages are also in demand. Apart from good wages(up to 10-15 dollars per hour), teachers are guaranteed unlimited and free accommodation. Other popular vacancies include sales managers, engineers of various specializations, mechanics, and oil industry workers. The minimum salary for specialists is about $500.

The Vietnamese themselves prefer to work in industry, in agriculture and in the service sector. As of 2017, the average monthly salary in the country is about 4.9 million dong (about $200 or 12,000 - 15,000 rubles). If a specialist, including a foreign one, has sufficient qualifications, he can count on an increased salary.

As elsewhere, local employers are required to pay taxes, but not everyone wants to pay them. Therefore, unofficial (in fact, illegal) work is in demand in Vietnam. A foreigner working illegally runs the risk of deportation to his home country. Illegal immigrants are periodically identified, and the authorities act harshly in this regard. However, this does not prevent illegal work from existing.

One of the most simple ways circumvent the law - cook something at home and sell it. For example, there are guys in Nha Trang who make cottage cheese. Since the Vietnamese themselves do not use this product (and do not even know what it is), the main clients are Russians who pay in cash. In fact, this is your own business, but not everyone actually registers it. And since there is no company, there are no tax transfers from it. The price of 1 kg of cottage cheese is 250,000 dong.

Opening a business officially

As for legal business, the authorities only welcome its opening. An equally loyal policy is observed towards both native citizens and immigrants. Traditionally profitable industries include hairdressing services, retail and catering.

In the catering sector, you can inexpensively buy a ready-made business. Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are also provided with certain benefits from the authorities. Business in Vietnam is a separate topic, with its own pitfalls, and we will not discuss it in this article.

Despite all the availability of work for immigrants, salaries in Vietnam remain slightly lower compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. And in developed countries such as South Korea and Japan, earnings are several times higher. True, life there is more expensive, and the requirements for labor immigrants are stricter. For example, in China (Guangzhou) in the service sector you can easily earn from 6,000 - 10,000 yuan (1,000 - 1,500 dollars), and a teacher in English easily earns 12,000 - 15,000 ($2000 - $2500).

Popular places to work

There are few large cities in Vietnam where it is worth settling down to work. It all depends on your goals and requirements. Those aspiring for high earnings should pay attention to the largest cities - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Representative offices of international companies are concentrated there. For those interested in seasonal income related to beach tourism, large resort cities are suitable - for example, Nha Trang or Mui Ne. The city is in demand among Russian-speaking tourists and Australians. There is a comfortable atmosphere to work there: a warm climate, softened by the sea breeze.

Work in Nha Trang

Nha Trang is a progressive and rapidly developing resort city. Let's look at it in a little more detail. The city has a developed automotive industry. Salaries range from $300 to $1,000. For achievement top bar High qualifications and desire will be required.

But Nha Trang is better known as a resort, and therefore they try to choose jobs related to tourism and sales. In the field retail sales there is a lot of space here: they sell everything typically Vietnamese, starting with goods traditional medicine and cosmetics and not ending with fabrics and silk, and a variety of souvenirs that attract tourists.

The professions of guide and waiter are popular. The last option is tempting because earnings can grow significantly due to bonuses and tips. Russian-speaking immigrants often prefer to take work from home. They provide services such as food delivery, manicure, pedicure, etc. In general, there are always enough clients in Nha Trang.

Working in a travel agency, although interesting, is not so attractive. You will have to sit all day in a hot room (often without air conditioning). But even there you can make good money, since a percentage of tour sales is added to the salary. As with almost everything, it is important to know how to sell.

Work permit and work visa

Foreigners aiming to officially work in Vietnam for a long time will also have to worry about obtaining permission for this work from the authorities. As in the case of applying for a visa, you can obtain permission either locally within 3 months or in advance in your country. The last option is preferable.

The applicant must be at least 18 years old and have the appropriate labor activity health, he should not have a criminal record. In addition, it is necessary to have higher education. If a specialty is in demand in Vietnam, then at least 5 years of experience in it is also required.

