Square kitchen design with a breakfast bar. Kitchen interior with bar counter. Corner kitchen with bar counter

Bar counter – fresh idea for kitchen interior. IN modern apartment It can be used functionally: as a dining table, a place to serve snacks and drinks, and also as a work surface.

In order for the design to fully please its owners, it is necessary to understand its features and the rules for choosing configurations depending on the type of kitchen.

When is a bar counter appropriate?

A bar counter in the kitchen speaks of the good taste and practicality of the apartment owner. Contrary to popular belief, this is an attribute not only of a young company, but also a colorful piece of furniture for older people. But is a bar counter suitable for any kitchen?

It is worth considering purchasing it if:

  • The small size of the kitchen does not allow it to accommodate a full-size table, which will interfere with free movement within the room;
  • It is necessary to zone the kitchen. A bar drain will help divide the spacious space, but not too much cozy kitchen for a few functional zones. For example, work and lunch;
  • The room has sufficient space to equip a minibar. Such a bar counter can become a luxury item if you equip it with a separate refrigerator and a cabinet for storing drinks;
  • A redevelopment was carried out, during which part of the wall remained on the border of the two rooms. All that remains is to equip the partition with a tabletop.

Advice! Whatever purpose the bar counter serves, even if it is located away from the main fittings, it should be designed in a similar style.

Advantages and disadvantages

To objectively assess the need to install a home minibar, you need to consider all aspects of owning such a piece of furniture.


  • Allows you to significantly save kitchen space;
  • Has great potential as a storage area various dishes, alcohol and all sorts of little things;
  • Good for a quick snack and relaxation;
  • It is a stylish design solution and one of the necessary attributes of a studio apartment.


  • The height of the bar counter makes it not very convenient for children, the elderly or people with disabilities;
  • The number of people who can sit at the same time is limited. Replace dining table for big family the minibar won't be able to.

Dimensions Standards

The generally accepted height according to GOST is 1.1-1.2 m. However, home parameters may differ in one direction or another depending on the preferences of the owners, their height and the interior of the kitchen.

In residential premises, a bar counter with a height of 0.9 m is often used: in this case, it is located on the same level as the rest of the kitchen surfaces.

As for the width of the bar counter, you should rely only on its functional value. The minimum possible width of the tabletop is 30 cm, but it will not be possible to eat comfortably on a surface of this size. The most practical and common width is 80 cm.

Modern manufacturers offer multi-level and folding structures, which allow you to combine several options for the height and width of the tabletop.

Variety of shapes and materials

Today, in addition to the classic direct minibar, we offer:

  • L-shaped stand. A universal option that will successfully separate the work area from the dining area and will highlight any interior. The kitchen area is used as efficiently as possible.
  • U-shaped stand. Suitable only for rooms of impressive size, but has many advantages. This shape will not only highlight the minibar area, but also combine several work surfaces. A bar counter of this shape will become the main accent of the room, setting the style of the entire kitchen.
  • Rounded stand. As a rule, it is one of the previous options with a rounded tabletop.
  • The stand is irregularly shaped. Is a combination of different geometric shapes and materials. Such furniture is rare and not so easy to fit into the interior.

The choice of material for bar counters is very wide. The simplest and cheapest ones are made from plastic, chipboard or MDF. Designers produce home bar counters from expensive wood, glass, some types of stone and metal - it all depends on the customers’ budget.

Corner kitchen with bar counter

The home bar counter in America has long been called the “breakfast counter.” It is the function of a place for a quick snack or intimate conversation that is assigned to it in the corner kitchen.

Depending on the size of the room and the wishes of the owners themselves, the counter can be placed in the center like an island.

Or represent only a protruding part of a solid kitchen unit.

Any size can be equipped with an ergonomic mini-stand. Both the classic and lightweight versions look good.

A massive multi-level design will be inappropriate, it will make the interior “heavy” and visually reduce the kitchen space. The most common option is a medium-sized bar counter with a chrome leg or with built-in elements.

Bar counter in the kitchen-living room

In a spacious kitchen-living room, a bar counter is a classic option. There are two options for placing this type of furniture here. For example, you can install it as a continuation of the furniture set in the working part of the kitchen.

But it is more logical to place it in a recreation area, where the owners and guests can use the structure as a place for conversations and serving snacks.

If free space allows, then organizing a real home minibar would be especially chic.

It would be a mistake to build the interior of a kitchen-living room around the bar counter as its main element. Designers advise placing the minibar on a separate island opposite the TV and close to the dining table.

Advice! There is no point in giving up the dining table in favor of a bar counter: it is not designed for more than 3-4 people, and not every guest will be comfortable sitting at it.

The living room kitchen is the perfect place for a massive structure. You should know that you cannot install a multi-level rack if the room has low ceilings: otherwise, visually they will drop even more.

Small kitchen with breakfast bar

The peculiarity of the bar counter is that it can find its place both in a spacious room and in small room. If in the kitchen-living room it plays the role of an additional luxury item, then in a small room it should become the most functional part of the interior.

