Western agents caught in the basements of Aleppo will soon start singing. “Moderate” militants, before leaving Aleppo, executed captured Syrian soldiers

Now we can expect another emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, G7, NATO and other Western organizations, because what they were so afraid of has happened.

Back in September, our “Calibers” covered a bunker with three dozen Western officers, in retaliation for a strike by terrorist coalition planes on the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zour, but the West then embarrassedly remained silent, mentally crossing itself that they were not taken alive. But now the situation is different: 14 are just those named, the exact number is still unknown:

Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey

David Scott Winer – USA

David Shlomo Aram – Israel

Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar

Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi

Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi

Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi Arabia

Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi Arabia

Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi Arabia

Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan

Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi Arabia

Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi Arabia

Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Morrocan

« Thanks to the information received, the Syrian authorities discovered the headquarters of senior NATO officers in a basement in a square in East Aleppo and captured them alive. Some names have already been given to Syrian journalists, including me. According to the passports of the arrested officers from the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, etc. In light of their nationalities and their rank, I assure you that the Syrian government has received very important evidence against those states that support global terrorism."

As can be seen from the report of the Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alshafiri, punks from all over the world gathered there. Now the question is: why didn’t they publish the data of the others? Have you revealed a small detail to the world - adjutant sergeants and a few captains? And the rest are colonels and generals?

Tell me, reader, how long will the British or German government last if tomorrow it is discovered that NATO generals were serving as ISIS advisers in Eastern Aleppo? A day, two? Or will they blame it on Kremlin propaganda again? Now you can no longer pass the number with an embarrassed shuffling of your foot, you will have to react, because the officers are quite alive, and in the East they know how to loosen their tongues. No one will carry out a special operation to free them; this means a full-scale war with the participation of the Russian Federation, which no one wants. Except for Clinton and Obama, but they are in the air.

The next question is: who should announce this to the whole world, Assad or Putin? It seems that relations with Trump are being established, but here is such a setup... Although this only plays into Trump’s hands, they say, you see, Americans, Obama advised terrorists on how to correctly beat off the heads of ancient sculptures with sledgehammers, how to correctly cut out the liver (well, yes, the genes of a cannibal grandfather no presidency will erase)!

The most important question: what awaits Europe now? Will the people take to the streets demanding that the government collaborating with terrorists be toppled? Maybe it will work out. Will they not set the police against the protesters, but the migrants themselves from Syria? Quite possible, and here's why.

Who fled to Europe? Not just ordinary civilians. Normal patriots of their homeland took up arms and stood up to defend the country from hordes of completely frostbitten militants paid by the West. And as we know, up to 75% of refugees are men under 40-45 years of age, the most combat-ready men. That is, we have 1.5-2 million “sleeping” militants who, on command, will start a mess.

Why is this current governments? It’s very simple: call on the nation to unite. So that the people, these unfortunate people who just yesterday shouted “Je suis Alep”, rally around the government, and not against it. Again, all means are good to retain power. And if they didn’t hesitate to send generals to advise ISIS militants, why not order the same militants, just not so bearded, to calm the population? And then announce that now the wise government will decide everything, but there, in Aleppo and other places, ours were not there at all, this is just an information dump from RT and other Moscow journalists.

This way, two birds are killed at once. The first hare: people instantly forget about ISIS advisers in the face new threat. Hare two: there is an excellent reason to throw migrants from their countries back into the Mediterranean Sea. Where 85% will drown before reaching Turkey. The author stocked up on crackers and mineral water and is looking forward to developments.

Now we can expect another emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, G7, NATO and other Western organizations, because what they were so afraid of has happened.

Back in September, our “Calibers” covered a bunker with three dozen Western officers, in retaliation for a strike by terrorist coalition planes on the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zour, but the West then embarrassedly remained silent, mentally crossing itself that they were not taken alive. But now the situation is different - foreign terrorist advisers have been captured in Aleppo. 14 are just those named, the exact number is still unknown:

Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi Arabia
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi Arabia
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi Arabia
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi Arabia
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Morrocan

“Thanks to the information received, the Syrian authorities discovered the headquarters of senior NATO officers in a basement in a square in East Aleppo and captured them alive. Some names have already been given to Syrian journalists, including me. According to the passports, the arrested officers were from the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, etc. In light of their nationalities and their rank, I assure you that the Syrian government has received very important evidence against those states that support global terrorism."

As can be seen from the report of the Syrian journalist Said Hilal Alshafiri, punks from all over the world gathered there. Now the question is: why didn’t they publish the data of the others? Have you revealed a small detail to the world - adjutant sergeants and a few captains? And the rest are colonels and generals?

Tell me, reader, how long will the British or German government last if tomorrow it is discovered that NATO generals were serving as ISIS advisers in Eastern Aleppo? A day, two? Or will they blame it on Kremlin propaganda again? Now you can no longer pass the number with an embarrassed shuffling of your foot, you will have to react, because the officers are quite alive, and in the East they know how to loosen their tongues. No one will carry out a special operation to free them; this means a full-scale war with the participation of the Russian Federation, which no one wants. Except for Clinton and Obama, but they are in the air.