All relevant documents are sent to the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor. It is advisable to send documentation in advance from your country, but this must be done at least 2 weeks before the intended employment. If the application is approved, which is usually processed within a week, the applicant receives a work permit for a period of 2 years. After this period, it is possible to extend the validity of the permit.

The main difficulty is that once you get an official job in one company and receive permission from the authorities, you can only work in that company. To change jobs, you will have to obtain a new permit.

Job search

Many people have a question about how to find a job if there is no direct offer from the employer. Usually they search through specialized agencies where vacancies are posted. Agencies provide job seekers with all information about vacancies and employers.

While looking for work, our compatriots often enter the country on a tourist visa. During this time, in parallel with searching for work, they adapt to the local atmosphere, integrate into the local culture, and study (although spoken English is sufficient for the first time). The Vietnamese authorities give foreigners 3 months for such acclimatization - this time is usually enough to spare.

This time we will tell you about another Asian country - Vietnam, which can be an excellent long-term haven for lovers of the exotic, the ocean and super-delicious coffee.

Meet Anna Fomenko, she has been living in Vietnam for a year and kindly shared her experience and basic information that will be useful to anyone who is thinking about temporarily (or not so much) moving to another country.

I sometimes wonder if I can settle in one place for a long time, not travel anywhere, enjoy the same view from the window, communicate with the same circle of people. This will probably happen someday, because I spent almost a whole year out of 4 years of traveling around Asia in Vietnam. There is sea and mountains, several climatic zones, a huge amount of fruit and a convenient visa regime.

When to go

The official tourist season in Vietnam starts from the end of September and ends in March. This is the most comfortable time to get acquainted with the country for the first time. Even if you decide to move to Vietnam forever, it is still better to live here for a while and see everything with your own eyes.

Which region to go to

I like the sea, so we chose Mui Ne.

The majority prefer Nha Trang as a more modern and comfortable city. Some guys live and work in Mui Ne during the season and move to Nha Trang when everything is empty here.

Both of these resorts are located in relative proximity to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), the second largest city after Hanoi (the capital). So if you want to work under palm trees on the coast, learn to surf or kite, these are the places for you. Unlike seaside resorts, big cities are hot and stuffy in summer, but near the sea the constant breeze and heat are not so hard to bear.

In hot weather, you can go to Dalat. This is an amazing city. Just a few hours and you will forget about the heat. Dalat has cool air and beautiful views, which is why it is also called the city of eternal spring or little Paris.

I've been to Dalat three times already. I come every time with great pleasure. We rent a hotel room for $12 a day and are thinking of moving there for a couple of months. Naturally, not to a hotel, but to a rented room. It’s rare to find so many parks, squares, and excellent coffee shops anywhere. Dalat for me is a delightful fusion of European and Asian. Something unique where you want to return again and again.

Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to Dalat. There is also the island of Phu Coc, the imperial capital of Hue, cold Hanoi, and exotic tourist Sapa. And that is not all.

I admit, I am a big fan of Vietnamese ceramics, all these cups and saucers with images from life.

About work

There is quite a lot of work for foreigners in Vietnam. In addition to water sports instructors, you can get a job as a manager in a restaurant, an administrator in a hotel or club, a travel agent or a salesperson in a store. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, your Russian will be an additional bonus - a lot of tourists come from Russia, and the owners prefer to hire those who speak the language. English won't hurt either; there are no fewer Australians here than Russians.

Personal experience: I work remotely, but I know quite a lot of guys who earn good money during the season and live here very comfortably. It’s difficult to name the payment amounts; you can get $250, $500, or $1000. It all depends on the type of activity and your capabilities.


Here I can recommend monitoring not only the website Sometimes you can catch interesting offers there. Recently, friends bought tickets to Moscow for $350 per person.

Insurance, medical training

There is a whole street in Ho Chi Minh City where several good clinics with different levels of service are located. Some doctors know Russian because they received their education from us. Although the main language of communication is English. Where to go - to a private clinic or a public one - is up to you to choose. But I would recommend going to private ones and choosing your doctor carefully.


A visa for citizens of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 15 days is not required. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam for a longer period, then you need to obtain a visa in advance, as well as a VisaApprovalLetter - visa support. Such a letter should be received in advance and presented upon arrival along with the visa.