The most logical solution would be to replace the dining table with it. To make dining at the bar as comfortable as possible, you should choose a not too high option. Furniture no more than 90 cm in height is ideal.

In addition to serving as a dining table, the bar counter should not be used as a work surface.

Modern manufacturers manage to fit into some models of bar counters many “smart” mechanisms that will be very useful when saving space. For example, various sliding, folding and mobile drawers for storing kitchen utensils will be of great help to housewives.

The best solution would be a transforming stand: a small tabletop surface can turn into a full-fledged dining table using a simple system.

Even if the bar counter is not equipped modern mechanisms, the free space under it can be used to store chairs or other large items.

Bar counter and dining table in one kitchen: pros and cons

If the kitchen area allows, then it is better not to give up the dining table in favor of a bar counter and leave both pieces of furniture.

The advantages of such a solution will be:

  • Availability of a large working surface;
  • The versatility of the dining table;
  • Additional space zoning options;
  • Availability of a separate place to relax;
  • Possibility to accommodate a large number of guests.

There are no significant disadvantages to the decision to leave both a table and a bar counter in one kitchen. If free space allows you to do this, then you can safely experiment!

In order for both pieces of furniture to be organically combined in one room, the bar counter should be designed in the style of either the dining table itself or other kitchen furniture. Otherwise, she risks looking redundant.

What to add?

The bar counter at home is itself a decorative item, giving the kitchen a special charm. But do not forget about its mandatory attributes. For example, when installing a minibar, you need to get at least a couple of high chairs.

Even if the counter is not intended to be used as a dining table, very soon the owners will appreciate the delights of quick snacks at it.

To make it comfortable to sit at the counter, chairs are selected according to its height. The standard is 60 cm.

The bar counter area is often provided with additional lighting. Even if it is only a continuation of the kitchen set, spotlights will greatly facilitate the cooking process.

Lighting can be used to achieve any atmosphere, from relaxing and romantic to the bright lights of a party.

When installing lamps in the minibar area, you need to completely insulate all wires for safety reasons. You can combine several lighting options by installing special switches.

In addition to chairs and lighting, the bar counter can be decorated with any accessories in the style of the room. For example, you can decorate it with multi-colored bottles, various functional shelves, holders.

The bar counter in the kitchen is perfect solution, since it will not only become a stylish element that emphasizes the taste of the apartment owners, but will also be a fairly smart step, since it saves treasured square meters in any, even the smallest kitchen.

A bar counter is appropriate in a studio apartment, in a small Khrushchev-era apartment, and in the spacious kitchens of large private houses. The bar riser also plays the role of a small partition that divides your room into zones; this is appropriate when you have a combined kitchen and living room, for example. Photos of a bar counter in a small kitchen are presented below.

Previously, installing a bar counter was considered a gesture of wealth, since only wealthy and rather brave people would decide to take such a step. Now this is quite a common occurrence, but despite this, many doubt that this option is suitable for his kitchen. In this article we will try to choose a bar counter option for anyone. Kitchen with a bar counter with photo:

The interior of a kitchen with a bar counter will organically fit into the dynamic rhythm of our lives, because now we do everything very quickly, we eat almost on the fly every day at the dining table, it often doesn’t work out, but everyone can spare five minutes for a snack near the bar counter. A kitchen with a bar counter automatically becomes more spacious, modern, stylish and multifunctional. Example of a bar counter photo for your favorite kitchen

Bar counter for a small kitchen

The dimensions of a classic bar counter are approximately (110-115cm), it is a high tabletop, which is secured with bar consoles. In addition to the bar counter there are small but high chairs or stools with a special crossbar for the legs. Consider the diagram of a standard bar counter:

As we see in the diagram, 110 to 500 is standard size. The thickness is usually at least 25 mm.

Often next to the bar counter there is a rack like this for glasses and bottles. In the following diagram you will see how to place a bar counter in a small kitchen.

In order to place such a bar counter, you will need space, but usually, such a counter is simply made a little shorter, so a narrow and not very large counter fits into any interior. Such a “domesticated” counter can be either a continuation of the countertop or a separate “island” that will separate different zones in the kitchen. Bar counter in a small kitchen photo:

The bar counter is very profitable solution, since it can perform a number of functions:

- make the kitchen stylish and modern;
Photo of the bar counter:

- provide enough space for eating and preparing food;

Photo of the bar counter:

— makes it possible to divide the space of the kitchen or living room;
Photo of the bar counter:

- makes it possible to store kitchen utensils, dishes and various kitchen utensils.
Photo of the bar counter:

Now let's talk in more detail about the types of bar counters:

The bar counter is like a separate island.

This bar counter is completely separated from the kitchen unit; it is usually multi-level, and kitchen utensils are stored on the lower levels. This type of bar counter is perfect for large and spacious kitchens; it will look great. This is unlikely to be suitable for a small kitchen, since most likely there simply won’t be room for an island. Kitchen with a bar counter with photo (island type):

The bar counter is like a continuation of the tabletop.

