Technological map for installing semi-dry screed. Technological map for installing semi-dry floor screed Technological map for installing screeds in bathrooms

Websites, like flowers and cars, need care. If a site is launched and no one cares about it, then sooner or later it will stop working. But a website is not just text and pictures, it is the face of a company on the Internet, a sales channel. And when the site stops working, at first glance nothing happens, but over time there are fewer calls and clients. Those who visit your site will think that the company has closed - after all, its site no longer works. Those who searched for your company on the Internet will not be able to find it - again, the site does not work. Only competitors will be happy.

“We ordered a website from our local web studio, paid for everything, and now our site is gone. The web studio doesn’t answer phones, doesn’t answer letters, we came to their office - it turns out they moved out a long time ago.” Unfortunately, this is a typical situation. It still happens "a programmer was working on our site, he quit with all the passwords", “The company went through a reorganization, while they were sorting out the cases, they lost the website” and of course “I don’t understand anything about these Internets of yours, help me fix our site.”

“My company, YugPodzemCommunications LLC, is engaged in the laying and maintenance of external pipelines, the website was made for us by local Krasnodar developers back in 2008 and everything was fine - they monitored it, updated it, it was easy to find in Yandex. But I don’t know what happened - Either there is a crisis, or they are tired of doing their job - an employee comes up to me and says - Andrey Yuryevich, our site is not working, today the second client has already told about this. I call the programmers - and there is “the phone is unavailable.” The site address is on the business cards everywhere, in company cars. What should I do? I called my friends - they gave me the contact of the St. Petersburg guys, they fixed my website and are running it. Thank you! Best regards, A.Yu. Mostovoy."- client website


Call us at 8-800-333-16-58 or write to e-mail [email protected] to clarify the cost and timing of work. Restoring a domain and website is not cheap, but the company’s reputational losses and the costs of creating a new website are much higher than the cost of restoration work. The basic period for domain re-registration is 3 business days, site restoration is 5 business days.

Fill out a form for a domain for an individual (download the form) or send the details of your legal entity. For work whose cost is from 7,000 rubles. it is possible to conclude an agreement (download the agreement). You pay for the work.

What is a domain:

A domain is the address of a website on the Internet, a set of letters and numbers, like a telephone number. Our website address is, VKontakte address is, Yandex address is Domains are registered and maintained by domain registrars. Every website on the Internet has its own domain. Your site does the same, only now the domain is not working and needs to be restored.

Who is the domain registered to:

On individual or at entity at your request. If you - individual entrepreneur, then from the point of view legal status domains, the domain is registered to you as an individual. For some domain registrars it is possible to register for non-residents Russian Federation(foreign individuals and companies).

Who owns the domain:

A domain is not an object property law(like an apartment or a car), so from a legal point of view it has no owner. A domain is an entry in the registry of a domain registrar that has an Administrator, who is essentially the owner (manages the domain, renews it, or can transfer the domain to another administrator). You can check who is the domain administrator through the Whois service of the registrar, for example, in Axelname - if in the Org: field it says KreoBits or CreoBits - then the domain is with us, if Private person - then the domain is with a private person (in accordance with Federal Law-152 on personal data, the registrar does not have the right to indicate the full name in public data and therefore “Private person” is written for all individuals).

We create an account (agreement) with an accredited domain registrar based on your personal application form or the details of a legal entity and carry out the registration of the domain in your name. We create a new hosting for the site and rebuild the site pages with text and pictures on modern system MODx site management. As a result, we get a fully working website that looks and is filled in the same way as the website you had before. We give you passwords for the domain, site editor and hosting.

What is hosting:

In order for a website to be accessible via the Internet, it must be placed on an Internet server (specialized computer). This service is called " hosting"(from English) hosting). Technically, a website is a set of files, it is hosted on a hosting and becomes accessible from any device connected to the Internet. If the hosting is good, then the site is always available, works quickly and does not break. If the hosting is bad, the site will work slowly and intermittently. We host restored sites on equipment in the Selectel data center (Moscow), this is one of the best hosting providers in the Russian Federation.

