How to make a beautiful doorway. The best ideas for decorating a doorway without a door. the best materials for decorating a kitchen doorway

The design of openings without doors becomes a choice when decorating the interior of an apartment. Such an original doorway serves as a room divider, and at the same time, visually expands the space of the entire apartment or private house. Deciding to decorate the interior interior openings without doors is relevant in several cases:

An example of the design of doorways without doors

  • If the owners want to decorate the style of the room in a non-trivial way;
  • When living spaces are combined, this design option is also relevant. For example, if the owners decided to combine the loggia with the living room, increasing the living space;
  • If the area of ​​the room is small and you want to expand the usable area, for example, by removing a wall and combining the kitchen area with the bedroom.

Opening design without a door

These are just some of the reasons why people may choose to design a doorway without a door. In fact, each owner has his own motives for decorating the style of his apartment or house in this way.

To finally decide whether such an idea as an open doorway is suitable, you should study the advantages and disadvantages. It is worth taking into account the following advantages of this solution:

Disadvantages of designing openings without doors

Along with a sufficient number of advantages, as in all aspects related to renovation of an apartment or house, there are also disadvantages. In general, we can say that such structures have the majority of advantages rather than disadvantages.

Option for designing an opening without a door

However, when it comes to comfort, there may be some inconveniences. For example, if a solution with an arched opening is installed between the kitchen and the bedroom or living room, you should consider a high-quality hood and air conditioning system. Otherwise, aromas from cooking, and excess moisture will settle on furniture, wallpaper and other surfaces.

Design options for openings without doors

If the owners decide to rely on this particular option for decorating the opening, then they need to select the most impressive material for finishing. The design option is worth choosing depending on the overall picture of the interior.

Design options for wide doorways without doors

The following variations for decorating openings without door panels are popular among property owners:

Each of the options is worthy of attention, and those owners of apartments and houses who plan to change the appearance of the space in the apartment using this method should familiarize themselves with each of the options.

Finishing with artificial materials and stones

Today, real estate owners often rely on finishing openings without door panels using decorative stone or artificial materials.

Example of finishing a doorway artificial stone

Such designs look nice and expensive. Yes and by pricing policy This option for transforming the opening will significantly empty your wallet. The most popular option is to use small stones; they look the most harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. In this option, the main thing is to pre-prepare the base for finishing. This will help ensure that the material is laid evenly without noticeable flaws. The structure, which is made of such decorative finishing, is stable, durable and protected from damage.

Sequence of work

The work should be done in the correct sequence so that the result looks the way the owner of the apartment or house expects.

This finishing option is worthy of attention; the main thing is to confidently approach the issue of sequential work execution.

Arch-shaped opening

Arches made of plasterboard and other materials fit harmoniously into different interior styles. We can say that this is the simplest solution. After all, you can purchase a ready-made structure in the form of an arch in hardware store. In this case, the person doing the repair will only need to install a ready-made structure.

Examples of design and design of openings in the form of an arch

It is worth understanding that the arches, despite the similarities between different models, are different. They can be selected by deciding on the interior styles that will be organized in the space. Arches come in the following types:

Any of the design forms will fit into the space of a room with a different interior. The main thing is to implement the design correctly and thoughtfully. After all, the appearance of the room as a whole depends on the style of decoration.

Decorating the opening with stucco molding

If the owner of an apartment or house has decided that he will decorate it using decorative stucco, then he needs to pay due attention to the overall picture of the interior of his apartment. Using stucco elements in a room with an inappropriate design can create an unpleasant visual atmosphere.

An example of decorating an opening with stucco molding

Today, owners of apartments and houses use polyurethane molding. This material is much easier to use than standard stucco. Ease of use is usually the deciding factor for choosing polyurethane stucco molding. In addition, this type of material does not require preliminary preparation surfaces, it adheres to all types of coatings without difficulty or difficulty.

Any room will look great with an opening finished with polyurethane stucco.

Initially, this material is white and looks discreet. But, having given it the desired shade, owners of houses and apartments create incredible compositions that look expensive.

This option for finishing the opening will help bring even the most complex design ideas into reality.

Clinker tile finishing

To decorate openings in an apartment or house, clinker tiles are often chosen, which in their own way color scheme imitates brick. This material comes in various shades and color combinations.

Option for decorating a doorway with clinker tiles

This type of material has a number of advantages, due to which many modern property owners choose it:

Due to numerous advantages, finishing the opening with clinker tiles is worth paying attention to.

Finishing with plastic panels

In modern trends in the design of openings without door leaves plastic panels- popular material. Not surprising, because there are a number of advantages that every owner of an apartment or house who plans to independently finish the structure should pay attention to:

An example of finishing a doorway with plastic panels

Installation features

  • Before starting work, you need to clean the surface from dust and dirt;
  • Then apply liquid nails or regular nails to a clean surface. assembly adhesive, fix the plastic panels.