Small-sized kitchens, in which the size of the bar counter is of great importance, a bar counter that continues the kitchen set would be an excellent solution. Such a counter will be convenient for preparing and eating food, and for gatherings with friends; it can completely replace the dining table. Bar counter in a small kitchen photo:

Wall bar counter:

Such a bar counter will be very appropriate in both small and large kitchens; it almost completely replaces the dining table, but at the same time looks more unconventional and modern. Kitchen with a bar counter with photo (wall-mounted version):

Flock-window sill.

Another interesting and bold decision is the choice of a window sill stand. This solution is ideal for a narrow, long kitchen, where saving space is worth its weight in gold. Such a counter should be well lit, since even in the absence of daylight you will be cooking, eating or just sitting and watching night city. A bar counter in the kitchen is always original and beautiful.

You can make an original bar counter that is not similar to others; now there are no restrictions at all. This bar counter will become the highlight of your kitchen and will highlight your individuality. But when implementing your ideas, do not forget about the main functions of the stand so that it does not become a burden for you. Bar counter photo original ideas below.

What else you need to consider when choosing or developing your own bar counter design:

— The dimensions of your kitchen, this is the most important thing, don’t forget;

- size and shape of the bar counter;

— location of the bar counter;

additional functions bar counter, if you provide one;

— the presence of drawers, shelves, stands, armrests, storage space for dishes, glasses, etc.;

— lighting;

— fastenings and fittings;

- material of manufacture and color scheme.

About materials.

A bar counter in a kitchen can consist of various materials that have different properties; let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Wooden bar counter:

The main advantage here is quality and naturalness. Such a riser will bring comfort and coziness to any apartment. A disadvantage is considered to be high-quality wood care, because it can absorb odors, and stains that are not wiped off immediately can remain forever. Maintenance must be carried out constantly, we wipe it only with water, no chemicals cannot be used. Kitchen with a bar counter with photo, options made of natural wood:

Chipboard bar counter

This bar counter is an excellent solution for those who care about price, since the price of chipboard is affordable, and performance characteristics These racks are excellent. It does not require such careful care and is quite strong and durable. You can choose any color or pattern that distinguishes it from wood. The main disadvantage is the possibility of swelling of the top coating, which is unlikely to be repaired. Kitchen with bar counter with photo, chipboard options:

Metal bar counter:

These bar counters are durable, have a beautiful modern design and are easy to maintain. Stainless steel looks fashionable and expensive, and the stand itself is resistant to moisture, heat, and steam - ideal for any kitchen. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that over time the metal gets lost and loses its shine, but this is a trifle. Kitchen with bar counter with photo, metal options:

Stone bar counters:

The stone counter is made from both natural and artificial stones. The main advantage is durability. Such a riser will last not years, but decades, without changing its original shape. The only downside is the price, but the quality is worth it. Kitchen with a bar counter with photo, stone options:

Find out what options there are for installing bar counters for the kitchen. And also, see photos of bar counters for the kitchen.

Bar counters have always been and are an integral part in the interior design of cafes, bars and even restaurants. But today, designers have begun to actively use them to decorate modern interiors of residential premises. These installations make kitchens look super chic! What will the overall design of a kitchen with a bar counter look like?! More on this further.

A bar counter is a beautiful, comfortable and functional furniture option for decorating rooms. If you install and arrange it correctly, it will serve as both a cooking area and a place where you can store kitchen and other utensils, and maybe also as a dining table!

In addition, the kitchen space can quite reasonably be made more spacious by installing a counter in it.

As a rule, a bar counter is a long tabletop, significantly different in size compared to a classic table. It is also installed using a special console and does not have legs (for support).

The bar counter can be any type. For example, a miniature size tabletop, allowing it to be attached to the main part of a kitchen furniture set, can be a separate part of the furniture, in which a chrome leg will be used as a support. It can also be a massive island that will be located right in the center of your kitchen. In addition to the bar counter, there must be bar stools or, for example, fairly high stools.

Depending on what kind of stand you have installed, you can talk about your characteristic features and manners. For example, it can fit harmoniously into overall design kitchen interior, while being perfectly matched in color with the set, etc... You can also create avant-garde and effect by making contrast with it. Many people who install bar counters at home choose traditional models, in which a classic rectangular tabletop. But there are also lovers of non-standard solutions.

Kitchen living room with bar counter

If you have small apartment, one of the most modern ways to decorate it would be to combine the kitchen and living room. It's not only fashionable, but practical and functional! When decorating similar interiors, the use of bar counters is quite popular! And, besides the fact that they are quite aesthetic, they also perform a very important function - partitions between the living room and the kitchen area.

For example, if you put a standard kitchen/dining table, it will be very difficult to create a perfect separation of the zone for preparing various culinary masterpieces from the relaxation area! As for the bar counter, it will cope with this task like nothing else! In addition, you will have a wonderful atmosphere where you can hold parties. After all, even the issue of saving space will be very well resolved! Small kitchens with a bar counter, where the countertop is high enough, will look elegant in general kitchen interior, at the same time, quite expressive and no less interesting.