What is MODx:

MODx is a content management system from English. Content Management System (CMS). It is needed for the site to work, drawing an analogy - just as Windows is a system for managing a computer, and Android is for a smartphone and tablet, so MODx is the same thing, only for the site. But unlike Windows and Android, there are hundreds of site management systems for websites that differ in purpose and complexity, the most common of which are 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, Wordpress, Joomla and MODx. The main task of MODx, like any other CMS, is to ensure the operation of the site and convenient tools its editing by a programmer and editor (for example, the manager of your organization). CMS are paid and free, MODx is free, all management is in Russian.

What we will restore:

Everything we can restore, including the design of your site, its content (texts, pictures), functionality - structure, menu, search, catalog, form feedback. It's like recovering data from a broken computer (hard drive), if a good specialist will restore all the files as they were.


We are a small company, we have been working since 2007, we value every client and value our reputation. Our guarantees:

  • our company is not a fly-by-night company, we are already 9 years old, it’s easy to check, make an online extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for KreoBits LLC (TIN 7840363309). You can also look at the arbitration practice (“cases in court”) for our organization; in 9 years of work there are only two of them, one of which we won, and the second in the process.
  • work for amounts starting from 7,000 rubles. performed according to the contract
  • DRA is a registered trademark - .
  • gratitude to our organization from the government - . We have been working with the Natural Resources Management Committee for 7 years, maintaining and developing their website.
Better than any words:

We ask you to be vigilant, because there are scammers working on our behalf who do not hesitate to introduce themselves as employees of KreoBits/DRA.RU and promise assistance in restoring sites and domains for a modest (or completely immodest) fee. Remember, we write only from addresses, for example, from addresses [email protected], [email protected] and if you received a letter from some other address, for example, [email protected], then these are scammers. Just call us at 8-800-333-16-58 and ask all your questions about site restoration. Our website


an object: House



The technological map discusses the issues of installing cement-sand screeds in housing construction. The area of ​​application is recommended, the organization and technology of work, labor protection and safety precautions are developed.


1.1. Routing applies to work in residential construction on the installation of cement-sand screeds.

1.2. The use of methods of performance and organization of labor in this TTK provides for compliance with the requirements of the norms and rules regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization construction production"; SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings"; VSN 35-80 (Research Institute Mosstroy) "Instructions for installing floors in residential and public buildings"; SNiP III-4-80 * Safety precautions in construction."


Databases" href="/text/category/bazi_dannih/" rel="bookmark">databases.

1.3. Procurement of materials for the device cement-sand screed should be carried out in full for the entire scope of work.

1.4. The main form of labor organization adopted when constructing a screed is specialized units united in a team. The optimal numerical and qualification composition of the team is determined in each specific case, depending on the volume of work and the degree of mechanization.

1.5. When designing and organizing labor processes for the installation of cement-sand screed Special attention should be given to creating conditions that meet the requirements regulatory documents and receiving High Quality screeds as one of essential elements interior decoration buildings.

1.6. Before starting work on installing a cement-sand screed at the site, all general construction and special work which may cause damage to the floor.

1.7. The base on which the cement-sand screed structure is constructed must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.03.13-88 “Floors” and SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”.


2.1. Screed device

2.1.1. Screed is a floor element that is used as a leveling layer when uneven surface ceilings, as a layer that creates a slope in floors arranged over the ceiling and as a rigid layer covering non-rigid floor elements (heat and sound insulation layers). The screed must be separated from the main structures by seams that differ from the usual ones and accommodate all deformations of the screed, both vertical and horizontal. Great attention should be paid to the construction of seams during screed installation, since these seams can be any expansion joints or layers in the form of air gaps. In accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85, a seam is defined as the gap between building structures or details. Any seam contributes to the deformation of the structure as a whole, therefore, depending on its constructive solution and its purpose, it can be open, closed or compacted. There are 3 types of expansion joints according to their functional purpose- separation, temperature and junction seams. Separating seams are permanent structural seams running at the junctions of building structures. These are seams at the junction of walls and interfloor floors, between floor structures. Such joints are filled with cement-sand mortar. Expansion joints perform a function in addition to dividing seams. When installing screeds, they usually divide the total area into sections up to 40 m in size DIV_ADBLOCK75">