This finishing option is often found in rooms between the kitchen and living room. After all, the kitchen implies the release of moisture into the room. Consequently, the material used to line the boxes is at risk of deterioration. Plastic panels do not absorb moisture and are easy to clean if dirty.

Decorating with a curtain

Some owners of houses and apartments choose curtains for doorways. For this purpose, both ordinary curtains and curtains with various decorative decorations are used.

Option for decorating a doorway with a curtain

In this case, the shape of the arch does not matter. If you think about everything down to the smallest detail, then this design option can be used both in the hall and in kitchen area, and in the opening of the balcony.

Opening without additional finishing

Those people who prefer to design an apartment in a minimalist style can take into account such designs for equipping arches as an ordinary box painted to match the color of the interior without a door leaf. Their color is usually the same as the main palette in the interior. This allows you to make the openings uniform with general design and not a prominent part of the interior.

Example simple design doorway

Regardless of whether the opening is a standard size or other shapes, they will look harmonious. There are quite enough options for designing openings without a door leaf. Therefore, everyone, even the most demanding owner of an apartment or house, will be able to choose best type designs for yourself.

One of the main elements of the interior is the doorway, the design of which requires compliance with certain mandatory requirements. First of all, this relates to the proportionality of its dimensions. Not always standard sizes the doors look proportionate to the wall.

Often there is a need to change these dimensions in one direction or another.

Second an important condition is the correspondence of the design of the entrance to the room with the general style. Moreover, this is required in relation to both adjacent rooms. Often the doorway acts as a unifying element that connects interiors.

This is especially important if there is no door leaf filling. There are many options for creating beautiful and interesting design doorway, photos of some solutions can be viewed on our website.

Decorating doorways: how to decorate, refine and decorate an arched opening of an interior door

The decoration of the entrance to any room greatly affects its perception.

After all, the entrance to the room is the first thing that greets the person who enters it. In addition, this allows you to minimal costs give even a completely ordinary layout originality.

Moreover, each type of premises has its own rules, for example, the design of a doorway without a door is possible for invitation-type premises: living room, kitchen, corridor. Bedroom, children's room, office require mandatory presence doors to create isolation.

One of the most common options for finishing interior doors is the use of various types of arches.

The frame of the arched opening is usually chosen to be semi-circular, although there are other types of this architectural element. For classic interiors, oblique, flat, elliptical and three-centered arches are well suited, and for an interior in an oriental or eco style - keeled, lancet and three-lobed.

However, an ordinary rectangular opening can be beautifully decorated.

Portals made of natural wood or MDF are very popular. It is possible to use other finishing materials: natural and artificial stone, stucco. The choice of finishing materials and finishing technologies depends on the style in which the interior is designed, the selected furniture and the presence of other decorative elements.

Facing and decorating the doorway of the front door with your own hands: how to beautifully decorate the doorway?

Special requirements apply to the framing of the doorway entering a house or apartment.

It is from the entrance that one begins to get acquainted with any house, and its design largely determines what impression one gets both of it and of its owners. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider how the design of the front door will look.

To create an unusual, memorable design, it is not necessary to resort to the services of professionals.

Original solutions for decorating a doorway in the interior: types and methods of decoration

Many people are quite capable of thinking through and creating the decor of a doorway with their own hands. All that is required for this is to show imagination when developing your own design option, as well as accuracy when performing the work.

If you have problems finding a creative solution, you can study photos of already implemented projects and use their ideas when developing your own design.

You can try to combine several options, the main thing is to achieve an organic combination of all elements, their shapes, textures and colors.

This technique allows you to create original solutions that will give a unique look to any home.

We design the doorway correctly

An unusual solution for the design of a doorway

So, no to doors! The decision has been made, all that remains is to decide how to design the doorway - so that it is both practical and tasteful.

A very original solution would be to decorate doorways with decorative stone. Firstly, the price for this material is more than affordable - the purchase will not make a gaping hole in your budget. Secondly, working with decorative stone is more than simple - it can be cut perfectly even with an ordinary hacksaw, so you do not need special skills or special tools.

And finally, thirdly, decorative rock allow you to create the most unusual shapes - if your door portal is non-standard, you will not have any problems.

By the way, the original decorative stone will be appropriate even if the opening is made of plasterboard - more versatile solutions probably doesn't exist.

How to properly decorate a doorway with stone?

If the interior of your apartment is designed in a country style, you should give preference to large stones - for example, you can design a doorway so that it looks like the entrance to a cave.

This arch would look great in the hallway. If the doorway is large, crushed stone will be appropriate - give the room a special sophistication and grandeur.

As already mentioned, the workflow itself with artificial stone is extremely simple:

  • Prepare stones according to the size of the doorway.

    The most convenient way to do this is with a grinder.

  • Attach a special mesh to the surface.
  • Apply a special solution to it. Please note that the layer thickness should not exceed 1.5 centimeters.
  • Then start laying the stone - first the corner elements, then the main ones.
  • Fill the seams cement mortar, and then align them.
  • Finally, sand the seams.