See the photo of the kitchen interior with a bar counter, where you will definitely choose the design option for your kitchen!

Using a bar counter as an island in the kitchen

Very often a bar counter is used as an addition to a wall or kitchen unit. And if we talk about apartments where a standard layout of the premises is made, then such options are the only ones that can be used.

Well, if the square meters in your kitchen are large enough where you can “walk around” and conduct experiments, then you can turn this idea into reality. Install a bar counter in the very center of the kitchen. It will resemble a free-standing island and thus be a highlight in the overall kitchen design. In addition, this method of placing furniture is very convenient, since you can approach it from absolutely any direction, which cannot be inconvenient during the process of preparing food or a feast.

As a rule, if you choose classic version island, then a sink and food preparation area are installed on it. This method will allow you to surprise everyone who is a guest in your home by preparing food right before your eyes! And, of course, this is very convenient for those owners who will communicate with friends/guests and, at the same time, prepare culinary masterpieces.

It is very important to select a counter that will harmoniously match the color of the interior and furniture in the kitchen.

Modern kitchen with breakfast bar. Storage method

Surely, every owner, even on the most ordinary kitchen table Usually a lot of “unnecessary” things accumulate, thereby turning the same dining table into furniture used not only for its main purpose. Of course, in such cases there is nothing to talk about bar counters. After all, they are quite high, which means they can be used more rationally.

And to avoid such “trouble,” it is initially best to choose a bar counter option that has built-in drawers or holes where you can store various items. This way you will save enough free space. On modern market You can find almost any design options. It all depends on your taste and “wallet”.

If you choose similar options bar counters, they are usually made closed from the side of the hall so that your guests do not see such a “storage system” and, of course, what is inside, where you can store any small items, dishes, alcohol and much more!

It often happens that there is a large chandelier hanging above the table in the kitchen, and there is a lot of free space that is not used at all. But if you install a bar counter, then you can organize everything completely differently so that the space is used with maximum benefit, which is so appropriate in the design of modern interiors.

Corner kitchen with bar counter

The corner option is quite practical in any kitchen. In addition, its angular design saves space, so it can be called quite ergonomic!

The best use of such furniture is in small kitchens or where the kitchen bar counter is combined with the living room. After all, in this way you can perfectly separate the cooking area from the relaxation area. If you wish, you can choose a counter option that will ideally fit into the overall style of not only the set, but also the kitchen combined with the living room. At the same time, remaining a separate, non-distinguishing functional element of furniture.

To make a studio apartment look like a single whole, it is important to choose the right bar counter. It must also be combined with kitchen design, and with the hall.

And, in fact, it is in vain that many do not dare to equip small kitchen premises bar counter! After all, it is quite compact, will not clutter up the space at all, and will also succinctly fit into absolutely any interior. In addition to the fact that the counter is used both as a dining table and as a “working” area, it will also allow you to leave more space, which is so necessary in small rooms! What else needs to be said? After all, all its advantages are already obvious here!

And an additional bonus is that stools and bar stools can be “hidden” under the bar counter, so they will not interfere at all and you will have even more free space!

If we talk about corner models, those located along the walls will take up the least space! You can also place it along the kitchen perimeter, but only if square meters allow. This option will be very convenient in the case when it is necessary to make a dividing version of the kitchen with a bar counter in a studio apartment.

In this design, the tabletop may not even seem very or at all uncomfortable, since it will be located higher than usual. If we talk about the classic kitchen table height, it is very convenient and comfortable, and it also has its own advantages. But modern designers developed a plan to combine convenience and ergonomics to maintain the benefits of the above options.

There are designs when bar counters are an addition to the main table, while they protrude slightly upward, or maybe even move forward from the lower tabletop. This method quite convenient for those families when guests of different age groups gather. For example, older people sit at a classic tabletop, while younger people feel comfortable sitting at the counter.

Designs of tables from two levels - great option in families with small children. Maintain the height of a standard table - the most comfortable and suitable for kids!


These days, you can design a bar countertop in completely different ways. Here you can let your imagination run wild, since there are various materials, as well as methods for making countertops! Such furniture is simply perfect for small families with no more than three people living in it.

Bar tables are divided into two main types:

1. Open. They are installed on high legs made of metal.

2. Closed. They are a complete structure, which on one side is decorated with wood panels or other finishing materials.

It's a matter of your taste and imagination. Finishing materials can be wood, glass, ceramics or metal.

The choice should be taken very seriously. After all, the choice of finishing materials often determines the successfully designed version of the stand in the overall interior!

For example, if your room is decorated in the Art Nouveau or High-Tech style, then surfaces made of gloss, glass, or maybe metal will suit you best.

If we talk about classic style, Mediterranean, English, countertops made of expensive wood and stone will look great in them. And this setting will be perfectly complemented by high bar stools with carved legs.

Kitchen-living room design - how to combine two interiors

  • Kitchen tables - 100 great photo ideas for choosing the shape and type...

  • Modern interior designers offer owners of apartments and houses the most different layouts kitchen space, but rooms that combine the functions of a kitchen and living room at the same time are especially popular. Such rooms allow you to save space, use it as functionally as possible and diversify the style of the room.