2.1.3. Taking into account the design features of monolithic screeds performed directly on site, before their installation the following preparatory work must be carried out, depending on the type of screed:

cleaning the bases and underlying layers from debris and dust;

laying leveling coverings with a horizontal or inclined surface made of B20 concrete, rigidly connected to the base;

installation of a heat and sound insulating layer under a “floating” screed;

gluing soundproofing pads along the perimeter of the walls in places of future screed to create expansion joints. The base is cleaned before applying the screed; debris and dust are removed with an industrial vacuum cleaner, and the surface is blown compressed air, remove grease stains, seal the gaps between prefabricated interfloor slabs. Leveling layers are performed when it is necessary to completely level the floor or create slopes; for this purpose, cement-sand mortars and fine-grained concrete intended for installing screeds are used. The installation of a heat and sound insulation layer is carried out on a flat, clean base by laying foam plastic or mineral, fiberglass on a synthetic basis boards with a density of 50-150 kg/m or fiberglass quilted boards, as well as mineral wool mats stitched and impregnated with a synthetic binder with a density of 100-150 kg /m0 " style="border-collapse:collapse"> Mobility cement-sand mortar should correspond to the immersion depth of a standard cone of 4-5 cm, and for fine-grained concrete should correspond to a cone settlement of 2-4 cm.

The mobility of the solution and fine-grained concrete can be increased by introducing into the solution the plasticizing additive C-3, modified with sulfite-yeast mash SDB. When using commercial cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete, they are transported in mortar trucks, and at the site they are loaded into a bunker, from which, using mortar pumps (SO-126, SO-165, SO-157, etc.), they are pumped to the place of laying in the screed along solution workers. In construction conditions for small volumes of work, mobile concrete or mortar mixers SB-101, SB-23A, SB-46B, SB-116A, etc. are used to prepare cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete. In the case of preparing latex-cement-concrete compositions, the mixer is loaded first latex with water, and after mixing them, add dry ingredients, stirring them for 8-10 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The laid layer is compacted with vibration laths SO-131A, SO-132A, SO-163. In places inaccessible to vibrating slats, the mixture is compacted with light tampers. Immediately after laying and compacting the screed, check the evenness of its surface using a level rule. After the laid mortar or concrete has set to a state where you can walk on the surface, leaving only minor traces, the coating surface is grouted using SO-89A, SO-135, SO-170, etc. machines and smoothed with metal trowels. In areas of working seams, the surface is grouted until the joint becomes invisible. A screed made from cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete must harden in humid conditions for at least 7-10 days. After the screed has hardened, expansion joints are sealed at the places where it abuts walls, partitions and columns.

2.2.1. Laying concrete.

Divide the surface under the screed into strips about 1 m wide using slats 1.5 to 2 m long and 50 mm wide. The top surface of the slats should be at the same level. Place the concrete starting at the farthest corner and leveling it with a shovel until it is just above the level of the wood slats.

2.2.2. Leveling the concrete.

Level the concrete with a rule strip with a cross-section of 100 by 60 mm and a length of about 1.2 m, moving it along the demarcation strips and towards you. When conducting construction work Continue laying and leveling the concrete in the specified manner, removing the slats between the strips and filling the gaps formed after removing the slats with concrete. After laying each strip, cover it with damp bags or plastic film and leave to cure and harden for approximately 4 weeks. During this time, constantly moisten the concrete surface with water.


3.1. The front surface of the installed industrial screed must be flat, horizontal or have a slope in accordance with the design, but not more than 2%. The evenness of the screed is checked with a 2-meter lath.

3.2. The mobility of the cement-sand mortar should correspond to the immersion depth of a standard cone of 4-5 cm, and the mobility of fine-grained concrete should correspond to a cone settlement of 2-4 cm.

3.3. The air temperature at the floor level, the temperature of the underlying layer and the materials being laid should not be lower than 15 °C, but not higher than 30 °C. The temperature difference between the mastic coating and the screed, as well as the ambient air, should not exceed 5 °C. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the surface of the coating until it has completely set, it is necessary to protect it from drafts and direct exposure to sunlight.

3.4. Continuous coverings are installed on a carefully prepared screed surface made of cement-sand mortar or concrete of class not lower than B15 (M200). The surface of the screed should be free of holes, cracks, and oil stains, and its humidity should not exceed 3%.

3.5. The evenness of the screed is checked with a 2-meter lath; the gap between the surface of the screed and the lath should not exceed 2 mm.


4.1.1. All newly hired workers must undergo introductory safety training and on-the-job training when working with specific mechanisms, tools and materials.