    That's it, the job is finished!

  • After about 48 hours, the solution will finally dry out - you can call your household members, who will certainly appreciate your efforts.

Decorating a doorway with textile curtains

Often, the doorway is simply covered with wallpaper, since people don’t really want to bother with a full-fledged finish. But, as practice shows, this gets boring very quickly.

And the best way out in this situation would be to decorate the doorway with curtains.

The most common option is textile curtains. When choosing the right ones, you need to take into account the general style of the room, including textiles - the color of sofa upholstery and carpeting. The shape of the curtains can be very different - symmetrical on both sides, tacked on one edge or asymmetrical, depending on your preferences.

Most often, a rectangular opening is designed in this way.

How to make the opening original? Bamboo curtains

If you are fans oriental style, it’s worth taking a closer look at bamboo curtains for the doorway. They not only emphasize the special atmosphere in the room, but also perfectly hide from prying eyes. And movement between rooms will be absolutely free - such curtains are thin bamboo sticks strung on strong threads.

Such curtains come in a variety of colors and sizes - they allow you to bring to life the most daring ideas for decorating a doorway.

How to decorate a doorway with a stained glass arch?

If you decide to design a doorway without a door, then the most obvious solution for you will be arches.

There are several types of arches - when choosing, consider general interior premises and your personal preferences. But if you want something unusual, give preference to a stained glass arch, and your room will become even more original.

Stained glass arches are most often used to decorate a doorway in the kitchen or hallway. The arch design is made in the form of a stained glass window, and its base is most often plaster. In order to install such an arch, no special skills are required - all fastenings, as well as decorative overlays, are included in the kit.

These finishing options look more than original!

How to decorate a doorway with wood?

Today, the design of arches with wood comes in two types: semicircular and pointed arches. The arches look just great, but you will have to tinker a little with their installation - in addition to the arch itself, you will need glued blocks, which will become intermediate nodes.

The elements of the arch are fixed with self-tapping screws, and the arch is coated with a special decorative varnish.

If your door size was non-standard, you will have to order such an arch from a carpentry shop.

True, this also has its advantages - you will be absolutely sure that your home will be unique and unique, and the design of the doorways in your home will be the most original, and the wooden frame will be perceived as a real decoration!

How can you make an arch of a non-standard shape?

The most unusual arches are, of course, plasterboard ones.

And this is understandable, because drywall allows you to create the most bizarre shapes. If you want, make an arch in your apartment square, semicircular, wavy, voluminous - there are simply no limits to your imagination. Although, of course, in this case you will need certain skills in working with drywall, because creating such an arch is not so easy.

First, you need to decide on the shape of the arch - carefully measure the doorway, and now the arched opening, be sure to draw a diagram on paper.

Then prepare the drywall properly - cut out the pieces the right size. Fix the fasteners firmly on the wall and proceed with the installation of the structure itself. Once the arch is ready, you can begin finishing. What it will be is up to you to decide. Drywall can be covered with wallpaper, painted, plastered, finished with artificial stone, built in Spotlights. In a word, drywall is a great opportunity to create a real miracle with your own hands!

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Designing a doorway without a door

Door arches and portals

An arched opening, a door portal, an arch - whatever they call an interior arch, which is essentially a replacement for an ordinary door.

Where insulation of rooms is not needed, but a conditional delimiter is needed functional zones, an arch is installed in the opening.

Today there is a wide variety of arched designs that will fit into any interior and will follow the style and trends. Interior arches, depending on the type of vault, are of the following types:

Classic is the most common interior arch with a vault in the form of a semicircle.

The radius of curvature is equal to ½ the width of the doorway.

The interior portal is a simple, laconic rectangular arch into the doorway.

Arches with a semicircular or elliptical vault and rectangular door portals are the most common design options. There are other forms that are not so popular.

A trapezoid, as the name suggests, has a trapezoid-shaped arch. Romance - has a rectangular vault with rounded corners. Ellipse and modern are arches intermediate between classic and portal, with different radii of curvature. Semi-arch is an asymmetrical product with different designs corners of the arch.

The design of a doorway in the form of an arch or door portal should take into account the height of the ceilings of the premises, so that such an element of the interior fits harmoniously and justifies the design decisions.

Interior arches

What do interior arches and portals look like in the interior?

How to decorate a doorway?

Weapons production in an apartment: Photography

The production of arcuate holes has been used for a long time and is often one of the design style features. Therefore, when planning an apartment renovation where you need to turn the door into a hole, you must move on to choosing your design, materials and finishes.

  1. Purpose of the arch
  2. Design Types
  3. Variety of styles

Purpose of the arch

A bow is a way of connecting two rooms; its appearance should be connected and be a continuation of the interior of each of them.

There are many decoration styles, in apartment decoration photos in the apartment you can see various options decor.

Design Types

To increase comfort in small apartments in Khrushchev, they often move barriers between rooms or completely destroy them.