    It is important that the kitchen-living room has practical and at the same time attractive external furniture. One of the indispensable interior items for such a room is the bar counter.

    Features of the living room kitchen layout - the role of the bar counter in interior design

    The kitchen-living room is a room in which three zones are combined at once: a working zone for cooking, a dining room for meals and a living room for relaxing and receiving guests. Unlike spacious studio apartments, this option for organizing space is especially relevant for cramped housing. For example, one-room apartments, in which it is not possible to receive guests in the main room, since the sleeping area is located there.

    The kitchen-living room combines the following advantages:

    • the ability to save and optimize room space;
    • high functionality of the interior;
    • Wide range of room design possibilities.

    Despite this, this layout also has significant disadvantages:

    • if the living room is planned to be equipped with a sleeping place, then resting on it may not be entirely comfortable, especially if the hostess will be cooking at this time;
    • You will have to clean more often, and it is better to avoid light-colored carpets in the kitchen-living room - they get dirty easily;
    • the need to install a powerful hood that will cope with food odors. Otherwise, the furniture in the living area will become saturated with them.

    The bar counter in the kitchen-living room is functional and stylish addition furniture set. It is a high tabletop on metal supports. It can be used:

    • for zoning a room - the bar counter in this case plays the role of a partition;
    • as an additional working surface;
    • as a place for snacks or full meals;
    • for creating stylish design which will help make the interior special.

    Types of layouts and zoning rules for a living room kitchen with a bar counter

    In order for a kitchen-living room with a bar counter to be truly appropriate and clearly fulfill its purpose, it is necessary to decide in advance on the location of the counter itself relative to other pieces of furniture.

    There are three main options for its location:

    • in the form of a peninsula;
    • linear;
    • as an island.

    If the main set is located near the wall, it is optimal to install the stand perpendicular to it - then the structure will be L-shaped - that is, in the form of a peninsula.

    It is not necessary that the bar is adjacent to the furniture: it can be placed next to the window, connecting it to the window sill. This will allow you to rationally use the free space.

    If one of the walls in the room is free of large furniture and equipment, a high tabletop can be placed next to it.

    Due to the fact that the bar counter in the form of a peninsula crosses the space of the room, it is ideal for zoning it.

    A linear layout, in which the bar counter is a continuation of the furniture, is suitable for narrow and long rooms. Moreover, a high tabletop can serve as an additional work surface, located in the cooking area, or smoothly flow into the living room and be used to place snacks, bowls of fruit and candy dishes.

    If the area allows, then the bar counter between the living room and kitchen can be installed separately from the rest of the set closer to the center of the room and serve as an island. It is not only stylish, but also functional solution. It provides access to the structure from all sides, so it is very convenient to use.

    Designs and arrangement of bar counters

    Any bar counter consists of two main elements:

    • countertops;
    • basics.

    The basis of the structure is its support and the design of the space under the surface of the rack. Depending on the arrangement, it can be open or closed.

    Open bar counter

    The open base means that the support of the bar counter remains visible. As a rule, it is represented by a chrome-plated metal pipe.

    The basis open type fits perfectly into modern design kitchen-living room with bar counter. In addition, it does not overload the space, making it suitable for structures combined with a kitchen unit.

    It is comfortable to sit at such a counter - there is enough legroom.

    Cabinet bar counter

    The open type base is a body made of durable material.

    To produce cabinets, modern furniture manufacturers use:

    • Chipboard is the most budget material, which includes wood shavings and synthetic resins. Since it is deformed under the influence of moisture and high temperatures, when purchasing, you must ensure the integrity of its protective coating;
    • MDF also consists of wood products, but is glued together using natural resins. Thanks to this, it is not only safe, but also durable;
    • natural wood is a very expensive and heavy material. It is used to produce luxury bar counters. Basically, they perform more of a decorative than functional role.

    To ensure that the design fits perfectly into the overall interior design, it is decorated various elements. For example, carvings, forged elements, metal and glass inserts.

    The body of the bar counter not only determines its appearance, but also serves as a storage system or a place for embedding household appliances. It may include:

    • shelves - they can be either open or closed and serve to place dishes, non-perishable foods and other items necessary for the housewife;
    • large drawers - ideal for storing large kitchen utensils and oversized household appliances;
    • flat drawers - used to place cutlery;
    • cabinets with doors are one of the simplest and efficient systems storage;
    • niches are special voids in the body intended for embedding equipment.

    Classification of bar counters by placement method

    It is important to decide in advance what the bar counter will be like in the kitchen-living room in terms of its placement:

    • classical;
    • attached;
    • in the form of a continuation of the headset.

    Classic bar counter

    A classic bar counter is a structure with a height of at least 100 cm and no more than 130 cm, the main advantage of which is freedom of placement. It can be placed either separately - in the form of an island, or attached to a furniture set. In addition, the traditional rack can be rearranged at any time without compromising its functionality.