4.1.2. Instruction at the workplace is carried out by a foreman or foreman and is recorded in the production briefing log.

4.1.3. When conducting safety training when working with electrical equipment and power tools, workers must learn the basic principles of the operation of power tools, pass a test on practical work techniques (connecting wires, grounding electrical equipment, turning mechanisms on and off) and the rules for providing first aid to victims of electric shock.

4.2.1. When working in premises, unfilled and unglazed openings must be closed.

4.2.2. Workplaces, passages and driveways must be well lit and ensure free movement of people and equipment. They should not be cluttered with machines, materials, especially boards and boards with protruding nails.

4.2.3. Work on the preparation of mortars, concrete and mastic compositions must be carried out using personal protection(respirators, rubber gloves, aprons, etc.).

4.2.4. Workers performing work on cement-sand screed must be provided with special clothing (overalls, knee pads, mittens, rubber shoes and gloves).

4.3.1.* Workplaces for installing cement-sand screed must be organized in such a way that there is complete safety in the work.


*Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.3.2. When working with mortar mixers, mortar pumps, grinding machines and electrified tools, workers must strictly adhere to safety regulations. Workers who have undergone safety training are allowed to work.

4.3.3. All electrified machines, mechanisms and tools must be in good condition, have securely fastened wooden handles, wires must not have kinks or intersect with other wires.

4.3.4. Cleaning, lubrication and repair of machines, mechanisms and tools are carried out only after they have been stopped and disconnected from the network, excluding accidental supply of voltage (plates, signals, posters).

4.3.5. During work related to big amount dust (preparation of solutions, grinding surfaces), it is necessary to use respirators and safety glasses. When working with machines that have flexible shafts with abrasive wheels, it is necessary to use protective shields, and to reduce dust formation, carry out wet grinding.

4.3.6. In areas where they are stored polymer materials, you must not smoke or perform work that involves the use of fire or causes sparks.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified based on materials
provided by PPR EXPERT LLC

Technological map for installing semi-dry DSP floor screed
The technological map has been developed for the installation of a cement screed from a semi-dry mortar, carried out mechanized way using equipment for preparing and supplying the solution.
This technological map has been compiled on the basis of the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”, SNiP 2.03.13-88 “Floors”, MDS 31-6.2000 “Recommendations for the installation of floors” and regulates the sequence of operations for the preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures (mortars) with reinforcing polypropylene fiber, screed devices and quality control of work performed. This flow chart takes into account the quality requirements for the materials used, namely: GOST 8736-93. " technical specifications"; GOST 25328-82. ". Technical conditions"; GOST 7473-94. “Concrete mixtures. Technical conditions"; GOST 28013-89. “Building mortars General technical conditions”; GOST 26633-91.

Technological map for installing semi-dry floor screed.

1. Instructions for the preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures with polypropylene reinforcing fiber using equipment for mixing and pneumatic feeding through hoses.
2.Technical requirements. Device technology.
3.Device positions, technical control, acceptance.

1. Instructions for the preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures with polypropylene reinforcing fiber using equipment for mixing and pneumatic feeding through hoses.

When making cement-sand underlying layers () using the semi-dry screed method, the following requirements for the preparation of solutions must be observed:
The ratio of sand volume to cement volume is 3: 1; The Turbosol M-250 equipment has a mixing hopper volume based on the actual volume of the mixture of 250 liters. The minimum amount of cement per bunker loading should not be less than 50 kg (1 standard bag).
The water-cement ratio is in the range of 0.35-0.50, which corresponds to 17-24 liters of water per bunker load. Data for natural humidity.

Loading of sand, cement and water is carried out into a working mixing hopper in two stages, namely:
First, a volume of sand (about 75 kg) and the entire bag of cement (50 kg) are loaded. Next, add a bucket of water (10-12 liters);
Next, the operating bunker is finally loaded with sand (about 100 kg) and the required amount of water (7-12 liters). The full loaded mass is mixed for at least 2 minutes. The total operating time of the mixing hopper, taking into account the loading time, is from 4 to 7 minutes.
The consumption of polypropylene fiber used for volumetric reinforcement is about 120-150 grams per full load of the hopper or per batch of solution. Based on 1 m3 of prepared solution, the consumption of polypropylene fiber is 700 grams. Polypropylene fiber is added with each portion of water, i.e. for 1 bucket of water about 60 - 70 grams.