One way to enhance the layout and create an impressive appearance is to enlarge the door and create a unique bow.

This discovery can change the perception of space, make it unrecognizable, decorate and emphasize the chosen style.

And if the doors are separated from each other, isolate the rooms, then the vaulted design, on the contrary, combines the rooms, makes the interior lighter, more elevated, elegant and decorated in classic style, The Empire can add splendor and help.

In cases where it is necessary to close corridors between spaces, there are various solutions.

Modern industry options allow the manufacture of doors various shapes, including the size and configuration of the hole, the use of sliding, folding models;

In some cases, you can easily hang matching curtains.

There are many ways to create bows. It is not difficult to choose the suitable option that is available for installation by your own hands.

For using arcs made of natural and decorative stone, brick and aluminum profile, plastic and MDF boards.

Structures of any shape or complexity are made from plasterboard.

This universal material can easily create high-quality smooth or semicircular surfaces, with decorative cutouts, reliefs, built-in shelves, lighting, and additional finishing elements.

It can be supplemented with wood, stone, tiles or simply plastered, adapting to decorative materials for rolling, for example, for a movie, wallpaper.

In addition to the design of the openings located at the interface between adjacent rooms, there are decorative arches.

They are designed to decorate rooms, which gives them some characteristics.

Variety of styles

The process of proper construction, completion of discoveries in a certain style quite complex, it requires special skills and knowledge.

Among the most popular types are the classic or Roman bows.

Their main characteristic is a semicircular appearance with a clearly defined radius of the right arc.

The design does not have additional protrusions or asymmetrical parts, it is suitable for large areas with high ceilings.

Decorations are elements that are part of the chosen style. These include: plaster, frieze, painted parts, gilding, light painting.

The loki in the spacious hall is complemented by decoration in the form of columns and half-columns.

Arches in Art Nouveau or English style. Their specialty is cutting a radius, the arc has a slightly modified straightened shape, rounded corners.

These varieties are suitable for large halls, and also for installation in corridors with low ceilings.

Slavic type.

The holes are rectangular with hinged corners. Use these options in all spaces where they are combined with other decorative elements.

Semi-arctic or Thai.

We decorate the kitchen door without using doors: examples from designers

They are often used to create unusual original model in different spaces.

They found ways to align corners and make page radii.

The most popular type. Arches have rectangular shape With various types finishing.

Some of the samples are real works of art, decorated with stucco, stained glass, flowers.

This design is similar to the portal version, with distinct smooth edges and rounded edges oblique shape.

Tears. This is a decoration rectangular hole in the form of an additive, which increases the penetration of light into the room, this is an internal fitting.

Modern materials provide unlimited possibilities to create bows different models: in the shape of an ellipse, asymmetrical figure, curved lines, non-standard shapes.

In any case, the use of the ark will make the apartment unusual, unlike others, decorate the interior, and become its accent.

Also read: Decorating an arc with decorative stone, Combination of kitchen and living room

How to decorate doorways

Originally designed doorways will revive existing interior, will give it individuality and novelty, by the way, order high-quality interior design in Sevastopol.

You can decorate the doorway either with your own hands or hire specialists.

First, you should decide in which room the opening will be made - in all of them or just in one, for example, in the living room, because we usually invite friends, relatives and guests to this particular room.

There are two options for decorating an opening: decorating an existing opening with a door, changing the opening - turning it into an arch (redevelopment)

  1. First option registration will take a minimum of time and money - you can try to do it yourself.

    To do this you need to purchase decorative polyurethane moldings and stick them on. The choice of moldings in specialized stores is huge; you just need to choose what suits your interior style.

  2. Second option– creating an arch from plasterboard. A more costly method in terms of money and time. The advantage is that now modern companies offering repair services can provide several options for sketches of arches that match your interior.

    You choose best option for themselves, and experienced workers begin making the arch. This will save time and effort and can guarantee excellent result, since there are many options for decorating doorways with plasterboard.

    Decorative glass, for example, photo printing, stained glass, will help complement the beautiful opening.

By transforming, decorating, doorways you will get a cozy, updated room.

How to design a doorway: framing, ennobling and designing a doorway without a door

Thanks to interesting design, your interior will be unusual, unique, stylish.

  • Dismantling the door frame With the services of a reliable repair company in St. Petersburg, you can carry out quick dismantling door frame and carry out preparatory work for the installation of new doors.
  • Brief instructions for making a wooden arch with your own hands Creating in an apartment or house modern interior, it is necessary to select the appropriate type of interior openings.

    For those who are bored with the usual openings, there is another option - these are arches,

  • Creating an entrance arch with your own hands Entrance arches have been used to decorate homes for many thousands of years. Triumphal arches were built in honor of heroes, but now this decorative element used to decorate houses and apartments and create
  • We build an arched opening from plasterboard with our own hands. It is possible to build an arch from plasterboard even with your own hands, without involving craftsmen.