Where can I make a VisaApprovalLetter? For example, use the help of agencies (one of them:

Personal experience: We entered Vietnam from, got a visa at the Vietnamese embassy for six months, so the VisaApprovalLetter was not useful to us. Since then we have traveled only once; the rest of the time we extend the visa on the spot every three months. We use the services of intermediaries - it’s easier for us. The cost of extending a visa starts from $30 for three months, depending on where and with whom you are extending it, of course.

Extending your visa is easy:

  • you need to receive documents to fill out;
  • usually they are filled out either by the owner of the hotel, guest house, or house (where you will live) and certified by local law enforcement agencies;
  • after that you carry the document and apply for a visa extension.

The procedure can be simplified if you pay an additional $10-15, then the agency will fill out everything themselves and the issue with papers will disappear by itself.

In addition, it is possible to get a business visa to Vietnam for six months to a year. Conditions and opportunities are carefully described on the Vinsky forum. I recommend studying the manuals from there - the entire acquisition process is described in detail, and you can familiarize yourself with it there.

Search for accommodation

Everyone has their own requirements for housing. It's quite difficult to recommend anything here. Most often, the search is carried out on site or through social networks. There are quite large groups on Facebook and VKontakte dedicated to these issues. For example:

Options for those wishing to live in a metropolis can be found on the following sites:

I would like to emphasize that prices are approximate and depend on the season, requirements, income level, and can be much more or less. It's quite difficult to give a specific range here. There are guys who can easily spend $400-500 (housing + food in Mui Ne); There are those for whom this will seem insufficient.

For example, in a tourist area in Ho Chi Minh City you can rent a room in a hotel for $7 per day, but it will not be comfortable for living and working. Normal studios in Ho Chi Minh City with rent starting from six months can be found from $250 per month for a room in a shared house, and from $500 in a good area.

If you want to rent a European-style villa with a pool on the coast for a long time, the price can start from $1000.

A house in the Vietnamese style will cost several times less - from $400 per month. It will have everything: hot and cold water, Internet, washing machine, furniture and its own kitchen.

If a house is too much for you, then you can find a studio. As in previous options, seasonality applies, but the average price starts at $300 per month. These are quite large rooms, bright, divided into sleeping and working areas.

For those who are looking for a budget option, a guesthouse is suitable, from $10-12 per day per room and on average from $220 per month - with hot water, Internet and a shared kitchen.

The price of apartments in Nha Trang can range from $250 for a condo to $500 and above.

Also, the price of a room, house, or villa depends on whether it is a tourist city or not. For example, in Mui Ne and Nha Trang prices are higher than in Da Nang or Vung Tau. There are many Russian speakers in Vung Tau, mostly people work at the oil production enterprise. But still, I would call Nha Trang and Mui Ne more touristy.

The estimated budget for these cities will be as follows:

Expenses/city Ho Chi Minh City
from $650 from $300 from $250
from $300 from $300 from $200

We rent a studio in Mui Ne for $250, it has everything: Internet, hot water, electricity, air conditioning, work desk (the main thing, yes).

What to look for:

  • When renting a room, be careful: immediately check whether electricity is included in the price. Sometimes they “forget” to mention this right away;
  • when paying a deposit, agree that it is an automatic payment for the last month of residence;
  • if you are renting for a long period of time, be sure to ask for a discount - the more, the better. If the owners are confident that you will live a long time, then they will give quite decent discounts.

I want to emphasize that the number of options is endless. I know of rooms above restaurants for $75 a month and villas for $1000. You can find housing in this range, as well as above or below. It all depends on the needs.

In the off-season (summer) prices drop, you can find an acceptable option for yourself much cheaper. Again, your ability to negotiate will have an impact, as well as how long you intend to rent the house for.


The price for renting motorbikes is from $6 per day and more, depending on its condition. An automatic bike is traditionally more expensive, although for long trips I recommend going with a manual gear shift. If you plan to stay in Vietnam for a long time, then it is preferable to buy your own; there are many offers of used bikes in tourist areas. Their prices also fluctuate depending on the season. You can find it for $100 or $150 - usually such offers appear at the end of the season, when most people leave. Naturally, you won’t buy a new one for that price, but you don’t need one to begin with.