2.Technical requirements. Device technology, brief instructions.

The supply of the prepared cement-sand semi-dry mixture (mortar) to the place where the screeds are installed is carried out by the pneumatic transport unit of the Turbosol M-250 equipment and should not exceed 3-5 minutes. In particular difficult conditions supply, for example: hose length more than 150 m and supply height more than 80 m, supply time can reach 7-10 minutes. At negative outdoor temperatures down to minus 10 ° C, the preparation and supply of a semi-dry cement-sand mixture (mortar) is permitted with mandatory a “warmhouse” device above the installation site of the “Turbosol M-250” equipment. With more low temperatures Preparation and supply of semi-dry cement-sand mixture (mortar) is not recommended.

Allowed at a temperature of laid materials not lower than 5 0C and a positive air temperature in the room, measured in the cold season near the door and window openings at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level.
Cement-sand screed made from semi-dry mixtures should not have direct contact with the enclosing structures of the premises. This requires laying soundproofing (damping) tapes made of polyethylene foam 4-8 mm thick over the entire height of the screed along the entire perimeter of the junction with walls, partitions, and other structures.
The installation of screed with a semi-dry mixture should be carried out immediately to the calculated thickness, because it is the basis for finishing flooring.
The minimum total thickness of the cement-sand screed is at least 40 mm.
The local minimum possible thickness of the cement-sand screed is 30 mm.
After supplying the cement-sand semi-dry mixture (mortar) to the work site, the mixture is evenly distributed in areas limited by compacted mortar beacons installed along the level. The cement-sand semi-dry mixture (mortar) is leveled with a tool called a “rule”, which is moved with double-sided support onto these beacons.

Grinding the surface of the underlying layers (screeds) should be done with a machine equipped with a leveling disc. Surface grinding should begin immediately after leveling the mortar at a given level and should be completed before the mortar begins to set (about 1 hour from the moment of application).
In premises with an area of ​​more than 45 sq.m. During the work process, it is recommended to draw up a map of the sequence of filling areas, divided into areas of up to 10 - 15 sq.m. Grouting of the finished section of the room should begin simultaneously with leveling the next section. In this case, the end surfaces of individual sections of the room are not processed, and their junctions with a 2-3 mm gap form the required expansion joint.

The execution of expansion joints of the slab (screed), required for rooms with a size in one dimension of more than 6 m, is recommended in two ways, namely:
Expansion joints 5-7 mm wide, performed directly during the screed grinding process, are technologically produced using the mechanical cleaning using a trowel to remove crumbled mixture residues from the adjacent areas to the entire depth of the screed. Next, in the process of smoothing the adjacent area, throw on top of the seam a small amount of semi-dry mixture and the seam and adjacent areas are smoothed. This achieves the result of a visually uniform surface with an organized expansion joint within the entire thickness of the screed.

3. Device positions, technical control, acceptance.

Technological operations of work production and requirements for them Control (method, volume, type of registration)
Preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures (solutions) with reinforcing polypropylene fiber Acceptance of floors, the elements of which are made of materials that harden after installation, is allowed no earlier than they reach the design strength; the strength of these materials must be determined by testing control samples in an amount of at least three for every 500 m 2 floor layer. In the absence of control samples, a compression test must be carried out on at least three cubes with an undamaged structure and an edge size of at least 25 mm, taken from the floor layer.
Laying insulating (damping) tapes made of foamed polyethylene with a width of 8 to 15 mm over the entire thickness of the screed along the entire perimeter of the junction with walls, partitions, other structures, as well as in doorways. Visual, all junction points, work log.
The nominal thickness of the cement-sand coating above the heat pipe is 30 mm. In cases of installation of an installation field in conditions of maximum permissible curvature of the base, the thickness of the cement-sand coating above the heat pipe is not allowed to be less than 15 mm in certain places of the heat plate Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m 2 of screed surface or in one room of a smaller area.
Deviations of the element plane from the horizontal or a given slope - 0.2 of the corresponding room size, no more than 50 mm The horizontality of the surface of each floor element is checked in all directions of the levels and with a 2 m long control strip, and if there is a slope, with a control template strip with a level
Sanding the surface of the screeds should be done using a machine equipped with a leveling disc. Surface grinding should begin immediately after leveling the mortar at a given level and should be completed before the mortar begins to set (about 3 hours from the moment of application). Measuring, at least five measurements evenly for every 50-70 m 2 of screed surface or in one room of a smaller area.
Execution expansion joints thermal plate (screed) required for rooms with a size in one dimension of more than 6 m. Technical, all seams.
  • German quality standard DIN 18560-1 Part 1. General requirements, quality control, work order. Effective in edition 2009-09. The site presents editions 2004-04 Download (PDF, 97KB) Update from 2008-07 Download (PDF, 146KB) Advantages of semi-dry floor screed Price list semi-dry screed Technical map for screed Completed projects on semi-dry floor screed
  • Standard DIN-EN 13813 “Screed material and floor screeds – Screed materials – Properties and requirements”