    Drywall is a material that allows the production of complex building forms. An arch created from plasterboard

  • “With a mustache” ourselves Having removed the old door from the opening, we decided to decorate it with an arch. The U-shaped doorway was sewn up at the corners on both sides with pieces of chipboard and decorated with self-adhesive wood-like material.

The design of the entrance door slopes is the final touch with which the interior will be complete. Also, finishing the door slopes will help improve heat and sound insulation.

This is what the front door looks like before finishing the inside of the slopes.

The photo shows hanging wires, an uneven concrete opening, peeling wallpaper, and fastening plates sticking out. Slopes for entrance doors will correct the situation.

This is what the doors look like after installing the trims and platbands.

Design of a doorway without a door. This way you can refine the doorway.

There are many different options finishing of slopes of entrance doors.

For example, finishing with plastic PVC panels, MDF panels, plasterboard with subsequent painting or wallpapering, plastering of slopes, laminate, chipboard, additional boards and platbands. Each finishing method has advantages and disadvantages.

The most universal are extensions and platbands. These are modern and high quality materials. Eat big choice colors, durable, do not deform, no additional plastering of walls or wallpapering is required.

Original design of a doorway without a door

As a rule, entrance door panels with inside finished with veneer, PVC film, eco-veneer or laminated, also trims and trim lined with veneer, PVC film, eco-veneer and laminated. Extensions and trims for interior doors are manufactured at MDF based, chipboard and solid wood. Platbands are standard and telescopic, semicircular and straight.

Decorative finishing of the entrance door with extensions and platbands in the color of the door.

Price for installing slopes for entrance doors in Moscow


Extensions and trims for metal entrance doors. Finishing of entrance door slopes.

Installation of extensions and platbands on interior doors, correction of poor-quality door installation.

The desire of every owner to decorate his apartment in an original way or Vacation home This is understandable, because in this way everyone wants to demonstrate their taste and their vision of beauty and comfort.

Fortunately, today there are a huge number of possibilities for this and various building materials that allow, in skillful hands, to create real miracles and make all design fantasies come true.

In addition to the design of the ceiling, walls and floors, large interior doorways, which visually separate the rooms and are an important part of any interior, also play a significant role. Finishing doorways without doors is rightfully considered a separate art, since it has own rules and technology.

Options for finishing doorways

In modern interior design, there are several main types for decorating an opening.

These include:

  • finishing with plastic panels;
  • decorative stucco molding made of plaster or polyurethane;
  • decoration with clinker tiles;
  • arched design;
  • a regular rectangular opening without additional decoration.

Each of the listed types of design can be done with your own hands, if available. the necessary tool, material and practical experience. The price of such openings depends on the material used and the complexity of the decoration.

Plastic panels

The design of ordinary rectangular openings using special plastic panels is the most common design option, since these panels have a number of positive characteristics and features such as:

  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • low cost of material;
  • does not require finishing preparation of the opening for installation.

Panels imitate natural wood various breeds and have a large number of shades. This design style provides for strict lines and visual highlighting of the opening due to the contrast between the color of the panels and the colors of the walls. It is worth noting that such panels are easy to clean and do not leave handprints on the corners.

For your information. In most cases, panels are fastened using mounting adhesive or liquid nails, but sometimes they are secured using special screws. The use of this material makes it possible to partially replace accidentally damaged parts.

Modeling made of polyurethane or gypsum

You can often find apartments and houses decorated in the Venetian style, where the finishing of an opening without a door is carried out using polyurethane. Gypsum molding is practically not used today, since polyurethane has replaced gypsum due to its significantly lower weight, which is very important especially in old houses.

If you decide to stop at this option, the following points must be taken into account:

  • This type of decoration can be made with your own hands using ready-made elements, the variety of which will allow you to realize any design. However, it must be used very carefully, since this design is not suitable for every room.
  • To use molding, all other interior solutions must be made in the same style, otherwise the decorative pattern on the opening will not stand out favorably from the overall picture. For small rooms, try to use small-relief elements, since large molding will visually make the opening heavier.
  • Initially, finished polyurethane products are white, which can always be repainted to match the color of the walls or ceiling. If you want to create an exclusive design, then you will have to order the production of the necessary elements, due to which the price of such decoration will increase significantly.

Finishing the opening with stone

The most stylish, but at the same time expensive way is considered to be finishing an opening without a door with decorative stone. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite complicated and requires some experience, but the result is definitely worth it.

The main advantages of decorative stone are:

  • presentable appearance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • compatibility with other types of materials;
  • durability and ease of maintenance.

For finishing doorways in interior spaces apartments or houses, stone is usually chosen small size. In some cases, the stone is cut to fit the corners of the opening, but sometimes a design with torn edges is used, where the stone is carefully selected and mounted in natural form. Both options look original depending on the overall style of the room.

The color of the material and the outline of the opening are chosen depending on the overall interior design, and this should not be neglected, since even the most beautiful and perfectly laid stone can ruin the entire look of the room due to an incorrectly selected color or general shape of the opening. The stone is usually mounted using tile adhesive, but liquid nails can also be used on a previously primed surface.