Officially, to drive a bike or car you need a Vietnamese license; an international license does not work. A Vietnamese license can be obtained on the spot; to do this, you need to contact the police and check the information locally. But often foreigners drive in tourist places without a license, as they come for the season.

Gasoline cost: about $1.15-1.20.

Personal experience: driving a car or, of course, you can. But Vietnam is known for its crazy traffic. Here the usual rules may not apply: stop in front of you and think, turn on the turn signal in one direction and then turn in the other, overtake on a narrow highway - all this is possible in Vietnam. Therefore, there is only one piece of advice here: accuracy and attentiveness. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use a taxi, public transport or bike taxi, there are plenty of them here.

After several years of traveling, you begin to really appreciate home cooking. Therefore, we mainly buy food at the market and prepare it at home. Although I am a big fan of interesting and unusual coffee shops, so this is a special item for my expenses.

For example:

Coffee in a regular Vietnamese-style coffee shop on the road can cost from 7,000 dong (less than a dollar);

Coffee in a European-style coffee shop in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) - from a dollar, two, sometimes three.

Examples of product prices (per kilogram/liter):

  1. Rice – from $0.7.
  2. Potatoes – $1.2.
  3. Sugar – $1.
  4. Flour – from $1.
  5. All local vegetables on the market (cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, greens) - $0.4-1.2.
  6. The price of fruits, with the exception of some exotic ones, ranges from $0.4-2 per kilogram. For example, bananas - about $0.5, pineapple - about $0.7 per piece, papaya - from $0.5. Imported fruits, such as apples, cost from $4.
  7. Milk - $1.4-2.
  8. Fish - $1-7, normal - about $3.
  9. Meat - from $3.
  10. Eggs - from $0.9 (per dozen).

What do they eat and where do they eat it?

Vietnamese cuisine is quite diverse. They eat a lot of seafood, all types of meat (even exotics like crocodile or snakes), and a large amount of tropical fruits. It's worth trying as much as you can find. Moreover, the cuisines of the north and south of Vietnam have many differences. Sometimes you can find unfamiliar dishes even in a neighboring city or province.

A special feature of the local cuisine is coffee. It seems that all of Vietnam is saturated with its smell. They drink it everywhere. In any cafe, wherever you go, you can always try this delicious drink. Traditional Vietnamese coffee is drunk very strong, diluted only with condensed milk and nothing else. Depending on the region or temperature, it may be hot or iced.

In addition, it is always served in a manual “fine” press, from which the aromatic drink slowly, drop by drop, flows onto the white condensed milk, allowing you to take a break from your worries while contemplating this process. Living in Vietnam and never trying local coffee is tantamount to a crime. Fragrant, with a strong taste, filtered through a Finn - this is a whole philosophy.

What to do besides work

Firstly, you can learn yoga, kiting - there are many schools on the coast offering their services.

Secondly, this is traveling around Vietnam. The country is quite large and diverse. The north is different from the south. This is the imperial city of Hue, French Dalat, high-speed Saigon, cold Hanoi. You can choose and stop where you are interested.

Contact people in Vietnam. For some reason, there is a stereotype that Vietnamese people rarely smile. To be honest, I don't know where he's from. People smile and laugh very often. Young people learn English and it’s easy to get along with them.

Vietnamese everyday life

Important details:

  • Internet and hot water are everywhere in Vietnam in tourist and big cities. There are no difficulties with this.
  • Mui Ne Nha Trang - many speak simple English or Russian. There are no problems with mutual understanding here.
  • Ho Chi Minh City - mostly in English.

Personally, I can write endlessly about Vietnam. About unusual traditions, beautiful ceremonies, traditional clothes. I am interested in many things: culture, books, coffee. It seems to me that it is impossible not to love this country for what it is.

Anna Fomenko, organizer of the project It’s good everywhere! , traveler, on my list: Georgia, Azerbaijan, India, Nepal, Thailand and Cambodia. I've been living in Vietnam for a year now and I love it here. I am engaged in the development of projects on the Internet.

My work place:-)