    Attached bar counters

    Attached structures are racks in which one of the sides (most often the side) is adjacent to the wall. This solution allows you to clearly zone narrow and long rooms, separating the rest area from the work area and dining set.

    Bar counters combined with kitchen units

    The counter is an extension of the kitchen set and can be placed either linearly, extending the furniture set, or perpendicularly (L-shaped) - in the form of a peninsula. At the same time, its height can be equal to the height of the element to which it adjoins - this is good if the stand is a continuation of the working surface.

    If the counter and the adjacent cabinet perform different functions, the bar can be located higher - such solutions are called two-level. In them, the upper level is used as a bar tabletop, and the lower level as a work or dining table. This perfect option, if you need to save space in the kitchen-living room.

    Functional addition to the bar counter in the interior of the living room kitchen

    In addition to its main purpose, the bar counter can perform several other functions at once. The most practical solutions are:

    • counter combined with a kitchen island;
    • stand combined with dining set.

    Kitchen island with breakfast bar

    The design combined with a kitchen island is a classic or attached rack adjacent to the island cabinet. It can be adjacent to the headset element perpendicularly, forming an L-shaped structure, or it can be parallel - then the island will increase in width.

    If the room is narrow and installing a wide island is impossible, the bar counter can be a continuation of the island. However, such a layout is extremely rare.

    If the island is a cooking area, then the bar counter can serve as an additional work surface, and its body can serve as a storage system or a niche for embedding oven. In the case when the island acts as a sink place, a dishwasher elongated shape.

    Bar counter combined with dining area

    But most often the bar counter is combined with a dining table. This allows:

    • expand the table area - this is indispensable when guests come or big family getting together;
    • organize a convenient place for quick snacks - for example, afternoon snacks or breakfasts;
    • use a high tabletop for serving and decorating dishes.

    It is best if the base of the rack is open - this allows you to comfortably place your legs. Case filling with a special recess on the side of the chairs is also allowed.

    Types of bar countertops - which one to choose

    The tabletop is the top surface of the bar counter. Depending on the design, it can be:

    • single-level - this is a classic version, represented by one surface, the height of which ranges from 90 to 130 cm;
    • multi-level - a more functional solution. A multi-storey tabletop can be represented by two surfaces located one above the other and connected by a chrome console. They form a kind of open shelf on which you can place various items. There is also an easier option - a small console is installed on the main tabletop, on which a small glass surface is placed;
    • subordinate is a surface located along the facade separately from the main structure.

    Types of accessories for bar counters

    To make the bar counter as practical and convenient as possible, it can be supplemented with special mechanisms and accessories, for example:

    • rails are a crossbar attached to a stand and used for hanging various shelves, hooks and holders. In fact, the railing acts as a basis for other accessories;
    • hooks - they are convenient for hanging mugs, knives, ladles and other cutlery;
    • holders - special mechanisms for hanging glasses and cups;
    • shelves - most often used are central rounded shelves. They are ideal for placing fruit, wine, confectionery;
    • backlight - best choice LED strip. It can be placed around the entire perimeter of the counter and along the contour of the tabletop.

    When choosing accessories, be careful - it’s easy to overdo them, which will lead to visual cluttering of the space.

    Design of a kitchen-living room with a bar counter - photo

    A kitchen with a bar counter combined with a living room is a stylish and functional solution that allows you to profitably combine dining area, a place for dining and cooking. This is an ideal option not only for cramped apartments, but also for spacious rooms.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
    P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.


    Just a few decades ago, such an element would hardly have taken root in our kitchen, given our mentality and love for lavish feasts and “heart-to-heart kitchen conversations.”

    But the modern pace of life dictates its own conditions. Now, for a quick cup of morning coffee or a light snack before going to a restaurant, a bar counter is enough.

    The photo shows a wall-mounted bar counter that fits perfectly into small space kitchen and completely replaces the dining table.

    Moreover, it is The bar counter helps solve several problems at once kitchen interior design.

    1. 1 Additional working surface . What kind of housewife would refuse extra centimeters of her worktop! Moreover, in small kitchen The stand can completely replace the desktop. You can compactly arrange all kitchen appliances and furniture modules by combining them into an impromptu wall. In this case, a bar counter installed at an angle can easily replace both a dining table and a work table.
    2. 2 Zoning point. The bar counter has become an indispensable element in furnishing an apartment with a studio layout. In this case, it plays the role of a “separator” between the kitchen and living room. And in the kitchen itself, the counter can separate the working and dining areas.
    3. 3 Alternative to the dining table. This option is most often chosen by owners of miniature kitchens, where there is not enough space for a full-fledged dining table, but it is quite possible to find a free meter of space for a bar counter.
    4. 4 Additional seats for storage. The base of the rack is a great place to add additional cabinets, drawers and shelves. And the second level of the rack is also used for storing, for example, glasses.

    Types of bar counters

    The photo shows a bar counter for a kitchen in a modern style, made of MDF.

    Which counter should you choose for your kitchen? What parameters to consider and what to pay attention to? We will try to cover these questions in this section. So, types of bar counters and their characteristics:

    Wall rack

    As the name implies, such a stand is installed near the wall, regardless of the furniture set. A good option for a kitchen of non-standard shape, when you have to adapt to disproportionate sizes.