Clinker tiles

For interior decoration of openings, you can also use special clinker tiles designed to resemble bricks in various shades. This decoration of an opening without a door looks impressive, despite the fact that clinker is intended for the exterior decoration of building facades.

Relatively recently, this material began to be used for finishing window openings and in combination with a doorway made of the same material, the whole room acquires own style. Clinker is easy to use and is laid on liquid nails or tile adhesive, depending on the nature of the surface.

Arch-shaped opening

The most common options for finishing a doorway without a door are made in the form of arches, since this design allows you to visually increase the space and is successfully used by designers ().

Tip: In rooms with low ceiling, usually they install arches whose corner radius is significantly larger than the width of the opening itself; this visually raises the ceiling and increases the space. For rooms with high ceilings, the radius of the arch exactly matches the width of the opening.

Arches are usually made in several geometric options, such as:

  • round (photo);

  • ellipsoid;

  • in the shape of a trapezoid (photo);

A doorway that is not equipped with a door is an original and aesthetic solution, often chosen by apartment owners. With proper design of such structures, you can significantly transform your living space and free up usable area. In a small apartment, getting rid of an extra door is a fairly easy way to make the space visually wider. Finishing a doorway without a door is successful and stylish solution problems small space.

Features of openings without doors

Doorways without doors are successfully designed in public buildings, spacious cottages and small dwellings. This solution is a win-win when combining a living room and a hall. With the help of open passages, small kitchens and hallways are often combined.

Quite often there are situations when the door turns out to be unnecessary. It interferes with moving around the apartment and creates unnecessary difficulties. Doors should be installed in the bedroom, office and children's room. This is explained by the fact that such rooms are designed to create personal space.

Sometimes you can’t do without a door to the kitchen either. Foreign odors do not enter living rooms. The smell of cooking food is a very strong irritant. Therefore, if there is no normal system for removing smoke and gases from the kitchen, it is necessary to install a door. Photos of doorways without doors will help you understand what to choose for your apartment.

To decorate an opening, it is not always necessary to invite professional builders. Such work can be done independently. However, you should become familiar with the features of the process and the main errors. It doesn’t hurt to take a closer look at the photos of completed projects.

Attention! Sometimes the design of a room involves the same finishing of all openings in the room - both doors and windows. Traditionally, lamps are installed in the aisles. They line up along the perimeter of the passage. Other popular options are curtains, shelves, and other decorative details.

Opening shape

The design of an opening without a door can be of any configuration. The main condition is that the shape must correspond to the size of the room and its style. Skills must also be taken into account interior decoration worker. If they are absent, you should not take on a complex project.

Rectangular openings

Often the doorway is left in the same shape as it was before the door leaf was dismantled. Even a craftsman with little experience can complete the work of finishing it. Rectangular structures lend themselves well to finishing. In addition, when facing them, you can realize the most various ideas. Usually, to create a harmonious look, they are finished with plasterboard panels.

The most affordable option- painting the opening to match the wall surfaces. Rectangular vaults are often shaped like an arch with facing stone.

Designer arch

The arched passage also represents classic version. However, the variety of forms provides ample opportunities for realizing original fantasies. How to finish an arch without special skills? The simplest solution is to buy a ready-made wooden vault. Such products usually have standard dimensions.

For those who like to experiment, we can offer the following solutions:

If you choose an arch of an original shape, you can experiment with the visual perception of space. With the original form of the vault, the design should have a strict appearance.

Finishing materials

To design doorways without a door, the most different materials. They usually have different shades, textures and prices.

Decorative rock

The appearance of stone elements is always distinguished by nobility and respectability. Its different types have their own installation features. Their durability also varies. The main difference between natural stone and artificial stone is that it costs much more. It is worth remembering that artificially created minerals can also come in a variety of colors and textures. One of the main advantages of such products is lightness.

The stone will look good at the entrance, indoors large area and in rooms where there are few pieces of furniture. An opening decorated with such material will look ideal in a room with a fireplace.

Quite often, in parallel with the open opening, the same installation is carried out around the window. Thanks to this technique, the design becomes complete and more comfortable. Therefore, such a solution when decorating openings is very popular among apartment owners.

When performing work yourself, it is necessary to observe certain subtleties of technology:

  • Before working, markings should be made around the opening. It is necessary to note the shape of the masonry.
  • Experienced craftsmen recommend that before performing such work, first lay out all the stone elements on the floor in the order in which they will be fixed to the opening.
  • Laying begins from the bottom corner.
  • The slabs should be laid symmetrically on both sides of the opening. In its lower part the masonry should have a more massive appearance. All sharp corners of the masonry must be processed.
  • After finishing the work, the mineral should be treated with a special solution that gives the surface a natural shine.

To properly decorate a doorway with stone, you should lay it so that it contrasts with the shade of the wall. It is better not to combine stone and plastic.