  • Permissible deviations of floors and walls DIN 18202 Permissible angular deviations of floors and walls DIN 18202:2005-10 Permissible angular deviations of floors and walls DIN 182025.3. “Angular deviations - tolerances” Table 2. The permissible values ​​of deviation from the vertical and horizontal are indicated in millimeters when checking for the corresponding length indicated in meters. # Conditions In mm for a length of ...
  • Floor screed technology has been developed on the installation of a cement-sand floor screed made of rigid semi-dry mortar, with the addition of polypropylene synthetic fiber, (construction micro-reinforcing fiber - VSM) carried out, designed to level the surfaces of the underlying floor element or to give the floor a given slope.

    The level of required thickness, material, as well as the strength of the floor screed is approved by the project, taking into account what type of floor covering will be used, what kind of floor structure will be used, and the purpose of the room itself. “Recommendations for the installation of floors”, which contain the correct sequence of procedures required for the production, as well as the installation of cement-sand rather hard and semi-dry mortars (mixtures), while using a special synthetic fiber fiber, which is a screed device and carries out quality control of all work carried out at this stage.

    When one or another technological map is being developed, it is necessary to take into account the existing special requirements that relate to the level of quality of the various tools and materials used in the work process. There is a whole range of reference manuals that describe all these requirements and instructions.

    The developed technology, which allows the production and installation of screeds using special polypropylene fiber fiber of synthetic origin, the latest equipment produced in Russia and Germany, is used in a wide variety of fields of activity:

    • in the housing and civil complex;
    • in ordinary civil buildings;
    • in various production workshops;
    • when storage facilities are being installed;
    • in auto repair shops;
    • in exhibition complexes;
    • in various multi-storey car parks;
    • in lightning terminals, as well as in hangars intended for aircraft;
    • in basements and various office spaces.

    2. The process of organizing construction work for screeding floors

    . The screed is a monolithic and prefabricated layer of relatively strong material, which is found in multi-layer structures of coatings, as well as building floors.

    It is designed to carry out the perception, distribution, and transmission of existing loads, for example: (on roofs, possible snow cover, and on the floors, the presence of different numbers of people, equipment and cargo is taken into account), when properly leveling the layer that is located below, or in order to give this covering layer the necessary structures of floors and roofs of a certain slope and when laying on them finishing coatings, for convenient movement of people and equipment on its surface.

    2.2. All work aimed at installing a screed using special fiber fiber (meaning VSM - construction micro-reinforcing fiber) must be carried out in accordance with the approved requirements after construction and installation work, which may result in damage to the screed.

    2.3 . It is permissible to carry out work on screeding when the ambient temperature is at the level of the floors, as well as when the temperature of the bottom layer is not less than 5 0C. The temperature must be maintained throughout the entire duration of these works, as well as until the installed screed reaches a strength level of at least 50% of the design one.

    2.4. Screed, which is carried out using a hard and semi-dry mixture, while being carried out mechanized method, it is necessary to lay it the first time at the specified design height.

    2.5. In order to prevent or prevent the transfer of permitted deformations to the installed floor screed from the existing building structures near the walls, along the columns, as well as foundations, special insulating seams are laid using the laying of insulating materials (this includes: damper tapes, which are made on the basis of foamed polyethylene, isokom, isolon) completely to the entire existing height of the installed screed just before the start of laying the mortar.