    Location options

    How to decorate a wall?

    It all depends on what functionality you want to give the bar counter.

    • You can increase the upper part by equipping through shelves - you will get an excellent “delimiter” of zones.
    • If desired, part of the wall can also be extended using plasterboard, and a niche can be installed here where you can store, for example, bottles. Don’t forget to illuminate the opening in the wall, and the niche will immediately become a bright art object.
    • The simplest option: installing a mirror on the wall is a good opportunity to play up the space. Moreover, the mirror will “work” for expansion.
    • Or you can use this part of the wall for decoration: hang a picture selected in accordance with the design style, hang a photo here, or even make a photo collage.
    • You can decorate the wall with painting. It will look organic, especially if the elements of the painting are repeated in the design of the counter itself or in the interior of the entire kitchen.

    Combined stand

    This bar counter is considered as a continuation of the worktop. Modern manufacturers offer kitchen furniture with a built-in bar counter. But if you wish, you can order the stand separately, focusing on your own tastes and needs.

    The combined stand is usually low. But it will fit perfectly even into the interior of a small kitchen. Such a counter is often decorated in the same way as the work area: that is, they choose the same Decoration Materials for countertops and color repeating on kitchen apron or furniture.

    It’s good if the stand is installed at an angle to the main one work area. In a long, elongated kitchen, this will help balance the shape of the room, bringing it closer to the desired square.

    Island stand

    Such a stand is appropriate only in spacious kitchens with a lot of free space or in studio apartments.

    Lightweight option: the countertop is installed on consoles. Dimensional option: the lower part is used to place cabinets, closed and open shelves, drawers, and the tabletop is used both as part of the dining table and as a work area.

    Additionally, such a rack can be equipped with a mini-fridge, a complex railing system, hangers for wine glasses and glasses, as well as a roof with autonomous system backlight.

    Two-level rack

    An excellent option for a studio layout or spacious kitchen. Part of the counter is a full-fledged dining table, the second - a higher part - is like a bar counter itself.

    This option is especially suitable for families with small children or elderly people who find it difficult to climb onto high bar stools.

    In apartments where the kitchen and living room are combined, such a counter can become an indispensable element of arrangement and zoning. Typically, the lower side is installed on the kitchen side, and the high side on the living room side.

    Materials for the bar counter

    You should not save, as cheap materials do not have sufficient wear resistance, and your rack will soon turn into a source of constant problems.

    The most popular materials for making a stand:

    • MDF, chipboard, fiberboard - it is better to choose laminated boards. The advantage of this material is a rich range of colors. You can decorate the countertop in the same color as the rest of the furniture. Or you can choose a contrasting one. For example, if you have white modules, then a black stand will become a bright and stylish interior detail.
    • Plastic - the material is suitable if your kitchen is decorated in one of modern styles. Minimalism and hi-tech styles are especially fond of plastic.
    • Wood is an indispensable material for a classic kitchen. If the kitchen is spacious, the wood can be decorated with carvings and additionally decorated with mosaics, mirrors or tiles. In a small kitchen, a wooden bar counter with a laconic shape will look solid and luxurious. But at the same time, strict forms will not look too massive.
    • Stone - natural or artificial. This stand will fit into any interior, regardless of style and direction. This is the most preferable option, since the stone is very wear-resistant and attractive in appearance.
    • Corian is the most popular material for bar countertops. It looks like marble, but is much cheaper and more accessible. The undoubted advantage of Corian is that it has a rich palette, so you can match the color to any kitchen.
    • Glass is a choice for lovers of unusual and bold options. The glass stand really turns out to be light, airy, and original. Such a piece of furniture would be appropriate for modern kitchen. This is also a great option for a “thumbelina” kitchen.
    • Drywall is an economical option. But, due to the fact that drywall is easy to process, you can build a stand of the most unusual, abstract shape. The only negative is that it is better to make racks from plasterboard if you use it as a decorative element - for example, as a “separator” of zones. Remember that an abundance of moisture and temperature changes can lead to deformation of the plasterboard sheet.
    • Metal - original solution for the bar counter. It will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior, made in one of the modern styles. If you add decorations from forged elements- you will get a stylish stand in the Art Nouveau style.

    Accessories and fittings

    Bar chairs

    The main “neighbors” of the counter are high stools, which are also called bar stools. Since the standard counter height is 110-125 cm, the chairs should be high.

    When choosing chairs, please note that a large number of legs is acceptable if the kitchen space is large. For a miniature kitchen, it is better to choose chairs with one leg.

    Option: in a very small kitchen you can do without free-standing chairs. The seats are screwed to the bottom of the tabletop and simply pulled out if necessary.

    Hard chairs can be modernized by placing cushions on the seats that match the rest of the textiles. The backs and arms on the chairs are optional. But the presence of a footrest is a must.