MDF panels for finishing openings

Such slabs can perfectly imitate natural wood. They are quite durable and at the same time suitable for finishing both interior and entrance openings. This is due to the universal properties of the material. It is quite light and attractive.

The installation technology of MDF panels is simple. They must be attached using special adhesives. Liquid nails can be used. All joints are closed using platbands. The only disadvantage of such products is the limited color palette.

PVC panels

Plastic panels can be selected in almost any shade. Moreover, they can have any texture. More popular is plastic that imitates wood. Even an inexperienced home craftsman can handle the installation of PVC panels. The material is lightweight, so it does not slip when installed with glue.

Caring for plastic elements is quite simple. Such openings are decorated with lamps. The disadvantages of this design of the opening include the fact that it is only possible for interior space.

Clinker tiles

In appearance, this facing material resembles brick. It is produced in various colors and shapes. Typically, tiles are used for exterior cladding of houses. However, the material is often used when creating open doorways. This is due to the simplicity of its installation.

Depending on the characteristics of the surface to be finished, clinker elements are mounted on liquid nails or tile adhesive. The tiles are laid asymmetrically.

Plasterboard and stucco

Plasterboard slabs are flexible and lightweight. This material allows you to design a doorway of the most original shapes. The disadvantage of this solution is the increased fragility of the material.

Stucco molding is a product made from polyurethane or gypsum. They are traditionally chosen to create beautiful openings. This material presents some difficulties during installation. The master will need to have good taste and experience in such work.

Ready-made decorative parts made of polyurethane can be purchased at a hardware store. When using stucco elements, one rule should be followed - than smaller area rooms, the smaller the decorative details you need to choose.


Often the vault is decorated with curtains. This method is the most common. Thanks to this solution, a special comfort and completeness is created. It is better to choose curtains that will match the curtains.

For this solution, you should use decorative composition from various fabrics. The original canvas can also be used. You can choose curtains made from bamboo. When hanging the curtain, it will not interfere with free movement. Usually the curtain is made with side fastening to the wall.

An open doorway, which is decorated in the general style of the room, can transform any room.

Preparing the opening

Before finishing work begins, the passage is leveled. This can be done using:

  • plasters;
  • gypsum board sheets.

Plastering an opening without a door - this finishing method is one of the most common. However, when choosing it, a lot of dirt and dust is formed. For this reason, many people choose drywall to finish a passage without a door.

Depending on the design of a passage without a door, it can be made a bright element of the interior, or practically hidden, to divert attention. After plastering, the opening can be either painted to match the wall or covered with panels of decorative stone.

When covering an opening without a door with plasterboard slabs, the surface becomes as smooth as possible. Any decorative elements are glued to it if you want to draw attention to it. If you want to leave the opening without a door unnoticeable, you should simply paint it.

Unlike plaster, drywall is easier to process when constructing an opening without a door. When working with it, no debris or dust is generated, and attaching the slabs is quite simple. With plasterboard it is easy to create a passage without a door of any configuration. This attracts many apartment owners.

After completing plastering or covering the opening with plasterboard sheets before finishing works the surface to be treated should be cleaned of various contaminants. Then you can start decorating.

Complex openings without doors

If the considered options for finishing the opening seem too simple, you can experiment with finishing. It is necessary that this be possible at a certain ceiling height and room dimensions. For example, at the top of an opening without a door you can create a structure complex shape. In such cases, plastic elements, colored glass and lamps are often chosen to decorate a passage without a door.

For most modern interior styles, it is important to install point diodes into an opening without a door. They will look very stylish.

The opening can be made of any shape if you use drywall panels. Shelves that are installed on the wall near the openings are quite fashionable. Openings that include bar counters look great. Thanks to them, successful zoning of the territory is carried out.

Doing this kind of work with your own hands is quite difficult. Therefore, when deciding to create such an opening, it is necessary to invite specialists. They will help you draw up a project and calculate how much materials will be needed to finish a passage without a door. Installation work when calling professionals, they will be completed as quickly as possible.

If there is no canvas installed in the doorway, the room can be radically transformed. At the same time, the space will visually expand. If the home is a studio room, arches of complex shape will look original. Rough and simple openings without doors should be installed in hallways.

Having decided to get rid of traditional doors, you cannot avoid the question of how you can design the resulting arch? In this article we will look at how you can look beautiful without doors using various materials on one's own.

Why are openings made?

  1. In some buildings, open doorways are part of load-bearing wall. It cannot be removed; all that remains is to decorate it or turn it into a built-in closet or niche.
  2. Open doorways are also made to visually unite several rooms: kitchen and living room, office and bedroom, living room and hallway.
  3. In open-plan rooms, such openings divide the area into functional zones.

In addition, open doorways visually increase the space, they do not need to be looked after like traditional doors, they can be interestingly decorated, original form. But this option is unacceptable for those who want to retire from everyone.