    2.6. In order to prevent random cracking of the installed screed during the hardening stage, as well as the development of the required strength, it is necessary to cut into required quantity shrinkage seams, and eventually a crack will be given by this screed in the indicated direction. It is necessary to cut shrinkage seams along the axes of the columns and they must join with the existing corners of the seams that run along the perimeter of the columns. The floor map, which is formed by shrinkage joints, should be cut into squares whenever possible. The length of the card cannot exceed the existing width by more than one and a half times. The generally accepted rule is that smaller size cards, the less likely random cracking will occur.

    2.7. When work is carried out aimed at installing a screed using a hard and semi-dry mixture, taking into account their existing design characteristics, it is necessary to perform on the object:

    Preparatory activities:

    • provide access roads for lightning vehicles to the work site;
    • determining a place for installing special equipment, as well as for storing construction tools and other materials used in the manufacture and supply of mortar;
    • provide the necessary power access points;
    • provide the required lighting of the place where this work is carried out;
    • ensure supply process water to the area where the equipment is installed.

    Technological works:

    • clean the entire surface of the layer that lies below;
    • mark the clean floor;
    • arrange insulating material to the full height of the screed being installed along each perimeter of the walls, along the foundations, as well as columns;
    • prepare cement-sand mortar;
    • apply the solution to the area where installation is carried out;
    • arrange lighthouses;
    • lay cement-sand mortar;
    • grind the surface of this screed using trowels;
    • cut expansion joints.

    3. The process of organizing, as well as the technology for carrying out work for installing floor screed

    3.1. Cleaning the layer surface, which lies lower, must be addressed before work on laying the cement-sand mixture begins. The surface of the base must be thoroughly inspected, then thoroughly cleaned of various accumulated debris, as well as possible foreign deposits, remove accumulated dust using a special industrial vacuum cleaner, check the horizontalness of the base and compliance of the slopes with the specified parameters, remove existing grease stains if cracks are found in the base , it is necessary to widen these cracks and fill them with a specially prepared repair mortar and seal the cracks that are located between the prefabricated slabs. The base must be thoroughly cleaned; it must be quite strong and not have any peeling.

    3.2 . Make notes. The level of the finished floor must be determined by surveyors using a special laser level. However, it must be taken into account that the clean floor must have the same level in all rooms of the apartment or house, or in part of the floor, which is located between adjacent landings.

    3.3 .The seams are insulating. In order to prevent possible transfer deformations on the installed floor screed from the corresponding building structures near the walls, along columns, as well as foundations, it is necessary to arrange special insulating seams by laying existing insulating raw materials (this includes damper tapes made on the basis of foamed polyethylene, isokom, isolon), the thickness of which is 4-8 mm to the full height of the installed screed just before the start of laying the mortar.

    3.4. Making screeds. It is necessary to indicate in the work project or agree with the customer the place where the compressor, pneumatic transport will be installed specialized equipment, intended for the production and supply of mortar, the place where the building material used in the work process will be stored. The required area for placing materials and equipment is about 30-50 m2. Semi-dry screed must be prepared directly on construction site, or at the work site.

    When a screed is made using a mechanized method, When using special synthetic fiber fiber, it is necessary to comply with some requirements: compliance of the volume of sand used with the volume of the required cement, which must have a proportion of 3:1, taking into account the strict condition of equality of washed seeded sand with a fraction with a volume modulus of 2-3 mm. The volume of the special mixing hopper of the universal pneumatic conveying equipment is 250 liters, according to the current volume ready solution 200 liters. The smallest amount of cement used for a single loading of a bunker cannot be less than 50 kg (this will be one standard package). The ratio of water and cement is in the range of 0.34-0.45, which is equal to 17-24 liters of water per single loading of the bunker.

    Loading water, sand and cement is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, you must first load ½ volume of sand, which is approximately 75 kg, as well as a 50 kg bag of cement. Then you need to add polypropylene fiber and about 10-12 liters of water. At the second stage, it is necessary to complete the final loading of the working hopper with approximately 100 kg of sand, as well as the required volume of water of approximately 7-12 liters, and synthetic fiber. The consumption of polypropylene fiber, which is used in this solution, is approximately 120-150 grams per entire bunker load, thus, for a one-time batch the calculation is 700-900 grams per cubic meter of the prepared solution. And fibrin must be added with each subsequent proportion of water. It is recommended to mix the full loaded mass for at least a couple of minutes. The total operating time of the bunker, taking into account the loading time, will be about 4-7 minutes.