The next question is: who should announce this to the whole world, Assad or Putin? It seems that relations with Trump are being established, but here is such a setup... Although this only plays into Trump’s hands, they say, you see, Americans, Obama advised terrorists on how to correctly beat off the heads of ancient sculptures with sledgehammers, how to correctly cut out the liver (well, yes, the genes of a cannibal grandfather no presidency will erase)!

The most important question: what awaits Europe now? Will the people take to the streets demanding that the government collaborating with terrorists be toppled? Maybe it will work out. Will they not set the police against the protesters, but the migrants themselves from Syria? Quite possible, and here's why.

Who fled to Europe? Not just ordinary civilians. Normal patriots of their homeland took up arms and stood up to defend the country from hordes of completely frostbitten militants paid by the West. And as we know, up to 75% of refugees are men under 40-45 years of age, the most combat-ready men. That is, we have 1.5-2 million “sleeping” militants who, on command, will start a mess.

Why do current governments need this? It’s very simple: call on the nation to unite. So that the people, these unfortunate people who just yesterday shouted “Je suis Alep”, rally around the government, and not against it. Again, all means are good to retain power. And if they didn’t hesitate to send generals to advise ISIS militants, why not order the same militants, just not so bearded, to calm the population? And then announce that now the wise government will decide everything, but there, in Aleppo and other places, ours were not there at all, this is just an information dump from RT and other Moscow journalists.

This way, two birds are killed at once. The first hare: people instantly forget about ISIS advisers in the face of a new threat. Hare two: there is an excellent reason to throw migrants from their countries back into the Mediterranean Sea. Where 85% will drown before reaching Turkey. The author stocked up on crackers and mineral water and is looking forward to developments.

Something similar is happening today around a whole group of foreign intelligence officers, advisers, or mercenaries who were captured by Syrian and “Ichtamnet” special forces in one of the basements of Eastern Aleppo during the liberation of the city from terrorists. Vague rumors here are replaced by cautious leaks, which are replaced by official statements, which in turn do not receive any continuation. But new assumptions are emerging.

It is this quiet fuss of quiet meanings around the information about the capture of foreign military personnel in the basement of a terrorist headquarters that most of all convinces a number of observers that there really is something more substantial than rumors behind this. Although, as they are sure, if the participants in the “quiet game” that began in that basement are able to come to an agreement, then for the public everything will remain at the level of rumors...

However, the Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Al-Jaafari recently played a powerful role in the credibility of the rumors. He made a statement that contained a very important hint.

Bashar Al Jafari

In fact, the statement itself was one of the latest jabs during the big information duel with the West around Syrian affairs. According to Jafari, a number of countries made it difficult to adopt a resolution on Aleppo at the UN Security Council because they were worried about the fate of their agents who were among the terrorists and sought to ensure that safe exit from the city of these agents along with the Islamists.

"Many foreign officers - military officers and intelligence officers who are in eastern Aleppo with terrorist groups - are trying to leave their stronghold,"- this is how RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

At the same time, Al-Jafari said that the SAR authorities have a list of names of intelligence officers. This:

Murtaz Oglacan Oglu, citizen of Turkey; David Scott Winner, US citizen; David Schlomo Aram, Israeli citizen; Muhammad Sheikh Al-Islam Al-Tamimi, citizen of Qatar; Muhammad Ahmad Al-Sabyan, Abd Al-Monaem Fahd Al-Hrej, Ahmad bin Nawfal Al-Drej, Muhammad Hassan Al-Subay‘i, Qassem Saad Al-Shummari, Ayman Qassem Al-Tha‘libi – citizens of Saudi Arabia; Amajd Qassem At-Tyrawi, citizen of Jordan; Muhammad Al-Sharifi Al-Idrissi, citizen of Morocco.

“These representatives of the “Syrian moderate opposition” with foreign citizenship are trying to leave eastern Aleppo with terrorists,”- Jafari said.

Are the rumors confirmed?

What gives his words a special spice is that by that time information had already been circulating in the media for several days that some Western instructors had been detained in one of the basements of Aleppo, where they were sitting quietly, abandoned by the terrorists under their care. As if there was a conflict between these and those - as usual, based on the reluctance to die. Either, it was reported, the terrorists did not take instructors with them, or, on the contrary, they, counting on the unspoken and generally gentlemanly rules of the secret war of the special services, counted on gentlemanly treatment, but in the event that the inglorious bastards from the terrorist leadership disappeared somewhere - somewhere further into the fog.

Even the names of the “instructors” were mentioned. And even partly the same. And now, it turns out, the official Syrian representative has confirmed those quiet rumors...

But do foreign military personnel deserve gentlemanly treatment? Still, they were not in the army of an evil, but “legitimate” enemy. After all, they “advised” the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra, recognized at the UN (and Russia) level. They “oversaw” gangs that did not hesitate to cut off the heads of small children...

"They participated in the terrorist war on the side of the terrorists. They are not subject to any agreements,- says the famous Russian military observer Viktor Litovkin. - Therefore, I would arrest them, take them to Moscow, as they took Bout and Yaroshenko, and try them here according to the entirety of anti-terrorism legislation."