Door niche shape

  • Rectangular. This design requires mandatory finishing, installation of platbands and framing. It can be finished with wooden or plastic panels with similar platbands, decorated with stucco or decorative stone.

  • Arched design. It can have a rounded, trapezoidal, ellipsoidal arch, etc. Such an opening visually expands the space, so it is advantageous to make it in narrow rooms. In principle, you can use drywall.

Advice! When planning to decorate an arched opening, avoid “heavy” and “bulky” cladding methods (stucco molding or stone with large patterns).

  • Imitation of an arch. In appearance it is similar to an arch, but is made from semicircular ready-made segments that can be bought at any store. They are fixed in the corners of the niche and decorated in any way.

How to highlight an arched opening

The finishing of interior openings is done in order to attract attention. There are a few design solutions, which will help highlight the arch:

Advice! If you want the entrance opening to look unusual and original, give it an unusual shape using drywall: ellipsoidal, sloped in one direction, a figured entrance with shelves, etc.

How to divert attention from a doorway

There are situations when it is necessary to visually hide a doorway. To do this, you can resort to some tricks:

  1. Drywall without additional finishing, i.e. painted white, will help make the entrance “inconspicuous”. Many people hang a cornice with curtains over such an opening, decorated with bright patterns and interesting prints that will distract attention to themselves.
  2. A wicker frame in the form of lambrequins made of thick threads will also help to merge with the overall interior.

How to decorate a doorway with stone

Decorating a door arch with stone is a great option for:

  1. Large, spacious rooms;
  2. Premises with a small number of furniture;
  3. If you need to hide any wall defects.

The process of decorating a doorway with stone is performed as follows:

  • The surface must be prepared: removed from the old coating, plastered and primed.
  • Markings are made on the wall for decorative stone, making the design larger at the bottom and smaller at the top. Then the selected area needs to be primed.
  • Then a decorative stone is laid out on a flat surface to visually see the combination of colors and the intended pattern.
  • Artificial stone is glued to the wall using tile adhesive or liquid nails. You need to start from the bottom corner. If the vertical edge of the opening is lined with stone, then it is glued close to the platband.

Advice! To masonry looked more organic, sharp corners can be sanded with sandpaper.

  • After the glue has dried, the decorative stone is coated with varnish or special composition, consisting of tinting paste, water and acrylic varnish.
  • At the end, the plinth is glued to the floor and the trim is installed.

Finishing the interior doorway with MDF

In appearance, MDF is similar to natural wood. An opening decorated with MDF boards looks especially elegant and will suit any style. In addition, they are very easy to install; even a beginner can do it, adhering to the following sequence:

  • IN doorway it is necessary to seal the cracks and chips, and then nail the guide rails along the edges.
  • Next, you need to determine the width of the workpiece; to do this, attach the platband to the slope with outside, the resulting distance will be equal to the width of the slope.
    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the width of the finishing corner along the edge of the platband.

  • Now you can cut the strip for the upper slope using a jigsaw. Using self-tapping screws, we attach it to the slats.
  • The side slopes are installed in the same way.
  • Next, glue along the perimeter of the opening decorative corners, and then cover them with a platband.
  • The gaps between the slopes are sealed with putty to match the color of the wood.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

This is one of the most affordable and inexpensive ways finishing. In addition to the price, its advantages include diversity color solutions and textures, which allows the material to fit into any interior. In addition, plastic is not afraid of mechanical and chemical exposure, easy to clean. There are two ways to install such panels:

  1. By analogy with MDF boards, i.e. fasten to wooden frame. However, this method can easily damage the texture of the plastic.
  2. Provided that the slopes of the opening are smooth and plastered, the plastic is attached to the base using liquid nails. The ends of the plastic are closed with special plastic corners. They are attached to liquid nails, just press them to the surface with steam.

Other design options for arched openings.

Stucco molding. It can be made of gypsum and polyurethane. The first option is practically not used today, because such panels are very heavy, difficult to install, and also very brittle material, if it falls, it will simply break. Polyurethane is no different in appearance from gypsum, but it is lighter and is glued to any surface using liquid nails.

However, this method of decoration is not very appropriate in small apartments with narrow doorways. Polyurethane stucco molding is available in white; later it can be painted with regular paint. water-based paint in any color.

Plasterboard. With its help, a niche can be given any shape and get perfect smooth surface. Drywall is attached to a special metallic profile using self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with corners. After installation, it is primed and puttied in three layers. Then the opening can be covered with wallpaper or painted to match the main walls.

Natural wood. This is the most expensive finishing option. But the result is worth the investment, because... natural wood gives the interior a special chic, comfort and respectability. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly, harmless material, which does not cause allergies. But you can use cheaper types of wood, varnishing it like oak or walnut, while appearance it won't have any effect.

Decorating a doorway beautifully is not like that difficult task. There are plenty of options to make it fit into the style of your home and transform the room into... better side, just show your imagination and use our advice.

Design of arches in an apartment: photo

How to design a doorway: photo