    3.5. Supplying the solution to the laying area. The prepared cement-sand mixture under pressure must be fed in portions through a special rubber hose directly to the laying area, and also placed on the base using a solvent extinguisher. In large areas, floor screeding must be done using cards. The size of the map can be determined based on the productivity of the worker, i.e., the area of ​​floor that was laid during one work shift. The time allotted for supplying the prepared solution cannot exceed five minutes. Depending on what type of equipment is used, the feed can be carried out at a distance of up to 160 m horizontally, as well as 100 m vertically. If there is a need to deliver the mixture over a distance exceeding 100 meters, the delivery time may take up to 7-15 m. If available negative temperature air, which does not exceed -10 0C, then the mixture can be prepared and supplied using a mandatory device called a “warmhouse” in the area where the compressor or specialized pneumatic transport equipment is installed.

    3.6. Installation of beacons, as well as laying cement-sand mixture. The installation of beacons is carried out using freshly prepared mixture, first trimmed with a level, without installing guides. After the semi-dry cement-sand mortar is supplied to the work site, the solution is filled with the full volume of the map that has been prepared. The mixture must be pulled out using a screed rule, which moves with double-sided support on these beacons until purchase smooth surface. During operation, you need to monitor the condition of the exposed beacons. Leveling the surface, as well as installing beacons, is carried out at the same time, thanks to which it is possible to achieve uniform laying, and in the future, a complete absence of cracks.

    3.7. Grinding the surface of the screed. The work associated with grinding the surface must be done immediately after the solution has been leveled, and it must be completed before the mixture begins to set for 1.5-2 hours from the time of application. Surface grinding should be carried out using a trowel, which is equipped with a special leveling disc, as well as suitable shoes called concrete shoes.

    3.8 . Cutting an expansion joint. In order to prevent random cracking of the screed during the hardening stage, as well as to acquire the necessary strength, you need to cut all expansion joints, after which the screed will crack in the desired direction. Expansion joints can be divided into three main types:

    • construction seams;
    • insulating seams;
    • shrink seams.

    It is recommended to cut shrinkage joints in a freshly laid mixture using a special cutter after the surface of the mixture has been treated with a trowel. The seams must be cut along the axes of the columns, and also joined together with the corners of the seams that run along the perimeter of these columns. The floor map, which is formed using shrink joints, should, whenever possible, be cut into squares. And the length of the card cannot exceed the existing width by more than one and a half times. The seam should have a depth of 1/3 of the thickness of such a screed. If the card size is small, then random cracking is also unlikely.

    4. Requirements for the level of quality, as well as acceptance of work.

    Acceptance of work aimed at installing screeds must be carried out based on the requirements of SNiP III-B. 14-72 “Floors. Rules for production and acceptance of work."

    4.2. Open seams, cracks and gouges are not allowed in screeds. The deviation of the screed thickness level from the specified level is permissible only in some places, and cannot exceed 10% of the design thickness.

    4.3 . The surface of the screed must be at a given level.

    4.4. The surface of the screeds must be horizontal or have the specified slope.

    4.5 . Using a two-meter strip, you can check how flat the surface of the screed is.

    4.6. The moisture level of screeds during installation of linoleum floors, parquet boards, textile coverings, PVC tiles, piece parquet, as well as shields, must be no more than 5%.

    5. Occupational health and safety.

    5.1 . Before work begins on installing ties, the person responsible for their implementation must provide the necessary instructions to workers, as well as issue special clothing and protective equipment. When carrying out work, you must follow safety regulations.

    5.2 . Particular attention is paid to the following points:

    • servicing of mechanisms and installations can only be allowed if the employee is at least 18 years old, has passed a medical examination, has specific qualifications, is familiar with the device, as well as design features equipment, has a certificate giving the right to service them;
    • installations must have a personal grounding source.

    5.3. Before starting work, the driver must:

    • conduct an external inspection of the installation;
    • check the condition of grounding and electrical wiring;
    • check the alarm system.

    5.4. While working, the driver must:

    • supply the solution only in accordance with the signal given from the work area;
    • Serve only thoroughly mixed solution.

    5.5. Operate and maintain the equipment only by persons qualified necessary preparation and the right to exploit.