    Before buying a chair, try to sit on them - do your legs reach the stand, is it comfortable to “climb” onto the high seat. Otherwise, it is better to look for models with adjustable height of both the seat itself and the footrest.

    Lighting for the bar counter

    Backlight - the most important detail. It is most convenient to plan in advance autonomous lighting for the part of the kitchen with a counter.


    • built-in ceiling lamps along the perimeter of the rack;
    • LED strips at the bottom of the tabletop;
    • lamps on long cords arranged in a row above the counter;
    • lamps or LEDs on the outside of the base.

    Bar pipe

    An optional, but very functional and stylish part of the rack. It can extend all the way to the ceiling and support an illuminated overhead console. It can simply rest against the ceiling and be “overgrown” with a variety of glass holders and hanging shelves.

    If in your kitchen low ceilings, it is better to abandon the high bar pipe, as it visually lowers the height of the ceilings.

    The material from which such a pipe-leg is made may vary. Traditionally it is made of metal (brass, nickel or of stainless steel), for a classic kitchen you can choose a model made of wood decorated with carvings.


    If you have chosen a more massive, non-open type of rack, then please note that the consoles that serve as the base can be decorated to your liking. From the kitchen side, of course, it is more convenient if it is a set of open and closed shelves and drawers. The facades are matched to the tone of the main furniture.

    But the part of the base facing outward is a real haven for designer imagination.

    Here are some options:

    • To face it with stone is sound, stylish and luxurious. Pairs perfectly with the classic kitchen decor.
    • Cover with MDF sheets, repeating furniture facades. Such a counter will seem like a continuation of the kitchen unit.
    • Imitation brickwork - interesting option for country and loft style kitchens.
    • Glass panels are an original solution. But don’t forget to illuminate the insides - and you will get a real extravaganza of light and color. By the way, the glass must be impact-resistant. And if you don’t want the contents of the internal shelves to shine through, choose frosted glass.
    • Skinali is a variant of glass panels, but decorated with a pattern or photo printing. A great way to decorate a bar counter, especially since you can choose a voluminous pattern, which will add style to the entire counter.
    • Built-in aquarium - creative solution For unusual cuisine. Such a stand immediately turns into an art object and will serve as a real interior decoration. Moreover, if you doubt whether you should choose a real aquarium with live fish, pay attention to the so-called “dry” aquariums. They completely imitate the real thing. In addition, for a dry aquarium you can come up with an unusual design theme: for example, not an underwater world, but a desert world, a rock garden or a mini-jungle.
    • Mosaic is a bright and stylish decor for your counter. You can lay out a specific pattern, or you can repeat the mosaic laying on the apron. But keep in mind that the mosaic is heavy, so it requires a strong and good foundation.
    • Artistic painting is another way to turn a counter into a work of art. But when choosing paints for a design, do not forget that the overall palette should not be discordant with the other colors in the kitchen.


    The bar counter creates a special atmosphere of lightness and ease. And since the counter is most often associated with drinking drinks, it is worth equipping it with special accessories that will emphasize functionality.

    Such items include:

    • special holders for glasses. If the kitchen is small, a holder attached to the main rod is sufficient. In a large kitchen, you can install holders on top, like in a real bar.
    • fruit bowl;
    • bottle holder;
    • shaker;
    • blender;
    • rimmer (device for decorating the edge of a glass);
    • Steiner (bar strainer);
    • geyser (a device for pouring liquid in a thin stream);
    • muddler (pestle for grinding fresh leaves and berries);
    • juicer;
    • ice bucket.

    Such accessories will add a special flavor to the interior of your kitchen. Now you can invite guests and have a real cocktail party.

    Basic design mistakes

    1. 1 Wrong location. Make sure that once the bar counter is installed it is easy to access. It is better not to install the stand directly at the entrance or near the refrigerator.
    2. 2 Discomfort during use. Often, carried away by design delights, we forget that the base of the bar counter should be narrower than the tabletop. Otherwise, you will simply rest your knees, which is extremely inconvenient.
    3. 3 Congestion. Do not overload the structure by equipping the rack with all possible rails, holders and shelves. An overloaded top or an overly massive bottom will make your stand too bulky. This is especially true for counters for kitchens with a modest area.
    4. 4 Irregular rack shape. The most popular are rectangular, round and semicircular racks. The main thing to consider is that the shape of the stand should be repeated in the interior. So, for example, if you have furniture of laconic shapes with regular straight lines, then the stand should be rectangular. If you definitely want to choose a semicircular counter, then think about how to repeat these smooth lines in the interior. You can repeat the semicircle shape suspended ceiling, you can design the floor in a semicircle by laying it with tiles around the perimeter of the counter. The easiest way is to choose textiles with smooth lines or images of circles and ovals. This remark especially applies to stands of abstract forms. If you have a counter, for example, in the form of a cascading wave, then there should be smooth lines in the interior.

    As you can see, a bar counter is not just a luxury item, but a completely functional piece of furniture that will solve several problems at once and emphasize the chosen design style. We hope that our tips will give you the idea of ​​​​creating your own original bar counter that will fit perfectly into the interior of your kitchen.