Eastern Europe will help terrorists! Yes, and Ukraine too

At the same time, the presence of foreign advisers in the ranks of terrorists very clearly fits with the findings of entire caches of weapons, which are now being discovered in quantities by sappers of the pro-Russian coalition in Aleppo, and which were clearly not collected from trophies, but were purposefully and prudently transported to terrorists from NATO warehouses. Thus, in one of the opened bunkers of the al-Nusra Front, the same group that is recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia and at the UN level, weapons from countries of Eastern Europe, in quantities designed for two years of war. Bulgarian television correspondents discovered in the liberated areas of eastern Aleppo a warehouse with missiles from Grad BM-21 launchers, which were produced at the VAZ Machine-Building Plants in Bulgaria.

In turn, information from the reports of the US Department of Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is combined with this data. It states that over the past two years he has spent about $40 million on the purchase of weapons in... Bulgaria and Serbia, and also chartered three cargo ships to transport weapons from Constanta and Burgas to Syria.

Without friction, another figure cited in the media is attached to this: the Arab Gulf monarchies spent 1.2 million euros on the purchase of lethal weapons in Eastern European countries. Moreover, its purpose was not particularly hidden - for the “Syrian armed opposition.”

Where there is a horse with a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw: according to SkyNews, Ukraine also sold it to Syria - and not to government troops! - 615 thousand small arms.

There are also quiet places in the wild north...

How many more marvelous discoveries are being prepared in the basements of eastern Aleppo?

And what to do with it? And - with foreign supposedly advisers, but in fact coordinators and leaders of Islamic terrorists in Syria?

Viktor Litovkin is sure that “There will be an element of a big game here in any case.” “In the West, they themselves do not officially recognize anything. But this does not mean that there will be no quiet trade.”, he is convinced.

The expert, in his own words, does not undertake to guess future fate Western and Eastern instructors-advisers-mercenaries captured - if indeed captured - in Aleppo. “But I would believe that after appropriate interrogations they should have been exchanged for those of ours who are sitting in American prisons - Yaroshenko, Bout and so on, suggests Viktor Litovkin. - I would say: come on, guys, if you want, let’s change, if you don’t want, they will sit with us, and not in Lefortovo, but somewhere further away."

What was previously reported about the capture of 14 foreign military advisers was a different group.

In the new captured group the number is:

American officers - 22
British - 16
French - 21
Israeli - 7
Turkish - 6

Now the hysteria of Western governments in the UN and in the media about an “immediate ceasefire in Aleppo”, about a “humanitarian catastrophe”, etc. is understandable.

Many military sources have already noted that the desperate US attempts to push for a “diplomatic solution” in Aleppo may indicate that the Obama administration was playing for time to remove mercenaries and special forces from the Aleppo cauldron.

Sources note that at a closed meeting of the UN Security Council, which took place on Friday, December 16, 2016, they discussed the issue related to the detention of officers from the US-led coalition in Syria.

Considering that US-led military advisers are widely operating throughout Syria, training the so-called “moderate opposition”, which is openly associated with al-Qaeda, then most likely this is true.

According to British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon, British military advisers arrived in Syria to restore the combat effectiveness of the “moderate” opposition units. According to Michael Fallon, back in October, 20 British military instructors who will train opposition forces have already arrived at their destination.
The dispatch of British advisers was announced in October, long before Aleppo was captured by Syrian government forces. Initially, they had the task of training recruits in combined arms combat, as well as teaching them the basics of tactical medicine and military equipment. However, the situation has changed and the task has changed too.

It seems that the military advisers were given the command to hide for some time in well-protected underground bunkers, which the militants built in large numbers in Aleppo during the 5 years of occupation.

And when everything calmed down, they would try to get them out.

But the Syrian special forces "Tiger", which has extensive experience in underground warfare, performed with a plus. It was the Syrian special forces who brought Western instructors into the light of day.

The general announcement from the Islamists was overshadowed by sad news. During a survey of the eastern neighborhoods previously occupied by militants, this morning the Syrian military discovered several makeshift prisons in several buildings in which prisoners of war and hostages from local residents were held.

The cells were filled with the corpses of recently executed people. Some of them were shot, and some had their heads cut off. In total, about sixty dead were found.

There is information that before the evacuation, the Islamists carried out massacres, finally deciding to take revenge on the prisoners held in prison for their defeat. As a result, almost half of the Syrian military prisoners were executed.

In addition, when going to Idlib, the militants forcibly took with them some of the civilian hostages. These are mostly young women whom the jihadists used as concubines.

Fearing reprisals, they confirmed that they were members of militant families or did not want to live in government-controlled areas. Only a few managed to escape from captivity, as happened recently at one of the checkpoints in the Ramusa district, where from a bus. As a result, this convoy was blocked until all the hostages were freed.

Information about the discovery of secret prisons in the eastern quarters has been confirmed by officials. At the same time, information about massacres carried out by jihadists before leaving Aleppo, requires verification, although journalists have already managed to capture particularly terrible moments of these crimes.
